/* Copyright (C) 1996-1997 Id Software, Inc. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ // protocol.h -- communications protocols #define PEXT_SETVIEW 0x00000001 #define PEXT_SCALE 0x00000002 #define PEXT_LIGHTSTYLECOL 0x00000004 #define PEXT_TRANS 0x00000008 #ifdef SIDEVIEWS #define PEXT_VIEW2 0x00000010 #endif //#define PEXT_BULLETENS 0x00000020 //obsolete #define PEXT_ACCURATETIMINGS 0x00000040 #define PEXT_SOUNDDBL 0x00000080 //revised startsound protocol #define PEXT_FATNESS 0x00000100 //GL only (or servers) #define PEXT_HLBSP 0x00000200 #define PEXT_TE_BULLET 0x00000400 #define PEXT_HULLSIZE 0x00000800 #define PEXT_MODELDBL 0x00001000 #define PEXT_ENTITYDBL 0x00002000 //max of 1024 ents instead of 512 #define PEXT_ENTITYDBL2 0x00004000 //max of 1024 ents instead of 512 #define PEXT_FLOATCOORDS 0x00008000 //supports floating point origins. //#define PEXT_VWEAP 0x00010000 //cause an extra qbyte to be sent, and an extra list of models for vweaps. #ifdef Q2BSPS #define PEXT_Q2BSP 0x00020000 #endif #ifdef Q3BSPS #define PEXT_Q3BSP 0x00040000 #endif #define PEXT_COLOURMOD 0x00080000 //this replaces an older value which would rarly have caried any actual data. #define PEXT_SPLITSCREEN 0x00100000 #define PEXT_HEXEN2 0x00200000 //more stats and working particle builtin. #define PEXT_SPAWNSTATIC2 0x00400000 //Sends an entity delta instead of a baseline. #define PEXT_CUSTOMTEMPEFFECTS 0x00800000 //supports custom temp ents. #define PEXT_256PACKETENTITIES 0x01000000 //Client can recieve 256 packet entities. //#define PEXT_NEVERUSED 0x02000000 //reserved for a future multicastmask #define PEXT_SHOWPIC 0x04000000 #define PEXT_SETATTACHMENT 0x08000000 //md3 tags (needs networking, they need to lerp). //#define PEXT_NEVERUSED 0x10000000 //reserved for a future multicastmask #define PEXT_CHUNKEDDOWNLOADS 0x20000000 //alternate file download method. Hopefully it'll give quadroupled download speed, especially on higher pings. #ifdef CSQC_DAT #define PEXT_CSQC 0x40000000 //csqc additions #endif #define PEXT_DPFLAGS 0x80000000 //extra flags for viewmodel/externalmodel and possible other persistant style flags. #ifdef CSQC_DAT #define PEXT_BIGUSERINFOS PEXT_CSQC #else #define PEXT_BIGUSERINFOS 0xffffffff #endif #define PEXT2_PRYDONCURSOR 0x00000001 #define PEXT2_VOICECHAT 0x00000002 #define PEXT2_SETANGLEDELTA 0x00000004 #define PEXT2_REPLACEMENTDELTAS 0x00000008 //weaponframe was part of the entity state. that flag is now the player's v_angle. #define PEXT2_MAXPLAYERS 0x00000010 //Client is able to cope with more players than 32. abs max becomes 255, due to colormap issues. #define PEXT2_PREDINFO 0x00000020 //movevar stats, NQ input sequences+acks. //ZQuake transparent protocol extensions. #define Z_EXT_PM_TYPE (1<<0) // basic PM_TYPE functionality (reliable jump_held) #define Z_EXT_PM_TYPE_NEW (1<<1) // adds PM_FLY, PM_SPECTATOR #define Z_EXT_VIEWHEIGHT (1<<2) // STAT_VIEWHEIGHT #define Z_EXT_SERVERTIME (1<<3) // STAT_TIME #define Z_EXT_PITCHLIMITS (1<<4) // serverinfo maxpitch & minpitch #define Z_EXT_JOIN_OBSERVE (1<<5) // server: "join" and "observe" commands are supported // client: on-the-fly spectator <-> player switching supported //#define Z_EXT_PF_ONGROUND (1<<6) // server: PF_ONGROUND is valid for all svc_playerinfo #define Z_EXT_VWEP (1<<7) //#define Z_EXT_PF_SOLID (1<<8) //conflicts with many FTE extensions. #define SUPPORTED_Z_EXTENSIONS (Z_EXT_PM_TYPE|Z_EXT_PM_TYPE_NEW|Z_EXT_VIEWHEIGHT|Z_EXT_SERVERTIME|Z_EXT_PITCHLIMITS|Z_EXT_JOIN_OBSERVE|Z_EXT_VWEP) #define PROTOCOL_VERSION_FTE (('F'<<0) + ('T'<<8) + ('E'<<16) + ('X' << 24)) //fte extensions. #define PROTOCOL_VERSION_FTE2 (('F'<<0) + ('T'<<8) + ('E'<<16) + ('2' << 24)) //fte extensions. #define PROTOCOL_VERSION_HUFFMAN (('H'<<0) + ('U'<<8) + ('F'<<16) + ('F' << 24)) //packet compression #define PROTOCOL_VERSION_VARLENGTH (('v'<<0) + ('l'<<8) + ('e'<<16) + ('n' << 24)) //variable length handshake #define PROTOCOL_VERSION_FRAGMENT (('F'<<0) + ('R'<<8) + ('A'<<16) + ('G' << 24)) //supports fragmentation/packets larger than 1450 #define PROTOCOL_INFO_GUID (('G'<<0) + ('U'<<8) + ('I'<<16) + ('D' << 24)) //globally 'unique' client id info. #define PROTOCOL_VERSION_QW 28 #define PROTOCOL_VERSION_Q2_MIN 31 #define PROTOCOL_VERSION_Q2 34 //========================================= #define PORT_NQSERVER 26000 #define PORT_QWCLIENT 27001 #define PORT_QWMASTER 27000 #define PORT_QWSERVER 27500 #define PORT_Q2CLIENT 27901 #define PORT_Q2SERVER 27910 #define PORT_Q3SERVER 27960 //hexen2: 26900 //========================================= // out of band message id bytes // M = master, S = server, C = client, A = any // the second character will always be \n if the message isn't a single // qbyte long (?? not true anymore?) #define S2C_CHALLENGE 'c' #define S2C_CONNECTION 'j' #define A2A_PING 'k' // respond with an A2A_ACK #define A2A_ACK 'l' // general acknowledgement without info #define A2A_NACK 'm' // [+ comment] general failure #define A2A_ECHO 'e' // for echoing #define A2C_PRINT 'n' // print a message on client #define S2M_HEARTBEAT 'a' // + serverinfo + userlist + fraglist #define A2C_CLIENT_COMMAND 'B' // + command line #define S2M_SHUTDOWN 'C' #define C2M_MASTER_REQUEST 'c' #define M2C_MASTER_REPLY 'd' // + \n + qw server port list //================== // note that there are some defs.qc that mirror to these numbers // also related to svc_strings[] in cl_parse //================== // // server to client // #define svc_bad 0 #define svc_nop 1 #define svc_disconnect 2 #define svcqw_updatestatbyte 3 // [qbyte] [qbyte] #define svcnq_updatestatlong 3 // [qbyte] [long] #define svc_version 4 // [long] server version #define svc_setview 5 // [short] entity number #define svc_sound 6 // <see code> #define svc_time 7 // [float] server time #define svc_print 8 // [qbyte] id [string] null terminated string #define svc_stufftext 9 // [string] stuffed into client's console buffer // the string should be \n terminated #define svc_setangle 10 // [angle3] set the view angle to this absolute value #define svc_serverdata 11 // [long] protocol ... #define svc_lightstyle 12 // [qbyte] [string] #define svc_updatename 13 // [qbyte] [string] #define svc_updatefrags 14 // [qbyte] [short] #define svcnq_clientdata 15 // <shortbits + data> #define svc_stopsound 16 // <see code> #define