Fix +strafe with mouse movements, for Aberrant.

git-svn-id: fc73d0e0-1445-4013-8a0c-d673dee63da5
This commit is contained in:
Spoike 2022-01-28 10:48:14 +00:00
parent 29b5f51077
commit 0f5c092a96
7 changed files with 78 additions and 94 deletions

View file

@ -911,34 +911,24 @@ CL_BaseMove
Send the intended movement message to the server
void CL_BaseMove (usercmd_t *cmd, int pnum, float priortime, float extratime)
static void CL_BaseMove (vec3_t moves, int pnum)
float nscale = extratime?extratime / (extratime+priortime):0;
float oscale = 1 - nscale;
cmd->fservertime = cl.time;
cmd->servertime = cl.time*1000;
float scale;
// adjust for speed key
if ((in_speed.state[pnum] & 1) ^ cl_run.ival)
nscale *= cl_movespeedkey.value;
if (in_strafe.state[pnum] & 1)
cmd->sidemove = cmd->sidemove*oscale + nscale*cl_sidespeed.value * (CL_KeyState (&in_right, pnum, true) - CL_KeyState (&in_left, pnum, true)) * (in_xflip.ival?-1:1);
cmd->sidemove = cmd->sidemove*oscale + nscale*cl_sidespeed.value * (CL_KeyState (&in_moveright, pnum, true) - CL_KeyState (&in_moveleft, pnum, true)) * (in_xflip.ival?-1:1);
cmd->upmove = cmd->upmove*oscale + nscale*cl_upspeed.value * (CL_KeyState (&in_up, pnum, true) - CL_KeyState (&in_down, pnum, true));
scale = ((in_speed.state[pnum] & 1) ^ cl_run.ival)?cl_movespeedkey.value:1;
moves[0] = 0;
if (! (in_klook.state[pnum] & 1) )
cmd->forwardmove = cmd->forwardmove*oscale + nscale*(cl_forwardspeed.value * CL_KeyState (&in_forward, pnum, true) -
moves[0] += scale*(cl_forwardspeed.value * CL_KeyState (&in_forward, pnum, true) -
(*cl_backspeed.string?cl_backspeed.value:cl_forwardspeed.value) * CL_KeyState (&in_back, pnum, true));
if (!priortime) //only gather buttons if we've not had any this frame. this avoids jump feeling weird with prediction. FIXME: should probably still allow +attack to reduce latency
CL_GatherButtons(cmd, pnum);
moves[1] = scale*cl_sidespeed.value * (CL_KeyState (&in_moveright, pnum, true) - CL_KeyState (&in_moveleft, pnum, true)) * (in_xflip.ival?-1:1);
if (in_strafe.state[pnum] & 1)
moves[1] += scale*cl_sidespeed.value * (CL_KeyState (&in_right, pnum, true) - CL_KeyState (&in_left, pnum, true)) * (in_xflip.ival?-1:1);
moves[2] = scale*cl_upspeed.value * (CL_KeyState (&in_up, pnum, true) - CL_KeyState (&in_down, pnum, true));
void CL_ClampPitch (int pnum, float frametime)
@ -1215,6 +1205,53 @@ static void CL_FinishMove (usercmd_t *cmd, int pnum)
static void CL_AccumlateInput(int plnum, float frametime/*extra contribution*/, float framemsecs/*total accumulated*/)
usercmd_t *cmd = &cl_pendingcmd[plnum];
int i;
static vec3_t mousemovements[MAX_SPLITS];
vec3_t newmoves;
float nscale = framemsecs?framemsecs / (framemsecs+cmd->msec):0;
float oscale = 1 - nscale;
CL_BaseMove (newmoves, plnum);
CL_AdjustAngles (plnum, frametime);
if (!cmd->msec)
IN_Move (mousemovements[plnum], newmoves, plnum, frametime);
CL_ClampPitch(plnum, frametime);
for (i=0 ; i<3 ; i++)
cmd->angles[i] = ((int)(cl.playerview[plnum].viewangles[i]*65536.0/360)&65535);
cmd->fservertime = cl.servertime;
cmd->servertime = cl.time*1000;
#ifdef CSQC_DAT
cmd->fclienttime = realtime - cl.mapstarttime;
cmd->forwardmove = bound(-32768, cmd->forwardmove*oscale + newmoves[0]*nscale + mousemovements[plnum][0], 32767);
cmd->sidemove = bound(-32768, cmd->sidemove*oscale + newmoves[1]*nscale + mousemovements[plnum][1], 32767);
