#include "quakedef.h" #ifdef D3D9QUAKE #include "shader.h" #include "winquake.h" #if !defined(HMONITOR_DECLARED) && (WINVER < 0x0500) #define HMONITOR_DECLARED DECLARE_HANDLE(HMONITOR); #endif #include <d3d9.h> extern LPDIRECT3DDEVICE9 pD3DDev9; extern cvar_t d3d9_hlsl; typedef struct { LPCSTR Name; LPCSTR Definition; } D3DXMACRO; #define D3DXHANDLE void * typedef enum D3DXINCLUDE_TYPE { D3DXINC_LOCAL = 0, D3DXINC_SYSTEM = 1, D3DXINC_FORCE_DWORD = 0x7fffffff } D3DXINCLUDE_TYPE, *LPD3DXINCLUDE_TYPE; #undef INTERFACE #define INTERFACE myID3DXInclude DECLARE_INTERFACE(myID3DXInclude) { STDMETHOD_(HRESULT,Open)(THIS_ D3DXINCLUDE_TYPE IncludeType, LPCSTR pFileName, LPCVOID pParentData, LPCVOID *ppData, UINT *pBytes) PURE; STDMETHOD_(HRESULT,Close)(THIS_ LPCVOID pData) PURE; }; typedef struct myID3DXInclude *LPD3DXINCLUDE; #undef INTERFACE #define INTERFACE d3dxbuffer DECLARE_INTERFACE_(d3dxbuffer,IUnknown) { STDMETHOD(QueryInterface)(THIS_ REFIID,PVOID*) PURE; STDMETHOD_(ULONG,AddRef)(THIS) PURE; STDMETHOD_(ULONG,Release)(THIS) PURE; STDMETHOD_(LPVOID,GetBufferPointer)(THIS) PURE; STDMETHOD_(SIZE_T,GetBufferSize)(THIS) PURE; }; typedef struct d3dxbuffer *LPD3DXBUFFER; typedef enum _D3DXREGISTER_SET { D3DXRS_BOOL, D3DXRS_INT4, D3DXRS_FLOAT4, D3DXRS_SAMPLER, D3DXRS_FORCE_DWORD = 0x7fffffff } D3DXREGISTER_SET, *LPD3DXREGISTER_SET; typedef enum _D3DXPARAMETER_CLASS { D3DXPC_SCALAR, D3DXPC_VECTOR, D3DXPC_MATRIX_ROWS, D3DXPC_MATRIX_COLUMNS, D3DXPC_OBJECT, D3DXPC_STRUCT, D3DXPC_FORCE_DWORD = 0x7fffffff } D3DXPARAMETER_CLASS, *LPD3DXPARAMETER_CLASS; typedef enum _D3DXPARAMETER_TYPE { D3DXPT_VOID, D3DXPT_BOOL, D3DXPT_INT, D3DXPT_FLOAT, D3DXPT_STRING, D3DXPT_TEXTURE, D3DXPT_TEXTURE1D, D3DXPT_TEXTURE2D, D3DXPT_TEXTURE3D, D3DXPT_TEXTURECUBE, D3DXPT_SAMPLER, D3DXPT_SAMPLER1D, D3DXPT_SAMPLER2D, D3DXPT_SAMPLER3D, D3DXPT_SAMPLERCUBE, D3DXPT_PIXELSHADER, D3DXPT_VERTEXSHADER, D3DXPT_PIXELFRAGMENT, D3DXPT_VERTEXFRAGMENT, } D3DXPARAMETER_TYPE, *LPD3DXPARAMETER_TYPE; typedef struct _D3DXCONSTANT_DESC { LPCSTR Name; // Constant name D3DXREGISTER_SET RegisterSet; // Register set UINT RegisterIndex; // Register index UINT RegisterCount; // Number of registers occupied D3DXPARAMETER_CLASS Class; // Class D3DXPARAMETER_TYPE Type; // Component type UINT Rows; // Number of rows UINT Columns; // Number of columns UINT Elements; // Number of array elements UINT StructMembers; // Number of structure member sub-parameters UINT Bytes; // Data size, in bytes LPCVOID DefaultValue; // Pointer to default value } D3DXCONSTANT_DESC, *LPD3DXCONSTANT_DESC; typedef struct _D3DXCONSTANTTABLE_DESC { LPCSTR Creator; // Creator string DWORD Version; // Shader version UINT Constants; // Number of constants } D3DXCONSTANTTABLE_DESC, *LPD3DXCONSTANTTABLE_DESC; #undef INTERFACE #define INTERFACE d3dxconstanttable DECLARE_INTERFACE_(d3dxconstanttable,IUnknown) { STDMETHOD(QueryInterface)(THIS_ REFIID,PVOID*) PURE; STDMETHOD_(ULONG,AddRef)(THIS) PURE; STDMETHOD_(ULONG,Release)(THIS) PURE; STDMETHOD_(LPVOID,GetBufferPointer)(THIS) PURE; STDMETHOD_(SIZE_T,GetBufferSize)(THIS) PURE; STDMETHOD(GetDesc)(THIS_ D3DXCONSTANTTABLE_DESC *pDesc) PURE; STDMETHOD(GetConstantDesc)(THIS_ D3DXHANDLE hConstant, D3DXCONSTANT_DESC *pConstantDesc, UINT *pCount) PURE; STDMETHOD_(D3DXHANDLE, GetConstant)(THIS_ D3DXHANDLE hConstant, UINT Index) PURE; STDMETHOD_(D3DXHANDLE, GetConstantByName)(THIS_ D3DXHANDLE hConstant, LPCSTR pName) PURE; STDMETHOD_(D3DXHANDLE, GetConstantElement)(THIS_ D3DXHANDLE hConstant, UINT Index) PURE; /*more stuff not included here cos I don't need it*/ }; typedef struct d3dxconstanttable *LPD3DXCONSTANTTABLE; HRESULT (WINAPI *pD3DXCompileShader) ( LPCSTR pSrcData, UINT SrcDataLen, const D3DXMACRO *pDefines, LPD3DXINCLUDE pInclude, LPCSTR pEntrypoint, LPCSTR pTarget, UINT Flags, LPD3DXBUFFER *ppCode, LPD3DXBUFFER *ppErrorMsgs, LPD3DXCONSTANTTABLE *constants ); static dllhandle_t *shaderlib; #ifndef IUnknown_Release #define IUnknown_Release(This) \ (This)->lpVtbl -> Release(This) #endif static HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE myID3DXIncludeVtbl_Close(myID3DXInclude *cls, LPCVOID pData) { return S_OK; } static HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE myID3DXIncludeVtbl_Open(myID3DXInclude *cls, D3DXINCLUDE_TYPE IncludeType, LPCSTR pFileName, LPCVOID pParentData, LPCVOID *ppData, UINT *pBytes) { char *file = NULL; // "sys/defs.h" // "sys/skeletal.h" // "sys/offsetmapping.h" if (!strcmp(pFileName, "sys/fog.h")) { file = "#ifdef FRAGMENT_SHADER\n" "#ifdef FOG\n" "#ifndef DEFS_DEFINED\n" "float4 w_fog[2];\n" "#define w_fogcolour w_fog[0].rgb\n" "#define w_fogalpha w_fog[0].a\n" "#define w_fogdensity w_fog[1].x\n" "#define w_fogdepthbias w_fog[1].y\n" "#endif\n" "static const float r_fog_exp2 = 1.0;\n" "float3 fog3(float3 regularcolour, float distance)" "{" "float z = w_fogdensity * distance;\n" "z = max(0.0,z-w_fogdepthbias);\n" "if (r_fog_exp2)\n" "z *= z;\n" "float fac = exp2(-(z * 1.442695));\n" "fac = (1.0-w_fogalpha) + (clamp(fac, 0.0, 1.0)*w_fogalpha);\n" "return lerp(w_fogcolour, regularcolour, fac);\n" "}\n" "float3 fog3additive(float3 regularcolour, float distance)" "{" "float z = w_fogdensity * distance;\n" "z = max(0.0,z-w_fogdepthbias);\n" "if (r_fog_exp2)\n" "z *= z;\n" "float fac = exp2(-(z * 1.442695));\n" "fac = (1.0-w_fogalpha) + (clamp(fac, 0.0, 1.0)*w_fogalpha);\n" "return regularcolour * fac;\n" "}\n" "float4 fog4(float4 regularcolour, float distance)" "{" "return float4(fog3(regularcolour.rgb, distance), 1.0) * regularcolour.a;\n" "}\n" "float4 fog4additive(float4 regularcolour, float distance)" "{" "float z = w_fogdensity * distance;\n" "z = max(0.0,z-w_fogdepthbias);\n" "if (r_fog_exp2)\n" "z *= z;\n" "float fac = exp2(-(z * 1.442695));\n" "fac = (1.0-w_fogalpha) + (clamp(fac, 0.0, 1.0)*w_fogalpha);\n" "return regularcolour * float4(fac, fac, fac, 1.0);\n" "}\n" "float4 fog4blend(float4 regularcolour, float distance)" "{" "float z = w_fogdensity * distance;\n" "z = max(0.0,z-w_fogdepthbias);\n" "if (r_fog_exp2)\n" "z *= z;\n" "float fac = exp2(-(z * 1.442695));\n" "fac = (1.0-w_fogalpha) + (clamp(fac, 0.0, 1.0)*w_fogalpha);\n" "return regularcolour * float4(1.0, 1.0, 1.0, fac);\n" "}\n" "#else\n" "float3 fog3(float3 regularcolour, float distance) { return regularcolour; }\n" "float3 fog3additive(float3 regularcolour, float distance) { return regularcolour; }\n" "float4 fog4(float4 regularcolour, float distance) { return regularcolour; }\n" "float4 fog4additive(float4 