#include "qcc.h" #include "gui.h" #ifndef _WIN32 #include #endif #if defined(_WIN32) || defined(__DJGPP__) #include #else #include #endif //common gui things pbool fl_nondfltopts; pbool fl_hexen2; pbool fl_ftetarg; pbool fl_compileonstart; pbool fl_showall; pbool fl_log; pbool fl_extramargins; int fl_tabsize; char parameters[16384]; char progssrcname[256]; char progssrcdir[256]; char enginebinary[MAX_OSPATH]; char enginebasedir[MAX_OSPATH]; char enginecommandline[8192]; pbool qcc_vfiles_changed; vfile_t *qcc_vfiles; //for finding symbol keywords extern QCC_def_t *sourcefilesdefs[]; extern int sourcefilesnumdefs; int qccpersisthunk = 1; int Grep(const char *filename, const char *string) { int foundcount = 0; char *last, *found, *linestart; int line = 1; size_t sz; char *raw, *buf; pbool dofree; int origfmt; if (!filename) return foundcount; raw = GUIReadFile(filename, NULL, NULL, &sz, false); if (!raw) return foundcount; if (raw[sz] != 0) return foundcount; //error.... buf = QCC_SanitizeCharSet(raw, &sz, &dofree, &origfmt); linestart = last = found = buf; while ((found = QC_strcasestr(found, string))) { while (last < found) { if (*last++ == '\n') { line++; linestart = last; } } while (*found && *found != '\n') found++; if (*found) *found++ = '\0'; GUIprintf("%s:%i: %s\n", filename, line, linestart); line++; linestart = found; foundcount++; } if (dofree) free(buf); free(raw); return foundcount; } void GoToDefinition(const char *name) { #define MAXSOURCEFILESLIST 8 extern QCC_def_t *sourcefilesdefs[MAXSOURCEFILESLIST]; extern int sourcefilesnumdefs; int fno; QCC_def_t *def, *guess; QCC_function_t *fnc; const char *strip; //trim whitespace (for convieniance). while (*name <= ' ' && *name) name++; for (strip = name + strlen(name)-1; strip > name; strip--) { if (*strip <= ' ') continue; else //got some part of a word break; } if (*strip <= ' ') { char *t = alloca(strip-name+1); memcpy(t, name, strip-t); t[strip-t] = 0; name = t; } if (!globalstable.numbuckets) { GUI_DialogPrint("Not found", "You need to compile first."); return; } def = QCC_PR_GetDef(NULL, name, NULL, false, 0, false); //no exact match, see if we can get a case-insensitive match if (!def && *name) { for (fno = 0; fno < sourcefilesnumdefs; fno++) { for (def = sourcefilesdefs[fno]; def; def = def->next) { if (def->scope) continue; //ignore locals, because we don't know where we are, and they're probably irrelevent. if (!QC_strcasecmp(def->name, name)) { fno = sourcefilesnumdefs; break; } } } } //no exact match, see if we can get a partial if (!def && *name) { int prefixlen = strlen(name); for (fno = 0; fno < sourcefilesnumdefs; fno++) { for (guess = sourcefilesdefs[fno]; guess; guess = guess->next) { if (guess->scope) continue; //ignore locals, because we don't know where we are, and they're probably irrelevent. //make sure it has the right prefix if (!QC_strncasecmp(guess->name, name, prefixlen)) { if (guess->type->type == ev_function && guess->constant && !guess->arraysize) { //if we found a function, use that one above all others. def = guess; fno = sourcefilesnumdefs; break; } else if (!def) def = guess; } } } } if (def) { //with functions, the def is the prototype. //we want the body, so