cmd->upmove = bound(-32768, cmd->upmove*oscale + newmoves[2]*nscale + mousemovements[plnum][2], 32767);
if (!cmd->msec && framemsecs)
CL_GatherButtons(cmd, plnum); //buttons are from the initial state. don't blend them.
CL_FinishMove(cmd, plnum);
Cbuf_Waited(); //its okay to stop waiting now
cmd->msec = framemsecs;
// if we are spectator, try autocam
// if (cl.spectator)
Cam_Track(&cl.playerview[plnum], &cl_pendingcmd[plnum]);
Cam_FinishMove(&cl.playerview[plnum], &cl_pendingcmd[plnum]);
static qboolean CLFTE_SendVRCmd (sizebuf_t *buf, unsigned int seats)
//compute the delay between receiving the frame we're acking and when we're sending the new frame
@ -2220,39 +2257,12 @@ void CL_SendCmd (double frametime, qboolean mainloop)
for (plnum = 0; plnum < cl.splitclients; plnum++)
vec3_t mousemovements;
playerview_t *pv = &cl.playerview[plnum];
cmd = &cl.outframes[i].cmd[plnum];
memset(cmd, 0, sizeof(*cmd));
msecs += frametime*1000;
if (msecs > 50)
msecs = 50;
cmd->msec = msecs;
msecs -= cmd->msec;
cl_pendingcmd[plnum].msec = 0;
CL_AdjustAngles (plnum, frametime);
// get basic movement from keyboard
CL_BaseMove (cmd, plnum, 0, 1);
// allow mice or other external controllers to add to the move
IN_Move (mousemovements, plnum, frametime);
cl_pendingcmd[plnum].forwardmove += mousemovements[0];
cl_pendingcmd[plnum].sidemove += mousemovements[1];
cl_pendingcmd[plnum].upmove += mousemovements[2];
CL_ClampPitch(plnum, frametime);
// if we are spectator, try autocam
if (pv->spectator)
Cam_Track(pv, cmd);
CL_FinishMove(cmd, plnum);
VectorCopy(pv->aimangles, pv->simangles);
Cam_FinishMove(pv, cmd);
CL_AccumlateInput(plnum, frametime, frametime*1000);
*cmd = cl_pendingcmd[plnum];
memset(&cl_pendingcmd[plnum], 0, sizeof(*cmd)); //reset the pending for the next frame.
#ifdef CSQC_DAT
CSQC_Input_Frame(plnum, cmd);
@ -2279,7 +2289,7 @@ void CL_SendCmd (double frametime, qboolean mainloop)
cls.netchan.outgoing_sequence = cl.movesequence;
IN_Move (NULL, 0, frametime);
IN_Move (NULL, NULL, 0, frametime);
Cbuf_Waited(); //its okay to stop waiting now
return; // sendcmds come from the demo
@ -2392,32 +2402,7 @@ void CL_SendCmd (double frametime, qboolean mainloop)
if (!CLHL_BuildUserInput(msecstouse, &cl_pendingcmd[0]))
for (plnum = 0; plnum < (cl.splitclients?cl.splitclients:1); plnum++)
vec3_t mousemovements;
CL_AdjustAngles (plnum, frametime);
IN_Move (mousemovements, plnum, frametime);
CL_ClampPitch(plnum, frametime);
cl_pendingcmd[plnum].forwardmove += mousemovements[0]; //FIXME: this will get nuked by CL_BaseMove.
cl_pendingcmd[plnum].sidemove += mousemovements[1];
cl_pendingcmd[plnum].upmove += mousemovements[2];
for (i=0 ; i<3 ; i++)
cl_pendingcmd[plnum].angles[i] = ((int)(cl.playerview[plnum].viewangles[i]*65536.0/360)&65535);
CL_BaseMove (&cl_pendingcmd[plnum], plnum, cl_pendingcmd[plnum].msec, framemsecs);
if (!cl_pendingcmd[plnum].msec && framemsecs)
CL_FinishMove(&cl_pendingcmd[plnum], plnum);
Cbuf_Waited(); //its okay to stop waiting now
cl_pendingcmd[plnum].msec = framemsecs;
// if we are spectator, try autocam
// if (cl.spectator)
Cam_Track(&cl.playerview[plnum], &cl_pendingcmd[plnum]);
Cam_FinishMove(&cl.playerview[plnum], &cl_pendingcmd[plnum]);
CL_AccumlateInput(plnum, frametime, framemsecs);
//the main loop isn't allowed to send
if (runningindepphys && mainloop)

