
5014 lines
179 KiB
Raw Normal View History

#include "quakedef.h"
#ifdef VKQUAKE
#include "vkrenderer.h"
#include "gl_draw.h"
#include "shader.h"
#include "renderque.h" //is anything still using this?
extern qboolean vid_isfullscreen;
cvar_t vk_stagingbuffers = CVARFD ("vk_stagingbuffers", "", CVAR_RENDERERLATCH, "Configures which dynamic buffers are copied into gpu memory for rendering, instead of reading from shared memory. Empty for default settings.\nAccepted chars are u(niform), e(lements), v(ertex), 0(none).");
static cvar_t vk_submissionthread = CVARD ("vk_submissionthread", "", "Execute submits+presents on a thread dedicated to executing them. This may be a significant speedup on certain drivers.");
static cvar_t vk_debug = CVARFD("vk_debug", "0", CVAR_VIDEOLATCH, "Register a debug handler to display driver/layer messages. 2 enables the standard validation layers.");
static cvar_t vk_dualqueue = CVARFD("vk_dualqueue", "", CVAR_VIDEOLATCH, "Attempt to use a separate queue for presentation. Blank for default.");
static cvar_t vk_busywait = CVARD ("vk_busywait", "", "Force busy waiting until the GPU finishes doing its thing.");
static cvar_t vk_waitfence = CVARD ("vk_waitfence", "", "Waits on fences, instead of semaphores. This is more likely to result in gpu stalls while the cpu waits.");
static cvar_t vk_usememorypools = CVARFD("vk_usememorypools", "", CVAR_VIDEOLATCH, "Allocates memory pools for sub allocations. Vulkan has a limit to the number of memory allocations allowed so this should always be enabled, however at this time FTE is unable to reclaim pool memory, and would require periodic vid_restarts to flush them.");
static cvar_t vk_nv_glsl_shader = CVARFD("vk_loadglsl", "", CVAR_VIDEOLATCH, "Enable direct loading of glsl, where supported by drivers. Do not use in combination with vk_debug 2 (vk_debug should be 1 if you want to see any glsl compile errors). Don't forget to do a vid_restart after.");
static cvar_t vk_khr_get_memory_requirements2 = CVARFD("vk_khr_get_memory_requirements2", "", CVAR_VIDEOLATCH, "Enable extended memory info querires");
static cvar_t vk_khr_dedicated_allocation = CVARFD("vk_khr_dedicated_allocation", "", CVAR_VIDEOLATCH, "Flag vulkan memory allocations as dedicated, where applicable.");
static cvar_t vk_khr_push_descriptor = CVARFD("vk_khr_push_descriptor", "", CVAR_VIDEOLATCH, "Enables better descriptor streaming.");
static cvar_t vk_amd_rasterization_order = CVARFD("vk_amd_rasterization_order", "", CVAR_VIDEOLATCH, "Enables the use of relaxed rasterization ordering, for a small speedup at the minor risk of a little zfighting.");
#ifdef VK_EXT_astc_decode_mode
static cvar_t vk_ext_astc_decode_mode = CVARFD("vk_ext_astc_decode_mode", "", CVAR_VIDEOLATCH, "Enables reducing texture cache sizes for LDR ASTC-compressed textures.");
extern cvar_t vid_srgb, vid_vsync, vid_triplebuffer, r_stereo_method, vid_multisample, vid_bpp;
void VK_RegisterVulkanCvars(void)
#define VKRENDEREROPTIONS "Vulkan-Specific Renderer Options"
Cvar_Register (&vk_stagingbuffers, VKRENDEREROPTIONS);
Cvar_Register (&vk_submissionthread, VKRENDEREROPTIONS);
Cvar_Register (&vk_debug, VKRENDEREROPTIONS);
Cvar_Register (&vk_dualqueue, VKRENDEREROPTIONS);
Cvar_Register (&vk_busywait, VKRENDEREROPTIONS);
Cvar_Register (&vk_waitfence, VKRENDEREROPTIONS);
Cvar_Register (&vk_usememorypools, VKRENDEREROPTIONS);
Cvar_Register (&vk_nv_glsl_shader, VKRENDEREROPTIONS);
Cvar_Register (&vk_khr_get_memory_requirements2,VKRENDEREROPTIONS);
Cvar_Register (&vk_khr_dedicated_allocation,VKRENDEREROPTIONS);
Cvar_Register (&vk_khr_push_descriptor, VKRENDEREROPTIONS);
Cvar_Register (&vk_amd_rasterization_order, VKRENDEREROPTIONS);
#ifdef VK_EXT_astc_decode_mode
Cvar_Register (&vk_ext_astc_decode_mode, VKRENDEREROPTIONS);
void R2D_Console_Resize(void);
extern qboolean scr_con_forcedraw;
#define Sys_LockConditional(c)
#define Sys_UnlockConditional(c)
const char *vklayerlist[] =
#if 1
//older versions of the sdk were crashing out on me,
// "VK_LAYER_LUNARG_api_dump",
#define vklayercount (vk_debug.ival>1?countof(vklayerlist):0)
//code to initialise+destroy vulkan contexts.
//this entire file is meant to be platform-agnostic.
//the vid code still needs to set up vkGetInstanceProcAddr, and do all the window+input stuff.
#define VKFunc(n) PFN_vk##n vk##n;
#ifdef VK_EXT_debug_utils
#ifdef VK_EXT_debug_report
#undef VKFunc
void VK_Submit_Work(VkCommandBuffer cmdbuf, VkSemaphore semwait, VkPipelineStageFlags semwaitstagemask, VkSemaphore semsignal, VkFence fencesignal, struct vkframe *presentframe, struct vk_fencework *fencedwork);
static int VK_Submit_Thread(void *arg);
static void VK_Submit_DoWork(void);
static void VK_DestroyRenderPasses(void);
VkRenderPass VK_GetRenderPass(int pass);
static void VK_Shutdown_PostProc(void);
struct vulkaninfo_s vk;
static struct vk_rendertarg postproc[4];
static unsigned int postproc_buf;
static struct vk_rendertarg_cube vk_rt_cubemap;
qboolean VK_SCR_GrabBackBuffer(void);
#if defined(__linux__) && defined(__GLIBC__)
#include <execinfo.h>
#define DOBACKTRACE() \
do { \
void *bt[16]; \
int i, fr = backtrace(bt, countof(bt)); \
char **strings = backtrace_symbols(bt, fr); \
for (i = 0; i < fr; i++) \
if (strings) \
Con_Printf("\t%s\n", strings[i]); \
else \
Con_Printf("\t%p\n", bt[i]); \
free(strings); \
} while(0)
char *VK_VKErrorToString(VkResult err)
//positive codes
case VK_SUCCESS: return "VK_SUCCESS";
case VK_NOT_READY: return "VK_NOT_READY";
case VK_TIMEOUT: return "VK_TIMEOUT";
case VK_EVENT_SET: return "VK_EVENT_SET";
//core errors
case VK_ERROR_DEVICE_LOST: return "VK_ERROR_DEVICE_LOST"; //by far the most common.
#ifdef VK_EXT_image_drm_format_modifier
#ifdef VK_EXT_descriptor_indexing
#ifdef VK_EXT_global_priority
#ifdef VK_EXT_buffer_device_address
//irrelevant parts of the enum
return va("%d", (int)err);
#ifdef VK_EXT_debug_utils
static void DebugSetName(VkObjectType objtype, uint64_t handle, const char *name)
if (vkSetDebugUtilsObjectNameEXT)
VkDebugUtilsObjectNameInfoEXT info =
vkSetDebugUtilsObjectNameEXT(vk.device, &info);
static VkDebugUtilsMessengerEXT vk_debugucallback;
char *DebugAnnotObjectToString(VkObjectType t)
#ifdef VK_NV_ray_tracing
static VKAPI_ATTR VkBool32 VKAPI_CALL mydebugutilsmessagecallback(VkDebugUtilsMessageSeverityFlagBitsEXT messageSeverity, VkDebugUtilsMessageTypeFlagsEXT messageType, const VkDebugUtilsMessengerCallbackDataEXT*pCallbackData, void* pUserData)
char prefix[64];
int l = 0; //developer level
{ //spam?
strcpy(prefix, "VERBOSE:");
l = 2;
{ //generally stuff like 'object created'
strcpy(prefix, "INFO:");
l = 1;
strcpy(prefix, CON_WARNING"WARNING:");
strcpy(prefix, CON_ERROR "ERROR:");
strcat(prefix, "GENERAL");
strcat(prefix, "SPEC");
strcat(prefix, "|");
Con_DLPrintf(l, "%s[%d] %s - %s\n", prefix, pCallbackData->messageIdNumber, pCallbackData->pMessageIdName?pCallbackData->pMessageIdName:"", pCallbackData->pMessage);
if (pCallbackData->objectCount > 0)
uint32_t object;
for(object = 0; object < pCallbackData->objectCount; ++object)
Con_DLPrintf(l, " Object[%d] - Type %s, Value %"PRIx64", Name \"%s\"\n", object,
if (pCallbackData->cmdBufLabelCount > 0)
uint32_t label;
for (label = 0; label < pCallbackData->cmdBufLabelCount; ++label)
Con_DLPrintf(l, " Label[%d] - %s { %f, %f, %f, %f}\n", label,
return false;
#define DebugSetName(objtype,handle,name)
#ifdef VK_EXT_debug_report
static VkDebugReportCallbackEXT vk_debugcallback;
static VkBool32 VKAPI_PTR mydebugreportcallback(
VkDebugReportFlagsEXT flags,
VkDebugReportObjectTypeEXT objectType,
uint64_t object,
size_t location,
int32_t messageCode,
const char* pLayerPrefix,
const char* pMessage,
void* pUserData)
Con_Printf("ERR: %s: %s\n", pLayerPrefix, pMessage);
if (!strncmp(pMessage, "Additional bits in Source accessMask", 36) && strstr(pMessage, "VK_IMAGE_LAYOUT_UNDEFINED"))
return false; //I don't give a fuck. undefined can be used to change layouts on a texture that already exists too.
Con_Printf("WARN: %s: %s\n", pLayerPrefix, pMessage);
Con_DPrintf("DBG: %s: %s\n", pLayerPrefix, pMessage);
#ifdef _WIN32
// OutputDebugString(va("INF: %s\n", pMessage));
Con_Printf("INF: %s: %s\n", pLayerPrefix, pMessage);
Con_Printf("PERF: %s: %s\n", pLayerPrefix, pMessage);
Con_Printf("OTHER: %s: %s\n", pLayerPrefix, pMessage);
return false;
//typeBits is some vulkan requirement thing (like textures must be device-local).
//requirements_mask are things that the engine may require (like host-visible).
//note that there is absolutely no guarentee that hardware requirements will match what the host needs.
//thus you may need to use staging.
uint32_t vk_find_memory_try(uint32_t typeBits, VkFlags requirements_mask)
uint32_t i;
for (i = 0; i < 32; i++)
if ((typeBits & 1) == 1)
if ((vk.memory_properties.memoryTypes[i].propertyFlags & requirements_mask) == requirements_mask)
return i;
typeBits >>= 1;
return ~0u;
uint32_t vk_find_memory_require(uint32_t typeBits, VkFlags requirements_mask)
uint32_t ret = vk_find_memory_try(typeBits, requirements_mask);
if (ret == ~0)
Sys_Error("Unable to find suitable vulkan memory pool\n");
return ret;
void VK_DestroyVkTexture(vk_image_t *img)
if (!img)
if (img->sampler)
vkDestroySampler(vk.device, img->sampler, vkallocationcb);
if (img->view)
vkDestroyImageView(vk.device, img->view, vkallocationcb);
if (img->image)
vkDestroyImage(vk.device, img->image, vkallocationcb);
static void VK_DestroyVkTexture_Delayed(void *w)
static void VK_DestroySwapChain(void)
uint32_t i;
if (vk.submitcondition)
vk.neednewswapchain = true;
if (vk.submitthread)
vk.submitthread = NULL;
while (vk.work)
if (vk.dopresent)
if (vk.device)
/*while (vk.aquirenext < vk.aquirelast)
VkWarnAssert(vkWaitForFences(vk.device, 1, &vk.acquirefences[vk.aquirenext%ACQUIRELIMIT], VK_FALSE, UINT64_MAX));
{ //we've fully synced the gpu now, we can clean up any resources that were pending but not assigned yet.
struct vk_frameend *job = vk.frameendjobs;
vk.frameendjobs = job->next;
if (vk.frame)
vk.frame->next = vk.unusedframes;
vk.unusedframes = vk.frame;
vk.frame = NULL;
for (i = 0; i < vk.backbuf_count; i++)
//swapchain stuff
if (vk.backbufs[i].framebuffer)
vkDestroyFramebuffer(vk.device, vk.backbufs[i].framebuffer, vkallocationcb);
vk.backbufs[i].framebuffer = VK_NULL_HANDLE;
if (vk.backbufs[i].colour.view)
vkDestroyImageView(vk.device, vk.backbufs[i].colour.view, vkallocationcb);
vk.backbufs[i].colour.view = VK_NULL_HANDLE;
playdemo accepts https urls now. will start playing before the file has finished downloading, to avoid unnecessary delays. reworked network addresses to separate address family and connection type. this should make banning people more reliable, as well as simplifying a whole load of logic (no need to check for ipv4 AND ipv6). tcpconnect will keep trying to connect even if the connection wasn't instant, instead of giving up instantly. rewrote tcp connections quite a bit. sv_port_tcp now handles qtv+qizmo+http+ws+rtcbroker+tls equivalents. qtv_streamport is now a legacy cvar and now acts equivalently to sv_port_tcp (but still separate). rewrote screenshot and video capture code to use strides. this solves image-is-upside down issues with vulkan. ignore alt key in browser port. oh no! no more red text! oh no! no more alt-being-wrongly-down-and-being-unable-to-type-anything-without-forcing-alt-released! reworked audio decoder interface. now has clearly defined success/unavailable/end-of-file results. this should solve a whole load of issues with audio streaming. fixed various openal audio streaming issues too. openal also got some workarounds for emscripten's poor emulation. fixed ogg decoder to retain sync properly if seeked. updated menu_media a bit. now reads vorbis comments/id3v1 tags to get proper track names. also saves the playlist so you don't have to manually repopulate the list so it might actually be usable now (after how many years?) r_stains now defaults to 0, and is no longer enabled by presets. use decals if you want that sort of thing. added fs_noreexec cvar, so configs will not be reexeced on gamedir change. this also means defaults won't be reapplied, etc. added 'nvvk' renderer on windows, using nvidia's vulkan-inside-opengl gl extension. mostly just to see how much slower it is. fixed up the ftp server quite a lot. more complete, more compliant, and should do ipv6 properly to-boot. file transfers also threaded. fixed potential crash inside runclientphys. experimental sv_antilag=3 setting. totally untested. the aim is to avoid missing due to lagged knockbacks. may be expensive for the server. browser port's websockets support fixed. experimental support for webrtc ('works for me', requires a broker server). updated avplug(renamed to ffmpeg so people know what it is) to use ffmpeg 3.2.4 properly, with its new encoder api. should be much more robust... also added experimental audio decoder for game music etc (currently doesn't resample, so playback rates are screwed, disabled by cvar). git-svn-id: https://svn.code.sf.net/p/fteqw/code/trunk@5097 fc73d0e0-1445-4013-8a0c-d673dee63da5
2017-05-10 02:08:58 +00:00
if (vk.dopresent)
while (vk.aquirenext < vk.aquirelast)
if (vk.acquirefences[vk.aquirenext%ACQUIRELIMIT])
VkWarnAssert(vkWaitForFences(vk.device, 1, &vk.acquirefences[vk.aquirenext%ACQUIRELIMIT], VK_FALSE, UINT64_MAX));
if (vk.device)
for (i = 0; i < ACQUIRELIMIT; i++)
if (vk.acquirefences[i])
vkDestroyFence(vk.device, vk.acquirefences[i], vkallocationcb);
vk.acquirefences[i] = VK_NULL_HANDLE;
struct vkframe *frame = vk.unusedframes;
vk.unusedframes = frame->next;
vkFreeCommandBuffers(vk.device, vk.cmdpool, frame->maxcbufs, frame->cbufs);
vkDestroyFence(vk.device, frame->finishedfence, vkallocationcb);
if (vk.swapchain)
vkDestroySwapchainKHR(vk.device, vk.swapchain, vkallocationcb);
vk.swapchain = VK_NULL_HANDLE;
if (vk.backbufs)
vk.backbufs = NULL;
vk.backbuf_count = 0;
static qboolean VK_CreateSwapChain(void)
qboolean reloadshaders = false;
uint32_t fmtcount;
VkSurfaceFormatKHR *surffmts;
uint32_t presentmodes;
VkPresentModeKHR *presentmode;
VkSurfaceCapabilitiesKHR surfcaps;
uint32_t i, curpri, preaquirecount;
VkSwapchainKHR newvkswapchain;
VkImage *images;
VkDeviceMemory *memories;
VkImageView attachments[3];
VkSampleCountFlagBits oldms;
uint32_t rpassflags = 0;
VkFormat oldformat = vk.backbufformat;
VkFormat olddepthformat = vk.depthformat;
vk.dopresent(NULL); //make sure they're all pushed through.
vid_vsync.modified = false;
vid_triplebuffer.modified = false;
vid_srgb.modified = false;
vk_submissionthread.modified = false;
vk_waitfence.modified = false;
vid_multisample.modified = false;
vk.triplebuffer = vid_triplebuffer.ival;
vk.vsync = vid_vsync.ival;
if (!vk.khr_swapchain)
{ //headless
playdemo accepts https urls now. will start playing before the file has finished downloading, to avoid unnecessary delays. reworked network addresses to separate address family and connection type. this should make banning people more reliable, as well as simplifying a whole load of logic (no need to check for ipv4 AND ipv6). tcpconnect will keep trying to connect even if the connection wasn't instant, instead of giving up instantly. rewrote tcp connections quite a bit. sv_port_tcp now handles qtv+qizmo+http+ws+rtcbroker+tls equivalents. qtv_streamport is now a legacy cvar and now acts equivalently to sv_port_tcp (but still separate). rewrote screenshot and video capture code to use strides. this solves image-is-upside down issues with vulkan. ignore alt key in browser port. oh no! no more red text! oh no! no more alt-being-wrongly-down-and-being-unable-to-type-anything-without-forcing-alt-released! reworked audio decoder interface. now has clearly defined success/unavailable/end-of-file results. this should solve a whole load of issues with audio streaming. fixed various openal audio streaming issues too. openal also got some workarounds for emscripten's poor emulation. fixed ogg decoder to retain sync properly if seeked. updated menu_media a bit. now reads vorbis comments/id3v1 tags to get proper track names. also saves the playlist so you don't have to manually repopulate the list so it might actually be usable now (after how many years?) r_stains now defaults to 0, and is no longer enabled by presets. use decals if you want that sort of thing. added fs_noreexec cvar, so configs will not be reexeced on gamedir change. this also means defaults won't be reapplied, etc. added 'nvvk' renderer on windows, using nvidia's vulkan-inside-opengl gl extension. mostly just to see how much slower it is. fixed up the ftp server quite a lot. more complete, more compliant, and should do ipv6 properly to-boot. file transfers also threaded. fixed potential crash inside runclientphys. experimental sv_antilag=3 setting. totally untested. the aim is to avoid missing due to lagged knockbacks. may be expensive for the server. browser port's websockets support fixed. experimental support for webrtc ('works for me', requires a broker server). updated avplug(renamed to ffmpeg so people know what it is) to use ffmpeg 3.2.4 properly, with its new encoder api. should be much more robust... also added experimental audio decoder for game music etc (currently doesn't resample, so playback rates are screwed, disabled by cvar). git-svn-id: https://svn.code.sf.net/p/fteqw/code/trunk@5097 fc73d0e0-1445-4013-8a0c-d673dee63da5
2017-05-10 02:08:58 +00:00
if (vk.swapchain || vk.backbuf_count)
vk.backbufformat = ((vid.flags&VID_SRGBAWARE)||vid_srgb.ival)?VK_FORMAT_B8G8R8A8_SRGB:VK_FORMAT_B8G8R8A8_UNORM;
playdemo accepts https urls now. will start playing before the file has finished downloading, to avoid unnecessary delays. reworked network addresses to separate address family and connection type. this should make banning people more reliable, as well as simplifying a whole load of logic (no need to check for ipv4 AND ipv6). tcpconnect will keep trying to connect even if the connection wasn't instant, instead of giving up instantly. rewrote tcp connections quite a bit. sv_port_tcp now handles qtv+qizmo+http+ws+rtcbroker+tls equivalents. qtv_streamport is now a legacy cvar and now acts equivalently to sv_port_tcp (but still separate). rewrote screenshot and video capture code to use strides. this solves image-is-upside down issues with vulkan. ignore alt key in browser port. oh no! no more red text! oh no! no more alt-being-wrongly-down-and-being-unable-to-type-anything-without-forcing-alt-released! reworked audio decoder interface. now has clearly defined success/unavailable/end-of-file results. this should solve a whole load of issues with audio streaming. fixed various openal audio streaming issues too. openal also got some workarounds for emscripten's poor emulation. fixed ogg decoder to retain sync properly if seeked. updated menu_media a bit. now reads vorbis comments/id3v1 tags to get proper track names. also saves the playlist so you don't have to manually repopulate the list so it might actually be usable now (after how many years?) r_stains now defaults to 0, and is no longer enabled by presets. use decals if you want that sort of thing. added fs_noreexec cvar, so configs will not be reexeced on gamedir change. this also means defaults won't be reapplied, etc. added 'nvvk' renderer on windows, using nvidia's vulkan-inside-opengl gl extension. mostly just to see how much slower it is. fixed up the ftp server quite a lot. more complete, more compliant, and should do ipv6 properly to-boot. file transfers also threaded. fixed potential crash inside runclientphys. experimental sv_antilag=3 setting. totally untested. the aim is to avoid missing due to lagged knockbacks. may be expensive for the server. browser port's websockets support fixed. experimental support for webrtc ('works for me', requires a broker server). updated avplug(renamed to ffmpeg so people know what it is) to use ffmpeg 3.2.4 properly, with its new encoder api. should be much more robust... also added experimental audio decoder for game music etc (currently doesn't resample, so playback rates are screwed, disabled by cvar). git-svn-id: https://svn.code.sf.net/p/fteqw/code/trunk@5097 fc73d0e0-1445-4013-8a0c-d673dee63da5
2017-05-10 02:08:58 +00:00
vk.backbuf_count = 4;
swapinfo.imageExtent.width = vid.pixelwidth;
swapinfo.imageExtent.height = vid.pixelheight;
images = malloc(sizeof(VkImage)*vk.backbuf_count);
memset(images, 0, sizeof(VkImage)*vk.backbuf_count);
memories = malloc(sizeof(VkDeviceMemory)*vk.backbuf_count);
memset(memories, 0, sizeof(VkDeviceMemory)*vk.backbuf_count);
vk.aquirelast = vk.aquirenext = 0;
for (i = 0; i < ACQUIRELIMIT; i++)
if (1)
vk.acquiresemaphores[i] = VK_NULL_HANDLE;
VkAssert(vkCreateSemaphore(vk.device, &sci, vkallocationcb, &vk.acquiresemaphores[i]));
vk.acquirefences[i] = VK_NULL_HANDLE;
playdemo accepts https urls now. will start playing before the file has finished downloading, to avoid unnecessary delays. reworked network addresses to separate address family and connection type. this should make banning people more reliable, as well as simplifying a whole load of logic (no need to check for ipv4 AND ipv6). tcpconnect will keep trying to connect even if the connection wasn't instant, instead of giving up instantly. rewrote tcp connections quite a bit. sv_port_tcp now handles qtv+qizmo+http+ws+rtcbroker+tls equivalents. qtv_streamport is now a legacy cvar and now acts equivalently to sv_port_tcp (but still separate). rewrote screenshot and video capture code to use strides. this solves image-is-upside down issues with vulkan. ignore alt key in browser port. oh no! no more red text! oh no! no more alt-being-wrongly-down-and-being-unable-to-type-anything-without-forcing-alt-released! reworked audio decoder interface. now has clearly defined success/unavailable/end-of-file results. this should solve a whole load of issues with audio streaming. fixed various openal audio streaming issues too. openal also got some workarounds for emscripten's poor emulation. fixed ogg decoder to retain sync properly if seeked. updated menu_media a bit. now reads vorbis comments/id3v1 tags to get proper track names. also saves the playlist so you don't have to manually repopulate the list so it might actually be usable now (after how many years?) r_stains now defaults to 0, and is no longer enabled by presets. use decals if you want that sort of thing. added fs_noreexec cvar, so configs will not be reexeced on gamedir change. this also means defaults won't be reapplied, etc. added 'nvvk' renderer on windows, using nvidia's vulkan-inside-opengl gl extension. mostly just to see how much slower it is. fixed up the ftp server quite a lot. more complete, more compliant, and should do ipv6 properly to-boot. file transfers also threaded. fixed potential crash inside runclientphys. experimental sv_antilag=3 setting. totally untested. the aim is to avoid missing due to lagged knockbacks. may be expensive for the server. browser port's websockets support fixed. experimental support for webrtc ('works for me', requires a broker server). updated avplug(renamed to ffmpeg so people know what it is) to use ffmpeg 3.2.4 properly, with its new encoder api. should be much more robust... also added experimental audio decoder for game music etc (currently doesn't resample, so playback rates are screwed, disabled by cvar). git-svn-id: https://svn.code.sf.net/p/fteqw/code/trunk@5097 fc73d0e0-1445-4013-8a0c-d673dee63da5
2017-05-10 02:08:58 +00:00
vk.acquirebufferidx[vk.aquirelast%ACQUIRELIMIT] = vk.aquirelast%vk.backbuf_count;
for (i = 0; i < vk.backbuf_count; i++)
VkMemoryRequirements mem_reqs;
playdemo accepts https urls now. will start playing before the file has finished downloading, to avoid unnecessary delays. reworked network addresses to separate address family and connection type. this should make banning people more reliable, as well as simplifying a whole load of logic (no need to check for ipv4 AND ipv6). tcpconnect will keep trying to connect even if the connection wasn't instant, instead of giving up instantly. rewrote tcp connections quite a bit. sv_port_tcp now handles qtv+qizmo+http+ws+rtcbroker+tls equivalents. qtv_streamport is now a legacy cvar and now acts equivalently to sv_port_tcp (but still separate). rewrote screenshot and video capture code to use strides. this solves image-is-upside down issues with vulkan. ignore alt key in browser port. oh no! no more red text! oh no! no more alt-being-wrongly-down-and-being-unable-to-type-anything-without-forcing-alt-released! reworked audio decoder interface. now has clearly defined success/unavailable/end-of-file results. this should solve a whole load of issues with audio streaming. fixed various openal audio streaming issues too. openal also got some workarounds for emscripten's poor emulation. fixed ogg decoder to retain sync properly if seeked. updated menu_media a bit. now reads vorbis comments/id3v1 tags to get proper track names. also saves the playlist so you don't have to manually repopulate the list so it might actually be usable now (after how many years?) r_stains now defaults to 0, and is no longer enabled by presets. use decals if you want that sort of thing. added fs_noreexec cvar, so configs will not be reexeced on gamedir change. this also means defaults won't be reapplied, etc. added 'nvvk' renderer on windows, using nvidia's vulkan-inside-opengl gl extension. mostly just to see how much slower it is. fixed up the ftp server quite a lot. more complete, more compliant, and should do ipv6 properly to-boot. file transfers also threaded. fixed potential crash inside runclientphys. experimental sv_antilag=3 setting. totally untested. the aim is to avoid missing due to lagged knockbacks. may be expensive for the server. browser port's websockets support fixed. experimental support for webrtc ('works for me', requires a broker server). updated avplug(renamed to ffmpeg so people know what it is) to use ffmpeg 3.2.4 properly, with its new encoder api. should be much more robust... also added experimental audio decoder for game music etc (currently doesn't resample, so playback rates are screwed, disabled by cvar). git-svn-id: https://svn.code.sf.net/p/fteqw/code/trunk@5097 fc73d0e0-1445-4013-8a0c-d673dee63da5
2017-05-10 02:08:58 +00:00
ici.flags = 0;
ici.imageType = VK_IMAGE_TYPE_2D;
ici.format = vk.backbufformat;
ici.extent.width = vid.pixelwidth;
ici.extent.height = vid.pixelheight;
ici.extent.depth = 1;
ici.mipLevels = 1;
ici.arrayLayers = 1;
ici.samples = VK_SAMPLE_COUNT_1_BIT;
ici.queueFamilyIndexCount = 0;
ici.pQueueFamilyIndices = NULL;
VkAssert(vkCreateImage(vk.device, &ici, vkallocationcb, &images[i]));
DebugSetName(VK_OBJECT_TYPE_IMAGE, (uint64_t)images[i], "backbuffer");
playdemo accepts https urls now. will start playing before the file has finished downloading, to avoid unnecessary delays. reworked network addresses to separate address family and connection type. this should make banning people more reliable, as well as simplifying a whole load of logic (no need to check for ipv4 AND ipv6). tcpconnect will keep trying to connect even if the connection wasn't instant, instead of giving up instantly. rewrote tcp connections quite a bit. sv_port_tcp now handles qtv+qizmo+http+ws+rtcbroker+tls equivalents. qtv_streamport is now a legacy cvar and now acts equivalently to sv_port_tcp (but still separate). rewrote screenshot and video capture code to use strides. this solves image-is-upside down issues with vulkan. ignore alt key in browser port. oh no! no more red text! oh no! no more alt-being-wrongly-down-and-being-unable-to-type-anything-without-forcing-alt-released! reworked audio decoder interface. now has clearly defined success/unavailable/end-of-file results. this should solve a whole load of issues with audio streaming. fixed various openal audio streaming issues too. openal also got some workarounds for emscripten's poor emulation. fixed ogg decoder to retain sync properly if seeked. updated menu_media a bit. now reads vorbis comments/id3v1 tags to get proper track names. also saves the playlist so you don't have to manually repopulate the list so it might actually be usable now (after how many years?) r_stains now defaults to 0, and is no longer enabled by presets. use decals if you want that sort of thing. added fs_noreexec cvar, so configs will not be reexeced on gamedir change. this also means defaults won't be reapplied, etc. added 'nvvk' renderer on windows, using nvidia's vulkan-inside-opengl gl extension. mostly just to see how much slower it is. fixed up the ftp server quite a lot. more complete, more compliant, and should do ipv6 properly to-boot. file transfers also threaded. fixed potential crash inside runclientphys. experimental sv_antilag=3 setting. totally untested. the aim is to avoid missing due to lagged knockbacks. may be expensive for the server. browser port's websockets support fixed. experimental support for webrtc ('works for me', requires a broker server). updated avplug(renamed to ffmpeg so people know what it is) to use ffmpeg 3.2.4 properly, with its new encoder api. should be much more robust... also added experimental audio decoder for game music etc (currently doesn't resample, so playback rates are screwed, disabled by cvar). git-svn-id: https://svn.code.sf.net/p/fteqw/code/trunk@5097 fc73d0e0-1445-4013-8a0c-d673dee63da5
2017-05-10 02:08:58 +00:00
vkGetImageMemoryRequirements(vk.device, images[i], &mem_reqs);
memAllocInfo.allocationSize = mem_reqs.size;
memAllocInfo.memoryTypeIndex = vk_find_memory_try(mem_reqs.memoryTypeBits, VK_MEMORY_PROPERTY_HOST_VISIBLE_BIT|VK_MEMORY_PROPERTY_DEVICE_LOCAL_BIT);
if (memAllocInfo.memoryTypeIndex == ~0)
memAllocInfo.memoryTypeIndex = vk_find_memory_try(mem_reqs.memoryTypeBits, VK_MEMORY_PROPERTY_DEVICE_LOCAL_BIT);
if (memAllocInfo.memoryTypeIndex == ~0)
memAllocInfo.memoryTypeIndex = vk_find_memory_try(mem_reqs.memoryTypeBits, VK_MEMORY_PROPERTY_HOST_VISIBLE_BIT);
if (memAllocInfo.memoryTypeIndex == ~0)
memAllocInfo.memoryTypeIndex = vk_find_memory_require(mem_reqs.memoryTypeBits, 0);
if (vk.khr_dedicated_allocation)
khr_mdai.pNext = memAllocInfo.pNext;
win: emulate gamepad thumb axis as buttons. keys: add some extra key names for compat with DP+QS (primarily gamepad buttons). keys: fix a few keys getting mistranslated between engine and qc scancodes. engine menus: remove 16bpp from the video options menu on win8+, as win8 no longer supports anything but rgbx8. pmove: coord size and rounding is now part of the pmove code itself. this fixes truncation issues. r_clutter_density: fix crash from clutter comprising of boneless iqms. gl: added cvars to disable immutable buffers or textures. hopefully these might be usable to work around the issue reported on various geforce 1080s wav: convert ieee wav files to 16bit on load, in case someone tries giving us one of these. vid_srgb: this cvar now uses -1 for the former gamma-only setting. r_viewmodel_quake: new cvar (name comes from quakespasm) that can be used to disable the weird movement of the viewmodel when pitching up or down. nquake: try to block nquake's frogbot's autoexec.cfg, as I keep getting complaints about it fucking over singleplayer games. fs: added -netquake commandline argument that disables the use of the qw/ gamedir. fog: disabled fog on aky surfaces, as it was bugging out in The Wastes. vid: fix some vid_restart/vid_reload issues (which got much worse recently in my attempt to fix a different crash) routing: first attempt at engine-side routing. feature is currently disabled. git-svn-id: https://svn.code.sf.net/p/fteqw/code/trunk@5248 fc73d0e0-1445-4013-8a0c-d673dee63da5
2018-04-27 16:40:50 +00:00
khr_mdai.image = images[i];
memAllocInfo.pNext = &khr_mdai;
playdemo accepts https urls now. will start playing before the file has finished downloading, to avoid unnecessary delays. reworked network addresses to separate address family and connection type. this should make banning people more reliable, as well as simplifying a whole load of logic (no need to check for ipv4 AND ipv6). tcpconnect will keep trying to connect even if the connection wasn't instant, instead of giving up instantly. rewrote tcp connections quite a bit. sv_port_tcp now handles qtv+qizmo+http+ws+rtcbroker+tls equivalents. qtv_streamport is now a legacy cvar and now acts equivalently to sv_port_tcp (but still separate). rewrote screenshot and video capture code to use strides. this solves image-is-upside down issues with vulkan. ignore alt key in browser port. oh no! no more red text! oh no! no more alt-being-wrongly-down-and-being-unable-to-type-anything-without-forcing-alt-released! reworked audio decoder interface. now has clearly defined success/unavailable/end-of-file results. this should solve a whole load of issues with audio streaming. fixed various openal audio streaming issues too. openal also got some workarounds for emscripten's poor emulation. fixed ogg decoder to retain sync properly if seeked. updated menu_media a bit. now reads vorbis comments/id3v1 tags to get proper track names. also saves the playlist so you don't have to manually repopulate the list so it might actually be usable now (after how many years?) r_stains now defaults to 0, and is no longer enabled by presets. use decals if you want that sort of thing. added fs_noreexec cvar, so configs will not be reexeced on gamedir change. this also means defaults won't be reapplied, etc. added 'nvvk' renderer on windows, using nvidia's vulkan-inside-opengl gl extension. mostly just to see how much slower it is. fixed up the ftp server quite a lot. more complete, more compliant, and should do ipv6 properly to-boot. file transfers also threaded. fixed potential crash inside runclientphys. experimental sv_antilag=3 setting. totally untested. the aim is to avoid missing due to lagged knockbacks. may be expensive for the server. browser port's websockets support fixed. experimental support for webrtc ('works for me', requires a broker server). updated avplug(renamed to ffmpeg so people know what it is) to use ffmpeg 3.2.4 properly, with its new encoder api. should be much more robust... also added experimental audio decoder for game music etc (currently doesn't resample, so playback rates are screwed, disabled by cvar). git-svn-id: https://svn.code.sf.net/p/fteqw/code/trunk@5097 fc73d0e0-1445-4013-8a0c-d673dee63da5
2017-05-10 02:08:58 +00:00
VkAssert(vkAllocateMemory(vk.device, &memAllocInfo, vkallocationcb, &memories[i]));
VkAssert(vkBindImageMemory(vk.device, images[i], memories[i], 0));
{ //using vulkan's presentation engine.
