Misc q2 fixes.
git-svn-id: https://svn.code.sf.net/p/fteqw/code/trunk@6022 fc73d0e0-1445-4013-8a0c-d673dee63da5
This commit is contained in:
8 changed files with 55 additions and 18 deletions
@ -5504,6 +5504,10 @@ void CL_LinkViewModel(void)
ent.framestate.g[FS_REG].lerpweight[1] = cl.lerpfrac;
if (pv->handedness == 1)
ent.flags |= RF_XFLIP;
else if (pv->handedness == 2)
V_AddEntity (&ent);
@ -159,6 +159,9 @@ cvar_t w_switch = CVARF("w_switch", "", CVAR_ARCHIVE | CVAR_USERINFO);
#ifdef HEXEN2
cvar_t cl_playerclass=CVARF("cl_playerclass","", CVAR_ARCHIVE | CVAR_USERINFO);
#ifdef Q2CLIENT
static cvar_t hand = CVARFD("hand", "", CVAR_ARCHIVE | CVAR_USERINFO, "For gamecode to know which hand to fire from.\n0: Right\n1: Left\n2: Chest");
cvar_t cl_nofake = CVARD("cl_nofake", "2", "value 0: permits \\r chars in chat messages\nvalue 1: blocks all \\r chars\nvalue 2: allows \\r chars, but only from teammates");
cvar_t cl_chatsound = CVAR("cl_chatsound","1");
cvar_t cl_enemychatsound = CVAR("cl_enemychatsound", "misc/talk.wav");
@ -600,6 +603,13 @@ void CL_SendConnectPacket (netadr_t *to, int mtu,
#ifdef Q2CLIENT
if (connectinfo.protocol == CP_QUAKE2)
if (!(scr_fov.flags & CVAR_USERINFO))
{ //q2 does server-controlled fov, so make sure the cvar is flagged properly.
//FIXME: this hack needs better support, for dynamically switching between protocols without spamming too many cvars for other games.
scr_fov.flags |= CVAR_USERINFO;
Cvar_Set(&scr_fov, scr_fov.string); //make sure the userinfo is set properly.
fteprotextsupported1 = ftepext1 & (PEXT_MODELDBL|PEXT_SOUNDDBL|PEXT_SPLITSCREEN);
fteprotextsupported2 = 0;
ezprotextsupported1 = 0;
@ -4977,6 +4987,9 @@ void CL_Init (void)
Cvar_Register (&rate, cl_controlgroup);
Cvar_Register (&drate, cl_controlgroup);
Cvar_Register (&msg, cl_controlgroup);
#ifdef Q2CLIENT
Cvar_Register (&hand, cl_controlgroup);
Cvar_Register (&noaim, cl_controlgroup);
Cvar_Register (&b_switch, cl_controlgroup);
Cvar_Register (&w_switch, cl_controlgroup);
@ -711,6 +711,8 @@ struct playerview_s
} prop;
#ifdef Q2CLIENT
float forcefov;
int handedness; //0=right,1=left,2=center/hidden
vec3_t predicted_origin;
vec3_t predicted_angles;
vec3_t prediction_error;
@ -2496,7 +2496,8 @@ void CLQ2_CalcViewValues (int seat)
// AngleVectors (r_refdef.viewangles, v_forward, v_right, v_up);
// interpolate field of view
r_refdef.fov_x = ops->fov + lerp * (ps->fov - ops->fov);
pv->forcefov = ops->fov + lerp * (ps->fov - ops->fov);
pv->handedness = atoi(InfoBuf_ValueForKey(&cls.userinfo[seat], "hand"));
//do interpolate blend alpha, but only if the rgb didn't change
// don't interpolate blend color
@ -137,7 +137,9 @@ void MSetup_Removed(emenu_t *menu)
char bot[64], top[64];
setupmenu_t *info = menu->data;
if (info->nameedit)
Cvar_Set(&name, info->nameedit->text);
if (info->teamedit)
Cvar_Set(&team, info->teamedit->text);
if (info->skinedit)
Cvar_Set(&skin, info->skinedit->text);
@ -1327,6 +1327,10 @@ void V_ApplyAFov(playerview_t *pv)
if (!r_refdef.fov_x || !r_refdef.fov_y)
float afov = r_refdef.afov;
#ifdef Q2CLIENT
if (pv->forcefov>0)
afov = pv->forcefov;
if (!afov) //make sure its sensible.
