/* Copyright (C) 1996-1997 Id Software, Inc. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ // sv_main.c -- server main program #include "qwsvdef.h" #define CHAN_AUTO 0 #define CHAN_WEAPON 1 #define CHAN_VOICE 2 #define CHAN_ITEM 3 #define CHAN_BODY 4 /* ============================================================================= Con_Printf redirection ============================================================================= */ char outputbuf[8000]; redirect_t sv_redirected; extern func_t getplayerstat[MAX_CL_STATS]; extern func_t getplayerstati[MAX_CL_STATS]; extern cvar_t sv_phs; /* ================== SV_FlushRedirect ================== */ void SV_FlushRedirect (void) { int totallen; char send[8000+6]; if (!*outputbuf) return; if (sv_redirected == RD_PACKET) { send[0] = 0xff; send[1] = 0xff; send[2] = 0xff; send[3] = 0xff; send[4] = A2C_PRINT; memcpy (send+5, outputbuf, strlen(outputbuf)+1); NET_SendPacket (NS_SERVER, strlen(send)+1, send, net_from); } else if (sv_redirected == RD_CLIENT) { int chop; char spare; char *s = outputbuf; totallen = strlen(s)+3; while (sizeof(host_client->backbuf_data[0])/2 < totallen) { chop = sizeof(host_client->backbuf_data[0]) / 2; spare = s[chop]; s[chop] = '\0'; ClientReliableWrite_Begin (host_client, host_client->isq2client?svcq2_print:svc_print, chop+3); ClientReliableWrite_Byte (host_client, PRINT_HIGH); ClientReliableWrite_String (host_client, s); s += chop; totallen -= chop; s[0] = spare; } ClientReliableWrite_Begin (host_client, host_client->isq2client?svcq2_print:svc_print, strlen(s)+3); ClientReliableWrite_Byte (host_client, PRINT_HIGH); ClientReliableWrite_String (host_client, s); } // clear it outputbuf[0] = 0; } /* ================== SV_BeginRedirect Send Con_Printf data to the remote client instead of the console ================== */ void SV_BeginRedirect (redirect_t rd) { sv_redirected = rd; outputbuf[0] = 0; } void SV_EndRedirect (void) { SV_FlushRedirect (); sv_redirected = RD_NONE; } /* ================ Con_Printf Handles cursor positioning, line wrapping, etc ================ */ #define MAXPRINTMSG 4096 // FIXME: make a buffer size safe vsprintf? #ifdef SERVERONLY qboolean con_debuglog; void VARGS Con_Printf (const char *fmt, ...) { va_list argptr; char msg[MAXPRINTMSG]; va_start (argptr,fmt); _vsnprintf (msg,sizeof(msg)-1, fmt,argptr); va_end (argptr); // add to redirected message if (sv_redirected) { if (strlen (msg) + strlen(outputbuf) > sizeof(outputbuf) - 1) SV_FlushRedirect (); strcat (outputbuf, msg); if (sv_redirected != -1) return; } Sys_Printf ("%s", msg); // also echo to debugging console if (con_debuglog) Sys_DebugLog(va("%s/qconsole.log",com_gamedir), "%s", msg); } void Con_TPrintf (translation_t stringnum, ...) { va_list argptr; char msg[MAXPRINTMSG]; char *fmt; // add to redirected message if (sv_redirected) { fmt = languagetext[stringnum][host_client->language]; va_start (argptr,stringnum); _vsnprintf (msg,sizeof(msg)-1, fmt,argptr); va_end (argptr); if (strlen (msg) + strlen(outputbuf) > sizeof(outputbuf) - 1) SV_FlushRedirect (); strcat (outputbuf, msg); return; } fmt = languagetext[stringnum][svs.language]; va_start (argptr,stringnum); _vsnprintf (msg,sizeof(msg)-1, fmt,argptr); va_end (argptr); Sys_Printf ("%s", msg); // also echo to debugging console if (con_debuglog) Sys_DebugLog(va("%s/qconsole.log",com_gamedir), "%s", msg); } /* ================ Con_DPrintf A Con_Printf that only shows up if the "developer" cvar is set ================ */ void Con_DPrintf (char *fmt, ...) { va_list argptr; char msg[MAXPRINTMSG]; if (!developer.value) return; va_start (argptr,fmt); _vsnprintf (msg,sizeof(msg)-1, fmt,argptr); va_end (argptr); Con_Printf ("%s", msg); } #endif /* ============================================================================= EVENT MESSAGES ============================================================================= */ static void SV_PrintToClient(client_t *cl, int level, char *string) { ClientReliableWrite_Begin (cl, cl->isq2client?svcq2_print:svc_print, strlen(string)+3); #ifdef NQPROT if (cl->nqprot) { if (level == PRINT_CHAT) ClientReliableWrite_Byte (cl, 1); } else #endif ClientReliableWrite_Byte (cl, level); ClientReliableWrite_String (cl, string); } /* ================= SV_ClientPrintf Sends text across to be displayed if the level passes ================= */ void VARGS SV_ClientPrintf (client_t *cl, int level, char *fmt, ...) { va_list argptr; char string[1024]; if (level < cl->messagelevel) return; va_start (argptr,fmt); _vsnprintf (string,sizeof(string)-1, fmt,argptr); va_end (argptr); if(strlen(string) >= sizeof(string)) Sys_Error("SV_ClientPrintf: Buffer stomped\n"); if (sv.mvdrecording) { MVDWrite_Begin (dem_single, cl - svs.clients, strlen(string)+3); MSG_WriteByte ((sizebuf_t *)demo.dbuf, svc_print); MSG_WriteByte ((sizebuf_t *)demo.dbuf, level); MSG_WriteString ((sizebuf_t *)demo.dbuf, string); } if (cl->controller) SV_PrintToClient(cl->controller, level, string); else SV_PrintToClient(cl, level, string); } void VARGS SV_ClientTPrintf (client_t *cl, int level, translation_t stringnum, ...) { va_list argptr; char string[1024]; char *fmt = languagetext[stringnum][cl->language]; if (level < cl->messagelevel) return; va_start (argptr,stringnum); _vsnprintf (string,sizeof(string)-1, fmt,argptr); va_end (argptr); if(strlen(string) >= sizeof(string)) Sys_Error("SV_ClientTPrintf: Buffer stomped\n"); if (sv.mvdrecording) { MVDWrite_Begin (dem_single, cl - svs.clients, strlen(string)+3); MSG_WriteByte ((sizebuf_t*)demo.dbuf, svc_print); MSG_WriteByte ((sizebuf_t*)demo.dbuf, level); MSG_WriteString ((sizebuf_t*)demo.dbuf, string); } SV_PrintToClient(cl, level, string); } /* ================= SV_BroadcastPrintf Sends text to all active clients ================= */ void VARGS SV_BroadcastPrintf (int level, char *fmt, ...) { va_list argptr; char string[1024]; client_t *cl; int i; va_start (argptr,fmt); _vsnprintf (string,sizeof(string)-1, fmt,argptr); va_end (argptr); if(strlen(string) >= sizeof(string)) Sys_Error("SV_BroadcastPrintf: Buffer stomped\n"); Sys_Printf ("%s", string); // print to the console for (i=0, cl = svs.clients ; i<MAX_CLIENTS ; i++, cl++) { if (level < cl->messagelevel) continue; if (!cl->state) continue; if (cl->controller) continue; SV_PrintToClient(cl, level, string); } if (sv.mvdrecording) { MVDWrite_Begin (dem_all, 0, strlen(string)+3); MSG_WriteByte ((sizebuf_t*)demo.dbuf, svc_print); MSG_WriteByte ((sizebuf_t*)demo.dbuf, level); MSG_WriteString ((sizebuf_t*)demo.dbuf, string); } } void VARGS SV_BroadcastTPrintf (int level, translation_t stringnum, ...) { va_list argptr; char string[1024]; client_t *cl; int i; int oldlang=-1; char *fmt = languagetext[stringnum][oldlang=svs.language]; va_start (argptr,stringnum); _vsnprintf (string,sizeof(string)-1, fmt,argptr); va_end (argptr); if(strlen(string) >= sizeof(string)) Sys_Error("SV_BroadcastPrintf: Buffer stomped\n"); Sys_Printf ("%s", string); // print to the console for (i=0, cl = svs.clients ; i<MAX_CLIENTS ; i++, cl++) { if (level < cl->messagelevel) continue; if (!cl->state) continue; if (cl->controller) continue; if (oldlang!=cl->language) { fmt = languagetext[stringnum][oldlang=cl->language]; va_start (argptr,stringnum); _vsnprintf (string,sizeof(string)-1, fmt,argptr); va_end (argptr); if(strlen(string) >= sizeof(string)) Sys_Error("SV_BroadcastPrintf: Buffer stomped\n"); } SV_PrintToClient(cl, level, string); } } /* ================= SV_BroadcastCommand Sends text to all active clients ================= */ void VARGS SV_BroadcastCommand (char *fmt, ...) { va_list argptr; char string[1024]; int i; client_t *cl; if (!sv.state) return; va_start (argptr,fmt); _vsnprintf (string,sizeof(string)-1, fmt,argptr); va_end (argptr); for (i=0, cl = svs.clients ; i<MAX_CLIENTS ; i++, cl++) { if (cl->controller) continue; if (cl->state>=cs_connected) { ClientReliableWrite_Begin(cl, cl->isq2client?svcq2_stufftext:svc_stufftext, strlen(string)+2); ClientReliableWrite_String (cl, string); } } } /* ================= SV_Multicast Sends the contents of sv.multicast to a subset of the clients, then clears sv.multicast. MULTICAST_ALL same as broadcast MULTICAST_PVS send to clients potentially visible from org MULTICAST_PHS send to clients potentially hearable from org ================= */ void SV_MulticastProtExt(vec3_t origin, multicast_t to, int dimension_mask, int with, int without) { client_t *client; qbyte *mask; mleaf_t *leaf; int leafnum; int j; qboolean reliable; // to = MULTICAST_ALL; #ifdef Q2BSPS if (sv.worldmodel->fromgame == fg_quake2 || sv.worldmodel->fromgame == fg_quake3) { int area1, area2, cluster; reliable = false; if (to != MULTICAST_ALL_R && to != MULTICAST_ALL) { leafnum = CM_PointLeafnum (origin); area1 = CM_LeafArea (leafnum); } else { leafnum = 0; // just to avoid compiler warnings area1 = 0; } switch (to) { case MULTICAST_ALL_R: reliable = true; // intentional fallthrough case MULTICAST_ALL: leafnum = 0; mask = NULL; break; case MULTICAST_PHS_R: reliable = true; // intentional fallthrough case MULTICAST_PHS: leafnum = CM_PointLeafnum (origin); cluster = CM_LeafCluster (leafnum); mask = CM_ClusterPHS (cluster); break; case MULTICAST_PVS_R: reliable = true; // intentional fallthrough case MULTICAST_PVS: leafnum = CM_PointLeafnum (origin); cluster = CM_LeafCluster (leafnum); mask = CM_ClusterPVS (cluster, NULL); break; default: mask = NULL; SV_Error ("SV_Multicast: bad to:%i", to); } // send the data to all relevent clients for (j = 0, client = svs.clients; j < MAX_CLIENTS; j++, client++) { if (client->state != cs_spawned) continue; if (client->fteprotocolextensions & without) { // Con_Printf ("Version supressed multicast - without pext\n"); continue; } if (!