win: emulate gamepad thumb axis as buttons. keys: add some extra key names for compat with DP+QS (primarily gamepad buttons). keys: fix a few keys getting mistranslated between engine and qc scancodes. engine menus: remove 16bpp from the video options menu on win8+, as win8 no longer supports anything but rgbx8. pmove: coord size and rounding is now part of the pmove code itself. this fixes truncation issues. r_clutter_density: fix crash from clutter comprising of boneless iqms. gl: added cvars to disable immutable buffers or textures. hopefully these might be usable to work around the issue reported on various geforce 1080s wav: convert ieee wav files to 16bit on load, in case someone tries giving us one of these. vid_srgb: this cvar now uses -1 for the former gamma-only setting. r_viewmodel_quake: new cvar (name comes from quakespasm) that can be used to disable the weird movement of the viewmodel when pitching up or down. nquake: try to block nquake's frogbot's autoexec.cfg, as I keep getting complaints about it fucking over singleplayer games. fs: added -netquake commandline argument that disables the use of the qw/ gamedir. fog: disabled fog on aky surfaces, as it was bugging out in The Wastes. vid: fix some vid_restart/vid_reload issues (which got much worse recently in my attempt to fix a different crash) routing: first attempt at engine-side routing. feature is currently disabled. git-svn-id: https://svn.code.sf.net/p/fteqw/code/trunk@5248 fc73d0e0-1445-4013-8a0c-d673dee63da5
2018-04-27 16:40:50 +00:00
if (vid_srgb.ival > 1)
{ //favour float formats, then srgb, then unorms
else if (vid_srgb.ival)
VkAssert(vkGetPhysicalDeviceSurfaceFormatsKHR(vk.gpu, vk.surface, &fmtcount, NULL));
surffmts = malloc(sizeof(VkSurfaceFormatKHR)*fmtcount);
VkAssert(vkGetPhysicalDeviceSurfaceFormatsKHR(vk.gpu, vk.surface, &fmtcount, surffmts));
VkAssert(vkGetPhysicalDeviceSurfacePresentModesKHR(vk.gpu, vk.surface, &presentmodes, NULL));
presentmode = malloc(sizeof(VkPresentModeKHR)*presentmodes);
VkAssert(vkGetPhysicalDeviceSurfacePresentModesKHR(vk.gpu, vk.surface, &presentmodes, presentmode));
vkGetPhysicalDeviceSurfaceCapabilitiesKHR(vk.gpu, vk.surface, &surfcaps);
playdemo accepts https urls now. will start playing before the file has finished downloading, to avoid unnecessary delays. reworked network addresses to separate address family and connection type. this should make banning people more reliable, as well as simplifying a whole load of logic (no need to check for ipv4 AND ipv6). tcpconnect will keep trying to connect even if the connection wasn't instant, instead of giving up instantly. rewrote tcp connections quite a bit. sv_port_tcp now handles qtv+qizmo+http+ws+rtcbroker+tls equivalents. qtv_streamport is now a legacy cvar and now acts equivalently to sv_port_tcp (but still separate). rewrote screenshot and video capture code to use strides. this solves image-is-upside down issues with vulkan. ignore alt key in browser port. oh no! no more red text! oh no! no more alt-being-wrongly-down-and-being-unable-to-type-anything-without-forcing-alt-released! reworked audio decoder interface. now has clearly defined success/unavailable/end-of-file results. this should solve a whole load of issues with audio streaming. fixed various openal audio streaming issues too. openal also got some workarounds for emscripten's poor emulation. fixed ogg decoder to retain sync properly if seeked. updated menu_media a bit. now reads vorbis comments/id3v1 tags to get proper track names. also saves the playlist so you don't have to manually repopulate the list so it might actually be usable now (after how many years?) r_stains now defaults to 0, and is no longer enabled by presets. use decals if you want that sort of thing. added fs_noreexec cvar, so configs will not be reexeced on gamedir change. this also means defaults won't be reapplied, etc. added 'nvvk' renderer on windows, using nvidia's vulkan-inside-opengl gl extension. mostly just to see how much slower it is. fixed up the ftp server quite a lot. more complete, more compliant, and should do ipv6 properly to-boot. file transfers also threaded. fixed potential crash inside runclientphys. experimental sv_antilag=3 setting. totally untested. the aim is to avoid missing due to lagged knockbacks. may be expensive for the server. browser port's websockets support fixed. experimental support for webrtc ('works for me', requires a broker server). updated avplug(renamed to ffmpeg so people know what it is) to use ffmpeg 3.2.4 properly, with its new encoder api. should be much more robust... also added experimental audio decoder for game music etc (currently doesn't resample, so playback rates are screwed, disabled by cvar). git-svn-id: https://svn.code.sf.net/p/fteqw/code/trunk@5097 fc73d0e0-1445-4013-8a0c-d673dee63da5
2017-05-10 02:08:58 +00:00
swapinfo.surface = vk.surface;
swapinfo.minImageCount = surfcaps.minImageCount+vk.triplebuffer;
if (swapinfo.minImageCount > surfcaps.maxImageCount)
swapinfo.minImageCount = surfcaps.maxImageCount;
if (swapinfo.minImageCount < surfcaps.minImageCount)
swapinfo.minImageCount = surfcaps.minImageCount;
swapinfo.imageExtent.width = surfcaps.currentExtent.width;
swapinfo.imageExtent.height = surfcaps.currentExtent.height;
swapinfo.preTransform = surfcaps.currentTransform;//VK_SURFACE_TRANSFORM_IDENTITY_BIT_KHR;
if (surfcaps.supportedCompositeAlpha & VK_COMPOSITE_ALPHA_OPAQUE_BIT_KHR)
swapinfo.compositeAlpha = VK_COMPOSITE_ALPHA_OPAQUE_BIT_KHR;
else if (surfcaps.supportedCompositeAlpha & VK_COMPOSITE_ALPHA_PRE_MULTIPLIED_BIT_KHR)
playdemo accepts https urls now. will start playing before the file has finished downloading, to avoid unnecessary delays. reworked network addresses to separate address family and connection type. this should make banning people more reliable, as well as simplifying a whole load of logic (no need to check for ipv4 AND ipv6). tcpconnect will keep trying to connect even if the connection wasn't instant, instead of giving up instantly. rewrote tcp connections quite a bit. sv_port_tcp now handles qtv+qizmo+http+ws+rtcbroker+tls equivalents. qtv_streamport is now a legacy cvar and now acts equivalently to sv_port_tcp (but still separate). rewrote screenshot and video capture code to use strides. this solves image-is-upside down issues with vulkan. ignore alt key in browser port. oh no! no more red text! oh no! no more alt-being-wrongly-down-and-being-unable-to-type-anything-without-forcing-alt-released! reworked audio decoder interface. now has clearly defined success/unavailable/end-of-file results. this should solve a whole load of issues with audio streaming. fixed various openal audio streaming issues too. openal also got some workarounds for emscripten's poor emulation. fixed ogg decoder to retain sync properly if seeked. updated menu_media a bit. now reads vorbis comments/id3v1 tags to get proper track names. also saves the playlist so you don't have to manually repopulate the list so it might actually be usable now (after how many years?) r_stains now defaults to 0, and is no longer enabled by presets. use decals if you want that sort of thing. added fs_noreexec cvar, so configs will not be reexeced on gamedir change. this also means defaults won't be reapplied, etc. added 'nvvk' renderer on windows, using nvidia's vulkan-inside-opengl gl extension. mostly just to see how much slower it is. fixed up the ftp server quite a lot. more complete, more compliant, and should do ipv6 properly to-boot. file transfers also threaded. fixed potential crash inside runclientphys. experimental sv_antilag=3 setting. totally untested. the aim is to avoid missing due to lagged knockbacks. may be expensive for the server. browser port's websockets support fixed. experimental support for webrtc ('works for me', requires a broker server). updated avplug(renamed to ffmpeg so people know what it is) to use ffmpeg 3.2.4 properly, with its new encoder api. should be much more robust... also added experimental audio decoder for game music etc (currently doesn't resample, so playback rates are screwed, disabled by cvar). git-svn-id: https://svn.code.sf.net/p/fteqw/code/trunk@5097 fc73d0e0-1445-4013-8a0c-d673dee63da5
2017-05-10 02:08:58 +00:00
Con_Printf(CON_WARNING"Vulkan swapchain using composite alpha premultiplied\n");
playdemo accepts https urls now. will start playing before the file has finished downloading, to avoid unnecessary delays. reworked network addresses to separate address family and connection type. this should make banning people more reliable, as well as simplifying a whole load of logic (no need to check for ipv4 AND ipv6). tcpconnect will keep trying to connect even if the connection wasn't instant, instead of giving up instantly. rewrote tcp connections quite a bit. sv_port_tcp now handles qtv+qizmo+http+ws+rtcbroker+tls equivalents. qtv_streamport is now a legacy cvar and now acts equivalently to sv_port_tcp (but still separate). rewrote screenshot and video capture code to use strides. this solves image-is-upside down issues with vulkan. ignore alt key in browser port. oh no! no more red text! oh no! no more alt-being-wrongly-down-and-being-unable-to-type-anything-without-forcing-alt-released! reworked audio decoder interface. now has clearly defined success/unavailable/end-of-file results. this should solve a whole load of issues with audio streaming. fixed various openal audio streaming issues too. openal also got some workarounds for emscripten's poor emulation. fixed ogg decoder to retain sync properly if seeked. updated menu_media a bit. now reads vorbis comments/id3v1 tags to get proper track names. also saves the playlist so you don't have to manually repopulate the list so it might actually be usable now (after how many years?) r_stains now defaults to 0, and is no longer enabled by presets. use decals if you want that sort of thing. added fs_noreexec cvar, so configs will not be reexeced on gamedir change. this also means defaults won't be reapplied, etc. added 'nvvk' renderer on windows, using nvidia's vulkan-inside-opengl gl extension. mostly just to see how much slower it is. fixed up the ftp server quite a lot. more complete, more compliant, and should do ipv6 properly to-boot. file transfers also threaded. fixed potential crash inside runclientphys. experimental sv_antilag=3 setting. totally untested. the aim is to avoid missing due to lagged knockbacks. may be expensive for the server. browser port's websockets support fixed. experimental support for webrtc ('works for me', requires a broker server). updated avplug(renamed to ffmpeg so people know what it is) to use ffmpeg 3.2.4 properly, with its new encoder api. should be much more robust... also added experimental audio decoder for game music etc (currently doesn't resample, so playback rates are screwed, disabled by cvar). git-svn-id: https://svn.code.sf.net/p/fteqw/code/trunk@5097 fc73d0e0-1445-4013-8a0c-d673dee63da5
2017-05-10 02:08:58 +00:00
else if (surfcaps.supportedCompositeAlpha & VK_COMPOSITE_ALPHA_POST_MULTIPLIED_BIT_KHR)
playdemo accepts https urls now. will start playing before the file has finished downloading, to avoid unnecessary delays. reworked network addresses to separate address family and connection type. this should make banning people more reliable, as well as simplifying a whole load of logic (no need to check for ipv4 AND ipv6). tcpconnect will keep trying to connect even if the connection wasn't instant, instead of giving up instantly. rewrote tcp connections quite a bit. sv_port_tcp now handles qtv+qizmo+http+ws+rtcbroker+tls equivalents. qtv_streamport is now a legacy cvar and now acts equivalently to sv_port_tcp (but still separate). rewrote screenshot and video capture code to use strides. this solves image-is-upside down issues with vulkan. ignore alt key in browser port. oh no! no more red text! oh no! no more alt-being-wrongly-down-and-being-unable-to-type-anything-without-forcing-alt-released! reworked audio decoder interface. now has clearly defined success/unavailable/end-of-file results. this should solve a whole load of issues with audio streaming. fixed various openal audio streaming issues too. openal also got some workarounds for emscripten's poor emulation. fixed ogg decoder to retain sync properly if seeked. updated menu_media a bit. now reads vorbis comments/id3v1 tags to get proper track names. also saves the playlist so you don't have to manually repopulate the list so it might actually be usable now (after how many years?) r_stains now defaults to 0, and is no longer enabled by presets. use decals if you want that sort of thing. added fs_noreexec cvar, so configs will not be reexeced on gamedir change. this also means defaults won't be reapplied, etc. added 'nvvk' renderer on windows, using nvidia's vulkan-inside-opengl gl extension. mostly just to see how much slower it is. fixed up the ftp server quite a lot. more complete, more compliant, and should do ipv6 properly to-boot. file transfers also threaded. fixed potential crash inside runclientphys. experimental sv_antilag=3 setting. totally untested. the aim is to avoid missing due to lagged knockbacks. may be expensive for the server. browser port's websockets support fixed. experimental support for webrtc ('works for me', requires a broker server). updated avplug(renamed to ffmpeg so people know what it is) to use ffmpeg 3.2.4 properly, with its new encoder api. should be much more robust... also added experimental audio decoder for game music etc (currently doesn't resample, so playback rates are screwed, disabled by cvar). git-svn-id: https://svn.code.sf.net/p/fteqw/code/trunk@5097 fc73d0e0-1445-4013-8a0c-d673dee63da5
2017-05-10 02:08:58 +00:00
Con_Printf(CON_WARNING"Vulkan swapchain using composite alpha postmultiplied\n");
playdemo accepts https urls now. will start playing before the file has finished downloading, to avoid unnecessary delays. reworked network addresses to separate address family and connection type. this should make banning people more reliable, as well as simplifying a whole load of logic (no need to check for ipv4 AND ipv6). tcpconnect will keep trying to connect even if the connection wasn't instant, instead of giving up instantly. rewrote tcp connections quite a bit. sv_port_tcp now handles qtv+qizmo+http+ws+rtcbroker+tls equivalents. qtv_streamport is now a legacy cvar and now acts equivalently to sv_port_tcp (but still separate). rewrote screenshot and video capture code to use strides. this solves image-is-upside down issues with vulkan. ignore alt key in browser port. oh no! no more red text! oh no! no more alt-being-wrongly-down-and-being-unable-to-type-anything-without-forcing-alt-released! reworked audio decoder interface. now has clearly defined success/unavailable/end-of-file results. this should solve a whole load of issues with audio streaming. fixed various openal audio streaming issues too. openal also got some workarounds for emscripten's poor emulation. fixed ogg decoder to retain sync properly if seeked. updated menu_media a bit. now reads vorbis comments/id3v1 tags to get proper track names. also saves the playlist so you don't have to manually repopulate the list so it might actually be usable now (after how many years?) r_stains now defaults to 0, and is no longer enabled by presets. use decals if you want that sort of thing. added fs_noreexec cvar, so configs will not be reexeced on gamedir change. this also means defaults won't be reapplied, etc. added 'nvvk' renderer on windows, using nvidia's vulkan-inside-opengl gl extension. mostly just to see how much slower it is. fixed up the ftp server quite a lot. more complete, more compliant, and should do ipv6 properly to-boot. file transfers also threaded. fixed potential crash inside runclientphys. experimental sv_antilag=3 setting. totally untested. the aim is to avoid missing due to lagged knockbacks. may be expensive for the server. browser port's websockets support fixed. experimental support for webrtc ('works for me', requires a broker server). updated avplug(renamed to ffmpeg so people know what it is) to use ffmpeg 3.2.4 properly, with its new encoder api. should be much more robust... also added experimental audio decoder for game music etc (currently doesn't resample, so playback rates are screwed, disabled by cvar). git-svn-id: https://svn.code.sf.net/p/fteqw/code/trunk@5097 fc73d0e0-1445-4013-8a0c-d673dee63da5
2017-05-10 02:08:58 +00:00
playdemo accepts https urls now. will start playing before the file has finished downloading, to avoid unnecessary delays. reworked network addresses to separate address family and connection type. this should make banning people more reliable, as well as simplifying a whole load of logic (no need to check for ipv4 AND ipv6). tcpconnect will keep trying to connect even if the connection wasn't instant, instead of giving up instantly. rewrote tcp connections quite a bit. sv_port_tcp now handles qtv+qizmo+http+ws+rtcbroker+tls equivalents. qtv_streamport is now a legacy cvar and now acts equivalently to sv_port_tcp (but still separate). rewrote screenshot and video capture code to use strides. this solves image-is-upside down issues with vulkan. ignore alt key in browser port. oh no! no more red text! oh no! no more alt-being-wrongly-down-and-being-unable-to-type-anything-without-forcing-alt-released! reworked audio decoder interface. now has clearly defined success/unavailable/end-of-file results. this should solve a whole load of issues with audio streaming. fixed various openal audio streaming issues too. openal also got some workarounds for emscripten's poor emulation. fixed ogg decoder to retain sync properly if seeked. updated menu_media a bit. now reads vorbis comments/id3v1 tags to get proper track names. also saves the playlist so you don't have to manually repopulate the list so it might actually be usable now (after how many years?) r_stains now defaults to 0, and is no longer enabled by presets. use decals if you want that sort of thing. added fs_noreexec cvar, so configs will not be reexeced on gamedir change. this also means defaults won't be reapplied, etc. added 'nvvk' renderer on windows, using nvidia's vulkan-inside-opengl gl extension. mostly just to see how much slower it is. fixed up the ftp server quite a lot. more complete, more compliant, and should do ipv6 properly to-boot. file transfers also threaded. fixed potential crash inside runclientphys. experimental sv_antilag=3 setting. totally untested. the aim is to avoid missing due to lagged knockbacks. may be expensive for the server. browser port's websockets support fixed. experimental support for webrtc ('works for me', requires a broker server). updated avplug(renamed to ffmpeg so people know what it is) to use ffmpeg 3.2.4 properly, with its new encoder api. should be much more robust... also added experimental audio decoder for game music etc (currently doesn't resample, so playback rates are screwed, disabled by cvar). git-svn-id: https://svn.code.sf.net/p/fteqw/code/trunk@5097 fc73d0e0-1445-4013-8a0c-d673dee63da5
2017-05-10 02:08:58 +00:00
swapinfo.compositeAlpha = VK_COMPOSITE_ALPHA_INHERIT_BIT_KHR; //erk?
Con_Printf(CON_WARNING"composite alpha inherit\n");
playdemo accepts https urls now. will start playing before the file has finished downloading, to avoid unnecessary delays. reworked network addresses to separate address family and connection type. this should make banning people more reliable, as well as simplifying a whole load of logic (no need to check for ipv4 AND ipv6). tcpconnect will keep trying to connect even if the connection wasn't instant, instead of giving up instantly. rewrote tcp connections quite a bit. sv_port_tcp now handles qtv+qizmo+http+ws+rtcbroker+tls equivalents. qtv_streamport is now a legacy cvar and now acts equivalently to sv_port_tcp (but still separate). rewrote screenshot and video capture code to use strides. this solves image-is-upside down issues with vulkan. ignore alt key in browser port. oh no! no more red text! oh no! no more alt-being-wrongly-down-and-being-unable-to-type-anything-without-forcing-alt-released! reworked audio decoder interface. now has clearly defined success/unavailable/end-of-file results. this should solve a whole load of issues with audio streaming. fixed various openal audio streaming issues too. openal also got some workarounds for emscripten's poor emulation. fixed ogg decoder to retain sync properly if seeked. updated menu_media a bit. now reads vorbis comments/id3v1 tags to get proper track names. also saves the playlist so you don't have to manually repopulate the list so it might actually be usable now (after how many years?) r_stains now defaults to 0, and is no longer enabled by presets. use decals if you want that sort of thing. added fs_noreexec cvar, so configs will not be reexeced on gamedir change. this also means defaults won't be reapplied, etc. added 'nvvk' renderer on windows, using nvidia's vulkan-inside-opengl gl extension. mostly just to see how much slower it is. fixed up the ftp server quite a lot. more complete, more compliant, and should do ipv6 properly to-boot. file transfers also threaded. fixed potential crash inside runclientphys. experimental sv_antilag=3 setting. totally untested. the aim is to avoid missing due to lagged knockbacks. may be expensive for the server. browser port's websockets support fixed. experimental support for webrtc ('works for me', requires a broker server). updated avplug(renamed to ffmpeg so people know what it is) to use ffmpeg 3.2.4 properly, with its new encoder api. should be much more robust... also added experimental audio decoder for game music etc (currently doesn't resample, so playback rates are screwed, disabled by cvar). git-svn-id: https://svn.code.sf.net/p/fteqw/code/trunk@5097 fc73d0e0-1445-4013-8a0c-d673dee63da5
2017-05-10 02:08:58 +00:00
swapinfo.imageArrayLayers = /*(r_stereo_method.ival==1)?2:*/1;
swapinfo.imageSharingMode = VK_SHARING_MODE_EXCLUSIVE;
swapinfo.queueFamilyIndexCount = 0;
swapinfo.pQueueFamilyIndices = NULL;
swapinfo.oldSwapchain = vk.swapchain;
swapinfo.clipped = vid_isfullscreen?VK_FALSE:VK_TRUE; //allow fragment shaders to be skipped on parts that are obscured by another window. screenshots might get weird, so use proper captures if required/automagic.
swapinfo.presentMode = VK_PRESENT_MODE_FIFO_KHR; //support is guarenteed by spec, in theory.
playdemo accepts https urls now. will start playing before the file has finished downloading, to avoid unnecessary delays. reworked network addresses to separate address family and connection type. this should make banning people more reliable, as well as simplifying a whole load of logic (no need to check for ipv4 AND ipv6). tcpconnect will keep trying to connect even if the connection wasn't instant, instead of giving up instantly. rewrote tcp connections quite a bit. sv_port_tcp now handles qtv+qizmo+http+ws+rtcbroker+tls equivalents. qtv_streamport is now a legacy cvar and now acts equivalently to sv_port_tcp (but still separate). rewrote screenshot and video capture code to use strides. this solves image-is-upside down issues with vulkan. ignore alt key in browser port. oh no! no more red text! oh no! no more alt-being-wrongly-down-and-being-unable-to-type-anything-without-forcing-alt-released! reworked audio decoder interface. now has clearly defined success/unavailable/end-of-file results. this should solve a whole load of issues with audio streaming. fixed various openal audio streaming issues too. openal also got some workarounds for emscripten's poor emulation. fixed ogg decoder to retain sync properly if seeked. updated menu_media a bit. now reads vorbis comments/id3v1 tags to get proper track names. also saves the playlist so you don't have to manually repopulate the list so it might actually be usable now (after how many years?) r_stains now defaults to 0, and is no longer enabled by presets. use decals if you want that sort of thing. added fs_noreexec cvar, so configs will not be reexeced on gamedir change. this also means defaults won't be reapplied, etc. added 'nvvk' renderer on windows, using nvidia's vulkan-inside-opengl gl extension. mostly just to see how much slower it is. fixed up the ftp server quite a lot. more complete, more compliant, and should do ipv6 properly to-boot. file transfers also threaded. fixed potential crash inside runclientphys. experimental sv_antilag=3 setting. totally untested. the aim is to avoid missing due to lagged knockbacks. may be expensive for the server. browser port's websockets support fixed. experimental support for webrtc ('works for me', requires a broker server). updated avplug(renamed to ffmpeg so people know what it is) to use ffmpeg 3.2.4 properly, with its new encoder api. should be much more robust... also added experimental audio decoder for game music etc (currently doesn't resample, so playback rates are screwed, disabled by cvar). git-svn-id: https://svn.code.sf.net/p/fteqw/code/trunk@5097 fc73d0e0-1445-4013-8a0c-d673dee63da5
2017-05-10 02:08:58 +00:00
for (i = 0, curpri = 0; i < presentmodes; i++)
playdemo accepts https urls now. will start playing before the file has finished downloading, to avoid unnecessary delays. reworked network addresses to separate address family and connection type. this should make banning people more reliable, as well as simplifying a whole load of logic (no need to check for ipv4 AND ipv6). tcpconnect will keep trying to connect even if the connection wasn't instant, instead of giving up instantly. rewrote tcp connections quite a bit. sv_port_tcp now handles qtv+qizmo+http+ws+rtcbroker+tls equivalents. qtv_streamport is now a legacy cvar and now acts equivalently to sv_port_tcp (but still separate). rewrote screenshot and video capture code to use strides. this solves image-is-upside down issues with vulkan. ignore alt key in browser port. oh no! no more red text! oh no! no more alt-being-wrongly-down-and-being-unable-to-type-anything-without-forcing-alt-released! reworked audio decoder interface. now has clearly defined success/unavailable/end-of-file results. this should solve a whole load of issues with audio streaming. fixed various openal audio streaming issues too. openal also got some workarounds for emscripten's poor emulation. fixed ogg decoder to retain sync properly if seeked. updated menu_media a bit. now reads vorbis comments/id3v1 tags to get proper track names. also saves the playlist so you don't have to manually repopulate the list so it might actually be usable now (after how many years?) r_stains now defaults to 0, and is no longer enabled by presets. use decals if you want that sort of thing. added fs_noreexec cvar, so configs will not be reexeced on gamedir change. this also means defaults won't be reapplied, etc. added 'nvvk' renderer on windows, using nvidia's vulkan-inside-opengl gl extension. mostly just to see how much slower it is. fixed up the ftp server quite a lot. more complete, more compliant, and should do ipv6 properly to-boot. file transfers also threaded. fixed potential crash inside runclientphys. experimental sv_antilag=3 setting. totally untested. the aim is to avoid missing due to lagged knockbacks. may be expensive for the server. browser port's websockets support fixed. experimental support for webrtc ('works for me', requires a broker server). updated avplug(renamed to ffmpeg so people know what it is) to use ffmpeg 3.2.4 properly, with its new encoder api. should be much more robust... also added experimental audio decoder for game music etc (currently doesn't resample, so playback rates are screwed, disabled by cvar). git-svn-id: https://svn.code.sf.net/p/fteqw/code/trunk@5097 fc73d0e0-1445-4013-8a0c-d673dee63da5
2017-05-10 02:08:58 +00:00
uint32_t priority = 0;
default://ignore it if we don't know it.
playdemo accepts https urls now. will start playing before the file has finished downloading, to avoid unnecessary delays. reworked network addresses to separate address family and connection type. this should make banning people more reliable, as well as simplifying a whole load of logic (no need to check for ipv4 AND ipv6). tcpconnect will keep trying to connect even if the connection wasn't instant, instead of giving up instantly. rewrote tcp connections quite a bit. sv_port_tcp now handles qtv+qizmo+http+ws+rtcbroker+tls equivalents. qtv_streamport is now a legacy cvar and now acts equivalently to sv_port_tcp (but still separate). rewrote screenshot and video capture code to use strides. this solves image-is-upside down issues with vulkan. ignore alt key in browser port. oh no! no more red text! oh no! no more alt-being-wrongly-down-and-being-unable-to-type-anything-without-forcing-alt-released! reworked audio decoder interface. now has clearly defined success/unavailable/end-of-file results. this should solve a whole load of issues with audio streaming. fixed various openal audio streaming issues too. openal also got some workarounds for emscripten's poor emulation. fixed ogg decoder to retain sync properly if seeked. updated menu_media a bit. now reads vorbis comments/id3v1 tags to get proper track names. also saves the playlist so you don't have to manually repopulate the list so it might actually be usable now (after how many years?) r_stains now defaults to 0, and is no longer enabled by presets. use decals if you want that sort of thing. added fs_noreexec cvar, so configs will not be reexeced on gamedir change. this also means defaults won't be reapplied, etc. added 'nvvk' renderer on windows, using nvidia's vulkan-inside-opengl gl extension. mostly just to see how much slower it is. fixed up the ftp server quite a lot. more complete, more compliant, and should do ipv6 properly to-boot. file transfers also threaded. fixed potential crash inside runclientphys. experimental sv_antilag=3 setting. totally untested. the aim is to avoid missing due to lagged knockbacks. may be expensive for the server. browser port's websockets support fixed. experimental support for webrtc ('works for me', requires a broker server). updated avplug(renamed to ffmpeg so people know what it is) to use ffmpeg 3.2.4 properly, with its new encoder api. should be much more robust... also added experimental audio decoder for game music etc (currently doesn't resample, so playback rates are screwed, disabled by cvar). git-svn-id: https://svn.code.sf.net/p/fteqw/code/trunk@5097 fc73d0e0-1445-4013-8a0c-d673dee63da5
2017-05-10 02:08:58 +00:00
//this is awkward. normally we use vsync<0 to allow tearing-with-vsync, but that leaves us with a problem as far as what 0 should signify - tearing or not.
