
2854 lines
70 KiB
Raw Normal View History

#include "quakedef.h"
#include "pr_common.h"
#include "shader.h"
extern cvar_t r_decal_noperpendicular;
Decal functions
int Fragment_ClipPolyToPlane(float *inverts, float *outverts, int incount, float *plane, float planedist)
#define C 4
#define KEEP_KILL 0
#define KEEP_KEEP 1
#define KEEP_BORDER 2
int i;
int outcount = 0;
int clippedcount = 0;
float d, *p1, *p2, *out;
#define FRAG_EPSILON (1.0/32) //0.5
for (i = 0; i < incount; i++)
dotv[i] = DotProduct((inverts+i*C), plane) - planedist;
if (dotv[i]<-FRAG_EPSILON)
keep[i] = KEEP_KILL;
else if (dotv[i] > FRAG_EPSILON)
keep[i] = KEEP_KEEP;
keep[i] = KEEP_BORDER;
dotv[i] = dotv[0];
keep[i] = keep[0];
if (clippedcount == incount)
return 0; //all were clipped
if (clippedcount == 0)
{ //none were clipped
for (i = 0; i < incount; i++)
VectorCopy((inverts+i*C), (outverts+i*C));
return incount;
for (i = 0; i < incount; i++)
p1 = inverts+i*C;
if (keep[i] == KEEP_BORDER)
out = outverts+outcount++*C;
VectorCopy(p1, out);
if (keep[i] == KEEP_KEEP)
out = outverts+outcount++*C;
VectorCopy(p1, out);
if (keep[i+1] == KEEP_BORDER || keep[i] == keep[i+1])
p2 = inverts+((i+1)%incount)*C;
d = dotv[i] - dotv[i+1];
if (d)
d = dotv[i] / d;
out = outverts+outcount++*C;
VectorInterpolate(p1, d, p2, out);
return outcount;
//the plane itself must be a vec4_t, but can have other data packed between
size_t Fragment_ClipPlaneToBrush(vecV_t *points, size_t maxpoints, void *planes, size_t planestride, size_t numplanes, vec4_t face)
int p, a;
vec4_t verts2[MAXFRAGMENTVERTS];
vec4_t *cverts;
int flip;
// vec3_t d1, d2, n;
size_t numverts;
//generate some huge quad/poly aligned with the plane
vec3_t tmp;
vec3_t right, forward;
double t;
float *plane;
// if (face[2] != 1)
// return 0;
t = fabs(face[2]);
if (t > fabs(face[0]) && t > fabs(face[1]))
VectorSet(tmp, 1, 0, 0);
VectorSet(tmp, 0, 0, 1);
CrossProduct(face, tmp, right);
CrossProduct(face, right, forward);
VectorScale(face, face[3], verts[0]);
VectorMA(verts[0], 32767, right, verts[0]);
VectorMA(verts[0], 32767, forward, verts[0]);
VectorScale(face, face[3], verts[1]);
VectorMA(verts[1], 32767, right, verts[1]);
VectorMA(verts[1], -32767, forward, verts[1]);
VectorScale(face, face[3], verts[2]);
VectorMA(verts[2], -32767, right, verts[2]);
VectorMA(verts[2], -32767, forward, verts[2]);
VectorScale(face, face[3], verts[3]);
VectorMA(verts[3], -32767, right, verts[3]);
VectorMA(verts[3], 32767, forward, verts[3]);
numverts = 4;
//clip the quad to the various other planes
flip = 0;
for (p = 0; p < numplanes; p++)
plane = (float*)((qbyte*)planes + p*planestride);
if (plane != face)
vec3_t norm;
VectorNegate(plane, norm);
if (flip)
numverts = Fragment_ClipPolyToPlane((float*)verts, (float*)verts2, numverts, norm, -plane[3]);
numverts = Fragment_ClipPolyToPlane((float*)verts2, (float*)verts, numverts, norm, -plane[3]);
if (numverts < 3) //totally clipped.
return 0;
if (numverts > maxpoints)
return 0;
if (flip)
cverts = verts2;
cverts = verts;
for (p = 0; p < numverts; p++)
for (a = 0; a < 3; a++)
float f = cverts[p][a];
int rounded = floor(f + 0.5);
//if its within 1/1000th of a qu, just round it.
if (fabs(f - rounded) < 0.001)
points[p][a] = rounded;
points[p][a] = f;
return numverts;
vec3_t decalfragmentverts[MAXFRAGMENTTRIS*3];
struct fragmentdecal_s
vec3_t center;
vec3_t normal;
// vec3_t tangent1;
// vec3_t tangent2;
vec3_t planenorm[6];
float planedist[6];
int numplanes;
vec_t radius;
//will only appear on surfaces with the matching surfaceflag
unsigned int surfflagmask;
unsigned int surfflagmatch;
void (*callback)(void *ctx, vec3_t *fte_restrict points, size_t numpoints, shader_t *shader);
void *ctx;
//#define SHOWCLIPS
//#define FRAGMENTASTRIANGLES //works, but produces more fragments.
//if the triangle is clipped away, go recursive if there are tris left.
static void Fragment_ClipTriToPlane(int trinum, float *plane, float planedist, fragmentdecal_t *dec)
float *point[3];
float dotv[3];
vec3_t impact1, impact2;
float t;
int i, i2, i3;
int clippedverts = 0;
for (i = 0; i < 3; i++)
point[i] = decalfragmentverts[trinum*3+i];
dotv[i] = DotProduct(point[i], plane)-planedist;
clippedverts += dotv[i] < 0;
//if they're all clipped away, scrap the tri
switch (clippedverts)
case 0:
return; //plane does not clip the triangle.
case 1: //split into 3, disregard the clipped vert
for (i = 0; i < 3; i++)
if (dotv[i] < 0)
{ //This is the vertex that's getting clipped.
if (dotv[i] > -DIST_EPSILON)
return; //it's only over the line by a tiny ammount.
i2 = (i+1)%3;
i3 = (i+2)%3;
if (dotv[i2] < DIST_EPSILON)
if (dotv[i3] < DIST_EPSILON)
//work out where the two lines impact the plane
t = (dotv[i]) / (dotv[i]-dotv[i2]);
VectorInterpolate(point[i], t, point[i2], impact1);
t = (dotv[i]) / (dotv[i]-dotv[i3]);
VectorInterpolate(point[i], t, point[i3], impact2);
if (dec->numtris != MAXFRAGMENTTRIS)
VectorCopy(impact2, decalfragmentverts[dec->numtris*3+0]);
VectorCopy(decalfragmentverts[trinum*3+i], decalfragmentverts[dec->numtris*3+1]);
VectorCopy(impact1, decalfragmentverts[dec->numtris*3+2]);
//shrink the tri, putting the impact into the killed vertex.
VectorCopy(impact2, point[i]);
if (dec->numtris == MAXFRAGMENTTRIS)
return; //:(
//build the second tri
VectorCopy(impact1, decalfragmentverts[dec->numtris*3+0]);
VectorCopy(decalfragmentverts[trinum*3+i2], decalfragmentverts[dec->numtris*3+1]);
VectorCopy(impact2, decalfragmentverts[dec->numtris*3+2]);
Sys_Error("Fragment_ClipTriToPlane: Clipped vertex not founc\n");
return; //can't handle it
case 2: //split into 3, disregarding both the clipped.
for (i = 0; i < 3; i++)
if (!(dotv[i] < 0))
{ //This is the vertex that's staying.
if (dotv[i] < DIST_EPSILON)
break; //only just inside
i2 = (i+1)%3;
i3 = (i+2)%3;
//work out where the two lines impact the plane
t = (dotv[i]) / (dotv[i]-dotv[i2]);
VectorInterpolate(point[i], t, point[i2], impact1);
t = (dotv[i]) / (dotv[i]-dotv[i3]);
VectorInterpolate(point[i], t, point[i3], impact2);
//shrink the tri, putting the impact into the killed vertex.
if (dec->numtris != MAXFRAGMENTTRIS)
VectorCopy(impact1, decalfragmentverts[dec->numtris*3+0]);
VectorCopy(point[i2], decalfragmentverts[dec->numtris*3+1]);
VectorCopy(point[i3], decalfragmentverts[dec->numtris*3+2]);
if (dec->numtris != MAXFRAGMENTTRIS)
VectorCopy(impact1, decalfragmentverts[dec->numtris*3+0]);
VectorCopy(point[i3], decalfragmentverts[dec->numtris*3+1]);
VectorCopy(impact2, decalfragmentverts[dec->numtris*3+2]);
VectorCopy(impact1, point[i2]);
VectorCopy(impact2, point[i3]);
case 3://scrap it
//fill the verts with the verts of the last and go recursive (due to the nature of Fragment_ClipTriangle, which doesn't actually know if we clip them away)
VectorCopy(decalfragmentverts[dec->numtris*3+0], decalfragmentverts[trinum*3+0]);
VectorCopy(decalfragmentverts[dec->numtris*3+1], decalfragmentverts[trinum*3+1]);
VectorCopy(decalfragmentverts[dec->numtris*3+2], decalfragmentverts[trinum*3+2]);
if (trinum < dec->numtris)
Fragment_ClipTriToPlane(trinum, plane, planedist, dec);
static void Fragment_ClipTriangle(fragmentdecal_t *dec, float *a, float *b, float *c)
//emit the triangle, and clip it's fragments.
int start, i;
int p;
if (dec->numtris == MAXFRAGMENTTRIS)
return; //:(
start = dec->numtris;
VectorCopy(a, decalfragmentverts[dec->numtris*3+0]);
VectorCopy(b, decalfragmentverts[dec->numtris*3+1]);
VectorCopy(c, decalfragmentverts[dec->numtris*3+2]);
//clip all the fragments to all of the planes.