regularcolour, float distance) { return regularcolour; }\n" "float4 fog4blend(float4 regularcolour, float distance) { return regularcolour; }\n" "#endif\n" "#endif\n" ; } else if (!strcmp(pFileName, "sys/pcf.h")) { file = "#define ShadowmapFilter(smap,proj) 1.0\n" ; } if (file) { *ppData = file; *pBytes = strlen(file); return S_OK; } else return E_FAIL; } static struct myID3DXIncludeVtbl myID3DXIncludeVtbl_C = { myID3DXIncludeVtbl_Open, myID3DXIncludeVtbl_Close }; static struct myID3DXInclude myID3DXIncludeVtbl_Instance = {&myID3DXIncludeVtbl_C}; static qboolean D3D9Shader_CreateProgram (program_t *prog, struct programpermu_s *permu, int ver, const char **precompilerconstants, const char *vert, const char *tcs, const char *tes, const char *geom, const char *frag, qboolean silent, vfsfile_t *blobfile) { D3DXMACRO defines[64]; LPD3DXBUFFER code = NULL, errors = NULL; qboolean success = false; char defbuf[2048]; char *defbufe; if (geom || tcs || tes) { Con_Printf("geometry and tessellation shaders are not availale in d3d9 (%s)\n", prog->name); return false; } permu->h.hlsl.vert = NULL; permu->h.hlsl.frag = NULL; if (pD3DXCompileShader) { int consts; for (consts = 0; precompilerconstants[consts]; consts++) ; consts+=2; if (consts >= sizeof(defines) / sizeof(defines[0])) return success; consts = 0; defines[consts].Name = NULL; /*shader type*/ defines[consts].Definition = "1"; consts++; defines[consts].Name = "ENGINE_"DISTRIBUTION; #ifdef SVNREVISION defines[consts].Definition = STRINGIFY(SVNREVISION); #else defines[consts].Definition = "0"; #endif consts++; for (defbufe = defbuf; *precompilerconstants; precompilerconstants++) { const char *l, *nl; for(l = *precompilerconstants; *l; l = nl) { l += 7; //skip over the assumed #define l = COM_ParseOut(l, defbufe, defbuf+sizeof(defbuf) - defbufe-1); defines[consts].Name = defbufe; defbufe += strlen(defbufe)+1; while (*l == ' ' || *l == '\t') l++; nl = strchr(l, '\n'); if (nl && *nl) { defines[consts++].Definition = defbufe; memcpy(defbufe, l, nl-l); defbufe[nl-l] = 0; defbufe += nl++-l+1; } else defines[consts++].Definition = l; } } defines[consts].Name = NULL; defines[consts].Definition = NULL; success = true; defines[0].Name = "VERTEX_SHADER"; if (FAILED(pD3DXCompileShader(vert, strlen(vert), defines, &myID3DXIncludeVtbl_Instance, "main", "vs_2_0", 0, &code, &errors, (LPD3DXCONSTANTTABLE*)&permu->h.hlsl.ctabv))) success = false; else { IDirect3DDevice9_CreateVertexShader(pD3DDev9, code->lpVtbl->GetBufferPointer(code), (IDirect3DVertexShader9**)&permu->h.hlsl.vert); code->lpVtbl->Release(code); } if (errors) { char *messages = errors->lpVtbl->GetBufferPointer(errors); //int i; // for (i = 0; i < consts; i++) // Con_Printf("%s %i: %s==%s\n", prog->name, i, defines[i].Name, defines[i].Definition); // Con_Printf("%s\n", vert); Con_Printf("Error compiling vertex shader %s:\n%s", prog->name, messages); errors->lpVtbl->Release(errors); } defines[0].Name = "FRAGMENT_SHADER"; if (FAILED(pD3DXCompileShader(frag, strlen(frag), defines, &myID3DXIncludeVtbl_Instance, "main", "ps_2_0", 0, &code, &errors, (LPD3DXCONSTANTTABLE*)&permu->h.hlsl.ctabf))) success = false; else { IDirect3DDevice9_CreatePixelShader(pD3DDev9, code->lpVtbl->GetBufferPointer(code), (IDirect3DPixelShader9**)&permu->h.hlsl.frag); code->lpVtbl->Release(code); } if (errors) { char *messages = errors->lpVtbl->GetBufferPointer(errors); Con_Printf("Error compiling pixel shader %s:\n%s", prog->name, messages); errors->lpVtbl->Release(errors); } } return success; } static int D3D9Shader_FindUniform_(LPD3DXCONSTANTTABLE ct, const char *name) { if (ct) { UINT dc = 1; D3DXCONSTANT_DESC d; if (!FAILED(ct->lpVtbl->GetConstantDesc(ct, (void*)name, &d, &dc))) return d.RegisterIndex; } return -1; } static int D3D9Shader_FindUniform(union programhandle_u *h, int type, const char *name) { int offs; if (!type || type == 1) { offs = D3D9Shader_FindUniform_(h->hlsl.ctabv, name); if (offs >= 0) return offs; } if (!type || type == 2) { offs = D3D9Shader_FindUniform_(h->hlsl.ctabf, name); if (offs >= 0) return offs; } return -1; } static void D3D9Shader_ProgAutoFields(program_t *prog, struct programpermu_s *pp, char **cvarnames, int *cvartypes) { unsigned int i; int uniformloc; char tmpbuffer[256]; #define ALTLIGHTMAPSAMP 13 #define ALTDELUXMAPSAMP 16 /* prog->nofixedcompat = true; prog->defaulttextures = 0; prog->numsamplers = 0; */ int maxparms = 0; pp->parm = NULL; pp->numparms = 0; IDirect3DDevice9_SetVertexShader(pD3DDev9, pp->h.hlsl.vert); IDirect3DDevice9_SetPixelShader(pD3DDev9, pp->h.hlsl.frag); for (i = 0; shader_unif_names[i].name; i++) { uniformloc = D3D9Shader_FindUniform(&pp->h, 0, shader_unif_names[i].name); if (uniformloc != -1) { if (pp->numparms == maxparms) { maxparms = maxparms?maxparms*2:8; pp->parm = BZ_Realloc(pp->parm, sizeof(*pp->parm) * maxparms); } pp->parm[pp->numparms].handle = uniformloc; pp->parm[pp->numparms].type = shader_unif_names[i].ptype; pp->numparms++; } } for (i = 0; cvarnames[i]; i++) { cvar_t *cvarref; if (cvartypes[i] < SP_CVARI) continue; cvarref = Cvar_FindVar(cvarnames[i]); if (!cvarref) continue; //just directly sets uniforms. can't cope with cvars dynamically changing. cvarref->flags |= CVAR_SHADERSYSTEM; Q_snprintfz(tmpbuffer, sizeof(tmpbuffer), "cvar_%s", cvarnames[i]); uniformloc = D3D9Shader_FindUniform(&pp->h, 1, tmpbuffer); if (uniformloc != -1) { if (cvartypes[i] == SP_CVARI) { int v[4] = {cvarref->ival, 0, 0, 0}; IDirect3DDevice9_SetVertexShaderConstantI(pD3DDev9, 0, v, 1); } else IDirect3DDevice9_SetVertexShaderConstantF(pD3DDev9, 0, cvarref->vec4, 1); } uniformloc = D3D9Shader_FindUniform(&pp->h, 2, tmpbuffer); if (uniformloc != -1) { if (cvartypes[i] == SP_CVARI) { int v[4] = {cvarref->ival, 0, 0, 0}; IDirect3DDevice9_SetPixelShaderConstantI(pD3DDev9, 0, v, 1); } else IDirect3DDevice9_SetPixelShaderConstantF(pD3DDev9, 0, cvarref->vec4, 1); } } /*set texture uniforms*/ for (i = 0; i < prog->numsamplers; i++) { Q_snprintfz(tmpbuffer, sizeof(tmpbuffer), "s_t%i", i); uniformloc = D3D9Shader_FindUniform(&pp->h, 2, tmpbuffer); if (uniformloc != -1) { int v[4] = {i}; IDirect3DDevice9_SetPixelShader(pD3DDev9, pp->h.hlsl.frag); IDirect3DDevice9_SetPixelShaderConstantI(pD3DDev9, 0, v, 1); // if (prog->numsamplers < i+1) // prog->numsamplers = i+1; } } /* for (i = 0; sh_defaultsamplers[i].name; i++) { //figure out which ones are needed. if (prog->defaulttextures & sh_defaultsamplers[i].defaulttexbits) continue; //don't spam uniformloc = D3D9Shader_FindUniform(&pp->h, 2, sh_defaultsamplers[i].name); if (uniformloc != -1) prog->defaulttextures |= sh_defaultsamplers[i].defaulttexbits; } */ if (prog->defaulttextures) { unsigned int sampnum; /*set default texture uniforms*/ sampnum = prog->numsamplers; for (i = 0; sh_defaultsamplers[i].name; i++) { if (prog->defaulttextures & sh_defaultsamplers[i].defaulttexbits) { uniformloc = D3D9Shader_FindUniform(&pp->h, 2, sh_defaultsamplers[i].name); if (uniformloc != -1) { int v[4] = {sampnum}; IDirect3DDevice9_SetPixelShader(pD3DDev9, pp->h.hlsl.frag); IDirect3DDevice9_SetPixelShaderConstantI(pD3DDev9, 0, v, 1); } sampnum++; } } } IDirect3DDevice9_SetVertexShader(pD3DDev9, NULL); IDirect3DDevice9_SetPixelShader(pD3DDev9, NULL); } void D3D9Shader_DeleteProg(program_t *prog) { unsigned int permu; struct programpermu_s *pp; for (permu = countof(prog->permu); permu-- > 0; ) { pp = prog->permu[permu]; if (!pp) continue; prog->permu[permu] = NULL; if (pp == prog->permu[0] && permu) continue; //entry 0 (only) can get copied to avoid constant recompile failures (0 is always precompiled) if (pp->h.hlsl.vert) { IDirect3DVertexShader9 *vs = pp->h.hlsl.vert; pp->h.hlsl.vert = NULL; IDirect3DVertexShader9_Release(vs); } if (pp->h.hlsl.frag) { IDirect3DPixelShader9 *fs = pp->h.hlsl.frag; pp->h.hlsl.frag = NULL; IDirect3DPixelShader9_Release(fs); } if (pp->h.hlsl.ctabv) { LPD3DXCONSTANTTABLE vct = pp->h.hlsl.ctabv; pp->h.hlsl.ctabv = NULL; IUnknown_Release(vct); } if (pp->h.hlsl.ctabf) { LPD3DXCONSTANTTABLE fct = pp->h.hlsl.ctabf; pp->h.hlsl.ctabf = NULL; IUnknown_Release(fct); } pp->numparms = 0; BZ_Free(pp->parm); Z_Free(pp); } } void D3D9Shader_Init(void) { D3DCAPS9 caps; dllfunction_t funcs[] = { {(void**)&pD3DXCompileShader, "D3DXCompileShader"}, {NULL,NULL} }; if (!shaderlib) shaderlib = Sys_LoadLibrary("d3dx9_32", funcs); if (!shaderlib) shaderlib = Sys_LoadLibrary("d3dx9_34", funcs); memset(&sh_config, 0, sizeof(sh_config)); sh_config.minver = 9; sh_config.maxver = 9; sh_config.blobpath = "hlsl/%s.blob"; sh_config.progpath = shaderlib?"hlsl/%s.hlsl":NULL; sh_config.shadernamefmt = "%s_hlsl9"; sh_config.progs_supported = !!shaderlib && d3d9_hlsl.ival; sh_config.progs_required = false; sh_config.pDeleteProg = D3D9Shader_DeleteProg; sh_config.pLoadBlob = NULL;//D3D9Shader_LoadBlob; sh_config.pCreateProgram = D3D9Shader_CreateProgram; sh_config.pProgAutoFields = D3D9Shader_ProgAutoFields; sh_config.tex_env_combine = 1; sh_config.nv_tex_env_combine4 = 1; sh_config.env_add = 1; sh_config.can_mipcap = true; //at creation time, I think. sh_config.havecubemaps = true; IDirect3DDevice9_GetDeviceCaps(pD3DDev9, &caps); sh_config.texture_allow_block_padding = false; //microsoft blocks this. if (caps.TextureCaps & D3DPTEXTURECAPS_POW2) { //this flag is a LIMITATION, not a capability. sh_config.texture_non_power_of_two = false; sh_config.texture_non_power_of_two_pic = !!(caps.TextureCaps & D3DPTEXTURECAPS_NONPOW2CONDITIONAL); //pic npot is supported if both flags are set. } else { //modern cards support npot sh_config.texture_non_power_of_two_pic = true; sh_config.texture_non_power_of_two = true; } sh_config.texturecube_maxsize = sh_config.texture2d_maxsize = min(caps.MaxTextureWidth, caps.MaxTextureHeight); } #endif