//if we're using mailbox then we could instead discard the command buffers and skip rendering of the actual scenes.
//we could have our submission thread wait some time period after the last vswap (ie: before the next) before submitting the command.
//this could reduce gpu load at higher resolutions without lying too much about cpu usage...
playdemo accepts https urls now. will start playing before the file has finished downloading, to avoid unnecessary delays. reworked network addresses to separate address family and connection type. this should make banning people more reliable, as well as simplifying a whole load of logic (no need to check for ipv4 AND ipv6). tcpconnect will keep trying to connect even if the connection wasn't instant, instead of giving up instantly. rewrote tcp connections quite a bit. sv_port_tcp now handles qtv+qizmo+http+ws+rtcbroker+tls equivalents. qtv_streamport is now a legacy cvar and now acts equivalently to sv_port_tcp (but still separate). rewrote screenshot and video capture code to use strides. this solves image-is-upside down issues with vulkan. ignore alt key in browser port. oh no! no more red text! oh no! no more alt-being-wrongly-down-and-being-unable-to-type-anything-without-forcing-alt-released! reworked audio decoder interface. now has clearly defined success/unavailable/end-of-file results. this should solve a whole load of issues with audio streaming. fixed various openal audio streaming issues too. openal also got some workarounds for emscripten's poor emulation. fixed ogg decoder to retain sync properly if seeked. updated menu_media a bit. now reads vorbis comments/id3v1 tags to get proper track names. also saves the playlist so you don't have to manually repopulate the list so it might actually be usable now (after how many years?) r_stains now defaults to 0, and is no longer enabled by presets. use decals if you want that sort of thing. added fs_noreexec cvar, so configs will not be reexeced on gamedir change. this also means defaults won't be reapplied, etc. added 'nvvk' renderer on windows, using nvidia's vulkan-inside-opengl gl extension. mostly just to see how much slower it is. fixed up the ftp server quite a lot. more complete, more compliant, and should do ipv6 properly to-boot. file transfers also threaded. fixed potential crash inside runclientphys. experimental sv_antilag=3 setting. totally untested. the aim is to avoid missing due to lagged knockbacks. may be expensive for the server. browser port's websockets support fixed. experimental support for webrtc ('works for me', requires a broker server). updated avplug(renamed to ffmpeg so people know what it is) to use ffmpeg 3.2.4 properly, with its new encoder api. should be much more robust... also added experimental audio decoder for game music etc (currently doesn't resample, so playback rates are screwed, disabled by cvar). git-svn-id: https://svn.code.sf.net/p/fteqw/code/trunk@5097 fc73d0e0-1445-4013-8a0c-d673dee63da5
2017-05-10 02:08:58 +00:00
priority = (vk.vsync?0:2) + 2; //for most quake players, latency trumps tearing.
priority = (vk.vsync?0:2) + 1;
priority = (vk.vsync?2:0) + 1;
priority = (vk.vsync?2:0) + 2; //strict vsync results in weird juddering if rtlights etc caues framerates to drop below the refreshrate. and nvidia just suck with vsync, so I'm not taking any chances.
playdemo accepts https urls now. will start playing before the file has finished downloading, to avoid unnecessary delays. reworked network addresses to separate address family and connection type. this should make banning people more reliable, as well as simplifying a whole load of logic (no need to check for ipv4 AND ipv6). tcpconnect will keep trying to connect even if the connection wasn't instant, instead of giving up instantly. rewrote tcp connections quite a bit. sv_port_tcp now handles qtv+qizmo+http+ws+rtcbroker+tls equivalents. qtv_streamport is now a legacy cvar and now acts equivalently to sv_port_tcp (but still separate). rewrote screenshot and video capture code to use strides. this solves image-is-upside down issues with vulkan. ignore alt key in browser port. oh no! no more red text! oh no! no more alt-being-wrongly-down-and-being-unable-to-type-anything-without-forcing-alt-released! reworked audio decoder interface. now has clearly defined success/unavailable/end-of-file results. this should solve a whole load of issues with audio streaming. fixed various openal audio streaming issues too. openal also got some workarounds for emscripten's poor emulation. fixed ogg decoder to retain sync properly if seeked. updated menu_media a bit. now reads vorbis comments/id3v1 tags to get proper track names. also saves the playlist so you don't have to manually repopulate the list so it might actually be usable now (after how many years?) r_stains now defaults to 0, and is no longer enabled by presets. use decals if you want that sort of thing. added fs_noreexec cvar, so configs will not be reexeced on gamedir change. this also means defaults won't be reapplied, etc. added 'nvvk' renderer on windows, using nvidia's vulkan-inside-opengl gl extension. mostly just to see how much slower it is. fixed up the ftp server quite a lot. more complete, more compliant, and should do ipv6 properly to-boot. file transfers also threaded. fixed potential crash inside runclientphys. experimental sv_antilag=3 setting. totally untested. the aim is to avoid missing due to lagged knockbacks. may be expensive for the server. browser port's websockets support fixed. experimental support for webrtc ('works for me', requires a broker server). updated avplug(renamed to ffmpeg so people know what it is) to use ffmpeg 3.2.4 properly, with its new encoder api. should be much more robust... also added experimental audio decoder for game music etc (currently doesn't resample, so playback rates are screwed, disabled by cvar). git-svn-id: https://svn.code.sf.net/p/fteqw/code/trunk@5097 fc73d0e0-1445-4013-8a0c-d673dee63da5
2017-05-10 02:08:58 +00:00
if (priority > curpri)
curpri = priority;
swapinfo.presentMode = presentmode[i];
if (!vk.vsync && swapinfo.presentMode != VK_PRESENT_MODE_IMMEDIATE_KHR)
if (!vk.swapchain) //only warn on vid_restart, otherwise its annoying when resizing.
Con_Printf("Warning: vulkan graphics driver does not support VK_PRESENT_MODE_IMMEDIATE_KHR.\n");
vk.srgbcapable = false;
swapinfo.imageColorSpace = VK_COLOR_SPACE_SRGB_NONLINEAR_KHR;
swapinfo.imageFormat = VK_FORMAT_UNDEFINED;
playdemo accepts https urls now. will start playing before the file has finished downloading, to avoid unnecessary delays. reworked network addresses to separate address family and connection type. this should make banning people more reliable, as well as simplifying a whole load of logic (no need to check for ipv4 AND ipv6). tcpconnect will keep trying to connect even if the connection wasn't instant, instead of giving up instantly. rewrote tcp connections quite a bit. sv_port_tcp now handles qtv+qizmo+http+ws+rtcbroker+tls equivalents. qtv_streamport is now a legacy cvar and now acts equivalently to sv_port_tcp (but still separate). rewrote screenshot and video capture code to use strides. this solves image-is-upside down issues with vulkan. ignore alt key in browser port. oh no! no more red text! oh no! no more alt-being-wrongly-down-and-being-unable-to-type-anything-without-forcing-alt-released! reworked audio decoder interface. now has clearly defined success/unavailable/end-of-file results. this should solve a whole load of issues with audio streaming. fixed various openal audio streaming issues too. openal also got some workarounds for emscripten's poor emulation. fixed ogg decoder to retain sync properly if seeked. updated menu_media a bit. now reads vorbis comments/id3v1 tags to get proper track names. also saves the playlist so you don't have to manually repopulate the list so it might actually be usable now (after how many years?) r_stains now defaults to 0, and is no longer enabled by presets. use decals if you want that sort of thing. added fs_noreexec cvar, so configs will not be reexeced on gamedir change. this also means defaults won't be reapplied, etc. added 'nvvk' renderer on windows, using nvidia's vulkan-inside-opengl gl extension. mostly just to see how much slower it is. fixed up the ftp server quite a lot. more complete, more compliant, and should do ipv6 properly to-boot. file transfers also threaded. fixed potential crash inside runclientphys. experimental sv_antilag=3 setting. totally untested. the aim is to avoid missing due to lagged knockbacks. may be expensive for the server. browser port's websockets support fixed. experimental support for webrtc ('works for me', requires a broker server). updated avplug(renamed to ffmpeg so people know what it is) to use ffmpeg 3.2.4 properly, with its new encoder api. should be much more robust... also added experimental audio decoder for game music etc (currently doesn't resample, so playback rates are screwed, disabled by cvar). git-svn-id: https://svn.code.sf.net/p/fteqw/code/trunk@5097 fc73d0e0-1445-4013-8a0c-d673dee63da5
2017-05-10 02:08:58 +00:00
for (i = 0, curpri = 0; i < fmtcount; i++)
playdemo accepts https urls now. will start playing before the file has finished downloading, to avoid unnecessary delays. reworked network addresses to separate address family and connection type. this should make banning people more reliable, as well as simplifying a whole load of logic (no need to check for ipv4 AND ipv6). tcpconnect will keep trying to connect even if the connection wasn't instant, instead of giving up instantly. rewrote tcp connections quite a bit. sv_port_tcp now handles qtv+qizmo+http+ws+rtcbroker+tls equivalents. qtv_streamport is now a legacy cvar and now acts equivalently to sv_port_tcp (but still separate). rewrote screenshot and video capture code to use strides. this solves image-is-upside down issues with vulkan. ignore alt key in browser port. oh no! no more red text! oh no! no more alt-being-wrongly-down-and-being-unable-to-type-anything-without-forcing-alt-released! reworked audio decoder interface. now has clearly defined success/unavailable/end-of-file results. this should solve a whole load of issues with audio streaming. fixed various openal audio streaming issues too. openal also got some workarounds for emscripten's poor emulation. fixed ogg decoder to retain sync properly if seeked. updated menu_media a bit. now reads vorbis comments/id3v1 tags to get proper track names. also saves the playlist so you don't have to manually repopulate the list so it might actually be usable now (after how many years?) r_stains now defaults to 0, and is no longer enabled by presets. use decals if you want that sort of thing. added fs_noreexec cvar, so configs will not be reexeced on gamedir change. this also means defaults won't be reapplied, etc. added 'nvvk' renderer on windows, using nvidia's vulkan-inside-opengl gl extension. mostly just to see how much slower it is. fixed up the ftp server quite a lot. more complete, more compliant, and should do ipv6 properly to-boot. file transfers also threaded. fixed potential crash inside runclientphys. experimental sv_antilag=3 setting. totally untested. the aim is to avoid missing due to lagged knockbacks. may be expensive for the server. browser port's websockets support fixed. experimental support for webrtc ('works for me', requires a broker server). updated avplug(renamed to ffmpeg so people know what it is) to use ffmpeg 3.2.4 properly, with its new encoder api. should be much more robust... also added experimental audio decoder for game music etc (currently doesn't resample, so playback rates are screwed, disabled by cvar). git-svn-id: https://svn.code.sf.net/p/fteqw/code/trunk@5097 fc73d0e0-1445-4013-8a0c-d673dee63da5
2017-05-10 02:08:58 +00:00
uint32_t priority = 0;
playdemo accepts https urls now. will start playing before the file has finished downloading, to avoid unnecessary delays. reworked network addresses to separate address family and connection type. this should make banning people more reliable, as well as simplifying a whole load of logic (no need to check for ipv4 AND ipv6). tcpconnect will keep trying to connect even if the connection wasn't instant, instead of giving up instantly. rewrote tcp connections quite a bit. sv_port_tcp now handles qtv+qizmo+http+ws+rtcbroker+tls equivalents. qtv_streamport is now a legacy cvar and now acts equivalently to sv_port_tcp (but still separate). rewrote screenshot and video capture code to use strides. this solves image-is-upside down issues with vulkan. ignore alt key in browser port. oh no! no more red text! oh no! no more alt-being-wrongly-down-and-being-unable-to-type-anything-without-forcing-alt-released! reworked audio decoder interface. now has clearly defined success/unavailable/end-of-file results. this should solve a whole load of issues with audio streaming. fixed various openal audio streaming issues too. openal also got some workarounds for emscripten's poor emulation. fixed ogg decoder to retain sync properly if seeked. updated menu_media a bit. now reads vorbis comments/id3v1 tags to get proper track names. also saves the playlist so you don't have to manually repopulate the list so it might actually be usable now (after how many years?) r_stains now defaults to 0, and is no longer enabled by presets. use decals if you want that sort of thing. added fs_noreexec cvar, so configs will not be reexeced on gamedir change. this also means defaults won't be reapplied, etc. added 'nvvk' renderer on windows, using nvidia's vulkan-inside-opengl gl extension. mostly just to see how much slower it is. fixed up the ftp server quite a lot. more complete, more compliant, and should do ipv6 properly to-boot. file transfers also threaded. fixed potential crash inside runclientphys. experimental sv_antilag=3 setting. totally untested. the aim is to avoid missing due to lagged knockbacks. may be expensive for the server. browser port's websockets support fixed. experimental support for webrtc ('works for me', requires a broker server). updated avplug(renamed to ffmpeg so people know what it is) to use ffmpeg 3.2.4 properly, with its new encoder api. should be much more robust... also added experimental audio decoder for game music etc (currently doesn't resample, so playback rates are screwed, disabled by cvar). git-svn-id: https://svn.code.sf.net/p/fteqw/code/trunk@5097 fc73d0e0-1445-4013-8a0c-d673dee63da5
2017-05-10 02:08:58 +00:00
priority = ((vid_bpp.ival>=24)?24:11)+BOOST_UNORM;
priority = ((vid_bpp.ival>=21)?21:2)+BOOST_SNORM;
playdemo accepts https urls now. will start playing before the file has finished downloading, to avoid unnecessary delays. reworked network addresses to separate address family and connection type. this should make banning people more reliable, as well as simplifying a whole load of logic (no need to check for ipv4 AND ipv6). tcpconnect will keep trying to connect even if the connection wasn't instant, instead of giving up instantly. rewrote tcp connections quite a bit. sv_port_tcp now handles qtv+qizmo+http+ws+rtcbroker+tls equivalents. qtv_streamport is now a legacy cvar and now acts equivalently to sv_port_tcp (but still separate). rewrote screenshot and video capture code to use strides. this solves image-is-upside down issues with vulkan. ignore alt key in browser port. oh no! no more red text! oh no! no more alt-being-wrongly-down-and-being-unable-to-type-anything-without-forcing-alt-released! reworked audio decoder interface. now has clearly defined success/unavailable/end-of-file results. this should solve a whole load of issues with audio streaming. fixed various openal audio streaming issues too. openal also got some workarounds for emscripten's poor emulation. fixed ogg decoder to retain sync properly if seeked. updated menu_media a bit. now reads vorbis comments/id3v1 tags to get proper track names. also saves the playlist so you don't have to manually repopulate the list so it might actually be usable now (after how many years?) r_stains now defaults to 0, and is no longer enabled by presets. use decals if you want that sort of thing. added fs_noreexec cvar, so configs will not be reexeced on gamedir change. this also means defaults won't be reapplied, etc. added 'nvvk' renderer on windows, using nvidia's vulkan-inside-opengl gl extension. mostly just to see how much slower it is. fixed up the ftp server quite a lot. more complete, more compliant, and should do ipv6 properly to-boot. file transfers also threaded. fixed potential crash inside runclientphys. experimental sv_antilag=3 setting. totally untested. the aim is to avoid missing due to lagged knockbacks. may be expensive for the server. browser port's websockets support fixed. experimental support for webrtc ('works for me', requires a broker server). updated avplug(renamed to ffmpeg so people know what it is) to use ffmpeg 3.2.4 properly, with its new encoder api. should be much more robust... also added experimental audio decoder for game music etc (currently doesn't resample, so playback rates are screwed, disabled by cvar). git-svn-id: https://svn.code.sf.net/p/fteqw/code/trunk@5097 fc73d0e0-1445-4013-8a0c-d673dee63da5
2017-05-10 02:08:58 +00:00
priority = ((vid_bpp.ival>=24)?24:11)+BOOST_SRGB;
vk.srgbcapable = true;
playdemo accepts https urls now. will start playing before the file has finished downloading, to avoid unnecessary delays. reworked network addresses to separate address family and connection type. this should make banning people more reliable, as well as simplifying a whole load of logic (no need to check for ipv4 AND ipv6). tcpconnect will keep trying to connect even if the connection wasn't instant, instead of giving up instantly. rewrote tcp connections quite a bit. sv_port_tcp now handles qtv+qizmo+http+ws+rtcbroker+tls equivalents. qtv_streamport is now a legacy cvar and now acts equivalently to sv_port_tcp (but still separate). rewrote screenshot and video capture code to use strides. this solves image-is-upside down issues with vulkan. ignore alt key in browser port. oh no! no more red text! oh no! no more alt-being-wrongly-down-and-being-unable-to-type-anything-without-forcing-alt-released! reworked audio decoder interface. now has clearly defined success/unavailable/end-of-file results. this should solve a whole load of issues with audio streaming. fixed various openal audio streaming issues too. openal also got some workarounds for emscripten's poor emulation. fixed ogg decoder to retain sync properly if seeked. updated menu_media a bit. now reads vorbis comments/id3v1 tags to get proper track names. also saves the playlist so you don't have to manually repopulate the list so it might actually be usable now (after how many years?) r_stains now defaults to 0, and is no longer enabled by presets. use decals if you want that sort of thing. added fs_noreexec cvar, so configs will not be reexeced on gamedir change. this also means defaults won't be reapplied, etc. added 'nvvk' renderer on windows, using nvidia's vulkan-inside-opengl gl extension. mostly just to see how much slower it is. fixed up the ftp server quite a lot. more complete, more compliant, and should do ipv6 properly to-boot. file transfers also threaded. fixed potential crash inside runclientphys. experimental sv_antilag=3 setting. totally untested. the aim is to avoid missing due to lagged knockbacks. may be expensive for the server. browser port's websockets support fixed. experimental support for webrtc ('works for me', requires a broker server). updated avplug(renamed to ffmpeg so people know what it is) to use ffmpeg 3.2.4 properly, with its new encoder api. should be much more robust... also added experimental audio decoder for game music etc (currently doesn't resample, so playback rates are screwed, disabled by cvar). git-svn-id: https://svn.code.sf.net/p/fteqw/code/trunk@5097 fc73d0e0-1445-4013-8a0c-d673dee63da5
2017-05-10 02:08:58 +00:00
priority = ((vid_bpp.ival==30)?30:10)+BOOST_UNORM;
priority = ((vid_srgb.ival>=3||vid_bpp.ival==32)?32:11)+BOOST_UFLOAT;
playdemo accepts https urls now. will start playing before the file has finished downloading, to avoid unnecessary delays. reworked network addresses to separate address family and connection type. this should make banning people more reliable, as well as simplifying a whole load of logic (no need to check for ipv4 AND ipv6). tcpconnect will keep trying to connect even if the connection wasn't instant, instead of giving up instantly. rewrote tcp connections quite a bit. sv_port_tcp now handles qtv+qizmo+http+ws+rtcbroker+tls equivalents. qtv_streamport is now a legacy cvar and now acts equivalently to sv_port_tcp (but still separate). rewrote screenshot and video capture code to use strides. this solves image-is-upside down issues with vulkan. ignore alt key in browser port. oh no! no more red text! oh no! no more alt-being-wrongly-down-and-being-unable-to-type-anything-without-forcing-alt-released! reworked audio decoder interface. now has clearly defined success/unavailable/end-of-file results. this should solve a whole load of issues with audio streaming. fixed various openal audio streaming issues too. openal also got some workarounds for emscripten's poor emulation. fixed ogg decoder to retain sync properly if seeked. updated menu_media a bit. now reads vorbis comments/id3v1 tags to get proper track names. also saves the playlist so you don't have to manually repopulate the list so it might actually be usable now (after how many years?) r_stains now defaults to 0, and is no longer enabled by presets. use decals if you want that sort of thing. added fs_noreexec cvar, so configs will not be reexeced on gamedir change. this also means defaults won't be reapplied, etc. added 'nvvk' renderer on windows, using nvidia's vulkan-inside-opengl gl extension. mostly just to see how much slower it is. fixed up the ftp server quite a lot. more complete, more compliant, and should do ipv6 properly to-boot. file transfers also threaded. fixed potential crash inside runclientphys. experimental sv_antilag=3 setting. totally untested. the aim is to avoid missing due to lagged knockbacks. may be expensive for the server. browser port's websockets support fixed. experimental support for webrtc ('works for me', requires a broker server). updated avplug(renamed to ffmpeg so people know what it is) to use ffmpeg 3.2.4 properly, with its new encoder api. should be much more robust... also added experimental audio decoder for game music etc (currently doesn't resample, so playback rates are screwed, disabled by cvar). git-svn-id: https://svn.code.sf.net/p/fteqw/code/trunk@5097 fc73d0e0-1445-4013-8a0c-d673dee63da5
2017-05-10 02:08:58 +00:00
case VK_FORMAT_R16G16B16A16_SFLOAT: //16bit per-channel formats
priority = ((vid_srgb.ival>=3||vid_bpp.ival>=48)?48:9)+BOOST_SFLOAT;
case VK_FORMAT_R16G16B16A16_UNORM:
priority = ((vid_srgb.ival>=3||vid_bpp.ival>=48)?48:9)+BOOST_UNORM;
playdemo accepts https urls now. will start playing before the file has finished downloading, to avoid unnecessary delays. reworked network addresses to separate address family and connection type. this should make banning people more reliable, as well as simplifying a whole load of logic (no need to check for ipv4 AND ipv6). tcpconnect will keep trying to connect even if the connection wasn't instant, instead of giving up instantly. rewrote tcp connections quite a bit. sv_port_tcp now handles qtv+qizmo+http+ws+rtcbroker+tls equivalents. qtv_streamport is now a legacy cvar and now acts equivalently to sv_port_tcp (but still separate). rewrote screenshot and video capture code to use strides. this solves image-is-upside down issues with vulkan. ignore alt key in browser port. oh no! no more red text! oh no! no more alt-being-wrongly-down-and-being-unable-to-type-anything-without-forcing-alt-released! reworked audio decoder interface. now has clearly defined success/unavailable/end-of-file results. this should solve a whole load of issues with audio streaming. fixed various openal audio streaming issues too. openal also got some workarounds for emscripten's poor emulation. fixed ogg decoder to retain sync properly if seeked. updated menu_media a bit. now reads vorbis comments/id3v1 tags to get proper track names. also saves the playlist so you don't have to manually repopulate the list so it might actually be usable now (after how many years?) r_stains now defaults to 0, and is no longer enabled by presets. use decals if you want that sort of thing. added fs_noreexec cvar, so configs will not be reexeced on gamedir change. this also means defaults won't be reapplied, etc. added 'nvvk' renderer on windows, using nvidia's vulkan-inside-opengl gl extension. mostly just to see how much slower it is. fixed up the ftp server quite a lot. more complete, more compliant, and should do ipv6 properly to-boot. file transfers also threaded. fixed potential crash inside runclientphys. experimental sv_antilag=3 setting. totally untested. the aim is to avoid missing due to lagged knockbacks. may be expensive for the server. browser port's websockets support fixed. experimental support for webrtc ('works for me', requires a broker server). updated avplug(renamed to ffmpeg so people know what it is) to use ffmpeg 3.2.4 properly, with its new encoder api. should be much more robust... also added experimental audio decoder for game music etc (currently doesn't resample, so playback rates are screwed, disabled by cvar). git-svn-id: https://svn.code.sf.net/p/fteqw/code/trunk@5097 fc73d0e0-1445-4013-8a0c-d673dee63da5
2017-05-10 02:08:58 +00:00
case VK_FORMAT_R16G16B16A16_SNORM:
priority = ((vid_srgb.ival>=3||vid_bpp.ival>=48)?48:9)+BOOST_SFLOAT;
playdemo accepts https urls now. will start playing before the file has finished downloading, to avoid unnecessary delays. reworked network addresses to separate address family and connection type. this should make banning people more reliable, as well as simplifying a whole load of logic (no need to check for ipv4 AND ipv6). tcpconnect will keep trying to connect even if the connection wasn't instant, instead of giving up instantly. rewrote tcp connections quite a bit. sv_port_tcp now handles qtv+qizmo+http+ws+rtcbroker+tls equivalents. qtv_streamport is now a legacy cvar and now acts equivalently to sv_port_tcp (but still separate). rewrote screenshot and video capture code to use strides. this solves image-is-upside down issues with vulkan. ignore alt key in browser port. oh no! no more red text! oh no! no more alt-being-wrongly-down-and-being-unable-to-type-anything-without-forcing-alt-released! reworked audio decoder interface. now has clearly defined success/unavailable/end-of-file results. this should solve a whole load of issues with audio streaming. fixed various openal audio streaming issues too. openal also got some workarounds for emscripten's poor emulation. fixed ogg decoder to retain sync properly if seeked. updated menu_media a bit. now reads vorbis comments/id3v1 tags to get proper track names. also saves the playlist so you don't have to manually repopulate the list so it might actually be usable now (after how many years?) r_stains now defaults to 0, and is no longer enabled by presets. use decals if you want that sort of thing. added fs_noreexec cvar, so configs will not be reexeced on gamedir change. this also means defaults won't be reapplied, etc. added 'nvvk' renderer on windows, using nvidia's vulkan-inside-opengl gl extension. mostly just to see how much slower it is. fixed up the ftp server quite a lot. more complete, more compliant, and should do ipv6 properly to-boot. file transfers also threaded. fixed potential crash inside runclientphys. experimental sv_antilag=3 setting. totally untested. the aim is to avoid missing due to lagged knockbacks. may be expensive for the server. browser port's websockets support fixed. experimental support for webrtc ('works for me', requires a broker server). updated avplug(renamed to ffmpeg so people know what it is) to use ffmpeg 3.2.4 properly, with its new encoder api. should be much more robust... also added experimental audio decoder for game music etc (currently doesn't resample, so playback rates are screwed, disabled by cvar). git-svn-id: https://svn.code.sf.net/p/fteqw/code/trunk@5097 fc73d0e0-1445-4013-8a0c-d673dee63da5
2017-05-10 02:08:58 +00:00
case VK_FORMAT_R32G32B32A32_SFLOAT: //32bit per-channel formats
priority = ((vid_bpp.ival>=47)?96:8)+BOOST_SFLOAT;
priority = 16+BOOST_UNORM;
priority = 12+BOOST_UNORM;
playdemo accepts https urls now. will start playing before the file has finished downloading, to avoid unnecessary delays. reworked network addresses to separate address family and connection type. this should make banning people more reliable, as well as simplifying a whole load of logic (no need to check for ipv4 AND ipv6). tcpconnect will keep trying to connect even if the connection wasn't instant, instead of giving up instantly. rewrote tcp connections quite a bit. sv_port_tcp now handles qtv+qizmo+http+ws+rtcbroker+tls equivalents. qtv_streamport is now a legacy cvar and now acts equivalently to sv_port_tcp (but still separate). rewrote screenshot and video capture code to use strides. this solves image-is-upside down issues with vulkan. ignore alt key in browser port. oh no! no more red text! oh no! no more alt-being-wrongly-down-and-being-unable-to-type-anything-without-forcing-alt-released! reworked audio decoder interface. now has clearly defined success/unavailable/end-of-file results. this should solve a whole load of issues with audio streaming. fixed various openal audio streaming issues too. openal also got some workarounds for emscripten's poor emulation. fixed ogg decoder to retain sync properly if seeked. updated menu_media a bit. now reads vorbis comments/id3v1 tags to get proper track names. also saves the playlist so you don't have to manually repopulate the list so it might actually be usable now (after how many years?) r_stains now defaults to 0, and is no longer enabled by presets. use decals if you want that sort of thing. added fs_noreexec cvar, so configs will not be reexeced on gamedir change. this also means defaults won't be reapplied, etc. added 'nvvk' renderer on windows, using nvidia's vulkan-inside-opengl gl extension. mostly just to see how much slower it is. fixed up the ftp server quite a lot. more complete, more compliant, and should do ipv6 properly to-boot. file transfers also threaded. fixed potential crash inside runclientphys. experimental sv_antilag=3 setting. totally untested. the aim is to avoid missing due to lagged knockbacks. may be expensive for the server. browser port's websockets support fixed. experimental support for webrtc ('works for me', requires a broker server). updated avplug(renamed to ffmpeg so people know what it is) to use ffmpeg 3.2.4 properly, with its new encoder api. should be much more robust... also added experimental audio decoder for game music etc (currently doesn't resample, so playback rates are screwed, disabled by cvar). git-svn-id: https://svn.code.sf.net/p/fteqw/code/trunk@5097 fc73d0e0-1445-4013-8a0c-d673dee63da5
2017-05-10 02:08:58 +00:00
priority = 15+BOOST_UNORM;
default: //no idea, use as lowest priority.