View file

@ -2009,6 +2009,7 @@ void CL_ClearState (qboolean gamestart)
cl.mapstarttime = realtime;
cl.gamespeed = 1;
cl.protocol_qw = PROTOCOL_VERSION_QW; //until we get an svc_serverdata
cl.allocated_client_slots = QWMAX_CLIENTS;

View file

@ -857,6 +857,7 @@ typedef struct
// is rendering at. always <= realtime
double lasttime; //cl.time from last frame.
double lastlinktime; //cl.time from last frame.
double mapstarttime; //for computing csqc's cltime.
float servertime; //current server time, bound between gametime and gametimemark
float mtime; //server time as on the server when we last received a packet. not allowed to decrease.
@ -1265,7 +1266,6 @@ void CL_ReadPacket(void);
int CL_ReadFromServer (void);
void CL_WriteToServer (usercmd_t *cmd);
void CL_BaseMove (usercmd_t *cmd, int pnum, float priortime, float extratime);
int Master_FindBestRoute(char *server, char *out, size_t outsize, int *directcost, int *chainedcost);

View file

@ -1006,14 +1006,14 @@ void IN_MoveJoystick(struct joy_s *joy, float *movements, int pnum, float framet
movements[2] += joy_movesens[2].value * mag*cl_upspeed.value * jstrafe[2];
void IN_Move (float *movements, int pnum, float frametime)
void IN_Move (float *nudgemovements, float *absmovements, int pnum, float frametime)
int i;
for (i = 0; i < MAXPOINTERS; i++)
IN_MoveMouse(&ptr[i], movements, pnum, frametime);
IN_MoveMouse(&ptr[i], nudgemovements, pnum, frametime);
for (i = 0; i < MAXJOYSTICKS; i++)
IN_MoveJoystick(&joy[i], movements, pnum, frametime);
IN_MoveJoystick(&joy[i], absmovements, pnum, frametime);
void IN_JoystickAxisEvent(unsigned int devid, int axis, float value)

View file

@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ void IN_Commands (void);
qboolean IN_MouseDevIsTouch(unsigned int devid); //check if a mouse devid is a touch screen, and thus if we should check the cursor and simulate a ui event or not
int IN_TranslateMButtonPress(unsigned int devid); //allow the touchscreen code to swallow mouse1 as a begin-looking event
void IN_Move (float *movements, int pnum, float frametime);
void IN_Move (float *nudgemovements, float *absmovements, int pnum, float frametime);
// add additional movement on top of the keyboard move cmd
extern cvar_t in_xflip;

