/* Copyright (C) 2011 azazello and ezQuake team This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. */ // // common HUD elements // like clock etc.. // #include "../plugin.h" /* #include "common_draw.h" #include "mp3_player.h" #include <png.h> #include "image.h" #include "stats_grid.h" #include "vx_stuff.h" #include "gl_model.h" #include "gl_local.h" #include "tr_types.h" #include "rulesets.h" #include "utils.h" #include "sbar.h" #include "Ctrl.h" #include "console.h" #include "teamplay.h" #include "mvd_utils.h" */ #include "ezquakeisms.h" #include "hud.h" //#define WITH_PNG #define draw_disc draw_disc2 static mpic_t *sb_ammo[4]; static mpic_t *sb_faces[7][2]; static mpic_t *sb_face_invis; static mpic_t *sb_face_quad; static mpic_t *sb_face_invuln; static mpic_t *sb_face_invis_invuln; static mpic_t *sb_weapons[7][8]; static mpic_t *sb_items[6]; static mpic_t *sb_sigil[4]; mpic_t *sb_nums[2][11]; static mpic_t *sb_ibar; static mpic_t *sb_armor[3]; mpic_t *sb_colon; static mpic_t *sb_slash; static mpic_t *sb_disc; static mpic_t *sb_net; void HUD_InitSbarImages(void) { int i; sb_disc = Draw_CacheWadPic("disc"); sb_net = Draw_CacheWadPic("net"); for (i = 0; i < 10; i++) { sb_nums[0][i] = Draw_CacheWadPic (va("num_%i",i)); sb_nums[1][i] = Draw_CacheWadPic (va("anum_%i",i)); } sb_nums[0][10] = Draw_CacheWadPic ("num_minus"); sb_nums[1][10] = Draw_CacheWadPic ("anum_minus"); sb_colon = Draw_CacheWadPic ("num_colon"); sb_slash = Draw_CacheWadPic ("num_slash"); sb_weapons[0][0] = Draw_CacheWadPic ("inv_shotgun"); sb_weapons[0][1] = Draw_CacheWadPic ("inv_sshotgun"); sb_weapons[0][2] = Draw_CacheWadPic ("inv_nailgun"); sb_weapons[0][3] = Draw_CacheWadPic ("inv_snailgun"); sb_weapons[0][4] = Draw_CacheWadPic ("inv_rlaunch"); sb_weapons[0][5] = Draw_CacheWadPic ("inv_srlaunch"); sb_weapons[0][6] = Draw_CacheWadPic ("inv_lightng"); sb_weapons[1][0] = Draw_CacheWadPic ("inv2_shotgun"); sb_weapons[1][1] = Draw_CacheWadPic ("inv2_sshotgun"); sb_weapons[1][2] = Draw_CacheWadPic ("inv2_nailgun"); sb_weapons[1][3] = Draw_CacheWadPic ("inv2_snailgun"); sb_weapons[1][4] = Draw_CacheWadPic ("inv2_rlaunch"); sb_weapons[1][5] = Draw_CacheWadPic ("inv2_srlaunch"); sb_weapons[1][6] = Draw_CacheWadPic ("inv2_lightng"); for (i = 0; i < 5; i++) { sb_weapons[2 + i][0] = Draw_CacheWadPic (va("inva%i_shotgun", i + 1)); sb_weapons[2 + i][1] = Draw_CacheWadPic (va("inva%i_sshotgun", i + 1)); sb_weapons[2 + i][2] = Draw_CacheWadPic (va("inva%i_nailgun", i + 1)); sb_weapons[2 + i][3] = Draw_CacheWadPic (va("inva%i_snailgun", i + 1)); sb_weapons[2 + i][4] = Draw_CacheWadPic (va("inva%i_rlaunch", i + 1)); sb_weapons[2 + i][5] = Draw_CacheWadPic (va("inva%i_srlaunch", i + 1)); sb_weapons[2 + i][6] = Draw_CacheWadPic (va("inva%i_lightng", i + 1)); } sb_ammo[0] = Draw_CacheWadPic ("sb_shells"); sb_ammo[1] = Draw_CacheWadPic ("sb_nails"); sb_ammo[2] = Draw_CacheWadPic ("sb_rocket"); sb_ammo[3] = Draw_CacheWadPic ("sb_cells"); sb_armor[0] = Draw_CacheWadPic ("sb_armor1"); sb_armor[1] = Draw_CacheWadPic ("sb_armor2"); sb_armor[2] = Draw_CacheWadPic ("sb_armor3"); sb_items[0] = Draw_CacheWadPic ("sb_key1"); sb_items[1] = Draw_CacheWadPic ("sb_key2"); sb_items[2] = Draw_CacheWadPic ("sb_invis"); sb_items[3] = Draw_CacheWadPic ("sb_invuln"); sb_items[4] = Draw_CacheWadPic ("sb_suit"); sb_items[5] = Draw_CacheWadPic ("sb_quad"); sb_sigil[0] = Draw_CacheWadPic ("sb_sigil1"); sb_sigil[1] = Draw_CacheWadPic ("sb_sigil2"); sb_sigil[2] = Draw_CacheWadPic ("sb_sigil3"); sb_sigil[3] = Draw_CacheWadPic ("sb_sigil4"); sb_faces[4][0] = Draw_CacheWadPic ("face1"); sb_faces[4][1] = Draw_CacheWadPic ("face_p1"); sb_faces[3][0] = Draw_CacheWadPic ("face2"); sb_faces[3][1] = Draw_CacheWadPic ("face_p2"); sb_faces[2][0] = Draw_CacheWadPic ("face3"); sb_faces[2][1] = Draw_CacheWadPic ("face_p3"); sb_faces[1][0] = Draw_CacheWadPic ("face4"); sb_faces[1][1] = Draw_CacheWadPic ("face_p4"); sb_faces[0][0] = Draw_CacheWadPic ("face5"); sb_faces[0][1] = Draw_CacheWadPic ("face_p5"); sb_face_invis = Draw_CacheWadPic ("face_invis"); sb_face_invuln = Draw_CacheWadPic ("face_invul2"); sb_face_invis_invuln = Draw_CacheWadPic ("face_inv2"); sb_face_quad = Draw_CacheWadPic ("face_quad"); sb_ibar = Draw_CacheWadPic("ibar"); } vmnetinfo_t *GetNetworkInfo(void) { static vmnetinfo_t ni; static int uc; if (uc != host_screenupdatecount && BUILTINISVALID(GetNetworkInfo)) { uc = host_screenupdatecount; pGetNetworkInfo(&ni, sizeof(ni)); } return ∋ } #ifndef STAT_MINUS #define STAT_MINUS 10 #endif hud_t *hud_netgraph = NULL; // ---------------- // HUD planning // struct { // this is temporary storage place for some of user's settings // hud_* values will be dumped into config file int old_multiview; int old_fov; int old_newhud; qbool active; } autohud; void OnAutoHudChange(cvar_t *var, char *value, qbool *cancel); qbool autohud_loaded = false; cvar_t *hud_planmode; cvar_t *mvd_autohud; cvar_t *hud_digits_trim; cvar_t *cl_multiview; int hud_stats[MAX_CL_STATS]; cvar_t *cl_weaponpreselect; extern int IN_BestWeapon(void); extern void DumpHUD(char *); extern char *Macro_MatchType(void); int HUD_Stats(int stat_num) { if (hud_planmode->value) return hud_stats[stat_num]; else return cl.stats[stat_num]; } // ---------------- // HUD low levels // cvar_t *hud_tp_need; /* tp need levels int TP_IsHealthLow(void); int TP_IsArmorLow(void); int TP_IsAmmoLow(int weapon); */ cvar_t *tp_need_health, *tp_need_ra, *tp_need_ya, *tp_need_ga, *tp_weapon_order, *tp_need_weapon, *tp_need_shells, *tp_need_nails, *tp_need_rockets, *tp_need_cells; int State_AmmoNumForWeapon(int weapon) { // returns ammo number (shells = 1, nails = 2, rox = 3, cells = 4) for given weapon switch (weapon) { case 2: case 3: return 1; case 4: case 5: return 2; case 6: case 7: return 3; case 8: return 4; default: return 0; } } int State_AmmoForWeapon(int weapon) { // returns ammo amount for given weapon int ammon = State_AmmoNumForWeapon(weapon); if (ammon) return cl.stats[STAT_SHELLS + ammon - 1]; else return 0; } int TP_IsHealthLow(void) { return cl.stats[STAT_HEALTH] <= tp_need_health->value; } int TP_IsArmorLow(void) { if ((cl.stats[STAT_ARMOR] > 0) && (cl.stats[STAT_ITEMS] & IT_ARMOR3)) return cl.stats[STAT_ARMOR] <= tp_need_ra->value; if ((cl.stats[STAT_ARMOR] > 0) && (cl.stats[STAT_ITEMS] & IT_ARMOR2)) return cl.stats[STAT_ARMOR] <= tp_need_ya->value; if ((cl.stats[STAT_ARMOR] > 0) && (cl.stats[STAT_ITEMS] & IT_ARMOR1)) return cl.stats[STAT_ARMOR] <= tp_need_ga->value; return 1; } int TP_IsWeaponLow(void) { char *s = tp_weapon_order->string; while (*s && *s != tp_need_weapon->string[0]) { if (cl.stats[STAT_ITEMS] & (IT_SHOTGUN << (*s-'0'-2))) return false; s++; } return true; } int TP_IsAmmoLow(int weapon) { int ammo = State_AmmoForWeapon(weapon); switch (weapon) { case 2: case 3: return ammo <= tp_need_shells->value; case 4: case 5: return ammo <= tp_need_nails->value; case 6: case 7: return ammo <= tp_need_rockets->value; case 8: return ammo <= tp_need_cells->value; default: return 0; } } int TP_TeamFortressEngineerSpanner(void) { #ifdef HAXX char *player_skin=Info_ValueForKey(cl.players[cl.playernum].userinfo,"skin"); char *model_name=cl.model_precache[cl.viewent.current.modelindex]->name; if (cl.teamfortress && player_skin && (strcasecmp(player_skin, "tf_eng") == 0) && model_name && (strcasecmp(model_name, "progs/v_span.mdl") == 0)) { return 1; } else #endif { return 0; } } qbool HUD_HealthLow(void) { if (hud_tp_need->value) return TP_IsHealthLow(); else return HUD_Stats(STAT_HEALTH) <= 25; } qbool HUD_ArmorLow(void) { if (hud_tp_need->value) return (TP_IsArmorLow()); else return (HUD_Stats(STAT_ARMOR) <= 25); } qbool HUD_AmmoLow(void) { if (hud_tp_need->value) { if (HUD_Stats(STAT_ITEMS) & IT_SHELLS) return TP_IsAmmoLow(2); else if (HUD_Stats(STAT_ITEMS) & IT_NAILS) return TP_IsAmmoLow(4); else if (HUD_Stats(STAT_ITEMS) & IT_ROCKETS) return TP_IsAmmoLow(6); else if (HUD_Stats(STAT_ITEMS) & IT_CELLS) return TP_IsAmmoLow(8); return false; } else return (HUD_Stats(STAT_AMMO) <= 10); } int HUD_AmmoLowByWeapon(int weapon) { if (hud_tp_need->value) return TP_IsAmmoLow(weapon); else { int a; switch (weapon) { case 2: case 3: a = STAT_SHELLS; break; case 4: case 5: a = STAT_NAILS; break; case 6: case 7: a = STAT_ROCKETS; break; case 8: a = STAT_CELLS; break; default: return false; } return (HUD_Stats(a) <= 10); } } // ---------------- // DrawFPS void SCR_HUD_DrawFPS(hud_t *hud) { int x, y; char st[128]; static cvar_t *hud_fps_show_min = NULL, *hud_fps_style, *hud_fps_title, *hud_fps_drop; if (hud_fps_show_min == NULL) // first time called { hud_fps_show_min = HUD_FindVar(hud, "show_min"); hud_fps_style = HUD_FindVar(hud, "style"); hud_fps_title = HUD_FindVar(hud, "title"); hud_fps_drop = HUD_FindVar(hud, "drop"); } if (hud_fps_show_min->value) snprintf (st, sizeof (st), "%3d^Ue00f%3d", (int)(cls.min_fps + 0.25), (int) (cls.fps + 0.25)); else snprintf (st, sizeof (st), "%3d", (int)(cls.fps + 0.25)); if (hud_fps_title->value) strlcat (st, " fps", sizeof (st)); if (HUD_PrepareDraw(hud, strlen(st)*8, 8, &x, &y)) { vmnetinfo_t *netinfo = GetNetworkInfo(); if (netinfo->capturing == 2) //don't show fps if its locked to something anyway. return; if ((hud_fps_style->value) == 1) Draw_Alt_String(x, y, st); else if ((hud_fps_style->value) == 2) { if ((hud_fps_drop->value) >= cls.fps) // if fps is less than a user-set value, then show it Draw_String(x, y, st); } else if ((hud_fps_style->value) == 3) { if ((hud_fps_drop->value) >= cls.fps) // if fps is less than a user-set value, then show it Draw_Alt_String(x, y, st); } else // hud_fps_style is anything other than 1,2,3 Draw_String(x, y, st); } } void SCR_HUD_DrawVidLag(hud_t *hud) { int x, y; char st[128]; static cvar_t *hud_vidlag_style = NULL; vmnetinfo_t *netinfo = GetNetworkInfo(); static double old_lag; if (netinfo->vlatency) { // take the average of last two values, otherwise it // changes very fast and is hard to read double current, avg; current = netinfo->vlatency; avg = (current + old_lag) * 0.5; old_lag = current; snprintf (st, sizeof (st), "%2.1f", avg * 1000); } else strcpy(st, "?"); if (hud_vidlag_style == NULL) // first time called { hud_vidlag_style = HUD_FindVar(hud, "style"); } strlcat (st, " ms", sizeof (st)); if (HUD_PrepareDraw(hud, strlen(st)*8, 8, &x, &y)) { if (hud_vidlag_style->value) { Draw_Alt_String(x, y, st); } else { Draw_String(x, y, st); } } } void SCR_HUD_DrawMouserate(hud_t *hud) { int x, y; static int lastresult = 0; int newresult; char st[80]; // string buffer double t; // current time static double lastframetime; // last refresh vmnetinfo_t *netinfo = GetNetworkInfo(); static cvar_t *hud_mouserate_title = NULL, *hud_mouserate_interval, *hud_mouserate_style; if (hud_mouserate_title == NULL) // first time called { hud_mouserate_style = HUD_FindVar(hud, "style"); hud_mouserate_title = HUD_FindVar(hud, "title"); hud_mouserate_interval = HUD_FindVar(hud, "interval"); } t = cls.realtime; if ((t - lastframetime) >= hud_mouserate_interval->value) { newresult = netinfo->mrate; lastframetime = t; } else newresult = 0; if (newresult > 0) { snprintf(st, sizeof(st), "%4d", newresult); lastresult = newresult; } else if (!newresult) snprintf(st, sizeof(st), "%4d", lastresult); else snprintf(st, sizeof(st), "n/a"); if (hud_mouserate_title->value) strlcat(st, " Hz", sizeof (st)); if (HUD_PrepareDraw(hud, strlen(st)*8, 8, &x, &y)) { if (hud_mouserate_style->value) { Draw_Alt_String(x, y, st); } else { Draw_String(x, y, st); } } } #define MAX_TRACKING_STRING 512 void SCR_HUD_DrawTracking(hud_t *hud) { #ifdef HAXX static char tracked_strings[MV_VIEWS][MAX_TRACKING_STRING]; static int tracked[MV_VIEWS] = {-1, -1, -1, -1}; int view = 0; #endif int views = 1; int x = 0, y = 0, width = 0, height = 0; char track_string[MAX_TRACKING_STRING]; static cvar_t *hud_tracking_format = NULL, *hud_tracking_scale; if (!hud_tracking_format) { hud_tracking_format = HUD_FindVar(hud, "format"); hud_tracking_scale = HUD_FindVar(hud, "scale"); } strlcpy(track_string, hud_tracking_format->string, sizeof(track_string)); #ifdef HAXX if(cls.mvdplayback && cl_multiview->value && CURRVIEW > 0) { // // Multiview. // views = cl_multiview->value; // Save the currently tracked player for the slot being drawn // (this will be done for all views and we'll get a complete // list over who we're tracking). tracked[CURRVIEW - 1] = spec_track; for(view = 0; view < MV_VIEWS; view++) { int new_width = 0; // We haven't found who we're tracking in this view. if(tracked[view] < 0) { continue; } strlcpy(tracked_strings[view], hud_tracking_format->string, sizeof(tracked_strings[view])); Replace_In_String(tracked_strings[view], sizeof(tracked_strings[view]), '%', 3, "v", cl_multiview->value ? va("%d", view+1) : "", // Replace %v with the current view (in multiview) "n", cl.players[tracked[view]].name, // Replace %n with player name. "t", cl.teamplay ? cl.players[tracked[view]].team : ""); // Replace %t with player team if teamplay is on. // Set the width. new_width = 8 * strlen_color(tracked_strings[view]); width = (new_width > width) ? new_width : width; } } else #endif { // Normal. Replace_In_String(track_string, sizeof(track_string), '%', 2, "n", cl.players[spec_track].name, // Replace %n with player name. "t", cl.teamplay ? cl.players[spec_track].team : ""); // Replace %t with player team if teamplay is on. width = 8 * strlen_color(track_string); } height = 8 * views; height *= hud_tracking_scale->value; width *= hud_tracking_scale->value; if (!(cl.spectator && autocam == CAM_TRACK)) height = 0; if(!HUD_PrepareDraw(hud, width, height, &x, &y)) { return; } if (height == 0) return; #ifdef HAXX if (cls.mvdplayback && cl_multiview->value && autocam == CAM_TRACK) { // Multiview for(view = 0; view < MV_VIEWS; view++) { if(tracked[view] < 0 || CURRVIEW <= 0) { continue; } Draw_SString(x, y + view*8, tracked_strings[view], hud_tracking_scale->value); } } else #endif if (cl.spectator && autocam == CAM_TRACK && !cl_multiview->value) { // Normal Draw_SString(x, y, track_string, hud_tracking_scale->value); } } #ifdef HAXX void R_MQW_NetGraph(int outgoing_sequence, int incoming_sequence, int *packet_latency, int lost, int minping, int avgping, int maxping, int devping, int posx, int posy, int width, int height, int revx, int revy); // ---------------- // Netgraph static void SCR_HUD_Netgraph(hud_t *hud) { static cvar_t *par_width = NULL, *par_height, *par_swap_x, *par_swap_y, *par_ploss; if (par_width == NULL) // first time { par_width = HUD_FindVar(hud, "width"); par_height = HUD_FindVar(hud, "height"); par_swap_x = HUD_FindVar(hud, "swap_x"); par_swap_y = HUD_FindVar(hud, "swap_y"); par_ploss = HUD_FindVar(hud, "ploss"); } R_MQW_NetGraph(cls.netchan.outgoing_sequence, cls.netchan.incoming_sequence, packet_latency, par_ploss->value ? CL_CalcNet() : -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, (int)par_width->value, (int)par_height->value, (int)par_swap_x->value, (int)par_swap_y->value); } #endif //--------------------- // // draw HUD ping // static void SCR_HUD_DrawPing(hud_t *hud) { double t; static double last_calculated; static int ping_avg, pl, ping_min, ping_max; static float ping_dev; int width, height; int x, y; char buf[512]; vmnetinfo_t *netinfo = GetNetworkInfo(); static cvar_t *hud_ping_period = NULL, *hud_ping_show_pl, *hud_ping_show_dev, *hud_ping_show_min, *hud_ping_show_max, *hud_ping_style, *hud_ping_blink; if (hud_ping_period == NULL) // first time { hud_ping_period = HUD_FindVar(hud, "period"); hud_ping_show_pl = HUD_FindVar(hud, "show_pl"); hud_ping_show_dev = HUD_FindVar(hud, "show_dev"); hud_ping_show_min = HUD_FindVar(hud, "show_min"); hud_ping_show_max = HUD_FindVar(hud, "show_max"); hud_ping_style = HUD_FindVar(hud, "style"); hud_ping_blink = HUD_FindVar(hud, "blink"); } t = cls.realtime; if (t - last_calculated > hud_ping_period->value) { // float period; last_calculated = t; // period = max(hud_ping_period->value, 0); ping_avg = (int)(netinfo->ping.s_avg*1000 + 0.5); ping_min = (int)(netinfo->ping.s_mn*1000 + 0.5); ping_max = (int)(netinfo->ping.s_mx*1000 + 0.5); ping_dev = netinfo->ping.ms_stddev; pl = netinfo->loss.dropped*100; clamp(ping_avg, 0, 999); clamp(ping_min, 0, 999); clamp(ping_max, 0, 999); clamp(ping_dev, 0, 99.9); clamp(pl, 0, 100); } buf[0] = 0; // blink if (hud_ping_blink->value) // add dot strlcat (buf, (last_calculated + hud_ping_period->value/2 > cls.realtime) ? "^Ue08f" : " ", sizeof (buf)); // min ping if (hud_ping_show_min->value) strlcat (buf, va("%d^Ue00f", ping_min), sizeof (buf)); // ping strlcat (buf, va("%d", ping_avg), sizeof (buf)); // max ping if (hud_ping_show_max->value) strlcat (buf, va("^Ue00f%d", ping_max), sizeof (buf)); // unit strlcat (buf, " ms", sizeof (buf)); // standard deviation if (hud_ping_show_dev->value) strlcat (buf, va(" (%.1f)", ping_dev), sizeof (buf)); // pl if (hud_ping_show_pl->value) strlcat (buf, va(" ^Ue08f %d%%", pl), sizeof (buf)); // display that on screen width = strlen(buf) * 8; height = 8; if (HUD_PrepareDraw(hud, width, height, &x, &y)) { if (hud_ping_style->value) { Draw_Alt_String(x, y, buf); } else { Draw_String(x, y, buf); } } } static const char *SCR_HUD_ClockFormat(int format) { switch (format) { case 1: return "%I:%M %p"; case 2: return "%I:%M:%S %p"; case 3: return "%H:%M"; default: case 0: return "%H:%M:%S"; } } //--------------------- // // draw HUD clock // void SCR_HUD_DrawClock(hud_t *hud) { int width, height; int x, y; const char *t; static cvar_t *hud_clock_big = NULL, *hud_clock_style, *hud_clock_blink, *hud_clock_scale, *hud_clock_format; if (hud_clock_big == NULL) // first time { hud_clock_big = HUD_FindVar(hud, "big"); hud_clock_style = HUD_FindVar(hud, "style"); hud_clock_blink = HUD_FindVar(hud, "blink"); hud_clock_scale = HUD_FindVar(hud, "scale"); hud_clock_format= HUD_FindVar(hud, "format"); } t = SCR_GetTimeString(TIMETYPE_CLOCK, SCR_HUD_ClockFormat(hud_clock_format->ival)); width = SCR_GetClockStringWidth(t, hud_clock_big->ival, hud_clock_scale->value); height = SCR_GetClockStringHeight(hud_clock_big->ival, hud_clock_scale->value); if (HUD_PrepareDraw(hud, width, height, &x, &y)) { if (hud_clock_big->value) SCR_DrawBigClock(x, y, hud_clock_style->value, hud_clock_blink->value, hud_clock_scale->value, t); else SCR_DrawSmallClock(x, y, hud_clock_style->value, hud_clock_blink->value, hud_clock_scale->value, t); } } //--------------------- // // draw HUD notify // static void SCR_HUD_DrawNotify(hud_t* hud) { static cvar_t* hud_notify_rows = NULL; static cvar_t* hud_notify_scale; static cvar_t* hud_notify_time; static cvar_t* hud_notify_cols; int x; int y; int width; int height; if (hud_notify_rows == NULL) // First time. { hud_notify_rows = HUD_FindVar(hud, "rows"); hud_notify_cols = HUD_FindVar(hud, "cols"); hud_notify_scale = HUD_FindVar(hud, "scale"); hud_notify_time = HUD_FindVar(hud, "time"); } height = hud_notify_rows->ival * 8 * hud_notify_scale->value; width = 8 * hud_notify_cols->ival * hud_notify_scale->value; if (HUD_PrepareDraw(hud, width, height, &x, &y)) { pCvar_SetFloat("con_notify_x", (float)x / vid.width); pCvar_SetFloat("con_notify_y", (float)y / vid.height); pCvar_SetFloat("con_notify_w", (float)width / vid.width); pCvar_SetFloat("con_numnotifylines",(int)(height/(8*hud_notify_scale->value) + 0.01)); pCvar_SetFloat("con_notifytime", (float)hud_notify_time->ival); pCvar_SetFloat("con_textsize", 8.0 * hud_notify_scale->value); // SCR_DrawNotify(x, y, hud_notify_scale->value, hud_notify_time->ival, hud_notify_rows->ival, hud_notify_cols->ival); } } //--------------------- // // draw HUD gameclock // void SCR_HUD_DrawGameClock(hud_t *hud) { int width, height; int x, y; int timetype; const char *t; static cvar_t *hud_gameclock_big = NULL, *hud_gameclock_style, *hud_gameclock_blink, *hud_gameclock_countdown, *hud_gameclock_scale // *hud_gameclock_offset ; if (hud_gameclock_big == NULL) // first time { hud_gameclock_big = HUD_FindVar(hud, "big"); hud_gameclock_style = HUD_FindVar(hud, "style"); hud_gameclock_blink = HUD_FindVar(hud, "blink"); hud_gameclock_countdown = HUD_FindVar(hud, "countdown"); hud_gameclock_scale = HUD_FindVar(hud, "scale"); // hud_gameclock_offset = HUD_FindVar(hud, "offset"); // gameclockoffset = &hud_gameclock_offset->ival; } timetype = (hud_gameclock_countdown->value) ? TIMETYPE_GAMECLOCKINV : TIMETYPE_GAMECLOCK; t = SCR_GetTimeString(timetype, NULL); width = SCR_GetClockStringWidth(t, hud_gameclock_big->ival, hud_gameclock_scale->value); height = SCR_GetClockStringHeight(hud_gameclock_big->ival, hud_gameclock_scale->value); if (HUD_PrepareDraw(hud, width, height, &x, &y)) { if (hud_gameclock_big->value) SCR_DrawBigClock(x, y, hud_gameclock_style->value, hud_gameclock_blink->value, hud_gameclock_scale->value, t); else SCR_DrawSmallClock(x, y, hud_gameclock_style->value, hud_gameclock_blink->value, hud_gameclock_scale->value, t); } } //--------------------- // // draw HUD democlock // void SCR_HUD_DrawDemoClock(hud_t *hud) { int width = 0; int height = 0; int x = 0; int y = 0; const char *t; static cvar_t *hud_democlock_big = NULL, *hud_democlock_style, *hud_democlock_blink, *hud_democlock_scale; if (!cls.demoplayback || cls.mvdplayback == 2) { HUD_PrepareDraw(hud, width, height, &x, &y); return; } if (hud_democlock_big == NULL) // first time { hud_democlock_big = HUD_FindVar(hud, "big"); hud_democlock_style = HUD_FindVar(hud, "style"); hud_democlock_blink = HUD_FindVar(hud, "blink"); hud_democlock_scale = HUD_FindVar(hud, "scale"); } t = SCR_GetTimeString(TIMETYPE_DEMOCLOCK, NULL); width = SCR_GetClockStringWidth(t, hud_democlock_big->ival, hud_democlock_scale->value); height = SCR_GetClockStringHeight(hud_democlock_big->ival, hud_democlock_scale->value); if (HUD_PrepareDraw(hud, width, height, &x, &y)) { if (hud_democlock_big->value) SCR_DrawBigClock(x, y, hud_democlock_style->value, hud_democlock_blink->value, hud_democlock_scale->value, t); else SCR_DrawSmallClock(x, y, hud_democlock_style->value, hud_democlock_blink->value, hud_democlock_scale->value, t); } } //--------------------- // // network statistics // static void SCR_NetStats(int x, int y, float period, vmnetinfo_t *netinfo) { char line[128]; double t; // static data static double last_calculated; static int ping_min, ping_max, ping_avg; static float ping_dev; static float f_min, f_max, f_avg; static int lost_lost, lost_delta, lost_rate, lost_total; static int size_all, size_in, size_out, pps_in, pps_out; static int bandwidth_all, bandwidth_in, bandwidth_out; static int with_delta; if (cls.state != ca_active) return; if (period < 0) period = 0; t = cls.realtime; if (t - last_calculated > period) { // recalculate last_calculated = t; ping_avg = (int)(netinfo->ping.s_avg*1000 + 0.5); ping_min = (int)(netinfo->ping.s_mn*1000 + 0.5); ping_max = (int)(netinfo->ping.s_mx*1000 + 0.5); ping_dev = netinfo->ping.ms_stddev; clamp(ping_avg, 0, 999); clamp(ping_min, 0, 999); clamp(ping_max, 0, 999); clamp(ping_dev, 0, 99.9); f_avg = (int)(netinfo->ping.fr_avg+0.5); f_min = netinfo->ping.fr_mn; f_max = netinfo->ping.fr_mx; clamp(f_avg, 0, 99); clamp(f_min, 0, 99); clamp(f_max, 0, 99); lost_lost = (int)(netinfo->loss.dropped*100 + 0.5); lost_rate = (int)(netinfo->loss.choked*100 + 0.5); lost_delta = (int)(netinfo->loss.invalid*100 + 0.5); lost_total = (int)((netinfo->loss.dropped + netinfo->loss.choked + netinfo->loss.invalid)*100 + 0.5); clamp(lost_lost, 0, 100); clamp(lost_rate, 0, 100); clamp(lost_delta, 0, 100); clamp(lost_total, 0, 100); pps_in = netinfo->clrate.in_pps; pps_out = netinfo->clrate.out_pps; //per packet sizes size_in = (int)(netinfo->clrate.in_bps/netinfo->clrate.in_pps + 0.5); size_out = (int)(netinfo->clrate.out_bps/netinfo->clrate.out_pps + 0.5); size_all = (int)(netinfo->clrate.in_bps/netinfo->clrate.in_pps + netinfo->clrate.out_bps/netinfo->clrate.out_pps + 0.5); //overall rate bandwidth_in = (int)(netinfo->clrate.in_bps + 0.5); bandwidth_out = (int)(netinfo->clrate.out_bps + 0.5); bandwidth_all = (int)(netinfo->clrate.in_bps + netinfo->clrate.out_bps + 0.5); clamp(size_in, 0, 999); clamp(size_out, 0, 999); clamp(size_all, 0, 999); clamp(bandwidth_in, 0, 99999); clamp(bandwidth_out, 0, 99999); clamp(bandwidth_all, 0, 99999); with_delta = !pCvar_GetFloat("cl_nodelta"); } Draw_Alt_String(x+36, y, "latency"); y+=12; snprintf (line, sizeof (line), "min %4f %3d ms", f_min, ping_min); Draw_String(x, y, line); y+=8; snprintf(line, sizeof (line), "avg %4f %3d ms", f_avg, ping_avg); Draw_String(x, y, line); y+=8; snprintf(line, sizeof (line), "max %4f %3d ms", f_max, ping_max); Draw_String(x, y, line); y+=8; snprintf(line, sizeof (line), "dev %f ms", ping_dev); Draw_String(x, y, line); y+=12; Draw_Alt_String(x+20, y, "packet loss"); y+=12; snprintf(line, sizeof (line), "lost %3d %%", lost_lost); Draw_String(x, y, line); y+=8; snprintf(line, sizeof (line), "rate cut %3d %%", lost_rate); Draw_String(x, y, line); y+=8; if (with_delta) snprintf(line, sizeof (line), "bad delta %3d %%", lost_delta); else strlcpy (line, "no delta compr", sizeof (line)); Draw_String(x, y, line); y+=8; snprintf(line, sizeof (line), "total %3d %%", lost_total); Draw_String(x, y, line); y+=12; Draw_Alt_String(x+4, y, "packet size/BPS"); y+=12; snprintf(line, sizeof (line), "out %3d %5d %d", size_out, bandwidth_out, pps_out); Draw_String(x, y, line); y+=8; snprintf(line, sizeof (line), "in %3d %5d %3d", size_in, bandwidth_in, pps_in); Draw_String(x, y, line); y+=8; snprintf(line, sizeof (line), "total %3d %5d %3d", size_all, bandwidth_all, pps_in+pps_out); Draw_String(x, y, line); y+=8; } static void SCR_HUD_DrawNetStats(hud_t *hud) { int width, height; int x, y; vmnetinfo_t *netinfo = GetNetworkInfo(); static cvar_t *hud_net_period = NULL; if (hud_net_period == NULL) // first time { hud_net_period = HUD_FindVar(hud, "period"); } width = 16*8 ; height = 12 + 8 + 8 + 8 + 8 + 16 + 8 + 8 + 8 + 8 + 16 + 8 + 8 + 8; if (!netinfo || netinfo->capturing==2) HUD_PrepareDraw(hud, 0, 0, &x, &y); else if (HUD_PrepareDraw(hud, width, height, &x, &y)) { SCR_NetStats(x, y, hud_net_period->value, netinfo); } } #define SPEED_GREEN "52" #define SPEED_BROWN_RED "100" #define SPEED_DARK_RED "72" #define SPEED_BLUE "216" #define SPEED_RED "229" #define SPEED_STOPPED SPEED_GREEN #define SPEED_NORMAL SPEED_BROWN_RED #define SPEED_FAST SPEED_DARK_RED #define SPEED_FASTEST SPEED_BLUE #define SPEED_INSANE SPEED_RED //--------------------- // // speed-o-meter // #ifdef HAXX static void SCR_HUD_DrawSpeed(hud_t *hud) { int width, height; int x, y; static cvar_t *hud_speed_xyz = NULL, *hud_speed_width, *hud_speed_height, *hud_speed_tick_spacing, *hud_speed_opacity, *hud_speed_color_stopped, *hud_speed_color_normal, *hud_speed_color_fast, *hud_speed_color_fastest, *hud_speed_color_insane, *hud_speed_vertical, *hud_speed_vertical_text, *hud_speed_text_align, *hud_speed_style; if (hud_speed_xyz == NULL) // first time { hud_speed_xyz = HUD_FindVar(hud, "xyz"); hud_speed_width = HUD_FindVar(hud, "width"); hud_speed_height = HUD_FindVar(hud, "height"); hud_speed_tick_spacing = HUD_FindVar(hud, "tick_spacing"); hud_speed_opacity = HUD_FindVar(hud, "opacity"); hud_speed_color_stopped = HUD_FindVar(hud, "color_stopped"); hud_speed_color_normal = HUD_FindVar(hud, "color_normal"); hud_speed_color_fast = HUD_FindVar(hud, "color_fast"); hud_speed_color_fastest = HUD_FindVar(hud, "color_fastest"); hud_speed_color_insane = HUD_FindVar(hud, "color_insane"); hud_speed_vertical = HUD_FindVar(hud, "vertical"); hud_speed_vertical_text = HUD_FindVar(hud, "vertical_text"); hud_speed_text_align = HUD_FindVar(hud, "text_align"); hud_speed_style = HUD_FindVar(hud, "style"); } width = max(0, hud_speed_width->value); height = max(0, hud_speed_height->value); if (HUD_PrepareDraw(hud, width, height, &x, &y)) { SCR_DrawHUDSpeed(x, y, width, height, hud_speed_xyz->value, hud_speed_tick_spacing->value, hud_speed_opacity->value, hud_speed_vertical->value, hud_speed_vertical_text->value, hud_speed_text_align->value, hud_speed_color_stopped->value, hud_speed_color_normal->value, hud_speed_color_fast->value, hud_speed_color_fastest->value, hud_speed_color_insane->value, hud_speed_style->ival); } } #endif #define HUD_SPEED2_ORIENTATION_UP 0 #define HUD_SPEED2_ORIENTATION_DOWN 1 #define HUD_SPEED2_ORIENTATION_RIGHT 2 #define HUD_SPEED2_ORIENTATION_LEFT 3 void SCR_HUD_DrawSpeed2(hud_t *hud) { int width, height; int x, y; static cvar_t *hud_speed2_xyz = NULL, // *hud_speed2_opacity, *hud_speed2_color_stopped, *hud_speed2_color_normal, *hud_speed2_color_fast, *hud_speed2_color_fastest, *hud_speed2_color_insane, *hud_speed2_radius, *hud_speed2_wrapspeed, *hud_speed2_orientation; if (hud_speed2_xyz == NULL) // first time { hud_speed2_xyz = HUD_FindVar(hud, "xyz"); // hud_speed2_opacity = HUD_FindVar(hud, "opacity"); hud_speed2_color_stopped = HUD_FindVar(hud, "color_stopped"); hud_speed2_color_normal = HUD_FindVar(hud, "color_normal"); hud_speed2_color_fast = HUD_FindVar(hud, "color_fast"); hud_speed2_color_fastest = HUD_FindVar(hud, "color_fastest"); hud_speed2_color_insane = HUD_FindVar(hud, "color_insane"); hud_speed2_radius = HUD_FindVar(hud, "radius"); hud_speed2_wrapspeed = HUD_FindVar(hud, "wrapspeed"); hud_speed2_orientation = HUD_FindVar(hud, "orientation"); } // Calculate the height and width based on the radius. switch((int)hud_speed2_orientation->value) { case HUD_SPEED2_ORIENTATION_LEFT : case HUD_SPEED2_ORIENTATION_RIGHT : height = max(0, 2*hud_speed2_radius->value); width = max(0, (hud_speed2_radius->value)); break; case HUD_SPEED2_ORIENTATION_DOWN : case HUD_SPEED2_ORIENTATION_UP : default : // Include the height of the speed text in the height. height = max(0, (hud_speed2_radius->value)); width = max(0, 2*hud_speed2_radius->value); break; } if (HUD_PrepareDraw(hud, width, height, &x, &y)) { int player_speed; int arc_length; int color1, color2; int text_x = x; int text_y = y; vec_t *velocity; // Start and end points for the needle int needle_start_x = 0; int needle_start_y = 0; int needle_end_x = 0; int needle_end_y = 0; // The length of the arc between the zero point // and where the needle is pointing at. int needle_offset = 0; // The angle between the zero point and the position // that the needle is drawn on. float needle_angle = 0.0; // The angle where to start drawing the half circle and where to end. // This depends on the orientation of the circle (left, right, up, down). float circle_startangle = 0.0; float circle_endangle = 0.0; // Avoid divison by zero. if(hud_speed2_radius->value <= 0) { return; } // Get the velocity. #ifdef HAXX if (cl.players[cl.playernum].spectator && Cam_TrackNum() >= 0) { velocity = cl.frames[cls.netchan.incoming_sequence & UPDATE_MASK].playerstate[Cam_TrackNum()].velocity; } else #endif { velocity = cl.simvel; } // Calculate the speed if (!hud_speed2_xyz->value) { // Based on XY. player_speed = sqrt(velocity[0]*velocity[0] + velocity[1]*velocity[1]); } else { // Based on XYZ. player_speed = sqrt(velocity[0]*velocity[0] + velocity[1]*velocity[1] + velocity[2]*velocity[2]); } // Set the color based on the wrap speed. switch ((int)(player_speed / hud_speed2_wrapspeed->value)) { case 0: color1 = hud_speed2_color_stopped->ival; color2 = hud_speed2_color_normal->ival; break; case 1: color1 = hud_speed2_color_normal->ival; color2 = hud_speed2_color_fast->ival; break; case 2: color1 = hud_speed2_color_fast->ival; color2 = hud_speed2_color_fastest->ival; break; default: color1 = hud_speed2_color_fastest->ival; color2 = hud_speed2_color_insane->ival; break; } // Set some properties how to draw the half circle, needle and text // based on the orientation of the hud item. switch((int)hud_speed2_orientation->value) { case HUD_SPEED2_ORIENTATION_LEFT : { x += width; y += height / 2; circle_startangle = M_PI / 2.0; circle_endangle = (3*M_PI) / 2.0; text_x = x - 32; text_y = y - 4; break; } case HUD_SPEED2_ORIENTATION_RIGHT : { y += height / 2; circle_startangle = (3*M_PI) / 2.0; circle_endangle = (5*M_PI) / 2.0; needle_end_y = y + hud_speed2_radius->value * sin (needle_angle); text_x = x; text_y = y - 4; break; } case HUD_SPEED2_ORIENTATION_DOWN : { x += width / 2; circle_startangle = M_PI; circle_endangle = 2*M_PI; needle_end_y = y + hud_speed2_radius->value * sin (needle_angle); text_x = x - 16; text_y = y; break; } case HUD_SPEED2_ORIENTATION_UP : default : { x += width / 2; y += height; circle_startangle = 0; circle_endangle = M_PI; needle_end_y = y - hud_speed2_radius->value * sin (needle_angle); text_x = x - 16; text_y = y - 8; break; } } // // Calculate the offsets and angles. // { // Calculate the arc length of the half circle background. arc_length = fabs((circle_endangle - circle_startangle) * hud_speed2_radius->value); // Calculate the angle where the speed needle should point. needle_offset = arc_length * (player_speed % Q_rint(hud_speed2_wrapspeed->value)) / Q_rint(hud_speed2_wrapspeed->value); needle_angle = needle_offset / hud_speed2_radius->value; // Draw from the center of the half circle. needle_start_x = x; needle_start_y = y; } // Set the needle end point depending on the orientation of the hud item. switch((int)hud_speed2_orientation->value) { case HUD_SPEED2_ORIENTATION_LEFT : { needle_end_x = x - hud_speed2_radius->value * sin (needle_angle); needle_end_y = y + hud_speed2_radius->value * cos (needle_angle); break; } case HUD_SPEED2_ORIENTATION_RIGHT : { needle_end_x = x + hud_speed2_radius->value * sin (needle_angle); needle_end_y = y - hud_speed2_radius->value * cos (needle_angle); break; } case HUD_SPEED2_ORIENTATION_DOWN : { needle_end_x = x + hud_speed2_radius->value * cos (needle_angle); needle_end_y = y + hud_speed2_radius->value * sin (needle_angle); break; } case HUD_SPEED2_ORIENTATION_UP : default : { needle_end_x = x - hud_speed2_radius->value * cos (needle_angle); needle_end_y = y - hud_speed2_radius->value * sin (needle_angle); break; } } #ifdef HAXX // Draw the speed-o-meter background. Draw_AlphaPieSlice (x, y, // Position hud_speed2_radius->value, // Radius circle_startangle, // Start angle circle_endangle - needle_angle, // End angle 1, // Thickness true, // Fill color1, // Color hud_speed2_opacity->value); // Opacity // Draw a pie slice that shows the "color" of the speed. Draw_AlphaPieSlice (x, y, // Position hud_speed2_radius->value, // Radius circle_endangle - needle_angle, // Start angle circle_endangle, // End angle 1, // Thickness true, // Fill color2, // Color hud_speed2_opacity->value); // Opacity // Draw the "needle attachment" circle. Draw_AlphaCircle (x, y, 2.0, 1, true, 15, hud_speed2_opacity->value); // Draw the speed needle. Draw_AlphaLineRGB (needle_start_x, needle_start_y, needle_end_x, needle_end_y, 1, RGBA_TO_COLOR(250, 250, 250, 255 * hud_speed2_opacity->value)); #else (void)color1; (void)color2; (void)needle_start_x; (void)needle_start_y; (void)needle_end_x; (void)needle_end_y; #endif // Draw the speed. Draw_String (text_x, text_y, va("%d", player_speed)); } } // ======================================================= // // s t a t u s b a r e l e m e n t s // // // ----------- // gunz // void SCR_HUD_DrawGunByNum (hud_t *hud, int num, float scale, int style, int wide) { int i = num - 2; int width, height; int x, y; char *tmp; scale = max(scale, 0.01); switch (style) { case 3: // opposite colors of case 1 case 1: // text, gold inactive, white active width = 16 * scale; height = 8 * scale; if (!HUD_PrepareDraw(hud, width, height, &x, &y)) return; if ( HUD_Stats(STAT_ITEMS) & (IT_SHOTGUN<<i) ) { switch (num) { case 2: tmp = "sg"; break; case 3: tmp = "bs"; break; case 4: tmp = "ng"; break; case 5: tmp = "sn"; break; case 6: tmp = "gl"; break; case 7: tmp = "rl"; break; case 8: tmp = "lg"; break; default: tmp = ""; } if ( ((HUD_Stats(STAT_ACTIVEWEAPON) == (IT_SHOTGUN<<i)) && (style==1)) || ((HUD_Stats(STAT_ACTIVEWEAPON) != (IT_SHOTGUN<<i)) && (style==3)) ) Draw_SString(x, y, tmp, scale); else Draw_SAlt_String(x, y, tmp, scale); } break; case 4: // opposite colors of case 2 case 2: // numbers, gold inactive, white active width = 8 * scale; height = 8 * scale; if (!HUD_PrepareDraw(hud, width, height, &x, &y)) return; if ( HUD_Stats(STAT_ITEMS) & (IT_SHOTGUN<<i) ) { if ( HUD_Stats(STAT_ACTIVEWEAPON) == (IT_SHOTGUN<<i) ) num += '0' + (style == 4 ? 128 : 0); else num += '0' + (style == 4 ? 0 : 128); Draw_SCharacter(x, y, num, scale); } break; case 5: // COLOR active, gold inactive case 7: // COLOR active, white inactive case 6: // white active, COLOR inactive case 8: // gold active, COLOR inactive width = 16 * scale; height = 8 * scale; if (!HUD_PrepareDraw(hud, width, height, &x, &y)) return; if ( HUD_Stats(STAT_ITEMS) & (IT_SHOTGUN<<i) ) { if ( HUD_Stats(STAT_ACTIVEWEAPON) == (IT_SHOTGUN<<i) ) { if ((style==5) || (style==7)) { // strip {} char *weap_str = TP_ItemName((IT_SHOTGUN<<i)); char weap_white_stripped[32]; Util_SkipChars(weap_str, "{}", weap_white_stripped, 32); Draw_SString(x, y, weap_white_stripped, scale); } else { //Strip both &cRGB and {} char inactive_weapon_buf[16]; char inactive_weapon_buf_nowhite[16]; Util_SkipEZColors(inactive_weapon_buf, TP_ItemName(IT_SHOTGUN<<i), sizeof(inactive_weapon_buf)); Util_SkipChars(inactive_weapon_buf, "{}", inactive_weapon_buf_nowhite, sizeof(inactive_weapon_buf_nowhite)); if (style==8) // gold active Draw_SAlt_String(x, y, inactive_weapon_buf_nowhite, scale); else if (style==6) // white active Draw_SString(x, y, inactive_weapon_buf_nowhite, scale); } } else { if ((style==5) || (style==7)) { //Strip both &cRGB and {} char inactive_weapon_buf[16]; char inactive_weapon_buf_nowhite[16]; Util_SkipEZColors(inactive_weapon_buf, TP_ItemName(IT_SHOTGUN<<i), sizeof(inactive_weapon_buf)); Util_SkipChars(inactive_weapon_buf, "{}", inactive_weapon_buf_nowhite, sizeof(inactive_weapon_buf_nowhite)); if (style==5) // gold inactive Draw_SAlt_String(x, y, inactive_weapon_buf_nowhite, scale); else if (style==7) // white inactive Draw_SString(x, y, inactive_weapon_buf_nowhite, scale); } else if ((style==6) || (style==8)) { // strip only {} char *weap_str = TP_ItemName((IT_SHOTGUN<<i)); char weap_white_stripped[32]; Util_SkipChars(weap_str, "{}", weap_white_stripped, 32); Draw_SString(x, y, weap_white_stripped, scale); } } } break; default: // classic - pictures width = scale * (wide ? 48 : 24); height = scale * 16; if (!HUD_PrepareDraw(hud, width, height, &x, &y)) return; if ( HUD_Stats(STAT_ITEMS) & (IT_SHOTGUN<<i) ) { float time; int flashon; time = cl.item_gettime[i]; flashon = (int)((cl.time - time)*10); if (flashon < 0) flashon = 0; if (flashon >= 10) { if ( HUD_Stats(STAT_ACTIVEWEAPON) == (IT_SHOTGUN<<i) ) flashon = 1; else flashon = 0; } else flashon = (flashon%5) + 2; if (wide || num != 8) Draw_SPic (x, y, sb_weapons[flashon][i], scale); else Draw_SSubPic (x, y, sb_weapons[flashon][i], 0, 0, 24, 16, scale); } break; } } void SCR_HUD_DrawGun2 (hud_t *hud) { static cvar_t *scale = NULL, *style; if (scale == NULL) // first time callse { scale = HUD_FindVar(hud, "scale"); style = HUD_FindVar(hud, "style"); } SCR_HUD_DrawGunByNum (hud, 2, scale->value, style->value, 0); } void SCR_HUD_DrawGun3 (hud_t *hud) { static cvar_t *scale = NULL, *style; if (scale == NULL) // first time called { scale = HUD_FindVar(hud, "scale"); style = HUD_FindVar(hud, "style"); } SCR_HUD_DrawGunByNum (hud, 3, scale->value, style->value, 0); } void SCR_HUD_DrawGun4 (hud_t *hud) { static cvar_t *scale = NULL, *style; if (scale == NULL) // first time called { scale = HUD_FindVar(hud, "scale"); style = HUD_FindVar(hud, "style"); } SCR_HUD_DrawGunByNum (hud, 4, scale->value, style->value, 0); } void SCR_HUD_DrawGun5 (hud_t *hud) { static cvar_t *scale = NULL, *style; if (scale == NULL) // first time called { scale = HUD_FindVar(hud, "scale"); style = HUD_FindVar(hud, "style"); } SCR_HUD_DrawGunByNum (hud, 5, scale->value, style->value, 0); } void SCR_HUD_DrawGun6 (hud_t *hud) { static cvar_t *scale = NULL, *style; if (scale == NULL) // first time called { scale = HUD_FindVar(hud, "scale"); style = HUD_FindVar(hud, "style"); } SCR_HUD_DrawGunByNum (hud, 6, scale->value, style->value, 0); } void SCR_HUD_DrawGun7 (hud_t *hud) { static cvar_t *scale = NULL, *style; if (scale == NULL) // first time called { scale = HUD_FindVar(hud, "scale"); style = HUD_FindVar(hud, "style"); } SCR_HUD_DrawGunByNum (hud, 7, scale->value, style->value, 0); } void SCR_HUD_DrawGun8 (hud_t *hud) { static cvar_t *scale = NULL, *style, *wide; if (scale == NULL) // first time called { scale = HUD_FindVar(hud, "scale"); style = HUD_FindVar(hud, "style"); wide = HUD_FindVar(hud, "wide"); } SCR_HUD_DrawGunByNum (hud, 8, scale->value, style->value, wide->value); } void SCR_HUD_DrawGunCurrent (hud_t *hud) { int gun; static cvar_t *scale = NULL, *style, *wide; if (scale == NULL) // first time called { scale = HUD_FindVar(hud, "scale"); style = HUD_FindVar(hud, "style"); wide = HUD_FindVar(hud, "wide"); } if (ShowPreselectedWeap()) { // using weapon pre-selection so show info for current best pre-selected weapon gun = IN_BestWeapon(); if (gun < 2) { return; } } else { // not using weapon pre-selection or player is dead so show current selected weapon switch (HUD_Stats(STAT_ACTIVEWEAPON)) { case IT_SHOTGUN << 0: gun = 2; break; case IT_SHOTGUN << 1: gun = 3; break; case IT_SHOTGUN << 2: gun = 4; break; case IT_SHOTGUN << 3: gun = 5; break; case IT_SHOTGUN << 4: gun = 6; break; case IT_SHOTGUN << 5: gun = 7; break; case IT_SHOTGUN << 6: gun = 8; break; default: return; } } SCR_HUD_DrawGunByNum (hud, gun, scale->value, style->value, wide->value); } // ---------------- // powerzz // void SCR_HUD_DrawPowerup(hud_t *hud, int num, float scale, int style) { int x, y, width, height; int c; scale = max(scale, 0.01); switch (style) { case 1: // letter width = height = 8 * scale; if (!HUD_PrepareDraw(hud, width, height, &x, &y)) return; if (HUD_Stats(STAT_ITEMS) & (1<<(17+num))) { switch (num) { case 0: c = '1'; break; case 1: c = '2'; break; case 2: c = 'r'; break; case 3: c = 'p'; break; case 4: c = 's'; break; case 5: c = 'q'; break; default: c = '?'; } Draw_SCharacter(x, y, c, scale); } break; default: // classic - pics width = height = scale * 16; if (!HUD_PrepareDraw(hud, width, height, &x, &y)) return; if (HUD_Stats(STAT_ITEMS) & (1<<(17+num))) Draw_SPic (x, y, sb_items[num], scale); break; } } void SCR_HUD_DrawKey1(hud_t *hud) { static cvar_t *scale = NULL, *style; if (scale == NULL) // first time called { scale = HUD_FindVar(hud, "scale"); style = HUD_FindVar(hud, "style"); } SCR_HUD_DrawPowerup(hud, 0, scale->value, style->value); } void SCR_HUD_DrawKey2(hud_t *hud) { static cvar_t *scale = NULL, *style; if (scale == NULL) // first time called { scale = HUD_FindVar(hud, "scale"); style = HUD_FindVar(hud, "style"); } SCR_HUD_DrawPowerup(hud, 1, scale->value, style->value); } void SCR_HUD_DrawRing(hud_t *hud) { static cvar_t *scale = NULL, *style; if (scale == NULL) // first time called { scale = HUD_FindVar(hud, "scale"); style = HUD_FindVar(hud, "style"); } SCR_HUD_DrawPowerup(hud, 2, scale->value, style->value); } void SCR_HUD_DrawPent(hud_t *hud) { static cvar_t *scale = NULL, *style; if (scale == NULL) // first time called { scale = HUD_FindVar(hud, "scale"); style = HUD_FindVar(hud, "style"); } SCR_HUD_DrawPowerup(hud, 3, scale->value, style->value); } void SCR_HUD_DrawSuit(hud_t *hud) { static cvar_t *scale = NULL, *style; if (scale == NULL) // first time called { scale = HUD_FindVar(hud, "scale"); style = HUD_FindVar(hud, "style"); } SCR_HUD_DrawPowerup(hud, 4, scale->value, style->value); } void SCR_HUD_DrawQuad(hud_t *hud) { static cvar_t *scale = NULL, *style; if (scale == NULL) // first time called { scale = HUD_FindVar(hud, "scale"); style = HUD_FindVar(hud, "style"); } SCR_HUD_DrawPowerup(hud, 5, scale->value, style->value); } // ----------- // sigils // void SCR_HUD_DrawSigil(hud_t *hud, int num, float scale, int style) { int x, y; scale = max(scale, 0.01); switch (style) { case 1: // sigil number if (!HUD_PrepareDraw(hud, 8*scale, 8*scale, &x, &y)) return; if (HUD_Stats(STAT_ITEMS) & (1<<(28+num))) Draw_SCharacter(x, y, num + '0', scale); break; default: // classic - picture if (!HUD_PrepareDraw(hud, 8*scale, 16*scale, &x, &y)) return; if (HUD_Stats(STAT_ITEMS) & (1<<(28+num))) Draw_SPic(x, y, sb_sigil[num], scale); break; } } void SCR_HUD_DrawSigil1(hud_t *hud) { static cvar_t *scale = NULL, *style; if (scale == NULL) // first time called { scale = HUD_FindVar(hud, "scale"); style = HUD_FindVar(hud, "style"); } SCR_HUD_DrawSigil(hud, 0, scale->value, style->value); } void SCR_HUD_DrawSigil2(hud_t *hud) { static cvar_t *scale = NULL, *style; if (scale == NULL) // first time called { scale = HUD_FindVar(hud, "scale"); style = HUD_FindVar(hud, "style"); } SCR_HUD_DrawSigil(hud, 1, scale->value, style->value); } void SCR_HUD_DrawSigil3(hud_t *hud) { static cvar_t *scale = NULL, *style; if (scale == NULL) // first time called { scale = HUD_FindVar(hud, "scale"); style = HUD_FindVar(hud, "style"); } SCR_HUD_DrawSigil(hud, 2, scale->value, style->value); } void SCR_HUD_DrawSigil4(hud_t *hud) { static cvar_t *scale = NULL, *style; if (scale == NULL) // first time called { scale = HUD_FindVar(hud, "scale"); style = HUD_FindVar(hud, "style"); } SCR_HUD_DrawSigil(hud, 3, scale->value, style->value); } // icons - active ammo, armor, face etc.. void SCR_HUD_DrawAmmoIcon(hud_t *hud, int num, float scale, int style) { int x, y, width, height; scale = max(scale, 0.01); width = height = (style ? 8 : 24) * scale; if (!HUD_PrepareDraw(hud, width, height, &x, &y)) return; if (style) { switch (num) { case 1: Draw_SAlt_String(x, y, "s", scale); break; case 2: Draw_SAlt_String(x, y, "n", scale); break; case 3: Draw_SAlt_String(x, y, "r", scale); break; case 4: Draw_SAlt_String(x, y, "c", scale); break; } } else { Draw_SPic (x, y, sb_ammo[num-1], scale); } } void SCR_HUD_DrawAmmoIconCurrent (hud_t *hud) { int num; static cvar_t *scale = NULL, *style; if (scale == NULL) // first time called { scale = HUD_FindVar(hud, "scale"); style = HUD_FindVar(hud, "style"); } if (ShowPreselectedWeap()) { // using weapon pre-selection so show info for current best pre-selected weapon ammo if (!(num = State_AmmoNumForWeapon(IN_BestWeapon()))) return; } else { // not using weapon pre-selection or player is dead so show current selected ammo if (HUD_Stats(STAT_ITEMS) & IT_SHELLS) num = 1; else if (HUD_Stats(STAT_ITEMS) & IT_NAILS) num = 2; else if (HUD_Stats(STAT_ITEMS) & IT_ROCKETS) num = 3; else if (HUD_Stats(STAT_ITEMS) & IT_CELLS) num = 4; else if (TP_TeamFortressEngineerSpanner()) num = 4; else return; } SCR_HUD_DrawAmmoIcon(hud, num, scale->value, style->value); } void SCR_HUD_DrawAmmoIcon1 (hud_t *hud) { static cvar_t *scale = NULL, *style; if (scale == NULL) // first time called { scale = HUD_FindVar(hud, "scale"); style = HUD_FindVar(hud, "style"); } SCR_HUD_DrawAmmoIcon(hud, 1, scale->value, style->value); } void SCR_HUD_DrawAmmoIcon2 (hud_t *hud) { static cvar_t *scale = NULL, *style; if (scale == NULL) // first time called { scale = HUD_FindVar(hud, "scale"); style = HUD_FindVar(hud, "style"); } SCR_HUD_DrawAmmoIcon(hud, 2, scale->value, style->value); } void SCR_HUD_DrawAmmoIcon3 (hud_t *hud) { static cvar_t *scale = NULL, *style; if (scale == NULL) // first time called { scale = HUD_FindVar(hud, "scale"); style = HUD_FindVar(hud, "style"); } SCR_HUD_DrawAmmoIcon(hud, 3, scale->value, style->value); } void SCR_HUD_DrawAmmoIcon4 (hud_t *hud) { static cvar_t *scale = NULL, *style; if (scale == NULL) // first time called { scale = HUD_FindVar(hud, "scale"); style = HUD_FindVar(hud, "style"); } SCR_HUD_DrawAmmoIcon(hud, 4, scale->value, style->value); } void SCR_HUD_DrawArmorIcon(hud_t *hud) { int x, y, width, height; int style; float scale; static cvar_t *v_scale = NULL, *v_style; if (v_scale == NULL) // first time called { v_scale = HUD_FindVar(hud, "scale"); v_style = HUD_FindVar(hud, "style"); } scale = max(v_scale->value, 0.01); style = (int)(v_style->value); width = height = (style ? 8 : 24) * scale; if (!HUD_PrepareDraw(hud, width, height, &x, &y)) return; if (style) { int c; if (HUD_Stats(STAT_ITEMS) & IT_INVULNERABILITY) c = '@'; else if (HUD_Stats(STAT_ITEMS) & IT_ARMOR3) c = 'r'; else if (HUD_Stats(STAT_ITEMS) & IT_ARMOR2) c = 'y'; else if (HUD_Stats(STAT_ITEMS) & IT_ARMOR1) c = 'g'; else return; c += 128; Draw_SCharacter(x, y, c, scale); } else { mpic_t *pic; if (HUD_Stats(STAT_ITEMS) & IT_INVULNERABILITY) pic = sb_disc; else if (HUD_Stats(STAT_ITEMS) & IT_ARMOR3) pic = sb_armor[2]; else if (HUD_Stats(STAT_ITEMS) & IT_ARMOR2) pic = sb_armor[1]; else if (HUD_Stats(STAT_ITEMS) & IT_ARMOR1) pic = sb_armor[0]; else return; Draw_SPic (x, y, pic, scale); } } // face void SCR_HUD_DrawFace(hud_t *hud) { int f, anim; int x, y; float scale; static cvar_t *v_scale = NULL; if (v_scale == NULL) // first time called { v_scale = HUD_FindVar(hud, "scale"); } scale = max(v_scale->value, 0.01); if (!HUD_PrepareDraw(hud, 24*scale, 24*scale, &x, &y)) return; if ( (HUD_Stats(STAT_ITEMS) & (IT_INVISIBILITY | IT_INVULNERABILITY) ) == (IT_INVISIBILITY | IT_INVULNERABILITY) ) { Draw_SPic (x, y, sb_face_invis_invuln, scale); return; } if (HUD_Stats(STAT_ITEMS) & IT_QUAD) { Draw_SPic (x, y, sb_face_quad, scale); return; } if (HUD_Stats(STAT_ITEMS) & IT_INVISIBILITY) { Draw_SPic (x, y, sb_face_invis, scale); return; } if (HUD_Stats(STAT_ITEMS) & IT_INVULNERABILITY) { Draw_SPic (x, y, sb_face_invuln, scale); return; } if (HUD_Stats(STAT_HEALTH) >= 100) f = 4; else f = max(0, HUD_Stats(STAT_HEALTH)) / 20; if (cl.time <= cl.faceanimtime) anim = 1; else anim = 0; Draw_SPic (x, y, sb_faces[f][anim], scale); } // status numbers void SCR_HUD_DrawNum(hud_t *hud, int num, qbool low, float scale, int style, int digits, char *s_align) { int i; char buf[sizeof(int) * 3]; // each byte need <= 3 chars int len; int width, height, x, y; int size; int align; clamp(num, -99999, 999999); scale = max(scale, 0.01); if (digits > 0) clamp(digits, 1, 6); else digits = 0; // auto-resize align = 2; switch (tolower(s_align[0])) { default: case 'l': // 'l'eft align = 0; break; case 'c': // 'c'enter align = 1; break; case 'r': // 'r'ight align = 2; break; } snprintf(buf, sizeof (buf), "%d", (style == 2 || style == 3) ? num : abs(num)); if(digits) { switch (hud_digits_trim->ival) { case 0: // 10030 -> 999 len = strlen(buf); if (len > digits) { char *p = buf; if(num < 0) *p++ = '-'; for (i = (num < 0) ? 1 : 0 ; i < digits; i++) *p++ = '9'; *p = 0; len = digits; } break; default: case 1: // 10030 -> 030 len = strlen(buf); if(len > digits) { char *p = buf; memmove(p, p + (len - digits), digits); buf[digits] = '\0'; len = strlen(buf); } break; case 2: // 10030 -> 100 buf[digits] = '\0'; len = strlen(buf); break; } } else { len = strlen(buf); } switch (style) { case 1: case 3: size = 8; break; case 0: case 2: default: size = 24; break; } if(digits) width = digits * size; else width = size * len; height = size; switch (style) { case 1: case 3: if (!HUD_PrepareDraw(hud, scale*width, scale*height, &x, &y)) return; switch (align) { case 0: break; case 1: x += scale * (width - size * len) / 2; break; case 2: x += scale * (width - size * len); break; } if (low) Draw_SAlt_String(x, y, buf, scale); else Draw_SString(x, y, buf, scale); break; case 0: case 2: default: if (!HUD_PrepareDraw(hud, scale*width, scale*height, &x, &y)) return; switch (align) { case 0: break; case 1: x += scale * (width - size * len) / 2; break; case 2: x += scale * (width - size * len); break; } for (i = 0; i < len; i++) { if(buf[i] == '-' && style == 2) { Draw_STransPic (x, y, sb_nums[low ? 1 : 0][STAT_MINUS], scale); x += 24 * scale; } else { Draw_STransPic (x, y, sb_nums[low ? 1 : 0][buf[i] - '0'], scale); x += 24 * scale; } } break; } } void SCR_HUD_DrawHealth(hud_t *hud) { static cvar_t *scale = NULL, *style, *digits, *align; static int value; if (scale == NULL) // first time called { scale = HUD_FindVar(hud, "scale"); style = HUD_FindVar(hud, "style"); digits = HUD_FindVar(hud, "digits"); align = HUD_FindVar(hud, "align"); } value = HUD_Stats(STAT_HEALTH); SCR_HUD_DrawNum(hud, (value < 0 ? 0 : value), HUD_HealthLow(), scale->value, style->value, digits->value, align->string); } void SCR_HUD_DrawArmor(hud_t *hud) { int level; qbool low; static cvar_t *scale = NULL, *style, *digits, *align, *pent_666; if (scale == NULL) // first time called { scale = HUD_FindVar(hud, "scale"); style = HUD_FindVar(hud, "style"); digits = HUD_FindVar(hud, "digits"); align = HUD_FindVar(hud, "align"); pent_666 = HUD_FindVar(hud, "pent_666"); // Show 666 or armor value when carrying pentagram } if (HUD_Stats(STAT_HEALTH) > 0) { if ((HUD_Stats(STAT_ITEMS) & IT_INVULNERABILITY) && pent_666->ival) { level = 666; low = true; } else { level = HUD_Stats(STAT_ARMOR); low = HUD_ArmorLow(); } } else { level = 0; low = true; } SCR_HUD_DrawNum(hud, level, low, scale->value, style->value, digits->value, align->string); } //void Draw_AMFStatLoss (int stat, hud_t* hud); static int vxdamagecount, vxdamagecount_time, vxdamagecount_oldhealth; static int vxdamagecountarmour, vxdamagecountarmour_time, vxdamagecountarmour_oldhealth; void Amf_Reset_DamageStats(void) { vxdamagecount = vxdamagecount_time = vxdamagecount_oldhealth = 0; vxdamagecountarmour = vxdamagecountarmour_time = vxdamagecountarmour_oldhealth = 0; } void Draw_AMFStatLoss (int stat, hud_t* hud) { //fixme: should reset these on pov change int * vxdmgcnt, * vxdmgcnt_t, * vxdmgcnt_o; float alpha; int elem; if (stat == STAT_HEALTH) { vxdmgcnt = &vxdamagecount; vxdmgcnt_t = &vxdamagecount_time; vxdmgcnt_o = &vxdamagecount_oldhealth; elem = 0; } else { vxdmgcnt = &vxdamagecountarmour; vxdmgcnt_t = &vxdamagecountarmour_time; vxdmgcnt_o = &vxdamagecountarmour_oldhealth; elem = 1; } //VULT STAT LOSS //Pretty self explanitory, I just thought it would be a nice feature to go with my "what the hell is going on?" theme //and obscure even more of the screen if (cl.stats[stat] < (*vxdmgcnt_o - 1)) { if (*vxdmgcnt_t > cl.time) //add to damage *vxdmgcnt = *vxdmgcnt + (*vxdmgcnt_o - cl.stats[stat]); else *vxdmgcnt = *vxdmgcnt_o - cl.stats[stat]; *vxdmgcnt_t = cl.time + 2 * (HUD_FindVar(hud, "duration")->value); } *vxdmgcnt_o = cl.stats[stat]; if (*vxdmgcnt_t > cl.time) alpha = min(1, (*vxdmgcnt_t - cl.time)); else alpha = 0; pDraw_Colour4f(1,1,1,alpha); { static cvar_t *scale[2] = {NULL}, *style[2], *digits[2], *align[2]; if (scale[elem] == NULL) // first time called { scale[elem] = HUD_FindVar(hud, "scale"); style[elem] = HUD_FindVar(hud, "style"); digits[elem] = HUD_FindVar(hud, "digits"); align[elem] = HUD_FindVar(hud, "align"); } SCR_HUD_DrawNum (hud, abs(*vxdmgcnt), 1, scale[elem]->value, style[elem]->value, digits[elem]->ival, align[elem]->string); } pDraw_Colour4f(1,1,1,1); } static void SCR_HUD_DrawHealthDamage(hud_t *hud) { Draw_AMFStatLoss (STAT_HEALTH, hud); if (HUD_Stats(STAT_HEALTH) <= 0) { Amf_Reset_DamageStats(); } } static void SCR_HUD_DrawArmorDamage(hud_t *hud) { Draw_AMFStatLoss (STAT_ARMOR, hud); } void SCR_HUD_DrawAmmo(hud_t *hud, int num, float scale, int style, int digits, char *s_align) { int value, num_old; qbool low; num_old = num; if (num < 1 || num > 4) { // draw 'current' ammo, which one is it? if (ShowPreselectedWeap()) { // using weapon pre-selection so show info for current best pre-selected weapon ammo if (!