/* Copyright (C) 1996-1997 Id Software, Inc. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ // client.h #include "particles.h" typedef struct { char name[64]; int width; int height; int cachedbpp; qboolean failedload; // the name isn't a valid skin cache_user_t cache; } skin_t; // player_state_t is the information needed by a player entity // to do move prediction and to generate a drawable entity typedef struct { int messagenum; // all player's won't be updated each frame double state_time; // not the same as the packet time, // because player commands come asyncronously usercmd_t command; // last command for prediction vec3_t origin; vec3_t viewangles; // only for demos, not from server vec3_t velocity; int weaponframe; int modelindex; int frame; int skinnum; int effects; #ifdef PEXT_SCALE float scale; #endif qbyte colourmod[3]; qbyte alpha; #ifdef PEXT_FATNESS float fatness; #endif int flags; // dead, gib, etc int pm_type; float waterjumptime; qboolean onground; qboolean jump_held; int jump_msec; // hack for fixing bunny-hop flickering on non-ZQuake servers int hullnum; float lerpstarttime; int oldframe; } player_state_t; #if defined(Q2CLIENT) || defined(Q2SERVER) typedef enum { // can accelerate and turn Q2PM_NORMAL, Q2PM_SPECTATOR, // no acceleration or turning Q2PM_DEAD, Q2PM_GIB, // different bounding box Q2PM_FREEZE } q2pmtype_t; typedef struct { //shared with q2 dll q2pmtype_t pm_type; short origin[3]; // 12.3 short velocity[3]; // 12.3 qbyte pm_flags; // ducked, jump_held, etc qbyte pm_time; // each unit = 8 ms short gravity; short delta_angles[3]; // add to command angles to get view direction // changed by spawns, rotating objects, and teleporters } q2pmove_state_t; typedef struct { //shared with q2 dll q2pmove_state_t pmove; // for prediction // these fields do not need to be communicated bit-precise vec3_t viewangles; // for fixed views vec3_t viewoffset; // add to pmovestate->origin vec3_t kick_angles; // add to view direction to get render angles // set by weapon kicks, pain effects, etc vec3_t gunangles; vec3_t gunoffset; int gunindex; int gunframe; float blend[4]; // rgba full screen effect float fov; // horizontal field of view int rdflags; // refdef flags short stats[Q2MAX_STATS]; // fast status bar updates } q2player_state_t; #endif typedef struct colourised_s { char name[64]; unsigned int topcolour; unsigned int bottomcolour; char skin[64]; struct colourised_s *next; } colourised_t; #define MAX_SCOREBOARDNAME 64 #define MAX_DISPLAYEDNAME 16 typedef struct player_info_s { int userid; char userinfo[EXTENDED_INFO_STRING]; char teamstatus[128]; // scoreboard information char name[MAX_SCOREBOARDNAME]; char team[MAX_INFO_KEY]; float entertime; int frags; int ping; qbyte pl; qboolean ignored; colourised_t *colourised; // skin information unsigned int rtopcolor; //real, according to their userinfo unsigned int rbottomcolor; unsigned int ttopcolor; //team, according to colour forcing unsigned int tbottomcolor; #ifdef SWQUAKE struct palremap_s *palremap; #endif int spectator; skin_t *skin; struct model_s *model; unsigned short vweapindex; int prevcount; int stats[MAX_CL_STATS]; int statsf[MAX_CL_STATS]; } player_info_t; typedef struct { // generated on client side usercmd_t cmd[MAX_SPLITS]; // cmd that generated the frame double senttime; // time cmd was sent off int delta_sequence; // sequence number to delta from, -1 = full update int cmd_sequence; // received from server double receivedtime; // time message was received, or -1 player_state_t playerstate[MAX_CLIENTS]; // message received that reflects performing // the usercmd packet_entities_t packet_entities; qboolean