/* Copyright (C) 1996-1997 Id Software, Inc. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the included (GNU.txt) GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ #include "quakedef.h" #ifdef MVD_RECORDING #ifndef CLIENTONLY #include "winquake.h" #include "fs.h" #include "netinc.h" void SV_MVDStop_f (void); #define demo_size_padding 0x1000 static void QDECL SV_DemoDir_Callback(struct cvar_s *var, char *oldvalue); cvar_t sv_demoAutoRecord = CVARAD("sv_demoAutoRecord", "0", "cl_autodemo", "If set, automatically record demos.\n-1: record on client connection only.\n1+: record once there's this many active players on the server (or if connected to a remote server)."); cvar_t sv_demoUseCache = CVARD("sv_demoUseCache", "", "If set, demo data will be flushed only periodically"); cvar_t sv_demoCacheSize = CVAR("sv_demoCacheSize", "0x80000"); //half a meg cvar_t sv_demoMaxDirSize = CVARD("sv_demoMaxDirSize", "100mb", "Maximum allowed serverside storage space for mvds. set to blank to remove the limit. New demos cannot be recorded once this size is reached."); //so ktpro autorecords. cvar_t sv_demoMaxDirCount = CVARD("sv_demoMaxDirCount", "500", "Maximum allowed serverside mvds to record. Set to 0 to remove the limit. New demos cannot be recorded once this many demos have already been recorded."); //so ktpro autorecords. cvar_t sv_demoMaxDirAge = CVARD("sv_demoMaxDirAge", "0", "Maximum allowed age for demos, any older demos will be deleted when sv_demoClearOld is set (this doesn't prevent recording new demos)."); cvar_t sv_demoClearOld = CVARD("sv_demoClearOld", "0", "Automatically delete demos to keep the demos count reasonable."); cvar_t sv_demoDir = CVARC("sv_demoDir", "demos", SV_DemoDir_Callback); cvar_t sv_demoDirAlt = CVARCD("sv_demoDirAlt", "", SV_DemoDir_Callback, "Provides a fallback directory name for demo downloads, for when sv_demoDir doesn't contain the requested demo."); cvar_t sv_demofps = CVAR("sv_demofps", "30"); cvar_t sv_demoPings = CVARD("sv_demoPings", "10", "Interval between ping updates in mvds"); cvar_t sv_demoMaxSize = CVARD("sv_demoMaxSize", "", "Demos will be truncated to be no larger than this size."); cvar_t sv_demoExtraNames = CVAR("sv_demoExtraNames", ""); cvar_t sv_demoExtensions = CVARD("sv_demoExtensions", "1", "Enables protocol extensions within MVDs. This will cause older/non-fte clients to error upon playback.\n0: off.\n1: all extensions.\n2: extensions also supported by a certain other engine."); cvar_t sv_demoAutoCompress = CVARD("sv_demoAutoCompress", "", "Specifies whether to compress demos as they're recorded.\n0 = no compression.\n1 = gzip compression."); cvar_t sv_demo_write_csqc = CVARD("sv_demo_write_csqc", "", "Writes a copy of the csprogs into recorded demos. This ensures that the demo can be played back despite future gamecode changes."); cvar_t qtv_password = CVAR( "qtv_password", ""); cvar_t qtv_maxstreams = CVARAFD( "qtv_maxstreams", "0", "mvd_maxstreams", 0, "This is the maximum number of QTV clients/proxies that may be directly connected to the server. If empty then there is no limit. 0 disallows any streaming."); cvar_t sv_demoAutoPrefix = CVAR("sv_demoAutoPrefix", "auto_"); cvar_t sv_demoPrefix = CVAR("sv_demoPrefix", ""); cvar_t sv_demoSuffix = CVAR("sv_demoSuffix", ""); cvar_t sv_demotxt = CVAR("sv_demotxt", "1"); void SV_WriteMVDMessage (sizebuf_t *msg, int type, int to, float time); void SV_WriteRecordMVDMessage (sizebuf_t *msg); #ifdef TCPCONNECT void tobase64(unsigned char *out, int outlen, unsigned char *in, int inlen); #endif static struct { //tracks the previously recorded demos, so we don't have to content with dates and filesystem ordering and stuff. #define DEMOLOG_LENGTH 16 unsigned int sequence; //incremented struct { char filename[MAX_QPATH]; } log[DEMOLOG_LENGTH]; } demolog; demo_t demo; static float demo_prevtime; //static dbuffer_t *demobuffer; //static int header = (char *)&((header_t*)0)->data - (char *)NULL; static sizebuf_t demomsg; int demomsgtype; int demomsgto; static char demomsgbuf[MAX_OVERALLMSGLEN]; static void SV_MVD_Stopped(void); static mvddest_t *singledest; //used when a stream is starting up so redundant data doesn't get dumped into other streams static struct reversedest_s { struct reversedest_s *next; qtvpendingstate_t info; vfsfile_t *stream; char inbuffer[2048]; int inbuffersize; double timeout; } *reversedest; //used when a reverse stream is starting up static mvddest_t *SV_MVD_InitStream(vfsfile_t *stream, const char *info); qboolean SV_MVD_Record (mvddest_t *dest); char *SV_MVDName2Txt(char *name); extern cvar_t qtv_password; //does not unlink. static void DestClose(mvddest_t *d, enum mvdclosereason_e reason) { if (d->desttype == DEST_THREADEDFILE) { while(d->flushing == true) COM_WorkerPartialSync(d, &d->flushing, true); } if (d->cache) BZ_Free(d->cache); if (d->file) { VFS_CLOSE(d->file); if (d->desttype != DEST_STREAM) FS_FlushFSHashWritten(d->filename); } if (d->desttype != DEST_STREAM) { if (reason == MVD_CLOSE_CANCEL) { FS_Remove(d->filename, FS_GAMEONLY); FS_Remove(SV_MVDName2Txt(d->filename), FS_GAMEONLY); //SV_BroadcastPrintf (PRINT_CHAT, "Server recording canceled, demo removed\n"); } else { char buf[512]; Q_strncpyz(demolog.log[demolog.sequence%DEMOLOG_LENGTH].filename, d->simplename, sizeof(demolog.log[demolog.sequence%DEMOLOG_LENGTH].filename)); demolog.sequence++; SV_BroadcastPrintf (PRINT_CHAT, "Server recording complete\n^[/download %s^]\n", COM_QuotedString(va("demos/%s",d->simplename), buf, sizeof(buf), false)); } } Z_Free(d); } static void MVD_FlushDest_Flushed(void *ctx, void *data, size_t a, size_t b) { mvddest_t *d = ctx; d->flushing = false; } static void MVD_FlushDest_Worker(void *ctx, void *data, size_t datasize, size_t b) { mvddest_t *d = ctx; int len = VFS_WRITE(d->file, data, datasize); VFS_FLUSH(d->file); if (len != datasize) d->error = true; d->altcache = data; COM_AddWork(WG_MAIN, MVD_FlushDest_Flushed, d, NULL, 0, 0); } void DestFlush(qboolean compleate) { int len; mvddest_t *d, *t; if (compleate) { //make sure everything is flushed. MVDWrite_Begin(255, -1, 0); } if (!demo.dest) return; while (demo.dest->error) { d = demo.dest; demo.dest = d->nextdest; DestClose(d, MVD_CLOSE_FSERROR); if (!demo.dest) { SV_MVDStop(MVD_CLOSE_DISCONNECTED, false); return; } } for (d = demo.dest; d; d = d->nextdest) { switch(d->desttype) { case DEST_FILE: VFS_FLUSH (d->file); break; case DEST_BUFFEREDFILE: if (d->cacheused+demo_size_padding > d->maxcachesize || compleate) { len = VFS_WRITE(d->file, d->cache, d->cacheused); if (len < d->cacheused) d->error = true; VFS_FLUSH(d->file); d->cacheused = 0; } break; case DEST_THREADEDFILE: if (d->cacheused+demo_size_padding > d->maxcachesize || compleate) { void *data = d->cache; while(d->flushing == true) COM_WorkerPartialSync(d, &d->flushing, true); d->cache = d->altcache; d->altcache = NULL; d->flushing = true; COM_AddWork(WG_LOADER, MVD_FlushDest_Worker, d, data, d->cacheused, 0); d->cacheused = 0; } break; case DEST_STREAM: if (d->cacheused && !d->error) { len = VFS_WRITE(d->file, d->cache, d->cacheused); if (len < 0) //client died d->error = true; else if (len > 0) //we put some data through { //move up the buffer d->cacheused -= len; memmove(d->cache, d->cache+len, d->cacheused); } } break; case DEST_NONE: Sys_Error("DestFlush encoundered bad dest."); } if (sv_demoMaxSize.value && d->totalsize > sv_demoMaxSize.value*1024) d->error = 2; //abort, but don't kill it. while (d->nextdest && d->nextdest->error) { t = d->nextdest; d->nextdest = t->nextdest; DestClose(t, MVD_CLOSE_FSERROR); } } } enum qtvstatus_e { QTV_ERROR = -1, //corrupt/bad request that should be dropped. QTV_RETRY = 0, //still handshaking. QTV_ACCEPT = 1 //stream is now owned by the qtv code }; int SV_MVD_GotQTVRequest(vfsfile_t *clientstream, char *headerstart, char *headerend, qtvpendingstate_t *p) { char *e; qboolean server = false; char *start, *lineend; int versiontouse = 0; int raw = 0; char password[256] = ""; char userinfo[1024]; enum { //MUST BE ORDERED HIGHEST-PRIORITY-LAST QTVAM_NONE, QTVAM_PLAIN, #ifdef TCPCONNECT // QTVAM_CCITT, //16bit = ddos it QTVAM_MD4, //fucked // QTVAM_MD5, //fucked, no hash implemented QTVAM_SHA1, //fucked too nowadays // QTVAM_SHA2_256, //no hash implemented // QTVAM_SHA2_512, //no hash implemented #endif } authmethod = QTVAM_NONE; start = headerstart; lineend = strchr(start, '\n'); if (!lineend) return QTV_ERROR; *lineend = '\0'; COM_ParseToken(start, NULL); start = lineend+1; if (strcmp(com_token, "QTV")) { //it's an error if it's not qtv. if (!strcmp(com_token, "QTVSV")) server = true; else return QTV_ERROR; } if (server != p->isreverse) { //just a small check return QTV_ERROR; } *userinfo = 0; for(;;) { lineend = strchr(start, '\n'); if (!lineend) break; *lineend = '\0'; start = COM_ParseToken(start, NULL); if (start && *start == ':') { //VERSION: a list of the different qtv protocols supported. Multiple versions can be specified. The first is assumed to be the prefered version. //RAW: if non-zero, send only a raw mvd with no additional markup anywhere (for telnet use). Doesn't work with challenge-based auth, so will only be accepted when proxy passwords are not required. //AUTH: specifies an auth method, the exact specs varies based on the method // PLAIN: the password is sent as a PASSWORD line // MD4: the server responds with an "AUTH: MD4\n" line as well as a "CHALLENGE: somerandomchallengestring\n" line, the