(num = State_AmmoNumForWeapon(IN_BestWeapon()))) return; } else { // not using weapon pre-selection or player is dead so show current selected ammo if (HUD_Stats(STAT_ITEMS) & IT_SHELLS) num = 1; else if (HUD_Stats(STAT_ITEMS) & IT_NAILS) num = 2; else if (HUD_Stats(STAT_ITEMS) & IT_ROCKETS) num = 3; else if (HUD_Stats(STAT_ITEMS) & IT_CELLS) num = 4; else if (TP_TeamFortressEngineerSpanner()) num = 4; else return; } } low = HUD_AmmoLowByWeapon(num * 2); if (num_old == 0 && (!ShowPreselectedWeap() || cl.standby)) { // this check is here to display a feature from KTPRO/KTX where you can see received damage in prewar // also we make sure this applies only to 'ammo' element // weapon preselection must always use HUD_Stats() value = cl.stats[STAT_AMMO]; } else { value = HUD_Stats(STAT_SHELLS + num - 1); } if (style < 2) { // simply draw number SCR_HUD_DrawNum(hud, value, low, scale, style, digits, s_align); } else { // else - draw classic ammo-count box with background char buf[8]; int x, y; scale = max(scale, 0.01); if (!HUD_PrepareDraw(hud, 42*scale, 11*scale, &x, &y)) return; snprintf (buf, sizeof (buf), "%3i", value); Draw_SSubPic(x, y, sb_ibar, 3+((num-1)*48), 0, 42, 11, scale); if (buf[0] != ' ') Draw_SCharacter (x + 7*scale, y, 18+buf[0]-'0', scale); if (buf[1] != ' ') Draw_SCharacter (x + 15*scale, y, 18+buf[1]-'0', scale); if (buf[2] != ' ') Draw_SCharacter (x + 23*scale, y, 18+buf[2]-'0', scale); } } void SCR_HUD_DrawAmmoCurrent(hud_t *hud) { static cvar_t *scale = NULL, *style, *digits, *align; if (scale == NULL) // first time called { scale = HUD_FindVar(hud, "scale"); style = HUD_FindVar(hud, "style"); digits = HUD_FindVar(hud, "digits"); align = HUD_FindVar(hud, "align"); } SCR_HUD_DrawAmmo(hud, 0, scale->value, style->value, digits->value, align->string); } void SCR_HUD_DrawAmmo1(hud_t *hud) { static cvar_t *scale = NULL, *style, *digits, *align; if (scale == NULL) // first time called { scale = HUD_FindVar(hud, "scale"); style = HUD_FindVar(hud, "style"); digits = HUD_FindVar(hud, "digits"); align = HUD_FindVar(hud, "align"); } SCR_HUD_DrawAmmo(hud, 1, scale->value, style->value, digits->value, align->string); } void SCR_HUD_DrawAmmo2(hud_t *hud) { static cvar_t *scale = NULL, *style, *digits, *align; if (scale == NULL) // first time called { scale = HUD_FindVar(hud, "scale"); style = HUD_FindVar(hud, "style"); digits = HUD_FindVar(hud, "digits"); align = HUD_FindVar(hud, "align"); } SCR_HUD_DrawAmmo(hud, 2, scale->value, style->value, digits->value, align->string); } void SCR_HUD_DrawAmmo3(hud_t *hud) { static cvar_t *scale = NULL, *style, *digits, *align; if (scale == NULL) // first time called { scale = HUD_FindVar(hud, "scale"); style = HUD_FindVar(hud, "style"); digits = HUD_FindVar(hud, "digits"); align = HUD_FindVar(hud, "align"); } SCR_HUD_DrawAmmo(hud, 3, scale->value, style->value, digits->value, align->string); } void SCR_HUD_DrawAmmo4(hud_t *hud) { static cvar_t *scale = NULL, *style, *digits, *align; if (scale == NULL) // first time called { scale = HUD_FindVar(hud, "scale"); style = HUD_FindVar(hud, "style"); digits = HUD_FindVar(hud, "digits"); align = HUD_FindVar(hud, "align"); } SCR_HUD_DrawAmmo(hud, 4, scale->value, style->value, digits->value, align->string); } // Problem icon, Net static void SCR_HUD_NetProblem (hud_t *hud) { static cvar_t *scale = NULL; int x, y; extern qbool hud_editor; vmnetinfo_t *netinfo = GetNetworkInfo(); float picwidth = 64; float picheight = 64; pDraw_ImageSize((intptr_t)sb_net, &picwidth, &picheight); if(scale == NULL) scale = HUD_FindVar(hud, "scale"); if (netinfo->loss.dropped < 1) { if (hud_editor) HUD_PrepareDraw(hud, picwidth, picheight, &x, &y); return; } if (!HUD_PrepareDraw(hud, picwidth, picheight, &x, &y)) return; Draw_SPic (x, y, sb_net, scale->value); } // ============================================================================0 // Groups // ============================================================================0 mpic_t *hud_pic_group1; mpic_t *hud_pic_group2; mpic_t *hud_pic_group3; mpic_t *hud_pic_group4; mpic_t *hud_pic_group5; mpic_t *hud_pic_group6; mpic_t *hud_pic_group7; mpic_t *hud_pic_group8; mpic_t *hud_pic_group9; void SCR_HUD_DrawGroup(hud_t *hud, int width, int height, mpic_t *pic, int pic_scalemode, float pic_alpha) { #define HUD_GROUP_SCALEMODE_TILE 1 #define HUD_GROUP_SCALEMODE_STRETCH 2 #define HUD_GROUP_SCALEMODE_GROW 3 #define HUD_GROUP_SCALEMODE_CENTER 4 int x, y; float picwidth = 64; float picheight = 64; if (pic && pDraw_ImageSize((intptr_t)pic, &picwidth, &picheight) <= 0) { pic = NULL; picwidth = 64; picheight = 64; } clamp(width, 1, 99999); clamp(height, 1, 99999); // Set it to this, because 1.0 will make the colors // completly saturated, and no semi-transparency will show. pic_alpha = (pic_alpha) >= 1.0 ? 0.99 : pic_alpha; // Grow the group if necessary. if (pic_scalemode == HUD_GROUP_SCALEMODE_GROW && pic != NULL && picheight > 0 && picwidth > 0) { width = max(picwidth, width); height = max(picheight, height); } if (!HUD_PrepareDraw(hud, width, height, &x, &y)) { return; } // Draw the picture if it's set. if (pic != NULL && picheight > 0) { int pw, ph; if (pic_scalemode == HUD_GROUP_SCALEMODE_TILE) { // Tile. int cx = 0, cy = 0; while (cy < height) { while (cx < width) { pw = min(picwidth, width - cx); ph = min(picheight, height - cy); if (pw >= picwidth && ph >= picheight) { Draw_AlphaPic (x + cx , y + cy, pic, pic_alpha); } else { Draw_AlphaSubPic (x + cx, y + cy, pic, 0, 0, pw, ph, pic_alpha); } cx += picwidth; } cx = 0; cy += picheight; } } else if (pic_scalemode == HUD_GROUP_SCALEMODE_STRETCH) { // Stretch or shrink the picture to fit. float scale_x = (float)width / picwidth; float scale_y = (float)height / picheight; Draw_SAlphaSubPic2 (x, y, pic, 0, 0, picwidth, picheight, scale_x, scale_y, pic_alpha); } else if (pic_scalemode == HUD_GROUP_SCALEMODE_CENTER) { // Center the picture in the group. int pic_x = x + (width - picwidth) / 2; int pic_y = y + (height - picheight) / 2; int src_x = 0; int src_y = 0; if(x > pic_x) { src_x = x - pic_x; pic_x = x; } if(y > pic_y) { src_y = y - pic_y; pic_y = y; } Draw_AlphaSubPic (pic_x, pic_y, pic, src_x, src_y, min(width, picwidth), min(height, picheight), pic_alpha); } else { // Normal. Draw in the top left corner. Draw_AlphaSubPic (x, y, pic, 0, 0, min(width, picwidth), min(height, picheight), pic_alpha); } } } void SCR_HUD_LoadGroupPic(cvar_t *var, mpic_t **hud_pic, char *oldval) { char *newpic = var->string; #define HUD_GROUP_PIC_BASEPATH "gfx/%s" mpic_t *temp_pic = NULL; char pic_path[MAX_QPATH]; if (!hud_pic) { Com_Printf ("Couldn't load picture %s for hud group. HUD PIC is null\n", newpic); return; } // If we have no pic name. if(!newpic || !strcmp (newpic, "")) { *hud_pic = NULL; return; } // Get the path for the pic. snprintf (pic_path, sizeof(pic_path), HUD_GROUP_PIC_BASEPATH, newpic); // Try loading the pic. if (!(temp_pic = Draw_CachePicSafe(pic_path, false, true))) { Com_Printf("Couldn't load picture %s for hud group.\n", newpic); pCvar_SetString(var->name, ""); return; } // Save the pic. if (hud_pic) *hud_pic = temp_pic; return; } void SCR_HUD_OnChangePic_Group1(cvar_t *var, char *oldval) { SCR_HUD_LoadGroupPic(var, &hud_pic_group1, oldval); } void SCR_HUD_OnChangePic_Group2(cvar_t *var, char *oldval) { SCR_HUD_LoadGroupPic(var, &hud_pic_group2, oldval); } void SCR_HUD_OnChangePic_Group3(cvar_t *var, char *oldval) { SCR_HUD_LoadGroupPic(var, &hud_pic_group3, oldval); } void SCR_HUD_OnChangePic_Group4(cvar_t *var, char *oldval) { SCR_HUD_LoadGroupPic(var, &hud_pic_group4, oldval); } void SCR_HUD_OnChangePic_Group5(cvar_t *var, char *oldval) { SCR_HUD_LoadGroupPic(var, &hud_pic_group5, oldval); } void SCR_HUD_OnChangePic_Group6(cvar_t *var, char *oldval) { SCR_HUD_LoadGroupPic(var, &hud_pic_group6, oldval); } void SCR_HUD_OnChangePic_Group7(cvar_t *var, char *oldval) { SCR_HUD_LoadGroupPic(var, &hud_pic_group7, oldval); } void SCR_HUD_OnChangePic_Group8(cvar_t *var, char *oldval) { SCR_HUD_LoadGroupPic(var, &hud_pic_group8, oldval); } void SCR_HUD_OnChangePic_Group9(cvar_t *var, char *oldval) { SCR_HUD_LoadGroupPic(var, &hud_pic_group9, oldval); } void SCR_HUD_Group1(hud_t *hud) { static cvar_t *width = NULL, *height, *picture, *pic_alpha, *pic_scalemode; if (width == NULL) // first time called { width = HUD_FindVar(hud, "width"); height = HUD_FindVar(hud, "height"); picture = HUD_FindVar(hud, "picture"); pic_alpha = HUD_FindVar(hud, "pic_alpha"); pic_scalemode = HUD_FindVar(hud, "pic_scalemode"); picture->callback = SCR_HUD_OnChangePic_Group1; SCR_HUD_LoadGroupPic(picture, &hud_pic_group1, picture->string); } SCR_HUD_DrawGroup(hud, width->value, height->value, hud_pic_group1, pic_scalemode->value, pic_alpha->value); } void SCR_HUD_Group2(hud_t *hud) { extern void DrawNewText(int x, int y, char *text); static cvar_t *width = NULL, *height, *picture, *pic_alpha, *pic_scalemode; if (width == NULL) // first time called { width = HUD_FindVar(hud, "width"); height = HUD_FindVar(hud, "height"); picture = HUD_FindVar(hud, "picture"); pic_alpha = HUD_FindVar(hud, "pic_alpha"); pic_scalemode = HUD_FindVar(hud, "pic_scalemode"); picture->callback = SCR_HUD_OnChangePic_Group2; SCR_HUD_LoadGroupPic(picture, &hud_pic_group2, picture->string); } SCR_HUD_DrawGroup(hud, width->value, height->value, hud_pic_group2, pic_scalemode->value, pic_alpha->value); } void SCR_HUD_Group3(hud_t *hud) { static cvar_t *width = NULL, *height, *picture, *pic_alpha, *pic_scalemode; if (width == NULL) // first time called { width = HUD_FindVar(hud, "width"); height = HUD_FindVar(hud, "height"); picture = HUD_FindVar(hud, "picture"); pic_alpha = HUD_FindVar(hud, "pic_alpha"); pic_scalemode = HUD_FindVar(hud, "pic_scalemode"); picture->callback = SCR_HUD_OnChangePic_Group3; SCR_HUD_LoadGroupPic(picture, &hud_pic_group3, picture->string); } SCR_HUD_DrawGroup(hud, width->value, height->value, hud_pic_group3, pic_scalemode->value, pic_alpha->value); } void SCR_HUD_Group4(hud_t *hud) { static cvar_t *width = NULL, *height, *picture, *pic_alpha, *pic_scalemode; if (width == NULL) // first time called { width = HUD_FindVar(hud, "width"); height = HUD_FindVar(hud, "height"); picture = HUD_FindVar(hud, "picture"); pic_alpha = HUD_FindVar(hud, "pic_alpha"); pic_scalemode = HUD_FindVar(hud, "pic_scalemode"); picture->callback = SCR_HUD_OnChangePic_Group4; SCR_HUD_LoadGroupPic(picture, &hud_pic_group4, picture->string); } SCR_HUD_DrawGroup(hud, width->value, height->value, hud_pic_group4, pic_scalemode->value, pic_alpha->value); } void SCR_HUD_Group5(hud_t *hud) { static cvar_t *width = NULL, *height, *picture, *pic_alpha, *pic_scalemode; if (width == NULL) // first time called { width = HUD_FindVar(hud, "width"); height = HUD_FindVar(hud, "height"); picture = HUD_FindVar(hud, "picture"); pic_alpha = HUD_FindVar(hud, "pic_alpha"); pic_scalemode = HUD_FindVar(hud, "pic_scalemode"); picture->callback = SCR_HUD_OnChangePic_Group5; SCR_HUD_LoadGroupPic(picture, &hud_pic_group5, picture->string); } SCR_HUD_DrawGroup(hud, width->value, height->value, hud_pic_group5, pic_scalemode->value, pic_alpha->value); } void SCR_HUD_Group6(hud_t *hud) { static cvar_t *width = NULL, *height, *picture, *pic_alpha, *pic_scalemode; if (width == NULL) // first time called { width = HUD_FindVar(hud, "width"); height = HUD_FindVar(hud, "height"); picture = HUD_FindVar(hud, "picture"); pic_alpha = HUD_FindVar(hud, "pic_alpha"); pic_scalemode = HUD_FindVar(hud, "pic_scalemode"); picture->callback = SCR_HUD_OnChangePic_Group6; SCR_HUD_LoadGroupPic(picture, &hud_pic_group6, picture->string); } SCR_HUD_DrawGroup(hud, width->value, height->value, hud_pic_group6, pic_scalemode->value, pic_alpha->value); } void SCR_HUD_Group7(hud_t *hud) { static cvar_t *width = NULL, *height, *picture, *pic_alpha, *pic_scalemode; if (width == NULL) // first time called { width = HUD_FindVar(hud, "width"); height = HUD_FindVar(hud, "height"); picture = HUD_FindVar(hud, "picture"); pic_alpha = HUD_FindVar(hud, "pic_alpha"); pic_scalemode = HUD_FindVar(hud, "pic_scalemode"); picture->callback = SCR_HUD_OnChangePic_Group7; SCR_HUD_LoadGroupPic(picture, &hud_pic_group7, picture->string); } SCR_HUD_DrawGroup(hud, width->value, height->value, hud_pic_group7, pic_scalemode->value, pic_alpha->value); } void SCR_HUD_Group8(hud_t *hud) { static cvar_t *width = NULL, *height, *picture, *pic_alpha, *pic_scalemode; if (width == NULL) // first time called { width = HUD_FindVar(hud, "width"); height = HUD_FindVar(hud, "height"); picture = HUD_FindVar(hud, "picture"); pic_alpha = HUD_FindVar(hud, "pic_alpha"); pic_scalemode = HUD_FindVar(hud, "pic_scalemode"); picture->callback = SCR_HUD_OnChangePic_Group8; SCR_HUD_LoadGroupPic(picture, &hud_pic_group8, picture->string); } SCR_HUD_DrawGroup(hud, width->value, height->value, hud_pic_group8, pic_scalemode->value, pic_alpha->value); } void SCR_HUD_Group9(hud_t *hud) { static cvar_t *width = NULL, *height, *picture, *pic_alpha, *pic_scalemode; if (width == NULL) // first time called { width = HUD_FindVar(hud, "width"); height = HUD_FindVar(hud, "height"); picture = HUD_FindVar(hud, "picture"); pic_alpha = HUD_FindVar(hud, "pic_alpha"); pic_scalemode = HUD_FindVar(hud, "pic_scalemode"); picture->callback = SCR_HUD_OnChangePic_Group9; SCR_HUD_LoadGroupPic(picture, &hud_pic_group9, picture->string); } SCR_HUD_DrawGroup(hud, width->value, height->value, hud_pic_group9, pic_scalemode->value, pic_alpha->value); } // player sorting // for frags and players typedef struct sort_teams_info_s { char *name; int frags; int min_ping; int avg_ping; int max_ping; int nplayers; int top, bottom; // leader colours int rlcount; // Number of RL's present in the team. (Cokeman 2006-05-27) } sort_teams_info_t; typedef struct sort_players_info_s { int playernum; sort_teams_info_t *team; } sort_players_info_t; static sort_players_info_t sorted_players[MAX_CLIENTS]; static sort_teams_info_t sorted_teams[MAX_CLIENTS]; static int n_teams; static int n_players; static int n_spectators; static int sort_teamsort = 0; static int HUD_ComparePlayers(const void *vp1, const void *vp2) { const sort_players_info_t *p1 = vp1; const sort_players_info_t *p2 = vp2; int r = 0; player_info_t *i1 = &cl.players[p1->playernum]; player_info_t *i2 = &cl.players[p2->playernum]; if (i1->spectator && !i2->spectator) { r = -1; } else if (!i1->spectator && i2->spectator) { r = 1; } else if (i1->spectator && i2->spectator) { r = strcmp(i1->name, i2->name); } else { // // Both are players. // if(sort_teamsort && cl.teamplay && p1->team && p2->team) { // Leading team on top, sort players inside of the teams. // Teamsort 1, first sort on team frags. if (sort_teamsort == 1) { r = p1->team->frags - p2->team->frags; } // Teamsort == 2, sort on team name only. r = (r == 0) ? -strcmp(p1->team->name, p2->team->name) : r; } r = (r == 0) ? i1->frags - i2->frags : r; r = (r == 0) ? strcmp(i1->name, i2->name) : r; } r = (r == 0) ? (p1->playernum - p2->playernum) : r; // qsort() sorts ascending by default, we want descending. // So negate the result. return -r; } static int HUD_CompareTeams(const void *vt1, const void *vt2) { int r = 0; const sort_teams_info_t *t1 = vt1; const sort_teams_info_t *t2 = vt2; r = (t1->frags - t2->frags); r = !r ? strcmp(t1->name, t2->name) : r; // qsort() sorts ascending by default, we want descending. // So negate the result. return -r; } #define HUD_SCOREBOARD_ALL 0xffffffff #define HUD_SCOREBOARD_SORT_TEAMS (1 << 0) #define HUD_SCOREBOARD_SORT_PLAYERS (1 << 1) #define HUD_SCOREBOARD_UPDATE (1 << 2) #define HUD_SCOREBOARD_AVG_PING (1 << 3) static void HUD_Sort_Scoreboard(int flags) { int i; int team; n_teams = 0; n_players = 0; n_spectators = 0; // Set team properties. if(flags & HUD_SCOREBOARD_UPDATE) { memset(sorted_teams, 0, sizeof(sorted_teams)); for (i=0; i < MAX_CLIENTS; i++) { if (cl.players[i].name[0] && !cl.players[i].spectator) { // Find players team for (team = 0; team < n_teams; team++) { if (!strcmp(cl.players[i].team, sorted_teams[team].name) && sorted_teams[team].name[0]) { break; } } // The team wasn't found in the list of existing teams // so add a new team. if (team == n_teams) { team = n_teams++; sorted_teams[team].avg_ping = 0; sorted_teams[team].max_ping = 0; sorted_teams[team].min_ping = 999; sorted_teams[team].nplayers = 0; sorted_teams[team].frags = 0; sorted_teams[team].top = Sbar_TopColor(&cl.players[i]); sorted_teams[team].bottom = Sbar_BottomColor(&cl.players[i]); sorted_teams[team].name = cl.players[i].team; sorted_teams[team].rlcount = 0; } sorted_teams[team].nplayers++; sorted_teams[team].frags += cl.players[i].frags; sorted_teams[team].avg_ping += cl.players[i].ping; sorted_teams[team].min_ping = min(sorted_teams[team].min_ping, cl.players[i].ping); sorted_teams[team].max_ping = max(sorted_teams[team].max_ping, cl.players[i].ping); #ifdef HAXX // The total RL count for the players team. if(cl.players[i].stats[STAT_ITEMS] & IT_ROCKET_LAUNCHER) { sorted_teams[team].rlcount++; } #endif // Set player data. sorted_players[n_players + n_spectators].playernum = i; //sorted_players[n_players + n_spectators].team = &sorted_teams[team]; // Increase the count. if (cl.players[i].spectator) { n_spectators++; } else { n_players++; } } } } // Calc avg ping. if(flags & HUD_SCOREBOARD_AVG_PING) { for (team = 0; team < n_teams; team++) { sorted_teams[team].avg_ping /= sorted_teams[team].nplayers; } } // Sort teams. if(flags & HUD_SCOREBOARD_SORT_TEAMS) { qsort(sorted_teams, n_teams, sizeof(sort_teams_info_t), HUD_CompareTeams); // BUGFIX, this needs to happen AFTER the team array has been sorted, otherwise the // players might be pointing to the incorrect team adress. for (i = 0; i < MAX_CLIENTS; i++) { player_info_t *player = &cl.players[sorted_players[i].playernum]; sorted_players[i].team = NULL; // Find players team. for (team = 0; team < n_teams; team++) { if (!strcmp(player->team, sorted_teams[team].name) && sorted_teams[team].name[0]) { sorted_players[i].team = &sorted_teams[team]; break; } } } } // Sort players. if(flags & HUD_SCOREBOARD_SORT_PLAYERS) { qsort(sorted_players, n_players + n_spectators, sizeof(sort_players_info_t), HUD_ComparePlayers); } } void Frags_DrawColors(int x, int y, int width, int height, int top_color, int bottom_color, float color_alpha, int frags, int drawBrackets, int style, float bignum) { char buf[32]; int posy = 0; int char_size = (bignum > 0) ? Q_rint(24 * bignum) : 8; Draw_AlphaFill(x, y, width, height / 2, top_color, color_alpha); Draw_AlphaFill(x, y + height / 2, width, height - height / 2, bottom_color, color_alpha); posy = y + (height - char_size) / 2; if (bignum > 0) { // // Scaled big numbers for frags. // char *t = buf; int char_x; int char_y; snprintf(buf, sizeof (buf), "%d", frags); char_x = max(x, x + (width - (int)strlen(buf) * char_size) / 2); char_y = max(y, posy); while (*t) { if (*t >= '0' && *t <= '9') { Draw_STransPic(char_x, char_y, sb_nums[0][*t - '0'], bignum); char_x += char_size; } else if (*t == '-') { Draw_STransPic(char_x, char_y, sb_nums[0][STAT_MINUS], bignum); char_x += char_size; } t++; } } else { // Normal text size. snprintf(buf, sizeof (buf), "%3d", frags); Draw_String(x - 2 + (width - char_size * strlen(buf) - 2) / 2, posy, buf); } if(drawBrackets) { // Brackets [] are not available scaled, so use normal size even // if we're drawing big frag nums. int brack_posy = y + (height - 8) / 2; int d = (width >= 32) ? 0 : 1; switch(style) { case 1 : Draw_Character(x - 8, posy, 13); break; case 2 : // Red outline. Draw_Fill(x, y - 1, width, 1, 0x4f); Draw_Fill(x, y - 1, 1, height + 2, 0x4f); Draw_Fill(x + width - 1, y - 1, 1, height + 2, 0x4f); Draw_Fill(x, y + height, width, 1, 0x4f); break; case 0 : default : Draw_Character(x - 2 - 2 * d, brack_posy, 16); // [ Draw_Character(x + width - 8 + 1 + d, brack_posy, 17); // ] break; } } } #define FRAGS_HEALTHBAR_WIDTH 5 #define FRAGS_HEALTHBAR_NORMAL_COLOR 75 #define FRAGS_HEALTHBAR_MEGA_COLOR 251 #define FRAGS_HEALTHBAR_TWO_MEGA_COLOR 238 #define FRAGS_HEALTHBAR_UNNATURAL_COLOR 144 void Frags_DrawHealthBar(int original_health, int x, int y, int height, int width) { float health_height = 0.0; int health; // Get the health. health = original_health; health = min(100, health); // Draw a health bar. health_height = Q_rint((height / 100.0) * health); health_height = (health_height > 0.0 && health_height < 1.0) ? 1 : health_height; health_height = (health_height < 0.0) ? 0.0 : health_height; Draw_Fill(x, y + height - (int)health_height, 3, (int)health_height, FRAGS_HEALTHBAR_NORMAL_COLOR); // Get the health again to check if health is more than 100. health = original_health; if(health > 100 && health <= 200) { health_height = (int)Q_rint((height / 100.0) * (health - 100)); Draw_Fill(x, y + height - health_height, width, health_height, FRAGS_HEALTHBAR_MEGA_COLOR); } else if(health > 200 && health <= 250) { health_height = (int)Q_rint((height / 100.0) * (health - 200)); Draw_Fill(x, y, width, height, FRAGS_HEALTHBAR_MEGA_COLOR); Draw_Fill(x, y + height - health_height, width, health_height, FRAGS_HEALTHBAR_TWO_MEGA_COLOR); } else if(health > 250) { // This will never happen during a normal game. Draw_Fill(x, y, width, health_height, FRAGS_HEALTHBAR_UNNATURAL_COLOR); } } #define TEAMFRAGS_EXTRA_SPEC_NONE 0 #define TEAMFRAGS_EXTRA_SPEC_BEFORE 1 #define TEAMFRAGS_EXTRA_SPEC_ONTOP 2 #define TEAMFRAGS_EXTRA_SPEC_NOICON 3 #define TEAMFRAGS_EXTRA_SPEC_RLTEXT 4 int TeamFrags_DrawExtraSpecInfo(int num, int px, int py, int width, int height, int style) { float rl_width, rl_height; mpic_t *pic = sb_weapons[0][5]; pDraw_ImageSize((intptr_t)pic, &rl_width, &rl_height); // Only allow this for spectators. if (!(cls.demoplayback || cl.spectator) || style > TEAMFRAGS_EXTRA_SPEC_RLTEXT || style <= TEAMFRAGS_EXTRA_SPEC_NONE || !style) { return px; } // Check if the team has any RL's. if(sorted_teams[num].rlcount > 0) { int y_pos = py; // // Draw the RL + count depending on style. // if((style == TEAMFRAGS_EXTRA_SPEC_BEFORE || style == TEAMFRAGS_EXTRA_SPEC_NOICON) && style != TEAMFRAGS_EXTRA_SPEC_RLTEXT) { y_pos = Q_rint(py + (height / 2.0) - 4); Draw_ColoredString(px, y_pos, va("%d", sorted_teams[num].rlcount), 0); px += 8 + 1; } if(style != TEAMFRAGS_EXTRA_SPEC_NOICON && style != TEAMFRAGS_EXTRA_SPEC_RLTEXT) { y_pos = Q_rint(py + (height / 2.0) - (rl_height / 2.0)); Draw_SSubPic (px, y_pos, pic, 0, 0, rl_width, rl_height, 1); px += rl_width + 1; } if(style == TEAMFRAGS_EXTRA_SPEC_ONTOP && style != TEAMFRAGS_EXTRA_SPEC_RLTEXT) { y_pos = Q_rint(py + (height / 2.0) - 4); Draw_ColoredString(px - 14, y_pos, va("%d", sorted_teams[num].rlcount), 0); } if(style == TEAMFRAGS_EXTRA_SPEC_RLTEXT) { y_pos = Q_rint(py + (height / 2.0) - 4); Draw_ColoredString(px, y_pos, va("&ce00RL&cfff%d", sorted_teams[num].rlcount), 0); px += 8*3 + 1; } } else { // If the team has no RL's just pad with nothing. if(style == TEAMFRAGS_EXTRA_SPEC_BEFORE) { // Draw the rl count before the rl icon. px += rl_width + 8 + 1 + 1; } else if(style == TEAMFRAGS_EXTRA_SPEC_ONTOP) { // Draw the rl count on top of the RL instead of infront. px += rl_width + 1; } else if(style == TEAMFRAGS_EXTRA_SPEC_NOICON) { // Only draw the rl count. px += 8 + 1; } else if(style == TEAMFRAGS_EXTRA_SPEC_RLTEXT) { px += 8*3 + 1; } } return px; } static qbool hud_frags_extra_spec_info = true; static qbool hud_frags_show_rl = true; static qbool hud_frags_show_armor = true; static qbool hud_frags_show_health = true; static qbool hud_frags_show_powerup = true; static qbool hud_frags_textonly = false; static void QDECL Frags_OnChangeExtraSpecInfo(cvar_t *var, char *oldvalue) { // Parse the extra spec info. hud_frags_show_rl = Utils_RegExpMatch("RL|ALL", var->string); hud_frags_show_armor = Utils_RegExpMatch("ARMOR|ALL", var->string); hud_frags_show_health = Utils_RegExpMatch("HEALTH|ALL", var->string); hud_frags_show_powerup = Utils_RegExpMatch("POWERUP|ALL", var->string); hud_frags_textonly = Utils_RegExpMatch("TEXT", var->string); hud_frags_extra_spec_info = (hud_frags_show_rl || hud_frags_show_armor || hud_frags_show_health || hud_frags_show_powerup); } static int Frags_DrawExtraSpecInfo(player_info_t *info, int px, int py, int cell_width, int cell_height, int space_x, int space_y, int flip) { #ifdef HAXX mpic_t *rl_picture = sb_weapons[0][5]; // Picture of RL. float rl_width, rl_height; float armor_height = 0.0; int armor = 0; int armor_bg_color = 0; float armor_bg_power = 0; int health_spacing = 1; int weapon_width = 24; pDraw_ImageSize((intptr_t)rl_picture, &rl_width, &rl_height); // Only allow this for spectators. if (!