#include "bothdefs.h" #ifdef WEBCLIENT #include "iweb.h" #ifdef _WIN32 #define EWOULDBLOCK WSAEWOULDBLOCK #define EMSGSIZE WSAEMSGSIZE #define ECONNRESET WSAECONNRESET #define ECONNABORTED WSAECONNABORTED #define ECONNREFUSED WSAECONNREFUSED #define EADDRNOTAVAIL WSAEADDRNOTAVAIL #define qerrno WSAGetLastError() #else #define qerrno errno #include <sys/types.h> #include <sys/socket.h> #include <netinet/in.h> #include <netdb.h> #include <sys/param.h> #include <sys/ioctl.h> #include <sys/uio.h> #include <arpa/inet.h> #include <errno.h> #include <unistd.h> #ifdef sun #include <sys/filio.h> #endif #ifdef NeXT #include <libc.h> #endif #define closesocket close #define ioctlsocket ioctl #endif typedef struct FTPclientconn_s{ char server[256]; char name[64]; char pwd[64]; char path[256]; char pathprefix[256]; //Urhum.. Without this we can browse various entire hard drives too easily. char file[64]; char localfile[MAX_QPATH]; int transfersize; int transfered; int controlsock; int datasock; //FTP only allows one transfer per connection. enum {ftp_control, ftp_listing, ftp_getting, ftp_putting} type; int stage; IWEBFILE *f; struct FTPclientconn_s *next; } FTPclientconn_t; FTPclientconn_t *FTPclientconn; FTPclientconn_t *FTP_CreateConnection(char *addy) { unsigned long _true = true; struct sockaddr_qstorage from; FTPclientconn_t *con; con = IWebMalloc(sizeof(FTPclientconn_t)); if ((con->controlsock = socket (PF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, IPPROTO_TCP)) == -1) { Sys_Error ("FTP_UDP_OpenSocket: socket: %s\n", strerror(qerrno)); } {//quake routines using dns and stuff (Really, I wanna keep quake and ftp fairly seperate) netadr_t qaddy; NET_StringToAdr (addy, &qaddy); if (!qaddy.port) qaddy.port = htons(21); NetadrToSockadr(&qaddy, &from); } //not yet blocking. if (connect(con->controlsock, (struct sockaddr *)&from, sizeof(from)) == -1) { IWebWarnPrintf ("FTP_TCP_OpenSocket: connect: %i %s\n", qerrno, strerror(qerrno)); closesocket(con->controlsock); IWebFree(con); return NULL; } if (ioctlsocket (con->controlsock, FIONBIO, &_true) == -1) //now make it non blocking. { Sys_Error ("FTP_TCP_OpenSocket: ioctl FIONBIO: %s\n", strerror(qerrno)); } Q_strncpyz(con->server, addy, sizeof(con->server)); strcpy(con->name, "anonymous"); con->next = FTPclientconn; FTPclientconn = con; con->stage = 1; con->type = ftp_control; strcpy(con->path, "/"); con->datasock = INVALID_SOCKET; con->transfersize = -1; con->transfered = 0; return FTPclientconn; } //duplicate a connection to get multiple data channels with a server. FTPclientconn_t *FTP_DuplicateConnection(FTPclientconn_t *old) { FTPclientconn_t *new; new = FTP_CreateConnection(old->server); *new->server = '\0'; //mark it as non control strcpy(new->name, old->name); strcpy(new->pwd, old->pwd); strcpy(new->path, old->path); strcpy(new->pathprefix, old->pathprefix); return new; } int FTP_CL_makelistensocket(void) { char name[256]; unsigned long _true = true; int sock; struct hostent *hent; struct sockaddr_in address; // int fromlen; address.sin_family = AF_INET; if (gethostname(name, sizeof(name)) == -1) return INVALID_SOCKET; hent = gethostbyname(name); if (!hent) return INVALID_SOCKET; address.sin_addr.s_addr = *(int *)(hent->h_addr_list[0]); address.sin_port = 0; if ((sock = socket (PF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, IPPROTO_TCP)) == -1) { Sys_Error ("FTP_TCP_OpenSocket: socket:", strerror(qerrno)); } if (ioctlsocket (sock, FIONBIO, &_true) == -1) { Sys_Error ("FTP_TCP_OpenSocket: ioctl FIONBIO:", strerror(qerrno)); } if( bind (sock, (void *)&address, sizeof(address)) == -1) { closesocket(sock); return INVALID_SOCKET; } listen(sock, 1); return sock; } int FTP_CL_makeconnectsocket(char *ftpdest) { unsigned long _true = true; int sock; struct sockaddr_in address; if (!ftpdest) return 0; if (*ftpdest == '(') ftpdest++; if ((sock = socket (PF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, IPPROTO_TCP)) == -1) { IWebWarnPrintf ("FTP_UDP_OpenSocket: socket:", strerror(qerrno)); return INVALID_SOCKET; } if (ioctlsocket (sock, FIONBIO, &_true) == -1) { closesocket(sock); IWebWarnPrintf ("FTTP_UDP_OpenSocket: ioctl FIONBIO:", strerror(qerrno)); return INVALID_SOCKET; } address.sin_family = AF_INET; address.sin_addr.s_addr = INADDR_ANY; address.sin_port = 0; if( bind (sock, (void *)&address, sizeof(address)) == -1) { closesocket(sock); IWebWarnPrintf ("FTTP_UDP_OpenSocket: bind:", strerror(qerrno)); return INVALID_SOCKET; } FTP_StringToAdr(ftpdest, (qbyte *)&address.sin_addr, (qbyte *)&address.sin_port); //this is commented out because connect always reports would_block, no matter what happens. So why check? //if ( connect(sock, (struct sockaddr *)&address, sizeof(address));// == -1) /* { closesocket(sock); Con_Printf ("FTTP_UDP_OpenSocket: ioctl FIONBIO:", strerror(qerrno)); return INVALID_SOCKET; } */ return sock; } iwboolean FTP_SocketToString (int socket, char *s) { struct sockaddr_in addr; int adrlen = sizeof(addr); if (getsockname(socket, (struct sockaddr*)&addr, &adrlen) == -1) return false; sprintf(s, "%i,%i,%i,%i,%i,%i", ((qbyte*)&addr.sin_addr)[0], ((qbyte*)&addr.sin_addr)[1], ((qbyte*)&addr.sin_addr)[2], ((qbyte*)&addr.sin_addr)[3], ((qbyte *)&addr.sin_port)[0], ((qbyte *)&addr.sin_port)[1]); return true; } iwboolean FTP_ClientConnThink (FTPclientconn_t *con) //true to kill con { char *line, *msg; int ret; char readdata[8192]; char tempbuff[8192]; if (con->stage == 6) { int len; if (con->type == ftp_getting) { if (!cls.downloadmethod || (cls.downloadmethod == DL_FTP && !strcmp(cls.downloadname, con->localfile))) { strcpy(cls.downloadname, con->localfile); cls.downloadmethod = DL_FTP; if (con->transfersize == -1) cls.downloadpercent=50; else cls.downloadpercent = con->transfered*100.0f/con->transfersize; } while((len = recv(con->datasock, readdata, sizeof(readdata), 0)) >0 ) { IWebFWrite(readdata, len, 1, con->f); con->transfered += len; } if (len == 0) { closesocket(con->datasock); con->datasock = INVALID_SOCKET; } } else if (con->type == ftp_putting) { int pos, sent; int ammount, wanted = sizeof(readdata); pos = IWebFTell(con->f); ammount = IWebFRead(readdata, 1, wanted, con->f); sent = send(con->datasock, readdata, ammount, 0); if (sent == -1) IWebFSeek(con->f, pos, SEEK_SET); //go back. Too much data else { IWebFSeek(con->f, pos + sent, SEEK_SET); //written this much if (!ammount) //file is over { closesocket(con->datasock); con->datasock = INVALID_SOCKET; // msg = "226 Transfer complete.\r\n"; // send (con->controlsock, msg, strlen(msg), 0); } } } } ret = recv(con->controlsock, (char *)readdata, sizeof(readdata)-1, 0); if (ret == -1) { if (qerrno == EWOULDBLOCK) return false; if (qerrno == ECONNABORTED || qerrno == ECONNRESET) { Con_TPrintf (TL_CONNECTIONLOSTORABORTED); return true; } // Con_TPrintf (TL_NETGETPACKETERROR, strerror(qerrno)); return true; } readdata[ret] = '\0'; //null terminate. (it's a string) //we now have a message. //We've got to work out what has happened already. //a server can send many lines of text for one reply //220-hello // this //220-is // 220-all //220 one reply //so we only read lines that contain number space words, without any leading space line = readdata; while (1) { msg = line; while (*line) { if (*line == '\n') break; line++; } if (!