//This will produce a quad if the source triangle was big enough.
for (p = 0; p < 6; p++)
for (i = start; i < dec->numtris; i++)
Fragment_ClipTriToPlane(i, dec->planenorm[p], dec->plantdist[p], dec);
void Fragment_ClipPoly(fragmentdecal_t *dec, int numverts, float *inverts, shader_t *surfshader)
//emit the triangle, and clip it's fragments.
int p;
float *cverts;
int flip;
vec3_t d1, d2, n;
size_t numtris;
if (numverts > MAXFRAGMENTTRIS)
if (r_decal_noperpendicular.ival)
VectorSubtract(inverts+C*1, inverts+C*0, d1);
for (p = 2; ; p++)
if (p >= numverts)
VectorSubtract(inverts+C*p, inverts+C*0, d2);
CrossProduct(d1, d2, n);
if (DotProduct(n,n)>.1)
if (DotProduct(n, dec->normal) < 0.1)
return; //faces too far way from the normal
//clip to the first plane specially, so we don't have extra copys
numverts = Fragment_ClipPolyToPlane(inverts, verts, numverts, dec->planenorm[0], dec->planedist[0]);
//clip the triangle to the 6 planes.
flip = 0;
for (p = 1; p < dec->numplanes; p++)
if (flip)
numverts = Fragment_ClipPolyToPlane(verts, verts2, numverts, dec->planenorm[p], dec->planedist[p]);
numverts = Fragment_ClipPolyToPlane(verts2, verts, numverts, dec->planenorm[p], dec->planedist[p]);
if (numverts < 3) //totally clipped.
if (flip)
cverts = verts2;
cverts = verts;
//decompose the resultant polygon into triangles.
numtris = 0;
if (numtris == MAXFRAGMENTTRIS)
dec->callback(dec->ctx, decalfragmentverts, numtris, NULL);
numtris = 0;
VectorCopy((cverts+C*0), decalfragmentverts[numtris*3+0]);
VectorCopy((cverts+C*(numverts-1)), decalfragmentverts[numtris*3+1]);
VectorCopy((cverts+C*numverts), decalfragmentverts[numtris*3+2]);
if (numtris)
dec->callback(dec->ctx, decalfragmentverts, numtris, surfshader);
//this could be inlined, but I'm lazy.
static void Fragment_Mesh (fragmentdecal_t *dec, mesh_t *mesh, mtexinfo_t *texinfo)
int i;
vecV_t verts[3];
shader_t *surfshader = texinfo->texture->shader;
if ((surfshader->flags & SHADER_NOMARKS) || !mesh)
if (dec->surfflagmask)
if ((texinfo->flags & dec->surfflagmask) != dec->surfflagmatch)
/*if its a triangle fan/poly/quad then we can just submit the entire thing without generating extra fragments*/
if (mesh->istrifan)
Fragment_ClipPoly(dec, mesh->numvertexes, mesh->xyz_array[0], surfshader);
//Fixme: optimise q3 patches (quad strips with bends between each strip)
/*otherwise it goes in and out in weird places*/
for (i = 0; i < mesh->numindexes; i+=3)
VectorCopy(mesh->xyz_array[mesh->indexes[i+0]], verts[0]);
VectorCopy(mesh->xyz_array[mesh->indexes[i+1]], verts[1]);
VectorCopy(mesh->xyz_array[mesh->indexes[i+2]], verts[2]);
Fragment_ClipPoly(dec, 3, verts[0], surfshader);
#ifdef Q1BSPS
static void Q1BSP_ClipDecalToNodes (model_t *mod, fragmentdecal_t *dec, mnode_t *node)
mplane_t *splitplane;
float dist;
msurface_t *surf;
int i;
if (node->contents < 0)
splitplane = node->plane;
dist = DotProduct (dec->center, splitplane->normal) - splitplane->dist;
if (dist > dec->radius)
Q1BSP_ClipDecalToNodes (mod, dec, node->children[0]);
if (dist < -dec->radius)
Q1BSP_ClipDecalToNodes (mod, dec, node->children[1]);
// mark the polygons
surf = mod->surfaces + node->firstsurface;
if (r_decal_noperpendicular.ival)
for (i=0 ; i<node->numsurfaces ; i++, surf++)
if (surf->flags & SURF_PLANEBACK)
if (-DotProduct(surf->plane->normal, dec->normal) > -0.5)
if (DotProduct(surf->plane->normal, dec->normal) > -0.5)
Fragment_Mesh(dec, surf->mesh, surf->texinfo);
for (i=0 ; i<node->numsurfaces ; i++, surf++)
Fragment_Mesh(dec, surf->mesh, surf->texinfo);
Q1BSP_ClipDecalToNodes (mod, dec, node->children[0]);
Q1BSP_ClipDecalToNodes (mod, dec, node->children[1]);
extern int sh_shadowframe;
static int sh_shadowframe;
#ifdef Q3BSPS
static void Q3BSP_ClipDecalToNodes (fragmentdecal_t *dec, mnode_t *node)
mplane_t *splitplane;
float dist;
msurface_t **msurf;
msurface_t *surf;
mleaf_t *leaf;
int i;
if (node->contents != -1)
leaf = (mleaf_t *)node;
// mark the polygons
msurf = leaf->firstmarksurface;
for (i=0 ; i<leaf->nummarksurfaces ; i++, msurf++)
surf = *msurf;
//only check each surface once. it can appear in multiple leafs.
if (surf->shadowframe == sh_shadowframe)
surf->shadowframe = sh_shadowframe;
Fragment_Mesh(dec, surf->mesh, surf->texinfo);
splitplane = node->plane;
dist = DotProduct (dec->center, splitplane->normal) - splitplane->dist;
if (dist > dec->radius)
Q3BSP_ClipDecalToNodes (dec, node->children[0]);
if (dist < -dec->radius)
Q3BSP_ClipDecalToNodes (dec, node->children[1]);
Q3BSP_ClipDecalToNodes (dec, node->children[0]);
Q3BSP_ClipDecalToNodes (dec, node->children[1]);
void Mod_ClipDecal(struct model_s *mod, vec3_t center, vec3_t normal, vec3_t tangent1, vec3_t tangent2, float size, unsigned int surfflagmask, unsigned int surfflagmatch, void (*callback)(void *ctx, vec3_t *fte_restrict points, size_t numpoints, shader_t *shader), void *ctx)
{ //quad marks a full, independant quad
int p;
float r;
fragmentdecal_t dec;
VectorCopy(center, dec.center);
VectorCopy(normal, dec.normal);
dec.radius = 0;
dec.callback = callback;
dec.ctx = ctx;
dec.surfflagmask = surfflagmask;
dec.surfflagmatch = surfflagmatch;
VectorCopy(tangent1, dec.planenorm[0]);
VectorNegate(tangent1, dec.planenorm[1]);
VectorCopy(tangent2, dec.planenorm[2]);
VectorNegate(tangent2, dec.planenorm[3]);
VectorCopy(dec.normal, dec.planenorm[4]);
VectorNegate(dec.normal, dec.planenorm[5]);
for (p = 0; p < 6; p++)
r = sqrt(DotProduct(dec.planenorm[p], dec.planenorm[p]));
VectorScale(dec.planenorm[p], 1/r, dec.planenorm[p]);
r*= size/2;
if (r > dec.radius)
dec.radius = r;
dec.planedist[p] = -(r - DotProduct(dec.center, dec.planenorm[p]));
dec.numplanes = 6;
if (!mod || mod->loadstate != MLS_LOADED || mod->type != mod_brush)
#ifdef Q1BSPS
else if (mod->fromgame == fg_quake || mod->fromgame == fg_halflife)
Q1BSP_ClipDecalToNodes(mod, &dec, mod->rootnode);
#ifdef Q3BSPS
else if (cl.worldmodel->fromgame == fg_quake3)
if (mod->submodelof)
msurface_t *surf;
for (surf = mod->surfaces+mod->firstmodelsurface, p = 0; p < mod->nummodelsurfaces; p++, surf++)
Fragment_Mesh(&dec, surf->mesh, surf->texinfo);
Q3BSP_ClipDecalToNodes(&dec, mod->rootnode);
#ifdef TERRAIN
if (cl.worldmodel && cl.worldmodel->terrain)
Terrain_ClipDecal(&dec, center, dec.radius, mod);
Decal functions
Physics functions (common)
#ifdef Q1BSPS
void Q1BSP_CheckHullNodes(hull_t *hull)
int num, c;
mclipnode_t *node;
for (num = hull->firstclipnode; num < hull->lastclipnode; num++)
node = hull->clipnodes + num;
for (c = 0; c < 2; c++)
if (node->children[c] >= 0)
if (node->children[c] < hull->firstclipnode || node->children[c] > hull->lastclipnode)
Sys_Error ("Q1BSP_CheckHull: bad node number");
static int Q1_ModelPointContents (mnode_t *node, vec3_t p)
float d;
mplane_t *plane;
while(node->contents >= 0)
plane = node->plane;
if (plane->type < 3)
d = p[plane->type] - plane->dist;
d = DotProduct(plane->normal, p) - plane->dist;
node = node->children[d<0];
return node->contents;
static int Q1_HullPointContents (hull_t *hull, int num, vec3_t p)
float d;
mclipnode_t *node;
mplane_t *plane;
while (num >= 0)
node = hull->clipnodes + num;
plane = hull->planes + node->planenum;
if (plane->type < 3)
d = p[plane->type] - plane->dist;
d = DotProduct (plane->normal, p) - plane->dist;
if (d < 0)
num = node->children[1];
num = node->children[0];
return num;
#define DIST_EPSILON (0.03125)
#if 1
struct rhtctx_s
vec3_t start, end;
mclipnode_t *clipnodes;
mplane_t *planes;
static int Q1BSP_RecursiveHullTrace (struct rhtctx_s *ctx, int num, float p1f, float p2f, vec3_t p1, vec3_t p2, trace_t *trace)
mclipnode_t *node;
mplane_t *plane;
float t1, t2;
vec3_t mid;
int side;
float midf;
int rht;
if (num < 0)
/*hit a leaf*/
if (num == Q1CONTENTS_SOLID)
if (trace->allsolid)
trace->startsolid = true;
return rht_solid;
trace->allsolid = false;
if (num == Q1CONTENTS_EMPTY)
trace->inopen = true;
trace->inwater = true;
return rht_empty;
/*its a node*/
/*get the node info*/
node = ctx->clipnodes + num;
plane = ctx->planes + node->planenum;
if (plane->type < 3)
t1 = p1[plane->type] - plane->dist;
t2 = p2[plane->type] - plane->dist;
t1 = DotProduct (plane->normal, p1) - plane->dist;
t2 = DotProduct (plane->normal, p2) - plane->dist;
/*if its completely on one side, resume on that side*/
if (t1 >= 0 && t2 >= 0)
//return Q1BSP_RecursiveHullTrace (hull, node->children[0], p1f, p2f, p1, p2, trace);
num = node->children[0];
goto reenter;
if (t1 < 0 && t2 < 0)
//return Q1BSP_RecursiveHullTrace (hull, node->children[1], p1f, p2f, p1, p2, trace);
num = node->children[1];
goto reenter;
if (plane->type < 3)
t1 = ctx->start[plane->type] - plane->dist;
t2 = ctx->end[plane->type] - plane->dist;
t1 = DotProduct (plane->normal, ctx->start) - plane->dist;
t2 = DotProduct (plane->normal, ctx->end) - plane->dist;
side = t1 < 0;
midf = t1 / (t1 - t2);
if (midf < p1f) midf = p1f;
if (midf > p2f) midf = p2f;
VectorInterpolate(ctx->start, midf, ctx->end, mid);
rht = Q1BSP_RecursiveHullTrace(ctx, node->children[side], p1f, midf, p1, mid, trace);
if (rht != rht_empty && !trace->allsolid)
return rht;
rht = Q1BSP_RecursiveHullTrace(ctx, node->children[side^1], midf, p2f, mid, p2, trace);
if (rht != rht_solid)
return rht;
if (side)
/*we impacted the back of the node, so flip the plane*/
trace->plane.dist = -plane->dist;
VectorNegate(plane->normal, trace->plane.normal);
midf = (t1 + DIST_EPSILON) / (t1 - t2);
/*we impacted the front of the node*/
