/* Copyright (C) 1996-1997 Id Software, Inc. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ // r_main.c #include "quakedef.h" #ifdef GLQUAKE #include "glquake.h" #include "renderque.h" #include "shader.h" #include "gl_draw.h" void R_RenderBrushPoly (msurface_t *fa); #define PROJECTION_DISTANCE 200 #define MAX_STENCIL_ENTS 128 extern int gl_canstencil; FTEPFNGLCOMPRESSEDTEXIMAGE2DARBPROC qglCompressedTexImage2DARB; FTEPFNGLGETCOMPRESSEDTEXIMAGEARBPROC qglGetCompressedTexImageARB; entity_t r_worldentity; vec3_t modelorg, r_entorigin; int r_visframecount; // bumped when going to a new PVS extern int r_framecount; // used for dlight push checking float r_wateralphaval; //allowed or not... //mplane_t frustum[4]; int c_brush_polys, c_alias_polys; // // view origin // vec3_t vup; vec3_t vpn; vec3_t vright; vec3_t r_origin; // // screen size info // refdef_t r_refdef; mleaf_t *r_viewleaf, *r_oldviewleaf; mleaf_t *r_viewleaf2, *r_oldviewleaf2; int r_viewcluster, r_viewcluster2, r_oldviewcluster, r_oldviewcluster2; texture_t *r_notexture_mip; cvar_t r_norefresh = SCVAR("r_norefresh","0"); cvar_t r_mirroralpha = SCVARF("r_mirroralpha","1", CVAR_CHEAT); extern cvar_t gl_part_flame; extern cvar_t r_bloom; cvar_t gl_clear = SCVAR("gl_clear","0"); cvar_t gl_smoothmodels = SCVAR("gl_smoothmodels","1"); cvar_t gl_affinemodels = SCVAR("gl_affinemodels","0"); cvar_t gl_playermip = SCVAR("gl_playermip","0"); cvar_t gl_keeptjunctions = SCVAR("gl_keeptjunctions","1"); cvar_t gl_reporttjunctions = SCVAR("gl_reporttjunctions","0"); cvar_t gl_finish = SCVAR("gl_finish","0"); cvar_t gl_dither = SCVAR("gl_dither", "1"); cvar_t gl_maxdist = SCVAR("gl_maxdist", "8192"); cvar_t r_polygonoffset_submodel_factor = SCVAR("r_polygonoffset_submodel_factor", "0.05"); cvar_t r_polygonoffset_submodel_offset = SCVAR("r_polygonoffset_submodel_offset", "25"); extern cvar_t gl_mindist; extern cvar_t ffov; extern cvar_t gl_motionblur; extern cvar_t gl_motionblurscale; extern cvar_t gl_ati_truform; extern cvar_t gl_ati_truform_type; extern cvar_t gl_ati_truform_tesselation; extern cvar_t gl_blendsprites; #ifdef R_XFLIP cvar_t r_xflip = SCVAR("leftisright", "0"); #endif extern cvar_t scr_fov; shader_t *scenepp_waterwarp; shader_t *scenepp_mt_shader; // post processing stuff texid_t sceneblur_texture; texid_t scenepp_texture_warp; texid_t scenepp_texture_edge; int scenepp_mt_program; int scenepp_mt_parm_texture0i; int scenepp_mt_parm_colorf; int scenepp_mt_parm_inverti; texid_t scenepp_fisheye_texture; int scenepp_fisheye_program; int scenepp_fisheye_parm_fov; int scenepp_panorama_program; int scenepp_panorama_parm_fov; // KrimZon - init post processing - called in GL_CheckExtensions, when they're called // I put it here so that only this file need be changed when messing with the post // processing shaders void GL_InitSceneProcessingShaders_WaterWarp (void) { /* inputs: texcoords: edge points coords: vertex coords (duh) time ampscale (cvar = r_waterwarp) use ifs instead of an edge map? */ if (gl_config.arb_shader_objects) { scenepp_waterwarp = R_RegisterShader("waterwarp", "{\n" "glslprogram\n" "{\n" "#ifdef VERTEX_SHADER\n" "\ varying vec2 v_stc;\ varying vec2 v_warp;\ varying vec2 v_edge;\ uniform float time;\ void main (void)\ {\ gl_Position = ftransform();\ v_stc = (1.0+(gl_Position.xy / gl_Position.w))/2.0;\ v_warp.s = time * 0.25 + gl_MultiTexCoord0.s;\ v_warp.t = time * 0.25 + gl_MultiTexCoord0.t;\ v_edge = gl_MultiTexCoord0.xy;\ }\ \n" "#endif\n" "#ifdef FRAGMENT_SHADER\n" "\ varying vec2 v_stc;\ varying vec2 v_warp;\ varying vec2 v_edge;\ uniform sampler2D texScreen;\ uniform sampler2D texWarp;\ uniform sampler2D texEdge;\ uniform float ampscale;\ uniform vec3 rendertexturescale;\ void main (void)\ {\ float amptemp;\ vec3 edge;\ edge = texture2D( texEdge, v_edge ).rgb;\ amptemp = (0.010 / 0.625) * ampscale * edge.x;\ vec3 offset;\ offset = texture2D( texWarp, v_warp ).rgb;\ offset.x = (offset.x - 0.5) * 2.0;\ offset.y = (offset.y - 0.5) * 2.0;\ vec2 temp;\ temp.x = v_stc.x + offset.x * amptemp;\ temp.y = v_stc.y + offset.y * amptemp;\ gl_FragColor = texture2D( texScreen, temp*rendertexturescale.st );\ }\ \n" "#endif\n" "}\n" "param cvarf r_waterwarp ampscale\n" "param texture 0 texScreen\n" "param texture 1 texWarp\n" "param texture 2 texEdge\n" "param time time\n" "param rendertexturescale rendertexturescale\n" "{\n" "map $currentrender\n" "}\n" "{\n" "map $upperoverlay\n" "}\n" "{\n" "map $loweroverlay\n" "}\n" "}\n" ); scenepp_waterwarp->defaulttextures.upperoverlay = scenepp_texture_warp; scenepp_waterwarp->defaulttextures.loweroverlay = scenepp_texture_edge; } } void GL_InitFisheyeFov(void) { char *vshader = "\ varying vec2 texcoord;\ void main(void)\ {\ texcoord = gl_MultiTexCoord0.xy;\ gl_Position = gl_ModelViewProjectionMatrix * gl_Vertex;\ }"; char *fisheyefshader = "\ uniform samplerCube source;\ varying vec2 texcoord;\ uniform float fov;\ void main(void)\ {\ vec3 tc; \ vec2 d; \ vec2 ang; \ d = texcoord; \ ang.x = sqrt(d.x*d.x+d.y*d.y)*fov; \ ang.y = -atan(d.y, d.x); \ tc.x = sin(ang.x) * cos(ang.y); \ tc.y = sin(ang.x) * sin(ang.y); \ tc.z = cos(ang.x); \ gl_FragColor = textureCube(source, tc);\ }"; char *panoramafshader = "\ uniform samplerCube source;\ varying vec2 texcoord;\ uniform float