/* Copyright (C) 1996-1997 Id Software, Inc. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ #ifndef __BOTHDEFS_H #define __BOTHDEFS_H // release version #define FTE_VER_MAJOR 1 #define FTE_VER_MINOR 7 #if defined(__APPLE__) && defined(__MACH__) #define MACOSX #endif #if defined(__MINGW32_VERSION) || defined(__MINGW__) || defined(__MINGW32__) || defined(__MINGW64__) #define MINGW #endif #if !defined(MINGW) && defined(__GNUC__) && defined(_WIN32) #define MINGW //Erm, why is this happening? #endif #ifdef ANDROID #define NO_PNG #define NO_JPEG #define NO_OGG #endif #ifdef _XBOX #define NO_PNG #define NO_JPEG #define NO_OGG #define NO_ZLIB #define NOMEDIA #define NO_FREETYPE #define HAVE_PACKET #endif #ifdef NACL #define NO_PNG #define NO_JPEG #define NO_OGG #define NO_ZLIB #endif #ifndef MULTITHREAD #if !defined(_WIN32) || defined(FTE_SDL) //win32 is annoying #define NO_MULTITHREAD #endif #endif #ifdef FTE_TARGET_WEB //no Sys_LoadLibrary support, so we might as well kill this stuff off. #define NO_PNG #define NO_JPEG #define NO_OGG #define NO_ZLIB #define NO_FREETYPE #endif #ifdef D3DQUAKE #define D3D9QUAKE //#define D3D11QUAKE #undef D3DQUAKE #endif #define STRINGIFY2(s) #s #define STRINGIFY(s) STRINGIFY2(s) #ifndef CONFIG_FILE_NAME #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H #define CONFIG_FILE_NAME config.h #elif defined(NOLEGACY) #undef NOLEGACY #define CONFIG_FILE_NAME config_nocompat.h #elif defined(MINIMAL) #define CONFIG_FILE_NAME config_minimal.h #else #define CONFIG_FILE_NAME config_fteqw.h #endif #endif #undef MULTITHREAD #define HEADLESSQUAKE //usable renderers are normally specified via the makefile, but HEADLESS is considered a feature rather than an actual renderer, so usually gets forgotten about... //yup, C89 allows this (doesn't like C's token concat though). #include STRINGIFY(CONFIG_FILE_NAME) #ifndef MSVCLIBSPATH #ifdef MSVCLIBPATH #define MSVCLIBSPATH STRINGIFY(MSVCLIBPATH) #elif _MSC_VER == 1200 #define MSVCLIBSPATH "../libs/vc6-libs/" #else #define MSVCLIBSPATH "../libs/" #endif #endif #ifdef IMGTOOL #undef WEBCLIENT #undef LOADERTHREAD #elif defined(MASTERONLY) #define SV_MASTER #undef SUBSERVERS #undef PLUGINS #undef HUFFNETWORK #undef SUPPORT_ICE #undef WEBCLIENT #undef LOADERTHREAD #undef PACKAGEMANAGER #undef PACKAGE_PK3 #undef PACKAGE_Q1PAK #undef PACKAGE_DOOMWAD #undef PACKAGE_VPK #undef PACKAGE_DZIP #undef AVAIL_GZDEC #else #if defined(SERVERONLY) && defined(CLIENTONLY) #undef CLIENTONLY //impossible build. assume the config had CLIENTONLY and they tried building a dedicated server #endif #ifndef WEBSVONLY #ifndef CLIENTONLY #define HAVE_SERVER #endif #ifndef SERVERONLY #define HAVE_CLIENT #endif #endif #endif #ifndef NOLEGACY #define HAVE_LEGACY #endif #ifndef HAVE_SERVER #undef MVD_RECORDING #endif //software rendering is just too glitchy, don't use it - unless its the only choice. #if defined(SWQUAKE) && !defined(_DEBUG) && !defined(__DJGPP__) #undef SWQUAKE #endif #if defined(USE_EGL) && !defined(GLQUAKE) #undef USE_EGL #endif #if defined(WAYLANDQUAKE) && !(defined(__linux__) && (defined(VKQUAKE) || (defined(GLQUAKE) && defined(USE_EGL)))) #undef WAYLANDQUAKE #endif //include a file to update the various configurations for game-specific configs (hopefully just names) #ifdef BRANDING_INC #include STRINGIFY(BRANDING_INC) #endif #ifndef DISTRIBUTION #define DISTRIBUTION "FTE" //short name used to identify this engine. must be a single word #endif #ifndef DISTRIBUTIONLONG #define DISTRIBUTIONLONG "Forethought Entertainment" //effectively the 'company' name #endif #ifndef FULLENGINENAME #define FULLENGINENAME "FTE Quake" //the posh name for the engine #endif #ifndef ENGINEWEBSITE #define ENGINEWEBSITE "^8http://^4fte^8.