zoom to the first statement of the function instead if (def->type->type == ev_function && def->constant && !def->arraysize) { int fnum = def->symboldata[0].function; if (fnum > 0 && fnum < numfunctions) { fnc = &functions[fnum]; if (fnc->code>=0 && fnc->filen) { EditFile(fnc->filen, fnc->line, false); return; } } } if (!def->filen) { char msgbuffer[2048]; QC_snprintfz(msgbuffer, sizeof(msgbuffer), "Global definition of \"%s\" was not specified.", name); GUI_DialogPrint("Not found", msgbuffer); } else EditFile(def->filen, def->s_line-1, false); } else { char msgbuffer[2048]; QC_snprintfz(msgbuffer, sizeof(msgbuffer), "Global instance of \"%s\" was not found.", name); GUI_DialogPrint("Not found", msgbuffer); } } pbool GenAutoCompleteList(char *prefix, char *buffer, int buffersize) { QCC_def_t *def; int prefixlen = strlen(prefix); int usedbuffer = 0; int l; int fno; for (fno = 0; fno < sourcefilesnumdefs; fno++) { for (def = sourcefilesdefs[fno]; def; def = def->next) { if (def->scope) continue; //ignore locals, because we don't know where we are, and they're probably irrelevent. //make sure it has the right prefix if (!strncmp(def->name, prefix, prefixlen)) //but ignore it if its one of those special things that you're not meant to know about. if (strcmp(def->name, "IMMEDIATE") && !strchr(def->name, ':') && !strchr(def->name, '.') && !strchr(def->name, '*') && !strchr(def->name, '[')) { l = strlen(def->name); if (l && usedbuffer+2+l < buffersize) { if (usedbuffer) buffer[usedbuffer++] = ' '; memcpy(buffer+usedbuffer, def->name, l); usedbuffer += l; } } } } buffer[usedbuffer] = 0; return usedbuffer>0; } static void GUI_WriteConfigLine(FILE *file, char *part1, char *part2, char *part3, char *desc) { int align = 0; if (part1) { if (strchr(part1, ' ')) align += fprintf(file, "\"%s\" ", part1); else align += fprintf(file, "%s ", part1); for (; align < 14; align++) fputc(' ', file); } if (part2) { if (strchr(part2, ' ')) align += fprintf(file, "\"%s\" ", part2); else align += fprintf(file, "%s ", part2); for (; align < 28; align++) fputc(' ', file); } if (part3) { if (strchr(part3, ' ')) align += fprintf(file, "\"%s\" ", part3); else align += fprintf(file, "%s ", part3); for (; align < 40; align++) fputc(' ', file); } if (desc) { if (align > 40) { fputc('\n', file); align = 0; } for (; align < 40; align++) fputc(' ', file); fputs("# ", file); align -= 40; if (align < 0) align = 0; while(*desc) { if (*desc == '\n' || (*desc == ' ' && align > 60)) { fputs("\n", file); for (align = 0; align < 40; align++) fputc(' ', file); fputs("# ", file); align = 0; } else { fputc(*desc, file); align++; } desc++; } } fputs("\n", file); } static void GUI_WriteConfigInt(FILE *file, char *part1, int part2, char *desc) { char buf[64]; QC_snprintfz(buf, sizeof(buf), "%i", part2); GUI_WriteConfigLine(file, part1, buf, NULL, desc); } void GUI_SaveConfig(void) { FILE *file = fopen("fteqcc.ini", "wt"); int p; if (!file) return; for (p = 0; optimisations[p].enabled; p++) { if ((!(optimisations[p].flags&FLAG_SETINGUI)) == (!