From 36fb0bbe8e839357f0f8a62a139b2b2e35f37a9a Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Spoike Date: Mon, 19 Apr 2021 15:37:36 +0000 Subject: [PATCH] Give some 2d builtins some implicit args, particuarly stringwidth. This should work around weird dp-compat behaviour. git-svn-id: fc73d0e0-1445-4013-8a0c-d673dee63da5 --- engine/server/pr_cmds.c | 12 ++++++------ 1 file changed, 6 insertions(+), 6 deletions(-) diff --git a/engine/server/pr_cmds.c b/engine/server/pr_cmds.c index 2681862e1..b7a53424e 100644 --- a/engine/server/pr_cmds.c +++ b/engine/server/pr_cmds.c @@ -76,7 +76,7 @@ cvar_t pr_imitatemvdsv = CVARFD("pr_imitatemvdsv", "0", CVAR_MAPLATCH, "Enables cvar_t pr_maxedicts = CVARAFD("pr_maxedicts", "32768", "max_edicts", CVAR_MAPLATCH, "Maximum number of entities spawnable on the map at once. Low values will crash the server on some maps/mods. High values will result in excessive memory useage (see pr_ssqc_memsize). Illegible server messages may occur with old/other clients above 32k. FTE's network protocols have a maximum at a little over 4 million. Please don't ever make a mod that actually uses that many..."); #ifndef HAVE_LEGACY -cvar_t pr_no_playerphysics = CVARFD("pr_no_playerphysics", "1", CVAR_LATCH, "Prevents support of the 'SV_PlayerPhysics' QC function. This allows servers to prevent needless breakage of player prediction."); +cvar_t pr_no_playerphysics = CVARFD("pr_no_playerphysics", "1", CVAR_MAPLATCH, "Prevents support of the 'SV_PlayerPhysics' QC function. This allows servers to prevent needless breakage of player prediction."); #else static cvar_t pr_no_playerphysics = CVARFD("pr_no_playerphysics", "0", CVAR_MAPLATCH, "Prevents support of the 'SV_PlayerPhysics' QC function. This allows servers to prevent needless breakage of player prediction."); #endif @@ -11348,15 +11348,15 @@ static BuiltinList_t BuiltinList[] = { //nq qw h2 ebfs {"freepic", PF_Fixme, 0, 0, 0, 319, D("void(string name)", "Tells the engine that the image is no longer needed. The image will appear to be new the next time its needed.")},// (EXT_CSQC) {"spriteframe", PF_Fixme, 0, 0, 0, 0, D("string(string modelname, int frame, float frametime)", "Obtains a suitable shader name to draw a sprite's shader via drawpic/R_BeginPolygon/etc, instead of needing to create a scene.")}, //320 - {"drawcharacter", PF_Fixme, 0, 0, 0, 320, D("float(vector position, float character, vector size, vector rgb, float alpha, optional float drawflag)", "Draw the given quake character at the given position.\nIf flag&4, the function will consider the char to be a unicode char instead (or display as a ? if outside the 32-127 range).\nsize should normally be something like '8 8 0'.\nrgb should normally be '1 1 1'\nalpha normally 1.\nSoftware engines may assume the named defaults.\nNote that ALL text may be rescaled on the X axis due to variable width fonts. The X axis may even be ignored completely.")},// (EXT_CSQC, [EXT_CSQC_???]) + {"drawcharacter", PF_Fixme, 0, 0, 0, 320, D("float(vector position, float character, vector size='8 8', vector rgb='1 1 1', float alpha=1, optional float drawflag=0)", "Draw the given quake character at the given position.\nIf flag&4, the function will consider the char to be a unicode char instead (or display as a ? if outside the 32-127 range).\nsize should normally be something like '8 8 0'.\nrgb should normally be '1 1 1'\nalpha normally 1.\nSoftware engines may assume the named defaults.\nNote that ALL text may be rescaled on the X axis due to variable width fonts. The X axis may even be ignored completely.")},// (EXT_CSQC, [EXT_CSQC_???]) {"drawrawstring", PF_Fixme, 0, 0, 0, 321, D("float(vector position, string text, vector size, vector rgb, float alpha, optional float drawflag)", "Draws the specified string without using any markup at all, even in engines that support it.\nIf UTF-8 is globally enabled in the engine, then that encoding is used (without additional markup), otherwise it is raw quake chars.\nSoftware engines may assume a size of '8 8 0', rgb='1 1 1', alpha=1, flag&3=0, but it is not an error to draw out of the screen.")},// (EXT_CSQC, [EXT_CSQC_???]) - {"drawpic", PF_Fixme, 0, 0, 0, 322, D("float(vector position, string pic, vector size, vector rgb, float alpha, optional float drawflag)", "Draws an shader within the given 2d screen box. Software engines may omit support for rgb+alpha, but must support rescaling, and must clip to the screen without crashing.")