/* Copyright (C) 1996-1997 Id Software, Inc. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ // client.h #include "../common/particles.h" enum { SKIN_NOTLOADED, //not trying to load it. shouldn't really happen, but can. SKIN_LOADING, //still loading. just do something else for now... SKIN_LOADED, SKIN_FAILED }; typedef struct qwskin_s { char name[64]; int loadstate; // the name isn't a valid skin //qw skin info int width; int height; void *skindata; //for hardware 32bit texture overrides texnums_t textures; } qwskin_t; // player_state_t is the information needed by a player entity // to do move prediction and to generate a drawable entity typedef struct { int messagenum; // all player's won't be updated each frame double state_time; // not the same as the packet time, // because player commands come asyncronously usercmd_t command; // last command for prediction vec3_t origin; vec3_t predorigin; // pre-predicted pos for other players (allowing us to just lerp when active) vec3_t viewangles; // only for demos, not from server vec3_t velocity; int weaponframe; unsigned int modelindex; int frame; int skinnum; int effects; #ifdef PEXT_SCALE float scale; #endif qbyte colourmod[3]; qbyte alpha; #ifdef PEXT_FATNESS float fatness; #endif int flags; // dead, gib, etc int pm_type; vec3_t szmins, szmaxs; //maybe-propagated... use the networked value if available. float waterjumptime; //never networked... qboolean onground; //networked with Z_EXT_PF_ONGROUND||replacementdeltas qboolean jump_held; //networked with Z_EXT_PM_TYPE int jump_msec; // hack for fixing bunny-hop flickering on non-ZQuake servers vec3_t gravitydir; //networked with replacementdeltas } player_state_t; #if defined(Q2CLIENT) || defined(Q2SERVER) typedef enum { // can accelerate and turn Q2PM_NORMAL, Q2PM_SPECTATOR, // no acceleration or turning Q2PM_DEAD, Q2PM_GIB, // different bounding box Q2PM_FREEZE } q2pmtype_t; enum { //urgh. // can accelerate and turn Q2EPM_NORMAL, Q2EPM_GRAPPLE, Q2EPM_SPECTATOR, Q2EPM_SPECTATOR2, // no acceleration or turning Q2EPM_DEAD, Q2EPM_GIB, // different bounding box Q2EPM_FREEZE }; typedef struct { //shared with q2 dll q2pmtype_t pm_type; short origin[3]; // 13.3 short velocity[3]; // 13.3 qbyte pm_flags; // ducked, jump_held, etc qbyte pm_time; // each unit = 8 ms short gravity; short delta_angles[3]; // add to command angles to get view direction // changed by spawns, rotating objects, and teleporters // short pad; } q2pmove_state_t; typedef struct { //shared with q2 dll so cannot be changed q2pmove_state_t pmove; // for prediction // these fields do not need to be communicated bit-precise vec3_t viewangles; // for fixed views vec3_t viewoffset; // add to pmovestate->origin vec3_t kick_angles; // add to view direction to get render angles // set by weapon kicks, pain effects, etc vec3_t gunangles; vec3_t gunoffset; int gunindex; int gunframe; float blend[4]; // rgba full screen effect float fov; // horizontal field of view int rdflags; // refdef flags short stats[Q2MAX_STATS]; // fast status bar updates } q2player_state_t; #endif typedef struct colourised_s { char name[64]; unsigned int topcolour; unsigned int bottomcolour; char skin[64]; struct colourised_s *next; } colourised_t; #define MAX_SCOREBOARDNAME 64 #define MAX_DISPLAYEDNAME 16 typedef struct player_info_s { int userid; infobuf_t userinfo; qboolean userinfovalid; //set if we actually know the userinfo (ie: false on vanilla nq servers) char teamstatus[128]; float teamstatustime; // scoreboard information int spectator; char name[MAX_SCOREBOARDNAME]; char team[MAX_INFO_KEY]; float realentertime; //pegged against realtime, to cope with potentially not knowing the server's time when we first receive this message int frags; int ping; qbyte pl; char ruleset[19]; //has colour markup to say if its accepted or not char ip[128]; struct { float time; //invalid if too old. int health; int armour; unsigned int items; vec3_t org; char nick[8]; //kinda short, yes. } tinfo; qboolean ignored; qboolean vignored; unsigned int chatstate; // skin information unsigned int rtopcolor; //real, according to their userinfo unsigned int rbottomcolor; #ifdef QWSKINS colourised_t *colourised; qwskin_t *qwskin; qwskin_t *lastskin; //last-known-good skin unsigned int ttopcolor; //team, according to colour forcing unsigned int tbottomcolor; struct model_s *model; #define dtopcolor ttopcolor #define dbottomcolor tbottomcolor #else #define dtopcolor rtopcolor #define dbottomcolor rbottomcolor #endif skinid_t skinid; // unsigned short vweapindex; #ifdef HEXEN2 unsigned char h2playerclass; #endif int prevcount; #ifdef QUAKEHUD struct wstats_s { char wname[16]; unsigned int hit; unsigned int total; } weaponstats[16]; #endif int stats[MAX_CL_STATS]; float statsf[MAX_CL_STATS]; } player_info_t; typedef struct { double senttime; // time cmd was sent off float latency; // the time the packet was acked. -1=choked, -2=dropped, -3=never sent, -4=reply came back invalid // generated on client side usercmd_t cmd[MAX_SPLITS]; // cmd that generated the frame int cmd_sequence; //the outgoing move sequence. if not equal to expected, that index was stale and is no longer valid int server_message_num; //the inbound frame that was valid when this command was generated int server_time; int client_time; float sentgametime; //nq timings are based upon server time echos. } outframe_t; typedef struct { // received from server int frameid; //the sequence number of the frame, so we can easily detect which frames are valid without poking all in advance, etc int ackframe; //the outgoing sequence this frame acked (for prediction backlerping). double receivedtime; // time message was received, or -1 player_state_t playerstate[MAX_CLIENTS+MAX_SPLITS]; // message received that reflects performing // the usercmd packet_entities_t packet_entities; qboolean invalid; // true if the packet_entities delta was invalid } inframe_t; #ifdef Q2CLIENT typedef struct { qboolean valid; // cleared if delta parsing was invalid int serverframe; int servertime; // server time the message is valid for (in msec) int deltaframe; struct { qbyte areabits[MAX_Q2MAP_AREAS/8]; // portalarea visibility bits q2player_state_t playerstate; int clientnum; } seat[MAX_SPLITS]; int num_entities; int parse_entities; // non-masked index into cl_parse_entities array } q2frame_t; #endif typedef struct { int destcolor[3]; float percent; // 0-256 } cshift_t; #define CSHIFT_CONTENTS 0 #define CSHIFT_DAMAGE 1 #define CSHIFT_BONUS 2 #define CSHIFT_POWERUP 3 #define CSHIFT_SERVER 4 #define NUM_CSHIFTS 5 // // client_state_t should hold all pieces of the client state // //the light array works thusly: //dlights are allocated DL_LAST downwards to 0, static wlights are allocated DL_LAST+1 to MAX_RTLIGHTS. //thus to clear the dlights but not rtlights, set the first light to RTL_FIRST #define dlightbitmask_t size_t #define DL_LAST (sizeof(dlightbitmask_t)*8-1) #define RTL_FIRST (sizeof(dlightbitmask_t)*8) #define LFLAG_NORMALMODE (1<<0) /*ppl with r_shadow_realtime_dlight*/ #define LFLAG_REALTIMEMODE (1<<1) /*ppl with r_shadow_realtime_world*/ #define LFLAG_LIGHTMAP (1<<2) #define LFLAG_FLASHBLEND (1<<3) #define LFLAG_NOSHADOWS (1<<8) #define LFLAG_SHADOWMAP (1<<9) #define LFLAG_CREPUSCULAR (1<<10) //weird type of sun light that gives god rays #define LFLAG_ORTHO (1<<11) //sun-style -light #define LFLAG_FORCECACHE (1<<12) //shadowmap/surfaces should be cached from one frame to the next. #define LFLAG_INTERNAL (LFLAG_LIGHTMAP|LFLAG_FLASHBLEND|LFLAG_FORCECACHE) //these are internal to FTE, and never written to disk (ie: .rtlights files shouldn't contain these) #define LFLAG_DYNAMIC (LFLAG_LIGHTMAP | LFLAG_FLASHBLEND | LFLAG_NORMALMODE) typedef struct dlight_s { int key; // so entities can reuse same entry vec3_t origin; vec3_t axis[3]; vec3_t angles; //used only for reflection, to avoid things getting rounded/cycled. vec3_t rotation; //cubemap/spotlight rotation float radius; float die; // stop lighting after this time float decay; // drop this each second float minlight; // don't add when contributing less float color[3]; float channelfade[3]; #ifdef RTLIGHTS vec3_t lightcolourscales; //ambient, diffuse, specular #endif float corona; float coronascale; float fade[2]; unsigned int flags; char cubemapname[MAX_QPATH]; char *customstyle; int coronaocclusionquery; unsigned int coronaocclusionresult; //the following are used for rendering (client code should clear on create) qboolean rebuildcache; struct shadowmesh_s *worldshadowmesh; texid_t cubetexture; struct { float updatetime; } face [6]; int style; //multiply by style values if >= 0 && < MAX_LIGHTSTYLES float fov; //spotlight float nearclip; //for spotlights... struct dlight_s *next; } dlight_t; typedef struct { int length; char map[MAX_STYLESTRING]; vec3_t colours; int colourkey; //compacted version of the colours, for comparison against caches } lightstyle_t; #define MAX_DEMOS 8 #define MAX_DEMONAME 16 typedef enum { ca_disconnected, // full screen console with no connection ca_demostart, // waiting to start up a demo (still disconnected but there should be a playdemo command in the cbuf somewhere so don't do other stuff) ca_connected, // netchan_t established, waiting for svc_serverdata ca_onserver, // processing data lists, donwloading, etc ca_active // everything is in, so frames can be rendered } cactive_t; typedef enum { dl_none, dl_model, dl_sound, dl_skin, dl_wad, dl_single, dl_singlestuffed } dltype_t; // download type typedef struct qdownload_s { enum {DL_QW, DL_QWCHUNKS, DL_Q3, DL_DARKPLACES, DL_QWPENDING, DL_HTTP, DL_FTP} method; vfsfile_t *file; // file transfer from server char dclname[MAX_OSPATH]; //file to read/write the chunklist from, for download resumption. char tempname[MAX_OSPATH]; //file its currently writing to. char localname[MAX_OSPATH]; //file its going to be renamed to. int prefixbytes; //number of bytes that prefix the above names (ie: package/ or nothing). char remotename[MAX_OSPATH]; //file its coming from. float percent; //for progress indicator. float starttime; //for speed info qofs_t completedbytes; //number of bytes downloaded, for progress/speed info qofs_t size; //total size (may be a guess) qboolean sizeunknown; //says that size is a guess unsigned int filesequence; //unique file id. enum fs_relative fsroot; //where the local+temp file is meant to be relative to. double ratetime; //periodically updated int rate; //ratebytes/ratetimedelta int ratebytes; //updated by download reception code, and cleared when ratetime is bumped unsigned int flags; //chunked downloads uses this struct dlblock_s { qofs_t start; qofs_t end; enum { DLB_MISSING, DLB_PENDING, DLB_RECEIVED } state:16; unsigned int sequence; //sequence is only valid on pending blocks. struct dlblock_s *next; } *dlblocks; } qdownload_t; enum qdlabort { QDL_FAILED, //delete file, tell server. QDL_DISCONNECT, //delete file, don't tell server. QDL_COMPLETED, //rename file, tell server. }; qboolean DL_Begun(qdownload_t *dl); void DL_Abort(qdownload_t *dl, enum qdlabort aborttype); //just frees the download's resources. does not delete the temp file. qboolean CL_AllowArbitaryDownload(const char *oldname, const char *localfile); // // the client_static_t structure is persistant through an arbitrary number // of server connections // typedef struct { // connection information cactive_t state; /*Specifies which protocol family we're speaking*/ enum { CP_UNKNOWN, CP_QUAKEWORLD, CP_NETQUAKE, CP_QUAKE2, CP_QUAKE3, CP_PLUGIN } protocol; /*QuakeWorld protocol flags*/ #ifdef PROTOCOLEXTENSIONS unsigned int fteprotocolextensions; unsigned int fteprotocolextensions2; unsigned int ezprotocolextensions1; #endif unsigned int z_ext; /*NQ Protocol flags*/ enum { CPNQ_ID, CPNQ_NEHAHRA, CPNQ_BJP1, //16bit models, strict 8bit sounds (otherwise based on nehahra) CPNQ_BJP2, //16bit models, strict 16bit sounds CPNQ_BJP3, //16bit models, flagged 16bit sounds, 8bit static sounds. CPNQ_H2MP, //urgh CPNQ_FITZ666, /*and rmqe999 protocol, which is a strict superset*/ CPNQ_DP5, CPNQ_DP6, CPNQ_DP7 } protocol_nq; #define CPNQ_IS_DP (cls.protocol_nq >= CPNQ_DP5) #define CPNQ_IS_BJP (cls.protocol_nq >= CPNQ_BJP1 && cls.protocol_nq <= CPNQ_BJP3) qboolean proquake_angles_hack; //angles are always 16bit #ifdef NQPROT qboolean qex; //we're connected to a QuakeEx server, which means lots of special workarounds that are not controlled via the actual protocol version. #endif int protocol_q2; char downloadurl[MAX_OSPATH]; //where to download files from (for q2pro compat) qboolean findtrack; int framecount; int realip_ident; netadr_t realserverip; // network stuff netchan_t netchan; float lastarbiatarypackettime; //used to mark when packets were sent to prevent mvdsv servers from causing us to disconnect. infobuf_t userinfo[MAX_SPLITS]; infosync_t userinfosync; char serverurl[MAX_OSPATH*4]; // eg qw://foo:27500/join?fp=blah char servername[MAX_OSPATH]; // internal parsing, eg dtls://foo:27500 struct ftenet_connections_s *sockets; qdownload_t *download; // demo loop control int demonum; // -1 = don't play demos char demos[MAX_DEMOS][MAX_DEMONAME]; // when not playing // demo recording info must be here, because record is started before // entering a map (and clearing client_state_t) vfsfile_t *demooutfile; enum{DPB_NONE,DPB_QUAKEWORLD,DPB_MVD, #ifdef NQPROT DPB_NETQUAKE, #endif #ifdef Q2CLIENT DPB_QUAKE2 #endif } demoplayback, demorecording; unsigned int demoeztv_ext; #define EZTV_DOWNLOAD (1u<<0) //also changes modellist/soundlist stuff to keep things synced #define EZTV_SETINFO (1u<<1) //proxy wants setinfo + ptrack commands #define EZTV_QTVUSERLIST (1u<<2) //'//qul cmd id [name]' commands from proxy. qboolean demohadkeyframe; //q2 needs to wait for a packet with a key frame, supposedly. qboolean demoseeking; float demoseektime; int demotrack; qboolean timedemo; char lastdemoname[MAX_OSPATH]; //empty if is a qtv stream qboolean lastdemowassystempath; vfsfile_t *demoinfile; float td_lastframe; // to meter out one message a frame int td_startframe; // host_framecount at start float td_starttime; // realtime at second frame of timedemo float demostarttime; // the time of the first frame, so we don't get weird results with qw demos struct qtvviewers_s { //(other) people on a qtv. in case people give a damn. struct qtvviewers_s *next; int userid; char name[128]; } *qtvviewers; int challenge; float latency; // rolling average char allow_unmaskedskyboxes; //skyboxes/domes do not