
443 lines
16 KiB
Raw Normal View History

mvd: cl_autotrack_team cvar locks autotrack to a specific team. getting the team name to match can still be problematic when it contains non-ascii chars however. qw: fix recording mid-map. q2: add support for recording demos on q2 servers. q: fix setattachment not using the correct orientations. q2: now supports splitscreen, as well as increased model and sound limits. cl: fix crosshair not appearing in splitscreen. cl: splitscreen clients now get their own colour tints (like the bf command) snd: tweak audio to be a bit more usable in splitscreen by default. cl: added con_logcenterprint cvar, for shoving a copy of centerprints onto the console. by default only appears in single player. qc: add checkbuiltin builtin. for all those #0 builtins without their own extension name. gl: fix r_dynamic -1 bug that was painfully visible in AD. mdl: validate per-frame bounds of mdl files (stuff that would crash software renderers). sv: fix -port or +sv_port commandline args to override the port correctly. win: attempt to cope with windows symlinks enumerating with the wrong filesizes. gl: fix skyboxes not appearing properly. gl: fix sprite alpha/edge issue resulting in some invisible sprites in AD. gl: fix screenshot_mega, in combination with r_projection. yay for HUGE panoramic screenshots. q2: fix replacement textures issue. qw: fix download demonum/X issue, both in client and server. qw: fix multicast dimensions not always being honoured properly. nq: fix starting angles sometimes being wrong. menusys: I'm finally uploading my menusys library, plus example mod, which I'll now be providing like csaddon is. git-svn-id: https://svn.code.sf.net/p/fteqw/code/trunk@4997 fc73d0e0-1445-4013-8a0c-d673dee63da5
2016-01-18 05:22:07 +00:00
//very very basic server browser.
//this was written as an example for the api, rather than a truely usable server browser.
//WARNING: make sure you only create one server browser widget otherwise they'll fight each other
mvd: cl_autotrack_team cvar locks autotrack to a specific team. getting the team name to match can still be problematic when it contains non-ascii chars however. qw: fix recording mid-map. q2: add support for recording demos on q2 servers. q: fix setattachment not using the correct orientations. q2: now supports splitscreen, as well as increased model and sound limits. cl: fix crosshair not appearing in splitscreen. cl: splitscreen clients now get their own colour tints (like the bf command) snd: tweak audio to be a bit more usable in splitscreen by default. cl: added con_logcenterprint cvar, for shoving a copy of centerprints onto the console. by default only appears in single player. qc: add checkbuiltin builtin. for all those #0 builtins without their own extension name. gl: fix r_dynamic -1 bug that was painfully visible in AD. mdl: validate per-frame bounds of mdl files (stuff that would crash software renderers). sv: fix -port or +sv_port commandline args to override the port correctly. win: attempt to cope with windows symlinks enumerating with the wrong filesizes. gl: fix skyboxes not appearing properly. gl: fix sprite alpha/edge issue resulting in some invisible sprites in AD. gl: fix screenshot_mega, in combination with r_projection. yay for HUGE panoramic screenshots. q2: fix replacement textures issue. qw: fix download demonum/X issue, both in client and server. qw: fix multicast dimensions not always being honoured properly. nq: fix starting angles sometimes being wrong. menusys: I'm finally uploading my menusys library, plus example mod, which I'll now be providing like csaddon is. git-svn-id: https://svn.code.sf.net/p/fteqw/code/trunk@4997 fc73d0e0-1445-4013-8a0c-d673dee63da5
2016-01-18 05:22:07 +00:00
//look up what its meant to be.
//#define MOD_GAMEDIR cvar_string("game")
#include "../menusys/mitem_menu.qc" //subwindow
var float autocvar_sb_shownumplayers = 1;
var float autocvar_sb_showmaxplayers = 0;
var float autocvar_sb_showfraglimit = 0;
var float autocvar_sb_showtimelimit = 0;
var float autocvar_sb_showping = 1;
var float autocvar_sb_showgamedir = 0;
var float autocvar_sb_showaddress = 0;
var float autocvar_sb_showmap = 1;
var float autocvar_sb_showname = 1;
//#define COLUMN(width, sortname, title, draw)
#define COLUMN_NUMPLAYERS COLUMN(2*8, numplayers, "Pl", ui.drawstring(pos, sprintf("%-2g", gethostcachenumber(field_numplayers, sv)), '8 8', col, 1, 0);)
#define COLUMN_MAXPLAYERS COLUMN(2*8, maxplayers, "MP", ui.drawstring(pos, sprintf("%-2g", gethostcachenumber(field_maxplayers, sv)), '8 8', col, 1, 0);)
#define COLUMN_PING COLUMN(4*8, ping, "Ping", ui.drawstring(pos, sprintf("%-4g", gethostcachenumber(field_ping, sv)), '8 8', col, 1, 0);)
#define COLUMN_FRAGLIMIT COLUMN(4*8, fraglimit, "FL", ui.drawstring(pos, sprintf("%-3g", gethostcachenumber(field_fraglimit, sv)), '8 8', col, 1, 0);)
#define COLUMN_TIMELIMIT COLUMN(4*8, timelimit, "TL", ui.drawstring(pos, sprintf("%-3g", gethostcachenumber(field_timelimit, sv)), '8 8', col, 1, 0);)
#define COLUMN_GAMEDIR COLUMN(8*8, gamedir, "Gamedir", ui.drawstring(pos, sprintf("%-.8s", gethostcachestring(field_gamedir, sv)), '8 8', col, 1, 0);)
#define COLUMN_ADDRESS COLUMN(21*8, address, "Address", ui.drawstring(pos, sprintf("%-.21s", gethostcachestring(field_address, sv)), '8 8', col, 1, 0);)
