diff --git a/engine/gl/gl_vidcommon.c b/engine/gl/gl_vidcommon.c index d7b724cda..cdfe1320f 100644 --- a/engine/gl/gl_vidcommon.c +++ b/engine/gl/gl_vidcommon.c @@ -290,27 +290,27 @@ void (APIENTRY myGLDEBUGPROCAMD)(GLenum source, switch(type) { case GL_DEBUG_TYPE_ERROR_ARB: - OutputDebugString("Error: "); + OutputDebugStringA("Error: "); break; case GL_DEBUG_TYPE_DEPRECATED_BEHAVIOR_ARB: - OutputDebugString("Depricated: "); + OutputDebugStringA("Depricated: "); break; case GL_DEBUG_TYPE_UNDEFINED_BEHAVIOR_ARB: - OutputDebugString("Undefined: "); + OutputDebugStringA("Undefined: "); break; case GL_DEBUG_TYPE_PORTABILITY_ARB: - OutputDebugString("Portability: "); + OutputDebugStringA("Portability: "); break; case GL_DEBUG_TYPE_PERFORMANCE_ARB: - OutputDebugString("Performance: "); + OutputDebugStringA("Performance: "); break; default: case GL_DEBUG_TYPE_OTHER_ARB: - OutputDebugString("Other: "); + OutputDebugStringA("Other: "); break; } - OutputDebugString(message); - OutputDebugString("\n"); + OutputDebugStringA(message); + OutputDebugStringA("\n"); } #endif @@ -1154,8 +1154,7 @@ static const char *glsl_hdrs[] = "#ifdef SPOT\n" //bias it. don't bother figuring out which side or anything, its not needed //l_projmatrix contains the light's projection matrix so no other magic needed - "vtexprojcoord.z -= 0.015;\n" - "return (vtexprojcoord.xyz/vtexprojcoord.w + vec3(1.0, 1.0, 1.0)) * vec3(0.5, 0.5, 0.5);\n" + "return ((vtexprojcoord.xyz-vec3(0.0,0.0,0.015))/vtexprojcoord.w + vec3(1.0, 1.0, 1.0)) * vec3(0.5, 0.5, 0.5);\n" //"#elif defined(CUBESHADOW)\n" // vec3 shadowcoord = vshadowcoord.xyz / vshadowcoord.w; // #define dosamp(x,y) shadowCube(s_t4, shadowcoord + vec2(x,y)*texscale.xy).r diff --git a/engine/gl/r_bishaders.h b/engine/gl/r_bishaders.h index dd1c4a450..fbe57853b 100644 --- a/engine/gl/r_bishaders.h +++ b/engine/gl/r_bishaders.h @@ -382,6 +382,39 @@ YOU SHOULD NOT EDIT THIS FILE BY HAND "}\n" "#endif\n" +}, +#endif +#ifdef D3D11QUAKE +{QR_DIRECT3D11, 11, "depthonly", +//used for generating shadowmaps and stuff that draws nothing. + +"struct a2v\n" +"{\n" +"float4 pos: POSITION;\n" +"float3 normal: NORMAL;\n" +"};\n" +"struct v2f\n" +"{\n" +"float4 pos: SV_POSITION;\n" +"};\n" + +"#include <ftedefs.h>\n" + +"#ifdef VERTEX_SHADER\n" +"v2f main (a2v inp)\n" +"{\n" +"v2f outp;\n" +"outp.pos = mul(m_model, inp.pos);\n" +"outp.pos = mul(m_view, outp.pos);\n" +"outp.pos = mul(m_projection, outp.pos);\n" +"return outp;\n" +"}\n" +"#endif\n" +"#ifdef FRAGMENT_SHADER\n" +"void main (v2f inp) : SV_TARGET\n" +"{\n" +"}\n" +"#endif\n" }, #endif #ifdef GLQUAKE @@ -1866,8 +1899,7 @@ YOU SHOULD NOT EDIT THIS FILE BY HAND /*filter the light by the shadowmap. logically a boolean, but we allow fractions for softer shadows*/ //diff.rgb = (vtexprojcoord.xyz/vtexprojcoord.w) * 0.5 + 0.5; "colorscale *= ShadowmapFilter();\n" -// gl_FragColor.rgb = vec3(ShadowmapFilter()); - +// diff = ShadowmapCoord(); "#endif\n" "#if defined(PROJECTION)\n" @@ -1946,6 +1978,240 @@ YOU SHOULD NOT EDIT THIS FILE BY HAND "#endif\n" }, #endif +#ifdef D3D11QUAKE +{QR_DIRECT3D11, 11, "rtlight", +"!!permu BUMP\n" +"!!permu FRAMEBLEND\n" +"!!permu SKELETAL\n" +"!!permu UPPERLOWER\n" +"!!permu FOG\n" +"!!cvarf r_glsl_offsetmapping_scale\n" +"!!cvardf r_glsl_pcf\n" + + +//this is the main shader responsible for realtime dlights. + +//texture units: +//s0=diffuse, s1=normal, s2=specular, s3=shadowmap +//custom modifiers: +//PCF(shadowmap) +//CUBEPROJ(projected cubemap) +//SPOT(projected circle +//CUBESHADOW + +"#undef CUBE //engine cannot load cubemaps properly with d3d yet.\n" + +"#ifndef r_glsl_pcf\n" +"#error r_glsl_pcf wasn't defined\n" +"#endif\n" +"#if r_glsl_pcf < 1\n" +"#undef r_glsl_pcf\n" +"#define r_glsl_pcf 9\n" +"#endif\n" + +"#ifdef UPPERLOWER\n" +"#define UPPER\n" +"#define LOWER\n" +"#endif\n" + + +"struct a2v\n" +"{\n" +"float4 pos: POSITION;\n" +"float4 tc: TEXCOORD0;\n" +"float3 n: NORMAL;\n" +"float3 s: TANGENT;\n" +"float3 t: BINORMAL;\n" +"};\n" +"struct v2f\n" +"{\n" +"float4 pos: SV_POSITION;\n" +"float2 tc: TEXCOORD0;\n" +"float3 lightvector: TEXCOORD1;\n" +"float3 eyevector: TEXCOORD2;\n" +"float3 vtexprojcoord: TEXCOORD3;\n" +"};\n" + +"#include <ftedefs.h>\n" + +"#ifdef VERTEX_SHADER\n" +"v2f main (a2v inp)\n" +"{\n" +"v2f outp;\n" +"float4 wpos;\n" +"wpos = mul(m_model, inp.pos);\n" +"outp.pos = mul(m_view, wpos);\n" +"outp.pos = mul(m_projection, outp.pos);\n" +"outp.tc = inp.tc.xy;\n" +"float3 lightminusvertex = l_lightposition - wpos.xyz;\n" +"outp.lightvector.x = -dot(lightminusvertex, inp.s.xyz);\n" +"outp.lightvector.y = dot(lightminusvertex, inp.t.xyz);\n" +"outp.lightvector.z = dot(lightminusvertex, inp.n.xyz);\n" +"float3 eyeminusvertex = e_eyepos - wpos.xyz;\n" +"outp.eyevector.x = -dot(eyeminusvertex, inp.s.xyz);\n" +"outp.eyevector.y = dot(eyeminusvertex, inp.t.xyz);\n" +"outp.eyevector.z = dot(eyeminusvertex, inp.n.xyz);\n" +"outp.vtexprojcoord = mul(l_cubematrix, wpos).xyz;\n" +"return outp;\n" +"}\n" +"#endif\n" + + +"#ifdef FRAGMENT_SHADER\n" + +"Texture2D tx_base : register(t0);\n" +"Texture2D tx_bump : register(t1);\n" +"Texture2D tx_spec : register(t2);\n" +"TextureCube tx_cube : register(t3);\n" +"Texture2D tx_smap : register(t4);\n" +"Texture2D tx_lower : register(t5);\n" +"Texture2D tx_upper : register(t6);\n" + +"SamplerState ss_base : register(s0);\n" +"SamplerState ss_bump : register(s1);\n" +"SamplerState ss_spec : register(s2);\n" +"SamplerState ss_cube : register(s3);\n" +"SamplerComparisonState ss_smap : register(s4);\n" +"SamplerState