//read menu.h #include "quakedef.h" #include "winquake.h" extern cvar_t maxclients; menutext_t *MC_AddWhiteText(menu_t *menu, int x, int y, const char *text, qboolean rightalign); /* MULTIPLAYER MENU */ void M_Menu_MultiPlayer_f (void) { menubutton_t *b; menu_t *menu; mpic_t *p; int mgt; p = NULL; key_dest = key_menu; m_state = m_complex; mgt = M_GameType(); menu = M_CreateMenu(0); if (mgt == MGT_QUAKE2) { MC_AddCenterPicture(menu, 4, "pics/m_banner_multiplayer"); menu->selecteditem = (menuoption_t*) MC_AddConsoleCommand (menu, 64, 40, "Join network server", "menu_slist\n"); MC_AddConsoleCommand (menu, 64, 40, "Quick Connect", "quickconnect qw\n"); MC_AddConsoleCommand (menu, 64, 48, "Start network server", "menu_newmulti\n"); MC_AddConsoleCommand (menu, 64, 56, "Player setup", "menu_setup\n"); MC_AddConsoleCommand (menu, 64, 64, "Demos", "menu_demo\n"); menu->cursoritem = (menuoption_t*)MC_AddWhiteText(menu, 48, 40, NULL, false); return; } else if (mgt == MGT_HEXEN2) { } else if (QBigFontWorks()) { MC_AddPicture(menu, 16, 4, "gfx/qplaque.lmp"); MC_AddCenterPicture(menu, 4, "gfx/p_multi.lmp"); mgt=32; menu->selecteditem = (menuoption_t*) MC_AddConsoleCommandQBigFont (menu, 72, mgt, "Join A Game ", "menu_slist\n");mgt+=20; MC_AddConsoleCommandQBigFont (menu, 72, mgt, "Quick Connect", "quickconnect qw\n");mgt+=20; MC_AddConsoleCommandQBigFont (menu, 72, mgt, "Old Browser ", "menu_serversold\n");mgt+=20; MC_AddConsoleCommandQBigFont (menu, 72, mgt, "New Server ", "menu_newmulti\n");mgt+=20; MC_AddConsoleCommandQBigFont (menu, 72, mgt, "Player Setup", "menu_setup\n");mgt+=20; MC_AddConsoleCommandQBigFont (menu, 72, mgt, "Demos ", "menu_demo\n");mgt+=20; menu->cursoritem = (menuoption_t*)MC_AddCursor(menu, 54, 32); return; } else { p = Draw_SafeCachePic("gfx/mp_menu.lmp"); if (p) { MC_AddPicture(menu, 16, 4, "gfx/qplaque.lmp"); MC_AddCenterPicture(menu, 4, "gfx/p_multi.lmp"); MC_AddPicture(menu, 72, 32, "gfx/mp_menu.lmp"); } } b = MC_AddConsoleCommand(menu, 72, 32, "", "menu_slist\n"); menu->selecteditem = (menuoption_t*)b; b->common.height = 20; b->common.width = p?p->width:320; b = MC_AddConsoleCommand(menu, 72, 52, "", "menu_newmulti\n"); b->common.height = 20; b->common.width = p?p->width:320; b = MC_AddConsoleCommand(menu, 72, 72, "", "menu_setup\n"); b->common.height = 20; b->common.width = p?p->width:320; b = MC_AddConsoleCommand(menu, 72, 92, "", "menu_demo\n"); MC_AddWhiteText(menu, 72, 92+20/2-6, "Demos", false); b->common.height = 20/2+2; b->common.width = p?p->width:320; b = MC_AddConsoleCommand(menu, 72, 112, "", "quickconnect qw\n"); MC_AddWhiteText(menu, 72, 112+20/2-6, "Quick Connect", false); b->common.height = 20/2+2; b->common.width = p?p->width:320; menu->cursoritem = (menuoption_t*)MC_AddCursor(menu, 54, 32); } extern cvar_t team, skin; extern cvar_t topcolor; extern cvar_t bottomcolor; extern cvar_t skill; typedef struct { menuedit_t *nameedit; menuedit_t *teamedit; menuedit_t *skinedit; int topcolour; int lowercolour; int tiwidth, tiheight; qbyte translationimage[64*64]; } setupmenu_t; qboolean ApplySetupMenu (union menuoption_s *option,struct menu_s *menu, int key) { setupmenu_t *info = menu->data; if (key != K_ENTER) return false; Cvar_Set(&name, info->nameedit->text); Cvar_Set(&team, info->teamedit->text); Cvar_Set(&skin, info->skinedit->text); Cbuf_AddText(va("color %i %i\n", info->lowercolour, info->topcolour), RESTRICT_LOCAL); S_LocalSound ("misc/menu2.wav"); M_RemoveMenu(menu); return true; } qboolean SetupMenuColour (union menuoption_s *option,struct menu_s *menu, int key) { setupmenu_t *info = menu->data; if (*option->button.text == 'T') { if (key == K_ENTER || key == K_RIGHTARROW) { info->topcolour ++; if (info->topcolour>=14) info->topcolour=0; S_LocalSound ("misc/menu2.wav"); return true; } if (key == K_LEFTARROW) { info->topcolour --; if (info->topcolour<=0) info->topcolour=13; S_LocalSound ("misc/menu2.wav"); return true; } } else { if (key == K_ENTER || key == K_RIGHTARROW) { info->lowercolour ++; if (info->lowercolour>=14) info->lowercolour=0; S_LocalSound ("misc/menu2.wav"); return true; } if (key == K_LEFTARROW) { info->lowercolour --; if (info->lowercolour<=0) info->lowercolour=13; S_LocalSound ("misc/menu2.wav"); return true; } } return false; } void MSetup_TransDraw (int x, int y, menucustom_t *option, menu_t *menu) { extern qbyte translationTable[256]; setupmenu_t *info = menu->data; mpic_t *p; qbyte *f; if (info->skinedit->modified) { info->skinedit->modified = false; f = COM_LoadMallocFile (va("gfx/player/%s.lmp", info->skinedit->text)); if (!f) f = COM_LoadMallocFile("gfx/menuplyr.lmp"); if (f) { info->tiwidth = ((int*)f)[0]; info->tiheight = ((int*)f)[1]; memcpy(info->translationimage, f+8, info->tiwidth*info->tiheight); BZ_Free(f); } } p = Draw_SafeCachePic ("gfx/bigbox.lmp"); if (p) Draw_TransPic (x-12, y-8, p); M_BuildTranslationTable(info->topcolour*16, info->lowercolour*16); Draw_TransPicTranslate (x, y, info->tiwidth, info->tiheight, info->translationimage, translationTable); } void M_Menu_Setup_f (void) { setupmenu_t *info; menu_t *menu; key_dest = key_menu; m_state = m_complex; menu = M_CreateMenu(sizeof(setupmenu_t)); info = menu->data; MC_AddPicture(menu, 16, 4, "gfx/qplaque.lmp"); MC_AddCenterPicture(menu, 4, "gfx/p_multi.lmp"); // MC_AddPicture(menu, 72, 32, Draw_CachePic ("gfx/mp_menu.lmp") ); menu->selecteditem = (menuoption_t*) (info->nameedit = MC_AddEdit(menu, 64, 40, "Your name", name.string)); (info->teamedit = MC_AddEdit(menu, 64, 56, "Your team", team.string)); (info->skinedit = MC_AddEdit(menu, 64, 72, "Your skin", skin.string)); MC_AddCustom(menu, 172, 88, NULL)->draw = MSetup_TransDraw; MC_AddCommand(menu, 64, 96, "Top colour", SetupMenuColour); MC_AddCommand(menu, 64, 120, "Lower colour", SetupMenuColour); MC_AddCommand(menu, 64, 152, "Accept changes", ApplySetupMenu); menu->cursoritem = (menuoption_t*)MC_AddWhiteText(menu, 54, 32, NULL, false); info->lowercolour = bottomcolor.value; info->topcolour = topcolor.value; info->skinedit->modified = true; } #ifdef CL_MASTER void M_Menu_ServerList_f (void) { key_dest = key_menu; m_state = m_slist; MasterInfo_Begin(); } #endif void M_ServerList_Draw (void) { #ifdef CL_MASTER M_DrawServers(); #endif } void M_ServerList_Key (int k) { #ifdef CL_MASTER M_SListKey(k); #endif } #ifdef CLIENTONLY void M_Menu_GameOptions_f (void) { } #else typedef struct { menuedit_t *hostnameedit; menucombo_t *deathmatch; menucombo_t *numplayers; menucombo_t *teamplay; menucombo_t *skill; menucombo_t *timelimit; menucombo_t *fraglimit; menuedit_t *mapnameedit; menucheck_t *rundedicated; int topcolour; int lowercolour; } newmultimenu_t; static char *numplayeroptions[] = { "2", "3", "4", "8", "12", "16", "20", "24", "32", NULL }; qboolean MultiBeginGame (union menuoption_s *option,struct menu_s *menu, int key) { newmultimenu_t *info = menu->data; if (key != K_ENTER) return false; if (cls.state) Cbuf_AddText("disconnect\n", RESTRICT_LOCAL); Cbuf_AddText(va("maxclients \"%s\"\n", numplayeroptions[info->numplayers->selectedoption]), RESTRICT_LOCAL); if (info->rundedicated->value) Cbuf_AddText("setrenderer dedicated\n", RESTRICT_LOCAL); Cbuf_AddText(va("hostname \"%s\"\n", info->hostnameedit->text), RESTRICT_LOCAL); Cbuf_AddText(va("deathmatch %i\n", info->deathmatch->selectedoption), RESTRICT_LOCAL); if (!info->deathmatch->selectedoption) Cbuf_AddText("coop 1\n", RESTRICT_LOCAL); else Cbuf_AddText("coop 0\n", RESTRICT_LOCAL); Cbuf_AddText(va("teamplay %i\n", info->teamplay->selectedoption), RESTRICT_LOCAL); Cbuf_AddText(va("skill %i\n", info->skill->selectedoption), RESTRICT_LOCAL); Cbuf_AddText(va("timelimit %i\n", info->timelimit->selectedoption*5), RESTRICT_LOCAL); Cbuf_AddText(va("fraglimit %i\n", info->fraglimit->selectedoption*10), RESTRICT_LOCAL); Cbuf_AddText(va("map \"%s\"\n", info->mapnameedit->text), RESTRICT_LOCAL); if (info->rundedicated->value) { Cbuf_AddText("echo You can use the setrenderer command to return to a graphical interface at any time\n", RESTRICT_LOCAL); } M_RemoveAllMenus(); return true; } void M_Menu_GameOptions_f (void) { extern cvar_t pr_maxedicts; static char *deathmatchoptions[] = { "Cooperative", "Deathmatch 1", "Deathmatch 2", "Deathmatch 3", "Deathmatch 4", "Deathmatch 5", NULL }; static char *teamplayoptions[] = { "off", "friendly fire", "no friendly fire", NULL }; static char *skilloptions[] = { "Easy", "Medium", "Hard", "NIGHTMARE", NULL }; static char *timelimitoptions[] = { "no limit", "5 minutes", "10 minutes", "15 minutes", "20 minutes", "25 minutes", "30 minutes", "35 minutes", "40 minutes", "45 minutes", "50 minutes", "55 minutes", "1 hour", NULL }; static char *fraglimitoptions[] = { "no limit", "10 frags", "20 frags", "30 frags", "40 frags", "50 frags", "60 frags", "70 frags", "80 frags", "90 frags", "100 frags", NULL }; newmultimenu_t *info; menu_t *menu; int y = 40; int mgt; int players; key_dest = key_menu; m_state = m_complex; menu = M_CreateMenu(sizeof(newmultimenu_t)); info = menu->data; mgt = M_GameType(); if (mgt == MGT_QUAKE2) { MC_AddCenterPicture(menu, 4, "pics/m_banner_start_server"); y += 8; } else if (mgt == MGT_HEXEN2) { } else { MC_AddPicture(menu, 16, 4, "gfx/qplaque.lmp"); MC_AddCenterPicture(menu, 4, "gfx/p_multi.lmp"); } // MC_AddPicture(menu, 72, 32, ("gfx/mp_menu.lmp") ); menu->selecteditem = (menuoption_t*) MC_AddCommand (menu, 64, y, " Start game", MultiBeginGame);y+=16; info->hostnameedit = MC_AddEdit (menu, 64, y, " Hostname", name.string);y+=16; for (players = 0; players < sizeof(numplayeroptions)/ sizeof(numplayeroptions[0]); players++) { if (atoi(numplayeroptions[players]) >= maxclients.value) break; } info->numplayers = MC_AddCombo (menu, 64, y, "Max players", (const char **)numplayeroptions, players);y+=8; info->deathmatch = MC_AddCombo (menu, 64, y, " Deathmatch", (const char **)deathmatchoptions, deathmatch.value);y+=8; info->teamplay = MC_AddCombo (menu, 64, y, " Teamplay", (const char **)teamplayoptions, teamplay.value);y+=8; info->skill = MC_AddCombo (menu, 64, y, " Skill", (const char **)skilloptions, skill.value);y+=8; info->rundedicated = MC_AddCheckBox(menu, 64, y, " dedicated", NULL, 0);y+=8; y+=8; info->timelimit = MC_AddCombo (menu, 64, y, " Time Limit", (const char **)timelimitoptions, timelimit.value/5);y+=8; info->fraglimit = MC_AddCombo (menu, 64, y, " Frag Limit", (const char **)fraglimitoptions, fraglimit.value/10);y+=8; y+=8; MC_AddSlider (menu, 64-7*8, y, "Extra edict support", &pr_maxedicts, 512, 2047);y+=8; y+=8; if (mgt == MGT_QUAKE2) info->mapnameedit = MC_AddEdit (menu, 64, y, " map", "base1"); else info->mapnameedit = MC_AddEdit (menu, 64, y, " map", "start"); y += 16; menu->cursoritem = (menuoption_t*)MC_AddWhiteText(menu, 54, 32, NULL, false); info->lowercolour = bottomcolor.value; info->topcolour = topcolor.value; } #endif