#include "qwsvdef.h" #ifndef CLIENTONLY //#ifdef _DEBUG #define NEWSAVEFORMAT //#endif extern cvar_t skill; extern cvar_t deathmatch; extern cvar_t coop; extern cvar_t teamplay; //Writes a SAVEGAME_COMMENT_LENGTH character comment describing the current void SV_SavegameComment (char *text) { int i; char kills[20]; char *mapname = sv.mapname; for (i=0 ; i SAVEGAME_COMMENT_LENGTH) i = SAVEGAME_COMMENT_LENGTH; memcpy (text, mapname, i); } #ifdef Q2SERVER if (ge) //q2 { kills[0] = '\0'; } else #endif #ifdef HLSERVER if (svs.gametype == GT_HALFLIFE) { sprintf (kills,"kills:moo"); } else #endif sprintf (kills,"kills:%3i/%3i", (int)pr_global_struct->killed_monsters, (int)pr_global_struct->total_monsters); memcpy (text+22, kills, strlen(kills)); // convert space to _ to make stdio happy for (i=0 ; istate < cs_spawned) {//try to go for nq/zq compatability as this is a single player game. s = PR_SaveEnts(svprogfuncs, NULL, &len, 2); //get the entity state now, so that we know if we can get the full state in a q1 format. if (s) { if (progstype == PROG_QW) version = 6; else version = 5; } } fprintf (f, "%i\n", version); SV_SavegameComment (comment); fprintf (f, "%s\n", comment); if (version != SAVEGAME_VERSION) { for (i=0; ispawn_parms[i]); //client 1. fprintf (f, "%f\n", skill.value); } else { fprintf(f, "%i\n", sv.allocated_client_slots); for (cl = svs.clients, clnum=0; clnum < sv.allocated_client_slots; cl++,clnum++) { if (cl->state < cs_spawned && !cl->istobeloaded) //don't save if they are still connecting { fprintf(f, "\"\"\n"); continue; } fprintf(f, "\"%s\"\n", cl->name); for (i=0; ispawn_parms[i]); } fprintf (f, "%i\n", progstype); fprintf (f, "%f\n", skill.value); fprintf (f, "%f\n", deathmatch.value); fprintf (f, "%f\n", coop.value); fprintf (f, "%f\n", teamplay.value); } fprintf (f, "%s\n", sv.name); fprintf (f, "%f\n",sv.time); // write the light styles for (i=0 ; iparms->memfree(s); fclose (f); Con_TPrintf (STL_SAVEDONE); SV_BroadcastTPrintf(2, STL_GAMESAVED); } //FIXME: Multiplayer save probably won't work with spectators. void SV_Loadgame_f(void) { char filename[MAX_OSPATH]; FILE *f; char mapname[MAX_QPATH]; float time, tfloat; char str[32768]; int i; edict_t *ent; int version; int pt; int slots; int current_skill; client_t *cl; int clnum; char plname[32]; int filelen, filepos; char *file; if (Cmd_Argc() != 2) { Con_TPrintf (STL_LOADSYNTAX); return; } // if (sv.state != ss_active) // { // Con_Printf("Can't apply: Server isn't running or is still loading\n"); // return; // } sprintf (filename, "%s/saves/%s", com_gamedir, Cmd_Argv(1)); COM_DefaultExtension (filename, ".sav"); // we can't call SCR_BeginLoadingPlaque, because too much stack space has // been used. The menu calls it before stuffing loadgame command // SCR_BeginLoadingPlaque (); Con_TPrintf (STL_LOADGAMEFROM, filename); f = fopen (filename, "rb"); if (!f) { Con_TPrintf (STL_ERRORCOULDNTOPEN); return; } fscanf (f, "%i\n", &version); if (version != SAVEGAME_VERSION && version != 5 && version != 6) //5 for NQ, 6 for ZQ/FQ { fclose (f); Con_TPrintf (STL_BADSAVEVERSION, version, SAVEGAME_VERSION); return; } fscanf (f, "%s\n", str); if (version == 5) { Con_Printf("loading single player game\n"); } else if (version == 6) //this is fuhquake's single player games { Con_Printf("loading single player qw game\n"); } else Con_Printf("loading FTE saved game\n"); for (clnum = 0; clnum < MAX_CLIENTS; clnum++) //clear the server for the level change. { cl = &svs.clients[clnum]; if (cl->state <= cs_zombie) continue; MSG_WriteByte (&cl->netchan.message, svc_stufftext); MSG_WriteString (&cl->netchan.message, "disconnect;wait;reconnect\n"); //kindly ask the client to come again. cl->drop = true; } SV_SendMessagesToAll(); if (version == 5 || version == 6) { slots = 1; for (clnum = 1; clnum < MAX_CLIENTS; clnum++) //kick all players fully. Load only player 1. { cl = &svs.clients[clnum]; cl->istobeloaded = false; cl->state = cs_free; } cl = &svs.clients[0]; #ifdef SERVERONLY strcpy(cl->name, ""); #else strcpy(cl->name, name.string); #endif cl->state = cs_zombie; cl->connection_started = realtime+20; cl->istobeloaded = true; for (i=0 ; i<16 ; i++) fscanf (f, "%f\n", &cl->spawn_parms[i]); for (; i < NUM_SPAWN_PARMS; i++) cl->spawn_parms[i] = 0; } else //fte QuakeWorld saves ALL the clients on the server. { fscanf (f, "%f\n", &tfloat); slots = tfloat; if (!slots) //err { fclose (f); Con_Printf ("Corrupted save game"); return; } for (clnum = 0; clnum < sv.allocated_client_slots; clnum++) //work out which players we had when we saved, and hope they accepted the reconnect. { cl = &svs.clients[clnum]; fscanf(f, "%s\n", plname); cl->istobeloaded = false; cl->state = cs_free; COM_Parse(plname); if (!*com_token) continue; strcpy(cl->name, com_token); cl->state = cs_zombie; cl->connection_started = realtime+20; cl->istobeloaded = true; for (i=0 ; ispawn_parms[i]); } for (clnum = sv.allocated_client_slots; clnum < MAX_CLIENTS; clnum++) { //cleanup. cl = &svs.clients[clnum]; cl->istobeloaded = false; cl->state = cs_free; } } if (version == 5 || version == 6) { fscanf (f, "%f\n", &tfloat); current_skill = (int)(tfloat + 0.1); Cvar_Set ("skill", va("%i", current_skill)); Cvar_SetValue ("deathmatch", 0); Cvar_SetValue ("coop", 0); Cvar_SetValue ("teamplay", 0); if (version == 5) { progstype = PROG_NQ; Cvar_SetVar (pr_ssqc_progs, "progs.dat"); //NQ's progs. } else { progstype = PROG_QW; Cvar_SetVar (&pr_ssqc_progs, "spprogs.dat"); //zquake's single player qw progs. } pt = 0; } else { fscanf (f, "%f\n", &tfloat); pt = tfloat; // this silliness is so we can load 1.06 save files, which have float skill values fscanf (f, "%f\n", &tfloat); current_skill = (int)(tfloat + 0.1); Cvar_Set ("skill", va("%i", current_skill)); fscanf (f, "%f\n", &tfloat); Cvar_SetValue ("deathmatch", tfloat); fscanf (f, "%f\n", &tfloat); Cvar_SetValue ("coop", tfloat); fscanf (f, "%f\n", &tfloat); Cvar_SetValue ("teamplay", tfloat); } fscanf (f, "%s\n",mapname); fscanf (f, "%f\n",&time); SV_SpawnServer (mapname, NULL, false, false); //always inits MAX_CLIENTS slots. That's okay, because we can cut the max easily. if (sv.state != ss_active) { fclose (f); Con_TPrintf (STL_LOADFAILED); return; } sv.allocated_client_slots = slots; // load the light styles for (i=0 ; iload_ents(svprogfuncs, file, 0); BZ_Free(file); PR_LoadGlabalStruct(); sv.time = time; pr_global_struct->time = sv.physicstime; fclose (f); SV_ClearWorld (); for (i=0 ; iisfree) continue; SV_LinkEdict (ent, false); } for (i=0 ; inext; Z_Free(svs.levcache); svs.levcache = cache; } } void LoadModelsAndSounds(vfsfile_t *f) { char str[32768]; int i; sv.strings.model_precache[0] = PR_AddString(svprogfuncs, "", 0); for (i=1; i < MAX_MODELS; i++) { VFS_GETS(f, str, sizeof(str)); if (!*str) break; sv.strings.model_precache[i] = PR_AddString(svprogfuncs, str, 0); } if (i == MAX_MODELS) { VFS_GETS(f, str, sizeof(str)); if (*str) SV_Error("Too many model precaches in loadgame cache"); } for (; i < MAX_MODELS; i++) sv.strings.model_precache[i] = NULL; // sv.sound_precache[0] = PR_AddString(svprogfuncs, "", 0); for (i=1; i < MAX_SOUNDS; i++) { VFS_GETS(f, str, sizeof(str)); if (!*str) break; // sv.sound_precache[i] = PR_AddString(svprogfuncs, str, 0); } if (i == MAX_SOUNDS) { VFS_GETS(f, str, sizeof(str)); if (*str) SV_Error("Too many sound precaches in loadgame cache"); } for (; i < MAX_SOUNDS; i++) *sv.strings.sound_precache[i] = 0; } /*ignoreplayers - says to not tell gamecode (a loadgame rather than a level change)*/ qboolean SV_LoadLevelCache(char *savename, char *level, char *startspot, qboolean isloadgame) { eval_t *eval, *e2; char name[MAX_OSPATH]; vfsfile_t *f; char mapname[MAX_QPATH]; float time; char str[32768]; int i,j; edict_t *ent; int version; int current_skill; int clnum; int pt; int modelpos; int filelen, filepos; char *file; gametype_e gametype; levelcache_t *cache; if (isloadgame) { gametype = svs.gametype; } else { cache = svs.levcache; while(cache) { if (!strcmp(cache->mapname, level)) break; cache = cache->next; } if (!cache) return false; //not visited yet. Ignore the existing caches as fakes. gametype = cache->gametype; } if (savename) Q_snprintfz (name, sizeof(name), "saves/%s/%s", savename, level); else Q_snprintfz (name, sizeof(name), "saves/%s", level); COM_DefaultExtension (name, ".lvc", sizeof(name)); // Con_TPrintf (STL_LOADGAMEFROM, name); #ifdef Q2SERVER if (gametype == GT_QUAKE2) { char syspath[MAX_OSPATH]; SV_SpawnServer (level, startspot, false, false); World_ClearWorld(&sv.world); if (!ge) { Con_Printf("Incorrect gamecode type.