//Populate our filesystem from Module['files'] FTEH = {h: [], f: {}}; FTE_SW=null; if (!Module['canvas']) { //we need a canvas to throw our webgl crap at... Module['canvas'] = document.getElementById('canvas'); if (!Module['canvas']) { console.log("No canvas element defined yet."); Module.canvas = document.createElement("canvas"); Module.canvas.style.width="100%"; Module.canvas.style.height="100%"; document.body.appendChild(Module['canvas']); } } Module['loadcachedfiles'] = function() { //recover any previously saved files they might have drag+dropped. addRunDependency("loadcachedfiles"); try { caches.open('user').then((c)=>{Module['cache']=c;return c.keys();}).then((keys)=>{ const cache = Module['cache']; for(var r of keys) { const idx = r.url.indexOf("/_/") if (idx < 0) continue; //wtf? that entry should not have been in this cache object. const fn = r.url.substr(idx+3); addRunDependency(fn); const response = cache.match(r).then((response)=>{return response.arrayBuffer();}).then((buffer)=>{ let b = FTEH.h[_emscriptenfte_buf_createfromarraybuf(buffer)]; b.n = fn; FTEH.f[b.n] = b; }).finally(()=>{removeRunDependency(fn);}); } }).finally(()=>{removeRunDependency("loadcachedfiles");}); } catch(e) { removeRunDependency("loadcachedfiles"); } }; Module['preRun'] = Module['loadcachedfiles']; if (typeof Module['files'] !== "undefined" && Object.keys(Module['files']).length>0) { Module['preRun'] = function() { Module['loadcachedfiles'](); Module['curfile'] = undefined; let files = Module['files']; let names = Object.keys(files); for (let i = 0; i < names.length; i++) { let ab = files[names[i]]; let n = names[i]; if (typeof ab == "string") { //if its a string, assume it to be a url of some kind for us to resolve. addRunDependency(n); let xhr = new XMLHttpRequest(); xhr.responseType = "arraybuffer"; xhr.open("GET", ab); xhr.onload = function () { if (Module['curfile'] == n) Module['curfile'] = undefined; if (this.status >= 200 && this.status < 300) { let b = FTEH.h[_emscriptenfte_buf_createfromarraybuf(this.response)]; b.n = n; FTEH.f[b.n] = b; removeRunDependency(n); } else removeRunDependency(n); }; xhr.onprogress = function(e) { if (typeof Module['curfile'] == "undefined") Module['curfile'] = n; //take it. if (Module['setStatus'] && Module['curfile']==n) Module['setStatus'](n + ' (' + e.loaded + '/' + e.total + ')'); }; xhr.onerror = function () { if (Module['curfile'] == n) Module['curfile'] = undefined; removeRunDependency(n); }; xhr.send(); } else if (typeof ab.then == "function") { //a 'thenable' thing... assume it'll resolve into an arraybuffer. addRunDependency(n); ab.then( value => { //success let b = FTEH.h[_emscriptenfte_buf_createfromarraybuf(value)]; b.n = n; FTEH.f[b.n] = b; removeRunDependency(n); }, reason => { //failure console.log(reason); removeRunDependency(n); } ); } else { //otherwise assume array buffer. let b = FTEH.h[_emscriptenfte_buf_createfromarraybuf(ab)]; b.n = n; FTEH.f[b.n] = b; } } } } else if (!Module['manifest']) { let man = window.location.protocol + "//" + window.location.host + window.location.pathname; if (man.substr(-1) != '/') man += ".fmf"; else man += "index.fmf"; Module['manifest'] = man; if (window.location.hash != "") Module['manifest'] = window.location.hash.substring(1); } if (!Module['arguments']) //the html can be explicit about its args if it sets this to an empty array or w/e { Module['arguments'] = []; // use query string in URL as command line const qstrings = decodeURIComponent(window.location.search.substring(1)); if (qstrings != "") { const qstring = qstrings.split(" "); for (let i = 0; i < qstring.length; i++) { if (qstring[i] == '-manifest') man = undefined; //don't do double manifest args... if ((qstring[i] == '+sv_port_rtc' || qstring[i] == '+connect' || qstring[i] == '+join' || qstring[i] == '+observe' || qstring[i] == '+qtvplay') && i+1 < qstring.length) { Module['arguments'] = Module['arguments'].concat(qstring[i+0], qstring[i+1]); i++; } else if (!document.referrer) //ignore args from referers in order to try to protect against dodgy srgs a little. Module['arguments'] = Module['arguments'].concat(qstring[i]); } } if (Module['manifest'] != undefined) Module['arguments'] = Module['arguments'].concat(['-manifest', Module['manifest']]); //registerProtocolHandler needs to be able to pass it through to us... so only allow it if we're parsing args from the url. Module['mayregisterscemes'] = true; }