invalid; // true if the packet_entities delta was invalid int server_time; int client_time; int server_message_num; } frame_t; #ifdef Q2CLIENT typedef struct { qboolean valid; // cleared if delta parsing was invalid int serverframe; int servertime; // server time the message is valid for (in msec) int deltaframe; qbyte areabits[MAX_Q2MAP_AREAS/8]; // portalarea visibility bits q2player_state_t playerstate; int num_entities; int parse_entities; // non-masked index into cl_parse_entities array } q2frame_t; #endif typedef struct { int destcolor[3]; int percent; // 0-256 } cshift_t; #define CSHIFT_CONTENTS 0 #define CSHIFT_DAMAGE 1 #define CSHIFT_BONUS 2 #define CSHIFT_POWERUP 3 #define CSHIFT_SERVER 4 #define NUM_CSHIFTS 5 // // client_state_t should hold all pieces of the client state // #define MAX_SWLIGHTS 32 //sw lighting, aka: r_dynamic, uses unsigned ints as a mask for cached lit flags. We could increase this on 64bit platforms or by just using more fields. #ifdef RGLQUAKE #define MAX_RTLIGHTS 256 //r_shadow_realtime_world needs a LOT of lights. #else #define MAX_RTLIGHTS 0 //but sw rendering doesn't have that. #endif #if MAX_SWLIGHTS > MAX_RTLIGHTS #define MAX_DLIGHTS MAX_SWLIGHTS #else #define MAX_DLIGHTS MAX_RTLIGHTS #endif typedef struct dlight_s { int key; // so entities can reuse same entry qboolean noppl, nodynamic, noflash, isstatic; vec3_t origin; vec3_t axis[3]; float radius; float die; // stop lighting after this time float decay; // drop this each second float minlight; // don't add when contributing less float color[3]; float channelfade[3]; //the following are used for rendering (client code should clear on create) struct shadowmesh_s *worldshadowmesh; int stexture; struct { float updatetime; } face [6]; int style; //multiply by style values if > 0 float dist; struct dlight_s *next; } dlight_t; typedef struct { int length; char map[MAX_STYLESTRING]; int colour; } lightstyle_t; #define MAX_EFRAGS 512 #define MAX_DEMOS 8 #define MAX_DEMONAME 16 typedef enum { ca_disconnected, // full screen console with no connection ca_demostart, // starting up a demo ca_connected, // netchan_t established, waiting for svc_serverdata ca_onserver, // processing data lists, donwloading, etc ca_active // everything is in, so frames can be rendered } cactive_t; typedef enum { dl_none, dl_model, dl_sound, dl_skin, dl_wad, dl_single, dl_singlestuffed } dltype_t; // download type // // the client_static_t structure is persistant through an arbitrary number // of server connections // typedef struct { // connection information cactive_t state; enum { CP_UNKNOWN, CP_QUAKEWORLD, CP_NETQUAKE, CP_QUAKE2, CP_QUAKE3, CP_PLUGIN } protocol; qboolean resendinfo; qboolean findtrack; int framecount; int realip_ident; netadr_t realserverip; // network stuff netchan_t netchan; float lastarbiatarypackettime; //used to mark when packets were sent to prevent mvdsv servers from causing us to disconnect. // private userinfo for sending to masterless servers char userinfo[MAX_INFO_STRING]; char servername[MAX_OSPATH]; // name of server from original connect int qport; struct ftenet_connections_s *sockets; enum {DL_NONE, DL_QW, DL_QWCHUNKS, DL_Q3, DL_DARKPLACES, DL_QWPENDING, DL_HTTP, DL_FTP} downloadmethod; vfsfile_t *downloadqw; // file transfer from server char downloadtempname[MAX_OSPATH]; char downloadlocalname[MAX_OSPATH]; char downloadremotename[MAX_OSPATH]; int downloadpercent; int downloadchunknum; // demo loop control int demonum; // -1 = don't play demos char demos[MAX_DEMOS][MAX_DEMONAME]; // when not playing // demo recording info must be here, because record is started before // entering a map (and clearing client_state_t) qboolean demorecording; enum{DPB_NONE,DPB_QUAKEWORLD,DPB_MVD,DPB_EZTV, #ifdef NQPROT DPB_NETQUAKE, #endif #ifdef Q2CLIENT DPB_QUAKE2 #endif } demoplayback; qboolean timedemo; vfsfile_t *demofile; float td_lastframe; // to meter out one message a frame int td_startframe; // host_framecount at start float td_starttime; // realtime at second frame of timedemo int challenge; float latency; // rolling average qboolean allow_anyparticles; qboolean allow_lightmapgamma; qboolean allow_rearview; qboolean allow_skyboxes; qboolean allow_mirrors; qboolean allow_watervis; qboolean allow_shaders; qboolean allow_luma; qboolean allow_bump; float allow_fbskins; //fraction of allowance #ifdef FISH qboolean allow_fish; #endif qboolean allow_cheats; qboolean allow_semicheats; //defaults to true, but this allows a server to enforce a strict ruleset (smackdown type rules). float maxfps; //server capped enum {GAME_DEATHMATCH, GAME_COOP} gamemode; #ifdef PROTOCOLEXTENSIONS unsigned long fteprotocolextensions; #endif unsigned long z_ext; #ifdef NQPROT int signon; #endif translation_t language; colourised_t *colourised; } client_static_t; extern client_static_t cls; extern int nq_dp_protocol; typedef struct downloadlist_s { char rname[128]; char localname[128]; unsigned int size; unsigned int flags; #define DLLF_VERBOSE 1 //tell the user that its downloading #define DLLF_REQUIRED 2 //means that it won't load models etc until its downloaded (ie: requiredownloads 0 makes no difference) #define DLLF_OVERWRITE 4 //overwrite it even if it already exists #define DLLF_SIZEUNKNOWN 8 #define DLLF_IGNOREFAILED 16 struct downloadlist_s *next; } downloadlist_t; typedef struct { float lerptime; float framechange; //marks time of last frame change - for halflife model sequencing. float oldframechange; float lerprate; //inverse rate... vec3_t origin; //current render position vec3_t angles; vec3_t forigin; //when the frame changed vec3_t fangles; vec3_t foldorigin;// vec3_t foldangles; trailstate_t *trailstate; //when to next throw out a trail trailstate_t *emitstate; //when to next emit unsigned short frame, oldframe; } lerpents_t; // // the client_state_t structure is wiped completely at every // server signon // typedef struct { int fpd; int servercount; // server identification for prespawns float gamespeed; qboolean csqcdebug; qboolean allowsendpacket; char serverinfo[MAX_SERVERINFO_STRING]; int parsecount; // server message counter int oldparsecount; int oldvalidsequence; int ackedinputsequence; //in quakeworld/q2 this is always equal to validsequence. dp can differ. int validsequence; // this is the sequence number of the last good // packetentity_t we got. If this is 0, we can't // render a frame yet int movemessages; // since connecting to this server // throw out the first couple, so the player // doesn't accidentally do something the // first frame int spectator; double last_ping_request; // while showing scoreboard double last_servermessage; #ifdef Q2CLIENT q2frame_t q2frame; q2frame_t q2frames[Q2UPDATE_BACKUP]; #endif // sentcmds[cl.netchan.outgoing_sequence & UPDATE_MASK] = cmd frame_t frames[UPDATE_BACKUP]; lerpents_t *lerpents; int maxlerpents; //number of slots allocated. lerpents_t lerpplayers[MAX_CLIENTS]; // information for local display int stats[MAX_SPLITS][MAX_CL_STATS]; // health, etc float statsf[MAX_SPLITS][MAX_CL_STATS]; // health, etc char *statsstr[MAX_SPLITS][MAX_CL_STATS]; // health, etc float item_gettime[MAX_SPLITS][32]; // cl.time of aquiring item, for blinking float faceanimtime[MAX_SPLITS]; // use anim frame if cl.time < this cshift_t cshifts[NUM_CSHIFTS]; // color