(cls.demoplayback || cl.spectator)) { return px; } // Set width based on text or picture. weapon_width = hud_frags_textonly ? rl_width : 24; // Draw health bar. (flipped) if(flip && hud_frags_show_health) { Frags_DrawHealthBar(info->stats[STAT_HEALTH], px, py, cell_height, 3); px += 3 + health_spacing; } armor = info->stats[STAT_ARMOR]; // If the player has any armor, draw it in the appropriate color. if(info->stats[STAT_ITEMS] & IT_ARMOR1) { armor_bg_power = 100; armor_bg_color = 178; // Green armor. } else if(info->stats[STAT_ITEMS] & IT_ARMOR2) { armor_bg_power = 150; armor_bg_color = 111; // Yellow armor. } else if(info->stats[STAT_ITEMS] & IT_ARMOR3) { armor_bg_power = 200; armor_bg_color = 79; // Red armor. } // Only draw the armor if the current player has one and if the style allows it. if(armor_bg_power && hud_frags_show_armor) { armor_height = Q_rint((cell_height / armor_bg_power) * armor); Draw_AlphaFill(px, // x py + cell_height - (int)armor_height, // y (draw from bottom up) weapon_width, // width (int)armor_height, // height armor_bg_color, // color 0.3); // alpha } // Draw the rl if the current player has it and the style allows it. if(info->stats[STAT_ITEMS] & IT_ROCKET_LAUNCHER && hud_frags_show_rl) { if(!hud_frags_textonly) { // Draw the rl-pic. Draw_SSubPic (px, py + Q_rint((cell_height/2.0)) - (rl_height/2.0), rl_picture, 0, 0, rl_width, rl_height, 1); } else { // Just print "RL" instead. Draw_String(px + 12 - 8, py + Q_rint((cell_height/2.0)) - 4, "RL"); } } // Only draw powerups is the current player has it and the style allows it. if(hud_frags_show_powerup) { //float powerups_x = px + (spec_extra_weapon_w / 2.0); float powerups_x = px + (weapon_width / 2.0); if(info->stats[STAT_ITEMS] & IT_INVULNERABILITY && info->stats[STAT_ITEMS] & IT_INVISIBILITY && info->stats[STAT_ITEMS] & IT_QUAD) { Draw_ColoredString(Q_rint(powerups_x - 10), py, "&c0ffQ&cf00P&cff0R", 0); } else if(info->stats[STAT_ITEMS] & IT_QUAD && info->stats[STAT_ITEMS] & IT_INVULNERABILITY) { Draw_ColoredString(Q_rint(powerups_x - 8), py, "&c0ffQ&cf00P", 0); } else if(info->stats[STAT_ITEMS] & IT_QUAD && info->stats[STAT_ITEMS] & IT_INVISIBILITY) { Draw_ColoredString(Q_rint(powerups_x - 8), py, "&c0ffQ&cff0R", 0); } else if(info->stats[STAT_ITEMS] & IT_INVULNERABILITY && info->stats[STAT_ITEMS] & IT_INVISIBILITY) { Draw_ColoredString(Q_rint(powerups_x - 8), py, "&cf00P&cff0R", 0); } else if(info->stats[STAT_ITEMS] & IT_QUAD) { Draw_ColoredString(Q_rint(powerups_x - 4), py, "&c0ffQ", 0); } else if(info->stats[STAT_ITEMS] & IT_INVULNERABILITY) { Draw_ColoredString(Q_rint(powerups_x - 4), py, "&cf00P", 0); } else if(info->stats[STAT_ITEMS] & IT_INVISIBILITY) { Draw_ColoredString(Q_rint(powerups_x - 4), py, "&cff0R", 0); } } px += weapon_width + health_spacing; // Draw health bar. (not flipped) if(!flip && hud_frags_show_health) { Frags_DrawHealthBar(info->stats[STAT_HEALTH], px, py, cell_height, 3); px += 3 + health_spacing; } #endif return px; } void Frags_DrawBackground(int px, int py, int cell_width, int cell_height, int space_x, int space_y, int max_name_length, int max_team_length, int bg_color, int shownames, int showteams, int drawBrackets, int style) { int bg_width = cell_width + space_x; //int bg_color = Sbar_BottomColor(info); float bg_alpha = 0.3; if(style == 4 || style == 6 || style == 8) bg_alpha = 0; if(shownames) bg_width += max_name_length*8 + space_x; if(showteams) bg_width += max_team_length * 8 + space_x; if(drawBrackets) bg_alpha = 0.7; if(style == 7 || style == 8) bg_color = 0x4f; Draw_AlphaFill(px - 1, py - space_y / 2, bg_width, cell_height + space_y, bg_color, bg_alpha); if(drawBrackets && (style == 5 || style == 6)) { Draw_Fill(px - 1, py - 1 - space_y / 2, bg_width, 1, 0x4f); Draw_Fill(px - 1, py - space_y / 2, 1, cell_height + space_y, 0x4f); Draw_Fill(px + bg_width - 1, py - 1 - space_y / 2, 1, cell_height + 1 + space_y, 0x4f); Draw_Fill(px - 1, py + cell_height + space_y / 2, bg_width + 1, 1, 0x4f); } } int Frags_DrawText(int px, int py, int cell_width, int cell_height, int space_x, int space_y, int max_name_length, int max_team_length, int flip, int pad, int shownames, int showteams, char* name, char* team) { char _name[MAX_SCOREBOARDNAME + 1]; char _team[MAX_SCOREBOARDNAME + 1]; int team_length = 0; int name_length = 0; int char_size = 8; int y_pos; y_pos = Q_rint(py + (cell_height / 2.0) - 4); // Draw team if(showteams && cl.teamplay) { strlcpy(_team, team, clamp(max_team_length, 0, sizeof(_team))); team_length = strlen(_team); if(!flip) px += space_x; if(pad && flip) { px += (max_team_length - team_length) * char_size; Draw_String(px, y_pos, _team); px += team_length * char_size; } else if(pad) { Draw_String(px, y_pos, _team); px += max_team_length * char_size; } else { Draw_String(px, y_pos, _team); px += team_length * char_size; } if(flip) px += space_x; } if(shownames) { // Draw name strlcpy(_name, name, clamp(max_name_length, 0, sizeof(_name))); name_length = strlen(_name); if(flip && pad) { px += (max_name_length - name_length) * char_size; Draw_String(px, y_pos, _name); px += name_length * char_size; } else if(pad) { Draw_String(px, y_pos, _name); px += max_name_length * char_size; } else { Draw_String(px, y_pos, _name); px += name_length * char_size; } px += space_x; } return px; } void SCR_HUD_DrawFrags(hud_t *hud) { int width = 0, height = 0; int x, y; int max_team_length = 0; int max_name_length = 0; int rows, cols, cell_width, cell_height, space_x, space_y; int a_rows, a_cols; // actual static cvar_t *hud_frags_cell_width = NULL, *hud_frags_cell_height, *hud_frags_rows, *hud_frags_cols, *hud_frags_space_x, *hud_frags_space_y, *hud_frags_vertical, *hud_frags_strip, *hud_frags_teamsort, *hud_frags_shownames, *hud_frags_teams, *hud_frags_padtext, *hud_frags_showself, *hud_frags_extra_spec, *hud_frags_fliptext, *hud_frags_style, *hud_frags_bignum, *hud_frags_colors_alpha, *hud_frags_maxname, *hud_frags_notintp; mpic_t *rl_picture = sb_weapons[0][5]; float rl_width, rl_height; pDraw_ImageSize((intptr_t)rl_picture, &rl_width, &rl_height); if (hud_frags_cell_width == NULL) // first time { char specval[256]; hud_frags_cell_width = HUD_FindVar(hud, "cell_width"); hud_frags_cell_height = HUD_FindVar(hud, "cell_height"); hud_frags_rows = HUD_FindVar(hud, "rows"); hud_frags_cols = HUD_FindVar(hud, "cols"); hud_frags_space_x = HUD_FindVar(hud, "space_x"); hud_frags_space_y = HUD_FindVar(hud, "space_y"); hud_frags_teamsort = HUD_FindVar(hud, "teamsort"); hud_frags_strip = HUD_FindVar(hud, "strip"); hud_frags_vertical = HUD_FindVar(hud, "vertical"); hud_frags_shownames = HUD_FindVar(hud, "shownames"); hud_frags_teams = HUD_FindVar(hud, "showteams"); hud_frags_padtext = HUD_FindVar(hud, "padtext"); hud_frags_showself = HUD_FindVar(hud, "showself_always"); hud_frags_extra_spec = HUD_FindVar(hud, "extra_spec_info"); hud_frags_fliptext = HUD_FindVar(hud, "fliptext"); hud_frags_style = HUD_FindVar(hud, "style"); hud_frags_bignum = HUD_FindVar(hud, "bignum"); hud_frags_colors_alpha = HUD_FindVar(hud, "colors_alpha"); hud_frags_maxname = HUD_FindVar(hud, "maxname"); hud_frags_notintp = HUD_FindVar(hud, "notintp"); // Set the OnChange function for extra spec info. hud_frags_extra_spec->callback = Frags_OnChangeExtraSpecInfo; strlcpy(specval, hud_frags_extra_spec->string, sizeof(specval)); Cvar_Set(hud_frags_extra_spec, specval); } // Don't draw the frags if we're in teamplay. if(hud_frags_notintp->value && cl.teamplay) { HUD_PrepareDraw(hud, width, height, &x, &y); return; } // // Clamp values to be "sane". // { rows = hud_frags_rows->value; clamp(rows, 1, MAX_CLIENTS); cols = hud_frags_cols->value; clamp(cols, 1, MAX_CLIENTS); // Some users doesn't want to show the actual frags, just // extra_spec_info stuff + names. cell_width = hud_frags_cell_width->value; clamp(cell_width, 0, 128); cell_height = hud_frags_cell_height->value; clamp(cell_height, 7, 32); space_x = hud_frags_space_x->value; clamp(space_x, 0, 128); space_y = hud_frags_space_y->value; clamp(space_y, 0, 128); } sort_teamsort = hud_frags_teamsort->ival; if (hud_frags_strip->ival) { // Auto set the number of rows / cols based on the number of players. // (This is kinda fucked up, but I won't mess with it for the sake of backwards compability). if (hud_frags_vertical->value) { a_cols = min((n_players + rows - 1) / rows, cols); a_rows = min(rows, n_players); } else { a_rows = min((n_players + cols - 1) / cols, rows); a_cols = min(cols, n_players); } } else { a_rows = rows; a_cols = cols; } width = (a_cols * cell_width) + ((a_cols + 1) * space_x); height = (a_rows * cell_height) + ((a_rows + 1) * space_y); // Get the longest name/team name for padding. if(hud_frags_shownames->value || hud_frags_teams->value) { int cur_length = 0; int n; for(n = 0; n < n_players; n++) { player_info_t *info = &cl.players[sorted_players[n].playernum]; cur_length = strlen(info->name); // Name. if(cur_length >= max_name_length) { max_name_length = cur_length + 1; } cur_length = strlen(info->team); // Team name. if(cur_length >= max_team_length) { max_team_length = cur_length + 1; } } // If the user has set a limit on how many chars that // are allowed to be shown for a name/teamname. max_name_length = min(max(0, (int)hud_frags_maxname->value), max_name_length) + 1; max_team_length = min(max(0, (int)hud_frags_maxname->value), max_team_length) + 1; // We need a wider box to draw in if we show the names. if(hud_frags_shownames->value) { width += (a_cols * (max_name_length + 3) * 8) + ((a_cols + 1) * space_x); } if(cl.teamplay && hud_frags_teams->value) { width += (a_cols * max_team_length * 8) + ((a_cols + 1) * space_x); } } // Make room for the extra spectator stuff. if(hud_frags_extra_spec_info && (cls.demoplayback || cl.spectator) ) { width += a_cols * (rl_width + FRAGS_HEALTHBAR_WIDTH); } if (HUD_PrepareDraw(hud, width, height, &x, &y)) { int i = 0; int player_x = 0; int player_y = 0; int num = 0; int drawBrackets = 0; // The number of players that are to be visible. int limit = min(n_players, a_rows * a_cols); // Always show my current frags (don't just show the leaders). // TODO: When all players aren't being shown in the frags, draw // a small arrow that indicates that there are more frags to be seen. if(hud_frags_showself->value && !cl_multiview->value) { int player_pos = 0; // Find my position in the scoreboard. for(player_pos = 0; i < n_players; player_pos++) { if (cls.demoplayback || cl.spectator) { if (spec_track == sorted_players[player_pos].playernum) { break; } } else if(sorted_players[player_pos].playernum == cl.playernum) { break; } } if(player_pos + 1 <= (a_rows * a_cols)) { // If I'm not "outside" the shown frags, start drawing from the top. num = 0; } else { // Always include me in the shown frags. num = abs((a_rows * a_cols) - (player_pos + 1)); } // Make sure we're not trying to go outside the player array. num = (num < 0 || num > n_players) ? 0 : num; } //num = 0; // FIXME! johnnycz; (see fixme below) // // Loop through all the positions that should be drawn (columns * rows or number of players). // // Start drawing player "num", usually the first player in the array, but if // showself_always is set this might be someone else (since we need to make sure the current // player is always shown). // for (i = 0; i < limit; i++) { player_info_t *info = &cl.players[sorted_players[num].playernum]; // FIXME! johnnycz; causes crashed on some demos // // Set the coordinates where to draw the next element. // if (hud_frags_vertical->value) { if (i % a_rows == 0) { // We're drawing a new column. int element_width = cell_width + space_x; // Get the width of all the stuff that is shown, the name, frag cell and so on. if(hud_frags_shownames->value) { element_width += (max_name_length) * 8; } if(hud_frags_teams->value) { element_width += (max_team_length) * 8; } if(hud_frags_extra_spec_info && (cls.demoplayback || cl.spectator) ) { element_width += rl_width; } player_x = x + space_x + ((i / a_rows) * element_width); // New column. player_y = y + space_y; } } else { if (i % a_cols == 0) { // Drawing new row. player_x = x + space_x; player_y = y + space_y + (i / a_cols) * (cell_height + space_y); } } drawBrackets = 0; // Bug fix. Before the wrong player would be higlighted // during qwd-playback, since you ARE the player that you're // being spectated (you're not a spectator). if(cls.demoplayback && !cl.spectator && !cls.mvdplayback) { drawBrackets = (sorted_players[num].playernum == cl.playernum); } else if (cls.demoplayback || cl.spectator) { drawBrackets = (spec_track == sorted_players[num].playernum && Cam_TrackNum() >= 0); } else { drawBrackets = (sorted_players[num].playernum == cl.playernum); } // Don't draw any brackets in multiview since we're // tracking several players. if (cl_multiview->value > 1 && cls.mvdplayback) { // TODO: Highlight all players being tracked (See tracking hud-element) drawBrackets = 0; } if(hud_frags_shownames->value || hud_frags_teams->value || hud_frags_extra_spec_info) { // Relative x coordinate where we draw the subitems. int rel_player_x = player_x; if(hud_frags_style->value >= 4 && hud_frags_style->value <= 8) { // Draw background based on the style. Frags_DrawBackground(player_x, player_y, cell_width, cell_height, space_x, space_y, max_name_length, max_team_length, Sbar_BottomColor(info), hud_frags_shownames->value, hud_frags_teams->value, drawBrackets, hud_frags_style->value); } if(hud_frags_fliptext->value) { // // Flip the text // NAME | TEAM | FRAGS | EXTRA_SPEC_INFO // // Draw name. rel_player_x = Frags_DrawText(rel_player_x, player_y, cell_width, cell_height, space_x, space_y, max_name_length, max_team_length, hud_frags_fliptext->value, hud_frags_padtext->value, hud_frags_shownames->value, 0, info->name, info->team); // Draw team. rel_player_x = Frags_DrawText(rel_player_x, player_y, cell_width, cell_height, space_x, space_y, max_name_length, max_team_length, hud_frags_fliptext->value, hud_frags_padtext->value, 0, hud_frags_teams->value, info->name, info->team); Frags_DrawColors(rel_player_x, player_y, cell_width, cell_height, Sbar_TopColor(info), Sbar_BottomColor(info), hud_frags_colors_alpha->value, info->frags, drawBrackets, hud_frags_style->value, hud_frags_bignum->value); rel_player_x += cell_width + space_x; // Show extra information about all the players if spectating: // - What armor they have. // - How much health. // - If they have RL or not. rel_player_x = Frags_DrawExtraSpecInfo(info, rel_player_x, player_y, cell_width, cell_height, space_x, space_y, hud_frags_fliptext->value); } else { // // Don't flip the text // EXTRA_SPEC_INFO | FRAGS | TEAM | NAME // rel_player_x = Frags_DrawExtraSpecInfo(info, rel_player_x, player_y, cell_width, cell_height, space_x, space_y, hud_frags_fliptext->value); Frags_DrawColors(rel_player_x, player_y, cell_width, cell_height, Sbar_TopColor(info), Sbar_BottomColor(info), hud_frags_colors_alpha->value, info->frags, drawBrackets, hud_frags_style->value, hud_frags_bignum->value); rel_player_x += cell_width + space_x; // Draw team. rel_player_x = Frags_DrawText(rel_player_x, player_y, cell_width, cell_height, space_x, space_y, max_name_length, max_team_length, hud_frags_fliptext->value, hud_frags_padtext->value, 0, hud_frags_teams->value, info->name, info->team); // Draw name. rel_player_x = Frags_DrawText(rel_player_x, player_y, cell_width, cell_height, space_x, space_y, max_name_length, max_team_length, hud_frags_fliptext->value, hud_frags_padtext->value, hud_frags_shownames->value, 0, info->name, info->team); } if(hud_frags_vertical->value) { // Next row. player_y += cell_height + space_y; } else { // Next column. player_x = rel_player_x + space_x; } } else { // Only showing the frags, no names or extra spec info. Frags_DrawColors(player_x, player_y, cell_width, cell_height, Sbar_TopColor(info), Sbar_BottomColor(info), hud_frags_colors_alpha->value, info->frags, drawBrackets, hud_frags_style->value, hud_frags_bignum->value); if (hud_frags_vertical->value) { // Next row. player_y += cell_height + space_y; } else { // Next column. player_x += cell_width + space_x; } } // Next player. num++; } } } void SCR_HUD_DrawTeamFrags(hud_t *hud) { int width = 0, height = 0; int x, y; int max_team_length = 0, num = 0; int rows, cols, cell_width, cell_height, space_x, space_y; int a_rows, a_cols; // actual static cvar_t *hud_teamfrags_cell_width, *hud_teamfrags_cell_height, *hud_teamfrags_rows, *hud_teamfrags_cols, *hud_teamfrags_space_x, *hud_teamfrags_space_y, *hud_teamfrags_vertical, *hud_teamfrags_strip, *hud_teamfrags_shownames, *hud_teamfrags_fliptext, *hud_teamfrags_padtext, *hud_teamfrags_style, *hud_teamfrags_extra_spec, *hud_teamfrags_onlytp, *hud_teamfrags_bignum, *hud_teamfrags_colors_alpha; mpic_t *rl_picture = sb_weapons[0][5]; float rl_width, rl_height; pDraw_ImageSize((intptr_t)rl_picture, &rl_width, &rl_height); if (hud_teamfrags_cell_width == 0) // first time { hud_teamfrags_cell_width = HUD_FindVar(hud, "cell_width"); hud_teamfrags_cell_height = HUD_FindVar(hud, "cell_height"); hud_teamfrags_rows = HUD_FindVar(hud, "rows"); hud_teamfrags_cols = HUD_FindVar(hud, "cols"); hud_teamfrags_space_x = HUD_FindVar(hud, "space_x"); hud_teamfrags_space_y = HUD_FindVar(hud, "space_y"); hud_teamfrags_strip = HUD_FindVar(hud, "strip"); hud_teamfrags_vertical = HUD_FindVar(hud, "vertical"); hud_teamfrags_shownames = HUD_FindVar(hud, "shownames"); hud_teamfrags_fliptext = HUD_FindVar(hud, "fliptext"); hud_teamfrags_padtext = HUD_FindVar(hud, "padtext"); hud_teamfrags_style = HUD_FindVar(hud, "style"); hud_teamfrags_extra_spec = HUD_FindVar(hud, "extra_spec_info"); hud_teamfrags_onlytp = HUD_FindVar(hud, "onlytp"); hud_teamfrags_bignum = HUD_FindVar(hud, "bignum"); hud_teamfrags_colors_alpha = HUD_FindVar(hud, "colors_alpha"); } // Don't draw the frags if we're not in teamplay. if(hud_teamfrags_onlytp->value && !cl.teamplay) { HUD_PrepareDraw(hud, width, height, &x, &y); return; } rows = hud_teamfrags_rows->value; clamp(rows, 1, MAX_CLIENTS); cols = hud_teamfrags_cols->value; clamp(cols, 1, MAX_CLIENTS); cell_width = hud_teamfrags_cell_width->value; clamp(cell_width, 28, 128); cell_height = hud_teamfrags_cell_height->value; clamp(cell_height, 7, 32); space_x = hud_teamfrags_space_x->value; clamp(space_x, 0, 128); space_y = hud_teamfrags_space_y->value; clamp(space_y, 0, 128); if (hud_teamfrags_strip->value) { if (hud_teamfrags_vertical->value) { a_cols = min((n_teams+rows-1) / rows, cols); a_rows = min(rows, n_teams); } else { a_rows = min((n_teams+cols-1) / cols, rows); a_cols = min(cols, n_teams); } } else { a_rows = rows; a_cols = cols; } width = a_cols*cell_width + (a_cols+1)*space_x; height = a_rows*cell_height + (a_rows+1)*space_y; // Get the longest team name for padding. if(hud_teamfrags_shownames->value || hud_teamfrags_extra_spec->value) { int rlcount_width = 0; int cur_length = 0; int n; for(n=0; n < n_teams; n++) { if(hud_teamfrags_shownames->value) { cur_length = strlen(sorted_teams[n].name); // Team name if(cur_length >= max_team_length) { max_team_length = cur_length + 1; } } } // Calculate the length of the extra spec info. if(hud_teamfrags_extra_spec->value && (cls.demoplayback || cl.spectator)) { if(hud_teamfrags_extra_spec->value == TEAMFRAGS_EXTRA_SPEC_BEFORE) { // Draw the rl count before the rl icon. rlcount_width = rl_width + 8 + 1 + 1; } else if(hud_teamfrags_extra_spec->value == TEAMFRAGS_EXTRA_SPEC_ONTOP) { // Draw the rl count on top of the RL instead of infront. rlcount_width = rl_width + 1; } else if(hud_teamfrags_extra_spec->value == TEAMFRAGS_EXTRA_SPEC_NOICON) { // Only draw the rl count. rlcount_width = 8 + 1; } else if(hud_teamfrags_extra_spec->value == TEAMFRAGS_EXTRA_SPEC_RLTEXT) { rlcount_width = 8*3 + 1; } } width += a_cols*max_team_length*8 + (a_cols+1)*space_x + a_cols*rlcount_width; } if (HUD_PrepareDraw(hud, width, height, &x, &y)) { int i; int px = 0; int py = 0; int drawBrackets; int limit = min(n_teams, a_rows*a_cols); for (i=0; i < limit; i++) { if (hud_teamfrags_vertical->value) { if (i % a_rows == 0) { px = x + space_x + (i/a_rows) * (cell_width+space_x); py = y + space_y; } } else { if (i % a_cols == 0) { px = x + space_x; py = y + space_y + (i/a_cols) * (cell_height+space_y); } } drawBrackets = 0; // Bug fix. Before the wrong player would be higlighted // during qwd-playback, since you ARE the player that you're // being spectated. if(cls.demoplayback && !cl.spectator && !cls.mvdplayback) { // QWD Playback. if (!strcmp(sorted_teams[num].name, cl.players[cl.playernum].team)) { drawBrackets = 1; } } else if (cls.demoplayback || cl.spectator) { // MVD playback / spectating. if (!strcmp(cl.players[spec_track].team, sorted_teams[num].name) && Cam_TrackNum() >= 0) { drawBrackets = 1; } } else { // Normal player. if (!strcmp(sorted_teams[num].name, cl.players[cl.playernum].team)) { drawBrackets = 1; } } if (cl_multiview->value && cl.splitscreenview != 0 ) // Only draw bracket for first view, might make todo below unnecessary { // TODO: Check if "track team" is set, if it is then draw brackets around that team. //cl.players[nPlayernum] drawBrackets = 0; } if(hud_teamfrags_shownames->value || hud_teamfrags_extra_spec->value) { int _px = px; // Draw a background if the style tells us to. if(hud_teamfrags_style->value >= 4 && hud_teamfrags_style->value <= 8) { Frags_DrawBackground(px, py, cell_width, cell_height, space_x, space_y, 0, max_team_length, sorted_teams[num].bottom, 0, hud_teamfrags_shownames->value, drawBrackets, hud_teamfrags_style->value); } // Draw the text on the left or right side of the score? if(hud_teamfrags_fliptext->value) { // Draw team. _px = Frags_DrawText(_px, py, cell_width, cell_height, space_x, space_y, 0, max_team_length, hud_teamfrags_fliptext->value, hud_teamfrags_padtext->value, 0, hud_teamfrags_shownames->value, "", sorted_teams[num].name); Frags_DrawColors(_px, py, cell_width, cell_height, sorted_teams[num].top, sorted_teams[num].bottom, hud_teamfrags_colors_alpha->value, sorted_teams[num].frags, drawBrackets, hud_teamfrags_style->value, hud_teamfrags_bignum->value); _px += cell_width + space_x; // Draw the rl if the current player has it and the style allows it. _px = TeamFrags_DrawExtraSpecInfo(num, _px, py, cell_width, cell_height, hud_teamfrags_extra_spec->value); } else { // Draw the rl if the current player has it and the style allows it. _px = TeamFrags_DrawExtraSpecInfo(num, _px, py, cell_width, cell_height, hud_teamfrags_extra_spec->value); Frags_DrawColors(_px, py, cell_width, cell_height, sorted_teams[num].top, sorted_teams[num].bottom, hud_teamfrags_colors_alpha->value, sorted_teams[num].frags, drawBrackets, hud_teamfrags_style->value, hud_teamfrags_bignum->value); _px += cell_width + space_x; // Draw team. _px = Frags_DrawText(_px, py, cell_width, cell_height, space_x, space_y, 0, max_team_length, hud_teamfrags_fliptext->value, hud_teamfrags_padtext->value, 0, hud_teamfrags_shownames->value, "", sorted_teams[num].name); } if(hud_teamfrags_vertical->value) { py += cell_height + space_y; } else { px = _px + space_x; } } else { Frags_DrawColors(px, py, cell_width, cell_height, sorted_teams[num].top, sorted_teams[num].bottom, hud_teamfrags_colors_alpha->value, sorted_teams[num].frags, drawBrackets, hud_teamfrags_style->value, hud_teamfrags_bignum->value); if (hud_teamfrags_vertical->value) { py += cell_height + space_y; } else { px += cell_width + space_x; } } num ++; } } } char *Get_MP3_HUD_style(float style, char *st) { static char HUD_style[32]; if(style == 1.0) { strlcpy(HUD_style, va("%s:", st), sizeof(HUD_style)); } else if(style == 2.0) { strlcpy(HUD_style, va("^Ue010%s^Ue011", st), sizeof(HUD_style)); } else { strlcpy(HUD_style, "", sizeof(HUD_style)); } return HUD_style; } // Draws MP3 Title. void SCR_HUD_DrawMP3_Title(hud_t *hud) { int x=0, y=0/*, n=1*/; int width = 64; int height = 8; #ifdef WITH_MP3_PLAYER //int width_as_text = 0; static int title_length = 0; //int row_break = 0; //int i=0; int status = 0; static char title[MP3_MAXSONGTITLE]; double t; // current time static double lastframetime; // last refresh static cvar_t *style = NULL, *width_var, *height_var, *scroll, *scroll_delay, *on_scoreboard, *wordwrap; if (style == NULL) // first time called { style = HUD_FindVar(hud, "style"); width_var = HUD_FindVar(hud, "width"); height_var = HUD_FindVar(hud, "height"); scroll = HUD_FindVar(hud, "scroll"); scroll_delay = HUD_FindVar(hud, "scroll_delay"); on_scoreboard = HUD_FindVar(hud, "on_scoreboard"); wordwrap = HUD_FindVar(hud, "wordwrap"); } if(on_scoreboard->value) { hud->flags |= HUD_ON_SCORES; } else if((int)on_scoreboard->value & HUD_ON_SCORES) { hud->flags -= HUD_ON_SCORES; } width = (int)width_var->value; height = (int)height_var->value; if(width < 0) width = 0; if(width > vid.width) width = vid.width; if(height < 0) height = 0; if(height > vid.width) height = vid.height; t = Sys_DoubleTime(); if ((t - lastframetime) >= 2) { // 2 sec refresh rate lastframetime = t; status = MP3_GetStatus(); switch(status) { case MP3_PLAYING : title_length = snprintf(title, sizeof(title)-1, "%s %s", Get_MP3_HUD_style(style->value, "Playing"), MP3_Macro_MP3Info()); break; case MP3_PAUSED : title_length = snprintf(title, sizeof(title)-1, "%s %s", Get_MP3_HUD_style(style->value, "Paused"), MP3_Macro_MP3Info()); break; case MP3_STOPPED : title_length = snprintf(title, sizeof(title)-1, "%s %s", Get_MP3_HUD_style(style->value, "Stopped"), MP3_Macro_MP3Info()); break; case MP3_NOTRUNNING : default : status = MP3_NOTRUNNING; title_length = snprintf (title, sizeof (title), "%s is not running.", mp3_player->PlayerName_AllCaps); break; } if(title_length < 0) { snprintf(title, sizeof (title), "Error retrieving current song."); } } if (HUD_PrepareDraw(hud, width , height, &x, &y)) { SCR_DrawWordWrapString(x, y, 8, width, height, (int)wordwrap->value, (int)scroll->value, (float)scroll_delay->value, title); } #else HUD_PrepareDraw(hud, width , height, &x, &y); #endif } // Draws MP3 Time as a HUD-element. void SCR_HUD_DrawMP3_Time(hud_t *hud) { int x = 0, y = 0, width = 0, height = 0; #ifdef WITH_MP3_PLAYER int elapsed = 0; int remain = 0; int total = 0; static char time_string[MP3_MAXSONGTITLE]; static char elapsed_string[MP3_MAXSONGTITLE]; double t; // current time static double lastframetime; // last refresh static cvar_t *style = NULL, *on_scoreboard; if(style == NULL) { style = HUD_FindVar(hud, "style"); on_scoreboard = HUD_FindVar(hud, "on_scoreboard"); } if(on_scoreboard->value) { hud->flags |= HUD_ON_SCORES; } else if((int)on_scoreboard->value & HUD_ON_SCORES) { hud->flags -= HUD_ON_SCORES; } t = Sys_DoubleTime(); if ((t - lastframetime) >= 2) { // 2 sec refresh rate lastframetime = t; if(!MP3_GetOutputtime(&elapsed, &total) || elapsed < 0 || total < 0) { snprintf (time_string, sizeof (time_string), "^Ue010-:-^Ue011"); } else { switch((int)style->value) { case 1 : remain = total - elapsed; strlcpy (elapsed_string, SecondsToMinutesString (remain), sizeof (elapsed_string)); snprintf (time_string, sizeof (time_string), "^Ue010-%s/%s^Ue011", elapsed_string, SecondsToMinutesString (total)); break; case 2 : remain = total - elapsed; snprintf (time_string, sizeof (time_string), "^Ue010-%s^Ue011", SecondsToMinutesString (remain)); break; case 3 : snprintf (time_string, sizeof (time_string), "^Ue010%s^Ue011", SecondsToMinutesString (elapsed)); break; case 4 : remain = total - elapsed; strlcpy (elapsed_string, SecondsToMinutesString (remain), sizeof (elapsed_string)); snprintf (time_string, sizeof (time_string), "%s/%s", elapsed_string, SecondsToMinutesString (total)); break; case 5 : strlcpy (elapsed_string, SecondsToMinutesString (elapsed), sizeof (elapsed_string)); snprintf (time_string, sizeof (time_string), "-%s/%s", elapsed_string, SecondsToMinutesString (total)); break; case 6 : remain = total - elapsed; snprintf (time_string, sizeof (time_string), "-%s", SecondsToMinutesString (remain)); break; case 7 : snprintf (time_string, sizeof (time_string), "%s", SecondsToMinutesString (elapsed)); break; case 0 : default : strlcpy (elapsed_string, SecondsToMinutesString (elapsed), sizeof (elapsed_string)); snprintf (time_string, sizeof (time_string), "^Ue010%s/%s^Ue011", elapsed_string, SecondsToMinutesString (total)); break; } } } // Don't allow showing the timer if ruleset disallows it // It could be used for timing powerups // Use same check that is used for any external communication if(Rulesets_RestrictPacket()) snprintf (time_string, sizeof (time_string), "^Ue010%s^Ue011", "Not allowed"); width = strlen (time_string) * 8; height = 8; if (HUD_PrepareDraw(hud, width , height, &x, &y)) Draw_String(x, y, time_string); #else HUD_PrepareDraw(hud, width , height, &x, &y); #endif } #ifdef WITH_PNG // Map picture to draw for the mapoverview hud control. mpic_t *radar_pic; static qbool radar_pic_found = false; // The conversion formula used for converting from quake coordinates to pixel coordinates // when drawing on the map overview. static float map_x_slope; static float map_x_intercept; static float map_y_slope; static float map_y_intercept; static qbool conversion_formula_found = false; // Used for drawing the height of the player. static float map_height_diff = 0.0; #define RADAR_BASE_PATH_FORMAT "radars/%s.png" // // Is run when a new map is loaded. // void HUD_NewRadarMap() { int i = 0; int len = 0; int n_textcount = 0; mpic_t *radar_pic_p = NULL; png_textp txt = NULL; char *radar_filename = NULL; if (!cl.worldmodel) return; // seems we are not ready to do that // Reset the radar pic status. radar_pic = NULL; radar_pic_found = false; conversion_formula_found = false; // Allocate a string for the path to the radar image. len = strlen (RADAR_BASE_PATH_FORMAT) + strlen (host_mapname.string); radar_filename = Q_calloc (len, sizeof(char)); snprintf (radar_filename, len, RADAR_BASE_PATH_FORMAT, host_mapname.string); // Load the map picture. if ((radar_pic_p = GL_LoadPicImage (radar_filename, host_mapname.string, 0, 0, TEX_ALPHA)) != NULL) { radar_pic = *radar_pic_p; radar_pic_found = true; // Calculate the height of the map. map_height_diff = abs(cl.worldmodel->maxs[2] - cl.worldmodel->mins[2]); // Get the comments from the PNG. txt = Image_LoadPNG_Comments(radar_filename, &n_textcount); // Check if we found any comments. if(txt != NULL) { int found_count = 0; // Find the conversion formula in the comments found in the PNG. for(i = 0; i < n_textcount; i++) { if(!strcmp(txt[i].key, "QWLMConversionSlopeX")) { map_x_slope = atof(txt[i].text); found_count++; } else if(!strcmp(txt[i].key, "QWLMConversionInterceptX")) { map_x_intercept = atof(txt[i].text); found_count++; } else if(!strcmp(txt[i].key, "QWLMConversionSlopeY")) { map_y_slope = atof(txt[i].text); found_count++; } else if(!strcmp(txt[i].key, "QWLMConversionInterceptY")) { map_y_intercept = atof(txt[i].text); found_count++; } conversion_formula_found = (found_count == 4); } // Free the text chunks. Q_free(txt); } else { conversion_formula_found = false; } } else { // No radar pic found. memset (&radar_pic, 0, sizeof(radar_pic)); radar_pic_found = false; conversion_formula_found = false; } // Free the path string to the radar png. Q_free (radar_filename); } #endif // WITH_PNG #define TEMPHUD_NAME "_temphud" #define TEMPHUD_FULLPATH "configs/"TEMPHUD_NAME".cfg" // will check if user wants to un/load external MVD HUD automatically void HUD_AutoLoad_MVD(int autoload) { #ifdef HAXX char *cfg_suffix = "custom"; extern cvar_t *scr_fov; extern cvar_t *scr_newHud; extern void Cmd_Exec_f (void); extern void DumpConfig(char *name); if (autoload && cls.mvdplayback) { // Turn autohud ON here Com_DPrintf("Loading MVD Hud\n"); // Store current settings. if (!autohud.active) { // Save old cfg_save values so that we don't screw the users // settings when saving the temp config. int old_cmdline = pCvar_GetFloat("cfg_save_cmdline"); int old_cvars = pCvar_GetFloat("cfg_save_cvars"); int old_cmds = pCvar_GetFloat("cfg_save_cmds"); int old_aliases = pCvar_GetFloat("cfg_save_aliases"); int old_binds = pCvar_GetFloat("cfg_save_binds"); autohud.old_fov = (int) scr_fov->value; autohud.old_multiview = (int) cl_multiview->value; autohud.old_newhud = (int) scr_newHud->value; // Make sure everything current settings are saved. pCvar_SetFloat("cfg_save_cmdline", 1); pCvar_SetFloat("cfg_save_cvars", 1); pCvar_SetFloat("cfg_save_cmds", 1); pCvar_SetFloat("cfg_save_aliases", 1); pCvar_SetFloat("cfg_save_binds", 1); // Save a temporary config. DumpConfig(TEMPHUD_NAME".cfg"); pCvar_SetFloat("cfg_save_cmdline", old_cmdline); pCvar_SetFloat("cfg_save_cvars", old_cvars); pCvar_SetFloat("cfg_save_cmds", old_cmds); pCvar_SetFloat("cfg_save_aliases", old_aliases); pCvar_SetFloat("cfg_save_binds", old_binds); } // load MVD HUD config switch ((int) autoload) { case 1: // load 1on1 or 4on4 or custom according to $matchtype if (!strncmp(Macro_MatchType(), "duel", 4)) { cfg_suffix = "1on1"; } else if (!strncmp(Macro_MatchType(), "4on4", 4)) { cfg_suffix = "4on4"; } else { cfg_suffix = "custom"; } break; default: case 2: cfg_suffix = "custom"; break; } Cbuf_AddText(va("exec cfg/mvdhud_%s.cfg\n", cfg_suffix)); autohud.active = true; return; } if ((!cls.mvdplayback || !autoload) && autohud.active) { // either user decided to turn mvd autohud off or mvd playback is over // -> Turn autohud OFF here FILE *tempfile; char *fullname = va("%s/ezquake/"TEMPHUD_FULLPATH, com_basedir); Com_DPrintf("Unloading MVD Hud\n"); // load stored settings pCvar_SetFloat(scr_fov->name, autohud.old_fov); pCvar_SetFloat(cl_multiview->name, autohud.old_multiview); pCvar_SetFloat(scr_newHud->name, autohud.old_newhud); //Cmd_TokenizeString("exec "TEMPHUD_FULLPATH); Cmd_TokenizeString("cfg_load "TEMPHUD_FULLPATH); Cmd_Exec_f(); // delete temp config with hud_* settings if ((tempfile = fopen(fullname, "rb")) && (fclose(tempfile) != EOF)) unlink(fullname); autohud.active = false; return; } #endif } void OnAutoHudChange(cvar_t *var, char *value, qbool *cancel) { HUD_AutoLoad_MVD(Q_atoi(value)); } // Is run when a new map is loaded. void HUD_NewMap(void) { #if defined(WITH_PNG) HUD_NewRadarMap(); #endif // WITH_PNG autohud_loaded = false; } #define HUD_SHOW_ONLY_IN_TEAMPLAY 1 #define HUD_SHOW_ONLY_IN_DEMOPLAYBACK 2 qbool HUD_ShowInDemoplayback(int val) { if(!cl.teamplay && val == HUD_SHOW_ONLY_IN_TEAMPLAY) { return false; } else if(!cls.demoplayback && val == HUD_SHOW_ONLY_IN_DEMOPLAYBACK) { return false; } else if(!cl.teamplay && !cls.demoplayback && val == HUD_SHOW_ONLY_IN_TEAMPLAY + HUD_SHOW_ONLY_IN_DEMOPLAYBACK) { return false; } return true; } // Team hold filters. static qbool teamhold_show_pent = false; static qbool teamhold_show_quad = false; static qbool teamhold_show_ring = false; static qbool teamhold_show_suit = false; static qbool teamhold_show_rl = false; static qbool teamhold_show_lg = false; static qbool teamhold_show_gl = false; static qbool teamhold_show_sng = false; static qbool teamhold_show_mh = false; static qbool teamhold_show_ra = false; static qbool teamhold_show_ya = false; static qbool teamhold_show_ga = false; void TeamHold_DrawBars(int x, int y, int width, int height, float team1_percent, float team2_percent, int team1_color, int team2_color, float opacity) { int team1_width = 0; int team2_width = 0; int bar_height = 0; bar_height = Q_rint (height/2.0); team1_width = (int) (width * team1_percent); team2_width = (int) (width * team2_percent); clamp(team1_width, 0, width); clamp(team2_width, 0, width); Draw_AlphaFill(x, y, team1_width, bar_height, team1_color, opacity); y += bar_height; Draw_AlphaFill(x, y, team2_width, bar_height, team2_color, opacity); } void TeamHold_DrawPercentageBar(int x, int y, int width, int height, float team1_percent, float team2_percent, int team1_color, int team2_color, int show_text, int vertical, int vertical_text, float opacity) { int _x, _y; int _width, _height; if(vertical) { // // Draw vertical. // // Team 1. _x = x; _y = y; _width = max(0, width); _height = Q_rint(height * team1_percent); _height = max(0, height); Draw_AlphaFill(_x, _y, _width, _height, team1_color, opacity); // Team 2. _x = x; _y = Q_rint(y + (height * team1_percent)); _width = max(0, width); _height = Q_rint(height * team2_percent); _height = max(0, _height); Draw_AlphaFill(_x, _y, _width, _height, team2_color, opacity); // Show the percentages in numbers also. if(show_text) { // TODO: Move this to a separate function (since it's prett much copy and paste for both teams). // Team 1. if(team1_percent > 0.05) { if(vertical_text) { int percent = 0; int percent10 = 0; int percent100 = 0; _x = x + (width / 2) - 4; _y = Q_rint(y + (height * team1_percent)/2 - 12); percent = Q_rint(100 * team1_percent); if((percent100 = percent / 100)) { Draw_String(_x, _y, va("%d", percent100)); _y += 8; } if((percent10 = percent / 10)) { Draw_String(_x, _y, va("%d", percent10)); _y += 8; } Draw_String(_x, _y, va("%d", percent % 10)); _y += 8; Draw_String(_x, _y, "%"); } else { _x = x + (width / 2) - 12; _y = Q_rint(y + (height * team1_percent)/2 - 4); Draw_String(_x, _y, va("%2.0f%%", 100 * team1_percent)); } } // Team 2. if(team2_percent > 0.05) { if(vertical_text) { int percent = 0; int percent10 = 0; int percent100 = 0; _x = x + (width / 2) - 4; _y = Q_rint(y + (height * team1_percent) + (height * team2_percent)/2 - 12); percent = Q_rint(100 * team2_percent); if((percent100 = percent / 100)) { Draw_String(_x, _y, va("%d", percent100)); _y += 8; } if((percent10 = percent / 10)) { Draw_String(_x, _y, va("%d", percent10)); _y += 8; } Draw_String(_x, _y, va("%d", percent % 10)); _y += 8; Draw_String(_x, _y, "%"); } else { _x = x + (width / 2) - 12; _y = Q_rint(y + (height * team1_percent) + (height * team2_percent)/2 - 4); Draw_String(_x, _y, va("%2.0f%%", 100 * team2_percent)); } } } } else { // // Draw horizontal. // // Team 1. _x = x; _y = y; _width = Q_rint(width * team1_percent); _width = max(0, _width); _height = max(0, height); Draw_AlphaFill(_x, _y, _width, _height, team1_color, opacity); // Team 2. _x = Q_rint(x + (width * team1_percent)); _y = y; _width = Q_rint(width * team2_percent); _width = max(0, _width); _height = max(0, height); Draw_AlphaFill(_x, _y, _width, _height, team2_color, opacity); // Show the percentages in numbers also. if(show_text) { // Team 1. if(team1_percent > 0.05) { _x = Q_rint(x + (width * team1_percent)/2 - 8); _y = y + (height / 2) - 4; Draw_String(_x, _y, va("%2.0f%%", 100 * team1_percent)); } // Team 2. if(team2_percent > 0.05) { _x = Q_rint(x + (width * team1_percent) + (width * team2_percent)/2 - 8); _y = y + (height / 2) - 4; Draw_String(_x, _y, va("%2.0f%%", 100 * team2_percent)); } } } } #ifdef HAXX static void SCR_HUD_DrawTeamHoldBar(hud_t *hud) { int x, y; int height = 8; int width = 0; float team1_percent = 0; float team2_percent = 0; static cvar_t *hud_teamholdbar_style = NULL, *hud_teamholdbar_opacity, *hud_teamholdbar_width, *hud_teamholdbar_height, *hud_teamholdbar_vertical, *hud_teamholdbar_show_text, *hud_teamholdbar_onlytp, *hud_teamholdbar_vertical_text; if (hud_teamholdbar_style == NULL) // first time { hud_teamholdbar_style = HUD_FindVar(hud, "style"); hud_teamholdbar_opacity = HUD_FindVar(hud, "opacity"); hud_teamholdbar_width = HUD_FindVar(hud, "width"); hud_teamholdbar_height = HUD_FindVar(hud, "height"); hud_teamholdbar_vertical = HUD_FindVar(hud, "vertical"); hud_teamholdbar_show_text = HUD_FindVar(hud, "show_text"); hud_teamholdbar_onlytp = HUD_FindVar(hud, "onlytp"); hud_teamholdbar_vertical_text = HUD_FindVar(hud, "vertical_text"); } height = max(1, hud_teamholdbar_height->value); width = max(0, hud_teamholdbar_width->value); // Don't show when not in teamplay/demoplayback. if(!HUD_ShowInDemoplayback(hud_teamholdbar_onlytp->value)) { HUD_PrepareDraw(hud, width , height, &x, &y); return; } if (HUD_PrepareDraw(hud, width , height, &x, &y)) { // We need something to work with. if(stats_grid != NULL) { // Check if we have any hold values to calculate from. if(stats_grid->teams[STATS_TEAM1].hold_count + stats_grid->teams[STATS_TEAM2].hold_count > 0) { // Calculate the percentage for the two teams for the "team strength bar". team1_percent = ((float)stats_grid->teams[STATS_TEAM1].hold_count) / (stats_grid->teams[STATS_TEAM1].hold_count + stats_grid->teams[STATS_TEAM2].hold_count); team2_percent = ((float)stats_grid->teams[STATS_TEAM2].hold_count) / (stats_grid->teams[STATS_TEAM1].hold_count + stats_grid->teams[STATS_TEAM2].hold_count); team1_percent = fabs(max(0, team1_percent)); team2_percent = fabs(max(0, team2_percent)); } else { Draw_AlphaFill(x, y, hud_teamholdbar_width->value, height, 0, hud_teamholdbar_opacity->value*0.5); return; } // Draw the percentage bar. TeamHold_DrawPercentageBar(x, y, width, height, team1_percent, team2_percent, stats_grid->teams[STATS_TEAM1].color, stats_grid->teams[STATS_TEAM2].color, hud_teamholdbar_show_text->value, hud_teamholdbar_vertical->value, hud_teamholdbar_vertical_text->value, hud_teamholdbar_opacity->value); } else { // If there's no stats grid available we don't know what to show, so just show a black frame. Draw_AlphaFill(x, y, hud_teamholdbar_width->value, height, 0, hud_teamholdbar_opacity->value * 0.5); } } } #endif void TeamHold_OnChangeItemFilterInfo(cvar_t *var, char *oldvalue) { // char *start = var->string; // char *end = start; // int order = 0; // Parse the item filter. teamhold_show_rl = Utils_RegExpMatch("RL", var->string); teamhold_show_quad = Utils_RegExpMatch("QUAD", var->string); teamhold_show_ring = Utils_RegExpMatch("RING", var->string); teamhold_show_pent = Utils_RegExpMatch("PENT", var->string); teamhold_show_suit = Utils_RegExpMatch("SUIT", var->string); teamhold_show_lg = Utils_RegExpMatch("LG", var->string); teamhold_show_gl = Utils_RegExpMatch("GL", var->string); teamhold_show_sng = Utils_RegExpMatch("SNG", var->string); teamhold_show_mh = Utils_RegExpMatch("MH", var->string); teamhold_show_ra = Utils_RegExpMatch("RA", var->string); teamhold_show_ya = Utils_RegExpMatch("YA", var->string); teamhold_show_ga = Utils_RegExpMatch("GA", var->string); #ifdef HAXX // Reset the ordering of the items. StatsGrid_ResetHoldItemsOrder(); // Trim spaces from the start of the word. while (*start && *start == ' ') { start++; } end = start; // Go through the string word for word and set a // rising order for each hold item based on their // order in the string. while (*end) { if (*end != ' ') { // Not at the end of the word yet. end++; continue; } else { // We've found a word end. char temp[256]; // Try matching the current word with a hold item // and set it's ordering according to it's placement // in the string. strlcpy (temp, start, min(end - start, sizeof(temp))); StatsGrid_SetHoldItemOrder(temp, order); order++; // Get rid of any additional spaces. while (*end && *end == ' ') { end++; } // Start trying to find a new word. start = end; } } // Order the hold items. StatsGrid_SortHoldItems(); #endif } #define HUD_TEAMHOLDINFO_STYLE_TEAM_NAMES 0 #define HUD_TEAMHOLDINFO_STYLE_PERCENT_BARS 1 #define HUD_TEAMHOLDINFO_STYLE_PERCENT_BARS2 2 #ifdef HAXX static void SCR_HUD_DrawTeamHoldInfo(hud_t *hud) { int i; int x, y; int width, height; static cvar_t *hud_teamholdinfo_style = NULL, *hud_teamholdinfo_opacity, *hud_teamholdinfo_width, *hud_teamholdinfo_height, *hud_teamholdinfo_onlytp, *hud_teamholdinfo_itemfilter; if (hud_teamholdinfo_style == NULL) // first time { char val[256]; hud_teamholdinfo_style = HUD_FindVar(hud, "style"); hud_teamholdinfo_opacity = HUD_FindVar(hud, "opacity"); hud_teamholdinfo_width = HUD_FindVar(hud, "width"); hud_teamholdinfo_height = HUD_FindVar(hud, "height"); hud_teamholdinfo_onlytp = HUD_FindVar(hud, "onlytp"); hud_teamholdinfo_itemfilter = HUD_FindVar(hud, "itemfilter"); // Unecessary to parse the item filter string on each frame. hud_teamholdinfo_itemfilter->OnChange = TeamHold_OnChangeItemFilterInfo; // Parse the item filter the first time (trigger the OnChange function above). strlcpy (val, hud_teamholdinfo_itemfilter->string, sizeof(val)); Cvar_Set (hud_teamholdinfo_itemfilter, val); } // Get the height based on how many items we have, or what the user has set it to. height = max(0, hud_teamholdinfo_height->value); width = max(0, hud_teamholdinfo_width->value); // Don't show when not in teamplay/demoplayback. if(!HUD_ShowInDemoplayback(hud_teamholdinfo_onlytp->value)) { HUD_PrepareDraw(hud, width , height, &x, &y); return; } // We don't have anything to show. if(stats_important_ents == NULL || stats_grid == NULL) { HUD_PrepareDraw(hud, width , height, &x, &y); return; } if (HUD_PrepareDraw(hud, width , height, &x, &y)) { int _y = 0; _y = y; // Go through all the items and print the stats for them. for(i = 0; i < stats_important_ents->count; i++) { float team1_percent; float team2_percent; int team1_hold_count = 0; int team2_hold_count = 0; int names_width = 0; // Don't draw outside the specified height. if((_y - y) + 8 > height) { break; } // If the item isn't of the specified type, then skip it. if(!( (teamhold_show_rl && !strncmp(stats_important_ents->list[i].name, "RL", 2)) || (teamhold_show_quad && !strncmp(stats_important_ents->list[i].name, "QUAD", 4)) || (teamhold_show_ring && !strncmp(stats_important_ents->list[i].name, "RING", 4)) || (teamhold_show_pent && !strncmp(stats_important_ents->list[i].name, "PENT", 4)) || (teamhold_show_suit && !strncmp(stats_important_ents->list[i].name, "SUIT", 4)) || (teamhold_show_lg && !strncmp(stats_important_ents->list[i].name, "LG", 2)) || (teamhold_show_gl && !strncmp(stats_important_ents->list[i].name, "GL", 2)) || (teamhold_show_sng && !strncmp(stats_important_ents->list[i].name, "SNG", 3)) || (teamhold_show_mh && !strncmp(stats_important_ents->list[i].name, "MH", 2)) || (teamhold_show_ra && !strncmp(stats_important_ents->list[i].name, "RA", 2)) || (teamhold_show_ya && !strncmp(stats_important_ents->list[i].name, "YA", 2)) || (teamhold_show_ga && !strncmp(stats_important_ents->list[i].name, "GA", 2)) )) { continue; } // Calculate the width of the longest item name so we can use it for padding. names_width = 8 * (stats_important_ents->longest_name + 1); // Calculate the percentages of this item that the two teams holds. team1_hold_count = stats_important_ents->list[i].teams_hold_count[STATS_TEAM1]; team2_hold_count = stats_important_ents->list[i].teams_hold_count[STATS_TEAM2]; team1_percent = ((float)team1_hold_count) / (team1_hold_count + team2_hold_count); team2_percent = ((float)team2_hold_count) / (team1_hold_count + team2_hold_count); team1_percent = fabs(max(0, team1_percent)); team2_percent = fabs(max(0, team2_percent)); // Write the name of the item. Draw_ColoredString(x, _y, va("&cff0%s:", stats_important_ents->list[i].name), 0); if(hud_teamholdinfo_style->value == HUD_TEAMHOLDINFO_STYLE_TEAM_NAMES) { // // Prints the team name that holds the item. // if(team1_percent > team2_percent) { Draw_ColoredString(x + names_width, _y, stats_important_ents->teams[STATS_TEAM1].name, 0); } else if(team1_percent < team2_percent) { Draw_ColoredString(x + names_width, _y, stats_important_ents->teams[STATS_TEAM2].name, 0); } } else if(hud_teamholdinfo_style->value == HUD_TEAMHOLDINFO_STYLE_PERCENT_BARS) { // // Show a percenteage bar for the item. // TeamHold_DrawPercentageBar(x + names_width, _y, Q_rint(hud_teamholdinfo_width->value - names_width), 8, team1_percent, team2_percent, stats_important_ents->teams[STATS_TEAM1].color, stats_important_ents->teams[STATS_TEAM2].color, 0, // Don't show percentage values, get's too cluttered. false, false, hud_teamholdinfo_opacity->value); } else if(hud_teamholdinfo_style->value == HUD_TEAMHOLDINFO_STYLE_PERCENT_BARS2) { TeamHold_DrawBars(x + names_width, _y, Q_rint(hud_teamholdinfo_width->value - names_width), 8, team1_percent, team2_percent, stats_important_ents->teams[STATS_TEAM1].color, stats_important_ents->teams[STATS_TEAM2].color, hud_teamholdinfo_opacity->value); } // Next line. _y += 8; } } } #endif static int SCR_HudDrawTeamInfoPlayer(teamplayerinfo_t *ti_cl, int x, int y, int maxname, int maxloc, qbool width_only, hud_t *hud); #define FONTWIDTH 8 static void SCR_HUD_DrawTeamInfo(hud_t *hud) { int x, y, _y, width, height; int i, j, k, slots_num, maxname, maxloc; char tmp[1024], *nick; teamplayerinfo_t ti_clients[MAX_CLIENTS]; extern qbool hud_editor; static cvar_t *hud_teaminfo_weapon_style = NULL, *hud_teaminfo_align_right, *hud_teaminfo_loc_width, *hud_teaminfo_name_width, *hud_teaminfo_show_enemies, *hud_teaminfo_show_self, *hud_teaminfo_scale; if (hud_teaminfo_weapon_style == NULL) // first time { hud_teaminfo_weapon_style = HUD_FindVar(hud, "weapon_style"); hud_teaminfo_align_right = HUD_FindVar(hud, "align_right"); hud_teaminfo_loc_width = HUD_FindVar(hud, "loc_width"); hud_teaminfo_name_width = HUD_FindVar(hud, "name_width"); hud_teaminfo_show_enemies = HUD_FindVar(hud, "show_enemies"); hud_teaminfo_show_self = HUD_FindVar(hud, "show_self"); hud_teaminfo_scale = HUD_FindVar(hud, "scale"); } // Don't update hud item unless first view is beeing displayed // if ( CURRVIEW != 1 && CURRVIEW != 0) // return; slots_num = pGetTeamInfo(ti_clients, countof(ti_clients), hud_teaminfo_show_enemies->ival, hud_teaminfo_show_self->ival); // fill data we require to draw teaminfo for ( maxloc = maxname = i = 0; i < slots_num; i++ ) { // dynamically guess max length of name/location nick = (ti_clients[i].nick[0] ? ti_clients[i].nick : cl.players[i].name); // we use nick or name maxname = max(maxname, strlen(TP_ParseFunChars(nick, false))); strlcpy(tmp, TP_LocationName(ti_clients[i].org), sizeof(tmp)); maxloc = max(maxloc, strlen(TP_ParseFunChars(tmp, false))); } // well, better use fixed loc length maxloc = bound(0, hud_teaminfo_loc_width->ival, 100); // limit name length maxname = bound(0, maxname, hud_teaminfo_name_width->ival); // this does't draw anything, just calculate width width = FONTWIDTH * hud_teaminfo_scale->value * SCR_HudDrawTeamInfoPlayer(&ti_clients[0], 0, 0, maxname, maxloc, true, hud); height = FONTWIDTH * hud_teaminfo_scale->value * (hud_teaminfo_show_enemies->ival?slots_num+n_teams:slots_num); if (hud_editor) HUD_PrepareDraw(hud, width , FONTWIDTH, &x, &y); if ( !slots_num ) return; if (!cl.teamplay) // non teamplay mode return; if (!HUD_PrepareDraw(hud, width , height, &x, &y)) return; _y = y ; x = (hud_teaminfo_align_right->value ? x - (width * (FONTWIDTH * hud_teaminfo_scale->value)) : x); // If multiple teams are displayed then sort the display and print team header on overlay k=0; if (hud_teaminfo_show_enemies->ival) { while (sorted_teams[k].name) { Draw_SString (x, _y, sorted_teams[k].name, hud_teaminfo_scale->value); sprintf(tmp,"%s %i",TP_ParseFunChars("$.",false), sorted_teams[k].frags); Draw_SString (x+(strlen(sorted_teams[k].name)+1)*FONTWIDTH, _y, tmp, hud_teaminfo_scale->value); _y += FONTWIDTH * hud_teaminfo_scale->value; for ( j = 0; j < slots_num; j++ ) { i = ti_clients[j].client; if (!strcmp(cl.players[i].team,sorted_teams[k].name)) { SCR_HudDrawTeamInfoPlayer(&ti_clients[j], x, _y, maxname, maxloc, false, hud); _y += FONTWIDTH * hud_teaminfo_scale->value; } } k++; } } else { for ( j = 0; j < slots_num; j++ ) { SCR_HudDrawTeamInfoPlayer(&ti_clients[j], x, _y, maxname, maxloc, false, hud); _y += FONTWIDTH * hud_teaminfo_scale->value; } } } qbool Has_Both_RL_and_LG (int flags) { return (flags & IT_ROCKET_LAUNCHER) && (flags & IT_LIGHTNING); } #define FONTWIDTH 8 void str_align_right (char *target, size_t size, const char *source, size_t length) { if (length > size - 1) length = size - 1; if (strlen(source) >= length) { strlcpy(target, source, size); target[length] = 0; } else { int i; for (i = 0; i < length - strlen(source); i++) { target[i] = ' '; } strlcpy(target + i, source, size - i); } } int Player_GetTrackId(int uid) { return uid; } unsigned int BestWeaponFromStatItems(unsigned int items) { int i; for (i = 1<<7; i; i>>=1) { if (items & i) return i; } return 0; } mpic_t * SCR_GetWeaponIconByFlag (int flag) { int i, j; for (i = 0, j = 1; i < 7; i++, j*=2) { if (flag == j) return sb_weapons[0][i]; } return NULL; } static int SCR_HudDrawTeamInfoPlayer(teamplayerinfo_t *ti_cl, int x, int y, int maxname, int maxloc, qbool width_only, hud_t *hud) { extern mpic_t * SCR_GetWeaponIconByFlag (int flag); char *s, *loc, tmp[1024], tmp2[1024], *aclr; int x_in = x; // save x int i; mpic_t *pic; float scale = HUD_FindVar(hud, "scale")->value; if (!ti_cl) return 0; i = ti_cl->client; if (i < 0 || i >= MAX_CLIENTS) { Com_DPrintf("SCR_Draw_TeamInfoPlayer: wrong client %d\n", i); return 0; } // this limit len of string because TP_ParseFunChars() do not check overflow strlcpy(tmp2, HUD_FindVar(hud, "layout")->string , sizeof(tmp2)); strlcpy(tmp2, TP_ParseFunChars(tmp2, false), sizeof(tmp2)); s = tmp2; // // parse/draw string like this "%n %h:%a %l %p %w" // for ( ; *s; s++) { switch( (int) s[0] ) { case '%': s++; // advance switch( (int) s[0] ) { case 'n': // draw name if(!width_only) { char *nick = TP_ParseFunChars(ti_cl->nick[0] ? ti_cl->nick : cl.players[i].name, false); str_align_right(tmp, sizeof(tmp), nick, maxname); Draw_SString (x, y, tmp, scale); } x += maxname * FONTWIDTH * scale; break; case 'w': // draw "best" weapon icon/name switch (HUD_FindVar(hud, "weapon_style")->ival) { case 1: if(!width_only) { if (Has_Both_RL_and_LG(ti_cl->items)) { char *weap_str = pCvar_GetNVFDG("tp_name_rlg", "rlg", 0, NULL, NULL)->string; char weap_white_stripped[32]; Util_SkipChars(weap_str, "{}", weap_white_stripped, 32); Draw_ColoredString (x, y, weap_white_stripped, false); } else { char *weap_str = TP_ItemName(BestWeaponFromStatItems( ti_cl->items )); char weap_white_stripped[32]; Util_SkipChars(weap_str, "{}", weap_white_stripped, 32); Draw_ColoredString (x, y, weap_white_stripped, false); } } x += 3 * FONTWIDTH * scale; break; default: // draw image by default if(!width_only) if ( (pic = SCR_GetWeaponIconByFlag(BestWeaponFromStatItems( ti_cl->items ))) ) Draw_SPic (x, y, pic, 0.5 * scale); x += 2 * FONTWIDTH * scale; break; } break; case 'h': // draw health, padding with space on left side case 'H': // draw health, padding with space on right side if(!width_only) { snprintf(tmp, sizeof(tmp), (s[0] == 'h' ? "%s%3d" : "%s%-3d"), (ti_cl->health < HUD_FindVar(hud, "low_health")->ival ? "&cf00" : ""), (int)ti_cl->health); Draw_SString (x, y, tmp, scale); } x += 3 * FONTWIDTH * scale; break; case 'a': // draw armor, padded with space on left side case 'A': // draw armor, padded with space on right side aclr = ""; // // different styles of armor // switch (HUD_FindVar(hud,"armor_style")->ival) { case 1: // image prefixed armor value if(!width_only) { if (ti_cl->items & IT_ARMOR3) Draw_SPic (x, y, sb_armor[2], 1.0/3 * scale); else if (ti_cl->items & IT_ARMOR2) Draw_SPic (x, y, sb_armor[1], 1.0/3 * scale); else if (ti_cl->items & IT_ARMOR1) Draw_SPic (x, y, sb_armor[0], 1.0/3 * scale); } x += FONTWIDTH * scale; break; case 2: // colored background of armor value /* if(!width_only) { byte col[4] = {255, 255, 255, 0}; if (ti_cl->items & IT_ARMOR3) { col[0] = 255; col[1] = 0; col[2] = 0; col[3] = 255; } else if (ti_cl->items & IT_ARMOR2) { col[0] = 255; col[1] = 255; col[2] = 0; col[3] = 255; } else if (ti_cl->items & IT_ARMOR1) { col[0] = 0; col[1] = 255; col[2] = 0; col[3] = 255; } } */ break; case 3: // colored armor value if(!width_only) { if (ti_cl->items & IT_ARMOR3) aclr = "&cf00"; else if (ti_cl->items & IT_ARMOR2) aclr = "&cff0"; else if (ti_cl->items & IT_ARMOR1) aclr = "&c0f0"; } break; case 4: // armor value prefixed with letter if(!width_only) { if (ti_cl->items & IT_ARMOR3) Draw_SString (x, y, "r", scale); else if (ti_cl->items & IT_ARMOR2) Draw_SString (x, y, "y", scale); else if (ti_cl->items & IT_ARMOR1) Draw_SString (x, y, "g", scale); } x += FONTWIDTH * scale; break; } if(!width_only) { // value drawed no matter which style snprintf(tmp, sizeof(tmp), (s[0] == 'a' ? "%s%3d" : "%s%-3d"), aclr, (int)ti_cl->armor); Draw_SString (x, y, tmp, scale); } x += 3 * FONTWIDTH * scale; break; case 'l': // draw location if(!width_only) { loc = TP_LocationName(ti_cl->org); if (!loc[0]) loc = "unknown"; str_align_right(tmp, sizeof(tmp), TP_ParseFunChars(loc, false), maxloc); Draw_SString (x, y, tmp, scale); } x += maxloc * FONTWIDTH * scale; break; case 'p': // draw powerups switch (HUD_FindVar(hud, "powerup_style")->ival) { case 1: // quad/pent/ring image if(!width_only) { if (ti_cl->items & IT_QUAD) Draw_SPic (x, y, sb_items[5], 1.0/2); x += FONTWIDTH; if (ti_cl->items & IT_INVULNERABILITY) Draw_SPic (x, y, sb_items[3], 1.0/2); x += FONTWIDTH; if (ti_cl->items & IT_INVISIBILITY) Draw_SPic (x, y, sb_items[2], 1.0/2); x += FONTWIDTH; } else { x += 3* FONTWIDTH; } break; case 2: // player powerup face if(!width_only) { if ( sb_face_quad && (ti_cl->items & IT_QUAD)) Draw_SPic (x, y, sb_face_quad, 1.0/3); x += FONTWIDTH; if ( sb_face_invuln && (ti_cl->items & IT_INVULNERABILITY)) Draw_SPic (x, y, sb_face_invuln, 1.0/3); x += FONTWIDTH; if ( sb_face_invis && (ti_cl->items & IT_INVISIBILITY)) Draw_SPic (x, y, sb_face_invis, 1.0/3); x += FONTWIDTH; } else { x += 3* FONTWIDTH; } break; case 3: // colored font (QPR) if(!width_only) { if (ti_cl->items & IT_QUAD) Draw_ColoredString (x, y, "&c03fQ", false); x += FONTWIDTH; if (ti_cl->items & IT_INVULNERABILITY) Draw_ColoredString (x, y, "&cf00P", false); x += FONTWIDTH; if (ti_cl->items & IT_INVISIBILITY) Draw_ColoredString (x, y, "&cff0R", false); x += FONTWIDTH; } else { x += 3* FONTWIDTH; } break; } break; case 't': if(!width_only) { sprintf(tmp, "%i", Player_GetTrackId(cl.players[ti_cl->client].userid)); Draw_SString (x, y, tmp, scale); } x += FONTWIDTH * scale; // will break if tracknumber is double digits break; case '%': // wow, %% result in one %, how smart if(!width_only) Draw_SString (x, y, "%", scale); x += FONTWIDTH * scale; break; default: // print %x - that mean sequence unknown if(!width_only) { snprintf(tmp, sizeof(tmp), "%%%c", s[0]); Draw_SString (x, y, tmp, scale); } x += (s[0] ? 