need to be depth-masked when set. FIXME: we treat this as an optimisation hint, but some hl/q2/q3 maps require strict do-not-mask rules to look right. qboolean allow_anyparticles; qboolean allow_watervis; //fixme: not checked any more float allow_fbskins; //fraction of allowance qboolean allow_cheats; qboolean allow_semicheats; //defaults to true, but this allows a server to enforce a strict ruleset (smackdown type rules). qboolean allow_csqc; //disables some legacy/compat things, like proquake parsing. float maxfps; //server capped int deathmatch; #ifdef NQPROT int signon; #endif colourised_t *colourised; qboolean nqexpectingstatusresponse; } client_static_t; extern client_static_t cls; enum dlfailreason_e { DLFAIL_UNTRIED, //... DLFAIL_UNSUPPORTED, //eg vanilla nq DLFAIL_CORRUPTED, //something weird happened (hash fail) DLFAIL_CLIENTCVAR, //clientside cvar blocked the download DLFAIL_CLIENTFILE, //some sort of error writing the file DLFAIL_SERVERCVAR, //serverside setting blocked the download DLFAIL_REDIRECTED, //server told us to download a different file DLFAIL_SERVERFILE, //server couldn't find the file }; typedef struct downloadlist_s { char rname[128]; char localname[128]; unsigned int size; unsigned int flags; #define DLLF_VERBOSE (1u<<0) //tell the user that its downloading #define DLLF_REQUIRED (1u<<1) //means that it won't load models etc until its downloaded (ie: requiredownloads 0 makes no difference) #define DLLF_OVERWRITE (1u<<2) //overwrite it even if it already exists #define DLLF_SIZEUNKNOWN (1u<<3) //download's size isn't known #define DLLF_IGNOREFAILED (1u<<4) // #define DLLF_NONGAME (1u<<5) //means the requested download filename+localname is gamedir explicit (so id1/foo.txt is distinct from qw/foo.txt) #define DLLF_TEMPORARY (1u<<6) //download it, but don't actually save it (DLLF_OVERWRITE doesn't actually overwrite, but does ignore any local files) #define DLLF_USEREXPLICIT (1u<<7) //use explicitly requested it, ignore the cl_downloads cvar. #define DLLF_BEGUN (1u<<8) //server has confirmed that the file exists, is readable, and we've opened a file. should not be set on new requests. #define DLLF_ALLOWWEB (1u<<9) //failed http downloads should retry but from the game server itself #define DLLF_TRYWEB (1u<<10) //should be trying to download it from a website... enum dlfailreason_e failreason; struct downloadlist_s *next; } downloadlist_t; typedef struct { //current persistant state trailkey_t trailstate; //when to next throw out a trail trailkey_t emitstate; //when to next emit //current origin vec3_t origin; //current render position vec3_t angles; //previous rendering frame (for trails) vec3_t lastorigin; qboolean isnew; qboolean isplayer; //intermediate values for frame lerping //separate upper+lower lerps float framelerpdeltatime[FS_COUNT]; float newframestarttime[FS_COUNT]; int newframe[FS_COUNT]; float oldframestarttime[FS_COUNT]; int oldframe[FS_COUNT]; qbyte basebone; //intermediate values for origin lerping of stepping things int newsequence; float orglerpdeltatime; float orglerpstarttime; vec3_t neworigin; /*origin that we're lerping towards*/ vec3_t oldorigin; /*origin that we're lerping away from*/ vec3_t newangle; vec3_t oldangle; //for further info int skeletalobject; int sequence; /*so we know if the ent is still valid*/ entity_state_t *entstate; } lerpents_t; enum { FOGTYPE_AIR, FOGTYPE_WATER, FOGTYPE_SKYROOM, FOGTYPE_COUNT }; //state associated with each player 'seat' (one for each splitscreen client) //note that this doesn't include networking inputlog info. struct playerview_s { int playernum; //cl.players index for this player. qboolean nolocalplayer; //inhibit use of qw-style players, predict based on entities. qboolean spectator; #ifdef PEXT_SETVIEW int viewentity; //view is attached to this entity. #endif // information for local display int stats[MAX_CL_STATS]; // health, etc float statsf[MAX_CL_STATS]; // health, etc char *statsstr[MAX_CL_STATS]; // health, etc float item_gettime[32]; // cl.time of aquiring item, for blinking float faceanimtime; // use anim frame if cl.time < this #ifdef QUAKEHUD qboolean sb_showscores; qboolean sb_showteamscores; #ifdef HEXEN2 int sb_hexen2_cur_item;//hexen2 hud float sb_hexen2_item_time; float sb_hexen2_extra_info_lines; qboolean sb_hexen2_extra_info;//show the extra stuff qboolean sb_hexen2_infoplaque; #endif #endif // the client maintains its own idea of view angles, which are // sent to the server each frame. And only reset at level change // and teleport times vec3_t aimangles; //angles actually being sent to the server (different due to in_vraim) vec3_t viewangles; //current angles vec3_t viewanglechange; //angles set by input code this frame short baseangles[3]; //networked angles are relative to this value vec3_t intermissionangles; //absolute angles for intermission vec3_t gravitydir; // pitch drifting vars float pitchvel; qboolean nodrift; float driftmove; double laststop; int gamerectknown; //equals cls.framecount if valid vrect_t gamerect; //position the player's main view was drawn at this frame. //prediction state int pmovetype; float entgravity; float maxspeed; vec3_t simorg; vec3_t simvel; vec3_t simangles; float rollangle; float hdr_last; int chatstate; //1=talking, 2=afk float crouch; // local amount for smoothing stepups vec3_t oldorigin; // to track step smoothing float oldz, extracrouch, crouchspeed; // to track step smoothing qboolean onground; float viewheight; int waterlevel; //for smartjump //for values that are propagated from one frame to the next //the next frame will always predict from the one we're tracking, where possible. //these values should all regenerate naturally from networked state (misses should be small/rare and fade when the physics catches up). struct playerpredprop_s { float waterjumptime; qboolean onground; vec3_t gravitydir; qboolean jump_held; int jump_msec; // hack for fixing bunny-hop flickering on non-ZQuake servers int sequence; } prop; #ifdef Q2CLIENT float forcefov; int handedness; //0=right,1=left,2=center/hidden vec3_t predicted_origin; vec3_t predicted_angles; vec3_t prediction_error; float predicted_step_time; float predicted_step; #endif //temporary view kick from weapon firing, angles+origins float punchangle_cl; // qw-style angles vec3_t punchangle_sv; // nq-style vec3_t punchorigin; // nq-style float v_dmg_time; //various view knockbacks. float v_dmg_roll; float v_dmg_pitch; double bobtime; //sine wave double bobcltime; //for tracking time increments float bob; //bob height vec3_t cam_desired_position; // where the camera wants to be int cam_oldbuttons; // double cam_lastviewtime; // timer for wallcam float cam_reautotrack; // timer to throttle tracking changes. int cam_spec_track; // player# of who we are tracking / want to track / might want to track enum { CAM_FREECAM = 0, //not attached to another player. we are our own thing (or actually playing). CAM_PENDING = 1, //we want to lock on to cam_spec_track, but we don't have their position / stats yet. still freecamming CAM_WALLCAM = 2, //locked, cl_chasecam=0. we're watching them from a wall. CAM_EYECAM = 3 //locked, cl_chasecam=1. we know where they are, we're in their eyes. #define CAM_ISLOCKED(pv) ((pv)->cam_state > CAM_PENDING) } cam_state; cshift_t cshifts[NUM_CSHIFTS]; // color shifts for damage, powerups and content types vec4_t screentint; vec4_t bordertint; //won't contain v_cshift values, only powerup+contents+damage+bf flashes // entity_t viewent; // is this not utterly redundant yet? struct { struct model_s *oldmodel; float lerptime; float oldlerptime; float frameduration; int prevframe; int oldframe; } vm; struct { qboolean defaulted; int entnum; vec3_t origin; vec3_t forward; vec3_t right; vec3_t up; size_t reverbtype; vec3_t velocity; } audio; struct vrdevinfo_s vrdev[VRDEV_COUNT]; }; // // the client_state_t structure is wiped completely at every // server signon // typedef struct { int fpd; int servercount; // server identification for prespawns int protocol_qw; float gamespeed; qboolean csqcdebug; //redundant, remove '*csqcdebug' serverinfo key. qboolean allowsendpacket; qboolean stillloading; // set when doing something slow, and the game is still loading. qboolean haveserverinfo; //nq servers will usually be false. don't override stuff if we already know better. infobuf_t serverinfo; char *serverpacknames; char *serverpackhashes; qboolean serverpakschanged; int parsecount; // server message counter int oldparsecount; int oldvalidsequence; int ackedmovesequence; //in quakeworld/q2 this is always equal to validsequence. nq can differ. may only be updated when validsequence is updated. int lastackedmovesequence; //can be higher than ackedmovesequence when the received frame was unusable. int validsequence; // this is the sequence number of the last good // packetentity_t we got. If this is 0, we can't // render a frame yet int movesequence; // client->server frames float movesequence_time; // client->server frame timestamp (vs cl.time) // int spectator; int autotrack_hint; //the latest hint from the mod, might be negative for invalid. int autotrack_killer; //if someone kills the guy we're tracking, this is the guy we should switch to. double last_ping_request; // while showing scoreboard double last_servermessage; //list of ent frames that still need to be acked. unsigned int numackframes; int ackframes[64]; #ifdef Q2CLIENT q2frame_t q2frame; q2frame_t q2frames[Q2UPDATE_BACKUP]; #endif // sentcmds[cl.netchan.outgoing_sequence & UPDATE_MASK] = cmd outframe_t outframes[UPDATE_BACKUP]; //user inputs (cl.ackedmovesequence+1 to cl.movesequence are still pending) inframe_t inframes[UPDATE_BACKUP]; //server state (cl.validsequence is the most recent set) lerpents_t *lerpents; int maxlerpents; //number of slots allocated. int lerpentssequence; lerpents_t lerpplayers[MAX_CLIENTS]; //when running splitscreen, we have multiple viewports all active at once unsigned int splitclients; //we are running this many clients split screen. playerview_t playerview[MAX_SPLITS]; unsigned int defaultnetsplit;//which multiview splitscreen to parse the message for (set by mvd playback code) // localized movement vars float bunnyspeedcap; // the client simulates or interpolates movement to get these values double time; // this is the time value that the client // is rendering at. always <= realtime double lasttime; //cl.time from last frame. double lastlinktime; //cl.time from last frame. double mapstarttime; //for computing csqc's cltime. double servertime; //current server time, bound between gametime and gametimemark float mtime; //server time as on the server when we last received a packet. not allowed to decrease. float oldmtime; //server time as on the server for the previously received packet. double gametime; double gametimemark; double oldgametime; //used as the old time to lerp cl.time from. double oldgametimemark; //if it's 0, cl.time will casually increase. float demogametimebias; //mvd timings are weird. int demonudge; // float demopausedtilltime;//demo is paused until realtime>this float minpitch; float maxpitch; qboolean paused; // send over by server qboolean implicitpause; //for csqc. only a hint, respected only in singleplayer. enum { IM_NONE, //off. IM_NQSCORES, //+showscores forced, view still attached to regular view IM_NQFINALE, //slow centerprint text etc, view still attached to regular view. no hud IM_NQCUTSCENE, //IM_NQFINALE, but without the 'finale' header on centerprints. IM_H2FINALE, //IM_NQFINALE, but with the view offset by the player's viewheight. IM_QWSCORES //intermission, view locked at a specific point } intermissionmode; // don't change view angle, full screen, etc float completed_time; // latched ffrom time at intermission start // // information that is static for the entire time connected to a server // #ifdef HAVE_LEGACY char *model_name_vwep[MAX_VWEP_MODELS]; struct model_s *model_precache_vwep[MAX_VWEP_MODELS]; #endif char *model_name[MAX_PRECACHE_MODELS]; struct model_s *model_precache[MAX_PRECACHE_MODELS]; char *sound_name[MAX_PRECACHE_SOUNDS]; struct sfx_s *sound_precache[MAX_PRECACHE_SOUNDS]; char *particle_ssname[MAX_SSPARTICLESPRE]; int particle_ssprecache[MAX_SSPARTICLESPRE]; //these are actually 1-based, so 0 can be used to lazy-init them. I cheat. #ifdef Q2CLIENT #define Q2MAX_VISIBLE_WEAPONS 32 //q2 has about 20. int numq2visibleweapons; //q2 sends out visible-on-model weapons in a wierd gender-nutral way. char *q2visibleweapons[Q2MAX_VISIBLE_WEAPONS];//model names beginning with a # are considered 'sexed', and are loaded on a per-client basis. yay. :( char *configstring_general[Q2MAX_CLIENTS|Q2MAX_GENERAL]; char *image_name[Q2MAX_IMAGES]; char *item_name[Q2MAX_ITEMS]; short inventory[MAX_SPLITS][Q2MAX_ITEMS]; #endif char model_csqcname[MAX_CSMODELS][MAX_QPATH]; struct model_s *model_csqcprecache[MAX_CSMODELS]; char *particle_csname[MAX_CSPARTICLESPRE]; int particle_csprecache[MAX_CSPARTICLESPRE]; //these are actually 1-based, so we can be lazy and do a simple negate. qboolean particle_ssprecaches; //says to not try to do any dp-compat hacks. qboolean particle_csprecaches; //says to not try to do any dp-compat hacks. //used for q2 sky/configstrings char skyname[MAX_QPATH]; float skyrotate; qboolean skyautorotate; vec3_t skyaxis; qboolean fog_locked; //FIXME: make bitmask fogstate_t fog[FOGTYPE_COUNT]; //0 = air, 1 = water. if water has no density fall back on air. fogstate_t oldfog[FOGTYPE_COUNT]; char levelname[40]; // for display on solo scoreboard char *windowtitle; // fully overrides the window caption. // refresh related state struct model_s *worldmodel; // cl_entitites[0].model int num_entities; // stored bottom up in cl_entities array int num_statics; // stored top down in cl_entitiers // all player information unsigned int allocated_client_slots; player_info_t players[MAX_CLIENTS]; downloadlist_t *downloadlist; downloadlist_t *faileddownloads; qboolean gamedirchanged; #ifdef Q2CLIENT char q2airaccel[16]; char q2statusbar[1024]; char q2layout[MAX_SPLITS][1024]; int q2mapchecksum; int parse_entities; float lerpfrac; float q2svnetrate; //number of frames we expect to receive per second (required to calculate the server time correctly). #endif char lastcenterprint[1024]; //prevents too much spam with console centerprint logging. struct itemtimer_s { float end; int entnum; float start; float duration; vec3_t origin; vec3_t rgb; float radius; struct itemtimer_s *next; } *itemtimers; //interpolation+snapshots float packfrac; packet_entities_t *currentpackentities; packet_entities_t *previouspackentities; float currentpacktime; qboolean do_lerp_players; playerview_t *mouseplayerview; //for mouse/scoreboard interaction when playing mvds. int mousenewtrackplayer; int teamplay; int deathmatch; qboolean teamfortress; // *sigh*. This is used for teamplay stuff. This sucks. qboolean hexen2pickups; qboolean disablemouse; //no mouse inputs (for controller-only games, though we do also allow keyboards if only because of joy2key type stuff) qboolean sendprespawn; int contentstage; double matchgametimestart; enum { MATCH_DONTKNOW, //assumed to be in progress. MATCH_COUNTDOWN, MATCH_STANDBY, MATCH_INPROGRESS } matchstate; enum { CLNQPP_NONE, CLNQPP_PINGS, CLNQPP_STATUS, //"host: *\n" ... "players: *\n\n" CLNQPP_STATUSPLAYER, //#...