/* Copyright (C) 1996-1997 Id Software, Inc. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ // protocol.h -- communications protocols #include "bothdefs.h" #define PEXT_SETVIEW 0x00000001 #define PEXT_SCALE 0x00000002 #define PEXT_LIGHTSTYLECOL 0x00000004 #define PEXT_TRANS 0x00000008 #define PEXT_VIEW2_ 0x00000010 //#define PEXT_BULLETENS 0x00000020 //obsolete #define PEXT_ACCURATETIMINGS 0x00000040 #define PEXT_SOUNDDBL 0x00000080 //revised startsound protocol #define PEXT_FATNESS 0x00000100 //GL only (or servers) #define PEXT_HLBSP 0x00000200 #define PEXT_TE_BULLET 0x00000400 #define PEXT_HULLSIZE 0x00000800 #define PEXT_MODELDBL 0x00001000 #define PEXT_ENTITYDBL 0x00002000 //max of 1024 ents instead of 512 #define PEXT_ENTITYDBL2 0x00004000 //max of 1024 ents instead of 512 #define PEXT_FLOATCOORDS 0x00008000 //supports floating point origins. //#define PEXT_VWEAP 0x00010000 //cause an extra qbyte to be sent, and an extra list of models for vweaps. #define PEXT_Q2BSP_ 0x00020000 #define PEXT_Q3BSP_ 0x00040000 #define PEXT_COLOURMOD 0x00080000 //this replaces an older value which would rarly have caried any actual data. #define PEXT_SPLITSCREEN 0x00100000 #define PEXT_HEXEN2 0x00200000 //more stats and working particle builtin. #define PEXT_SPAWNSTATIC2 0x00400000 //Sends an entity delta instead of a baseline. #define PEXT_CUSTOMTEMPEFFECTS 0x00800000 //supports custom temp ents. #define PEXT_256PACKETENTITIES 0x01000000 //Client can recieve 256 packet entities. //#define PEXT_NEVERUSED 0x02000000 //reserved for a future multicastmask #define PEXT_SHOWPIC 0x04000000 #define PEXT_SETATTACHMENT 0x08000000 //md3 tags (needs networking, they need to lerp). //#define PEXT_NEVERUSED 0x10000000 //reserved for a future multicastmask #define PEXT_CHUNKEDDOWNLOADS 0x20000000 //alternate file download method. Hopefully it'll give quadroupled download speed, especially on higher pings. #define PEXT_CSQC 0x40000000 //csqc additions #define PEXT_DPFLAGS 0x80000000 //extra flags for viewmodel/externalmodel and possible other persistant style flags. #define PEXT_CLIENTSUPPORT (PEXT_SETVIEW|PEXT_SCALE|PEXT_LIGHTSTYLECOL|PEXT_TRANS|PEXT_VIEW2_|PEXT_ACCURATETIMINGS|PEXT_SOUNDDBL|PEXT_FATNESS|PEXT_HLBSP|PEXT_TE_BULLET|PEXT_HULLSIZE|PEXT_MODELDBL|PEXT_ENTITYDBL|PEXT_ENTITYDBL2|PEXT_FLOATCOORDS|PEXT_Q2BSP_|PEXT_Q3BSP_|PEXT_COLOURMOD|PEXT_SPLITSCREEN|PEXT_HEXEN2|PEXT_SPAWNSTATIC2|PEXT_CUSTOMTEMPEFFECTS|PEXT_256PACKETENTITIES|PEXT_SHOWPIC|PEXT_SETATTACHMENT|PEXT_CHUNKEDDOWNLOADS|PEXT_CSQC|PEXT_DPFLAGS) #ifdef CSQC_DAT #define PEXT_BIGUSERINFOS PEXT_CSQC //FIXME: while useful for csqc, we should include something else that isn't so often stripped, or is available in ezquake, or something. #else #define PEXT_BIGUSERINFOS 0xffffffff #endif #ifdef SIDEVIEWS #define PEXT_VIEW2 PEXT_VIEW2_ #endif #ifdef Q2BSPS #define PEXT_Q2BSP PEXT_Q2BSP_ #endif #ifdef Q3BSPS #define PEXT_Q3BSP PEXT_Q3BSP_ #endif #define PEXT1_HIDEPROTOCOLS (PEXT_Q3BSP_|PEXT_Q2BSP_|PEXT_HLBSP) //These are hints for the server, and not useful to the client (they can figure stuff out themselves) #define PEXT2_PRYDONCURSOR 0x00000001 #define PEXT2_VOICECHAT 0x00000002 #define PEXT2_SETANGLEDELTA 0x00000004 #define PEXT2_REPLACEMENTDELTAS 0x00000008 //weaponframe was part of the entity state. that flag is now the player's v_angle. #define PEXT2_MAXPLAYERS 0x00000010 //Client is able to cope with more players than 32. abs max becomes 255, due to colormap issues. #define PEXT2_PREDINFO 0x00000020 //movevar stats, NQ input sequences+acks. #define PEXT2_NEWSIZEENCODING 0x00000040 //richer size encoding. #define PEXT2_INFOBLOBS 0x00000080 //serverinfo+userinfo lengths can be MUCH higher (protocol is unbounded, but expect low sanity limits on userinfo), and contain nulls etc. #define PEXT2_STUNAWARE 0x00000100 //changes the netchan to biased-bigendian (so lead two bits are 1 and not stun's 0, so we don't get confused) #define PEXT2_VRINPUTS 0x00000200 //clc_move changes, more buttons etc. vr stuff! #define PEXT2_CLIENTSUPPORT (PEXT2_PRYDONCURSOR|PEXT2_VOICECHAT|PEXT2_SETANGLEDELTA|PEXT2_REPLACEMENTDELTAS|PEXT2_MAXPLAYERS|PEXT2_PREDINFO|PEXT2_NEWSIZEENCODING|PEXT2_INFOBLOBS|PEXT2_STUNAWARE|PEXT2_VRINPUTS) //EzQuake/Mvdsv extensions. (use ezquake name, to avoid confusion about .mvd format and its protocol differences) #define EZPEXT1_FLOATENTCOORDS 0x00000001 //quirky - doesn't apply to broadcasts, just players+ents. this gives more precision, but will bug out if you try using it to increase map bounds in ways that may not be immediately apparent. iiuc this was added instead of fixing some inconsistent rounding... #define EZPEXT1_SETANGLEREASON 0x00000002 //specifies the reason for an svc_setangles call. the mvdsv implementation will fuck over any mods that writebyte them. we'd need to modify our preparse stuff to work around the issue. #define EZPEXT1_SERVERADVERTISE 0 #define EZPEXT1_CLIENTADVERTISE EZPEXT1_FLOATENTCOORDS //might as well ask for it, as a way around mvdsv's writecoord/PM_NudgePosition rounding difference bug. #define EZPEXT1_CLIENTSUPPORT (EZPEXT1_FLOATENTCOORDS|EZPEXT1_SETANGLEREASON) //ones we can support in demos. warning if other bits. //ZQuake transparent protocol extensions. #define Z_EXT_PM_TYPE (1<<0) // basic PM_TYPE functionality (reliable jump_held) #define Z_EXT_PM_TYPE_NEW (1<<1) // adds PM_FLY, PM_SPECTATOR #define Z_EXT_VIEWHEIGHT (1<<2) // STAT_VIEWHEIGHT #define Z_EXT_SERVERTIME (1<<3) // STAT_TIME #define Z_EXT_PITCHLIMITS (1<<4) // serverinfo maxpitch & minpitch #define Z_EXT_JOIN_OBSERVE (1<<5) // server: "join" and "observe" commands are supported // client: on-the-fly spectator <-> player switching supported #define Z_EXT_PF_ONGROUND (1<<6) // server: PF_ONGROUND is valid for all svc_playerinfo #define Z_EXT_VWEP (1<<7) #define Z_EXT_PF_SOLID (1<<8) //conflicts with many FTE extensions. #ifdef QUAKESTATS #define SERVER_SUPPORTED_Z_EXTENSIONS (Z_EXT_PM_TYPE|Z_EXT_PM_TYPE_NEW|Z_EXT_VIEWHEIGHT|Z_EXT_SERVERTIME|Z_EXT_PITCHLIMITS|Z_EXT_JOIN_OBSERVE|Z_EXT_PF_ONGROUND|Z_EXT_VWEP|Z_EXT_PF_SOLID) #else #define SERVER_SUPPORTED_Z_EXTENSIONS (Z_EXT_PM_TYPE|Z_EXT_PM_TYPE_NEW|Z_EXT_PITCHLIMITS|Z_EXT_JOIN_OBSERVE|Z_EXT_PF_ONGROUND|Z_EXT_VWEP|Z_EXT_PF_SOLID) #endif #define BUGGY_EZQUAKE_Z_EXTENSIONS (Z_EXT_PF_ONGROUND|Z_EXT_PF_SOLID) //ezquake bugs out on these when ANY fteextension is present. hack the serverinfo to hide these. #define CLIENT_SUPPORTED_Z_EXTENSIONS (SERVER_SUPPORTED_Z_EXTENSIONS|Z_EXT_PF_ONGROUND|Z_EXT_PF_SOLID) #define PROTOCOL_VERSION_VARLENGTH (('v'<<0) + ('l'<<8) + ('e'<<16) + ('n' << 24)) //variable length handshake #define PROTOCOL_VERSION_FTE1 (('F'<<0) + ('T'<<8) + ('E'<<16) + ('X' << 24)) //fte extensions. #define PROTOCOL_VERSION_FTE2 (('F'<<0) + ('T'<<8) + ('E'<<16) + ('2' << 24)) //fte extensions. #define PROTOCOL_VERSION_EZQUAKE1 (('M'<<0) + ('V'<<8) + ('D'<<16) + ('1' << 24)) //ezquake/mvdsv extensions #define PROTOCOL_VERSION_HUFFMAN (('H'<<0) + ('U'<<8) + ('F'<<16) + ('F' << 24)) //packet compression #define PROTOCOL_VERSION_FRAGMENT (('F'<<0) + ('R'<<8) + ('A'<<16) + ('G' << 24)) //supports fragmentation/packets larger than 1450 #ifdef HAVE_DTLS #define PROTOCOL_VERSION_DTLSUPGRADE (('D'<<0) + ('T'<<8) + ('L'<<16) + ('S' << 24)) //server supports dtls. clients should dtlsconnect THEN continue connecting (also allows dtls rcon!). #endif #define PROTOCOL_INFO_GUID (('G'<<0) + ('U'<<8) + ('I'<<16) + ('D' << 24)) //globally 'unique' client id info. #define PROTOCOL_VERSION_QW 28 #define PROTOCOL_VERSION_Q2_DEMO_MIN 26 //we can parse this server #define PROTOCOL_VERSION_Q2_MIN 31 //we can join these outdated servers #define PROTOCOL_VERSION_Q2 34 //we host this #define PROTOCOL_VERSION_R1Q2 35 #define PROTOCOL_VERSION_Q2PRO 36 #define PROTOCOL_VERSION_Q2_DEMO_MAX PROTOCOL_VERSION_Q2PRO //========================================= //#define GAME_DEFAULTPORT XXXXX //rebranding allows selection of a different default port, which slightly reduces protocol conflicts. #define PORT_NQSERVER 26000 #define PORT_DPMASTER PORT_Q3MASTER #define PORT_QWCLIENT 27001 #define PORT_QWMASTER 27000 #define PORT_QWSERVER 27500 #define PORT_H2SERVER 26900 #define PORT_Q2MASTER 27900 #define PORT_Q2CLIENT 27901 #define PORT_Q2SERVER 27910 #define PORT_Q3MASTER 27950 #define PORT_Q3SERVER 27960 #define PORT_ICEBROKER PORT_DPMASTER #ifdef GAME_DEFAULTPORT #define PORT_DEFAULTSERVER GAME_DEFAULTPORT #else #define PORT_DEFAULTSERVER PORT_QWSERVER #endif //========================================= // out of band message id bytes // M = master, S = server, C = client, A = any // the second character will always be \n if the message isn't a single // qbyte long (?? not true anymore?) #define S2C_CHALLENGE 'c' #define S2C_CONNECTION 'j' #define A2A_PING 'k' // respond with an A2A_ACK #define A2A_ACK 'l' // general acknowledgement without info #define A2A_NACK 'm' // [+ comment] general failure #define A2A_ECHO 'e' // for echoing #define A2C_PRINT 'n' // print a message on client #define S2M_HEARTBEAT 'a' // + serverinfo + userlist + fraglist #define A2C_CLIENT_COMMAND 'B' // + command line #define S2M_SHUTDOWN 'C' #define C2M_MASTER_REQUEST 'c' #define M2C_MASTER_REPLY 'd' // + \n + qw server port list //================== // note that there are some defs.qc that mirror to these numbers // also related to svc_strings[] in cl_parse //================== // // server to client // #define svc_bad 0 #define svc_nop 1 #define svc_disconnect 2 #define svcqw_updatestatbyte 3 // [qbyte] [qbyte] #define svcnq_updatestatlong 3 // [qbyte] [long] #define svc_version 4 // [long] server version #define svc_setview 5 // [short] entity number #define svc_sound 6 // <see code> #define svc_time 7 // [float] server time #define svc_print 8 // [qbyte] id [string] null terminated string #define svc_stufftext 9 // [string] stuffed into client's console buffer // the string should be \n terminated #define svc_setangle 10 // [angle3] set the view angle to this absolute value #define svc_serverdata 11 // [long] protocol ... #define svc_lightstyle 12 // [qbyte] [string] #define svc_updatename 13 // [qbyte] [string] #define svc_updatefrags 14 // [qbyte] [short] #define svcnq_clientdata 15 // <shortbits + data> #define svc_stopsound 16 // <see code> #define svc_updatecolors 17 // [qbyte] [qbyte] [qbyte] #define svc_particle 18 // [vec3] <variable> #define svc_damage 19 #define svc_spawnstatic 20 #define svcfte_spawnstatic2 21 #define svc_spawnbaseline 22 #define svc_temp_entity 23 // variable #define svc_setpause 24 // [qbyte] on / off #define svcnq_signonnum 25 // [qbyte] used for the signon sequence #define svcfte_splitscreenconfig 25 // [qbyte] seats, player[seat]. spectator flags passed via userinfo. #define svc_centerprint 26 // [string] to put in center of the screen #define svc_killedmonster 27 #define svc_foundsecret 28 #define svc_spawnstaticsound 29 // [coord3] [qbyte] samp [qbyte] vol [qbyte] aten #define svc_intermission 30 // [vec3_t] origin [vec3_t] angle #define svc_finale 31 // [string] text #define svc_cdtrack 32 // [qbyte] track #define svc_sellscreen 33 #define svc_cutscene 34 //hmm... nq only... added after qw tree splitt? //QW svcs #define svc_smallkick 34 // set client punchangle to 2 #define svc_bigkick 35 // set client punchangle to 4 #define svc_updateping 36 // [qbyte] [short] #define svc_updateentertime 37 // [qbyte] [float] #define svcqw_updatestatlong 38 // [qbyte] [long] #define svc_muzzleflash 39 // [short] entity #define svc_updateuserinfo 40 // [qbyte] slot [long] uid [string] userinfo #define svc_download 41 // [short] size [size bytes] #define svc_playerinfo 42 // variable #define svc_nails 43 // [qbyte] num [48 bits] xyzpy 12 12 12 4 8 #define svc_chokecount 44 // [qbyte] packets choked #define svc_modellist 45 // [strings] #define svc_soundlist 46 // [strings] #define svc_packetentities 47 // [...] #define svc_deltapacketentities 48 // [...] #define svc_maxspeed 49 // maxspeed change, for prediction #define svc_entgravity 50 // gravity change, for prediction #define svc_setinfo 51 // setinfo on a client #define svc_serverinfo 52 // serverinfo #define svc_updatepl 53 // [qbyte] [qbyte] //mvdsv extended svcs (for mvd playback) #define svc_nails2 54 //qwe - [qbyte] num [52 bits] nxyzpy 8 12 12 12 4 8 //FTE extended svcs #ifdef PEXT_SOUNDDBL #define svcfte_soundextended 55 #define svcfte_soundlistshort 56 #endif #ifdef PEXT_LIGHTSTYLECOL #define svcfte_lightstylecol 57 #endif //#define svcfte_svcremoved 58 //#define svcfte_svcremoved 59 #ifdef PEXT_MODELDBL #define svcfte_modellistshort 60 // [strings] #endif //#define svc_ftesetclientpersist 61 //ushort DATA #define svc_setportalstate 62 #define svcfte_particle2 63 #define svcfte_particle3 64 #define svcfte_particle4 65 #define svcfte_spawnbaseline2 66 #define svcfte_customtempent 67 #define svcfte_choosesplitclient 68 #define svcfte_showpic 69 #define svcfte_hidepic 70 #define svcfte_movepic 71 #define svcfte_updatepic 72 //73 #define svcfte_effect 74 // [vector] org [byte] modelindex [byte] startframe [byte] framecount [byte] framerate #define svcfte_effect2 75 // [vector] org [short] modelindex [short] startframe [byte] framecount [byte] framerate #define svcfte_csqcentities 76 //entity lump for csqc #define svcfte_precache 77 #define svcfte_updatestatstring 78 #define svcfte_updatestatfloat 79 #define svcfte_trailparticles 80 // [short] entnum [short] effectnum [vector] start [vector] end #define svcfte_pointparticles 81 // [short] effectnum [vector] start [vector] velocity [short] count #define svcfte_pointparticles1 82 // [short] effectnum [vector] start, same as svc_pointparticles except velocity is zero and count is 1 #define svcfte_cgamepacket 83 #define svcfte_voicechat 84 #define svcfte_setangledelta 85 // [angle3] add this to the current viewangles #define svcfte_updateentities 86 #define svcfte_brushedit 87 // networked brush editing, paired with clcfte_brushedit. #define svcfte_updateseats 88 // byte count, byte playernum[count] #define svcfte_setinfoblob 89 // [8] 1-based index [string] key [32] isfinal<<31|offset [16] chunksize [chunksize] data #define svcfte_cgamepacket_sized 90 //svcfte_cgamepacket with an extra short size right after the svc. #define svcfte_temp_entity_sized 91 //svc_temp_entity with an extra short size right after the svc (high bit means nq, unset means qw). #define svcfte_csqcentities_sized 92 //entity lump for csqc (with size info) //fitz svcs #define svcfitz_skybox 37 #define svcfitz_bf 40 #define svcfitz_fog 41 #define svcfitz_spawnbaseline2 42 #define svcfitz_spawnstatic2 43 #define svcfitz_spawnstaticsound2 44 //nehahra svcs #define svcneh_skyboxsize 50 // [coord] size (default is 4096) #define svcneh_fog 51 // [byte] enable <optional past this point, only included if enable is true> [float] density [byte] red [byte] green [byte] blue //DP extended svcs #define svcdp_downloaddata 50 #define svcdp_updatestatbyte 51 #define svcnq_effect 52 // [vector] org [byte] modelindex [byte] startframe [byte] framecount [byte] framerate #define svcnq_effect2 53 // [vector] org [short] modelindex [short] startframe [byte] framecount [byte] framerate #define svcdp_precache 54 // [short] precacheindex [string] filename, precacheindex is + 0 for modelindex and +32768 for soundindex #define svcdp_spawnbaseline2 55 #define svcdp_spawnstatic2 56 #define svcdp_entities 