#include "quakedef.h" #include "../plugin.h" //#include "../engine.h" #include "fs.h" #include #include "../../engine/libs/zlib.h" #include "blast.h" //http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~jeanfrancois.roy/mpqkit/trunk/files //http://www.zezula.net/en/mpq/main.html //http://www.wc3c.net/tools/specs/QuantamMPQFormat.txt static size_t activempqcount; //number of active archives. we can't unload the dll while we still have files open. #ifdef MULTITHREAD static plugthreadfuncs_t *threading; #define Sys_CreateMutex if(threading)threading->CreateMutex #define Sys_LockMutex if(threading)threading->LockMutex #define Sys_UnlockMutex if(threading)threading->UnlockMutex #define Sys_DestroyMutex if(threading)threading->DestroyMutex #endif typedef unsigned long long ofs_t; typedef struct { char mpq_magic[4]; unsigned int header_size; unsigned int archive_size; unsigned short version; unsigned short sector_size_shift; unsigned int hash_table_offset; unsigned int block_table_offset; unsigned int hash_table_length; unsigned int block_table_length; } mpqheader_t; enum { MPQFileValid = 0x80000000, MPQFileHasSectorAdlers = 0x04000000, MPQFileStopSearchMarker = 0x02000000, MPQFileOneSector = 0x01000000, MPQFilePatch = 0x00100000, MPQFileOffsetAdjustedKey = 0x00020000, MPQFileEncrypted = 0x00010000, MPQFileCompressed = 0x00000200, MPQFileDiabloCompressed = 0x00000100, MPQFileFlagsMask = 0x87030300 }; typedef struct { unsigned int offset; unsigned int archived_size; unsigned int size; unsigned int flags; } mpqblock_t; typedef struct { unsigned int hash_a; unsigned int hash_b; unsigned short locale; unsigned short platform; unsigned int block_table_index; } mpqhash_t; typedef struct { searchpathfuncs_t pub; char desc[MAX_OSPATH]; void *mutex; vfsfile_t *file; ofs_t filestart; ofs_t fileend; unsigned int references; unsigned int sectorsize; mpqhash_t *hashdata; unsigned int hashentries; mpqblock_t *blockdata; unsigned int blockentries; char *listfile; mpqheader_t header_0; struct { unsigned long long extended_block_offset_table_offset; unsigned short hash_table_offset_high; unsigned short block_table_offset_high; } header_1; } mpqarchive_t; typedef struct { vfsfile_t funcs; unsigned int flags; unsigned int encryptkey; mpqarchive_t *archive; qofs_t foffset; qofs_t flength; //decompressed size qofs_t alength; //size on disk ofs_t archiveoffset; unsigned int buffersect; unsigned int bufferlength; char *buffer; unsigned int *sectortab; } mpqfile_t; static qboolean crypt_table_initialized = false; static unsigned int crypt_table[0x500]; static void mpq_init_cryptography(void) { // prepare crypt_table unsigned int seed = 0x00100001; unsigned int index1 = 0; unsigned int index2 = 0; unsigned int i; if (!crypt_table_initialized) { crypt_table_initialized = true; for (index1 = 0; index1 < 0x100; index1++) { for (index2 = index1, i = 0; i < 5; i++, index2 += 0x100) { unsigned int temp1, temp2; seed = (seed * 125 + 3) % 0x2AAAAB; temp1 = (seed & 0xFFFF) << 0x10; seed = (seed * 125 + 3) % 0x2AAAAB; temp2 = (seed & 0xFFFF); crypt_table[index2] = (temp1 | temp2); } } } } #define HASH_POSITION 0 #define HASH_NAME_A 1 #define HASH_NAME_B 2 #define HASH_KEY 3 static unsigned int mpq_hash_cstring(const char *string, unsigned int type) { unsigned int seed1 = 0x7FED7FED; unsigned int seed2 = 0xEEEEEEEE; unsigned int shifted_type = (type << 8); unsigned int ch; assert(crypt_table_initialized); assert(string); while (*string != 0) { ch = *string++; if (ch == '/') ch = '\\'; if (ch > 0x60 && ch < 