\n CLNQPP_STATUSPLAYERIP, // foobar\n } nqparseprint; int nqparseprintplayer; float nqplayernamechanged; } client_state_t; extern unsigned int cl_teamtopcolor; extern unsigned int cl_teambottomcolor; extern unsigned int cl_enemytopcolor; extern unsigned int cl_enemybottomcolor; //FPD values //(commented out ones are ones that we don't support) //#define FPD_NO_SAY_MACROS (1 << 0) //#define FPD_NO_TIMERS (1 << 1) //#define FPD_NO_SOUNDTRIGGERS (1 << 2) #define FPD_NO_FAKE_LAG (1 << 3) #define FPD_ANOUNCE_FAKE_LAG (1 << 4) //#define FPD_HIDE_ENEMY_VICINITY (1 << 5) //#define FPD_NO_SPEC_CHAT (1 << 6) //#define FPD_HIDE_X_Y_MACRO (1 << 7) #define FPD_NO_FORCE_SKIN (1 << 8) #define FPD_NO_FORCE_COLOR (1 << 9) #define FPD_LIMIT_PITCH (1 << 14) //limit scripted pitch changes #define FPD_LIMIT_YAW (1 << 15) //limit scripted yaw changes // // cvars // extern cvar_t cl_warncmd; extern cvar_t cl_upspeed; extern cvar_t cl_forwardspeed; extern cvar_t cl_backspeed; extern cvar_t cl_sidespeed; extern cvar_t cl_movespeedkey; extern cvar_t cl_yawspeed; extern cvar_t cl_pitchspeed; extern cvar_t cl_anglespeedkey; extern cvar_t cl_shownet; extern cvar_t cl_sbar; extern cvar_t cl_hudswap; extern cvar_t cl_pitchdriftspeed; extern cvar_t lookspring; extern cvar_t lookstrafe; extern cvar_t sensitivity; extern cvar_t m_pitch; extern cvar_t m_yaw; extern cvar_t m_forward; extern cvar_t m_side; #ifndef SERVERONLY extern cvar_t name; #endif extern cvar_t ruleset_allow_playercount; extern cvar_t ruleset_allow_frj; extern cvar_t ruleset_allow_semicheats; extern cvar_t ruleset_allow_packet; extern cvar_t ruleset_allow_particle_lightning; extern cvar_t ruleset_allow_overlongsounds; extern cvar_t ruleset_allow_larger_models; extern cvar_t ruleset_allow_modified_eyes; extern cvar_t ruleset_allow_sensitive_texture_replacements; extern cvar_t ruleset_allow_localvolume; extern cvar_t ruleset_allow_shaders; extern cvar_t ruleset_allow_watervis; extern cvar_t ruleset_allow_triggers; #ifndef SERVERONLY extern client_state_t cl; #endif typedef struct { entity_t ent; entity_state_t state; trailkey_t emit; int mdlidx; /*negative are csqc indexes*/ } static_entity_t; // FIXME, allocate dynamically extern entity_state_t *cl_baselines; extern static_entity_t *cl_static_entities; extern unsigned int cl_max_static_entities; extern lightstyle_t *cl_lightstyle; extern size_t cl_max_lightstyles; extern dlight_t *cl_dlights; extern size_t cl_maxdlights; extern int d_lightstylevalue[MAX_NET_LIGHTSTYLES]; extern size_t rtlights_first, rtlights_max; extern int cl_baselines_count; extern qboolean nomaster; //============================================================================= // // cl_main // void CL_InitDlights(void); void CL_FreeDlights(void); dlight_t *CL_AllocDlight (int key); //allocates or reuses the light with the specified key index dlight_t *CL_AllocDlightOrg (int keyidx, vec3_t keyorg); //reuses the light at the specified origin... dlight_t *CL_AllocSlight (void); //allocates a new static light dlight_t *CL_NewDlight (int key, const vec3_t origin, float radius, float time, float r, float g, float b); dlight_t *CL_NewDlightCube (int key, const vec3_t origin, vec3_t angles, float radius, float time, vec3_t colours); void CL_CloneDlight(dlight_t *dl, dlight_t *src); //copies one light to another safely void CL_DecayLights (void); void CLQW_ParseDelta (struct entity_state_s *from, struct entity_state_s *to, int bits); void CL_Init (void); void Host_WriteConfiguration (void); void CL_CheckServerInfo(void); void CL_CheckServerPacks(void); void CL_EstablishConnection (char *host); void CL_Disconnect (const char *reason); void CL_Disconnect_f (void); void CL_Reconnect_f (void); void CL_NextDemo (void); void CL_Startdemos_f (void); void CL_Demos_f (void); void CL_Stopdemo_f (void); void CL_Changing_f (void); void CL_Reconnect_f (void); void CL_ConnectionlessPacket (void); qboolean CL_DemoBehind(void); void CL_SaveInfo(vfsfile_t *f); void CL_SetInfo (int pnum, const char *key, const char *value); void CL_SetInfoBlob (int pnum, const char *key, const char *value, size_t valuesize); char *CL_TryingToConnect(void); void CL_ExecInitialConfigs(char *defaultexec, qboolean fullvidrestart); extern int cl_framecount; //number of times the entity lists have been cleared+reset. extern int cl_numvisedicts; extern int cl_maxvisedicts; extern entity_t *cl_visedicts; /*these are for q3 really*/ typedef struct { struct shader_s *shader; int firstvert; int firstidx; int numvert; int numidx; unsigned int flags; } scenetris_t; extern scenetris_t *cl_stris; extern vecV_t *fte_restrict cl_strisvertv; extern vec4_t *fte_restrict cl_strisvertc; extern vec2_t *fte_restrict cl_strisvertt; extern vec3_t *fte_restrict cl_strisvertn[3]; extern index_t *fte_restrict cl_strisidx; extern unsigned int cl_numstrisidx; extern unsigned int cl_maxstrisidx; extern unsigned int cl_numstrisvert; extern unsigned int cl_maxstrisvert; extern unsigned int cl_numstrisnormals; extern unsigned int cl_maxstrisnormals; extern unsigned int cl_numstris; extern unsigned int cl_maxstris; #define cl_stris_ExpandVerts(max) \ do { \ cl_maxstrisvert = max; \ cl_strisvertv = BZ_Realloc(cl_strisvertv, sizeof(*cl_strisvertv)*cl_maxstrisvert); \ cl_strisvertt = BZ_Realloc(cl_strisvertt, sizeof(*cl_strisvertt)*cl_maxstrisvert); \ cl_strisvertc = BZ_Realloc(cl_strisvertc, sizeof(*cl_strisvertc)*cl_maxstrisvert); \ /* cl_strisvertn[0] = BZ_Realloc(cl_strisvertn[0], sizeof(*cl_strisvertn[0])*cl_maxstrisvert); \ cl_strisvertn[1] = BZ_Realloc(cl_strisvertn[1], sizeof(*cl_strisvertn[1])*cl_maxstrisvert); \ cl_strisvertn[2] = BZ_Realloc(cl_strisvertn[2], sizeof(*cl_strisvertn[2])*cl_maxstrisvert); \ */ } while(0) extern char emodel_name[], pmodel_name[], prespawn_name[], modellist_name[], soundlist_name[]; //CL_TraceLine traces against network(positive)+csqc(negative) ents. returns frac(1 on failure), and impact, normal, ent values float CL_TraceLine (vec3_t start, vec3_t end, vec3_t impact, vec3_t normal, int *ent); entity_t *TraceLineR (vec3_t start, vec3_t end, vec3_t impact, vec3_t normal, qboolean bsponly); // // cl_input // typedef struct kbutton_s { int down[MAX_SPLITS][2]; // key nums holding it down int state[MAX_SPLITS]; // low bit is down state struct kbutton_s *suppressed[MAX_SPLITS]; //the button that was suppressed by this one getting pressed } kbutton_t; extern