//qc execution code. //we have two conditions. //one allows us to debug and trace through our code, the other doesn't. //hopefully, the compiler will do a great job at optimising this code for us, where required. //if it dosn't, then bum. //the general overhead should be reduced significantly, and I would be supprised if it did run slower. //run away loops are checked for ONLY on gotos and function calls. This might give a poorer check, but it will run faster overall. //Appears to work fine. #if INTSIZE == 16 #define cont cont16 #define reeval reeval16 #define st st16 #define pr_statements pr_statements16 #define fakeop fakeop16 #define dstatement_t dstatement16_t #define sofs signed short #define uofs unsigned short #elif INTSIZE == 32 #define cont cont32 #define reeval reeval32 #define st st32 #define pr_statements pr_statements32 #define fakeop fakeop32 #define dstatement_t dstatement32_t #define sofs signed int #define uofs unsigned int #elif INTSIZE == 24 #error INTSIZE should be set to 32. #else #error Bad cont size #endif //rely upon just st { #ifdef DEBUGABLE cont: //last statement may have been a breakpoint s = st-pr_statements; s+=1; s=ShowStep(progfuncs, s); st = pr_statements + s; reeval: #else st++; #endif switch (st->op) { case OP_ADD_F: OPC->_float = OPA->_float + OPB->_float; break; case OP_ADD_V: OPC->vector[0] = OPA->vector[0] + OPB->vector[0]; OPC->vector[1] = OPA->vector[1] + OPB->vector[1]; OPC->vector[2] = OPA->vector[2] + OPB->vector[2]; break; case OP_SUB_F: OPC->_float = OPA->_float - OPB->_float; break; case OP_SUB_V: OPC->vector[0] = OPA->vector[0] - OPB->vector[0]; OPC->vector[1] = OPA->vector[1] - OPB->vector[1]; OPC->vector[2] = OPA->vector[2] - OPB->vector[2]; break; case OP_MUL_F: OPC->_float = OPA->_float * OPB->_float; break; case OP_MUL_V: OPC->_float = OPA->vector[0]*OPB->vector[0] + OPA->vector[1]*OPB->vector[1] + OPA->vector[2]*OPB->vector[2]; break; case OP_MUL_FV: OPC->vector[0] = OPA->_float * OPB->vector[0]; OPC->vector[1] = OPA->_float * OPB->vector[1]; OPC->vector[2] = OPA->_float * OPB->vector[2]; break; case OP_MUL_VF: OPC->vector[0] = OPB->_float * OPA->vector[0]; OPC->vector[1] = OPB->_float * OPA->vector[1]; OPC->vector[2] = OPB->_float * OPA->vector[2]; break; case OP_DIV_F: OPC->_float = OPA->_float / OPB->_float; break; case OP_DIV_VF: OPC->vector[0] = OPB->_float / OPA->vector[0]; OPC->vector[1] = OPB->_float / OPA->vector[1]; OPC->vector[2] = OPB->_float / OPA->vector[2]; break; case OP_BITAND: OPC->_float = (float)((int)OPA->_float & (int)OPB->_float); break; case OP_BITOR: OPC->_float = (float)((int)OPA->_float | (int)OPB->_float); break; case OP_GE: OPC->_float = (float)(OPA->_float >= OPB->_float); break; case OP_GE_I: OPC->_int = (int)(OPA->_int >= OPB->_int); break; case OP_GE_IF: OPC->_float = (float)(OPA->_int >= OPB->_float); break; case OP_GE_FI: OPC->_float = (float)(OPA->_float >= OPB->_int); break; case OP_LE: OPC->_float = (float)(OPA->_float <= OPB->_float); break; case