fov;\ void main(void)\ {\ vec3 tc; \ float ang; \ ang = texcoord.x*fov; \ tc.x = sin(ang); \ tc.y = -texcoord.y; \ tc.z = cos(ang); \ gl_FragColor = textureCube(source, tc);\ }"; scenepp_fisheye_program = GLSlang_CreateProgram(NULL, vshader, fisheyefshader); if (scenepp_fisheye_program) { GLSlang_UseProgram(scenepp_fisheye_program); GLSlang_SetUniform1i(GLSlang_GetUniformLocation(scenepp_fisheye_program, "source"), 0); scenepp_fisheye_parm_fov = GLSlang_GetUniformLocation(scenepp_fisheye_program, "fov"); GLSlang_UseProgram(0); } scenepp_panorama_program = GLSlang_CreateProgram(NULL, vshader, panoramafshader); if (scenepp_panorama_program) { GLSlang_UseProgram(scenepp_panorama_program); GLSlang_SetUniform1i(GLSlang_GetUniformLocation(scenepp_panorama_program, "source"), 0); scenepp_panorama_parm_fov = GLSlang_GetUniformLocation(scenepp_panorama_program, "fov"); GLSlang_UseProgram(0); } } void GL_InitSceneProcessingShaders_MenuTint(void) { extern cvar_t gl_menutint_shader; if (gl_config.arb_shader_objects && gl_menutint_shader.ival) { scenepp_mt_shader = R_RegisterShader("menutint", "{\n" "glslprogram\n" "{\n" "#ifdef VERTEX_SHADER\n" "\ varying vec2 texcoord;\ uniform vec3 rendertexturescale;\ void main(void)\ {\ texcoord.x = gl_MultiTexCoord0.x*rendertexturescale.x;\ texcoord.y = (1-gl_MultiTexCoord0.y)*rendertexturescale.y;\ gl_Position = ftransform();\ }\ \n" "#endif\n" "#ifdef FRAGMENT_SHADER\n" "\ varying vec2 texcoord;\ uniform vec3 colorparam;\ uniform sampler2D source;\ uniform int invert;\ const vec3 lumfactors = vec3(0.299, 0.587, 0.114);\ const vec3 invertvec = vec3(1.0, 1.0, 1.0);\ void main(void)\ {\ vec3 texcolor = texture2D(source, texcoord).rgb;\ float luminance = dot(lumfactors, texcolor);\ texcolor = vec3(luminance, luminance, luminance);\ texcolor *= colorparam;\ texcolor = invert > 0 ? (invertvec - texcolor) : texcolor;\ gl_FragColor = vec4(texcolor, 1.0);\ }\n" "#endif\n" "}\n" "param cvari r_menutint_inverse invert\n" "param cvar3f r_menutint colorparam\n" "param texture 0 source\n" "{\n" "map $currentrender\n" "}\n" "param rendertexturescale rendertexturescale\n" "}"); } if (!scenepp_mt_shader) { scenepp_mt_shader = R_RegisterShader("menutint", "{\n" "{\n" "map $whitetexture\n" "blendfunc gl_dst_color gl_zero\n" "rgbgen const $r_menutint\n" "}\n" "}\n" ); } } void GL_InitSceneProcessingShaders (void) { if (gl_config.arb_shader_objects) { GL_InitSceneProcessingShaders_WaterWarp(); GL_InitFisheyeFov(); GL_InitSceneProcessingShaders_MenuTint(); } } #define PP_WARP_TEX_SIZE 64 #define PP_AMP_TEX_SIZE 64 #define PP_AMP_TEX_BORDER 4 void GL_SetupSceneProcessingTextures (void) { int i, x, y; unsigned char pp_warp_tex[PP_WARP_TEX_SIZE*PP_WARP_TEX_SIZE*3]; unsigned char pp_edge_tex[PP_AMP_TEX_SIZE*PP_AMP_TEX_SIZE*3]; scenepp_fisheye_texture = r_nulltex; sceneblur_texture = GL_AllocNewTexture(0, 0); if (!gl_config.arb_shader_objects) return; scenepp_texture_warp = GL_AllocNewTexture(0, 0); scenepp_texture_edge = GL_AllocNewTexture(0, 0); // init warp texture - this specifies offset in for (y=0; y PP_AMP_TEX_SIZE - PP_AMP_TEX_BORDER) { fx = (PP_AMP_TEX_SIZE - (float)x) / PP_AMP_TEX_BORDER; } if (y < PP_AMP_TEX_BORDER) { fy = (float)y / PP_AMP_TEX_BORDER; } if (y > PP_AMP_TEX_SIZE - PP_AMP_TEX_BORDER) { fy = (PP_AMP_TEX_SIZE - (float)y) / PP_AMP_TEX_BORDER; } if (fx < fy) { fy = fx; } pp_edge_tex[i ] = fy * 255; pp_edge_tex[i+1] = 0; pp_edge_tex[i+2] = 0; } } GL_Bind(scenepp_texture_edge); qglTexParameteri(GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_TEXTURE_MIN_FILTER, GL_LINEAR); qglTexParameteri(GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_TEXTURE_MAG_FILTER, GL_LINEAR); qglTexImage2D(GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0, GL_RGB, PP_WARP_TEX_SIZE, PP_WARP_TEX_SIZE, 0, GL_RGB, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, pp_edge_tex); } void R_RotateForEntity (const entity_t *e, const model_t *mod) { float mv[16]; float m[16]; m[0] = e->axis[0][0]; m[1] = e->axis[0][1]; m[2] = e->axis[0][2]; m[3] = 0; m[4] = e->axis[1][0]; m[5] = e->axis[1][1]; m[6] = e->axis[1][2]; m[7] = 0; m[8] = e->axis[2][0]; m[9] = e->axis[2][1]; m[10] = e->axis[2][2]; m[11] = 0; m[12] = e->origin[0]; m[13] = e->origin[1]; m[14] = e->origin[2]; m[15] = 1; if (e->scale != 1 && e->scale != 0) //hexen 2 stuff { float z; float escale; escale = e->scale; switch(e->drawflags&SCALE_TYPE_MASKIN) { default: case SCALE_TYPE_UNIFORM: VectorScale((m+0), escale, (m+0)); VectorScale((m+4), escale, (m+4)); VectorScale((m+8), escale, (m+8)); break; case SCALE_TYPE_XYONLY: VectorScale((m+0), escale, (m+0)); VectorScale((m+4), escale, (m+4)); break; case SCALE_TYPE_ZONLY: VectorScale((m+8), escale, (m+8)); break; } if (mod && (e->drawflags&SCALE_TYPE_MASKIN) != SCALE_TYPE_XYONLY) { switch(e->drawflags&SCALE_ORIGIN_MASKIN) { case SCALE_ORIGIN_CENTER: z = ((mod->maxs[2] + mod->mins[2]) * (1-escale))/2; VectorMA((m+12), z, e->axis[2], (m+12)); break; case SCALE_ORIGIN_BOTTOM: VectorMA((m+12), mod->mins[2]*(1-escale), e->axis[2], (m+12)); break; case SCALE_ORIGIN_TOP: VectorMA((m+12), -mod->maxs[2], e->axis[2], (m+12)); break; } } } else if (mod && !strcmp(mod->name, "progs/eyes.mdl")) { /*resize eyes, to make them easier to see*/ m[14] -= (22 + 8); VectorScale((m+0), 