Incomplete - Triggered kills (explobox, etc) Done - Cleanup warnings Fix QW bugs Heal decay (over maxhealth) INTEGER mod Nailgun frame seperation Body queue change Suicide timer limit Suicide backpack/quad/ring drop Condense bprint, sprint, centerprints te_explode sprite NQ/QW cross compatibility Todo - Track oldbutton presses/weaponstate Samelevel 4 (exit acts as a spawnpoint teleporter) Generic projectile spawning Effects/decal system Fix weird deathmatch modes, cvar checking Add monsters back Rogue/hipnotic weapons/monsters/hud stuffs Q2/Q3 ents H2/HL ents Stray Ideas - Advanced heal decay (only decay health that the megahealth added?) Clean up backpack pickup prints? Decal system based on visibility from players? CSQC? Don't use newmis/spawn projectiles in front? sv_gravity change?