playdemo accepts https urls now. will start playing before the file has finished downloading, to avoid unnecessary delays. reworked network addresses to separate address family and connection type. this should make banning people more reliable, as well as simplifying a whole load of logic (no need to check for ipv4 AND ipv6). tcpconnect will keep trying to connect even if the connection wasn't instant, instead of giving up instantly. rewrote tcp connections quite a bit. sv_port_tcp now handles qtv+qizmo+http+ws+rtcbroker+tls equivalents. qtv_streamport is now a legacy cvar and now acts equivalently to sv_port_tcp (but still separate). rewrote screenshot and video capture code to use strides. this solves image-is-upside down issues with vulkan. ignore alt key in browser port. oh no! no more red text! oh no! no more alt-being-wrongly-down-and-being-unable-to-type-anything-without-forcing-alt-released! reworked audio decoder interface. now has clearly defined success/unavailable/end-of-file results. this should solve a whole load of issues with audio streaming. fixed various openal audio streaming issues too. openal also got some workarounds for emscripten's poor emulation. fixed ogg decoder to retain sync properly if seeked. updated menu_media a bit. now reads vorbis comments/id3v1 tags to get proper track names. also saves the playlist so you don't have to manually repopulate the list so it might actually be usable now (after how many years?) r_stains now defaults to 0, and is no longer enabled by presets. use decals if you want that sort of thing. added fs_noreexec cvar, so configs will not be reexeced on gamedir change. this also means defaults won't be reapplied, etc. added 'nvvk' renderer on windows, using nvidia's vulkan-inside-opengl gl extension. mostly just to see how much slower it is. fixed up the ftp server quite a lot. more complete, more compliant, and should do ipv6 properly to-boot. file transfers also threaded. fixed potential crash inside runclientphys. experimental sv_antilag=3 setting. totally untested. the aim is to avoid missing due to lagged knockbacks. may be expensive for the server. browser port's websockets support fixed. experimental support for webrtc ('works for me', requires a broker server). updated avplug(renamed to ffmpeg so people know what it is) to use ffmpeg 3.2.4 properly, with its new encoder api. should be much more robust... also added experimental audio decoder for game music etc (currently doesn't resample, so playback rates are screwed, disabled by cvar). git-svn-id: https://svn.code.sf.net/p/fteqw/code/trunk@5097 fc73d0e0-1445-4013-8a0c-d673dee63da5
2017-05-10 02:08:58 +00:00
priority = 1;
if (surffmts[i].colorSpace == VK_COLOR_SPACE_SRGB_NONLINEAR_KHR && //sRGB
surffmts[i].colorSpace == VK_COLOR_SPACE_EXTENDED_SRGB_LINEAR_EXT) //linear vaugely like sRGB
priority += 512; //always favour supported colour spaces.
playdemo accepts https urls now. will start playing before the file has finished downloading, to avoid unnecessary delays. reworked network addresses to separate address family and connection type. this should make banning people more reliable, as well as simplifying a whole load of logic (no need to check for ipv4 AND ipv6). tcpconnect will keep trying to connect even if the connection wasn't instant, instead of giving up instantly. rewrote tcp connections quite a bit. sv_port_tcp now handles qtv+qizmo+http+ws+rtcbroker+tls equivalents. qtv_streamport is now a legacy cvar and now acts equivalently to sv_port_tcp (but still separate). rewrote screenshot and video capture code to use strides. this solves image-is-upside down issues with vulkan. ignore alt key in browser port. oh no! no more red text! oh no! no more alt-being-wrongly-down-and-being-unable-to-type-anything-without-forcing-alt-released! reworked audio decoder interface. now has clearly defined success/unavailable/end-of-file results. this should solve a whole load of issues with audio streaming. fixed various openal audio streaming issues too. openal also got some workarounds for emscripten's poor emulation. fixed ogg decoder to retain sync properly if seeked. updated menu_media a bit. now reads vorbis comments/id3v1 tags to get proper track names. also saves the playlist so you don't have to manually repopulate the list so it might actually be usable now (after how many years?) r_stains now defaults to 0, and is no longer enabled by presets. use decals if you want that sort of thing. added fs_noreexec cvar, so configs will not be reexeced on gamedir change. this also means defaults won't be reapplied, etc. added 'nvvk' renderer on windows, using nvidia's vulkan-inside-opengl gl extension. mostly just to see how much slower it is. fixed up the ftp server quite a lot. more complete, more compliant, and should do ipv6 properly to-boot. file transfers also threaded. fixed potential crash inside runclientphys. experimental sv_antilag=3 setting. totally untested. the aim is to avoid missing due to lagged knockbacks. may be expensive for the server. browser port's websockets support fixed. experimental support for webrtc ('works for me', requires a broker server). updated avplug(renamed to ffmpeg so people know what it is) to use ffmpeg 3.2.4 properly, with its new encoder api. should be much more robust... also added experimental audio decoder for game music etc (currently doesn't resample, so playback rates are screwed, disabled by cvar). git-svn-id: https://svn.code.sf.net/p/fteqw/code/trunk@5097 fc73d0e0-1445-4013-8a0c-d673dee63da5
2017-05-10 02:08:58 +00:00
if (priority > curpri)
curpri = priority;
swapinfo.imageColorSpace = surffmts[i].colorSpace;
swapinfo.imageFormat = surffmts[i].format;
playdemo accepts https urls now. will start playing before the file has finished downloading, to avoid unnecessary delays. reworked network addresses to separate address family and connection type. this should make banning people more reliable, as well as simplifying a whole load of logic (no need to check for ipv4 AND ipv6). tcpconnect will keep trying to connect even if the connection wasn't instant, instead of giving up instantly. rewrote tcp connections quite a bit. sv_port_tcp now handles qtv+qizmo+http+ws+rtcbroker+tls equivalents. qtv_streamport is now a legacy cvar and now acts equivalently to sv_port_tcp (but still separate). rewrote screenshot and video capture code to use strides. this solves image-is-upside down issues with vulkan. ignore alt key in browser port. oh no! no more red text! oh no! no more alt-being-wrongly-down-and-being-unable-to-type-anything-without-forcing-alt-released! reworked audio decoder interface. now has clearly defined success/unavailable/end-of-file results. this should solve a whole load of issues with audio streaming. fixed various openal audio streaming issues too. openal also got some workarounds for emscripten's poor emulation. fixed ogg decoder to retain sync properly if seeked. updated menu_media a bit. now reads vorbis comments/id3v1 tags to get proper track names. also saves the playlist so you don't have to manually repopulate the list so it might actually be usable now (after how many years?) r_stains now defaults to 0, and is no longer enabled by presets. use decals if you want that sort of thing. added fs_noreexec cvar, so configs will not be reexeced on gamedir change. this also means defaults won't be reapplied, etc. added 'nvvk' renderer on windows, using nvidia's vulkan-inside-opengl gl extension. mostly just to see how much slower it is. fixed up the ftp server quite a lot. more complete, more compliant, and should do ipv6 properly to-boot. file transfers also threaded. fixed potential crash inside runclientphys. experimental sv_antilag=3 setting. totally untested. the aim is to avoid missing due to lagged knockbacks. may be expensive for the server. browser port's websockets support fixed. experimental support for webrtc ('works for me', requires a broker server). updated avplug(renamed to ffmpeg so people know what it is) to use ffmpeg 3.2.4 properly, with its new encoder api. should be much more robust... also added experimental audio decoder for game music etc (currently doesn't resample, so playback rates are screwed, disabled by cvar). git-svn-id: https://svn.code.sf.net/p/fteqw/code/trunk@5097 fc73d0e0-1445-4013-8a0c-d673dee63da5
2017-05-10 02:08:58 +00:00
if (swapinfo.imageFormat == VK_FORMAT_UNDEFINED)
{ //if we found this format then it means the drivers don't really give a damn. pick a real format.
win: emulate gamepad thumb axis as buttons. keys: add some extra key names for compat with DP+QS (primarily gamepad buttons). keys: fix a few keys getting mistranslated between engine and qc scancodes. engine menus: remove 16bpp from the video options menu on win8+, as win8 no longer supports anything but rgbx8. pmove: coord size and rounding is now part of the pmove code itself. this fixes truncation issues. r_clutter_density: fix crash from clutter comprising of boneless iqms. gl: added cvars to disable immutable buffers or textures. hopefully these might be usable to work around the issue reported on various geforce 1080s wav: convert ieee wav files to 16bit on load, in case someone tries giving us one of these. vid_srgb: this cvar now uses -1 for the former gamma-only setting. r_viewmodel_quake: new cvar (name comes from quakespasm) that can be used to disable the weird movement of the viewmodel when pitching up or down. nquake: try to block nquake's frogbot's autoexec.cfg, as I keep getting complaints about it fucking over singleplayer games. fs: added -netquake commandline argument that disables the use of the qw/ gamedir. fog: disabled fog on aky surfaces, as it was bugging out in The Wastes. vid: fix some vid_restart/vid_reload issues (which got much worse recently in my attempt to fix a different crash) routing: first attempt at engine-side routing. feature is currently disabled. git-svn-id: https://svn.code.sf.net/p/fteqw/code/trunk@5248 fc73d0e0-1445-4013-8a0c-d673dee63da5
2018-04-27 16:40:50 +00:00
if (vid_srgb.ival > 1 && swapinfo.imageColorSpace == VK_COLOR_SPACE_EXTENDED_SRGB_LINEAR_EXT)
swapinfo.imageFormat = VK_FORMAT_R16G16B16A16_SFLOAT;
else if (vid_srgb.ival)
swapinfo.imageFormat = VK_FORMAT_R8G8B8A8_SRGB;
swapinfo.imageFormat = VK_FORMAT_R8G8B8A8_UNORM;
playdemo accepts https urls now. will start playing before the file has finished downloading, to avoid unnecessary delays. reworked network addresses to separate address family and connection type. this should make banning people more reliable, as well as simplifying a whole load of logic (no need to check for ipv4 AND ipv6). tcpconnect will keep trying to connect even if the connection wasn't instant, instead of giving up instantly. rewrote tcp connections quite a bit. sv_port_tcp now handles qtv+qizmo+http+ws+rtcbroker+tls equivalents. qtv_streamport is now a legacy cvar and now acts equivalently to sv_port_tcp (but still separate). rewrote screenshot and video capture code to use strides. this solves image-is-upside down issues with vulkan. ignore alt key in browser port. oh no! no more red text! oh no! no more alt-being-wrongly-down-and-being-unable-to-type-anything-without-forcing-alt-released! reworked audio decoder interface. now has clearly defined success/unavailable/end-of-file results. this should solve a whole load of issues with audio streaming. fixed various openal audio streaming issues too. openal also got some workarounds for emscripten's poor emulation. fixed ogg decoder to retain sync properly if seeked. updated menu_media a bit. now reads vorbis comments/id3v1 tags to get proper track names. also saves the playlist so you don't have to manually repopulate the list so it might actually be usable now (after how many years?) r_stains now defaults to 0, and is no longer enabled by presets. use decals if you want that sort of thing. added fs_noreexec cvar, so configs will not be reexeced on gamedir change. this also means defaults won't be reapplied, etc. added 'nvvk' renderer on windows, using nvidia's vulkan-inside-opengl gl extension. mostly just to see how much slower it is. fixed up the ftp server quite a lot. more complete, more compliant, and should do ipv6 properly to-boot. file transfers also threaded. fixed potential crash inside runclientphys. experimental sv_antilag=3 setting. totally untested. the aim is to avoid missing due to lagged knockbacks. may be expensive for the server. browser port's websockets support fixed. experimental support for webrtc ('works for me', requires a broker server). updated avplug(renamed to ffmpeg so people know what it is) to use ffmpeg 3.2.4 properly, with its new encoder api. should be much more robust... also added experimental audio decoder for game music etc (currently doesn't resample, so playback rates are screwed, disabled by cvar). git-svn-id: https://svn.code.sf.net/p/fteqw/code/trunk@5097 fc73d0e0-1445-4013-8a0c-d673dee63da5
2017-05-10 02:08:58 +00:00
if (vk.backbufformat != swapinfo.imageFormat)
playdemo accepts https urls now. will start playing before the file has finished downloading, to avoid unnecessary delays. reworked network addresses to separate address family and connection type. this should make banning people more reliable, as well as simplifying a whole load of logic (no need to check for ipv4 AND ipv6). tcpconnect will keep trying to connect even if the connection wasn't instant, instead of giving up instantly. rewrote tcp connections quite a bit. sv_port_tcp now handles qtv+qizmo+http+ws+rtcbroker+tls equivalents. qtv_streamport is now a legacy cvar and now acts equivalently to sv_port_tcp (but still separate). rewrote screenshot and video capture code to use strides. this solves image-is-upside down issues with vulkan. ignore alt key in browser port. oh no! no more red text! oh no! no more alt-being-wrongly-down-and-being-unable-to-type-anything-without-forcing-alt-released! reworked audio decoder interface. now has clearly defined success/unavailable/end-of-file results. this should solve a whole load of issues with audio streaming. fixed various openal audio streaming issues too. openal also got some workarounds for emscripten's poor emulation. fixed ogg decoder to retain sync properly if seeked. updated menu_media a bit. now reads vorbis comments/id3v1 tags to get proper track names. also saves the playlist so you don't have to manually repopulate the list so it might actually be usable now (after how many years?) r_stains now defaults to 0, and is no longer enabled by presets. use decals if you want that sort of thing. added fs_noreexec cvar, so configs will not be reexeced on gamedir change. this also means defaults won't be reapplied, etc. added 'nvvk' renderer on windows, using nvidia's vulkan-inside-opengl gl extension. mostly just to see how much slower it is. fixed up the ftp server quite a lot. more complete, more compliant, and should do ipv6 properly to-boot. file transfers also threaded. fixed potential crash inside runclientphys. experimental sv_antilag=3 setting. totally untested. the aim is to avoid missing due to lagged knockbacks. may be expensive for the server. browser port's websockets support fixed. experimental support for webrtc ('works for me', requires a broker server). updated avplug(renamed to ffmpeg so people know what it is) to use ffmpeg 3.2.4 properly, with its new encoder api. should be much more robust... also added experimental audio decoder for game music etc (currently doesn't resample, so playback rates are screwed, disabled by cvar). git-svn-id: https://svn.code.sf.net/p/fteqw/code/trunk@5097 fc73d0e0-1445-4013-8a0c-d673dee63da5
2017-05-10 02:08:58 +00:00
reloadshaders = true;
playdemo accepts https urls now. will start playing before the file has finished downloading, to avoid unnecessary delays. reworked network addresses to separate address family and connection type. this should make banning people more reliable, as well as simplifying a whole load of logic (no need to check for ipv4 AND ipv6). tcpconnect will keep trying to connect even if the connection wasn't instant, instead of giving up instantly. rewrote tcp connections quite a bit. sv_port_tcp now handles qtv+qizmo+http+ws+rtcbroker+tls equivalents. qtv_streamport is now a legacy cvar and now acts equivalently to sv_port_tcp (but still separate). rewrote screenshot and video capture code to use strides. this solves image-is-upside down issues with vulkan. ignore alt key in browser port. oh no! no more red text! oh no! no more alt-being-wrongly-down-and-being-unable-to-type-anything-without-forcing-alt-released! reworked audio decoder interface. now has clearly defined success/unavailable/end-of-file results. this should solve a whole load of issues with audio streaming. fixed various openal audio streaming issues too. openal also got some workarounds for emscripten's poor emulation. fixed ogg decoder to retain sync properly if seeked. updated menu_media a bit. now reads vorbis comments/id3v1 tags to get proper track names. also saves the playlist so you don't have to manually repopulate the list so it might actually be usable now (after how many years?) r_stains now defaults to 0, and is no longer enabled by presets. use decals if you want that sort of thing. added fs_noreexec cvar, so configs will not be reexeced on gamedir change. this also means defaults won't be reapplied, etc. added 'nvvk' renderer on windows, using nvidia's vulkan-inside-opengl gl extension. mostly just to see how much slower it is. fixed up the ftp server quite a lot. more complete, more compliant, and should do ipv6 properly to-boot. file transfers also threaded. fixed potential crash inside runclientphys. experimental sv_antilag=3 setting. totally untested. the aim is to avoid missing due to lagged knockbacks. may be expensive for the server. browser port's websockets support fixed. experimental support for webrtc ('works for me', requires a broker server). updated avplug(renamed to ffmpeg so people know what it is) to use ffmpeg 3.2.4 properly, with its new encoder api. should be much more robust... also added experimental audio decoder for game music etc (currently doesn't resample, so playback rates are screwed, disabled by cvar). git-svn-id: https://svn.code.sf.net/p/fteqw/code/trunk@5097 fc73d0e0-1445-4013-8a0c-d673dee63da5
2017-05-10 02:08:58 +00:00
vk.backbufformat = swapinfo.imageFormat;
//VK_COLORSPACE_SRGB_NONLINEAR means the presentation engine will interpret the image as SRGB whether its a UNORM or SRGB format or not.
//an SRGB format JUST means rendering converts linear->srgb and does not apply to the presentation engine.
vid.flags &= ~VID_SRGB_FB;
if (swapinfo.imageColorSpace == VK_COLOR_SPACE_EXTENDED_SRGB_LINEAR_EXT)
vid.flags |= VID_SRGB_FB_LINEAR;
vid.flags |= VID_SRGB_FB_LINEAR;
break; //non-srgb (or compressed)
playdemo accepts https urls now. will start playing before the file has finished downloading, to avoid unnecessary delays. reworked network addresses to separate address family and connection type. this should make banning people more reliable, as well as simplifying a whole load of logic (no need to check for ipv4 AND ipv6). tcpconnect will keep trying to connect even if the connection wasn't instant, instead of giving up instantly. rewrote tcp connections quite a bit. sv_port_tcp now handles qtv+qizmo+http+ws+rtcbroker+tls equivalents. qtv_streamport is now a legacy cvar and now acts equivalently to sv_port_tcp (but still separate). rewrote screenshot and video capture code to use strides. this solves image-is-upside down issues with vulkan. ignore alt key in browser port. oh no! no more red text! oh no! no more alt-being-wrongly-down-and-being-unable-to-type-anything-without-forcing-alt-released! reworked audio decoder interface. now has clearly defined success/unavailable/end-of-file results. this should solve a whole load of issues with audio streaming. fixed various openal audio streaming issues too. openal also got some workarounds for emscripten's poor emulation. fixed ogg decoder to retain sync properly if seeked. updated menu_media a bit. now reads vorbis comments/id3v1 tags to get proper track names. also saves the playlist so you don't have to manually repopulate the list so it might actually be usable now (after how many years?) r_stains now defaults to 0, and is no longer enabled by presets. use decals if you want that sort of thing. added fs_noreexec cvar, so configs will not be reexeced on gamedir change. this also means defaults won't be reapplied, etc. added 'nvvk' renderer on windows, using nvidia's vulkan-inside-opengl gl extension. mostly just to see how much slower it is. fixed up the ftp server quite a lot. more complete, more compliant, and should do ipv6 properly to-boot. file transfers also threaded. fixed potential crash inside runclientphys. experimental sv_antilag=3 setting. totally untested. the aim is to avoid missing due to lagged knockbacks. may be expensive for the server. browser port's websockets support fixed. experimental support for webrtc ('works for me', requires a broker server). updated avplug(renamed to ffmpeg so people know what it is) to use ffmpeg 3.2.4 properly, with its new encoder api. should be much more robust... also added experimental audio decoder for game music etc (currently doesn't resample, so playback rates are screwed, disabled by cvar). git-svn-id: https://svn.code.sf.net/p/fteqw/code/trunk@5097 fc73d0e0-1445-4013-8a0c-d673dee63da5
2017-05-10 02:08:58 +00:00
newvkswapchain = VK_NULL_HANDLE;
playdemo accepts https urls now. will start playing before the file has finished downloading, to avoid unnecessary delays. reworked network addresses to separate address family and connection type. this should make banning people more reliable, as well as simplifying a whole load of logic (no need to check for ipv4 AND ipv6). tcpconnect will keep trying to connect even if the connection wasn't instant, instead of giving up instantly. rewrote tcp connections quite a bit. sv_port_tcp now handles qtv+qizmo+http+ws+rtcbroker+tls equivalents. qtv_streamport is now a legacy cvar and now acts equivalently to sv_port_tcp (but still separate). rewrote screenshot and video capture code to use strides. this solves image-is-upside down issues with vulkan. ignore alt key in browser port. oh no! no more red text! oh no! no more alt-being-wrongly-down-and-being-unable-to-type-anything-without-forcing-alt-released! reworked audio decoder interface. now has clearly defined success/unavailable/end-of-file results. this should solve a whole load of issues with audio streaming. fixed various openal audio streaming issues too. openal also got some workarounds for emscripten's poor emulation. fixed ogg decoder to retain sync properly if seeked. updated menu_media a bit. now reads vorbis comments/id3v1 tags to get proper track names. also saves the playlist so you don't have to manually repopulate the list so it might actually be usable now (after how many years?) r_stains now defaults to 0, and is no longer enabled by presets. use decals if you want that sort of thing. added fs_noreexec cvar, so configs will not be reexeced on gamedir change. this also means defaults won't be reapplied, etc. added 'nvvk' renderer on windows, using nvidia's vulkan-inside-opengl gl extension. mostly just to see how much slower it is. fixed up the ftp server quite a lot. more complete, more compliant, and should do ipv6 properly to-boot. file transfers also threaded. fixed potential crash inside runclientphys. experimental sv_antilag=3 setting. totally untested. the aim is to avoid missing due to lagged knockbacks. may be expensive for the server. browser port's websockets support fixed. experimental support for webrtc ('works for me', requires a broker server). updated avplug(renamed to ffmpeg so people know what it is) to use ffmpeg 3.2.4 properly, with its new encoder api. should be much more robust... also added experimental audio decoder for game music etc (currently doesn't resample, so playback rates are screwed, disabled by cvar). git-svn-id: https://svn.code.sf.net/p/fteqw/code/trunk@5097 fc73d0e0-1445-4013-8a0c-d673dee63da5
2017-05-10 02:08:58 +00:00
VkAssert(vkCreateSwapchainKHR(vk.device, &swapinfo, vkallocationcb, &newvkswapchain));
if (!newvkswapchain)
return false;
if (vk.swapchain)
vk.swapchain = newvkswapchain;
playdemo accepts https urls now. will start playing before the file has finished downloading, to avoid unnecessary delays. reworked network addresses to separate address family and connection type. this should make banning people more reliable, as well as simplifying a whole load of logic (no need to check for ipv4 AND ipv6). tcpconnect will keep trying to connect even if the connection wasn't instant, instead of giving up instantly. rewrote tcp connections quite a bit. sv_port_tcp now handles qtv+qizmo+http+ws+rtcbroker+tls equivalents. qtv_streamport is now a legacy cvar and now acts equivalently to sv_port_tcp (but still separate). rewrote screenshot and video capture code to use strides. this solves image-is-upside down issues with vulkan. ignore alt key in browser port. oh no! no more red text! oh no! no more alt-being-wrongly-down-and-being-unable-to-type-anything-without-forcing-alt-released! reworked audio decoder interface. now has clearly defined success/unavailable/end-of-file results. this should solve a whole load of issues with audio streaming. fixed various openal audio streaming issues too. openal also got some workarounds for emscripten's poor emulation. fixed ogg decoder to retain sync properly if seeked. updated menu_media a bit. now reads vorbis comments/id3v1 tags to get proper track names. also saves the playlist so you don't have to manually repopulate the list so it might actually be usable now (after how many years?) r_stains now defaults to 0, and is no longer enabled by presets. use decals if you want that sort of thing. added fs_noreexec cvar, so configs will not be reexeced on gamedir change. this also means defaults won't be reapplied, etc. added 'nvvk' renderer on windows, using nvidia's vulkan-inside-opengl gl extension. mostly just to see how much slower it is. fixed up the ftp server quite a lot. more complete, more compliant, and should do ipv6 properly to-boot. file transfers also threaded. fixed potential crash inside runclientphys. experimental sv_antilag=3 setting. totally untested. the aim is to avoid missing due to lagged knockbacks. may be expensive for the server. browser port's websockets support fixed. experimental support for webrtc ('works for me', requires a broker server). updated avplug(renamed to ffmpeg so people know what it is) to use ffmpeg 3.2.4 properly, with its new encoder api. should be much more robust... also added experimental audio decoder for game music etc (currently doesn't resample, so playback rates are screwed, disabled by cvar). git-svn-id: https://svn.code.sf.net/p/fteqw/code/trunk@5097 fc73d0e0-1445-4013-8a0c-d673dee63da5
2017-05-10 02:08:58 +00:00
VkAssert(vkGetSwapchainImagesKHR(vk.device, vk.swapchain, &vk.backbuf_count, NULL));
images = malloc(sizeof(VkImage)*vk.backbuf_count);
memories = NULL;
VkAssert(vkGetSwapchainImagesKHR(vk.device, vk.swapchain, &vk.backbuf_count, images));
playdemo accepts https urls now. will start playing before the file has finished downloading, to avoid unnecessary delays. reworked network addresses to separate address family and connection type. this should make banning people more reliable, as well as simplifying a whole load of logic (no need to check for ipv4 AND ipv6). tcpconnect will keep trying to connect even if the connection wasn't instant, instead of giving up instantly. rewrote tcp connections quite a bit. sv_port_tcp now handles qtv+qizmo+http+ws+rtcbroker+tls equivalents. qtv_streamport is now a legacy cvar and now acts equivalently to sv_port_tcp (but still separate). rewrote screenshot and video capture code to use strides. this solves image-is-upside down issues with vulkan. ignore alt key in browser port. oh no! no more red text! oh no! no more alt-being-wrongly-down-and-being-unable-to-type-anything-without-forcing-alt-released! reworked audio decoder interface. now has clearly defined success/unavailable/end-of-file results. this should solve a whole load of issues with audio streaming. fixed various openal audio streaming issues too. openal also got some workarounds for emscripten's poor emulation. fixed ogg decoder to retain sync properly if seeked. updated menu_media a bit. now reads vorbis comments/id3v1 tags to get proper track names. also saves the playlist so you don't have to manually repopulate the list so it might actually be usable now (after how many years?) r_stains now defaults to 0, and is no longer enabled by presets. use decals if you want that sort of thing. added fs_noreexec cvar, so configs will not be reexeced on gamedir change. this also means defaults won't be reapplied, etc. added 'nvvk' renderer on windows, using nvidia's vulkan-inside-opengl gl extension. mostly just to see how much slower it is. fixed up the ftp server quite a lot. more complete, more compliant, and should do ipv6 properly to-boot. file transfers also threaded. fixed potential crash inside runclientphys. experimental sv_antilag=3 setting. totally untested. the aim is to avoid missing due to lagged knockbacks. may be expensive for the server. browser port's websockets support fixed. experimental support for webrtc ('works for me', requires a broker server). updated avplug(renamed to ffmpeg so people know what it is) to use ffmpeg 3.2.4 properly, with its new encoder api. should be much more robust... also added experimental audio decoder for game music etc (currently doesn't resample, so playback rates are screwed, disabled by cvar). git-svn-id: https://svn.code.sf.net/p/fteqw/code/trunk@5097 fc73d0e0-1445-4013-8a0c-d673dee63da5
2017-05-10 02:08:58 +00:00
vk.aquirelast = vk.aquirenext = 0;
for (i = 0; i < ACQUIRELIMIT; i++)
if (vk_waitfence.ival || !*vk_waitfence.string)
vk.acquiresemaphores[i] = VK_NULL_HANDLE;
VkAssert(vkCreateSemaphore(vk.device, &sci, vkallocationcb, &vk.acquiresemaphores[i]));
vk.acquirefences[i] = VK_NULL_HANDLE;