client sends a new 'initial' request with CHALLENGE: MD4\nRESPONSE: hexbasedmd4checksumhere\n" // MD5: same as md4 // CCITT: same as md4, but using the CRC stuff common to all quake engines. // if the supported/allowed auth methods don't match, the connection is silently dropped. //SOURCE: which stream to play from, DEFAULT is special. Without qualifiers, it's assumed to be a tcp address. //COMPRESSION: Suggests a compression method (multiple are allowed). You'll get a COMPRESSION response, and compression will begin with the binary data. start = start+1; while(*start == ' ' || *start == '\t') start++; Con_DPrintf("qtv, got (%s) (%s)\n", com_token, start); if (!strcmp(com_token, "VERSION")) { start = COM_ParseToken(start, NULL); if (atoi(com_token) == 1) versiontouse = 1; } else if (!strcmp(com_token, "RAW")) { start = COM_ParseToken(start, NULL); raw = atoi(com_token); } else if (!strcmp(com_token, "PASSWORD")) { start = COM_ParseToken(start, NULL); Q_strncpyz(password, com_token, sizeof(password)); } else if (!strcmp(com_token, "AUTH")) { int thisauth; start = COM_ParseToken(start, NULL); if (!strcmp(com_token, "NONE")) thisauth = QTVAM_NONE; else if (!strcmp(com_token, "PLAIN")) thisauth = QTVAM_PLAIN; #ifdef TCPCONNECT // else if (!strcmp(com_token, "CCIT")) // thisauth = QTVAM_CCITT; else if (!strcmp(com_token, "MD4")) thisauth = QTVAM_MD4; // else if (!strcmp(com_token, "MD5")) // thisauth = QTVAM_MD5; else if (!strcmp(com_token, "SHA1")) thisauth = QTVAM_SHA1; #endif else { thisauth = QTVAM_NONE; Con_DPrintf("qtv: received unrecognised auth method (%s)\n", com_token); } if (authmethod < thisauth) authmethod = thisauth; } else if (!strcmp(com_token, "SOURCE")) { //servers don't support source, and ignore it. //source is only useful for qtv proxy servers. } else if (!strcmp(com_token, "COMPRESSION")) { //compression not supported yet } else if (!strcmp(com_token, "QTV_EZQUAKE_EXT")) { //if we were treating this as a regular client over tcp (qizmo...) } else if (!strcmp(com_token, "USERINFO")) { //if we were treating this as a regular client over tcp (qizmo...) start = COM_ParseTokenOut(start, NULL, userinfo, sizeof(userinfo), &com_tokentype); } else { //not recognised. } } start = lineend+1; } /*len = (headerend - headerstart)+2; p->insize -= len; memmove(p->inbuffer, p->inbuffer + len, p->insize); p->inbuffer[p->insize] = 0; */ e = NULL; if (p->hasauthed) { } else if (p->isreverse) p->hasauthed = true; //reverse connections do not need to auth. else if (!*qtv_password.string) p->hasauthed = true; //no password, no need to auth. else if (*password) { if (!*p->challenge && authmethod>QTVAM_PLAIN) e = ("QTVSV 1\n" "PERROR: Challenge wasn't given...\n\n"); else switch (authmethod) { case QTVAM_NONE: e = ("QTVSV 1\n" "PERROR: You need to provide a password.\n\n"); break; case QTVAM_PLAIN: p->hasauthed = !strcmp(qtv_password.string, password); break; #ifdef TCPCONNECT /*case QTVAM_CCITT: { unsigned short ushort_result; QCRC_Init(&ushort_result); QCRC_AddBlock(&ushort_result, p->challenge, strlen(p->challenge)); QCRC_AddBlock(&ushort_result, qtv_password.string, strlen(qtv_password.string)); p->hasauthed = (ushort_result == strtoul(password, NULL, 0)); } break;*/ case QTVAM_MD4: { char hash[512]; int md4sum[4]; Q_snprintfz(hash, sizeof(hash), "%s%s", p->challenge, qtv_password.string); Com_BlockFullChecksum (hash, strlen(hash), (unsigned char*)md4sum); Q_snprintfz(hash, sizeof(hash), "%X%X%X%X", md4sum[0], md4sum[1], md4sum[2], md4sum[3]); p->hasauthed = !strcmp(password, hash); } break; case QTVAM_SHA1: { char hash[512]; int digest[5]; Q_snprintfz(hash, sizeof(hash), "%s%s", p->challenge, qtv_password.string); CalcHash(&hash_sha1, (char*)digest, sizeof(digest), hash, strlen(hash)); Q_snprintfz(hash, sizeof(hash), "%08X%08X%08X%08X%08X", digest[0], digest[1], digest[2], digest[3], digest[4]); p->hasauthed = !strcmp(password, hash); } break; // case QTVAM_MD5: #endif default: e = ("QTVSV 1\n" "PERROR: server bug detected.\n\n"); break; } if (!p->hasauthed && !e) { if (raw) e = ""; else e = ("QTVSV 1\n" "PERROR: Bad password.\n\n"); } } else { //no password, and not automagically authed switch (authmethod) { case QTVAM_NONE: if (raw) e = ""; else e = ("QTVSV 1\n" "PERROR: You need to provide a common auth method.\n\n"); break; case QTVAM_PLAIN: p->hasauthed = !strcmp(qtv_password.string, password); break; #ifdef TCPCONNECT /*case QTVAM_CCITT: e = ("QTVSV 1\n" "AUTH: CCITT\n" "CHALLENGE: "); goto hashedpassword;*/ case QTVAM_MD4: e = ("QTVSV 1\n" "AUTH: MD4\n" "CHALLENGE: "); goto hashedpassword; /*case QTVAM_MD5: e = ("QTVSV 1\n" "AUTH: MD5\n" "CHALLENGE: "); goto hashedpassword;*/ case QTVAM_SHA1: e = ("QTVSV 1\n" "AUTH: SHA1\n" "CHALLENGE: "); goto hashedpassword; hashedpassword: { char tmp[32]; Sys_RandomBytes(tmp, sizeof(tmp)); tobase64(p->challenge, sizeof(p->challenge), tmp, sizeof(tmp)); } VFS_WRITE(clientstream, e, strlen(e)); VFS_WRITE(clientstream, p->challenge, strlen(p->challenge)); e = "\n\n"; VFS_WRITE(clientstream, e, strlen(e)); return QTV_RETRY; #endif default: e = ("QTVSV 1\n" "PERROR: server bug detected.\n\n"); break; } } if (*qtv_maxstreams.string && !p->isreverse) { int count = 0; mvddest_t *dest; for (dest = demo.dest; dest; dest = dest->nextdest) { if (dest->desttype == DEST_STREAM) count++; } if (count >= qtv_maxstreams.value) //sorry { if (!qtv_maxstreams.value) e = "QTVSV 1\nTERROR: QTV streaming from this server is blocked by qtv_maxstreams.\n\n"; else e = "QTVSV 1\nTERROR: This server enforces a limit on the number of proxies connected at any one time. Please try again later.\n\n"; } } if (e) { } else if (!versiontouse) { e = ("QTVSV 1\n" "PERROR: Incompatible version (valid version is v1)\n\n"); } else if (raw) { if (p->hasauthed == true) { if (!SV_MVD_Record(SV_MVD_InitStream(clientstream, userinfo))) return QTV_ERROR; return QTV_ACCEPT; } } else { if (p->hasauthed == true) { mvddest_t *dst; e = ("QTVSV 1\n" "BEGIN\n" "\n"); VFS_WRITE(clientstream, e, strlen(e)); e = NULL; dst = SV_MVD_InitStream(clientstream, userinfo); dst->droponmapchange = p->isreverse; if (!SV_MVD_Record(dst)) return QTV_ERROR; return QTV_ACCEPT; } else { e = ("QTVSV 1\n" "PERROR: You need to provide a password.\n\n"); } } if (e && !raw) //don't write any error messages to raw requests. that would confuse stuff. VFS_WRITE(clientstream, e, strlen(e)); return QTV_ERROR; } static int DestCloseAllFlush(enum mvdclosereason_e reason, qboolean mvdonly) { int numclosed = 0; mvddest_t *d, **prev, *next; DestFlush(true); //make sure it's all written. prev = &demo.dest; d = demo.dest; while(d) { next = d->nextdest; if (!mvdonly || d->droponmapchange) { *prev = d->nextdest; DestClose(d, reason); numclosed++; } else prev = &d->nextdest; d = next; } return numclosed; } static int DemoWriteDest(void *data, int len, mvddest_t *d) { if (d->error) return 0; d->totalsize += len; switch(d->desttype) { case DEST_FILE: VFS_WRITE(d->file, data, len); break; case DEST_BUFFEREDFILE: //these write to a cache, which is flushed later case DEST_THREADEDFILE: case DEST_STREAM: if (d->cacheused+len > d->maxcachesize) { d->error = true; return 0; } memcpy(d->cache+d->cacheused, data, len); d->cacheused += len; break; default: case DEST_NONE: Sys_Error("DemoWriteDest encoundered bad dest."); } return len; } static int DemoWrite(void *data, int len) //broadcast to all proxies/mvds { mvddest_t *d; for (d = demo.dest; d; d = d->nextdest) { if (singledest && singledest != d) continue; DemoWriteDest(data, len, d); } return len; } void DemoWriteQTVTimePad(int msecs) //broadcast to all proxies { mvddest_t *d; unsigned char buffer[6]; while (msecs > 0) { //duration if (msecs > 255) buffer[0] = 255; else buffer[0] = msecs; msecs -= buffer[0]; //message type buffer[1] = dem_read; //length buffer[2] = 0; buffer[3] = 0; buffer[4] = 0; buffer[5] = 0; for (d = demo.dest; d; d = d->nextdest) { if (d->desttype == DEST_STREAM) { DemoWriteDest(buffer, sizeof(buffer), d); } } } } // returns the file size // return -1 if file is not present // the file should be in BINARY mode for stupid OSs that care #define MAX_MVD_NAME 64 typedef struct { char name[MAX_MVD_NAME]; qofs_t size; time_t mtime; searchpathfuncs_t *path; } file_t; typedef struct { file_t *files; qofs_t size; int numfiles; int numdirs; int maxfiles; } dir_t; #define SORT_NO 0 #define SORT_BY_DATE 1 static int QDECL Sys_listdirFound(const char *fname, qofs_t fsize, time_t mtime, void *uptr, searchpathfuncs_t *spath) { file_t *f; dir_t *dir = uptr; fname = COM_SkipPath(fname); if (!