kbutton_t in_mlook; extern kbutton_t in_strafe; extern kbutton_t in_speed; extern float in_sensitivityscale; void CL_MakeActive(char *gamename); void CL_UpdateWindowTitle(void); #ifdef QUAKESTATS const char *IN_GetPreselectedViewmodelName(unsigned int pnum); qboolean IN_WeaponWheelAccumulate(int pnum, float x, float y, float threshhold); qboolean IN_DrawWeaponWheel(int pnum); qboolean IN_WeaponWheelIsShown(void); //to decide when the game should be auto-paused. #endif void CL_InitInput (void); void CL_SendCmd (double frametime, qboolean mainloop); void CL_SendMove (usercmd_t *cmd); #ifdef NQPROT void CL_ParseTEnt (qboolean nqprot); #else void CL_ParseTEnt (void); #endif void CL_ParseTEnt_Sized (void); void CL_UpdateTEnts (void); enum beamtype_e { //these are internal ids, matching the beam table BT_Q1LIGHTNING1, BT_Q1LIGHTNING2, BT_Q1LIGHTNING3, BT_Q1BEAM, BT_Q2PARASITE, BT_Q2GRAPPLE, BT_Q2HEATBEAM, BT_Q2LIGHTNING, BT_H2LIGHTNING_SMALL, BT_H2CHAIN, BT_H2SUNSTAFF1, BT_H2SUNSTAFF1_SUB, //inner beam hack BT_H2SUNSTAFF2, //same model as 1, but different particle effect BT_H2LIGHTNING, BT_H2COLORBEAM, BT_H2ICECHUNKS, BT_H2GAZE, BT_H2FAMINE, }; typedef struct beam_s beam_t; beam_t *CL_AddBeam (enum beamtype_e tent, int ent, vec3_t start, vec3_t end); void CL_ClearState (qboolean gamestart); void CLQ2_ClearState(void); void CL_ReadPackets (void); void CL_ReadPacket(void); int CL_ReadFromServer (void); void CL_WriteToServer (usercmd_t *cmd); int Master_FindBestRoute(char *server, char *out, size_t outsize, int *directcost, int *chainedcost); float CL_KeyState (kbutton_t *key, int pnum, qboolean noslowstart); const char *Key_KeynumToString (int keynum, int modifier); const char *Key_KeynumToLocalString (int keynum, int modifier); int Key_StringToKeynum (const char *str, int *modifier); const char *Key_GetBinding(int keynum, int bindmap, int modifier); void Key_GetBindMap(int *bindmaps); void Key_SetBindMap(int *bindmaps); void CL_UseIndepPhysics(qboolean allow); extern qboolean runningindepphys; qboolean CL_AllowIndependantSendCmd(qboolean allow); //returns previous state. void CL_FlushClientCommands(void); void VARGS CL_SendClientCommand(qboolean reliable, char *format, ...) LIKEPRINTF(2); void VARGS CL_SendSeatClientCommand(qboolean reliable, unsigned int seat, char *format, ...) LIKEPRINTF(3); float CL_FilterTime (double time, float wantfps, float limit, qboolean ignoreserver); int CL_RemoveClientCommands(char *command); // // cl_demo.c // void CL_StopPlayback (void); qboolean CL_GetDemoMessage (void); void CL_WriteDemoCmd (usercmd_t *pcmd); void CL_Demo_ClientCommand(char *commandtext); //for QTV. void CL_WriteSetDemoMessage (void); //'restarts' a qwd, when we have reloads/map changes in them void CL_WriteRecordQ2DemoMessage(sizebuf_t *msg); void CL_Stop_f (void); void CL_Record_f (void); void CL_ReRecord_f (void); void CL_DemoList_c(int argn, const char *partial, struct xcommandargcompletioncb_s *ctx); void CL_PlayDemo_f (void); void CL_QTVPlay_f (void); void CL_QTVPoll (void); void CL_QTVList_f (void); void CL_QTVDemos_f (void); void CL_DemoJump_f(void); void CL_DemoNudge_f(void); void CL_ProgressDemoTime(void); void CL_TimeDemo_f (void); typedef struct { enum { QTVCT_NONE, QTVCT_STREAM, QTVCT_CONNECT, QTVCT_JOIN, QTVCT_OBSERVE, QTVCT_MAP } connectiontype; enum { QTVCT_NETQUAKE, QTVCT_QUAKEWORLD, QTVCT_QUAKE2, QTVCT_QUAKE3 } protocol; char server[256]; char splashscreen[256]; //char *datafiles; } qtvfile_t; void CL_ParseQTVFile(vfsfile_t *f, const char *fname, qtvfile_t *result); // // cl_parse.c // #define NET_TIMINGS 256 #define NET_TIMINGSMASK 255 extern float packet_latency[NET_TIMINGS]; int CL_CalcNet (float scale); void CL_CalcNet2 (float *pings, float *pings_min, float *pings_max, float *pingms_stddev, float *pingfr, int *pingfr_min, int *pingfr_max, float *dropped, float *choked, float *invalid); void CL_ClearParseState(void); void CL_Parse_Disconnected(void); void CL_DumpPacket(void); void CL_ParseEstablished(void); void CLQW_ParseServerMessage (void); void CLEZ_ParseHiddenDemoMessage (void); void CLNQ_ParseServerMessage (void); #ifdef Q2CLIENT void CLQ2_ParseServerMessage (void); #endif void CL_ShowTrafficUsage(float x, float y); void CL_NewTranslation (int slot); int CL_IsDownloading(const char *localname); qboolean CL_CheckDLFile(const char *filename); qboolean CL_CheckOrEnqueDownloadFile (const char *filename, const char *localname, unsigned int flags); qboolean CL_EnqueDownload(const char *filename, const char *localname, unsigned int flags); downloadlist_t *CL_DownloadFailed(const char *name, qdownload_t *qdl, enum dlfailreason_e failreason); int CL_DownloadRate(void); void CL_GetDownloadSizes(unsigned int *filecount, qofs_t *totalsize, qboolean *somesizesunknown); qboolean CL_ParseOOBDownload(void); void CL_DownloadFinished(qdownload_t *dl); void CL_RequestNextDownload (void); void CL_SendDownloadReq(sizebuf_t *msg); void Sound_CheckDownload(const char *s); /*checkorenqueue a sound file*/ qboolean CL_IsUploading(void); void CL_NextUpload(void); void CL_StartUpload (qbyte *data, int size); void CL_StopUpload(void); qboolean CL_CheckBaselines (int size); // // view.c // void V_StartPitchDrift (playerview_t *pv); void V_StopPitchDrift (playerview_t *pv); void V_RenderView (qboolean no2d); void V_Register (void); void V_ParseDamage (playerview_t *pv); void V_SetContentsColor (int contents); //used directly by csqc void V_CalcRefdef (playerview_t *pv); void V_ClearRefdef(playerview_t *pv); void V_ApplyRefdef(void); void V_CalcGunPositionAngle (playerview_t *pv, float bob); float V_CalcBob (playerview_t *pv, qboolean queryold); void DropPunchAngle (playerview_t *pv); int V_EditExternalModels(int newviewentity, entity_t *viewentities, int maxviewenties); void V_DepthSortEntities(float *vieworg); // // cl_tent // void CL_RegisterParticles(void); void CL_InitTEnts (void); void CL_InitTEntSounds (void); void CL_ClearTEnts (void); void CL_ClearTEntParticleState (void); void CL_ClearCustomTEnts(void); void CL_ParseCustomTEnt(void); qboolean CL_WriteCustomTEnt(sizebuf_t *buf, int id); void CL_ParseEffect (qboolean effect2); void CLNQ_ParseParticleEffect (void); void CL_ParseParticleEffect2 (void); void CL_ParseParticleEffect3 (void); void CL_ParseParticleEffect4 (void); int CL_TranslateParticleFromServer(int sveffect); void CL_ParseTrailParticles(void); void CL_ParsePointParticles(qboolean compact); void CL_SpawnSpriteEffect(vec3_t org, vec3_t dir, vec3_t orientationup, struct model_s *model, int startframe, int framecount, float framerate, float alpha, float scale, float randspin, float gravity, int traileffect, unsigned int renderflags, int skinnum, float red, float green, float blue); /*called from the particlesystem*/ // // cl_ents.c // void CL_SetSolidPlayers (void); void CL_SetUpPlayerPrediction(qboolean dopred); void CL_LinkStaticEntities(void *pvs, int *areas); void CL_TransitionEntities (void); /*call at the start of the frame*/ void CL_EmitEntities (void); void CL_ClearProjectiles (void); void CL_ParseProjectiles (int modelindex, qboolean nails2); void CLQW_ParsePacketEntities (qboolean delta); void CLFTE_ParseEntities (void); void CLFTE_ParseBaseline(entity_state_t *es, qboolean numberisimportant); void