OP_LE_I: OPC->_int = (int)(OPA->_int <= OPB->_int); break; case OP_LE_IF: OPC->_float = (float)(OPA->_int <= OPB->_float); break; case OP_LE_FI: OPC->_float = (float)(OPA->_float <= OPB->_int); break; case OP_GT: OPC->_float = (float)(OPA->_float > OPB->_float); break; case OP_GT_I: OPC->_int = (int)(OPA->_int > OPB->_int); break; case OP_GT_IF: OPC->_float = (float)(OPA->_int > OPB->_float); break; case OP_GT_FI: OPC->_float = (float)(OPA->_float > OPB->_int); break; case OP_LT: OPC->_float = (float)(OPA->_float < OPB->_float); break; case OP_LT_I: OPC->_int = (int)(OPA->_int < OPB->_int); break; case OP_LT_IF: OPC->_float = (float)(OPA->_int < OPB->_float); break; case OP_LT_FI: OPC->_float = (float)(OPA->_float < OPB->_int); break; case OP_AND: OPC->_float = (float)(OPA->_float && OPB->_float); break; case OP_OR: OPC->_float = (float)(OPA->_float || OPB->_float); break; case OP_NOT_F: OPC->_float = (float)(!OPA->_float); break; case OP_NOT_V: OPC->_float = (float)(!OPA->vector[0] && !OPA->vector[1] && !OPA->vector[2]); break; case OP_NOT_S: OPC->_float = (float)(!(OPA->string) || !*(OPA->string+progfuncs->stringtable)); break; case OP_NOT_FNC: OPC->_float = (float)(!(OPA->function & ~0xff000000)); break; case OP_NOT_ENT: OPC->_float = (float)(PROG_TO_EDICT(progfuncs, OPA->edict) == (edictrun_t *)sv_edicts); break; case OP_EQ_F: OPC->_float = (float)(OPA->_float == OPB->_float); break; case OP_EQ_IF: OPC->_float = (float)(OPA->_int == OPB->_float); break; case OP_EQ_FI: OPC->_float = (float)(OPA->_float == OPB->_int); break; case OP_EQ_V: OPC->_float = (float)((OPA->vector[0] == OPB->vector[0]) && (OPA->vector[1] == OPB->vector[1]) && (OPA->vector[2] == OPB->vector[2])); break; case OP_EQ_S: if (OPA->string==OPB->string) OPC->_float = true; else if (!OPA->string) { if (!OPB->string || !*(OPB->string+progfuncs->stringtable)) OPC->_float = true; else OPC->_float = false; } else if (!OPB->string) { if (!OPA->string || !*(OPA->string+progfuncs->stringtable)) OPC->_float = true; else OPC->_float = false; } else OPC->_float = (float)(!strcmp(OPA->string+progfuncs->stringtable,OPB->string+progfuncs->stringtable)); break; case OP_EQ_E: OPC->_float = (float)(OPA->_int == OPB->_int); break; case OP_EQ_FNC: OPC->_float = (float)(OPA->function == OPB->function); break; case OP_NE_F: OPC->_float = (float)(OPA->_float != OPB->_float); break; case OP_NE_V: OPC->_float = (float)((OPA->vector[0] != OPB->vector[0]) || (OPA->vector[1] != OPB->vector[1]) || (OPA->vector[2] != OPB->vector[2])); break; case OP_NE_S: if (OPA->string==OPB->string) OPC->_float = false; else if (!OPA->string) { if (!OPB->string || !*(OPB->string+progfuncs->stringtable)) OPC->_float = false; else OPC->_float = true; } else if (!OPB->string) { if (!OPA->string || !