mvd: cl_autotrack_team cvar locks autotrack to a specific team. getting the team name to match can still be problematic when it contains non-ascii chars however. qw: fix recording mid-map. q2: add support for recording demos on q2 servers. q: fix setattachment not using the correct orientations. q2: now supports splitscreen, as well as increased model and sound limits. cl: fix crosshair not appearing in splitscreen. cl: splitscreen clients now get their own colour tints (like the bf command) snd: tweak audio to be a bit more usable in splitscreen by default. cl: added con_logcenterprint cvar, for shoving a copy of centerprints onto the console. by default only appears in single player. qc: add checkbuiltin builtin. for all those #0 builtins without their own extension name. gl: fix r_dynamic -1 bug that was painfully visible in AD. mdl: validate per-frame bounds of mdl files (stuff that would crash software renderers). sv: fix -port or +sv_port commandline args to override the port correctly. win: attempt to cope with windows symlinks enumerating with the wrong filesizes. gl: fix skyboxes not appearing properly. gl: fix sprite alpha/edge issue resulting in some invisible sprites in AD. gl: fix screenshot_mega, in combination with r_projection. yay for HUGE panoramic screenshots. q2: fix replacement textures issue. qw: fix download demonum/X issue, both in client and server. qw: fix multicast dimensions not always being honoured properly. nq: fix starting angles sometimes being wrong. menusys: I'm finally uploading my menusys library, plus example mod, which I'll now be providing like csaddon is. git-svn-id: https://svn.code.sf.net/p/fteqw/code/trunk@4997 fc73d0e0-1445-4013-8a0c-d673dee63da5
2016-01-18 05:22:07 +00:00
#define COLUMN_MAP COLUMN(8*8, map, "Map", ui.drawstring(pos, sprintf("%-.8s", gethostcachestring(field_map, sv)), '8 8', col, 1, 0);)
#define COLUMN_HOSTNAME COLUMN(64*8, name, "Name", ui.drawstring(pos, sprintf("%s", gethostcachestring(field_name, sv)), '8 8', col, 1, 0);)
//FIXME: add a little * icon before the hostname for favourites or something
class mitem_servers : mitem
float server_selected;
mitem_vslider slider;
float dbltime;
float dobound;
void() mitem_servers =
dbltime = cltime - 10;
this.item_flags |= IF_SELECTABLE;
server_selected = -1;
//clear the filter
if (MOD_GAMEDIR != "")
//constrain the list to only servers with the right gamedir.
sethostcachemaskstring(0, gethostcacheindexforkey("gamedir"), MOD_GAMEDIR, SLIST_TEST_EQUAL);
//sort by ping by default
sethostcachesort(gethostcacheindexforkey("ping"), FALSE);
//(re)query the servers.
virtual void(vector pos) item_draw =
local float sv, maxsv = gethostcachevalue(SLIST_HOSTCACHEVIEWCOUNT);
local float maxy = self.item_size_y;
float left = pos_x;
local vector omin = ui.drawrectmin, omax = ui.drawrectmax;
local vector cmin = pos + '0 8', cmax = pos + item_size;
cmin_x = max(omin_x, cmin_x);
cmin_y = max(omin_y, cmin_y);
cmax_x = min(omax_x, cmax_x);
cmax_y = min(omax_y, cmax_y);
slider.maxv = maxsv - (floor(maxy/8) - 1);
//constrain the view the lazy way.
if (dobound)
dobound = FALSE;
if (slider.val < 0)
slider.val = 0;
while (slider.val + floor(maxy/8) - 1 <= server_selected)
while (server_selected < slider.val && slider.val > 0)
float field_name = gethostcacheindexforkey("name");
float field_ping = gethostcacheindexforkey("ping");
float field_numplayers = gethostcacheindexforkey("numhumans");
if (field_numplayers < 0)
field_numplayers = gethostcacheindexforkey("numplayers");
float field_maxplayers = gethostcacheindexforkey("maxplayers");
float field_gamedir = gethostcacheindexforkey("gamedir");
if (field_gamedir < 0)
field_gamedir = gethostcacheindexforkey("mod");
float field_address = gethostcacheindexforkey("cname");
float field_map = gethostcacheindexforkey("map");
float field_timelimit = gethostcacheindexforkey("timelimit");
float field_fraglimit = gethostcacheindexforkey("fraglimit");
maxy = ceil(maxy/8) - 1;
if (maxsv > slider.val + maxy)
maxsv = slider.val + maxy;
float sort = gethostcachevalue(SLIST_SORTFIELD);
string colkey = __NULL__;
#define COLUMN(width, sortname, title, draw) if (field_##sortname<0) autocvar_sb_show##sortname = FALSE; if (autocvar_sb_show##sortname) {if (ui.mousepos[0] > pos_x && ui.mousepos[1] < pos_y+8) colkey = #sortname; pos_x += width+8;}
mvd: cl_autotrack_team cvar locks autotrack to a specific team. getting the team name to match can still be problematic when it contains non-ascii chars however. qw: fix recording mid-map. q2: add support for recording demos on q2 servers. q: fix setattachment not using the correct orientations. q2: now supports splitscreen, as well as increased model and sound limits. cl: fix crosshair not appearing in splitscreen. cl: splitscreen clients now get their own colour tints (like the bf command) snd: tweak audio to be a bit more usable in splitscreen by default. cl: added con_logcenterprint cvar, for shoving a copy of centerprints onto the console. by default only appears in single player. qc: add checkbuiltin builtin. for all those #0 builtins without their own extension name. gl: fix r_dynamic -1 bug that was painfully visible in AD. mdl: validate per-frame bounds of mdl files (stuff that would crash software renderers). sv: fix -port or +sv_port commandline args to override the port correctly. win: attempt to cope with windows symlinks enumerating with the wrong filesizes. gl: fix skyboxes not appearing properly. gl: fix sprite alpha/edge issue resulting in some invisible sprites in AD. gl: fix screenshot_mega, in combination with r_projection. yay for HUGE panoramic screenshots. q2: fix replacement textures issue. qw: fix download demonum/X issue, both in client and server. qw: fix multicast dimensions not always being honoured properly. nq: fix starting angles sometimes being wrong. menusys: I'm finally uploading my menusys library, plus example mod, which I'll now be providing like csaddon is. git-svn-id: https://svn.code.sf.net/p/fteqw/code/trunk@4997 fc73d0e0-1445-4013-8a0c-d673dee63da5