shifts for damage, powerups cshift_t prev_cshifts[NUM_CSHIFTS]; // and content types // the client maintains its own idea of view angles, which are // sent to the server each frame. And only reset at level change // and teleport times vec3_t viewangles[MAX_SPLITS]; // the client simulates or interpolates movement to get these values double time; // this is the time value that the client // is rendering at. always <= realtime float servertime; //current server time, bound between gametime and gametimemark float mtime; //server time as on the server when we last received a packet. not allowed to decrease. float oldmtime; //server time as on the server for the previously received packet. float gametime; float gametimemark; float oldgametime; //used as the old time to lerp cl.time from. float oldgametimemark; //if it's 0, cl.time will casually increase. vec3_t simorg[MAX_SPLITS]; vec3_t simvel[MAX_SPLITS]; vec3_t simangles[MAX_SPLITS]; float rollangle[MAX_SPLITS]; float minpitch; float maxpitch; // pitch drifting vars float pitchvel[MAX_SPLITS]; qboolean nodrift[MAX_SPLITS]; float driftmove[MAX_SPLITS]; double laststop[MAX_SPLITS]; float crouch[MAX_SPLITS]; // local amount for smoothing stepups qboolean onground[MAX_SPLITS]; float viewheight[MAX_SPLITS]; qboolean paused; // send over by server float punchangle[MAX_SPLITS]; // temporar yview kick from weapon firing int intermission; // don't change view angle, full screen, etc float completed_time; // latched ffrom time at intermission start #define Q2MAX_VISIBLE_WEAPONS 32 //q2 has about 20. int numq2visibleweapons; //q2 sends out visible-on-model weapons in a wierd gender-nutral way. char *q2visibleweapons[Q2MAX_VISIBLE_WEAPONS];//model names beginning with a # are considered 'sexed', and are loaded on a per-client basis. yay. :( // // information that is static for the entire time connected to a server // char model_name[MAX_MODELS][MAX_QPATH]; char sound_name[MAX_SOUNDS][MAX_QPATH]; char image_name[Q2MAX_IMAGES][MAX_QPATH]; struct model_s *model_precache[MAX_MODELS]; struct sfx_s *sound_precache[MAX_SOUNDS]; char model_csqcname[MAX_CSQCMODELS][MAX_QPATH]; struct model_s *model_csqcprecache[MAX_CSQCMODELS]; qboolean model_precaches_added; //used for q2 sky/configstrings char skyname[MAX_QPATH]; float skyrotate; vec3_t skyaxis; char levelname[40]; // for display on solo scoreboard int playernum[MAX_SPLITS]; qboolean nolocalplayer[MAX_SPLITS]; int splitclients; //we are running this many clients split screen. // refresh related state struct model_s *worldmodel; // cl_entitites[0].model struct efrag_s *free_efrags; int num_entities; // stored bottom up in cl_entities array int num_statics; // stored top down in cl_entitiers int cdtrack; // cd audio entity_t viewent[MAX_SPLITS]; // weapon model // all player information player_info_t players[MAX_CLIENTS]; downloadlist_t *downloadlist; downloadlist_t *faileddownloads; #ifdef PEXT_SETVIEW int viewentity[MAX_SPLITS]; #endif qboolean gamedirchanged; int waterlevel[MAX_SPLITS]; //for smartjump char q2statusbar[1024]; char q2layout[1024]; int parse_entities; int surpressCount; float lerpfrac; vec3_t predicted_origin; vec3_t predicted_angles; vec3_t prediction_error; float predicted_step_time; float predicted_step; // localized movement vars float entgravity[MAX_SPLITS]; float maxspeed[MAX_SPLITS]; float bunnyspeedcap; qboolean fixangle; //received a fixangle - so disable prediction till the next packet. int teamplay; int deathmatch; qboolean teamfortress; //*sigh*. This is used for teamplay stuff. This sucks. qboolean hexen2pickups; qboolean sendprespawn; int contentstage; double ktprogametime; enum { KTPRO_DONTKNOW, KTPRO_COUNTDOWN, KTPRO_STANDBY } ktprostate; } client_state_t; extern unsigned int cl_teamtopcolor; extern unsigned int cl_teambottomcolor; extern unsigned int cl_enemytopcolor; extern unsigned int cl_enemybottomcolor; //FPD values //(commented out ones are ones that we don't support) #define FPD_NO_FORCE_SKIN 256 #define FPD_NO_FORCE_COLOR 512 #define FPD_LIMIT_PITCH (1 << 14) //limit scripted pitch changes #define FPD_LIMIT_YAW (1 << 15) //limit scripted yaw changes // // cvars // extern cvar_t cl_warncmd; extern cvar_t cl_upspeed; extern cvar_t cl_forwardspeed; extern cvar_t cl_backspeed; extern cvar_t cl_sidespeed; extern cvar_t cl_movespeedkey; extern cvar_t cl_yawspeed; extern cvar_t cl_pitchspeed; extern cvar_t cl_anglespeedkey; extern cvar_t cl_shownet; extern cvar_t cl_sbar; extern cvar_t cl_hudswap; extern cvar_t cl_pitchdriftspeed; extern cvar_t lookspring; extern cvar_t lookstrafe; extern cvar_t sensitivity; extern cvar_t m_pitch; extern cvar_t m_yaw; extern cvar_t m_forward; extern cvar_t m_side; extern cvar_t _windowed_mouse; extern cvar_t name; extern cvar_t ruleset_allow_playercount; extern cvar_t ruleset_allow_frj; extern cvar_t ruleset_allow_semicheats; extern cvar_t ruleset_allow_packet; extern cvar_t ruleset_allow_particle_lightning; extern cvar_t ruleset_allow_overlongsounds; extern cvar_t ruleset_allow_larger_models; extern cvar_t ruleset_allow_modified_eyes; extern cvar_t ruleset_allow_sensative_texture_replacements; extern cvar_t ruleset_allow_localvolume; #define MAX_STATIC_ENTITIES 256 // torches, etc extern client_state_t cl; // FIXME, allocate dynamically extern entity_state_t *cl_baselines; extern efrag_t cl_efrags[MAX_EFRAGS]; extern entity_t cl_static_entities[MAX_STATIC_ENTITIES]; extern trailstate_t *cl_static_emit[MAX_STATIC_ENTITIES]; extern lightstyle_t cl_lightstyle[MAX_LIGHTSTYLES]; extern dlight_t cl_dlights[MAX_DLIGHTS]; extern int dlights_running, dlights_software; extern int cl_baselines_count; extern qboolean nomaster; extern float server_version; // version of server we connected to //============================================================================= // // cl_main // dlight_t *CL_AllocDlight (int key); dlight_t *CL_NewDlight (int key, float x, float y, float z, float radius, float time, int type); dlight_t *CL_NewDlightRGB (int key, float x, float y, float z, float radius, float time, float r, float g, float b); void CL_DecayLights (void); void CL_ParseDelta (struct entity_state_s *from, struct entity_state_s *to, int bits, qboolean); void CL_Init (void); void Host_WriteConfiguration (void); void CL_CheckServerInfo(void); void CL_EstablishConnection (char *host); void CL_Disconnect (void); void CL_Disconnect_f (void); void CL_Reconnect_f (void); void CL_NextDemo (void); void CL_Startdemos_f (void); void CL_Demos_f (void); void CL_Stopdemo_f (void); void CL_Changing_f (void); void CL_Reconnect_f (void); void CL_ConnectionlessPacket (void); qboolean CL_DemoBehind(void); void CL_SaveInfo(vfsfile_t *f); void CL_SetInfo (char *key, char *value); void CL_BeginServerConnect(void); void CLNQ_BeginServerConnect(void); #define MAX_VISEDICTS 1024 extern int cl_numvisedicts, cl_oldnumvisedicts; extern entity_t *cl_visedicts, *cl_oldvisedicts; extern entity_t cl_visedicts_list[2][MAX_VISEDICTS]; extern char emodel_name[], pmodel_name[], prespawn_name[], modellist_name[], soundlist_name[]; qboolean TraceLineN (vec3_t start, vec3_t end, vec3_t impact, vec3_t normal); qboolean Q2TraceLineN (vec3_t start, vec3_t end, vec3_t impact, vec3_t normal); // // cl_input // typedef struct { int down[MAX_SPLITS][2]; // key nums holding