0x7b) ch -= 0x20; seed1 = crypt_table[shifted_type + ch] ^ (seed1 + seed2); seed2 = ch + seed1 + seed2 + (seed2 << 5) + 3; } return seed1; } #define MPQSwapInt32LittleToHost(a) (a) #define MPQSwapInt32HostToLittle(a) (a) static void mpq_decrypt(void* data, size_t length, unsigned int key, qboolean disable_output_swapping) { unsigned int* buffer32 = (unsigned int*)data; unsigned int seed = 0xEEEEEEEE; unsigned int ch; assert(crypt_table_initialized); assert(data); // round to 4 bytes length = length / 4; if (disable_output_swapping) { while (length-- > 0) { ch = MPQSwapInt32LittleToHost(*buffer32); seed += crypt_table[0x400 + (key & 0xFF)]; ch = ch ^ (key + seed); key = ((~key << 0x15) + 0x11111111) | (key >> 0x0B); seed = ch + seed + (seed << 5) + 3; *buffer32++ = ch; } } else { while (length-- > 0) { ch = MPQSwapInt32LittleToHost(*buffer32); seed += crypt_table[0x400 + (key & 0xFF)]; ch = ch ^ (key + seed); key = ((~key << 0x15) + 0x11111111) | (key >> 0x0B); seed = ch + seed + (seed << 5) + 3; *buffer32++ = MPQSwapInt32HostToLittle(ch); } } } #define HASH_TABLE_EMPTY 0xffffffff #define HASH_TABLE_DELETED 0xfffffffe static unsigned int mpq_lookuphash(mpqarchive_t *mpq, const char *filename, int locale) { unsigned int initial_position = mpq_hash_cstring(filename, HASH_POSITION) % mpq->hashentries; unsigned int current_position = initial_position; unsigned int hash_a = mpq_hash_cstring(filename, HASH_NAME_A); unsigned int hash_b = mpq_hash_cstring(filename, HASH_NAME_B); // Search through the hash table until we either find the file we're looking for, or we find an unused hash table entry, // indicating the end of the cluster of used hash table entries while (mpq->hashdata[current_position].block_table_index != HASH_TABLE_EMPTY) { if (mpq->hashdata[current_position].block_table_index != HASH_TABLE_DELETED) { if (mpq->hashdata[current_position].hash_a == hash_a && mpq->hashdata[current_position].hash_b == hash_b && mpq->hashdata[current_position].locale == locale) { return current_position; } } current_position++; current_position %= mpq->hashentries; //avoid infinity if (current_position == initial_position) break; } return HASH_TABLE_EMPTY; } static vfsfile_t *MPQ_OpenVFS(searchpathfuncs_t *handle, flocation_t *loc, const char *mode); static void MPQ_ClosePath(searchpathfuncs_t *handle) { mpqarchive_t *mpq = (void*)handle; Sys_LockMutex(mpq->mutex); if (--mpq->references) { Sys_UnlockMutex(mpq->mutex); return; } Sys_UnlockMutex(mpq->mutex); Sys_DestroyMutex(mpq->mutex); VFS_CLOSE(mpq->file); free(mpq->blockdata); free(mpq->hashdata); free(mpq->listfile); free(mpq); activempqcount--; } static unsigned int MPQ_FindFile(searchpathfuncs_t *handle, flocation_t *loc, const char *name, void *hashedresult) { mpqarchive_t *mpq = (void*)handle; unsigned int blockentry; if (hashedresult) { mpqblock_t *block = hashedresult; if (block >= mpq->blockdata && block <= mpq->blockdata + mpq->blockentries) blockentry = (mpqblock_t*)block - mpq->blockdata; else return FF_NOTFOUND; } else { unsigned int hashentry = mpq_lookuphash(mpq, name, 0); if (hashentry == HASH_TABLE_EMPTY) return FF_NOTFOUND; blockentry = mpq->hashdata[hashentry].block_table_index; if (blockentry > mpq->blockentries) return FF_NOTFOUND; } if (loc) { loc->fhandle = &mpq->blockdata[blockentry]; loc->offset = 0; *loc->rawname = 0; loc->len = mpq->blockdata[blockentry].size; // loc->foo = foo; } if (mpq->blockdata[blockentry].flags & MPQFilePatch) { Con_DPrintf("Cannot cope with patch files\n"); return FF_NOTFOUND; } return