//Released under the terms of the gpl as this file uses a bit of quake derived code. All sections of the like are marked as such #include "../plugin.h" #define Q_strncpyz(o, i, l) do {strncpy(o, i, l-1);o[l-1]='\0';}while(0) #define JCL_BUILD "1" #define ARGNAMES ,sock BUILTINR(int, Net_SetTLSClient, (qhandle_t sock)); #undef ARGNAMES void Con_SubPrintf(char *subname, char *format, ...) { va_list argptr; static char string[1024]; va_start (argptr, format); vsnprintf (string, sizeof(string), format,argptr); va_end (argptr); Con_SubPrint(subname, string); } //porting zone: #define Q_strncpyz(o, i, l) do {strncpy(o, i, l-1);o[l-1]='\0';}while(0) #define COLOURGREEN "^2" #define COLORWHITE "^7" #define COLOURWHITE "^7" // word #define COLOURRED "^1" #define COLOURYELLOW "^3" #define COLOURPURPLE "^5" #define COMMANDPREFIX "jabbercl" #define playsound(s) #define TL_NETGETPACKETERROR "NET_GetPacket Error %s\n" #define TOKENSIZE 1024 char com_token[TOKENSIZE]; char *COM_Parse (char *data) //this is taken out of quake { int c; int len; len = 0; com_token[0] = 0; if (!data) return NULL; // skip whitespace skipwhite: while ( (c = *data) <= ' ') { if (c == 0) return NULL; // end of file; data++; } // skip // comments if (c=='/') { if (data[1] == '/') { while (*data && *data != '\n') data++; goto skipwhite; } } // handle quoted strings specially if (c == '\"') { data++; while (1) { if (len >= TOKENSIZE-1) return data; c = *data++; if (c=='\"' || !c) { com_token[len] = 0; return data; } com_token[len] = c; len++; } } // parse a regular word do { if (len >= TOKENSIZE-1) return data; com_token[len] = c; data++; len++; c = *data; } while (c>32); com_token[len] = 0; return data; } void JCL_Command(void); int JCL_ExecuteCommand(int *args) { char cmd[8]; Cmd_Argv(0, cmd, sizeof(cmd)); if (!strcmp(cmd, COMMANDPREFIX)) { JCL_Command(); return true; } return false; } int JCL_ConExecuteCommand(int *args); int JCL_Frame(int *args); int (*Con_TrySubPrint)(char *conname, char *message); int Plug_Init(int *args) { if ( Plug_Export("Tick", JCL_Frame) && Plug_Export("ExecuteCommand", JCL_ExecuteCommand)) { CHECKBUILTIN(Net_SetTLSClient); if (!BUILTINISVALID(Net_SetTLSClient)) Con_Print("Jabber Client Plugin Loaded ^1without^7 TLS\n"); else Con_Print("Jabber Client Plugin Loaded with TLS\n"); if (!Plug_Export("ConExecuteCommand", JCL_ConExecuteCommand)) { Con_Printf("Jabber client plugin in single-console mode\n"); Con_TrySubPrint = Con_Print; } else Con_TrySubPrint = Con_SubPrint; Cmd_AddCommand(COMMANDPREFIX); return 1; } else Con_Print("JCL Client Plugin failed\n"); return 0; } //\r\n is used to end a line. //meaning \0s are valid. //but never used cos it breaks strings #define JCL_MAXMSGLEN 2048 typedef struct { char server[64]; int port; qhandle_t socket; qhandle_t inlog; qhandle_t outlog; char bufferedinmessage[JCL_MAXMSGLEN+1]; //there is a max size for protocol. (conveinient eh?) (and it's text format) int bufferedinammount; char defaultdest[256]; char domain[256]; char username[256]; char password[256]; char resource[256]; int tagdepth; int openbracket; int instreampos; qboolean noplain; qboolean issecure; } jclient_t; jclient_t *jclient; int JCL_ConExecuteCommand(int *args) { if (!jclient) { char buffer[256]; Cmd_Argv(0, buffer, sizeof(buffer)); Con_SubPrint(buffer, "You were disconnected\n"); return true; } Cmd_Argv(0, jclient->defaultdest, sizeof(jclient->defaultdest)); JCL_Command(); return true; } void JCL_AddClientMessage(jclient_t *jcl, char *msg, int datalen) { Net_Send(jcl->socket, msg, datalen); //FIXME: This needs rewriting to cope with errors. Con_Printf(COLOURYELLOW "<< %s \n",msg); } void JCL_AddClientMessageString(jclient_t *jcl, char *msg) { JCL_AddClientMessage(jcl, msg, strlen(msg)); } jclient_t *JCL_Connect(char *server, int defport, qboolean usesecure, char *account, char *password) { jclient_t *jcl; char *at; if (usesecure) { if (!BUILTINISVALID(Net_SetTLSClient)) { Con_Printf("JCL_OpenSocket: TLS is not supported\n"); return NULL; } } at = strchr(account, '@'); if (!at) return NULL; jcl = malloc(sizeof(jclient_t)); if (!jcl) return NULL; memset(jcl, 0, sizeof(jclient_t)); jcl->socket = Net_TCPConnect(server, defport); //port is only used if the url doesn't contain one. It's a default. //not yet blocking. So no frequent attempts please... //non blocking prevents connect from returning worthwhile sensible value. if ((int)jcl->socket < 0) { Con_Printf("JCL_OpenSocket: couldn't connect\n"); free(jcl); return NULL; } if (usesecure) { if (Net_SetTLSClient(jclient->socket)<0) { Net_Close(jclient->socket); free(jclient); jclient = NULL; return NULL; } jcl->issecure = true; } else jcl->issecure = false; // gethostname(jcl->hostname, sizeof(jcl->hostname)); // jcl->hostname[sizeof(jcl->hostname)-1] = 0; jcl->noplain = true; *at = '\0'; strlcpy(jcl->username, account, sizeof(jcl->username)); strlcpy(jcl->domain, at+1, sizeof(jcl->domain)); strlcpy(jcl->password, password, sizeof(jcl->password)); strcpy(jcl->resource, "Quake"); Con_Printf("Trying to connect\n"); JCL_AddClientMessageString(jcl, "<?xml version='1.0' ?>" "<stream:stream to='"); JCL_AddClientMessageString(jcl, jcl->domain); JCL_AddClientMessageString(jcl, "' xmlns='jabber:client' xmlns:stream='http://etherx.jabber.org/streams' version='1.0'>"); return jcl; } typedef struct xmlparams_s { char name[64]; char val[256]; struct xmlparams_s *next; } xmlparams_t; typedef struct subtree_s { char name[64]; char body[2048]; xmlparams_t *params; struct subtree_s *child; struct subtree_s *sibling; } xmltree_t; void XML_Destroy(xmltree_t *t); xmltree_t *XML_Parse(char *buffer, int *startpos, int maxpos, qboolean headeronly) { xmlparams_t *p; xmltree_t *child; xmltree_t *ret; int bodypos; int pos; char *tagend; char *tagstart; pos = *startpos; while (buffer[pos] >= '\0' && buffer[pos] <= ' ') { if (pos >= maxpos) break; pos++; } //expect a < if (buffer[pos] != '<') { Con_Printf("Missing open bracket\n"); return NULL; //should never happen } if (buffer[pos+1] == '/') { Con_Printf("Unexpected close tag.