2016-01-18 05:22:07 +00:00
#undef COLUMN
vector col;
pos_x = left;
#define COLUMN(width, sortname, title, draw) if (autocvar_sb_show##sortname) {col = '1 1 1'; if (sort == field_##sortname) col_z = 0; if (colkey == #sortname) col_x = 0; ui.drawstring(pos, title, '8 8', col, 1, 0); pos_x += width+8;}
#undef COLUMN
//make sure things get cut off if we have too many rows (or fractional start)
ui.setcliparea(cmin[0], cmin[1], cmax[0] - cmin[0], cmax[1] - cmin[1]);
pos_y += 8 * (1-(slider.val-floor(slider.val)));
for (float y=pos_y, sv = max(0, floor(slider.val)); sv < maxsv; sv+=1)
col = (sv&1)?'0.1 0.1 0.1':'0.15 0.1 0.05';
drawfill([left, y], [item_size_x,8], col, 0.8, 0);
y += 8;
for ( sv = max(0, floor(slider.val)); sv < maxsv; sv+=1)
col = ((server_selected==sv)?'1 1 0':'1 1 1');
//if isproxy
//if islocal
//if isfavorite
pos_x = left;
#define COLUMN(width, sortname, title, draw) if (autocvar_sb_show##sortname) {draw pos_x += width+8; }
#undef COLUMN
pos_y += 8;
ui.setcliparea(omin_x, omin_y, omax_x - omin_x, omax_y - omin_y);
static string() getgamedircmd =
{ //sadly the vanilla NQ network protocol gave clients no idea which gamedir the server is actually using.
//many extended protocols still lack that info, so be sure to try to switch according to the server browser's gamedir info, because its more robust than not even trying.
float field_gamedir = gethostcacheindexforkey("gamedir");
if (field_gamedir < 0)
field_gamedir = gethostcacheindexforkey("mod");
if (field_gamedir < 0)
return ""; //erk. dodgy engine?
string gd = gethostcachestring(field_gamedir, server_selected);
if (strstrofs(gd, "\"")>=0 || strstrofs(gd, "\n")>=0 || strstrofs(gd, "\r")>=0)
return ""; //no, just no. trust the engine to reject bad paths, we're just preventing cbuf corruption here (DP doesn't support "%S").
return sprintf("gamedir \"%s\";", gd);
mvd: cl_autotrack_team cvar locks autotrack to a specific team. getting the team name to match can still be problematic when it contains non-ascii chars however. qw: fix recording mid-map. q2: add support for recording demos on q2 servers. q: fix setattachment not using the correct orientations. q2: now supports splitscreen, as well as increased model and sound limits. cl: fix crosshair not appearing in splitscreen. cl: splitscreen clients now get their own colour tints (like the bf command) snd: tweak audio to be a bit more usable in splitscreen by default. cl: added con_logcenterprint cvar, for shoving a copy of centerprints onto the console. by default only appears in single player. qc: add checkbuiltin builtin. for all those #0 builtins without their own extension name. gl: fix r_dynamic -1 bug that was painfully visible in AD. mdl: validate per-frame bounds of mdl files (stuff that would crash software renderers). sv: fix -port or +sv_port commandline args to override the port correctly. win: attempt to cope with windows symlinks enumerating with the wrong filesizes. gl: fix skyboxes not appearing properly. gl: fix sprite alpha/edge issue resulting in some invisible sprites in AD. gl: fix screenshot_mega, in combination with r_projection. yay for HUGE panoramic screenshots. q2: fix replacement textures issue. qw: fix download demonum/X issue, both in client and server. qw: fix multicast dimensions not always being honoured properly. nq: fix starting angles sometimes being wrong. menusys: I'm finally uploading my menusys library, plus example mod, which I'll now be providing like csaddon is. git-svn-id: https://svn.code.sf.net/p/fteqw/code/trunk@4997 fc73d0e0-1445-4013-8a0c-d673dee63da5
2016-01-18 05:22:07 +00:00
virtual float(vector pos, float scan, float char, float down) item_keypress =
float displaysize;
string addr;
/*just sink all inputs*/
if (!down)
return FALSE;
if (scan != K_MOUSE1)
dbltime = cltime - 10;
if (scan == K_MOUSE1)
float news = ui.mousepos[1] - (pos_y+8);
news = floor(news / 8);
if (news == -1)
string colkey = "";
#define COLUMN(width, sortname, title, draw) if (autocvar_sb_show##sortname) {if (ui.mousepos[0] > pos_x) colkey = #sortname; pos_x += width+8;}
#undef COLUMN
if (colkey != "")
float fld = gethostcacheindexforkey(colkey);
if (colkey == "numplayers")
//favour descending order
sethostcachesort(fld, (gethostcachevalue(SLIST_SORTFIELD) != fld) || !gethostcachevalue(SLIST_SORTDESCENDING));
//favour ascending order
sethostcachesort(fld, (gethostcachevalue(SLIST_SORTFIELD) == fld) && !gethostcachevalue(SLIST_SORTDESCENDING));
resorthostcache(); //tell the engine that its okay to resort everything.
dobound = TRUE;
if (news < 0 || news >= gethostcachevalue(SLIST_HOSTCACHEVIEWCOUNT))
return FALSE;
news += floor(slider.val);
if (server_selected == news && dbltime > cltime)
//connect on double clicks. because we can.