(optimisations[p].flags&FLAG_ASDEFAULT))) GUI_WriteConfigLine(file, "optimisation", optimisations[p].abbrev, "default", optimisations[p].description); else GUI_WriteConfigLine(file, "optimisation", optimisations[p].abbrev, (optimisations[p].flags&FLAG_SETINGUI)?"on":"off", optimisations[p].description); } for (p = 0; compiler_flag[p].enabled; p++) { if (!strncmp(compiler_flag[p].fullname, "Keyword: ", 9)) GUI_WriteConfigLine(file, "keyword", compiler_flag[p].abbrev, (compiler_flag[p].flags&FLAG_SETINGUI)?"true":"false", compiler_flag[p].description); else GUI_WriteConfigLine(file, "flag", compiler_flag[p].abbrev, (compiler_flag[p].flags&FLAG_SETINGUI)?"true":"false", compiler_flag[p].description); } GUI_WriteConfigLine(file, "showall", fl_showall?"on":"off", NULL, "Show all keyword options in the gui"); GUI_WriteConfigLine(file, "compileonstart", fl_compileonstart?"on":"off", NULL, "Recompile on GUI startup"); GUI_WriteConfigLine(file, "log", fl_log?"on":"off", NULL, "Write out a compile log"); GUI_WriteConfigLine(file, "enginebinary", enginebinary, NULL, "Location of the engine binary to run. Change this to something else to run a different engine, but not all support debugging."); GUI_WriteConfigLine(file, "basedir", enginebasedir, NULL, "The base directory of the game that contains your sub directory"); GUI_WriteConfigLine(file, "engineargs", enginecommandline, NULL, "The engine commandline to use when debugging. You'll likely want to ensure this contains -window as well as the appropriate -game argument."); GUI_WriteConfigLine(file, "srcfile", progssrcname, NULL, "The progs.src file to load to find ordering of other qc files."); GUI_WriteConfigLine(file, "src", progssrcdir, NULL, "Additional subdir to read qc files from. Typically blank (ie: the working directory)."); GUI_WriteConfigInt (file, "tabsize", fl_tabsize, "Specifies the size of tabs in scintilla windows."); GUI_WriteConfigLine(file, "extramargins", fl_extramargins?"on":"off", NULL, "Enables line number and folding margins."); GUI_WriteConfigLine(file, "hexen2", fl_hexen2?"on":"off", NULL, "Enable the extra tweaks needed for compatibility with hexen2 engines."); GUI_WriteConfigLine(file, "extendedopcodes", fl_ftetarg?"on":"off", NULL, "Utilise an extended instruction set, providing support for pointers and faster arrays and other speedups."); GUI_WriteConfigLine(file, "parameters", parameters, NULL, "Other additional parameters that are not supported by the gui. Likely including -DFOO"); fclose(file); } //grabs a token. modifies original string. static char *GUI_ParseInPlace(char **state) { char *str = *state, *end; while(*str == ' ' || *str == '\t') str++; if (*str == '\"') { char *fmt; str++; for (end = str, fmt = str; *end; ) { if (*end == '\"') break; else if (*end == '\'' && end[1] == '\\') *fmt = '\\'; else if (*end == '\'' && end[1] == '\"') *fmt = '\"'; else if (*end == '\'' && end[1] == '\n') *fmt = '\n'; else if (*end == '\'' && end[1] == '\r') *fmt = '\r'; else if (*end == '\'' && end[1] == '\t') *fmt = '\t'; else { *fmt++ = *end++; continue; } fmt+=1; end+=2; } } else for (end = str; *end&&*end!=' '&&*end !