^4triptohell^8.^4info" //url for program #endif #if !defined(_WIN32) || defined(WINRT) #undef HAVE_SPEECHTOTEXT #undef AVAIL_MP3_ACM #undef AVAIL_DSOUND #undef AVAIL_XAUDIO2 #undef AVAIL_WASAPI #endif #if !(defined(__linux__) || defined(__CYGWIN__)) || defined(ANDROID) #undef HAVE_GNUTLS #endif #if !defined(_WIN32) || (defined(_MSC_VER) && (_MSC_VER < 1300)) || defined(FTE_SDL) #undef HAVE_WINSSPI #endif //subservers only has code for win32 threads and linux #if !((defined(_WIN32) && !defined(FTE_SDL) && !defined(WINRT)) || (defined(__linux__) && !defined(ANDROID) && !defined(FTE_SDL))) #undef SUBSERVERS #endif #ifndef HAVE_MIXER //disable various sound drivers if we can't use them anyway. #undef AVAIL_DSOUND #undef AVAIL_XAUDIO2 #undef AVAIL_WASAPI #endif #ifdef NOMEDIA #undef HAVE_CDPLAYER //includes cd playback. actual cds. faketracks are supported regardless. #undef HAVE_JUKEBOX //includes built-in jukebox crap #undef HAVE_MEDIA_DECODER //can play cin/roq, more with plugins #undef HAVE_MEDIA_ENCODER //capture/capturedemo work. #undef AVAIL_MP3_ACM //microsoft's Audio Compression Manager api #undef HAVE_SPEECHTOTEXT //windows speech-to-text thing #endif #if defined(_XBOX) #define D3D8QUAKE #undef HAVE_TCP //FIXME #undef HAVE_PACKET //FIXME #undef SUPPORT_ICE //screw that #undef PLUGINS //would need LoadLibrary working properly. #undef AVAIL_DINPUT //xbox apparently only really does controllers. #undef AVAIL_DSOUND //FIXME #undef TEXTEDITOR //its hard to edit text when you have just a controller (and no onscreen keyboard) #undef RAGDOLL //needs a proper physics engine #undef AVAIL_MP3_ACM //api not supported #undef AVAIL_OPENAL #undef HAVE_SPEECHTOTEXT //api not supported #undef MULTITHREAD //no CreateThread stuff. #undef SUBSERVERS //single-process. #undef VOICECHAT #undef TERRAIN #undef Q2CLIENT #undef Q2SERVER #undef Q3CLIENT #undef Q3SERVER #undef HLCLIENT #undef HLSERVER #undef VM_Q1 #undef VM_LUA #undef HALFLIFEMODELS #undef RUNTIMELIGHTING #undef HEXEN2 #undef PACKAGE_DOOMWAD #undef MAP_PROC #undef Q1BSPS #undef Q2BSPS #undef Q3BSPS #undef RFBSPS #undef WEBSERVER //http server #undef FTPSERVER //ftp server #undef WEBCLIENT //http client. #undef FTPCLIENT //ftp client. #endif #ifdef __DJGPP__ //no bsd sockets library. #undef HAVE_TCP #undef HAVE_PACKET #undef SUPPORT_ICE //too lazy to deal with no dlopen #undef PLUGINS #undef Q2SERVER #undef Q3SERVER #undef Q2CLIENT //fixme... #undef Q3CLIENT //might as well. //too lazy to write the code to boot up more cores. dosbox would probably hate it so why bother. #undef MULTITHREAD //too lazy to deal with various libraries #undef VOICECHAT #undef AVAIL_JPEGLIB #undef AVAIL_PNGLIB #undef AVAIL_OGGVORBIS #endif #ifdef FTE_TARGET_WEB //sandboxing means some stuff CANNOT work... #undef HAVE_TCP //websockets are not real tcp. #undef HAVE_PACKET //no udp support //try to trim the fat #undef VOICECHAT //too lazy to compile speex #undef HLCLIENT //dlls... #undef HLSERVER //dlls... #undef CL_MASTER //bah. use the site to specify the servers. #undef SV_MASTER //yeah, because that makes sense in a browser #undef RAGDOLL //no ode #undef TCPCONNECT //err... #undef IRCCONNECT //not happening #undef PLUGINS //pointless #undef VM_Q1 //no dlls #undef MAP_PROC //meh #undef HALFLIFEMODELS //blurgh #undef SUPPORT_ICE //requires udp, so not usable. webrtc could be used instead, but that logic is out of our hands. #undef HAVE_MIXER //depend upon