playdemo accepts https urls now. will start playing before the file has finished downloading, to avoid unnecessary delays. reworked network addresses to separate address family and connection type. this should make banning people more reliable, as well as simplifying a whole load of logic (no need to check for ipv4 AND ipv6). tcpconnect will keep trying to connect even if the connection wasn't instant, instead of giving up instantly. rewrote tcp connections quite a bit. sv_port_tcp now handles qtv+qizmo+http+ws+rtcbroker+tls equivalents. qtv_streamport is now a legacy cvar and now acts equivalently to sv_port_tcp (but still separate). rewrote screenshot and video capture code to use strides. this solves image-is-upside down issues with vulkan. ignore alt key in browser port. oh no! no more red text! oh no! no more alt-being-wrongly-down-and-being-unable-to-type-anything-without-forcing-alt-released! reworked audio decoder interface. now has clearly defined success/unavailable/end-of-file results. this should solve a whole load of issues with audio streaming. fixed various openal audio streaming issues too. openal also got some workarounds for emscripten's poor emulation. fixed ogg decoder to retain sync properly if seeked. updated menu_media a bit. now reads vorbis comments/id3v1 tags to get proper track names. also saves the playlist so you don't have to manually repopulate the list so it might actually be usable now (after how many years?) r_stains now defaults to 0, and is no longer enabled by presets. use decals if you want that sort of thing. added fs_noreexec cvar, so configs will not be reexeced on gamedir change. this also means defaults won't be reapplied, etc. added 'nvvk' renderer on windows, using nvidia's vulkan-inside-opengl gl extension. mostly just to see how much slower it is. fixed up the ftp server quite a lot. more complete, more compliant, and should do ipv6 properly to-boot. file transfers also threaded. fixed potential crash inside runclientphys. experimental sv_antilag=3 setting. totally untested. the aim is to avoid missing due to lagged knockbacks. may be expensive for the server. browser port's websockets support fixed. experimental support for webrtc ('works for me', requires a broker server). updated avplug(renamed to ffmpeg so people know what it is) to use ffmpeg 3.2.4 properly, with its new encoder api. should be much more robust... also added experimental audio decoder for game music etc (currently doesn't resample, so playback rates are screwed, disabled by cvar). git-svn-id: https://svn.code.sf.net/p/fteqw/code/trunk@5097 fc73d0e0-1445-4013-8a0c-d673dee63da5
2017-05-10 02:08:58 +00:00
if (!vk_submissionthread.value && *vk_submissionthread.string)
preaquirecount = 1;
preaquirecount = vk.backbuf_count;
playdemo accepts https urls now. will start playing before the file has finished downloading, to avoid unnecessary delays. reworked network addresses to separate address family and connection type. this should make banning people more reliable, as well as simplifying a whole load of logic (no need to check for ipv4 AND ipv6). tcpconnect will keep trying to connect even if the connection wasn't instant, instead of giving up instantly. rewrote tcp connections quite a bit. sv_port_tcp now handles qtv+qizmo+http+ws+rtcbroker+tls equivalents. qtv_streamport is now a legacy cvar and now acts equivalently to sv_port_tcp (but still separate). rewrote screenshot and video capture code to use strides. this solves image-is-upside down issues with vulkan. ignore alt key in browser port. oh no! no more red text! oh no! no more alt-being-wrongly-down-and-being-unable-to-type-anything-without-forcing-alt-released! reworked audio decoder interface. now has clearly defined success/unavailable/end-of-file results. this should solve a whole load of issues with audio streaming. fixed various openal audio streaming issues too. openal also got some workarounds for emscripten's poor emulation. fixed ogg decoder to retain sync properly if seeked. updated menu_media a bit. now reads vorbis comments/id3v1 tags to get proper track names. also saves the playlist so you don't have to manually repopulate the list so it might actually be usable now (after how many years?) r_stains now defaults to 0, and is no longer enabled by presets. use decals if you want that sort of thing. added fs_noreexec cvar, so configs will not be reexeced on gamedir change. this also means defaults won't be reapplied, etc. added 'nvvk' renderer on windows, using nvidia's vulkan-inside-opengl gl extension. mostly just to see how much slower it is. fixed up the ftp server quite a lot. more complete, more compliant, and should do ipv6 properly to-boot. file transfers also threaded. fixed potential crash inside runclientphys. experimental sv_antilag=3 setting. totally untested. the aim is to avoid missing due to lagged knockbacks. may be expensive for the server. browser port's websockets support fixed. experimental support for webrtc ('works for me', requires a broker server). updated avplug(renamed to ffmpeg so people know what it is) to use ffmpeg 3.2.4 properly, with its new encoder api. should be much more robust... also added experimental audio decoder for game music etc (currently doesn't resample, so playback rates are screwed, disabled by cvar). git-svn-id: https://svn.code.sf.net/p/fteqw/code/trunk@5097 fc73d0e0-1445-4013-8a0c-d673dee63da5
2017-05-10 02:08:58 +00:00
/*-1 to hide any weird thread issues*/
while (vk.aquirelast < ACQUIRELIMIT-1 && vk.aquirelast < preaquirecount && vk.aquirelast <= vk.backbuf_count-surfcaps.minImageCount)
playdemo accepts https urls now. will start playing before the file has finished downloading, to avoid unnecessary delays. reworked network addresses to separate address family and connection type. this should make banning people more reliable, as well as simplifying a whole load of logic (no need to check for ipv4 AND ipv6). tcpconnect will keep trying to connect even if the connection wasn't instant, instead of giving up instantly. rewrote tcp connections quite a bit. sv_port_tcp now handles qtv+qizmo+http+ws+rtcbroker+tls equivalents. qtv_streamport is now a legacy cvar and now acts equivalently to sv_port_tcp (but still separate). rewrote screenshot and video capture code to use strides. this solves image-is-upside down issues with vulkan. ignore alt key in browser port. oh no! no more red text! oh no! no more alt-being-wrongly-down-and-being-unable-to-type-anything-without-forcing-alt-released! reworked audio decoder interface. now has clearly defined success/unavailable/end-of-file results. this should solve a whole load of issues with audio streaming. fixed various openal audio streaming issues too. openal also got some workarounds for emscripten's poor emulation. fixed ogg decoder to retain sync properly if seeked. updated menu_media a bit. now reads vorbis comments/id3v1 tags to get proper track names. also saves the playlist so you don't have to manually repopulate the list so it might actually be usable now (after how many years?) r_stains now defaults to 0, and is no longer enabled by presets. use decals if you want that sort of thing. added fs_noreexec cvar, so configs will not be reexeced on gamedir change. this also means defaults won't be reapplied, etc. added 'nvvk' renderer on windows, using nvidia's vulkan-inside-opengl gl extension. mostly just to see how much slower it is. fixed up the ftp server quite a lot. more complete, more compliant, and should do ipv6 properly to-boot. file transfers also threaded. fixed potential crash inside runclientphys. experimental sv_antilag=3 setting. totally untested. the aim is to avoid missing due to lagged knockbacks. may be expensive for the server. browser port's websockets support fixed. experimental support for webrtc ('works for me', requires a broker server). updated avplug(renamed to ffmpeg so people know what it is) to use ffmpeg 3.2.4 properly, with its new encoder api. should be much more robust... also added experimental audio decoder for game music etc (currently doesn't resample, so playback rates are screwed, disabled by cvar). git-svn-id: https://svn.code.sf.net/p/fteqw/code/trunk@5097 fc73d0e0-1445-4013-8a0c-d673dee63da5
2017-05-10 02:08:58 +00:00
VkAssert(vkAcquireNextImageKHR(vk.device, vk.swapchain, UINT64_MAX, vk.acquiresemaphores[vk.aquirelast%ACQUIRELIMIT], vk.acquirefences[vk.aquirelast%ACQUIRELIMIT], &vk.acquirebufferidx[vk.aquirelast%ACQUIRELIMIT]));
playdemo accepts https urls now. will start playing before the file has finished downloading, to avoid unnecessary delays. reworked network addresses to separate address family and connection type. this should make banning people more reliable, as well as simplifying a whole load of logic (no need to check for ipv4 AND ipv6). tcpconnect will keep trying to connect even if the connection wasn't instant, instead of giving up instantly. rewrote tcp connections quite a bit. sv_port_tcp now handles qtv+qizmo+http+ws+rtcbroker+tls equivalents. qtv_streamport is now a legacy cvar and now acts equivalently to sv_port_tcp (but still separate). rewrote screenshot and video capture code to use strides. this solves image-is-upside down issues with vulkan. ignore alt key in browser port. oh no! no more red text! oh no! no more alt-being-wrongly-down-and-being-unable-to-type-anything-without-forcing-alt-released! reworked audio decoder interface. now has clearly defined success/unavailable/end-of-file results. this should solve a whole load of issues with audio streaming. fixed various openal audio streaming issues too. openal also got some workarounds for emscripten's poor emulation. fixed ogg decoder to retain sync properly if seeked. updated menu_media a bit. now reads vorbis comments/id3v1 tags to get proper track names. also saves the playlist so you don't have to manually repopulate the list so it might actually be usable now (after how many years?) r_stains now defaults to 0, and is no longer enabled by presets. use decals if you want that sort of thing. added fs_noreexec cvar, so configs will not be reexeced on gamedir change. this also means defaults won't be reapplied, etc. added 'nvvk' renderer on windows, using nvidia's vulkan-inside-opengl gl extension. mostly just to see how much slower it is. fixed up the ftp server quite a lot. more complete, more compliant, and should do ipv6 properly to-boot. file transfers also threaded. fixed potential crash inside runclientphys. experimental sv_antilag=3 setting. totally untested. the aim is to avoid missing due to lagged knockbacks. may be expensive for the server. browser port's websockets support fixed. experimental support for webrtc ('works for me', requires a broker server). updated avplug(renamed to ffmpeg so people know what it is) to use ffmpeg 3.2.4 properly, with its new encoder api. should be much more robust... also added experimental audio decoder for game music etc (currently doesn't resample, so playback rates are screwed, disabled by cvar). git-svn-id: https://svn.code.sf.net/p/fteqw/code/trunk@5097 fc73d0e0-1445-4013-8a0c-d673dee63da5
2017-05-10 02:08:58 +00:00
oldms = vk.multisamplebits;
vk.multisamplebits = VK_SAMPLE_COUNT_1_BIT;
if (vid_multisample.ival>1)
VkSampleCountFlags fl = vk.limits.framebufferColorSampleCounts & vk.limits.framebufferDepthSampleCounts;
// Con_Printf("Warning: vulkan multisample does not work with rtlights or render targets etc etc\n");
for (i = 1; i < 30; i++)
if ((fl & (1<<i)) && (1<<i) <= vid_multisample.ival)
vk.multisamplebits = (1<<i);
rpassflags = RP_PRESENTABLE;
//destroy+recreate the renderpass if something changed that prevents them being compatible (this also requires rebuilding all the pipelines too, which sucks).
if (oldms != vk.multisamplebits || oldformat != vk.backbufformat || olddepthformat != vk.depthformat)
reloadshaders = true;
if (reloadshaders)
attachments[0] = VK_NULL_HANDLE; //colour
attachments[1] = VK_NULL_HANDLE; //depth
attachments[2] = VK_NULL_HANDLE; //mscolour
if (rpassflags & RP_MULTISAMPLE)
fb_info.attachmentCount = 3;
rpassflags &= ~RP_PRESENTABLE;
fb_info.attachmentCount = 2;
fb_info.renderPass = VK_GetRenderPass(RP_FULLCLEAR|rpassflags);
fb_info.pAttachments = attachments;
fb_info.width = swapinfo.imageExtent.width;
fb_info.height = swapinfo.imageExtent.height;
fb_info.layers = 1;
vk.backbufs = malloc(sizeof(*vk.backbufs)*vk.backbuf_count);
memset(vk.backbufs, 0, sizeof(*vk.backbufs)*vk.backbuf_count);
for (i = 0; i < vk.backbuf_count; i++)
vk.backbufs[i].colour.image = images[i];
DebugSetName(VK_OBJECT_TYPE_IMAGE, (uint64_t)vk.backbufs[i].colour.image, "backbuffer");
playdemo accepts https urls now. will start playing before the file has finished downloading, to avoid unnecessary delays. reworked network addresses to separate address family and connection type. this should make banning people more reliable, as well as simplifying a whole load of logic (no need to check for ipv4 AND ipv6). tcpconnect will keep trying to connect even if the connection wasn't instant, instead of giving up instantly. rewrote tcp connections quite a bit. sv_port_tcp now handles qtv+qizmo+http+ws+rtcbroker+tls equivalents. qtv_streamport is now a legacy cvar and now acts equivalently to sv_port_tcp (but still separate). rewrote screenshot and video capture code to use strides. this solves image-is-upside down issues with vulkan. ignore alt key in browser port. oh no! no more red text! oh no! no more alt-being-wrongly-down-and-being-unable-to-type-anything-without-forcing-alt-released! reworked audio decoder interface. now has clearly defined success/unavailable/end-of-file results. this should solve a whole load of issues with audio streaming. fixed various openal audio streaming issues too. openal also got some workarounds for emscripten's poor emulation. fixed ogg decoder to retain sync properly if seeked. updated menu_media a bit. now reads vorbis comments/id3v1 tags to get proper track names. also saves the playlist so you don't have to manually repopulate the list so it might actually be usable now (after how many years?) r_stains now defaults to 0, and is no longer enabled by presets. use decals if you want that sort of thing. added fs_noreexec cvar, so configs will not be reexeced on gamedir change. this also means defaults won't be reapplied, etc. added 'nvvk' renderer on windows, using nvidia's vulkan-inside-opengl gl extension. mostly just to see how much slower it is. fixed up the ftp server quite a lot. more complete, more compliant, and should do ipv6 properly to-boot. file transfers also threaded. fixed potential crash inside runclientphys. experimental sv_antilag=3 setting. totally untested. the aim is to avoid missing due to lagged knockbacks. may be expensive for the server. browser port's websockets support fixed. experimental support for webrtc ('works for me', requires a broker server). updated avplug(renamed to ffmpeg so people know what it is) to use ffmpeg 3.2.4 properly, with its new encoder api. should be much more robust... also added experimental audio decoder for game music etc (currently doesn't resample, so playback rates are screwed, disabled by cvar). git-svn-id: https://svn.code.sf.net/p/fteqw/code/trunk@5097 fc73d0e0-1445-4013-8a0c-d673dee63da5
2017-05-10 02:08:58 +00:00
ivci.format = vk.backbufformat;
// ivci.components.r = VK_COMPONENT_SWIZZLE_R;
// ivci.components.g = VK_COMPONENT_SWIZZLE_G;
// ivci.components.b = VK_COMPONENT_SWIZZLE_B;
// ivci.components.a = VK_COMPONENT_SWIZZLE_A;
ivci.subresourceRange.aspectMask = VK_IMAGE_ASPECT_COLOR_BIT;
ivci.subresourceRange.baseMipLevel = 0;
ivci.subresourceRange.levelCount = 1;
ivci.subresourceRange.baseArrayLayer = 0;
ivci.subresourceRange.layerCount = 1;
ivci.viewType = VK_IMAGE_VIEW_TYPE_2D;
ivci.flags = 0;
ivci.image = images[i];
playdemo accepts https urls now. will start playing before the file has finished downloading, to avoid unnecessary delays. reworked network addresses to separate address family and connection type. this should make banning people more reliable, as well as simplifying a whole load of logic (no need to check for ipv4 AND ipv6). tcpconnect will keep trying to connect even if the connection wasn't instant, instead of giving up instantly. rewrote tcp connections quite a bit. sv_port_tcp now handles qtv+qizmo+http+ws+rtcbroker+tls equivalents. qtv_streamport is now a legacy cvar and now acts equivalently to sv_port_tcp (but still separate). rewrote screenshot and video capture code to use strides. this solves image-is-upside down issues with vulkan. ignore alt key in browser port. oh no! no more red text! oh no! no more alt-being-wrongly-down-and-being-unable-to-type-anything-without-forcing-alt-released! reworked audio decoder interface. now has clearly defined success/unavailable/end-of-file results. this should solve a whole load of issues with audio streaming. fixed various openal audio streaming issues too. openal also got some workarounds for emscripten's poor emulation. fixed ogg decoder to retain sync properly if seeked. updated menu_media a bit. now reads vorbis comments/id3v1 tags to get proper track names. also saves the playlist so you don't have to manually repopulate the list so it might actually be usable now (after how many years?) r_stains now defaults to 0, and is no longer enabled by presets. use decals if you want that sort of thing. added fs_noreexec cvar, so configs will not be reexeced on gamedir change. this also means defaults won't be reapplied, etc. added 'nvvk' renderer on windows, using nvidia's vulkan-inside-opengl gl extension. mostly just to see how much slower it is. fixed up the ftp server quite a lot. more complete, more compliant, and should do ipv6 properly to-boot. file transfers also threaded. fixed potential crash inside runclientphys. experimental sv_antilag=3 setting. totally untested. the aim is to avoid missing due to lagged knockbacks. may be expensive for the server. browser port's websockets support fixed. experimental support for webrtc ('works for me', requires a broker server). updated avplug(renamed to ffmpeg so people know what it is) to use ffmpeg 3.2.4 properly, with its new encoder api. should be much more robust... also added experimental audio decoder for game music etc (currently doesn't resample, so playback rates are screwed, disabled by cvar). git-svn-id: https://svn.code.sf.net/p/fteqw/code/trunk@5097 fc73d0e0-1445-4013-8a0c-d673dee63da5
2017-05-10 02:08:58 +00:00
if (memories)
vk.backbufs[i].colour.mem.memory = memories[i];
playdemo accepts https urls now. will start playing before the file has finished downloading, to avoid unnecessary delays. reworked network addresses to separate address family and connection type. this should make banning people more reliable, as well as simplifying a whole load of logic (no need to check for ipv4 AND ipv6). tcpconnect will keep trying to connect even if the connection wasn't instant, instead of giving up instantly. rewrote tcp connections quite a bit. sv_port_tcp now handles qtv+qizmo+http+ws+rtcbroker+tls equivalents. qtv_streamport is now a legacy cvar and now acts equivalently to sv_port_tcp (but still separate). rewrote screenshot and video capture code to use strides. this solves image-is-upside down issues with vulkan. ignore alt key in browser port. oh no! no more red text! oh no! no more alt-being-wrongly-down-and-being-unable-to-type-anything-without-forcing-alt-released! reworked audio decoder interface. now has clearly defined success/unavailable/end-of-file results. this should solve a whole load of issues with audio streaming. fixed various openal audio streaming issues too. openal also got some workarounds for emscripten's poor emulation. fixed ogg decoder to retain sync properly if seeked. updated menu_media a bit. now reads vorbis comments/id3v1 tags to get proper track names. also saves the playlist so you don't have to manually repopulate the list so it might actually be usable now (after how many years?) r_stains now defaults to 0, and is no longer enabled by presets. use decals if you want that sort of thing. added fs_noreexec cvar, so configs will not be reexeced on gamedir change. this also means defaults won't be reapplied, etc. added 'nvvk' renderer on windows, using nvidia's vulkan-inside-opengl gl extension. mostly just to see how much slower it is. fixed up the ftp server quite a lot. more complete, more compliant, and should do ipv6 properly to-boot. file transfers also threaded. fixed potential crash inside runclientphys. experimental sv_antilag=3 setting. totally untested. the aim is to avoid missing due to lagged knockbacks. may be expensive for the server. browser port's websockets support fixed. experimental support for webrtc ('works for me', requires a broker server). updated avplug(renamed to ffmpeg so people know what it is) to use ffmpeg 3.2.4 properly, with its new encoder api. should be much more robust... also added experimental audio decoder for game music etc (currently doesn't resample, so playback rates are screwed, disabled by cvar). git-svn-id: https://svn.code.sf.net/p/fteqw/code/trunk@5097 fc73d0e0-1445-4013-8a0c-d673dee63da5
2017-05-10 02:08:58 +00:00
vk.backbufs[i].colour.width = swapinfo.imageExtent.width;
vk.backbufs[i].colour.height = swapinfo.imageExtent.height;
VkAssert(vkCreateImageView(vk.device, &ivci, vkallocationcb, &vk.backbufs[i].colour.view));
vk.backbufs[i].firstuse = true;
//create the depth buffer texture. possibly multisampled.
//depth image
VkImageCreateInfo depthinfo = {VK_STRUCTURE_TYPE_IMAGE_CREATE_INFO};
depthinfo.flags = 0;
depthinfo.imageType = VK_IMAGE_TYPE_2D;
depthinfo.format = vk.depthformat;
depthinfo.extent.width = swapinfo.imageExtent.width;
depthinfo.extent.height = swapinfo.imageExtent.height;
depthinfo.extent.depth = 1;
depthinfo.mipLevels = 1;
depthinfo.arrayLayers = 1;
depthinfo.samples = (rpassflags & RP_MULTISAMPLE)?vk.multisamplebits:VK_SAMPLE_COUNT_1_BIT;
depthinfo.tiling = VK_IMAGE_TILING_OPTIMAL;
depthinfo.sharingMode = VK_SHARING_MODE_EXCLUSIVE;
depthinfo.queueFamilyIndexCount = 0;
depthinfo.pQueueFamilyIndices = NULL;
depthinfo.initialLayout = VK_IMAGE_LAYOUT_UNDEFINED;
VkAssert(vkCreateImage(vk.device, &depthinfo, vkallocationcb, &vk.backbufs[i].depth.image));
DebugSetName(VK_OBJECT_TYPE_IMAGE, (uint64_t)vk.backbufs[i].depth.image, "backbuffer depth");
//depth memory
VK_AllocateBindImageMemory(&vk.backbufs[i].depth, true);
//depth view
VkImageViewCreateInfo depthviewinfo = {VK_STRUCTURE_TYPE_IMAGE_VIEW_CREATE_INFO};
depthviewinfo.format = vk.depthformat;
depthviewinfo.components.r = VK_COMPONENT_SWIZZLE_IDENTITY;
depthviewinfo.components.g = VK_COMPONENT_SWIZZLE_IDENTITY;
depthviewinfo.components.b = VK_COMPONENT_SWIZZLE_IDENTITY;
depthviewinfo.components.a = VK_COMPONENT_SWIZZLE_IDENTITY;
depthviewinfo.subresourceRange.aspectMask = VK_IMAGE_ASPECT_DEPTH_BIT;//|VK_IMAGE_ASPECT_STENCIL_BIT;
depthviewinfo.subresourceRange.baseMipLevel = 0;
depthviewinfo.subresourceRange.levelCount = 1;
depthviewinfo.subresourceRange.baseArrayLayer = 0;
depthviewinfo.subresourceRange.layerCount = 1;
depthviewinfo.viewType = VK_IMAGE_VIEW_TYPE_2D;
depthviewinfo.flags = 0;
depthviewinfo.image = vk.backbufs[i].depth.image;
VkAssert(vkCreateImageView(vk.device, &depthviewinfo, vkallocationcb, &vk.backbufs[i].depth.view));
attachments[1] = vk.backbufs[i].depth.view;
//if we're using multisampling, create the intermediate multisample texture that we're actually going to render to.
if (rpassflags & RP_MULTISAMPLE)
//mscolour image
VkImageCreateInfo mscolourinfo = {VK_STRUCTURE_TYPE_IMAGE_CREATE_INFO};
mscolourinfo.flags = 0;
mscolourinfo.imageType = VK_IMAGE_TYPE_2D;
mscolourinfo.format = vk.backbufformat;
mscolourinfo.extent.width = swapinfo.imageExtent.width;
mscolourinfo.extent.height = swapinfo.imageExtent.height;
mscolourinfo.extent.depth = 1;
mscolourinfo.mipLevels = 1;
mscolourinfo.arrayLayers = 1;
mscolourinfo.samples = vk.multisamplebits;
mscolourinfo.tiling = VK_IMAGE_TILING_OPTIMAL;
mscolourinfo.sharingMode = VK_SHARING_MODE_EXCLUSIVE;
mscolourinfo.queueFamilyIndexCount = 0;
mscolourinfo.pQueueFamilyIndices = NULL;
mscolourinfo.initialLayout = VK_IMAGE_LAYOUT_UNDEFINED;
VkAssert(vkCreateImage(vk.device, &mscolourinfo, vkallocationcb, &vk.backbufs[i].mscolour.image));
DebugSetName(VK_OBJECT_TYPE_IMAGE, (uint64_t)vk.backbufs[i].mscolour.image, "multisample");
//mscolour memory
VK_AllocateBindImageMemory(&vk.backbufs[i].mscolour, true);
//mscolour view
VkImageViewCreateInfo mscolourviewinfo = {VK_STRUCTURE_TYPE_IMAGE_VIEW_CREATE_INFO};
mscolourviewinfo.format = vk.backbufformat;
mscolourviewinfo.components.r = VK_COMPONENT_SWIZZLE_IDENTITY;
mscolourviewinfo.components.g = VK_COMPONENT_SWIZZLE_IDENTITY;
mscolourviewinfo.components.b = VK_COMPONENT_SWIZZLE_IDENTITY;
mscolourviewinfo.components.a = VK_COMPONENT_SWIZZLE_IDENTITY;
mscolourviewinfo.subresourceRange.aspectMask = VK_IMAGE_ASPECT_COLOR_BIT;
mscolourviewinfo.subresourceRange.baseMipLevel = 0;
mscolourviewinfo.subresourceRange.levelCount = 1;
mscolourviewinfo.subresourceRange.baseArrayLayer = 0;
mscolourviewinfo.subresourceRange.layerCount = 1;
mscolourviewinfo.viewType = VK_IMAGE_VIEW_TYPE_2D;
mscolourviewinfo.flags = 0;
mscolourviewinfo.image = vk.backbufs[i].mscolour.image;
VkAssert(vkCreateImageView(vk.device, &mscolourviewinfo, vkallocationcb, &vk.backbufs[i].mscolour.view));
attachments[2] = vk.backbufs[i].mscolour.view;
attachments[0] = vk.backbufs[i].colour.view;
VkAssert(vkCreateFramebuffer(vk.device, &fb_info, vkallocationcb, &vk.backbufs[i].framebuffer));
VkAssert(vkCreateSemaphore(vk.device, &seminfo, vkallocationcb, &vk.backbufs[i].presentsemaphore));
playdemo accepts https urls now. will start playing before the file has finished downloading, to avoid unnecessary delays. reworked network addresses to separate address family and connection type. this should make banning people more reliable, as well as simplifying a whole load of logic (no need to check for ipv4 AND ipv6). tcpconnect will keep trying to connect even if the connection wasn't instant, instead of giving up instantly. rewrote tcp connections quite a bit. sv_port_tcp now handles qtv+qizmo+http+ws+rtcbroker+tls equivalents. qtv_streamport is now a legacy cvar and now acts equivalently to sv_port_tcp (but still separate). rewrote screenshot and video capture code to use strides. this solves image-is-upside down issues with vulkan. ignore alt key in browser port. oh no! no more red text! oh no! no more alt-being-wrongly-down-and-being-unable-to-type-anything-without-forcing-alt-released! reworked audio decoder interface. now has clearly defined success/unavailable/end-of-file results. this should solve a whole load of issues with audio streaming. fixed various openal audio streaming issues too. openal also got some workarounds for emscripten's poor emulation. fixed ogg decoder to retain sync properly if seeked. updated menu_media a bit. now reads vorbis comments/id3v1 tags to get proper track names. also saves the playlist so you don't have to manually repopulate the list so it might actually be usable now (after how many years?) r_stains now defaults to 0, and is no longer enabled by presets. use decals if you want that sort of thing. added fs_noreexec cvar, so configs will not be reexeced on gamedir change. this also means defaults won't be reapplied, etc. added 'nvvk' renderer on windows, using nvidia's vulkan-inside-opengl gl extension. mostly just to see how much slower it is. fixed up the ftp server quite a lot. more complete, more compliant, and should do ipv6 properly to-boot. file transfers also threaded. fixed potential crash inside runclientphys. experimental sv_antilag=3 setting. totally untested. the aim is to avoid missing due to lagged knockbacks. may be expensive for the server. browser port's websockets support fixed. experimental support for webrtc ('works for me', requires a broker server). updated avplug(renamed to ffmpeg so people know what it is) to use ffmpeg 3.2.4 properly, with its new encoder api. should be much more robust... also added experimental audio decoder for game music etc (currently doesn't resample, so playback rates are screwed, disabled by cvar). git-svn-id: https://svn.code.sf.net/p/fteqw/code/trunk@5097 fc73d0e0-1445-4013-8a0c-d673dee63da5
2017-05-10 02:08:58 +00:00
vid.pixelwidth = swapinfo.imageExtent.width;
vid.pixelheight = swapinfo.imageExtent.height;
return true;
void VK_Draw_Init(void)
void VK_Draw_Shutdown(void)
void VK_CreateSampler(unsigned int flags, vk_image_t *img)
qboolean clamptoedge = flags & IF_CLAMP;
VkSamplerCreateInfo lmsampinfo = {VK_STRUCTURE_TYPE_SAMPLER_CREATE_INFO};
if (img->sampler)
vkDestroySampler(vk.device, img->sampler, vkallocationcb);
if (flags & IF_LINEAR)
lmsampinfo.minFilter = lmsampinfo.magFilter = VK_FILTER_LINEAR;
lmsampinfo.mipmapMode = VK_SAMPLER_MIPMAP_MODE_LINEAR;
else if (flags & IF_NEAREST)
lmsampinfo.minFilter = lmsampinfo.magFilter = VK_FILTER_NEAREST;
lmsampinfo.mipmapMode = VK_SAMPLER_MIPMAP_MODE_NEAREST;
int *filter = (flags & IF_UIPIC)?vk.filterpic:vk.filtermip;
if (filter[0])
lmsampinfo.minFilter = VK_FILTER_LINEAR;
lmsampinfo.minFilter = VK_FILTER_NEAREST;
if (filter[1])
lmsampinfo.mipmapMode = VK_SAMPLER_MIPMAP_MODE_LINEAR;
lmsampinfo.mipmapMode = VK_SAMPLER_MIPMAP_MODE_NEAREST;
if (filter[2])
lmsampinfo.magFilter = VK_FILTER_LINEAR;
lmsampinfo.magFilter = VK_FILTER_NEAREST;
lmsampinfo.mipLodBias = vk.lodbias;
lmsampinfo.anisotropyEnable = (flags & IF_NEAREST)?false:(vk.max_anistophy > 1);
lmsampinfo.maxAnisotropy = vk.max_anistophy;
lmsampinfo.compareEnable = VK_FALSE;
lmsampinfo.compareOp = VK_COMPARE_OP_NEVER;
lmsampinfo.minLod = vk.mipcap[0]; //this isn't quite right
lmsampinfo.maxLod = vk.mipcap[1];
lmsampinfo.borderColor = VK_BORDER_COLOR_FLOAT_OPAQUE_BLACK;
lmsampinfo.unnormalizedCoordinates = VK_FALSE;
VkAssert(vkCreateSampler(vk.device, &lmsampinfo, NULL, &img->sampler));
static void VK_DestroySampler(void *w)
VkSampler s = *(VkSampler*)w;
vkDestroySampler(vk.device, s, vkallocationcb);
void VK_UpdateFiltering(image_t *imagelist, int filtermip[3], int filterpic[3], int mipcap[2], float lodbias, float anis)
uint32_t i;
for (i = 0; i < countof(vk.filtermip); i++)
vk.filtermip[i] = filtermip[i];
for (i = 0; i < countof(vk.filterpic); i++)
vk.filterpic[i] = filterpic[i];
for (i = 0; i < countof(vk.mipcap); i++)
vk.mipcap[i] = mipcap[i];
vk.lodbias = lodbias;
vk.max_anistophy = bound(1.0, anis, vk.limits.maxSamplerAnisotropy);
if (imagelist->vkimage)
if (imagelist->vkimage->sampler)
{ //the sampler might still be in use, so clean it up at the end of the frame.
