//this file is intended for dedicated servers, but I guess clients might have reason to use it too. expect quirks though.

game quake
name "nQuakeSV-KTX"
gamedir ktx

homedirmode never	//auto/always

downloadsurl https://fte.triptohell.info/moodles/ktx.meta
install quake_shareware		//we need(ish) a pak0!
install nquakesv_configs	//ktx breaks without some configs
install nquakesv_gamecode	//can't run ktx without ktx!
//install nquakesv_maps		//urgh, massive bloated download.

//gah, make sure stuff still works when embedded in a browser.
archivedpackage id1/pak0.pak 0x4f069cac id1/pak0.pak https://fte.triptohell.info/qsw106.zip