2, (m+0)); VectorScale((m+4), 2, (m+4)); VectorScale((m+8), 2, (m+8)); } if (mod && !ruleset_allow_larger_models.ival && mod->clampscale != 1) { //possibly this should be on a per-frame basis, but that's a real pain to do Con_DPrintf("Rescaling %s by %f\n", mod->name, mod->clampscale); VectorScale((m+0), mod->clampscale, (m+0)); VectorScale((m+4), mod->clampscale, (m+4)); VectorScale((m+8), mod->clampscale, (m+8)); } if (e->flags & Q2RF_WEAPONMODEL && r_refdef.currentplayernum>=0) { /*FIXME: no bob*/ float simpleview[16]; Matrix4_ModelViewMatrix(simpleview, vec3_origin, vec3_origin); Matrix4_Multiply(simpleview, m, mv); qglLoadMatrixf(mv); } else { Matrix4_Multiply(r_refdef.m_view, m, mv); qglLoadMatrixf(mv); } } /* ============================================================= SPRITE MODELS ============================================================= */ /* ================= R_DrawSpriteModel ================= */ void R_DrawSpriteModel (entity_t *e) { vec3_t point; mspriteframe_t *frame, genframe; vec3_t forward, right, up; msprite_t *psprite; vec3_t sprorigin; unsigned int fl; unsigned int sprtype; static vec2_t texcoords[4]={{0, 1},{0,0},{1,0},{1,1}}; static index_t indexes[6] = {0, 1, 2, 0, 2, 3}; vecV_t vertcoords[4]; avec4_t colours[4]; mesh_t mesh; if (e->flags & Q2RF_WEAPONMODEL && r_refdef.currentplayernum >= 0) { sprorigin[0] = cl.viewent[r_refdef.currentplayernum].origin[0]; sprorigin[1] = cl.viewent[r_refdef.currentplayernum].origin[1]; sprorigin[2] = cl.viewent[r_refdef.currentplayernum].origin[2]; VectorMA(sprorigin, e->origin[0], cl.viewent[r_refdef.currentplayernum].axis[0], sprorigin); VectorMA(sprorigin, e->origin[1], cl.viewent[r_refdef.currentplayernum].axis[1], sprorigin); VectorMA(sprorigin, e->origin[2], cl.viewent[r_refdef.currentplayernum].axis[2], sprorigin); VectorMA(sprorigin, 12, vpn, sprorigin); e->flags |= RF_NODEPTHTEST; } else VectorCopy(e->origin, sprorigin); if (!e->model || e->forcedshader) { genframe.shader = e->forcedshader; genframe.up = genframe.left = -1; genframe.down = genframe.right = 1; sprtype = SPR_VP_PARALLEL; frame = &genframe; } else { // don't even bother culling, because it's just a single // polygon without a surface cache frame = R_GetSpriteFrame (e); psprite = e->model->cache.data; sprtype = psprite->type; } if (!frame->shader) return; switch(sprtype) { case SPR_ORIENTED: // bullet marks on walls AngleVectors (e->angles, forward, right, up); break; case SPR_FACING_UPRIGHT: up[0] = 0;up[1] = 0;up[2]=1; right[0] = sprorigin[1] - r_origin[1]; right[1] = -(sprorigin[0] - r_origin[0]); right[2] = 0; VectorNormalize (right); break; case SPR_VP_PARALLEL_UPRIGHT: up[0] = 0;up[1] = 0;up[2]=1; VectorCopy (vright, right); break; default: case SPR_VP_PARALLEL: //normal sprite VectorCopy(vup, up); VectorCopy(vright, right); break; } up[0]*=e->scale; up[1]*=e->scale; up[2]*=e->scale; right[0]*=e->scale; right[1]*=e->scale; right[2]*=e->scale; Vector4Copy(e->shaderRGBAf, colours[0]); Vector4Copy(e->shaderRGBAf, colours[1]); Vector4Copy(e->shaderRGBAf, colours[2]); Vector4Copy(e->shaderRGBAf, colours[3]); fl = 0; if (e->flags & Q2RF_ADDITIVE) fl |= BEF_FORCEADDITIVE; if (e->shaderRGBAf[3]<1 || gl_blendsprites.value) fl |= BEF_FORCETRANSPARENT; if (e->flags & RF_NODEPTHTEST) fl |= BEF_FORCENODEPTH; BE_SelectMode(BEM_STANDARD, fl); VectorMA (sprorigin, frame->down, up, point); VectorMA (point, frame->left, right, vertcoords[0]); VectorMA (sprorigin, frame->up, up, point); VectorMA (point, frame->left, right, vertcoords[1]); VectorMA (sprorigin, frame->up, up, point); VectorMA (point, frame->right, right, vertcoords[2]); VectorMA (sprorigin, frame->down, up, point); VectorMA (point, frame->right, right, vertcoords[3]); memset(&mesh, 0, sizeof(mesh)); mesh.vbofirstelement = 0; mesh.vbofirstvert = 0; mesh.xyz_array = vertcoords; mesh.indexes = indexes; mesh.numindexes = sizeof(indexes)/sizeof(indexes[0]); mesh.colors4f_array = colours; mesh.lmst_array = NULL; mesh.normals_array = NULL; mesh.numvertexes = 4; mesh.st_array = texcoords; mesh.istrifan = true; BE_DrawMesh_Single(frame->shader, &mesh, NULL, &frame->shader->defaulttextures); } //================================================================================== void GLR_DrawSprite(int count, void **e, void *parm) { while(count--) { #pragma message("this needs merging or q3 railgun will lag like hell") currententity = e[count]; R_DrawSpriteModel (currententity); } } #ifdef Q3CLIENT //q3 lightning gun void R_DrawLightning(entity_t *e) { vec3_t v; vec3_t dir, cr; float scale = e->scale; float length; vecV_t points[4]; vec2_t texcoords[4] = {{0, 0}, {0, 1}, {1, 1}, {1, 0}}; static index_t indexarray[6] = {0, 1, 2, 0, 2, 3}; mesh_t mesh; if (!e->forcedshader) return; if (!scale) scale = 10; VectorSubtract(e->origin, e->oldorigin, dir); length = Length(dir); //this seems to be about right. texcoords[2][0] = length/128; texcoords[3][0] = length/128; VectorSubtract(r_refdef.vieworg, e->origin, v); CrossProduct(v, dir, cr); VectorNormalize(cr); VectorMA(e->origin, -scale/2, cr, points[0]); VectorMA(e->origin, scale/2, cr, points[1]); VectorSubtract(r_refdef.vieworg, e->oldorigin, v); CrossProduct(v, dir, cr); VectorNormalize(cr); VectorMA(e->oldorigin, scale/2, cr, points[2]); VectorMA(e->oldorigin, -scale/2, cr, points[3]); memset(&mesh, 