*fname) { dir->numdirs++; return true; } if (dir->numfiles == dir->maxfiles) { int nc = dir->numfiles + 256; file_t *n = realloc(dir->files, nc*sizeof(*dir->files)); if (!n) return false; dir->files = n; dir->maxfiles = nc; } f = &dir->files[dir->numfiles++]; Q_strncpyz(f->name, fname, sizeof(f->name)); f->size = fsize; f->mtime = mtime; f->path = spath; dir->size += fsize; return true; } static int QDECL Sys_listdir_Sort(const void *va, const void *vb) { const file_t *fa = va; const file_t *fb = vb; if (fa->mtime == fb->mtime) return 0; if (fa->mtime >= fb->mtime) return 1; return -1; } static dir_t *Sys_listdemos (char *path, int ispublic, qboolean usesorting) { const char *exts[] = { ".mvd", ".mvd.gz", ".qwz", ".qwz.gz", #ifdef NQPROT ".dem", ".dem.gz", #endif #if defined(Q2SERVER) || defined(Q2CLIENT) ".dm2", ".dm2.gz" #endif }; char searchterm[MAX_QPATH]; size_t i; dir_t *dir = malloc(sizeof(*dir)); memset(dir, 0, sizeof(*dir)); dir->files = NULL; dir->maxfiles = 0; for (i = 0; i < (ispublic?2:countof(exts)); i++) { Q_strncpyz(searchterm, va("%s/*%s", path, exts[i]), sizeof(searchterm)); COM_EnumerateFiles(searchterm, Sys_listdirFound, dir); } if (usesorting) qsort(dir->files, dir->numfiles, sizeof(*dir->files), Sys_listdir_Sort); return dir; } static void Sys_freedir(dir_t *dir) { if (dir) free(dir->files); free(dir); } // only one .. is allowed (so we can get to the same dir as the quake exe) static void QDECL SV_DemoDir_Callback(struct cvar_s *var, char *oldvalue) { char *value; value = var->string; if (!value[0] || value[0] == '/' || (value[0] == '\\' && value[1] == '\\')) { Cvar_ForceSet(var, var->enginevalue); return; } if (value[0] == '.' && value[1] == '.') value += 2; if (strstr(value,"..")) { Cvar_ForceSet(var, var->enginevalue); return; } } void SV_MVDPings (void) { sizebuf_t *msg; client_t *client; int j; for (j = 0, client = svs.clients; j < demo.recorder.max_net_clients && j < svs.allocated_client_slots; j++, client++) { if (client->state != cs_spawned) continue; msg = MVDWrite_Begin (dem_all, 0, 7); MSG_WriteByte(msg, svc_updateping); MSG_WriteByte(msg, j); MSG_WriteShort(msg, SV_CalcPing(client, false)); MSG_WriteByte(msg, svc_updatepl); MSG_WriteByte (msg, j); MSG_WriteByte (msg, client->lossage); } } void SV_MVD_FullClientUpdate(sizebuf_t *msg, client_t *player) { char info[EXTENDED_INFO_STRING]; qboolean dosizes; if (!sv.mvdrecording) return; dosizes = !msg; if (dosizes) msg = MVDWrite_Begin (dem_all, 0, 4); MSG_WriteByte (msg, svc_updatefrags); MSG_WriteByte (msg, player - svs.clients); MSG_WriteShort (msg, player->old_frags); if (dosizes) msg = MVDWrite_Begin (dem_all, 0, 4); MSG_WriteByte (msg, svc_updateping); MSG_WriteByte (msg, player - svs.clients); MSG_WriteShort (msg, SV_CalcPing(player, false)&0xffff); if (dosizes) msg = MVDWrite_Begin (dem_all, 0, 3); MSG_WriteByte (msg, svc_updatepl); MSG_WriteByte (msg, player - svs.clients); MSG_WriteByte (msg, player->lossage); if (dosizes) msg = MVDWrite_Begin (dem_all, 0, 6); MSG_WriteByte (msg, svc_updateentertime); MSG_WriteByte (msg, player - svs.clients); MSG_WriteFloat (msg, realtime - player->connection_started); InfoBuf_ToString(&player->userinfo, info, sizeof(info), basicuserinfos, privateuserinfos, NULL, &demo.recorder.infosync, player); if (dosizes) msg = MVDWrite_Begin (dem_all, 0, 7 + strlen(info)); MSG_WriteByte (msg, svc_updateuserinfo); MSG_WriteByte (msg, player - svs.clients); MSG_WriteLong (msg, player->userid); MSG_WriteString (msg, info); } sizebuf_t *MVDWrite_Begin(qbyte type, int to, int size) { if (demomsg.cursize && (demomsgtype != type || demomsgto != to || demomsg.cursize+size > sizeof(demomsgbuf))) { SV_WriteMVDMessage(&demomsg, demomsgtype, demomsgto, demo_prevtime); demomsg.cursize = 0; } demomsgtype = type; demomsgto = to; demomsg.maxsize = demomsg.cursize+size; demomsg.data = demomsgbuf; demomsg.prim = demo.recorder.netchan.netprim; return &demomsg; } /* ==================== SV_WriteMVDMessage Dumps the current net message, along with framing ==================== */ void SV_WriteMVDMessage (sizebuf_t *msg, int type, int to, float time) { int len, i, msec; qbyte c; if (!sv.mvdrecording) return; if (msg->overflowed) { msg->overflowed = false; Con_Printf("SV_WriteMVDMessage: message overflowed\n"); return; } msec = (time - demo_prevtime)*1000; if (abs(msec) > 1000) { //catastoptic slip. debugging? reset any sync msec = 1; demo_prevtime = time; } else if (msec > 0) { //if there was any progress, make sure we write msecs >0 if (msec > 255) msec = 255; if (msec < 1) msec = 1; demo_prevtime += msec*0.001; } else msec = 0; c = msec; DemoWrite(&c, sizeof(c)); if (demo.lasttype != type || demo.lastto != to) { demo.lasttype = type; demo.lastto = to; switch (demo.lasttype) { case dem_all: c = dem_all; DemoWrite (&c, sizeof(c)); break; case dem_multiple: c = dem_multiple; DemoWrite (&c, sizeof(c)); i = LittleLong(demo.lastto); DemoWrite (&i, sizeof(i)); break; case dem_single: case dem_stats: c = demo.lasttype + (demo.lastto << 3); DemoWrite (&c, sizeof(c)); break; default: SV_MVDStop_f (); Con_Printf("bad demo message type:%d", type); return; } } else { c = dem_read; DemoWrite (&c, sizeof(c)); } len = LittleLong (msg->cursize); DemoWrite (&len, 4); DemoWrite (msg->data, msg->cursize); DestFlush(false); } //if you use ClientReliable to write to demo.recorder's message buffer (for code reuse) call this function to ensure its flushed. void SV_MVD_WriteReliables(qboolean writebroadcasts) { int i; if (writebroadcasts) { //chuck in the broadcast reliables if (sv.reliable_datagram.cursize) { ClientReliableCheckBlock(&demo.recorder, sv.reliable_datagram.cursize); ClientReliableWrite_SZ(&demo.recorder, sv.reliable_datagram.data, sv.reliable_datagram.cursize); } //and the broadcast unreliables. everything is reliables when it comes to mvds if (sv.datagram.cursize) { ClientReliableCheckBlock(&demo.recorder, sv.datagram.cursize); ClientReliableWrite_SZ(&demo.recorder, sv.datagram.data, sv.datagram.cursize); } } if (demo.recorder.netchan.message.cursize) { SV_WriteMVDMessage(&demo.recorder.netchan.message, dem_all, 0, demo_prevtime); demo.recorder.netchan.message.cursize = 0; } for (i = 0; i < demo.recorder.num_backbuf; i++) { demo.recorder.backbuf.data = demo.recorder.backbuf_data[i]; demo.recorder.backbuf.cursize = demo.recorder.backbuf_size[i]; if (demo.recorder.backbuf.cursize) SV_WriteMVDMessage(&demo.recorder.backbuf, dem_all, 0, demo_prevtime); demo.recorder.backbuf_size[i] = 0; } demo.recorder.num_backbuf = 0; demo.recorder.backbuf.cursize = 0; } /* ==================== SV_MVDWritePackets Interpolates to get exact players position for current frame and writes packets to the disk/memory ==================== */ float adjustangle(float current, float ideal, float fraction) { float move; move = ideal - current; if (ideal > current) { if (move >= 180) move = move - 360; } else { if (move <= -180) move = move + 360; } move *= fraction; return (current + move); } qboolean SV_MVDWritePackets (int num) { demo_frame_t *frame, *nextframe; demo_client_t *cl, *nextcl = NULL; int i, j, flags; qboolean valid; double time, playertime, nexttime; float f; vec3_t origin, angles; sizebuf_t msg; qbyte msg_buf[MAX_QWMSGLEN]; demoinfo_t *demoinfo; if (!sv.mvdrecording) return false; if (demo.recorder.fteprotocolextensions2 & PEXT2_REPLACEMENTDELTAS) return false; //flush any intermediate data MVDWrite_Begin(255, -1, 0); msg.allowoverflow = true; //fixme msg.overflowed = false; msg.prim = svs.netprim; msg.data = msg_buf; msg.maxsize = sizeof(msg_buf); if (num > demo.parsecount - demo.lastwritten + 1) num = demo.parsecount - demo.lastwritten + 1; // 'num' frames to write for ( ; num; num--, demo.lastwritten++) { frame = &demo.frames[demo.lastwritten&DEMO_FRAMES_MASK]; time = frame->time; nextframe = frame; msg.cursize = 0; // find two frames // one before the exact time (time - msec) and one after, // then we can interpolte exact position for current frame for (i = 0, cl = frame->clients, demoinfo = demo.info; i < demo.recorder.max_net_clients ; i++, cl++, demoinfo++) { if (cl->parsecount != demo.lastwritten) continue; // not valid nexttime = playertime = time - cl->sec; for (j = demo.lastwritten+1, valid = false; nexttime < time && j < demo.parsecount; j++) { nextframe = &demo.frames[j&DEMO_FRAMES_MASK]; nextcl = &nextframe->clients[i]; if (nextcl->parsecount != j) break; // disconnected? if (nextcl->fixangle) break; // respawned, or walked into teleport, do not interpolate! if (!(nextcl->flags & DF_DEAD) && (cl->flags & DF_DEAD)) break; // respawned, do not interpolate nexttime = nextframe->time - nextcl->sec; if (nexttime >= time) { // good, found what we were looking for valid = true; break; } } if (valid) { f = (time - nexttime)/(nexttime - playertime); for (j=0;j<3;j++) { angles[j] = adjustangle(cl->info.angles[j], nextcl->info.angles[j],1.0+f); origin[j] = nextcl->info.origin[j] + f*(nextcl->info.origin[j]-cl->info.origin[j]); } } else { VectorCopy(cl->info.origin, origin); VectorCopy(cl->info.angles, angles); } // now write it to buf flags = cl->flags; //df_dead/df_gib if (demo.playerreset[i]) { demo.playerreset[i] = false; flags |= DF_RESET; } if (cl->fixangle) { demo.fixangletime[i] = cl->cmdtime; } for (j=0; j < 3; j++) if (origin[j] != demoinfo->origin[i]) flags |= DF_ORIGINX << j; if (cl->fixangle || demo.fixangletime[i] != cl->cmdtime) { for (j=0; j < 3; j++) if (angles[j] != demoinfo->angles[j]) flags |= DF_ANGLEX << j; } if (cl->info.model != demoinfo->model) flags |= DF_MODEL; if (cl->info.effects != demoinfo->effects) flags |= DF_EFFECTS; if (cl->info.skinnum != demoinfo->skinnum) flags |= DF_SKINNUM; if (cl->info.weaponframe != demoinfo->weaponframe) flags |= DF_WEAPONFRAME; MSG_WriteByte (&msg, svc_playerinfo); MSG_WriteByte (&msg, i); MSG_WriteShort (&msg, flags); MSG_WriteByte (&msg, cl->frame); for (j=0 ; j<3 ; j++) if (flags & (DF_ORIGINX << j)) MSG_WriteCoord (&msg, origin[j]); for (j=0 ; j<3 ; j++) if (flags & (DF_ANGLEX << j)) MSG_WriteAngle16 (&msg, angles[j]); if (flags & DF_MODEL) MSG_WriteByte (&msg, cl->info.model); if (flags & DF_SKINNUM) MSG_WriteByte (&msg, cl->info.skinnum); if (flags & DF_EFFECTS) MSG_WriteByte (&msg, cl->info.effects & 0xff); if (flags & DF_WEAPONFRAME) MSG_WriteByte (&msg, cl->info.weaponframe); VectorCopy(cl->info.origin, demoinfo->origin); VectorCopy(cl->info.angles, demoinfo->angles); demoinfo->skinnum = cl->info.skinnum; demoinfo->effects = cl->info.effects; demoinfo->weaponframe = cl->info.weaponframe; demoinfo->model = cl->info.model; } if (msg.cursize) SV_WriteMVDMessage(&msg, dem_all, 0, (float)time); /* The above functions can set this variable to false, but that's a really bad thing. Let's try to fix it. */ if (!sv.mvdrecording) return false; } if (demo.lastwritten > demo.parsecount) demo.lastwritten = demo.parsecount; return true; } void MVD_Init (void) { #define MVDVARGROUP "Server MVD cvars" Cvar_Register (&sv_demofps, MVDVARGROUP); Cvar_Register (&sv_demoPings, MVDVARGROUP); Cvar_Register (&sv_demoUseCache, MVDVARGROUP); Cvar_Register (&sv_demoCacheSize, MVDVARGROUP); Cvar_Register (&sv_demoMaxSize, MVDVARGROUP); Cvar_Register (&sv_demoMaxDirSize, MVDVARGROUP); Cvar_Register (&sv_demoMaxDirCount, MVDVARGROUP); Cvar_Register (&sv_demoMaxDirAge, MVDVARGROUP); Cvar_Register (&sv_demoClearOld, MVDVARGROUP); Cvar_Register (&sv_demoDir, MVDVARGROUP); Cvar_Register (&sv_demoDirAlt, MVDVARGROUP); Cvar_Register (&sv_demoPrefix, MVDVARGROUP); Cvar_Register (&sv_demoSuffix, MVDVARGROUP); Cvar_Register (&sv_demotxt, MVDVARGROUP); Cvar_Register (&sv_demoExtraNames, MVDVARGROUP); Cvar_Register (&sv_demoExtensions, MVDVARGROUP); Cvar_Register (&sv_demoAutoCompress,MVDVARGROUP); Cvar_Register (&sv_demoAutoRecord, MVDVARGROUP); Cvar_Register (&sv_demoAutoPrefix, MVDVARGROUP); Cvar_Register (&sv_demo_write_csqc,MVDVARGROUP); } static char *SV_PrintTeams(void) { char *teams[MAX_CLIENTS]; // char *p; int i, j, numcl = 0, numt = 0; client_t *clients[MAX_CLIENTS]; char buf[2048] = {0}; extern cvar_t teamplay; // extern char chartbl2[]; // count teams and players for (i=0; i < sv.allocated_client_slots; i++) { if (svs.clients[i].state != cs_spawned) continue; if (svs.clients[i].spectator) continue; clients[numcl++] = &svs.clients[i]; for (j = 0; j < numt; j++) if (!strcmp(InfoBuf_ValueForKey(&svs.clients[i].userinfo, "team"), teams[j])) break; if (j != numt) continue; teams[numt++] = InfoBuf_ValueForKey(&svs.clients[i].userinfo, "team"); } // create output if (numcl == 2) // duel { snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "team1 %s\nteam2 %s\n", clients[0]->name, clients[1]->name); } else if (!teamplay.value) // ffa { snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "players:\n"); for (i = 0; i < numcl; i++) snprintf(buf + strlen(buf), sizeof(buf) - strlen(buf), " %s\n", clients[i]->name); } else { // teamplay for (j = 0; j < numt; j++) { snprintf(buf + strlen(buf), sizeof(buf) - strlen(buf), "team %s:\n", teams[j]); for (i = 0; i < numcl; i++) if (!strcmp(InfoBuf_ValueForKey(&clients[i]->userinfo, "team"), teams[j])) snprintf(buf + strlen(buf), sizeof(buf) - strlen(buf), " %s\n", clients[i]->name); } } if (!numcl) return "\n"; // for (p = buf; *p; p++) *p = chartbl2[(qbyte)*p]; return va("%s",buf); } mvddest_t *SV_FindRecordFile(char *match, mvddest_t ***link_out) { mvddest_t **link, *f; for (link = &demo.dest; *link; link = &(*link)->nextdest) { f = *link; if (f->desttype == DEST_FILE || f->desttype == DEST_BUFFEREDFILE || f->desttype == DEST_THREADEDFILE) { if (!match || !strcmp(match, f->simplename)) { if (link_out) *link_out = link; return f; } } } return NULL; } /* ==================== SV_InitRecord ==================== */ mvddest_t *SV_MVD_InitRecordFile (char *name) { char *s, *txtname; mvddest_t *dst; vfsfile_t *file; if (strlen(name) >= countof(dst->filename)) { Con_Printf ("ERROR: couldn't open \"%s\". Too long.\n", name); return NULL; } file = FS_OpenVFS (name, "wb", FS_GAMEONLY); if (!file) { Con_Printf ("ERROR: couldn't open \"%s\"\n", name); return NULL; } #ifdef AVAIL_GZDEC if (!Q_strcasecmp(".gz", COM_GetFileExtension(name, NULL))) file = FS_GZ_WriteFilter(file, true, true); #endif dst = Z_Malloc(sizeof(mvddest_t)); strcpy(dst->filename, name); #ifdef LOADERTHREAD if (!*sv_demoUseCache.string) dst->desttype = DEST_THREADEDFILE; else #endif if (sv_demoUseCache.value <= 0) dst->desttype = DEST_FILE; else dst->desttype = DEST_BUFFEREDFILE; if (dst->desttype == DEST_FILE) { dst->desttype = DEST_FILE; dst->file = file; dst->maxcachesize = 0; } else { //cached or threaded dst->file = file; if (sv_demoCacheSize.ival < 0x8000) dst->maxcachesize = 0x8000; else dst->maxcachesize = sv_demoCacheSize.ival; dst->cache = BZ_Malloc(dst->maxcachesize); if (dst->desttype == DEST_THREADEDFILE) dst->altcache = BZ_Malloc(dst->maxcachesize); else dst->altcache = NULL; } dst->droponmapchange = true; s = name + strlen(name); while (*s != '/') s--; Q_strncpyz(dst->simplename, s+1, sizeof(dst->simplename)); switch(dst->desttype) { default: case DEST_NONE: SV_BroadcastPrintf (PRINT_CHAT, "Server starts recording (%s):\n%s\n", "ERROR", name); break; case DEST_STREAM: SV_BroadcastPrintf (PRINT_CHAT, "Server starts recording (%s):\n%s\n", "ERROR: STREAM", name); break; case DEST_BUFFEREDFILE: SV_BroadcastPrintf (PRINT_CHAT, "Server starts recording (%s):\n%s\n", "memory", name); break; case DEST_THREADEDFILE: //SV_BroadcastPrintf (PRINT_CHAT, "Server starts recording (%s):\n%s\n", "worker thread", name); SV_BroadcastPrintf (PRINT_CHAT, "Server starts recording:\n%s\n", name); break; case DEST_FILE: SV_BroadcastPrintf (PRINT_CHAT, "Server starts recording (%s):\n%s\n", "disk", name); break; } txtname = SV_MVDName2Txt(name); if (sv_demotxt.value) { vfsfile_t *f; if (sv_demotxt.value == 2) { //this is a special mode for mods that want to write it instead (done via the sv_demoinfoadd command). f = FS_OpenVFS (txtname, "wt", FS_GAMEONLY); if (f) VFS_CLOSE(f); } else { f = FS_OpenVFS (txtname, "wt", FS_GAMEONLY); if (f != NULL) { char buf[2000]; date_t date; COM_TimeOfDay(&date); snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "date %s\nmap %s\nteamplay %d\ndeathmatch %d\ntimelimit %d\n%s",date.str, svs.name, (int)teamplay.value, (int)deathmatch.value, (int)timelimit.value, SV_PrintTeams()); VFS_WRITE(f, buf, strlen(buf)); VFS_FLUSH(f); VFS_CLOSE(f); } } } else { FS_Remove(txtname, FS_GAMEONLY); FS_FlushFSHashRemoved(txtname); } return dst; } char *SV_Demo_CurrentOutput(void) { mvddest_t *d; for (d = demo.dest; d; d = d->nextdest) { if (d->desttype == DEST_FILE || d->desttype == DEST_BUFFEREDFILE || d->desttype == DEST_THREADEDFILE) return d->simplename; } return ""; } void SV_Demo_PrintOutputs(void) { mvddest_t *d; for (d = demo.dest; d; d = d->nextdest) { if (d->desttype == DEST_FILE || d->desttype == DEST_BUFFEREDFILE || d->desttype == DEST_THREADEDFILE) Con_Printf("recording : %s\n", d->simplename); else if (d->desttype == DEST_STREAM) Con_Printf("streaming : %s\n", d->simplename); } } static mvddest_t *SV_MVD_InitStream(vfsfile_t *stream, const char *info) { mvddest_t *dst; for (dst = demo.dest; dst; dst = dst->nextdest) { if (dst->desttype == DEST_STREAM) break; } if (!dst) SV_BroadcastPrintf (PRINT_CHAT, "Smile, you're on QTV!\n"); dst = Z_Malloc(sizeof(mvddest_t)); dst->desttype = DEST_STREAM; dst->file = stream; dst->maxcachesize = 0x8000; //is this too small? dst->cache = BZ_Malloc(dst->maxcachesize); dst->droponmapchange = false; *dst->filename = 0; *dst->simplename = 0; if (info) { char *s = Info_ValueForKey(info, "name"); Q_strncpyz(dst->simplename, s, sizeof(dst->simplename)); s = Info_ValueForKey(info, "streamid"); Q_strncpyz(dst->filename, s, sizeof(dst->filename)); s = Info_ValueForKey(info, "address"); if (*dst->filename && *s) Q_strncatz(dst->filename, "@", sizeof(dst->filename)); Q_strncatz(dst->filename, s, sizeof(dst->filename)); } return dst; } /* ==================== SV_Stop stop recording a demo ==================== */ void SV_MVDStop (enum mvdclosereason_e reason, qboolean mvdonly) { sizebuf_t *msg; if (!sv.mvdrecording) { Con_Printf ("Not recording a demo.\n"); return; } if (reason == MVD_CLOSE_CANCEL || reason == MVD_CLOSE_DISCONNECTED) { DestCloseAllFlush(reason, mvdonly); // stop and remove if (!demo.dest) SV_MVD_Stopped(); if (reason == MVD_CLOSE_DISCONNECTED) SV_BroadcastPrintf (PRINT_CHAT, "QTV disconnected\n"); else SV_BroadcastPrintf (PRINT_CHAT, "Server recording canceled, demo removed\n"); Cvar_ForceSet(Cvar_Get("serverdemo", "", CVAR_NOSET, ""), ""); return; } // write a disconnect message to the demo file msg = MVDWrite_Begin(dem_all, 0, 2+strlen("EndOfDemo")); MSG_WriteByte (msg, svc_disconnect); MSG_WriteString (msg, "EndOfDemo"); SV_MVDWritePackets(demo.parsecount - demo.lastwritten + 1); // finish up DestCloseAllFlush(reason, mvdonly); if (!demo.dest) //might still be streaming qtv. SV_MVD_Stopped(); Cvar_ForceSet(Cvar_Get("serverdemo", "", CVAR_NOSET, ""), ""); } /* ==================== SV_Stop_f ==================== */ void SV_MVDStop_f (void) { SV_MVDStop(MVD_CLOSE_STOPPED, true); } /* ==================== SV_Cancel_f Stops recording, and removes the demo ==================== */ void SV_MVD_Cancel_f (void) { SV_MVDStop(MVD_CLOSE_CANCEL, true); } /* ==================== SV_WriteMVDMessage Dumps the current net message, prefixed by the length and view angles ==================== */ void SV_WriteRecordMVDMessage (sizebuf_t *msg) { int len; qbyte c; if (!sv.mvdrecording) return; if (!msg->cursize) return; c = 0; DemoWrite (&c, sizeof(c)); c = dem_read; DemoWrite (&c, sizeof(c)); len = LittleLong (msg->cursize); DemoWrite (&len, 4); DemoWrite (msg->data, msg->cursize); DestFlush(false); } void SV_WriteSetMVDMessage (void) { int len; qbyte c; //Con_Printf("write: %ld bytes, %4.4f\n", msg->cursize, realtime); if (!sv.mvdrecording) return; c = 0; DemoWrite (&c, sizeof(c)); c = dem_set; DemoWrite (&c, sizeof(c)); len = LittleLong(0); DemoWrite (&len, 4); len = LittleLong(0); DemoWrite (&len, 4); DestFlush(false); } void SV_MVD_SendInitialGamestate(mvddest_t *dest); qboolean SV_MVD_Record (mvddest_t *dest) { static int destid; if (!dest) return false; dest->id = ++destid; //give each stream a unique id, for no real reason other than for other people to track it via SVC_Status(|32). SV_MVD_WriteReliables(false); DestFlush(true); if (!sv.mvdrecording) { memset(&demo, 0, sizeof(demo)); demo.recorder.protocol = SCP_QUAKEWORLD; demo.recorder.netchan.netprim = sv.datagram.prim; demo.datagram.maxsize = sizeof(demo.datagram_data); demo.datagram.data = demo.datagram_data; demo.datagram.prim = demo.recorder.netchan.netprim; if (sv_demoExtensions.ival == 2 || !