57 #define svcdp_csqcentities 58 #define svcdp_spawnstaticsound2 59 // [coord3] [short] samp [byte] vol [byte] aten #define svcdp_trailparticles 60 // [short] entnum [short] effectnum [vector] start [vector] end #define svcdp_pointparticles 61 // [short] effectnum [vector] start [vector] velocity [short] count #define svcdp_pointparticles1 62 // [short] effectnum [vector] start, same as svc_pointparticles except velocity is zero and count is 1 #define svc_invalid 256 enum clustercmdops_e { ccmd_bad = 0, //abort! ccmd_stuffcmd, //regular ol stuffcmd //string concommand ccmd_setcvar, //master->server to order a cvar change. ccmd_print, //string message ccmd_acceptserver, //serverid ccmd_lostplayer, //player dropped/timed out //long plid ccmd_foundplayer, //server->master, saying that a player tried to connect directly (and we need their info) //string name //string clientaddress //string guid ccmd_takeplayer, //master->server, saying to allocate a slot for a player. //long plid //long fromsvid (0=no reply needed) //byte statcount //float stats[statcount] ccmd_transferplayer, //server->master, asking to move them to a new server. //long plid //string map //byte ipv4=0, ipv6=1 //byte statcount //float stats[statcount] ccmd_transferedplayer, //master->server, saying the transfer was completed. original server no longer owns the player. //long toserver, //long playerid ccmd_tookplayer, //server->master->server, saying that a player was taken. //long svid (this is always the *other* server) //long plid //string addr (this is the client's address when sent to the master, and the server's address that took the message in the message to the source server) ccmd_transferabort, //server->master->server, saying that a player was rejected. //long plid //long fromsvid //string server ccmd_saveplayer, //server->master, saves a player's stats. //long plid //byte statcount //float stats[statcount] ccmd_serveraddress, //server->master, contains a few net addresses //string addresses[] //byte 0 ccmd_stringcmd, //string dest (black = broadcast to all) //string source (player name) //string cmd (type of event, handled by receiving server/forwarded to client) //string msg (extra info, like the typed text) }; enum svcq2_ops_e { svcq2_bad, //0 // these ops are known to the game dll svcq2_muzzleflash, //1 svcq2_muzzleflash2, //2 svcq2_temp_entity, //3 svcq2_layout, //4 svcq2_inventory, //5 // the rest are private to the client and server svcq2_nop, //6 svcq2_disconnect, //7 svcq2_reconnect, //8 svcq2_sound, //9 // <see code> svcq2_print, //10 // [qbyte] id [string] null terminated string svcq2_stufftext, //11 // [string] stuffed into client's console buffer, should be \n terminated svcq2_serverdata, //12 // [long] protocol ... svcq2_configstring, //13 // [short] [string] svcq2_spawnbaseline,//14 svcq2_centerprint, //15 // [string] to put in center of the screen svcq2_download, //16 // [short] size [size bytes] svcq2_playerinfo, //17 // variable svcq2_packetentities,//18 // [...] svcq2_deltapacketentities,//19 // [...] svcq2_frame, //20 (the bastard to implement.) svcr1q2_zpacket = 21, svcr1q2_zdownload = 22, svcr1q2_playerupdate = 23, svcr1q2_setting = 24, svcq2pro_gamestate = 23, svcq2pro_setting = 24, }; enum clcq2_ops_e { clcq2_bad = 0, clcq2_nop = 1, clcq2_move = 2, // [[usercmd_t] clcq2_userinfo = 3, // [[userinfo string] clcq2_stringcmd = 4, // [string] message clcr1q2_setting = 5, // [setting][value] R1Q2 settings support. clcr1q2_multimoves = 6, // for crappy clients that can't lerp //fte-extended clcq2_voicechat = 31 }; enum { R1Q2_CLSET_NOGUN = 0, R1Q2_CLSET_NOBLEND = 1, R1Q2_CLSET_RECORDING = 2, R1Q2_CLSET_PLAYERUPDATES = 3, R1Q2_CLSET_FPS = 4 }; enum { R1Q2_SVSET_PLAYERUPDATES = 0, R1Q2_SVSET_FPS = 1 }; //============================================== // // client to server // #define clc_bad 0 #define clc_nop 1 #define clc_disconnect 2 //nq only #define clc_move 3 // [[usercmd_t] #define clc_stringcmd 4 // [string] message #define clc_delta 5 // [qbyte] sequence number, requests delta compression of message #define clc_tmove 6 // teleport request, spectator only #define clc_upload 7 // #define clcdp_ackframe 50 #define clcdp_ackdownloaddata 51 #define clcfte_qcrequest 81 #define clcfte_prydoncursor 82 #define clcfte_voicechat 83 #define clcfte_brushedit 84 //============================================== #define DLERR_FILENOTFOUND -1 //server cannot serve the file #define DLERR_PERMISSIONS -2 //server refuses to serve the file #define DLERR_UNKNOWN -3 //server bugged out while trying to serve the request #define DLERR_REDIRECTFILE -4 //client should download the specified file instead. #define DLERR_REDIRECTPACK -5 //client should download the specified package instead. #define DLERR_PACKAGE -6 //not networked. packages require special file access. #define DLBLOCKSIZE 1024 //chunked downloads use fixed-size chunks (which I somewhat regret, but too late now I guess, really ought to use ranges.). //these flags are sent as part of the svc_precache index, for any-time precaches. using the upper two bits means we still have 16k available models/sounds/etc #define PC_TYPE 0xc000 #define PC_MODEL 0x0000 #define PC_SOUND 0x8000 #define PC_PARTICLE 0x4000 #define PC_UNUSED 0xc000 #define GAME_COOP 0 #define GAME_DEATHMATCH 1 // playerinfo flags from server // playerinfo always sends: playernum, flags, origin[] and framenumber #define PF_MSEC (1<<0) //msecs says how long the player command was sitting on the server before it was sent back to the client #define PF_COMMAND (1<<1) //angles and movement values for other players (no msec or impulse) #define PF_VELOCITY1 (1<<2) #define PF_VELOCITY2 (1<<3) #define PF_VELOCITY3 (1<<4) #define PF_MODEL (1<<5) #define PF_SKINNUM (1<<6) #define PF_EFFECTS (1<<7) #define PF_WEAPONFRAME (1<<8) // only sent for view player #define PF_DEAD (1<<9) // don't block movement any more #define PF_GIB (1<<10) // offset the view height differently //ZQuake. #define PF_PMC_SHIFT 11 #define PF_PMC_MASK ((1<<11) | \ (1<<12) | \ (1<<13)) #ifdef PEXT_HULLSIZE #define PF_HULLSIZE_Z (1<<14) #endif #define PF_EXTRA_PFS (1<<15) #ifdef PEXT_SCALE #define PF_SCALE (1<<16) #endif #ifdef PEXT_TRANS #define PF_TRANS (1<<17) #endif #ifdef PEXT_FATNESS #define PF_FATNESS (1<<18) #endif #define PF_COLOURMOD (1<<19) //#define PF_UNUSED (1<<20) //remember to faff with zext //#define PF_UNUSED (1<<21) //remember to faff with zext //note that if you add any more, you may need to change the check in the client so more can be parsed #define PF_ONGROUND (1<<22) //or 14, depending on extensions... messy. #define PF_SOLID (1<<23) //or 15, depending on extensions... messy. //not networked #define PF_INWATER (1u<<31) //for network smartjump. // player move types #define PMC_NORMAL 0 // normal ground movement #define PMC_NORMAL_JUMP_HELD 1 // normal ground novement + jump_held #define PMC_OLD_SPECTATOR 2 // fly through walls (QW compatibility mode) #define PMC_SPECTATOR 3 // fly through walls #define PMC_FLY 4 // fly, bump into walls #define PMC_NONE 5 // can't move (client had better lerp the origin...) #define PMC_FREEZE 6 // TODO: lerp movement and viewangles #define PMC_WALLWALK 7 // future extension //any more will require a different protocol message. //============================================== // if the high bit of the client to server qbyte is set, the low bits are // client move cmd bits // ms and angle2 are always sent, the others are optional #define CM_ANGLE1 (1<<0) #define CM_ANGLE3 (1<<1) #define CM_FORWARD (1<<2) #define CM_SIDE (1<<3) #define CM_UP (1<<4) #define CM_BUTTONS (1<<5) #define CM_IMPULSE (1<<6) #define CM_ANGLE2 (1<<7) //sigh... #define Q2CM_ANGLE1 (1<<0) #define Q2CM_ANGLE2 (1<<1) #define Q2CM_ANGLE3 (1<<2) #define Q2CM_FORWARD (1<<3) #define Q2CM_SIDE (1<<4) #define Q2CM_UP (1<<5) #define Q2CM_BUTTONS (1<<6) #define Q2CM_IMPULSE (1<<7) #define R1Q2_BUTTON_BYTE_FORWARD 4 #define R1Q2_BUTTON_BYTE_SIDE 8 #define R1Q2_BUTTON_BYTE_UP 16 #define R1Q2_BUTTON_BYTE_ANGLE1 32 #define R1Q2_BUTTON_BYTE_ANGLE2 64 //============================================== // the first 16 bits of a packetentities update holds 9 bits // of entity number and 7 bits of flags #define U_UNUSABLE (1<<8) #define U_ORIGIN1 (1<<9) #define U_ORIGIN2 (1<<10) #define U_ORIGIN3 (1<<11) #define U_ANGLE2 (1<<12) #define U_FRAME (1<<13) #define U_REMOVE (1<<14) // REMOVE this entity, don't add it #define U_MOREBITS (1<<15) // if MOREBITS is set, these additional flags are read in next #define U_ANGLE1 (1<<0) #define U_ANGLE3 (1<<1) #define U_MODEL (1<<2) #define U_COLORMAP (1<<3) #define U_SKIN (1<<4) #define U_EFFECTS (1<<5) #define U_SOLID (1<<6) // the entity should be solid for prediction #ifdef PROTOCOLEXTENSIONS #define U_EVENMORE (1<<7) //extension info follows //fte extensions //EVENMORE flags #ifdef PEXT_SCALE #define U_SCALE (1<<0) //scaler of alias models #endif #ifdef PEXT_TRANS #define U_TRANS (1<<1) //transparency value #endif #ifdef PEXT_FATNESS #define U_FATNESS (1<<2) //qbyte describing how fat an alias model should be. (moves verticies along normals). Useful for vacuum chambers... #endif #ifdef PEXT_MODELDBL #define U_MODELDBL (1<<3) //extra bit for modelindexes #endif #define U_UNUSED1 (1<<4) //FIXME: IMPLEMENT #ifdef PEXT_ENTITYDBL #define U_ENTITYDBL (1<<5) //use an extra qbyte for origin parts, cos one of them is off #endif #ifdef PEXT_ENTITYDBL2 #define U_ENTITYDBL2 (1<<6) //use an extra qbyte for origin parts, cos one of them is off #endif #define U_YETMORE (1<<7) //even more extension info stuff. #define U_DRAWFLAGS (1<<8) //use an extra qbyte for origin parts, cos one of them is off #define U_ABSLIGHT (1<<9) //Force a lightlevel #define U_COLOURMOD (1<<10) //rgb #define U_DPFLAGS (1<<11) #define U_TAGINFO (1<<12) #define U_LIGHT (1<<13) #define U_EFFECTS16 (1<<14) #define U_FARMORE (1<<15) #endif //FTE Replacement Deltas //first byte contains the stuff that's most likely to change constantly #define UF_FRAME (1u<<0) #define UF_ORIGINXY (1u<<1) #define UF_ORIGINZ (1u<<2) #define UF_ANGLESXZ (1u<<3) #define UF_ANGLESY (1u<<4) #define UF_EFFECTS (1u<<5) #define UF_PREDINFO (1u<<6) /*ent is predicted, probably a player*/ #define UF_EXTEND1 (1u<<7) /*stuff which is common on ent spawning*/ #define UF_RESET (1u<<8) #define UF_16BIT (1u<<9) /*within this update, frame/skin/model is 16bit, not part of the deltaing itself*/ #define UF_MODEL (1u<<10) #define UF_SKIN (1u<<11) #define UF_COLORMAP (1u<<12) #define UF_SOLID (1u<<13) #define UF_FLAGS (1u<<14) #define UF_EXTEND2 (1u<<15) /*the rest is optional extensions*/ #define UF_ALPHA (1u<<16) #define UF_SCALE (1u<<17) #define UF_BONEDATA (1u<<18) #define UF_DRAWFLAGS (1u<<19) #define UF_TAGINFO (1u<<20) #define UF_LIGHT (1u<<21) #define UF_TRAILEFFECT (1u<<22) #define UF_EXTEND3 (1u<<23) #define UF_COLORMOD (1u<<24) #define UF_GLOW (1u<<25) #define UF_FATNESS (1u<<26) #define UF_MODELINDEX2 (1u<<27) #define UF_GRAVITYDIR (1u<<28) #define UF_EFFECTS2 (1u<<29) #define UF_UNUSED2 (1u<<30) #define UF_UNUSED1 (1u<<31) /*these flags are generally not deltaed as they're changing constantly*/ #define UFP_FORWARD (1u<<0) #define UFP_SIDE (1u<<1) #define UFP_UP (1u<<2) #define UFP_MOVETYPE (1u<<3) /*deltaed*/ #define UFP_VELOCITYXY (1u<<4) #define UFP_VELOCITYZ (1u<<5) #define UFP_MSEC (1u<<6) #define UFP_WEAPONFRAME_OLD (1u<<7) //no longer used. just a stat now that I rewrote stat deltas. #define UFP_VIEWANGLE (1u<<7) #define UF_REMOVE UF_16BIT /*special flag, slightly more compact (we can reuse the 16bit flag as its not important)*/ #ifdef NQPROT //NQ svc_clientdata stat updates. #define SU_VIEWHEIGHT (1<<0) #define SU_IDEALPITCH (1<<1) #define SU_PUNCH1 (1<<2) #define SU_PUNCH2 (1<<3) #define SU_PUNCH3 (1<<4) #define SU_VELOCITY1 (1<<5) #define SU_VELOCITY2 (1<<6) #define SU_VELOCITY3 (1<<7) //define SU_AIMENT (1<<8) AVAILABLE BIT #define SU_ITEMS (1<<9) #define SU_ONGROUND (1<<10) // no data follows, the bit is it #define SU_INWATER (1<<11) // no data follows, the bit is it #define SU_WEAPONFRAME (1<<12) #define SU_ARMOR (1<<13) #define SU_WEAPONMODEL (1<<14) #define SU_EXTEND1 (1<<15) #define FITZSU_WEAPONMODEL2 (1<<16) // 1 byte, this is .weaponmodel & 0xFF00 (second byte) #define FITZSU_ARMOR2 (1<<17) // 1 byte, this is .armorvalue & 0xFF00 (second byte) #define FITZSU_AMMO2 (1<<18) // 1 byte, this is .currentammo & 0xFF00 (second byte) #define FITZSU_SHELLS2 (1<<19) // 1 byte, this is .ammo_shells & 0xFF00 (second byte) #define FITZSU_NAILS2 (1<<20) // 1 byte, this is .ammo_nails & 0xFF00 (second byte) #define FITZSU_ROCKETS2 (1<<21) // 1 byte, this is .ammo_rockets & 0xFF00 (second byte) #define FITZSU_CELLS2 (1<<22) // 1 byte, this is .ammo_cells & 0xFF00 (second byte) #define SU_EXTEND2 (1<<23) // another byte to follow #define FITZSU_WEAPONFRAME2 (1<<24) // 1 byte, this is .weaponframe & 0xFF00 (second byte) #define FITZSU_WEAPONALPHA (1<<25) // 1 byte, this is alpha for weaponmodel, uses ENTALPHA_ENCODE, not sent if ENTALPHA_DEFAULT #define FITZSU_UNUSED26 (1<<26) #define FITZSU_UNUSED27 (1<<27) #define FITZSU_UNUSED28 (1<<28) #define FITZSU_UNUSED29 (1<<29) #define FITZSU_UNUSED30 (1<<30) #define SU_EXTEND3 (1<<31) // another byte to follow, future expansion // first extend byte #define DPSU_PUNCHVEC1 (1<<16) #define DPSU_PUNCHVEC2 (1<<17) #define DPSU_PUNCHVEC3 (1<<18) #define DPSU_VIEWZOOM (1<<19) // byte factor (0 = 0.0 (not valid), 255 = 1.0) #define DPSU_UNUSED20 (1<<20) #define DPSU_UNUSED21 (1<<21) #define DPSU_UNUSED22 (1<<22) // second extend byte #define DPSU_UNUSED24 (1<<24) #define DPSU_UNUSED25 (1<<25) #define DPSU_UNUSED26 (1<<26) #define DPSU_UNUSED27 (1<<27) #define DPSU_UNUSED28 (1<<28) #define DPSU_UNUSED29 (1<<29) #define DPSU_UNUSED30 (1<<30) //NQ fast updates #define NQU_MOREBITS (1<<0) #define NQU_ORIGIN1 (1<<1) #define NQU_ORIGIN2 (1<<2) #define NQU_ORIGIN3 (1<<3) #define NQU_ANGLE2 (1<<4) #define NQU_NOLERP (1<<5) // don't interpolate movement #define NQU_FRAME (1<<6) #define NQU_SIGNAL (1<<7) // just differentiates from other updates // svc_update can pass all of the fast update bits, plus more #define NQU_ANGLE1 (1<<8) #define NQU_ANGLE3 (1<<9) #define NQU_MODEL (1<<10) #define NQU_COLORMAP (1<<11) #define NQU_SKIN (1<<12) #define NQU_EFFECTS (1<<13) #define NQU_LONGENTITY (1<<14) // LordHavoc's: protocol extension #define DPU_EXTEND1 (1<<15) // LordHavoc: first extend byte #define DPU_DELTA (1<<16) // no data, while this is set the entity is delta compressed (uses previous frame as a baseline, meaning only things that have changed from the previous frame are sent, except for the forced full update every half second) #define DPU_ALPHA (1<<17) // 1 byte, 0.0-1.0 maps to 0-255, not sent if exactly 1, and the entity is not sent if <=0 unless it has effects (model effects are checked as well) #define DPU_SCALE (1<<18) // 1 byte, scale / 16 positive, not sent if 1.0 #define DPU_EFFECTS2 (1<<19) // 1 byte, this is .effects & 0xFF00 (second byte) #define DPU_GLOWSIZE (1<<20) // 1 byte, encoding is float/4.0, unsigned, not sent if 0 #define DPU_GLOWCOLOR (1<<21) // 1 byte, palette index, default is 254 (white), this IS used for darklight (allowing colored darklight), however the particles from a darklight are always black, not sent if default value (even if glowsize or glowtrail is set) // LordHavoc: colormod feature has been removed, because no