openal instead. //extra features stripped to try to reduce memory footprints #undef RUNTIMELIGHTING //too slow anyway #undef Q2CLIENT #undef Q2SERVER //requires a dll anyway. #undef Q3CLIENT #undef Q3SERVER //trying to trim memory use // #undef Q2BSPS //emscripten can't cope with bss, leading to increased download time. too lazy to fix. // #undef Q3BSPS //emscripten can't cope with bss, leading to increased download time. too lazy to fix. #undef TERRAIN // #undef PSET_SCRIPT //bss+size #define GLSLONLY //pointless having the junk #define GLESONLY //should reduce the conditions a little #ifndef R_MAX_RECURSE #define R_MAX_RECURSE 2 //less bss #endif // #undef RTLIGHTS #undef HEADLESSQUAKE #define NO_FREETYPE #endif #ifdef WINRT //microsoft do not support winsock any more. #undef HAVE_TCP #undef HAVE_PACKET #undef TCPCONNECT //err... #undef IRCCONNECT //not happening #undef AVAIL_DSOUND //yeah, good luck there #undef AVAIL_DINPUT //nope, not supported. #undef SV_MASTER //no socket interface #undef CL_MASTER //no socket interface #undef MULTITHREAD #undef HEADLESSQUAKE #endif #ifdef ANDROID #define GLESONLY //should reduce the conditions a little // #undef HEADLESSQUAKE #define NO_FREETYPE #define NO_OPENAL #endif #if defined(NACL) //stuff is sandboxed. #undef HAVE_TCP //websockets are not true tcp #undef HAVE_PACKET //no udp support. #undef SUPPORT_ICE #undef CL_MASTER //no sockets support #undef SV_MASTER //noone uses this anyway #undef WEBSERVER //http server #undef FTPSERVER //ftp server #undef FTPCLIENT //ftp client. #undef TCPCONNECT #undef IRCCONNECT #define GLSLONLY //pointless having the junk #define GLESONLY //should reduce the conditions a little #undef HEADLESSQUAKE #define NO_FREETYPE #endif #if (defined(_MSC_VER) && (_MSC_VER < 1500)) || defined(FTE_SDL) #undef AVAIL_WASAPI //wasapi is available in the vista sdk, while that's compatible with earlier versions, its not really expected until 2008 #endif #ifdef NO_MULTITHREAD #undef MULTITHREAD #endif #ifndef MULTITHREAD //database code requires threads to do stuff async. #undef USE_SQLITE #undef USE_MYSQL #endif #ifdef NO_LIBRARIES //catch-all... #define NO_DIRECTX #define NO_PNG #define NO_JPEG #define NO_ZLIB #define NO_OGG #define NO_FREETYPE #endif #ifdef NO_OPENAL #undef AVAIL_OPENAL #endif #ifdef NO_PNG #undef AVAIL_PNGLIB #endif #ifdef NO_JPEG #undef AVAIL_JPEGLIB #endif #ifdef NO_OGG #undef AVAIL_OGGVORBIS #endif #ifdef NO_FREETYPE #undef AVAIL_FREETYPE #endif #ifdef NO_ZLIB #undef AVAIL_ZLIB #undef AVAIL_PNGLIB #undef AVAIL_XZDEC #undef AVAIL_GZDEC #endif #ifdef NO_GNUTLS #undef HAVE_GNUTLS #endif #ifdef NO_OPENGL #undef GLQUAKE #undef USE_EGL #endif #if defined(HAVE_GNUTLS) || defined(HAVE_OPENSSL) || defined(HAVE_WINSSPI) #define HAVE_SSL #endif #if defined(HAVE_GNUTLS) || defined(HAVE_OPENSSL) || defined(HAVE_WINSSPI) //FIXME: HAVE_WINSSPI does not work as a server. //FIXME: advertising dtls without a valid certificate will probably bug out if a client tries to auto-upgrade. //FIXME: we don't cache server certs #define HAVE_DTLS #endif #if defined(USE_SQLITE) || defined(USE_MYSQL) #define SQL #endif #if defined(AVAIL_GZDEC) && (!defined(AVAIL_ZLIB) || defined(NPFTE) || defined(NO_ZLIB)) //gzip needs zlib to work (pk3s can still contain non-compressed files) #undef AVAIL_GZDEC #endif #if defined(RFBSPS) && !defined(Q3BSPS) #define Q3BSPS //rbsp might as well depend upon q3bsp - its the same thing but with more lightstyles (support for which can bog down the renderer a little). #endif #if defined(QWOVERQ3) && !defined(Q3SERVER) #undef QWOVERQ3 #endif #if !defined(NQPROT) || defined(SERVERONLY) || !defined(AVAIL_ZLIB) || defined(DYNAMIC_ZLIB) #undef PACKAGE_DZIP #endif //fix things a little... #ifdef NPQTV #define NPFTE #undef NPQTV #endif #ifdef NPFTE /*plugins require threads and stuff now, and http download support*/ #ifndef MULTITHREAD #define MULTITHREAD #define WEBCLIENT #endif #undef SUBSERVERS #endif #if (defined(NOLOADERTHREAD) || !defined(MULTITHREAD)) && defined(LOADERTHREAD) #undef LOADERTHREAD #endif #ifndef _WIN32 #undef QTERM //not supported - FIXME: move to native plugin #endif #if defined(Q3BSPS) && !defined(Q2BSPS) // #define Q2BSPS //FIXME: silently enable that as a dependancy, for now #endif #if (defined(Q2CLIENT) || defined(Q2SERVER)) #ifndef Q2BSPS #error "Q2 game support without Q2BSP support. doesn't make sense" #endif #if !defined(MD2MODELS) || !defined(SP2MODELS) #error "Q2 game support without full Q2 model support. doesn't make sense" #endif #endif #ifdef NPFTE #undef TEXTEDITOR #undef WEBSERVER //http server #undef FTPSERVER //ftp server #undef FTPCLIENT //ftp client. #endif #ifndef AVAIL_ZLIB #undef SUPPORT_ICE //depends upon zlib's crc32 for fingerprinting. I cba writing my own. #endif #ifndef HAVE_TCP #undef TCPCONNECT #undef IRCCONNECT #undef WEBSERVER //http server #undef FTPSERVER //ftp server #undef FTPCLIENT //ftp client. #if !defined(FTE_TARGET_WEB) && !defined(NACL) #undef WEBCLIENT #endif #endif #ifndef HAVE_PACKET #undef SV_MASTER #undef CL_MASTER #undef SUPPORT_ICE #endif #ifdef SERVERONLY //remove options that don't make sense on only a server #undef Q2CLIENT #undef Q3CLIENT #undef HLCLIENT #undef VM_UI #undef VM_CG #undef TEXTEDITOR #undef RUNTIMELIGHTING #undef PSET_SCRIPT #undef PSET_CLASSIC #undef PSET_DARKPLACES #endif #ifdef CLIENTONLY //remove optional server components that make no sence on a client only build. #undef Q2SERVER #undef Q3SERVER #undef HLSERVER #undef WEBSERVER #undef FTPSERVER #undef SUBSERVERS #undef VM_Q1 #undef SQL #endif #ifndef PLUGINS #undef USE_INTERNAL_BULLET #undef USE_INTERNAL_ODE #endif #if (defined(CSQC_DAT) || !defined(CLIENTONLY)) && (defined(PLUGINS)||defined(USE_INTERNAL_BULLET)||defined(USE_INTERNAL_ODE)) //use ode only if we have a constant world state, and the library is enbled in some form. #define USERBE #endif #if defined(MD1MODELS) || defined(MD2MODELS) || defined(MD3MODELS) #define NONSKELETALMODELS #endif #if defined(ZYMOTICMODELS) || defined(MD5MODELS) || defined(DPMMODELS) || defined(PSKMODELS) || defined(INTERQUAKEMODELS) #define SKELETALMODELS //defined if we have a skeletal model. #endif #if (defined(CSQC_DAT) || !defined(CLIENTONLY)) && defined(SKELETALMODELS) #define SKELETALOBJECTS //the skeletal objects API is only used if we actually have skeletal models, and gamecode that uses the builtins. #endif #if !defined(USERBE) || !defined(SKELETALMODELS) #undef RAGDOLL //not possible to ragdoll if we don't have certain other features. #endif #if !defined(RTLIGHTS) #undef MAP_PROC //doom3 maps kinda NEED rtlights to look decent #endif #if !defined(Q3BSPS) #undef Q3CLIENT //reconsider this (later) #undef Q3SERVER //reconsider this (later) #endif #if defined(DEBUG) || defined(_DEBUG) #undef NOQCDESCRIPTIONS //don't disable writing fteextensions.qc in debug builds, otherwise how would you ever build one? :o #endif #ifndef Q3CLIENT #undef VM_CG // :( #undef VM_UI #else #define VM_CG #define VM_UI #endif #if defined(VM_Q1) || defined(VM_UI) || defined(VM_CG) || defined(Q3SERVER) #define VM_ANY #endif #if (defined(HAVE_CLIENT) || defined(HAVE_SERVER)) && defined(WEBCLIENT) && defined(PACKAGEMANAGER) #define