View file

@ -59,8 +59,6 @@ static csqctreadstate_t *csqcthreads;
qboolean csqc_resortfrags;
world_t csqc_world;
float csqc_starttime; //reset on each csqc reload to restore lost precision of cltime on each map restart.
int csqc_playerseat; //can be negative.
static playerview_t *csqc_playerview;
qboolean csqc_dp_lastwas3d; //to emulate DP correctly, we need to track whether drawpic/drawfill or clearscene was called last. blame 515.
@ -311,7 +309,7 @@ static void CSQC_FindGlobals(qboolean nofuncs)
if (csqcg.time)
*csqcg.time = cl.servertime;
if (csqcg.cltime)
*csqcg.cltime = realtime-csqc_starttime;
*csqcg.cltime = realtime-cl.mapstarttime;
if (!csqcg.global_gravitydir)
csqcg.global_gravitydir = defaultgravity;
@ -8257,7 +8255,7 @@ qboolean CSQC_Init (qboolean anycsqc, const char *csprogsname, unsigned int chec
int csaddonnum = -1;
in_sensitivityscale = 1;
csqcmapentitydataloaded = true;
csqc_starttime = realtime;
cl.mapstarttime = realtime;
csqcprogs = InitProgs(&csqcprogparms);
csqc_world.progs = csqcprogs;
csqc_world.usesolidcorpse = true;
@ -8904,7 +8902,7 @@ qboolean CSQC_DrawView(void)
CL_PredictMove ();
if (csqcg.cltime)
*csqcg.cltime = realtime-csqc_starttime;
*csqcg.cltime = realtime-cl.mapstarttime;
if (csqcg.time)
*csqcg.time = cl.servertime;
if (csqcg.clientcommandframe)
@ -8993,7 +8991,7 @@ qboolean CSQC_DrawHud(playerview_t *pv)
if (csqcg.frametime)
*csqcg.frametime = host_frametime;
if (csqcg.cltime)
*csqcg.cltime = realtime-csqc_starttime;
*csqcg.cltime = realtime-cl.mapstarttime;
G_FLOAT(OFS_PARM0+0) = r_refdef.grect.width;
G_FLOAT(OFS_PARM0+1) = r_refdef.grect.height;
@ -9037,7 +9035,7 @@ qboolean CSQC_DrawScores(playerview_t *pv)
if (csqcg.frametime)
*csqcg.frametime = host_frametime;
if (csqcg.cltime)
*csqcg.cltime = realtime-csqc_starttime;
*csqcg.cltime = realtime-cl.mapstarttime;
G_FLOAT(OFS_PARM0+0) = r_refdef.grect.width;
G_FLOAT(OFS_PARM0+1) = r_refdef.grect.height;
@ -9493,7 +9491,7 @@ void CSQC_Input_Frame(int seat, usercmd_t *cmd)
if (csqcg.time)
*csqcg.time = cl.servertime;
if (csqcg.cltime)
*csqcg.cltime = realtime-csqc_starttime;
*csqcg.cltime = realtime-cl.mapstarttime;
if (csqcg.clientcommandframe)
*csqcg.clientcommandframe = cl.movesequence;
@ -9607,7 +9605,7 @@ void CSQC_ParseEntities(qboolean sized)
if (csqcg.time) //estimated server time
*csqcg.time = cl.servertime;
if (csqcg.cltime) //smooth client time.
*csqcg.cltime = realtime-csqc_starttime;
*csqcg.cltime = realtime-cl.mapstarttime;
if (csqcg.servertime)
*csqcg.servertime = cl.gametime;

View file

@ -1284,8 +1284,8 @@ typedef struct usercmd_s
unsigned int buttons; //replaces buttons, but with more bits.
unsigned int weapon;//q3 has a separate weapon field to supplement impulse.
unsigned int servertime; //q3 networks the time in order to calculate msecs
float fservertime;//used as part of nq msec calcs
float fclienttime;//not used?
double fservertime;//used as part of nq msec calcs
double fclienttime;//not used?
//prydon cursor crap
vec2_t cursor_screen;