\n"); return NULL; //err, terminating a parent tag } tagend = strchr(buffer+pos, '>'); if (!tagend) { Con_Printf("Missing close bracket\n"); return NULL; //should never happen } *tagend = '\0'; tagend++; //assume no nulls in the tag header. tagstart = buffer+pos+1; tagstart = COM_Parse(tagstart); if (!tagstart) { Con_Printf("EOF on tag name\n"); return NULL; } pos = tagend - buffer; ret = malloc(sizeof(xmltree_t)); memset(ret, 0, sizeof(*ret)); strlcpy(ret->name, com_token, sizeof(ret->name)); // FIXME:parse the parameters while(*tagstart) { int nlen; while(*tagstart <= ' ' && *tagstart) tagstart++; //skip whitespace (note that we know there is a null terminator before the end of the buffer) if (!*tagstart) break; p = malloc(sizeof(xmlparams_t)); nlen = 0; while (nlen < sizeof(p->name)-2) { if(*tagstart <= ' ') break; if (*tagstart == '=') break; p->name[nlen++] = *tagstart++; } p->name[nlen++] = '\0'; while(*tagstart <= ' ' && *tagstart) tagstart++; //skip whitespace (note that we know there is a null terminator before the end of the buffer) if (*tagstart != '=') continue; tagstart++; while(*tagstart <= ' ' && *tagstart) tagstart++; //skip whitespace (note that we know there is a null terminator before the end of the buffer) nlen = 0; if (*tagstart == '\'') { tagstart++; while (*tagstart && nlen < sizeof(p->name)-2) { if(*tagstart == '\'') break; p->val[nlen++] = *tagstart++; } tagstart++; p->val[nlen++] = '\0'; } else if (*tagstart == '\"') { tagstart++; while (*tagstart && nlen < sizeof(p->name)-2) { if(*tagstart == '\"') break; p->val[nlen++] = *tagstart++; } tagstart++; p->val[nlen++] = '\0'; } else { while (*tagstart && nlen < sizeof(p->name)-2) { if(*tagstart <= ' ') break; p->val[nlen++] = *tagstart++; } p->val[nlen++] = '\0'; } p->next = ret->params; ret->params = p; } tagend[-1] = '>'; if (tagend[-2] == '/') { //no body *startpos = pos; return ret; } if (ret->name[0] == '?') { //no body either if (tagend[-2] == '?') { *startpos = pos; return ret; } } if (headeronly) { *startpos = pos; return ret; } //does it have a body, or is it child tags? bodypos = 0; while(1) { if (pos == maxpos) { //malformed Con_Printf("tree is malfored\n"); XML_Destroy(ret); return NULL; } if (buffer[pos] == '<') { if (buffer[pos+1] == '/') { //the end of this block //FIXME: check name tagend = strchr(buffer+pos, '>'); if (!tagend) { Con_Printf("No close tag\n"); XML_Destroy(ret); return NULL; //should never happen } tagend++; pos = tagend - buffer; break; } child = XML_Parse(buffer, &pos, maxpos, false); if (!child) { Con_Printf("Child block is unparsable\n"); XML_Destroy(ret); return NULL; } child->sibling = ret->child; ret->child = child; } else ret->body[bodypos++] = buffer[pos++]; } ret->body[bodypos++] = '\0'; *startpos = pos; return ret; } char *XML_ParameterOfTree(xmltree_t *t, char *paramname) { xmlparams_t *p; for (p = t->params; p; p = p->next) if (!strcmp(p->name, paramname)) return p->val; return NULL; } void XML_Destroy(xmltree_t *t) { xmlparams_t *p, *np; if (t->child) XML_Destroy(t->child); if (t->sibling) XML_Destroy(t->sibling); for (p = t->params; p; p = np) { np = p->next; free(p); } free(t); } xmltree_t *XML_ChildOfTree(xmltree_t *t, char *name, int childnum) { for (t = t->child; t; t = t->sibling) { if (!strcmp(t->name, name)) { if (childnum-- == 0) return t; } } return NULL; } void XML_ConPrintTree(xmltree_t *t, int indent) { xmltree_t *c; xmlparams_t *p; int i; for (i = 0; i < indent; i++) Con_Printf(" "); Con_Printf("<%s", t->name); for (p = t->params; p; p = p->next) Con_Printf(" %s='%s'", p->name, p->val); if (t->child) { Con_Printf(">\n"); for (c = t->child; c; c = c->sibling) XML_ConPrintTree(c , indent+2); for (i = 0; i < indent; i++) Con_Printf(" "); Con_Printf("</%s>\n", t->name); } else if (*t->body) Con_Printf(">%s</%s>\n", t->body, t->name); else Con_Printf("/>\n"); } char base64[512+1]; unsigned int base64_len; //current output length unsigned int base64_cur; //current pending value unsigned int base64_bits;//current pending bits char Base64_From64(int byt) { if (byt >= 0 && byt < 26) return 'A' + byt - 0; if (byt >= 26 && byt < 52) return 'a' + byt - 26; if (byt >= 52 && byt < 62) return '0' + byt - 52; if (byt == 62) return '+'; if (byt == 63) return '/'; return '!'; } void Base64_Byte(unsigned int byt) { if (base64_len+8>=sizeof(base64)-1) return; base64_cur |= byt<<(16- base64_bits);//first byte fills highest bits base64_bits += 8; if (base64_bits == 24) { base64[base64_len++] = Base64_From64((base64_cur>>18)&63); base64[base64_len++] = Base64_From64((base64_cur>>12)&63); base64[base64_len++] = Base64_From64((base64_cur>>6)&63); base64[base64_len++] = Base64_From64((base64_cur>>0)&63); base64[base64_len] = '\0'; Con_Printf("base64: %s\n", base64+base64_len-4); base64_bits = 0; base64_cur = 0; } } void Base64_Add(char *s, int len) { unsigned char *us = (unsigned char *)s; int i; while(len-->0) Base64_Byte(*us++); } void Base64_Finish(void) { //output is always a multiple of four //0(0)->0(0) //1(8)->2(12) //2(16)->3(18) //3(24)->4(24) if (base64_bits != 0) { base64[base64_len++]=Base64_From64((base64_cur>>18)&63); base64[base64_len++]=Base64_From64((base64_cur>>12)&63); if (base64_bits == 8) { base64[base64_len++]= '='; base64[base64_len++]= '='; } else { base64[base64_len++]=Base64_From64((base64_cur>>6)&63); if (base64_bits == 16) base64[base64_len++]= '='; else base64[base64_len++]=Base64_From64((base64_cur>>0)&63); } } base64[base64_len++] = '\0'; base64_len = 0; //for next time (use strlen) base64_bits = 0; base64_cur = 0; } void RenameConsole(char *f) { //note that this function has a sideeffect //if I send a message to blah@blah.com, and they reply, the reply comes from blah@blah.com/resource //so, if we rename the old console before printing, we don't spawn random extra consoles. char old[256]; char *slash; strlcpy(old, f, sizeof(old)); slash = strchr(f, '/'); if (slash) { *slash = '\0'; Con_RenameSub(f, old); } } #define JCL_DONE 0 #define JCL_CONTINUE 1 #define JCL_KILL 2 int JCL_ClientFrame(jclient_t *jcl) { int pos; xmltree_t *tree, *ot; char *f; int ret; qboolean unparsable; int olddepth; ret = Net_Recv(jcl->socket, jcl->bufferedinmessage+jcl->bufferedinammount, sizeof(jcl->bufferedinmessage)-1 - jcl->bufferedinammount); if (ret == 0) { Con_Printf("JCL: Remote host disconnected\n"); return JCL_KILL; } if (ret < 0) { if (ret == N_WOULDBLOCK) { if (!jcl->bufferedinammount) //if we are half way through a message, read any possible conjunctions. return JCL_DONE; //remove } else { Con_Printf("JCL: socket error\n"); return JCL_KILL; } } if (ret>0) jcl->bufferedinammount+=ret; olddepth = jcl->tagdepth; //we never end parsing in the middle of a < > //this means we can filter out the <? ?>, <!