one used it #define DPU_COLORMOD (1<<22) // 1 byte, 3 bit red, 3 bit green, 2 bit blue, this lets you tint an object artifically, so you could make a red rocket, or a blue fiend... #define DPU_EXTEND2 (1<<23) // another byte to follow // LordHavoc: second extend byte #define DPU_GLOWTRAIL (1<<24) // leaves a trail of particles (of color .glowcolor, or black if it is a negative glowsize) #define DPU_VIEWMODEL (1<<25) // attachs the model to the view (origin and angles become relative to it), only shown to owner, a more powerful alternative to .weaponmodel and such #define DPU_FRAME2 (1<<26) // 1 byte, this is .frame & 0xFF00 (second byte) #define DPU_MODEL2 (1<<27) // 1 byte, this is .modelindex & 0xFF00 (second byte) #define DPU_EXTERIORMODEL (1<<28) // causes this model to not be drawn when using a first person view (third person will draw it, first person will not) #define DPU_UNUSED29 (1<<29) // future expansion #define DPU_UNUSED30 (1<<30) // future expansion #define DPU_EXTEND3 (1<<31) // another byte to follow, future expansion #define FITZU_ALPHA (1<<16) #define FITZU_FRAME2 (1<<17) #define FITZU_MODEL2 (1<<18) #define FITZU_LERPFINISH (1<<19) #define RMQU_SCALE (1<<20) #endif #define Q2U_ORIGIN1 (1<<0) #define Q2U_ORIGIN2 (1<<1) #define Q2U_ANGLE2 (1<<2) #define Q2U_ANGLE3 (1<<3) #define Q2U_FRAME8 (1<<4) // frame is a qbyte #define Q2U_EVENT (1<<5) #define Q2U_REMOVE (1<<6) // REMOVE this entity, don't add it #define Q2U_MOREBITS1 (1<<7) // read one additional qbyte // second qbyte #define Q2U_NUMBER16 (1<<8) // NUMBER8 is implicit if not set #define Q2U_ORIGIN3 (1<<9) #define Q2U_ANGLE1 (1<<10) #define Q2U_MODEL (1<<11) #define Q2U_RENDERFX8 (1<<12) // fullbright, etc #define Q2UX_ANGLE16 (1<<13) #define Q2U_EFFECTS8 (1<<14) // autorotate, trails, etc #define Q2U_MOREBITS2 (1<<15) // read one additional qbyte // third qbyte #define Q2U_SKIN8 (1<<16) #define Q2U_FRAME16 (1<<17) // frame is a short #define Q2U_RENDERFX16 (1<<18) // 8 + 16 = 32 #define Q2U_EFFECTS16 (1<<19) // 8 + 16 = 32 #define Q2U_MODEL2 (1<<20) // weapons, flags, etc #define Q2U_MODEL3 (1<<21) #define Q2U_MODEL4 (1<<22) #define Q2U_MOREBITS3 (1<<23) // read one additional qbyte // fourth qbyte #define Q2U_OLDORIGIN (1<<24) // FIXME: get rid of this #define Q2U_SKIN16 (1<<25) #define Q2U_SOUND (1<<26) #define Q2U_SOLID (1<<27) #define Q2UX_INDEX16 (1<<28) //model or sound is 16bit #define Q2UX_UNUSED3 (1<<29) #define Q2UX_UNUSED2 (1<<30) #define Q2UX_UNUSED1 (1<<31) #define Q2UX_UNUSED (Q2UX_UNUSED1|Q2UX_UNUSED2|Q2UX_UNUSED3|Q2UX_UNUSED4) //============================================== //obsolete demo players info #define DF_ORIGINX (1u<<0) #define DF_ORIGINY (1u<<1) #define DF_ORIGINZ (1u<<2) #define DF_ORIGINALL (DF_ORIGINX|DF_ORIGINY|DF_ORIGINZ) #define DF_ANGLEX (1u<<3) #define DF_ANGLEY (1u<<4) #define DF_ANGLEZ (1u<<5) #define DF_ANGLESALL (DF_ANGLEX|DF_ANGLEY|DF_ANGLEZ) #define DF_EFFECTS (1u<<6) #define DF_SKINNUM (1u<<7) #define DF_DEAD (1u<<8) #define DF_GIB (1u<<9) #define DF_WEAPONFRAME (1u<<10) #define DF_MODEL (1u<<11) #define DF_RESET (DF_ORIGINALL|DF_ANGLESALL|DF_EFFECTS|DF_SKINNUM|DF_WEAPONFRAME|DF_MODEL) //============================================== // a sound with no channel is a local only sound // the sound field has bits 0-2: channel, 3-12: entity, 13: unused, 14-15: flags #define QWSND_VOLUME (1<<15) // a qbyte #define QWSND_ATTENUATION (1<<14) // a qbyte #define NQSND_VOLUME (1<<0) // a qbyte #define NQSND_ATTENUATION (1<<1) // a qbyte //#define DPSND_LOOPING (1<<2) // a long, supposedly #define FTESND_MOREFLAGS (1<<2) // actually, chan flags, mostly. #define NQSND_LARGEENTITY (1<<3) //both dp+fitz #define NQSND_LARGESOUND (1<<4) //both dp+fitz #define DPSND_SPEEDUSHORT4000 (1<<5) // ushort speed*4000 (speed is usually 1.0, a value of 0.0 is the same as 1.0) #define FTESND_TIMEOFS (1<<6) //signed short, in milliseconds. #define FTESND_PITCHADJ (1<<7) //a byte (speed percent (0=100%)) //more flags are weird. #define FTESND_VELOCITY (CF_NET_SENTVELOCITY<<8) //borrowed. //FTESND_NOSPACIALISE (CF_NOSPACIALISE<<8) //FTESND_NOREVERB (CF_NOREVERB<<8) //FTESND_FORCELOOP (CF_FORCELOOP<<8) //FTESND_FOLLOW (CF_FOLLOW<<8) //FTESND_RESERVED (CF_RESERVEDN<<8) #define DEFAULT_SOUND_PACKET_VOLUME 255 #define DEFAULT_SOUND_PACKET_ATTENUATION 1.0 //baseline flags #define FITZ_B_LARGEMODEL (1<<0) #define FITZ_B_LARGEFRAME (1<<1) #define FITZ_B_ALPHA (1<<2) #define RMQFITZ_B_SCALE (1<<3) #define DEFAULT_VIEWHEIGHT 22 // svc_print messages have an id, so messages can be filtered #define PRINT_LOW 0 #define PRINT_MEDIUM 1 #define PRINT_HIGH 2 #define PRINT_CHAT 3 // also go to chat buffer // // temp entity events // enum { TE_SPIKE = 0, TE_SUPERSPIKE = 1, TEQW_QWGUNSHOT = 2, //qw has count byte, nq does not TENQ_NQGUNSHOT = 2, //nq has no count byte TEQW_QWEXPLOSION = 3, //remapped to TEQW_EXPLOSIONNOSPRITE for nq. TENQ_NQEXPLOSION = 3, //remapped to TEQW_EXPLOSIONNOSPRITE for nq. TE_TAREXPLOSION = 4, TE_LIGHTNING1 = 5, TE_LIGHTNING2 = 6, TE_WIZSPIKE = 7, TE_KNIGHTSPIKE = 8, TE_LIGHTNING3 = 9, TE_LAVASPLASH = 10, TE_TELEPORT = 11, TEQW_QWBLOOD = 12, //implemented as a particle() in nq TENQ_EXPLOSION2 = 12, //remapped to TEQW_EXPLOSION2 for qw TEQW_LIGHTNINGBLOOD = 13, //implemented as a particle() in nq TENQ_BEAM = 13, //remapped to TEQW_BEAM for qw #ifdef PEXT_TE_BULLET TE_BULLET = 14, TEQW_SUPERBULLET = 15, #endif TENQ_RAILTRAIL = 15, //gah [vector] origin [coord] red [coord] green [coord] blue TE_EXPLOSION3_NEH = 16, //gah [vector] origin [coord] red [coord] green [coord] blue TEQW_RAILTRAIL = 17, //use the builtin, luke. TENQ_NEHLIGHTNING4 = 17, //gah [string] model [entity] entity [vector] start [vector] end TEQW_NEHLIGHTNING4 = 1000, //give a real value if its ever properly implemented TEQW_BEAM = 18, //use the builtin, luke. TENQ_NEHSMOKE = 18, //gah [vector] origin [byte] palette TEQW_EXPLOSION2 = 19, //use the builtin, luke. TEQW_NQEXPLOSION = 20, //nq-style explosion over qw TENQ_QWEXPLOSION = 20, //qw-style explosion over nq TEQW_NQGUNSHOT = 21, //nq has count byte, qw does not TENQ_QWGUNSHOT = 21, //nq has count byte, qw does not // hexen 2 TEH2_STREAM_LIGHTNING_SMALL = 24, TEH2_STREAM_CHAIN = 25, TEH2_STREAM_SUNSTAFF1 = 26, TEH2_STREAM_SUNSTAFF2 = 27, TEH2_STREAM_LIGHTNING = 28, TEH2_STREAM_COLORBEAM = 29, TEH2_STREAM_ICECHUNKS = 30, TEH2_STREAM_GAZE = 31, TEH2_STREAM_FAMINE = 32, TEH2_PARTICLEEXPLOSION = 33, TEDP_BLOOD = 50, // [coord*3] origin [byte*3] vel [byte] count TEDP_SPARK = 51, TEDP_BLOODSHOWER = 52, TEDP_EXPLOSIONRGB = 53, TEDP_PARTICLECUBE = 54, TEDP_PARTICLERAIN = 55, // [vector] min [vector] max [vector] dir [short] count [byte] color TEDP_PARTICLESNOW = 56, // [vector] min [vector] max [vector] dir [short] count [byte] color TEDP_GUNSHOTQUAD = 57, // [vector] origin TEDP_SPIKEQUAD = 58, // [vector] origin TEDP_SUPERSPIKEQUAD = 59, // [vector] origin TEDP_EXPLOSIONQUAD = 70, // [vector] origin TEDP_SMALLFLASH = 72, // [vector] origin TEDP_CUSTOMFLASH = 73, TEDP_FLAMEJET = 74, TEDP_PLASMABURN = 75, TEDP_TEI_G3 = 76, TEDP_SMOKE = 77, TEDP_TEI_BIGEXPLOSION = 78, TEDP_TEI_PLASMAHIT = 79, }; #define CTE_CUSTOMCOUNT 1 #define CTE_CUSTOMDIRECTION 2 #define CTE_STAINS 4 #define CTE_GLOWS 8 #define CTE_CHANNELFADE 16 #define CTE_CUSTOMVELOCITY 32 #define CTE_PERSISTANT 64 #define CTE_ISBEAM 128 //CTE_ISBEAM && (CTE_CUSTOMVELOCITY||CTE_CUSTOMDIRECTION) = BOX particles. //FTE's version of TEI_SHOWLMP2. tei's values and coding scheme which makes no sense to anyone but him. #define SL_ORG_NW 0 #define SL_ORG_NE 1 #define SL_ORG_SW 2 #define SL_ORG_SE 3 #define SL_ORG_CC 4 #define SL_ORG_CN 5 #define SL_ORG_CS 6 #define SL_ORG_CW 7 #define SL_ORG_CE 8 //relative