svc_updatecolors 17 // [qbyte] [qbyte] [qbyte] #define svc_particle 18 // [vec3] <variable> #define svc_damage 19 #define svc_spawnstatic 20 #define svcfte_spawnstatic2 21 #define svc_spawnbaseline 22 #define svc_temp_entity 23 // variable #define svc_setpause 24 // [qbyte] on / off #define svc_signonnum 25 // [qbyte] used for the signon sequence #define svc_centerprint 26 // [string] to put in center of the screen #define svc_killedmonster 27 #define svc_foundsecret 28 #define svc_spawnstaticsound 29 // [coord3] [qbyte] samp [qbyte] vol [qbyte] aten #define svc_intermission 30 // [vec3_t] origin [vec3_t] angle #define svc_finale 31 // [string] text #define svc_cdtrack 32 // [qbyte] track #define svc_sellscreen 33 #define svc_cutscene 34 //hmm... nq only... added after qw tree splitt? //QW svcs #define svc_smallkick 34 // set client punchangle to 2 #define svc_bigkick 35 // set client punchangle to 4 #define svc_updateping 36 // [qbyte] [short] #define svc_updateentertime 37 // [qbyte] [float] #define svcqw_updatestatlong 38 // [qbyte] [long] #define svc_muzzleflash 39 // [short] entity #define svc_updateuserinfo 40 // [qbyte] slot [long] uid [string] userinfo #define svc_download 41 // [short] size [size bytes] #define svc_playerinfo 42 // variable #define svc_nails 43 // [qbyte] num [48 bits] xyzpy 12 12 12 4 8 #define svc_chokecount 44 // [qbyte] packets choked #define svc_modellist 45 // [strings] #define svc_soundlist 46 // [strings] #define svc_packetentities 47 // [...] #define svc_deltapacketentities 48 // [...] #define svc_maxspeed 49 // maxspeed change, for prediction #define svc_entgravity 50 // gravity change, for prediction #define svc_setinfo 51 // setinfo on a client #define svc_serverinfo 52 // serverinfo #define svc_updatepl 53 // [qbyte] [qbyte] //mvdsv extended svcs (for mvd playback) #define svc_nails2 54 //qwe - [qbyte] num [52 bits] nxyzpy 8 12 12 12 4 8 //FTE extended svcs #ifdef PEXT_SOUNDDBL #define svcfte_soundextended 55 #define svcfte_soundlistshort 56 #endif #ifdef PEXT_LIGHTSTYLECOL #define svcfte_lightstylecol 57 #endif //#define svcfte_svcremoved 58 //#define svcfte_svcremoved 59 #ifdef PEXT_MODELDBL #define svcfte_modellistshort 60 // [strings] #endif //#define svc_ftesetclientpersist 61 //ushort DATA #define svc_setportalstate 62 #define svcfte_particle2 63 #define svcfte_particle3 64 #define svcfte_particle4 65 #define svcfte_spawnbaseline2 66 #define svcfte_customtempent 67 #define svcfte_choosesplitclient 68 #define svcfte_showpic 69 #define svcfte_hidepic 70 #define svcfte_movepic 71 #define svcfte_updatepic 72 //73 #define svcfte_effect 74 // [vector] org [byte] modelindex [byte] startframe [byte] framecount [byte] framerate #define svcfte_effect2 75 // [vector] org [short] modelindex [short] startframe [byte] framecount [byte] framerate #ifdef PEXT_CSQC #define svcfte_csqcentities 76 //entity lump for csqc #endif #define svcfte_precache 77 #define svcfte_updatestatstring 78 #define svcfte_updatestatfloat 79 #define svcfte_trailparticles 80 // [short] entnum [short] effectnum [vector] start [vector] end #define svcfte_pointparticles 81 // [short] effectnum [vector] start [vector] velocity [short] count #define svcfte_pointparticles1 82 // [short] effectnum [vector] start, same as svc_pointparticles except velocity is zero and count is 1 #define svcfte_cgamepacket 83 #define svcfte_voicechat 84 #define svcfte_setangledelta 85 // [angle3] add this to the current viewangles #define svcfte_updateentities 86 #define svcfte_brushedit 87 // networked brush editing, paired with clcfte_brushedit. //fitz svcs #define svcfitz_skybox 37 #define svcfitz_bf 40 #define svcfitz_fog 41 #define svcfitz_spawnbaseline2 42 #define svcfitz_spawnstatic2 43 #define svcfitz_spawnstaticsound2 44 //DP extended svcs #define svcdp_downloaddata 50 #define svcdp_updatestatbyte 51 #define svcnq_effect 52 // [vector] org [byte] modelindex [byte] startframe [byte] framecount [byte] framerate #define svcnq_effect2 53 // [vector] org [short] modelindex [short] startframe [byte] framecount [byte] framerate #define svcdp_precache 54 // [short] precacheindex [string] filename, precacheindex is + 0 for modelindex and +32768 for soundindex #define svcdp_spawnbaseline2 55 #define svcdp_entities 57 #define svcdp_csqcentities 58 #define svcdp_spawnstaticsound2 59 // [coord3] [short] samp [byte] vol [byte] aten #define svcdp_trailparticles 60 // [short] entnum [short] effectnum [vector] start [vector] end #define svcdp_pointparticles 61 // [short] effectnum [vector] start [vector] velocity [short] count #define svcdp_pointparticles1 62 // [short] effectnum [vector] start, same as svc_pointparticles except velocity is zero and count is 1 #define svc_invalid 256 enum clustercmdops_e { ccmd_bad = 0, //abort! ccmd_stuffcmd = 1, //regular ol stuffcmd //string concommand ccmd_print = 2, //string message ccmd_acceptserver, //serverid ccmd_lostplayer, //player dropped/timed out //long plid ccmd_takeplayer, //master->server, saying to allocate a slot for a player. //long plid //long fromsvid (0=no reply needed) //byte statcount //float stats[statcount] ccmd_transferplayer, //server->master, asking to move them to a new server. //long plid //string map //byte ipv4=0, ipv6=1 //byte statcount //float stats[statcount] ccmd_transferedplayer, //master->server, saying the transfer was completed. original server no longer owns the player. //long toserver, //long playerid ccmd_tookplayer, //server->master->server, saying that a player was taken. //long svid (this is always the *other* server) //long plid //string addr (this is the client's address when sent to the master, and the server's address that took the message in the message to the source server) ccmd_transferabort, //server->master->server, saying that a player was rejected. //long plid //long fromsvid //string server ccmd_saveplayer, //server->master, saves a player's stats. //long plid //byte statcount //float stats[statcount] ccmd_serveraddress, //server->master, contains a few net addresses //string addresses[] //byte 0 ccmd_stringcmd, //string dest (black = broadcast to all) //string source (player name) //string cmd (type of event, handled by receiving server/forwarded to client) //string msg (extra info, like the typed text) }; enum svcq2_ops_e { svcq2_bad, //0 // these ops are known to the game dll svcq2_muzzleflash, //1 svcq2_muzzleflash2, //2 svcq2_temp_entity, //3 svcq2_layout, //4 svcq2_inventory, //5 // the rest are private to the client and server svcq2_nop, //6 svcq2_disconnect, //7 svcq2_reconnect, //8 svcq2_sound, //9 // <see code> svcq2_print, //10 // [qbyte] id [string] null terminated string svcq2_stufftext, //11 // [string] stuffed into client's console buffer, should be \n terminated svcq2_serverdata, //12 // [long] protocol ... svcq2_configstring, //13 // [short] [string] svcq2_spawnbaseline,//14 svcq2_centerprint, //15 // [string] to put in center of the screen svcq2_download, //16 // [short] size [size bytes] svcq2_playerinfo, //17 // variable svcq2_packetentities,//18 // [...] svcq2_deltapacketentities,//19 // [...] svcq2_frame //20 (the bastard to implement.) }; enum clcq2_ops_e { clcq2_bad, clcq2_nop, clcq2_move, // [[usercmd_t] clcq2_userinfo, // [[userinfo string] clcq2_stringcmd, // [string] message //fte-extended clcq2_voicechat }; //============================================== // // client to server // #define clc_bad 0 #define clc_nop 1 #define clc_disconnect 2 //nq only #define clc_move 3 // [[usercmd_t] #define clc_stringcmd 4 // [string] message #define clc_delta 5 // [qbyte] sequence number, requests delta compression of message #define clc_tmove 6 // teleport request, spectator only #define clc_upload 7 // #define clcdp_ackframe 50 #define clcdp_ackdownloaddata 51 #define clcfte_qcrequest 81 #define clcfte_prydoncursor 82 #define clcfte_voicechat 83 #define clcfte_brushedit 84 //============================================== //these flags are sent as part of the svc_precache index, for any-time precaches. using the upper two bits means we still have 16k available models/sounds/etc #define PC_TYPE 0xc000 #define PC_MODEL 0x0000 #define PC_SOUND 0x8000 #define PC_PARTICLE 0x4000 #define PC_UNUSED 0xc000 #define GAME_COOP 0 #define GAME_DEATHMATCH 1 // playerinfo flags from server // playerinfo always sends: playernum, flags, origin[] and framenumber #define PF_MSEC (1<<0) //msecs says how long the player command was sitting on the server before it was sent back to the client #define PF_COMMAND (1<<1) //angles and movement values for other players (no msec or impulse) #define PF_VELOCITY1 (1<<2) #define PF_VELOCITY2 (1<<3) #define PF_VELOCITY3 (1<<4) #define PF_MODEL (1<<5) #define PF_SKINNUM (1<<6) #define PF_EFFECTS (1<<7) #define PF_WEAPONFRAME (1<<8) // only sent for view player #define PF_DEAD (1<<9) // don't block movement any more #define PF_GIB (1<<10) // offset the view height differently //ZQuake. #define PF_PMC_MASK ((1<<11) +\ (1<<12) +\ (1<<13)) #ifdef PEXT_HULLSIZE #define PF_HULLSIZE_Z (1<<14) #endif #define PF_EXTRA_PFS (1<<15) #ifdef PEXT_SCALE #define PF_SCALE (1<<16) #endif #ifdef PEXT_TRANS #define PF_TRANS (1<<17) #endif #ifdef PEXT_FATNESS #define PF_FATNESS (1<<18) #endif #define PF_COLOURMOD (1<<19) //note that if you add any more, you may need to change the check in the client so more can be parsed #define PF_PMC_SHIFT 11 // player move types #define PMC_NORMAL 0 // normal ground movement #define PMC_NORMAL_JUMP_HELD 1 // normal ground novement + jump_held #define PMC_OLD_SPECTATOR 2 // fly through walls (QW compatibility mode) #define PMC_SPECTATOR 3 // fly through walls #define PMC_FLY 4 // fly, bump into walls #define PMC_NONE 5 // can't move (client had better lerp the origin...) #define PMC_FREEZE 6 // TODO: lerp movement and viewangles #define PMC_WALLWALK 7 // future extension //any more will require a different protocol message. //============================================== // if the high bit of the client to server qbyte is set, the low bits are // client move cmd bits // ms and angle2 are always sent, the others are optional #define CM_ANGLE1 (1<<0) #define CM_ANGLE3 (1<<1) #define CM_FORWARD (1<<2) #define CM_SIDE (1<<3) #define CM_UP (1<<4) #define CM_BUTTONS (1<<5) #define CM_IMPULSE (1<<6) #define CM_ANGLE2 (1<<7) //sigh... #define Q2CM_ANGLE1 (1<<0) #define Q2CM_ANGLE2 (1<<1) #define Q2CM_ANGLE3 (1<<2) #define Q2CM_FORWARD (1<<3) #define Q2CM_SIDE (1<<4) #define Q2CM_UP (1<<5) #define Q2CM_BUTTONS (1<<6) #define Q2CM_IMPULSE (1<<7) //============================================== // the first 16 bits of a packetentities update holds 9 bits // of entity number and 7 bits of flags #define U_UNUSABLE (1<<8) #define U_ORIGIN1 (1<<9) #define U_ORIGIN2 (1<<10) #define U_ORIGIN3 (1<<11) #define U_ANGLE2 (1<<12) #define U_FRAME (1<<13) #define U_REMOVE (1<<14) // REMOVE this entity, don't add it #define U_MOREBITS (1<<15) // if MOREBITS is set, these additional flags are read in next #define U_ANGLE1 (1<<0) #define U_ANGLE3 (1<<1) #define U_MODEL (1<<2) #define U_COLORMAP (1<<3) #define U_SKIN (1<<4) #define U_EFFECTS (1<<5) #define U_SOLID (1<<6) // the entity should be solid for prediction #ifdef PROTOCOLEXTENSIONS #define U_EVENMORE (1<<7) //extension info follows //fte extensions //EVENMORE flags #ifdef PEXT_SCALE #define U_SCALE (1<<0) //scaler of alias models #endif #ifdef PEXT_TRANS #define U_TRANS (1<<1) //transparency value #endif #ifdef PEXT_FATNESS #define U_FATNESS (1<<2) //qbyte describing how fat an alias model should be. (moves verticies along normals). Useful for vacuum chambers... #endif #ifdef PEXT_MODELDBL #define U_MODELDBL (1<<3) //extra bit for modelindexes #endif #define U_UNUSED1 (1<<4) //FIXME: IMPLEMENT #ifdef PEXT_ENTITYDBL #define U_ENTITYDBL (1<<5) //use an extra qbyte for origin parts, cos one of them is off #endif #ifdef PEXT_ENTITYDBL2 #define U_ENTITYDBL2 (1<<6) //use an extra qbyte for origin parts, cos one of them is off #endif #define U_YETMORE (1<<7) //even more extension info stuff. #define U_DRAWFLAGS (1<<8) //use an extra qbyte for origin parts, cos one of them is off #define U_ABSLIGHT (1<<9) //Force a lightlevel #define U_COLOURMOD (1<<10) //rgb #define U_DPFLAGS (1<<11) #define U_TAGINFO (1<<12) #define U_LIGHT (1<<13) #define U_EFFECTS16 (1<<14) #define U_FARMORE (1<<15) #endif //FTE Replacement Deltas //first byte contains the stuff that's most likely to change constantly #define UF_FRAME (1u<<0) #define UF_ORIGINXY (1u<<1) #define UF_ORIGINZ (1u<<2) #define UF_ANGLESXZ (1u<<3) #define UF_ANGLESY (1u<<4) #define UF_EFFECTS (1u<<5) #define UF_PREDINFO (1u<<6) /*ent is predicted, probably a player*/ #define UF_EXTEND1 (1u<<7) /*stuff which is common on ent spawning*/ #define UF_RESET (1u<<8) #define UF_16BIT (1u<<9) /*within this update, frame/skin/model is 16bit, not part of the deltaing itself*/ #define UF_MODEL (1u<<10) #define UF_SKIN (1u<<11) #define UF_COLORMAP (1u<<12) #define UF_SOLID (1u<<13) #define UF_FLAGS (1u<<14) #define UF_EXTEND2 (1u<<15) /*the rest is optional extensions*/ #define UF_ALPHA (1u<<16) #define UF_SCALE (1u<<17) #define UF_UNUSED3 (1u<<18) #define UF_DRAWFLAGS (1u<<19) #define UF_TAGINFO (1u<<20) #define UF_LIGHT (1u<<21) #define UF_TRAILEFFECT (1u<<22) #define UF_EXTEND3 (1u<<23) #define UF_COLORMOD (1u<<24) #define UF_GLOW (1u<<25) #define UF_FATNESS (1u<<26) #define UF_MODELINDEX2 (1u<<27) #define UF_GRAVITYDIR (1u<<28) #define UF_EFFECTS2 (1u<<29) #define UF_UNUSED2 (1u<<30) #define UF_UNUSED1 (1u<<31) /*these flags are generally not deltaed as they're changing constantly*/ #define UFP_FORWARD (1u<<0) #define UFP_SIDE (1u<<1) #define UFP_UP (1u<<2) #define UFP_MOVETYPE (1u<<3) /*deltaed*/ #define UFP_VELOCITYXY (1u<<4) #define UFP_VELOCITYZ (1u<<5) #define UFP_MSEC (1u<<6) #define UFP_WEAPONFRAME_OLD (1u<<7) //no longer used. just a stat now that I rewrote stat deltas. #define UFP_VIEWANGLE (1u<<7) #define UF_REMOVE UF_16BIT /*special flag, slightly more compact (we can reuse the 16bit flag as its not important)*/ #ifdef NQPROT //NQ svc_clientdata stat updates. #define SU_VIEWHEIGHT (1<<0) #define SU_IDEALPITCH (1<<1) #define SU_PUNCH1 (1<<2) #define SU_PUNCH2 (1<<3) #define SU_PUNCH3 (1<<4) #define SU_VELOCITY1 (1<<5) #define SU_VELOCITY2 (1<<6) #define SU_VELOCITY3 (1<<7) //define SU_AIMENT (1<<8) AVAILABLE BIT #define SU_ITEMS (1<<9) #define SU_ONGROUND (1<<10) // no data follows, the bit is it #define SU_INWATER (1<<11) // no data follows, the bit is it #define SU_WEAPONFRAME (1<<12) #define SU_ARMOR (1<<13) #define SU_WEAPONMODEL (1<<14) #define SU_EXTEND1 (1<<15) #define FITZSU_WEAPONMODEL2 (1<<16) // 1 byte, this is .weaponmodel & 0xFF00 (second byte) #define FITZSU_ARMOR2 (1<<17) // 1 byte, this is .armorvalue & 0xFF00 (second byte) #define FITZSU_AMMO2 (1<<18) // 1 byte, this is .currentammo & 0xFF00 (second byte) #define FITZSU_SHELLS2 (1<<19) // 1 byte, this is .ammo_shells & 0xFF00 (second byte) #define FITZSU_NAILS2 (1<<20) // 1 byte, this is .ammo_nails & 0xFF00 (second byte) #define FITZSU_ROCKETS2 (1<<21) // 1 byte, this is .ammo_rockets & 0xFF00 (second byte) #define FITZSU_CELLS2 (1<<22) // 1 byte, this is .ammo_cells & 0xFF00 (second byte) #define SU_EXTEND2 (1<<23) // another byte to follow #define FITZSU_WEAPONFRAME2 (1<<24) // 1 byte, this is .weaponframe & 0xFF00 (second byte) #define FITZSU_WEAPONALPHA (1<<25) // 1 byte, this is alpha for weaponmodel, uses ENTALPHA_ENCODE, not sent if ENTALPHA_DEFAULT #define FITZSU_UNUSED26 (1<<26) #define FITZSU_UNUSED27 (1<<27) #define FITZSU_UNUSED28 (1<<28) #define FITZSU_UNUSED29 (1<<29) #define FITZSU_UNUSED30 (1<<30) #define SU_EXTEND3 (1<<31) // another byte to follow, future expansion // first extend byte #define DPSU_PUNCHVEC1 (1<<16) #define DPSU_PUNCHVEC2 (1<<17) #define DPSU_PUNCHVEC3 (1<<18) #define DPSU_VIEWZOOM (1<<19) // byte factor (0 = 0.0 (not valid), 255 = 1.0) #define DPSU_UNUSED20 (1<<20) #define DPSU_UNUSED21 (1<<21) #define DPSU_UNUSED22 (1<<22) // second extend byte #define DPSU_UNUSED24 (1<<24) #define DPSU_UNUSED25 (1<<25) #define DPSU_UNUSED26 (1<<26) #define DPSU_UNUSED27 (1<<27) #define DPSU_UNUSED28 (1<<28) #define DPSU_UNUSED29 (1<<29) #define DPSU_UNUSED30 (1<<30) //NQ fast updates #define NQU_MOREBITS (1<<0) #define NQU_ORIGIN1 (1<<1) #define NQU_ORIGIN2 (1<<2) #define NQU_ORIGIN3 (1<<3) #define NQU_ANGLE2 (1<<4) #define NQU_NOLERP (1<<5) // don't interpolate movement #define NQU_FRAME (1<<6) #define NQU_SIGNAL (1<<7) // just differentiates from other updates // svc_update can pass all of the fast update bits, plus more #define NQU_ANGLE1 (1<<8) #define NQU_ANGLE3 (1<<9) #define NQU_MODEL (1<<10) #define NQU_COLORMAP (1<<11) #define NQU_SKIN (1<<12) #define NQU_EFFECTS (1<<13) #define NQU_LONGENTITY (1<<14) // LordHavoc's: protocol extension #define DPU_EXTEND1 (1<<15) // LordHavoc: first extend byte #define DPU_DELTA (1<<16) // no data, while this is set the entity is delta compressed (uses previous frame as a baseline, meaning only things that have changed from the previous frame are sent, except for the forced full update every half second) #define DPU_ALPHA (1<<17) // 1 byte, 0.0-1.0 maps to 0-255, not sent if exactly 1, and the entity is not sent if <=0 unless it has effects (model effects are checked as well) #define DPU_SCALE (1<<18) // 1 byte, scale / 16 positive, not sent if 1.0 #define DPU_EFFECTS2 (1<<19) // 1 byte, this is .effects & 0xFF00 (second byte) #define DPU_GLOWSIZE (1<<20) // 1 byte, encoding is float/4.0, unsigned, not sent if 0 #define DPU_GLOWCOLOR (1<<21) // 1 byte, palette index, default is 254 (white), this IS used for darklight (allowing colored darklight), however the particles from a darklight are always black, not sent if default value (even if glowsize or glowtrail is set) // LordHavoc: colormod feature has been removed, because no one used it #define DPU_COLORMOD (1<<22) // 1 byte, 3 bit red, 3 bit green, 2 bit blue, this lets you tint an object artifically, so you could make a red rocket, or a blue fiend... #define DPU_EXTEND2 (1<<23) // another byte to follow // LordHavoc: second extend byte #define DPU_GLOWTRAIL (1<<24) // leaves a trail of particles (of color .glowcolor, or black if it is a negative glowsize) #define DPU_VIEWMODEL (1<<25) // attachs the model to the view (origin and angles become relative to it), only shown to owner, a more powerful alternative to .weaponmodel and such #define DPU_FRAME2 (1<<26) // 1 byte, this is .frame & 0xFF00 (second byte) #define DPU_MODEL2 (1<<27) // 1 byte, this is .modelindex & 0xFF00 (second byte) #define DPU_EXTERIORMODEL (1<<28) // causes this model to not be drawn when using a first person view (third person will draw it, first person will not) #define DPU_UNUSED29 (1<<29) // future expansion #define DPU_UNUSED30 (1<<30) // future expansion #define DPU_EXTEND3 (1<<31) // another byte to follow, future expansion #define FITZU_ALPHA (1<<16) #define FITZU_FRAME2 (1<<17) #define FITZU_MODEL2 (1<<18) #define FITZU_LERPFINISH (1<<19) #define RMQU_SCALE (1<<20) #endif #define Q2U_ORIGIN1 (1<<0) #define Q2U_ORIGIN2 (1<<1) #define Q2U_ANGLE2 (1<<2) #define Q2U_ANGLE3 (1<<3) #define Q2U_FRAME8 (1<<4) // frame is a qbyte #define Q2U_EVENT (1<<5) #define Q2U_REMOVE (1<<6) // REMOVE this entity, don't add it #define Q2U_MOREBITS1 (1<<7) // read one additional qbyte // second qbyte #define Q2U_NUMBER16 (1<<8) // NUMBER8 is implicit if not set #define Q2U_ORIGIN3 (1<<9) #define Q2U_ANGLE1 (1<<10) #define Q2U_MODEL (1<<11) #define Q2U_RENDERFX8 (1<<12) // fullbright, etc #define Q2U_EFFECTS8 (1<<14) // autorotate, trails, etc #define Q2U_MOREBITS2 (1<<15) // read one additional qbyte // third qbyte #define Q2U_SKIN8 (1<<16) #define Q2U_FRAME16 (1<<17) // frame is a short #define Q2U_RENDERFX16 (1<<18) // 8 + 16 = 32 #define Q2U_EFFECTS16 (1<<19) // 8 + 16 = 32 #define Q2U_MODEL2 (1<<20) // weapons, flags, etc #define Q2U_MODEL3 (1<<21) #define Q2U_MODEL4 (1<<22) #define Q2U_MOREBITS3 (1<<23) // read one additional qbyte // fourth qbyte #define Q2U_OLDORIGIN (1<<24) // FIXME: get rid of this #define Q2U_SKIN16 (1<<25) #define Q2U_SOUND (1<<26) #define Q2U_SOLID (1<<27) //============================================== //obsolete demo players info #define DF_ORIGINX (1u<<0) #define DF_ORIGINY (1u<<1) #define DF_ORIGINZ (1u<<2) #define DF_ORIGINALL (DF_ORIGINX|DF_ORIGINY|DF_ORIGINZ) #define DF_ANGLEX (1u<<3) #define DF_ANGLEY (1u<<4) #define DF_ANGLEZ (1u<<5) #define DF_ANGLESALL (DF_ANGLEX|DF_ANGLEY|DF_ANGLEZ) #define DF_EFFECTS (1u<<6) #define DF_SKINNUM (1u<<7) #define DF_DEAD (1u<<8) #define DF_GIB (1u<<9) #define DF_WEAPONFRAME (1u<<10) #define DF_MODEL (1u<<11) #define DF_RESET (DF_ORIGINALL|DF_ANGLESALL|DF_EFFECTS|DF_SKINNUM|DF_WEAPONFRAME|DF_MODEL) //============================================== // a sound with no channel is a local only sound // the sound field has bits 0-2: channel, 3-12: entity, 13: unused, 14-15: flags #define SND_VOLUME (1<<15) // a qbyte #define SND_ATTENUATION (1<<14) // a qbyte #define NQSND_VOLUME (1<<0) // a qbyte #define NQSND_ATTENUATION (1<<1) // a qbyte #define DPSND_LOOPING (1<<2) // a long, supposedly #define DPSND_LARGEENTITY (1<<3) #define DPSND_LARGESOUND (1<<4) #define FTESND_PITCHADJ (1<<7) //a byte (speed percent (0=100%)) #define DEFAULT_SOUND_PACKET_VOLUME 255 #define DEFAULT_SOUND_PACKET_ATTENUATION 1.0 //baseline flags #define FITZ_B_LARGEMODEL (1<<0) #define FITZ_B_LARGEFRAME (1<<1) #define FITZ_B_ALPHA (1<<2) #define RMQFITZ_B_SCALE (1<<3) #define DEFAULT_VIEWHEIGHT 22 // svc_print messages have an id, so messages can be filtered #define PRINT_LOW 0 #define PRINT_MEDIUM 1 #define PRINT_HIGH 2 #define PRINT_CHAT 3 // also go to chat buffer // // temp entity events // enum { TE_SPIKE = 0, TE_SUPERSPIKE = 1, TE_GUNSHOT = 2, TE_EXPLOSION = 3, TE_TAREXPLOSION = 4, TE_LIGHTNING1 = 5, TE_LIGHTNING2 = 6, TE_WIZSPIKE = 7, TE_KNIGHTSPIKE = 8, TE_LIGHTNING3 = 9, TE_LAVASPLASH = 10, TE_TELEPORT = 11, TEQW_BLOOD = 12, //implemented as a particle() in nq TENQ_EXPLOSION2 = 12, //remapped to TEQW_EXPLOSION2 for qw TEQW_LIGHTNINGBLOOD = 13, //implemented as a particle() in nq TENQ_BEAM = 13, //remapped to TEQW_BEAM for qw #ifdef PEXT_TE_BULLET TE_BULLET = 14, TE_SUPERBULLET = 15, #endif TE_RAILTRAIL = 17, //use the builtin, luke. TEQW_BEAM = 18, //use the builtin, luke. TEQW_EXPLOSION2 = 19, //use the builtin, luke. TE_EXPLOSIONNOSPRITE = 20, //use the builtin, luke. // hexen 2 TEH2_STREAM_LIGHTNING_SMALL = 24, TEH2_STREAM_CHAIN = 25, TEH2_STREAM_SUNSTAFF1 = 26, TEH2_STREAM_SUNSTAFF2 = 27, TEH2_STREAM_LIGHTNING = 28, TEH2_STREAM_COLORBEAM = 29, TEH2_STREAM_ICECHUNKS = 30, TEH2_STREAM_GAZE = 31, TEH2_STREAM_FAMINE = 32, TEH2_PARTICLEEXPLOSION = 33, TEDP_BLOOD = 50, TEDP_SPARK = 51, TEDP_BLOODSHOWER = 52, TEDP_EXPLOSIONRGB = 53, TEDP_PARTICLECUBE = 54, TEDP_PARTICLERAIN = 55, // [vector] min [vector] max [vector] dir [short] count [byte] color TEDP_PARTICLESNOW = 56, // [vector] min [vector] max [vector] dir [short] count [byte] color TEDP_GUNSHOTQUAD = 57, // [vector] origin TEDP_SPIKEQUAD = 58, // [vector] origin TEDP_SUPERSPIKEQUAD = 59, // [vector] origin TEDP_EXPLOSIONQUAD = 70, // [vector] origin TEDP_SMALLFLASH = 72, // [vector] origin TEDP_CUSTOMFLASH = 73, TEDP_FLAMEJET = 74, TEDP_PLASMABURN = 75, TEDP_TEI_G3 = 76, TEDP_SMOKE = 77, TEDP_TEI_BIGEXPLOSION = 78, TEDP_TEI_PLASMAHIT = 79, }; #define CTE_CUSTOMCOUNT 1 #define CTE_CUSTOMDIRECTION 2 #define CTE_STAINS 4 #define CTE_GLOWS 8 #define CTE_CHANNELFADE 16 #define CTE_CUSTOMVELOCITY 32 #define CTE_PERSISTANT 64 #define CTE_ISBEAM 128 //FTE's version of TEI_SHOWLMP2. tei's values and coding scheme which makes no sense to anyone but him. #define SL_ORG_NW 0 #define SL_ORG_NE 1 #define SL_ORG_SW 2 #define SL_ORG_SE 3 #define SL_ORG_CC 4 #define SL_ORG_CN 5 #define SL_ORG_CS 6 #define SL_ORG_CW 7 #define SL_ORG_CE 8 //relative coding where offsets are predictable #define SL_ORG_TL 20 #define SL_ORG_TR 21 #define SL_ORG_BL 22 #define SL_ORG_BR 23 #define SL_ORG_MM 24 #define SL_ORG_TM 25 #define SL_ORG_BM 26 #define SL_ORG_ML 27 #define SL_ORG_MR 28 /* ========================================================== ELEMENTS COMMUNICATED ACROSS THE NET ========================================================== */ #define MAX_CLIENTS 255 /*max 255, min 32*/ #define QWMAX_CLIENTS 32 /*QW's standard max. clients might have issues above this value*/ #define NQMAX_CLIENTS 16 /*NQ's standard max. clients might have issues above this value*/ #define UPDATE_BACKUP 64 // copies of entity_state_t to keep buffered // must be power of two #define UPDATE_MASK (UPDATE_BACKUP-1) #define Q2UPDATE_BACKUP 16 // copies of entity_state_t to keep buffered // must be power of two #define Q2UPDATE_MASK (Q2UPDATE_BACKUP-1) #define Q3UPDATE_BACKUP 32 // copies of entity_state_t to keep buffered // must be power of two #define Q3UPDATE_MASK (Q3UPDATE_BACKUP-1) // entity_state_t is the information conveyed from the server // in an update message typedef struct entity_state_s { unsigned int number; // edict index unsigned short modelindex; unsigned short inactiveflag; // unsigned int eflags; // nolerp, etc unsigned int effects; vec3_t origin; vec3_t angles; union { #if defined(Q2CLIENT) || defined(Q2SERVER) struct { int