*(OPA->string+progfuncs->stringtable)) OPC->_float = false; else OPC->_float = true; } else OPC->_float = (float)(strcmp(OPA->string+progfuncs->stringtable,OPB->string+progfuncs->stringtable)); break; case OP_NE_E: OPC->_float = (float)(OPA->_int != OPB->_int); break; case OP_NE_FNC: OPC->_float = (float)(OPA->function != OPB->function); break; //================== case OP_STORE_IF: OPB->_float = (float)OPA->_int; break; case OP_STORE_FI: OPB->_int = (int)OPA->_float; break; case OP_STORE_I: OPB->_int = OPA->_int; break; case OP_STORE_F: case OP_STORE_ENT: case OP_STORE_FLD: // integers case OP_STORE_S: case OP_STORE_FNC: // pointers OPB->_int = OPA->_int; break; case OP_STORE_V: OPB->vector[0] = OPA->vector[0]; OPB->vector[1] = OPA->vector[1]; OPB->vector[2] = OPA->vector[2]; break; //store a value to a pointer case OP_STOREP_IF: ptr = (eval_t *)(OPB->_int); ptr->_float = (float)OPA->_int; break; case OP_STOREP_FI: ptr = (eval_t *)(OPB->_int); ptr->_int = (int)OPA->_float; break; case OP_STOREP_I: ptr = (eval_t *)(OPB->_int); ptr->_int = OPA->_int; break; case OP_STOREP_F: case OP_STOREP_ENT: case OP_STOREP_FLD: // integers case OP_STOREP_S: case OP_STOREP_FNC: // pointers ptr = (eval_t *)(OPB->_int); ptr->_int = OPA->_int; break; case OP_STOREP_V: ptr = (eval_t *)(OPB->_int); ptr->vector[0] = OPA->vector[0]; ptr->vector[1] = OPA->vector[1]; ptr->vector[2] = OPA->vector[2]; break; case OP_STOREP_C: //store character in a string ptr = (eval_t *)(OPB->_int); *(unsigned char *)ptr = (char)OPA->_float; break; case OP_MULSTORE_F: // f *= f OPB->_float *= OPA->_float; break; case OP_MULSTORE_V: // v *= f OPB->vector[0] *= OPA->_float; OPB->vector[1] *= OPA->_float; OPB->vector[2] *= OPA->_float; break; case OP_MULSTOREP_F: // e.f *= f ptr = (eval_t *)(OPB->_int); OPC->_float = (ptr->_float *= OPA->_float); break; case OP_MULSTOREP_V: // e.v *= f ptr = (eval_t *)(OPB->_int); OPC->vector[0] = (ptr->vector[0] *= OPA->_float); OPC->vector[0] = (ptr->vector[1] *= OPA->_float); OPC->vector[0] = (ptr->vector[2] *= OPA->_float); break; case OP_DIVSTORE_F: // f /= f OPB->_float /= OPA->_float; break; case OP_DIVSTOREP_F: // e.f /= f ptr = (eval_t *)(OPB->_int); OPC->_float = (ptr->_float /= OPA->_float); break; case OP_ADDSTORE_F: // f += f OPB->_float += OPA->_float; break; case OP_ADDSTORE_V: // v += v OPB->vector[0] += OPA->vector[0]; OPB->vector[1] += OPA->vector[1]; OPB->vector[2] += OPA->vector[2]; break; case OP_ADDSTOREP_F: // e.f += f ptr = (eval_t *)(OPB->_int); OPC->_float = (ptr->_float += OPA->_float); break; case OP_ADDSTOREP_V: // e.v += v ptr = (eval_t *)(OPB->_int); OPC->vector[0] = (ptr->vector[0] += OPA->vector[0]); OPC->vector[1] = (ptr->vector[1] += OPA->vector[1]); OPC->vector[2] = (ptr->vector[2] += OPA->vector[2]); break; case OP_SUBSTORE_F: // f -= f OPB->_float -= OPA->_float; break; case OP_SUBSTORE_V: // v -= v OPB->vector[0] -= OPA->vector[0]; OPB->vector[1] -= OPA->vector[1]; OPB->vector[2] -= OPA->vector[2]; break; case OP_SUBSTOREP_F: // e.f -= f ptr = (eval_t *)(OPB->_int); OPC->_float = (ptr->_float -= OPA->_float); break; case OP_SUBSTOREP_V: // e.v -= v ptr = (eval_t *)(OPB->_int); OPC->vector[0] = (ptr->vector[0] -= OPA->vector[0]); OPC->vector[1] = (ptr->vector[1] -= OPA->vector[1]); OPC->vector[2] = (ptr->vector[2] -= OPA->vector[2]); break; //get a pointer to a field var case OP_ADDRESS: ed = PROG_TO_EDICT(progfuncs, OPA->edict); #ifdef PARANOID NUM_FOR_EDICT(ed); // make sure it's in range #endif if (ed->readonly) { pr_xstatement = st-pr_statements; PR_RunError (progfuncs, "assignment to read-only entity in %s", pr_xfunction->s_name); } OPC->_int = (int)(((int *)edvars(ed)) + OPB->_int + progfuncs->fieldadjust); break; //load a field to a value case OP_LOAD_I: case OP_LOAD_F: case OP_LOAD_FLD: case OP_LOAD_ENT: case OP_LOAD_S: case OP_LOAD_FNC: ed = PROG_TO_EDICT(progfuncs, OPA->edict); #ifdef PARANOID NUM_FOR_EDICT(ed); // make sure it's in range #endif ptr = (eval_t *)(((int *)edvars(ed)) + OPB->_int + progfuncs->fieldadjust); OPC->_int = ptr->_int; break; case OP_LOAD_V: ed = PROG_TO_EDICT(progfuncs, OPA->edict); #ifdef PARANOID NUM_FOR_EDICT(ed); // make sure it's in range #endif ptr = (eval_t *)(((int *)edvars(ed)) + OPB->_int + progfuncs->fieldadjust); OPC->vector[0] = ptr->vector[0]; OPC->vector[1] = ptr->vector[1]; OPC->vector[2] = ptr->vector[2]; break; //================== case OP_IFNOTS: RUNAWAYCHECK(); if (!OPA->string || !OPA->string[progfuncs->stringtable]) st += (sofs)st->b - 1; // offset the s++ break; case OP_IFNOT: RUNAWAYCHECK(); if (!OPA->_int) st += (sofs)st->b - 1; // offset the s++ break; case OP_IFS: RUNAWAYCHECK(); if (OPA->string && OPA->string[progfuncs->stringtable]) st += (sofs)st->b - 1; // offset the s++ break; case OP_IF: RUNAWAYCHECK(); if (OPA->_int) st += (sofs)st->b - 1; // offset the s++ break; case OP_GOTO: RUNAWAYCHECK(); st += (sofs)st->a - 1; // offset the s++ break; case OP_CALL8H: case OP_CALL7H: case OP_CALL6H: case OP_CALL5H: case OP_CALL4H: case OP_CALL3H: case OP_CALL2H: G_VECTOR(OFS_PARM1)[0] = OPC->vector[0]; G_VECTOR(OFS_PARM1)[1] = OPC->vector[1]; G_VECTOR(OFS_PARM1)[2] = OPC->vector[2]; case OP_CALL1H: G_VECTOR(OFS_PARM0)[0] = OPB->vector[0]; G_VECTOR(OFS_PARM0)[1] = OPB->vector[1]; G_VECTOR(OFS_PARM0)[2] = OPB->vector[2]; case OP_CALL8: case OP_CALL7: case OP_CALL6: case OP_CALL5: case OP_CALL4: case OP_CALL3: case OP_CALL2: case OP_CALL1: case OP_CALL0: RUNAWAYCHECK(); pr_xstatement = st-pr_statements; if (st->op > OP_CALL8) pr_argc = st->op - (OP_CALL1H-1); else pr_argc = st->op - OP_CALL0; fnum = OPA->function; if ((fnum & ~0xff000000)==0) { pr_trace++; printf("NULL function from qc (%s).\n", pr_xfunction->s_name); #ifndef DEBUGABLE goto cont; #endif break; } /* { static char buffer[1024*1024*8]; int size = sizeof buffer; progfuncs->save_ents(progfuncs, buffer, &size, 0); }*/ p=pr_typecurrent; //about to switch. needs caching. //if it's an external call, switch now (before any function pointers are used) PR_MoveParms(progfuncs, (fnum & 0xff000000)>>24, p); PR_SwitchProgs(progfuncs, (fnum & 0xff000000)>>24); newf = &pr_functions[fnum & ~0xff000000]; if (newf->first_statement < 0) { // negative statements are built in functions i = -newf->first_statement; // p = pr_typecurrent; progfuncs->lastcalledbuiltinnumber = i; if (i < externs->numglobalbuiltins) { (*externs->globalbuiltins[i]) (progfuncs, (struct globalvars_s *)current_progstate->globals); if (prinst->continuestatement!