/* Teamplay.c Contains various console stuff for improving the performance of a team... Cheats I hear you say?... Personally, I'd rather call it a hack job. Most of it is dependant upon specific mod types - TF. As far as split screen goes, this is all relative to player 0. We don't provide more than one say command. */ #include "quakedef.h" #ifndef ZQUAKETEAMPLAY cvar_t tp_name_armortype_ga = {"tp_name_armortype_ga", "g"}; cvar_t tp_name_armortype_ya = {"tp_name_armortype_ya", "y"}; cvar_t tp_name_armortype_ra = {"tp_name_armortype_ra", "r"}; cvar_t tp_name_none = {"tp_name_none", ""}; #define translatetext(i) #i /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //Macros. char *TP_ClassForTFSkin(void) { char *skin; skin = Info_ValueForKey(cls.userinfo, "skin"); if (!*skin) return "Classless"; if (skin[0] != 't' && skin[1] != 'f' && skin[2] != '_') return skin; if (!strcmp(skin, "tf_sold")) return translatetext(TLTP_CLASS_SOLIDER); if (!strcmp(skin, "tf_demo")) return translatetext(TLTP_CLASS_DEMOGUY); if (!strcmp(skin, "tf_eng")) return translatetext(TLTP_CLASS_ENGINEER); if (!strcmp(skin, "tf_snipe")) return translatetext(TLTP_CLASS_SNIPER); if (!strcmp(skin, "tf_hwguy")) return translatetext(TLTP_CLASS_HWGUY); if (!strcmp(skin, "tf_medic")) return translatetext(TLTP_CLASS_MEDIC); if (!strcmp(skin, "tf_pyro")) return translatetext(TLTP_CLASS_PYRO); if (!strcmp(skin, "tf_scout")) return translatetext(TLTP_CLASS_SCOUT); if (!strcmp(skin, "tf_spy")) return translatetext(TLTP_CLASS_SPY); return skin; } void *TP_ArmourType(void) { if (cl.stats[0][STAT_ITEMS] & IT_ARMOR1) return tp_name_armortype_ga.string; else if (cl.stats[0][STAT_ITEMS] & IT_ARMOR2) return tp_name_armortype_ya.string; else if (cl.stats[0][STAT_ITEMS] & IT_ARMOR3) return tp_name_armortype_ra.string; else return tp_name_none.string; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //Locs typedef struct location_s { vec3_t pos; struct location_s *next; char name[0]; } location_t; location_t *location; char LocationLevel[64]; void CL_LoadLocs(void) { location_t *newloc; vec3_t pos; char *file; char *end; char name[MAX_QPATH]; // if (!strcmp(LocationLevel, cl.model_name[1])) // return; while(location) { newloc = location->next; Z_Free(location); location = newloc; } strcpy(LocationLevel, cl.model_name[1]); COM_StripExtension(COM_SkipPath(LocationLevel), name); file = COM_LoadTempFile(va("locs/%s.loc", name)); if (!file) return; for(;;) { file = COM_Parse(file); pos[0] = atof(com_token)/8; file = COM_Parse(file); pos[1] = atof(com_token)/8; file = COM_Parse(file); pos[2] = atof(com_token)/8; while(*file && *file <= '\0') file++; if (!file) return; end = strchr(file, '\n'); if (!end) { end = file + strlen(file); } newloc = Z_Malloc(sizeof(location_t) + end-file+1); newloc->next = location; location = newloc; Q_strncpyz(newloc->name, file, end-file); VectorCopy(pos, newloc->pos); if (!*end) return; file = end+1; } } char *CL_LocationName(float *pos) { location_t *loc; vec3_t dir; char *best; float dist, bestdist; CL_LoadLocs(); if (!location) return "somewhere"; //get the initial one best = location->name; VectorSubtract(location->pos, pos, dir); bestdist = VectorNormalize(dir); //check for a closer one. for (loc = location->next; loc; loc=loc->next) { VectorSubtract(loc->pos, pos, dir); dist = VectorNormalize(dir); if (dist < bestdist) { best = loc->name; bestdist = dist; } } return best; } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //Commands #define INVIS_CHAR1 12 #define INVIS_CHAR2 138 #define INVIS_CHAR3 160 #ifdef ZQUAKETEAMPLAY /* =============== CL_Say Handles both say and say_team =============== */ void CL_Say (qboolean team) { extern cvar_t cl_fakename; char text[1024], sendtext[1024], *s; if (Cmd_Argc() < 2) { if (team) Con_Printf ("%s <text>: send a team message\n", Cmd_Argv(0)); return; } if (cls.state == ca_disconnected) { Con_Printf ("Can't \"%s\", not connected\n", Cmd_Argv(0)); return; } MSG_WriteByte (&cls.netchan.message, clc_stringcmd); SZ_Print (&cls.netchan.message, team ? "say_team " : "say "); s = TP_ParseMacroString (Cmd_Args()); Q_strncpyz (text, TP_ParseFunChars (s, true), sizeof(text)); sendtext[0] = 0; if (team && !cl.spectator && cl_fakename.string[0] && !strchr(s, '\x0d') /* explicit $\ in message overrides cl_fakename */) { char buf[1024]; Cmd_ExpandString (cl_fakename.string, buf); strcpy (buf, TP_ParseMacroString (buf)); Q_snprintfz (sendtext, sizeof(sendtext), "\x0d%s: ", TP_ParseFunChars(buf, true)); } strlcat (sendtext, text, sizeof(sendtext)); if (sendtext[0] < 32) SZ_Print (&cls.netchan.message, "\""); // add quotes so that old servers parse the message correctly SZ_Print (&cls.netchan.message, sendtext); if (sendtext[0] < 32) SZ_Print (&cls.netchan.message, "\""); // add quotes so that old servers parse the message correctly } void CL_Say_f (void) { CL_Say (false); } void CL_SayTeam_f (void) { CL_Say (true); } #else void CL_Say_f (void) { char string[256]; char *msg; int c; if (cls.state == ca_disconnected || cls.demoplayback) { #ifndef CLIENT_ONLY if (sv.state) SV_ConSay_f(); else #endif Con_TPrintf (TL_CANTXNOTCONNECTED, Cmd_Argv(0)); return; } if (!strcmp("sayone", Cmd_Argv(0))) { if (strcmp(Info_ValueForKey(cl.serverinfo, "*distrib"), DISTRIBUTION) || atoi(Info_ValueForKey(cl.serverinfo, "*ver")) < PRE_SAYONE) { Con_TPrintf (TLC_REQUIRESSERVERMOD, Cmd_Argv(0)); return; } } MSG_WriteByte (&cls.netchan.message, clc_stringcmd); Q_strncpyz(string, Cmd_Argv(0), sizeof(string)); for (msg = string; *msg; msg++) if (*msg >= 'A' && *msg <= 'Z') *msg = *msg - 'A' + 'a'; SZ_Print (&cls.netchan.message, string); cls.netchan.message.cursize--; msg = Cmd_Args(); if (Cmd_Argc() > 1) { SZ_Print (&cls.netchan.message," "); cls.netchan.message.cursize--; MSG_WriteChar(&cls.netchan.message, '\"'); while(*msg) { c = *msg; if (c == '%') { char *message = NULL; msg++; if (message == NULL) switch(*msg) { case 'n': SZ_Print(&cls.netchan.message, name.string); cls.netchan.message.cursize--; msg++; continue; case 'h': SZ_Print(&cls.netchan.message, va("%i", cl.stats[0][STAT_HEALTH])); cls.netchan.message.cursize--; //remove the null term msg++; continue; case 'a': SZ_Print(&cls.netchan.message, va("%i", cl.stats[0][STAT_ARMOR])); cls.netchan.message.cursize--; msg++; continue; case 'A': SZ_Print(&cls.netchan.message, TP_ArmourType()); cls.netchan.message.cursize--; msg++; continue; case 'l': SZ_Print(&cls.netchan.message, CL_LocationName(r_refdef.vieworg)); cls.netchan.message.cursize--; msg++; continue; case 'S': SZ_Print(&cls.netchan.message, TP_ClassForTFSkin()); cls.netchan.message.cursize--; msg++; continue; case '\0': //whoops. MSG_WriteChar(&cls.netchan.message, '%'); MSG_WriteChar(&cls.netchan.message, '\"'); MSG_WriteChar(&cls.netchan.message, *msg); return; case '%': c = '%'; break; default: c = '%'; msg--; break; } } else if (c == '$') { msg++; switch(*msg) { case '\\': c = 0x0D; break; case ':': c = 0x0A; break; case '[': c = 0x10; break; case ']': c = 0x11; break; case 'G': c = 0x86; break; case 'R': c = 0x87; break; case 'Y': c = 0x88; break; case 'B': c = 0x89; break; case '(': c = 0x80; break; case '=': c = 0x81; break; case ')': c = 0x82; break; case 'a': c = 0x83; break; case '<': c = 0x1d; break; case '-': c = 0x1e; break; case '>': c = 0x1f; break; case ',': c = 0x1c; break; case '.': c = 0x9c; break; case 'b': c = 0x8b; break; case 'c': case 'd': c = 0x8d; break; case '$': c = '$'; break; case '^': c = '^'; break; case 'x': c = INVIS_CHAR1; break; case 'y': c = INVIS_CHAR2; break; case 'z': c = INVIS_CHAR3; break; default: msg--; break; } } MSG_WriteChar(&cls.netchan.message, c); msg++; } MSG_WriteChar(&cls.netchan.message, '\"'); } MSG_WriteChar(&cls.netchan.message, '\0'); } #endif qboolean TP_SoundTrigger(char *message) //if there is a trigger there, play it. Return true if we found one, stripping off the file (it's neater that way). { char *strip; char *lineend = NULL; char soundname[128]; int filter = 0; for (strip = message+strlen(message)-1; *strip && strip >= message; strip--) { if (*strip == '#') filter++; if (*strip == ':') break; //if someone says just one word, we can take any tidles in thier name to be a voice command if (*strip == '\n') lineend = strip; else if (*strip <= ' ') { if (filter == 0 || filter == 1) //allow one space in front of a filter. { filter++; continue; } break; } else if (*strip == '~') { //looks like a trigger, whoopie! if (lineend-strip > sizeof(soundname)-1) { Con_Printf("Sound trigger's file-name was too long\n"); return false; } Q_strncpyz(soundname, strip+1, lineend-strip); memmove(strip, lineend, strlen(lineend)+1); Cbuf_AddText(va("play %s\n", soundname), RESTRICT_LOCAL); return true; } } return false; } void TP_Init(void) { } void TP_CheckPickupSound(char *s, vec3_t org) { } #endif