addr = gethostcachestring(gethostcacheindexforkey("cname"), server_selected);
if (addr)
localcmd(sprintf("m_pop;%sconnect \"%s\"\n", getgamedircmd(), addr));
mvd: cl_autotrack_team cvar locks autotrack to a specific team. getting the team name to match can still be problematic when it contains non-ascii chars however. qw: fix recording mid-map. q2: add support for recording demos on q2 servers. q: fix setattachment not using the correct orientations. q2: now supports splitscreen, as well as increased model and sound limits. cl: fix crosshair not appearing in splitscreen. cl: splitscreen clients now get their own colour tints (like the bf command) snd: tweak audio to be a bit more usable in splitscreen by default. cl: added con_logcenterprint cvar, for shoving a copy of centerprints onto the console. by default only appears in single player. qc: add checkbuiltin builtin. for all those #0 builtins without their own extension name. gl: fix r_dynamic -1 bug that was painfully visible in AD. mdl: validate per-frame bounds of mdl files (stuff that would crash software renderers). sv: fix -port or +sv_port commandline args to override the port correctly. win: attempt to cope with windows symlinks enumerating with the wrong filesizes. gl: fix skyboxes not appearing properly. gl: fix sprite alpha/edge issue resulting in some invisible sprites in AD. gl: fix screenshot_mega, in combination with r_projection. yay for HUGE panoramic screenshots. q2: fix replacement textures issue. qw: fix download demonum/X issue, both in client and server. qw: fix multicast dimensions not always being honoured properly. nq: fix starting angles sometimes being wrong. menusys: I'm finally uploading my menusys library, plus example mod, which I'll now be providing like csaddon is. git-svn-id: https://svn.code.sf.net/p/fteqw/code/trunk@4997 fc73d0e0-1445-4013-8a0c-d673dee63da5
2016-01-18 05:22:07 +00:00
server_selected = news;
dobound = TRUE;
dbltime = cltime + 0.5;
else if (scan == K_ENTER)
{ //connect normally
addr = gethostcachestring(gethostcacheindexforkey("cname"), server_selected);
if (addr)
localcmd(sprintf("m_pop;%sconnect \"%s\"\n", getgamedircmd(), addr));
mvd: cl_autotrack_team cvar locks autotrack to a specific team. getting the team name to match can still be problematic when it contains non-ascii chars however. qw: fix recording mid-map. q2: add support for recording demos on q2 servers. q: fix setattachment not using the correct orientations. q2: now supports splitscreen, as well as increased model and sound limits. cl: fix crosshair not appearing in splitscreen. cl: splitscreen clients now get their own colour tints (like the bf command) snd: tweak audio to be a bit more usable in splitscreen by default. cl: added con_logcenterprint cvar, for shoving a copy of centerprints onto the console. by default only appears in single player. qc: add checkbuiltin builtin. for all those #0 builtins without their own extension name. gl: fix r_dynamic -1 bug that was painfully visible in AD. mdl: validate per-frame bounds of mdl files (stuff that would crash software renderers). sv: fix -port or +sv_port commandline args to override the port correctly. win: attempt to cope with windows symlinks enumerating with the wrong filesizes. gl: fix skyboxes not appearing properly. gl: fix sprite alpha/edge issue resulting in some invisible sprites in AD. gl: fix screenshot_mega, in combination with r_projection. yay for HUGE panoramic screenshots. q2: fix replacement textures issue. qw: fix download demonum/X issue, both in client and server. qw: fix multicast dimensions not always being honoured properly. nq: fix starting angles sometimes being wrong. menusys: I'm finally uploading my menusys library, plus example mod, which I'll now be providing like csaddon is. git-svn-id: https://svn.code.sf.net/p/fteqw/code/trunk@4997 fc73d0e0-1445-4013-8a0c-d673dee63da5
2016-01-18 05:22:07 +00:00
else if (scan == 's')
{ //s = join as a spectator
addr = gethostcachestring(gethostcacheindexforkey("cname"), server_selected);
if (addr)
localcmd(sprintf("m_pop;%sobserve \"%s\"\n", getgamedircmd(), addr));
mvd: cl_autotrack_team cvar locks autotrack to a specific team. getting the team name to match can still be problematic when it contains non-ascii chars however. qw: fix recording mid-map. q2: add support for recording demos on q2 servers. q: fix setattachment not using the correct orientations. q2: now supports splitscreen, as well as increased model and sound limits. cl: fix crosshair not appearing in splitscreen. cl: splitscreen clients now get their own colour tints (like the bf command) snd: tweak audio to be a bit more usable in splitscreen by default. cl: added con_logcenterprint cvar, for shoving a copy of centerprints onto the console. by default only appears in single player. qc: add checkbuiltin builtin. for all those #0 builtins without their own extension name. gl: fix r_dynamic -1 bug that was painfully visible in AD. mdl: validate per-frame bounds of mdl files (stuff that would crash software renderers). sv: fix -port or +sv_port commandline args to override the port correctly. win: attempt to cope with windows symlinks enumerating with the wrong filesizes. gl: fix skyboxes not appearing properly. gl: fix sprite alpha/edge issue resulting in some invisible sprites in AD. gl: fix screenshot_mega, in combination with r_projection. yay for HUGE panoramic screenshots. q2: fix replacement textures issue. qw: fix download demonum/X issue, both in client and server. qw: fix multicast dimensions not always being honoured properly. nq: fix starting angles sometimes being wrong. menusys: I'm finally uploading my menusys library, plus example mod, which I'll now be providing like csaddon is. git-svn-id: https://svn.code.sf.net/p/fteqw/code/trunk@4997 fc73d0e0-1445-4013-8a0c-d673dee63da5