renderfx; //q2 vec3_t old_origin; //q2/q3 qbyte modelindex3; //q2 qbyte modelindex4; //q2 qbyte sound; //q2 qbyte event; //q2 } q2; #endif struct { /*info to predict other players, so I don't get yelled at if fte were to stop supporting it*/ qbyte pmovetype; qbyte msec; short vangle[3]; unsigned short weaponframe; short movement[3]; short velocity[3]; // 1/8th unsigned char gravitydir[2]; //pitch/yaw, no roll unsigned short traileffectnum; vec3_t predorg; } q1; } u; unsigned short modelindex2; //q2/vweps unsigned short frame; unsigned int skinnum; /*q2 needs 32 bits, which is quite impressive*/ unsigned short colormap; qbyte glowsize; qbyte glowcolour; qbyte scale; char fatness; qbyte hexen2flags; qbyte abslight; qbyte dpflags; qbyte colormod[3];//multiply this by 8 to read as 0 to 1... qbyte glowmod[3]; qbyte trans; qbyte lightstyle; qbyte lightpflags; unsigned short solid; #define ES_SOLID_BSP 31 unsigned short light[4]; unsigned short tagentity; unsigned short tagindex; } entity_state_t; extern entity_state_t nullentitystate; #define MAX_EXTENDED_PACKET_ENTITIES 256 //sanity limit. #define MAX_STANDARD_PACKET_ENTITIES 64 // doesn't count nails #define MAX_MVDPACKET_ENTITIES 196 // doesn't count nails typedef struct { float servertime; int num_entities; int max_entities; entity_state_t *entities; qboolean fixangles[MAX_SPLITS]; //these should not be in here vec3_t fixedangles[MAX_SPLITS]; } packet_entities_t; typedef struct usercmd_s { //the first members of this structure MUST match the q2 version qbyte msec_compat; qbyte buttons_compat; short angles[3]; short forwardmove, sidemove, upmove; qbyte impulse; qbyte lightlevel; //freestyle float msec; int buttons; int weapon; int servertime; float fservertime; float fclienttime; vec2_t cursor_screen; vec3_t cursor_start; vec3_t cursor_impact; int cursor_entitynumber; } usercmd_t; typedef struct q2usercmd_s { qbyte msec; qbyte buttons; short angles[3]; short forwardmove, sidemove, upmove; qbyte impulse; qbyte lightlevel; } q2usercmd_t; typedef struct q1usercmd_s { qbyte msec; vec3_t angles; short forwardmove, sidemove, upmove; qbyte buttons; qbyte impulse; } q1usercmd_t; #define SHORT2ANGLE(x) (x) * (360.0/65536) #define ANGLE2SHORT(x) (x) * (65536/360.0) // // per-level limits // #define Q2MAX_CLIENTS 256 // absolute limit #define Q2MAX_EDICTS 1024 // must change protocol to increase more #define Q2MAX_LIGHTSTYLES 256 #define Q2MAX_MODELS 256 // these are sent over the net as bytes #define Q2MAX_SOUNDS 256 // so they cannot be blindly increased #define Q2MAX_IMAGES 256 #define Q2MAX_ITEMS 256 #define Q2MAX_GENERAL (Q2MAX_CLIENTS*2) // general config strings #define Q2CS_NAME 0 #define Q2CS_CDTRACK 1 #define Q2CS_SKY 2 #define Q2CS_SKYAXIS 3 // %f %f %f format #define Q2CS_SKYROTATE 4 #define Q2CS_STATUSBAR 5 // display program string #define Q2CS_AIRACCEL 29 // air acceleration control #define Q2CS_MAXCLIENTS 30 #define Q2CS_MAPCHECKSUM 31 // for catching cheater maps #define Q2CS_MODELS 32 #define Q2CS_SOUNDS (Q2CS_MODELS +Q2MAX_MODELS) #define Q2CS_IMAGES (Q2CS_SOUNDS +Q2MAX_SOUNDS) #define Q2CS_LIGHTS (Q2CS_IMAGES +Q2MAX_IMAGES) #define Q2CS_ITEMS (Q2CS_LIGHTS +Q2MAX_LIGHTSTYLES) #define Q2CS_PLAYERSKINS (Q2CS_ITEMS +Q2MAX_ITEMS) #define Q2CS_GENERAL (Q2CS_PLAYERSKINS +Q2MAX_CLIENTS) #define Q2MAX_CONFIGSTRINGS (Q2CS_GENERAL +Q2MAX_GENERAL) // player_state->stats[] indexes #define Q2STAT_HEALTH_ICON 0 #define Q2STAT_HEALTH 1 #define Q2STAT_AMMO_ICON 2 #define Q2STAT_AMMO 3 #define Q2STAT_ARMOR_ICON 4 #define Q2STAT_ARMOR 5 #define Q2STAT_SELECTED_ICON 6 #define Q2STAT_PICKUP_ICON 7 #define Q2STAT_PICKUP_STRING 8 #define Q2STAT_TIMER_ICON 9 #define Q2STAT_TIMER 10 #define Q2STAT_HELPICON 11 #define Q2STAT_SELECTED_ITEM 12 #define Q2STAT_LAYOUTS 13 #define Q2STAT_FRAGS 14 #define Q2STAT_FLASHES 15 // cleared each frame, 1 = health, 2 = armor #define Q2STAT_CHASE 16 #define Q2STAT_SPECTATOR 17 #define Q2MAX_STATS 32 //for the local player #define Q2PS_M_TYPE (1<<0) #define Q2PS_M_ORIGIN (1<<1) #define Q2PS_M_VELOCITY (1<<2) #define Q2PS_M_TIME (1<<3) #define Q2PS_M_FLAGS (1<<4) #define Q2PS_M_GRAVITY (1<<5) #define Q2PS_M_DELTA_ANGLES (1<<6) #define Q2PS_VIEWOFFSET (1<<7) #define Q2PS_VIEWANGLES (1<<8) #define Q2PS_KICKANGLES (1<<9) #define Q2PS_BLEND (1<<10) #define Q2PS_FOV (1<<11) #define Q2PS_WEAPONINDEX (1<<12) #define Q2PS_WEAPONFRAME (1<<13) #define Q2PS_RDFLAGS (1<<14) // entity_state_t->renderfx flags #define Q2RF_MINLIGHT (1u<<0) //ni always have some light (viewmodel) #define RF_EXTERNALMODEL (1u<<1) //i don't draw through eyes, only mirrors #define RF_WEAPONMODEL (1u<<2) //i only draw through eyes #define Q2RF_FULLBRIGHT (1u<<3) //i always draw full intensity #define RF_DEPTHHACK (1u<<4) //i for view weapon Z crunching #define RF_TRANSLUCENT (1u<<5) //forces shader sort order and BEF_FORCETRANSPARENT #define Q2RF_FRAMELERP (1u<<6) //q2only #define Q2RF_BEAM (1u<<7) //mostly q2only #define Q2RF_CUSTOMSKIN (1u<<8) //not even in q2 skin is an index in image_precache #define Q2RF_GLOW (1u<<9) //i pulse lighting for bonus items #define Q2RF_SHELL_RED (1u<<10) //q2only #define Q2RF_SHELL_GREEN (1u<<11) //q2only #define Q2RF_SHELL_BLUE (1u<<12) //q2only //ROGUE #define Q2RF_IR_VISIBLE (1u<<15) // shows red with Q2RDF_IRGOGGLES #define Q2RF_SHELL_DOUBLE (1u<<16) //q2only #define Q2RF_SHELL_HALF_DAM (1u<<17) //q2only #define Q2RF_USE_DISGUISE (1u<<18) //ni entity is displayed with skin 'players/$MODEL/disguise.pcx' instead //ROGUE #define RF_ADDITIVE (1u<<19) //forces shader sort order and BEF_FORCEADDITIVE #define RF_NOSHADOW (1u<<20) //disables shadow casting #define RF_NODEPTHTEST (1u<<21) //forces shader sort order and BEF_FORCENODEPTH #define RF_FORCECOLOURMOD (1u<<22) //forces BEF_FORCECOLOURMOD // player_state_t->refdef flags #define RDF_UNDERWATER (1u<<0) // warp the screen as apropriate (fov trick) #define RDF_NOWORLDMODEL (1u<<1) // used for player configuration screen //ROGUE #define Q2RDF_IRGOGGLES (1u<<2) //ents with Q2RF_IR_VISIBLE show up pure red. #define Q2RDF_UVGOGGLES (1u<<3) //usused / reserved //ROGUE #define RDF_BLOOM (1u<<16) #define RDF_FISHEYE (1u<<17) #define RDF_WATERWARP (1u<<18) #define RDF_CUSTOMPOSTPROC (1u<<19) #define RDF_ALLPOSTPROC (RDF_BLOOM|RDF_FISHEYE|RDF_WATERWARP|RDF_CUSTOMPOSTPROC) //these flags require rendering to an