FF_FOUND; } static void MPQ_ReadFile(searchpathfuncs_t *handle, flocation_t *loc, char *buffer) { vfsfile_t *f; f = MPQ_OpenVFS(handle, loc, "rb"); if (!f) //err... return; VFS_READ(f, buffer, loc->len); VFS_CLOSE(f); } static int mpqwildcmp(const char *wild, const char *string, char **end) { int s, w; while (*string) { s = *string; if (s == '\r' || s == '\n' || s == ';') break; w = *wild; if (s >= 'A' && s <= 'Z') s = s-'A'+'a'; if (w >= 'A' && w <= 'Z') w = w-'A'+'a'; if (w == '*') { w = wild[1]; if (w >= 'A' && w <= 'Z') w = w-'A'+'a'; if (w == s || s == '/' || s == '\\') { //* terminates if we get a match on the char following it, or if its a \ or / char wild++; continue; } string++; } else if ((w == s) || (w == '?')) { //this char matches wild++; string++; } else { //failure while (*string && *string != '\r' && *string != '\n' && *string != ';') string++; *end = (char*)string; return false; } } *end = (char*)string; while (*wild == '*') { wild++; } return !*wild; } static int MPQ_EnumerateFiles(searchpathfuncs_t *handle, const char *match, int (QDECL *func)(const char *fname, qofs_t fsize, time_t mtime, void *parm, searchpathfuncs_t *spath), void *parm) { int ok = 1; char *s, *n; char name[MAX_QPATH]; flocation_t loc; mpqarchive_t *mpq = (mpqarchive_t*)handle; if (mpq->listfile) { s = mpq->listfile; for (s = mpq->listfile; *s && ok; s = n) { if (mpqwildcmp(match, s, &n) && n - s < MAX_QPATH-1) { memcpy(name, s, n - s); name[n-s] = 0; if (!MPQ_FindFile(handle, &loc, name, NULL)) loc.len = 0; ok = func(name, loc.len, 0, parm, handle); } while (*n == '\n' || *n == '\r' || *n == ';') n++; } } return ok; } static void MPQ_BuildHash(searchpathfuncs_t *handle, int depth, void (QDECL *AddFileHash)(int depth, const char *fname, fsbucket_t *filehandle, void *pathhandle)) { char *s, *n; char name[MAX_QPATH]; mpqarchive_t *mpq = (void*)handle; flocation_t loc; if (mpq->listfile) { s = mpq->listfile; for (s = mpq->listfile; ; s = n) { while (*s == '\n' || *s == '\r' || *s == ';') s++; if (!*s) break; n = s; while (*n && *n != '\r' && *n != '\n' && *n != ';') n++; if (n-s >= sizeof(name)) continue; memcpy(name, s, n - s); name[n-s] = 0; //precompute the name->block lookup. fte normally does the hashing outside the archive code. //however, its possible multiple hash tables point to a single block, so we need to pass null for the third arg (or allocate fsbucket_ts one per hash instead of buckets). if (MPQ_FindFile(&mpq->pub, &loc, name, NULL)) AddFileHash(depth, name, NULL, loc.fhandle); } } } static int MPQ_GeneratePureCRC (searchpathfuncs_t *handle, int seed, int usepure) { return 0; } static qboolean MPQ_PollChanges(searchpathfuncs_t *handle) { return false; } static searchpathfuncs_t *MPQ_OpenArchive(vfsfile_t *file, const char *desc, const char *prefix) { flocation_t lloc; mpqarchive_t *mpq; mpqheader_t header; ofs_t block_ofs; ofs_t hash_ofs; VFS_SEEK(file, 0); if (prefix && *prefix) return NULL; //not supported at this time if (VFS_READ(file, &header, sizeof(header)) != sizeof(header)) return NULL; if (memcmp(header.mpq_magic, "MPQ\x1a", 4)) return NULL; mpq = malloc(sizeof(*mpq)); memset(mpq, 0, sizeof(*mpq)); Q_strlcpy(mpq->desc, desc, sizeof(mpq->desc)); mpq->header_0 = header; mpq->file = file; mpq->filestart = 0; mpq->sectorsize = 512 << mpq->header_0.sector_size_shift; block_ofs = header.block_table_offset; hash_ofs = header.hash_table_offset; if (header.version >= 1) { VFS_READ(file, &mpq->header_1, sizeof(mpq->header_1)); } block_ofs |= ((ofs_t)mpq->header_1.block_table_offset_high)<<32u; hash_ofs |= ((ofs_t)mpq->header_1.hash_table_offset_high)<<32u; mpq->fileend = VFS_GETLEN(file); if (block_ofs + sizeof(*mpq->blockdata) * mpq->blockentries > mpq->fileend || hash_ofs + sizeof(*mpq->hashdata) * mpq->hashentries > mpq->fileend) { Con_Printf("\"%s\" appears truncated\n", desc); free(mpq); return NULL; } mpq->hashentries = mpq->header_0.hash_table_length; mpq->hashdata = malloc(sizeof(*mpq->hashdata) * mpq->hashentries); VFS_SEEK(file, hash_ofs); VFS_READ(file, mpq->hashdata, sizeof(*mpq->hashdata) * mpq->hashentries); mpq_decrypt(mpq->hashdata, sizeof(*mpq->hashdata) * mpq->hashentries, mpq_hash_cstring("(hash table)", HASH_KEY), false); mpq->blockentries = mpq->header_0.block_table_length; mpq->blockdata = malloc(sizeof(*mpq->blockdata) * mpq->blockentries); VFS_SEEK(file, block_ofs); VFS_READ(file, mpq->blockdata, sizeof(*mpq->blockdata) * mpq->blockentries); mpq_decrypt(mpq->blockdata, sizeof(*mpq->blockdata) * mpq->blockentries, mpq_hash_cstring("(block table)", HASH_KEY), true); /*for (i = 0; i < mpq->header_0.block_table_length; i++) { Con_Printf("offset = %08x, csize = %i, usize=%i, flags=%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s\n", mpq->blockdata[i].offset, mpq->blockdata[i].archived_size, mpq->blockdata[i].size, (mpq->blockdata[i].flags & MPQFileValid)?"valid ":"", (mpq->blockdata[i].flags & MPQFileHasSectorAdlers)?"sectoradlers ":"", (mpq->blockdata[i].flags & MPQFileStopSearchMarker)?"stopsearch ":"", (mpq->blockdata[i].flags & MPQFileOneSector)?"singlesector ":"", (mpq->blockdata[i].flags & MPQFileOffsetAdjustedKey)?"offsetadjust ":"", (mpq->blockdata[i].flags & MPQFileEncrypted)?"encrypted ":"", (mpq->blockdata[i].flags & MPQFileCompressed)?"compressed ":"", (mpq->blockdata[i].flags & MPQFileDiabloCompressed)?"dcompressed ":"", (mpq->blockdata[i].flags & ~MPQFileFlagsMask)?"OTHERS ":"" ); }*/ activempqcount++; mpq->references = 1; mpq->mutex = Sys_CreateMutex(); if (MPQ_FindFile(&mpq->pub, &lloc, "(listfile)", NULL)) { char *bs; mpq->listfile = malloc(lloc.len+2); mpq->listfile[0] = 0; mpq->listfile[lloc.len] = 0; mpq->listfile[lloc.len+1] = 0; MPQ_ReadFile(&mpq->pub, &lloc, mpq->listfile); bs = mpq->listfile; while(1) { bs = strchr(bs, '\\'); if (bs) *bs++ = '/'; else break; } } mpq->pub.fsver = FSVER; mpq->pub.ClosePath = MPQ_ClosePath; mpq->pub.BuildHash = MPQ_BuildHash; mpq->pub.FindFile = MPQ_FindFile; mpq->pub.ReadFile = MPQ_ReadFile; mpq->pub.EnumerateFiles = MPQ_EnumerateFiles; mpq->pub.GeneratePureCRC = MPQ_GeneratePureCRC; mpq->pub.OpenVFS = MPQ_OpenVFS; mpq->pub.PollChanges = MPQ_PollChanges; return &mpq->pub; } struct blastdata_s { void *outdata; unsigned int outlen; void *indata; unsigned int inlen; }; static unsigned mpqf_blastin(void *how, unsigned char **buf) { struct blastdata_s *args = how; *buf = args->indata; return args->inlen; } static int mpqf_blastout(void *how, unsigned char *buf, unsigned len) { struct blastdata_s *args = how; if (len > args->outlen) return 1; memcpy(args->outdata, buf, len); args->outdata = (char*)args->outdata + len; args->outlen -= len; return 0; } static void MPQF_decompress(qboolean legacymethod, void *outdata, unsigned int outlen, void *indata, unsigned int inlen) { int ret; int methods; if (legacymethod) methods = 8; else { methods = *(unsigned char*)indata; indata = (char*)indata + 1; inlen--; } if (methods == 8) { struct blastdata_s args = {outdata, outlen, indata, inlen}; blast(mpqf_blastin, &args, mpqf_blastout, &args); } else if (methods == 2) { z_stream strm = { indata, inlen, 0, outdata, outlen, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, Z_UNKNOWN, 0, 0 }; inflateInit2(&strm, MAX_WBITS); while ((ret=inflate(&strm, Z_SYNC_FLUSH)) != Z_STREAM_END) { if (strm.avail_in == 0 || strm.avail_out == 0) { if (strm.avail_in == 0) { break; } if (strm.avail_out == 0) { break; } continue; } //doh, it terminated for no reason if (ret != Z_STREAM_END) { inflateEnd(&strm); Con_Printf("Couldn't decompress gz file\n"); return; } } inflateEnd(&strm); } else { Con_Printf("mpq: unsupported decompression method - %x\n", methods); memset(outdata, 0, outlen); } } static int MPQF_readbytes (struct vfsfile_s *file, void *buffer, int bytestoread) { int bytesread = 0; mpqfile_t *f = (mpqfile_t *)file; if (bytestoread + f->foffset > f->flength) bytestoread = f->flength - f->foffset; if (bytestoread < 0) return 0; if (!(f->flags & (MPQFileCompressed|MPQFileDiabloCompressed))) { //no compression, just a raw file. Sys_LockMutex(f->archive->mutex); VFS_SEEK(f->archive->file, f->archiveoffset + f->foffset); bytesread = VFS_READ(f->archive->file, buffer, bytestoread); Sys_UnlockMutex(f->archive->mutex); f->foffset += bytesread; } else if (f->flags & MPQFileOneSector) { //fairly simple packed data, no sector nonsense. decode in one go if (!f->buffer) { char *cdata = malloc(f->alength); f->buffer = malloc(f->flength); Sys_LockMutex(f->archive->mutex); VFS_SEEK(f->archive->file, f->archiveoffset); VFS_READ(f->archive->file, cdata, f->alength); Sys_UnlockMutex(f->archive->mutex); if (f->flags & MPQFileEncrypted) { mpq_decrypt(cdata, f->alength, f->encryptkey, false); } if (f->flags & (MPQFileCompressed|MPQFileDiabloCompressed)) { //decompress MPQF_decompress(!!(f->flags&MPQFileDiabloCompressed), f->buffer, f->flength, cdata, f->alength); } else { //lazy... memcpy(f->buffer, cdata, f->flength); } free(cdata); } memcpy((char*)buffer+bytesread, f->buffer + f->foffset, bytestoread); f->foffset += bytestoread; bytesread += bytestoread; } else { //sectors are weird. //sectors are allocated for decompressed size, not compressed. I have no idea how this works. //time to find out. for (;;) { int numsects = (f->flength + (f->archive->sectorsize) - 1) / f->archive->sectorsize; int sectidx = f->foffset / f->archive->sectorsize; qboolean lastsect = false; int chunkofs, chunklen; if (sectidx >= numsects-1) { lastsect = true; sectidx = numsects-1; } if (sectidx != f->buffersect || !f->buffer) { int rawsize; char *cdata; f->buffersect = sectidx; if (!f->sectortab) { f->sectortab = malloc((numsects+1) * sizeof(*f->sectortab)); if (!f->sectortab) plugfuncs->Error("out of memory"); Sys_LockMutex(f->archive->mutex); VFS_SEEK(f->archive->file, f->archiveoffset); VFS_READ(f->archive->file, f->sectortab, (numsects+1) * sizeof(*f->sectortab)); Sys_UnlockMutex(f->archive->mutex); if (f->flags & MPQFileEncrypted) mpq_decrypt(f->sectortab, (numsects+1) * sizeof(*f->sectortab), f->encryptkey-1, true); } //data is packed, sector table gives offsets. there's an extra index on the end which is the size of the last sector. rawsize = f->sectortab[sectidx+1]-f->sectortab[sectidx]; cdata = malloc(rawsize); if (!cdata) plugfuncs->Error("out of memory"); if (!f->buffer) f->buffer = malloc(f->archive->sectorsize); if (!f->buffer) plugfuncs->Error("out of memory"); Sys_LockMutex(f->archive->mutex); VFS_SEEK(f->archive->file, f->archiveoffset + f->sectortab[sectidx]); VFS_READ(f->archive->file, cdata, rawsize); Sys_UnlockMutex(f->archive->mutex); if (lastsect) f->bufferlength = f->flength - ((numsects-1)*f->archive->sectorsize); else f->bufferlength = f->archive->sectorsize; if (f->flags & MPQFileEncrypted) mpq_decrypt(cdata, rawsize, f->encryptkey+sectidx, false); if (f->flags & (MPQFileCompressed|MPQFileDiabloCompressed)) { //decompress MPQF_decompress(!!