*line) //broken message break; *line = '\0'; line++; if (*con->server) IWebDPrintf("^2FTP: %s\n", COM_TrimString(msg)); if (*msg < '0' || *msg > '9') //make sure it starts with number continue; ret = atoi(msg); while(*msg >= '0' && *msg <= '9') //find next non number msg++; if (*msg != ' ') //must be a space (definatly not a '-') continue; msg++; if (ret == 220) { sprintf(tempbuff, "USER %s\r\n", con->name); send(con->controlsock, tempbuff, strlen(tempbuff), 0); con->stage = 1; } else if (ret == 331) { if (con->type == ftp_control) sprintf(tempbuff, "PASS %s\r\nPWD %s\r\n", con->pwd, con->path); else sprintf(tempbuff, "PASS %s\r\n", con->pwd); send(con->controlsock, tempbuff, strlen(tempbuff), 0); con->stage = 2; } else if (ret == 230) //we must now do something useful { char adr[64]; if (con->type == ftp_control) //control is for browsing and duplicating continue; con->datasock = FTP_CL_makelistensocket(); if (!con->datasock || !FTP_SocketToString(con->datasock, adr)) { return true; } sprintf(tempbuff, "CWD %s%s\r\nPORT %s\r\n", con->pathprefix, con->path, adr); send(con->controlsock, tempbuff, strlen(tempbuff), 0); con->stage = 3; } else if (ret == 200) { struct sockaddr addr; int addrlen = sizeof(addr); int temp; if (con->type == ftp_control) continue; if (con->stage == 3) { temp = accept(con->datasock, &addr, &addrlen); closesocket(con->datasock); con->datasock = temp; if (temp != INVALID_SOCKET) { con->stage = 6; if (con->type == ftp_getting) { con->f = IWebFOpenWrite(con->localfile, false); if (con->f) { sprintf(tempbuff, "RETR %s\r\n", con->file); con->stage = 6; con->transfered = 0; con->transfersize = -1; } else { sprintf(tempbuff, "QUIT\r\n"); con->stage = 7; } } else if (con->type == ftp_putting) { con->f = IWebFOpenRead(con->localfile); if (con->f) { sprintf(tempbuff, "STOR %s\r\n", con->file); con->stage = 6; con->transfered = 0; con->transfersize = con->f->length; } else { sprintf(tempbuff, "QUIT\r\n"); con->stage = 7; } } else sprintf(tempbuff, "LIST %s\r\n", con->pwd); send(con->controlsock, tempbuff, strlen(tempbuff), 0); } else { Con_Printf("FTP: Trying passive server mode\n"); msg = va("PASV\r\n"); send(con->controlsock, msg, strlen(msg), 0); con->stage = 4; } } } else if (ret == 213) { con->transfersize = atoi(msg); msg = va("RETR %s\r\n", con->file); con->stage = 6; con->transfered = 0; send(con->controlsock, msg, strlen(msg), 0); } else if (ret == 125) //begining transfer { if (con->type == ftp_getting) { COM_StripExtension(con->localfile, msg); strcat(msg, ".tmp"); con->f = IWebFOpenWrite(msg, false); if (!con->f) { msg = va("ABOR\r\nQUIT\r\n"); //bummer. we couldn't open this file to output to. send(con->controlsock, msg, strlen(msg), 0); con->stage = 7; return true; } } // msg = va("LIST\r\n"); // send(con->controlsock, msg, strlen(msg), 0); con->stage = 6; } else if (ret == 226) //transfer complete { int len; char data[1024]; if (con->f) { if (con->type == ftp_getting) { while(1) //this is potentially dodgy. { len = recv(con->datasock, data, sizeof(data), 0); if (len == 0) break; if (len == -1) { if (qerrno != EWOULDBLOCK) break; continue; } con->transfered+=len; data[len] = 0; IWebFWrite(data, len, 1, con->f); } } IWebFClose(con->f); con->f = NULL; closesocket(con->datasock); con->datasock = INVALID_SOCKET; if (con->transfersize != -1 && con->transfered != con->transfersize) { IWebPrintf("Transfer corrupt\nTransfered %i of %i bytes\n", con->transfered, con->transfersize); } else IWebPrintf("Transfer compleate\n"); } else { while((len = recv(con->datasock, data, sizeof(data), 0)) >0 ) { data[len] = 0; if (strchr(data, '\r')) { line = data; for(;;) { msg = strchr(line, '\r'); if (!msg) break; *msg = '\0'; Con_Printf("%s", line); line = msg+1; } Con_Printf("%s", line); } else Con_Printf("%s", data); } closesocket(con->datasock); con->datasock = INVALID_SOCKET; } msg = va("QUIT\r\n"); send(con->controlsock, msg, strlen(msg), 0); con->stage = 7; } else if (ret == 227) { // Con_Printf("FTP: Got passive server mode\n"); if (con->datasock != INVALID_SOCKET) closesocket(con->datasock); con->datasock = INVALID_SOCKET; con->datasock = FTP_CL_makeconnectsocket(strchr(msg, '(')); if (con->datasock != INVALID_SOCKET) { if (con->type == ftp_getting) { con->f = IWebFOpenWrite(con->localfile, false); if (con->f) { con->stage = 8; msg = va("TYPE I\r\nSIZE %s\r\n", con->file); con->transfersize = -1; /* msg = va("RETR %s\r\n", con->file); con->stage = 6; con->transfered = 0; */ } else { msg = va("QUIT\r\n"); con->stage = 7; Con_Printf("FTP: Failed to open local file %s\n", con->localfile); } } else if (con->type == ftp_putting) { con->f = IWebFOpenRead(con->localfile); if (con->f) { msg = va("STOR %s\r\n", con->file); con->stage = 6; con->transfered = 0; con->transfersize = con->f->length; } else { msg = va("QUIT\r\n"); con->stage = 7; Con_Printf("FTP: Failed to open local file %s\n", con->localfile); } } else { msg = "LIST\r\n"; con->stage = 6; } } else { msg = "QUIT\r\n"; con->stage = 7; Con_Printf("FTP: Didn't connect\n"); } send (con->controlsock, msg, strlen(msg), 0); } else if (ret == 250) { Con_Printf("FTP: %i %s\n", ret, msg); } else if (ret == 257) { //stick it on the beginning. Con_Printf("FTP: %i %s\n", ret, msg); msg = strchr(msg, '"'); if (msg) { Q_strncpyz(con->pathprefix, msg+1, sizeof(con->pathprefix)); msg = strchr(con->pathprefix, '"'); if (msg) *msg = '\0'; } else Q_strcpyline(con->pathprefix, msg+4, sizeof(con->pathprefix)-1); } else { if (ret < 200) continue; if (con->stage == 5) { Con_DPrintf("FTP: Trying passive server mode\n"); msg = va("PASV\r\n"); send(con->controlsock, msg, strlen(msg), 0); con->stage = 4; continue; } if (ret != 221) Con_Printf("^1FTP: %i %s\n", ret, msg); return true; } continue; } return false; } void FTP_ClientThink (void) { FTPclientconn_t *con, *old=NULL; for (con = FTPclientconn; con; con = con->next) { if (FTP_ClientConnThink(con)) { if (cls.downloadmethod == DL_FTP && !strcmp(cls.downloadname, con->localfile)) { //this was us cls.downloadmethod = DL_NONE; } if (con->f) IWebFClose(con->f); if (con->controlsock != INVALID_SOCKET) closesocket(con->controlsock); if (con->datasock != INVALID_SOCKET) closesocket(con->datasock); if (!old) { FTPclientconn = con->next; IWebFree(con); break; } else { old->next = con->next; IWebFree(con); break; } } old = con; } } FTPclientconn_t *FTP_FindControl(void) { FTPclientconn_t *con; for (con = FTPclientconn; con; con = con->next) { if (*con->server) return con; } return NULL; } void FTP_Client_Command (char *cmd) { char command[64]; char