it down int state[MAX_SPLITS]; // low bit is down state } kbutton_t; extern kbutton_t in_mlook, in_klook; extern kbutton_t in_strafe; extern kbutton_t in_speed; extern float in_sensitivityscale; void CL_MakeActive(char *gamename); void CL_RegisterSplitCommands(void); void CL_InitInput (void); void CL_SendCmd (double frametime, qboolean mainloop); void CL_SendMove (usercmd_t *cmd); #ifdef NQPROT void CL_ParseTEnt (qboolean nqprot); #else void CL_ParseTEnt (void); #endif void CL_UpdateTEnts (void); void CL_AddBeam (int tent, int ent, vec3_t start, vec3_t end); void CL_ClearState (void); void CL_ReadPackets (void); void CL_ClampPitch (int pnum); int CL_ReadFromServer (void); void CL_WriteToServer (usercmd_t *cmd); void CL_BaseMove (usercmd_t *cmd, int pnum, float extra, float wantfps); float CL_KeyState (kbutton_t *key, int pnum); char *Key_KeynumToString (int keynum); int Key_StringToKeynum (char *str, int *modifier); char *Key_GetBinding(int keynum); void CL_UseIndepPhysics(qboolean allow); void CL_FlushClientCommands(void); void VARGS CL_SendClientCommand(qboolean reliable, char *format, ...); int CL_RemoveClientCommands(char *command); void CL_AllowIndependantSendCmd(qboolean allow); void CL_DrawPrydonCursor(void); // // cl_demo.c // void CL_StopPlayback (void); qboolean CL_GetMessage (void); void CL_WriteDemoCmd (usercmd_t *pcmd); void CL_Stop_f (void); void CL_Record_f (void); void CL_ReRecord_f (void); void CL_PlayDemo_f (void); void CL_QTVPlay_f (void); void CL_QTVPoll (void); void CL_QTVList_f (void); void CL_QTVDemos_f (void); void CL_DemoJump_f(void); void CL_ProgressDemoTime(void); void CL_TimeDemo_f (void); typedef struct { enum { QTVCT_NONE, QTVCT_STREAM, QTVCT_CONNECT, QTVCT_JOIN, QTVCT_OBSERVE, QTVCT_MAP } connectiontype; enum { QTVCT_NETQUAKE, QTVCT_QUAKEWORLD, QTVCT_QUAKE2, QTVCT_QUAKE3 } protocol; char server[256]; char splashscreen[256]; //char *datafiles; } qtvfile_t; void CL_ParseQTVFile(vfsfile_t *f, const char *fname, qtvfile_t *result); // // cl_parse.c // #define NET_TIMINGS 256 #define NET_TIMINGSMASK 255 extern int packet_latency[NET_TIMINGS]; int CL_CalcNet (void); void CL_ParseServerMessage (void); void CL_DumpPacket(void); void CL_ParseEstablished(void); void CLNQ_ParseServerMessage (void); #ifdef Q2CLIENT void CLQ2_ParseServerMessage (void); #endif void CL_NewTranslation (int slot); qboolean CL_CheckOrEnqueDownloadFile (char *filename, char *localname, unsigned int flags); qboolean CL_EnqueDownload(char *filename, char *localname, unsigned int flags); downloadlist_t *CL_DownloadFailed(char *name); qboolean CL_IsUploading(void); void CL_NextUpload(void); void CL_StartUpload (qbyte *data, int size); void CL_StopUpload(void); void CL_RequestNextDownload (void); void CL_SendDownloadReq(sizebuf_t *msg); qboolean CL_CheckBaselines (int size); // // view.c // void V_StartPitchDrift (int pnum); void V_StopPitchDrift (int pnum); void V_RenderView (void); void V_Register (void); void V_ParseDamage (int pnum); void V_SetContentsColor (int contents); void GLV_CalcBlend (void); //used directly by csqc void V_CalcRefdef (int pnum); void CalcGunAngle (int pnum); void DropPunchAngle (int pnum); // // cl_tent // void CL_RegisterParticles(void); void CL_InitTEnts (void); void CL_ClearTEnts (void); void CL_ClearCustomTEnts(void); void CL_ParseCustomTEnt(void); void CL_ParseEffect (qboolean effect2); void CLNQ_ParseParticleEffect (void); void CL_ParseParticleEffect2 (void); void CL_ParseParticleEffect3 (void); void CL_ParseParticleEffect4 (void); void CLDP_ParseTrailParticles(void); void CLDP_ParsePointParticles(qboolean compact); // // cl_ents.c // void CL_SetSolidPlayers (int