='\t' && *end != '#'; end++) ; *end = 0; *state = end+1; return str; } static int GUI_ParseIntInPlace(char **state, int defaultval) { char *token = GUI_ParseInPlace(state); if (!stricmp(token, "default")) return defaultval; else if (!stricmp(token, "on") || !stricmp(token, "true") || !stricmp(token, "yes")) return 1; else if (!stricmp(token, "off") || !stricmp(token, "false") || !stricmp(token, "no")) return 0; else return atoi(token); } static int GUI_ParseBooleanInPlace(char **state, int defaultval) { char *token = GUI_ParseInPlace(state); if (!stricmp(token, "default")) return defaultval; else if (!stricmp(token, "on") || !stricmp(token, "true") || !stricmp(token, "yes")) return 1; else if (!stricmp(token, "off") || !stricmp(token, "false") || !stricmp(token, "no")) return 0; else return !!atoi(token); } void GUI_LoadConfig(void) { char buf[2048]; char *token, *str; FILE *file = fopen("fteqcc.ini", "rb"); int p; //initialise gui-only stuff. fl_compileonstart = false; fl_extramargins = false; fl_tabsize = 8; if (!file) return; fl_nondfltopts = false; while (fgets(buf, sizeof(buf), file)) { str = buf; token = GUI_ParseInPlace(&str); if (!stricmp(token, "optimisation") || !stricmp(token, "opt")) { char *item = GUI_ParseInPlace(&str); int value = GUI_ParseBooleanInPlace(&str, -1); for (p = 0; optimisations[p].enabled; p++) if (!stricmp(item, optimisations[p].abbrev)) { if (value == -1) value = !!(optimisations[p].flags & FLAG_ASDEFAULT); else fl_nondfltopts = true; if (value) optimisations[p].flags |= FLAG_SETINGUI; else optimisations[p].flags &= ~FLAG_SETINGUI; break; } //don't worry if its not known } else if (!stricmp(token, "flag") || !stricmp(token, "fl") || !stricmp(token, "keyword")) { char *item = GUI_ParseInPlace(&str); int value = GUI_ParseBooleanInPlace(&str, -1); for (p = 0; compiler_flag[p].enabled; p++) if (!stricmp(item, compiler_flag[p].abbrev)) { if (value == -1) value = !!(compiler_flag[p].flags & FLAG_ASDEFAULT); if (value) compiler_flag[p].flags |= FLAG_SETINGUI; else compiler_flag[p].flags &= ~FLAG_SETINGUI; break; } //don't worry if its not known } else if (!stricmp(token, "enginebinary")) QC_strlcpy(enginebinary, GUI_ParseInPlace(&str), sizeof(enginebinary)); else if (!stricmp(token, "basedir")) QC_strlcpy(enginebasedir, GUI_ParseInPlace(&str), sizeof(enginebasedir)); else if (!stricmp(token, "engineargs")) QC_strlcpy(enginecommandline, GUI_ParseInPlace(&str), sizeof(enginecommandline)); // else if (!stricmp(token, "srcfile")) // QC_strlcpy(progssrcname, GUI_ParseInPlace(&str), sizeof(progssrcname)); // else if (!stricmp(token, "src")) // QC_strlcpy(progssrcdir, GUI_ParseInPlace(&str), sizeof(progssrcdir)); else if (!stricmp(token, "parameters")) QC_strlcpy(parameters, GUI_ParseInPlace(&str), sizeof(parameters)); else if (!stricmp(token, "log")) fl_log = GUI_ParseBooleanInPlace(&str, false); else if (!stricmp(token, "compileonstart")) fl_compileonstart = GUI_ParseBooleanInPlace(&str, false); else if (!stricmp(token, "showall")) fl_showall = GUI_ParseBooleanInPlace(&str, false); else if (!stricmp(token, "tabsize")) fl_tabsize = GUI_ParseIntInPlace(&str, false); else if (!stricmp(token, "extramargins")) fl_extramargins = GUI_ParseBooleanInPlace(&str, false); else if (!stricmp(token, "hexen2")) fl_hexen2 = GUI_ParseBooleanInPlace(&str, false); else if (!stricmp(token, "extendedopcodes")) fl_ftetarg = GUI_ParseBooleanInPlace(&str, false); else if (*token) { puts("Unknown setting: "); puts(token); puts("\n"); } } fclose(file); } //this function takes the windows specified commandline and strips out all the options menu items. int GUI_ParseCommandLine(const char *args, pbool keepsrcanddir) { int paramlen=0; int l, p; const char *next; int mode = 0; if (!