fbo for the various different post-processing shaders. #define Q2SND_VOLUME (1<<0) // a qbyte #define Q2SND_ATTENUATION (1<<1) // a qbyte #define Q2SND_POS (1<<2) // three coordinates #define Q2SND_ENT (1<<3) // a short 0-2: channel, 3-12: entity #define Q2SND_OFFSET (1<<4) // a qbyte, msec offset from frame start #define Q2DEFAULT_SOUND_PACKET_VOLUME 1.0 #define Q2DEFAULT_SOUND_PACKET_ATTENUATION 1.0 #define ATTN_NONE 0 #define ATTN_NORM 1 #define CHAN_AUTO 0 #define CHAN_WEAPON 1 #define CHAN_VOICE 2 #define CHAN_ITEM 3 #define CHAN_BODY 4 #define Q2MZ_BLASTER 0 #define Q2MZ_MACHINEGUN 1 #define Q2MZ_SHOTGUN 2 #define Q2MZ_CHAINGUN1 3 #define Q2MZ_CHAINGUN2 4 #define Q2MZ_CHAINGUN3 5 #define Q2MZ_RAILGUN 6 #define Q2MZ_ROCKET 7 #define Q2MZ_GRENADE 8 #define Q2MZ_LOGIN 9 #define Q2MZ_LOGOUT 10 #define Q2MZ_RESPAWN 11 #define Q2MZ_BFG 12 #define Q2MZ_SSHOTGUN 13 #define Q2MZ_HYPERBLASTER 14 #define Q2MZ_ITEMRESPAWN 15 // RAFAEL #define Q2MZ_IONRIPPER 16 #define Q2MZ_BLUEHYPERBLASTER 17 #define Q2MZ_PHALANX 18 #define Q2MZ_SILENCED 128 // bit flag ORed with one of the above numbers //ROGUE #define Q2MZ_ETF_RIFLE 30 #define Q2MZ_UNUSED 31 #define Q2MZ_SHOTGUN2 32 #define Q2MZ_HEATBEAM 33 #define Q2MZ_BLASTER2 34 #define Q2MZ_TRACKER 35 #define Q2MZ_NUKE1 36 #define Q2MZ_NUKE2 37 #define Q2MZ_NUKE4 38 #define Q2MZ_NUKE8 39 //ROGUE // // monster muzzle flashes // #define Q2MZ2_TANK_BLASTER_1 1 #define Q2MZ2_TANK_BLASTER_2 2 #define Q2MZ2_TANK_BLASTER_3 3 #define Q2MZ2_TANK_MACHINEGUN_1 4 #define Q2MZ2_TANK_MACHINEGUN_2 5 #define Q2MZ2_TANK_MACHINEGUN_3 6 #define Q2MZ2_TANK_MACHINEGUN_4 7 #define Q2MZ2_TANK_MACHINEGUN_5 8 #define Q2MZ2_TANK_MACHINEGUN_6 9 #define Q2MZ2_TANK_MACHINEGUN_7 10 #define Q2MZ2_TANK_MACHINEGUN_8 11 #define Q2MZ2_TANK_MACHINEGUN_9 12 #define Q2MZ2_TANK_MACHINEGUN_10 13 #define Q2MZ2_TANK_MACHINEGUN_11 14 #define Q2MZ2_TANK_MACHINEGUN_12 15 #define Q2MZ2_TANK_MACHINEGUN_13 16 #define Q2MZ2_TANK_MACHINEGUN_14 17 #define Q2MZ2_TANK_MACHINEGUN_15 18 #define Q2MZ2_TANK_MACHINEGUN_16 19 #define Q2MZ2_TANK_MACHINEGUN_17 20 #define Q2MZ2_TANK_MACHINEGUN_18 21 #define Q2MZ2_TANK_MACHINEGUN_19 22 #define Q2MZ2_TANK_ROCKET_1 23 #define Q2MZ2_TANK_ROCKET_2 24 #define Q2MZ2_TANK_ROCKET_3 25 #define Q2MZ2_INFANTRY_MACHINEGUN_1 26 #define Q2MZ2_INFANTRY_MACHINEGUN_2 27 #define Q2MZ2_INFANTRY_MACHINEGUN_3 28 #define Q2MZ2_INFANTRY_MACHINEGUN_4 29 #define Q2MZ2_INFANTRY_MACHINEGUN_5 30 #define Q2MZ2_INFANTRY_MACHINEGUN_6 31 #define Q2MZ2_INFANTRY_MACHINEGUN_7 32 #define Q2MZ2_INFANTRY_MACHINEGUN_8 33 #define Q2MZ2_INFANTRY_MACHINEGUN_9 34 #define Q2MZ2_INFANTRY_MACHINEGUN_10 35 #define Q2MZ2_INFANTRY_MACHINEGUN_11 36 #define Q2MZ2_INFANTRY_MACHINEGUN_12 37 #define Q2MZ2_INFANTRY_MACHINEGUN_13 38 #define Q2MZ2_SOLDIER_BLASTER_1 39 #define Q2MZ2_SOLDIER_BLASTER_2 40 #define Q2MZ2_SOLDIER_SHOTGUN_1 41 #define Q2MZ2_SOLDIER_SHOTGUN_2 42 #define Q2MZ2_SOLDIER_MACHINEGUN_1 43 #define Q2MZ2_SOLDIER_MACHINEGUN_2 44 #define Q2MZ2_GUNNER_MACHINEGUN_1 45 #define Q2MZ2_GUNNER_MACHINEGUN_2 46 #define Q2MZ2_GUNNER_MACHINEGUN_3 47 #define Q2MZ2_GUNNER_MACHINEGUN_4 48 #define Q2MZ2_GUNNER_MACHINEGUN_5 49 #define Q2MZ2_GUNNER_MACHINEGUN_6 50 #define Q2MZ2_GUNNER_MACHINEGUN_7 51 #define Q2MZ2_GUNNER_MACHINEGUN_8 52 #define Q2MZ2_GUNNER_GRENADE_1 53 #define Q2MZ2_GUNNER_GRENADE_2 54 #define Q2MZ2_GUNNER_GRENADE_3 55 #define Q2MZ2_GUNNER_GRENADE_4 56 #define Q2MZ2_CHICK_ROCKET_1 57 #define Q2MZ2_FLYER_BLASTER_1 58 #define Q2MZ2_FLYER_BLASTER_2 59 #define Q2MZ2_MEDIC_BLASTER_1 60 #define Q2MZ2_GLADIATOR_RAILGUN_1 61 #define Q2MZ2_HOVER_BLASTER_1 62 #define Q2MZ2_ACTOR_MACHINEGUN_1 63 #define Q2MZ2_SUPERTANK_MACHINEGUN_1 64 #define Q2MZ2_SUPERTANK_MACHINEGUN_2 65 #define Q2MZ2_SUPERTANK_MACHINEGUN_3 66 #define Q2MZ2_SUPERTANK_MACHINEGUN_4 67 #define Q2MZ2_SUPERTANK_MACHINEGUN_5 68 #define Q2MZ2_SUPERTANK_MACHINEGUN_6 69 #define Q2MZ2_SUPERTANK_ROCKET_1 70 #define Q2MZ2_SUPERTANK_ROCKET_2 71 #define Q2MZ2_SUPERTANK_ROCKET_3 72 #define Q2MZ2_BOSS2_MACHINEGUN_L1 73 #define Q2MZ2_BOSS2_MACHINEGUN_L2 74 #define Q2MZ2_BOSS2_MACHINEGUN_L3 75 #define Q2MZ2_BOSS2_MACHINEGUN_L4 76 #define Q2MZ2_BOSS2_MACHINEGUN_L5 77 #define Q2MZ2_BOSS2_ROCKET_1 78 #define Q2MZ2_BOSS2_ROCKET_2 79 #define Q2MZ2_BOSS2_ROCKET_3 80 #define Q2MZ2_BOSS2_ROCKET_4 81 #define Q2MZ2_FLOAT_BLASTER_1 82 #define Q2MZ2_SOLDIER_BLASTER_3 83 #define Q2MZ2_SOLDIER_SHOTGUN_3 84 #define Q2MZ2_SOLDIER_MACHINEGUN_3 85 #define Q2MZ2_SOLDIER_BLASTER_4 86 #define Q2MZ2_SOLDIER_SHOTGUN_4 87 #define Q2MZ2_SOLDIER_MACHINEGUN_4 88 #define Q2MZ2_SOLDIER_BLASTER_5 89 #define Q2MZ2_SOLDIER_SHOTGUN_5 90 #define Q2MZ2_SOLDIER_MACHINEGUN_5 91 #define Q2MZ2_SOLDIER_BLASTER_6 92 #define Q2MZ2_SOLDIER_SHOTGUN_6 93 #define Q2MZ2_SOLDIER_MACHINEGUN_6 94 #define Q2MZ2_SOLDIER_BLASTER_7 95 #define Q2MZ2_SOLDIER_SHOTGUN_7 96 #define Q2MZ2_SOLDIER_MACHINEGUN_7 97 #define Q2MZ2_SOLDIER_BLASTER_8 98 #define Q2MZ2_SOLDIER_SHOTGUN_8 99 #define Q2MZ2_SOLDIER_MACHINEGUN_8 100 // --- Xian shit below --- #define Q2MZ2_MAKRON_BFG 101 #define Q2MZ2_MAKRON_BLASTER_1 102 #define Q2MZ2_MAKRON_BLASTER_2 103 #define Q2MZ2_MAKRON_BLASTER_3 104 #define Q2MZ2_MAKRON_BLASTER_4 105 #define Q2MZ2_MAKRON_BLASTER_5 106 #define Q2MZ2_MAKRON_BLASTER_6 107 #define Q2MZ2_MAKRON_BLASTER_7 108 #define Q2MZ2_MAKRON_BLASTER_8 109 #define Q2MZ2_MAKRON_BLASTER_9 110 #define Q2MZ2_MAKRON_BLASTER_10 111 #define Q2MZ2_MAKRON_BLASTER_11 112 #define Q2MZ2_MAKRON_BLASTER_12 113 #define Q2MZ2_MAKRON_BLASTER_13 114 #define Q2MZ2_MAKRON_BLASTER_14 115 #define Q2MZ2_MAKRON_BLASTER_15 116 #define Q2MZ2_MAKRON_BLASTER_16 117 #define Q2MZ2_MAKRON_BLASTER_17 118 #define Q2MZ2_MAKRON_RAILGUN_1 119 #define Q2MZ2_JORG_MACHINEGUN_L1 120 #define Q2MZ2_JORG_MACHINEGUN_L2 121 #define Q2MZ2_JORG_MACHINEGUN_L3 122 #define Q2MZ2_JORG_MACHINEGUN_L4 123 #define Q2MZ2_JORG_MACHINEGUN_L5 124 #define Q2MZ2_JORG_MACHINEGUN_L6 125 #define Q2MZ2_JORG_MACHINEGUN_R1 126 #define Q2MZ2_JORG_MACHINEGUN_R2 127 #define Q2MZ2_JORG_MACHINEGUN_R3 128 #define Q2MZ2_JORG_MACHINEGUN_R4 129 #define Q2MZ2_JORG_MACHINEGUN_R5 130 #define Q2MZ2_JORG_MACHINEGUN_R6 131 #define Q2MZ2_JORG_BFG_1 132 #define Q2MZ2_BOSS2_MACHINEGUN_R1 133 #define Q2MZ2_BOSS2_MACHINEGUN_R2 134 #define Q2MZ2_BOSS2_MACHINEGUN_R3 135 #define Q2MZ2_BOSS2_MACHINEGUN_R4 136 #define Q2MZ2_BOSS2_MACHINEGUN_R5 