2016-01-18 05:22:07 +00:00
else if (scan == 'j')
{ //s = join as a spectator
addr = gethostcachestring(gethostcacheindexforkey("cname"), server_selected);
if (addr)
localcmd(sprintf("m_pop;%sjoin \"%s\"\n", getgamedircmd(), addr));
mvd: cl_autotrack_team cvar locks autotrack to a specific team. getting the team name to match can still be problematic when it contains non-ascii chars however. qw: fix recording mid-map. q2: add support for recording demos on q2 servers. q: fix setattachment not using the correct orientations. q2: now supports splitscreen, as well as increased model and sound limits. cl: fix crosshair not appearing in splitscreen. cl: splitscreen clients now get their own colour tints (like the bf command) snd: tweak audio to be a bit more usable in splitscreen by default. cl: added con_logcenterprint cvar, for shoving a copy of centerprints onto the console. by default only appears in single player. qc: add checkbuiltin builtin. for all those #0 builtins without their own extension name. gl: fix r_dynamic -1 bug that was painfully visible in AD. mdl: validate per-frame bounds of mdl files (stuff that would crash software renderers). sv: fix -port or +sv_port commandline args to override the port correctly. win: attempt to cope with windows symlinks enumerating with the wrong filesizes. gl: fix skyboxes not appearing properly. gl: fix sprite alpha/edge issue resulting in some invisible sprites in AD. gl: fix screenshot_mega, in combination with r_projection. yay for HUGE panoramic screenshots. q2: fix replacement textures issue. qw: fix download demonum/X issue, both in client and server. qw: fix multicast dimensions not always being honoured properly. nq: fix starting angles sometimes being wrong. menusys: I'm finally uploading my menusys library, plus example mod, which I'll now be providing like csaddon is. git-svn-id: https://svn.code.sf.net/p/fteqw/code/trunk@4997 fc73d0e0-1445-4013-8a0c-d673dee63da5
2016-01-18 05:22:07 +00:00
else if (scan == K_UPARROW || scan == K_MWHEELUP)
this.server_selected -= 1;
if (this.server_selected < 0)
this.server_selected = gethostcachevalue(SLIST_HOSTCACHEVIEWCOUNT);
if (this.server_selected)
this.server_selected -= 1;
dobound = TRUE;
else if (scan == K_DOWNARROW || scan == K_MWHEELDOWN)
this.server_selected += 1;
if (this.server_selected >= gethostcachevalue(SLIST_HOSTCACHEVIEWCOUNT))
this.server_selected = 0;
dobound = TRUE;
else if (scan == K_PGUP)
displaysize = (item_size[1]-8)/(8); //this many rows
displaysize = floor(displaysize*0.5);
if (displaysize < 1)
displaysize = 1;
this.server_selected -= displaysize ;
if (this.server_selected < 0)
this.server_selected = 0;
dobound = TRUE;
else if (scan == K_PGDN)
displaysize = (item_size[1]-8)/(8); //this many rows
displaysize = floor(displaysize*0.5);
if (displaysize < 1)
displaysize = 1;
this.server_selected += displaysize;
if (this.server_selected >= gethostcachevalue(SLIST_HOSTCACHEVIEWCOUNT))
this.server_selected = gethostcachevalue(SLIST_HOSTCACHEVIEWCOUNT)-1;
dobound = TRUE;
else if (scan == K_HOME)
this.server_selected = 0;
dobound = TRUE;
else if (scan == K_END)
this.server_selected = gethostcachevalue(SLIST_HOSTCACHEVIEWCOUNT)-1;
if (this.server_selected < 0)
this.server_selected = 0;
dobound = TRUE;
else if (char == 'r' || char == 'R' || scan == K_F5)
return FALSE;
return TRUE;
mvd: cl_autotrack_team cvar locks autotrack to a specific team. getting the team name to match can still be problematic when it contains non-ascii chars however. qw: fix recording mid-map. q2: add support for recording demos on q2 servers. q: fix setattachment not using the correct orientations. q2: now supports splitscreen, as well as increased model and sound limits. cl: fix crosshair not appearing in splitscreen. cl: splitscreen clients now get their own colour tints (like the bf command) snd: tweak audio to be a bit more usable in splitscreen by default. cl: added con_logcenterprint cvar, for shoving a copy of centerprints onto the console. by default only appears in single player. qc: add checkbuiltin builtin. for all those #0 builtins without their own extension name. gl: fix r_dynamic -1 bug that was painfully visible in AD. mdl: validate per-frame bounds of mdl files (stuff that would crash software renderers). sv: fix -port or +sv_port commandline args to override the port correctly. win: attempt to cope with windows symlinks enumerating with the wrong filesizes. gl: fix skyboxes not appearing properly. gl: fix sprite alpha/edge issue resulting in some invisible sprites in AD. gl: fix screenshot_mega, in combination with r_projection. yay for HUGE panoramic screenshots. q2: fix replacement textures issue. qw: fix download demonum/X issue, both in client and server. qw: fix multicast dimensions not always being honoured properly. nq: fix starting angles sometimes being wrong. menusys: I'm finally uploading my menusys library, plus example mod, which I'll now be providing like csaddon is. git-svn-id: https://svn.code.sf.net/p/fteqw/code/trunk@4997 fc73d0e0-1445-4013-8a0c-d673dee63da5
2016-01-18 05:22:07 +00:00
class mitem_servers_players : mitem
mitem_servers listing;
void() mitem_servers_players =
// this.item_flags |= IF_SELECTABLE;
virtual void(vector pos) item_draw =
float player;
float y;
float m;
vector opos = pos;
if (listing.server_selected < 0)
for (player = 0, y = 0; player < 256; player++)
float key = gethostcacheindexforkey(sprintf("player%g", player));
if (key < 0)
break; //probably DP. this isn't going to work for us.
