/* Copyright (C) 1996-1997 Id Software, Inc. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the included (GNU.txt) GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ #include "quakedef.h" void CL_FinishTimeDemo (void); #define realtime demtime float demtime; int cls_lastto; int cls_lasttype; void CL_PlayDemo(char *demoname); char lastdemoname[256]; /* ============================================================================== DEMO CODE When a demo is playing back, all NET_SendMessages are skipped, and NET_GetMessages are read from the demo file. Whenever cl.time gets past the last received message, another message is read from the demo file. ============================================================================== */ /* ============== CL_StopPlayback Called when a demo file runs out, or the user starts a game ============== */ void CL_StopPlayback (void) { if (!cls.demoplayback) return; Media_CaptureDemoEnd(); VFS_CLOSE (cls.demofile); cls.demofile = NULL; cls.state = ca_disconnected; cls.demoplayback = DPB_NONE; if (cls.timedemo) CL_FinishTimeDemo (); } #define dem_cmd 0 #define dem_read 1 #define dem_set 2 /* ==================== CL_WriteDemoCmd Writes the player0 user cmd (demos don't support split screen) ==================== */ void CL_WriteDemoCmd (usercmd_t *pcmd) { int i; float fl; qbyte c; q1usercmd_t cmd; //Con_Printf("write: %ld bytes, %4.4f\n", msg->cursize, realtime); fl = LittleFloat((float)realtime); VFS_WRITE (cls.demofile, &fl, sizeof(fl)); c = dem_cmd; VFS_WRITE (cls.demofile, &c, sizeof(c)); // correct for byte order, bytes don't matter cmd.buttons = pcmd->buttons; cmd.impulse = pcmd->impulse; cmd.msec = pcmd->msec; for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) cmd.angles[i] = LittleFloat(pcmd->angles[i]*65536/360); cmd.forwardmove = LittleShort(pcmd->forwardmove); cmd.sidemove = LittleShort(pcmd->sidemove); cmd.upmove = LittleShort(pcmd->upmove); VFS_WRITE (cls.demofile, &cmd, sizeof(cmd)); for (i=0 ; i<3 ; i++) { fl = LittleFloat (cl.viewangles[0][i]); VFS_WRITE (cls.demofile, &fl, 4); } VFS_FLUSH (cls.demofile); } /* ==================== CL_WriteDemoMessage Dumps the current net message, prefixed by the length and view angles ==================== */ void CL_WriteDemoMessage (sizebuf_t *msg) { int len; float fl; qbyte c; //Con_Printf("write: %ld bytes, %4.4f\n", msg->cursize, realtime); if (!cls.demorecording) return; fl = LittleFloat((float)realtime); VFS_WRITE (cls.demofile, &fl, sizeof(fl)); c = dem_read; VFS_WRITE (cls.demofile, &c, sizeof(c)); len = LittleLong (msg->cursize); VFS_WRITE (cls.demofile, &len, 4); VFS_WRITE (cls.demofile, msg->data, msg->cursize); VFS_FLUSH (cls.demofile); } int unreaddata; int unreadbytes; int readdemobytes(void *data, int len) { int i; if (unreadbytes) { if (len != unreadbytes) Sys_Error("Demo playback unread the wrong number of bytes\n"); memcpy(data, &unreaddata, len); unreadbytes=0; return len; } i = VFS_READ(cls.demofile, data, len); memcpy(&unreaddata, data, 4); return i; } void CL_ProgressDemoTime(void) { extern cvar_t cl_demospeed; if (cl.parsecount && Media_PausedDemo()) { //console visible whilst democapturing #undef realtime cls.netchan.last_received = realtime; #define realtime demtime return; } if (cl_demospeed.value >= 0) realtime += host_frametime*cl_demospeed.value; else realtime += host_frametime; } void CL_DemoJump_f(void) { float newtime; char *s = Cmd_Argv(1); char *colon = strchr(s, ':'); if (!cls.demoplayback) return; if (*s == '+') { if (colon) { colon++; realtime += atoi(colon); realtime += atoi(s)*60; } else realtime += atoi(s); } else { if (colon) { colon++; newtime = atoi(colon); newtime += atoi(s)*60; } else newtime = atoi(s); if (newtime >= realtime) realtime = newtime; else { Con_Printf("Rewinding demo\n"); CL_PlayDemo(lastdemoname); realtime = newtime; } } } /* ==================== CL_GetDemoMessage FIXME... ==================== */ float olddemotime = 0; float nextdemotime = 0; qboolean CL_GetDemoMessage (void) { int r, i, j, tracknum; float f; float demotime; qbyte c, msecsadded=0; usercmd_t *pcmd; q1usercmd_t q1cmd; #ifdef NQPROT if (cls.demoplayback == DPB_NETQUAKE || cls.demoplayback == DPB_QUAKE2) { //read the nq demo if (cls.demoplayback == DPB_QUAKE2 && (cls.netchan.last_received == realtime || cls.netchan.last_received > realtime-0.1)) return 0; else if (cls.demoplayback == DPB_NETQUAKE && cls.signon == 4/*SIGNONS*/) { if (!realtime) { cl.gametime = 0; cl.gametimemark = realtime; olddemotime = 0; return 0; } if (realtime<= cl.gametime && cl.gametime)// > dem_lasttime+realtime) { if (realtime <= cl.gametime-1||cls.timedemo) { realtime = cl.gametime; cls.netchan.last_received = realtime; } { float f = (cl.gametime-realtime)/(cl.gametime-olddemotime); float a1; float a2; for (i=0 ; i<3 ; i++) { a1 = cl.viewangles[2][i]; a2 = cl.viewangles[1][i]; if (a1 - a2 > 180) a1 -= 360; if (a1 - a2 < -180) a1 += 360; cl.simangles[0][i] = a2 + f * (a1 - a2); } VectorCopy(cl.simangles[0], cl.viewangles[0]); } return 0; } } readdemobytes(&net_message.cursize, 4); // VectorCopy (cl.mviewangles[0], cl.mviewangles[1]); if (cls.demoplayback == DPB_NETQUAKE) { VectorCopy (cl.viewangles[1], cl.viewangles[2]); for (i=0 ; i<3 ; i++) { readdemobytes(&f, 4); cl.simangles[0][i] = cl.viewangles[1][i] = LittleFloat (f); } VectorCopy (cl.viewangles[1], cl.viewangles[0]); } olddemotime = realtime; net_message.cursize = LittleLong (net_message.cursize); if (net_message.cursize > MAX_NQMSGLEN) { Con_Printf ("Demo message > MAX_MSGLEN"); CL_StopPlayback (); return 0; } if (net_message.cursize<0) { Con_Printf ("Demo finished\n"); CL_StopPlayback (); return 0; } r = readdemobytes(net_message.data, net_message.cursize); if (r != net_message.cursize) { CL_StopPlayback (); return 0; } return 1; } #endif readnext: // read the time from the packet if (cls.demoplayback == DPB_MVD) { if (olddemotime > realtime) olddemotime = realtime; if (realtime + 1.0 < olddemotime) realtime = olddemotime - 1.0; readdemobytes(&msecsadded, sizeof(msecsadded)); demotime = olddemotime + msecsadded*(1.0f/1000); nextdemotime = demotime; } else { readdemobytes(&demotime, sizeof(demotime)); demotime = LittleFloat(demotime); } // decide if it is time