trace->plane.dist = plane->dist;
VectorCopy(plane->normal, trace->plane.normal);
midf = (t1 - DIST_EPSILON) / (t1 - t2);
t1 = DotProduct (trace->plane.normal, ctx->start) - trace->plane.dist;
t2 = DotProduct (trace->plane.normal, ctx->end) - trace->plane.dist;
midf = (t1 - DIST_EPSILON) / (t1 - t2);
midf = bound(0, midf, 1);
trace->fraction = midf;
VectorCopy (mid, trace->endpos);
VectorInterpolate(ctx->start, midf, ctx->end, trace->endpos);
return rht_impact;
qboolean Q1BSP_RecursiveHullCheck (hull_t *hull, int num, float p1f, float p2f, vec3_t p1, vec3_t p2, trace_t *trace)
if (VectorEquals(p1, p2))
/*points cannot cross planes, so do it faster*/
switch(Q1_HullPointContents(hull, num, p1))
trace->startsolid = true;
trace->allsolid = false;
trace->inopen = true;
trace->allsolid = false;
trace->inwater = true;
return true;
struct rhtctx_s ctx;
VectorCopy(p1, ctx.start);
VectorCopy(p2, ctx.end);
ctx.clipnodes = hull->clipnodes;
ctx.planes = hull->planes;
return Q1BSP_RecursiveHullTrace(&ctx, num, p1f, p2f, p1, p2, trace) != rht_impact;
qboolean Q1BSP_RecursiveHullCheck (hull_t *hull, int num, float p1f, float p2f, vec3_t p1, vec3_t p2, trace_t *trace)
mclipnode_t *node;
mplane_t *plane;
float t1, t2;
float frac;
int i;
vec3_t mid;
int side;
float midf;
// check for empty
if (num < 0)
if (num != Q1CONTENTS_SOLID)
trace->allsolid = false;
if (num == Q1CONTENTS_EMPTY)
trace->inopen = true;
trace->inwater = true;
trace->startsolid = true;
return true; // empty
// find the point distances
node = hull->clipnodes + num;
plane = hull->planes + node->planenum;
if (plane->type < 3)
t1 = p1[plane->type] - plane->dist;
t2 = p2[plane->type] - plane->dist;
t1 = DotProduct (plane->normal, p1) - plane->dist;
t2 = DotProduct (plane->normal, p2) - plane->dist;
#if 1
if (t1 >= 0 && t2 >= 0)
return Q1BSP_RecursiveHullCheck (hull, node->children[0], p1f, p2f, p1, p2, trace);
if (t1 < 0 && t2 < 0)
return Q1BSP_RecursiveHullCheck (hull, node->children[1], p1f, p2f, p1, p2, trace);
if ( (t1 >= DIST_EPSILON && t2 >= DIST_EPSILON) || (t2 > t1 && t1 >= 0) )
return Q1BSP_RecursiveHullCheck (hull, node->children[0], p1f, p2f, p1, p2, trace);
if ( (t1 <= -DIST_EPSILON && t2 <= -DIST_EPSILON) || (t2 < t1 && t1 <= 0) )
return Q1BSP_RecursiveHullCheck (hull, node->children[1], p1f, p2f, p1, p2, trace);
// put the crosspoint DIST_EPSILON pixels on the near side
if (t1 < 0)
frac = (t1 + DIST_EPSILON)/(t1-t2);
frac = (t1 - DIST_EPSILON)/(t1-t2);
if (frac < 0)
frac = 0;
if (frac > 1)
frac = 1;
midf = p1f + (p2f - p1f)*frac;
for (i=0 ; i<3 ; i++)
mid[i] = p1[i] + frac*(p2[i] - p1[i]);
side = (t1 < 0);
// move up to the node
if (!Q1BSP_RecursiveHullCheck (hull, node->children[side], p1f, midf, p1, mid, trace) )
return false;
if (Q1BSP_RecursiveHullCheck (sv_hullmodel, mid, node->children[side])
Con_Printf ("mid PointInHullSolid\n");
return false;
if (Q1_HullPointContents (hull, node->children[side^1], mid)
// go past the node
return Q1BSP_RecursiveHullCheck (hull, node->children[side^1], midf, p2f, mid, p2, trace);
if (trace->allsolid)
return false; // never got out of the solid area
// the other side of the node is solid, this is the impact point
if (!side)
VectorCopy (plane->normal, trace->plane.normal);
trace->plane.dist = plane->dist;
VectorNegate (plane->normal, trace->plane.normal);
trace->plane.dist = -plane->dist;
while (Q1_HullPointContents (hull, hull->firstclipnode, mid)
{ // shouldn't really happen, but does occasionally
if (!(frac < 10000000) && !(frac > -10000000))
trace->fraction = 0;
VectorClear (trace->endpos);
Con_Printf ("nan in traceline\n");
return false;
frac -= 0.1;
if (frac < 0)
trace->fraction = midf;
VectorCopy (mid, trace->endpos);
Con_DPrintf ("backup past 0\n");
return false;
midf = p1f + (p2f - p1f)*frac;
for (i=0 ; i<3 ; i++)
mid[i] = p1[i] + frac*(p2[i] - p1[i]);
trace->fraction = midf;
VectorCopy (mid, trace->endpos);
return false;
#ifdef Q1BSPS
the bsp tree we're walking through is the renderable hull
we need to trace a box through the world.
by its very nature, this will reach more nodes than we really want, and as we can follow a node sideways, the underlying bsp structure is no longer 100% reliable (meaning we cross planes that are entirely to one side, and follow its children too)
so all contents and solidity must come from the brushes and ONLY the brushes.
struct traceinfo_s
unsigned int solidcontents;
trace_t trace;
qboolean capsule;
float radius;
/*set even for sphere traces (used for bbox tests)*/
vec3_t mins;
vec3_t maxs;
vec3_t start;
vec3_t end;
vec3_t up;
vec3_t capsulesize;
vec3_t extents;
static void Q1BSP_ClipToBrushes(struct traceinfo_s *traceinfo, mbrush_t *brush)
struct mbrushplane_s *plane;
struct mbrushplane_s *enterplane;
int i, j;
vec3_t ofs;
qboolean startout, endout;
float d1,d2,dist,enterdist=0;
float f, enterfrac, exitfrac;
for (; brush; brush = brush->next)
/*ignore if its not solid to us*/
if (!(traceinfo->solidcontents & brush->contents))
startout = false;
endout = false;
enterplane= NULL;
enterfrac = -1;
exitfrac = 10;
for (i = brush->numplanes, plane = brush->planes; i; i--, plane++)
/*calculate the distance based upon the shape of the object we're tracing for*/
if (traceinfo->capsule)
dist = DotProduct(traceinfo->up, plane->normal);
dist = dist*(traceinfo->capsulesize[(dist<0)?1:2]) - traceinfo->capsulesize[0];
dist = plane->dist - dist;
//dist = plane->dist + traceinfo->radius;
for (j=0 ; j<3 ; j++)
if (plane->normal[j] < 0)
ofs[j] = traceinfo->maxs[j];
ofs[j] = traceinfo->mins[j];
dist = DotProduct (ofs, plane->normal);
dist = plane->dist - dist;
d1 = DotProduct (traceinfo->start, plane->normal) - dist;
d2 = DotProduct (traceinfo->end, plane->normal) - dist;
if (d1 >= 0)
startout = true;
if (d2 > 0)
endout = true;
//if we're fully outside any plane, then we cannot possibly enter the brush, skip to the next one
if (d1 > 0 && d2 >= 0)
goto nextbrush;
//if we're fully inside the plane, then whatever is happening is not relevent for this plane
if (d1 < 0 && d2 <= 0)
f = d1 / (d1-d2);
if (d1 > d2)
//entered the brush. favour the furthest fraction to avoid extended edges (yay for convex shapes)
if (enterfrac < f)
enterfrac = f;
enterplane = plane;
enterdist = dist;
//left the brush, favour the nearest plane (smallest frac)
if (exitfrac > f)
exitfrac = f;
if (!startout)
traceinfo->trace.startsolid = true;
if (!endout)
traceinfo->trace.allsolid = true;
traceinfo->trace.contents |= brush->contents;
if (enterfrac != -1 && enterfrac < exitfrac)
if (enterfrac < traceinfo->trace.fraction)
traceinfo->trace.fraction = enterfrac;
traceinfo->trace.plane.dist = enterdist;
VectorCopy(enterplane->normal, traceinfo->trace.plane.normal);
traceinfo->trace.contents = brush->contents;
static void Q1BSP_InsertBrush(mnode_t *node, mbrush_t *brush, vec3_t bmins, vec3_t bmaxs)
vec3_t nearp, farp;
float nd, fd;
int i;
if (node->contents < 0) /*leaf, so no smaller node to put it in (I'd be surprised if it got this far)*/
brush->next = node->brushes;
node->brushes = brush;
for (i = 0; i < 3; i++)
if (node->plane->normal[i] > 0)
nearp[i] = bmins[i];
farp[i] = bmaxs[i];
nearp[i] = bmaxs[i];
farp[i] = bmins[i];
nd = DotProduct(node->plane->normal, nearp) - node->plane->dist;
fd = DotProduct(node->plane->normal, farp) - node->plane->dist;
/*if its fully on either side, continue walking*/
if (nd < 0 && fd < 0)
node = node->children[1];
else if (nd > 0 && fd > 0)
node = node->children[0];
/*plane crosses bbox, so insert here*/
brush->next = node->brushes;
node->brushes = brush;
static void Q1BSP_RecursiveBrushCheck (struct traceinfo_s *traceinfo, mnode_t *node, float p1f, float p2f, vec3_t p1, vec3_t p2)
mplane_t *plane;
float t1, t2;
float frac;
int i;
vec3_t mid;
int side;
float midf;
float offset;
if (node->brushes)
Q1BSP_ClipToBrushes(traceinfo, node->brushes);
if (traceinfo->trace.fraction < p1f)
//already hit something closer than this node
if (node->contents < 0)
//we're in a leaf
// find the point distances
plane = node->plane;
if (plane->type < 3)
t1 = p1[plane->type] - plane->dist;
t2 = p2[plane->type] - plane->dist;
if (plane->normal[plane->type] < 0)
offset = -traceinfo->mins[plane->type];
offset = traceinfo->maxs[plane->type];
t1 = DotProduct (plane->normal, p1) - plane->dist;
t2 = DotProduct (plane->normal, p2) - plane->dist;
offset = 0;
for (i = 0; i < 3; i++)
if (plane->normal[i] < 0)
offset += plane->normal[i] * -traceinfo->mins[i];
offset += plane->normal[i] * traceinfo->maxs[i];
/*if we're fully on one side of the trace, go only down that side*/
if (t1 >= offset && t2 >= offset)
Q1BSP_RecursiveBrushCheck (traceinfo, node->children[0], p1f, p2f, p1, p2);
if (t1 < -offset && t2 < -offset)
Q1BSP_RecursiveBrushCheck (traceinfo, node->children[1], p1f, p2f, p1, p2);
// put the crosspoint DIST_EPSILON pixels on the near side
if (t1 == t2)
side = 0;
frac = 0;
else if (t1 < 0)
frac = (t1 + DIST_EPSILON)/(t1-t2);
side = 1;
frac = (t1 - DIST_EPSILON)/(t1-t2);
side = 0;
if (frac < 0)
frac = 0;
if (frac > 1)
frac = 1;
midf = p1f + (p2f - p1f)*frac;
for (i=0 ; i<3 ; i++)
mid[i] = p1[i] + frac*(p2[i] - p1[i]);
// move up to the node
Q1BSP_RecursiveBrushCheck (traceinfo, node->children[side], p1f, midf, p1, mid);
// go past the node
Q1BSP_RecursiveBrushCheck (traceinfo, node->children[side^1], midf, p2f, mid, p2);
#endif //Q1BSPS
static unsigned int Q1BSP_TranslateContents(int contents)
//q2 is better than nothing, right?