string playerinfo = gethostcachestring(key, listing.server_selected);
mvd: cl_autotrack_team cvar locks autotrack to a specific team. getting the team name to match can still be problematic when it contains non-ascii chars however. qw: fix recording mid-map. q2: add support for recording demos on q2 servers. q: fix setattachment not using the correct orientations. q2: now supports splitscreen, as well as increased model and sound limits. cl: fix crosshair not appearing in splitscreen. cl: splitscreen clients now get their own colour tints (like the bf command) snd: tweak audio to be a bit more usable in splitscreen by default. cl: added con_logcenterprint cvar, for shoving a copy of centerprints onto the console. by default only appears in single player. qc: add checkbuiltin builtin. for all those #0 builtins without their own extension name. gl: fix r_dynamic -1 bug that was painfully visible in AD. mdl: validate per-frame bounds of mdl files (stuff that would crash software renderers). sv: fix -port or +sv_port commandline args to override the port correctly. win: attempt to cope with windows symlinks enumerating with the wrong filesizes. gl: fix skyboxes not appearing properly. gl: fix sprite alpha/edge issue resulting in some invisible sprites in AD. gl: fix screenshot_mega, in combination with r_projection. yay for HUGE panoramic screenshots. q2: fix replacement textures issue. qw: fix download demonum/X issue, both in client and server. qw: fix multicast dimensions not always being honoured properly. nq: fix starting angles sometimes being wrong. menusys: I'm finally uploading my menusys library, plus example mod, which I'll now be providing like csaddon is. git-svn-id: https://svn.code.sf.net/p/fteqw/code/trunk@4997 fc73d0e0-1445-4013-8a0c-d673dee63da5
2016-01-18 05:22:07 +00:00
if (!playerinfo)
float userid = stof(argv(0));
float frags = stof(argv(1));
float ontime = stof(argv(2));
float ping = stof(argv(3));
string name = argv(4);
string skin = argv(5);
vector top = stov(argv(6));
vector bot = stov(argv(7));
drawfill(pos, '16 4', top, 1, 0);
drawfill(pos+'0 4 0', '16 4', bot, 1, 0);
drawstring(pos, sprintf("%g", frags), '8 8', '1 1 1', 1, 0);
drawstring(pos+'20 0', name, '8 8', '1 1 1', 1, 0);
pos_y += 8;
if (++y == 8)
y-= 8;
pos_y = opos_y;
pos_x += 16*8;
if (y)
pos_y = opos_y;
pos_x += 16*6;
y = 0;
if (checkbuiltin(drawtextfield))
mvd: cl_autotrack_team cvar locks autotrack to a specific team. getting the team name to match can still be problematic when it contains non-ascii chars however. qw: fix recording mid-map. q2: add support for recording demos on q2 servers. q: fix setattachment not using the correct orientations. q2: now supports splitscreen, as well as increased model and sound limits. cl: fix crosshair not appearing in splitscreen. cl: splitscreen clients now get their own colour tints (like the bf command) snd: tweak audio to be a bit more usable in splitscreen by default. cl: added con_logcenterprint cvar, for shoving a copy of centerprints onto the console. by default only appears in single player. qc: add checkbuiltin builtin. for all those #0 builtins without their own extension name. gl: fix r_dynamic -1 bug that was painfully visible in AD. mdl: validate per-frame bounds of mdl files (stuff that would crash software renderers). sv: fix -port or +sv_port commandline args to override the port correctly. win: attempt to cope with windows symlinks enumerating with the wrong filesizes. gl: fix skyboxes not appearing properly. gl: fix sprite alpha/edge issue resulting in some invisible sprites in AD. gl: fix screenshot_mega, in combination with r_projection. yay for HUGE panoramic screenshots. q2: fix replacement textures issue. qw: fix download demonum/X issue, both in client and server. qw: fix multicast dimensions not always being honoured properly. nq: fix starting angles sometimes being wrong. menusys: I'm finally uploading my menusys library, plus example mod, which I'll now be providing like csaddon is. git-svn-id: https://svn.code.sf.net/p/fteqw/code/trunk@4997 fc73d0e0-1445-4013-8a0c-d673dee63da5
2016-01-18 05:22:07 +00:00
// drawtextfield(opos, item_size, 3, gethostcachestring(gethostcacheindexforkey("serverinfo"), listing.server_selected));
m = tokenizebyseparator(gethostcachestring(gethostcacheindexforkey("serverinfo"), listing.server_selected), "\\");
for(player = 1; player <= m; player += 2)
mvd: cl_autotrack_team cvar locks autotrack to a specific team. getting the team name to match can still be problematic when it contains non-ascii chars however. qw: fix recording mid-map. q2: add support for recording demos on q2 servers. q: fix setattachment not using the correct orientations. q2: now supports splitscreen, as well as increased model and sound limits. cl: fix crosshair not appearing in splitscreen. cl: splitscreen clients now get their own colour tints (like the bf command) snd: tweak audio to be a bit more usable in splitscreen by default. cl: added con_logcenterprint cvar, for shoving a copy of centerprints onto the console. by default only appears in single player. qc: add checkbuiltin builtin. for all those #0 builtins without their own extension name. gl: fix r_dynamic -1 bug that was painfully visible in AD. mdl: validate per-frame bounds of mdl files (stuff that would crash software renderers). sv: fix -port or +sv_port commandline args to override the port correctly. win: attempt to cope with windows symlinks enumerating with the wrong filesizes. gl: fix skyboxes not appearing properly. gl: fix sprite alpha/edge issue resulting in some invisible sprites in AD. gl: fix screenshot_mega, in combination with r_projection. yay for HUGE panoramic screenshots. q2: fix replacement textures issue. qw: fix download demonum/X issue, both in client and server. qw: fix multicast dimensions not always being honoured properly. nq: fix starting angles sometimes being wrong. menusys: I'm finally uploading my menusys library, plus example mod, which I'll now be providing like csaddon is. git-svn-id: https://svn.code.sf.net/p/fteqw/code/trunk@4997 fc73d0e0-1445-4013-8a0c-d673dee63da5
2016-01-18 05:22:07 +00:00
drawtextfield(pos, '64 8', 6, argv(player));
drawtextfield(pos+'68 0', [32*8-40, 8], 3, argv(player+1));
pos_y += 8;
if (++y == 8)