MANIFESTDOWNLOADS #endif #if (defined(D3D8QUAKE) || defined(D3D9QUAKE) || defined(D3D11QUAKE)) && !defined(D3DQUAKE) #define D3DQUAKE //shouldn't still matter #endif #define PROTOCOLEXTENSIONS #ifdef MINIMAL #define IFMINIMAL(x,y) x #else #define IFMINIMAL(x,y) y #endif // defs common to client and server #ifndef PLATFORM #if defined(FTE_TARGET_WEB) #define PLATFORM "Web" #elif defined(NACL) #define PLATFORM "Nacl" #elif defined(_WIN32_WCE) #define PLATFORM "WinCE" #define ARCH_DL_POSTFIX ".dll" #elif defined(_WIN32) #if defined(WINRT) #define PLATFORM "WinRT" /*those poor poor souls. maybe just maybe I'll actually get the tools for a port, its just a shame that I won't be able to release said port*/ #elif defined(_XBOX) #define PLATFORM "Xbox" #else #define PLATFORM "Win" #endif #define ARCH_DL_POSTFIX ".dll" #elif defined(_WIN16) #define PLATFORM "Win16" #define ARCH_DL_POSTFIX ".dll" #elif defined(__CYGWIN__) #define PLATFORM "Cygwin" /*technically also windows*/ #define ARCH_DL_POSTFIX ".dll" #elif defined(ANDROID) || defined(__ANDROID__) #define PLATFORM "Android" /*technically also linux*/ #elif defined(__linux__) #define PLATFORM "Linux" #elif defined(__APPLE__) #include "TargetConditionals.h" #if TARGET_IPHONE_SIMULATOR #define PLATFORM "iOSSim" #elif TARGET_OS_IPHONE #define PLATFORM "iOS" #elif TARGET_OS_MAC #define PLATFORM "Mac" #else #define PLATFORM "Apple" #endif #elif defined(__FreeBSD__) #define PLATFORM "FreeBSD" #elif defined(__OpenBSD__) #define PLATFORM "OpenBSD" #elif defined(__NetBSD__) #define PLATFORM "NetBSD" #elif defined(BSD) #define PLATFORM "BSD" #elif defined(__MORPHOS__) #define PLATFORM "MorphOS" #elif defined(__amigaos__) #define PLATFORM "AmigaOS" #elif defined(MACOSX) #define PLATFORM "MacOS X" #elif defined(__DOS__) #define PLATFORM "Dos" #else #define PLATFORM "Unknown" #endif #endif #ifndef ARCH_DL_POSTFIX #define ARCH_DL_POSTFIX ".so" #endif #ifndef ARCH_CPU_POSTFIX #if defined(_M_AMD64) || defined(__amd64__) || defined(__x86_64__) #ifdef __ILP32__ #define ARCH_CPU_POSTFIX "x32" //32bit pointers, with 16 registers. #else #ifdef _WIN32 #define ARCH_CPU_POSTFIX "x64" #else #define ARCH_CPU_POSTFIX "amd64" #define ARCH_ALTCPU_POSTFIX "x86_64" #endif #endif #elif defined(_M_IX86) || defined(__i386__) #define ARCH_CPU_POSTFIX "x86" #elif defined(__powerpc__) || defined(__ppc__) #define ARCH_CPU_POSTFIX "ppc" #elif defined(__aarch64__) #define ARCH_CPU_POSTFIX "arm64" #elif defined(__arm__) #ifdef __SOFTFP__ #define ARCH_CPU_POSTFIX "arm" #else #define ARCH_CPU_POSTFIX "armhf" #endif #else #define ARCH_CPU_POSTFIX "unk" #endif #endif #ifdef _MSC_VER #define VARGS __cdecl #define MSVCDISABLEWARNINGS #if _MSC_VER >= 1300 #define FTE_DEPRECATED __declspec(deprecated) #ifndef _CRT_SECURE_NO_WARNINGS #define _CRT_SECURE_NO_WARNINGS #endif #ifndef _CRT_NONSTDC_NO_WARNINGS #define _CRT_NONSTDC_NO_WARNINGS #endif #endif #define NORETURN __declspec(noreturn) #endif #if (__GNUC__ > 3 || (__GNUC__ == 3 && __GNUC_MINOR__ >= 1)) #define FTE_DEPRECATED __attribute__((__deprecated__)) //no idea about the actual gcc version #ifdef _WIN32 #define LIKEPRINTF(x) __attribute__((format(ms_printf,x,x+1))) #else #define LIKEPRINTF(x) __attribute__((format(printf,x,x+1))) #endif #endif #if (__GNUC__ > 2 || (__GNUC__ == 2 && __GNUC_MINOR__ >= 5)) #define NORETURN __attribute__((noreturn)) #endif //unreachable marks the path leading to it as unreachable too. #if (__GNUC__ > 4 || (__GNUC__ == 4 && __GNUC_MINOR__ >= 5)) #define FTE_UNREACHABLE __builtin_unreachable() #endif //I'm