2 : 1) * FONTWIDTH * scale; break; } break; default: // print x if(!width_only) { snprintf(tmp, sizeof(tmp), "%c", s[0]); if (s[0] != ' ') // inhuman smart optimization, do not print space! Draw_SString (x, y, tmp, scale); } x += FONTWIDTH * scale; break; } } return (x - x_in) / (FONTWIDTH * scale); // return width } #ifdef HAXX void SCR_HUD_DrawItemsClock(hud_t *hud) { extern qbool hud_editor; int width, height; int x, y; static cvar_t *hud_itemsclock_timelimit = NULL, *hud_itemsclock_style; if (hud_itemsclock_timelimit == NULL) { hud_itemsclock_timelimit = HUD_FindVar(hud, "timelimit"); hud_itemsclock_style = HUD_FindVar(hud, "style"); } MVD_ClockList_TopItems_DimensionsGet(hud_itemsclock_timelimit->value, hud_itemsclock_style->ival, &width, &height); if (hud_editor) HUD_PrepareDraw(hud, width, LETTERHEIGHT, &x, &y); if (!height) return; if (!HUD_PrepareDraw(hud, width, height, &x, &y)) return; MVD_ClockList_TopItems_Draw(hud_itemsclock_timelimit->value, hud_itemsclock_style->ival, x, y); } #endif // // TODO: decide what to do in freefly mode (and how to catch it?!), now all score_* hud elements just draws "0" // void SCR_HUD_DrawScoresTeam(hud_t *hud) { static cvar_t *scale = NULL, *style, *digits, *align, *colorize; int value = 0; int i; if (scale == NULL) // first time called { scale = HUD_FindVar(hud, "scale"); style = HUD_FindVar(hud, "style"); digits = HUD_FindVar(hud, "digits"); align = HUD_FindVar(hud, "align"); colorize = HUD_FindVar(hud, "colorize"); } // // AAS: someone please tell me how to do it in a proper way! // if(cl.teamplay) { for(i = 0; i < n_teams; i++) { // playing qwd demo || mvd spec/demo || playing if( (cls.demoplayback && !cl.spectator && !cls.mvdplayback && strcmp(sorted_teams[i].name, cl.players[cl.playernum].team) == 0) || ((cls.demoplayback || cl.spectator) && ((strcmp(cl.players[spec_track].team, sorted_teams[i].name) == 0) && (Cam_TrackNum() >= 0))) || (strcmp(sorted_teams[i].name, cl.players[cl.playernum].team) == 0) ) { value = sorted_teams[i].frags; break; } } } else if(cl.deathmatch) { for(i = 0; i < n_players; i++) { if( (cls.demoplayback && !cl.spectator && !cls.mvdplayback && strcmp(cl.players[sorted_players[i].playernum].name, cl.players[cl.playernum].name) == 0) || ((cls.demoplayback || cl.spectator) && ((strcmp(cl.players[spec_track].name, cl.players[sorted_players[i].playernum].name) == 0) && (Cam_TrackNum() >= 0))) || (strcmp(cl.players[sorted_players[i].playernum].name, cl.players[cl.playernum].name) == 0) ) { value = cl.players[sorted_players[i].playernum].frags; break; } } } SCR_HUD_DrawNum(hud, value, (colorize->ival) ? (value < 0 || colorize->ival > 1) : false, scale->value, style->value, digits->value, align->string); } void SCR_HUD_DrawScoresEnemy(hud_t *hud) { static cvar_t *scale = NULL, *style, *digits, *align, *colorize; int value = 0; int i; if (scale == NULL) // first time called { scale = HUD_FindVar(hud, "scale"); style = HUD_FindVar(hud, "style"); digits = HUD_FindVar(hud, "digits"); align = HUD_FindVar(hud, "align"); colorize = HUD_FindVar(hud, "colorize"); } // // AAS: voodoo, again // if(cl.teamplay) { for(i = 0; i < n_teams; i++) { if( (cls.demoplayback && !cl.spectator && !cls.mvdplayback && strcmp(sorted_teams[i].name, cl.players[cl.playernum].team) == 0) || ((cls.demoplayback || cl.spectator) && ((strcmp(cl.players[spec_track].team, sorted_teams[i].name) == 0) && (Cam_TrackNum() >= 0))) || (strcmp(sorted_teams[i].name, cl.players[cl.playernum].team) == 0) ) { if(n_teams > 1) value = sorted_teams[i == 0 ? 1 : 0].frags; break; } } } else if(cl.deathmatch) { for(i = 0; i < n_players; i++) { if( (cls.demoplayback && !cl.spectator && !cls.mvdplayback && strcmp(cl.players[sorted_players[i].playernum].name, cl.players[cl.playernum].name) == 0) || ((cls.demoplayback || cl.spectator) && ((strcmp(cl.players[spec_track].name, cl.players[sorted_players[i].playernum].name) == 0) && (Cam_TrackNum() >= 0))) || (strcmp(cl.players[sorted_players[i].playernum].name, cl.players[cl.playernum].name) == 0) ) { if(n_players > 1) value = cl.players[sorted_players[i == 0 ? 1 : 0].playernum].frags; break; } } } SCR_HUD_DrawNum(hud, value, (colorize->ival) ? (value < 0 || colorize->ival > 1) : false, scale->value, style->value, digits->value, align->string); } void SCR_HUD_DrawScoresDifference(hud_t *hud) { static cvar_t *scale = NULL, *style, *digits, *align, *colorize; int value = 0; int i; if (scale == NULL) // first time called { scale = HUD_FindVar(hud, "scale"); style = HUD_FindVar(hud, "style"); digits = HUD_FindVar(hud, "digits"); align = HUD_FindVar(hud, "align"); colorize = HUD_FindVar(hud, "colorize"); } // // AAS: more voodoo // if(cl.teamplay) { for(i = 0; i < n_teams; i++) { if( (cls.demoplayback && !cl.spectator && !cls.mvdplayback && strcmp(sorted_teams[i].name, cl.players[cl.playernum].team) == 0) || ((cls.demoplayback || cl.spectator) && ((strcmp(cl.players[spec_track].team, sorted_teams[i].name) == 0) && (Cam_TrackNum() >= 0))) || (strcmp(sorted_teams[i].name, cl.players[cl.playernum].team) == 0) ) { if(i == 0) { if(n_teams > 1) value = sorted_teams[0].frags - sorted_teams[1].frags; else value = sorted_teams[0].frags; } else { if(n_teams > 1) value = sorted_teams[i].frags - sorted_teams[0].frags; } break; } } } else if(cl.deathmatch) { for(i = 0; i < n_players; i++) { if( (cls.demoplayback && !cl.spectator && !cls.mvdplayback && strcmp(cl.players[sorted_players[i].playernum].name, cl.players[cl.playernum].name) == 0) || ((cls.demoplayback || cl.spectator) && ((strcmp(cl.players[spec_track].name, cl.players[sorted_players[i].playernum].name) == 0) && (Cam_TrackNum() >= 0))) || (strcmp(cl.players[sorted_players[i].playernum].name, cl.players[cl.playernum].name) == 0) ) { if(i == 0) { if(n_players > 1) value = cl.players[sorted_players[0].playernum].frags - cl.players[sorted_players[1].playernum].frags; else value = cl.players[sorted_players[0].playernum].frags; } else { if(n_players > 1) value = cl.players[sorted_players[i].playernum].frags - cl.players[sorted_players[0].playernum].frags; } break; } } } SCR_HUD_DrawNum(hud, value, (colorize->ival) ? (value < 0 || colorize->ival > 1) : false, scale->value, style->value, digits->value, align->string); } void SCR_HUD_DrawScoresPosition(hud_t *hud) { static cvar_t *scale = NULL, *style, *digits, *align, *colorize; int value = 0; int i; if (scale == NULL) // first time called { scale = HUD_FindVar(hud, "scale"); style = HUD_FindVar(hud, "style"); digits = HUD_FindVar(hud, "digits"); align = HUD_FindVar(hud, "align"); colorize = HUD_FindVar(hud, "colorize"); } // // AAS: someone, please stop me // if(cl.teamplay) { for(i = 0; i < n_teams; i++) { if( (cls.demoplayback && !cl.spectator && !cls.mvdplayback && strcmp(sorted_teams[i].name, cl.players[cl.playernum].team) == 0) || ((cls.demoplayback || cl.spectator) && ((strcmp(cl.players[spec_track].team, sorted_teams[i].name) == 0) && (Cam_TrackNum() >= 0))) || (strcmp(sorted_teams[i].name, cl.players[cl.playernum].team) == 0) ) { value = i; break; } } } else if(cl.deathmatch) { for(i = 0; i < n_players; i++) { if( (cls.demoplayback && !cl.spectator && !cls.mvdplayback && strcmp(cl.players[sorted_players[i].playernum].name, cl.players[cl.playernum].name) == 0) || ((cls.demoplayback || cl.spectator) && ((strcmp(cl.players[spec_track].name, cl.players[sorted_players[i].playernum].name) == 0) && (Cam_TrackNum() >= 0))) || (strcmp(cl.players[sorted_players[i].playernum].name, cl.players[cl.playernum].name) == 0) ) { value = i; break; } } } SCR_HUD_DrawNum(hud, value, (colorize->ival) ? (value < 0 || colorize->ival > 1) : false, scale->value, style->value, digits->value, align->string); } /* ezQuake's analogue of +scores of KTX ( t:x e:x [x] ) */ void SCR_HUD_DrawScoresBar(hud_t *hud) { static cvar_t *scale = NULL, *style, *format_big, *format_small; int width = 0, height = 0, x, y; int i = 0; int s_team = 0, s_enemy = 0, s_difference = 0; char *n_team = "T", *n_enemy = "E"; char buf[256]; char c, *out, *temp, *in; if (scale == NULL) // first time called { scale = HUD_FindVar(hud, "scale"); style = HUD_FindVar(hud, "style"); format_big = HUD_FindVar(hud, "format_big"); format_small= HUD_FindVar(hud, "format_small"); } // // AAS: nightmare comes back // if(cl.teamplay) { for(i = 0; i < n_teams; i++) { if( (cls.demoplayback && !cl.spectator && !cls.mvdplayback && strcmp(sorted_teams[i].name, cl.players[cl.playernum].team) == 0) || ((cls.demoplayback || cl.spectator) && ((strcmp(cl.players[spec_track].team, sorted_teams[i].name) == 0) && (Cam_TrackNum() >= 0))) || (strcmp(sorted_teams[i].name, cl.players[cl.playernum].team) == 0) ) { s_team = sorted_teams[i].frags; n_team = sorted_teams[i].name; if(n_teams > 1) { s_enemy = sorted_teams[i == 0 ? 1 : 0].frags; n_enemy = sorted_teams[i == 0 ? 1 : 0].name; } s_difference = s_team - s_enemy; break; } } } else if(cl.deathmatch) { for(i = 0; i < n_players; i++) { if( (cls.demoplayback && !cl.spectator && !cls.mvdplayback && strcmp(cl.players[sorted_players[i].playernum].name, cl.players[cl.playernum].name) == 0) || ((cls.demoplayback || cl.spectator) && ((strcmp(cl.players[spec_track].name, cl.players[sorted_players[i].playernum].name) == 0) && (Cam_TrackNum() >= 0))) || (strcmp(cl.players[sorted_players[i].playernum].name, cl.players[cl.playernum].name) == 0) ) { s_team = cl.players[sorted_players[i].playernum].frags; if(n_players > 1) { s_enemy = cl.players[sorted_players[i == 0 ? 1 : 0].playernum].frags; } s_difference = s_team - s_enemy; break; } } } // two pots of delicious customized copypasta from math_tools.c switch(style->ival) { // Big case 1: in = TP_ParseFunChars(format_big->string, false); buf[0] = 0; out = buf; while((c = *in++) && (out - buf < sizeof(buf) - 1)) { if((c == '%') && *in) { switch((c = *in++)) { // c = colorize, r = reset case 'd': temp = va("%d", s_difference); width += (s_difference >= 0) ? strlen(temp) * 24 : ((strlen(temp) - 1) * 24) + 16; break; case 'D': temp = va("c%dr", s_difference); width += (s_difference >= 0) ? (strlen(temp) - 2) * 24 : ((strlen(temp) - 3) * 24) + 16; break; case 'e': temp = va("%d", s_enemy); width += (s_enemy >= 0) ? strlen(temp) * 24 : ((strlen(temp) - 1) * 24) + 16; break; case 'E': temp = va("c%dr", s_enemy); width += (s_enemy >= 0) ? (strlen(temp) - 2) * 24 : ((strlen(temp) - 3) * 24) + 16; break; case 'p': temp = va("%d", i + 1); width += 24; break; case 't': temp = va("%d", s_team); width += (s_team >= 0) ? strlen(temp) * 24 : ((strlen(temp) - 1) * 24) + 16; break; case 'T': temp = va("c%dr", s_team); width += (s_team >= 0) ? (strlen(temp) - 2) * 24 : ((strlen(temp) - 3) * 24) + 16; break; case 'z': if(s_difference >= 0) { temp = va("%d", s_difference); width += strlen(temp) * 24; } else { temp = va("c%dr", -(s_difference)); width += (strlen(temp) - 2) * 24; } break; case 'Z': if(s_difference >= 0) { temp = va("c%dr", s_difference); width += (strlen(temp) - 2) * 24; } else { temp = va("%d", -(s_difference)); width += strlen(temp) * 24; } break; default: temp = NULL; break; } if(temp != NULL) { strlcpy(out, temp, sizeof(buf) - (out - buf)); out += strlen(temp); } } else if (c == ':' || c == '/' || c == '-' || c == ' ') { width += 16; *out++ = c; } } *out = 0; break; // Small case 0: default: in = TP_ParseFunChars(format_small->string, false); buf[0] = 0; out = buf; while((c = *in++) && (out - buf < sizeof(buf) - 1)) { if((c == '%') && *in) { switch((c = *in++)) { case '%': temp = "%"; break; case 't': temp = va("%d", s_team); break; case 'e': temp = va("%d", s_enemy); break; case 'd': temp = va("%d", s_difference); break; case 'p': temp = va("%d", i + 1); break; case 'T': temp = n_team; break; case 'E': temp = n_enemy; break; case 'D': temp = va("%+d", s_difference); break; default: temp = va("%%%c", c); break; } strlcpy(out, temp, sizeof(buf) - (out - buf)); out += strlen(temp); } else { *out++ = c; } } *out = 0; break; } switch(style->ival) { // Big case 1: width *= scale->value; height = 24 * scale->value; if(HUD_PrepareDraw(hud, width, height, &x, &y)) { SCR_DrawWadString(x, y, scale->value, buf); } break; // Small case 0: default: width = 8 * strlen_color(buf) * scale->value; height = 8 * scale->value; if(HUD_PrepareDraw(hud, width, height, &x, &y)) { Draw_SString(x, y, buf, scale->value); } break; } } void SCR_HUD_DrawBarArmor(hud_t *hud) { static cvar_t *width = NULL, *height, *direction, *color_noarmor, *color_ga, *color_ya, *color_ra, *color_unnatural; int x, y; int armor = HUD_Stats(STAT_ARMOR); qbool alive = cl.stats[STAT_HEALTH] > 0; if (width == NULL) // first time called { width = HUD_FindVar(hud, "width"); height = HUD_FindVar(hud, "height"); direction = HUD_FindVar(hud, "direction"); color_noarmor = HUD_FindVar(hud, "color_noarmor"); color_ga = HUD_FindVar(hud, "color_ga"); color_ya = HUD_FindVar(hud, "color_ya"); color_ra = HUD_FindVar(hud, "color_ra"); color_unnatural = HUD_FindVar(hud, "color_unnatural"); } if(HUD_PrepareDraw(hud, width->ival, height->ival, &x, &y)) { if(!width->ival || !height->ival) return; if(HUD_Stats(STAT_ITEMS) & IT_INVULNERABILITY && alive) { SCR_HUD_DrawBar(direction->ival, 100, 100.0, color_unnatural->vec4, x, y, width->ival, height->ival); } else if (HUD_Stats(STAT_ITEMS) & IT_ARMOR3 && alive) { SCR_HUD_DrawBar(direction->ival, 100, 100.0, color_noarmor->vec4, x, y, width->ival, height->ival); SCR_HUD_DrawBar(direction->ival, armor, 200.0, color_ra->vec4, x, y, width->ival, height->ival); } else if (HUD_Stats(STAT_ITEMS) & IT_ARMOR2 && alive) { SCR_HUD_DrawBar(direction->ival, 100, 100.0, color_noarmor->vec4, x, y, width->ival, height->ival); SCR_HUD_DrawBar(direction->ival, armor, 150.0, color_ya->vec4, x, y, width->ival, height->ival); } else if (HUD_Stats(STAT_ITEMS) & IT_ARMOR1 && alive) { SCR_HUD_DrawBar(direction->ival, 100, 100.0, color_noarmor->vec4, x, y, width->ival, height->ival); SCR_HUD_DrawBar(direction->ival, armor, 100.0, color_ga->vec4, x, y, width->ival, height->ival); } else { SCR_HUD_DrawBar(direction->ival, 100, 100.0, color_noarmor->vec4, x, y, width->ival, height->ival); } } } void SCR_HUD_DrawBarHealth(hud_t *hud) { static cvar_t *width = NULL, *height, *direction, *color_nohealth, *color_normal, *color_mega, *color_twomega, *color_unnatural; int x, y; int health = cl.stats[STAT_HEALTH]; if (width == NULL) // first time called { width = HUD_FindVar(hud, "width"); height = HUD_FindVar(hud, "height"); direction = HUD_FindVar(hud, "direction"); color_nohealth = HUD_FindVar(hud, "color_nohealth"); color_normal = HUD_FindVar(hud, "color_normal"); color_mega = HUD_FindVar(hud, "color_mega"); color_twomega = HUD_FindVar(hud, "color_twomega"); color_unnatural = HUD_FindVar(hud, "color_unnatural"); } if(HUD_PrepareDraw(hud, width->ival, height->ival, &x, &y)) { if(!width->ival || !height->ival) return; if(health > 250) { SCR_HUD_DrawBar(direction->ival, 100, 100.0, color_unnatural->vec4, x, y, width->ival, height->ival); } else if(health > 200) { SCR_HUD_DrawBar(direction->ival, 100, 100.0, color_normal->vec4, x, y, width->ival, height->ival); SCR_HUD_DrawBar(direction->ival, 100, 100.0, color_mega->vec4, x, y, width->ival, height->ival); SCR_HUD_DrawBar(direction->ival, health - 200, 100.0, color_twomega->vec4, x, y, width->ival, height->ival); } else if(health > 100) { SCR_HUD_DrawBar(direction->ival, 100, 100.0, color_normal->vec4, x, y, width->ival, height->ival); SCR_HUD_DrawBar(direction->ival, health - 100, 100.0, color_mega->vec4, x, y, width->ival, height->ival); } else if(health > 0) { SCR_HUD_DrawBar(direction->ival, 100, 100.0, color_nohealth->vec4, x, y, width->ival, height->ival); SCR_HUD_DrawBar(direction->ival, health, 100.0, color_normal->vec4, x, y, width->ival, height->ival); } else { SCR_HUD_DrawBar(direction->ival, 100, 100.0, color_nohealth->vec4, x, y, width->ival, height->ival); } } } void SCR_HUD_DrawOwnFrags(hud_t *hud) { // not implemented yet: scale, color // fixme: add appropriate opengl functions that will add alpha, scale and color char ownfragtext[256]; float age; int width; int height = 8; int x, y; double alpha; static cvar_t *hud_ownfrags_timeout = NULL, *hud_ownfrags_scale = NULL; // *hud_ownfrags_color = NULL; extern qbool hud_editor; if (hud_ownfrags_timeout == NULL) // first time { hud_ownfrags_scale = HUD_FindVar(hud, "scale"); // hud_ownfrags_color = HUD_FindVar(hud, "color"); hud_ownfrags_timeout = HUD_FindVar(hud, "timeout"); } if (hud_editor) { strcpy(ownfragtext, "Own Frags"); age = 0; } else if (BUILTINISVALID(GetTrackerOwnFrags)) age = pGetTrackerOwnFrags(0, ownfragtext, sizeof(ownfragtext)); else { strcpy(ownfragtext, "Engine does not support OwnFrags"); age = 0; } width = strlen(ownfragtext)*8; width *= hud_ownfrags_scale->value; height *= hud_ownfrags_scale->value; if (age >= hud_ownfrags_timeout->value) width = 0; alpha = 2 - age / hud_ownfrags_timeout->value * 2; alpha = bound(0, alpha, 1); if (!width) { HUD_PrepareDraw(hud, width, height, NULL, NULL); return; } if (!HUD_PrepareDraw(hud, width, height, &x, &y)) return; pDraw_Colour4f(1, 1, 1, alpha); Draw_SString(x, y, ownfragtext, hud_ownfrags_scale->value); pDraw_Colour4f(1, 1, 1, 1); } static struct wstats_s *findweapon(struct wstats_s *w, size_t wc, char *wn) { for (; wc>0; wc--, w++) { if (!strcmp(wn, w->wname)) return w; } return NULL; } static void SCR_HUD_DrawWeaponStats(hud_t *hud) { char line[1024], *o, *i; int width; int height = 8; int x, y; static cvar_t *hud_weaponstats_scale = NULL; static cvar_t *hud_weaponstats_fmt = NULL; extern qbool hud_editor; int ws; struct wstats_s wstats[16]; if (BUILTINISVALID(GetWeaponStats)) ws = pGetWeaponStats(-1, wstats, countof(wstats)); else ws = 0; if (hud_editor) { ws = 0; strcpy(wstats[ws].wname, "axe"); wstats[ws].hit = 20; wstats[ws].total = 100; ws++; strcpy(wstats[ws].wname, "rl"); wstats[ws].hit = 60; wstats[ws].total = 120; ws++; strcpy(wstats[ws].wname, "lg"); wstats[ws].hit = 20; wstats[ws].total = 100; ws++; } if (hud_weaponstats_scale == NULL) // first time { hud_weaponstats_scale = HUD_FindVar(hud, "scale"); hud_weaponstats_fmt = HUD_FindVar(hud, "fmt"); // "&c990sg&r:[%sg] &c099ssg&r:[%ssg] &c900rl&r:[#rl] &c009lg&r:[%lg]" } height = 8; for (o = line, i = hud_weaponstats_fmt->string; ws && *i && o < line+countof(line)-1; ) { if (i[0] == '[' && (i[1] == '%' || i[1] == '#')) { struct wstats_s *w; char wname[16]; int pct = i[1]=='%', j; i+=2; for (j = 0; *i && j < countof(wname)-1; j++) { if (*i == ']') { i++; break; } wname[j] = *i++; } wname[j] = 0; w = findweapon(wstats, ws, wname); if (pct && w && w->total) snprintf(wname, sizeof(wname), "%.1f", (100.0 * w->hit) / w->total); else if (pct) snprintf(wname, sizeof(wname), "%.1f", 0.0); else if (w) snprintf(wname, sizeof(wname), "%u", w->hit); else snprintf(wname, sizeof(wname), "%u", 0); for (j = 0; wname[j] && o < line+countof(line)-1; j++) *o++ = wname[j]; } else if (*i == '\n') { height += 8; *o++ = *i++; } else *o++ = *i++; } *o++ = 0; width = 8*strlen_color(line); width *= hud_weaponstats_scale->value; height *= hud_weaponstats_scale->value; if (!HUD_PrepareDraw(hud, width, height, &x, &y)) return; Draw_SString(x, y, line, hud_weaponstats_scale->value); } void SCR_HUD_DrawKeys(hud_t *hud) { char line1[32], line2[32]; int width, height, x, y; usercmd_t b; static cvar_t* vscale = NULL; float scale; memset(&b, 0, sizeof(b)); if (BUILTINISVALID(GetLastInputFrame)) pGetLastInputFrame(0, &b); if (!vscale) { vscale = HUD_FindVar(hud, "scale"); } scale = vscale->value; scale = max(0, scale); snprintf(line1, sizeof(line1), "^{%x}^{%x}^{%x}", 0xe000 + 'x' + ((b.buttons & 1)?0x80:0), 0xe000 + '^' + ((b.forwardmove > 0)?0x80:0), 0xe000 + 'J' + ((b.buttons & 2)?0x80:0)); snprintf(line2, sizeof(line2), "^{%x}^{%x}^{%x}", 0xe000 + '<' + ((b.sidemove < 0)?0x80:0), 0xe000 + '_' + ((b.forwardmove < 0)?0x80:0), 0xe000 + '>' + ((b.sidemove > 0)?0x80:0)); width = 8 * 3 * scale; height = 8 * 2 * scale; if (!HUD_PrepareDraw(hud, width, height, &x, &y)) return; Draw_SString(x, y, line1, scale); Draw_SString(x, y + 8*scale, line2, scale); } #ifdef WITH_PNG // What stats to draw. #define HUD_RADAR_STATS_NONE 0 #define HUD_RADAR_STATS_BOTH_TEAMS_HOLD 1 #define HUD_RADAR_STATS_TEAM1_HOLD 2 #define HUD_RADAR_STATS_TEAM2_HOLD 3 #define HUD_RADAR_STATS_BOTH_TEAMS_DEATHS 4 #define HUD_RADAR_STATS_TEAM1_DEATHS 5 #define HUD_RADAR_STATS_TEAM2_DEATHS 6 void Radar_DrawGrid(stats_weight_grid_t *grid, int x, int y, float scale, int pic_width, int pic_height, int style) { int row, col; // Don't try to draw anything if we got no data. if(grid == NULL || grid->cells == NULL || style == HUD_RADAR_STATS_NONE) { return; } // Go through all the cells and draw them based on their weight. for(row = 0; row < grid->row_count; row++) { // Just to be safe if something went wrong with the allocation. if(grid->cells[row] == NULL) { continue; } for(col = 0; col < grid->col_count; col++) { float weight = 0.0; int color = 0; float tl_x, tl_y; // The pixel coordinate of the top left corner of a grid cell. float p_cell_length_x; // The pixel length of a cell. float p_cell_length_y; // The pixel "length" on the Y-axis. We calculate this // seperatly because we'll get errors when converting from // quake coordinates -> pixel coordinates. // Calculate the pixel coordinates of the top left corner of the current cell. // (This is times 8 because the conversion formula was calculated from a .loc-file) tl_x = (map_x_slope * (8.0 * grid->cells[row][col].tl_x) + map_x_intercept) * scale; tl_y = (map_y_slope * (8.0 * grid->cells[row][col].tl_y) + map_y_intercept) * scale; // Calculate the cell length in pixel length. p_cell_length_x = map_x_slope*(8.0 * grid->cell_length) * scale; p_cell_length_y = map_y_slope*(8.0 * grid->cell_length) * scale; // Add rounding errors (so that we don't get weird gaps in the grid). p_cell_length_x += tl_x - Q_rint(tl_x); p_cell_length_y += tl_y - Q_rint(tl_y); // Don't draw the stats stuff outside the picture. if(tl_x + p_cell_length_x > pic_width || tl_y + p_cell_length_y > pic_height || x + tl_x < x || y + tl_y < y) { continue; } // // Death stats. // if(grid->cells[row][col].teams[STATS_TEAM1].death_weight + grid->cells[row][col].teams[STATS_TEAM2].death_weight > 0) { weight = 0; if(style == HUD_RADAR_STATS_BOTH_TEAMS_DEATHS || style == HUD_RADAR_STATS_TEAM1_DEATHS) { weight = grid->cells[row][col].teams[STATS_TEAM1].death_weight; } if(style == HUD_RADAR_STATS_BOTH_TEAMS_DEATHS || style == HUD_RADAR_STATS_TEAM2_DEATHS) { weight += grid->cells[row][col].teams[STATS_TEAM2].death_weight; } color = 79; } // // Team stats. // { // No point in drawing if we have no weight. if(grid->cells[row][col].teams[STATS_TEAM1].weight + grid->cells[row][col].teams[STATS_TEAM2].weight <= 0 && (style == HUD_RADAR_STATS_BOTH_TEAMS_HOLD || style == HUD_RADAR_STATS_TEAM1_HOLD || style == HUD_RADAR_STATS_TEAM2_HOLD)) { continue; } // Get the team with the highest weight for this cell. if(grid->cells[row][col].teams[STATS_TEAM1].weight > grid->cells[row][col].teams[STATS_TEAM2].weight && (style == HUD_RADAR_STATS_BOTH_TEAMS_HOLD || style == HUD_RADAR_STATS_TEAM1_HOLD)) { weight = grid->cells[row][col].teams[STATS_TEAM1].weight; color = stats_grid->teams[STATS_TEAM1].color; } else if(style == HUD_RADAR_STATS_BOTH_TEAMS_HOLD || style == HUD_RADAR_STATS_TEAM2_HOLD) { weight = grid->cells[row][col].teams[STATS_TEAM2].weight; color = stats_grid->teams[STATS_TEAM2].color; } } // Draw the cell in the color of the team with the // biggest weight for this cell. Or draw deaths. Draw_AlphaFill( x + Q_rint(tl_x), // X. y + Q_rint(tl_y), // Y. Q_rint(p_cell_length_x), // Width. Q_rint(p_cell_length_y), // Height. color, // Color. weight); // Alpha. } } } // The skinnum property in the entity_s structure is used // for determening what type of armor to draw on the radar. #define HUD_RADAR_GA 0 #define HUD_RADAR_YA 1 #define HUD_RADAR_RA 2 // Radar filters. #define RADAR_SHOW_WEAPONS (radar_show_ssg || radar_show_ng || radar_show_sng || radar_show_gl || radar_show_rl || radar_show_lg) static qbool radar_show_ssg = false; static qbool radar_show_ng = false; static qbool radar_show_sng = false; static qbool radar_show_gl = false; static qbool