//all this to avoid syncing all the queues...
VK_AtFrameEnd(VK_DestroySampler, &imagelist->vkimage->sampler, sizeof(imagelist->vkimage->sampler));
imagelist->vkimage->sampler = VK_NULL_HANDLE;
VK_CreateSampler(imagelist->flags, imagelist->vkimage);
imagelist = imagelist->next;
qboolean VK_AllocatePoolMemory(uint32_t pooltype, VkDeviceSize memsize, VkDeviceSize poolalignment, vk_poolmem_t *mem)
struct vk_mempool_s *p;
VkDeviceSize pad;
if (!vk_usememorypools.ival)
return false;
// if (memsize > 1024*1024*4)
// return false;
for (p = vk.mempools; p; p = p->next)
if (p->memtype == pooltype)
if (p->memoryoffset + poolalignment + memsize < p->memorysize)
if (!p)
p = Z_Malloc(sizeof(*p));
p->memorysize = poolai.allocationSize = 512*1024*1024; //lets just allocate big...
p->memtype = poolai.memoryTypeIndex = pooltype;
if (VK_SUCCESS != vkAllocateMemory(vk.device, &poolai, vkallocationcb, &p->memory))
{ //out of memory? oh well, a smaller dedicated allocation might still work.
return false;
p->next = vk.mempools;
vk.mempools = p;
pad = ((p->memoryoffset+poolalignment-1)&~(poolalignment-1)) - p->memoryoffset;
p->memoryoffset = (p->memoryoffset+poolalignment-1)&~(poolalignment-1);
p->gaps += pad;
mem->offset = p->memoryoffset;
mem->size = memsize; //FIXME: we have no way to deal with gaps due to alignment
mem->memory = p->memory;
mem->pool = p;
p->memoryoffset += memsize;
return true;
void VK_ReleasePoolMemory(vk_poolmem_t *mem)
if (mem->pool)
//FIXME: track power-of-two holes?
mem->pool->gaps += mem->size;
mem->pool = NULL;
mem->memory = VK_NULL_HANDLE;
else if (mem->memory)
vkFreeMemory(vk.device, mem->memory, vkallocationcb);
mem->memory = VK_NULL_HANDLE;
//does NOT bind.
//image memory is NOT expected to be host-visible. you'll get what vulkan gives you.
qboolean VK_AllocateImageMemory(VkImage image, qboolean dedicated, vk_poolmem_t *mem)
uint32_t pooltype;
if (!dedicated && vk.khr_get_memory_requirements2)
imri.image = image;
if (vk.khr_dedicated_allocation)
mem_reqs2.pNext = &mdr; //chain the result struct
vkGetImageMemoryRequirements2KHR(vk.device, &imri, &mem_reqs2);
//and now we know if it should be dedicated or not.
dedicated |= mdr.prefersDedicatedAllocation || mdr.requiresDedicatedAllocation;
vkGetImageMemoryRequirements(vk.device, image, &mem_reqs2.memoryRequirements);
pooltype = vk_find_memory_try(mem_reqs2.memoryRequirements.memoryTypeBits, VK_MEMORY_PROPERTY_DEVICE_LOCAL_BIT);
if (pooltype == ~0)
pooltype = vk_find_memory_require(mem_reqs2.memoryRequirements.memoryTypeBits, 0);
if (!dedicated && VK_AllocatePoolMemory(pooltype, mem_reqs2.memoryRequirements.size, mem_reqs2.memoryRequirements.alignment, mem))
return true; //got a shared allocation.
{ //make it dedicated one way or another.
VkResult err;
//shouldn't really happen, but just in case...
mem_reqs2.memoryRequirements.size = max(1,mem_reqs2.memoryRequirements.size);
memAllocInfo.allocationSize = mem_reqs2.memoryRequirements.size;
memAllocInfo.memoryTypeIndex = pooltype;
if (vk.khr_dedicated_allocation)
khr_mdai.image = image;
khr_mdai.pNext = memAllocInfo.pNext;
memAllocInfo.pNext = &khr_mdai;
mem->pool = NULL;
mem->offset = 0;
mem->size = mem_reqs2.memoryRequirements.size;
mem->memory = VK_NULL_HANDLE;
err = vkAllocateMemory(vk.device, &memAllocInfo, vkallocationcb, &mem->memory);
if (err != VK_SUCCESS)
return false;
return true;
qboolean VK_AllocateBindImageMemory(vk_image_t *image, qboolean dedicated)
if (VK_AllocateImageMemory(image->image, dedicated, &image->mem))
VkAssert(vkBindImageMemory(vk.device, image->image, image->mem.memory, image->mem.offset));
return true;
return false; //out of memory?
vk_image_t VK_CreateTexture2DArray(uint32_t width, uint32_t height, uint32_t layers, uint32_t mips, uploadfmt_t encoding, unsigned int type, qboolean rendertarget, const char *debugname)
vk_image_t ret;
VkFormat format = VK_FORMAT_UNDEFINED;
#ifdef VK_EXT_astc_decode_mode
VkImageViewASTCDecodeModeEXT astcmode;
ret.width = width;
ret.height = height;
ret.layers = layers;
ret.mipcount = mips;
ret.encoding = encoding;
ret.type = type;
//vulkan expresses packed formats in terms of native endian (if big-endian, then everything makes sense), non-packed formats are expressed in byte order (consistent with big-endian).
//PTI formats are less well-defined...
if ((int)encoding < 0)
format = -(int)encoding;
else switch(encoding)
//16bit formats.
case PTI_RGB565: format = VK_FORMAT_R5G6B5_UNORM_PACK16; break;
case PTI_RGBA4444: format = VK_FORMAT_R4G4B4A4_UNORM_PACK16; break;
case PTI_ARGB4444: /*format = VK_FORMAT_A4R4G4B4_UNORM_PACK16;*/ break;
case PTI_RGBA5551: format = VK_FORMAT_R5G5B5A1_UNORM_PACK16; break;
case PTI_ARGB1555: format = VK_FORMAT_A1R5G5B5_UNORM_PACK16; break;
case PTI_R16: format = VK_FORMAT_R16_UNORM; break;
case PTI_RGBA16: format = VK_FORMAT_R16G16B16A16_UNORM; break;
//float formats
case PTI_R16F: format = VK_FORMAT_R16_SFLOAT; break;
case PTI_R32F: format = VK_FORMAT_R32_SFLOAT; break;
case PTI_RGBA16F: format = VK_FORMAT_R16G16B16A16_SFLOAT; break;
case PTI_RGBA32F: format = VK_FORMAT_R32G32B32A32_SFLOAT; break;
//weird formats
case PTI_P8:
case PTI_R8: format = VK_FORMAT_R8_UNORM; break;
case PTI_RG8: format = VK_FORMAT_R8G8_UNORM; break;
case PTI_R8_SNORM: format = VK_FORMAT_R8_SNORM; break;
case PTI_RG8_SNORM: format = VK_FORMAT_R8G8_SNORM; break;
case PTI_A2BGR10: format = VK_FORMAT_A2B10G10R10_UNORM_PACK32; break;
case PTI_E5BGR9: format = VK_FORMAT_E5B9G9R9_UFLOAT_PACK32; break;
case PTI_B10G11R11F: format = VK_FORMAT_B10G11R11_UFLOAT_PACK32; break;
//swizzled/legacy formats
case PTI_L8: format = VK_FORMAT_R8_UNORM; break;
case PTI_L8A8: format = VK_FORMAT_R8G8_UNORM; break;
case PTI_L8_SRGB: format = VK_FORMAT_R8_SRGB; break;
case PTI_L8A8_SRGB: /*unsupportable*/ break;
//compressed formats
case PTI_BC1_RGB: format = VK_FORMAT_BC1_RGB_UNORM_BLOCK; break;
case PTI_BC1_RGB_SRGB: format = VK_FORMAT_BC1_RGB_SRGB_BLOCK; break;
case PTI_BC1_RGBA: format = VK_FORMAT_BC1_RGBA_UNORM_BLOCK; break;
case PTI_BC2_RGBA: format = VK_FORMAT_BC2_UNORM_BLOCK; break;
case PTI_BC2_RGBA_SRGB: format = VK_FORMAT_BC2_SRGB_BLOCK; break;
case PTI_BC3_RGBA: format = VK_FORMAT_BC3_UNORM_BLOCK; break;
case PTI_BC3_RGBA_SRGB: format = VK_FORMAT_BC3_SRGB_BLOCK; break;
case PTI_BC4_R: format = VK_FORMAT_BC4_UNORM_BLOCK; break;
case PTI_BC4_R_SNORM: format = VK_FORMAT_BC4_SNORM_BLOCK; break;
case PTI_BC5_RG: format = VK_FORMAT_BC5_UNORM_BLOCK; break;
case PTI_BC5_RG_SNORM: format = VK_FORMAT_BC5_SNORM_BLOCK; break;
case PTI_BC7_RGBA: format = VK_FORMAT_BC7_UNORM_BLOCK; break;
case PTI_BC7_RGBA_SRGB: format = VK_FORMAT_BC7_SRGB_BLOCK; break;
case PTI_ETC1_RGB8: format = VK_FORMAT_ETC2_R8G8B8_UNORM_BLOCK; break; //vulkan doesn't support etc1, but etc2 is a superset so its all okay.
case PTI_ETC2_RGB8: format = VK_FORMAT_ETC2_R8G8B8_UNORM_BLOCK; break;
case PTI_ETC2_RGB8_SRGB: format = VK_FORMAT_ETC2_R8G8B8_SRGB_BLOCK; break;
case PTI_ETC2_RGB8A1: format = VK_FORMAT_ETC2_R8G8B8A1_UNORM_BLOCK; break;
case PTI_ETC2_RGB8A1_SRGB: format = VK_FORMAT_ETC2_R8G8B8A1_SRGB_BLOCK; break;
case PTI_ETC2_RGB8A8: format = VK_FORMAT_ETC2_R8G8B8A8_UNORM_BLOCK; break;
case PTI_ETC2_RGB8A8_SRGB: format = VK_FORMAT_ETC2_R8G8B8A8_SRGB_BLOCK; break;
case PTI_EAC_R11: format = VK_FORMAT_EAC_R11_UNORM_BLOCK; break;
case PTI_EAC_R11_SNORM: format = VK_FORMAT_EAC_R11_SNORM_BLOCK; break;
case PTI_EAC_RG11: format = VK_FORMAT_EAC_R11G11_UNORM_BLOCK; break;
case PTI_EAC_RG11_SNORM: format = VK_FORMAT_EAC_R11G11_SNORM_BLOCK; break;
case PTI_ASTC_4X4_LDR: format = VK_FORMAT_ASTC_4x4_UNORM_BLOCK; break;
case PTI_ASTC_4X4_SRGB: format = VK_FORMAT_ASTC_4x4_SRGB_BLOCK; break;
case PTI_ASTC_5X4_LDR: format = VK_FORMAT_ASTC_5x4_UNORM_BLOCK; break;
case PTI_ASTC_5X4_SRGB: format = VK_FORMAT_ASTC_5x4_SRGB_BLOCK; break;
case PTI_ASTC_5X5_LDR: format = VK_FORMAT_ASTC_5x5_UNORM_BLOCK; break;
case PTI_ASTC_5X5_SRGB: format = VK_FORMAT_ASTC_5x5_SRGB_BLOCK; break;
case PTI_ASTC_6X5_LDR: format = VK_FORMAT_ASTC_6x5_UNORM_BLOCK; break;
case PTI_ASTC_6X5_SRGB: format = VK_FORMAT_ASTC_6x5_SRGB_BLOCK; break;
case PTI_ASTC_6X6_LDR: format = VK_FORMAT_ASTC_6x6_UNORM_BLOCK; break;
case PTI_ASTC_6X6_SRGB: format = VK_FORMAT_ASTC_6x6_SRGB_BLOCK; break;
case PTI_ASTC_8X5_LDR: format = VK_FORMAT_ASTC_8x5_UNORM_BLOCK; break;
case PTI_ASTC_8X5_SRGB: format = VK_FORMAT_ASTC_8x5_SRGB_BLOCK; break;
case PTI_ASTC_8X6_LDR: format = VK_FORMAT_ASTC_8x6_UNORM_BLOCK; break;
case PTI_ASTC_8X6_SRGB: format = VK_FORMAT_ASTC_8x6_SRGB_BLOCK; break;
case PTI_ASTC_8X8_LDR: format = VK_FORMAT_ASTC_8x8_UNORM_BLOCK; break;
case PTI_ASTC_8X8_SRGB: format = VK_FORMAT_ASTC_8x8_SRGB_BLOCK; break;
case PTI_ASTC_10X5_LDR: format = VK_FORMAT_ASTC_10x5_UNORM_BLOCK; break;
case PTI_ASTC_10X5_SRGB: format = VK_FORMAT_ASTC_10x5_SRGB_BLOCK; break;
case PTI_ASTC_10X6_LDR: format = VK_FORMAT_ASTC_10x6_UNORM_BLOCK; break;
case PTI_ASTC_10X6_SRGB: format = VK_FORMAT_ASTC_10x6_SRGB_BLOCK; break;
case PTI_ASTC_10X8_LDR: format = VK_FORMAT_ASTC_10x8_UNORM_BLOCK; break;
case PTI_ASTC_10X8_SRGB: format = VK_FORMAT_ASTC_10x8_SRGB_BLOCK; break;
case PTI_ASTC_10X10_LDR: format = VK_FORMAT_ASTC_10x10_UNORM_BLOCK; break;
case PTI_ASTC_10X10_SRGB: format = VK_FORMAT_ASTC_10x10_SRGB_BLOCK; break;
case PTI_ASTC_12X10_LDR: format = VK_FORMAT_ASTC_12x10_UNORM_BLOCK; break;
case PTI_ASTC_12X10_SRGB: format = VK_FORMAT_ASTC_12x10_SRGB_BLOCK; break;
case PTI_ASTC_12X12_LDR: format = VK_FORMAT_ASTC_12x12_UNORM_BLOCK; break;
case PTI_ASTC_12X12_SRGB: format = VK_FORMAT_ASTC_12x12_SRGB_BLOCK; break;
#ifdef VK_EXT_texture_compression_astc_hdr
case PTI_ASTC_4X4_HDR: format = VK_FORMAT_ASTC_4x4_SFLOAT_BLOCK_EXT; break;
case PTI_ASTC_5X4_HDR: format = VK_FORMAT_ASTC_5x4_SFLOAT_BLOCK_EXT; break;
case PTI_ASTC_5X5_HDR: format = VK_FORMAT_ASTC_5x5_SFLOAT_BLOCK_EXT; break;
case PTI_ASTC_6X5_HDR: format = VK_FORMAT_ASTC_6x5_SFLOAT_BLOCK_EXT; break;
case PTI_ASTC_6X6_HDR: format = VK_FORMAT_ASTC_6x6_SFLOAT_BLOCK_EXT; break;
case PTI_ASTC_8X5_HDR: format = VK_FORMAT_ASTC_8x5_SFLOAT_BLOCK_EXT; break;
case PTI_ASTC_8X6_HDR: format = VK_FORMAT_ASTC_8x6_SFLOAT_BLOCK_EXT; break;
case PTI_ASTC_8X8_HDR: format = VK_FORMAT_ASTC_8x8_SFLOAT_BLOCK_EXT; break;
case PTI_ASTC_10X5_HDR: format = VK_FORMAT_ASTC_10x5_SFLOAT_BLOCK_EXT; break;
case PTI_ASTC_10X6_HDR: format = VK_FORMAT_ASTC_10x6_SFLOAT_BLOCK_EXT; break;
case PTI_ASTC_10X8_HDR: format = VK_FORMAT_ASTC_10x8_SFLOAT_BLOCK_EXT; break;
case PTI_ASTC_10X10_HDR: format = VK_FORMAT_ASTC_10x10_SFLOAT_BLOCK_EXT; break;
case PTI_ASTC_12X10_HDR: format = VK_FORMAT_ASTC_12x10_SFLOAT_BLOCK_EXT; break;
case PTI_ASTC_12X12_HDR: format = VK_FORMAT_ASTC_12x12_SFLOAT_BLOCK_EXT; break;
#else //better than crashing.
case PTI_ASTC_4X4_HDR: format = VK_FORMAT_ASTC_4x4_UNORM_BLOCK; break;
case PTI_ASTC_5X4_HDR: format = VK_FORMAT_ASTC_5x4_UNORM_BLOCK; break;
case PTI_ASTC_5X5_HDR: format = VK_FORMAT_ASTC_5x5_UNORM_BLOCK; break;
case PTI_ASTC_6X5_HDR: format = VK_FORMAT_ASTC_6x5_UNORM_BLOCK; break;
case PTI_ASTC_6X6_HDR: format = VK_FORMAT_ASTC_6x6_UNORM_BLOCK; break;
case PTI_ASTC_8X5_HDR: format = VK_FORMAT_ASTC_8x5_UNORM_BLOCK; break;
case PTI_ASTC_8X6_HDR: format = VK_FORMAT_ASTC_8x6_UNORM_BLOCK; break;
case PTI_ASTC_8X8_HDR: format = VK_FORMAT_ASTC_8x8_UNORM_BLOCK; break;
case PTI_ASTC_10X5_HDR: format = VK_FORMAT_ASTC_10x5_UNORM_BLOCK; break;
case PTI_ASTC_10X6_HDR: format = VK_FORMAT_ASTC_10x6_UNORM_BLOCK; break;
case PTI_ASTC_10X8_HDR: format = VK_FORMAT_ASTC_10x8_UNORM_BLOCK; break;
case PTI_ASTC_10X10_HDR: format = VK_FORMAT_ASTC_10x10_UNORM_BLOCK; break;
case PTI_ASTC_12X10_HDR: format = VK_FORMAT_ASTC_12x10_UNORM_BLOCK; break;
case PTI_ASTC_12X12_HDR: format = VK_FORMAT_ASTC_12x12_UNORM_BLOCK; break;
//depth formats
case PTI_DEPTH16: format = VK_FORMAT_D16_UNORM; break;
case PTI_DEPTH24: format = VK_FORMAT_X8_D24_UNORM_PACK32; break;
case PTI_DEPTH32: format = VK_FORMAT_D32_SFLOAT; break;
case PTI_DEPTH24_8: format = VK_FORMAT_D24_UNORM_S8_UINT; break;
//srgb formats
case PTI_BGRX8_SRGB: format = VK_FORMAT_B8G8R8A8_SRGB; break;
case PTI_RGBX8_SRGB: format = VK_FORMAT_R8G8B8A8_SRGB; break;
//standard formats
case PTI_BGRA8:
case PTI_BGRX8: format = VK_FORMAT_B8G8R8A8_UNORM; break;
case PTI_RGBA8:
case PTI_RGBX8: format = VK_FORMAT_R8G8B8A8_UNORM; break;
//misaligned formats
case PTI_RGB8: format = VK_FORMAT_R8G8B8_UNORM; break;
case PTI_BGR8: format = VK_FORMAT_B8G8R8_UNORM; break;
case PTI_RGB32F: format = VK_FORMAT_R32G32B32_SFLOAT; break;
case PTI_RGB8_SRGB: format = VK_FORMAT_R8G8B8_SRGB; break;
case PTI_BGR8_SRGB: format = VK_FORMAT_B8G8R8_SRGB; break;
//unsupported 'formats'
case PTI_MAX:
if (format == VK_FORMAT_UNDEFINED) //no default case means warnings for unsupported formats above.
Sys_Error("VK_CreateTexture2DArray: Unsupported image encoding: %u(%s)\n", encoding, Image_FormatName(encoding));
ici.imageType = VK_IMAGE_TYPE_2D;
ici.format = format;
ici.extent.width = width;
ici.extent.height = height;
ici.extent.depth = 1;
ici.mipLevels = mips;
ici.arrayLayers = layers;
ici.samples = VK_SAMPLE_COUNT_1_BIT;
ici.queueFamilyIndexCount = 0;
ici.pQueueFamilyIndices = NULL;
ici.initialLayout = ret.layout;
VkAssert(vkCreateImage(vk.device, &ici, vkallocationcb, &ret.image));
DebugSetName(VK_OBJECT_TYPE_IMAGE, (uint64_t)ret.image, debugname);
ret.view = VK_NULL_HANDLE;
ret.sampler = VK_NULL_HANDLE;
if (!VK_AllocateBindImageMemory(&ret, false))
return ret; //oom?
viewInfo.flags = 0;
viewInfo.image = ret.image;
return ret;
case PTI_CUBE:
viewInfo.viewType = VK_IMAGE_VIEW_TYPE_CUBE;
case PTI_2D:
viewInfo.viewType = VK_IMAGE_VIEW_TYPE_2D;
case PTI_2D_ARRAY:
viewInfo.viewType = VK_IMAGE_VIEW_TYPE_2D_ARRAY;
viewInfo.format = format;
//formats that explicitly drop the alpha
case PTI_BC1_RGB:
case PTI_RGBX8:
case PTI_BGRX8:
viewInfo.components.r = VK_COMPONENT_SWIZZLE_R;
viewInfo.components.g = VK_COMPONENT_SWIZZLE_G;
viewInfo.components.b = VK_COMPONENT_SWIZZLE_B;
viewInfo.components.a = VK_COMPONENT_SWIZZLE_ONE;
case PTI_L8: //must be an R8 texture
case PTI_L8_SRGB: //must be an R8 texture
viewInfo.components.r = VK_COMPONENT_SWIZZLE_R;
viewInfo.components.g = VK_COMPONENT_SWIZZLE_R;
viewInfo.components.b = VK_COMPONENT_SWIZZLE_R;
viewInfo.components.a = VK_COMPONENT_SWIZZLE_ONE;
case PTI_L8A8: //must be an RG8 texture
viewInfo.components.r = VK_COMPONENT_SWIZZLE_R;
viewInfo.components.g = VK_COMPONENT_SWIZZLE_R;
viewInfo.components.b = VK_COMPONENT_SWIZZLE_R;
viewInfo.components.a = VK_COMPONENT_SWIZZLE_G;
viewInfo.components.r = VK_COMPONENT_SWIZZLE_IDENTITY;
viewInfo.components.g = VK_COMPONENT_SWIZZLE_IDENTITY;
viewInfo.components.b = VK_COMPONENT_SWIZZLE_IDENTITY;
viewInfo.components.a = VK_COMPONENT_SWIZZLE_IDENTITY;
#ifdef VK_EXT_astc_decode_mode
case PTI_ASTC_4X4: //set these to use rgba8 decoding, because we know they're not hdr and the format is basically 8bit anyway.
case PTI_ASTC_5X4: //we do NOT do this for the hdr, as that would cause data loss.
case PTI_ASTC_5X5: //we do NOT do this for sRGB because its pointless.
case PTI_ASTC_6X5:
case PTI_ASTC_6X6:
case PTI_ASTC_8X5:
case PTI_ASTC_8X6:
case PTI_ASTC_8X8:
case PTI_ASTC_10X5:
case PTI_ASTC_10X6:
case PTI_ASTC_10X8:
case PTI_ASTC_10X10:
case PTI_ASTC_12X10:
case PTI_ASTC_12X12:
viewInfo.components.r = VK_COMPONENT_SWIZZLE_IDENTITY;
viewInfo.components.g = VK_COMPONENT_SWIZZLE_IDENTITY;
viewInfo.components.b = VK_COMPONENT_SWIZZLE_IDENTITY;
viewInfo.components.a = VK_COMPONENT_SWIZZLE_IDENTITY;
if (vk.ext_astc_decode_mode)
astcmode.pNext = viewInfo.pNext;
astcmode.decodeMode = VK_FORMAT_R8G8B8A8_UNORM;
viewInfo.pNext = &astcmode;
viewInfo.subresourceRange.aspectMask = VK_IMAGE_ASPECT_COLOR_BIT;
viewInfo.subresourceRange.baseMipLevel = 0;
viewInfo.subresourceRange.levelCount = mips;
viewInfo.subresourceRange.baseArrayLayer = 0;
viewInfo.subresourceRange.layerCount = layers;
VkAssert(vkCreateImageView(vk.device, &viewInfo, NULL, &ret.view));
return ret;
void set_image_layout(VkCommandBuffer cmd, VkImage image, VkImageAspectFlags aspectMask,
VkImageLayout old_image_layout, VkAccessFlags srcaccess, VkPipelineStageFlagBits srcstagemask,
VkImageLayout new_image_layout, VkAccessFlags dstaccess, VkPipelineStageFlagBits dststagemask)
//images have weird layout representations.
//we need to use a side-effect of memory barriers in order to convert from one layout to another, so that we can actually use the image.
VkImageMemoryBarrier imgbarrier = {VK_STRUCTURE_TYPE_IMAGE_MEMORY_BARRIER};
imgbarrier.pNext = NULL;
imgbarrier.srcAccessMask = srcaccess;
imgbarrier.dstAccessMask = dstaccess;
imgbarrier.oldLayout = old_image_layout;
imgbarrier.newLayout = new_image_layout;
imgbarrier.image = image;
imgbarrier.subresourceRange.aspectMask = aspectMask;
imgbarrier.subresourceRange.baseMipLevel = 0;
imgbarrier.subresourceRange.levelCount = 1;
imgbarrier.subresourceRange.baseArrayLayer = 0;
imgbarrier.subresourceRange.layerCount = 1;
imgbarrier.srcQueueFamilyIndex = VK_QUEUE_FAMILY_IGNORED;
imgbarrier.dstQueueFamilyIndex = VK_QUEUE_FAMILY_IGNORED;
if (new_image_layout == VK_IMAGE_LAYOUT_TRANSFER_DST_OPTIMAL) // Make sure anything that was copying from this image has completed
imgbarrier.dstAccessMask = VK_ACCESS_TRANSFER_WRITE_BIT;
else if (new_image_layout == VK_IMAGE_LAYOUT_TRANSFER_SRC_OPTIMAL) // Make sure anything that was copying from this image has completed
imgbarrier.dstAccessMask = VK_ACCESS_TRANSFER_READ_BIT;
else if (new_image_layout == VK_IMAGE_LAYOUT_COLOR_ATTACHMENT_OPTIMAL)
else if (new_image_layout == VK_IMAGE_LAYOUT_SHADER_READ_ONLY_OPTIMAL) // Make sure any Copy or CPU writes to image are flushed
if (old_image_layout == VK_IMAGE_LAYOUT_PREINITIALIZED)
imgbarrier.srcAccessMask = VK_ACCESS_HOST_WRITE_BIT;
else if (old_image_layout == VK_IMAGE_LAYOUT_TRANSFER_SRC_OPTIMAL)
imgbarrier.srcAccessMask = VK_ACCESS_TRANSFER_READ_BIT;
else if (old_image_layout == VK_IMAGE_LAYOUT_TRANSFER_DST_OPTIMAL)
imgbarrier.srcAccessMask = VK_ACCESS_TRANSFER_WRITE_BIT;
vkCmdPipelineBarrier(cmd, srcstagemask, dststagemask, 0, 0, NULL, 0, NULL, 1, &imgbarrier);
void VK_FencedCheck(void)
if (VK_SUCCESS == vkGetFenceStatus(vk.device, vk.fencework->fence))
struct vk_fencework *w;
w = vk.fencework;
vk.fencework = w->next;
if (!vk.fencework)
vk.fencework_last = NULL;
if (w->Passed)
if (w->cbuf)
vkFreeCommandBuffers(vk.device, vk.cmdpool, 1, &w->cbuf);
if (w->fence)
vkDestroyFence(vk.device, w->fence, vkallocationcb);
//allocate and begin a commandbuffer so we can do the copies
void *VK_FencedBegin(void (*passed)(void *work), size_t worksize)
struct vk_fencework *w = BZ_Malloc(worksize?worksize:sizeof(*w));
cbai.commandPool = vk.cmdpool;
cbai.commandBufferCount = 1;
VkAssert(vkAllocateCommandBuffers(vk.device, &cbai, &w->cbuf));
DebugSetName(VK_OBJECT_TYPE_COMMAND_BUFFER, (uint64_t)w->cbuf, "VK_FencedBegin");
cmdinf.pInheritanceInfo = &cmdinh;
vkBeginCommandBuffer(w->cbuf, &cmdinf);
w->Passed = passed;
w->next = NULL;
return w;
//end+submit a commandbuffer, and set up a fence so we know when its complete. this is not within the context of any frame, so make sure any textures are safe to rewrite early...