to grab the next message if (cls.timedemo) { if (cls.td_lastframe < 0) cls.td_lastframe = demotime; else if (demotime > cls.td_lastframe) { cls.td_lastframe = demotime; // rewind back to time if (cls.demoplayback == DPB_MVD) unreadbytes = sizeof(msecsadded); else unreadbytes = sizeof(demotime); return 0; // already read this frame's message } if (!cls.td_starttime && cls.state == ca_active) { //start the timer only once we are connected. cls.td_starttime = Sys_DoubleTime(); cls.td_startframe = host_framecount; } realtime = demotime; // warp } else if (!cl.paused && cls.state >= ca_onserver) { // always grab until fully connected if (realtime + 1.0 < demotime) { // too far back realtime = demotime - 1.0; // rewind back to time if (cls.demoplayback == DPB_MVD) unreadbytes = sizeof(msecsadded); else unreadbytes = sizeof(demotime); return 0; } else if (realtime < demotime) { // rewind back to time if (cls.demoplayback == DPB_MVD) unreadbytes = sizeof(msecsadded); else unreadbytes = sizeof(demotime); return 0; // don't need another message yet } } else realtime = demotime; // we're warping if (cls.demoplayback == DPB_MVD) { if (msecsadded) { cls.netchan.incoming_sequence++; cls.netchan.incoming_acknowledged++; cls.netchan.frame_latency = 0; cls.netchan.last_received = demotime; // just to happy timeout check } } olddemotime = demotime; if (cls.state < ca_demostart) Host_Error ("CL_GetDemoMessage: cls.state != ca_active"); // get the msg type VFS_READ (cls.demofile, &c, sizeof(c)); switch (c&7) { case dem_cmd : // user sent input i = cls.netchan.outgoing_sequence & UPDATE_MASK; pcmd = &cl.frames[i].cmd[0]; r = readdemobytes (&q1cmd, sizeof(q1cmd)); if (r != sizeof(q1cmd)) { CL_StopPlayback (); return 0; } // byte order stuff for (j = 0; j < 3; j++) { q1cmd.angles[j] = LittleFloat(q1cmd.angles[j]); pcmd->angles[j] = ((int)(q1cmd.angles[j]*65536.0/360)&65535); } pcmd->forwardmove = q1cmd.forwardmove = LittleShort(q1cmd.forwardmove); pcmd->sidemove = q1cmd.sidemove = LittleShort(q1cmd.sidemove); pcmd->upmove = q1cmd.upmove = LittleShort(q1cmd.upmove); pcmd->msec = q1cmd.msec; pcmd->buttons = q1cmd.buttons; cl.frames[i].senttime = demotime; cl.frames[i].receivedtime = -1; // we haven't gotten a reply yet cls.netchan.outgoing_sequence++; for (i=0 ; i<3 ; i++) { readdemobytes (&f, 4); cl.viewangles[0][i] = LittleFloat (f); } break; case dem_read: readit: // get the next message readdemobytes (&net_message.cursize, 4); net_message.cursize = LittleLong (net_message.cursize); //Con_Printf("read: %ld bytes\n", net_message.cursize); if (net_message.cursize > MAX_OVERALLMSGLEN) { Con_Printf ("Demo message > MAX_OVERALLMSGLEN\n"); CL_StopPlayback (); return 0; } r = readdemobytes (net_message.data, net_message.cursize); if (r != net_message.cursize) { CL_StopPlayback (); return 0; } if (cls.demoplayback == DPB_MVD) { switch(cls_lasttype) { case dem_multiple: tracknum = spec_track[0]; if (!autocam[0]) tracknum = -1; if (tracknum == -1 || !