-- --> and < /> stuff properly for (pos = jcl->instreampos; pos < jcl->bufferedinammount; pos++) { if (jcl->bufferedinmessage[pos] == '<') { jcl->instreampos = pos; } else if (jcl->bufferedinmessage[pos] == '>') { if (pos < 1) break; //erm... if (jcl->bufferedinmessage[pos-1] != '/') //<blah/> is a tag without a body { if (jcl->bufferedinmessage[jcl->instreampos+1] != '?') //<? blah ?> is a tag without a body { if (jcl->bufferedinmessage[pos-1] != '?') { if (jcl->bufferedinmessage[jcl->instreampos+1] == '/') //</blah> is the end of a tag with a body jcl->tagdepth--; else jcl->tagdepth++; //<blah> is the start of a tag with a body } } } jcl->instreampos=pos+1; } } if (jcl->tagdepth == 1 && olddepth == 0) { //first bit of info pos = 0; tree = XML_Parse(jcl->bufferedinmessage, &pos, jcl->instreampos, true); while (tree && !strcmp(tree->name, "?xml")) { XML_Destroy(tree); tree = XML_Parse(jcl->bufferedinmessage, &pos, jcl->instreampos, true); } if (!tree) { Con_Printf("Not an xml stream\n"); return JCL_KILL; } if (strcmp(tree->name, "stream:stream")) { Con_Printf("Not an xmpp stream\n"); return JCL_KILL; } ot = tree; tree = tree->child; ot->child = NULL; Con_Printf("Discard\n"); XML_ConPrintTree(ot, 0); XML_Destroy(ot); if (!tree) { memmove(jcl->bufferedinmessage, jcl->bufferedinmessage+pos, jcl->bufferedinammount - (pos)); jcl->bufferedinammount-=pos; jcl->instreampos-=pos; return JCL_DONE; } } else { if (jcl->tagdepth != 1) { if (jcl->tagdepth < 1) { Con_Printf("End of XML stream\n"); return JCL_KILL; } return JCL_DONE; } pos = 0; tree = XML_Parse(jcl->bufferedinmessage, &pos, jcl->instreampos, false); if (!tree) { // Con_Printf("No input tree: %s", jcl->bufferedinmessage); return JCL_DONE; } } Con_Printf("read\n"); XML_ConPrintTree(tree, 0); unparsable = true; if (!strcmp(tree->name, "stream:features")) { if ((ot=XML_ChildOfTree(tree, "bind", 0))) { unparsable = false; JCL_AddClientMessageString(jcl, "<iq type='set' id='H_0'><bind xmlns='urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xmpp-bind'><resource>"); JCL_AddClientMessageString(jcl, jcl->resource); JCL_AddClientMessageString(jcl, "</resource></bind></iq>"); } if ((ot=XML_ChildOfTree(tree, "session", 0))) { unparsable = false; JCL_AddClientMessageString(jcl, "<iq type='set' id='H_1'><session xmlns='urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xmpp-session'/></iq>"); JCL_AddClientMessageString(jcl, "<presence/>"); } if (unparsable) { if ((!jclient->issecure) && BUILTINISVALID(Net_SetTLSClient) && XML_ChildOfTree(tree, "starttls", 0) != NULL) { JCL_AddClientMessageString(jcl, "<starttls xmlns='urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xmpp-tls' />"); unparsable = false; } else if ((ot=XML_ChildOfTree(tree, "mechanisms", 0))) { for(ot = ot->child; ot; ot = ot->sibling) { if (!strcmp(ot->body, "PLAIN")) { if (jclient->noplain && !jclient->issecure) //probably don't send plain without tls. { //plain can still be read with man-in-the-middle attacks, of course, even with stl. Con_Printf("Ignoring auth \'%s\'\n", ot->body); continue; } Con_Printf("Authing with \'%s\'\n", ot->body); JCL_AddClientMessageString(jcl, "<auth