0, sizeof(mesh)); mesh.vbofirstelement = 0; mesh.vbofirstvert = 0; mesh.xyz_array = points; mesh.indexes = indexarray; mesh.numindexes = sizeof(indexarray)/sizeof(indexarray[0]); mesh.colors4f_array = NULL; mesh.lmst_array = NULL; mesh.normals_array = NULL; mesh.numvertexes = 4; mesh.st_array = texcoords; BE_DrawMesh_Single(e->forcedshader, &mesh, NULL, NULL); } //q3 railgun beam void R_DrawRailCore(entity_t *e) { vec3_t v; vec3_t dir, cr; float scale = e->scale; float length; mesh_t mesh; vecV_t points[4]; vec2_t texcoords[4] = {{0, 0}, {0, 1}, {1, 1}, {1, 0}}; static index_t indexarray[6] = {0, 1, 2, 0, 2, 3}; vec4_t colors[4]; if (!e->forcedshader) return; if (!scale) scale = 10; VectorSubtract(e->origin, e->oldorigin, dir); length = Length(dir); //this seems to be about right. texcoords[2][0] = length/128; texcoords[3][0] = length/128; VectorSubtract(r_refdef.vieworg, e->origin, v); CrossProduct(v, dir, cr); VectorNormalize(cr); VectorMA(e->origin, -scale/2, cr, points[0]); VectorMA(e->origin, scale/2, cr, points[1]); VectorSubtract(r_refdef.vieworg, e->oldorigin, v); CrossProduct(v, dir, cr); VectorNormalize(cr); VectorMA(e->oldorigin, scale/2, cr, points[2]); VectorMA(e->oldorigin, -scale/2, cr, points[3]); Vector4Copy(e->shaderRGBAf, colors[0]); Vector4Copy(e->shaderRGBAf, colors[1]); Vector4Copy(e->shaderRGBAf, colors[2]); Vector4Copy(e->shaderRGBAf, colors[3]); memset(&mesh, 0, sizeof(mesh)); mesh.vbofirstelement = 0; mesh.vbofirstvert = 0; mesh.xyz_array = points; mesh.indexes = indexarray; mesh.numindexes = sizeof(indexarray)/sizeof(indexarray[0]); mesh.colors4f_array = (vec4_t*)colors; mesh.lmst_array = NULL; mesh.normals_array = NULL; mesh.numvertexes = 4; mesh.st_array = texcoords; BE_DrawMesh_Single(e->forcedshader, &mesh, NULL, NULL); } #endif /*quick test: map bunk1 ware1 */ void R_DrawBeam(entity_t *e) { float r, g, b; vec3_t dir, v, cr; vecV_t points[4]; float length, scale; static byte_vec4_t colours[4]; static vec2_t texcoords[4] = {{0, 0}, {0, 1}, {1, 1}, {1, 0}}; static index_t indexarray[6] = {0, 1, 2, 0, 2, 3}; mesh_t mesh; shader_t *beamshader; beamshader = R_RegisterShader("q2beam", "{\n" "{\n" "map $whiteimage\n" "rgbgen vertex\n" "alphagen vertex\n" "blendfunc blend\n" "}\n" "}\n" ); VectorSubtract(e->origin, e->oldorigin, dir); length = Length(dir); scale = e->scale; if (!scale) scale = 1; scale *= e->framestate.g[FS_REG].frame[0]; if (!scale) scale = 6; scale/= 2; VectorSubtract(r_refdef.vieworg, e->origin, v); CrossProduct(v, dir, cr); VectorNormalize(cr); VectorMA(e->origin, scale, cr, points[0]); VectorMA(e->origin, -scale, cr, points[1]); VectorSubtract(r_refdef.vieworg, e->oldorigin, v); CrossProduct(v, dir, cr); VectorNormalize(cr); VectorMA(e->oldorigin, -scale, cr, points[2]); VectorMA(e->oldorigin, scale, cr, points[3]); r = ( d_8to24rgbtable[e->skinnum & 0xFF] ) & 0xFF; g = ( d_8to24rgbtable[e->skinnum & 0xFF] >> 8 ) & 0xFF; b = ( d_8to24rgbtable[e->skinnum & 0xFF] >> 16 ) & 0xFF; r *= e->shaderRGBAf[0]; g *= e->shaderRGBAf[1]; b *= e->shaderRGBAf[2]; colours[0][0] = r; colours[0][1] = g; colours[0][2] = b; colours[0][3] = 255*0.666; *(int*)colours[1] = *(int*)colours[0]; *(int*)colours[2] = *(int*)colours[0]; *(int*)colours[3] = *(int*)colours[0]; memset(&mesh, 0, sizeof(mesh)); mesh.vbofirstelement = 0; mesh.vbofirstvert = 0; mesh.xyz_array = points; mesh.indexes = indexarray; mesh.numindexes = sizeof(indexarray)/sizeof(indexarray[0]); mesh.colors4b_array = colours; mesh.lmst_array = NULL; mesh.normals_array = NULL; mesh.numvertexes = sizeof(points)/sizeof(points[0]); mesh.st_array = texcoords; BE_DrawMesh_Single(beamshader, &mesh, NULL, &beamshader->defaulttextures); } /* ============= R_ShouldDraw Ents are added to the list regardless. This is where they're filtered (based on which view is currently being drawn). ============= */ qboolean R_ShouldDraw(entity_t *e) { if (!r_refdef.externalview && (e->externalmodelview & (1<keynum-1)) return false; return true; } /* ============= R_DrawEntitiesOnList ============= */ void GLR_DrawEntitiesOnList (void) { int i; if (!r_drawentities.value) return; // draw sprites seperately, because of alpha blending for (i=0 ; irtype) { case RT_SPRITE: RQ_AddDistReorder(GLR_DrawSprite, currententity, NULL, currententity->origin); // R_DrawSpriteModel(currententity); continue; #ifdef Q3CLIENT case RT_BEAM: case RT_RAIL_RINGS: case RT_LIGHTNING: R_DrawLightning(currententity); continue; case RT_RAIL_CORE: R_DrawRailCore(currententity); continue; #endif case RT_MODEL: //regular model break; case RT_PORTALSURFACE: continue; //this doesn't do anything anyway, does it? default: case RT_POLY: //these are a little painful, we need to do them some time... just not yet. continue; } if (currententity->flags & Q2RF_BEAM) { R_DrawBeam(currententity); continue; } if (!currententity->model) continue; if (cl.lerpents && (cls.allow_anyparticles || currententity->visframe)) //allowed or static { if (gl_part_flame.value) { if (currententity->model->engineflags & MDLF_ENGULPHS) continue; } } if (currententity->model->engineflags & MDLF_NOTREPLACEMENTS) { if (currententity->model->fromgame != fg_quake || currententity->model->type != mod_alias) if (!ruleset_allow_sensative_texture_replacements.value) continue; } switch (currententity->model->type) { case mod_alias: break; #ifdef HALFLIFEMODELS case mod_halflife: R_DrawHLModel (currententity); break; #endif case mod_brush: break; case mod_sprite: RQ_AddDistReorder(GLR_DrawSprite, currententity, NULL, currententity->origin); break; #ifdef TERRAIN case mod_heightmap: GL_DrawHeightmapModel(currententity); break; #endif default: break; } } } /* ============= R_SetupGL ============= */ void R_SetupGL (void) { float screenaspect; int x, x2, y2, y, w, h; float fov_x, fov_y; if (!r_refdef.recurse) { AngleVectors (r_refdef.viewangles, vpn, vright, vup); VectorCopy (r_refdef.vieworg, r_origin); // // set up viewpoint // x = r_refdef.vrect.x * vid.pixelwidth/(int)vid.width; x2 = (r_refdef.vrect.x + r_refdef.vrect.width) * vid.pixelwidth/(int)vid.width; y = (vid.height-r_refdef.vrect.y) * vid.pixelheight/(int)vid.height; y2 = ((int)vid.height - (r_refdef.vrect.y + r_refdef.vrect.height)) * (int)vid.pixelheight/(int)vid.height; // fudge around because of frac screen scale if (x > 0) x--; if (x2 < vid.pixelwidth) x2++; if (y2 < 0) y2--; if (y < vid.pixelheight) y++; w = x2 - x; h = y - y2; r_refdef.pxrect.x = x; r_refdef.pxrect.y = y; r_refdef.pxrect.width = w; r_refdef.pxrect.height = h; qglViewport (x, y2, w, h); fov_x = r_refdef.fov_x;//+sin(cl.time)*5; fov_y = r_refdef.fov_y;//-sin(cl.time+1)*5; if (r_waterwarp.value<0 && r_viewleaf && r_viewleaf->contents <= Q1CONTENTS_WATER) { fov_x *= 1 + (((sin(cl.time * 4.7) + 1) * 0.015) * r_waterwarp.value); fov_y *= 1 + (((sin(cl.time * 3.0) + 1) * 0.015) * r_waterwarp.value); } screenaspect = (float)r_refdef.vrect.width/r_refdef.vrect.height; if (r_refdef.useperspective) { int stencilshadows = 0; #ifdef RTLIGHTS stencilshadows |= r_shadow_realtime_dlight.ival && r_shadow_realtime_dlight_shadows.ival; stencilshadows |= r_shadow_realtime_world.ival && r_shadow_realtime_world_shadows.ival; #endif if ((!stencilshadows || !gl_canstencil) && gl_maxdist.value>=100)//gl_nv_range_clamp) { // yfov = 2*atan((float)r_refdef.vrect.height/r_refdef.vrect.width)*180/M_PI; // yfov = (2.0 * tan (scr_fov.value/360*M_PI)) / screenaspect; // yfov = 2*atan((float)r_refdef.vrect.height/r_refdef.vrect.width)*(scr_fov.value*2)/M_PI; // MYgluPerspective (yfov, screenaspect, 4, 4096); Matrix4_Projection_Far(r_refdef.m_projection, fov_x, fov_y, gl_mindist.value, gl_maxdist.value); } else { Matrix4_Projection_Inf(r_refdef.m_projection, fov_x, fov_y, gl_mindist.value); } } else { if (gl_maxdist.value>=1) Matrix4_Orthographic(r_refdef.m_projection, -fov_x/2, fov_x/2, fov_y/2, -fov_y/2, -gl_maxdist.value, gl_maxdist.value); else Matrix4_Orthographic(r_refdef.m_projection, 0, r_refdef.vrect.width, 0, r_refdef.vrect.height, -9999, 9999); } Matrix4_ModelViewMatrixFromAxis(r_refdef.m_view, vpn, vright, vup, r_refdef.vieworg); } qglMatrixMode(GL_PROJECTION); qglLoadMatrixf(r_refdef.m_projection); qglMatrixMode(GL_MODELVIEW); qglLoadMatrixf(r_refdef.m_view); if (gl_dither.ival) { qglEnable(GL_DITHER); } else { qglDisable(GL_DITHER); } } /* ================ R_RenderScene r_refdef must be set before the first call ================ */ void R_RenderScene (void) { int tmpvisents = cl_numvisedicts; /*world rendering is allowed to add additional ents, but we don't want to keep them for recursive views*/ if (!cl.worldmodel || (!cl.worldmodel->nodes && cl.worldmodel->type != mod_heightmap)) r_refdef.flags |= Q2RDF_NOWORLDMODEL; TRACE(("dbg: calling R_SetupGL\n")); R_SetupGL (); TRACE(("dbg: calling R_SetFrustrum\n")); R_SetFrustum (r_refdef.m_projection, r_refdef.m_view); if (!(r_refdef.flags & Q2RDF_NOWORLDMODEL)) { TRACE(("dbg: calling R_DrawWorld\n")); Surf_DrawWorld (); // adds static entities to the list } else BE_DrawNonWorld(); S_ExtraUpdate (); // don't let sound get messed up if going slow RQ_BeginFrame(); TRACE(("dbg: calling GLR_DrawEntitiesOnList\n")); GLR_DrawEntitiesOnList (); // R_DrawDecals(); TRACE(("dbg: calling R_RenderDlights\n")); GLR_RenderDlights (); if (!(r_refdef.flags & Q2RDF_NOWORLDMODEL)) { TRACE(("dbg: calling R_DrawParticles\n")); P_DrawParticles (); } RQ_RenderBatchClear(); cl_numvisedicts = tmpvisents; } /*generates a new modelview matrix, as well as vpn vectors*/ static void R_MirrorMatrix(plane_t *plane) { float mirror[16]; float view[16]; float result[16]; vec3_t pnorm; VectorNegate(plane->normal, pnorm); mirror[0] = 1-2*pnorm[0]*pnorm[0]; mirror[1] = -2*pnorm[0]*pnorm[1]; mirror[2] = -2*pnorm[0]*pnorm[2]; mirror[3] = 0; mirror[4] = -2*pnorm[1]*pnorm[0]; mirror[5] = 1-2*pnorm[1]*pnorm[1]; mirror[6] = -2*pnorm[1]*pnorm[2] ; mirror[7] = 0; mirror[8] = -2*pnorm[2]*pnorm[0]; mirror[9] = -2*pnorm[2]*pnorm[1]; mirror[10] = 1-2*pnorm[2]*pnorm[2]; mirror[11] = 0; mirror[12] = -2*pnorm[0]*plane->dist; mirror[13] = -2*pnorm[1]*plane->dist; mirror[14] = -2*pnorm[2]*plane->dist; mirror[15] = 1; view[0] = vpn[0]; view[1] = vpn[1]; view[2] = vpn[2]; view[3] = 0; view[4] = -vright[0]; view[5] = -vright[1]; view[6] = -vright[2]; view[7] = 0; view[8] = vup[0]; view[9] = vup[1]; view[10] = vup[2]; view[11] = 0; view[12] = r_refdef.vieworg[0]; view[13] = r_refdef.vieworg[1]; view[14] = r_refdef.vieworg[2]; view[15] = 1; VectorMA(r_refdef.vieworg, 