making my own restrict, because msvc's headers can't cope if I #define restrict to __restrict, and quite possibly other platforms too #if __STDC_VERSION__ >= 199901L #define fte_restrict restrict #elif defined(_MSC_VER) && _MSC_VER >= 1400 || __GNUC__ >= 4 #define fte_restrict __restrict #else #define fte_restrict #endif #if _MSC_VER >= 1300 #define FTE_ALIGN(a) __declspec(align(a)) #elif defined(__clang__) #define FTE_ALIGN(a) __attribute__((aligned(a))) #elif __GNUC__ >= 3 #define FTE_ALIGN(a) __attribute__((aligned(a))) #else #define FTE_ALIGN(a) #endif #if __STDC_VERSION__ >= 201112L #include #define fte_alignof(type) alignof(qintptr_t) #elif _MSC_VER #define fte_alignof(type) __alignof(qintptr_t) #else #define fte_alignof(type) sizeof(qintptr_t) #endif //fte_inline must only be used in headers, and requires one and ONLY one fte_inlinebody elsewhere. //fte_inlinebody must be used on a prototype OUTSIDE of a header. //fte_inlinestatic must not be used inside any headers at all. #if __STDC_VERSION__ >= 199901L //C99 specifies that an inline function is used as a hint. there should be an actual body/copy somewhere (extern inline foo). #define fte_inline inline //must have non-line 'int foo();' somewhere #define fte_inlinebody extern inline #define fte_inlinestatic static inline #elif defined(_MSC_VER) //msvc will inline like C++. and that's fine. #define fte_inline __inline //c++ style #define fte_inlinebody #define fte_inlinestatic static __inline #elif (__GNUC__ > 2 || (__GNUC__ == 2 && __GNUC_MINOR__ >= 5)) //gcc will generally inline where it can - so long as its static. but that doesn't stop it warning #define fte_inline __attribute__((unused)) static #define fte_inlinebody static #if __GNUC__ > 5 #define fte_inlinestatic static inline #else #define fte_inlinestatic static #endif #else //make it static so we at least don't get errors (might still get warnings. see above) #define fte_inline static #define fte_inlinebody static #define fte_inlinestatic static #endif #ifndef FTE_DEPRECATED #define FTE_DEPRECATED #endif #ifndef FTE_UNREACHABLE #define FTE_UNREACHABLE #endif #ifndef LIKEPRINTF #define LIKEPRINTF(x) #endif #ifndef VARGS #define VARGS #endif #ifndef NORETURN #define NORETURN #endif #ifdef _WIN32 #define ZEXPORT VARGS #define ZEXPORTVA VARGS #endif #ifdef _DEBUG #undef FTE_UNREACHABLE #define FTE_UNREACHABLE Sys_Error("Unreachable reached: %s %i\n", __FILE__, __LINE__) #endif #ifndef stricmp #ifdef _WIN32 //Windows-specific... #define stricmp _stricmp #define strnicmp _strnicmp #else //Posix #define stricmp strcasecmp #define strnicmp strncasecmp #endif #endif // !!! if this is changed, it must be changed in d_ifacea.h too !!! #define CACHE_SIZE 32 // used to align key data structures #define UNUSED(x) (x = x) // for pesky compiler / lint warnings // up / down #define PITCH 0 // left / right #define YAW 1 // fall over #define ROLL 2 #define MAX_QPATH 128 // max length of a quake game pathname #define MAX_OSPATH 1024 // max length of a filesystem pathname (260 on windows, but needs to be longer for utf8) #define OLD_MAX_QPATH 64 // it was baked into various file formats, which is unfortunate. #define ON_EPSILON 0.1 // point on plane side epsilon #define MAX_NQMSGLEN 65536 // max length of a reliable message. FIXME: should be 8000 to play safe with proquake #define MAX_Q2MSGLEN 1400 #define MAX_QWMSGLEN 1450 #define MAX_OVERALLMSGLEN 65536 // mvdsv sends packets this big #define MAX_DATAGRAM 1450 // max length of unreliable message #define MAX_Q2DATAGRAM MAX_Q2MSGLEN #define MAX_NQDATAGRAM 1024 // max length