Con_Printf("Q1BSP_TranslateContents: Unknown contents type - %i", contents);
int Q1BSP_HullPointContents(hull_t *hull, vec3_t p)
return Q1BSP_TranslateContents(Q1_HullPointContents(hull, hull->firstclipnode, p));
#ifdef Q1BSPS
unsigned int Q1BSP_PointContents(model_t *model, vec3_t axis[3], vec3_t point)
int contents;
if (axis)
vec3_t transformed;
transformed[0] = DotProduct(point, axis[0]);
transformed[1] = DotProduct(point, axis[1]);
transformed[2] = DotProduct(point, axis[2]);
return Q1BSP_PointContents(model, NULL, transformed);
if (!model->firstmodelsurface)
contents = Q1BSP_TranslateContents(Q1_ModelPointContents(model->nodes, point));
contents = Q1BSP_HullPointContents(&model->hulls[0], point);
#ifdef TERRAIN
if (model->terrain)
contents |= Heightmap_PointContents(model, NULL, point);
return contents;
void Q1BSP_LoadBrushes(model_t *model, bspx_header_t *bspx, void *mod_base)
struct {
unsigned int ver;
unsigned int modelnum;
unsigned int numbrushes;
unsigned int numplanes;
} *permodel;
struct {
float mins[3];
float maxs[3];
signed short contents;
unsigned short numplanes;
} *perbrush;
Note to implementors:
a pointy brush with angles pointier than 90 degrees will extend further than any adjacent brush, thus creating invisible walls with larger expansions.
the engine inserts 6 axial planes acording to the bbox, thus the qbsp need not write any axial planes
note that doing it this way probably isn't good if you want to query textures...
struct {
vec3_t normal;
float dist;
} *perplane;
static vec3_t axis[3] = {{1, 0, 0}, {0, 1, 0}, {0, 0, 1}};
int br, pl, remainingplanes;
mbrush_t *brush;
mnode_t *rootnode;
unsigned int lumpsizeremaining;
model->engineflags &= ~MDLF_HASBRUSHES;
permodel = BSPX_FindLump(bspx, mod_base, "BRUSHLIST", &lumpsizeremaining);
if (!permodel)
while (lumpsizeremaining)
if (lumpsizeremaining < sizeof(*permodel))
permodel->ver = LittleLong(permodel->ver);
permodel->modelnum = LittleLong(permodel->modelnum);
permodel->numbrushes = LittleLong(permodel->numbrushes);
permodel->numplanes = LittleLong(permodel->numplanes);
if (permodel->ver != 1 || lumpsizeremaining < sizeof(*permodel) + permodel->numbrushes*sizeof(*perbrush) + permodel->numplanes*sizeof(*perplane))
//find the correct rootnode for the submodel (submodels are not set up yet).
rootnode = model->nodes;
if (permodel->modelnum > model->numsubmodels)
rootnode += model->submodels[permodel->modelnum].headnode[0];
brush = ZG_Malloc(&model->memgroup, (sizeof(*brush) - sizeof(brush->planes[0]))*permodel->numbrushes + sizeof(brush->planes[0])*(permodel->numbrushes*6+permodel->numplanes));
remainingplanes = permodel->numplanes;
perbrush = (void*)(permodel+1);
for (br = 0; br < permodel->numbrushes; br++)
/*byteswap it all in place*/
perbrush->mins[0] = LittleFloat(perbrush->mins[0]);
perbrush->mins[1] = LittleFloat(perbrush->mins[1]);
perbrush->mins[2] = LittleFloat(perbrush->mins[2]);
perbrush->maxs[0] = LittleFloat(perbrush->maxs[0]);
perbrush->maxs[1] = LittleFloat(perbrush->maxs[1]);
perbrush->maxs[2] = LittleFloat(perbrush->maxs[2]);
perbrush->contents = LittleShort(perbrush->contents);
perbrush->numplanes = LittleShort(perbrush->numplanes);
/*make sure planes don't overflow*/
if (perbrush->numplanes > remainingplanes)
/*set up the mbrush from the file*/
brush->contents = Q1BSP_TranslateContents(perbrush->contents);
brush->numplanes = perbrush->numplanes;
for (pl = 0, perplane = (void*)(perbrush+1); pl < perbrush->numplanes; pl++, perplane++)
brush->planes[pl].normal[0] = LittleFloat(perplane->normal[0]);
brush->planes[pl].normal[1] = LittleFloat(perplane->normal[1]);
brush->planes[pl].normal[2] = LittleFloat(perplane->normal[2]);
brush->planes[pl].dist = LittleFloat(perplane->dist);
/*and add axial planes acording to the brush's bbox*/
for (pl = 0; pl < 3; pl++)
VectorCopy(axis[pl], brush->planes[brush->numplanes].normal);
brush->planes[brush->numplanes].dist = perbrush->maxs[pl];
for (pl = 0; pl < 3; pl++)
VectorNegate(axis[pl], brush->planes[brush->numplanes].normal);
brush->planes[brush->numplanes].dist = -perbrush->mins[pl];
/*link it in to the bsp tree*/
Q1BSP_InsertBrush(rootnode, brush, perbrush->mins, perbrush->maxs);
/*set up for the next brush*/
brush = (void*)&brush->planes[brush->numplanes];
perbrush = (void*)perplane;
/*move on to the next model*/
lumpsizeremaining -= sizeof(*permodel) + permodel->numbrushes*sizeof(*perbrush) + permodel->numplanes*sizeof(*perplane);
permodel = (void*)((char*)permodel + sizeof(*permodel) + permodel->numbrushes*sizeof(*perbrush) + permodel->numplanes*sizeof(*perplane));
/*parsing was successful! flag it as okay*/
model->engineflags |= MDLF_HASBRUSHES;
hull_t *Q1BSP_ChooseHull(model_t *model, int forcehullnum, vec3_t mins, vec3_t maxs, vec3_t offset)
hull_t *hull;
vec3_t size;
VectorSubtract (maxs, mins, size);
if (forcehullnum >= 1 && forcehullnum <= MAX_MAP_HULLSM && model->hulls[forcehullnum-1].available)
hull = &model->hulls[forcehullnum-1];
#ifdef HEXEN2
if (model->hulls[5].available)
{ //choose based on hexen2 sizes.
if (size[0] < 3) // Point
hull = &model->hulls[0];
else if (size[0] <= 8.1 && model->hulls[4].available)
hull = &model->hulls[4]; //Pentacles
else if (size[0] <= 32.1 && size[2] <= 28.1) // Half Player
hull = &model->hulls[3];
else if (size[0] <= 32.1) // Full Player
hull = &model->hulls[1];
else // Golumn
hull = &model->hulls[5];
if (size[0] < 3 || !model->hulls[1].available)
hull = &model->hulls[0];
else if (size[0] <= 32.1 || !model->hulls[2].available)
if (size[2] < 54.1 && model->hulls[3].available)
hull = &model->hulls[3]; // 32x32x36 (half-life's crouch)
else if (model->hulls[1].available)
hull = &model->hulls[1];
hull = &model->hulls[0];
hull = &model->hulls[2];
VectorSubtract (hull->clip_mins, mins, offset);
return hull;
qboolean Q1BSP_Trace(model_t *model, int forcehullnum, framestate_t *framestate, vec3_t axis[3], vec3_t start, vec3_t end, vec3_t mins, vec3_t maxs, qboolean capsule, unsigned int hitcontentsmask, trace_t *trace)
hull_t *hull;
vec3_t start_l, end_l;
vec3_t offset;
if ((model->engineflags & MDLF_HASBRUSHES))// && (size[0] || size[1] || size[2]))
struct traceinfo_s traceinfo;
memset (&traceinfo.trace, 0, sizeof(trace_t));
traceinfo.trace.fraction = 1;
traceinfo.trace.allsolid = false;
VectorCopy(mins, traceinfo.mins);
VectorCopy(maxs, traceinfo.maxs);
VectorCopy(start, traceinfo.start);
VectorCopy(end, traceinfo.end);
traceinfo.capsule = capsule;
if (traceinfo.capsule)
float ext;
traceinfo.capsulesize[0] = ((maxs[0]-mins[0]) + (maxs[1]-mins[1]))/4.0;
traceinfo.capsulesize[1] = maxs[2];
traceinfo.capsulesize[2] = mins[2];
ext = (traceinfo.capsulesize[1] > -traceinfo.capsulesize[2])?traceinfo.capsulesize[1]:-traceinfo.capsulesize[2];
traceinfo.capsulesize[1] -= traceinfo.capsulesize[0];
traceinfo.capsulesize[2] += traceinfo.capsulesize[0];
traceinfo.extents[0] = ext+1;
traceinfo.extents[1] = ext+1;
traceinfo.extents[2] = ext+1;
VectorSet(traceinfo.up, 0, 0, 1);
/* traceinfo.sphere = true;
traceinfo.radius = 48;
traceinfo.mins[0] = -traceinfo.radius;
traceinfo.mins[1] = -traceinfo.radius;
traceinfo.mins[2] = -traceinfo.radius;
traceinfo.maxs[0] = traceinfo.radius;
traceinfo.maxs[1] = traceinfo.radius;
traceinfo.maxs[2] = traceinfo.radius;
traceinfo.solidcontents = hitcontentsmask;
Q1BSP_RecursiveBrushCheck(&traceinfo, model->rootnode, 0, 1, start, end);
memcpy(trace, &traceinfo.trace, sizeof(trace_t));
trace->contents = FTECONTENTS_SOLID;
if (trace->fraction < 1)
float d1 = DotProduct(start, trace->plane.normal) - trace->plane.dist;
float d2 = DotProduct(end, trace->plane.normal) - trace->plane.dist;
float f = (d1 - DIST_EPSILON) / (d1 - d2);
if (f < 0)
f = 0;
trace->fraction = f;
VectorInterpolate(start, trace->fraction, end, trace->endpos);
return trace->fraction != 1;
memset (trace, 0, sizeof(trace_t));
trace->fraction = 1;
trace->allsolid = true;
hull = Q1BSP_ChooseHull(model, forcehullnum, mins, maxs, offset);
//fix for hexen2 monsters half-walking into walls.