coding where offsets are predictable #define SL_ORG_TL 20 #define SL_ORG_TR 21 #define SL_ORG_BL 22 #define SL_ORG_BR 23 #define SL_ORG_MM 24 #define SL_ORG_TM 25 #define SL_ORG_BM 26 #define SL_ORG_ML 27 #define SL_ORG_MR 28 /* ========================================================== ELEMENTS COMMUNICATED ACROSS THE NET ========================================================== */ #define MAX_CLIENTS 255 /*max 255, min 32*/ #define QWMAX_CLIENTS 32 /*QW's standard max. clients might have issues above this value*/ #define NQMAX_CLIENTS 16 /*NQ's standard max. clients might have issues above this value*/ #define UPDATE_BACKUP 64 // copies of entity_state_t to keep buffered // must be power of two #define UPDATE_MASK (UPDATE_BACKUP-1) #define Q2UPDATE_BACKUP 16 // copies of entity_state_t to keep buffered // must be power of two #define Q2UPDATE_MASK (Q2UPDATE_BACKUP-1) #define Q3UPDATE_BACKUP 32 // copies of entity_state_t to keep buffered // must be power of two #define Q3UPDATE_MASK (Q3UPDATE_BACKUP-1) // entity_state_t is the information conveyed from the server // in an update message typedef struct entity_state_s { unsigned int number; // edict index unsigned int sequence; unsigned short modelindex; qbyte inactiveflag; qbyte bonecount; //for networked bones unsigned int boneoffset; //offset into the frame (not a pointer, to avoid issues with reallocing extra storage) // unsigned int eflags; // nolerp, etc unsigned int effects; vec3_t origin; vec3_t angles; union { #if defined(Q2CLIENT) || defined(Q2SERVER) struct { int renderfx; //q2 vec3_t old_origin; //q2/q3 unsigned short modelindex3; //q2 unsigned short modelindex4; //q2 unsigned short sound; //q2 qbyte event; //q2 } q2; #endif struct { /*info to predict other players, so I don't get yelled at if fte were to stop supporting it*/ qbyte pmovetype; //&128 means onground. qbyte msec; short vangle[3]; short movement[3]; short velocity[3]; // 1/8th unsigned short weaponframe; unsigned char gravitydir[2]; //pitch/yaw, no roll unsigned short traileffectnum; unsigned short emiteffectnum; vec3_t predorg; } q1; } u; unsigned short modelindex2; //q2/vweps unsigned short frame; unsigned short baseframe; qbyte basebone; qbyte pad; unsigned int skinnum; /*for q2 this often contains rgba*/ unsigned short colormap; qbyte glowsize; qbyte glowcolour; qbyte scale; //4.4 precision char fatness; qbyte hexen2flags; qbyte abslight; qbyte dpflags; qbyte colormod[3];//3.5 precision qbyte glowmod[3]; //3.5 precision qbyte trans; //254==1, 255==1-or-wateralpha unsigned short light[4]; qbyte lightstyle; qbyte lightpflags; unsigned short tagindex; unsigned int tagentity; unsigned int solidsize; #define ES_SOLID_NOT 0 #define ES_SOLID_BSP 31 #define ES_SOLID_HULL1 0x80201810 #define ES_SOLID_HULL2 0x80401820 #define ES_SOLID_HAS_EXTRA_BITS(solid) ((solid&0x0707) || (((solid>>16)-32768+32) & 7)) } entity_state_t; extern entity_state_t nullentitystate; #define MAX_EXTENDED_PACKET_ENTITIES 256 //sanity limit. #define MAX_STANDARD_PACKET_ENTITIES 64 // doesn't count nails #define MAX_MVDPACKET_ENTITIES 196 // doesn't count nails typedef struct { float servertime; int num_entities; int max_entities; entity_state_t *entities; int fixangles[MAX_SPLITS]; //these should not be in here vec3_t fixedangles[MAX_SPLITS]; vec3_t punchangle[MAX_SPLITS]; vec3_t punchorigin[MAX_SPLITS]; qbyte *bonedata; size_t bonedatacur; size_t bonedatamax; } packet_entities_t; struct vrdevinfo_s { unsigned int status; #define VRSTATUS_ORG (1u<<0) #define VRSTATUS_ANG (1u<<1) #define VRSTATUS_VEL (1u<<2) #define VRSTATUS_AVEL (1u<<3) short angles[3]; short avelocity[3]; vec3_t origin; vec3_t velocity; #define VRDEV_LEFT 0 #define VRDEV_RIGHT 1 #define VRDEV_HEAD 2 #define VRDEV_COUNT 3 }; typedef struct usercmd_s { //the first members of this structure MUST match the q2 version qbyte msec_compat; qbyte buttons_compat; short angles[3]; short forwardmove, sidemove, upmove; qbyte impulse; qbyte lightlevel; //end q2 compat float msec; //replace msec, but with more precision unsigned int buttons; //replaces buttons, but with more bits. unsigned int weapon;//q3 has a separate weapon field to supplement impulse. unsigned int servertime; //q3 networks the time in order to calculate msecs float fservertime;//used as part of nq msec calcs float fclienttime;//not used? //prydon cursor crap vec2_t cursor_screen; vec3_t cursor_start; vec3_t cursor_impact; unsigned int cursor_entitynumber; //vr things struct vrdevinfo_s vr[VRDEV_COUNT]; //left, right, head. } usercmd_t; typedef struct q2usercmd_s { //visible to gamecode so can't be changed (and the prediction code) qbyte msec; qbyte buttons; short angles[3]; short forwardmove, sidemove, upmove; qbyte impulse; qbyte lightlevel; } q2usercmd_t; typedef struct q1usercmd_s { //as written to qwd demos so can't be changed. qbyte msec; vec3_t angles; short forwardmove, sidemove, upmove; qbyte buttons; qbyte impulse; } q1usercmd_t; #define SHORT2ANGLE(x) (x) * (360.0/65536) #define ANGLE2SHORT(x) (x) * (65536/360.0) // // per-level limits // #define Q2MAX_CLIENTS 256 // absolute limit #define Q2MAX_EDICTS 1024 // must change protocol to increase more #define Q2MAX_LIGHTSTYLES 256 #define Q2MAX_MODELS 256 // these are sent over the net as bytes #define Q2MAX_SOUNDS 256 // so they cannot be blindly increased #define Q2MAX_IMAGES 256 #define Q2MAX_ITEMS 256 #define Q2MAX_GENERAL (Q2MAX_CLIENTS*2) // general config strings #define Q2CS_NAME 0 #define Q2CS_CDTRACK 1 #define Q2CS_SKY 2 #define Q2CS_SKYAXIS 3 // %f %f %f format #define Q2CS_SKYROTATE 4 #define Q2CS_STATUSBAR 5 // display program string #define Q2CS_AIRACCEL 29 // air acceleration control #define Q2CS_MAXCLIENTS 30 #define Q2CS_MAPCHECKSUM 31 // for catching cheater maps #define Q2CS_MODELS 32 #define Q2CS_SOUNDS (Q2CS_MODELS +Q2MAX_MODELS) #define Q2CS_IMAGES (Q2CS_SOUNDS +Q2MAX_SOUNDS) #define Q2CS_LIGHTS (Q2CS_IMAGES +Q2MAX_IMAGES) #define Q2CS_ITEMS (Q2CS_LIGHTS +Q2MAX_LIGHTSTYLES) #define Q2CS_PLAYERSKINS (Q2CS_ITEMS +Q2MAX_ITEMS) #define Q2CS_GENERAL (Q2CS_PLAYERSKINS +Q2MAX_CLIENTS) #define Q2MAX_CONFIGSTRINGS (Q2CS_GENERAL +Q2MAX_GENERAL) // player_state->stats[] indexes #define Q2STAT_HEALTH_ICON 0 #define Q2STAT_HEALTH 1 #define Q2STAT_AMMO_ICON 2 #define Q2STAT_AMMO 3 #define Q2STAT_ARMOR_ICON 4 #define Q2STAT_ARMOR 5 #define Q2STAT_SELECTED_ICON 6 #define Q2STAT_PICKUP_ICON 7 #define Q2STAT_PICKUP_STRING 8 #define Q2STAT_TIMER_ICON 9 #define Q2STAT_TIMER 10 #define Q2STAT_HELPICON 11 #define Q2STAT_SELECTED_ITEM 12 #define Q2STAT_LAYOUTS 13 #define Q2STAT_FRAGS 14 #define Q2STAT_FLASHES 15 // cleared each frame, 1 = health, 2 = armor #define Q2STAT_CHASE 16 #define Q2STAT_SPECTATOR 17 #define Q2MAX_STATS 32 //for the local player #define Q2PS_M_TYPE (1<<0) #define Q2PS_M_ORIGIN (1<<1) #define Q2PS_M_VELOCITY (1<<2) #define Q2PS_M_TIME (1<<3) #define Q2PS_M_FLAGS (1<<4) #define Q2PS_M_GRAVITY (1<<5) #define Q2PS_M_DELTA_ANGLES (1<<6) #define Q2PS_VIEWOFFSET (1<<7) #define Q2PS_VIEWANGLES (1<<8) #define Q2PS_KICKANGLES (1<<9) #define Q2PS_BLEND (1<<10) #define Q2PS_FOV (1<<11) #define Q2PS_WEAPONINDEX (1<<12) #define Q2PS_WEAPONFRAME (1<<13) #define Q2PS_RDFLAGS (1<<14) #define Q2PS_EXTRABITS (1<<15) #define Q2PS_INDEX16 (1<<16) #define Q2PS_CLIENTNUM (1<<17) #define Q2PS_UNUSED6 (1<<18) #define Q2PS_UNUSED5 (1<<19) #define Q2PS_UNUSED4 (1<<20) #define Q2PS_UNUSED3 (1<<21) #define Q2PS_UNUSED2 (1<<22) #define Q2PS_UNUSED1 (1<<23) #define Q2PSX_GUNOFFSET (1<<0) #define Q2PSX_GUNANGLES (1<<1) #define Q2PSX_M_VELOCITY2 (1<<2) #define Q2PSX_M_ORIGIN2 (1<<3) #define Q2PSX_VIEWANGLE2 (1<<4) #define Q2PSX_STATS (1<<5) #define Q2PSX_CLIENTNUM (1<<6) #define Q2PSX_OLD (1<<8) //not part of the protocol, just lazy handling. // entity_state_t->renderfx flags #define Q2RF_MINLIGHT (1u<<0) //ni always have some light (viewmodel) #define RF_EXTERNALMODEL (1u<<1) //i don't draw through eyes, only mirrors #define RF_WEAPONMODEL (1u<<2) //i only draw through eyes #define RF_FULLBRIGHT (1u<<3) //i always draw full intensity #define RF_DEPTHHACK (1u<<4) //i for view weapon Z crunching #define RF_TRANSLUCENT (1u<<5) //forces shader sort order and BEF_FORCETRANSPARENT #define Q2RF_FRAMELERP (1u<<6) //q2only #define Q2RF_BEAM (1u<<7) //mostly q2only #define Q2RF_CUSTOMSKIN (1u<<8) //not even in q2 skin is an index in image_precache #define Q2RF_GLOW (1u<<9) //i pulse lighting for bonus items #define Q2RF_SHELL_RED (1u<<10) //q2only #define Q2RF_SHELL_GREEN (1u<<11) //q2only #define Q2RF_SHELL_BLUE (1u<<12) //q2only //ROGUE #define Q2RF_IR_VISIBLE (1u<<15) // shows red with Q2RDF_IRGOGGLES #define Q2RF_SHELL_DOUBLE (1u<<16) //q2only #define Q2RF_SHELL_HALF_DAM (1u<<17) //q2only #define Q2RF_USE_DISGUISE (1u<<18) //ni entity is displayed with skin 'players/$MODEL/disguise.pcx' instead //ROGUE #define RF_ADDITIVE (1u<<19) //forces shader sort order and BEF_FORCEADDITIVE #define RF_NOSHADOW (1u<<20) //disables shadow casting #define RF_NODEPTHTEST (1u<<21) //forces shader sort order and BEF_FORCENODEPTH #define RF_FORCECOLOURMOD (1u<<22) //forces BEF_FORCECOLOURMOD #define RF_WEAPONMODELNOBOB (1u<<23) #define RF_FIRSTPERSON (1u<<24) //only draw through eyes // player_state_t->refdef flags #define RDF_UNDERWATER (1u<<0) // warp the screen as apropriate (fov trick) #define RDF_NOWORLDMODEL (1u<<1) // used for player configuration screen //ROGUE #define Q2RDF_IRGOGGLES (1u<<2) //ents with Q2RF_IR_VISIBLE show up pure red. #define Q2RDF_UVGOGGLES (1u<<3) //usused / reserved //ROGUE #define RDF_BLOOM (1u<<16) #define RDF_FISHEYE (1u<<17) #define RDF_WATERWARP (1u<<18) #define RDF_CUSTOMPOSTPROC (1u<<19) #define RDF_ANTIALIAS (1u<<20) //fxaa, or possibly even just fsaa #define RDF_RENDERSCALE (1u<<21) #define RDF_SCENEGAMMA (1u<<22) #define RDF_DISABLEPARTICLES (1u<<23) //mostly for skyrooms #define RDF_SKIPSKY (1u<<24) //we have a skyroom, skip drawing sky chains for this scene. #define RDF_ALLPOSTPROC (RDF_BLOOM|RDF_FISHEYE|RDF_WATERWARP|RDF_CUSTOMPOSTPROC|RDF_ANTIALIAS|RDF_SCENEGAMMA) //these flags require rendering to an fbo for the various different post-processing shaders. #define Q2SND_VOLUME (1u<<0) // a qbyte #define Q2SND_ATTENUATION (1u<<1) // a qbyte #define Q2SND_POS (1u<<2) // three coordinates #define Q2SND_ENT (1u<<3) // a short 0-2: channel, 3-12: entity #define Q2SND_OFFSET (1u<<4) // a qbyte, msec offset from frame start #define Q2SND_LARGEIDX (1u<<5) // idx is a short #define Q2SND_LARGEPOS (1u<<6) // float coord #define Q2SND_EXTRABITS (1u<<7) // unused for now, reserved. #define Q2DEFAULT_SOUND_PACKET_VOLUME 1.0 #define Q2DEFAULT_SOUND_PACKET_ATTENUATION 1.0 #define ATTN_NONE 0 #define ATTN_NORM 1 #define CHAN_AUTO 0 #define CHAN_WEAPON 1 #define CHAN_VOICE 2 #define CHAN_ITEM 3 #define CHAN_BODY 4 #define Q2MZ_BLASTER 0 #define Q2MZ_MACHINEGUN 1 #define Q2MZ_SHOTGUN 2 #define Q2MZ_CHAINGUN1 3 #define Q2MZ_CHAINGUN2 4 #define Q2MZ_CHAINGUN3 5 #define Q2MZ_RAILGUN 6 #define Q2MZ_ROCKET 7 #define Q2MZ_GRENADE 8 #define Q2MZ_LOGIN 9 #define Q2MZ_LOGOUT 10 #define Q2MZ_RESPAWN 11 #define Q2MZ_BFG 12 #define Q2MZ_SSHOTGUN 13 #define Q2MZ_HYPERBLASTER 14 #define Q2MZ_ITEMRESPAWN 15 // RAFAEL #define Q2MZ_IONRIPPER 16 #define Q2MZ_BLUEHYPERBLASTER 17 #define Q2MZ_PHALANX 18 #define Q2MZ_SILENCED 128 // bit flag ORed with one of the above numbers //ROGUE #define Q2MZ_ETF_RIFLE 30 #define Q2MZ_UNUSED 31 #define Q2MZ_SHOTGUN2 32 #define Q2MZ_HEATBEAM 33 #define Q2MZ_BLASTER2 34 #define Q2MZ_TRACKER 35 #define Q2MZ_NUKE1 36 #define Q2MZ_NUKE2 37 #define Q2MZ_NUKE4 38 #define Q2MZ_NUKE8 39 //ROGUE // // monster muzzle flashes // #define Q2MZ2_TANK_BLASTER_1 1 #define Q2MZ2_TANK_BLASTER_2 2 #define Q2MZ2_TANK_BLASTER_3 3 #define Q2MZ2_TANK_MACHINEGUN_1 4 #define Q2MZ2_TANK_MACHINEGUN_2 5 #define Q2MZ2_TANK_MACHINEGUN_3 6 #define Q2MZ2_TANK_MACHINEGUN_4 7 #define Q2MZ2_TANK_MACHINEGUN_5 8 #define Q2MZ2_TANK_MACHINEGUN_6 9 #define Q2MZ2_TANK_MACHINEGUN_7 10 #define Q2MZ2_TANK_MACHINEGUN_8 11 #define Q2MZ2_TANK_MACHINEGUN_9 12 #define Q2MZ2_TANK_MACHINEGUN_10 13 #define Q2MZ2_TANK_MACHINEGUN_11 14 #define Q2MZ2_TANK_MACHINEGUN_12 15 #define Q2MZ2_TANK_MACHINEGUN_13 16 #define Q2MZ2_TANK_MACHINEGUN_14 17 #define Q2MZ2_TANK_MACHINEGUN_15 18 #define Q2MZ2_TANK_MACHINEGUN_16 19 #define Q2MZ2_TANK_MACHINEGUN_17 20 #define Q2MZ2_TANK_MACHINEGUN_18 21 #define Q2MZ2_TANK_MACHINEGUN_19 22 #define Q2MZ2_TANK_ROCKET_1 23 #define Q2MZ2_TANK_ROCKET_2 24 #define Q2MZ2_TANK_ROCKET_3 25 #define Q2MZ2_INFANTRY_MACHINEGUN_1 26 #define Q2MZ2_INFANTRY_MACHINEGUN_2 27 #define Q2MZ2_INFANTRY_MACHINEGUN_3 28 #define Q2MZ2_INFANTRY_MACHINEGUN_4 29 #define Q2MZ2_INFANTRY_MACHINEGUN_5 30 #define Q2MZ2_INFANTRY_MACHINEGUN_6 31 #define Q2MZ2_INFANTRY_MACHINEGUN_7 32 #define Q2MZ2_INFANTRY_MACHINEGUN_8 33 #define Q2MZ2_INFANTRY_MACHINEGUN_9 34 #define Q2MZ2_INFANTRY_MACHINEGUN_10 35 #define Q2MZ2_INFANTRY_MACHINEGUN_11 36 #define Q2MZ2_INFANTRY_MACHINEGUN_12 37 #define Q2MZ2_INFANTRY_MACHINEGUN_13 38 #define Q2MZ2_SOLDIER_BLASTER_1 39 #define Q2MZ2_SOLDIER_BLASTER_2 40 #define Q2MZ2_SOLDIER_SHOTGUN_1 41 #define Q2MZ2_SOLDIER_SHOTGUN_2 42 #define Q2MZ2_SOLDIER_MACHINEGUN_1 43 #define Q2MZ2_SOLDIER_MACHINEGUN_2 44 #define Q2MZ2_GUNNER_MACHINEGUN_1 45 #define Q2MZ2_GUNNER_MACHINEGUN_2 46 #define Q2MZ2_GUNNER_MACHINEGUN_3 47 #define Q2MZ2_GUNNER_MACHINEGUN_4 48 #define Q2MZ2_GUNNER_MACHINEGUN_5 49 #define Q2MZ2_GUNNER_MACHINEGUN_6 50 #define Q2MZ2_GUNNER_MACHINEGUN_7 51 #define Q2MZ2_GUNNER_MACHINEGUN_8 52 #define Q2MZ2_GUNNER_GRENADE_1 53 #define Q2MZ2_GUNNER_GRENADE_2 54 #define Q2MZ2_GUNNER_GRENADE_3 55 #define Q2MZ2_GUNNER_GRENADE_4 56 #define Q2MZ2_CHICK_ROCKET_1 57 #define Q2MZ2_FLYER_BLASTER_1 58 #define Q2MZ2_FLYER_BLASTER_2 59 #define Q2MZ2_MEDIC_BLASTER_1 60 #define Q2MZ2_GLADIATOR_RAILGUN_1 61 #define Q2MZ2_HOVER_BLASTER_1 62 #define Q2MZ2_ACTOR_MACHINEGUN_1 63 #define Q2MZ2_SUPERTANK_MACHINEGUN_1 64 #define Q2MZ2_SUPERTANK_MACHINEGUN_2 65 #define Q2MZ2_SUPERTANK_MACHINEGUN_3 66 #define Q2MZ2_SUPERTANK_MACHINEGUN_4 67 #define Q2MZ2_SUPERTANK_MACHINEGUN_5 68 #define Q2MZ2_SUPERTANK_MACHINEGUN_6 69 #define Q2MZ2_SUPERTANK_ROCKET_1 70 #define Q2MZ2_SUPERTANK_ROCKET_2 71 #define Q2MZ2_SUPERTANK_ROCKET_3 72 #define Q2MZ2_BOSS2_MACHINEGUN_L1 73 #define Q2MZ2_BOSS2_MACHINEGUN_L2 74 #define Q2MZ2_BOSS2_MACHINEGUN_L3 75 #define Q2MZ2_BOSS2_MACHINEGUN_L4 76 #define Q2MZ2_BOSS2_MACHINEGUN_L5 77 #define Q2MZ2_BOSS2_ROCKET_1 78 #define Q2MZ2_BOSS2_ROCKET_2 79 #define Q2MZ2_BOSS2_ROCKET_3 80 #define Q2MZ2_BOSS2_ROCKET_4 81 #define Q2MZ2_FLOAT_BLASTER_1 82 #define Q2MZ2_SOLDIER_BLASTER_3 83 #define Q2MZ2_SOLDIER_SHOTGUN_3 84 #define Q2MZ2_SOLDIER_MACHINEGUN_3 85 #define Q2MZ2_SOLDIER_BLASTER_4 86 #define Q2MZ2_SOLDIER_SHOTGUN_4 87 #define Q2MZ2_SOLDIER_MACHINEGUN_4 88 #define Q2MZ2_SOLDIER_BLASTER_5 89 #define Q2MZ2_SOLDIER_SHOTGUN_5 90 #define Q2MZ2_SOLDIER_MACHINEGUN_5 91 #define Q2MZ2_SOLDIER_BLASTER_6 92 #define Q2MZ2_SOLDIER_SHOTGUN_6 93 #define Q2MZ2_SOLDIER_MACHINEGUN_6 94 #define Q2MZ2_SOLDIER_BLASTER_7 95 #define Q2MZ2_SOLDIER_SHOTGUN_7 96 #define Q2MZ2_SOLDIER_MACHINEGUN_7 97 #define Q2MZ2_SOLDIER_BLASTER_8 98 #define Q2MZ2_SOLDIER_SHOTGUN_8 99 #define Q2MZ2_SOLDIER_MACHINEGUN_8 100 // --- Xian shit below --- #define Q2MZ2_MAKRON_BFG 101 #define Q2MZ2_MAKRON_BLASTER_1 102 #define Q2MZ2_MAKRON_BLASTER_2 103 #define Q2MZ2_MAKRON_BLASTER_3 104 #define