xmlns='urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xmpp-sasl' mechanism='PLAIN'>"); Base64_Add(jclient->username, strlen(jcl->username)); Base64_Add("@", 1); Base64_Add(jclient->domain, strlen(jcl->domain)); Base64_Add("", 1); Base64_Add(jclient->username, strlen(jcl->username)); Base64_Add("", 1); Base64_Add(jcl->password, strlen(jcl->password)); Base64_Finish(); JCL_AddClientMessageString(jcl, base64); JCL_AddClientMessageString(jcl, "</auth>"); unparsable = false; break; } else Con_Printf("Unable to use auth method \'%s\'\n", ot->body); } if (!ot) { Con_Printf("JCL: No suitable auth methods\n"); unparsable = true; } } else //we cannot auth, no suitable method. { Con_Printf("JCL: Neither SASL or TLS are usable\n"); unparsable = true; } } } else if (!strcmp(tree->name, "proceed")) { //switch to TLS, if we can //Restart everything, basically. jcl->bufferedinammount = 0; jcl->instreampos = 0; jcl->tagdepth = 0; if (!BUILTINISVALID(Net_SetTLSClient)) { Con_Printf("JCL: proceed without TLS\n"); return JCL_KILL; } if (Net_SetTLSClient(jcl->socket)<0) { Con_Printf("JCL: failed to switch to TLS\n"); return JCL_KILL; } jclient->issecure = true; JCL_AddClientMessageString(jcl, "<?xml version='1.0' ?>" "<stream:stream to='"); JCL_AddClientMessageString(jcl, jcl->domain); JCL_AddClientMessageString(jcl, "' xmlns='jabber:client' xmlns:stream='http://etherx.jabber.org/streams' version='1.0'>"); return JCL_DONE; } else if (!strcmp(tree->name, "stream:error")) { } else if (!strcmp(tree->name, "failure")) { if (tree->child) Con_Printf("JCL: Failure: %s\n", tree->child->name); else Con_Printf("JCL: Unknown failure\n"); return JCL_KILL; } else if (!strcmp(tree->name, "success")) { //Restart everything, basically, AGAIN! (third time lucky?) jcl->bufferedinammount = 0; jcl->instreampos = 0; jcl->tagdepth = 0; JCL_AddClientMessageString(jcl, "<?xml version='1.0' ?>" "<stream:stream to='"); JCL_AddClientMessageString(jcl, jcl->domain); JCL_AddClientMessageString(jcl, "' xmlns='jabber:client' xmlns:stream='http://etherx.jabber.org/streams' version='1.0'>"); return JCL_DONE; } else if (!strcmp(tree->name, "iq")) { char *from; char *to; char *id; unparsable = false; id = XML_ParameterOfTree(tree, "id"); from = XML_ParameterOfTree(tree, "from"); to = XML_ParameterOfTree(tree, "to"); f = XML_ParameterOfTree(tree, "type"); if (f && !strcmp(f, "get")) { ot = XML_ChildOfTree(tree, "query", 0); if (ot) { f = XML_ParameterOfTree(tree, "xmlns"); if (f && to && from && !strcmp(f, "jabber:iq:version")) { //client->client version request JCL_AddClientMessageString(jcl, "<iq type='result' to='"); JCL_AddClientMessageString(jcl, from); JCL_AddClientMessageString(jcl, "' from='"); JCL_AddClientMessageString(jcl, to); JCL_AddClientMessageString(jcl, "' id='"); JCL_AddClientMessageString(jcl, id); JCL_AddClientMessageString(jcl, "'>"); JCL_AddClientMessageString(jcl, "<query xmlns='jabber:iq:version'>" "<name>FTEQW Jabber Plugin</name>" "<version>"JCL_BUILD"</version>" #ifdef Q3_VM "<os>QVM plugin</os>" #endif "</query>"); JCL_AddClientMessageString(jcl, "</iq>"); } } } else Con_Print("Unrecognised iq type\n"); } else if (!strcmp(tree->name, "message")) { unparsable = false; ot = XML_ChildOfTree(tree, "body", 0); if (ot) { f = XML_ParameterOfTree(tree, "from"); if (f) { strlcpy(jcl->defaultdest, f, sizeof(jcl->defaultdest)); RenameConsole(f); Con_SubPrintf(f, "%s: %s\n", f, ot->body); } else Con_Print(ot->body); LocalSound("misc/talk.wav"); } else Con_Print("Received a message without a body\n"); } else if (!strcmp(tree->name, "presence")) { //we should keep a list of the people that we know of. unparsable = false; } else Con_Printf("JCL unrecognised stanza: %s\n", tree->name); XML_Destroy(tree); memmove(jcl->bufferedinmessage, jcl->bufferedinmessage+pos, jcl->bufferedinammount-pos); jcl->bufferedinammount -= pos; jcl->instreampos -= pos; if (unparsable) { Con_Printf("JCL: Input corrupt, urecognised, or unusable. Disconnecting."); return JCL_KILL; } return JCL_CONTINUE; } void JCL_CloseConnection(jclient_t *jcl) { Con_Printf("JCL: Disconnected from %s@%s\n", jcl->username, jcl->domain); JCL_AddClientMessageString(jcl, "</stream:stream>"); Net_Close(jcl->socket); free(jcl); } //functions above this line allow connections to multiple servers. //it is just the control functions that only allow one server. int JCL_Frame(int *args) { int stat = JCL_CONTINUE; if (jclient) { while(stat == JCL_CONTINUE) stat = JCL_ClientFrame(jclient); if (stat == JCL_KILL) { JCL_CloseConnection(jclient); jclient = NULL; } } return 0; } void JCL_Command(void) { char imsg[8192]; char arg[6][256]; char *msg; int i; Cmd_Args(imsg, sizeof(imsg)); msg = imsg; for (i = 0; i < 6; i++) { if (!msg) continue; msg = COM_Parse(msg); strlcpy(arg[i], com_token, sizeof(arg[i])); } if (*arg[0] == '/') { if (!strcmp(arg[0]+1, "tlsopen") || !strcmp(arg[0]+1, "tlsconnect")) { if (jclient) { Con_Printf("You are already connected\nPlease /quit first\n"); return; } jclient = JCL_Connect(arg[1], 5223, true, arg[2], arg[3]); } else if (!strcmp(arg[0]+1, "open") || !strcmp(arg[0]+1, "connect")) { if (jclient) { Con_Printf("You are already connected\nPlease /quit first\n"); return; } jclient = JCL_Connect(arg[1], 5222, false, arg[2], arg[3]); } else if (!jclient) { Con_Printf("You are not connected. Cannot %s\n", arg[0]); } else if (!strcmp(arg[0]+1, "quit")) { JCL_CloseConnection(jclient); jclient = NULL; } else if (!strcmp(arg[0]+1, "msg")) { strlcpy(jclient->defaultdest, arg[1], sizeof(jclient->defaultdest)); msg = arg[2]; JCL_AddClientMessageString(jclient, "<message to='"); JCL_AddClientMessageString(jclient, jclient->defaultdest); JCL_AddClientMessageString(jclient, "'><body>"); JCL_AddClientMessageString(jclient, msg); JCL_AddClientMessageString(jclient, "</body></message>"); Con_SubPrintf(jclient->defaultdest, "%s: "COLOURYELLOW"%s\n", ">>", msg); } else Con_Printf("Unrecognised command: %s\n", arg[0]); } else { if (jclient) { msg = imsg; JCL_AddClientMessageString(jclient, "<message to='"); JCL_AddClientMessageString(jclient, jclient->defaultdest); JCL_AddClientMessageString(jclient, "'><body>"); JCL_AddClientMessageString(jclient, msg); JCL_AddClientMessageString(jclient, "</body></message>"); Con_SubPrintf(jclient->defaultdest, "%s: "COLOURYELLOW"%s\n", ">>", msg); } else Con_Printf("Not connected\ntype \"" COMMANDPREFIX " /connect JABBERSERVER USERNAME@DOMAIN PASSWORD\" to connect\n"); } }