y-= 8;
pos_y -= 8*8;
pos_x += 32*8;
mvd: cl_autotrack_team cvar locks autotrack to a specific team. getting the team name to match can still be problematic when it contains non-ascii chars however. qw: fix recording mid-map. q2: add support for recording demos on q2 servers. q: fix setattachment not using the correct orientations. q2: now supports splitscreen, as well as increased model and sound limits. cl: fix crosshair not appearing in splitscreen. cl: splitscreen clients now get their own colour tints (like the bf command) snd: tweak audio to be a bit more usable in splitscreen by default. cl: added con_logcenterprint cvar, for shoving a copy of centerprints onto the console. by default only appears in single player. qc: add checkbuiltin builtin. for all those #0 builtins without their own extension name. gl: fix r_dynamic -1 bug that was painfully visible in AD. mdl: validate per-frame bounds of mdl files (stuff that would crash software renderers). sv: fix -port or +sv_port commandline args to override the port correctly. win: attempt to cope with windows symlinks enumerating with the wrong filesizes. gl: fix skyboxes not appearing properly. gl: fix sprite alpha/edge issue resulting in some invisible sprites in AD. gl: fix screenshot_mega, in combination with r_projection. yay for HUGE panoramic screenshots. q2: fix replacement textures issue. qw: fix download demonum/X issue, both in client and server. qw: fix multicast dimensions not always being honoured properly. nq: fix starting angles sometimes being wrong. menusys: I'm finally uploading my menusys library, plus example mod, which I'll now be providing like csaddon is. git-svn-id: https://svn.code.sf.net/p/fteqw/code/trunk@4997 fc73d0e0-1445-4013-8a0c-d673dee63da5
2016-01-18 05:22:07 +00:00
nonstatic void(mitem_desktop desktop) M_Servers =
mitem_menu o;
if (checkcommand2("menu_servers", FALSE) && argv(1) != "force")
mvd: cl_autotrack_team cvar locks autotrack to a specific team. getting the team name to match can still be problematic when it contains non-ascii chars however. qw: fix recording mid-map. q2: add support for recording demos on q2 servers. q: fix setattachment not using the correct orientations. q2: now supports splitscreen, as well as increased model and sound limits. cl: fix crosshair not appearing in splitscreen. cl: splitscreen clients now get their own colour tints (like the bf command) snd: tweak audio to be a bit more usable in splitscreen by default. cl: added con_logcenterprint cvar, for shoving a copy of centerprints onto the console. by default only appears in single player. qc: add checkbuiltin builtin. for all those #0 builtins without their own extension name. gl: fix r_dynamic -1 bug that was painfully visible in AD. mdl: validate per-frame bounds of mdl files (stuff that would crash software renderers). sv: fix -port or +sv_port commandline args to override the port correctly. win: attempt to cope with windows symlinks enumerating with the wrong filesizes. gl: fix skyboxes not appearing properly. gl: fix sprite alpha/edge issue resulting in some invisible sprites in AD. gl: fix screenshot_mega, in combination with r_projection. yay for HUGE panoramic screenshots. q2: fix replacement textures issue. qw: fix download demonum/X issue, both in client and server. qw: fix multicast dimensions not always being honoured properly. nq: fix starting angles sometimes being wrong. menusys: I'm finally uploading my menusys library, plus example mod, which I'll now be providing like csaddon is. git-svn-id: https://svn.code.sf.net/p/fteqw/code/trunk@4997 fc73d0e0-1445-4013-8a0c-d673dee63da5
2016-01-18 05:22:07 +00:00
#ifdef CSQC
if not (checkextension("FTE_CSQC_SERVERBROWSER"))
print(_("Sorry, your client does not support FTE_CSQC_SERVERBROWSER\n"));
o = (mitem_menu)desktop.findchildtext(_("Servers List"));
mvd: cl_autotrack_team cvar locks autotrack to a specific team. getting the team name to match can still be problematic when it contains non-ascii chars however. qw: fix recording mid-map. q2: add support for recording demos on q2 servers. q: fix setattachment not using the correct orientations. q2: now supports splitscreen, as well as increased model and sound limits. cl: fix crosshair not appearing in splitscreen. cl: splitscreen clients now get their own colour tints (like the bf command) snd: tweak audio to be a bit more usable in splitscreen by default. cl: added con_logcenterprint cvar, for shoving a copy of centerprints onto the console. by default only appears in single player. qc: add checkbuiltin builtin. for all those #0 builtins without their own extension name. gl: fix r_dynamic -1 bug that was painfully visible in AD. mdl: validate per-frame bounds of mdl files (stuff that would crash software renderers). sv: fix -port or +sv_port commandline args to override the port correctly. win: attempt to cope with windows symlinks enumerating with the wrong filesizes. gl: fix skyboxes not appearing properly. gl: fix sprite alpha/edge issue resulting in some invisible sprites in AD. gl: fix screenshot_mega, in combination with r_projection. yay for HUGE panoramic screenshots. q2: fix replacement textures issue. qw: fix download demonum/X issue, both in client and server. qw: fix multicast dimensions not always being honoured properly. nq: fix starting angles sometimes being wrong. menusys: I'm finally uploading my menusys library, plus example mod, which I'll now be providing like csaddon is. git-svn-id: https://svn.code.sf.net/p/fteqw/code/trunk@4997 fc73d0e0-1445-4013-8a0c-d673dee63da5
2016-01-18 05:22:07 +00:00
if (o)
#if 1
mitem_exmenu m;
m = spawn(mitem_exmenu, item_text:_("Options"), item_flags:IF_SELECTABLE, item_command:"m_main");
desktop.item_focuschange(m, IF_KFOCUSED);
mitem_menu m;
m = menu_spawn(desktop, _("Servers List"), '320 200');
m.item_command = "m_main";
m.item_flags |= IF_RESIZABLE;
desktop.item_focuschange(m, IF_KFOCUSED);
mitem_vslider sl = spawn(mitem_vslider, stride:4, item_flags:IF_SELECTABLE);
mitem_servers ls = spawn(mitem_servers, slider:sl);
m.add(spawn(mitem_servers_players, listing:ls), RS_X_MIN_PARENT_MIN|RS_Y_MIN_PARENT_MAX | RS_X_MAX_PARENT_MAX|RS_Y_MAX_PARENT_MAX, [8*20, -8*8], [0, -8*0]);
//only add checkboxes for field names accepted by this engine.