// if (forent.flags & FL_MONSTER)
// {
// offset[0] = 0;
// offset[1] = 0;
// }
if (axis)
vec3_t tmp;
VectorSubtract(start, offset, tmp);
start_l[0] = DotProduct(tmp, axis[0]);
start_l[1] = DotProduct(tmp, axis[1]);
start_l[2] = DotProduct(tmp, axis[2]);
VectorSubtract(end, offset, tmp);
end_l[0] = DotProduct(tmp, axis[0]);
end_l[1] = DotProduct(tmp, axis[1]);
end_l[2] = DotProduct(tmp, axis[2]);
trace->contents = FTECONTENTS_SOLID;
Q1BSP_RecursiveHullCheck(hull, hull->firstclipnode, 0, 1, start_l, end_l, trace);
if (trace->fraction == 1)
VectorCopy (end, trace->endpos);
vec3_t iaxis[3];
vec3_t norm;
Matrix3x3_RM_Invert_Simple((void *)axis, iaxis);
VectorCopy(trace->plane.normal, norm);
trace->plane.normal[0] = DotProduct(norm, iaxis[0]);
trace->plane.normal[1] = DotProduct(norm, iaxis[1]);
trace->plane.normal[2] = DotProduct(norm, iaxis[2]);
/*just interpolate it, its easier than inverse matrix rotations*/
VectorInterpolate(start, trace->fraction, end, trace->endpos);
VectorSubtract(start, offset, start_l);
VectorSubtract(end, offset, end_l);
Q1BSP_RecursiveHullCheck(hull, hull->firstclipnode, 0, 1, start_l, end_l, trace);
if (trace->fraction == 1)
VectorCopy (end, trace->endpos);
VectorAdd (trace->endpos, offset, trace->endpos);
#ifdef TERRAIN
if (model->terrain && trace->fraction)
trace_t hmt;
Heightmap_Trace(model, forcehullnum, framestate, axis, start, end, mins, maxs, capsule, hitcontentsmask, &hmt);
if (hmt.fraction < trace->fraction)
*trace = hmt;
return trace->fraction != 1;
Physics functions (common)
Rendering functions (Client only)
extern int r_dlightframecount;
//goes through the nodes marking the surfaces near the dynamic light as lit.
void Q1BSP_MarkLights (dlight_t *light, int bit, mnode_t *node)
mplane_t *splitplane;
float dist;
msurface_t *surf;
int i;
float l, maxdist;
int j, s, t;
vec3_t impact;
if (node->contents < 0)
splitplane = node->plane;
if (splitplane->type < 3)
dist = light->origin[splitplane->type] - splitplane->dist;
dist = DotProduct (light->origin, splitplane->normal) - splitplane->dist;
if (dist > light->radius)
Q1BSP_MarkLights (light, bit, node->children[0]);
if (dist < -light->radius)
Q1BSP_MarkLights (light, bit, node->children[1]);
maxdist = light->radius*light->radius;
// mark the polygons
surf = currentmodel->surfaces + node->firstsurface;
for (i=0 ; i<node->numsurfaces ; i++, surf++)
------------------------------------------------------------------------ r4169 | acceptthis | 2013-01-17 08:55:12 +0000 (Thu, 17 Jan 2013) | 31 lines removed MAX_VISEDICTS limit. PEXT2_REPLACEMENTDELTAS tweaked, now has 4 million entity limit. still not enabled by default. TE_BEAM now maps to a separate TEQW_BEAM to avoid conflicts with QW. added android multitouch emulation for windows/rawinput (in_simulatemultitouch). split topcolor/bottomcolor from scoreboard, for dp's colormap|1024 feature. now using utf-8 for windows consoles. qcc warnings/errors now give clickable console links for quick+easy editing. disabled menutint when the currently active item changes contrast or gamma (for OneManClan). Added support for drawfont/drawfontscale. tweaked the qcvm a little to reduce the number of pointers. .doll file loading. still experimental and will likely crash. requires csqc active, even if its a dummy progs. this will be fixed in time. Still other things that need cleaning up. windows: gl_font "?" shows the standard windows font-selection dialog, and can be used to select windows fonts. not all work. and you probably don't want to use windings. fixed splitscreen support when playing mvds. added mini-scoreboards to splitscreen. editor/debugger now shows asm if there's no linenumber info. also, pressing f1 for help shows the shortcuts. Added support for .framegroups files for psk(psa) and iqm formats. True support for ezquake's colour codes. Mutually exclusive with background colours. path command output slightly more readable. added support for digest_hex (MD4, SHA1, CRC16). skingroups now colourmap correctly. Fix terrain colour hints, and litdata from the wrong bsp. fix ftp dual-homed issue. support epsv command, and enable ipv6 (eprt still not supported). remove d3d11 compilation from the makefile. the required headers are not provided by mingw, and are not available to the build bot, so don't bother. fix v *= v.x and similar opcodes. fteqcc: fixed support for áéíóú type chars in names. utf-8 files now properly supported (even with the utf-8 bom/identifier). utf-16 also supported. fteqcc: fixed '#if 1 == 3 && 4' parsing. fteqcc: -Werror acts on the warning, rather than as a separate error. Line numbers are thus more readable. fteqcc: copyright message now includes compile date instead. fteqccgui: the treeview control is now coloured depending on whether there were warnings/errors in the last compile. fteqccgui: the output window is now focused and scrolls down as compilation progresses. pr_dumpplatform command dumps out some pragmas to convert more serious warnings to errors. This is to avoid the infamous 'fteqcc sucks cos my code sucks' issue. rewrote prespawn/modelist/soundlist code. server tracks progress now. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ git-svn-id: https://svn.code.sf.net/p/fteqw/code/trunk@4167 fc73d0e0-1445-4013-8a0c-d673dee63da5
2013-03-12 22:29:40 +00:00
//Yeah, you can blame LordHavoc for this alternate code here.
for (j=0 ; j<3 ; j++)
impact[j] = light->origin[j] - surf->plane->normal[j]*dist;
// clamp center of light to corner and check brightness
l = DotProduct (impact, surf->texinfo->vecs[0]) + surf->texinfo->vecs[0][3] - surf->texturemins[0];
s = l+0.5;if (s < 0) s = 0;else if (s > surf->extents[0]) s = surf->extents[0];
s = (l - s)*surf->texinfo->vecscale[0];
l = DotProduct (impact, surf->texinfo->vecs[1]) + surf->texinfo->vecs[1][3] - surf->texturemins[1];
t = l+0.5;if (t < 0) t = 0;else if (t > surf->extents[1]) t = surf->extents[1];
t = (l - t)*surf->texinfo->vecscale[1];
// compare to minimum light
if ((s*s+t*t+dist*dist) < maxdist)
if (surf->dlightframe != r_dlightframecount)
surf->dlightbits = bit;
surf->dlightframe = r_dlightframecount;
surf->dlightbits |= bit;
Q1BSP_MarkLights (light, bit, node->children[0]);
Q1BSP_MarkLights (light, bit, node->children[1]);
Rendering functions (Client only)
Server only functions
static qbyte *Q1BSP_ClusterPVS (model_t *model, int cluster, pvsbuffer_t *buffer, pvsmerge_t merge);
//does the recursive work of Q1BSP_FatPVS
static void SV_Q1BSP_AddToFatPVS (model_t *mod, vec3_t org, mnode_t *node, pvsbuffer_t *pvsbuffer)
mplane_t *plane;
float d;
while (1)
// if this is a leaf, accumulate the pvs bits
if (node->contents < 0)
if (node->contents != Q1CONTENTS_SOLID)
Q1BSP_ClusterPVS(mod, ((mleaf_t *)node - mod->leafs)-1, pvsbuffer, PVM_MERGE);
plane = node->plane;
d = DotProduct (org, plane->normal) - plane->dist;
if (d > 8)
node = node->children[0];
else if (d < -8)
node = node->children[1];
{ // go down both
SV_Q1BSP_AddToFatPVS (mod, org, node->children[0], pvsbuffer);
node = node->children[1];
Calculates a PVS that is the inclusive or of all leafs within 8 pixels of the
given point.
static unsigned int Q1BSP_FatPVS (model_t *mod, vec3_t org, pvsbuffer_t *pvsbuffer, qboolean add)
if (pvsbuffer->buffersize < mod->pvsbytes)
pvsbuffer->buffer = BZ_Realloc(pvsbuffer->buffer, pvsbuffer->buffersize=mod->pvsbytes);
if (!add)
Q_memset (pvsbuffer->buffer, 0, mod->pvsbytes);
SV_Q1BSP_AddToFatPVS (mod, org, mod->nodes, pvsbuffer);
return mod->pvsbytes;
static qboolean Q1BSP_EdictInFatPVS(model_t *mod, struct pvscache_s *ent, qbyte *pvs)
int i;
if (ent->num_leafs == MAX_ENT_LEAFS+1)
return true; //it's in too many leafs for us to cope with. Just trivially accept it.
for (i=0 ; i < ent->num_leafs ; i++)
if (pvs[ent->leafnums[i] >> 3] & (1 << (ent->leafnums[i]&7) ))
return true; //we might be able to see this one.
return false; //none of this ents leafs were visible, so neither is the ent.