//completion can be signalled before the current frame finishes, so watch out for that too.
void VK_FencedSubmit(void *work)
struct vk_fencework *w = work;
VkFenceCreateInfo fenceinfo = {VK_STRUCTURE_TYPE_FENCE_CREATE_INFO};
if (w->cbuf)
//check if we can release anything yet.
//FIXME: this seems to be an excessively expensive function.
vkCreateFence(vk.device, &fenceinfo, vkallocationcb, &w->fence);
VK_Submit_Work(w->cbuf, VK_NULL_HANDLE, 0, VK_NULL_HANDLE, w->fence, NULL, w);
void VK_FencedSync(void *work)
struct vk_fencework *w = work;
//okay, this is crazy, but it ensures that the work was submitted BEFORE the WaitForFence call.
//we should probably come up with a better sync method.
if (vk.submitthread)
qboolean nnsc = vk.neednewswapchain;
vk.neednewswapchain = true;
Sys_LockConditional(vk.submitcondition); //annoying, but required for it to be reliable with respect to other things.
vk.submitthread = NULL;
while (vk.work)
//we know all work is synced now...
vk.neednewswapchain = nnsc;
vk.submitthread = Sys_CreateThread("vksubmission", VK_Submit_Thread, NULL, THREADP_HIGHEST, 0);
//fixme: waiting for the fence while it may still be getting created by the worker is unsafe.
vkWaitForFences(vk.device, 1, &w->fence, VK_FALSE, UINT64_MAX);
//called to schedule the release of a resource that may be referenced by an active command buffer.
//the command buffer in question may even have not yet been submitted yet.
void *VK_AtFrameEnd(void (*frameended)(void *work), void *workdata, size_t worksize)
struct vk_frameend *w = Z_Malloc(sizeof(*w) + worksize);
w->FrameEnded = frameended;
w->next = vk.frameendjobs;
vk.frameendjobs = w;
if (workdata)
memcpy(w+1, workdata, worksize);
return w+1;
struct texturefence
struct vk_fencework w;
int mips;
VkBuffer stagingbuffer;
VkDeviceMemory stagingmemory;
static void VK_TextureLoaded(void *ctx)
struct texturefence *w = ctx;
vkDestroyBuffer(vk.device, w->stagingbuffer, vkallocationcb);
vkFreeMemory(vk.device, w->stagingmemory, vkallocationcb);
qboolean VK_LoadTextureMips (texid_t tex, const struct pendingtextureinfo *mips)
VkMemoryRequirements mem_reqs;
void *mapdata;
struct texturefence *fence;
VkCommandBuffer vkloadcmd;
vk_image_t target;
uint32_t i;
uint32_t blockwidth, blockheight;
uint32_t blockbytes;
uint32_t layers;
uint32_t mipcount = mips->mipcount;
case PTI_2D:
if (!mipcount || mips->mip[0].width == 0 || mips->mip[0].height == 0 || mips->mip[0].depth != 1)
return false;
case PTI_2D_ARRAY:
if (!mipcount || mips->mip[0].width == 0 || mips->mip[0].height == 0 || mips->mip[0].depth == 0)
return false;
case PTI_CUBE:
if (!mipcount || mips->mip[0].width == 0 || mips->mip[0].height == 0 || mips->mip[0].depth != 6)
return false;
return false;
layers = mips->mip[0].depth;
if (layers == 1 && mipcount > 1)
{ //npot mipmapped textures are awkward.
//vulkan floors.
for (i = 1; i < mipcount; i++)
if (mips->mip[i].width != max(1,(mips->mip[i-1].width>>1)) ||
mips->mip[i].height != max(1,(mips->mip[i-1].height>>1)))
{ //okay, this mip looks like it was sized wrongly.
mipcount = i;
Image_BlockSizeForEncoding(mips->encoding, &blockbytes, &blockwidth, &blockheight);
fence = VK_FencedBegin(VK_TextureLoaded, sizeof(*fence));
fence->mips = mipcount;
vkloadcmd = fence->w.cbuf;
//create our target image
if (tex->vkimage)
if (tex->vkimage->width != mips->mip[0].width ||
tex->vkimage->height != mips->mip[0].height ||
tex->vkimage->layers != layers ||
tex->vkimage->mipcount != mipcount ||
tex->vkimage->encoding != mips->encoding ||
tex->vkimage->type != mips->type)
VK_AtFrameEnd(VK_DestroyVkTexture_Delayed, tex->vkimage, sizeof(*tex->vkimage));
// vkDeviceWaitIdle(vk.device); //erk, we can't cope with a commandbuffer poking the texture while things happen
// VK_FencedCheck();
// VK_DestroyVkTexture(tex->vkimage);
tex->vkimage = NULL;
if (tex->vkimage)
target = *tex->vkimage; //can reuse it
//we're meant to be replacing the entire thing, so we can just transition from undefined here
//images have weird layout representations.
//we need to use a side-effect of memory barriers in order to convert from one layout to another, so that we can actually use the image.
VkImageMemoryBarrier imgbarrier = {VK_STRUCTURE_TYPE_IMAGE_MEMORY_BARRIER};
imgbarrier.oldLayout = VK_IMAGE_LAYOUT_UNDEFINED;
imgbarrier.newLayout = target.layout = VK_IMAGE_LAYOUT_TRANSFER_DST_OPTIMAL;
imgbarrier.image = target.image;
imgbarrier.subresourceRange.aspectMask = VK_IMAGE_ASPECT_COLOR_BIT;
imgbarrier.subresourceRange.baseMipLevel = 0;
imgbarrier.subresourceRange.levelCount = mipcount;
imgbarrier.subresourceRange.baseArrayLayer = 0;
imgbarrier.subresourceRange.layerCount = layers;
imgbarrier.srcQueueFamilyIndex = VK_QUEUE_FAMILY_IGNORED;
imgbarrier.dstQueueFamilyIndex = VK_QUEUE_FAMILY_IGNORED;
imgbarrier.srcAccessMask = VK_ACCESS_SHADER_READ_BIT;
imgbarrier.dstAccessMask = VK_ACCESS_TRANSFER_WRITE_BIT;
vkCmdPipelineBarrier(vkloadcmd, VK_PIPELINE_STAGE_FRAGMENT_SHADER_BIT, VK_PIPELINE_STAGE_TRANSFER_BIT, 0, 0, NULL, 0, NULL, 1, &imgbarrier);
target = VK_CreateTexture2DArray(mips->mip[0].width, mips->mip[0].height, layers, mipcount/layers, mips->encoding, mips->type, !!(tex->flags&IF_RENDERTARGET), tex->ident);
if (target.mem.memory == VK_NULL_HANDLE)
return false; //the alloc failed? can't copy to that which does not exist.
//images have weird layout representations.
//we need to use a side-effect of memory barriers in order to convert from one layout to another, so that we can actually use the image.
VkImageMemoryBarrier imgbarrier = {VK_STRUCTURE_TYPE_IMAGE_MEMORY_BARRIER};
imgbarrier.oldLayout = VK_IMAGE_LAYOUT_UNDEFINED;
imgbarrier.newLayout = target.layout = VK_IMAGE_LAYOUT_TRANSFER_DST_OPTIMAL;
imgbarrier.image = target.image;
imgbarrier.subresourceRange.aspectMask = VK_IMAGE_ASPECT_COLOR_BIT;
imgbarrier.subresourceRange.baseMipLevel = 0;
imgbarrier.subresourceRange.levelCount = mipcount;
imgbarrier.subresourceRange.baseArrayLayer = 0;
imgbarrier.subresourceRange.layerCount = layers;
imgbarrier.srcQueueFamilyIndex = VK_QUEUE_FAMILY_IGNORED;
imgbarrier.dstQueueFamilyIndex = VK_QUEUE_FAMILY_IGNORED;
imgbarrier.srcAccessMask = 0;
imgbarrier.dstAccessMask = VK_ACCESS_TRANSFER_WRITE_BIT;
vkCmdPipelineBarrier(vkloadcmd, VK_PIPELINE_STAGE_TOP_OF_PIPE_BIT, VK_PIPELINE_STAGE_TRANSFER_BIT, 0, 0, NULL, 0, NULL, 1, &imgbarrier);
//figure out how big our staging buffer needs to be
bci.size = 0;
for (i = 0; i < mipcount; i++)
uint32_t blockswidth = (mips->mip[i].width+blockwidth-1) / blockwidth;
uint32_t blocksheight = (mips->mip[i].height+blockheight-1) / blockheight;
uint32_t blocksdepth = (mips->mip[i].depth+1-1) / 1;
bci.size += blockswidth*blocksheight*blocksdepth*blockbytes;
bci.flags = 0;
bci.queueFamilyIndexCount = 0;
bci.pQueueFamilyIndices = NULL;
//FIXME: nvidia's vkCreateBuffer ends up calling NtYieldExecution.
//which is basically a waste of time, and its hurting framerates.
//create+map the staging buffer
VkAssert(vkCreateBuffer(vk.device, &bci, vkallocationcb, &fence->stagingbuffer));
vkGetBufferMemoryRequirements(vk.device, fence->stagingbuffer, &mem_reqs);
memAllocInfo.allocationSize = mem_reqs.size;
memAllocInfo.memoryTypeIndex = vk_find_memory_require(mem_reqs.memoryTypeBits, VK_MEMORY_PROPERTY_HOST_VISIBLE_BIT);
if (VK_SUCCESS != vkAllocateMemory(vk.device, &memAllocInfo, vkallocationcb, &fence->stagingmemory))
return false; //some sort of oom error?
VkAssert(vkBindBufferMemory(vk.device, fence->stagingbuffer, fence->stagingmemory, 0));
VkAssert(vkMapMemory(vk.device, fence->stagingmemory, 0, bci.size, 0, &mapdata));
if (!mapdata)
Sys_Error("Unable to map staging image\n");
bci.size = 0;
for (i = 0; i < mipcount; i++)
VkBufferImageCopy region;
//figure out the number of 'blocks' in the image.
//for non-compressed formats this is just the width directly.
//for compressed formats (ie: s3tc/dxt) we need to round up to deal with npot.
uint32_t blockswidth = (mips->mip[i].width+blockwidth-1) / blockwidth;
uint32_t blocksheight = (mips->mip[i].height+blockheight-1) / blockheight;
uint32_t blocksdepth = (mips->mip[i].depth+1-1) / 1;
if (mips->mip[i].data)
memcpy((char*)mapdata + bci.size, (char*)mips->mip[i].data, blockswidth*blockbytes*blocksheight*blocksdepth);
memset((char*)mapdata + bci.size, 0, blockswidth*blockbytes*blocksheight*blocksdepth);
//queue up a buffer->image copy for this mip
region.bufferOffset = bci.size;
region.bufferRowLength = blockswidth*blockwidth;
region.bufferImageHeight = blocksheight*blockheight;
region.imageSubresource.aspectMask = VK_IMAGE_ASPECT_COLOR_BIT;
region.imageSubresource.mipLevel = i;
region.imageSubresource.baseArrayLayer = 0;
region.imageSubresource.layerCount = mips->mip[i].depth;
region.imageOffset.x = 0;
region.imageOffset.y = 0;
region.imageOffset.z = 0;
region.imageExtent.width = mips->mip[i].width;
region.imageExtent.height = mips->mip[i].height;
region.imageExtent.depth = mips->mip[i].depth;
vkCmdCopyBufferToImage(vkloadcmd, fence->stagingbuffer, target.image, VK_IMAGE_LAYOUT_TRANSFER_DST_OPTIMAL, 1, &region);
bci.size += blockswidth*blocksheight*blockbytes;
vkUnmapMemory(vk.device, fence->stagingmemory);
//layouts are annoying. and weird.
//images have weird layout representations.
//we need to use a side-effect of memory barriers in order to convert from one layout to another, so that we can actually use the image.
VkImageMemoryBarrier imgbarrier = {VK_STRUCTURE_TYPE_IMAGE_MEMORY_BARRIER};
imgbarrier.newLayout = target.layout = VK_IMAGE_LAYOUT_SHADER_READ_ONLY_OPTIMAL;
imgbarrier.image = target.image;
imgbarrier.subresourceRange.aspectMask = VK_IMAGE_ASPECT_COLOR_BIT;
imgbarrier.subresourceRange.baseMipLevel = 0;
imgbarrier.subresourceRange.levelCount = mipcount;
imgbarrier.subresourceRange.baseArrayLayer = 0;
imgbarrier.subresourceRange.layerCount = layers;
imgbarrier.srcQueueFamilyIndex = VK_QUEUE_FAMILY_IGNORED;
imgbarrier.dstQueueFamilyIndex = VK_QUEUE_FAMILY_IGNORED;
imgbarrier.srcAccessMask = VK_ACCESS_TRANSFER_WRITE_BIT;
vkCmdPipelineBarrier(vkloadcmd, VK_PIPELINE_STAGE_TRANSFER_BIT, VK_PIPELINE_STAGE_FRAGMENT_SHADER_BIT, 0, 0, NULL, 0, NULL, 1, &imgbarrier);
//FIXME: should probably reuse these samplers.
if (!target.sampler)
VK_CreateSampler(tex->flags, &target);
tex->vkdescriptor = VK_NULL_HANDLE;
tex->vkimage = Z_Malloc(sizeof(*tex->vkimage));
*tex->vkimage = target;
return true;
void VK_DestroyTexture (texid_t tex)
if (tex->vkimage)
tex->vkimage = NULL;
tex->vkdescriptor = VK_NULL_HANDLE;
void VK_R_Init (void)
void VK_R_DeInit (void)
void VK_SetupViewPortProjection(qboolean flipy)
float fov_x, fov_y;
float fovv_x, fovv_y;
AngleVectors (r_refdef.viewangles, vpn, vright, vup);
VectorCopy (r_refdef.vieworg, r_origin);
fov_x = r_refdef.fov_x;//+sin(cl.time)*5;
fov_y = r_refdef.fov_y;//-sin(cl.time+1)*5;
fovv_x = r_refdef.fovv_x;
fovv_y = r_refdef.fovv_y;
if ((r_refdef.flags & RDF_UNDERWATER) && !(r_refdef.flags & RDF_WATERWARP))
fov_x *= 1 + (((sin(cl.time * 4.7) + 1) * 0.015) * r_waterwarp.value);
fov_y *= 1 + (((sin(cl.time * 3.0) + 1) * 0.015) * r_waterwarp.value);
fovv_x *= 1 + (((sin(cl.time * 4.7) + 1) * 0.015) * r_waterwarp.value);
fovv_y *= 1 + (((sin(cl.time * 3.0) + 1) * 0.015) * r_waterwarp.value);
// screenaspect = (float)r_refdef.vrect.width/r_refdef.vrect.height;
/*view matrix*/
if (flipy) //mimic gl and give bottom-up
vec3_t down;
VectorNegate(vup, down);
VectorCopy(down, vup);
Matrix4x4_CM_ModelViewMatrixFromAxis(r_refdef.m_view, vpn, vright, down, r_refdef.vieworg);
Matrix4x4_CM_ModelViewMatrixFromAxis(r_refdef.m_view, vpn, vright, vup, r_refdef.vieworg);
r_refdef.flipcull = 0;
if (r_refdef.maxdist)
Matrix4x4_CM_Projection_Far(r_refdef.m_projection_std, fov_x, fov_y, r_refdef.mindist, r_refdef.maxdist, false);
Matrix4x4_CM_Projection_Far(r_refdef.m_projection_view, fovv_x, fovv_y, r_refdef.mindist, r_refdef.maxdist, false);
Matrix4x4_CM_Projection_Inf(r_refdef.m_projection_std, fov_x, fov_y, r_refdef.mindist, false);
Matrix4x4_CM_Projection_Inf(r_refdef.m_projection_view, fovv_x, fovv_y, r_refdef.mindist, false);
r_refdef.m_projection_view[2+4*0] *= 0.333;
r_refdef.m_projection_view[2+4*1] *= 0.333;
r_refdef.m_projection_view[2+4*2] *= 0.333;
r_refdef.m_projection_view[2+4*3] *= 0.333;
void VK_Set2D(void)
vid.fbvwidth = vid.width;
vid.fbvheight = vid.height;
vid.fbpwidth = vid.pixelwidth;
vid.fbpheight = vid.pixelheight;
r_refdef.pxrect.x = 0;
r_refdef.pxrect.y = 0;
r_refdef.pxrect.width = vid.fbpwidth;
r_refdef.pxrect.height = vid.fbpheight;
r_refdef.pxrect.maxheight = vid.pixelheight;
VkClearDepthStencilValue val;
VkImageSubresourceRange range;
val.depth = 1;
val.stencil = 0;
range.aspectMask = VK_IMAGE_ASPECT_DEPTH_BIT;
range.baseArrayLayer = 0;
range.baseMipLevel = 0;
range.layerCount = 1;
range.levelCount = 1;
vkCmdClearDepthStencilImage(vk.frame->cbuf, vk.depthbuf.image, VK_IMAGE_LAYOUT_DEPTH_STENCIL_ATTACHMENT_OPTIMAL, &val, 1, &range);
VkClearValue clearvalues[1];
clearvalues[0].depthStencil.depth = 1.0;
clearvalues[0].depthStencil.stencil = 0;
rpiinfo.renderPass = VK_GetRenderPass(RP_CLEARDEPTH);
rpiinfo.renderArea.offset.x = r_refdef.pxrect.x;
rpiinfo.renderArea.offset.y = r_refdef.pxrect.y;
rpiinfo.renderArea.extent.width = r_refdef.pxrect.width;
rpiinfo.renderArea.extent.height = r_refdef.pxrect.height;
rpiinfo.framebuffer = vk.frame->backbuf->framebuffer;
rpiinfo.clearValueCount = 1;
rpiinfo.pClearValues = clearvalues;
vkCmdBeginRenderPass(vk.frame->cbuf, &rpiinfo, VK_SUBPASS_CONTENTS_INLINE);
VkViewport vp[1];
VkRect2D scissor[1];
vp[0].x = r_refdef.pxrect.x;
vp[0].y = r_refdef.pxrect.y;
vp[0].width = r_refdef.pxrect.width;
vp[0].height = r_refdef.pxrect.height;
vp[0].minDepth = 0.0;
vp[0].maxDepth = 1.0;
scissor[0].offset.x = r_refdef.pxrect.x;
scissor[0].offset.y = r_refdef.pxrect.y;
scissor[0].extent.width = r_refdef.pxrect.width;
scissor[0].extent.height = r_refdef.pxrect.height;
vkCmdSetViewport(vk.rendertarg->cbuf, 0, countof(vp), vp);
vkCmdSetScissor(vk.rendertarg->cbuf, 0, countof(scissor), scissor);
if (0)
Matrix4x4_CM_Orthographic(r_refdef.m_projection_std, 0, vid.fbvwidth, 0, vid.fbvheight, -99999, 99999);
Matrix4x4_CM_Orthographic(r_refdef.m_projection_std, 0, vid.fbvwidth, vid.fbvheight, 0, -99999, 99999);
static void VK_Shutdown_PostProc(void)
unsigned int i;
if (vk.device)
for (i = 0; i < countof(postproc); i++)
VKBE_RT_Gen(&postproc[i], 0, 0, true, RT_IMAGEFLAGS);
vk.scenepp_waterwarp = NULL;
vk.scenepp_antialias = NULL;
static void VK_Init_PostProc(void)
texid_t scenepp_texture_warp, scenepp_texture_edge;
//this block liberated from the opengl code
#define PP_WARP_TEX_SIZE 64
#define PP_AMP_TEX_SIZE 64
int i, x, y;
unsigned char pp_warp_tex[PP_WARP_TEX_SIZE*PP_WARP_TEX_SIZE*4];
unsigned char pp_edge_tex[PP_AMP_TEX_SIZE*PP_AMP_TEX_SIZE*4];
// scenepp_postproc_cube = r_nulltex;
// TEXASSIGN(sceneblur_texture, Image_CreateTexture("***postprocess_blur***", NULL, 0));
TEXASSIGN(scenepp_texture_warp, Image_CreateTexture("***postprocess_warp***", NULL, IF_NOMIPMAP|IF_NOGAMMA|IF_LINEAR));
TEXASSIGN(scenepp_texture_edge, Image_CreateTexture("***postprocess_edge***", NULL, IF_NOMIPMAP|IF_NOGAMMA|IF_LINEAR));
// init warp texture - this specifies offset in
for (y=0; y<PP_WARP_TEX_SIZE; y++)
for (x=0; x<PP_WARP_TEX_SIZE; x++)
float fx, fy;
i = (x + y*PP_WARP_TEX_SIZE) * 4;
fx = sin(((double)y / PP_WARP_TEX_SIZE) * M_PI * 2);
fy = cos(((double)x / PP_WARP_TEX_SIZE) * M_PI * 2);
pp_warp_tex[i ] = (fx+1.0f)*127.0f;
pp_warp_tex[i+1] = (fy+1.0f)*127.0f;
pp_warp_tex[i+2] = 0;
pp_warp_tex[i+3] = 0xff;
Image_Upload(scenepp_texture_warp, TF_RGBX32, pp_warp_tex, NULL, PP_WARP_TEX_SIZE, PP_WARP_TEX_SIZE, IF_LINEAR|IF_NOMIPMAP|IF_NOGAMMA);
// TODO: init edge texture - this is ampscale * 2, with ampscale calculated
// init warp texture - this specifies offset in
for (y=0; y<PP_AMP_TEX_SIZE; y++)
for (x=0; x<PP_AMP_TEX_SIZE; x++)
float fx = 1, fy = 1;
i = (x + y*PP_AMP_TEX_SIZE) * 4;
fx = (float)x / PP_AMP_TEX_BORDER;
fx = (PP_AMP_TEX_SIZE - (float)x) / PP_AMP_TEX_BORDER;
fy = (float)y / PP_AMP_TEX_BORDER;
fy = (PP_AMP_TEX_SIZE - (float)y) / PP_AMP_TEX_BORDER;
//avoid any sudden changes.
fx = fy = min(fx, fy);
pp_edge_tex[i ] = fx * 255;
pp_edge_tex[i+1] = fy * 255;
pp_edge_tex[i+2] = 0;
pp_edge_tex[i+3] = 0xff;
Image_Upload(scenepp_texture_edge, TF_RGBX32, pp_edge_tex, NULL, PP_AMP_TEX_SIZE, PP_AMP_TEX_SIZE, IF_LINEAR|IF_NOMIPMAP|IF_NOGAMMA);
vk.scenepp_waterwarp = R_RegisterShader("waterwarp", SUF_NONE,
"program underwaterwarp\n"
"map $sourcecolour\n"
"map $upperoverlay\n"
"map $loweroverlay\n"
vk.scenepp_waterwarp->defaulttextures->upperoverlay = scenepp_texture_warp;
vk.scenepp_waterwarp->defaulttextures->loweroverlay = scenepp_texture_edge;
vk.scenepp_antialias = R_RegisterShader("fte_ppantialias", 0,
"program fxaa\n"
"map $sourcecolour\n"
static qboolean VK_R_RenderScene_Cubemap(struct vk_rendertarg *fb)
int cmapsize = 512;
int i;
static vec3_t ang[6] =
{ {0, -90, 0}, {0, 90, 0},
{90, 0, 0}, {-90, 0, 0},
{0, 0, 0}, {0, -180, 0} };
vec3_t saveang;
vec3_t saveorg;
vrect_t vrect;
pxrect_t prect;
extern cvar_t ffov;
shader_t *shader;
int facemask;
extern cvar_t r_projection;
int osm;
struct vk_rendertarg_cube *rtc = &vk_rt_cubemap;
if (!*ffov.string || !strcmp(ffov.string, "0"))
if (ffov.vec4[0] != scr_fov.value)
ffov.value = ffov.vec4[0] = scr_fov.value;
Shader_NeedReload(false); //gah!
facemask = 0;
default: //invalid.
return false;
shader = R_RegisterShader("postproc_stereographic", SUF_NONE,
"program postproc_stereographic\n"
"map $sourcecube\n"
facemask |= 1<<4; /*front view*/
if (ffov.value > 70)
facemask |= (1<<0) | (1<<1); /*side/top*/
if (ffov.value > 85)
facemask |= (1<<2) | (1<<3); /*bottom views*/
if (ffov.value > 300)
facemask |= 1<<5; /*back view*/
shader = R_RegisterShader("postproc_fisheye", SUF_NONE,
"program postproc_fisheye\n"
"map $sourcecube\n"
//fisheye view sees up to a full sphere
facemask |= 1<<4; /*front view*/
if (ffov.value > 77)
facemask |= (1<<0) | (1<<1) | (1<<2) | (1<<3); /*side/top/bottom views*/
if (ffov.value > 270)
facemask |= 1<<5; /*back view*/
shader = R_RegisterShader("postproc_panorama", SUF_NONE,
"program postproc_panorama\n"
"map $sourcecube\n"
//panoramic view needs at most the four sides
facemask |= 1<<4; /*front view*/
if (ffov.value > 90)
facemask |= (1<<0) | (1<<1); /*side views*/
if (ffov.value > 270)
facemask |= 1<<5; /*back view*/
facemask = 0x3f;
shader = R_RegisterShader("postproc_laea", SUF_NONE,
"program postproc_laea\n"
"map $sourcecube\n"
facemask |= 1<<4; /*front view*/
if (ffov.value > 90)
facemask |= (1<<0) | (1<<1) | (1<<2) | (1<<3); /*side/top/bottom views*/
if (ffov.value > 270)
facemask |= 1<<5; /*back view*/
shader = R_RegisterShader("postproc_equirectangular", SUF_NONE,
"program postproc_equirectangular\n"
"map $sourcecube\n"
facemask = 0x3f;
#if 0
facemask |= 1<<4; /*front view*/
if (ffov.value > 90)
facemask |= (1<<0) | (1<<1) | (1<<2) | (1<<3); /*side/top/bottom views*/
if (ffov.value > 270)
facemask |= 1<<5; /*back view*/
if (!shader || !shader->prog)
return false; //erk. shader failed.
//FIXME: we should be able to rotate the view
vrect = r_refdef.vrect;
prect = r_refdef.pxrect;
// prect.x = (vrect.x * vid.pixelwidth)/vid.width;
// prect.width = (vrect.width * vid.pixelwidth)/vid.width;
// prect.y = (vrect.y * vid.pixelheight)/vid.height;
// prect.height = (vrect.height * vid.pixelheight)/vid.height;
if (sh_config.texture_non_power_of_two_pic)
cmapsize = prect.width > prect.height?prect.width:prect.height;
if (cmapsize > 4096)//sh_config.texture_maxsize)
cmapsize = 4096;//sh_config.texture_maxsize;
r_refdef.flags |= RDF_FISHEYE;
vid.fbpwidth = vid.fbpheight = cmapsize;
//FIXME: gl_max_size
VectorCopy(r_refdef.vieworg, saveorg);
VectorCopy(r_refdef.viewangles, saveang);
saveang[2] = 0;
osm = r_refdef.stereomethod;
r_refdef.stereomethod = STEREO_OFF;
VKBE_RT_Gen_Cube(rtc, cmapsize, r_clear.ival?true:false);
vrect = r_refdef.vrect; //save off the old vrect
r_refdef.vrect.width = (cmapsize * vid.fbvwidth) / vid.fbpwidth;
r_refdef.vrect.height = (cmapsize * vid.fbvheight) / vid.fbpheight;
r_refdef.vrect.x = 0;
r_refdef.vrect.y = prect.y;
ang[0][0] = -saveang[0];
ang[0][1] = -90;
ang[0][2] = -saveang[0];
ang[1][0] = -saveang[0];
ang[1][1] = 90;
ang[1][2] = saveang[0];
ang[5][0] = -saveang[0]*2;
//in theory, we could use a geometry shader to duplicate the polygons to each face.
//that would of course require that every bit of glsl had such a geometry shader.