of unreliable message with vanilla nq protocol #define MAX_OVERALLDATAGRAM MAX_DATAGRAM #define MAX_BACKBUFLEN 1200 #define lightstyleindex_t unsigned short #define INVALID_LIGHTSTYLE ((lightstyleindex_t)(~0u)) //the style that's invalid, signifying to stop adding more. // // per-level limits // #ifdef FTE_TARGET_WEB #define MAX_EDICTS ((1<<15)-1) #else //#define MAX_EDICTS ((1<<22)-1) // expandable up to 22 bits #define MAX_EDICTS ((1<<18)-1) // expandable up to 22 bits #endif #define MAX_NET_LIGHTSTYLES (INVALID_LIGHTSTYLE+1) // 16bit. the last index MAY be used to signify an invalid lightmap in the bsp, but is still valid for rtlights. #define MAX_STANDARDLIGHTSTYLES 64 #define MAX_PRECACHE_MODELS 4096 // 14bit. #define MAX_PRECACHE_SOUNDS 2048 // 14bit. #define MAX_SSPARTICLESPRE 1024 // 14bit. precached particle effect names, for server-side pointparticles/trailparticles. #define MAX_VWEP_MODELS 32 #define MAX_CSMODELS 1024 // these live entirly clientside #define MAX_CSPARTICLESPRE 1024 #define SAVEGAME_COMMENT_LENGTH 39 #define MAX_STYLESTRING 64 #define MAX_Q2EDICTS 1024 // // stats are integers communicated to the client by the server // #define MAX_QW_STATS 32 enum { #ifdef QUAKESTATS STAT_HEALTH = 0, //STAT_FRAGS = 1, STAT_WEAPONMODELI = 2, STAT_AMMO = 3, STAT_ARMOR = 4, STAT_WEAPONFRAME = 5, STAT_SHELLS = 6, STAT_NAILS = 7, STAT_ROCKETS = 8, STAT_CELLS = 9, STAT_ACTIVEWEAPON = 10, STAT_TOTALSECRETS = 11, STAT_TOTALMONSTERS = 12, STAT_SECRETS = 13, // bumped on client side by svc_foundsecret STAT_MONSTERS = 14, // bumped by svc_killedmonster STAT_ITEMS = 15, STAT_VIEWHEIGHT = 16, //same as zquake STAT_TIME = 17, //zquake STAT_MATCHSTARTTIME = 18, //STAT_UNUSED = 19, #ifdef SIDEVIEWS STAT_VIEW2 = 20, #endif STAT_VIEWZOOM = 21, // DP #define STAT_VIEWZOOM_SCALE 255 //STAT_UNUSED = 22, //STAT_UNUSED = 23, //STAT_UNUSED = 24, STAT_IDEALPITCH = 25, //nq-emu STAT_PUNCHANGLE_X = 26, //nq-emu STAT_PUNCHANGLE_Y = 27, //nq-emu STAT_PUNCHANGLE_Z = 28, //nq-emu STAT_PUNCHVECTOR_X = 29, STAT_PUNCHVECTOR_Y = 30, STAT_PUNCHVECTOR_Z = 31, #ifdef HEXEN2 //these stats are used only when running a hexen2 mod/hud, and will never be used for a quake mod/hud/generic code. STAT_H2_LEVEL = 32, // changes stat bar STAT_H2_INTELLIGENCE, // changes stat bar STAT_H2_WISDOM, // changes stat bar STAT_H2_STRENGTH, // changes stat bar STAT_H2_DEXTERITY, // changes stat bar STAT_H2_BLUEMANA, // changes stat bar STAT_H2_GREENMANA, // changes stat bar STAT_H2_EXPERIENCE, // changes stat bar STAT_H2_CNT_TORCH, // changes stat bar STAT_H2_CNT_H_BOOST, // changes stat bar STAT_H2_CNT_SH_BOOST, // changes stat bar STAT_H2_CNT_MANA_BOOST, // changes stat bar STAT_H2_CNT_TELEPORT, // changes stat bar STAT_H2_CNT_TOME, // changes stat bar STAT_H2_CNT_SUMMON, // changes stat bar STAT_H2_CNT_INVISIBILITY, // changes stat bar STAT_H2_CNT_GLYPH, // changes stat bar STAT_H2_CNT_HASTE, // changes stat bar STAT_H2_CNT_BLAST, // changes stat bar STAT_H2_CNT_POLYMORPH, // changes stat bar STAT_H2_CNT_FLIGHT, // changes stat bar STAT_H2_CNT_CUBEOFFORCE, // changes stat bar STAT_H2_CNT_INVINCIBILITY, // changes stat bar STAT_H2_ARTIFACT_ACTIVE, STAT_H2_ARTIFACT_LOW, STAT_H2_MOVETYPE, STAT_H2_CAMERAMODE, //entity STAT_H2_HASTED, STAT_H2_INVENTORY, STAT_H2_RINGS_ACTIVE, STAT_H2_RINGS_LOW, STAT_H2_ARMOUR1, STAT_H2_ARMOUR2, STAT_H2_ARMOUR3, STAT_H2_ARMOUR4, STAT_H2_FLIGHT_T, STAT_H2_WATER_T, STAT_H2_TURNING_T, STAT_H2_REGEN_T, STAT_H2_PUZZLE1, //string STAT_H2_PUZZLE2, //string STAT_H2_PUZZLE3, //string STAT_H2_PUZZLE4, //string STAT_H2_PUZZLE5, //string