(cls_lastto & (1 << tracknum))) goto readnext; break; case dem_single: tracknum = spec_track[0]; if (!autocam[0]) tracknum = -1; if (tracknum == -1 || cls_lastto != tracknum) goto readnext; break; } } break; case dem_set : readdemobytes (&i, 4); cls.netchan.outgoing_sequence = LittleLong(i); readdemobytes (&i, 4); cls.netchan.incoming_sequence = LittleLong(i); if (cls.demoplayback == DPB_MVD) cls.netchan.incoming_acknowledged = cls.netchan.incoming_sequence; goto readnext; case dem_multiple: readdemobytes (&i, sizeof(i)); cls_lastto = LittleLong(i); cls_lasttype = dem_multiple; goto readit; case dem_single: cls_lastto = c >> 3; cls_lasttype = dem_single; goto readit; case dem_stats: cls_lastto = c >> 3; cls_lasttype = dem_stats; goto readit; case dem_all: cls_lastto = 0; cls_lasttype = dem_all; goto readit; default : Con_Printf("Corrupted demo.\n"); CL_StopPlayback (); return 0; } return 1; } /* ==================== CL_GetMessage Handles recording and playback of demos, on top of NET_ code ==================== */ qboolean CL_GetMessage (void) { if (cls.demoplayback != DPB_NONE) return CL_GetDemoMessage (); if (!NET_GetPacket (NS_CLIENT)) return false; CL_WriteDemoMessage (&net_message); return true; } /* ==================== CL_Stop_f stop recording a demo ==================== */ void CL_Stop_f (void) { if (!cls.demorecording) { #ifndef CLIENTONLY SV_MVDStop_f(); #endif Con_Printf ("Not recording a demo.\n"); return; } // write a disconnect message to the demo file SZ_Clear (&net_message); MSG_WriteLong (&net_message, -1); // -1 sequence means out of band MSG_WriteByte (&net_message, svc_disconnect); MSG_WriteString (&net_message, "EndOfDemo"); CL_WriteDemoMessage (&net_message); // finish up VFS_CLOSE (cls.demofile); cls.demofile = NULL; cls.demorecording = false; Con_Printf ("Completed demo\n"); FS_FlushFSHash(); } /* ==================== CL_WriteDemoMessage Dumps the current net message, prefixed by the length and view angles ==================== */ void CL_WriteRecordDemoMessage (sizebuf_t *msg, int seq) { int len; int i; float fl; qbyte c; //Con_Printf("write: %ld bytes, %4.4f\n", msg->cursize, realtime); if (!cls.demorecording) return; fl = LittleFloat((float)realtime); VFS_WRITE (cls.demofile, &fl, sizeof(fl)); c = dem_read; VFS_WRITE (cls.demofile, &c, sizeof(c)); len = LittleLong (msg->cursize + 8); VFS_WRITE (cls.demofile, &len, 4); i = LittleLong(seq); VFS_WRITE (cls.demofile, &i, 4); VFS_WRITE (cls.demofile, &i, 4); VFS_WRITE (cls.demofile, msg->data, msg->cursize); VFS_FLUSH (cls.demofile); } void CL_WriteSetDemoMessage (void) { int len; float fl; qbyte c; //Con_Printf("write: %ld bytes, %4.4f\n", msg->cursize, realtime); if (!cls.demorecording) return; fl = LittleFloat((float)realtime); VFS_WRITE (cls.demofile, &fl, sizeof(fl)); c = dem_set; VFS_WRITE (cls.demofile, &c, sizeof(c)); len = LittleLong(cls.netchan.outgoing_sequence); VFS_WRITE (cls.demofile, &len, 4); len = LittleLong(cls.netchan.incoming_sequence); VFS_WRITE (cls.demofile, &len, 4); VFS_FLUSH (cls.demofile); } /* ==================== CL_Record_f record ==================== */ void CL_Record_f (void) { int c; char name[MAX_OSPATH]; int namelen = sizeof(name); sizebuf_t buf; char buf_data[MAX_QWMSGLEN]; int n, i, j; char *s, *p, *fname; entity_t *ent; entity_state_t *es, blankes; player_info_t *player; extern char gamedirfile[]; int seq = 1; c = Cmd_Argc(); if (c > 2) { Con_Printf ("record \n"); return; } if (cls.state != ca_active) { Con_Printf ("You must be connected to record.