(f->flags&MPQFileDiabloCompressed), f->buffer, f->bufferlength, cdata, rawsize); } else { //lazy... memcpy(f->buffer, cdata, f->bufferlength); } free(cdata); } chunkofs = (f->foffset%f->archive->sectorsize); chunklen = f->archive->sectorsize - chunkofs; if (chunklen > bytestoread) chunklen = bytestoread; bytestoread -= chunklen; memcpy((char*)buffer+bytesread, f->buffer + chunkofs, chunklen); f->foffset += chunklen; bytesread += chunklen; if (!chunklen || !bytestoread) break; } } return bytesread; } static int MPQF_writebytes (struct vfsfile_s *file, const void *buffer, int bytestoread) { // mpqfile_t *f = (mpqfile_t *)file; return 0; } static qboolean MPQF_seek (struct vfsfile_s *file, qofs_t pos) { mpqfile_t *f = (mpqfile_t *)file; if (pos > f->flength) return false; f->foffset = pos; return true; } static qofs_t MPQF_tell (struct vfsfile_s *file) { mpqfile_t *f = (mpqfile_t *)file; return f->foffset; } static qofs_t MPQF_getlen (struct vfsfile_s *file) { mpqfile_t *f = (mpqfile_t *)file; return f->flength; } static qboolean MPQF_close (struct vfsfile_s *file) { mpqfile_t *f = (mpqfile_t *)file; if (f->buffer) free(f->buffer); if (f->sectortab) free(f->sectortab); MPQ_ClosePath(&f->archive->pub); free(f); return true; } static void MPQF_flush (struct vfsfile_s *file) { } static qboolean MPQF_GetKey(unsigned int flags, unsigned int blockoffset, unsigned int blocksize, unsigned int *key) { if (flags & MPQFileEncrypted) { *key = mpq_hash_cstring("(listfile)", HASH_KEY); if (flags & MPQFileOffsetAdjustedKey) *key = (*key + (unsigned int)(blockoffset)) ^ blocksize; } else *key = 0; return true; } static vfsfile_t *MPQ_OpenVFS(searchpathfuncs_t *handle, flocation_t *loc, const char *mode) { mpqarchive_t *mpq = (void*)handle; mpqblock_t *block = loc->fhandle; mpqfile_t *f; if (block->flags & MPQFilePatch) { Con_Printf("Cannot cope with patch files\n"); return NULL; } f = malloc(sizeof(*f)); f->buffer = NULL; f->buffersect = -1; f->sectortab = NULL; f->foffset = 0; f->archiveoffset = block->offset; MPQF_GetKey(block->flags, f->archiveoffset, block->size, &f->encryptkey); f->flags = block->flags; f->archive = mpq; f->flength = block->size; f->alength = block->archived_size; f->funcs.ReadBytes = MPQF_readbytes; f->funcs.WriteBytes = MPQF_writebytes; f->funcs.Seek = MPQF_seek; f->funcs.Tell = MPQF_tell; f->funcs.GetLen = MPQF_getlen; f->funcs.Close = MPQF_close; f->funcs.Flush = MPQF_flush; Sys_LockMutex(mpq->mutex); mpq->references++; Sys_UnlockMutex(mpq->mutex); return &f->funcs; } qboolean MPQ_MayShutdown(void) { return activempqcount==0; } qboolean Plug_Init(void) { mpq_init_cryptography(); #ifdef MULTITHREAD threading = plugfuncs->GetEngineInterface("Threading", sizeof(*threading)); #endif //we can't cope with being closed randomly. files cannot be orphaned safely. //so ask the engine to ensure we don't get closed before everything else is. plugfuncs->ExportFunction("MayShutdown", NULL); if (!plugfuncs->ExportFunction("FS_RegisterArchiveType_mpq", MPQ_OpenArchive)) { Con_Printf("mpq: Engine doesn't support filesystem plugins\n"); return false; } if (!plugfuncs->ExportFunction("FS_RegisterArchiveType_MPQ", MPQ_OpenArchive)) { Con_Printf("mpq: Engine doesn't support filesystem plugins\n"); return false; } return true; }