ss_lower : register(s5);\n" +"SamplerState ss_upper : register(s6);\n" + +"#ifdef PCF\n" +"float3 ShadowmapCoord(float3 vtexprojcoord)\n" +"{\n" +"#ifdef SPOT\n" +//bias it. don't bother figuring out which side or anything, its not needed +//l_projmatrix contains the light's projection matrix so no other magic needed +"vtexprojcoord.z -= 0.015;\n" +"return (vtexprojcoord.xyz + float3(1.0, 1.0, 1.0)) * float3(0.5, 0.5, 0.5);\n" +//#elif defined(CUBESHADOW) +// vec3 shadowcoord = vshadowcoord.xyz / vshadowcoord.w; +// #define dosamp(x,y) shadowCube(s_t4, shadowcoord + vec2(x,y)*texscale.xy).r +"#else\n" +//figure out which axis to use +//texture is arranged thusly: +//forward left up +//back right down +"float3 dir = abs(vtexprojcoord.xyz);\n" +//assume z is the major axis (ie: forward from the light) +"float3 t = vtexprojcoord.xyz;\n" +"float ma = dir.z;\n" +"float3 axis = float3(0.5/3.0, 0.5/2.0, 0.5);\n" +"if (dir.x > ma)\n" +"{\n" +"ma = dir.x;\n" +"t = vtexprojcoord.zyx;\n" +"axis.x = 0.5;\n" +"}\n" +"if (dir.y > ma)\n" +"{\n" +"ma = dir.y;\n" +"t = vtexprojcoord.xzy;\n" +"axis.x = 2.5/3.0;\n" +"}\n" +//if the axis is negative, flip it. +"if (t.z > 0.0)\n" +"{\n" +"axis.y = 1.5/2.0;\n" +"t.z = -t.z;\n" +"}\n" + +//we also need to pass the result through the light's projection matrix too +//the 'matrix' we need only contains 5 actual values. and one of them is a -1. So we might as well just use a vec4. +//note: the projection matrix also includes scalers to pinch the image inwards to avoid sampling over borders, as well as to cope with non-square source image +//the resulting z is prescaled to result in a value between -0.5 and 0.5. +//also make sure we're in the right quadrant type thing +"return axis + ((l_shadowmapproj.xyz*t.xyz + float3(0.0, 0.0, l_shadowmapproj.w)) / -t.z);\n" +"#endif\n" +"}\n" + +"float ShadowmapFilter(float3 vtexprojcoord)\n" +"{\n" +"float3 shadowcoord = ShadowmapCoord(vtexprojcoord);\n" + +// #define dosamp(x,y) shadow2D(s_t4, shadowcoord.xyz + (vec3(x,y,0.0)*l_shadowmapscale.xyx)).r + +// #define dosamp(x,y) (tx_smap.Sample(ss_smap, shadowcoord.xy + (float2(x,y)*l_shadowmapscale.xy)).r < shadowcoord.z) +"#define dosamp(x,y) (tx_smap.SampleCmpLevelZero(ss_smap, shadowcoord.xy+(float2(x,y)*l_shadowmapscale.xy), shadowcoord.z))\n" + + +"float s = 0.0;\n" +"#if r_glsl_pcf >= 1 && r_glsl_pcf < 5\n" +"s += dosamp(0.0, 0.0);\n" +"return s;\n" +"#elif r_glsl_pcf >= 5 && r_glsl_pcf < 9\n" +"s += dosamp(-1.0, 0.0);\n" +"s += dosamp(0.0, -1.0);\n" +"s += dosamp(0.0, 0.0);\n" +"s += dosamp(0.0, 1.0);\n" +"s += dosamp(1.0, 0.0);\n" +"return s/5.0;\n" +"#else\n" +"s += dosamp(-1.0, -1.0);\n" +"s += dosamp(-1.0, 0.0);\n" +"s += dosamp(-1.0, 1.0);\n" +"s += dosamp(0.0, -1.0);\n" +"s += dosamp(0.0, 0.0);\n" +"s += dosamp(0.0, 1.0);\n" +"s += dosamp(1.0, -1.0);\n" +"s += dosamp(1.0, 0.0);\n" +"s += dosamp(1.0, 1.0);\n" +"return s/9.0;\n" +"#endif\n" +"}\n" +"#endif\n" + + +"float4 main (v2f inp) : SV_TARGET\n" +"{\n" +"float2 tc = inp.tc; //TODO: offsetmapping.