Links the edict to the right leafs so we can get it's potential visability.
static void Q1BSP_RFindTouchedLeafs (model_t *wm, struct pvscache_s *ent, mnode_t *node, float *mins, float *maxs)
mplane_t *splitplane;
mleaf_t *leaf;
int sides;
int leafnum;
// add an efrag if the node is a leaf
mvd: cl_autotrack_team cvar locks autotrack to a specific team. getting the team name to match can still be problematic when it contains non-ascii chars however. qw: fix recording mid-map. q2: add support for recording demos on q2 servers. q: fix setattachment not using the correct orientations. q2: now supports splitscreen, as well as increased model and sound limits. cl: fix crosshair not appearing in splitscreen. cl: splitscreen clients now get their own colour tints (like the bf command) snd: tweak audio to be a bit more usable in splitscreen by default. cl: added con_logcenterprint cvar, for shoving a copy of centerprints onto the console. by default only appears in single player. qc: add checkbuiltin builtin. for all those #0 builtins without their own extension name. gl: fix r_dynamic -1 bug that was painfully visible in AD. mdl: validate per-frame bounds of mdl files (stuff that would crash software renderers). sv: fix -port or +sv_port commandline args to override the port correctly. win: attempt to cope with windows symlinks enumerating with the wrong filesizes. gl: fix skyboxes not appearing properly. gl: fix sprite alpha/edge issue resulting in some invisible sprites in AD. gl: fix screenshot_mega, in combination with r_projection. yay for HUGE panoramic screenshots. q2: fix replacement textures issue. qw: fix download demonum/X issue, both in client and server. qw: fix multicast dimensions not always being honoured properly. nq: fix starting angles sometimes being wrong. menusys: I'm finally uploading my menusys library, plus example mod, which I'll now be providing like csaddon is. git-svn-id: https://svn.code.sf.net/p/fteqw/code/trunk@4997 fc73d0e0-1445-4013-8a0c-d673dee63da5
2016-01-18 05:22:07 +00:00
if (node->contents < 0)
mvd: cl_autotrack_team cvar locks autotrack to a specific team. getting the team name to match can still be problematic when it contains non-ascii chars however. qw: fix recording mid-map. q2: add support for recording demos on q2 servers. q: fix setattachment not using the correct orientations. q2: now supports splitscreen, as well as increased model and sound limits. cl: fix crosshair not appearing in splitscreen. cl: splitscreen clients now get their own colour tints (like the bf command) snd: tweak audio to be a bit more usable in splitscreen by default. cl: added con_logcenterprint cvar, for shoving a copy of centerprints onto the console. by default only appears in single player. qc: add checkbuiltin builtin. for all those #0 builtins without their own extension name. gl: fix r_dynamic -1 bug that was painfully visible in AD. mdl: validate per-frame bounds of mdl files (stuff that would crash software renderers). sv: fix -port or +sv_port commandline args to override the port correctly. win: attempt to cope with windows symlinks enumerating with the wrong filesizes. gl: fix skyboxes not appearing properly. gl: fix sprite alpha/edge issue resulting in some invisible sprites in AD. gl: fix screenshot_mega, in combination with r_projection. yay for HUGE panoramic screenshots. q2: fix replacement textures issue. qw: fix download demonum/X issue, both in client and server. qw: fix multicast dimensions not always being honoured properly. nq: fix starting angles sometimes being wrong. menusys: I'm finally uploading my menusys library, plus example mod, which I'll now be providing like csaddon is. git-svn-id: https://svn.code.sf.net/p/fteqw/code/trunk@4997 fc73d0e0-1445-4013-8a0c-d673dee63da5
2016-01-18 05:22:07 +00:00
//ignore solid leafs. this should include leaf 0 (which has no pvs info)
if (node->contents == Q1CONTENTS_SOLID)
if (ent->num_leafs >= MAX_ENT_LEAFS)
ent->num_leafs = MAX_ENT_LEAFS+1; //too many. mark it as such so we can trivially accept huge mega-big brush models.
leaf = (mleaf_t *)node;
leafnum = leaf - wm->leafs - 1;
ent->leafnums[ent->num_leafs] = leafnum;
splitplane = node->plane;
sides = BOX_ON_PLANE_SIDE(mins, maxs, splitplane);
// recurse down the contacted sides
if (sides & 1)
Q1BSP_RFindTouchedLeafs (wm, ent, node->children[0], mins, maxs);
if (sides & 2)
Q1BSP_RFindTouchedLeafs (wm, ent, node->children[1], mins, maxs);
static void Q1BSP_FindTouchedLeafs(model_t *mod, struct pvscache_s *ent, float *mins, float *maxs)
ent->num_leafs = 0;
if (mins && maxs)
Q1BSP_RFindTouchedLeafs (mod, ent, mod->nodes, mins, maxs);
Server only functions
PVS type stuff
static qbyte *Q1BSP_DecompressVis (qbyte *in, model_t *model, qbyte *decompressed, unsigned int buffersize, qboolean merge)
int c;
qbyte *out;
int row;
row = (model->numclusters+7)>>3;
out = decompressed;
if (buffersize < row)
row = buffersize;
if (!in)
{ // no vis info, so make all visible
while (row)
*out++ = 0xff;
return decompressed;
if (merge)
if (*in)
*out++ |= *in++;
out += in[1];
in += 2;
} while (out - decompressed < row);
if (*in)
*out++ = *in++;
c = in[1];
in += 2;
while (c)
*out++ = 0;
} while (out - decompressed < row);
return decompressed;
static pvsbuffer_t mod_novis;
static pvsbuffer_t mod_tempvis;
void Q1BSP_Shutdown(void)
memset(&mod_novis, 0, sizeof(mod_novis));
memset(&mod_tempvis, 0, sizeof(mod_tempvis));
//pvs is 1-based. clusters are 0-based. otherwise, q1bsp has a 1:1 mapping.
static qbyte *Q1BSP_ClusterPVS (model_t *model, int cluster, pvsbuffer_t *buffer, pvsmerge_t merge)
if (cluster == -1)
if (merge == PVM_FAST)
if (mod_novis.buffersize < model->pvsbytes)
mod_novis.buffer = BZ_Realloc(mod_novis.buffer, mod_novis.buffersize=model->pvsbytes);
memset(mod_novis.buffer, 0xff, mod_novis.buffersize);
return mod_novis.buffer;
if (buffer->buffersize < model->pvsbytes)
buffer->buffer = BZ_Realloc(buffer->buffer, buffer->buffersize=model->pvsbytes);
memset(buffer->buffer, 0xff, model->pvsbytes);
return buffer->buffer;
if (merge == PVM_FAST && model->pvs)
return model->pvs + cluster * model->pvsbytes;
if (!buffer)
buffer = &mod_tempvis;
if (buffer->buffersize < model->pvsbytes)
buffer->buffer = BZ_Realloc(buffer->buffer, buffer->buffersize=model->pvsbytes);
return Q1BSP_DecompressVis (model->leafs[cluster].compressed_vis, model, buffer->buffer, buffer->buffersize, merge==PVM_MERGE);
/*static qbyte *Q1BSP_ClusterPHS (model_t *model, int cluster, pvsbuffer_t *buffer, pvsmerge_t merge)
if (cluster == -1 || !model->phs)
if (merge == PVM_FAST)
if (mod_novis.buffersize < model->pvsbytes)
mod_novis.buffer = BZ_Realloc(mod_novis.buffer, mod_novis.buffersize=model->pvsbytes);
memset(mod_novis.buffer, 0xff, mod_novis.buffersize);
return mod_novis.buffer;
if (buffer->buffersize < model->pvsbytes)
buffer->buffer = BZ_Realloc(buffer->buffer, buffer->buffersize=model->pvsbytes);
memset(buffer->buffer, 0xff, model->pvsbytes);
return buffer->buffer;
if (merge == PVM_FAST)
return model->pvs + cluster * model->pvsbytes;
if (!buffer)
buffer = &mod_tempvis;
if (buffer->buffersize < model->pvsbytes)
buffer->buffer = BZ_Realloc(buffer->buffer, buffer->buffersize=model->pvsbytes);
memcpy(buffer->buffer, model->pvs + cluster * model->pvsbytes, model->pvsbytes);
return buffer->buffer;
//returns the leaf number, which is used as a bit index into the pvs.
static int Q1BSP_LeafnumForPoint (model_t *model, vec3_t p)
mnode_t *node;
float d;
mplane_t *plane;
if (!model)
Sys_Error ("Mod_PointInLeaf: bad model");
if (!model->nodes)
return 0;
node = model->nodes;
while (1)
if (node->contents < 0)
return (mleaf_t *)node - model->leafs;
plane = node->plane;
d = DotProduct (p,plane->normal) - plane->dist;
if (d > 0)
node = node->children[0];
node = node->children[1];
return 0; // never reached
mleaf_t *Q1BSP_LeafForPoint (model_t *model, vec3_t p)
return model->leafs + Q1BSP_LeafnumForPoint(model, p);
static void Q1BSP_ClustersInSphere_Union(mleaf_t *firstleaf, vec3_t center, float radius, mnode_t *node, qbyte *out, qbyte *unionwith)
{ //this is really for rtlights.
float t1, t2;
mplane_t *plane;
while (1)
if (node->contents < 0)
{ //leaf! mark/merge it.
size_t c = (mleaf_t *)node - firstleaf;
if (c == -1)
if (unionwith)
out[c>>3] |= (1<<(c&7)) & unionwith[c>>3];
out[c>>3] |= (1<<(c&7));
plane = node->plane;
if (plane->type < 3)
t1 = center[plane->type] - plane->dist;
t1 = DotProduct (plane->normal, center) - plane->dist;
t2 = t1 - radius;
t1 = t1 + radius;
//if the sphere is fully to one side, only walk that side.
if (t1 > 0 && t2 > 0)
node = node->children[0];
if (t1 < 0 && t2 < 0)
node = node->children[1];
//both sides are within the sphere
Q1BSP_ClustersInSphere_Union(firstleaf, center, radius, node->children[0], out, unionwith);
node = node->children[1];
static qbyte *Q1BSP_ClustersInSphere(model_t *mod, vec3_t center, float radius, pvsbuffer_t *pvsbuffer, qbyte *unionwith)
if (!mod)
Sys_Error ("Mod_PointInLeaf: bad model");
if (!mod->nodes)
return NULL;
if (pvsbuffer->buffersize < mod->pvsbytes)
pvsbuffer->buffer = BZ_Realloc(pvsbuffer->buffer, pvsbuffer->buffersize=mod->pvsbytes);
Q_memset (pvsbuffer->buffer, 0, mod->pvsbytes);
Q1BSP_ClustersInSphere_Union(mod->leafs+1, center, radius, mod->nodes, pvsbuffer->buffer, NULL);//unionwith);
return pvsbuffer->buffer;
//returns the leaf number, which is used as a direct bit index into the pvs.
//-1 for invalid
static int Q1BSP_ClusterForPoint (model_t *model, vec3_t p)
mnode_t *node;
float d;
mplane_t *plane;
if (!model)
Sys_Error ("Mod_PointInLeaf: bad model");
if (!model->nodes)
return -1;
node = model->nodes;
while (1)
if (node->contents < 0)
return ((mleaf_t *)node - model->leafs) - 1;
plane = node->plane;
d = DotProduct (p,plane->normal) - plane->dist;
if (d > 0)
node = node->children[0];
node = node->children[1];
return -1; // never reached
PVS type stuff
Init stuff
void Q1BSP_Init(void)
//sets up the functions a server needs.