0.25, plane->normal, r_refdef.pvsorigin); Matrix4_Multiply(mirror, view, result); vpn[0] = result[0]; vpn[1] = result[1]; vpn[2] = result[2]; vright[0] = -result[4]; vright[1] = -result[5]; vright[2] = -result[6]; vup[0] = result[8]; vup[1] = result[9]; vup[2] = result[10]; r_refdef.vieworg[0] = result[12]; r_refdef.vieworg[1] = result[13]; r_refdef.vieworg[2] = result[14]; } static entity_t *R_NearestPortal(plane_t *plane) { int i; entity_t *best = NULL; float dist, bestd = 0; for (i = 0; i < cl_numvisedicts; i++) { if (cl_visedicts[i].rtype == RT_PORTALSURFACE) { dist = DotProduct(cl_visedicts[i].origin, plane->normal)-plane->dist; dist = fabs(dist); if (dist < 64 && (!best || dist < bestd)) best = &cl_visedicts[i]; } } return best; } static void TransformCoord(vec3_t in, vec3_t planea[3], vec3_t planeo, vec3_t viewa[3], vec3_t viewo, vec3_t result) { int i; vec3_t local; vec3_t transformed; float d; local[0] = in[0] - planeo[0]; local[1] = in[1] - planeo[1]; local[2] = in[2] - planeo[2]; VectorClear(transformed); for ( i = 0 ; i < 3 ; i++ ) { d = DotProduct(local, planea[i]); VectorMA(transformed, d, viewa[i], transformed); } result[0] = transformed[0] + viewo[0]; result[1] = transformed[1] + viewo[1]; result[2] = transformed[2] + viewo[2]; } static void TransformDir(vec3_t in, vec3_t planea[3], vec3_t viewa[3], vec3_t result) { int i; float d; vec3_t tmp; VectorCopy(in, tmp); VectorClear(result); for ( i = 0 ; i < 3 ; i++ ) { d = DotProduct(tmp, planea[i]); VectorMA(result, d, viewa[i], result); } } void R_DrawPortal(batch_t *batch, batch_t **blist) { entity_t *view; GLdouble glplane[4]; plane_t plane; refdef_t oldrefdef; mesh_t *mesh = batch->mesh[batch->firstmesh]; int sort; if (r_refdef.recurse) return; VectorCopy(mesh->normals_array[0], plane.normal); plane.dist = DotProduct(mesh->xyz_array[0], plane.normal); //if we're too far away from the surface, don't draw anything if (batch->shader->flags & SHADER_AGEN_PORTAL) { /*there's a portal alpha blend on that surface, that fades out after this distance*/ if (DotProduct(r_refdef.vieworg, plane.normal)-plane.dist > batch->shader->portaldist) return; } //if we're behind it, then also don't draw anything. if (DotProduct(r_refdef.vieworg, plane.normal)-plane.dist < 0) return; view = R_NearestPortal(&plane); //if (!view) // return; oldrefdef = r_refdef; r_refdef.recurse = true; r_refdef.externalview = true; if (!view || VectorCompare(view->origin, view->oldorigin)) { r_refdef.flipcull ^= true; R_MirrorMatrix(&plane); } else { float d; vec3_t paxis[3], porigin, vaxis[3], vorg; void PerpendicularVector( vec3_t dst, const vec3_t src ); /*calculate where the surface is meant to be*/ VectorCopy(mesh->normals_array[0], paxis[0]); PerpendicularVector(paxis[1], paxis[0]); CrossProduct(paxis[0], paxis[1], paxis[2]); d = DotProduct(view->origin, plane.normal) - plane.dist; VectorMA(view->origin, -d, paxis[0], porigin); /*grab the camera origin*/ VectorNegate(view->axis[0], vaxis[0]); VectorNegate(view->axis[1], vaxis[1]); VectorCopy(view->axis[2], vaxis[2]); VectorCopy(view->oldorigin, vorg); VectorCopy(vorg, r_refdef.pvsorigin); /*rotate it a bit*/ RotatePointAroundVector(vaxis[1], vaxis[0], view->axis[1], sin(realtime)*4); CrossProduct(vaxis[0], vaxis[1], vaxis[2]); TransformCoord(oldrefdef.vieworg, paxis, porigin, vaxis, vorg, r_refdef.vieworg); TransformDir(vpn, paxis, vaxis, vpn); TransformDir(vright, paxis, vaxis, vright); TransformDir(vup, paxis, vaxis, vup); } Matrix4_ModelViewMatrixFromAxis(r_refdef.m_view, vpn, vright, vup, r_refdef.vieworg); VectorAngles(vpn, vup, r_refdef.viewangles); VectorCopy(r_refdef.vieworg, r_origin); /*FIXME: the batch stuff should be done in renderscene*/ /*fixup the first mesh index*/ for (sort = 0; sort < SHADER_SORT_COUNT; sort++) for (batch = blist[sort]; batch; batch = batch->next) { batch->firstmesh = batch->meshes; } GL_CullFace(0); /*FIXME: can we get away with stenciling the screen?*/ /*Add to frustum culling instead of clip planes?*/ glplane[0] = -plane.normal[0]; glplane[1] = -plane.normal[1]; glplane[2] = -plane.normal[2]; glplane[3] = plane.dist; qglClipPlane(GL_CLIP_PLANE0, glplane); qglEnable(GL_CLIP_PLANE0); R_RenderScene(); qglDisable(GL_CLIP_PLANE0); for (sort = 0; sort < SHADER_SORT_COUNT; sort++) for (batch = blist[sort]; batch; batch = batch->next) { batch->firstmesh = 0; } r_refdef = oldrefdef; /*broken stuff*/ AngleVectors (r_refdef.viewangles, vpn, vright, vup); VectorCopy (r_refdef.vieworg, r_origin); R_SetFrustum (r_refdef.m_projection, r_refdef.m_view); /*put GL back the way it was*/ qglMatrixMode(GL_PROJECTION); qglLoadMatrixf(r_refdef.m_projection); qglMatrixMode(GL_MODELVIEW); qglLoadMatrixf(r_refdef.m_view); GL_CullFace(0); #pragma message("warning: there's a bug with rtlights in portals, culling is broken or something. May also be loading the wrong matrix") } /* ============= R_Clear ============= */ int gldepthfunc = GL_LEQUAL; void R_Clear (void) { /*tbh, this entire function should be in the backend*/ GL_ForceDepthWritable(); { if (gl_clear.value && !r_secondaryview && !