*sv_demoExtensions.string) { /*more limited subset supported by ezquake, but not fuhquake/fodquake. sorry.*/ demo.recorder.fteprotocolextensions = /*PEXT_CHUNKEDDOWNLOADS|*/PEXT_256PACKETENTITIES|/*PEXT_FLOATCOORDS|*/PEXT_MODELDBL|PEXT_ENTITYDBL|PEXT_ENTITYDBL2|PEXT_SPAWNSTATIC2; // demo.recorder.fteprotocolextensions |= PEXT_HLBSP; /*ezquake DOES have this, but it is pointless and should have been in some feature mask rather than protocol extensions*/ // demo.recorder.fteprotocolextensions |= PEXT_ACCURATETIMINGS; /*ezquake does not support this any more*/ // demo.recorder.fteprotocolextensions |= PEXT_TRANS; /*ezquake has no support for .alpha*/ demo.recorder.fteprotocolextensions2 = PEXT2_VOICECHAT; demo.recorder.zquake_extensions = Z_EXT_PM_TYPE | Z_EXT_PM_TYPE_NEW | Z_EXT_VIEWHEIGHT | Z_EXT_SERVERTIME | Z_EXT_PITCHLIMITS | Z_EXT_JOIN_OBSERVE | Z_EXT_VWEP; } else if (sv_demoExtensions.ival) { /*everything*/ extern cvar_t pext_replacementdeltas; demo.recorder.fteprotocolextensions = PEXT_CSQC | PEXT_COLOURMOD | PEXT_DPFLAGS | PEXT_CUSTOMTEMPEFFECTS | PEXT_ENTITYDBL | PEXT_ENTITYDBL2 | PEXT_FATNESS | PEXT_HEXEN2 | PEXT_HULLSIZE | PEXT_LIGHTSTYLECOL | PEXT_MODELDBL | PEXT_SCALE | PEXT_SETATTACHMENT | PEXT_SETVIEW | PEXT_SOUNDDBL | PEXT_SPAWNSTATIC2 | PEXT_TRANS; #ifdef PEXT_VIEW2 demo.recorder.fteprotocolextensions |= PEXT_VIEW2; #endif demo.recorder.fteprotocolextensions2 = PEXT2_VOICECHAT | PEXT2_SETANGLEDELTA | /*PEXT2_PRYDONCURSOR |*/ (pext_replacementdeltas.ival?PEXT2_REPLACEMENTDELTAS:0); /*enable these, because we might as well (stat ones are always useful)*/ demo.recorder.zquake_extensions = Z_EXT_PM_TYPE | Z_EXT_PM_TYPE_NEW | Z_EXT_VIEWHEIGHT | Z_EXT_SERVERTIME | Z_EXT_PITCHLIMITS | Z_EXT_JOIN_OBSERVE | Z_EXT_VWEP; // if (demo.recorder.fteprotocolextensions2 & PEXT2_REPLACEMENTDELTAS) //replacementdeltas makes a number of earlier extensions obsolete... // demo.recorder.fteprotocolextensions &= ~(PEXT_COLOURMOD|PEXT_DPFLAGS|PEXT_ENTITYDBL|PEXT_ENTITYDBL2|PEXT_FATNESS|PEXT_HEXEN2|PEXT_HULLSIZE|PEXT_MODELDBL|PEXT_SCALE|PEXT_SETATTACHMENT|PEXT_SOUNDDBL|PEXT_SPAWNSTATIC2|PEXT_TRANS); } else { demo.recorder.fteprotocolextensions = 0; demo.recorder.fteprotocolextensions2 = 0; demo.recorder.zquake_extensions = Z_EXT_PM_TYPE | Z_EXT_PM_TYPE_NEW | Z_EXT_VIEWHEIGHT | Z_EXT_SERVERTIME | Z_EXT_PITCHLIMITS | Z_EXT_JOIN_OBSERVE | Z_EXT_VWEP; } //pointless extensions that are redundant with mvds demo.recorder.fteprotocolextensions &= ~PEXT_ACCURATETIMINGS | PEXT_CHUNKEDDOWNLOADS; demo.recorder.fteprotocolextensions &= ~PEXT1_HIDEPROTOCOLS; } // else // SV_WriteRecordMVDMessage(&buf, dem_read); dest->nextdest = demo.dest; demo.dest = dest; Cvar_ForceSet(Cvar_Get("serverdemo", "", CVAR_NOSET, ""), SV_Demo_CurrentOutput()); SV_ClientProtocolExtensionsChanged(&demo.recorder); SV_MVD_SendInitialGamestate(dest); return true; } static void SV_MVD_Stopped(void) { //all recording has stopped. clean up any demo.recorder state if (demo.recorder.frameunion.frames) { Z_Free(demo.recorder.frameunion.frames); demo.recorder.frameunion.frames = NULL; } sv.mvdrecording = false; memset(&demo, 0, sizeof(demo)); } void SV_EnableClientsCSQC(void); void SV_MVD_SendInitialGamestate(mvddest_t *dest) { sizebuf_t buf; char buf_data[MAX_QWMSGLEN]; int i, j; // int n; // const char *s; client_t *player; char *gamedir; if (!demo.dest) return; SV_MVD_WriteReliables(false); sv.mvdrecording = true; demo.resetdeltas = true; host_client = &demo.recorder; if (demo.recorder.fteprotocolextensions & PEXT_CSQC) SV_EnableClientsCSQC(); demo.pingtime = demo.time = sv.time; singledest = dest; /*-------------------------------------------------*/ // serverdata // send the info about the new client to all connected clients memset(&buf, 0, sizeof(buf)); buf.data = buf_data; buf.maxsize = sizeof(buf_data); buf.prim = svs.netprim; // send the serverdata gamedir = InfoBuf_ValueForKey (&svs.info, "*gamedir"); if (!gamedir[0]) gamedir = FS_GetGamedir(true); //generate some meta info so the file can be identified later { char timestr[64]; time_t t; MSG_WriteByte (&buf, svc_stufftext); MSG_WriteString(&buf, va("//protocolname %s\n", com_protocolname.string)); //so that the game is known when playing back, to deal with games that conventionally have entirely separate installations. MSG_WriteByte (&buf, svc_stufftext); t = time(NULL); strftime(timestr, sizeof(timestr), "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ", gmtime(&t)); MSG_WriteString(&buf, va("//recorddate %s\n", timestr)); //in order to avoid needing to depend upon file times that get destroyed in many different ways. } MSG_WriteByte (&buf, svc_serverdata); //fix up extensions to match sv_bigcoords correctly. sorry for old clients not working. if (buf.prim.coordtype == COORDTYPE_FLOAT_32) demo.recorder.fteprotocolextensions |= PEXT_FLOATCOORDS; else demo.recorder.fteprotocolextensions &= ~PEXT_FLOATCOORDS; if (demo.recorder.fteprotocolextensions) { MSG_WriteLong(&buf, PROTOCOL_VERSION_FTE1); MSG_WriteLong(&buf, demo.recorder.fteprotocolextensions); } if (demo.recorder.fteprotocolextensions2) { MSG_WriteLong(&buf, PROTOCOL_VERSION_FTE2); MSG_WriteLong(&buf, demo.recorder.fteprotocolextensions2); } MSG_WriteLong (&buf, PROTOCOL_VERSION_QW); MSG_WriteLong (&buf, svs.spawncount); MSG_WriteString (&buf, gamedir); if (demo.recorder.fteprotocolextensions2 & PEXT2_MAXPLAYERS) MSG_WriteByte(&buf, demo.recorder.max_net_ents); MSG_WriteFloat (&buf, sv.time); // send full levelname MSG_WriteString (&buf, sv.mapname); // send the movevars MSG_WriteFloat(&buf, movevars.gravity); MSG_WriteFloat(&buf, movevars.stopspeed); MSG_WriteFloat(&buf, movevars.maxspeed); MSG_WriteFloat(&buf, movevars.spectatormaxspeed); MSG_WriteFloat(&buf, movevars.accelerate); MSG_WriteFloat(&buf, movevars.airaccelerate); MSG_WriteFloat(&buf, movevars.wateraccelerate); MSG_WriteFloat(&buf, movevars.friction); MSG_WriteFloat(&buf, movevars.waterfriction); MSG_WriteFloat(&buf, movevars.entgravity); SV_WriteRecordMVDMessage (&buf); SZ_Clear (&buf); demo.recorder.prespawn_stage = PRESPAWN_SERVERINFO; demo.recorder.prespawn_idx = 0; demo.recorder.netchan.message = buf; while (demo.recorder.prespawn_stage != PRESPAWN_COMPLETED) { if (demo.recorder.prespawn_stage == PRESPAWN_MAPCHECK) { demo.recorder.prespawn_stage++;//client won't reply, so don't wait. demo.recorder.prespawn_idx = 0; } demo.recorder.prespawn_allow_soundlist = true; //normally set for the server to wait for ack. we don't want to wait. demo.recorder.prespawn_allow_modellist = true; //normally set for the server to wait for ack. we don't want to wait. SV_SendClientPrespawnInfo(&demo.recorder); SV_MVD_WriteReliables(false); } memset(&demo.recorder.netchan.message, 0, sizeof(demo.recorder.netchan.message)); // send current status of all other players for (i = 0; i < demo.recorder.max_net_clients && i < svs.allocated_client_slots; i++) { player = &svs.clients[i]; SV_MVD_FullClientUpdate(&buf, player); if (buf.cursize > MAX_QWMSGLEN/2) { //flush backbuffer SV_WriteRecordMVDMessage (&buf); SZ_Clear (&buf); } } // send all current light styles for (i=0 ; i<sv.maxlightstyles || i < MAX_STANDARDLIGHTSTYLES; i++) SV_SendLightstyle(&demo.recorder, &buf, i, true); //invalidate stats+players somehow for (i = 0; i < MAX_CLIENTS; i++) { for (j = 0; j < MAX_CL_STATS; j++) { demo.statsi[i][j] = 0x7fffffff; demo.statsf[i][j] = -0x7fffffff; } demo.playerreset[i] = true; } // get the client to check and download skins // when that is completed, a begin command will be issued MSG_WriteByte (&buf, svc_stufftext); MSG_WriteString (&buf, "skins\n"); SV_WriteRecordMVDMessage (&buf); SV_MVD_WriteReliables(false); SV_WriteSetMVDMessage(); singledest = NULL; } //double-underscores will get merged together. const char *SV_GenCleanTable(void) { static char tab[256]; static int tabbuilt = -1; int mode = com_parseutf8.ival>0; int i; if (tabbuilt == mode) return tab; //identity for(i = 0; i < 32; i++) tab[i] = '_'; //unprintables. for( ; i < 128; i++) tab[i] = i; //cheesy way around NUL.mvd etc filenames. for(i = 'A'; i <= 'Z'; i++) tab[i] = i + ('a'-'A'); //these chars are reserved by windows, so its generally best to not use them, even on loonix tab['<'] = '['; tab['>'] = ']'; tab['|'] = '_'; tab[':'] = '_'; tab['*'] = '_'; tab['?'] = '_'; tab['\\']= '_'; tab['/'] = '_'; tab['\"']= '_'; //some extra ones to make unix scripts nicer. tab['&'] = '_'; tab['~'] = '_'; tab['`'] = '_'; tab[','] = '_'; tab[' '] = '_'; //don't use spaces, it means