playernum); void CL_SetUpPlayerPrediction(qboolean dopred); void CL_EmitEntities (void); void CL_ClearProjectiles (void); void CL_ParseProjectiles (int modelindex, qboolean nails2); void CL_ParsePacketEntities (qboolean delta); void CL_SetSolidEntities (void); void CL_ParsePlayerinfo (void); void CL_ParseClientPersist(void); //these last ones are needed for csqc handling of engine-bound ents. void CL_SwapEntityLists(void); void CL_LinkViewModel(void); void CL_LinkPlayers (void); void CL_LinkPacketEntities (void); void CL_LinkProjectiles (void); qboolean CL_MayLerp(void); // //clq3_parse.c // #ifdef Q3CLIENT void VARGS CLQ3_SendClientCommand(const char *fmt, ...); void CLQ3_SendAuthPacket(netadr_t gameserver); void CLQ3_SendConnectPacket(netadr_t to); void CLQ3_SendCmd(usercmd_t *cmd); qboolean CLQ3_Netchan_Process(void); void CLQ3_ParseServerMessage (void); struct snapshot_s; qboolean CG_FillQ3Snapshot(int snapnum, struct snapshot_s *snapshot); void CG_InsertIntoGameState(int num, char *str); void CG_Restart_f(void); char *CG_GetConfigString(int num); #endif // //pr_csqc.c // #ifdef CSQC_DAT qboolean CSQC_Init (unsigned int checksum); void CSQC_RegisterCvarsAndThings(void); qboolean CSQC_DrawView(void); void CSQC_Shutdown(void); qboolean CSQC_StuffCmd(int lplayernum, char *cmd); qboolean CSQC_LoadResource(char *resname, char *restype); qboolean CSQC_CenterPrint(int lplayernum, char *cmd); void CSQC_Input_Frame(int lplayernum, usercmd_t *cmd); void CSQC_WorldLoaded(void); qboolean CSQC_ParseTempEntity(unsigned char firstbyte); qboolean CSQC_ConsoleCommand(char *cmd); qboolean CSQC_KeyPress(int key, qboolean down); int CSQC_StartSound(int entnum, int channel, char *soundname, vec3_t pos, float vol, float attenuation); void CSQC_ParseEntities(void); qboolean CSQC_SettingListener(void); qboolean CSQC_DeltaPlayer(int playernum, player_state_t *state); void CSQC_DeltaStart(float time); qboolean CSQC_DeltaUpdate(entity_state_t *src); void CSQC_DeltaEnd(void); #endif // // cl_pred.c // void CL_InitPrediction (void); void CL_PredictMove (void); void CL_PredictUsercmd (int pnum, player_state_t *from, player_state_t *to, usercmd_t *u); #ifdef Q2CLIENT void CLQ2_CheckPredictionError (void); #endif void CL_CalcClientTime(void); // // cl_cam.c // #define CAM_NONE 0 #define CAM_TRACK 1 extern int autocam[MAX_SPLITS]; extern int spec_track[MAX_SPLITS]; // player# of who we are tracking qboolean Cam_DrawViewModel(int pnum); qboolean Cam_DrawPlayer(int pnum, int playernum); int Cam_TrackNum(int pnum); void Cam_Unlock(int pnum); void Cam_Lock(int pnum, int playernum); void Cam_SelfTrack(int pnum); void Cam_Track(int pnum, usercmd_t *cmd); void Cam_TrackCrosshairedPlayer(int pnum); void Cam_FinishMove(int pnum, usercmd_t *cmd); void Cam_Reset(void); void Cam_TrackPlayer(int pnum, char *cmdname, char *plrarg); void Cam_Lock(int pnum, int playernum); void CL_InitCam(void); void vectoangles(vec3_t vec, vec3_t ang); // //zqtp.c // #define TPM_UNKNOWN 0 #define TPM_NORMAL 1 #define TPM_TEAM 2 #define TPM_SPECTATOR 4 #define TPM_FAKED 16 #define TPM_OBSERVEDTEAM 32 void CL_Say (qboolean team, char *extra); int TP_CategorizeMessage (char *s, int *offset, player_info_t **plr); void TP_CheckPickupSound(char *s, vec3_t org); qboolean TP_CheckSoundTrigger (char *str); int TP_CountPlayers (void); char* TP_EnemyName (void); char* TP_EnemyTeam (void); void TP_ExecTrigger (char *s); qboolean TP_FilterMessage (char *s); void TP_Init(void); char* TP_LocationName (vec3_t location); char* TP_MapName (void); void TP_NewMap (void); void TP_ParsePlayerInfo(player_state_t *oldstate, player_state_t *state, player_info_t *info); char* TP_PlayerName (void); char* TP_PlayerTeam (void); void TP_SearchForMsgTriggers (char *s, int level); qboolean TP_SoundTrigger(char *message); void TP_StatChanged (int stat, int value); qboolean TP_SuppressMessage(char *buf); colourised_t *TP_FindColours(char *name); // // skin.c // typedef struct { char manufacturer; char version; char encoding; char bits_per_pixel; unsigned short xmin,ymin,xmax,ymax; unsigned short hres,vres; unsigned char palette[48]; char reserved; char color_planes; unsigned short bytes_per_line; unsigned short palette_type; char filler[58]; // unsigned char data; // unbounded } pcx_t; qbyte *ReadPCXData(qbyte *buf, int length, int width, int height, qbyte *result); char *Skin_FindName (player_info_t *sc); void Skin_Find (player_info_t *sc); qbyte *Skin_Cache8 (skin_t *skin); qbyte *Skin_Cache32 (skin_t *skin); void Skin_Skins_f (void); void Skin_FlushSkin(char *name); void Skin_AllSkins_f (void); void Skin_NextDownload (void); void Skin_FlushPlayers(void); #define RSSHOT_WIDTH 320 #define RSSHOT_HEIGHT 200 //valid.c void RulesetLatch(cvar_t *cvar); void Validation_Apply_Ruleset(void); void Validation_FlushFileList(void); void Validation_CheckIfResponse(char *text); void Validation_DelatchRulesets(void); void InitValidation(void); void Validation_IncludeFile(char *filename, char *file, int filelen); void Validation_Auto_Response(int playernum, char *s); extern qboolean f_modified_particles; extern qboolean care_f_modified; //random files (fixme: clean up) #ifdef Q2CLIENT void CLQ2_ParseTEnt (void); void CLQ2_AddEntities (void); void CLQ2_ParseBaseline (void); void CLQ2_ParseFrame (void); void CLQ2_RunMuzzleFlash2 (int ent, int flash_number); void CLNQ_ParseEntity(unsigned int bits); int CLQ2_RegisterTEntModels (void); #endif void NQ_P_ParseParticleEffect (void); void CLNQ_SignonReply (void); void NQ_BeginConnect(char *to); void NQ_ContinueConnect(char *to); int CLNQ_GetMessage (void); void CL_BeginServerReconnect(void); void SV_User_f (void); //called by client version of the function void SV_Serverinfo_f (void); #ifdef TEXTEDITOR extern qboolean editoractive; extern qboolean editormodal; void Editor_Draw(void); void Editor_Init(void); #endif void SCR_StringToRGB (char *rgbstring, float *rgb, float rgbinputscale); int SCR_StringToPalIndex (char *rgbstring, float rgbinputscale); void CL_AddVWeapModel(entity_t *player, int model); qboolean Media_PlayingFullScreen(void); void Media_Init(void); qboolean Media_PlayFilm(char *name); void CIN_FinishCinematic (void); qboolean CIN_PlayCinematic (char *arg); qboolean CIN_DrawCinematic (void); qboolean CIN_RunCinematic (void); typedef struct cin_s cin_t; struct cin_s *Media_StartCin(char *name); int Media_UpdateForShader(int texnum, cin_t *cin); void Media_ShutdownCin(cin_t *cin); //these accept NULL for cin to mean the current fullscreen video void Media_Gecko_KeyPress (struct cin_s *cin, int code, int event); void Media_Send_Command(cin_t *cin, char *command); void Media_Send_MouseMove(cin_t *cin, float x, float y); void Media_Send_Resize(cin_t *cin, int x, int y); void Media_Send_GetSize(cin_t *cin, int *x, int *y); void Media_Send_KeyEvent(cin_t *cin, int button, int event); void MVD_Interpolate(void); int Stats_GetKills(int playernum); int Stats_GetTKills(int playernum); int Stats_GetDeaths(int playernum); int Stats_GetTouches(int playernum); int Stats_GetCaptures(int playernum); qboolean Stats_HaveFlags(void); qboolean Stats_HaveKills(void); void VARGS Stats_Message(char *msg, ...); int qm_strcmp(char *s1, char *s2); int qm_stricmp(char *s1, char *s2); void Stats_ParsePrintLine(char *line); void Stats_NewMap(void);