*args) { int len; FILE *f; char *s; f = fopen("fteqcc.arg", "rb"); if (f) { fseek(f, 0, SEEK_END); len = ftell(f); fseek(f, 0, SEEK_SET); args = alloca(len+1); fread((char*)args, 1, len, f); ((char*)args)[len] = '\0'; fclose(f); while((s = strchr(args, '\r'))) *s = ' '; while((s = strchr(args, '\n'))) *s = ' '; } } //find the first argument while (*args == ' ' || *args == '\t') args++; for (next = args; *next&&*next!=' '&&*next !='\t'; next++) ; if (*args != '-') { pbool qt = *args == '\"'; l = 0; if (qt) args++; while ((*args != ' ' || qt) && *args) { if (qt && *args == '\"') { args++; break; } if (!keepsrcanddir) progssrcname[l++] = *args; args++; } if (!keepsrcanddir) progssrcname[l] = 0; next = args; if (!keepsrcanddir) { args = strrchr(progssrcname, '\\'); while(args && strchr(args, '/')) args = strchr(args, '/'); if (args) { memcpy(progssrcdir, progssrcname, args-progssrcname); progssrcdir[args-progssrcname] = 0; args++; memmove(progssrcname, args, strlen(args)+1); #ifdef _WIN32 SetCurrentDirectoryA(progssrcdir); #else chdir(progssrcdir); #endif *progssrcdir = 0; } } args = next; } GUI_LoadConfig(); paramlen = strlen(parameters); if (paramlen) parameters[paramlen++] = ' '; while(*args) { while (*args == ' ' || *args == '\t') args++; for (next = args; *next&&*next!=' '&&*next !='\t'; next++) ; strncpy(parameters+paramlen, args, next-args); parameters[paramlen+next-args] = '\0'; l = strlen(parameters+paramlen)+1; if (!strnicmp(parameters+paramlen, "-stdout", 7) || !strnicmp(parameters+paramlen, "--version", 9)) { mode = 1; } /*else if (!strnicmp(parameters+paramlen, "-zippatch", 9)) { mode = 2; }*/ else if (!strnicmp(parameters+paramlen, "-O", 2) || !strnicmp(parameters+paramlen, "/O", 2)) { //strip out all -O fl_nondfltopts = true; if (parameters[paramlen+2]) { if (parameters[paramlen+2] >= '0' && parameters[paramlen+2] <= '3') { p = parameters[paramlen+2]-'0'; for (l = 0; optimisations[l].enabled; l++) { if (optimisations[l].optimisationlevel<=p) optimisations[l].flags |= FLAG_SETINGUI; else optimisations[l].flags &= ~FLAG_SETINGUI; } } else if (!strncmp(parameters+paramlen+2, "no-", 3)) { if (parameters[paramlen+5]) { for (p = 0; optimisations[p].enabled; p++) if ((*optimisations[p].abbrev && !strcmp(parameters+paramlen+5, optimisations[p].abbrev)) || !strcmp(parameters+paramlen+5, optimisations[p].fullname)) { optimisations[p].flags &= ~FLAG_SETINGUI; break; } if (!optimisations[p].enabled) { parameters[paramlen+next-args] = ' '; paramlen += l; } } } else { for (p = 0; optimisations[p].enabled; p++) if ((*optimisations[p].abbrev && !strcmp(parameters+paramlen+2, optimisations[p].abbrev)) || !strcmp(parameters+paramlen+2, optimisations[p].fullname)) { optimisations[p].flags |= FLAG_SETINGUI; break; } if (!optimisations[p].enabled) { parameters[paramlen+next-args] = ' '; paramlen += l; } } } } else if (!strnicmp(parameters+paramlen, "-F", 2) || !strnicmp(parameters+paramlen, "/F", 