files need quotes, and then stuff bugs out. tab['.'] = '_'; //many windows programs can't properly deal with multiple dots if (mode) { //high chars are regular utf-8. yay for(i = 128; i < 256; i++) tab[i] = i; } else { //second row contains coloured numbers for the hud tab[16] = '['; tab[17] = ']'; for(i = 0; i < 10; i++) tab[18+i] = '0'+i; tab[28] = '_'; //'.' tab[29] = //line breaks tab[30] = tab[31] = '_'; //high chars //the first 16 chars of the high range are actually different. tab[128] = '_'; //scrollbars tab[129] = '_'; tab[130] = '_'; tab[130] = '_'; for(i = 132; i < 128+16; i++) tab[18+i] = '_'; //LEDs mostly //but the rest of the table is just recoloured. for(i = 128+16; i < 256; i++) tab[i] = tab[i&127]; } return tab; } /* ==================== SV_CleanName Cleans the demo name, removes restricted chars, makes name lowercase ==================== */ char *SV_CleanName (unsigned char *name) { static char text[1024]; char *out = text; const char *chartbl = SV_GenCleanTable(); *out = chartbl[*name++]; while (*name && out - text < sizeof(text)) if (*out == '_' && chartbl[*name] == '_') name++; else *++out = chartbl[*name++]; *++out = 0; out = text; while (*out == '.') out++; //leading dots (which could be caused by all sorts of things) are bad. boo hidden files. return out; } //figure out the actual size limit. this is somewhat approximate anyway. qofs_t MVD_DemoMaxDirSize(void) { char *e; double maxdirsize = strtod(sv_demoMaxDirSize.string, &e); if (*e == ' ' || *e == '\t') e++; //that will be trailed by g[b], m[b], k[b], or b if (*e == 'b' || *e == 'B') return maxdirsize; else if (*e == 'k' || *e == 'K') return maxdirsize * 1024; else if (*e == 'm' || *e == 'M') return maxdirsize * 1024*1024; else if (*e == 'g' || *e == 'G') return maxdirsize * 1024*1024*1024; else return maxdirsize * 1024; //assume kb. } //returns if there's enough disk space to record another demo. qboolean MVD_CheckSpace(qboolean broadcastwarnings) { dir_t *dir; qofs_t maxdirsize = MVD_DemoMaxDirSize(); if (maxdirsize > 0 || sv_demoMaxDirCount.ival > 0 || sv_demoMaxDirAge.ival > 0) { dir = Sys_listdemos(sv_demoDir.string, false, SORT_BY_DATE); if (sv_demoClearOld.ival && *sv_demoDir.string) { time_t removebeforetime = time(NULL) - sv_demoMaxDirAge.value*60*60*24; while (dir->numfiles && ( (maxdirsize>0 && dir->size > maxdirsize) || (sv_demoMaxDirCount.ival>0 && dir->numfiles >= sv_demoMaxDirCount.ival) || (sv_demoMaxDirAge.ival && dir->files[dir->numfiles-1].mtime && dir->files[dir->numfiles-1].mtime - removebeforetime < 0))) { file_t *f = &dir->files[dir->numfiles-1]; //this is the file we want to kill. if (!f->path || !f->path->RemoveFile) { //erm, can't remove it... dir->size -= f->size; dir->numfiles--; continue; } if (f->path->RemoveFile(f->path, f->name)) { //okay, looks like we managed to kill it. Con_Printf(CON_WARNING"Removed demo \"%s\"\n", f->name); dir->size -= f->size; dir->numfiles--; //Try to take the .txt too. f->path->RemoveFile(f->path, SV_MVDName2Txt(f->name)); continue; } } } if (dir->numfiles && sv_demoMaxDirCount.ival>0 && dir->numfiles >= sv_demoMaxDirCount.ival) { if (broadcastwarnings) SV_BroadcastPrintf(PRINT_MEDIUM, CON_WARNING"insufficient directory space, increase server's sv_demoMaxDirCount\n"); else Con_Printf(CON_WARNING"insufficient demo space, increase sv_demoMaxDirCount\n"); Sys_freedir(dir); return false; } if (dir->numfiles && maxdirsize>0 && dir->size > maxdirsize) { if (broadcastwarnings) SV_BroadcastPrintf(PRINT_MEDIUM, CON_WARNING"insufficient directory space, increase server's sv_demoMaxDirSize\n"); else Con_Printf(CON_WARNING"insufficient demo space, increase sv_demoMaxDirSize\n"); Sys_freedir(dir); return false; } Sys_freedir(dir); } return true; } /* ==================== SV_Record_f record <demoname> ==================== */ void SV_MVD_Record_f (void) { int c; char name[MAX_OSPATH+MAX_MVD_NAME]; char newname[MAX_MVD_NAME]; c = Cmd_Argc(); if (c != 2) { Con_Printf ("mvdrecord <demoname>\n"); return; } if (sv.state != ss_active){ Con_Printf ("Not active yet.\n"); return; } if (!MVD_CheckSpace(Cmd_FromGamecode())) return; Q_strncpyz(newname, va("%s%s", sv_demoPrefix.string, SV_CleanName(Cmd_Argv(1))), sizeof(newname) - strlen(sv_demoSuffix.string) - 5); Q_strncatz(newname, sv_demoSuffix.string, MAX_MVD_NAME); snprintf (name, MAX_OSPATH+MAX_MVD_NAME, "%s/%s", sv_demoDir.string, newname); COM_StripExtension(name, name, sizeof(name)); #ifdef AVAIL_GZDEC if (sv_demoAutoCompress.ival == 1) COM_DefaultExtension(name, ".mvd.gz", sizeof(name)); else #endif COM_DefaultExtension(name, ".mvd", sizeof(name)); FS_CreatePath (name, FS_GAMEONLY); // // open the demo file and start recording // SV_MVD_Record (SV_MVD_InitRecordFile(name)); } //called when a connecting player becomes active. void SV_MVD_AutoRecord (void) { //not enabled (for the server) anyway. if (sv_demoAutoRecord.ival <= 0) return; //don't record multiple... if (sv.mvdrecording) return; //only do it if we're underneath our quotas. if (!MVD_CheckSpace(true)) return; if (sv_demoAutoRecord.ival > 0) { int playercount = 0, i; for (i = 0; i < svs.allocated_client_slots; i++) { if (svs.clients[i].state >= cs_spawned) playercount++; } if (playercount >= sv_demoAutoRecord.ival) { //okay, we've reached our player count, its time to start recording now. char name[MAX_OSPATH]; char timestamp[64]; time_t tm = time(NULL); strftime(timestamp, sizeof(timestamp), "%Y%m%d_%H%M%S", localtime(&tm)); Q_snprintfz(name, sizeof(name), "%s/%s%s_%s", sv_demoDir.string, sv_demoAutoPrefix.string, svs.name, timestamp); #ifdef AVAIL_GZDEC if (sv_demoAutoCompress.ival == 1 || !*sv_demoAutoCompress.string) //default is to gzip. Q_strncatz(name, ".mvd.gz", sizeof(name)); else #endif Q_strncatz(name, ".mvd", sizeof(name)); FS_CreatePath (name, FS_GAMEONLY); SV_MVD_Record (SV_MVD_InitRecordFile(name)); } } } void SV_MVD_CheckReverse(void) { struct reversedest_s *rd, **link; enum qtvstatus_e s; int len; for (link = &reversedest; *link; link = &rd->next) { rd = *link; if (realtime > rd->timeout) len = -1; else len = VFS_READ(rd->stream, rd->inbuffer+rd->inbuffersize, sizeof(rd->inbuffer)-1-rd->inbuffersize); if (len < 0) s = QTV_ERROR; else if (!len) continue; //keep waiting... else { rd->inbuffersize += len; rd->inbuffer[rd->inbuffersize] = 0; if (rd->inbuffersize >= 3 && strncmp(rd->inbuffer, "QTV", 3)) s = QTV_ERROR; //not qtv server... else { char *e = strstr(rd->inbuffer, "\n\n"); if (e) s = SV_MVD_GotQTVRequest(rd->stream, rd->inbuffer, rd->inbuffer+rd->inbuffersize, &rd->info); else continue; //not nuff data yet } } switch(s) { case QTV_RETRY: //need to parse new stuff. continue; case QTV_ACCEPT: rd->stream = NULL; //fallthrough case QTV_ERROR: if (rd->stream) VFS_CLOSE(rd->stream); *link = rd->next; Z_Free(rd); return; } } } void SV_MVD_QTVReverse_f (void) { #if 1//ndef HAVE_TCP // Con_Printf ("%s is not supported in this build\n", Cmd_Argv(0)); const char *ip = Cmd_Argv(1); vfsfile_t *f; const char *msg = "QTV\n" "VERSION: 1\n" "REVERSE\n" "\n"; struct reversedest_s *rd; if (sv.state<ss_loading) return; f = FS_OpenTCP(ip, 27599, false); if (!f) return; VFS_WRITE(f, msg, strlen(msg)); rd = Z_Malloc(sizeof(*rd)); rd->stream = f; rd->info.isreverse = true; rd->timeout = realtime + 10; reversedest = rd; #else char *ip; if (sv.state != ss_active) { Con_Printf ("Server is not running\n"); return; } if (Cmd_Argc() != 2) { Con_Printf ("%s ip:port\n", Cmd_Argv(0)); return; } ip = Cmd_Argv(1); { char *data; int sock; struct sockaddr_qstorage remote; // int fromlen; int adrfam; int adrsz; unsigned int nonblocking = true; if (!NET_StringToSockaddr(ip, 0, &remote, &adrfam, &adrsz)) { Con_Printf ("qtvreverse: failed to resolve address\n"); return; } if ((sock = socket (adrfam, SOCK_STREAM, IPPROTO_TCP)) == INVALID_SOCKET) { Con_Printf ("qtvreverse: socket: %s\n", strerror(neterrno())); return; } if (connect(sock, (void*)&remote, adrsz) == INVALID_SOCKET) { closesocket(sock); Con_Printf ("qtvreverse: connect: %s\n", strerror(neterrno())); return; } if (ioctlsocket (sock, FIONBIO, (u_long *)&nonblocking) == INVALID_SOCKET) { closesocket(sock); Con_Printf ("qtvreverse: ioctl FIONBIO: %s\n", strerror(neterrno())); return; } data = "QTV\n" "REVERSE\n" "\n"; if (send(sock, data, strlen(data), 0) == INVALID_SOCKET) { closesocket(sock); Con_Printf ("qtvreverse: send: %s\n", strerror(neterrno())); return; } SV_MVD_InitPendingStream(sock, ip)->isreverse = true; } //SV_MVD_Record (dest); #endif } /* ==================== SV_EasyRecord_f easyrecord [demoname] ==================== */ int Dem_CountPlayers (void) { int i, count; count = 0; for (i = 0; i < sv.allocated_client_slots ; i++) { if (svs.clients[i].name[0] && !svs.clients[i].spectator) count++; } return count; } char *Dem_Team(int num) { int i; static char *lastteam[2]; qboolean first = true; client_t *client; static int index = 0; index = 1 - index; for (i = 0, client = svs.clients; num && i < sv.allocated_client_slots; i++, client++) { if (!client->name[0] || client->spectator) continue; if (first || strcmp(lastteam[index], InfoBuf_ValueForKey(&client->userinfo, "team"))) { first = false; num--; lastteam[index] = InfoBuf_ValueForKey(&client->userinfo, "team"); } } if (num) return ""; return lastteam[index]; } char *Dem_PlayerName(int num) { int i; client_t *client; for (i = 0, client = svs.clients; i < sv.allocated_client_slots; i++, client++) { if (!client->name[0] || client->spectator) continue; if (!