//fills in bspfuncs_t
void Q1BSP_SetModelFuncs(model_t *mod)
mod->funcs.FatPVS = Q1BSP_FatPVS;
mod->funcs.EdictInFatPVS = Q1BSP_EdictInFatPVS;
mod->funcs.FindTouchedLeafs = Q1BSP_FindTouchedLeafs;
mod->funcs.LightPointValues = NULL;
mod->funcs.StainNode = NULL;
mod->funcs.MarkLights = NULL;
mod->funcs.ClustersInSphere = Q1BSP_ClustersInSphere;
mod->funcs.ClusterForPoint = Q1BSP_ClusterForPoint;
mod->funcs.ClusterPVS = Q1BSP_ClusterPVS;
// mod->funcs.ClusterPHS = Q1BSP_ClusterPHS;
mod->funcs.NativeTrace = Q1BSP_Trace;
mod->funcs.PointContents = Q1BSP_PointContents;
Init stuff
BSPX Stuff
typedef struct {
char lumpname[24]; // up to 23 chars, zero-padded
int fileofs; // from file start
int filelen;
} bspx_lump_t;
struct bspx_header_s {
char id[4]; // 'BSPX'
int numlumps;
bspx_lump_t lumps[1];
//supported lumps:
void *BSPX_FindLump(bspx_header_t *bspxheader, void *mod_base, char *lumpname, int *lumpsize)
int i;
*lumpsize = 0;
if (!bspxheader)
return NULL;
for (i = 0; i < bspxheader->numlumps; i++)
if (!strncmp(bspxheader->lumps[i].lumpname, lumpname, 24))
*lumpsize = bspxheader->lumps[i].filelen;
return (char*)mod_base + bspxheader->lumps[i].fileofs;
return NULL;
bspx_header_t *BSPX_Setup(model_t *mod, char *filebase, unsigned int filelen, lump_t *lumps, int numlumps)
int i;
int offs = 0;
bspx_header_t *h;
for (i = 0; i < numlumps; i++, lumps++)
if (offs < lumps->fileofs + lumps->filelen)
offs = lumps->fileofs + lumps->filelen;
offs = (offs + 3) & ~3;
if (offs + sizeof(*h) > filelen)
return NULL; /*no space for it*/
h = (bspx_header_t*)(filebase + offs);
i = LittleLong(h->numlumps);
/*verify the header*/
if (*(int*)h->id != (('B'<<0)|('S'<<8)|('P'<<16)|('X'<<24)) ||
i < 0 ||
offs + sizeof(*h) + sizeof(h->lumps[0])*(i-1) > filelen)
return NULL;
h->numlumps = i;
h->lumps[i].fileofs = LittleLong(h->lumps[i].fileofs);
h->lumps[i].filelen = LittleLong(h->lumps[i].filelen);
if (h->lumps[i].fileofs + h->lumps[i].filelen > filelen)
return NULL;
return h;
void BSPX_LoadEnvmaps(model_t *mod, bspx_header_t *bspx, void *mod_base)
void *SCR_ScreenShot_Capture(int fbwidth, int fbheight, int *stride, enum uploadfmt *fmt);
void BSPX_RenderEnvmaps(model_t *mod)
int c, i;
void *buffer;
int stride, cubesize;
uploadfmt_t fmt;
char filename[MAX_QPATH];
char olddrawviewmodel[64]; //hack, so we can set r_drawviewmodel to 0 so that it doesn't appear in screenshots even if the csqc is generating new data.
vec3_t oldangles;
const struct
vec3_t angle;
const char *postfix;
qboolean verticalflip;
qboolean horizontalflip;
} sides[] =
{{0, 0, 90}, "_px", true},
{{0, 180, -90}, "_nx", true},
{{0, 90, 0}, "_py", true}, //upside down
{{0, 270, 0}, "_ny", false, true},
{{-90, 0, 90}, "_pz", true},
{{90, 0, 90}, "_nz", true},
char base[MAX_QPATH];
COM_FileBase(cl.worldmodel->name, base, sizeof(base));
r_refdef.stereomethod = STEREO_OFF;
Q_strncpyz(olddrawviewmodel, r_drawviewmodel.string, sizeof(olddrawviewmodel));
Cvar_Set(&r_drawviewmodel, "0");
VectorCopy(cl.playerview->viewangles, oldangles);
for (c = 0; c < mod->numenvmaps; c++)
cubesize = mod->envmaps[c].cubesize;
if (cubesize < 1)
cubesize = 32;
VectorCopy(mod->envmaps[c].origin, r_refdef.vieworg);
for (i = 0; i < 6; i++)
Q_snprintfz(filename, sizeof(filename), "%s/%i_%i_%i%s.tga", base, (int)mod->envmaps[c].origin[0], (int)mod->envmaps[c].origin[1], (int)mod->envmaps[c].origin[2], sides[i].postfix);
VectorCopy(sides[i].angle, cl.playerview->simangles);
VectorCopy(cl.playerview->simangles, cl.playerview->viewangles);
buffer = SCR_ScreenShot_Capture(cubesize, cubesize, &stride, &fmt);
if (buffer)
char sysname[1024];
if (sides[i].horizontalflip)
int y, x, p;
int pxsize;
char *bad = buffer;
char *in = buffer, *out;
case TF_RGBA32:
case TF_BGRA32:
case TF_RGBX32:
case TF_BGRX32:
pxsize = 4;
case TF_RGB24:
case TF_BGR24:
pxsize = 3;
case TF_RGBA16F:
pxsize = 8;
case TF_RGBA32F:
pxsize = 16;
default: //erk!
pxsize = 1;
buffer = out = BZ_Malloc(cubesize*cubesize*pxsize);
for (y = 0; y < cubesize; y++, in += abs(stride), out += cubesize*pxsize)
for (x = 0; x < cubesize*pxsize; x+=pxsize)
for (p = 0; p < pxsize; p++)
out[x+p] = in[(cubesize-1)*pxsize-x+p];
if (stride < 0)
stride = -cubesize*pxsize;
stride = cubesize*pxsize;
if (sides[i].verticalflip)
stride = -stride;
if (SCR_ScreenShot(filename, FS_GAMEONLY, &buffer, 1, stride, cubesize, cubesize, fmt))
FS_NativePath(filename, FS_GAMEONLY, sysname, sizeof(sysname));
Con_Printf ("Wrote %s\n", sysname);
FS_NativePath(filename, FS_GAMEONLY, sysname, sizeof(sysname));
Con_Printf ("Failed to write %s\n", sysname);
Cvar_Set(&r_drawviewmodel, olddrawviewmodel);
VectorCopy(oldangles, cl.playerview->viewangles);
void BSPX_LoadEnvmaps(model_t *mod, bspx_header_t *bspx, void *mod_base)
unsigned int *envidx, idx;
int i;
char base[MAX_QPATH];
char imagename[MAX_QPATH];
menvmap_t *out;
int count;
denvmap_t *in = BSPX_FindLump(bspx, mod_base, "ENVMAP", &count);
if (count%sizeof(*in))
return; //erk
count /= sizeof(*in);
if (!count)
out = ZG_Malloc(&mod->memgroup, sizeof(*out)*count);
mod->envmaps = out;
mod->numenvmaps = count;
COM_FileBase(mod->name, base, sizeof(base));
for (i = 0; i < count; i++)
out[i].origin[0] = LittleFloat(in[i].origin[0]);
out[i].origin[1] = LittleFloat(in[i].origin[1]);
out[i].origin[2] = LittleFloat(in[i].origin[2]);
out[i].cubesize = LittleLong(in[i].cubesize);
Q_snprintfz(imagename, sizeof(imagename), "textures/env/%s_%i_%i_%i", base, (int)mod->envmaps[i].origin[0], (int)mod->envmaps[i].origin[1], (int)mod->envmaps[i].origin[2]);
out[i].image = Image_GetTexture(imagename, NULL, IF_CUBEMAP|IF_NOREPLACE, NULL, NULL, out[i].cubesize, out[i].cubesize, PTI_INVALID);
//now update surface lists.
envidx = BSPX_FindLump(bspx, mod_base, "SURFENVMAP", &i);
if (i/sizeof(*envidx) == mod->numsurfaces)
for (i = 0; i < mod->numsurfaces; i++)
idx = LittleLong(envidx[i]);
if (idx < (unsigned int)count)
mod->surfaces[i].envmap = out[idx].image;
struct bspxrw
fromgame_t fg;
const char *fname;
char *origfile;
qofs_t origsize;
int lumpofs;
size_t corelumps;
size_t totallumps;
char lumpname[24]; // up to 23 chars, zero-padded
void *data; // from file start
qofs_t filelen;
} *lumps;
void Mod_BSPXRW_Free(struct bspxrw *ctx)
ctx->corelumps = ctx->totallumps = 0;
ctx->origfile = NULL;
void Mod_BSPXRW_Write(struct bspxrw *ctx)
#if 1
vfsfile_t *f = FS_OpenVFS(ctx->fname, "wb", FS_GAMEONLY);
if (f)
qofs_t bspxofs;
size_t i, j;
int pad, paddata = 0;
int nxlumps = ctx->totallumps-ctx->corelumps;
lump_t *lumps = alloca(sizeof(*lumps)*ctx->corelumps);
bspx_lump_t *xlumps = alloca(sizeof(*xlumps)*(ctx->totallumps-ctx->corelumps));
//bsp header info
VFS_WRITE(f, ctx->origfile, ctx->lumpofs);
VFS_WRITE(f, lumps, sizeof(lumps[0])*ctx->corelumps); //placeholder
//orig lumps
for (i = 0; i < ctx->corelumps; i++)
lumps[i].fileofs = VFS_TELL(f);
lumps[i].filelen = ctx->lumps[i].filelen;
VFS_WRITE(f, ctx->lumps[i].data, ctx->lumps[i].filelen);
//ALL lumps must be 4-aligned, so pad if needed.
pad = ((ctx->lumps[i].filelen+3)&~3)-ctx->lumps[i].filelen;
VFS_WRITE(f, &paddata, pad);
//bspx header
VFS_WRITE(f, "BSPX", 4);
VFS_WRITE(f, &nxlumps, sizeof(nxlumps));
bspxofs = VFS_TELL(f);
VFS_WRITE(f, xlumps, sizeof(xlumps[0])*(ctx->totallumps-ctx->corelumps)); //placeholder
//bspx data
for (i = 0; i < nxlumps; i++)
j = ctx->corelumps+i;
xlumps[i].fileofs = VFS_TELL(f);
xlumps[i].filelen = ctx->lumps[j].filelen;
memcpy(xlumps[i].lumpname, ctx->lumps[j].lumpname, sizeof(xlumps[i].lumpname));
VFS_WRITE(f, ctx->lumps[j].data, ctx->lumps[j].filelen);
//ALL lumps must be 4-aligned, so pad if needed.
pad = ((ctx->lumps[j].filelen+3)&~3)-ctx->lumps[j].filelen;
VFS_WRITE(f, &paddata, pad);
//now rewrite both sets of offsets.
