/* Copyright (C) 2011 azazello and ezQuake team This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. */ // // HUD commands // #ifndef __hud_h__ #define __hud_h__ // flags #define HUD_NO_DRAW (1 << 0) // don't draw this automatically #define HUD_NO_SHOW (1 << 1) // doesn't support show/hide #define HUD_NO_POS_X (1 << 2) // doesn't support x positioning #define HUD_NO_POS_Y (1 << 3) // doesn't support y positioning #define HUD_NO_FRAME (1 << 4) // don't add frame #define HUD_ON_DIALOG (1 << 5) // draw on dialog too #define HUD_ON_INTERMISSION (1 << 6) // draw on intermission too #define HUD_ON_FINALE (1 << 7) // draw on finale too #define HUD_ON_SCORES (1 << 8) // draw on +showscores too #define HUD_NO_GROW (1 << 9) // no frame grow #define HUD_PLUSMINUS (1 << 10) // auto add +/- commands #define HUD_OPACITY (1 << 11) #define HUD_INVENTORY (HUD_NO_GROW) // aply for sbar elements #define HUD_MAX_PARAMS 24 #define HUD_REGEXP_OFFSET_COUNT 20 // Placement #define HUD_PLACE_SCREEN 1 #define HUD_PLACE_TOP 2 #define HUD_PLACE_VIEW 3 #define HUD_PLACE_SBAR 4 #define HUD_PLACE_IBAR 5 #define HUD_PLACE_HBAR 6 #define HUD_PLACE_SFREE 7 #define HUD_PLACE_IFREE 8 #define HUD_PLACE_HFREE 9 // Alignment #define HUD_ALIGN_LEFT 1 #define HUD_ALIGN_TOP 1 #define HUD_ALIGN_CENTER 2 #define HUD_ALIGN_RIGHT 3 #define HUD_ALIGN_BOTTOM 3 #define HUD_ALIGN_BEFORE 4 #define HUD_ALIGN_AFTER 5 #define HUD_ALIGN_CONSOLE 6 typedef struct hud_s { char *name; // Element name. char *description; // Little help. void (*draw_func) (struct hud_s *); // Drawing function. cvar_t *order; // Higher it is, later this element will be drawn // and more probable that will be on top. cvar_t *show; // Show cvar. cvar_t *frame; // Frame cvar. cvar_t *frame_color; // Frame color cvar. byte frame_color_cache[4]; // Cache for parsed frame color. cvar_t *opacity; // The overall opacity of the entire HUD element. // placement cvar_t *place; // Place string, parsed to: struct hud_s *place_hud; // if snapped to hud element qbool place_outside; // if hud: inside ot outside int place_num; // place number (our or parent if hud) // note: item is placed at another HUD element // if place_hud != NULL cvar_t *align_x; // Alignment cvars (left, right, ...) cvar_t *align_y; int align_x_num; // Parsed alignment. int align_y_num; cvar_t *pos_x; // Position cvars. cvar_t *pos_y; cvar_t **params; // Registered parameters for the HUD element. int num_params; cactive_t min_state; // At least this state is required // to draw this element. unsigned flags; // Last draw parameters (mostly used by children) int lx, ly, lw, lh; // Last position. int al, ar, at, ab; // Last frame params. int last_try_sequence; // Sequence, at which object tried to draw itself. int last_draw_sequence; // Sequence, at which it was last drawn successfully. struct hud_s *next; // Next HUD in the list. } hud_t; typedef void (*hud_func_type) (struct hud_s *); #define MAX_HUD_ELEMENTS 256 // // Initialize // void HUD_Init(void); // // Add element to list // parameter format: "name1", "default1", ..., "nameX", "defaultX", NULL // hud_t * HUD_Register(char *name, char *var_alias, char *description, int flags, cactive_t min_state, int draw_order, hud_func_type draw_func, char *show, char *place, char *align_x, char *align_y, char *pos_x, char *pos_y, char *frame, char *frame_color, char *item_opacity, char *params, ...); // // Draw all active elements. // void HUD_Draw(void); // // Retrieve hud cvar. // cvar_t *HUD_FindVar(hud_t *hud, char *subvar); // // Find element in list. // hud_t * HUD_Find(char *name); // // Calculate screen position of element. // return value: // true - draw it // false - don't draw, it is off screen (mayby partially) // qbool HUD_PrepareDraw( hud_t *hud, int width, int height, // In. int *ret_x, int *ret_y); // Out. qbool HUD_PrepareDrawByName( char *element, int width, int height, // In. int *ret_x, int *ret_y); // Out. // Sort all HUD Elements. void HUD_Sort(void); // Recalculate the position of all hud elements. void HUD_Recalculate(void); // when show pre-selected weapon/ammo? 1) player uses this system 2) not dead 3) when playing #define ShowPreselectedWeap() (cl_weaponpreselect->value && cl.stats[STAT_HEALTH] > 0 && !cls.demoplayback && !cl.spectator) #endif // __hud_h__