server[MAX_OSPATH]; FTPclientconn_t *con; cmd = COM_ParseOut(cmd, command, sizeof(command)); if (!stricmp(command, "open")) { if (FTP_FindControl()) Con_Printf("You are already connected\n"); else { cmd = COM_ParseOut(cmd, server, sizeof(server)); if ((con = FTP_CreateConnection(server))) { Con_Printf("FTP connect succeded\n"); cmd = COM_ParseOut(cmd, command, sizeof(command)); if (cmd) { Q_strncpyz(con->name, command, sizeof(con->name)); cmd = COM_ParseOut(cmd, command, sizeof(command)); if (cmd) Q_strncpyz(con->pwd, command, sizeof(con->pwd)); } } else Con_Printf("FTP connect failed\n"); } } else if (!stricmp(command, "download")) { cmd = COM_ParseOut(cmd, server, sizeof(server)); con = FTP_CreateConnection(server); if (!con) { Con_Printf("FTP: Couldn't connect\n"); return; } *con->server = '\0'; con->type = ftp_getting; cmd = COM_ParseOut(cmd, server, sizeof(server)); Q_strncpyz(con->file, server, sizeof(con->file)); Q_strncpyz(con->localfile, server, sizeof(con->localfile)); if (cmd = COM_ParseOut(cmd, server, sizeof(server))) Q_strncpyz(con->localfile, server, sizeof(con->localfile)); } else if (!stricmp(command, "quit")) { con = FTP_FindControl(); if (con) { char *msg; msg = va("QUIT\r\n"); send(con->controlsock, msg, strlen(msg), 0); // if (con->datasock) // closesocket(con->datasock); // closesocket(con->controlsock); } else Con_Printf("No main FTP connection\n"); } else if (!stricmp(command, "list")) { FTPclientconn_t *new, *con = FTP_FindControl(); if (!con) { Con_Printf("Not connected\n"); return; } new = FTP_DuplicateConnection(con); if (!new) { Con_Printf("Failed duplicate connection\n"); return; } new->type = ftp_listing; } else if (!stricmp(command, "get")) { FTPclientconn_t *new, *con = FTP_FindControl(); if (!con) { Con_Printf("Not connected\n"); return; } cmd = COM_ParseOut(cmd, command, sizeof(command)); if (!cmd) { Con_Printf("No file specified\n"); return; } new = FTP_DuplicateConnection(con); if (!new) { Con_Printf("Failed duplicate connection\n"); return; } new->type = ftp_getting; sprintf(new->file, command); sprintf(new->localfile, "%s%s", new->path, command); } else if (!stricmp(command, "put")) { FTPclientconn_t *new, *con = FTP_FindControl(); if (!con) { Con_Printf("Not connected\n"); return; } cmd = COM_ParseOut(cmd, command, sizeof(command)); if (!cmd) { Con_Printf("No file specified\n"); return; } new = FTP_DuplicateConnection(con); if (!new) { Con_Printf("Failed duplicate connection\n"); return; } new->type = ftp_putting; sprintf(new->file, command); sprintf(new->localfile, "%s%s", new->path, command); } else if (!stricmp(command, "cwd")) { FTPclientconn_t *con = FTP_FindControl(); if (!con) { Con_Printf("Not connected\n"); return; } Con_Printf("%s\n", con->path); } else if (!stricmp(command, "cd")) { char *msg; FTPclientconn_t *con = FTP_FindControl(); if (!con) { Con_Printf("Not connected\n"); return; } cmd = COM_ParseOut(cmd, command, sizeof(command)); if (*command == '/') //absolute Q_strncpyz(con->path, command, sizeof(con->path)); else //bung it on the end { strncat(con->path, "/", sizeof(con->path)-1); strncat(con->path, command, sizeof(con->path)-1); } msg = va("CWD %s%s\r\n", con->pathprefix, con->path); send(con->controlsock, msg, strlen(msg), 0); } else Con_Printf("Unrecognised FTP command\n"); /* com = COM_ParseOut(com, command, sizeof(command)); com = COM_ParseOut(com, command, sizeof(command)); com = COM_ParseOut(com, command, sizeof(command)); */ } #endif