\n"); return; } if (cls.demorecording) CL_Stop_f(); namelen -= strlen(com_gamedir)+1; if (c == 2) //user supplied a name { fname = Cmd_Argv(1); } else { //automagically generate a name if (cl.spectator) { // FIXME: if tracking a player, use his name fname = va ("spec_%s_%s", TP_PlayerName(), TP_MapName()); } else { // guess game type and write demo name i = TP_CountPlayers(); if (cl.teamplay && i >= 3) { // Teamplay fname = va ("%s_%s_vs_%s_%s", TP_PlayerName(), TP_PlayerTeam(), TP_EnemyTeam(), TP_MapName()); } else { if (i == 2) { // Duel fname = va ("%s_vs_%s_%s", TP_PlayerName(), TP_EnemyName(), TP_MapName()); } else if (i > 2) { // FFA fname = va ("%s_ffa_%s", TP_PlayerName(), TP_MapName()); } else { // one player fname = va ("%s_%s", TP_PlayerName(), TP_MapName()); } } } } while((p = strstr(fname, ".."))) { p[0] = '_'; p[1] = '_'; } // Make sure the filename doesn't contain illegal characters for (p=fname ; *p ; p++) { char c; *p &= 0x7F; // strip high bit c = *p; if (c<=' ' || c=='?' || c=='*' || (c!=2&&(c=='\\' || c=='/')) || c==':' || c=='<' || c=='>' || c=='"' || c=='.') *p = '_'; } strncpy(name, fname, sizeof(name)-1-8); name[sizeof(name)-1-8] = '\0'; //make a unique name (unless the user specified it). strcat (name, ".qwd"); //we have the space if (c != 2) { vfsfile_t *f; f = FS_OpenVFS (name, "rb", FS_GAME); if (f) { COM_StripExtension(name, name); p = name + strlen(name); strcat(p, "_XX.qwd"); p++; i = 0; do { VFS_CLOSE (f); p[0] = i%100 + '0'; p[1] = i%10 + '0'; f = FS_OpenVFS (name, "rb", FS_GAME); i++; } while (f && i < 100); } } // // open the demo file // cls.demofile = FS_OpenVFS (name, "wb", FS_GAME); if (!cls.demofile) { Con_Printf ("ERROR: couldn't open.\n"); return; } Con_Printf ("recording to %s.\n", name); cls.demorecording = true; /*-------------------------------------------------*/ // serverdata // send the info about the new client to all connected clients memset(&buf, 0, sizeof(buf)); buf.data = buf_data; buf.maxsize = sizeof(buf_data); // send the serverdata MSG_WriteByte (&buf, svc_serverdata); #ifdef PROTOCOL_VERSION_FTE if (cls.fteprotocolextensions) //maintain demo compatability { MSG_WriteLong (&buf, PROTOCOL_VERSION_FTE); MSG_WriteLong (&buf, cls.fteprotocolextensions); } #endif MSG_WriteLong (&buf, PROTOCOL_VERSION); MSG_WriteLong (&buf, cl.servercount); MSG_WriteString (&buf, gamedirfile); for (i = 0; i < cl.splitclients; i++) { if (cl.spectator) MSG_WriteByte (&buf, cl.playernum[i] | 128); else MSG_WriteByte (&buf, cl.playernum[i]); } if (cls.fteprotocolextensions & PEXT_SPLITSCREEN) MSG_WriteByte (&buf, 128); // send full levelname MSG_WriteString (&buf, cl.levelname); // send the movevars