2) || !strnicmp(parameters+paramlen, "-K", 2) || !strnicmp(parameters+paramlen, "/K", 2)) { if (parameters[paramlen+2]) { if (!strncmp(parameters+paramlen+2, "no-", 3)) { if (parameters[paramlen+5]) { for (p = 0; compiler_flag[p].enabled; p++) if ((*compiler_flag[p].abbrev && !strcmp(parameters+paramlen+5, compiler_flag[p].abbrev)) || !strcmp(parameters+paramlen+5, compiler_flag[p].fullname)) { compiler_flag[p].flags &= ~FLAG_SETINGUI; break; } if (!compiler_flag[p].enabled) { parameters[paramlen+next-args] = ' '; paramlen += l; } } } else { for (p = 0; compiler_flag[p].enabled; p++) if ((*compiler_flag[p].abbrev && !strcmp(parameters+paramlen+2, compiler_flag[p].abbrev)) || !strcmp(parameters+paramlen+2, compiler_flag[p].fullname)) { compiler_flag[p].flags |= FLAG_SETINGUI; break; } if (!compiler_flag[p].enabled) { parameters[paramlen+next-args] = ' '; paramlen += l; } } } } /* else if (!strnicmp(parameters+paramlen, "-Fno-kce", 8) || !strnicmp(parameters+paramlen, "/Fno-kce", 8)) //keywords stuph { fl_nokeywords_coexist = true; } else if (!strnicmp(parameters+paramlen, "-Fkce", 5) || !strnicmp(parameters+paramlen, "/Fkce", 5)) { fl_nokeywords_coexist = false; } else if (!strnicmp(parameters+paramlen, "-Facc", 5) || !strnicmp(parameters+paramlen, "/Facc", 5)) { fl_acc = true; } else if (!strnicmp(parameters+paramlen, "-autoproto", 10) || !strnicmp(parameters+paramlen, "/autoproto", 10)) { fl_autoprototype = true; } */ else if (!strnicmp(parameters+paramlen, "-showall", 8) || !strnicmp(parameters+paramlen, "/showall", 8)) { fl_showall = true; } else if (!strnicmp(parameters+paramlen, "-ac", 3) || !strnicmp(parameters+paramlen, "/ac", 3)) { fl_compileonstart = true; } else if (!strnicmp(parameters+paramlen, "-log", 4) || !strnicmp(parameters+paramlen, "/log", 4)) { fl_log = true; } else if (!strnicmp(parameters+paramlen, "-nolog", 4) || !strnicmp(parameters+paramlen, "/nolog", 4)) { fl_log = false; } else if (!strnicmp(parameters+paramlen, "-engine", 7) || !strnicmp(parameters+paramlen, "/engine", 7)) { while (*next == ' ') next++; l = 0; while (*next != ' ' && *next) enginebinary[l++] = *next++; enginebinary[l] = 0; } else if (!strnicmp(parameters+paramlen, "-basedir", 8) || !strnicmp(parameters+paramlen, "/basedir", 8)) { while (*next == ' ') next++; l = 0; while (*next != ' ' && *next) enginebasedir[l++] = *next++; enginebasedir[l] = 0; } //strcpy(enginecommandline, "-window +map start -nohome"); else if (!strnicmp(parameters+paramlen, "-srcfile", 8) || !strnicmp(parameters+paramlen, "/srcfile", 8)) { while (*next == ' ') next++; if (keepsrcanddir) { //ignore it while (*next != ' ' && *next) next++; } else { l = 0; while (*next != ' ' && *next) progssrcname[l++] = *next++; progssrcname[l] = 0; } } else if (!strnicmp(parameters+paramlen, "-src ", 5) || !strnicmp(parameters+paramlen, "/src ", 5)) { while (*next == ' ') next++; if (keepsrcanddir) { //ignore it while (*next != ' ' && *next) next++; } else { l = 0; while (*next != ' ' && *next) progssrcdir[l++] = *next++; progssrcdir[l] = 0; } } else if (!strnicmp(parameters+paramlen, "-T", 2) || !strnicmp(parameters+paramlen, "/T", 2)) //the target { if (!strnicmp(parameters+paramlen+2, "h2", 