--num) return client->name; } return ""; } // -> scream char *Dem_PlayerNameTeam(char *t) { int i; client_t *client; static char n[1024]; int sep; n[0] = 0; sep = 0; for (i = 0, client = svs.clients; i < sv.allocated_client_slots; i++, client++) { if (!client->name[0] || client->spectator) continue; if (strcmp(t, InfoBuf_ValueForKey(&client->userinfo, "team"))==0) { if (sep >= 1) Q_strncatz (n, "_", sizeof(n)); // snprintf (n, sizeof(n), "%s_", n); Q_strncatz (n, client->name, sizeof(n)); // snprintf (n, sizeof(n),"%s%s", n, client->name); sep++; } } return n; } int Dem_CountTeamPlayers (char *t) { int i, count; count = 0; for (i = 0; i < sv.allocated_client_slots ; i++) { if (svs.clients[i].name[0] && !svs.clients[i].spectator) if (strcmp(InfoBuf_ValueForKey(&svs.clients[i].userinfo, "team"), t)==0) count++; } return count; } //takes a quake-mark-up string (subject to com_parseutf and ^ etc) and spits out a usable utf-8 name //in and out may overlap. static char *FS_UTF8FromQuakeFilename(const char *in, qboolean dequake, qboolean keepmarkup, qboolean blockdirsep, char *out, size_t outsize) { conchar_t cline[8192], *c; char *outend = out+outsize-1; //-1 for our null unsigned int charflags, codepoint; COM_ParseFunString(CON_WHITEMASK, in, cline, sizeof(cline), keepmarkup); for (c = cline; *c; ) { c = Font_Decode(c, &charflags, &codepoint); if (charflags & CON_HIDDEN) continue; if (dequake) codepoint = COM_DeQuake(codepoint); if (codepoint == '/' && blockdirsep) codepoint = '-'; //spreading across multiple dirs is just awkward else if (codepoint < ' ' ) codepoint = '-'; //C0 chars are all kinds of problematic else if (codepoint == '\\') codepoint = '-'; //windows sucks. or string escapes do. else if (codepoint == ':' ) codepoint = '-'; //drives, or Alternative Data Streams (read: often hidden) else if (codepoint == '\"') codepoint = '-'; //erk! escapes necessitate escapes... else if (codepoint == '<' ) codepoint = '-'; //pipe stuff sucks else if (codepoint == '>' ) codepoint = '-'; //pipe stuff sucks else if (codepoint == '|' ) codepoint = '-'; //pipe stuff sucks else if (codepoint == '?' ) codepoint = '-'; //wildcards complicate things else if (codepoint == '*' ) codepoint = '-'; //wildcards complicate things out += utf8_encode(out, codepoint, outend-out); } *out = 0; return out; } // <- void SV_MVDEasyRecord_f (void) { int c; char name[1024]; char name2[MAX_OSPATH*7]; // scream //char name2[MAX_OSPATH*2]; int i; vfsfile_t *f; c = Cmd_Argc(); if (c > 2) { Con_Printf ("easyrecord [demoname]\n"); return; } if (sv.state < ss_active) { Con_Printf("Server isn't running or is still loading\n"); return; } if (!MVD_CheckSpace(Cmd_FromGamecode())) return; if (c == 2) { Q_strncpyz (name, Cmd_Argv(1), sizeof(name)); FS_UTF8FromQuakeFilename(name, true, false, false, name, sizeof(name)); } else { i = Dem_CountPlayers(); /*if (!deathmatch.ival) { if (coop.ival || i>1) snprintf (name, sizeof(name), "coop_%s_%d(%d)", sv.name, skill.ival, i); else snprintf (name, sizeof(name), "sp_%s_%d_%s", sv.name, skill.ival, Dem_PlayerName(0)); } else*/ if (teamplay.value >= 1 && i > 2) { // Teamplay snprintf (name, sizeof(name), "%don%d_", Dem_CountTeamPlayers(Dem_Team(1)), Dem_CountTeamPlayers(Dem_Team(2))); if (sv_demoExtraNames.value > 0) { Q_strncatz (name, va("[%s]_%s_vs_[%s]_%s_%s", Dem_Team(1), Dem_PlayerNameTeam(Dem_Team(1)), Dem_Team(2), Dem_PlayerNameTeam(Dem_Team(2)), svs.name), sizeof(name)); } else Q_strncatz (name, va("%s_vs_%s_%s", Dem_Team(1), Dem_Team(2), svs.name), sizeof(name)); } else { if (i == 2) { // Duel snprintf (name, sizeof(name), "duel_%s_vs_%s_%s", Dem_PlayerName(1), Dem_PlayerName(2), svs.name); } else { // FFA snprintf (name, sizeof(name), "ffa_%s(%d)", svs.name, i); } } //convert to utf-8, so its readable on most systems (we convert utf-8 to utf-16 for windows, while linux tends to just use utf-8 in the first place) FS_UTF8FromQuakeFilename(name, true, false, true, name, sizeof(name)); } // <- // Make sure the filename doesn't contain illegal characters Q_strncpyz(name, va("%s%s", sv_demoPrefix.string, SV_CleanName(name)), MAX_MVD_NAME - strlen(sv_demoSuffix.string) - 7); Q_strncatz(name, sv_demoSuffix.string, sizeof(name)); Q_strncpyz(name, va("%s/%s", sv_demoDir.string, name), sizeof(name)); // find a filename that doesn't exist yet Q_strncpyz(name2, name, sizeof(name2)); // COM_StripExtension(name2, name2); FS_CreatePath (name2, FS_GAMEONLY); Q_strncatz(name2, ".mvd", sizeof(name2)); if ((f = FS_OpenVFS(name2, "rb", FS_GAMEONLY)) == 0) f = FS_OpenVFS(va("%s.gz", name2), "rb", FS_GAMEONLY); if (f) { i = 1; do { VFS_CLOSE (f); snprintf(name2, sizeof(name2), "%s_%02i", name, i); // COM_StripExtension(name2, name2); Q_strncatz(name2, ".mvd", sizeof(name2)); if ((f = FS_OpenVFS (name2, "rb", FS_GAMEONLY)) == 0) f = FS_OpenVFS(va("%s.gz", name2), "rb", FS_GAMEONLY); i++; } while (f); } #ifdef AVAIL_GZDEC if (sv_demoAutoCompress.ival == 1) Q_strncatz(name2, ".gz", sizeof(name2)); #endif SV_MVD_Record (SV_MVD_InitRecordFile(name2)); } //console command for servers/admins void SV_MVDList_f (void) { mvddest_t *d; dir_t *dir; file_t *list; float f; int i,j,show; qofs_t maxdirsize = MVD_DemoMaxDirSize(); Con_Printf("content of %s/*.mvd\n", sv_demoDir.string); dir = Sys_listdemos(sv_demoDir.string, true, SORT_BY_DATE); list = dir->files; if (!dir->numfiles) { Con_Printf("no demos\n"); } for (i = 1; i <= dir->numfiles; i++, list++) { for (j = 1; j < Cmd_Argc(); j++) if (strstr(list->name, Cmd_Argv(j)) == NULL) break; show = Cmd_Argc() == j; if (show) { for (d = demo.dest; d; d = d->nextdest) { if (d->desttype != DEST_STREAM && !strcmp(list->name, d->simplename)) Con_Printf("*%d: ^[^7%s\\demo\\%s/%s^] %uk\n", i, list->name, sv_demoDir.string, list->name, (unsigned int)(d->totalsize/1024)); } if (!d) Con_Printf("%d: ^[^7%s\\demo\\%s/%s^] %uk\n", i, list->name, sv_demoDir.string, list->name, (unsigned int)(list->size/1024)); } } for (d = demo.dest; d; d = d->nextdest) dir->size += d->totalsize; Con_Printf("\ndirectory size: %.1fMB\n",(float)dir->size/(1024*1024)); if (maxdirsize) { f = (maxdirsize - dir->size)/(1024*1024); if ( f < 0) f = 0; Con_Printf("space available: %.1fMB\n", f); } Sys_freedir(dir); } //console command used to print to connected clients (we're acting as a dedicated server) void SV_UserCmdMVDList_f (void) { mvddest_t *d; dir_t *dir; file_t *list; float f; int i,j,show; qofs_t maxdirsize = MVD_DemoMaxDirSize(); SV_ClientPrintf(host_client, PRINT_HIGH, "available demos:\n"); dir = Sys_listdemos(sv_demoDir.string, true, SORT_BY_DATE); list = dir->files; if (!dir->numfiles) { SV_ClientPrintf(host_client, PRINT_HIGH, "no demos\n"); } for (i = 1; i <= dir->numfiles; i++, list++) { for (j = 1; j < Cmd_Argc(); j++) if (strstr(list->name, Cmd_Argv(j)) == NULL) break; show = Cmd_Argc() == j; if (show) { for (d = demo.dest; d; d = d->nextdest) { if (d->desttype != DEST_STREAM && !strcmp(list->name, d->simplename)) SV_ClientPrintf(host_client, PRINT_HIGH, "*%d: %s %dk\n", i, list->name, d->totalsize/1024); } if (!d) { if (host_client->fteprotocolextensions2 & PEXT_CSQC) //its a hack to use csqc this way, but oh well, but other clients don't want the gibberish. SV_ClientPrintf(host_client, PRINT_HIGH, "%d: ^[%s\\type\\/download demos/%s^] %dk\n", i, list->name, list->name, (unsigned int)(list->size/1024)); else SV_ClientPrintf(host_client, PRINT_HIGH, "%d: %s %dk\n", i, list->name, (unsigned int)(list->size/1024)); } } if (host_client->num_backbuf >= MAX_BACK_BUFFERS/2) { SV_ClientPrintf(host_client, PRINT_HIGH, "*MORE*\n"); break; } } for (d = demo.dest; d; d = d->nextdest) dir->size += d->totalsize; SV_ClientPrintf(host_client, PRINT_HIGH, "\ndirectory size: %.1fMB\n",(float)dir->size/(1024*1024)); if (maxdirsize) { f = (maxdirsize - dir->size)/(1024*1024); if ( f < 0) f = 0; SV_ClientPrintf(host_client, PRINT_HIGH, "space available: %.1fMB\n", f); } Sys_freedir(dir); } void SV_UserCmdMVDList_HTML (vfsfile_t *pipe) { //#define EMBEDGAME mvddest_t *d; dir_t *dir; file_t *list; float f; int i; qofs_t maxdirsize = MVD_DemoMaxDirSize(); VFS_PRINTF(pipe, "<html>" "<head>" "<title>%s - %s</title>" "<meta charset='UTF-8'>" "<style>" ".mydiv { width: 20%%; height: 100%%; padding: 0px; margin: 0px; border: 0px solclass #aaaaaa; float:left; }" ".game { width: 80%%; height: 100%%; padding: 0px; margin: 0px; border: 0px solclass #aaaaaa; float:left; }" "</style>" #ifdef EMBEDGAME "<script>" "function playdemo(demo)" "{" "demo = window.location.origin+'/demos/'+demo;" "thegame.postMessage({cmd:'playdemo',url:demo}, '*');" "}" "</script>" #endif "</head>" "<body>" "<div class='mydiv'>\n" , fs_manifest->formalname, hostname.string); VFS_PRINTF(pipe, "available demos:<br/>\n"); dir = Sys_listdemos(sv_demoDir.string, true, SORT_BY_DATE); list = dir->files; if (!dir->numfiles) { VFS_PRINTF(pipe, "no demos<br/>\n"); } for (i = 1; i <= dir->numfiles; i++, list++) { for (d = demo.dest; d; d = d->nextdest) { if (d->desttype != DEST_STREAM && !strcmp(list->name, d->simplename)) VFS_PRINTF(pipe, "*%d: %s %dk<br/>\n", i, list->name, d->totalsize/1024); } if (!d) { char datetime[64]; strftime(datetime, sizeof(datetime), "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", localtime(&list->mtime)); #ifdef EMBEDGAME VFS_PRINTF(pipe, "%d: <a href='/demos/%s'>%s</a> %uk <a href='javascript:void(0)' onclick='playdemo(\"%s\")'>play</a> %s<br/>\n", i, list->name, list->name, (unsigned