},// (EXT_CSQC, [EXT_CSQC_???]) + {"drawpic", PF_Fixme, 0, 0, 0, 322, D("float(vector position, string pic, vector size, vector rgb='1 1 1', float alpha=1, optional float drawflag=0)", "Draws an shader within the given 2d screen box. Software engines may omit support for rgb+alpha, but must support rescaling, and must clip to the screen without crashing.")},// (EXT_CSQC, [EXT_CSQC_???]) {"drawfill", PF_Fixme, 0, 0, 0, 323, D("float(vector position, vector size, vector rgb, float alpha, optional float drawflag)", "Draws a solid block over the given 2d box, with given colour, alpha, and blend mode (specified via flags).\nflags&3=0 simple blend.\nflags&3=1 additive blend")},// (EXT_CSQC, [EXT_CSQC_???]) {"drawsetcliparea", PF_Fixme, 0, 0, 0, 324, D("void(float x, float y, float width, float height)", "Specifies a 2d clipping region (aka: scissor test). 2d draw calls will all be clipped to this 2d box, the area outside will not be modified by any 2d draw call (even 2d polygons).")},// (EXT_CSQC_???) {"drawresetcliparea",PF_Fixme, 0, 0, 0, 325, D("void(void)", "Reverts the scissor/clip area to the whole screen.")},// (EXT_CSQC_???) - {"drawstring", PF_Fixme, 0, 0, 0, 326, D("float(vector position, string text, vector size, vector rgb, float alpha, float drawflag)", "Draws a string, interpreting markup and recolouring as appropriate.")},// #326 - {"stringwidth", PF_Fixme, 0, 0, 0, 327, D("float(string text, float usecolours, optional vector fontsize)", "Calculates the width of the screen in virtual pixels. If usecolours is 1, markup that does not affect the string width will be ignored. Will always be decoded as UTF-8 if UTF-8 is globally enabled.\nIf the char size is not specified, '8 8 0' will be assumed.")},// EXT_CSQC_'DARKPLACES' + {"drawstring", PF_Fixme, 0, 0, 0, 326, D("float(vector position, string text, vector size='8 8', vector rgb='1 1 1', float alpha=1, float drawflag=0)", "Draws a string, interpreting markup and recolouring as appropriate.")},// #326 + {"stringwidth", PF_Fixme, 0, 0, 0, 327, D("float(string text, float usecolours, vector fontsize='8 8')", "Calculates the width of the screen in virtual pixels. If usecolours is 1, markup that does not affect the string width will be ignored. Will always be decoded as UTF-8 if UTF-8 is globally enabled.\nIf the char size is not specified, '8 8 0' will be assumed.")},// EXT_CSQC_'DARKPLACES' {"drawsubpic", PF_Fixme, 0, 0, 0, 328, D("void(vector pos, vector sz, string pic, vector srcpos, vector srcsz, vector rgb, float alpha, optional float drawflag)", "Draws a rescaled subsection of an image to the screen.")},// #328 EXT_CSQC_'DARKPLACES' {"drawrotpic", PF_Fixme, 0, 0, 0, 0, D("void(vector pivot, vector mins, vector maxs, string pic, vector rgb, float alpha, float angle)", "Draws an image rotating at the pivot. To rotate in the center, use mins+maxs of half the size with mins negated. Angle is in degrees.")}, {"drawrotsubpic", PF_Fixme, 0, 0, 0, 0, D("void(vector pivot, vector mins, vector maxs, string pic, vector txmin, vector txsize, vector rgb, vector alphaandangles)", "Overcomplicated draw function for over complicated people. Positions follow drawrotpic, while texture coords follow drawsubpic. Due to argument count limitations in builtins, the alpha value and angles are combined into separate fields of a vector (tip: use fteqcc's [alpha, angle] feature.")}, @@ -11567,7 +11567,7 @@ static BuiltinList_t BuiltinList[] = { //nq qw h2 ebfs {"cin_restart", PF_Fixme, 0, 0, 0, 465, "void(string file)" STUB}, {"drawline", PF_Fixme, 0, 0, 0, 466, "void(float width, vector pos1, vector pos2)"},// (EXT_CSQC) {"drawstring", PF_Fixme, 0, 0, 0, 467, "float(vector position, string text, vector scale, vector rgb, float alpha, float flag)"},// #326 - {"stringwidth", PF_Fixme, 0, 0, 0, 468, "float(string text, float usecolours, optional vector fontsize)"},// EXT_CSQC_'DARKPLACES' + {"stringwidth", PF_Fixme, 0, 0, 0, 468, "float(string text, float usecolours, vector fontsize='8 8')"},// EXT_CSQC_'DARKPLACES' {"drawsubpic", PF_Fixme, 0, 0, 0, 469, "void(vector pos, vector sz, string pic, vector srcpos, vector srcsz, vector rgb, float alpha, float flag)"},// #328 EXT_CSQC_'DARKPLACES' //end menu-only #endif