if (gethostcacheindexforkey("ping") >= 0)
m.add(menuitemcheck_spawn(_("Ping"), "sb_showping", [8*8, 8]), RS_X_MIN_PARENT_MIN|RS_Y_MIN_PARENT_MAX | RS_X_MAX_PARENT_MIN|RS_Y_MAX_PARENT_MAX, [0, -8*8], [8*20, -8*7]);
if (gethostcacheindexforkey("cname") >= 0)
m.add(menuitemcheck_spawn(_("Address"), "sb_showaddress", [8*8, 8]), RS_X_MIN_PARENT_MIN|RS_Y_MIN_PARENT_MAX | RS_X_MAX_PARENT_MIN|RS_Y_MAX_PARENT_MAX, [0, -8*7], [8*20, -8*6]);
if (gethostcacheindexforkey("map") >= 0)
m.add(menuitemcheck_spawn(_("Map"), "sb_showmap", [8*8, 8]), RS_X_MIN_PARENT_MIN|RS_Y_MIN_PARENT_MAX | RS_X_MAX_PARENT_MIN|RS_Y_MAX_PARENT_MAX, [0, -8*6], [8*20, -8*5]);
if (gethostcacheindexforkey("gamedir") >= 0 || gethostcacheindexforkey("mod") >= 0)
m.add(menuitemcheck_spawn(_("Gamedir"), "sb_showgamedir", [8*8, 8]), RS_X_MIN_PARENT_MIN|RS_Y_MIN_PARENT_MAX | RS_X_MAX_PARENT_MIN|RS_Y_MAX_PARENT_MAX, [0, -8*5], [8*20, -8*4]);
if (gethostcacheindexforkey("numplayers") >= 0)
m.add(menuitemcheck_spawn(_("NumPlayers"), "sb_shownumplayers", [8*8, 8]), RS_X_MIN_PARENT_MIN|RS_Y_MIN_PARENT_MAX | RS_X_MAX_PARENT_MIN|RS_Y_MAX_PARENT_MAX, [0, -8*4], [8*20, -8*3]);
if (gethostcacheindexforkey("maxplayers") >= 0)
m.add(menuitemcheck_spawn(_("MaxPlayers"), "sb_showmaxplayers", [8*8, 8]), RS_X_MIN_PARENT_MIN|RS_Y_MIN_PARENT_MAX | RS_X_MAX_PARENT_MIN|RS_Y_MAX_PARENT_MAX, [0, -8*3], [8*20, -8*2]);
if (gethostcacheindexforkey("fraglimit") >= 0)
m.add(menuitemcheck_spawn(_("Fraglimit"), "sb_showfraglimit", [8*8, 8]), RS_X_MIN_PARENT_MIN|RS_Y_MIN_PARENT_MAX | RS_X_MAX_PARENT_MIN|RS_Y_MAX_PARENT_MAX, [0, -8*2], [8*20, -8*1]);
if (gethostcacheindexforkey("timelimit") >= 0)
m.add(menuitemcheck_spawn(_("Timelimit"), "sb_showtimelimit", [8*8, 8]), RS_X_MIN_PARENT_MIN|RS_Y_MIN_PARENT_MAX | RS_X_MAX_PARENT_MIN|RS_Y_MAX_PARENT_MAX, [0, -8*1], [8*20, -8*0]);
mvd: cl_autotrack_team cvar locks autotrack to a specific team. getting the team name to match can still be problematic when it contains non-ascii chars however. qw: fix recording mid-map. q2: add support for recording demos on q2 servers. q: fix setattachment not using the correct orientations. q2: now supports splitscreen, as well as increased model and sound limits. cl: fix crosshair not appearing in splitscreen. cl: splitscreen clients now get their own colour tints (like the bf command) snd: tweak audio to be a bit more usable in splitscreen by default. cl: added con_logcenterprint cvar, for shoving a copy of centerprints onto the console. by default only appears in single player. qc: add checkbuiltin builtin. for all those #0 builtins without their own extension name. gl: fix r_dynamic -1 bug that was painfully visible in AD. mdl: validate per-frame bounds of mdl files (stuff that would crash software renderers). sv: fix -port or +sv_port commandline args to override the port correctly. win: attempt to cope with windows symlinks enumerating with the wrong filesizes. gl: fix skyboxes not appearing properly. gl: fix sprite alpha/edge issue resulting in some invisible sprites in AD. gl: fix screenshot_mega, in combination with r_projection. yay for HUGE panoramic screenshots. q2: fix replacement textures issue. qw: fix download demonum/X issue, both in client and server. qw: fix multicast dimensions not always being honoured properly. nq: fix starting angles sometimes being wrong. menusys: I'm finally uploading my menusys library, plus example mod, which I'll now be providing like csaddon is. git-svn-id: https://svn.code.sf.net/p/fteqw/code/trunk@4997 fc73d0e0-1445-4013-8a0c-d673dee63da5
2016-01-18 05:22:07 +00:00