MSG_WriteFloat(&buf, movevars.gravity); MSG_WriteFloat(&buf, movevars.stopspeed); MSG_WriteFloat(&buf, movevars.maxspeed); MSG_WriteFloat(&buf, movevars.spectatormaxspeed); MSG_WriteFloat(&buf, movevars.accelerate); MSG_WriteFloat(&buf, movevars.airaccelerate); MSG_WriteFloat(&buf, movevars.wateraccelerate); MSG_WriteFloat(&buf, movevars.friction); MSG_WriteFloat(&buf, movevars.waterfriction); MSG_WriteFloat(&buf, movevars.entgravity); // send server info string MSG_WriteByte (&buf, svc_stufftext); MSG_WriteString (&buf, va("fullserverinfo \"%s\"\n", cl.serverinfo) ); // send music (delayed) MSG_WriteByte (&buf, svc_cdtrack); MSG_WriteByte (&buf, 0); // none in demos #ifdef PEXT_SETVIEW if (cl.viewentity[0]) //tell the player if we have a different view entity { MSG_WriteByte (&buf, svc_setview); MSG_WriteByte (&buf, cl.viewentity[0]); } #endif // flush packet CL_WriteRecordDemoMessage (&buf, seq++); SZ_Clear (&buf); // soundlist MSG_WriteByte (&buf, svc_soundlist); MSG_WriteByte (&buf, 0); n = 0; s = cl.sound_name[n+1]; while (*s) { MSG_WriteString (&buf, s); if (buf.cursize > MAX_QWMSGLEN/2) { MSG_WriteByte (&buf, 0); MSG_WriteByte (&buf, n); CL_WriteRecordDemoMessage (&buf, seq++); SZ_Clear (&buf); MSG_WriteByte (&buf, svc_soundlist); MSG_WriteByte (&buf, n + 1); } n++; s = cl.sound_name[n+1]; } if (buf.cursize) { MSG_WriteByte (&buf, 0); MSG_WriteByte (&buf, 0); CL_WriteRecordDemoMessage (&buf, seq++); SZ_Clear (&buf); } // modellist MSG_WriteByte (&buf, svc_modellist); MSG_WriteByte (&buf, 0); n = 0; s = cl.model_name[n+1]; while (*s) { MSG_WriteString (&buf, s); if (buf.cursize > MAX_QWMSGLEN/2) { MSG_WriteByte (&buf, 0); MSG_WriteByte (&buf, n); CL_WriteRecordDemoMessage (&buf, seq++); SZ_Clear (&buf); MSG_WriteByte (&buf, svc_modellist); MSG_WriteByte (&buf, n + 1); } n++; s = cl.model_name[n+1]; } if (buf.cursize) { MSG_WriteByte (&buf, 0); MSG_WriteByte (&buf, 0); CL_WriteRecordDemoMessage (&buf, seq++); SZ_Clear (&buf); } // spawnstatic for (i = 0; i < cl.num_statics; i++) { ent = cl_static_entities + i; MSG_WriteByte (&buf, svc_spawnstatic); for (j = 1; j < MAX_MODELS; j++) if (ent->model == cl.model_precache[j]) break; if (j == MAX_MODELS) MSG_WriteByte (&buf, 0); else MSG_WriteByte (&buf, j); MSG_WriteByte (&buf, ent->frame); MSG_WriteByte (&buf, 0); MSG_WriteByte (&buf, ent->skinnum); for (j=0 ; j<3 ; j++) { MSG_WriteCoord (&buf, ent->origin[j]); MSG_WriteAngle (&buf, ent->angles[j]); } if (buf.cursize > MAX_QWMSGLEN/2) { CL_WriteRecordDemoMessage (&buf, seq++); SZ_Clear (&buf); } } // spawnstaticsound // static sounds are skipped in demos, life is hard // baselines memset(&blankes, 0, sizeof(blankes)); for (i = 0; i < MAX_EDICTS; i++) { es = cl_baselines + i; if (memcmp(es, &blankes, sizeof(blankes))) { MSG_WriteByte (&buf,svc_spawnbaseline); MSG_WriteShort (&buf, i); MSG_WriteByte (&buf, es->modelindex); MSG_WriteByte (&buf, es->frame); MSG_WriteByte (&buf, es->colormap); MSG_WriteByte (&buf, es->skinnum); for (j=0 ; j<3 ; j++) { MSG_WriteCoord(&buf, es->origin[j]); MSG_WriteAngle(&buf, es->angles[j]); } if (buf.cursize > MAX_QWMSGLEN/2) { CL_WriteRecordDemoMessage (&buf, seq++); SZ_Clear (&buf); } } } MSG_WriteByte (&buf, svc_stufftext); MSG_WriteString (&buf, va("cmd spawn %i\n", cl.servercount) ); if (buf.cursize) { CL_WriteRecordDemoMessage (&buf, seq++); SZ_Clear (&buf); } // send current status of all other players for (i = 0; i < MAX_CLIENTS; i++) { player = cl.players + i; MSG_WriteByte (&buf, svc_updatefrags); MSG_WriteByte (&buf, i); MSG_WriteShort (&buf, player->frags); MSG_WriteByte (&buf, svc_updateping); MSG_WriteByte (&buf, i); MSG_WriteShort (&buf, player->ping); MSG_WriteByte (&buf, svc_updatepl); MSG_WriteByte (&buf, i); MSG_WriteByte (&buf, player->pl); MSG_WriteByte (&buf, svc_updateentertime); MSG_WriteByte (&buf, i); MSG_WriteFloat (&buf, player->entertime); MSG_WriteByte (&buf, svc_updateuserinfo); MSG_WriteByte (&buf, i); MSG_WriteLong (&buf, player->userid); MSG_WriteString (&buf, player->userinfo); if (buf.cursize > MAX_QWMSGLEN/2) { CL_WriteRecordDemoMessage (&buf, seq++); SZ_Clear (&buf); } } // send all current light styles for (i=0 ; i= MAX_STANDARDLIGHTSTYLES) if (!*cl_lightstyle[i].map) continue; MSG_WriteByte (&buf, svc_lightstyle); MSG_WriteByte (&buf, (char)i); MSG_WriteString (&buf, cl_lightstyle[i].map); } for (i = ((cls.fteprotocolextensions&PEXT_HEXEN2)?MAX_QW_STATS:MAX_CL_STATS); i >= 0; i--) { if (!cl.stats[0][i]) continue; MSG_WriteByte (&buf, svc_updatestatlong); MSG_WriteByte (&buf, i); MSG_WriteLong (&buf, cl.stats[0][i]); if (buf.cursize > MAX_QWMSGLEN/2) { CL_WriteRecordDemoMessage (&buf, seq++); SZ_Clear (&buf); } } // get the client to check and download skins // when that is completed, a begin command will be issued MSG_WriteByte (&buf, svc_stufftext); MSG_WriteString (&buf, va("skins\n") ); CL_WriteRecordDemoMessage (&buf, seq++); CL_WriteSetDemoMessage(); // done } /* ==================== CL_ReRecord_f record ==================== */ void CL_ReRecord_f (void) { int c; char name[MAX_OSPATH]; char *s; c = Cmd_Argc(); if (c != 2) { Con_Printf ("rerecord \n"); return; } if (!*cls.servername) { Con_Printf("No server to reconnect to...\n"); return; } if (cls.demorecording) CL_Stop_f(); s = Cmd_Argv(1); if (strstr(s, "..")) { Con_Printf ("Relative paths not allowed.\n"); return; } sprintf (name, "%s", s); // // open the demo file // COM_DefaultExtension (name, ".qwd"); cls.demofile = FS_OpenVFS (name, "wb", FS_GAME); if (!cls.demofile) { Con_Printf ("ERROR: couldn't open.\n"); return; } Con_Printf ("recording to %s.\n", name); cls.demorecording = true; CL_Disconnect(); CL_BeginServerReconnect(); } #ifdef WEBCLIENT void CL_PlayDownloadedDemo(char *name, qboolean success) { if (success == false) Con_Printf("Failed to download %s\n", name); else { FS_FlushFSHash(); Cbuf_AddText(va("playdemo %s\n", name), RESTRICT_LOCAL); } } #endif /* ==================== CL_PlayDemo_f play [demoname] ==================== */ void CL_PlayDemo_f (void) { if (Cmd_Argc() != 2) { Con_Printf ("playdemo : plays a demo\n"); return; } #ifdef WEBCLIENT if (!strncmp(Cmd_Argv(1), "ftp://", 6) || !strncmp(Cmd_Argv(1), "http://", 7)) { if (Cmd_ExecLevel == RESTRICT_LOCAL) HTTP_CL_Get(Cmd_Argv(1), COM_SkipPath(Cmd_Argv(1)), CL_PlayDownloadedDemo); return; } #endif CL_PlayDemo(Cmd_Argv(1)); } void CL_PlayDemo(char *demoname) { char