VFS_SEEK(f, ctx->lumpofs);
VFS_WRITE(f, lumps, sizeof(lumps[0])*ctx->corelumps);
VFS_SEEK(f, bspxofs);
VFS_WRITE(f, xlumps, sizeof(xlumps[0])*(ctx->totallumps-ctx->corelumps));
void Mod_BSPXRW_SetLump(struct bspxrw *ctx, const char *lumpname, void *data, size_t datasize)
int i;
for (i = 0; i < ctx->totallumps; i++)
if (!strcmp(ctx->lumps[i].lumpname, lumpname))
{ //replace the existing lump
ctx->lumps[i].data = data;
ctx->lumps[i].filelen = datasize;
Z_ReallocElements((void**)&ctx->lumps, &ctx->totallumps, ctx->totallumps+1, sizeof(*ctx->lumps));
Q_strncpyz(ctx->lumps[i].lumpname, lumpname, sizeof(ctx->lumps[i].lumpname));
ctx->lumps[i].data = data;
ctx->lumps[i].filelen = datasize;
qboolean Mod_BSPXRW_Read(struct bspxrw *ctx, const char *fname)
int i;
lump_t *l;
const char **corelumpnames = NULL;
bspx_header_t *bspxheader;
#ifdef Q3BSPS
static const char *q3corelumpnames[Q3LUMPS_TOTAL] = {"entities","shaders","planes","nodes","leafs","leafsurfs","leafbrushes","submodels","brushes","brushsides","verts","indexes","fogs","surfaces","lightmaps","lightgrid","visibility"
#ifdef RFBSPS
ctx->fname = fname;
ctx->origfile = FS_MallocFile(ctx->fname, FS_GAME, &ctx->origsize);
if (!ctx->origfile)
return false;
ctx->lumps = 0;
ctx->totallumps = 0;
i = LittleLong(*(int*)ctx->origfile);
case 29:
case 30:
ctx->fg = ((i==30)?fg_halflife:fg_quake);
ctx->lumpofs = 4;
ctx->corelumps = 0;
i = LittleLong(*(int*)(ctx->origfile+4));
ctx->lumpofs = 8;
#ifdef Q2BSPS
ctx->fg = fg_quake2;
ctx->corelumps = Q2HEADER_LUMPS;
#ifdef Q3BSPS
ctx->fg = fg_quake3;
ctx->corelumps = 17;
corelumpnames = q3corelumpnames;
return false;
#ifdef RFBSPS
case ('R'<<0)+('B'<<8)+('S'<<16)+('P'<<24):
case ('F'<<0)+('B'<<8)+('S'<<16)+('P'<<24):
i = LittleLong(*(int*)(ctx->origfile+4));
ctx->lumpofs = 8;
ctx->fg = fg_quake3;
ctx->corelumps = 18;
corelumpnames = q3corelumpnames;
return false;
return false;
l = (lump_t*)(ctx->origfile+ctx->lumpofs);
for (i = 0; i < ctx->corelumps; i++)
Z_ReallocElements((void**)&ctx->lumps, &ctx->totallumps, ctx->totallumps+1, sizeof(*ctx->lumps));
ctx->lumps[ctx->totallumps-1].data = ctx->origfile+l[i].fileofs;
ctx->lumps[ctx->totallumps-1].filelen = l[i].filelen;
if (corelumpnames)
Q_snprintfz(ctx->lumps[ctx->totallumps-1].lumpname, sizeof(ctx->lumps[0].lumpname), "%s", corelumpnames[i]);
Q_snprintfz(ctx->lumps[ctx->totallumps-1].lumpname, sizeof(ctx->lumps[0].lumpname), "lump%u", i);
bspxheader = BSPX_Setup(NULL, ctx->origfile, ctx->origsize, l, ctx->corelumps);
if (bspxheader)
for (i = 0; i < bspxheader->numlumps; i++)
Z_ReallocElements((void**)&ctx->lumps, &ctx->totallumps, ctx->totallumps+1, sizeof(*ctx->lumps));
ctx->lumps[ctx->totallumps-1].data = ctx->origfile+bspxheader->lumps[i].fileofs;
ctx->lumps[ctx->totallumps-1].filelen = bspxheader->lumps[i].filelen;
memcpy(ctx->lumps[ctx->totallumps-1].lumpname, bspxheader->lumps[i].lumpname, sizeof(ctx->lumps[0].lumpname));
return true;
unsigned int Mod_NearestCubeForSurf(msurface_t *surf, denvmap_t *envmap, size_t nenvmap)
{ //this is slow, yes.
size_t n, v;
unsigned int best = ~0;
float bestdist = FLT_MAX, dist;
vec3_t diff, mins, maxs, mid;
if (surf->mesh && surf->mesh->numvertexes)
VectorCopy(surf->mesh->xyz_array[0], mins);
VectorCopy(surf->mesh->xyz_array[0], maxs);
for (v = 1; v < surf->mesh->numvertexes; v++)
AddPointToBounds(surf->mesh->xyz_array[0], mins, maxs);
VectorAvg(mins, maxs, mid);
for (n = 0; n < nenvmap; n++)
VectorSubtract(envmap[n].origin, mid, diff);
#if 1
//axial distance
dist = fabs(diff[0]);
if (dist > fabs(diff[1]))
dist = fabs(diff[1]);
if (dist > fabs(diff[2]))
dist = fabs(diff[2]);
//radial distance (squared)
dist = DotProduct(diff,diff);
if (bestdist > dist)
best = n;
bestdist = dist;
return best;
int QDECL envmapsort(const void *av, const void *bv)
{ //sorts cubemaps in order of size, to make texturearrays easier, if ever. The loader can then just make runs.
const denvmap_t *a=av, *b=bv;
if (a->cubesize == b->cubesize)
return 0;
if (a->cubesize > b->cubesize)
return 1;
return -1;
void Mod_FindCubemaps_f(void)
struct bspxrw bspctx;
if (Mod_BSPXRW_Read(&bspctx, cl.worldmodel->name))
const char *entlump = Mod_GetEntitiesString(cl.worldmodel), *lmp;
int nest;
char key[1024];
char value[1024];
qboolean isenvmap;
float size;
vec3_t origin;
denvmap_t *envmap = NULL; //*nenvmap
size_t nenvmap = 0;
unsigned int *envmapidx = NULL; //*numsurfaces
size_t nenvmapidx = 0, i;
//find targetnames, and store their origins so that we can deal with spotlights.
for (lmp = entlump; ;)
lmp = COM_Parse(lmp);
if (com_token[0] != '{')
isenvmap = false;
size = 128;
nest = 1;
while (1)
lmp = COM_ParseOut(lmp, key, sizeof(key));
if (!lmp)
break; // error
if (key[0] == '{')
if (key[0] == '}')
if (!nest)
break; // end of entity
if (nest!=1)
if (key[0] == '_')
memmove(key, key+1, strlen(key));
while (key[strlen(key)-1] == ' ') // remove trailing spaces
key[strlen(key)-1] = 0;
lmp = COM_ParseOut(lmp, value, sizeof(value));
if (!lmp)
break; // error
// now that we have the key pair worked out...
if (!strcmp("classname", key) && !strcmp(value, "env_cubemap"))
isenvmap = true;
else if (!strcmp("origin", key))
sscanf(value, "%f %f %f", &origin[0], &origin[1], &origin[2]);
else if (!strcmp("size", key))
sscanf(value, "%f", &size);
if (isenvmap)
int e = nenvmap;
if (ZF_ReallocElements((void**)&envmap, &nenvmap, nenvmap+1, sizeof(*envmap)))
VectorCopy(origin, envmap[e].origin);
envmap[e].cubesize = size;
if (nenvmap)
qsort(envmap, nenvmap, sizeof(*envmap), envmapsort); //sort them by size
if (ZF_ReallocElements((void**)&envmapidx, &nenvmapidx, cl.worldmodel->numsurfaces, sizeof(*envmapidx)))
for(i = 0; i < cl.worldmodel->numsurfaces; i++)
envmapidx[i] = Mod_NearestCubeForSurf(cl.worldmodel->surfaces+i, envmap, nenvmap);
Mod_BSPXRW_SetLump(&bspctx, "ENVMAP", envmap, nenvmap*sizeof(*envmap));
Mod_BSPXRW_SetLump(&bspctx, "SURFENVMAP", envmapidx, cl.worldmodel->numsurfaces*sizeof(*envmapidx));
Con_Printf("No cubemaps found on map\n");
void Mod_Realign_f(void)
struct bspxrw bspctx;
if (Mod_BSPXRW_Read(&bspctx, cl.worldmodel->name))
void Mod_BSPX_List_f(void)
int i;
struct bspxrw ctx;
char *fname = Cmd_Argv(1);
if (!*fname && cl.worldmodel)
fname = cl.worldmodel->name;
if (Mod_BSPXRW_Read(&ctx, fname))
for (i = 0; i < ctx.corelumps; i++)
Con_Printf("%s: %u\n", ctx.lumps[i].lumpname, (unsigned int)ctx.lumps[i].filelen);
for ( ; i < ctx.totallumps; i++)
Con_Printf("%s: %u\n", ctx.lumps[i].lumpname, (unsigned int)ctx.lumps[i].filelen);
void Mod_BSPX_Strip_f(void)
int i;
struct bspxrw ctx;
qboolean found = false;
if (Cmd_Argc() != 3)
Con_Printf("%s FILENAME NAME: removes an extended lump from the named bsp file\n", Cmd_Argv(0));
else if (Mod_BSPXRW_Read(&ctx, Cmd_Argv(1)))
for (i = ctx.corelumps; i < ctx.totallumps;)
if (!Q_strcasecmp(ctx.lumps[i].lumpname, Cmd_Argv(2)))
found = true;
memmove(&ctx.lumps[i], &ctx.lumps[i+1], sizeof(ctx.lumps[0])*(ctx.totallumps-(i+1)));
if (found)
image_t *Mod_CubemapForOrigin(model_t *wmodel, vec3_t org)
int i;
menvmap_t *e;
float bestdist = FLT_MAX, dist;
image_t *ret = NULL;
vec3_t move;
if (!wmodel || wmodel->loadstate != MLS_LOADED)
return NULL;
for ( i=0 , e=wmodel->envmaps ; i<wmodel->numenvmaps ; i++, e++)
VectorSubtract(org, e->origin, move);
dist = DotProduct(move,move);
if (bestdist > dist)
bestdist = dist;
ret = e->image;
return ret;