afov = scr_fov.value;
@ -1389,6 +1389,7 @@ typedef struct q1usercmd_s
#define RF_WEAPONMODELNOBOB (1u<<23)
#define RF_FIRSTPERSON (1u<<24) //only draw through eyes
#define RF_XFLIP (1u<<25) //flip horizontally (for q2's left-handed weapons)
// player_state_t->refdef flags
#define RDF_UNDERWATER (1u<<0) // warp the screen as apropriate (fov trick)
@ -178,7 +178,7 @@ struct {
texid_t fogtexture;
texid_t normalisationcubemap;
float fogfar;
float depthrange;
int usingweaponviewmatrix;
batch_t **mbatches; //model batches (ie: not world)
@ -417,7 +417,7 @@ void GL_ForceDepthWritable(void)
void GL_SetShaderState2D(qboolean is2d)
shaderstate.depthrange = 0; //force projection matrix info to get reset
shaderstate.usingweaponviewmatrix = -1; //force projection matrix info to get reset
shaderstate.updatetime = realtime;
shaderstate.force2d = is2d;
if (is2d)
@ -1102,7 +1102,7 @@ qboolean GLBE_BeginShadowMap(int id, int w, int h, uploadfmt_t encoding, int *re
/*set framebuffer*/
*restorefbo = GLBE_BeginRenderBuffer_DepthOnly(shaderstate.curshadowmap);
shaderstate.depthrange = 0; //make sure the projection matrix is updated.
shaderstate.usingweaponviewmatrix = -1; //make sure the projection matrix is updated.
@ -1128,7 +1128,7 @@ qboolean GLBE_BeginShadowMap(int id, int w, int h, uploadfmt_t encoding, int *re
void GLBE_EndShadowMap(int restorefbo)
shaderstate.depthrange = 0; //make sure the projection matrix is updated.
shaderstate.usingweaponviewmatrix = -1; //make sure the projection matrix is updated.
@ -4141,7 +4141,7 @@ void GLBE_SelectMode(backendmode_t mode)
void GLBE_SelectEntity(entity_t *ent)
float nd;
unsigned int fl;
shaderstate.curentity = ent;
currententity = ent;
R_RotateForEntity(shaderstate.modelmatrix, shaderstate.modelviewmatrix, shaderstate.curentity, shaderstate.curentity->model);
@ -4149,18 +4149,28 @@ void GLBE_SelectEntity(entity_t *ent)
if (qglLoadMatrixf)
if (shaderstate.curentity->flags & RF_DEPTHHACK)
nd = 0.3;
nd = 1;
if (shaderstate.depthrange != nd)
shaderstate.depthrange = nd;
if (nd < 1)
fl = shaderstate.curentity->flags&(RF_DEPTHHACK|RF_XFLIP);
if (shaderstate.usingweaponviewmatrix != fl)
if ((shaderstate.usingweaponviewmatrix & RF_XFLIP) && shaderstate.usingweaponviewmatrix != -1)
r_refdef.flipcull ^= SHADER_CULL_FLIP;
shaderstate.usingweaponviewmatrix = fl;
if (fl)
memcpy(shaderstate.projectionmatrix, r_refdef.m_projection_view, sizeof(shaderstate.projectionmatrix));
memcpy(shaderstate.projectionmatrix, r_refdef.m_projection_std, sizeof(shaderstate.projectionmatrix));
if (fl&RF_XFLIP)
shaderstate.projectionmatrix[0] *= -1;
shaderstate.projectionmatrix[4] *= -1;
shaderstate.projectionmatrix[8] *= -1;
shaderstate.projectionmatrix[12] *= -1;
r_refdef.flipcull ^= SHADER_CULL_FLIP;
if (qglLoadMatrixf)
@ -6278,7 +6288,7 @@ void GLBE_DrawWorld (batch_t **worldbatches)
shaderstate.mbatches = batches;
shaderstate.depthrange = 0;
shaderstate.usingweaponviewmatrix = -1;
TRACE(("GLBE_DrawWorld: %p\n", worldbatches));
@ -6470,7 +6480,7 @@ void GLBE_DrawWorld (batch_t **worldbatches)
// shaderstate.curtime = shaderstate.updatetime = realtime;
shaderstate.depthrange = 0;
shaderstate.usingweaponviewmatrix = -1;
shaderstate.identitylighting = 1;
Reference in a new issue