.float skinobject; class mitem_playerpreview : mitem_spinnymodel { virtual void(vector pos) item_draw = { //if you wanted to get more advanced, you could use q3 skins here. if (cvar("noskins")) setcustomskin(self, "", sprintf("q1upper \"%s\"\nq1lower \"%s\"\n\n", cvar_string("topcolor"), cvar_string("bottomcolor"))); else if (cvar_string("cl_teamskin") != "") setcustomskin(self, "", sprintf("q1upper \"%s\"\nq1lower \"%s\"\nqwskin \"%s\"\n", cvar_string("topcolor"), cvar_string("bottomcolor"), cvar_string("cl_teamskin"))); else setcustomskin(self, "", sprintf("q1upper \"%s\"\nq1lower \"%s\"\nqwskin \"%s\"\n", cvar_string("topcolor"), cvar_string("bottomcolor"), cvar_string("skin"))); super::item_draw(pos); }; }; static string() skinopts = { string opts = ""; float s = search_begin("skins/*.pcx", TRUE, TRUE); if (s < 0) return opts; float n = search_getsize(s); for (float i = 0; i < n; i++) { string f = substring(search_getfilename(s, i), 6, -5); opts = strcat(opts, "\"", f, "\" \"", f, "\" "); } return opts; }; var float autocvar_m_pitch = 0.022; class options_basic : mitem_exmenu { virtual string(string key) get = { if (key == "m_pitchsign") return (autocvar_m_pitch<0)?"1":"0"; return super::get(key); }; virtual void(string key, string newval) set = { if (key == "m_pitchsign") { float invert; if (stof(newval)) invert = autocvar_m_pitch > 0; else invert = autocvar_m_pitch < 0; if (invert) cvar_set("m_pitch", ftos(-autocvar_m_pitch)); } else super::set(key, newval); }; }; nonstatic void(mitem_desktop desktop) M_Options_Basic = { mitem_exmenu m; m = spawn(options_basic, item_text:_("Basic Options"), item_flags:IF_SELECTABLE, item_command:"m_options"); desktop.add(m, RS_X_MIN_PARENT_MIN|RS_Y_MIN_PARENT_MIN | RS_X_MAX_PARENT_MAX|RS_Y_MAX_PARENT_MAX, '0 0', '0 0'); desktop.item_focuschange(m, IF_KFOCUSED); m.totop(); float h = 200 * 0.5; //draw title art above the options mitem_pic banner = spawn(mitem_pic, item_text:"gfx/ttl_cstm.lmp", item_size_y:24, item_flags:IF_CENTERALIGN); m.add(banner, RS_X_MIN_PARENT_MID|RS_Y_MIN_PARENT_MID | RS_X_MAX_OWN_MIN|RS_Y_MAX_PARENT_MID, [(160-160-banner.item_size_x)*0.5, -h-32], [banner.item_size_x, -h-8]); //spawn a container frame for the actual options. this provides a scrollbar if we have too many items. mitem_frame fr = spawn(mitem_frame, item_flags: IF_SELECTABLE, frame_hasscroll:TRUE); m.add(fr, RS_X_MIN_PARENT_MID|RS_Y_MIN_PARENT_MID | RS_X_MAX_PARENT_MID|RS_Y_MAX_OWN_MIN, [-160, -h], [160, h*2]); float fl = RS_X_MIN_PARENT_MIN|RS_Y_MIN_PARENT_MIN | RS_X_MAX_PARENT_MAX|RS_Y_MAX_OWN_MIN; float pos = 0; fr.add(menuitemeditt_spawn(_("Player Name"), dp("_cl_name", "name"), '280 8'), fl, [0, pos], [0, 8]); pos += 8; fr.add(menuitemeditt_spawn(_("Player Team"), "team", '280 8'), fl, [0, pos], [0, 8]); pos += 8; fr.add(menuitemcombo_spawn(_("Player Skin"), "skin", '280 8', skinopts()), fl, [0, pos], [0, 8]); pos += 8; if (assumefalsecheckcommand("topcolor")) fr.add(menuitemcolour_spawn(_("Upper Colour"), "topcolor", '280 8'), fl, [0, pos], [0, 8]); pos += 8; if (assumefalsecheckcommand("bottomcolor")) fr.add(menuitemcolour_spawn(_("Lower Colour"), "bottomcolor", '280 8'), fl, [0, pos], [0, 8]); pos += 8; /*aka: arse colour*/ pos += 8; fr.add(menuitemcheck_spawn (_("Invert Mouse"), "m_pitchsign", '280 8'), fl, [0, pos], [0, 8]); pos += 8; fr.add(menuitemslider_spawn(_("Sensitivity"), "sensitivity", '3 20 1', '280 8'), fl, [0, pos], [0, 8]); pos += 8; fr.add(menuitemslider_spawn(_("Fov"), "fov", '80 130 5', '280 8'), fl, [0, pos], [0, 8]); pos += 8; fr.add(menuitemslider_spawn(_("Gamma"), dp("v_gamma", "gamma"), '0.4 1.3 0.1', '280 8'), fl, [0, pos], [0, 8]); pos += 8; fr.add(menuitemslider_spawn(_("Contrast"), dp("v_contrast", "contrast"), '0.8 1.8 0.1', '280 8'), fl, [0, pos], [0, 8]); pos += 8; fr.add(menuitemslider_spawn(_("Brightness"), dp("v_brightness", "brightness"),'0.0 0.5 0.1', '280 8'), fl, [0, pos], [0, 8]); pos += 8; fr.add(menuitemslider_spawn(_("Crosshair"), "crosshair", '0.0 19 1', '280 8'), fl, [0, pos], [0, 8]); pos += 8; m.add(spawn (mitem_playerpreview, item_text: "progs/player.mdl", firstframe:0, framecount:6, shootframe:119, shootframes:6), RS_X_MIN_PARENT_MID|RS_Y_MIN_PARENT_MID | RS_X_MAX_PARENT_MID|RS_Y_MAX_PARENT_MID, [-200, 12*-16/2], [-40, 12*16/2]); addmenuback(m); };