CL_SetSolidEntities (void); void CLQW_ParsePlayerinfo (void); void CL_ParseClientPersist(void); //these last ones are needed for csqc handling of engine-bound ents. void CL_ClearEntityLists(void); void CL_FreeVisEdicts(void); void CL_LinkViewModel(void); void CL_LinkPlayers (void); void CL_LinkPacketEntities (void); void CL_LinkProjectiles (void); void CL_ClearLerpEntsParticleState (void); qboolean CL_MayLerp(void); // //pr_csqc.c // #ifdef CSQC_DAT qboolean CSQC_Inited(void); void CSQC_RendererRestarted(qboolean initing); qboolean CSQC_UnconnectedOkay(qboolean inprinciple); qboolean CSQC_UnconnectedInit(void); qboolean CSQC_CheckDownload(const char *name, unsigned int checksum, size_t checksize); //reports whether we already have a usable csprogs.dat qboolean CSQC_Init (qboolean anycsqc, const char *csprogsname, unsigned int checksum, size_t progssize); qboolean CSQC_ConsoleLink(char *text, char *info); void CSQC_RegisterCvarsAndThings(void); qboolean CSQC_SetupToRenderPortal(int entnum); qboolean CSQC_DrawView(void); qboolean CSQC_DrawHud(playerview_t *pv); qboolean CSQC_DrawScores(playerview_t *pv); qboolean CSQC_UseGamecodeLoadingScreen(void); void CSQC_Shutdown(void); qboolean CSQC_StuffCmd(int lplayernum, char *cmd, char *cmdend); void CSQC_MapEntityEdited(int modelindex, int idx, const char *newe); //qboolean CSQC_LoadResource(char *resname, char *restype); qboolean CSQC_ParsePrint(char *message, int printlevel); qboolean CSQC_ParseGamePacket(int seat, qboolean sized); qboolean CSQC_CenterPrint(int seat, const char *cmd); void CSQC_ServerInfoChanged(void); void CSQC_PlayerInfoChanged(int player); qboolean CSQC_Parse_Damage(int seat, float save, float take, vec3_t source); qboolean CSQC_Parse_SetAngles(int seat, vec3_t newangles, qboolean wasdelta); void CSQC_Input_Frame(int seat, usercmd_t *cmd); void CSQC_WorldLoaded(void); qboolean CSQC_ParseTempEntity(void); qboolean CSQC_ConsoleCommand(int seat, const char *cmd); qboolean CSQC_KeyPress(int key, int unicode, qboolean down, unsigned int devid); qboolean CSQC_MouseMove(float xdelta, float ydelta, unsigned int devid); qboolean CSQC_MousePosition(float xabs, float yabs, unsigned int devid); qboolean CSQC_JoystickAxis(int axis, float value, unsigned int devid); qboolean CSQC_Accelerometer(float x, float y, float z); qboolean CSQC_Gyroscope(float x, float y, float z); int CSQC_StartSound(int entnum, int channel, char *soundname, vec3_t pos, float vol, float attenuation, float pitchmod, float timeofs, unsigned int flags); void CSQC_ParseEntities(qboolean sized); const char *CSQC_GetExtraFieldInfo(void *went, char *out, size_t outsize); void CSQC_ResetTrails(void); qboolean CSQC_DeltaPlayer(int playernum, player_state_t *state); void CSQC_DeltaStart(float time); qboolean CSQC_DeltaUpdate(entity_state_t *src); void CSQC_DeltaEnd(void); void CSQC_CvarChanged(cvar_t *var); #else #define CSQC_UnconnectedOkay(inprinciple) false #define CSQC_UnconnectedInit() false #define CSQC_UseGamecodeLoadingScreen() false #define CSQC_Parse_SetAngles(seat,newangles,wasdelta) false #define CSQC_ServerInfoChanged() #define CSQC_PlayerInfoChanged(player) #endif // // cl_pred.c // void CL_InitPrediction (void); void CL_PredictMove (void); void CL_PredictUsercmd (int seat, int entnum, player_state_t *from, player_state_t *to, usercmd_t *u); #ifdef Q2CLIENT void CLQ2_CheckPredictionError (void); #endif void CL_CalcClientTime(void); // // cl_cam.c // qboolean Cam_DrawViewModel(playerview_t *pv); int Cam_TrackNum(playerview_t *pv); void Cam_Unlock(playerview_t *pv); //revert to freecam or so, because that entity failed. void Cam_Lock(playerview_t *pv, int playernum); //attempt to lock on to the given player. void Cam_NowLocked(playerview_t *pv); //player was located, track them now void Cam_SelfTrack(playerview_t *pv); void Cam_Track(playerview_t *pv, usercmd_t *cmd); void Cam_SetModAutoTrack(int userid); void Cam_FinishMove(playerview_t *pv, usercmd_t *cmd); void Cam_Reset(void); void Cam_TrackPlayer(int seat, char *cmdname, char *plrarg); void CL_InitCam(void); void Cam_AutoTrack_Update(const char *mode); //reset autotrack setting (because we started a new map or whatever) // //zqtp.c // #define TPM_UNKNOWN 0 #define TPM_NORMAL 1 #define TPM_TEAM 2 #define TPM_SPECTATOR 4 #define TPM_FAKED 16 #define TPM_OBSERVEDTEAM 32 #define TPM_QTV 64 //should only be qtv_say_game/qtv_say_team_game void CL_Say (qboolean team, char *extra); int TP_CategorizeMessage (char *s, int *offset, player_info_t **plr); void TP_ExecTrigger (char *s, qboolean indemos); //executes one of the user's f_foo aliases from some engine-defined event. qboolean TP_FilterMessage (char *s); void TP_Init(void); char* TP_LocationName (const vec3_t location); void TP_NewMap (void); qboolean TP_CheckSoundTrigger (char *str); //plays sound files when some substring exists in chat. void TP_SearchForMsgTriggers (char *s, int level); //msg_trigger: executes aliases when a chat message contains some user-defined string. qboolean TP_SuppressMessage(char *buf); //true when the message contains macro results that the local player isn't meant to see (teamplay messages that contain enemy player counts for instance) char *TP_GenerateDemoName(void); //makes something up. #ifdef QUAKESTATS //hack zone: this stuff makes assumptions about quake-only stats+items+rules and stuff. void TP_CheckPickupSound(char *s, vec3_t org, int seat); void TP_ParsePlayerInfo(player_state_t *oldstate, player_state_t *state, player_info_t *info); qboolean TP_IsPlayerVisible(vec3_t origin); qboolean TP_SoundTrigger(char *message); void TP_StatChanged (int stat, int value); void TP_UpdateAutoStatus(void); #endif #ifdef QWSKINS colourised_t *TP_FindColours(char *name); #endif // // skin.c // typedef struct { char manufacturer; char version; char encoding; char bits_per_pixel; unsigned short xmin,ymin,xmax,ymax; unsigned short hres,vres; unsigned char palette[48]; char reserved; char color_planes; unsigned short bytes_per_line; unsigned short palette_type; char filler[58]; // unsigned char data; // unbounded } pcx_t; qbyte *ReadPCXData(qbyte *buf, int length, int width, int height, qbyte *result); qwskin_t *Skin_Lookup (char *fullname); char *Skin_FindName (player_info_t *sc); void Skin_Find (player_info_t *sc); qbyte *Skin_TryCache8 (qwskin_t *skin); void Skin_Skins_f (void); void Skin_FlushSkin(char *name); void Skin_AllSkins_f (void); void Skin_NextDownload (void); void Skin_FlushPlayers(void); void Skin_FlushAll(void); #define RSSHOT_WIDTH 320 #define RSSHOT_HEIGHT 200 //valid.c #define RULESET_USERINFO "*rs" //the userinfo used to report the ruleset name to other clients. FIXME: remove the _dbg when we think its all working properly. void Ruleset_Check(char *keyval, char *out, size_t outsize); void Ruleset_Scan(void); void Ruleset_Shutdown(void); const char *Ruleset_GetRulesetName(void); qboolean Ruleset_FileLoaded(const char *filename, const qbyte *filedata, size_t filesize); //return false if the file is not permitted. void Validation_Apply_Ruleset(void); void Validation_FlushFileList(void); void Validation_CheckIfResponse(char *text); void Validation_DelatchRulesets(void); void InitValidation(void); void Validation_Auto_Response(int playernum, char *s); extern qboolean f_modified_particles; extern qboolean care_f_modified; //random files (fixme: clean up) #ifdef Q2CLIENT unsigned int CLQ2_GatherSounds(vec3_t *positions, unsigned int *entnums, sfx_t **sounds, unsigned int max); void CLQ2_ParseTEnt (void); void CLQ2_AddEntities (void); void CLQ2_ParseBaseline (void); void CLQ2_ClearParticleState(void); void CLR1Q2_ParsePlayerUpdate(void); void CLQ2_ParseFrame (int extrabits); void CLQ2_ParseMuzzleFlash (void); void CLQ2_ParseMuzzleFlash2 (void); void CLQ2EX_ParseMuzzleFlash3 (void); void CLQ2_ParseInventory (int seat); int CLQ2_RegisterTEntModels (void); void CLQ2_WriteDemoBaselines(sizebuf_t *buf); #endif #ifdef HLCLIENT //networking void CLHL_LoadClientGame(void); int CLHL_ParseGamePacket(void); int CLHL_AnimateViewEntity(entity_t *ent); //screen int CLHL_DrawHud(void); //inputs int CLHL_GamecodeDoesMouse(void); int CLHL_MouseEvent(unsigned int buttonmask); void CLHL_SetMouseActive(int activate); int CLHL_BuildUserInput(int msecs, usercmd_t *cmd); #endif #ifdef NQPROT void CLNQ_ParseEntity(unsigned int bits); void NQ_P_ParseParticleEffect (void); void CLNQ_SignonReply (void); void NQ_BeginConnect(char *to); void NQ_ContinueConnect(char *to); int CLNQ_GetMessage (void); #endif void CL_BeginServerReconnect(void); qboolean CL_IsPendingServerAddress(netadr_t *adr); void CL_Transfer(netadr_t *adr); void SV_User_f (void); //called by client version of the function void SV_Serverinfo_f (void); void SV_ConSay_f(void); #ifdef TEXTEDITOR extern console_t *editormodal; void Editor_Draw(void); void Editor_Init(void); struct pubprogfuncs_s; void Editor_ProgsKilled(struct pubprogfuncs_s *dead); #else #define editormodal false #endif void SCR_StringToRGB (char *rgbstring, float *rgb, float rgbinputscale); struct model_s; void CL_AddVWeapModel(entity_t *player, struct model_s *model); typedef struct cin_s cin_t; #ifdef HAVE_MEDIA_DECODER #ifdef Q2CLIENT /*q2 cinematics*/ struct cinematics_s; void CIN_StopCinematic (struct cinematics_s *cin); struct cinematics_s *CIN_PlayCinematic (char *arg); int CIN_RunCinematic (struct cinematics_s *cin, float playbacktime, qbyte **outdata, int *outwidth, int *outheight, qbyte **outpalette); void CIN_Rewind(struct cinematics_s *cin); #endif typedef enum { CINSTATE_INVALID, //also reported for not playing CINSTATE_PLAY, CINSTATE_LOOP, CINSTATE_PAUSE, CINSTATE_ENDED, CINSTATE_FLUSHED, //video will restart from beginning } cinstates_t; /*media playing system*/ qboolean Media_PlayFilm(char *name, qboolean enqueue); qboolean Media_StopFilm(qboolean all); struct cin_s *Media_StartCin(char *name); texid_tf Media_UpdateForShader(cin_t *cin); void Media_ShutdownCin(cin_t *cin); //these accept NULL for cin to mean the current fullscreen video void Media_Send_Command(cin_t *cin, const char *command); void Media_Send_MouseMove(cin_t *cin, float x, float y); void Media_Send_Resize(cin_t *cin, int x, int y); void Media_Send_GetSize(cin_t *cin, int *x, int *y, float *aspect); void Media_Send_KeyEvent(cin_t *cin, int button, int unicode, int event); void Media_Send_Reset(cin_t *cin); void Media_SetState(cin_t *cin, cinstates_t newstate); cinstates_t Media_GetState(cin_t *cin); const char *Media_Send_GetProperty(cin_t *cin, const char *key); #else #define Media_PlayFilm(n,e) false #define Media_StopFilm(a) (void)true #endif void Media_SaveTracks(vfsfile_t *outcfg); void Media_Init(void); qboolean Media_NamedTrack(const char *initialtrack, const char *looptrack); //new background music interface void Media_NumberedTrack(unsigned int initialtrack, unsigned int looptrack); //legacy cd interface for protocols that only support numbered tracks. void Media_EndedTrack(void); //cd is no longer running, media code needs to pick a new track (cd track or faketrack) void MVD_Interpolate(void); int Stats_GetKills(int playernum); int Stats_GetTKills(int playernum); int Stats_GetDeaths(int playernum); int Stats_GetTouches(int playernum); int Stats_GetCaptures(int playernum); qboolean Stats_HaveFlags(int mode); qboolean Stats_HaveKills(void); float Stats_GetLastOwnFrag(int seat, char *res, int reslen); void VARGS Stats_Message(char *msg, ...) LIKEPRINTF(1); qboolean Stats_ParsePrintLine(const char *line); qboolean Stats_ParsePickups(const char *line); void Stats_NewMap(void); void Stats_Clear(void); void Stats_Init(void); //enum uploadfmt; /*struct mediacallbacks_s { //functions provided by the engine/renderer, for faster/off-thread updates qboolean pbocanoffthread; qboolean (VARGS *PBOLock)(struct mediacallbacks_s *ctx, size_t width, size_t height, uploadfmt_t fmt, qboolean *lost); void (VARGS *PBOUpdate)(struct mediacallbacks_s *ctx, void *data, size_t width, size_t height, int stride); void (VARGS *PBOUnlock)(struct mediacallbacks_s *ctx); void (VARGS *AudioStream) (void *auddata, int rate, int frames, int channels, int width); void (VARGS *WorkQueue) (void *wctx, void (VARGS *callback)(void *data), void *data); void (VARGS *WorkSync) (void *wctx, int *address, int oldvalue); //blocks until the address changes. make sure you queued something that will change it from that value. oldvalue is present to avoid races. if you're reading the address then you should probably volatile it to avoid compiler opts reading it twice (fixme: needs a proper barrier). }; */ typedef struct { size_t structsize; const char *drivername; void *(VARGS *createdecoder)(const char *name); qboolean (VARGS *decodeframe)(void *ctx, qboolean nosound, qboolean forcevideo, double mediatime, void (QDECL *uploadtexture)(void *ectx, uploadfmt_t fmt, int width, int height, void *data, void *palette), void *ectx); void (VARGS *shutdown)(void *ctx); void (VARGS *rewind)(void *ctx); //these are any interactivity functions you might want... void (VARGS *cursormove) (void *ctx, float posx, float posy); //pos is 0-1 void (VARGS *key) (void *ctx, int code, int unicode, int event); qboolean (VARGS *setsize) (void *ctx, int width, int height); void (VARGS *getsize) (void *ctx, int *width, int *height); void (VARGS *changestream) (void *ctx, const char *streamname); qboolean (VARGS *getproperty) (void *ctx, const char *field, char *out, size_t *outsize); //if out is null, returns required buffer size. returns 0 on failure / buffer too small // void *(VARGS *createdecoderCB)(const char *name, struct mediacallbacks_s *callbacks); } media_decoder_funcs_t; typedef struct { size_t structsize; const char *drivername; const char *description; const char *extensions; void *(VARGS *capture_begin) (char *streamname, int videorate, int width, int height, int *sndkhz, int *sndchannels, int *sndbits); void (VARGS *capture_video) (void *ctx, int frame, void *data, int stride, int width, int height, enum uploadfmt fmt); void (VARGS *capture_audio) (void *ctx, void *data, int bytes); void (VARGS *capture_end) (void *ctx); } media_encoder_funcs_t; extern struct plugin_s *currentplug; qboolean Media_RegisterDecoder(struct plugin_s *plug, media_decoder_funcs_t *funcs); qboolean Media_UnregisterDecoder(struct plugin_s *plug, media_decoder_funcs_t *funcs); qboolean Media_RegisterEncoder(struct plugin_s *plug, media_encoder_funcs_t *funcs); qboolean Media_UnregisterEncoder(struct plugin_s *plug, media_encoder_funcs_t *funcs);