(~client->fteprotocolextensions & ~with)) { // Con_Printf ("Version supressed multicast - with pext\n"); continue; } if (mask) { #ifdef Q2SERVER if (ge) leafnum = CM_PointLeafnum (client->q2edict->s.origin); else #endif leafnum = CM_PointLeafnum (client->edict->v.origin); cluster = CM_LeafCluster (leafnum); area2 = CM_LeafArea (leafnum); if (!CM_AreasConnected (area1, area2)) continue; if ( mask && (!(mask[cluster>>3] & (1<<(cluster&7)) ) ) ) continue; } #ifdef NQPROT if (client->nqprot) { if (reliable) { ClientReliableCheckBlock(client, sv.nqmulticast.cursize); ClientReliableWrite_SZ(client, sv.nqmulticast.data, sv.nqmulticast.cursize); } else SZ_Write (&client->datagram, sv.nqmulticast.data, sv.nqmulticast.cursize); } else #endif if (reliable) { ClientReliableCheckBlock(client, sv.multicast.cursize); ClientReliableWrite_SZ(client, sv.multicast.data, sv.multicast.cursize); } else SZ_Write (&client->datagram, sv.multicast.data, sv.multicast.cursize); } } else #endif { leaf = Mod_PointInLeaf (origin, sv.worldmodel); if (!leaf) leafnum = 0; else leafnum = leaf - sv.worldmodel->leafs; reliable = false; switch (to) { case MULTICAST_ALL_R: reliable = true; // intentional fallthrough case MULTICAST_ALL: mask = sv.pvs; // leaf 0 is everything; break; case MULTICAST_PHS_R: reliable = true; // intentional fallthrough case MULTICAST_PHS: mask = sv.phs + leafnum * 4*((sv.worldmodel->numleafs+31)>>5); break; case MULTICAST_PVS_R: reliable = true; // intentional fallthrough case MULTICAST_PVS: mask = sv.pvs + leafnum * 4*((sv.worldmodel->numleafs+31)>>5); break; default: mask = NULL; SV_Error ("SV_Multicast: bad to:%i", to); } // send the data to all relevent clients for (j = 0, client = svs.clients; j < MAX_CLIENTS; j++, client++) { if (client->state != cs_spawned) continue; if (client->controller) continue; //FIXME: send if at least one of the players is near enough. if (client->fteprotocolextensions & without) { // Con_Printf ("Version supressed multicast - without pext\n"); continue; } if (!(client->fteprotocolextensions & with) && with) { // Con_Printf ("Version supressed multicast - with pext\n"); continue; } if (svprogfuncs) if (!((int)client->edict->v.dimension_see & dimension_mask)) continue; if (to == MULTICAST_PHS_R || to == MULTICAST_PHS) { vec3_t delta; VectorSubtract(origin, client->edict->v.origin, delta); if (Length(delta) <= 1024) goto inrange; } leaf = Mod_PointInLeaf (client->edict->v.origin, sv.worldmodel); if (leaf) { // -1 is because pvs rows are 1 based, not 0 based like leafs leafnum = leaf - sv.worldmodel->leafs - 1; if ( !(mask[leafnum>>3] & (1<<(leafnum&7)) ) ) { // Con_Printf ("supressed multicast\n"); continue; } } inrange: #ifdef NQPROT if (client->nqprot) { if (reliable) { ClientReliableCheckBlock(client, sv.nqmulticast.cursize); ClientReliableWrite_SZ(client, sv.nqmulticast.data, sv.nqmulticast.cursize); } else SZ_Write (&client->datagram, sv.nqmulticast.data, sv.nqmulticast.cursize); } else #endif { if (reliable) { ClientReliableCheckBlock(client, sv.multicast.cursize); ClientReliableWrite_SZ(client, sv.multicast.data, sv.multicast.cursize); } else SZ_Write (&client->datagram, sv.multicast.data, sv.multicast.cursize); } } } if (sv.mvdrecording && !with) //mvds don't get the pext stuff { if (reliable) { MVDWrite_Begin(dem_all, 0, sv.multicast.cursize); SZ_Write((sizebuf_t*)demo.dbuf, sv.multicast.data, sv.multicast.cursize); } else SZ_Write(&demo.datagram, sv.multicast.data, sv.multicast.cursize); } #ifdef NQPROT SZ_Clear (&sv.nqmulticast); #endif SZ_Clear (&sv.multicast); } //version does all the work now void SV_Multicast (vec3_t origin, multicast_t to) { SV_MulticastProtExt(origin, to, FULLDIMENSIONMASK, 0, 0); } /* ================== SV_StartSound Each entity can have eight independant sound sources, like voice, weapon, feet, etc. Channel 0 is an auto-allocate channel, the others override anything allready running on that entity/channel pair. An attenuation of 0 will play full volume everywhere in the level. Larger attenuations will drop off. (max 4 attenuation) ================== */ void SV_StartSound (edict_t *entity, int channel, char *sample, int volume, float attenuation) { #define NQSND_VOLUME (1<<0) // a qbyte #define NQSND_ATTENUATION (1<<1) // a qbyte int sound_num; #ifdef NQPROT int field_mask; int nqchan; #endif int i; int ent; vec3_t origin; qboolean use_phs; qboolean reliable = false; if (volume < 0 || volume > 255) SV_Error ("SV_StartSound: volume = %i", volume); if (attenuation < 0 || attenuation > 4) SV_Error ("SV_StartSound: attenuation = %f", attenuation); if (channel < 0 || channel > 15) SV_Error ("SV_StartSound: channel = %i", channel); // find precache number for sound for (sound_num=1 ; sound_num<MAX_SOUNDS && sv.sound_precache[sound_num] ; sound_num++) if (!strcmp(sample, sv.sound_precache[sound_num])) break; if ( sound_num == MAX_SOUNDS || !sv.sound_precache[sound_num] ) { Con_DPrintf ("SV_StartSound: %s not precacheed\n", sample); return; } ent = NUM_FOR_EDICT(svprogfuncs, entity); if ((channel & 8) || !sv_phs.value) // no PHS flag { if (channel & 8) reliable = true; // sounds that break the phs are reliable use_phs = false; channel &= 7; } else use_phs = true; // if (channel == CHAN_BODY || channel == CHAN_VOICE) // reliable = true; channel = (ent<<3) | channel; #ifdef NQPROT field_mask = 0; if (volume != DEFAULT_SOUND_PACKET_VOLUME) field_mask |= NQSND_VOLUME; if (attenuation != DEFAULT_SOUND_PACKET_ATTENUATION) field_mask |= NQSND_ATTENUATION; nqchan = channel; #endif if (volume != DEFAULT_SOUND_PACKET_VOLUME) channel |= SND_VOLUME; if (attenuation != DEFAULT_SOUND_PACKET_ATTENUATION) channel |= SND_ATTENUATION; // use the entity origin unless it is a bmodel if (entity->v.solid == SOLID_BSP) { for (i=0 ; i<3 ; i++) origin[i] = entity->v.origin[i]+0.5*(entity->v.mins[i]+entity->v.maxs[i]); } else { VectorCopy (entity->v.origin, origin); } MSG_WriteByte (&sv.multicast, svc_sound); MSG_WriteShort (&sv.multicast, channel); if (channel & SND_VOLUME) MSG_WriteByte (&sv.multicast, volume); if (channel & SND_ATTENUATION) MSG_WriteByte (&sv.multicast, attenuation*64); MSG_WriteByte (&sv.multicast, sound_num); for (i=0 ; i<3 ; i++) MSG_WriteCoord (&sv.multicast, origin[i]); #ifdef NQPROT MSG_WriteByte (&sv.nqmulticast, svc_sound); MSG_WriteByte (&sv.nqmulticast, field_mask); if (field_mask & NQSND_VOLUME) MSG_WriteByte (&sv.nqmulticast, volume); if (field_mask & NQSND_ATTENUATION) MSG_WriteByte (&sv.nqmulticast, attenuation*64); MSG_WriteShort (&sv.nqmulticast, nqchan); MSG_WriteByte (&sv.nqmulticast, sound_num); for (i=0 ; i<3 ; i++) MSG_WriteCoord (&sv.nqmulticast, origin[i]); #endif if (use_phs) SV_MulticastProtExt(origin, reliable ? MULTICAST_PHS_R : MULTICAST_PHS, entity->v.dimension_seen, 0, 0); else SV_MulticastProtExt(origin, reliable ? MULTICAST_ALL_R : MULTICAST_ALL, entity->v.dimension_seen, 0, 0); } /* =============================================================================== FRAME UPDATES =============================================================================== */ int sv_nailmodel, sv_supernailmodel, sv_playermodel; #ifdef PEXT_LIGHTUPDATES int sv_lightningmodel; #endif void SV_FindModelNumbers (void) { int i; sv_nailmodel = -1; sv_supernailmodel = -1; sv_playermodel = -1; #ifdef PEXT_LIGHTUPDATES sv_lightningmodel = -1; #endif for (i=0 ; i<MAX_MODELS ; i++) { if (!*sv.model_precache[i]) break; if (!strcmp(sv.model_precache[i],"progs/spike.mdl")) sv_nailmodel = i; if (!strcmp(sv.model_precache[i],"progs/s_spike.mdl")) sv_supernailmodel = i; #ifdef PEXT_LIGHTUPDATES if (!strcmp(sv.model_precache[i],"progs/zap.mdl")) sv_lightningmodel = i; #endif if (!strcmp(sv.model_precache[i],"progs/player.mdl")) sv_playermodel = i; } } void SV_WriteEntityDataToMessage (client_t *client, sizebuf_t *msg, int pnum) { edict_t *other; edict_t *ent; int i; ent = client->edict; // send a damage message if the player got hit this frame if (ent->v.dmg_take || ent->v.dmg_save) { other = PROG_TO_EDICT(svprogfuncs, ent->v.dmg_inflictor); if (pnum) { MSG_WriteByte(msg, svc_choosesplitclient); MSG_WriteByte(msg, pnum); } MSG_WriteByte (msg, svc_damage); MSG_WriteByte (msg, ent->v.dmg_save); MSG_WriteByte (msg, ent->v.dmg_take); for (i=0 ; i<3 ; i++) MSG_WriteCoord (msg, other->v.origin[i] + 0.5*(other->v.mins[i] + other->v.maxs[i])); ent->v.dmg_take = 0; ent->v.dmg_save = 0; } // a fixangle might get lost in a dropped packet. Oh well. if ( ent->v.fixangle ) { if (pnum) { MSG_WriteByte(msg, svc_choosesplitclient); MSG_WriteByte(msg, pnum); } MSG_WriteByte (msg, svc_setangle); for (i=0 ; i < 3 ; i++) MSG_WriteAngle (msg, ent->v.angles[i] ); ent->v.fixangle = 0; } } /* ================== SV_WriteClientdataToMessage ================== */ void SV_WriteClientdataToMessage (client_t *client, sizebuf_t *msg) { #ifdef NQPROT int i; int bits, items; edict_t *ent; #endif client_t *split; int pnum=0; // send the chokecount for r_netgraph if (client->chokecount) { MSG_WriteByte (msg, svc_chokecount); MSG_WriteByte (msg, client->chokecount); client->chokecount = 0; } for (split = client; split; split=split->controlled, pnum++) SV_WriteEntityDataToMessage(split, msg, pnum); // Z_EXT_TIME protocol extension // every now and then, send an update so that extrapolation // on client side doesn't stray too far off #ifdef NQPROT if (!client->nqprot) #endif if (client->zquake_extensions & Z_EXT_SERVERTIME && sv.time - client->nextservertimeupdate > 0) { MSG_WriteByte (msg, svc_updatestatlong); MSG_WriteByte (msg, STAT_TIME); MSG_WriteLong (msg, (int)(sv.time * 1000)); client->nextservertimeupdate = sv.time+10; } #ifdef NQPROT if (!client->nqprot) return; ent = client->edict; MSG_WriteByte (msg, svc_time); MSG_WriteFloat(msg, sv.time); client->nextservertimeupdate = sv.time+10; bits = 0; #define SU_VIEWHEIGHT (1<<0) #define SU_IDEALPITCH (1<<1) #define SU_PUNCH1 (1<<2) #define SU_PUNCH2 (1<<3) #define SU_PUNCH3 (1<<4) #define SU_VELOCITY1 (1<<5) #define SU_VELOCITY2 (1<<6) #define SU_VELOCITY3 (1<<7) //define SU_AIMENT (1<<8) AVAILABLE BIT #define SU_ITEMS (1<<9) #define SU_ONGROUND (1<<10) // no data follows, the bit is it #define SU_INWATER (1<<11) // no data follows, the bit is it #define SU_WEAPONFRAME (1<<12) #define SU_ARMOR (1<<13) #define SU_WEAPON (1<<14) if (ent->v.view_ofs[2] != DEFAULT_VIEWHEIGHT) bits |= SU_VIEWHEIGHT; // if (ent->v.idealpitch) // bits |= SU_IDEALPITCH; // stuff the sigil bits into the high bits of items for sbar, or else // mix in items2 // val = GetEdictFieldValue(ent, "items2", &items2cache); // if (val) // items = (int)ent->v.items | ((int)val->_float << 23); // else items = (int)ent->v.items | ((int)pr_global_struct->serverflags << 28); bits |= SU_ITEMS; if ( (int)ent->v.flags & FL_ONGROUND) bits |= SU_ONGROUND; if ( ent->v.waterlevel >= 2) bits |= SU_INWATER; for (i=0 ; i<3 ; i++) { // if (ent->v.punchangle[i]) // bits |= (SU_PUNCH1<<i); if (ent->v.velocity[i]) bits |= (SU_VELOCITY1<<i); } if (ent->v.weaponframe) bits |= SU_WEAPONFRAME; if (ent->v.armorvalue) bits |= SU_ARMOR; // if (ent->v.weapon) bits |= SU_WEAPON; // send the data MSG_WriteByte (msg, svc_clientdata); MSG_WriteShort (msg, bits); if (bits & SU_VIEWHEIGHT) MSG_WriteChar (msg, ent->v.view_ofs[2]); // if (bits & SU_IDEALPITCH) // MSG_WriteChar (msg, ent->v.idealpitch); for (i=0 ; i<3 ; i++) { // if (bits & (SU_PUNCH1<<i)) // MSG_WriteChar (msg, ent->v.punchangle[i]); if (bits & (SU_VELOCITY1<<i)) MSG_WriteChar (msg, ent->v.velocity[i]/16); } // [always sent] if (bits & SU_ITEMS) MSG_WriteLong (msg, items); if (bits & SU_WEAPONFRAME) MSG_WriteByte (msg, ent->v.weaponframe); if (bits & SU_ARMOR) { if (ent->v.armorvalue>255) MSG_WriteByte (msg, 255); else MSG_WriteByte (msg, ent->v.armorvalue); } if (bits & SU_WEAPON) MSG_WriteByte (msg, SV_ModelIndex(ent->v.weaponmodel)); MSG_WriteShort (msg, ent->v.health); MSG_WriteByte (msg, ent->v.currentammo); MSG_WriteByte (msg, ent->v.ammo_shells); MSG_WriteByte (msg, ent->v.ammo_nails); MSG_WriteByte (msg, ent->v.ammo_rockets); MSG_WriteByte (msg, ent->v.ammo_cells); //if (other && other->v.weapon) //MSG_WriteByte (msg, other->v.weapon); //else //{ if (standard_quake) { MSG_WriteByte (msg, ent->v.weapon); } else { for(i=0;i<32;i++) { if ( ((int)ent->v.weapon) & (1<<i) ) { MSG_WriteByte (msg, i); break; } } } // } #endif } typedef struct { int type; char name[64]; evalc_t evalc; int statnum; } qcstat_t; qcstat_t qcstats[MAX_CL_STATS-32]; int numqcstats; void SV_QCStat(int type, char *name, int statnum) { if (numqcstats == sizeof(qcstats)/sizeof(qcstats[0])) { Con_Printf("Too many stat types\n"); return; } qcstats[numqcstats].type = type; qcstats[numqcstats].statnum = statnum; Q_strncpyz(qcstats[numqcstats].name, name, sizeof(qcstats[numqcstats].name)); memset(&qcstats[numqcstats].evalc, 0, sizeof(evalc_t)); } void SV_ClearQCStats(void) { numqcstats = 0; } void SV_UpdateQCStats(edict_t *ent, int *stats) { char *s; int i; for (i = 0; i < numqcstats; i++) { eval_t *eval; eval = svprogfuncs->GetEdictFieldValue(svprogfuncs, ent, qcstats[i].name, &qcstats[i].evalc); switch(qcstats[i].type) { case ev_float: stats[qcstats[i].statnum] = eval->_float; break; case ev_integer: stats[qcstats[i].statnum] = eval->_int; break; case ev_entity: stats[qcstats[i].statnum] = NUM_FOR_EDICT(svprogfuncs, PROG_TO_EDICT(svprogfuncs, eval->edict)); break; case ev_string: s = PR_GetString(svprogfuncs, eval->string); Q_strncpyz((char *)(&stats[qcstats[i].statnum]), s, (4)*sizeof(int)); break; } } } /* ======================= SV_UpdateClientStats Performs a delta update of the stats array. This should only be performed when a reliable message can be delivered this frame. ======================= */ void SV_UpdateClientStats (client_t *client, int pnum) { edict_t *ent; int stats[MAX_CL_STATS]; int i, m; globalvars_t *pr_globals; extern qboolean pr_items2; ent = client->edict; memset (stats, 0, sizeof(stats)); // if we are a spectator and we are tracking a player, we get his stats // so our status bar reflects his if (client->spectator && client->spec_track > 0) ent = svs.clients[client->spec_track - 1].edict; stats[STAT_HEALTH] = ent->v.health; stats[STAT_WEAPON] = SV_ModelIndex(PR_GetString(svprogfuncs, ent->v.weaponmodel)); stats[STAT_AMMO] = ent->v.currentammo; stats[STAT_ARMOR] = ent->v.armorvalue; stats[STAT_SHELLS] = ent->v.ammo_shells; stats[STAT_NAILS] = ent->v.ammo_nails; stats[STAT_ROCKETS] = ent->v.ammo_rockets; stats[STAT_CELLS] = ent->v.ammo_cells; if (!client->spectator) stats[STAT_ACTIVEWEAPON] = ent->v.weapon; // stuff the sigil bits into the high bits of items for sbar if (pr_items2) stats[STAT_ITEMS] = (int)ent->v.items | ((int)ent->v.items2 << 23); else