137 //ROGUE #define Q2MZ2_CARRIER_MACHINEGUN_L1 138 #define Q2MZ2_CARRIER_MACHINEGUN_R1 139 #define Q2MZ2_CARRIER_GRENADE 140 #define Q2MZ2_TURRET_MACHINEGUN 141 #define Q2MZ2_TURRET_ROCKET 142 #define Q2MZ2_TURRET_BLASTER 143 #define Q2MZ2_STALKER_BLASTER 144 #define Q2MZ2_DAEDALUS_BLASTER 145 #define Q2MZ2_MEDIC_BLASTER_2 146 #define Q2MZ2_CARRIER_RAILGUN 147 #define Q2MZ2_WIDOW_DISRUPTOR 148 #define Q2MZ2_WIDOW_BLASTER 149 #define Q2MZ2_WIDOW_RAIL 150 #define Q2MZ2_WIDOW_PLASMABEAM 151 // PMM - not used #define Q2MZ2_CARRIER_MACHINEGUN_L2 152 #define Q2MZ2_CARRIER_MACHINEGUN_R2 153 #define Q2MZ2_WIDOW_RAIL_LEFT 154 #define Q2MZ2_WIDOW_RAIL_RIGHT 155 #define Q2MZ2_WIDOW_BLASTER_SWEEP1 156 #define Q2MZ2_WIDOW_BLASTER_SWEEP2 157 #define Q2MZ2_WIDOW_BLASTER_SWEEP3 158 #define Q2MZ2_WIDOW_BLASTER_SWEEP4 159 #define Q2MZ2_WIDOW_BLASTER_SWEEP5 160 #define Q2MZ2_WIDOW_BLASTER_SWEEP6 161 #define Q2MZ2_WIDOW_BLASTER_SWEEP7 162 #define Q2MZ2_WIDOW_BLASTER_SWEEP8 163 #define Q2MZ2_WIDOW_BLASTER_SWEEP9 164 #define Q2MZ2_WIDOW_BLASTER_100 165 #define Q2MZ2_WIDOW_BLASTER_90 166 #define Q2MZ2_WIDOW_BLASTER_80 167 #define Q2MZ2_WIDOW_BLASTER_70 168 #define Q2MZ2_WIDOW_BLASTER_60 169 #define Q2MZ2_WIDOW_BLASTER_50 170 #define Q2MZ2_WIDOW_BLASTER_40 171 #define Q2MZ2_WIDOW_BLASTER_30 172 #define Q2MZ2_WIDOW_BLASTER_20 173 #define Q2MZ2_WIDOW_BLASTER_10 174 #define Q2MZ2_WIDOW_BLASTER_0 175 #define Q2MZ2_WIDOW_BLASTER_10L 176 #define Q2MZ2_WIDOW_BLASTER_20L 177 #define Q2MZ2_WIDOW_BLASTER_30L 178 #define Q2MZ2_WIDOW_BLASTER_40L 179 #define Q2MZ2_WIDOW_BLASTER_50L 180 #define Q2MZ2_WIDOW_BLASTER_60L 181 #define Q2MZ2_WIDOW_BLASTER_70L 182 #define Q2MZ2_WIDOW_RUN_1 183 #define Q2MZ2_WIDOW_RUN_2 184 #define Q2MZ2_WIDOW_RUN_3 185 #define Q2MZ2_WIDOW_RUN_4 186 #define Q2MZ2_WIDOW_RUN_5 187 #define Q2MZ2_WIDOW_RUN_6 188 #define Q2MZ2_WIDOW_RUN_7 189 #define Q2MZ2_WIDOW_RUN_8 190 #define Q2MZ2_CARRIER_ROCKET_1 191 #define Q2MZ2_CARRIER_ROCKET_2 192 #define Q2MZ2_CARRIER_ROCKET_3 193 #define Q2MZ2_CARRIER_ROCKET_4 194 #define Q2MZ2_WIDOW2_BEAMER_1 195 #define Q2MZ2_WIDOW2_BEAMER_2 196 #define Q2MZ2_WIDOW2_BEAMER_3 197 #define Q2MZ2_WIDOW2_BEAMER_4 198 #define Q2MZ2_WIDOW2_BEAMER_5 199 #define Q2MZ2_WIDOW2_BEAM_SWEEP_1 200 #define Q2MZ2_WIDOW2_BEAM_SWEEP_2 201 #define Q2MZ2_WIDOW2_BEAM_SWEEP_3 202 #define Q2MZ2_WIDOW2_BEAM_SWEEP_4 203 #define Q2MZ2_WIDOW2_BEAM_SWEEP_5 204 #define Q2MZ2_WIDOW2_BEAM_SWEEP_6 205 #define Q2MZ2_WIDOW2_BEAM_SWEEP_7 206 #define Q2MZ2_WIDOW2_BEAM_SWEEP_8 207 #define Q2MZ2_WIDOW2_BEAM_SWEEP_9 208 #define Q2MZ2_WIDOW2_BEAM_SWEEP_10 209 #define Q2MZ2_WIDOW2_BEAM_SWEEP_11 210 #define MAX_MAP_AREA_BYTES 32 // edict->drawflags (hexen2 stuff) #define MLS_MASKIN 7 // Model Light Style #define MLS_MASKOUT 248 #define MLS_NONE 0 #define MLS_FULLBRIGHT 1 #define MLS_POWERMODE 2 #define MLS_TORCH 3 #define MLS_TOTALDARK 4 #define MLS_ABSLIGHT 7 #define SCALE_TYPE_MASKIN 24 #define SCALE_TYPE_MASKOUT 231 #define SCALE_TYPE_UNIFORM 0 // Scale X, Y, and Z #define SCALE_TYPE_XYONLY 8 // Scale X and Y #define SCALE_TYPE_ZONLY 16 // Scale Z #define SCALE_ORIGIN_MASKIN 96 #define SCALE_ORIGIN_MASKOUT 159 #define SCALE_ORIGIN_CENTER 0 // Scaling origin at object center #define SCALE_ORIGIN_BOTTOM 32 // Scaling origin at object bottom #define SCALE_ORIGIN_TOP 64 // Scaling origin at object top #define SCALE_ORIGIN_ORIGIN (64|32) // Scaling origin at object origin #define DRF_TRANSLUCENT 128 //TENEBRAE_GFX_DLIGHTS #define PFLAGS_NOSHADOW 1 #define PFLAGS_CORONA 2 #define PFLAGS_FULLDYNAMIC 128 //NOTE: this is a dp-ism. for tenebrae compat, this should be effects&16 and not pflags&128, as effects&16 already means something else #define RENDER_STEP 1 #define RENDER_GLOWTRAIL 2 #define RENDER_VIEWMODEL 4 #define RENDER_EXTERIORMODEL 8 #define RENDER_LOWPRECISION 16 // send as low precision coordinates to save bandwidth #define RENDER_COLORMAPPED 32 //#define RENDER_WORLDOBJECT 64 //#define RENDER_COMPLEXANIMATION 128 //darkplaces protocols 5 to 7 use these // reset all entity fields (typically used if status changed) #define E5_FULLUPDATE (1<<0) // E5_ORIGIN32=0: short[3] = s->origin[0] * 8, s->origin[1] * 8, s->origin[2] * 8 // E5_ORIGIN32=1: float[3] = s->origin[0], s->origin[1], s->origin[2] #define E5_ORIGIN (1<<1) // E5_ANGLES16=0: byte[3] = s->angle[0] * 256 / 360, s->angle[1] * 256 / 360, s->angle[2] * 256 / 360 // E5_ANGLES16=1: short[3] = s->angle[0] * 65536 / 360, s->angle[1] * 65536 / 360, s->angle[2] * 65536 / 360 #define E5_ANGLES (1<<2) // E5_MODEL16=0: byte = s->modelindex // E5_MODEL16=1: short = s->modelindex #define E5_MODEL (1<<3) // E5_FRAME16=0: byte = s->frame // E5_FRAME16=1: short = s->frame #define E5_FRAME (1<<4) // byte = s->skin #define E5_SKIN (1<<5) // E5_EFFECTS16=0 && E5_EFFECTS32=0: byte = s->effects // E5_EFFECTS16=1 && E5_EFFECTS32=0: short = s->effects // E5_EFFECTS16=0 && E5_EFFECTS32=1: int = s->effects // E5_EFFECTS16=1 && E5_EFFECTS32=1: int = s->effects #define E5_EFFECTS (1<<6) // bits >= (1<<8) #define E5_EXTEND1 (1<<7) // byte = s->renderflags #define E5_FLAGS (1<<8) // byte = bound(0, s->alpha * 255, 255) #define E5_ALPHA (1<<9) // byte = bound(0, s->scale * 16, 255) #define E5_SCALE (1<<10) // flag #define E5_ORIGIN32 (1<<11) // flag #define E5_ANGLES16 (1<<12) // flag #define E5_MODEL16 (1<<13) // byte = s->colormap #define E5_COLORMAP (1<<14) // bits >= (1<<16) #define E5_EXTEND2 (1<<15) // short = s->tagentity // byte = s->tagindex #define E5_ATTACHMENT (1<<16) // short[4] = s->light[0], s->light[1], s->light[2], s->light[3] // byte = s->lightstyle // byte = s->lightpflags #define E5_LIGHT (1<<17) // byte = s->glowsize // byte = s->glowcolor #define E5_GLOW (1<<18) // short = s->effects #define E5_EFFECTS16 (1<<19) // int = s->effects #define E5_EFFECTS32 (1<<20) // flag #define E5_FRAME16 (1<<21) // unused #define E5_COLORMOD (1<<22) // bits >= (1<<24) #define E5_EXTEND3 (1<<23) // unused #define E5_GLOWMOD (1<<24) // unused #define E5_COMPLEXANIMATION (1<<25) // unused #define E5_TRAILEFFECTNUM (1<<26) // unused #define E5_UNUSED27 (1<<27) // unused #define E5_UNUSED28 (1<<28) // unused #define E5_UNUSED29 (1<<29) // unused #define E5_UNUSED30 (1<<30) // bits2 > 0 #define E5_EXTEND4 (1<<31) #define E5_ALLUNUSED (E5_COMPLEXANIMATION|E5_UNUSED27|E5_UNUSED28|E5_UNUSED29|E5_UNUSED30)