int)(list->size/1024), list->name, datetime); #else VFS_PRINTF(pipe, "%d: <a href='/demos/%s'>%s</a> %uk %s<br/>\n", i, list->name, list->name, (unsigned int)(list->size/1024), datetime); #endif } } for (d = demo.dest; d; d = d->nextdest) dir->size += d->totalsize; VFS_PRINTF(pipe, "<br/>\ndirectory size: %.1fMB<br/>\n",(float)dir->size/(1024*1024)); if (maxdirsize) { f = (maxdirsize - dir->size)/(1024*1024); if ( f < 0) f = 0; VFS_PRINTF(pipe, "space available: %.1fMB<br/>\n", f); } VFS_PRINTF(pipe, "</div>" #ifdef EMBEDGAME "<div class='game'>" "<iframe name='thegame'" //the name of the game is... thegame! " src='"ENGINEWEBSITE"/quake' allowfullscreen=true" " frameborder='0' scrolling='no' marginheight='0' marginwidth='0' width='100%%' height='100%%'" " onerror=\"alert('Failed to load engine')\">" "</iframe>" "</div>" #endif "</body>\n" "</html>\n"); Sys_freedir(dir); } const char *SV_MVDLastNum(unsigned int num) { if (!num || num > DEMOLOG_LENGTH) return NULL; num = demolog.sequence - num; return demolog.log[num % DEMOLOG_LENGTH].filename; } char *SV_MVDNum(char *buffer, int bufferlen, int num) //lame number->name lookup according to a list generated at an arbitrary time { file_t *list; dir_t *dir; dir = Sys_listdemos(sv_demoDir.string, true, SORT_BY_DATE); list = dir->files; if (num < 0) num = dir->numfiles + num; if (num > dir->numfiles || num <= 0) { Sys_freedir(dir); return NULL; } num--; list += num; Q_strncpyz(buffer, list->name, bufferlen); Sys_freedir(dir); return buffer; } char *SV_MVDName2Txt(char *name) { char s[MAX_OSPATH]; const char *ext; if (!name) return NULL; Q_strncpyz(s, name, MAX_OSPATH); ext = COM_GetFileExtension(s, NULL); if (!Q_strcasecmp(ext, ".gz")) ext = COM_GetFileExtension(s, ext); else if (!Q_strcasecmp(ext, ".xz")) ext = COM_GetFileExtension(s, ext); if (!ext || !*ext) //if there's no extension on there, then make sure we're pointing to the end of the string. ext = s+strlen(s); if (ext > s+sizeof(s)-4) //make sure we don't overflow the buffer by truncating the base/path, ensuring that we don't write some other type of file. ext = s+sizeof(s)-4; //should probably make this an error case and abort instead. strcpy((char*)ext, ".txt"); return va("%s", s); } char *SV_MVDTxTNum(char *buffer, int bufferlen, int num) { return SV_MVDName2Txt(SV_MVDNum(buffer, bufferlen, num)); } void SV_MVDRemove_f (void) { char name[MAX_MVD_NAME], *ptr; char path[MAX_OSPATH]; int i; mvddest_t *active; if (Cmd_Argc() != 2) { Con_Printf("%s <demoname> - removes the demo\nrmdemo *<token> - removes demo with <token> in the name\nrmdemo * - removes all demos\n", Cmd_Argv(0)); return; } ptr = Cmd_Argv(1); if (*ptr == '*') { dir_t *dir; file_t *list; // remove all demos with specified token ptr++; dir = Sys_listdemos(sv_demoDir.string, true, SORT_BY_DATE); list = dir->files; for (i = 0;i < dir->numfiles; list++) { if (strstr(list->name, ptr)) { mvddest_t *active = SV_FindRecordFile(list->name, NULL); if (active) SV_MVDStop_f(); // stop recording first; snprintf(path, MAX_OSPATH, "%s/%s", sv_demoDir.string, list->name); if (FS_Remove(path, FS_GAMEONLY)) { Con_Printf("removing %s...\n", list->name); i++; } FS_Remove(SV_MVDName2Txt(path), FS_GAMEONLY); } } Sys_freedir(dir); if (i) { Con_Printf("%d demos removed\n", i); } else { Con_Printf("no matching found\n"); } return; } Q_strncpyz(name, Cmd_Argv(1), MAX_MVD_NAME); COM_DefaultExtension(name, ".mvd", sizeof(name)); snprintf(path, MAX_OSPATH, "%s/%s", sv_demoDir.string, name); active = SV_FindRecordFile(name, NULL); if (active) SV_MVDStop_f(); if (FS_Remove(path, FS_GAMEONLY)) { Con_Printf("demo %s successfully removed\n", name); } else Con_Printf("unable to remove demo %s\n", name); FS_Remove(SV_MVDName2Txt(path), FS_GAMEONLY); } void SV_MVDRemoveNum_f (void) { int num; char namebuf[MAX_QPATH]; char *val, *name; char path[MAX_OSPATH]; if (Cmd_Argc() != 2) { Con_Printf("%s <#>\n", Cmd_Argv(0)); return; } val = Cmd_Argv(1); if ((num = atoi(val)) == 0 && val[0] != '0') { Con_Printf("%s <#>\n", Cmd_Argv(0)); return; } name = SV_MVDNum(namebuf, sizeof(namebuf), num); if (name != NULL) { mvddest_t *active = SV_FindRecordFile(name, NULL); if (active) SV_MVDStop_f(); snprintf(path, MAX_OSPATH, "%s/%s", sv_demoDir.string, name); if (FS_Remove(path, FS_GAMEONLY)) { Con_Printf("demo %s succesfully removed\n", name); } else Con_Printf("unable to remove demo %s\n", name); FS_Remove(SV_MVDName2Txt(path), FS_GAMEONLY); } else Con_Printf("invalid demo num\n"); } void SV_MVDInfoAdd_f (void) { char namebuf[MAX_QPATH]; char *name, *args, path[MAX_OSPATH]; vfsfile_t *f; //** is a special hack for ktx if (Cmd_Argc() < 3) { Con_Printf("%s <demonum> <info string>\n<demonum> = * for currently recorded demo\n", Cmd_Argv(0)); return; } if (!strcmp(Cmd_Argv(1), "*") || !strcmp(Cmd_Argv(1), "**")) { mvddest_t *active = SV_FindRecordFile(NULL, NULL); if (!active) { Con_Printf("Not recording demo!\n"); return; } Q_strncpyz(path, SV_MVDName2Txt(active->filename), sizeof(path)); } else { name = SV_MVDTxTNum(namebuf, sizeof(namebuf), atoi(Cmd_Argv(1))); if (!name) { Con_Printf("invalid demo num\n"); return; } snprintf(path, MAX_OSPATH, "%s/%s", sv_demoDir.string, name); } if ((f = FS_OpenVFS(path, "ab", FS_GAMEONLY)) == NULL) { Con_Printf("%s: failed to open \"%s\"\n", Cmd_Argv(0), path); return; } if (!strcmp(Cmd_Argv(1), "**")) { size_t fsize; args = FS_LoadMallocFile(Cmd_Argv(2), &fsize); if (args) { VFS_WRITE(f, args, fsize); FS_FreeFile(args); } else Con_Printf("%s: failed to open input file\n", Cmd_Argv(0)); } else { // skip demonum args = Cmd_Args(); while (*args > 32) args++; while (*args && *args <= 32) args++; VFS_WRITE(f, args, strlen(args)); VFS_WRITE(f, "\n", 1); } VFS_FLUSH(f); VFS_CLOSE(f); } void SV_MVDInfoRemove_f (void) { char namebuf[MAX_QPATH]; char *name, path[MAX_OSPATH]; if (Cmd_Argc() < 2) { Con_Printf("%s <demonum>\n<demonum> = * for currently recorded demo\n", Cmd_Argv(0)); return; } if (!strcmp(Cmd_Argv(1), "*")) { mvddest_t *active = SV_FindRecordFile(NULL, NULL); if (!active) { Con_Printf("Not recording demo!\n"); return; } snprintf(path, MAX_OSPATH, "%s", SV_MVDName2Txt(active->filename)); } else { name = SV_MVDTxTNum(namebuf, sizeof(namebuf), atoi(Cmd_Argv(1))); if (!name) { Con_Printf("invalid demo num\n"); return; } snprintf(path, MAX_OSPATH, "%s/%s", sv_demoDir.string, name); } if (FS_Remove(path, FS_GAMEONLY)) { FS_FlushFSHashRemoved(path); Con_Printf("file removed\n"); } else Con_Printf("failed to remove the file\n"); } void SV_MVDInfo_f (void) { int len; char buf[64]; vfsfile_t *f = NULL; char *name, path[MAX_OSPATH]; if (Cmd_Argc() < 2) { Con_Printf("%s <demonum>\n<demonum> = * for currently recorded demo\n", Cmd_Argv(0)); return; } if (!strcmp(Cmd_Argv(1), "*")) { mvddest_t *active = SV_FindRecordFile(NULL, NULL); if (!active) { Con_Printf("Not recording demo!\n"); return; } Q_strncpyz(path, SV_MVDName2Txt(active->filename), sizeof(path)); } else { name = SV_MVDTxTNum(buf, sizeof(buf), atoi(Cmd_Argv(1))); if (!name) { Con_Printf("invalid demo num\n"); return; } snprintf(path, MAX_OSPATH, "%s/%s", sv_demoDir.string, name); } if ((f = FS_OpenVFS(path, "rt", FS_GAMEONLY)) == NULL) { Con_Printf("(empty)\n"); return; } for(;;) { len = VFS_READ (f, buf, sizeof(buf)-1); if (len < 0) break; buf[len] = 0; Con_Printf("%s", buf); } VFS_CLOSE(f); } #ifdef SERVER_DEMO_PLAYBACK void SV_MVDPlayNum_f(void) { char namebuf[MAX_QPATH]; char *name; int num; char *val; if (Cmd_Argc() != 2) { Con_Printf("%s <#>\n", Cmd_Argv(0)); return; } val = Cmd_Argv(1); if ((num = atoi(val)) == 0 && val[0] != '0') { Con_Printf("%s <#>\n", Cmd_Argv(0)); return; } name = SV_MVDNum(namebuf, sizeof(namebuf), atoi(val)); if (name) Cbuf_AddText(va("mvdplay %s\n", name), Cmd_ExecLevel); else Con_Printf("invalid demo num\n"); } #endif void SV_MVDInit(void) { MVD_Init(); //names that conflict with the client and thus only exist in dedicated servers (and thus shouldn't be used by mods that want mvds). #ifdef SERVERONLY Cmd_AddCommand ("record", SV_MVD_Record_f); Cmd_AddCommand ("stop", SV_MVDStop_f); //client version should still work for mvds too. #endif //these don't currently conflict, but hey... Cmd_AddCommand ("cancel", SV_MVD_Cancel_f); Cmd_AddCommand ("easyrecord", SV_MVDEasyRecord_f); Cmd_AddCommand ("demolist", SV_MVDList_f); Cmd_AddCommand ("rmdemo", SV_MVDRemove_f); Cmd_AddCommand ("rmdemonum", SV_MVDRemoveNum_f); //serverside only names that won't conflict (matching mvdsv) Cmd_AddCommand ("sv_demorecord", SV_MVD_Record_f); Cmd_AddCommand ("sv_demostop", SV_MVDStop_f); Cmd_AddCommand ("sv_democancel", SV_MVD_Cancel_f); Cmd_AddCommand ("sv_demoeasyrecord",SV_MVDEasyRecord_f); Cmd_AddCommand ("sv_demolist", SV_MVDList_f); Cmd_AddCommand ("sv_demoremove", SV_MVDRemove_f); Cmd_AddCommand ("sv_demonumremove", SV_MVDRemoveNum_f); //old fte names to avoid conflicts. Cmd_AddCommand ("mvdrecord", SV_MVD_Record_f); Cmd_AddCommand ("mvdstop", SV_MVDStop_f); Cmd_AddCommand ("mvdcancel", SV_MVD_Cancel_f); Cmd_AddCommand ("mvdlist", SV_MVDList_f); #ifdef SERVER_DEMO_PLAYBACK Cmd_AddCommand ("mvdplaynum", SV_MVDPlayNum_f); #endif Cmd_AddCommand ("sv_demoinfoadd", SV_MVDInfoAdd_f); Cmd_AddCommand ("sv_demoinforemove",SV_MVDInfoRemove_f); Cmd_AddCommand ("sv_demoinfo", SV_MVDInfo_f); Cmd_AddCommand ("qtvreverse", SV_MVD_QTVReverse_f); Cvar_Register(&qtv_maxstreams, "MVD Streaming"); Cvar_Register(&qtv_password, "MVD Streaming"); } #endif #endif