\n" + +"float4 base = tx_base.Sample(ss_base, tc);\n" +"#ifdef BUMP\n" +"float4 bump = tx_bump.Sample(ss_bump, tc);\n" +"bump.rgb = normalize(bump.rgb - 0.5);\n" +"#else\n" +"float4 bump = float4(0, 0, 1, 0);\n" +"#endif\n" +"float4 spec = tx_spec.Sample(ss_spec, tc);\n" +"#ifdef CUBE\n" +"float4 cubemap = tx_cube.Sample(ss_cube, inp.vtexprojcoord);\n" +"#endif\n" +"#ifdef LOWER\n" +"float4 lower = tx_lower.Sample(ss_lower, tc);\n" +"base += lower;\n" +"#endif\n" +"#ifdef UPPER\n" +"float4 upper = tx_upper.Sample(ss_upper, tc);\n" +"base += upper;\n" +"#endif\n" + +"float lightscale = max(1.0 - (dot(inp.lightvector,inp.lightvector)/(l_lightradius*l_lightradius)), 0.0);\n" +"float3 nl = normalize(inp.lightvector);\n" +"float bumpscale = max(dot(bump.xyz, nl), 0.0);\n" +"float3 halfdir = normalize(normalize(inp.eyevector) + nl);\n" +"float specscale = pow(max(dot(halfdir, bump.rgb), 0.0), 32.0 * spec.a);\n" + +"float4 result;\n" +"result.a = base.a;\n" +"result.rgb = base.rgb * (l_lightcolourscale.x + l_lightcolourscale.y * bumpscale); //amient light + diffuse\n" +"result.rgb += spec.rgb * l_lightcolourscale.z * specscale; //specular\n" + +"result.rgb *= lightscale * l_colour; //fade light by distance and light colour.\n" + +"#ifdef CUBE\n" +"result.rgb *= cubemap.rgb; //fade by cubemap\n" +"#endif\n" + +"#ifdef PCF\n" +"result.rgb *= ShadowmapFilter(inp.vtexprojcoord);\n" +"#endif\n" + +//TODO: fog +"return result;\n" +"}\n" +"#endif\n" +}, +#endif #ifdef GLQUAKE {QR_OPENGL, 110, "underwaterwarp", "!!cvarf r_waterwarp\n" @@ -2109,9 +2375,12 @@ YOU SHOULD NOT EDIT THIS FILE BY HAND "uniform sampler2D s_t4;\n" "#ifdef PCF\n" -"sampler2DShadow s_t5;\n" +"uniform sampler2DShadow s_t5;\n" "#include \"sys/pcf.h\"\n" "#endif\n" +"#ifdef CUBE\n" +"uniform samplerCube s_t6;\n" +"#endif\n" //light levels "uniform vec4 e_lmscale;\n" @@ -2164,6 +2433,10 @@ YOU SHOULD NOT EDIT THIS FILE BY HAND "r.rgb *= colorscale * l_lightcolour;\n" +"#ifdef CUBE\n" +"r.rgb *= textureCube(s_t6, vtexprojcoord.xyz).rgb;\n" +"#endif\n" + "gl_FragColor = fog4additive(r);\n" "#else\n" //lightmap is greyscale in m.a. probably we should just scale the texture mix, but precision errors when editing make me paranoid. @@ -2188,6 +2461,8 @@ YOU SHOULD NOT EDIT THIS FILE BY HAND "float2 tc: TEXCOORD0;\n" "float2 lmtc: TEXCOORD1;\n" "float4 vcol: COLOR0;\n" +"float3 vtexprojcoord: TEXCOORD2;\n" +"float3 vtexprojcoord: TEXCOORD2;\n" "};\n" "#include <ftedefs.h>\n" @@ -2207,22 +2482,50 @@ YOU SHOULD NOT EDIT THIS FILE BY HAND "#endif\n" "#ifdef FRAGMENT_SHADER\n" -"Texture2D shaderTexture[5];\n" -"SamplerState SampleType;\n" +"Texture2D shaderTexture[7];\n" +"SamplerState SampleType[7];\n" "float4 main (v2f inp) : SV_TARGET\n" "{\n" -"return float4(1,1,1,1);\n" +"float4 result;\n" -// float4 m = shaderTexture[4].Sample(SampleType, inp.tc) ; +"float4 base = shaderTexture[0].Sample(SampleType[0], inp.tc);\n" +"#ifdef BUMP\n" +"float4 bump = shaderTexture[1].Sample(SampleType[1], inp.tc);\n" +"#else\n" +"float4 bump = float4(0, 0, 1, 0);\n" +"#endif\n" +"float4 spec = shaderTexture[2].Sample(SampleType[2], inp.tc);\n" +"#ifdef CUBE\n" +"float4 cubemap = shaderTexture[3].Sample(SampleType[3], inp.vtexprojcoord);\n" +"#endif\n" +//shadowmap 2d +"#ifdef LOWER\n" +"float4 lower = shaderTexture[5].Sample(SampleType[5], inp.tc);\n" +"base += lower;\n" +"#endif\n" +"#ifdef UPPER\n" +"float4 upper = shaderTexture[6].Sample(SampleType[6], inp.tc);\n" +"base += upper;\n" +"#endif\n" -// return inp.vcol*float4(m.aaa,1.0)*( -// shaderTexture[0].Sample(SampleType, inp.tc)*m.r -// + shaderTexture[1].Sample(SampleType, inp.tc)*m.g -// + shaderTexture[2].Sample(SampleType, inp.tc)*m.b -// + shaderTexture[3].Sample(SampleType, inp.tc)*1.0 - (m.r + m.g + m.b)) -// ; +"float lightscale = max(1.0 - (dot(inp.lightvector,inp.lightvector)/(l_lightradius*l_lightradius)), 0.0);\n" +"float3 nl = normalize(inp.lightvector);\n" +"float bumpscale = max(dot(bump.xyz, nl), 0.0);\n" +"float3 halfdir = normalize(normalize(eyevector) + nl);\n" +"float specscale = pow(max(dot(halfdir, bumps), 0.0), 32.0 * spec.a);\n" +"result.a = base.a;\n" +"result.rgb = base.rgb * (l_lightcolourscale.x + l_lightcolourscale.y * bumpscale); //amient light + diffuse\n" +"result.rgb += spec.rgb * l_lightcolourscale.z * specscale; //specular\n" + +"result.rgb *= lightscale; //fade light by distance\n" + +"#ifdef CUBE\n" +"result.rgb *= cubemap.rgb; //fade by cubemap\n" +"#endif\n" + +"return result;\n" "}\n" "#endif\n" }, diff --git a/engine/shaders/glsl/rtlight.glsl b/engine/shaders/glsl/rtlight.glsl index a3cd96cdf..165c76914 100644 --- a/engine/shaders/glsl/rtlight.glsl +++ b/engine/shaders/glsl/rtlight.glsl @@ -274,8 +274,7 @@ void main () /*filter the light by the shadowmap. logically a boolean, but we allow fractions for softer shadows*/ //diff.rgb = (vtexprojcoord.xyz/vtexprojcoord.w) * 0.5 + 0.5; colorscale *= ShadowmapFilter(); -// gl_FragColor.rgb = vec3(ShadowmapFilter()); - +// diff = ShadowmapCoord(); #endif #if defined(PROJECTION) diff --git a/engine/shaders/glsl/terrain.glsl b/engine/shaders/glsl/terrain.glsl index 407f5adaa..296524a76 100644 --- a/engine/shaders/glsl/terrain.glsl +++ b/engine/shaders/glsl/terrain.glsl @@ -82,9 +82,12 @@ uniform sampler2D s_t3; uniform sampler2D s_t4; #ifdef