radar_show_rl = false; static qbool radar_show_lg = false; #define RADAR_SHOW_ITEMS (radar_show_backpacks || radar_show_health || radar_show_ra || radar_show_ya || radar_show_ga || radar_show_rockets || radar_show_nails || radar_show_cells || radar_show_shells || radar_show_quad || radar_show_pent || radar_show_ring || radar_show_suit) static qbool radar_show_backpacks = false; static qbool radar_show_health = false; static qbool radar_show_ra = false; static qbool radar_show_ya = false; static qbool radar_show_ga = false; static qbool radar_show_rockets = false; static qbool radar_show_nails = false; static qbool radar_show_cells = false; static qbool radar_show_shells = false; static qbool radar_show_quad = false; static qbool radar_show_pent = false; static qbool radar_show_ring = false; static qbool radar_show_suit = false; static qbool radar_show_mega = false; #define RADAR_SHOW_OTHER (radar_show_gibs || radar_show_explosions || radar_show_nails_p || radar_show_rockets_p || radar_show_shaft_p || radar_show_teleport || radar_show_shotgun) static qbool radar_show_nails_p = false; static qbool radar_show_rockets_p = false; static qbool radar_show_shaft_p = false; static qbool radar_show_gibs = false; static qbool radar_show_explosions = false; static qbool radar_show_teleport = false; static qbool radar_show_shotgun = false; void Radar_OnChangeWeaponFilter(cvar_t *var, char *oldval) { // Parse the weapon filter. radar_show_ssg = Utils_RegExpMatch("SSG|SUPERSHOTGUN|ALL", var->string); radar_show_ng = Utils_RegExpMatch("([^S]|^)NG|NAILGUN|ALL", var->string); // Yes very ugly, but we don't want to match SNG. radar_show_sng = Utils_RegExpMatch("SNG|SUPERNAILGUN|ALL", var->string); radar_show_rl = Utils_RegExpMatch("RL|ROCKETLAUNCHER|ALL", var->string); radar_show_gl = Utils_RegExpMatch("GL|GRENADELAUNCHER|ALL", var->string); radar_show_lg = Utils_RegExpMatch("LG|SHAFT|LIGHTNING|ALL", var->string); } void Radar_OnChangeItemFilter(cvar_t *var, char *oldval) { // Parse the item filter. radar_show_backpacks = Utils_RegExpMatch("BP|BACKPACK|ALL", var->string); radar_show_health = Utils_RegExpMatch("HP|HEALTH|ALL", var->string); radar_show_ra = Utils_RegExpMatch("RA|REDARMOR|ARMOR|ALL", var->string); radar_show_ya = Utils_RegExpMatch("YA|YELLOWARMOR|ARMOR|ALL", var->string); radar_show_ga = Utils_RegExpMatch("GA|GREENARMOR|ARMOR|ALL", var->string); radar_show_rockets = Utils_RegExpMatch("ROCKETS|ROCKS|AMMO|ALL", var->string); radar_show_nails = Utils_RegExpMatch("NAILS|SPIKES|AMMO|ALL", var->string); radar_show_cells = Utils_RegExpMatch("CELLS|BATTERY|AMMO|ALL", var->string); radar_show_shells = Utils_RegExpMatch("SHELLS|AMMO|ALL", var->string); radar_show_quad = Utils_RegExpMatch("QUAD|POWERUPS|ALL", var->string); radar_show_pent = Utils_RegExpMatch("PENT|PENTAGRAM|666|POWERUPS|ALL", var->string); radar_show_ring = Utils_RegExpMatch("RING|INVISIBLE|EYES|POWERUPS|ALL", var->string); radar_show_suit = Utils_RegExpMatch("SUIT|POWERUPS|ALL", var->string); radar_show_mega = Utils_RegExpMatch("MH|MEGA|MEGAHEALTH|100\\+|ALL", var->string); } void Radar_OnChangeOtherFilter(cvar_t *var, char *oldval) { // Parse the "other" filter. radar_show_nails_p = Utils_RegExpMatch("NAILS|PROJECTILES|ALL", var->string); radar_show_rockets_p = Utils_RegExpMatch("ROCKETS|PROJECTILES|ALL", var->string); radar_show_shaft_p = Utils_RegExpMatch("SHAFT|PROJECTILES|ALL", var->string); radar_show_gibs = Utils_RegExpMatch("GIBS|ALL", var->string); radar_show_explosions = Utils_RegExpMatch("EXPLOSIONS|ALL", var->string); radar_show_teleport = Utils_RegExpMatch("TELE|ALL", var->string); radar_show_shotgun = Utils_RegExpMatch("SHOTGUN|SG|BUCK|ALL", var->string); } #define HUD_COLOR_DEFAULT_TRANSPARENCY 75 byte hud_radar_highlight_color[4] = {255, 255, 0, HUD_COLOR_DEFAULT_TRANSPARENCY}; void Radar_OnChangeHighlightColor(cvar_t *var, char *newval, qbool *cancel) { char *new_color; char buf[MAX_COM_TOKEN]; // Translate a colors name to RGB values. new_color = ColorNameToRGBString(newval); // Parse the colors. //color = StringToRGB(new_color); strlcpy(buf,new_color,sizeof(buf)); memcpy(hud_radar_highlight_color, StringToRGB(buf), sizeof(byte) * 4); // Set the cvar to contain the new color string // (if the user entered "red" it will be "255 0 0"). Cvar_Set(var, new_color); } void Radar_DrawEntities(int x, int y, float scale, float player_size, int show_hold_areas) { int i; // Entities (weapons and such). cl_main.c extern visentlist_t cl_visents; // Go through all the entities and draw the ones we're supposed to. for (i = 0; i < cl_visents.count; i++) { int entity_q_x = 0; int entity_q_y = 0; int entity_p_x = 0; int entity_p_y = 0; // Get quake coordinates (times 8 to get them in the same format as .locs). entity_q_x = cl_visents.list[i].origin[0]*8; entity_q_y = cl_visents.list[i].origin[1]*8; // Convert from quake coordiantes -> pixel coordinates. entity_p_x = x + Q_rint((map_x_slope*entity_q_x + map_x_intercept) * scale); entity_p_y = y + Q_rint((map_y_slope*entity_q_y + map_y_intercept) * scale); // TODO: Replace all model name comparison below with MOD_HINT's instead for less comparisons (create new ones in Mod_LoadAliasModel() in r_model.c and gl_model.c/.h for the ones that don't have one already). // // Powerups. // if(radar_show_pent && !strcmp(cl_visents.list[i].model->name, "progs/invulner.mdl")) { // Pentagram. Draw_ColoredString(entity_p_x, entity_p_y, "&cf00P", 0); } else if(radar_show_quad && !strcmp(cl_visents.list[i].model->name, "progs/quaddama.mdl")) { // Quad. Draw_ColoredString(entity_p_x, entity_p_y, "&c0ffQ", 0); } else if(radar_show_ring && !strcmp(cl_visents.list[i].model->name, "progs/invisibl.mdl")) { // Ring. Draw_ColoredString(entity_p_x, entity_p_y, "&cff0R", 0); } else if(radar_show_suit && !strcmp(cl_visents.list[i].model->name, "progs/suit.mdl")) { // Suit. Draw_ColoredString(entity_p_x, entity_p_y, "&c0f0S", 0); } // // Show RL, LG and backpacks. // if(radar_show_rl && !strcmp(cl_visents.list[i].model->name, "progs/g_rock2.mdl")) { // RL. Draw_String(entity_p_x - (2*8)/2, entity_p_y - 4, "RL"); } else if(radar_show_lg && !strcmp(cl_visents.list[i].model->name, "progs/g_light.mdl")) { // LG. Draw_String(entity_p_x - (2*8)/2, entity_p_y - 4, "LG"); } else if(radar_show_backpacks && cl_visents.list[i].model->modhint == MOD_BACKPACK) { // Back packs. float back_pack_size = 0; back_pack_size = max(player_size * 0.5, 0.05); Draw_AlphaCircleFill (entity_p_x, entity_p_y, back_pack_size, 114, 1); Draw_AlphaCircleOutline (entity_p_x, entity_p_y, back_pack_size, 1.0, 0, 1); } if(!strcmp(cl_visents.list[i].model->name, "progs/armor.mdl")) { // // Show armors. // if(radar_show_ga && cl_visents.list[i].skinnum == HUD_RADAR_GA) { // GA. Draw_AlphaCircleFill (entity_p_x, entity_p_y, 3.0, 178, 1.0); } else if(radar_show_ya && cl_visents.list[i].skinnum == HUD_RADAR_YA) { // YA. Draw_AlphaCircleFill (entity_p_x, entity_p_y, 3.0, 192, 1.0); } else if(radar_show_ra && cl_visents.list[i].skinnum == HUD_RADAR_RA) { // RA. Draw_AlphaCircleFill (entity_p_x, entity_p_y, 3.0, 251, 1.0); } Draw_AlphaCircleOutline (entity_p_x, entity_p_y, 3.0, 1.0, 0, 1.0); } if(radar_show_mega && !strcmp(cl_visents.list[i].model->name, "maps/b_bh100.bsp")) { // // Show megahealth. // // Draw a red border around the cross. Draw_AlphaRectangleRGB(entity_p_x - 3, entity_p_y - 3, 8, 8, 1, false, RGBA_TO_COLOR(200, 0, 0, 200)); // Draw a black outline cross. Draw_AlphaFill(entity_p_x - 3, entity_p_y - 1, 8, 4, 0, 1); Draw_AlphaFill(entity_p_x - 1, entity_p_y - 3, 4, 8, 0, 1); // Draw a 2 pixel cross. Draw_AlphaFill(entity_p_x - 2, entity_p_y, 6, 2, 79, 1); Draw_AlphaFill(entity_p_x, entity_p_y - 2, 2, 6, 79, 1); } if(radar_show_ssg && !strcmp(cl_visents.list[i].model->name, "progs/g_shot.mdl")) { // SSG. Draw_String(entity_p_x - (3*8)/2, entity_p_y - 4, "SSG"); } else if(radar_show_ng && !strcmp(cl_visents.list[i].model->name, "progs/g_nail.mdl")) { // NG. Draw_String(entity_p_x - (2*8)/2, entity_p_y - 4, "NG"); } else if(radar_show_sng && !strcmp(cl_visents.list[i].model->name, "progs/g_nail2.mdl")) { // SNG. Draw_String(entity_p_x - (3*8)/2, entity_p_y - 4, "SNG"); } else if(radar_show_gl && !strcmp(cl_visents.list[i].model->name, "progs/g_rock.mdl")) { // GL. Draw_String(entity_p_x - (2*8)/2, entity_p_y - 4, "GL"); } if(radar_show_gibs &&(!strcmp(cl_visents.list[i].model->name, "progs/gib1.mdl") || !strcmp(cl_visents.list[i].model->name, "progs/gib2.mdl") || !strcmp(cl_visents.list[i].model->name, "progs/gib3.mdl"))) { // // Gibs. // Draw_AlphaCircleFill(entity_p_x, entity_p_y, 2.0, 251, 1); } if(radar_show_health &&(!strcmp(cl_visents.list[i].model->name, "maps/b_bh25.bsp") || !strcmp(cl_visents.list[i].model->name, "maps/b_bh10.bsp"))) { // // Health. // // Draw a black outline cross. Draw_AlphaFill (entity_p_x - 3, entity_p_y - 1, 7, 3, 0, 1); Draw_AlphaFill (entity_p_x - 1, entity_p_y - 3, 3, 7, 0, 1); // Draw a cross. Draw_AlphaFill (entity_p_x - 2, entity_p_y, 5, 1, 79, 1); Draw_AlphaFill (entity_p_x, entity_p_y - 2, 1, 5, 79, 1); } // // Ammo. // if(radar_show_rockets &&(!strcmp(cl_visents.list[i].model->name, "maps/b_rock0.bsp") || !strcmp(cl_visents.list[i].model->name, "maps/b_rock1.bsp"))) { // // Rockets. // // Draw a black outline. Draw_AlphaFill (entity_p_x - 1, entity_p_y - 6, 3, 5, 0, 1); Draw_AlphaFill (entity_p_x - 2, entity_p_y - 1, 5, 5, 0, 1); // The brown rocket. Draw_AlphaFill (entity_p_x, entity_p_y - 5, 1, 5, 120, 1); Draw_AlphaFill (entity_p_x - 1, entity_p_y, 1, 3, 120, 1); Draw_AlphaFill (entity_p_x + 1, entity_p_y, 1, 3, 120, 1); } if(radar_show_cells &&(!strcmp(cl_visents.list[i].model->name, "maps/b_batt0.bsp") || !strcmp(cl_visents.list[i].model->name, "maps/b_batt1.bsp"))) { // // Cells. // // Draw a black outline. Draw_AlphaLine(entity_p_x - 3, entity_p_y, entity_p_x + 4, entity_p_y - 5, 3, 0, 1); Draw_AlphaLine(entity_p_x - 3, entity_p_y, entity_p_x + 3 , entity_p_y, 3, 0, 1); Draw_AlphaLine(entity_p_x + 3, entity_p_y, entity_p_x - 3, entity_p_y + 4, 3, 0, 1); // Draw a yellow lightning! Draw_AlphaLine(entity_p_x - 2, entity_p_y, entity_p_x + 3, entity_p_y - 4, 1, 111, 1); Draw_AlphaLine(entity_p_x - 2, entity_p_y, entity_p_x + 2 , entity_p_y, 1, 111, 1); Draw_AlphaLine(entity_p_x + 2, entity_p_y, entity_p_x - 2, entity_p_y + 3, 1, 111, 1); } if(radar_show_nails &&(!strcmp(cl_visents.list[i].model->name, "maps/b_nail0.bsp") || !strcmp(cl_visents.list[i].model->name, "maps/b_nail1.bsp"))) { // // Nails. // // Draw a black outline. Draw_AlphaFill (entity_p_x - 3, entity_p_y - 3, 7, 3, 0, 1); Draw_AlphaFill (entity_p_x - 2, entity_p_y - 2, 5, 3, 0, 0.5); Draw_AlphaFill (entity_p_x - 1, entity_p_y, 3, 3, 0, 1); Draw_AlphaFill (entity_p_x - 1, entity_p_y + 3, 1, 1, 0, 0.5); Draw_AlphaFill (entity_p_x + 1, entity_p_y + 3, 1, 1, 0, 0.5); Draw_AlphaFill (entity_p_x, entity_p_y + 4, 1, 1, 0, 1); Draw_AlphaFill (entity_p_x - 2, entity_p_y - 2, 5, 1, 6, 1); Draw_AlphaFill (entity_p_x - 1, entity_p_y - 1, 3, 1, 6, 0.5); Draw_AlphaFill (entity_p_x, entity_p_y, 1, 4, 6, 1); } if(radar_show_shells &&(!strcmp(cl_visents.list[i].model->name, "maps/b_shell0.bsp") || !strcmp(cl_visents.list[i].model->name, "maps/b_shell1.bsp"))) { // // Shells. // // Draw a black outline. Draw_AlphaFill (entity_p_x - 2, entity_p_y - 3, 5, 9, 0, 1); // Draw 2 shotgun shells. Draw_AlphaFill (entity_p_x - 1, entity_p_y - 2, 1, 4, 73, 1); Draw_AlphaFill (entity_p_x - 1, entity_p_y - 2 + 5, 1, 2, 104, 1); Draw_AlphaFill (entity_p_x + 1, entity_p_y - 2, 1, 4, 73, 1); Draw_AlphaFill (entity_p_x + 1, entity_p_y - 2 + 5, 1, 2, 104, 1); } // // Show projectiles (rockets, grenades, nails, shaft). // if(radar_show_nails_p && (!strcmp(cl_visents.list[i].model->name, "progs/s_spike.mdl") || !strcmp(cl_visents.list[i].model->name, "progs/spike.mdl"))) { // // Spikes from SNG and NG. // Draw_AlphaFill(entity_p_x, entity_p_y, 1, 1, 254, 1); } else if(radar_show_rockets_p && (!strcmp(cl_visents.list[i].model->name, "progs/missile.mdl") || !strcmp(cl_visents.list[i].model->name, "progs/grenade.mdl"))) { // // Rockets and grenades. // float entity_angle = 0; int x_line_end = 0; int y_line_end = 0; // Get the entity angle in radians. entity_angle = DEG2RAD(cl_visents.list[i].angles[1]); x_line_end = entity_p_x + 5 * cos(entity_angle) * scale; y_line_end = entity_p_y - 5 * sin(entity_angle) * scale; // Draw the rocket/grenade showing it's angle also. Draw_AlphaLine (entity_p_x, entity_p_y, x_line_end, y_line_end, 1.0, 254, 1); } else if(radar_show_shaft_p && (!strcmp(cl_visents.list[i].model->name, "progs/bolt.mdl") || !strcmp(cl_visents.list[i].model->name, "progs/bolt2.mdl") || !strcmp(cl_visents.list[i].model->name, "progs/bolt3.mdl"))) { // // Shaft beam. // float entity_angle = 0; float shaft_length = 0; float x_line_end = 0; float y_line_end = 0; // Get the length and angle of the shaft. shaft_length = cl_visents.list[i].model->maxs[1]; entity_angle = (cl_visents.list[i].angles[1]*M_PI)/180; // Calculate where the shaft beam's ending point. x_line_end = entity_p_x + shaft_length * cos(entity_angle); y_line_end = entity_p_y - shaft_length * sin(entity_angle); // Draw the shaft beam. Draw_AlphaLine (entity_p_x, entity_p_y, x_line_end, y_line_end, 1.0, 254, 1); } } // Draw a circle around "hold areas", the grid cells within this circle // are the ones that are counted for that particular hold area. The team // that has the most percentage of these cells is considered to hold that area. if(show_hold_areas && stats_important_ents != NULL && stats_important_ents->list != NULL) { int entity_p_x = 0; int entity_p_y = 0; for(i = 0; i < stats_important_ents->count; i++) { entity_p_x = x + Q_rint((map_x_slope*8*stats_important_ents->list[i].origin[0] + map_x_intercept) * scale); entity_p_y = y + Q_rint((map_y_slope*8*stats_important_ents->list[i].origin[1] + map_y_intercept) * scale); Draw_ColoredString(entity_p_x - (8 * strlen(stats_important_ents->list[i].name)) / 2.0, entity_p_y - 4, va("&c55f%s", stats_important_ents->list[i].name), 0); Draw_AlphaCircleOutline(entity_p_x , entity_p_y, map_x_slope * 8 * stats_important_ents->hold_radius * scale, 1.0, 15, 0.2); } } // // Draw temp entities (explosions, blood, teleport effects). // for(i = 0; i < MAX_TEMP_ENTITIES; i++) { float time_diff = 0.0; int entity_q_x = 0; int entity_q_y = 0; int entity_p_x = 0; int entity_p_y = 0; // Get the time since the entity spawned. if(cls.demoplayback) { time_diff = cls.demotime - temp_entities.list[i].time; } else { time_diff = cls.realtime - temp_entities.list[i].time; } // Don't show temp entities for long. if(time_diff < 0.25) { float radius = 0.0; radius = (time_diff < 0.125) ? (time_diff * 32.0) : (time_diff * 32.0) - time_diff; radius *= scale; radius = min(max(radius, 0), 200); // Get quake coordinates (times 8 to get them in the same format as .locs). entity_q_x = temp_entities.list[i].pos[0]*8; entity_q_y = temp_entities.list[i].pos[1]*8; entity_p_x = x + Q_rint((map_x_slope*entity_q_x + map_x_intercept) * scale); entity_p_y = y + Q_rint((map_y_slope*entity_q_y + map_y_intercept) * scale); if(radar_show_explosions && (temp_entities.list[i].type == TE_EXPLOSION || temp_entities.list[i].type == TE_TAREXPLOSION)) { // // Explosions. // Draw_AlphaCircleFill (entity_p_x, entity_p_y, radius, 235, 0.8); } else if(radar_show_teleport && temp_entities.list[i].type == TE_TELEPORT) { // // Teleport effect. // radius *= 1.5; Draw_AlphaCircleFill (entity_p_x, entity_p_y, radius, 244, 0.8); } else if(radar_show_shotgun && temp_entities.list[i].type == TE_GUNSHOT) { // // Shotgun fire. // #define SHOTGUN_SPREAD 10 int spread_x = 0; int spread_y = 0; int n = 0; for(n = 0; n < 10; n++) { spread_x = (int)(rand() / (((double)RAND_MAX + 1) / SHOTGUN_SPREAD)); spread_y = (int)(rand() / (((double)RAND_MAX + 1) / SHOTGUN_SPREAD)); Draw_AlphaFill (entity_p_x + spread_x - (SHOTGUN_SPREAD/2), entity_p_y + spread_y - (SHOTGUN_SPREAD/2), 1, 1, 8, 0.9); } } } } } void Radar_DrawPlayers(int x, int y, int width, int height, float scale, float show_height, float show_powerups, float player_size, float show_names, float fade_players, float highlight, char *highlight_color) { int i; player_state_t *state; player_info_t *info; // Get player state so we can know where he is (or on rare occassions, she). state = cl.frames[cl.oldparsecount & UPDATE_MASK].playerstate; // Get the info for the player. info = cl.players; // // Draw the players. // for (i = 0; i < MAX_CLIENTS; i++, info++, state++) { // Players quake coordinates // (these are multiplied by 8, since the conversion formula was // calculated using the coordinates in a .loc-file, which are in // the format quake-coordainte*8). int player_q_x = 0; int player_q_y = 0; // The height of the player. float player_z = 1.0; float player_z_relative = 1.0; // Players pixel coordinates. int player_p_x = 0; int player_p_y = 0; // Used for drawing the the direction the // player is looking at. float player_angle = 0; int x_line_start = 0; int y_line_start = 0; int x_line_end = 0; int y_line_end = 0; // Color and opacity of the player. int player_color = 0; float player_alpha = 1.0; // Make sure we're not drawing any ghosts. if(!info->name[0]) { continue; } if (state->messagenum == cl.oldparsecount) { // TODO: Implement lerping to get smoother drawing. // Get the quake coordinates. Multiply by 8 since // the conversion formula has been calculated using // a .loc-file which is in that format. player_q_x = state->origin[0]*8; player_q_y = state->origin[1]*8; // Get the players view angle. player_angle = cls.demoplayback ? state->viewangles[1] : cl.simangles[1]; // Convert from quake coordiantes -> pixel coordinates. player_p_x = Q_rint((map_x_slope*player_q_x + map_x_intercept) * scale); player_p_y = Q_rint((map_y_slope*player_q_y + map_y_intercept) * scale); player_color = Sbar_BottomColor(info); // Calculate the height of the player. if(show_height) { player_z = state->origin[2]; player_z += (player_z >= 0) ? fabs(cl.worldmodel->mins[2]) : fabs(cl.worldmodel->maxs[2]); player_z_relative = min(fabs(player_z / map_height_diff), 1.0); player_z_relative = max(player_z_relative, 0.2); } // Make the players fade out as they get less armor/health. if(fade_players) { int armor_strength = 0; armor_strength = (info->stats[STAT_ITEMS] & IT_ARMOR1) ? 100 : ((info->stats[STAT_ITEMS] & IT_ARMOR2) ? 150 : ((info->stats[STAT_ITEMS] & IT_ARMOR3) ? 200 : 0)); // Don't let the players get completly transparent so add 0.2 to the final value. player_alpha = ((info->stats[STAT_HEALTH] + (info->stats[STAT_ARMOR] * armor_strength)) / 100.0) + 0.2; } // Turn dead people red. if(info->stats[STAT_HEALTH] <= 0) { player_alpha = 1.0; player_color = 79; } // Draw a ring around players with powerups if it's enabled. if(show_powerups) { if(info->stats[STAT_ITEMS] & IT_INVISIBILITY) { Draw_AlphaCircleFill (x + player_p_x, y + player_p_y, player_size*2*player_z_relative, 161, 0.2); } if(info->stats[STAT_ITEMS] & IT_INVULNERABILITY) { Draw_AlphaCircleFill (x + player_p_x, y + player_p_y, player_size*2*player_z_relative, 79, 0.5); } if(info->stats[STAT_ITEMS] & IT_QUAD) { Draw_AlphaCircleFill (x + player_p_x, y + player_p_y, player_size*2*player_z_relative, 244, 0.2); } } #define HUD_RADAR_HIGHLIGHT_NONE 0 #define HUD_RADAR_HIGHLIGHT_TEXT_ONLY 1 #define HUD_RADAR_HIGHLIGHT_OUTLINE 2 #define HUD_RADAR_HIGHLIGHT_FIXED_OUTLINE 3 #define HUD_RADAR_HIGHLIGHT_CIRCLE 4 #define HUD_RADAR_HIGHLIGHT_FIXED_CIRCLE 5 #define HUD_RADAR_HIGHLIGHT_ARROW_BOTTOM 6 #define HUD_RADAR_HIGHLIGHT_ARROW_CENTER 7 #define HUD_RADAR_HIGHLIGHT_ARROW_TOP 8 #define HUD_RADAR_HIGHLIGHT_CROSS_CORNERS 9 // Draw a circle around the tracked player. if (highlight != HUD_RADAR_HIGHLIGHT_NONE && Cam_TrackNum() >= 0 && info->userid == cl.players[Cam_TrackNum()].userid) { color_t higlight_color = RGBAVECT_TO_COLOR(hud_radar_highlight_color); // Draw the highlight. switch ((int)highlight) { case HUD_RADAR_HIGHLIGHT_CROSS_CORNERS : { // Top left Draw_AlphaLineRGB (x, y, x + player_p_x, y + player_p_y, 2, higlight_color); // Top right. Draw_AlphaLineRGB (x + width, y, x + player_p_x, y + player_p_y, 2, higlight_color); // Bottom left. Draw_AlphaLineRGB (x, y + height, x + player_p_x, y + player_p_y, 2, higlight_color); // Bottom right. Draw_AlphaLineRGB (x + width, y + height, x + player_p_x, y + player_p_y, 2, higlight_color); break; } case HUD_RADAR_HIGHLIGHT_ARROW_TOP : { // Top center. Draw_AlphaLineRGB (x + width / 2, y, x + player_p_x, y + player_p_y, 2, higlight_color); break; } case HUD_RADAR_HIGHLIGHT_ARROW_CENTER : { // Center. Draw_AlphaLineRGB (x + width / 2, y + height / 2, x + player_p_x, y + player_p_y, 2, higlight_color); break; } case HUD_RADAR_HIGHLIGHT_ARROW_BOTTOM : { // Bottom center. Draw_AlphaLineRGB (x + width / 2, y + height, x + player_p_x, y + player_p_y, 2, higlight_color); break; } case HUD_RADAR_HIGHLIGHT_FIXED_CIRCLE : { Draw_AlphaCircleRGB (x + player_p_x, y + player_p_y, player_size * 1.5, 1.0, true, higlight_color); break; } case HUD_RADAR_HIGHLIGHT_CIRCLE : { Draw_AlphaCircleRGB (x + player_p_x, y + player_p_y, player_size * player_z_relative * 2.0, 1.0, true, higlight_color); break; } case HUD_RADAR_HIGHLIGHT_FIXED_OUTLINE : { Draw_AlphaCircleOutlineRGB (x + player_p_x, y + player_p_y, player_size * 1.5, 1.0, higlight_color); break; } case HUD_RADAR_HIGHLIGHT_OUTLINE : { Draw_AlphaCircleOutlineRGB (x + player_p_x, y + player_p_y, player_size * player_z_relative * 2.0, 1.0, higlight_color); break; } case HUD_RADAR_HIGHLIGHT_TEXT_ONLY : default : { break; } } } // Draw the actual player and a line showing what direction the player is looking in. { float relative_x = 0; float relative_y = 0; x_line_start = x + player_p_x; y_line_start = y + player_p_y; // Translate the angle into radians. player_angle = DEG2RAD(player_angle); relative_x = cos(player_angle); relative_y = sin(player_angle); // Draw a slightly larger line behind the colored one // so that it get's an outline. x_line_end = x_line_start + (player_size * 2 * player_z_relative + 1) * relative_x; y_line_end = y_line_start - (player_size * 2 * player_z_relative + 1) * relative_y; Draw_AlphaLine (x_line_start, y_line_start, x_line_end, y_line_end, 4.0, 0, 1.0); // Draw the colored line. x_line_end = x_line_start + (player_size * 2 * player_z_relative) * relative_x; y_line_end = y_line_start - (player_size * 2 * player_z_relative) * relative_y; Draw_AlphaLine (x_line_start, y_line_start, x_line_end, y_line_end, 2.0, player_color, player_alpha); // Draw the player on the map. Draw_AlphaCircleFill (x + player_p_x, y + player_p_y, player_size * player_z_relative, player_color, player_alpha); Draw_AlphaCircleOutline (x + player_p_x, y + player_p_y, player_size * player_z_relative, 1.0, 0, 1.0); } // Draw the players name. if(show_names) { int name_x = 0; int name_y = 0; name_x = x + player_p_x; name_y = y + player_p_y; // Make sure we're not too far right. while(name_x + 8 * strlen(info->name) > x + width) { name_x--; } // Make sure we're not outside the radar to the left. name_x = max(name_x, x); // Draw the name. if (highlight >= HUD_RADAR_HIGHLIGHT_TEXT_ONLY && info->userid == cl.players[Cam_TrackNum()].userid) { // Draw the tracked players name in the user specified color. Draw_ColoredString (name_x, name_y, va("&c%x%x%x%s", (unsigned int)(hud_radar_highlight_color[0] * 15), (unsigned int)(hud_radar_highlight_color[1] * 15), (unsigned int)(hud_radar_highlight_color[2] * 15), info->name), 0); } else { // Draw other players in normal character color. Draw_String (name_x, name_y, info->name); } } // Show if a person lost an RL-pack. if(info->stats[STAT_HEALTH] <= 0 && info->stats[STAT_ACTIVEWEAPON] == IT_ROCKET_LAUNCHER) { Draw_AlphaCircleOutline (x + player_p_x, y + player_p_y, player_size*player_z_relative*2, 1.0, 254, player_alpha); Draw_ColoredString (x + player_p_x, y + player_p_y, va("&cf00PACK!"), 1); } } } } // // Draws a map of the current level and plots player movements on it. // void SCR_HUD_DrawRadar(hud_t *hud) { int width, height, x, y; float width_limit, height_limit; float scale; float x_scale; float y_scale; static cvar_t *hud_radar_opacity = NULL, *hud_radar_width, *hud_radar_height, *hud_radar_autosize, *hud_radar_fade_players, *hud_radar_show_powerups, *hud_radar_show_names, *hud_radar_highlight, *hud_radar_highlight_color, *hud_radar_player_size, *hud_radar_show_height, *hud_radar_show_stats, *hud_radar_show_hold, *hud_radar_weaponfilter, *hud_radar_itemfilter, *hud_radar_onlytp, *hud_radar_otherfilter; if (hud_radar_opacity == NULL) // first time { char checkval[256]; hud_radar_opacity = HUD_FindVar(hud, "opacity"); hud_radar_width = HUD_FindVar(hud, "width"); hud_radar_height = HUD_FindVar(hud, "height"); hud_radar_autosize = HUD_FindVar(hud, "autosize"); hud_radar_fade_players = HUD_FindVar(hud, "fade_players"); hud_radar_show_powerups = HUD_FindVar(hud, "show_powerups"); hud_radar_show_names = HUD_FindVar(hud, "show_names"); hud_radar_player_size = HUD_FindVar(hud, "player_size"); hud_radar_show_height = HUD_FindVar(hud, "show_height"); hud_radar_show_stats = HUD_FindVar(hud, "show_stats"); hud_radar_show_hold = HUD_FindVar(hud, "show_hold"); hud_radar_weaponfilter = HUD_FindVar(hud, "weaponfilter"); hud_radar_itemfilter = HUD_FindVar(hud, "itemfilter"); hud_radar_otherfilter = HUD_FindVar(hud, "otherfilter"); hud_radar_onlytp = HUD_FindVar(hud, "onlytp"); hud_radar_highlight = HUD_FindVar(hud, "highlight"); hud_radar_highlight_color = HUD_FindVar(hud, "highlight_color"); // // Only parse the the filters when they change, not on each frame. // // Weapon filter. hud_radar_weaponfilter->OnChange = Radar_OnChangeWeaponFilter; strlcpy(checkval, hud_radar_weaponfilter->string, sizeof(checkval)); Cvar_Set(hud_radar_weaponfilter, checkval); // Item filter. hud_radar_itemfilter->OnChange = Radar_OnChangeItemFilter; strlcpy(checkval, hud_radar_itemfilter->string, sizeof(checkval)); Cvar_Set(hud_radar_itemfilter, checkval); // Other filter. hud_radar_otherfilter->OnChange = Radar_OnChangeOtherFilter; strlcpy(checkval, hud_radar_otherfilter->string, sizeof(checkval)); Cvar_Set(hud_radar_otherfilter, checkval); // Highlight color. hud_radar_highlight_color->OnChange = Radar_OnChangeHighlightColor; strlcpy(checkval, hud_radar_highlight_color->string, sizeof(checkval)); Cvar_Set(hud_radar_highlight_color, checkval); } // Don't show anything if it's a normal player. if(!