\n"); return false; } if (!FS_NativePath(name, FS_GAME, syspath, sizeof(syspath))) return false; ge->ReadLevel(syspath); for (i=0 ; i<100 ; i++) //run for 10 secs to iron out a few bugs. ge->RunFrame (); return true; } #endif // we can't call SCR_BeginLoadingPlaque, because too much stack space has // been used. The menu calls it before stuffing loadgame command // SCR_BeginLoadingPlaque (); f = FS_OpenVFS(name, "rb", FS_GAME); if (!f) { Con_Printf ("ERROR: Couldn't load \"%s\"\n", name); return false; } VFS_GETS(f, str, sizeof(str)); version = atoi(str); if (version != CACHEGAME_VERSION) { VFS_CLOSE (f); Con_TPrintf (STL_BADSAVEVERSION, version, CACHEGAME_VERSION); return false; } VFS_GETS(f, str, sizeof(str)); //comment SV_SendMessagesToAll(); VFS_GETS(f, str, sizeof(str)); pt = atof(str); // this silliness is so we can load 1.06 save files, which have float skill values VFS_GETS(f, str, sizeof(str)); current_skill = (int)(atof(str) + 0.1); Cvar_Set (&skill, va("%i", current_skill)); VFS_GETS(f, str, sizeof(str)); Cvar_SetValue (&deathmatch, atof(str)); VFS_GETS(f, str, sizeof(str)); Cvar_SetValue (&coop, atof(str)); VFS_GETS(f, str, sizeof(str)); Cvar_SetValue (&teamplay, atof(str)); VFS_GETS(f, mapname, sizeof(mapname)); VFS_GETS(f, str, sizeof(str)); time = atof(str); SV_SpawnServer (mapname, startspot, false, false); sv.time = time; if (svs.gametype != gametype) { Con_Printf("Incorrect gamecode type. Cannot load game.\n"); return false; } if (sv.state != ss_active) { VFS_CLOSE (f); Con_TPrintf (STL_LOADFAILED); return false; } // sv.paused = true; // pause until all clients connect // sv.loadgame = true; // load the light styles VFS_GETS(f, str, sizeof(str)); if (atoi(str) != MAX_LIGHTSTYLES) { VFS_CLOSE (f); Con_Printf ("load failed - invalid number of lightstyles\n"); return false; } // load the edicts out of the savegame file // the rest of the file is sent directly to the progs engine. /*hexen2's gamecode doesn't have SAVE set on all variables, in which case we must clobber them, and run the risk that they were set at map load time, but clear in the savegame.*/ if (progstype != PROG_H2) { Q_SetProgsParms(false); PR_Configure(svprogfuncs, -1, MAX_PROGS); PR_RegisterFields(); PR_InitEnts(svprogfuncs, sv.world.max_edicts); } for (i=0 ; iload_ents(svprogfuncs, file, 0); BZ_Free(file); progstype = pt; PR_LoadGlabalStruct(); pr_global_struct->serverflags = svs.serverflags; pr_global_struct->time = sv.time = sv.world.physicstime = time; sv.starttime = Sys_DoubleTime() - sv.time; VFS_SEEK(f, modelpos); LoadModelsAndSounds(f); VFS_CLOSE(f); PF_InitTempStrings(svprogfuncs); World_ClearWorld (&sv.world); for (i=0 ; ixv->playerclass; else svs.clients[i].playerclass = 0; } if (!isloadgame) { eval = PR_FindGlobal(svprogfuncs, "startspot", 0, NULL); if (eval) eval->_int = (int)PR_NewString(svprogfuncs, startspot, 0); eval = PR_FindGlobal(svprogfuncs, "ClientReEnter", 0, NULL); if (eval) for (i=0 ; irestoreent(svprogfuncs, svs.clients[i].spawninfo, &j, ent); e2 = svprogfuncs->GetEdictFieldValue(svprogfuncs, ent, "stats_restored", NULL); if (e2) e2->_float = 1; for (j=0 ; j< NUM_SPAWN_PARMS ; j++) { if (pr_global_ptrs->spawnparamglobals[j]) *pr_global_ptrs->spawnparamglobals[j] = host_client->spawn_parms[j]; } pr_global_struct->time = sv.world.physicstime; pr_global_struct->self = EDICT_TO_PROG(svprogfuncs, ent); ent->area.next = ent->area.prev = NULL; G_FLOAT(OFS_PARM0) = sv.time-host_client->spawninfotime; PR_ExecuteProgram(svprogfuncs, eval->function); } } } for (i=0 ; iisfree) continue; World_LinkEdict (&sv.world, (wedict_t*)ent, false); } for (i=0 ; iisfree) continue; /*hexen2 instead overwrites ents, which can theoretically be unreliable (ents with this flag are not saved in the first place, and thus are effectively reset instead of reloaded). fte purges all ents beforehand in a desperate attempt to remain sane. this behaviour does not match exactly, but is enough for vanilla hexen2/POP. */ if ((unsigned int)ent->v->flags & FL_HUBSAVERESET) { func_t f; /*set some minimal fields*/ ent->v->solid = SOLID_NOT; ent->v->use = 0; ent->v->touch = 0; ent->v->think = 0; ent->v->nextthink = 0; /*reinvoke the spawn function*/ pr_global_struct->time = 0.1; pr_global_struct->self = EDICT_TO_PROG(svprogfuncs, ent); f = PR_FindFunction(svprogfuncs, PR_GetString(svprogfuncs, ent->v->classname), PR_ANY); if (f) PR_ExecuteProgram(svprogfuncs, f); } } pr_global_struct->time = sv.world.physicstime; return true; //yay } void SV_SaveLevelCache(char *savedir, qboolean dontharmgame) { int len; char *s; client_t *cl; int clnum; char name[256]; vfsfile_t *f; int i; char comment[SAVEGAME_COMMENT_LENGTH+1]; levelcache_t *cache; if (!sv.state) return; if (!dontharmgame) { cache = svs.levcache; while(cache) { if (!strcmp(cache->mapname, sv.name)) break; cache = cache->next; } if (!cache) //not visited yet. Let us know that we went there. { cache = Z_Malloc(sizeof(levelcache_t)+strlen(sv.name)+1); cache->mapname = (char *)(cache+1); strcpy(cache->mapname, sv.name); cache->gametype = svs.gametype; cache->next = svs.levcache; svs.levcache = cache; } } if (savedir) Q_snprintfz (name, sizeof(name), "saves/%s/%s", savedir, sv.name); else Q_snprintfz (name, sizeof(name), "saves/%s", sv.name); COM_DefaultExtension (name, ".lvc", sizeof(name)); FS_CreatePath(name, FS_GAMEONLY); if (!dontharmgame) //save game in progress Con_TPrintf (STL_SAVEGAMETO, name); #ifdef Q2SERVER if (ge) { char syspath[256]; if (!FS_NativePath(name, FS_GAMEONLY, syspath, sizeof(syspath))) return; ge->WriteLevel(syspath); FS_FlushFSHashReally(); return; } #endif #ifdef HLSERVER if (svs.gametype == GT_HALFLIFE) { SVHL_SaveLevelCache(name); return; } #endif f = FS_OpenVFS (name, "wb", FS_GAME); if (!f) { Con_TPrintf (STL_ERRORCOULDNTOPEN); return; } VFS_PRINTF (f, "%i\n", CACHEGAME_VERSION); SV_SavegameComment (comment); VFS_PRINTF (f, "%s\n", comment); if (!dontharmgame) { for (cl = svs.clients, clnum=0; clnum < sv.allocated_client_slots; cl++,clnum++)//fake dropping { if (cl->state < cs_spawned && !cl->istobeloaded) //don't drop if they are still connecting { cl->edict->v->solid = 0; } else if (!cl->spectator) { // call the prog function for removing a client // this will set the body to a dead frame, among other things pr_global_struct->self = EDICT_TO_PROG(svprogfuncs, cl->edict); PR_ExecuteProgram (svprogfuncs, pr_global_struct->ClientDisconnect); sv.spawned_client_slots--; } else if (SpectatorDisconnect) { // call the prog function for removing a client // this will set the body to a dead frame, among other things pr_global_struct->self = EDICT_TO_PROG(svprogfuncs, cl->edict); PR_ExecuteProgram (svprogfuncs, SpectatorDisconnect); } } } VFS_PRINTF (f, "%d\n", progstype); VFS_PRINTF (f, "%f\n", skill.value); VFS_PRINTF (f, "%f\n", deathmatch.value); VFS_PRINTF (f, "%f\n", coop.value); VFS_PRINTF (f, "%f\n", teamplay.value); VFS_PRINTF (f, "%s\n", sv.name); VFS_PRINTF (f, "%f\n",sv.time); // write the light styles VFS_PRINTF (f, "%i\n",MAX_LIGHTSTYLES); for (i=0 ; iparms->memfree(s); VFS_CLOSE (f); } #ifdef NEWSAVEFORMAT #define FTESAVEGAME_VERSION 25000 void SV_Savegame (char *savename) { extern cvar_t nomonsters; extern cvar_t gamecfg; extern cvar_t scratch1; extern cvar_t scratch2; extern cvar_t scratch3; extern cvar_t scratch4; extern cvar_t savedgamecfg; extern cvar_t saved1; extern cvar_t saved2; extern cvar_t saved3; extern cvar_t saved4; extern cvar_t temp1; extern cvar_t noexit; extern cvar_t pr_maxedicts; client_t *cl; int clnum; char comment[SAVEGAME_COMMENT_LENGTH+1]; vfsfile_t *f; int len; levelcache_t *cache; char str[MAX_LOCALINFO_STRING+1]; char *savefilename; if (!sv.state) { Con_Printf("Server is not active - unable to save\n"); return; } /*catch invalid names*/ if (!*savename || strstr(savename, "..")) savename = "quicksav"; savefilename = va("saves/%s/info.fsv", savename); FS_CreatePath(savefilename, FS_GAMEONLY); f = FS_OpenVFS(savefilename, "wb", FS_GAMEONLY); if (!f) { Con_Printf("Couldn't open file saves/%s/info.fsv\n", savename); return; } SV_SavegameComment(comment); VFS_PRINTF (f, "%d\n", FTESAVEGAME_VERSION+svs.gametype); VFS_PRINTF (f, "%s\n", comment); VFS_PRINTF(f, "%i\n", sv.allocated_client_slots); for (cl = svs.clients, clnum=0; clnum < sv.allocated_client_slots; cl++,clnum++) { if (cl->state < cs_spawned && !cl->istobeloaded) //don't save if they are still connecting { VFS_PRINTF(f, "\n"); continue; } VFS_PRINTF(f, "%s\n", cl->name); if (*cl->name) for (len = 0; len < NUM_SPAWN_PARMS; len++) VFS_PRINTF(f, "%i (%f)\n", *(int*)&cl->spawn_parms[len], cl->spawn_parms[len]); //write ints as not everyone passes a float in the parms. //write floats too so you can use it to debug. } Q_strncpyz(str, svs.info, sizeof(str)); Info_RemovePrefixedKeys(str, '*'); VFS_PRINTF (f, "%s\n", str); Q_strncpyz(str, localinfo, sizeof(str)); Info_RemovePrefixedKeys(str, '*'); VFS_PRINTF (f, "%s\n", str); VFS_PRINTF (f, "{\n"); //all game vars. FIXME: Should save the ones that have been retrieved/set by progs. VFS_PRINTF (f, "skill \"%s\"\n", skill.string); VFS_PRINTF (f, "deathmatch \"%s\"\n", deathmatch.string); VFS_PRINTF (f, "coop \"%s\"\n", coop.string); VFS_PRINTF (f, "teamplay \"%s\"\n", teamplay.string); VFS_PRINTF (f, "nomonsters \"%s\"\n", nomonsters.string); VFS_PRINTF (f, "gamecfg\t \"%s\"\n", gamecfg.string); VFS_PRINTF (f, "scratch1 \"%s\"\n", scratch1.string); VFS_PRINTF (f, "scratch2 \"%s\"\n", scratch2.string); VFS_PRINTF (f, "scratch3 \"%s\"\n", scratch3.string); VFS_PRINTF (f, "scratch4 \"%s\"\n", scratch4.string); VFS_PRINTF (f, "savedgamecfg\t \"%s\"\n", savedgamecfg.string); VFS_PRINTF (f, "saved1 \"%s\"\n", saved1.string); VFS_PRINTF (f, "saved2 \"%s\"\n", saved2.string); VFS_PRINTF (f, "saved3 \"%s\"\n", saved3.string); VFS_PRINTF (f, "saved4 \"%s\"\n", saved4.string); VFS_PRINTF (f, "temp1 \"%s\"\n", temp1.string); VFS_PRINTF (f, "noexit \"%s\"\n", noexit.string); VFS_PRINTF (f, "pr_maxedicts\t \"%s\"\n", pr_maxedicts.string); VFS_PRINTF (f, "progs \"%s\"\n", pr_ssqc_progs.string); VFS_PRINTF (f, "set nextserver \"%s\"\n", Cvar_Get("nextserver", "", 0, "")->string); VFS_PRINTF (f, "}\n"); SV_SaveLevelCache(savename, true); //add the current level. cache = svs.levcache; //state from previous levels - just copy it all accross. VFS_PRINTF(f, "{\n"); while(cache) { VFS_PRINTF(f, "%s\n", cache->mapname); if (strcmp(cache->mapname, sv.name)) { FS_Copy(va("saves/%s.lvc", cache->mapname), va("saves/%s/%s.lvc", savename, cache->mapname), FS_GAME, FS_GAME); } cache = cache->next; } VFS_PRINTF(f, "}\n"); VFS_PRINTF (f, "%s\n", sv.name); VFS_CLOSE(f); } void SV_Savegame_f (void) { SV_Savegame(Cmd_Argv(1)); } void SV_Loadgame_f (void) { levelcache_t *cache; unsigned char str[MAX_LOCALINFO_STRING+1], *trim; unsigned char savename[MAX_QPATH]; vfsfile_t *f; unsigned char filename[MAX_OSPATH]; int version; int clnum; int slots; int loadzombies = 0; client_t *cl; gametype_e gametype; int len; Q_strncpyz(savename, Cmd_Argv(1), sizeof(savename)); if (!*savename || strstr(savename, "..")) strcpy(savename, "quicksav"); Q_snprintfz (filename, sizeof(filename), "saves/%s/info.fsv", savename); f = FS_OpenVFS (filename, "rb", FS_GAME); if (!f) { Con_TPrintf (STL_ERRORCOULDNTOPEN); return; } VFS_GETS(f, str, sizeof(str)-1); version = atoi(str); if (version < FTESAVEGAME_VERSION || version >= FTESAVEGAME_VERSION+GT_MAX) { VFS_CLOSE (f); Con_TPrintf (STL_BADSAVEVERSION, version, FTESAVEGAME_VERSION); return; } gametype = version - FTESAVEGAME_VERSION; VFS_GETS(f, str, sizeof(str)-1); #ifndef SERVERONLY if (!cls.state) #endif Con_TPrintf (STL_LOADGAMEFROM, filename); for (clnum = 0; clnum < MAX_CLIENTS; clnum++) //clear the server for the level change. { cl = &svs.clients[clnum]; if (cl->state <= cs_zombie) continue; if (cl->protocol == SCP_QUAKE2) MSG_WriteByte (&cl->netchan.message, svcq2_stufftext); else MSG_WriteByte (&cl->netchan.message, svc_stufftext); MSG_WriteString (&cl->netchan.message, "echo Loading Game;disconnect;wait;wait;reconnect\n"); //kindly ask the client to come again. cl->istobeloaded = false; } SV_SendMessagesToAll(); VFS_GETS(f, str, sizeof(str)-1); slots = atoi(str); for (cl = svs.clients, clnum=0; clnum < slots; cl++,clnum++) { if (cl->state > cs_zombie) SV_DropClient(cl); VFS_GETS(f, str, sizeof(str)-1); str[sizeof(cl->namebuf)-1] = '\0'; for (trim = str+strlen(str)-1; trim>=str && *trim <= ' '; trim--) *trim='\0'; for (trim = str; *trim <= ' ' && *trim; trim++) ; strcpy(cl->namebuf, str); cl->name = cl->namebuf; if (*str) { cl->state = cs_zombie; cl->connection_started = realtime+20; cl->istobeloaded = true; loadzombies++; memset(&cl->netchan, 0, sizeof(cl->netchan)); for (len = 0; len < NUM_SPAWN_PARMS; len++) { VFS_GETS(f, str, sizeof(str)-1); for (trim = str+strlen(str)-1; trim>=str && *trim <= ' '; trim--) *trim='\0'; for (trim = str; *trim <= ' ' && *trim; trim++) if (*str == '(') cl->spawn_parms[len] = atof(str); else { version = atoi(str); cl->spawn_parms[len] = *(float *)&version; } } } } VFS_GETS(f, str, sizeof(str)-1); for (trim = str+strlen(str)-1; trim>=str && *trim <= ' '; trim--) *trim='\0'; for (trim = str; *trim <= ' ' && *trim; trim++) ; Info_RemovePrefixedKeys(str, '*'); //just in case Info_RemoveNonStarKeys(svs.info); len = strlen(svs.info); Q_strncpyz(svs.info+len, str, sizeof(svs.info)-len); VFS_GETS(f, str, sizeof(str)-1); for (trim = str+strlen(str)-1; trim>=str && *trim <= ' '; trim--) *trim='\0'; for (trim = str; *trim <= ' ' && *trim; trim++) ; Info_RemovePrefixedKeys(str, '*'); //just in case Info_RemoveNonStarKeys(localinfo); len = strlen(localinfo); Q_strncpyz(localinfo+len, str, sizeof(localinfo)-len); VFS_GETS(f, str, sizeof(str)-1); for (trim = str+strlen(str)-1; trim>=str && *trim <= ' '; trim--) *trim='\0'; for (trim = str; *trim <= ' ' && *trim; trim++) ; if (strcmp(str, "{")) SV_Error("Corrupt saved game\n"); while(1) { if (!VFS_GETS(f, str, sizeof(str)-1)) SV_Error("Corrupt saved game\n"); for (trim = str+strlen(str)-1; trim>=str && *trim <= ' '; trim--) *trim='\0'; for (trim = str; *trim <= ' ' && *trim; trim++) ; if (!strcmp(str, "}")) break; else if (*str) Cmd_ExecuteString(str, RESTRICT_RCON); } SV_FlushLevelCache(); VFS_GETS(f, str, sizeof(str)-1); for (trim = str+strlen(str)-1; trim>=str && *trim <= ' '; trim--) *trim='\0'; for (trim = str; *trim <= ' ' && *trim; trim++) ; if (strcmp(str, "{")) SV_Error("Corrupt saved game\n"); while(1) { if (!VFS_GETS(f, str, sizeof(str)-1)) SV_Error("Corrupt saved game\n"); for (trim = str+strlen(str)-1; trim>=str && *trim <= ' '; trim--) *trim='\0'; for (trim = str; *trim <= ' ' && *trim; trim++) ; if (!strcmp(str, "}")) break; if (!*str) continue; cache = Z_Malloc(sizeof(levelcache_t)+strlen(str)+1); cache->mapname = (char *)(cache+1); strcpy(cache->mapname, str); cache->gametype = gametype; cache->next = svs.levcache; FS_Copy(va("saves/%s/%s.lvc", savename, cache->mapname), va("saves/%s.lvc", cache->mapname), FS_GAME, FS_GAMEONLY); svs.levcache = cache; } VFS_GETS(f, str, sizeof(str)-1); for (trim = str+strlen(str)-1; trim>=str && *trim <= ' '; trim--) *trim='\0'; for (trim = str; *trim <= ' ' && *trim; trim++) ; VFS_CLOSE(f); svs.gametype = gametype; SV_LoadLevelCache(savename, str, "", true); sv.allocated_client_slots = slots; sv.spawned_client_slots += loadzombies; } #endif #endif