STAT_H2_PUZZLE6, //string STAT_H2_PUZZLE7, //string STAT_H2_PUZZLE8, //string STAT_H2_MAXHEALTH, STAT_H2_MAXMANA, STAT_H2_FLAGS, STAT_H2_PLAYERCLASS, STAT_H2_OBJECTIVE1, //integer STAT_H2_OBJECTIVE2, //integer #endif STAT_MOVEVARS_AIRACCEL_QW_STRETCHFACTOR = 220, // DP STAT_MOVEVARS_AIRCONTROL_PENALTY = 221, // DP STAT_MOVEVARS_AIRSPEEDLIMIT_NONQW = 222, // DP STAT_MOVEVARS_AIRSTRAFEACCEL_QW = 223, // DP STAT_MOVEVARS_AIRCONTROL_POWER = 224, // DP STAT_MOVEFLAGS = 225, // DP STAT_MOVEVARS_WARSOWBUNNY_AIRFORWARDACCEL = 226, // DP STAT_MOVEVARS_WARSOWBUNNY_ACCEL = 227, // DP STAT_MOVEVARS_WARSOWBUNNY_TOPSPEED = 228, // DP STAT_MOVEVARS_WARSOWBUNNY_TURNACCEL = 229, // DP STAT_MOVEVARS_WARSOWBUNNY_BACKTOSIDERATIO = 230, // DP STAT_MOVEVARS_AIRSTOPACCELERATE = 231, // DP STAT_MOVEVARS_AIRSTRAFEACCELERATE = 232, // DP STAT_MOVEVARS_MAXAIRSTRAFESPEED = 233, // DP STAT_MOVEVARS_AIRCONTROL = 234, // DP STAT_FRAGLIMIT = 235, // DP STAT_TIMELIMIT = 236, // DP STAT_MOVEVARS_WALLFRICTION = 237, // DP STAT_MOVEVARS_FRICTION = 238, // DP STAT_MOVEVARS_WATERFRICTION = 239, // DP STAT_MOVEVARS_TICRATE = 240, // DP STAT_MOVEVARS_TIMESCALE = 241, // DP STAT_MOVEVARS_GRAVITY = 242, // DP STAT_MOVEVARS_STOPSPEED = 243, // DP STAT_MOVEVARS_MAXSPEED = 244, // DP STAT_MOVEVARS_SPECTATORMAXSPEED = 245, // DP STAT_MOVEVARS_ACCELERATE = 246, // DP STAT_MOVEVARS_AIRACCELERATE = 247, // DP STAT_MOVEVARS_WATERACCELERATE = 248, // DP STAT_MOVEVARS_ENTGRAVITY = 249, // DP STAT_MOVEVARS_JUMPVELOCITY = 250, // DP STAT_MOVEVARS_EDGEFRICTION = 251, // DP STAT_MOVEVARS_MAXAIRSPEED = 252, // DP STAT_MOVEVARS_STEPHEIGHT = 253, // DP STAT_MOVEVARS_AIRACCEL_QW = 254, // DP STAT_MOVEVARS_AIRACCEL_SIDEWAYS_FRICTION = 255, // DP #endif MAX_CL_STATS = 256 }; #ifdef QUAKEHUD // // item flags // #define IT_SHOTGUN (1u<<0) #define IT_SUPER_SHOTGUN (1u<<1) #define IT_NAILGUN (1u<<2) #define IT_SUPER_NAILGUN (1u<<3) #define IT_GRENADE_LAUNCHER (1u<<4) #define IT_ROCKET_LAUNCHER (1u<<5) #define IT_LIGHTNING (1u<<6) #define IT_SUPER_LIGHTNING (1u<<7) #define IT_SHELLS (1u<<8) #define IT_NAILS (1u<<9) #define IT_ROCKETS (1u<<10) #define IT_CELLS (1u<<11) #define IT_AXE (1u<<12) #define IT_ARMOR1 (1u<<13) #define IT_ARMOR2 (1u<<14) #define IT_ARMOR3 (1u<<15) #define IT_SUPERHEALTH (1u<<16) #define IT_KEY1 (1u<<17) #define IT_KEY2 (1u<<18) #define IT_INVISIBILITY (1u<<19) #define IT_INVULNERABILITY (1u<<20) #define IT_SUIT (1u<<21) #define IT_QUAD (1u<<22) #define IT_SIGIL1 (1u<<28) #define IT_SIGIL2 (1u<<29) #define IT_SIGIL3 (1u<<30) #define IT_SIGIL4 (1u<<31) #endif // // print flags // #define PRINT_LOW 0 // pickup messages #define PRINT_MEDIUM 1 // death messages #define PRINT_HIGH 2 // critical messages #define PRINT_CHAT 3 // chat messages //split screen stuff #ifndef MAX_SPLITS #define MAX_SPLITS 1u //disabled, but must be defined for sanities sake. #endif //savegame vars #define SAVEGAME_COMMENT_LENGTH 39 #define SAVEGAME_VERSION_NQ 5 #define SAVEGAME_VERSION_QW 6 //actually zQuake, but the functional difference is that its qw instead of nq. #define SAVEGAME_VERSION_FTE_LEG 667 //found in .sav files. this is for legacy-like saved games with multiple players. #define SAVEGAME_VERSION_FTE_HUB 25000 //found in .fsv files. includes svs.gametype, so bumps should be large. #define CACHEGAME_VERSION_OLD 513 #define CACHEGAME_VERSION_VERBOSE 514 #define CACHEGAME_VERSION_BINARY 515 #define PM_DEFAULTSTEPHEIGHT 18 #define dem_cmd 0 #define dem_read 1 #define dem_set 2 #define dem_multiple 3 #define dem_single 4 #define dem_stats 5 #define dem_all 6 #endif //ifndef __BOTHDEFS_H