=-1) { st=&pr_statements[prinst->continuestatement]; prinst->continuestatement=-1; break; } } else { i -= externs->numglobalbuiltins; if (i >= current_progstate->numbuiltins) { if (newf->first_statement == -0x7fffffff) ((builtin_t)newf->profile) (progfuncs, (struct globalvars_s *)current_progstate->globals); else PR_RunError (progfuncs, "Bad builtin call number - %i", -newf->first_statement); } else current_progstate->builtins [i] (progfuncs, (struct globalvars_s *)current_progstate->globals); } PR_MoveParms(progfuncs, p, pr_typecurrent); // memcpy(&pr_progstate[p].globals[OFS_RETURN], ¤t_progstate->globals[OFS_RETURN], sizeof(vec3_t)); PR_SwitchProgs(progfuncs, (progsnum_t)p); //#ifndef DEBUGABLE //decide weather non debugger wants to start debugging. s = st-pr_statements; goto restart; //#endif // break; } // PR_MoveParms((OPA->function & 0xff000000)>>24, pr_typecurrent); // PR_SwitchProgs((OPA->function & 0xff000000)>>24); s = PR_EnterFunction (progfuncs, newf, p); st = &pr_statements[s]; goto restart; // break; case OP_DONE: case OP_RETURN: RUNAWAYCHECK(); pr_globals[OFS_RETURN] = pr_globals[st->a]; pr_globals[OFS_RETURN+1] = pr_globals[st->a+1]; pr_globals[OFS_RETURN+2] = pr_globals[st->a+2]; /* { static char buffer[1024*1024*8]; int size = sizeof buffer; progfuncs->save_ents(progfuncs, buffer, &size, 0); } */ s = PR_LeaveFunction (progfuncs); st = &pr_statements[s]; if (pr_depth == prinst->exitdepth) { return; // all done } goto restart; // break; case OP_STATE: externs->stateop(progfuncs, OPA->_float, OPB->function); break; case OP_ADD_I: OPC->_int = OPA->_int + OPB->_int; break; case OP_ADD_FI: OPC->_float = OPA->_float + (float)OPB->_int; break; case OP_ADD_IF: OPC->_float = (float)OPA->_int + OPB->_float; break; case OP_SUB_I: OPC->_int = OPA->_int - OPB->_int; break; case OP_SUB_FI: OPC->_float = OPA->_float - (float)OPB->_int; break; case OP_SUB_IF: OPC->_float = (float)OPA->_int - OPB->_float; break; case OP_CONV_ITOF: OPC->_float = (float)OPA->_int; break; case OP_CONV_FTOI: OPC->_int = (int)OPA->_float; break; case OP_CP_ITOF: ptr = (eval_t *)(((qbyte *)sv_edicts) + OPA->_int); OPC->_float = (float)ptr->_int; break; case OP_CP_FTOI: ptr = (eval_t *)(((qbyte *)sv_edicts) + OPA->_int); OPC->_int = (int)ptr->_float; break; case OP_BITAND_I: OPC->_int = (OPA->_int & OPB->_int); break; case OP_BITOR_I: OPC->_int = (OPA->_int | OPB->_int); break; case OP_MUL_I: OPC->_int = OPA->_int * OPB->_int; break; case OP_DIV_I: if (OPB->_int == 0) //no division by zero allowed... OPC->_int = 0; else OPC->_int = OPA->_int / OPB->_int; break; case OP_EQ_I: OPC->_int = (OPA->_int == OPB->_int); break; case OP_NE_I: OPC->_int = (OPA->_int != OPB->_int); break; //array/structure reading/riting. case OP_GLOBALADDRESS: OPC->_int = (int)(&OPA->_int) + OPB->_int); break; case OP_POINTER_ADD: //pointer to 32 bit (remember to *3 for vectors) OPC->_int = OPA->_int + OPB->_int*4; break; case OP_LOADA_I: case OP_LOADA_F: case OP_LOADA_FLD: case OP_LOADA_ENT: case OP_LOADA_S: case OP_LOADA_FNC: ptr = (eval_t *)(&OPA->_int + OPB->_int); OPC->_int = ptr->_int; break; case OP_LOADA_V: ptr = (eval_t *)(&OPA->_int + OPB->_int); OPC->vector[0] = ptr->vector[0]; OPC->vector[1] = ptr->vector[1]; OPC->vector[2] = ptr->vector[2]; break; case OP_ADD_SF: //(char*)c = (char*)a + (float)b OPC->_int = OPA->_int + (int)OPB->_float; break; case OP_SUB_S: //(float)c = (char*)a - (char*)b OPC->_int = OPA->_int - OPB->_int; break; case OP_LOADP_C: //load character from a string ptr = (eval_t *)(OPA->_int + (int)OPB->_float); OPC->_float = *(unsigned char *)ptr; break; case OP_LOADP_I: case OP_LOADP_F: case OP_LOADP_FLD: case OP_LOADP_ENT: case OP_LOADP_S: case OP_LOADP_FNC: ptr = (eval_t *)(OPA->_int + OPB->_int); OPC->_int = ptr->_int; break; case OP_LOADP_V: ptr = (eval_t *)(OPA->_int + OPB->_int); OPC->vector[0] = ptr->vector[0]; OPC->vector[1] = ptr->vector[1]; OPC->vector[2] = ptr->vector[2]; break; case OP_POWER_I: OPC->_int = OPA->_int ^ OPB->_int; break; case OP_RSHIFT_I: OPC->_int = OPA->_int >> OPB->_int; break; case OP_LSHIFT_I: OPC->_int = OPA->_int << OPB->_int; break; case OP_FETCH_GBL_F: case OP_FETCH_GBL_S: case OP_FETCH_GBL_E: case OP_FETCH_GBL_FNC: i = (int)OPB->_float; if(i < 0 || i > G_INT((uofs)st->a - 1)) { PR_RunError(progfuncs, "array index out of bounds: %s[%d]", PR_GlobalStringNoContents(progfuncs, st->a), i); } t = (eval_t *)&pr_globals[(uofs)st->a + i]; OPC->_int = t->_int; break; case OP_FETCH_GBL_V: i = (int)OPB->_float; if(i < 0 || i > G_INT((uofs)st->a - 1)) { PR_RunError(progfuncs, "array index out of bounds: %s[%d]", PR_GlobalStringNoContents(progfuncs, st->a), i); } t = (eval_t *)&pr_globals[(uofs)st->a +((int)OPB->_float)*3]; OPC->vector[0] = t->vector[0]; OPC->vector[1] = t->vector[1]; OPC->vector[2] = t->vector[2]; break; case OP_CSTATE: externs->cstateop(progfuncs, OPA->_float, OPB->_float, fnum); break; case OP_CWSTATE: externs->cwstateop(progfuncs, OPA->_float, OPB->_float, fnum); break; case OP_THINKTIME: externs->thinktimeop(progfuncs, (struct edict_s *)PROG_TO_EDICT(progfuncs, OPA->edict), OPB->_float); break; case OP_BITSET: // b (+) a OPB->_float = (float)((int)OPB->_float | (int)OPA->_float); break; case OP_BITSETP: // .b (+) a ptr = (eval_t *)(OPB->_int); ptr->_float = (float)((int)ptr->_float | (int)OPA->_float); break; case OP_BITCLR: // b (-) a OPB->_float = (float)((int)OPB->_float & ~((int)OPA->_float)); break; case OP_BITCLRP: // .b (-) a ptr = (eval_t *)(OPB->_int); ptr->_float = (float)((int)ptr->_float & ~((int)OPA->_float)); break; case OP_RAND0: G_FLOAT(OFS_RETURN) = (rand()&0x7fff)/((float)0x7fff); break; case OP_RAND1: G_FLOAT(OFS_RETURN) = (rand()&0x7fff)/((float)0x7fff)*OPA->_float; break; case OP_RAND2: if(OPA->_float < OPB->_float) { G_FLOAT(OFS_RETURN) = OPA->_float+((rand()&0x7fff)/((float)0x7fff) *(OPB->_float-OPA->_float)); } else { G_FLOAT(OFS_RETURN) = OPB->_float+((rand()&0x7fff)/((float)0x7fff) *(OPA->_float-OPB->_float)); } break; case OP_RANDV0: G_FLOAT(OFS_RETURN+0) = (rand()&0x7fff)/((float)0x7fff); G_FLOAT(OFS_RETURN+1) = (rand()&0x7fff)/((float)0x7fff); G_FLOAT(OFS_RETURN+2) = (rand()&0x7fff)/((float)0x7fff); break; case OP_RANDV1: G_FLOAT(OFS_RETURN+0) = (rand()&0x7fff)/((float)0x7fff)*OPA->vector[0]; G_FLOAT(OFS_RETURN+1) = (rand()&0x7fff)/((float)0x7fff)*OPA->vector[1]; G_FLOAT(OFS_RETURN+2) = (rand()&0x7fff)/((float)0x7fff)*OPA->vector[2]; break; case OP_RANDV2: for(i = 0; i < 3; i++) { if(OPA->vector[i] < OPB->vector[i]) { G_FLOAT(OFS_RETURN+i) = OPA->vector[i]+((rand()&0x7fff)/((float)0x7fff) *(OPB->vector[i]-OPA->vector[i])); } else { G_FLOAT(OFS_RETURN+i) = OPB->vector[i]+(rand()*(1.0f/RAND_MAX) *(OPA->vector[i]-OPB->vector[i])); } } break; case OP_SWITCH_F: case OP_SWITCH_V: case OP_SWITCH_S: case OP_SWITCH_E: case OP_SWITCH_FNC: swtch = OPA; swtchtype = st->op; RUNAWAYCHECK(); st += (sofs)st->b - 1; // offset the st++ break; case OP_CASE: switch(swtchtype) { case OP_SWITCH_F: if (swtch->_float == OPA->_float) { RUNAWAYCHECK(); st += (sofs)st->b-1; // -1 to offset the s++ } break; case OP_SWITCH_E: case OP_SWITCH_FNC: if (swtch->_int == OPA->_int) { RUNAWAYCHECK(); st += (sofs)st->b-1; // -1 to offset the s++ } break; case OP_SWITCH_S: if (swtch->_int == OPA->_int) { RUNAWAYCHECK(); st += (sofs)st->b-1; // -1 to offset the s++ } if ((!swtch->_int && progfuncs->stringtable[OPA->string]) || (!OPA->_int && progfuncs->stringtable[swtch->string])) //one is null (cannot be not both). break; if (!strcmp(progfuncs->stringtable+swtch->string, progfuncs->stringtable+OPA->string)) { RUNAWAYCHECK(); st += (sofs)st->b-1; // -1 to offset the s++ } break; case OP_SWITCH_V: if (swtch->vector[0] == OPA->vector[0] && swtch->vector[1] == OPA->vector[1] && swtch->vector[2] == OPA->vector[2]) { RUNAWAYCHECK(); st += (sofs)st->b-1; // -1 to offset the s++ } break; default: PR_RunError (progfuncs, "OP_CASE with bad/missing OP_SWITCH %i", swtchtype); break; } break; case OP_CASERANGE: switch(swtchtype) { case OP_SWITCH_F: if (swtch->_float >= OPA->_float && swtch->_float <= OPB->_float) { RUNAWAYCHECK(); st += (sofs)st->c-1; // -1 to offset the s++ } break; default: PR_RunError (progfuncs, "OP_CASERANGE with bad/missing OP_SWITCH %i", swtchtype); } break; case OP_BITAND_IF: OPC->_int = (OPA->_int & (int)OPB->_float); break; case OP_BITOR_IF: OPC->_int = (OPA->_int | (int)OPB->_float); break; case OP_BITAND_FI: OPC->_int = ((int)OPA->_float & OPB->_int); break; case OP_BITOR_FI: OPC->_int = ((int)OPA->_float | OPB->_int); break; case OP_MUL_IF: OPC->_float = (OPA->_int * OPB->_float); break; case OP_MUL_FI: OPC->_float = (OPA->_float * OPB->_int); break; case OP_MUL_VI: OPC->vector[0] = OPA->vector[0] * OPB->_int; OPC->vector[1] = OPA->vector[0] * OPB->_int; OPC->vector[2] = OPA->vector[0] * OPB->_int; break; case OP_MUL_IV: OPC->vector[0] = OPB->_int * OPA->vector[0]; OPC->vector[1] = OPB->_int * OPA->vector[1]; OPC->vector[2] = OPB->_int * OPA->vector[2]; break; case OP_DIV_IF: OPC->_float = (OPA->_int / OPB->_float); break; case OP_DIV_FI: OPC->_float = (OPA->_float / OPB->_int); break; case OP_AND_I: OPC->_int = (OPA->_int && OPB->_int); break; case OP_OR_I: OPC->_int = (OPA->_int || OPB->_int); break; case OP_AND_IF: OPC->_int = (OPA->_int && OPB->_float); break; case OP_OR_IF: OPC->_int = (OPA->_int || OPB->_float); break; case OP_AND_FI: OPC->_int = (OPA->_float && OPB->_int); break; case OP_OR_FI: OPC->_int = (OPA->_float || OPB->_int); break; case OP_NOT_I: OPC->_int = !OPA->_int; break; case OP_NE_IF: OPC->_int = (OPA->_int != OPB->_float); break; case OP_NE_FI: OPC->_int = (OPA->_float != OPB->_int); break; case OP_GSTOREP_I: case OP_GSTOREP_F: case OP_GSTOREP_ENT: case OP_GSTOREP_FLD: // integers case OP_GSTOREP_S: case OP_GSTOREP_FNC: // pointers case OP_GSTOREP_V: case OP_GADDRESS: case OP_GLOAD_I: case OP_GLOAD_F: case OP_GLOAD_FLD: case OP_GLOAD_ENT: case OP_GLOAD_S: case OP_GLOAD_FNC: pr_xstatement = st-pr_statements; PR_RunError(progfuncs, "Extra opcode not implemented\n"); break; case OP_BOUNDCHECK: if ((unsigned int)OPA->_int < (unsigned int)st->c || (unsigned int)OPA->_int >= (unsigned int)st->b) { pr_xstatement = st-pr_statements; PR_RunError(progfuncs, "Progs boundcheck failed. Value is %i.", OPA->_int); } break; case OP_PUSH: OPC->_int = (int)&localstack[localstack_used+pr_spushed]; pr_spushed += OPA->_int; if (pr_spushed + localstack_used >= LOCALSTACK_SIZE) { pr_spushed = 0; pr_xstatement = st-pr_statements; PR_RunError(progfuncs, "Progs pushed too much"); } break; case OP_POP: pr_spushed -= OPA->_int; if (pr_spushed < 0) { pr_spushed = 0; pr_xstatement = st-pr_statements; PR_RunError(progfuncs, "Progs poped more than it pushed"); } break; default: if (st->op & 0x8000) //break point! { pr_xstatement = s = st-pr_statements; printf("Break point hit in %s.\n", pr_xfunction->s_name); if (pr_trace<1) pr_trace=1; //this is what it's for s = ShowStep(progfuncs, s); st = &pr_statements[s]; //let the user move execution pr_xstatement = s = st-pr_statements; #if 0 //fakeop stuff - not practical, the rest of the code is more optimised, st needs to point at the correct statement memcpy(&fakeop, st, sizeof(dstatement_t)); //don't hit the new statement as a break point, cos it's probably the same one. fakeop.op &= ~0x8000; st = &fakeop; //a little remapping... #else st->op &= ~0x8000; //just remove the breakpoint and go around again, but this time in the debugger. #endif goto reeval; //reexecute } pr_xstatement = st-pr_statements; PR_RunError (progfuncs, "Bad opcode %i", st->op); } } #undef cont #undef reeval #undef st #undef pr_statements #undef fakeop #undef dstatement_t #undef sofs #undef uofs