PCF - sampler2DShadow s_t5; + uniform sampler2DShadow s_t5; #include "sys/pcf.h" #endif +#ifdef CUBE + uniform samplerCube s_t6; +#endif //light levels uniform vec4 e_lmscale; @@ -137,6 +140,10 @@ void main (void) r.rgb *= colorscale * l_lightcolour; + #ifdef CUBE + r.rgb *= textureCube(s_t6, vtexprojcoord.xyz).rgb; + #endif + gl_FragColor = fog4additive(r); #else //lightmap is greyscale in m.a. probably we should just scale the texture mix, but precision errors when editing make me paranoid. diff --git a/engine/shaders/hlsl11/terrain.hlsl b/engine/shaders/hlsl11/terrain.hlsl index 487dead4d..dfe0b0f40 100644 --- a/engine/shaders/hlsl11/terrain.hlsl +++ b/engine/shaders/hlsl11/terrain.hlsl @@ -10,6 +10,8 @@ struct v2f float2 tc: TEXCOORD0; float2 lmtc: TEXCOORD1; float4 vcol: COLOR0; + float3 vtexprojcoord: TEXCOORD2; + float3 vtexprojcoord: TEXCOORD2; }; #include <ftedefs.h> @@ -29,21 +31,49 @@ struct v2f #endif #ifdef FRAGMENT_SHADER - Texture2D shaderTexture[5]; - SamplerState SampleType; + Texture2D shaderTexture[7]; + SamplerState SampleType[7]; float4 main (v2f inp) : SV_TARGET { -return float4(1,1,1,1); + float4 result; -// float4 m = shaderTexture[4].Sample(SampleType, inp.tc) ; + float4 base = shaderTexture[0].Sample(SampleType[0], inp.tc); +#ifdef BUMP + float4 bump = shaderTexture[1].Sample(SampleType[1], inp.tc); +#else + float4 bump = float4(0, 0, 1, 0); +#endif + float4 spec = shaderTexture[2].Sample(SampleType[2], inp.tc); +#ifdef CUBE + float4 cubemap = shaderTexture[3].Sample(SampleType[3], inp.vtexprojcoord); +#endif + //shadowmap 2d +#ifdef LOWER + float4 lower = shaderTexture[5].Sample(SampleType[5], inp.tc); + base += lower; +#endif +#ifdef UPPER + float4 upper = shaderTexture[6].Sample(SampleType[6], inp.tc); + base += upper; +#endif -// return inp.vcol*float4(m.aaa,1.0)*( -// shaderTexture[0].Sample(SampleType, inp.tc)*m.r -// + shaderTexture[1].Sample(SampleType, inp.tc)*m.g -// + shaderTexture[2].Sample(SampleType, inp.tc)*m.b -// + shaderTexture[3].Sample(SampleType, inp.tc)*1.0 - (m.r + m.g + m.b)) -// ; + float lightscale = max(1.0 - (dot(inp.lightvector,inp.lightvector)/(l_lightradius*l_lightradius)), 0.0); + float3 nl = normalize(inp.lightvector); + float bumpscale = max(dot(bump.xyz, nl), 0.0); + float3 halfdir = normalize(normalize(eyevector) + nl); + float specscale = pow(max(dot(halfdir, bumps), 0.0), 32.0 * spec.a); + result.a = base.a; + result.rgb = base.rgb * (l_lightcolourscale.x + l_lightcolourscale.y * bumpscale); //amient light + diffuse + result.rgb += spec.rgb * l_lightcolourscale.z * specscale; //specular + + result.rgb *= lightscale; //fade light by distance + +#ifdef CUBE + result.rgb *= cubemap.rgb; //fade by cubemap +#endif + + return result; } #endif \ No newline at end of file