name[256]; int ft, c, neg; int len; char type; int protocol; int start; // // disconnect from server // CL_Disconnect_f (); unreadbytes = 0; //just in case // // open the demo file // Q_strncpyz (name, demoname, sizeof(name)); COM_DefaultExtension (name, ".qwd"); cls.demofile = FS_OpenVFS(name, "rb", FS_GAME); if (!cls.demofile) { Q_strncpyz (name, demoname, sizeof(name)); COM_DefaultExtension (name, ".dem"); cls.demofile = FS_OpenVFS(name, "rb", FS_GAME); } if (!cls.demofile) { Q_strncpyz (name, demoname, sizeof(name)); COM_DefaultExtension (name, ".mvd"); cls.demofile = FS_OpenVFS(name, "rb", FS_GAME); } if (!cls.demofile) { Con_Printf ("ERROR: couldn't open.\n"); cls.demonum = -1; // stop demo loop return; } Q_strncpyz (lastdemoname, demoname, sizeof(lastdemoname)); Con_Printf ("Playing demo from %s.\n", name); if (!Q_strcasecmp(name + strlen(name) - 3, "mvd") || !Q_strcasecmp(name + strlen(name) - 6, "mvd.gz")) { cls.demoplayback = DPB_MVD; cls.findtrack = true; } else cls.demoplayback = DPB_QUAKEWORLD; cls.state = ca_demostart; net_message.packing = SZ_RAWBYTES; Netchan_Setup (NS_CLIENT, &cls.netchan, net_from, 0); realtime = 0; cl.gametime = 0; cl.gametimemark = realtime; cls.netchan.last_received=0; start = VFS_TELL(cls.demofile); VFS_READ(cls.demofile, &len, sizeof(len)); VFS_READ(cls.demofile, &type, sizeof(type)); VFS_READ(cls.demofile, &protocol, sizeof(protocol)); VFS_SEEK(cls.demofile, start); if (len > 5 && type == svcq2_serverdata && protocol == PROTOCOL_VERSION_Q2) { #ifdef Q2CLIENT cls.demoplayback = DPB_QUAKE2; cls.protocol = CP_QUAKE2; #else Con_Printf ("ERROR: cannot play Quake2 demos.\n"); CL_StopPlayback(); return; #endif } else { cls.protocol = CP_QUAKEWORLD; ft = 0; //work out if the first line is a int for the track number. while ((VFS_READ(cls.demofile, &c, 1)==1) && (c != '\n')) { if (c == '-') neg = true; else if (c < '0' || c > '9') break; else ft = ft * 10 + (c - '0'); } if (c == '\n') { #ifndef NQPROT Con_Printf ("ERROR: cannot play NQ demos.\n"); CL_StopPlayback(); return; #else cls.protocol = CP_NETQUAKE; cls.demoplayback = DPB_NETQUAKE; //nq demos. :o) #endif } else VFS_SEEK(cls.demofile, start); //quakeworld demo, so go back to start. } } /* ==================== CL_FinishTimeDemo ==================== */ void CL_FinishTimeDemo (void) { int frames; float time; cls.timedemo = false; // the first frame didn't count frames = (host_framecount - cls.td_startframe) - 1; time = Sys_DoubleTime() - cls.td_starttime; if (!time) time = 1; Con_Printf ("%i frames %5.1f seconds %5.1f fps\n", frames, time, frames/time); } /* ==================== CL_TimeDemo_f timedemo [demoname] ==================== */ void CL_TimeDemo_f (void) { if (Cmd_Argc() != 2) { Con_Printf ("timedemo : gets demo speeds\n"); return; } CL_PlayDemo_f (); if (cls.state != ca_demostart) return; CL_ReadPackets(); // cls.td_starttime will be grabbed at the second frame of the demo, so // all the loading time doesn't get counted cls.timedemo = true; cls.td_starttime = Sys_DoubleTime(); cls.td_startframe = host_framecount; cls.td_lastframe = -1; // get a new message this frame }