(r_refdef.flags & Q2RDF_NOWORLDMODEL)) qglClear (GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT | GL_DEPTH_BUFFER_BIT); else qglClear (GL_DEPTH_BUFFER_BIT); gldepthmin = 0; gldepthmax = 1; gldepthfunc=GL_LEQUAL; } qglDepthRange (gldepthmin, gldepthmax); } #if 0 void GLR_SetupFog (void) { if (r_viewleaf)// && r_viewleaf->contents != CONTENTS_EMPTY) { // static fogcolour; float fogcol[4]={0}; float fogperc; float fogdist; fogperc=0; fogdist=512; switch(r_viewleaf->contents) { case FTECONTENTS_WATER: fogcol[0] = 64/255.0; fogcol[1] = 128/255.0; fogcol[2] = 192/255.0; fogperc=0.2; fogdist=512; break; case FTECONTENTS_SLIME: fogcol[0] = 32/255.0; fogcol[1] = 192/255.0; fogcol[2] = 92/255.0; fogperc=1; fogdist=256; break; case FTECONTENTS_LAVA: fogcol[0] = 192/255.0; fogcol[1] = 32/255.0; fogcol[2] = 64/255.0; fogperc=1; fogdist=128; break; default: fogcol[0] = 192/255.0; fogcol[1] = 192/255.0; fogcol[2] = 192/255.0; fogperc=1; fogdist=1024; break; } if (fogperc) { qglFogi(GL_FOG_MODE, GL_LINEAR); qglFogfv(GL_FOG_COLOR, fogcol); qglFogf(GL_FOG_DENSITY, fogperc); qglFogf(GL_FOG_START, 1); qglFogf(GL_FOG_END, fogdist); qglEnable(GL_FOG); } } } #endif static void R_RenderMotionBlur(void) { int vwidth = 1, vheight = 1; float vs, vt, cs, ct; #pragma message("backend fixme") Con_Printf("motionblur is not updated for the backend\n"); if (gl_config.arb_texture_non_power_of_two) { //we can use any size, supposedly vwidth = vid.pixelwidth; vheight = vid.pixelheight; } else { //limit the texture size to square and use padding. while (vwidth < vid.pixelwidth) vwidth *= 2; while (vheight < vid.pixelheight) vheight *= 2; } qglViewport (0, 0, vid.pixelwidth, vid.pixelheight); PPL_RevertToKnownState(); GL_Bind(sceneblur_texture); // go 2d qglMatrixMode(GL_PROJECTION); qglPushMatrix(); qglLoadIdentity (); qglOrtho (0, vid.pixelwidth, 0, vid.pixelheight, -99999, 99999); qglMatrixMode(GL_MODELVIEW); qglPushMatrix(); qglLoadIdentity (); //blend the last frame onto the scene //the maths is because our texture is over-sized (must be power of two) cs = vs = (float)vid.pixelwidth / vwidth * 0.5; ct = vt = (float)vid.pixelheight / vheight * 0.5; vs *= gl_motionblurscale.value; vt *= gl_motionblurscale.value; qglDisable (GL_DEPTH_TEST); GL_CullFace(0); qglDisable (GL_ALPHA_TEST); qglEnable(GL_BLEND); qglColor4f(1, 1, 1, gl_motionblur.value); qglBegin(GL_QUADS); qglTexCoord2f(cs-vs, ct-vt); qglVertex2f(0, 0); qglTexCoord2f(cs+vs, ct-vt); qglVertex2f(vid.pixelwidth, 0); qglTexCoord2f(cs+vs, ct+vt); qglVertex2f(vid.pixelwidth, vid.pixelheight); qglTexCoord2f(cs-vs, ct+vt); qglVertex2f(0, vid.pixelheight); qglEnd(); qglMatrixMode(GL_PROJECTION); qglPopMatrix(); qglMatrixMode(GL_MODELVIEW); qglPopMatrix(); //copy the image into the texture so that we can play with it next frame too! qglCopyTexImage2D(GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0, GL_RGB, 0, 0, vwidth, vheight, 0); qglTexParameteri(GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_TEXTURE_MIN_FILTER, GL_LINEAR); qglTexParameteri(GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_TEXTURE_MAG_FILTER, GL_LINEAR); PPL_RevertToKnownState(); } #ifdef FISH /*FIXME: we could use geometry shaders to draw to all 6 faces at once*/ qboolean R_RenderScene_Fish(void) { int cmapsize = 512; int i; static vec3_t ang[6] = { {0, -90, 0}, {0, 90, 0}, {90, 0, 0}, {-90, 0, 0}, {0, 0, 0}, {0, -180, 0} }; int order[6] = {4, 0, 1, 5, 3, 2}; int numsides = 4; vec3_t saveang; int rot45 = 0; vrect_t vrect; vrect_t prect; SCR_VRectForPlayer(&vrect, r_refdef.currentplayernum); prect.x = (vrect.x * vid.pixelwidth)/vid.width; prect.width = (vrect.width * vid.pixelwidth)/vid.width; prect.y = (vrect.y * vid.pixelheight)/vid.height; prect.height = (vrect.height * vid.pixelheight)/vid.height; if (!scenepp_panorama_program) return false; if (gl_config.arb_texture_non_power_of_two) { if (prect.width < prect.height) cmapsize = prect.width; else cmapsize = prect.height; } else { while (cmapsize > prect.width || cmapsize > prect.height) { cmapsize /= 2; } } VectorCopy(r_refdef.viewangles, saveang); saveang[2] = 0; if (ffov.value < 0) { //panoramic view needs at most the four sides if (ffov.value >= -90) numsides = 1; // else if (ffov.value >= -180) // { // numsides = 2; // rot45 = 1; // } else if (ffov.value >= -270) numsides = 3; else numsides = 4; order[0] = 4; order[1] = 0; order[2] = 1; order[3] = 5; } else { //fisheye view sees a full sphere // if (ffov.value <= 77) numsides = 1; // else if (ffov.value <= 180) // { // numsides = 3; // rot45 = 3; // } else if (ffov.value <= 270) numsides = 5; else numsides = 6; order[0] = 4; order[1] = 0; order[2] = 3; order[3] = 1; order[4] = 2; order[5] = 5; } if (!TEXVALID(scenepp_fisheye_texture)) { scenepp_fisheye_texture = GL_AllocNewTexture(cmapsize, cmapsize); qglDisable(GL_TEXTURE_2D); qglEnable(GL_TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_ARB); GL_BindType(GL_TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_ARB, scenepp_fisheye_texture); for (i = 0; i < 6; i++) qglCopyTexImage2D(GL_TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_POSITIVE_X_ARB + i, 0, GL_RGB, 0, 0, cmapsize, cmapsize, 0); qglTexParameteri(GL_TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_ARB, GL_TEXTURE_WRAP_S, GL_CLAMP_TO_EDGE); qglTexParameteri(GL_TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_ARB, GL_TEXTURE_WRAP_T, GL_CLAMP_TO_EDGE); qglTexParameteri(GL_TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_ARB, GL_TEXTURE_MAG_FILTER, GL_LINEAR); qglTexParameteri(GL_TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_ARB, GL_TEXTURE_MIN_FILTER, GL_LINEAR); qglEnable(GL_TEXTURE_2D); qglDisable(GL_TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_ARB); } r_refdef.vrect.width = cmapsize; r_refdef.vrect.height = cmapsize; r_refdef.vrect.x = 0; r_refdef.vrect.y = prect.y; ang[0][0] = -saveang[0]; ang[0][1] = -90; ang[0][2] = -saveang[0]; ang[1][0] = -saveang[0]; ang[1][1] = 90; ang[1][2] = saveang[0]; ang[5][0] = -saveang[0]*2; for (i = 0; i < numsides; i++) { r_refdef.fov_x = 90; r_refdef.fov_y = 90; r_refdef.viewangles[0] = saveang[0]+ang[order[i]][0]; r_refdef.viewangles[1] = saveang[1]+ang[order[i]][1]; r_refdef.viewangles[2] = saveang[2]+ang[order[i]][2]; R_Clear (); // GLR_SetupFog (); GL_SetShaderState2D(false); // render normal view R_RenderScene (); qglDisable(GL_TEXTURE_2D); qglEnable(GL_TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_ARB); GL_BindType(GL_TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_ARB, scenepp_fisheye_texture); qglCopyTexSubImage2D(GL_TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_POSITIVE_X_ARB + order[i], 0, 0, 0, 0, vid.pixelheight - (prect.y + cmapsize), cmapsize, cmapsize); qglEnable(GL_TEXTURE_2D); qglDisable(GL_TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_ARB); } //qglClear (GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT); qglViewport (prect.x, vid.pixelheight - (prect.y+prect.height), prect.width, prect.height); qglDisable(GL_TEXTURE_2D); GL_BindType(GL_TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_ARB, scenepp_fisheye_texture); qglEnable(GL_TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_ARB); if (scenepp_panorama_program && ffov.value < 0) { GLSlang_UseProgram(scenepp_panorama_program); GLSlang_SetUniform1f(scenepp_panorama_parm_fov, -ffov.value*3.1415926535897932384626433832795/180); } else { GLSlang_UseProgram(scenepp_fisheye_program); GLSlang_SetUniform1f(scenepp_fisheye_parm_fov, ffov.value*3.1415926535897932384626433832795/180); } // go 2d qglMatrixMode(GL_PROJECTION); qglPushMatrix(); qglLoadIdentity (); qglOrtho (0, vid.width, vid.height, 0, -99999, 99999); qglMatrixMode(GL_MODELVIEW); qglPushMatrix(); qglLoadIdentity (); qglDisable (GL_DEPTH_TEST); GL_CullFace(0); qglDisable (GL_ALPHA_TEST); qglDisable(GL_BLEND); qglBegin(GL_QUADS); qglTexCoord2f(-0.5, 0.5); qglVertex2f(0, 0); qglTexCoord2f(0.5, 0.5); qglVertex2f(vid.width, 0); qglTexCoord2f(0.5, -0.5); qglVertex2f(vid.width, vid.height); qglTexCoord2f(-0.5, -0.5); qglVertex2f(0, vid.height); qglEnd(); qglMatrixMode(GL_PROJECTION); qglPopMatrix(); qglMatrixMode(GL_MODELVIEW); qglPopMatrix(); qglDisable(GL_TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_ARB); qglEnable(GL_TEXTURE_2D); GLSlang_UseProgram(0); qglEnable (GL_DEPTH_TEST); PPL_RevertToKnownState(); return true; } #endif /* ================ R_RenderView r_refdef must be set before the first call ================ */ void GLR_RenderView (void) { double time1 = 0, time2; if (qglGetError()) Con_Printf("GL Error before drawing scene\n"); if (r_norefresh.value || !vid.pixelwidth || !vid.pixelheight) { GL_DoSwap(); return; } if (!(r_refdef.flags & Q2RDF_NOWORLDMODEL)) if (!r_worldentity.model || !cl.worldmodel) { GL_DoSwap(); return; } // Sys_Error ("R_RenderView: NULL worldmodel"); if (qglPNTrianglesiATI) { if (gl_ati_truform_type.ival) { //linear qglPNTrianglesiATI(GL_PN_TRIANGLES_NORMAL_MODE_ATI, GL_PN_TRIANGLES_NORMAL_MODE_LINEAR_ATI); qglPNTrianglesiATI(GL_PN_TRIANGLES_POINT_MODE_ATI, GL_PN_TRIANGLES_POINT_MODE_CUBIC_ATI); } else { //quadric qglPNTrianglesiATI(GL_PN_TRIANGLES_NORMAL_MODE_ATI, GL_PN_TRIANGLES_NORMAL_MODE_QUADRATIC_ATI); qglPNTrianglesiATI(GL_PN_TRIANGLES_POINT_MODE_ATI, GL_PN_TRIANGLES_POINT_MODE_CUBIC_ATI); } qglPNTrianglesfATI(GL_PN_TRIANGLES_TESSELATION_LEVEL_ATI, gl_ati_truform_tesselation.value); } if (gl_finish.ival) { RSpeedMark(); qglFinish (); RSpeedEnd(RSPEED_FINISH); } if (r_speeds.ival) { time1 = Sys_DoubleTime (); c_brush_polys = 0; c_alias_polys = 0; } #ifdef FISH if (ffov.value && cls.allow_fish && !(r_refdef.flags & Q2RDF_NOWORLDMODEL) && R_RenderScene_Fish()) { //fisheye does its own rendering. } else #endif { GL_SetShaderState2D(false); R_Clear (); // GLR_SetupFog (); // render normal view R_RenderScene (); } // qglDisable(GL_FOG); if (r_speeds.ival) { // glFinish (); time2 = Sys_DoubleTime (); RQuantAdd(RQUANT_MSECS, (int)((time2-time1)*1000000)); RQuantAdd(RQUANT_WPOLYS, c_brush_polys); RQuantAdd(RQUANT_EPOLYS, c_alias_polys); // Con_Printf ("%3i ms %4i wpoly %4i epoly\n", (int)((time2-time1)*1000), c_brush_polys, c_alias_polys); } if (qglGetError()) Con_Printf("GL Error drawing scene\n"); if (r_refdef.flags & Q2RDF_NOWORLDMODEL) return; if (r_bloom.ival) R_BloomBlend(); // SCENE POST PROCESSING // we check if we need to use any shaders - currently it's just waterwarp if ((r_waterwarp.value>0 && r_viewleaf && r_viewleaf->contents <= Q1CONTENTS_WATER)) { GL_Set2D(); if (scenepp_waterwarp) R2D_ScalePic(0, 0, vid.width, vid.height, scenepp_waterwarp); } if (gl_motionblur.value>0 && gl_motionblur.value < 1 && qglCopyTexImage2D) R_RenderMotionBlur(); if (qglGetError()) Con_Printf("GL Error drawing post processing\n"); } #endif