//this file describes fte's extensions to the q3 shader syntax //it can be used directly as a shader file. //lets put some glsl on the console (Set gl_console to 'console') //note that the _glsl postfix is only used if the user has a gfx card that supports glsl. console_glsl { nopicmip nomipmaps program shaders/generic.vp shaders/console.fp param texture 0 baset //tell it which samplers it can use param time time //tell it the time //param cvarf gl_specularexponant specexponant //example of feeding in the value of a cvar //param upper topcol //could be used on entities to read the (player's) shirt colour into a topcol uniform //param lower botcol //could be used on entities to read the (player's) lower colour into a botcol uniform //param eyepos vieworg //put the render origin into uniform named vieworg //param colors colourmod //reads the ent's colourmod and puts it in the colourmod uniform { map "conback" //videomap "video/intro.roq" //use this line instead in order to feed a roq/avi into the glsl/shader } } //gl_shadeq1 can be used to allow shaders on q1 bsps/mdls //gl_shadeq2 for q2 content //gl_shadeq3 (default enabled) allows shaders on md3s and q3bsp