stats[STAT_ITEMS] = (int)ent->v.items | ((int)pr_global_struct->serverflags << 28); stats[STAT_VIEWHEIGHT] = ent->v.view_ofs[2]; #ifdef PEXT_VIEW2 if (ent->v.view2) stats[STAT_VIEW2] = NUM_FOR_EDICT(svprogfuncs, PROG_TO_EDICT(svprogfuncs, ent->v.view2)); else stats[STAT_VIEW2] = 0; #endif SV_UpdateQCStats(ent, stats); //dmw tweek for stats pr_globals = PR_globals(svprogfuncs, PR_CURRENT); pr_global_struct->self = EDICT_TO_PROG(svprogfuncs, ent); m = MAX_QW_STATS; if (client->fteprotocolextensions & PEXT_HEXEN2) m = MAX_CL_STATS; for (i=0 ; i<m ; i++) { //dmw tweek for stats if (getplayerstati[i]) { G_INT(OFS_PARM0) = stats[i]; PR_ExecuteProgram(svprogfuncs, getplayerstati[i]); stats[i] = G_INT(OFS_RETURN); } else if (getplayerstat[i]) { G_FLOAT(OFS_PARM0) = stats[i]; PR_ExecuteProgram(svprogfuncs, getplayerstat[i]); stats[i] = G_FLOAT(OFS_RETURN); } if (sv.demofile) { if (!client->spec_track) { stats[i] = 0; if (i == STAT_HEALTH) stats[i] = 100; } else stats[i] = sv.recordedplayer[client->spec_track - 1].stats[i]; } if (stats[i] != client->stats[i]) { client->stats[i] = stats[i]; #ifdef NQPROT if (client->nqprot) { ClientReliableWrite_Begin(client, svc_updatestat, 3); ClientReliableWrite_Byte(client, i); ClientReliableWrite_Long(client, stats[i]); } else #endif if (pnum) { if (stats[i] >=0 && stats[i] <= 255) { ClientReliableWrite_Begin(client->controller, svc_choosesplitclient, 5); ClientReliableWrite_Byte(client->controller, pnum); ClientReliableWrite_Byte(client->controller, svc_updatestat); ClientReliableWrite_Byte(client->controller, i); ClientReliableWrite_Byte(client->controller, stats[i]); } else { ClientReliableWrite_Begin(client->controller, svc_choosesplitclient, 8); ClientReliableWrite_Byte(client->controller, pnum); ClientReliableWrite_Byte(client->controller, svc_updatestatlong); ClientReliableWrite_Byte(client->controller, i); ClientReliableWrite_Long(client->controller, stats[i]); } } else if (stats[i] >=0 && stats[i] <= 255) { ClientReliableWrite_Begin(client, svc_updatestat, 3); ClientReliableWrite_Byte(client, i); ClientReliableWrite_Byte(client, stats[i]); } else { ClientReliableWrite_Begin(client, svc_updatestatlong, 6); ClientReliableWrite_Byte(client, i); ClientReliableWrite_Long(client, stats[i]); } } } } /* ======================= SV_SendClientDatagram ======================= */ qboolean SV_SendClientDatagram (client_t *client) { qbyte buf[MAX_DATAGRAM]; sizebuf_t msg; msg.data = buf; msg.maxsize = sizeof(buf); msg.cursize = 0; msg.allowoverflow = true; msg.overflowed = false; if (sv.worldmodel && !client->controller) { if (client->isq2client) { SV_BuildClientFrame (client); // send over all the relevant entity_state_t // and the player_state_t SV_WriteFrameToClient (client, &msg); } else { // add the client specific data to the datagram SV_WriteClientdataToMessage (client, &msg); // send over all the objects that are in the PVS // this will include clients, a packetentities, and // possibly a nails update SV_WriteEntitiesToClient (client, &msg, false); } } // copy the accumulated multicast datagram // for this client out to the message if (client->datagram.overflowed) Con_Printf ("WARNING: datagram overflowed for %s\n", client->name); else SZ_Write (&msg, client->datagram.data, client->datagram.cursize); SZ_Clear (&client->datagram); // send deltas over reliable stream if (sv.worldmodel) if (!client->isq2client && Netchan_CanReliable (&client->netchan, SV_RateForClient(client))) { int pnum=1; client_t *c; SV_UpdateClientStats (client, 0); for (c = client->controlled; c; c = c->controlled,pnum++) SV_UpdateClientStats(c, pnum); } if (msg.overflowed) { Con_Printf ("WARNING: msg overflowed for %s\n", client->name); SZ_Clear (&msg); } // send the datagram Netchan_Transmit (&client->netchan, msg.cursize, buf, SV_RateForClient(client)); return true; } /* ======================= SV_UpdateToReliableMessages ======================= */ void SV_UpdateToReliableMessages (void) { float newval; int i, j; client_t *client; edict_t *ent; // check for changes to be sent over the reliable streams to all clients for (i=0, host_client = svs.clients ; i<MAX_CLIENTS ; i++, host_client++) { if (host_client->state != cs_spawned) { if (!host_client->state && host_client->name[0]) { if (host_client->old_frags != (int)host_client->edict->v.frags) { for (j=0, client = svs.clients ; j<MAX_CLIENTS ; j++, client++) { if (client->state < cs_connected) continue; ClientReliableWrite_Begin(client, svc_updatefrags, 4); ClientReliableWrite_Byte(client, i); ClientReliableWrite_Short(client, host_client->edict->v.frags); } host_client->old_frags = host_client->edict->v.frags; } } continue; } if (!host_client->isq2client) { if (host_client->sendinfo) { host_client->sendinfo = false; SV_FullClientUpdate (host_client, &sv.reliable_datagram); } if (host_client->old_frags != (int)host_client->edict->v.frags) { for (j=0, client = svs.clients ; j<MAX_CLIENTS ; j++, client++) { if (client->state < cs_connected) continue; if (client->controller) continue; ClientReliableWrite_Begin(client, svc_updatefrags, 4); ClientReliableWrite_Byte(client, i); ClientReliableWrite_Short(client, host_client->edict->v.frags); } host_client->old_frags = host_client->edict->v.frags; } } if (svprogfuncs) { // maxspeed/entgravity changes ent = host_client->edict; newval = ent->v.gravity; if (progstype == PROG_NQ) { if (!newval) newval = 1; } /* if (host_client->viewent) { #define VIEWENT_GRAVITY_MAGIC 0.83217 //we use so the gravity is properly reset when viewent is cleared if (host_client->entgravity != newval+VIEWENT_GRAVITY_MAGIC) { ClientReliableWrite_Begin(host_client, svc_entgravity, 5); ClientReliableWrite_Float(host_client, 0); host_client->entgravity = newval+VIEWENT_GRAVITY_MAGIC; } #undef VIEWENT_GRAVITY_MAGIC } else */if (host_client->entgravity != newval) { ClientReliableWrite_Begin(host_client, svc_entgravity, 5); ClientReliableWrite_Float(host_client, newval); host_client->entgravity = newval; } newval = ent->v.maxspeed; if (progstype == PROG_NQ) { if (!newval) newval = sv_maxspeed.value; } if (ent->v.hasted) newval*=ent->v.hasted; #ifdef SVCHAT //enforce a no moving time when chatting. Prevent client prediction going mad. if (host_client->chat.active) newval = 0; #endif if (host_client->maxspeed != newval) { //MSVC can really suck at times (optimiser bug) if (host_client->controller) { //this is a slave client. //find the right number and send. int pnum = 0; client_t *sp; for (sp = host_client->controller; sp; sp = sp->controlled) { if (sp == host_client) break; pnum++; } sp = host_client->controller; ClientReliableWrite_Begin (sp, svc_choosesplitclient, 7); ClientReliableWrite_Byte (sp, pnum); ClientReliableWrite_Byte (sp, svc_maxspeed); ClientReliableWrite_Float(sp, newval); } else { ClientReliableWrite_Begin(host_client, svc_maxspeed, 5); ClientReliableWrite_Float(host_client, newval); } host_client->maxspeed = newval; } } } if (sv.reliable_datagram.overflowed) { Con_Printf("WARNING: Reliable datagram overflowed\n"); SZ_Clear (&sv.reliable_datagram); } if (sv.datagram.overflowed) SZ_Clear (&sv.datagram); #ifdef NQPROT if (sv.nqdatagram.overflowed) SZ_Clear (&sv.nqdatagram); #endif if (sv.q2datagram.overflowed) SZ_Clear (&sv.q2datagram); // append the broadcast messages to each client messages for (j=0, client = svs.clients ; j<MAX_CLIENTS ; j++, client++) { if (client->state < cs_connected) continue; // reliables go to all connected or spawned if (client->controller) continue; //splitscreen #ifdef NQPROT if (client->nqprot) { ClientReliableCheckBlock(client, sv.nqreliable_datagram.cursize); ClientReliableWrite_SZ(client, sv.nqreliable_datagram.data, sv.nqreliable_datagram.cursize); if (client->state != cs_spawned) continue; // datagrams only go to spawned SZ_Write (&client->datagram , sv.nqdatagram.data , sv.nqdatagram.cursize); } else #endif if (client->isq2client) { ClientReliableCheckBlock(client, sv.q2reliable_datagram.cursize); ClientReliableWrite_SZ(client, sv.q2reliable_datagram.data, sv.q2reliable_datagram.cursize); if (client->state != cs_spawned) continue; // datagrams only go to spawned SZ_Write (&client->datagram , sv.q2datagram.data , sv.q2datagram.cursize); } else { ClientReliableCheckBlock(client, sv.reliable_datagram.cursize); ClientReliableWrite_SZ(client, sv.reliable_datagram.data, sv.reliable_datagram.cursize); if (client->state != cs_spawned) continue; // datagrams only go to spawned SZ_Write (&client->datagram , sv.datagram.data , sv.datagram.cursize); } } SZ_Clear (&sv.reliable_datagram); SZ_Clear (&sv.datagram); #ifdef NQPROT SZ_Clear (&sv.nqreliable_datagram); SZ_Clear (&sv.nqdatagram); #endif SZ_Clear (&sv.q2reliable_datagram); SZ_Clear (&sv.q2datagram); } #ifdef _MSC_VER #pragma optimize( "", off ) #endif /* ======================= SV_SendClientMessages ======================= */ void SV_SendClientMessages (void) { int i, j; client_t *c; // update frags, names, etc SV_UpdateToReliableMessages (); // build individual updates for (i=0, c = svs.clients ; i<MAX_CLIENTS ; i++, c++) { if (!c->state) continue; if (c->drop) { SV_DropClient(c); c->drop = false; continue; } #ifdef SVCHAT SV_ChatThink(c); #endif if (c->wasrecorded) { c->netchan.message.cursize = 0; c->datagram.cursize = 0; continue; } if (c->istobeloaded && c->state == cs_zombie) { //not yet present. c->netchan.message.cursize = 0; c->datagram.cursize = 0; continue; } // check to see if we have a backbuf to stick in the reliable if (c->num_backbuf) { // will it fit? if (c->netchan.message.cursize + c->backbuf_size[0] < c->netchan.message.maxsize) { Con_DPrintf("%s: backbuf %d bytes\n", c->name, c->backbuf_size[0]); // it'll fit SZ_Write(&c->netchan.message, c->backbuf_data[0], c->backbuf_size[0]); //move along, move along for (j = 1; j < c->num_backbuf; j++) { memcpy(c->backbuf_data[j - 1], c->backbuf_data[j], c->backbuf_size[j]); c->backbuf_size[j - 1] = c->backbuf_size[j]; } c->num_backbuf--; if (c->num_backbuf) { memset(&c->backbuf, 0, sizeof(c->backbuf)); c->backbuf.data = c->backbuf_data[c->num_backbuf - 1]; c->backbuf.cursize = c->backbuf_size[c->num_backbuf - 1]; c->backbuf.maxsize = sizeof(c->backbuf_data[c->num_backbuf - 1]); } } } // if the reliable message overflowed, // drop the client if (c->netchan.message.overflowed) { SZ_Clear (&c->netchan.message); SZ_Clear (&c->datagram); SV_BroadcastPrintf (PRINT_HIGH, "%s overflowed\n", c->name); Con_Printf ("WARNING: reliable overflow for %s\n",c->name); SV_DropClient (c); c->send_message = true; c->netchan.cleartime = 0; // don't choke this message } // only send messages if the client has sent one // and the bandwidth is not choked if (!c->send_message) continue; c->send_message = false; // try putting this after choke? if (!sv.paused && !Netchan_CanPacket (&c->netchan, SV_RateForClient(c))) { c->chokecount++; continue; // bandwidth choke } if (c->state == cs_spawned) SV_SendClientDatagram (c); else Netchan_Transmit (&c->netchan, 0, NULL, SV_RateForClient(c)); // just update reliable } SV_CleanupEnts(); } #ifdef _MSC_VER #pragma optimize( "", on ) #endif #define Max(a, b) ((a>b)?a:b) void SV_SendMVDMessage(void) { int i, j, cls = 0; client_t *c; qbyte buf[MAX_DATAGRAM]; sizebuf_t msg; edict_t *ent; int stats[MAX_CL_STATS]; float min_fps; extern cvar_t sv_demofps; extern cvar_t sv_demoPings; extern cvar_t sv_demoMaxSize; if (!sv.mvdrecording) return; if (sv_demoPings.value) { if (sv.time - demo.pingtime > sv_demoPings.value) { SV_MVDPings(); demo.pingtime = sv.time; } } if (!sv_demofps.value) min_fps = 30.0; else min_fps = sv_demofps.value; min_fps = Max(4, min_fps); if (sv.time - demo.time < 1.0/min_fps) return; for (i=0, c = svs.clients ; i<MAX_CLIENTS ; i++, c++) { if (c->state != cs_spawned) continue; // datagrams only go to spawned cls |= 1 << i; } if (!cls) { SZ_Clear (&demo.datagram); return; } msg.data = buf; msg.maxsize = sizeof(buf); msg.cursize = 0; msg.allowoverflow = true; msg.overflowed = false; for (i=0, c = svs.clients ; i<MAX_CLIENTS ; i++, c++) { if (c->state != cs_spawned) continue; // datagrams only go to spawned if (c->spectator) continue; ent = c->edict; memset (stats, 0, sizeof(stats)); stats[STAT_HEALTH] = ent->v.health; stats[STAT_WEAPON] = SV_ModelIndex(PR_GetString(svprogfuncs, ent->v.weaponmodel)); stats[STAT_AMMO] = ent->v.currentammo; stats[STAT_ARMOR] = ent->v.armorvalue; stats[STAT_SHELLS] = ent->v.ammo_shells; stats[STAT_NAILS] = ent->v.ammo_nails; stats[STAT_ROCKETS] = ent->v.ammo_rockets; stats[STAT_CELLS] = ent->v.ammo_cells; stats[STAT_ACTIVEWEAPON] = ent->v.weapon; // stuff the sigil bits into the high bits of items for sbar stats[STAT_ITEMS] = (int)ent->v.items | ((int)pr_global_struct->serverflags << 28); for (j=0 ; j<MAX_CL_STATS ; j++) if (stats[j] != demo.stats[i][j]) { demo.stats[i][j] = stats[j]; if (stats[j] >=0 && stats[j] <= 255) { MVDWrite_Begin(dem_stats, i, 3); MSG_WriteByte((sizebuf_t*)demo.dbuf, svc_updatestat); MSG_WriteByte((sizebuf_t*)demo.dbuf, j); MSG_WriteByte((sizebuf_t*)demo.dbuf, stats[j]); } else { MVDWrite_Begin(dem_stats, i, 6); MSG_WriteByte((sizebuf_t*)demo.dbuf, svc_updatestatlong); MSG_WriteByte((sizebuf_t*)demo.dbuf, j); MSG_WriteLong((sizebuf_t*)demo.dbuf, stats[j]); } } } // send over all the objects that are in the PVS // this will include clients, a packetentities, and // possibly a nails update msg.cursize = 0; if (!demo.recorder.delta_sequence) demo.recorder.delta_sequence = -1; SV_WriteEntitiesToClient (&demo.recorder, &msg, true); MVDWrite_Begin(dem_all, 0, msg.cursize); SZ_Write ((sizebuf_t*)demo.dbuf, msg.data, msg.cursize); // copy the accumulated multicast datagram // for this client out to the message if (demo.datagram.cursize) { MVDWrite_Begin(dem_all, 0, demo.datagram.cursize); SZ_Write ((sizebuf_t*)demo.dbuf, demo.datagram.data, demo.datagram.cursize); SZ_Clear (&demo.datagram); } demo.recorder.delta_sequence = demo.recorder.netchan.incoming_sequence&255; demo.recorder.netchan.incoming_sequence++; demo.frames[demo.parsecount&DEMO_FRAMES_MASK].time = demo.time = sv.time; if (demo.parsecount - demo.lastwritten > 60) // that's a backup of 3sec in 20fps, should be enough { SV_MVDWritePackets(1); } demo.parsecount++; MVDSetMsgBuf(demo.dbuf,&demo.frames[demo.parsecount&DEMO_FRAMES_MASK].buf); if (sv_demoMaxSize.value && demo.size > sv_demoMaxSize.value*1024) SV_MVDStop(1); } /* ======================= SV_SendMessagesToAll FIXME: does this sequence right? ======================= */ void SV_SendMessagesToAll (void) { int i; client_t *c; for (i=0, c = svs.clients ; i<MAX_CLIENTS ; i++, c++) if (c->state) // FIXME: should this only send to active? c->send_message = true; SV_SendClientMessages (); }