Q2MZ2_MAKRON_BLASTER_4 105 #define Q2MZ2_MAKRON_BLASTER_5 106 #define Q2MZ2_MAKRON_BLASTER_6 107 #define Q2MZ2_MAKRON_BLASTER_7 108 #define Q2MZ2_MAKRON_BLASTER_8 109 #define Q2MZ2_MAKRON_BLASTER_9 110 #define Q2MZ2_MAKRON_BLASTER_10 111 #define Q2MZ2_MAKRON_BLASTER_11 112 #define Q2MZ2_MAKRON_BLASTER_12 113 #define Q2MZ2_MAKRON_BLASTER_13 114 #define Q2MZ2_MAKRON_BLASTER_14 115 #define Q2MZ2_MAKRON_BLASTER_15 116 #define Q2MZ2_MAKRON_BLASTER_16 117 #define Q2MZ2_MAKRON_BLASTER_17 118 #define Q2MZ2_MAKRON_RAILGUN_1 119 #define Q2MZ2_JORG_MACHINEGUN_L1 120 #define Q2MZ2_JORG_MACHINEGUN_L2 121 #define Q2MZ2_JORG_MACHINEGUN_L3 122 #define Q2MZ2_JORG_MACHINEGUN_L4 123 #define Q2MZ2_JORG_MACHINEGUN_L5 124 #define Q2MZ2_JORG_MACHINEGUN_L6 125 #define Q2MZ2_JORG_MACHINEGUN_R1 126 #define Q2MZ2_JORG_MACHINEGUN_R2 127 #define Q2MZ2_JORG_MACHINEGUN_R3 128 #define Q2MZ2_JORG_MACHINEGUN_R4 129 #define Q2MZ2_JORG_MACHINEGUN_R5 130 #define Q2MZ2_JORG_MACHINEGUN_R6 131 #define Q2MZ2_JORG_BFG_1 132 #define Q2MZ2_BOSS2_MACHINEGUN_R1 133 #define Q2MZ2_BOSS2_MACHINEGUN_R2 134 #define Q2MZ2_BOSS2_MACHINEGUN_R3 135 #define Q2MZ2_BOSS2_MACHINEGUN_R4 136 #define Q2MZ2_BOSS2_MACHINEGUN_R5 137 //ROGUE #define Q2MZ2_CARRIER_MACHINEGUN_L1 138 #define Q2MZ2_CARRIER_MACHINEGUN_R1 139 #define Q2MZ2_CARRIER_GRENADE 140 #define Q2MZ2_TURRET_MACHINEGUN 141 #define Q2MZ2_TURRET_ROCKET 142 #define Q2MZ2_TURRET_BLASTER 143 #define Q2MZ2_STALKER_BLASTER 144 #define Q2MZ2_DAEDALUS_BLASTER 145 #define Q2MZ2_MEDIC_BLASTER_2 146 #define Q2MZ2_CARRIER_RAILGUN 147 #define Q2MZ2_WIDOW_DISRUPTOR 148 #define Q2MZ2_WIDOW_BLASTER 149 #define Q2MZ2_WIDOW_RAIL 150 #define Q2MZ2_WIDOW_PLASMABEAM 151 // PMM - not used #define Q2MZ2_CARRIER_MACHINEGUN_L2 152 #define Q2MZ2_CARRIER_MACHINEGUN_R2 153 #define Q2MZ2_WIDOW_RAIL_LEFT 154 #define Q2MZ2_WIDOW_RAIL_RIGHT 155 #define Q2MZ2_WIDOW_BLASTER_SWEEP1 156 #define Q2MZ2_WIDOW_BLASTER_SWEEP2 157 #define Q2MZ2_WIDOW_BLASTER_SWEEP3 158 #define Q2MZ2_WIDOW_BLASTER_SWEEP4 159 #define Q2MZ2_WIDOW_BLASTER_SWEEP5 160 #define Q2MZ2_WIDOW_BLASTER_SWEEP6 161 #define Q2MZ2_WIDOW_BLASTER_SWEEP7 162 #define Q2MZ2_WIDOW_BLASTER_SWEEP8 163 #define Q2MZ2_WIDOW_BLASTER_SWEEP9 164 #define Q2MZ2_WIDOW_BLASTER_100 165 #define Q2MZ2_WIDOW_BLASTER_90 166 #define Q2MZ2_WIDOW_BLASTER_80 167 #define Q2MZ2_WIDOW_BLASTER_70 168 #define Q2MZ2_WIDOW_BLASTER_60 169 #define Q2MZ2_WIDOW_BLASTER_50 170 #define Q2MZ2_WIDOW_BLASTER_40 171 #define Q2MZ2_WIDOW_BLASTER_30 172 #define Q2MZ2_WIDOW_BLASTER_20 173 #define Q2MZ2_WIDOW_BLASTER_10 174 #define Q2MZ2_WIDOW_BLASTER_0 175 #define Q2MZ2_WIDOW_BLASTER_10L 176 #define Q2MZ2_WIDOW_BLASTER_20L 177 #define Q2MZ2_WIDOW_BLASTER_30L 178 #define Q2MZ2_WIDOW_BLASTER_40L 179 #define Q2MZ2_WIDOW_BLASTER_50L 180 #define Q2MZ2_WIDOW_BLASTER_60L 181 #define Q2MZ2_WIDOW_BLASTER_70L 182 #define Q2MZ2_WIDOW_RUN_1 183 #define Q2MZ2_WIDOW_RUN_2 184 #define Q2MZ2_WIDOW_RUN_3 185 #define Q2MZ2_WIDOW_RUN_4 186 #define Q2MZ2_WIDOW_RUN_5 187 #define Q2MZ2_WIDOW_RUN_6 188 #define Q2MZ2_WIDOW_RUN_7 189 #define Q2MZ2_WIDOW_RUN_8 190 #define Q2MZ2_CARRIER_ROCKET_1 191 #define Q2MZ2_CARRIER_ROCKET_2 192 #define Q2MZ2_CARRIER_ROCKET_3 193 #define Q2MZ2_CARRIER_ROCKET_4 194 #define Q2MZ2_WIDOW2_BEAMER_1 195 #define Q2MZ2_WIDOW2_BEAMER_2 196 #define Q2MZ2_WIDOW2_BEAMER_3 197 #define Q2MZ2_WIDOW2_BEAMER_4 198 #define Q2MZ2_WIDOW2_BEAMER_5 199 #define Q2MZ2_WIDOW2_BEAM_SWEEP_1 200 #define Q2MZ2_WIDOW2_BEAM_SWEEP_2 201 #define Q2MZ2_WIDOW2_BEAM_SWEEP_3 202 #define Q2MZ2_WIDOW2_BEAM_SWEEP_4 203 #define Q2MZ2_WIDOW2_BEAM_SWEEP_5 204 #define Q2MZ2_WIDOW2_BEAM_SWEEP_6 205 #define Q2MZ2_WIDOW2_BEAM_SWEEP_7 206 #define Q2MZ2_WIDOW2_BEAM_SWEEP_8 207 #define Q2MZ2_WIDOW2_BEAM_SWEEP_9 208 #define Q2MZ2_WIDOW2_BEAM_SWEEP_10 209 #define Q2MZ2_WIDOW2_BEAM_SWEEP_11 210 #define MAX_MAP_AREA_BYTES 32 // edict->drawflags (hexen2 stuff) #define MLS_MASK 7 // Model Light Style #define MLS_NONE 0 #define MLS_FULLBRIGHT 1 #define MLS_POWERMODE 2 #define MLS_TORCH 3 #define MLS_TOTALDARK 4 #define MLS_ABSLIGHT (MLS_MASK) #define SCALE_TYPE_MASK (SCALE_TYPE_UNIFORM|SCALE_TYPE_XYONLY|SCALE_TYPE_ZONLY) #define SCALE_TYPE_UNIFORM 0 // Scale X, Y, and Z #define SCALE_TYPE_XYONLY 8 // Scale X and Y #define SCALE_TYPE_ZONLY 16 // Scale Z #define SCALE_TYPE_UNUSED (SCALE_TYPE_XYONLY|SCALE_TYPE_ZONLY) #define SCALE_ORIGIN_MASK (SCALE_ORIGIN_TOP|SCALE_ORIGIN_BOTTOM|SCALE_ORIGIN_CENTER) #define SCALE_ORIGIN_CENTER 0 // Scaling origin at object center #define SCALE_ORIGIN_BOTTOM 32 // Scaling origin at object bottom #define SCALE_ORIGIN_TOP 64 // Scaling origin at object top #define SCALE_ORIGIN_ORIGIN (SCALE_ORIGIN_TOP|SCALE_ORIGIN_BOTTOM) // Scaling origin at object origin #define DRF_TRANSLUCENT 128 //TENEBRAE_GFX_DLIGHTS #define PFLAGS_NOSHADOW 1 #define PFLAGS_CORONA 2 #define PFLAGS_FULLDYNAMIC 128 //NOTE: this is a dp-ism. for tenebrae compat, this should be effects&16 and not pflags&128, as effects&16 already means something else #define RENDER_STEP 1 #define RENDER_GLOWTRAIL 2 #define RENDER_VIEWMODEL 4 #define RENDER_EXTERIORMODEL 8 #define RENDER_LOWPRECISION 16 // send as low precision coordinates to save bandwidth #define RENDER_COLORMAPPED 32 //#define RENDER_WORLDOBJECT 64 #define RENDER_COMPLEXANIMATION 128 //darkplaces protocols 5 to 7 use these // reset all entity fields (typically used if status changed) #define E5_FULLUPDATE (1<<0) // E5_ORIGIN32=0: short[3] = s->origin[0] * 8, s->origin[1] * 8, s->origin[2] * 8 // E5_ORIGIN32=1: float[3] = s->origin[0], s->origin[1], s->origin[2] #define E5_ORIGIN (1<<1) // E5_ANGLES16=0: byte[3] = s->angle[0] * 256 / 360, s->angle[1] * 256 / 360, s->angle[2] * 256 / 360 // E5_ANGLES16=1: short[3] = s->angle[0] * 65536 / 360, s->angle[1] * 65536 / 360, s->angle[2] * 65536 / 360 #define E5_ANGLES (1<<2) // E5_MODEL16=0: byte = s->modelindex // E5_MODEL16=1: short = s->modelindex #define E5_MODEL (1<<3) // E5_FRAME16=0: byte = s->frame // E5_FRAME16=1: short = s->frame #define E5_FRAME (1<<4) // byte = s->skin #define E5_SKIN (1<<5) // E5_EFFECTS16=0 && E5_EFFECTS32=0: byte = s->effects // E5_EFFECTS16=1 && E5_EFFECTS32=0: short = s->effects // E5_EFFECTS16=0 && E5_EFFECTS32=1: int = s->effects // E5_EFFECTS16=1 && E5_EFFECTS32=1: int = s->effects #define E5_EFFECTS (1<<6) // bits >= (1<<8) #define E5_EXTEND1 (1<<7) // byte = s->renderflags #define E5_FLAGS (1<<8) // byte = bound(0, s->alpha * 255, 255) #define E5_ALPHA (1<<9) // byte = bound(0, s->scale * 16, 255) #define E5_SCALE (1<<10) // flag #define E5_ORIGIN32 (1<<11) // flag #define E5_ANGLES16 (1<<12) // flag #define E5_MODEL16 (1<<13) // byte = s->colormap #define E5_COLORMAP (1<<14) // bits >= (1<<16) #define E5_EXTEND2 (1<<15) // short = s->tagentity // byte = s->tagindex #define E5_ATTACHMENT (1<<16) // short[4] = s->light[0], s->light[1], s->light[2], s->light[3] // byte = s->lightstyle // byte = s->lightpflags #define E5_LIGHT (1<<17) // byte = s->glowsize // byte = s->glowcolor #define E5_GLOW (1<<18) // short = s->effects #define E5_EFFECTS16 (1<<19) // int = s->effects #define E5_EFFECTS32 (1<<20) // flag #define E5_FRAME16 (1<<21) // unused #define E5_COLORMOD (1<<22) // bits >= (1<<24) #define E5_EXTEND3 (1<<23) // unused #define E5_GLOWMOD (1<<24) // unused #define E5_COMPLEXANIMATION (1<<25) // unused #define E5_TRAILEFFECTNUM (1<<26) // unused #define E5_UNUSED27 (1<<27) // unused #define E5_UNUSED28 (1<<28) // unused #define E5_UNUSED29 (1<<29) // unused #define E5_UNUSED30 (1<<30) // bits2 > 0 #define E5_EXTEND4 (1u<<31) #define E5_ALLUNUSED (E5_UNUSED27|E5_UNUSED28|E5_UNUSED29|E5_UNUSED30) #define E5_SERVERPRIVATE (E5_EXTEND1|E5_EXTEND2|E5_EXTEND3|E5_EXTEND4) #define E5_SERVERREMOVE E5_EXTEND1