2)) { fl_hexen2 = true; } else { fl_hexen2 = false; parameters[paramlen+next-args] = ' '; paramlen += l; } } /* else if (isfirst && *args != '-' && *args != '/') { pbool qt = *args == '\"'; l = 0; if (qt) args++; while (*args != ' ' && *args) { if (qt && *args == '\"') { args++; break; } progssrcname[l++] = *args++; } progssrcname[l] = 0; args = strrchr(progssrcname, '\\'); while(args && strchr(args, '/')) args = strchr(args, '/'); if (args) { memcpy(progssrcdir, progssrcname, args-progssrcname); progssrcdir[args-progssrcname] = 0; args++; memmove(progssrcname, args, strlen(args)+1); SetCurrentDirectoryA(progssrcdir); *progssrcdir = 0; } } */ else { parameters[paramlen+next-args] = ' '; paramlen += l; } args=next; } if (paramlen) parameters[paramlen-1] = '\0'; else *parameters = '\0'; return mode; } void GUI_SetDefaultOpts(void) { int i; for (i = 0; compiler_flag[i].enabled; i++) //enabled is a pointer { if (compiler_flag[i].flags & FLAG_ASDEFAULT) compiler_flag[i].flags |= FLAG_SETINGUI; else compiler_flag[i].flags &= ~FLAG_SETINGUI; } for (i = 0; optimisations[i].enabled; i++) //enabled is a pointer { if (optimisations[i].flags & FLAG_ASDEFAULT) optimisations[i].flags |= FLAG_SETINGUI; else optimisations[i].flags &= ~FLAG_SETINGUI; } } void GUI_RevealOptions(void) { int i; for (i = 0; compiler_flag[i].enabled; i++) //enabled is a pointer { if (fl_showall && compiler_flag[i].flags & FLAG_HIDDENINGUI) compiler_flag[i].flags &= ~FLAG_HIDDENINGUI; } for (i = 0; optimisations[i].enabled; i++) //enabled is a pointer { if (fl_showall && optimisations[i].flags & FLAG_HIDDENINGUI) optimisations[i].flags &= ~FLAG_HIDDENINGUI; if (optimisations[i].flags & FLAG_HIDDENINGUI) //hidden optimisations are disabled as default optimisations[i].optimisationlevel = 4; } } int GUI_BuildParms(const char *args, const char **argv, pbool quick)//, char *forceoutputfile) { static char param[2048]; int paramlen = 0; int argc; const char *next; int i; int targ; char *targs[] = {"", "-Th2", "-Tfte", "-Tfteh2"}; argc = 1; argv[0] = "fteqcc"; if (quick) { strcpy(param+paramlen, "-Tparse"); argv[argc++] = param+paramlen; paramlen += strlen(param+paramlen)+1; } targ = 0; targ |= fl_hexen2?1:0; targ |= fl_ftetarg?2:0; if (*targs[targ]) { strcpy(param+paramlen, targs[targ]); argv[argc++] = param+paramlen; paramlen += strlen(param+paramlen)+1; } if (fl_nondfltopts) { for (i = 0; optimisations[i].enabled; i++) //enabled is a pointer { if (optimisations[i].flags & FLAG_SETINGUI) sprintf(param+paramlen, "-O%s", optimisations[i].abbrev); else sprintf(param+paramlen, "-Ono-%s", optimisations[i].abbrev); argv[argc++] = param+paramlen; paramlen += strlen(param+paramlen)+1; } } for (i = 0; compiler_flag[i].enabled; i++) //enabled is a pointer { if (compiler_flag[i].flags & FLAG_SETINGUI) sprintf(param+paramlen, "-F%s", compiler_flag[i].abbrev); else sprintf(param+paramlen, "-Fno-%s", compiler_flag[i].abbrev); argv[argc++] = param+paramlen; paramlen += strlen(param+paramlen)+1; } /* while(*args) { while (*args <= ' '&& *args) args++; for (next = args; *next>' '; next++) ; strncpy(param+paramlen, args, next-args); param[paramlen+next-args] = '\0'; argv[argc++] = param+paramlen; paramlen += strlen(param+paramlen)+1; args=next; }*/ // if (*forceoutputfile) // { // argv[argc++] = "-destfile"; // argv[argc++] = forceoutputfile; // } if (*progssrcname) { argv[argc++] = "-srcfile"; argv[argc++] = progssrcname; } if (*progssrcdir) { argv[argc++] = "-src"; argv[argc++] = progssrcdir; } while(*args) { while (*args <= ' '&& *args) args++; for (next = args; *next>' '; next++) ; strncpy(param+paramlen, args, next-args); param[paramlen+next-args] = '\0'; argv[argc++] = param+paramlen; paramlen += strlen(param+paramlen)+1; args=next; } return argc; } pbool GenBuiltinsList(char *buffer, int buffersize) { QCC_def_t *def; int usedbuffer = 0; int l; int fno; for (fno = 0; fno < sourcefilesnumdefs; fno++) { for (def = sourcefilesdefs[fno]; def; def = def->next) { if (def->scope) continue; //ignore locals, because we don't know where we are, and they're probably irrelevent. //if its a builtin function... if (def->type->type == ev_function && def->symboldata->function && functions[def->symboldata->function].code<0) ; else if (def->filen && strstr(def->filen, "extensions")) ; else continue; //but ignore it if its one of those special things that you're not meant to know about. if (strcmp(def->name, "IMMEDIATE") && !strchr(def->name, ':') && !strchr(def->name, '.') && !strchr(def->name, '*') && !strchr(def->name, '[')) { l = strlen(def->name); if (l && usedbuffer+2+l < buffersize) { if (usedbuffer) buffer[usedbuffer++] = ' '; memcpy(buffer+usedbuffer, def->name, l); usedbuffer += l; } } } } buffer[usedbuffer] = 0; return usedbuffer>0; } void QCC_CloseAllVFiles(void) { vfile_t *f; while(qcc_vfiles) { f = qcc_vfiles; qcc_vfiles = f->next; free(f->file); free(f); } qcc_vfiles_changed = false; } vfile_t *QCC_FindVFile(const char *name) { vfile_t *f; for (f = qcc_vfiles; f; f = f->next) { if (!strcmp(f->filename, name)) return f; } //give it another go, for case for (f = qcc_vfiles; f; f = f->next) { if (!QC_strcasecmp(f->filename, name)) return f; } return NULL; } vfile_t *QCC_AddVFile(const char *name, void *data, size_t size) { vfile_t *f = QCC_FindVFile(name); if (!f) { f = malloc(sizeof(vfile_t) + strlen(name)); f->next = qcc_vfiles; strcpy(f->filename, name); qcc_vfiles = f; } else free(f->file); f->file = malloc(size); f->type = FT_CODE; memcpy(f->file, data, size); f->size = f->bufsize = size; qcc_vfiles_changed = true; return f; } void QCC_CatVFile(vfile_t *f, const char *fmt, ...) { va_list argptr; char msg[65536]; size_t n; va_start (argptr,fmt); QC_vsnprintf (msg,sizeof(msg)-1, fmt, argptr); va_end (argptr); n = strlen(msg); if (f->size+n > f->bufsize) { size_t msize = f->bufsize + n + 8192; f->file = realloc(f->file, msize); f->bufsize = msize; } memcpy((char*)f->file+f->size, msg, n); f->size += n; } void QCC_InsertVFile(vfile_t *f, size_t pos, const char *fmt, ...) { va_list argptr; char msg[65536]; size_t n; va_start (argptr,fmt); QC_vsnprintf (msg,sizeof(msg)-1, fmt, argptr); va_end (argptr); n = strlen(msg); if (f->size+n > f->bufsize) { size_t msize = f->bufsize + n + 8192; f->file = realloc(f->file, msize); f->bufsize = msize; } memmove((char*)f->file+pos+n, (char*)f->file+pos, f->size-pos); f->size += n; memcpy((char*)f->file+pos, msg, n); }