(cls.demoplayback || cl.spectator)) { HUD_PrepareDraw(hud, hud_radar_width->value, hud_radar_height->value, &x, &y); return; } // Don't show when not in teamplay/demoplayback. if(!HUD_ShowInDemoplayback(hud_radar_onlytp->value)) { HUD_PrepareDraw(hud, hud_radar_width->value, hud_radar_height->value, &x, &y); return; } // Save the width and height of the HUD. We're using these because // if autosize is on these will be altered and we don't want to change // the settings that the user set, if we try, and the user turns off // autosize again the size of the HUD will remain "autosized" until the user // resets it by hand again. width_limit = hud_radar_width->value; height_limit = hud_radar_height->value; // we support also sizes specified as a percentage of total screen width/height if (strchr(hud_radar_width->string, '%')) width_limit = width_limit * vid.conwidth / 100.0; if (strchr(hud_radar_height->string, '%')) height_limit = hud_radar_height->value * vid.conheight / 100.0; // This map doesn't have a map pic. if(!radar_pic_found) { if(HUD_PrepareDraw(hud, Q_rint(width_limit), Q_rint(height_limit), &x, &y)) { Draw_String(x, y, "No radar picture found!"); } return; } // Make sure we can translate the coordinates. if(!conversion_formula_found) { if(HUD_PrepareDraw(hud, Q_rint(width_limit), Q_rint(height_limit), &x, &y)) { Draw_String(x, y, "No conversion formula found!"); } return; } x = 0; y = 0; scale = 1; if(hud_radar_autosize->value) { // // Autosize the hud element based on the size of the radar picture. // width = width_limit = radar_pic.width; height = height_limit = radar_pic.height; } else { // // Size the picture so that it fits inside the hud element. // // Set the scaling based on the picture dimensions. x_scale = (width_limit / radar_pic.width); y_scale = (height_limit / radar_pic.height); scale = (x_scale < y_scale) ? x_scale : y_scale; width = radar_pic.width * scale; height = radar_pic.height * scale; } if (HUD_PrepareDraw(hud, Q_rint(width_limit), Q_rint(height_limit), &x, &y)) { float player_size = 1.0; static int lastframecount = -1; // Place the map picture in the center of the HUD element. x += Q_rint((width_limit / 2.0) - (width / 2.0)); x = max(0, x); x = min(x + width, x); y += Q_rint((height_limit / 2.0) - (height / 2.0)); y = max(0, y); y = min(y + height, y); // Draw the radar background. Draw_SAlphaPic (x, y, &radar_pic, hud_radar_opacity->value, scale); // Only draw once per frame. if (cls.framecount == lastframecount) { return; } lastframecount = cls.framecount; if (!cl.oldparsecount || !cl.parsecount || cls.state < ca_active) { return; } // Scale the player size after the size of the radar. player_size = hud_radar_player_size->value * scale; // Draw team stats. if(hud_radar_show_stats->value) { Radar_DrawGrid(stats_grid, x, y, scale, width, height, hud_radar_show_stats->value); } // Draw entities such as powerups, weapons and backpacks. if(RADAR_SHOW_WEAPONS || RADAR_SHOW_ITEMS || RADAR_SHOW_OTHER) { Radar_DrawEntities(x, y, scale, player_size, hud_radar_show_hold->value); } // Draw the players. Radar_DrawPlayers(x, y, width, height, scale, hud_radar_show_height->value, hud_radar_show_powerups->value, player_size, hud_radar_show_names->value, hud_radar_fade_players->value, hud_radar_highlight->value, hud_radar_highlight_color->string); } } #endif // WITH_PNG // // Run before HUD elements are drawn. // Place stuff that is common for HUD elements here. // void HUD_BeforeDraw() { // Only sort once per draw. HUD_Sort_Scoreboard (HUD_SCOREBOARD_ALL); } // // Run after HUD elements are drawn. // Place stuff that is common for HUD elements here. // void HUD_AfterDraw() { } #ifndef HAXX static void SCR_HUD_DrawNotImplemented(hud_t *hud) { char line1[64]; int width, height, x, y; snprintf(line1, sizeof(line1), "%s not implemented", hud->name); width = 8 * strlen(line1); height = 8; if (!HUD_PrepareDraw(hud, width, height, &x, &y)) return; Draw_SString(x, y, line1, 1); } #define SCR_HUD_DrawSpeed SCR_HUD_DrawNotImplemented #define SCR_HUD_DrawTeamHoldBar SCR_HUD_DrawNotImplemented #define SCR_HUD_DrawTeamHoldInfo SCR_HUD_DrawNotImplemented #define SCR_HUD_DrawItemsClock SCR_HUD_DrawNotImplemented #endif // ---------------- // Init // and add some common elements to hud (clock etc) // void CommonDraw_Init(void) { int i; HUD_InitSbarImages(); // variables hud_planmode = pCvar_GetNVFDG("hud_planmode", "0", 0, NULL, "ezhud"); hud_tp_need = pCvar_GetNVFDG("hud_tp_need", "0", 0, NULL, "ezhud"); hud_digits_trim = pCvar_GetNVFDG("hud_digits_trim", "1", 0, NULL, "ezhud"); mvd_autohud = pCvar_GetNVFDG("mvd_autohud", "0", 0, NULL, "ezhud"); cl_weaponpreselect = pCvar_GetNVFDG("cl_weaponpreselect", "0", 0, NULL, "ezhud"); cl_multiview = pCvar_GetNVFDG("cl_multiview", "0", 0, NULL, "ezhud"); tp_need_health = pCvar_GetNVFDG("tp_need_health", "50", 0, NULL, "ezhud"); tp_need_ra = pCvar_GetNVFDG("tp_need_ra", "50", 0, NULL, "ezhud"); tp_need_ya = pCvar_GetNVFDG("tp_need_ya", "50", 0, NULL, "ezhud"); tp_need_ga = pCvar_GetNVFDG("tp_need_ga", "50", 0, NULL, "ezhud"); tp_weapon_order = pCvar_GetNVFDG("tp_weapon_order", "78654321", 0, NULL, "ezhud"); tp_need_weapon = pCvar_GetNVFDG("tp_need_weapon", "35687", 0, NULL, "ezhud"); tp_need_shells = pCvar_GetNVFDG("tp_need_shells", "10", 0, NULL, "ezhud"); tp_need_nails = pCvar_GetNVFDG("tp_need_nails", "40", 0, NULL, "ezhud"); tp_need_rockets = pCvar_GetNVFDG("tp_need_rockets", "5", 0, NULL, "ezhud"); tp_need_cells = pCvar_GetNVFDG("tp_need_cells", "20", 0, NULL, "ezhud"); // init HUD STAT table for (i=0; i < MAX_CL_STATS; i++) hud_stats[i] = 0; hud_stats[STAT_HEALTH] = 200; hud_stats[STAT_AMMO] = 100; hud_stats[STAT_ARMOR] = 200; hud_stats[STAT_SHELLS] = 100; hud_stats[STAT_NAILS] = 200; hud_stats[STAT_ROCKETS] = 100; hud_stats[STAT_CELLS] = 100; hud_stats[STAT_ACTIVEWEAPON] = 32; hud_stats[STAT_ITEMS] = 0xffffffff - IT_ARMOR2 - IT_ARMOR1; autohud.active = 0; // init gameclock HUD_Register("gameclock", NULL, "Shows current game time (hh:mm:ss).", HUD_PLUSMINUS, ca_disconnected, 8, SCR_HUD_DrawGameClock, "1", "top", "right", "console", "0", "0", "0", "0 0 0", NULL, "big", "1", "style", "0", "scale", "1", "blink", "1", "countdown","0", "offset","0", NULL); HUD_Register("notify", NULL, "Shows last console lines", HUD_PLUSMINUS, ca_disconnected, 8, SCR_HUD_DrawNotify, "0", "top", "left", "top", "0", "0", "0", "0 0 0", NULL, "rows", "4", "cols", "30", "scale", "1", "time", "4", NULL); // fps HUD_Register("fps", NULL, "Shows your current framerate in frames per second (fps)." "This can also show the minimum framerate that occured in the last measured period.", HUD_PLUSMINUS, ca_active, 9, SCR_HUD_DrawFPS, "1", "gameclock", "center", "after", "0", "0", "0", "0 0 0", NULL, "show_min", "0", "style", "0", "title", "1", "drop", "70", NULL); HUD_Register("vidlag", NULL, "Shows the delay between the time a frame is rendered and the time it's displayed.", HUD_PLUSMINUS, ca_active, 9, SCR_HUD_DrawVidLag, "0", "top", "right", "top", "0", "0", "0", "0 0 0", NULL, "style", "0", NULL); HUD_Register("mouserate", NULL, "Show your current mouse input rate", HUD_PLUSMINUS, ca_active, 9, SCR_HUD_DrawMouserate, "0", "screen", "left", "bottom", "0", "0", "0", "0 0 0", NULL, "title", "1", "interval", "1", "style", "0", NULL); // init clock HUD_Register("clock", NULL, "Shows current local time (hh:mm:ss).", HUD_PLUSMINUS, ca_disconnected, 8, SCR_HUD_DrawClock, "0", "top", "right", "console", "0", "0", "0", "0 0 0", NULL, "big", "1", "style", "0", "scale", "1", "blink", "1", "format", "0", NULL); // init democlock HUD_Register("democlock", NULL, "Shows current demo time (hh:mm:ss).", HUD_PLUSMINUS, ca_disconnected, 7, SCR_HUD_DrawDemoClock, "1", "top", "right", "console", "0", "8", "0", "0 0 0", NULL, "big", "0", "style", "0", "scale", "1", "blink", "0", NULL); // init ping HUD_Register("ping", NULL, "Shows most important net conditions, like ping and pl. Shown only when you are connected to a server.", HUD_PLUSMINUS, ca_active, 9, SCR_HUD_DrawPing, "0", "screen", "left", "bottom", "0", "0", "0", "0 0 0", NULL, "period", "1", "show_pl", "1", "show_min", "0", "show_max", "0", "show_dev", "0", "style", "0", "blink", "1", NULL); // init net HUD_Register("net", NULL, "Shows network statistics, like latency, packet loss, average packet sizes and bandwidth. Shown only when you are connected to a server.", HUD_PLUSMINUS, ca_active, 7, SCR_HUD_DrawNetStats, "0", "top", "left", "center", "0", "0", "0.2", "0 0 0", NULL, "period", "1", NULL); // init speed HUD_Register("speed", NULL, "Shows your current running speed. It is measured over XY or XYZ axis depending on \'xyz\' property.", HUD_PLUSMINUS, ca_active, 7, SCR_HUD_DrawSpeed, "0", "top", "center", "bottom", "0", "-5", "0", "0 0 0", NULL, "xyz", "0", "width", "160", "height", "15", "opacity", "1.0", "tick_spacing", "0.2", "color_stopped", SPEED_STOPPED, "color_normal", SPEED_NORMAL, "color_fast", SPEED_FAST, "color_fastest", SPEED_FASTEST, "color_insane", SPEED_INSANE, "vertical", "0", "vertical_text", "1", "text_align", "1", "style", "0", NULL); // Init speed2 (half circle thingie). HUD_Register("speed2", NULL, "Shows your current running speed. It is measured over XY or XYZ axis depending on \'xyz\' property.", HUD_PLUSMINUS, ca_active, 7, SCR_HUD_DrawSpeed2, "0", "top", "center", "bottom", "0", "0", "0", "0 0 0", NULL, "xyz", "0", "opacity", "1.0", "color_stopped", SPEED_STOPPED, "color_normal", SPEED_NORMAL, "color_fast", SPEED_FAST, "color_fastest", SPEED_FASTEST, "color_insane", SPEED_INSANE, "radius", "50.0", "wrapspeed", "500", "orientation", "0", NULL); // init guns HUD_Register("gun", NULL, "Part of your inventory - current weapon.", HUD_INVENTORY, ca_active, 0, SCR_HUD_DrawGunCurrent, "0", "ibar", "center", "bottom", "0", "0", "0", "0 0 0", NULL, "wide", "0", "style", "0", "scale", "1", NULL); HUD_Register("gun2", NULL, "Part of your inventory - shotgun.", HUD_INVENTORY, ca_active, 0, SCR_HUD_DrawGun2, "1", "ibar", "left", "bottom", "0", "0", "0", "0 0 0", NULL, "style", "0", "scale", "1", NULL); HUD_Register("gun3", NULL, "Part of your inventory - super shotgun.", HUD_INVENTORY, ca_active, 0, SCR_HUD_DrawGun3, "1", "gun2", "after", "center", "0", "0", "0", "0 0 0", NULL, "style", "0", "scale", "1", NULL); HUD_Register("gun4", NULL, "Part of your inventory - nailgun.", HUD_INVENTORY, ca_active, 0, SCR_HUD_DrawGun4, "1", "gun3", "after", "center", "0", "0", "0", "0 0 0", NULL, "style", "0", "scale", "1", NULL); HUD_Register("gun5", NULL, "Part of your inventory - super nailgun.", HUD_INVENTORY, ca_active, 0, SCR_HUD_DrawGun5, "1", "gun4", "after", "center", "0", "0", "0", "0 0 0", NULL, "style", "0", "scale", "1", NULL); HUD_Register("gun6", NULL, "Part of your inventory - grenade launcher.", HUD_INVENTORY, ca_active, 0, SCR_HUD_DrawGun6, "1", "gun5", "after", "center", "0", "0", "0", "0 0 0", NULL, "style", "0", "scale", "1", NULL); HUD_Register("gun7", NULL, "Part of your inventory - rocket launcher.", HUD_INVENTORY, ca_active, 0, SCR_HUD_DrawGun7, "1", "gun6", "after", "center", "0", "0", "0", "0 0 0", NULL, "style", "0", "scale", "1", NULL); HUD_Register("gun8", NULL, "Part of your inventory - thunderbolt.", HUD_INVENTORY, ca_active, 0, SCR_HUD_DrawGun8, "1", "gun7", "after", "center", "0", "0", "0", "0 0 0", NULL, "wide", "0", "style", "0", "scale", "1", NULL); // init powerzz HUD_Register("key1", NULL, "Part of your inventory - silver key.", HUD_INVENTORY, ca_active, 0, SCR_HUD_DrawKey1, "1", "ibar", "top", "left", "0", "64", "0", "0 0 0", NULL, "style", "0", "scale", "1", NULL); HUD_Register("key2", NULL, "Part of your inventory - gold key.", HUD_INVENTORY, ca_active, 0, SCR_HUD_DrawKey2, "1", "key1", "left", "after", "0", "0", "0", "0 0 0", NULL, "style", "0", "scale", "1", NULL); HUD_Register("ring", NULL, "Part of your inventory - invisibility.", HUD_INVENTORY, ca_active, 0, SCR_HUD_DrawRing, "1", "key2", "left", "after", "0", "0", "0", "0 0 0", NULL, "style", "0", "scale", "1", NULL); HUD_Register("pent", NULL, "Part of your inventory - invulnerability.", HUD_INVENTORY, ca_active, 0, SCR_HUD_DrawPent, "1", "ring", "left", "after", "0", "0", "0", "0 0 0", NULL, "style", "0", "scale", "1", NULL); HUD_Register("suit", NULL, "Part of your inventory - biosuit.", HUD_INVENTORY, ca_active, 0, SCR_HUD_DrawSuit, "1", "pent", "left", "after", "0", "0", "0", "0 0 0", NULL, "style", "0", "scale", "1", NULL); HUD_Register("quad", NULL, "Part of your inventory - quad damage.", HUD_INVENTORY, ca_active, 0, SCR_HUD_DrawQuad, "1", "suit", "left", "after", "0", "0", "0", "0 0 0", NULL, "style", "0", "scale", "1", NULL); // netproblem icon HUD_Register("netproblem", NULL, "Shows an icon if you are experiencing network problems", HUD_NO_FRAME, ca_active, 0, SCR_HUD_NetProblem, "1", "top", "left", "top", "0", "0", "0", "0 0 0", NULL, "scale", "1", NULL); // sigilzz HUD_Register("sigil1", NULL, "Part of your inventory - sigil 1.", HUD_INVENTORY, ca_active, 0, SCR_HUD_DrawSigil1, "0", "ibar", "left", "top", "0", "0", "0", "0 0 0", NULL, "style", "0", "scale", "1", NULL); HUD_Register("sigil2", NULL, "Part of your inventory - sigil 2.", HUD_INVENTORY, ca_active, 0, SCR_HUD_DrawSigil2, "0", "sigil1", "after", "top", "0", "0", "0", "0 0 0", NULL, "style", "0", "scale", "1", NULL); HUD_Register("sigil3", NULL, "Part of your inventory - sigil 3.", HUD_INVENTORY, ca_active, 0, SCR_HUD_DrawSigil3, "0", "sigil2", "after", "top", "0", "0", "0", "0 0 0", NULL, "style", "0", "scale", "1", NULL); HUD_Register("sigil4", NULL, "Part of your inventory - sigil 4.", HUD_INVENTORY, ca_active, 0, SCR_HUD_DrawSigil4, "0", "sigil3", "after", "top", "0", "0", "0", "0 0 0", NULL, "style", "0", "scale", "1", NULL); // player face (health indicator) HUD_Register("face", NULL, "Your bloody face.", HUD_INVENTORY, ca_active, 0, SCR_HUD_DrawFace, "1", "screen", "center", "bottom", "0", "0", "0", "0 0 0", NULL, "scale", "1", NULL); // health HUD_Register("health", NULL, "Part of your status - health level.", HUD_INVENTORY, ca_active, 0, SCR_HUD_DrawHealth, "1", "face", "after", "center", "0", "0", "0", "0 0 0", NULL, "style", "0", "scale", "1", "align", "right", "digits", "3", NULL); // ammo/s HUD_Register("ammo", NULL, "Part of your inventory - ammo for active weapon.", HUD_INVENTORY, ca_active, 0, SCR_HUD_DrawAmmoCurrent, "1", "health", "after", "center", "32", "0", "0", "0 0 0", NULL, "style", "0", "scale", "1", "align", "right", "digits", "3", NULL); HUD_Register("ammo1", NULL, "Part of your inventory - ammo - shells.", HUD_INVENTORY, ca_active, 0, SCR_HUD_DrawAmmo1, "0", "ibar", "left", "top", "0", "0", "0", "0 0 0", NULL, "style", "0", "scale", "1", "align", "right", "digits", "3", NULL); HUD_Register("ammo2", NULL, "Part of your inventory - ammo - nails.", HUD_INVENTORY, ca_active, 0, SCR_HUD_DrawAmmo2, "0", "ammo1", "after", "top", "0", "0", "0", "0 0 0", NULL, "style", "0", "scale", "1", "align", "right", "digits", "3", NULL); HUD_Register("ammo3", NULL, "Part of your inventory - ammo - rockets.", HUD_INVENTORY, ca_active, 0, SCR_HUD_DrawAmmo3, "0", "ammo2", "after", "top", "0", "0", "0", "0 0 0", NULL, "style", "0", "scale", "1", "align", "right", "digits", "3", NULL); HUD_Register("ammo4", NULL, "Part of your inventory - ammo - cells.", HUD_INVENTORY, ca_active, 0, SCR_HUD_DrawAmmo4, "0", "ammo3", "after", "top", "0", "0", "0", "0 0 0", NULL, "style", "0", "scale", "1", "align", "right", "digits", "3", NULL); // ammo icon/s HUD_Register("iammo", NULL, "Part of your inventory - ammo icon.", HUD_INVENTORY, ca_active, 0, SCR_HUD_DrawAmmoIconCurrent, "1", "ammo", "before", "center", "0", "0", "0", "0 0 0", NULL, "style", "0", "scale", "1", NULL); HUD_Register("iammo1", NULL, "Part of your inventory - ammo icon.", HUD_INVENTORY, ca_active, 0, SCR_HUD_DrawAmmoIcon1, "0", "ibar", "left", "top", "0", "0", "0", "0 0 0", NULL, "style", "2", "scale", "1", NULL); HUD_Register("iammo2", NULL, "Part of your inventory - ammo icon.", HUD_INVENTORY, ca_active, 0, SCR_HUD_DrawAmmoIcon2, "0", "iammo1", "after", "top", "0", "0", "0", "0 0 0", NULL, "style", "2", "scale", "1", NULL); HUD_Register("iammo3", NULL, "Part of your inventory - ammo icon.", HUD_INVENTORY, ca_active, 0, SCR_HUD_DrawAmmoIcon3, "0", "iammo2", "after", "top", "0", "0", "0", "0 0 0", NULL, "style", "2", "scale", "1", NULL); HUD_Register("iammo4", NULL, "Part of your inventory - ammo icon.", HUD_INVENTORY, ca_active, 0, SCR_HUD_DrawAmmoIcon4, "0", "iammo3", "after", "top", "0", "0", "0", "0 0 0", NULL, "style", "2", "scale", "1", NULL); // armor count HUD_Register("armor", NULL, "Part of your inventory - armor level.", HUD_INVENTORY, ca_active, 0, SCR_HUD_DrawArmor, "1", "face", "before", "center", "-32", "0", "0", "0 0 0", NULL, "style", "0", "scale", "1", "align", "right", "digits", "3", "pent_666", "1", // Show 666 instead of armor value NULL); // armor icon HUD_Register("iarmor", NULL, "Part of your inventory - armor icon.", HUD_INVENTORY, ca_active, 0, SCR_HUD_DrawArmorIcon, "1", "armor", "before", "center", "0", "0", "0", "0 0 0", NULL, "style", "0", "scale", "1", NULL); // Tracking JohnNy_cz (Contains name of the player who's player we're watching at the moment) HUD_Register("tracking", NULL, "Shows the name of tracked player.", HUD_PLUSMINUS, ca_active, 9, SCR_HUD_DrawTracking, "1", "face", "center", "before", "0", "0", "0", "0 0 0", NULL, "format", "^mTracking:^m %t %n"/*, ^mJUMP^m for next"*/, //"Tracking: team name, JUMP for next", "Tracking:" and "JUMP" are brown. default: "Tracking %t %n, [JUMP] for next" "scale", "1", NULL); // groups HUD_Register("group1", NULL, "Group element.", HUD_NO_GROW, ca_disconnected, 0, SCR_HUD_Group1, "0", "screen", "left", "top", "0", "0", ".5", "0 0 0", NULL, "name", "group1", "width", "64", "height", "64", "picture", "", "pic_alpha", "1.0", "pic_scalemode", "0", NULL); HUD_Register("group2", NULL, "Group element.", HUD_NO_GROW, ca_disconnected, 0, SCR_HUD_Group2, "0", "screen", "center", "top", "0", "0", ".5", "0 0 0", NULL, "name", "group2", "width", "64", "height", "64", "picture", "", "pic_alpha", "1.0", "pic_scalemode", "0", NULL); HUD_Register("group3", NULL, "Group element.", HUD_NO_GROW, ca_disconnected, 0, SCR_HUD_Group3, "0", "screen", "right", "top", "0", "0", ".5", "0 0 0", NULL, "name", "group3", "width", "64", "height", "64", "picture", "", "pic_alpha", "1.0", "pic_scalemode", "0", NULL); HUD_Register("group4", NULL, "Group element.", HUD_NO_GROW, ca_disconnected, 0, SCR_HUD_Group4, "0", "screen", "left", "center", "0", "0", ".5", "0 0 0", NULL, "name", "group4", "width", "64", "height", "64", "picture", "", "pic_alpha", "1.0", "pic_scalemode", "0", NULL); HUD_Register("group5", NULL, "Group element.", HUD_NO_GROW, ca_disconnected, 0, SCR_HUD_Group5, "0", "screen", "center", "center", "0", "0", ".5", "0 0 0", NULL, "name", "group5", "width", "64", "height", "64", "picture", "", "pic_alpha", "1.0", "pic_scalemode", "0", NULL); HUD_Register("group6", NULL, "Group element.", HUD_NO_GROW, ca_disconnected, 0, SCR_HUD_Group6, "0", "screen", "right", "center", "0", "0", ".5", "0 0 0", NULL, "name", "group6", "width", "64", "height", "64", "picture", "", "pic_alpha", "1.0", "pic_scalemode", "0", NULL); HUD_Register("group7", NULL, "Group element.", HUD_NO_GROW, ca_disconnected, 0, SCR_HUD_Group7, "0", "screen", "left", "bottom", "0", "0", ".5", "0 0 0", NULL, "name", "group7", "width", "64", "height", "64", "picture", "", "pic_alpha", "1.0", "pic_scalemode", "0", NULL); HUD_Register("group8", NULL, "Group element.", HUD_NO_GROW, ca_disconnected, 0, SCR_HUD_Group8, "0", "screen", "center", "bottom", "0", "0", ".5", "0 0 0", NULL, "name", "group8", "width", "64", "height", "64", "picture", "", "pic_alpha", "1.0", "pic_scalemode", "0", NULL); HUD_Register("group9", NULL, "Group element.", HUD_NO_GROW, ca_disconnected, 0, SCR_HUD_Group9, "0", "screen", "right", "bottom", "0", "0", ".5", "0 0 0", NULL, "name", "group9", "width", "64", "height", "64", "picture", "", "pic_alpha", "1.0", "pic_scalemode", "0", NULL); // healthdamage HUD_Register("healthdamage", NULL, "Shows amount of damage done to your health.", HUD_INVENTORY, ca_active, 0, SCR_HUD_DrawHealthDamage, "0", "health", "left", "before", "0", "0", "0", "0 0 0", NULL, "style", "0", "scale", "1", "align", "right", "digits", "3", "duration", "0.8", NULL); // armordamage HUD_Register("armordamage", NULL, "Shows amount of damage done to your armour.", HUD_INVENTORY, ca_active, 0, SCR_HUD_DrawArmorDamage, "0", "armor", "left", "before", "0", "0", "0", "0 0 0", NULL, "style", "0", "scale", "1", "align", "right", "digits", "3", "duration", "0.8", NULL); HUD_Register("frags", NULL, "Show list of player frags in short form.", 0, ca_active, 0, SCR_HUD_DrawFrags, "0", "top", "right", "bottom", "0", "0", "0", "0 0 0", NULL, "cell_width", "32", "cell_height", "8", "rows", "1", "cols", "4", "space_x", "1", "space_y", "1", "teamsort", "0", "strip", "1", "vertical", "0", "shownames", "0", "showteams", "0", "padtext", "1", "showself_always", "1", "extra_spec_info", "ALL", "fliptext", "0", "style", "0", "bignum", "0", "colors_alpha", "1.0", "maxname", "16", "notintp", "0", NULL); HUD_Register("teamfrags", NULL, "Show list of team frags in short form.", 0, ca_active, 0, SCR_HUD_DrawTeamFrags, "1", "ibar", "center", "before", "0", "0", "0", "0 0 0", NULL, "cell_width", "32", "cell_height", "8", "rows", "1", "cols", "2", "space_x", "1", "space_y", "1", "strip", "1", "vertical", "0", "shownames", "0", "padtext", "1", "fliptext", "1", "style", "0", "extra_spec_info", "1", "onlytp", "0", "bignum", "0", "colors_alpha", "1.0", "maxname", "16", NULL); HUD_Register("teaminfo", NULL, "Show information about your team in short form.", 0, ca_active, 0, SCR_HUD_DrawTeamInfo, "0", "", "right", "center", "0", "0", "0.2", "20 20 20", NULL, "layout", "%p%n $x10%l$x11 %a/%H %w", "align_right","0", "loc_width","5", "name_width","6", "low_health","25", "armor_style","3", "weapon_style","0", "show_enemies","0", "show_self","1", "scale","1", "powerup_style","1", NULL); HUD_Register("mp3_title", NULL, "Shows current mp3 playing.", HUD_PLUSMINUS, ca_disconnected, 0, SCR_HUD_DrawMP3_Title, "0", "top", "right", "bottom", "0", "0", "0", "0 0 0", NULL, "style", "2", "width", "512", "height", "8", "scroll", "1", "scroll_delay", "0.5", "on_scoreboard", "0", "wordwrap", "0", NULL); HUD_Register("mp3_time", NULL, "Shows the time of the current mp3 playing.", HUD_PLUSMINUS, ca_disconnected, 0, SCR_HUD_DrawMP3_Time, "0", "top", "left", "bottom", "0", "0", "0", "0 0 0", NULL, "style", "0", "on_scoreboard", "0", NULL); #ifdef WITH_PNG HUD_Register("radar", NULL, "Plots the players on a picture of the map. (Only when watching MVD's or QTV).", HUD_PLUSMINUS, ca_active, 0, SCR_HUD_DrawRadar, "0", "top", "left", "bottom", "0", "0", "0", "0 0 0", NULL, "opacity", "0.5", "width", "30%", "height", "25%", "autosize", "0", "show_powerups", "1", "show_names", "0", "highlight_color", "yellow", "highlight", "0", "player_size", "10", "show_height", "1", "show_stats", "1", "fade_players", "1", "show_hold", "0", "weaponfilter", "gl rl lg", "itemfilter", "backpack quad pent armor mega", "otherfilter", "projectiles gibs explosions shotgun", "onlytp", "0", NULL); #endif // WITH_PNG HUD_Register("teamholdbar", NULL, "Shows how much of the level (in percent) that is currently being held by either team.", HUD_PLUSMINUS, ca_active, 0, SCR_HUD_DrawTeamHoldBar, "0", "top", "left", "bottom", "0", "0", "0", "0 0 0", NULL, "opacity", "0.8", "width", "200", "height", "8", "vertical", "0", "vertical_text", "0", "show_text", "1", "onlytp", "0", NULL); HUD_Register("teamholdinfo", NULL, "Shows which important items in the level that are being held by the teams.", HUD_PLUSMINUS, ca_active, 0, SCR_HUD_DrawTeamHoldInfo, "0", "top", "left", "bottom", "0", "0", "0", "0 0 0", NULL, "opacity", "0.8", "width", "200", "height", "8", "onlytp", "0", "style", "1", "itemfilter", "quad ra ya ga mega pent rl quad", NULL); HUD_Register("ownfrags" /* jeez someone give me a better name please */, NULL, "Highlights your own frags", 0, ca_active, 1, SCR_HUD_DrawOwnFrags, "1", "screen", "center", "top", "0", "50", "0.2", "0 0 100", NULL, /* "color", "255 255 255", */ "timeout", "3", "scale", "1.5", NULL ); HUD_Register("keys", NULL, "Shows which keys user does press at the moment", 0, ca_active, 1, SCR_HUD_DrawKeys, "0", "screen", "right", "center", "0", "0", "0.5", "20 20 20", NULL, "scale", "2", NULL ); HUD_Register("itemsclock", NULL, "Displays upcoming item respawns", 0, ca_active, 1, SCR_HUD_DrawItemsClock, "0", "screen", "right", "center", "0", "0", "0", "0 0 0", NULL, "timelimit", "5", "style", "0", NULL ); HUD_Register("score_team", NULL, "Own scores or team scores.", 0, ca_active, 0, SCR_HUD_DrawScoresTeam, "0", "screen", "left", "bottom", "0", "0", "0.5", "4 8 32", NULL, "style", "0", "scale", "1", "align", "right", "digits", "0", "colorize", "0", NULL ); HUD_Register("score_enemy", NULL, "Scores of enemy or enemy team.", 0, ca_active, 0, SCR_HUD_DrawScoresEnemy, "0", "score_team", "after", "bottom", "0", "0", "0.5", "32 4 0", NULL, "style", "0", "scale", "1", "align", "right", "digits", "0", "colorize", "0", NULL ); HUD_Register("score_difference", NULL, "Difference between teamscores and enemyscores.", 0, ca_active, 0, SCR_HUD_DrawScoresDifference, "0", "score_enemy", "after", "bottom", "0", "0", "0.5", "0 0 0", NULL, "style", "0", "scale", "1", "align", "right", "digits", "0", "colorize", "1", NULL ); HUD_Register("score_position", NULL, "Position on scoreboard.", 0, ca_active, 0, SCR_HUD_DrawScoresPosition, "0", "score_difference", "after", "bottom", "0", "0", "0.5", "0 0 0", NULL, "style", "0", "scale", "1", "align", "right", "digits", "0", "colorize", "1", NULL ); HUD_Register("score_bar", NULL, "Team, enemy, and difference scores together.", HUD_PLUSMINUS, ca_active, 0, SCR_HUD_DrawScoresBar, "0", "screen", "center", "console", "0", "0", "0.5", "0 0 0", NULL, "style", "0", "scale", "1", "format_small", "&c69f%T&r:%t &cf10%E&r:%e $[%D$]", "format_big", "%t:%e:%Z", NULL ); HUD_Register("bar_armor", NULL, "Armor bar.", HUD_PLUSMINUS, ca_active, 0, SCR_HUD_DrawBarArmor, "0", "armor", "left", "center", "0", "0", "0", "0 0 0", NULL, "height", "16", "width", "64", "direction", "1", "color_noarmor", "128 128 128 64", "color_ga", "32 128 0 128", "color_ya", "192 128 0 128", "color_ra", "128 0 0 128", "color_unnatural", "255 255 255 128", NULL ); HUD_Register("bar_health", NULL, "Health bar.", HUD_PLUSMINUS, ca_active, 0, SCR_HUD_DrawBarHealth, "0", "health", "right", "center", "0", "0", "0", "0 0 0", NULL, "height", "16", "width", "64", "direction", "0", "color_nohealth", "128 128 128 64", "color_normal", "32 64 128 128", "color_mega", "64 96 128 128", "color_twomega", "128 128 255 128", "color_unnatural", "255 255 255 128", NULL ); HUD_Register("weaponstats", NULL, "Weapon Stats", HUD_PLUSMINUS, ca_active, 0, SCR_HUD_DrawWeaponStats, "0", "screen", "right", "center", "0", "0", "0", "0 0 0", NULL, "scale", "1", "fmt", "&c990sg&r:[%sg] &c099ssg&r:[%ssg] &c900rl&r:[#rl] &c009lg&r:[%lg]", NULL ); /* hexum -> FIXME? this is used only for debug purposes, I wont bother to port it (it shouldnt be too difficult if anyone cares) #ifdef _DEBUG HUD_Register("framegraph", NULL, "Shows different frame times for debug/profiling purposes.", HUD_PLUSMINUS | HUD_ON_SCORES, ca_disconnected, 0, SCR_HUD_DrawFrameGraph, "0", "top", "left", "bottom", "0", "0", "2", "swap_x", "0", "swap_y", "0", "scale", "14", "width", "256", "height", "64", "alpha", "1", NULL); #endif */ }