//it would at least reduce cpu load quite a bit.
for (i = 0; i < 6; i++)
if (!(facemask & (1<<i)))
r_refdef.fov_x = 90;
r_refdef.fov_y = 90;
r_refdef.viewangles[0] = saveang[0]+ang[i][0];
r_refdef.viewangles[1] = saveang[1]+ang[i][1];
r_refdef.viewangles[2] = saveang[2]+ang[i][2];
/*if (!vk.rendertarg->depthcleared)
VkClearAttachment clr;
VkClearRect rect;
clr.clearValue.depthStencil.depth = 1;
clr.clearValue.depthStencil.stencil = 0;
clr.colorAttachment = 1;
rect.rect.offset.x = r_refdef.pxrect.x;
rect.rect.offset.y = r_refdef.pxrect.y;
rect.rect.extent.width = r_refdef.pxrect.width;
rect.rect.extent.height = r_refdef.pxrect.height;
rect.layerCount = 1;
rect.baseArrayLayer = 0;
vkCmdClearAttachments(vk.frame->cbuf, 1, &clr, 1, &rect);
vk.rendertarg->depthcleared = true;
R_SetFrustum (r_refdef.m_projection_std, r_refdef.m_view);
if (!(r_refdef.flags & RDF_NOWORLDMODEL))
if (cl.worldmodel)
P_DrawParticles ();
vk.rendertarg->depthcleared = false;
if (R2D_Flush)
Con_Printf("no flush\n");
r_refdef.vrect = vrect;
r_refdef.pxrect = prect;
VectorCopy(saveorg, r_refdef.vieworg);
r_refdef.stereomethod = osm;
r_refdef.flipcull = 0;
shader->defaulttextures->reflectcube = &rtc->q_colour;
// draw it through the shader
if (r_projection.ival == PROJ_EQUIRECTANGULAR)
//note vr screenshots have requirements here
R2D_Image(vrect.x, vrect.y, vrect.width, vrect.height, 0, 1, 1, 0, shader);
else if (r_projection.ival == PROJ_PANORAMA)
float saspect = .5;
float taspect = vrect.height / vrect.width * ffov.value / 90;//(0.5 * vrect.width) / vrect.height;
R2D_Image(vrect.x, vrect.y, vrect.width, vrect.height, -saspect, taspect, saspect, -taspect, shader);
else if (vrect.width > vrect.height)
float aspect = (0.5 * vrect.height) / vrect.width;
R2D_Image(vrect.x, vrect.y, vrect.width, vrect.height, -0.5, aspect, 0.5, -aspect, shader);
float aspect = (0.5 * vrect.width) / vrect.height;
R2D_Image(vrect.x, vrect.y, vrect.width, vrect.height, -aspect, 0.5, aspect, -0.5, shader);
if (R2D_Flush)
return true;
void VK_R_RenderView (void)
extern unsigned int r_viewcontents;
struct vk_rendertarg *rt, *rtscreen = vk.rendertarg;
extern cvar_t r_fxaa;
extern cvar_t r_renderscale, r_postprocshader;
float renderscale = r_renderscale.value;
shader_t *custompostproc;
if (r_norefresh.value || !vid.fbpwidth || !vid.fbpwidth)
VK_Set2D ();
//check if we can do underwater warp
if (cls.protocol != CP_QUAKE2) //quake2 tells us directly
if (r_viewcontents & FTECONTENTS_FLUID)
r_refdef.flags |= RDF_UNDERWATER;
r_refdef.flags &= ~RDF_UNDERWATER;
if (r_refdef.flags & RDF_UNDERWATER)
extern cvar_t r_projection;
if (!r_waterwarp.value || r_projection.ival)
r_refdef.flags &= ~RDF_UNDERWATER; //no warp at all
else if (r_waterwarp.value > 0)
r_refdef.flags |= RDF_WATERWARP; //try fullscreen warp instead if we can
if (!r_refdef.globalfog.density)
int fogtype = ((r_refdef.flags & RDF_UNDERWATER) && cl.fog[FOGTYPE_WATER].density)?FOGTYPE_WATER:FOGTYPE_AIR;
CL_BlendFog(&r_refdef.globalfog, &cl.oldfog[fogtype], realtime, &cl.fog[fogtype]);
r_refdef.globalfog.density /= 64; //FIXME
custompostproc = NULL;
if (r_refdef.flags & RDF_NOWORLDMODEL)
renderscale = 1; //with no worldmodel, this is probably meant to be transparent so make sure that there's no post-proc stuff messing up transparencies.
if (*r_postprocshader.string)
custompostproc = R_RegisterCustom(r_postprocshader.string, SUF_NONE, NULL, NULL);
if (custompostproc)
r_refdef.flags |= RDF_CUSTOMPOSTPROC;
if (r_fxaa.ival) //overlays will have problems.
r_refdef.flags |= RDF_ANTIALIAS;
if (R_CanBloom())
r_refdef.flags |= RDF_BLOOM;
if (vid_hardwaregamma.ival == 4 && (v_gamma.value!=1||v_contrast.value!=1||v_contrastboost.value!=1||v_brightness.value!=0))
r_refdef.flags |= RDF_SCENEGAMMA;
// if (vk.multisamplebits != VK_SAMPLE_COUNT_1_BIT) //these are unsupported right now.
// figure out the viewport
int x = r_refdef.vrect.x * vid.pixelwidth/(int)vid.width;
int x2 = (r_refdef.vrect.x + r_refdef.vrect.width) * vid.pixelwidth/(int)vid.width;
int y = (r_refdef.vrect.y) * vid.pixelheight/(int)vid.height;
int y2 = ((int)(r_refdef.vrect.y + r_refdef.vrect.height)) * vid.pixelheight/(int)vid.height;
// fudge around because of frac screen scale
if (x > 0)
if (x2 < vid.pixelwidth)
if (y < 0)
if (y2 < vid.pixelheight)
r_refdef.pxrect.x = x;
r_refdef.pxrect.y = y;
r_refdef.pxrect.width = x2 - x;
r_refdef.pxrect.height = y2 - y;
r_refdef.pxrect.maxheight = vid.pixelheight;
if (renderscale != 1.0 || vk.multisamplebits != VK_SAMPLE_COUNT_1_BIT)
r_refdef.flags |= RDF_RENDERSCALE;
if (renderscale < 0)
renderscale *= -1;
r_refdef.pxrect.width *= renderscale;
r_refdef.pxrect.height *= renderscale;
r_refdef.pxrect.maxheight = r_refdef.pxrect.height;
if (r_refdef.pxrect.width <= 0 || r_refdef.pxrect.height <= 0)
return; //you're not allowed to do that, dude.
//FIXME: if we're meant to be using msaa, render the scene to an msaa target and then resolve.
postproc_buf = 0;
r_refdef.pxrect.x = 0;
r_refdef.pxrect.y = 0;
rt = &postproc[postproc_buf++%countof(postproc)];
rt->rpassflags = 0;
if (vk.multisamplebits!=VK_SAMPLE_COUNT_1_BIT)
rt->rpassflags |= RP_MULTISAMPLE;
if (r_refdef.flags&RDF_SCENEGAMMA) //if we're doing scenegamma here, use an fp16 target for extra precision
rt->rpassflags |= RP_FP16;
VKBE_RT_Gen(rt, r_refdef.pxrect.width, r_refdef.pxrect.height, false, (r_renderscale.value < 0)?RT_IMAGEFLAGS-IF_LINEAR+IF_NEAREST:RT_IMAGEFLAGS);
rt = rtscreen;
if (!(r_refdef.flags & RDF_NOWORLDMODEL) && VK_R_RenderScene_Cubemap(rt))
if (rt != rtscreen)
VkViewport vp[1];
VkRect2D scissor[1];
vp[0].x = r_refdef.pxrect.x;
vp[0].y = r_refdef.pxrect.y;
vp[0].width = r_refdef.pxrect.width;
vp[0].height = r_refdef.pxrect.height;
vp[0].minDepth = 0.0;
vp[0].maxDepth = 1.0;
scissor[0].offset.x = r_refdef.pxrect.x;
scissor[0].offset.y = r_refdef.pxrect.y;
scissor[0].extent.width = r_refdef.pxrect.width;
scissor[0].extent.height = r_refdef.pxrect.height;
vkCmdSetViewport(vk.rendertarg->cbuf, 0, countof(vp), vp);
vkCmdSetScissor(vk.rendertarg->cbuf, 0, countof(scissor), scissor);
if (!vk.rendertarg->depthcleared)
VkClearAttachment clr;
VkClearRect rect;
clr.clearValue.depthStencil.depth = 1;
clr.clearValue.depthStencil.stencil = 0;
clr.colorAttachment = 1;
rect.rect.offset.x = r_refdef.pxrect.x;
rect.rect.offset.y = r_refdef.pxrect.y;
rect.rect.extent.width = r_refdef.pxrect.width;
rect.rect.extent.height = r_refdef.pxrect.height;
rect.layerCount = 1;
rect.baseArrayLayer = 0;
vkCmdClearAttachments(vk.rendertarg->cbuf, 1, &clr, 1, &rect);
vk.rendertarg->depthcleared = true;
R_SetFrustum (r_refdef.m_projection_std, r_refdef.m_view);
if (!(r_refdef.flags & RDF_NOWORLDMODEL))
if (cl.worldmodel)
P_DrawParticles ();
vk.rendertarg->depthcleared = false;
VK_Set2D ();
if (rt != rtscreen)
if (r_refdef.flags & RDF_ALLPOSTPROC)
if (!vk.scenepp_waterwarp)
//FIXME: chain renderpasses as required.
if (r_refdef.flags & RDF_SCENEGAMMA)
shader_t *s = R_RegisterShader("fte_scenegamma", 0,
"program defaultgammacb\n"
"map $sourcecolour\n"
r_refdef.flags &= ~RDF_SCENEGAMMA;
vk.sourcecolour = &rt->q_colour;
if (r_refdef.flags & RDF_ALLPOSTPROC)
rt = &postproc[postproc_buf++];
rt->rpassflags = 0;
VKBE_RT_Gen(rt, 320, 200, false, RT_IMAGEFLAGS);
rt = rtscreen;
if (rt != rtscreen)
R2D_ImageColours (v_gammainverted.ival?v_gamma.value:(1/v_gamma.value), v_contrast.value, v_brightness.value, v_contrastboost.value);
R2D_Image(r_refdef.vrect.x, r_refdef.vrect.y, r_refdef.vrect.width, r_refdef.vrect.height, 0, 0, 1, 1, s);
R2D_ImageColours (1, 1, 1, 1);
if (rt != rtscreen)
if (r_refdef.flags & RDF_WATERWARP)
r_refdef.flags &= ~RDF_WATERWARP;
vk.sourcecolour = &rt->q_colour;
if (r_refdef.flags & RDF_ALLPOSTPROC)
rt = &postproc[postproc_buf++];
rt->rpassflags = 0;
VKBE_RT_Gen(rt, 320, 200, false, RT_IMAGEFLAGS);
rt = rtscreen;
if (rt != rtscreen)
R2D_Image(r_refdef.vrect.x, r_refdef.vrect.y, r_refdef.vrect.width, r_refdef.vrect.height, 0, 0, 1, 1, vk.scenepp_waterwarp);
if (rt != rtscreen)
if (r_refdef.flags & RDF_CUSTOMPOSTPROC)
r_refdef.flags &= ~RDF_CUSTOMPOSTPROC;
vk.sourcecolour = &rt->q_colour;
if (r_refdef.flags & RDF_ALLPOSTPROC)
rt = &postproc[postproc_buf++];
rt->rpassflags = 0;
VKBE_RT_Gen(rt, 320, 200, false, RT_IMAGEFLAGS);
rt = rtscreen;
if (rt != rtscreen)
R2D_Image(r_refdef.vrect.x, r_refdef.vrect.y, r_refdef.vrect.width, r_refdef.vrect.height, 0, 1, 1, 0, custompostproc);
if (rt != rtscreen)
if (r_refdef.flags & RDF_ANTIALIAS)
r_refdef.flags &= ~RDF_ANTIALIAS;
R2D_ImageColours(rt->width, rt->height, 1, 1);
vk.sourcecolour = &rt->q_colour;
if (r_refdef.flags & RDF_ALLPOSTPROC)
rt = &postproc[postproc_buf++];
rt->rpassflags = 0;
VKBE_RT_Gen(rt, 320, 200, false, RT_IMAGEFLAGS);
rt = rtscreen;
if (rt != rtscreen)
R2D_Image(r_refdef.vrect.x, r_refdef.vrect.y, r_refdef.vrect.width, r_refdef.vrect.height, 0, 1, 1, 0, vk.scenepp_antialias);
R2D_ImageColours(1, 1, 1, 1);
if (rt != rtscreen)
if (r_refdef.flags & RDF_BLOOM)
VK_R_BloomBlend(&rt->q_colour, r_refdef.vrect.x, r_refdef.vrect.y, r_refdef.vrect.width, r_refdef.vrect.height);
rt = rtscreen;
else if (r_refdef.flags & RDF_RENDERSCALE)
if (!vk.scenepp_rescale)
vk.scenepp_rescale = R_RegisterShader("fte_rescaler", 0,
"program default2d\n"
"map $sourcecolour\n"
vk.sourcecolour = &rt->q_colour;
rt = rtscreen;
R2D_Image(r_refdef.vrect.x, r_refdef.vrect.y, r_refdef.vrect.width, r_refdef.vrect.height, 0, 0, 1, 1, vk.scenepp_rescale);
vk.sourcecolour = r_nulltex;
playdemo accepts https urls now. will start playing before the file has finished downloading, to avoid unnecessary delays. reworked network addresses to separate address family and connection type. this should make banning people more reliable, as well as simplifying a whole load of logic (no need to check for ipv4 AND ipv6). tcpconnect will keep trying to connect even if the connection wasn't instant, instead of giving up instantly. rewrote tcp connections quite a bit. sv_port_tcp now handles qtv+qizmo+http+ws+rtcbroker+tls equivalents. qtv_streamport is now a legacy cvar and now acts equivalently to sv_port_tcp (but still separate). rewrote screenshot and video capture code to use strides. this solves image-is-upside down issues with vulkan. ignore alt key in browser port. oh no! no more red text! oh no! no more alt-being-wrongly-down-and-being-unable-to-type-anything-without-forcing-alt-released! reworked audio decoder interface. now has clearly defined success/unavailable/end-of-file results. this should solve a whole load of issues with audio streaming. fixed various openal audio streaming issues too. openal also got some workarounds for emscripten's poor emulation. fixed ogg decoder to retain sync properly if seeked. updated menu_media a bit. now reads vorbis comments/id3v1 tags to get proper track names. also saves the playlist so you don't have to manually repopulate the list so it might actually be usable now (after how many years?) r_stains now defaults to 0, and is no longer enabled by presets. use decals if you want that sort of thing. added fs_noreexec cvar, so configs will not be reexeced on gamedir change. this also means defaults won't be reapplied, etc. added 'nvvk' renderer on windows, using nvidia's vulkan-inside-opengl gl extension. mostly just to see how much slower it is. fixed up the ftp server quite a lot. more complete, more compliant, and should do ipv6 properly to-boot. file transfers also threaded. fixed potential crash inside runclientphys. experimental sv_antilag=3 setting. totally untested. the aim is to avoid missing due to lagged knockbacks. may be expensive for the server. browser port's websockets support fixed. experimental support for webrtc ('works for me', requires a broker server). updated avplug(renamed to ffmpeg so people know what it is) to use ffmpeg 3.2.4 properly, with its new encoder api. should be much more robust... also added experimental audio decoder for game music etc (currently doesn't resample, so playback rates are screwed, disabled by cvar). git-svn-id: https://svn.code.sf.net/p/fteqw/code/trunk@5097 fc73d0e0-1445-4013-8a0c-d673dee63da5
2017-05-10 02:08:58 +00:00
typedef struct
uint32_t imageformat;
uint32_t imagestride;
uint32_t imagewidth;
uint32_t imageheight;
VkBuffer buffer;
size_t memsize;
VkDeviceMemory memory;
void (*gotrgbdata) (void *rgbdata, intptr_t bytestride, size_t width, size_t height, enum uploadfmt fmt);
} vkscreencapture_t;
static void VKVID_CopiedRGBData (void*ctx)
{ //some fence got hit, we did our copy, data is now cpu-visible, cache-willing.
vkscreencapture_t *capt = ctx;
void *imgdata;
VkAssert(vkMapMemory(vk.device, capt->memory, 0, capt->memsize, 0, &imgdata));
capt->gotrgbdata(imgdata, capt->imagestride, capt->imagewidth, capt->imageheight, capt->imageformat);
vkUnmapMemory(vk.device, capt->memory);
vkDestroyBuffer(vk.device, capt->buffer, vkallocationcb);
vkFreeMemory(vk.device, capt->memory, vkallocationcb);
void VKVID_QueueGetRGBData (void (*gotrgbdata) (void *rgbdata, intptr_t bytestride, size_t width, size_t height, enum uploadfmt fmt))
//should be half way through rendering
vkscreencapture_t *capt;
VkBufferImageCopy icpy;
VkMemoryRequirements mem_reqs;
if (!VK_SCR_GrabBackBuffer())
if (!vk.frame->backbuf->colour.width || !vk.frame->backbuf->colour.height)
return; //erm, some kind of error?
capt = VK_AtFrameEnd(VKVID_CopiedRGBData, NULL, sizeof(*capt));
playdemo accepts https urls now. will start playing before the file has finished downloading, to avoid unnecessary delays. reworked network addresses to separate address family and connection type. this should make banning people more reliable, as well as simplifying a whole load of logic (no need to check for ipv4 AND ipv6). tcpconnect will keep trying to connect even if the connection wasn't instant, instead of giving up instantly. rewrote tcp connections quite a bit. sv_port_tcp now handles qtv+qizmo+http+ws+rtcbroker+tls equivalents. qtv_streamport is now a legacy cvar and now acts equivalently to sv_port_tcp (but still separate). rewrote screenshot and video capture code to use strides. this solves image-is-upside down issues with vulkan. ignore alt key in browser port. oh no! no more red text! oh no! no more alt-being-wrongly-down-and-being-unable-to-type-anything-without-forcing-alt-released! reworked audio decoder interface. now has clearly defined success/unavailable/end-of-file results. this should solve a whole load of issues with audio streaming. fixed various openal audio streaming issues too. openal also got some workarounds for emscripten's poor emulation. fixed ogg decoder to retain sync properly if seeked. updated menu_media a bit. now reads vorbis comments/id3v1 tags to get proper track names. also saves the playlist so you don't have to manually repopulate the list so it might actually be usable now (after how many years?) r_stains now defaults to 0, and is no longer enabled by presets. use decals if you want that sort of thing. added fs_noreexec cvar, so configs will not be reexeced on gamedir change. this also means defaults won't be reapplied, etc. added 'nvvk' renderer on windows, using nvidia's vulkan-inside-opengl gl extension. mostly just to see how much slower it is. fixed up the ftp server quite a lot. more complete, more compliant, and should do ipv6 properly to-boot. file transfers also threaded. fixed potential crash inside runclientphys. experimental sv_antilag=3 setting. totally untested. the aim is to avoid missing due to lagged knockbacks. may be expensive for the server. browser port's websockets support fixed. experimental support for webrtc ('works for me', requires a broker server). updated avplug(renamed to ffmpeg so people know what it is) to use ffmpeg 3.2.4 properly, with its new encoder api. should be much more robust... also added experimental audio decoder for game music etc (currently doesn't resample, so playback rates are screwed, disabled by cvar). git-svn-id: https://svn.code.sf.net/p/fteqw/code/trunk@5097 fc73d0e0-1445-4013-8a0c-d673dee63da5
2017-05-10 02:08:58 +00:00
capt->gotrgbdata = gotrgbdata;
//FIXME: vkCmdBlitImage the image to convert it from half-float or whatever to a format that our screenshot etc code can cope with.
playdemo accepts https urls now. will start playing before the file has finished downloading, to avoid unnecessary delays. reworked network addresses to separate address family and connection type. this should make banning people more reliable, as well as simplifying a whole load of logic (no need to check for ipv4 AND ipv6). tcpconnect will keep trying to connect even if the connection wasn't instant, instead of giving up instantly. rewrote tcp connections quite a bit. sv_port_tcp now handles qtv+qizmo+http+ws+rtcbroker+tls equivalents. qtv_streamport is now a legacy cvar and now acts equivalently to sv_port_tcp (but still separate). rewrote screenshot and video capture code to use strides. this solves image-is-upside down issues with vulkan. ignore alt key in browser port. oh no! no more red text! oh no! no more alt-being-wrongly-down-and-being-unable-to-type-anything-without-forcing-alt-released! reworked audio decoder interface. now has clearly defined success/unavailable/end-of-file results. this should solve a whole load of issues with audio streaming. fixed various openal audio streaming issues too. openal also got some workarounds for emscripten's poor emulation. fixed ogg decoder to retain sync properly if seeked. updated menu_media a bit. now reads vorbis comments/id3v1 tags to get proper track names. also saves the playlist so you don't have to manually repopulate the list so it might actually be usable now (after how many years?) r_stains now defaults to 0, and is no longer enabled by presets. use decals if you want that sort of thing. added fs_noreexec cvar, so configs will not be reexeced on gamedir change. this also means defaults won't be reapplied, etc. added 'nvvk' renderer on windows, using nvidia's vulkan-inside-opengl gl extension. mostly just to see how much slower it is. fixed up the ftp server quite a lot. more complete, more compliant, and should do ipv6 properly to-boot. file transfers also threaded. fixed potential crash inside runclientphys. experimental sv_antilag=3 setting. totally untested. the aim is to avoid missing due to lagged knockbacks. may be expensive for the server. browser port's websockets support fixed. experimental support for webrtc ('works for me', requires a broker server). updated avplug(renamed to ffmpeg so people know what it is) to use ffmpeg 3.2.4 properly, with its new encoder api. should be much more robust... also added experimental audio decoder for game music etc (currently doesn't resample, so playback rates are screwed, disabled by cvar). git-svn-id: https://svn.code.sf.net/p/fteqw/code/trunk@5097 fc73d0e0-1445-4013-8a0c-d673dee63da5
2017-05-10 02:08:58 +00:00
capt->imageformat = TF_BGRA32;
capt->imagestride = vk.frame->backbuf->colour.width*4; //vulkan is top-down, so this should be positive.
capt->imagewidth = vk.frame->backbuf->colour.width;
capt->imageheight = vk.frame->backbuf->colour.height;
bci.flags = 0;
bci.size = capt->memsize = capt->imagewidth*capt->imageheight*4;
bci.queueFamilyIndexCount = 0;
bci.pQueueFamilyIndices = NULL;
VkAssert(vkCreateBuffer(vk.device, &bci, vkallocationcb, &capt->buffer));
vkGetBufferMemoryRequirements(vk.device, capt->buffer, &mem_reqs);
memAllocInfo.allocationSize = mem_reqs.size;
memAllocInfo.memoryTypeIndex = vk_find_memory_try(mem_reqs.memoryTypeBits, VK_MEMORY_PROPERTY_HOST_VISIBLE_BIT|VK_MEMORY_PROPERTY_HOST_CACHED_BIT);
if (memAllocInfo.memoryTypeIndex == ~0u)
memAllocInfo.memoryTypeIndex = vk_find_memory_require(mem_reqs.memoryTypeBits, VK_MEMORY_PROPERTY_HOST_VISIBLE_BIT);
playdemo accepts https urls now. will start playing before the file has finished downloading, to avoid unnecessary delays. reworked network addresses to separate address family and connection type. this should make banning people more reliable, as well as simplifying a whole load of logic (no need to check for ipv4 AND ipv6). tcpconnect will keep trying to connect even if the connection wasn't instant, instead of giving up instantly. rewrote tcp connections quite a bit. sv_port_tcp now handles qtv+qizmo+http+ws+rtcbroker+tls equivalents. qtv_streamport is now a legacy cvar and now acts equivalently to sv_port_tcp (but still separate). rewrote screenshot and video capture code to use strides. this solves image-is-upside down issues with vulkan. ignore alt key in browser port. oh no! no more red text! oh no! no more alt-being-wrongly-down-and-being-unable-to-type-anything-without-forcing-alt-released! reworked audio decoder interface. now has clearly defined success/unavailable/end-of-file results. this should solve a whole load of issues with audio streaming. fixed various openal audio streaming issues too. openal also got some workarounds for emscripten's poor emulation. fixed ogg decoder to retain sync properly if seeked. updated menu_media a bit. now reads vorbis comments/id3v1 tags to get proper track names. also saves the playlist so you don't have to manually repopulate the list so it might actually be usable now (after how many years?) r_stains now defaults to 0, and is no longer enabled by presets. use decals if you want that sort of thing. added fs_noreexec cvar, so configs will not be reexeced on gamedir change. this also means defaults won't be reapplied, etc. added 'nvvk' renderer on windows, using nvidia's vulkan-inside-opengl gl extension. mostly just to see how much slower it is. fixed up the ftp server quite a lot. more complete, more compliant, and should do ipv6 properly to-boot. file transfers also threaded. fixed potential crash inside runclientphys. experimental sv_antilag=3 setting. totally untested. the aim is to avoid missing due to lagged knockbacks. may be expensive for the server. browser port's websockets support fixed. experimental support for webrtc ('works for me', requires a broker server). updated avplug(renamed to ffmpeg so people know what it is) to use ffmpeg 3.2.4 properly, with its new encoder api. should be much more robust... also added experimental audio decoder for game music etc (currently doesn't resample, so playback rates are screwed, disabled by cvar). git-svn-id: https://svn.code.sf.net/p/fteqw/code/trunk@5097 fc73d0e0-1445-4013-8a0c-d673dee63da5
2017-05-10 02:08:58 +00:00
VkAssert(vkAllocateMemory(vk.device, &memAllocInfo, vkallocationcb, &capt->memory));
VkAssert(vkBindBufferMemory(vk.device, capt->buffer, capt->memory, 0));
set_image_layout(vk.rendertarg->cbuf, vk.frame->backbuf->colour.image, VK_IMAGE_ASPECT_COLOR_BIT,
playdemo accepts https urls now. will start playing before the file has finished downloading, to avoid unnecessary delays. reworked network addresses to separate address family and connection type. this should make banning people more reliable, as well as simplifying a whole load of logic (no need to check for ipv4 AND ipv6). tcpconnect will keep trying to connect even if the connection wasn't instant, instead of giving up instantly. rewrote tcp connections quite a bit. sv_port_tcp now handles qtv+qizmo+http+ws+rtcbroker+tls equivalents. qtv_streamport is now a legacy cvar and now acts equivalently to sv_port_tcp (but still separate). rewrote screenshot and video capture code to use strides. this solves image-is-upside down issues with vulkan. ignore alt key in browser port. oh no! no more red text! oh no! no more alt-being-wrongly-down-and-being-unable-to-type-anything-without-forcing-alt-released! reworked audio decoder interface. now has clearly defined success/unavailable/end-of-file results. this should solve a whole load of issues with audio streaming. fixed various openal audio streaming issues too. openal also got some workarounds for emscripten's poor emulation. fixed ogg decoder to retain sync properly if seeked. updated menu_media a bit. now reads vorbis comments/id3v1 tags to get proper track names. also saves the playlist so you don't have to manually repopulate the list so it might actually be usable now (after how many years?) r_stains now defaults to 0, and is no longer enabled by presets. use decals if you want that sort of thing. added fs_noreexec cvar, so configs will not be reexeced on gamedir change. this also means defaults won't be reapplied, etc. added 'nvvk' renderer on windows, using nvidia's vulkan-inside-opengl gl extension. mostly just to see how much slower it is. fixed up the ftp server quite a lot. more complete, more compliant, and should do ipv6 properly to-boot. file transfers also threaded. fixed potential crash inside runclientphys. experimental sv_antilag=3 setting. totally untested. the aim is to avoid missing due to lagged knockbacks. may be expensive for the server. browser port's websockets support fixed. experimental support for webrtc ('works for me', requires a broker server). updated avplug(renamed to ffmpeg so people know what it is) to use ffmpeg 3.2.4 properly, with its new encoder api. should be much more robust... also added experimental audio decoder for game music etc (currently doesn't resample, so playback rates are screwed, disabled by cvar). git-svn-id: https://svn.code.sf.net/p/fteqw/code/trunk@5097 fc73d0e0-1445-4013-8a0c-d673dee63da5
2017-05-10 02:08:58 +00:00
icpy.bufferOffset = 0;
icpy.bufferRowLength = 0; //packed
icpy.bufferImageHeight = 0; //packed
icpy.imageSubresource.aspectMask = VK_IMAGE_ASPECT_COLOR_BIT;
icpy.imageSubresource.mipLevel = 0;
icpy.imageSubresource.baseArrayLayer = 0;
icpy.imageSubresource.layerCount = 1;
icpy.imageOffset.x = 0;
icpy.imageOffset.y = 0;
icpy.imageOffset.z = 0;
icpy.imageExtent.width = capt->imagewidth;
icpy.imageExtent.height = capt->imageheight;
icpy.imageExtent.depth = 1;
vkCmdCopyImageToBuffer(vk.rendertarg->cbuf, vk.frame->backbuf->colour.image, VK_IMAGE_LAYOUT_COLOR_ATTACHMENT_OPTIMAL, capt->buffer, 1, &icpy);
playdemo accepts https urls now. will start playing before the file has finished downloading, to avoid unnecessary delays. reworked network addresses to separate address family and connection type. this should make banning people more reliable, as well as simplifying a whole load of logic (no need to check for ipv4 AND ipv6). tcpconnect will keep trying to connect even if the connection wasn't instant, instead of giving up instantly. rewrote tcp connections quite a bit. sv_port_tcp now handles qtv+qizmo+http+ws+rtcbroker+tls equivalents. qtv_streamport is now a legacy cvar and now acts equivalently to sv_port_tcp (but still separate). rewrote screenshot and video capture code to use strides. this solves image-is-upside down issues with vulkan. ignore alt key in browser port. oh no! no more red text! oh no! no more alt-being-wrongly-down-and-being-unable-to-type-anything-without-forcing-alt-released! reworked audio decoder interface. now has clearly defined success/unavailable/end-of-file results. this should solve a whole load of issues with audio streaming. fixed various openal audio streaming issues too. openal also got some workarounds for emscripten's poor emulation. fixed ogg decoder to retain sync properly if seeked. updated menu_media a bit. now reads vorbis comments/id3v1 tags to get proper track names. also saves the playlist so you don't have to manually repopulate the list so it might actually be usable now (after how many years?) r_stains now defaults to 0, and is no longer enabled by presets. use decals if you want that sort of thing. added fs_noreexec cvar, so configs will not be reexeced on gamedir change. this also means defaults won't be reapplied, etc. added 'nvvk' renderer on windows, using nvidia's vulkan-inside-opengl gl extension. mostly just to see how much slower it is. fixed up the ftp server quite a lot. more complete, more compliant, and should do ipv6 properly to-boot. file transfers also threaded. fixed potential crash inside runclientphys. experimental sv_antilag=3 setting. totally untested. the aim is to avoid missing due to lagged knockbacks. may be expensive for the server. browser port's websockets support fixed. experimental support for webrtc ('works for me', requires a broker server). updated avplug(renamed to ffmpeg so people know what it is) to use ffmpeg 3.2.4 properly, with its new encoder api. should be much more robust... also added experimental audio decoder for game music etc (currently doesn't resample, so playback rates are screwed, disabled by cvar). git-svn-id: https://svn.code.sf.net/p/fteqw/code/trunk@5097 fc73d0e0-1445-4013-8a0c-d673dee63da5
2017-05-10 02:08:58 +00:00
set_image_layout(vk.rendertarg->cbuf, vk.frame->backbuf->colour.image, VK_IMAGE_ASPECT_COLOR_BIT,
playdemo accepts https urls now. will start playing before the file has finished downloading, to avoid unnecessary delays. reworked network addresses to separate address family and connection type. this should make banning people more reliable, as well as simplifying a whole load of logic (no need to check for ipv4 AND ipv6). tcpconnect will keep trying to connect even if the connection wasn't instant, instead of giving up instantly. rewrote tcp connections quite a bit. sv_port_tcp now handles qtv+qizmo+http+ws+rtcbroker+tls equivalents. qtv_streamport is now a legacy cvar and now acts equivalently to sv_port_tcp (but still separate). rewrote screenshot and video capture code to use strides. this solves image-is-upside down issues with vulkan. ignore alt key in browser port. oh no! no more red text! oh no! no more alt-being-wrongly-down-and-being-unable-to-type-anything-without-forcing-alt-released! reworked audio decoder interface. now has clearly defined success/unavailable/end-of-file results. this should solve a whole load of issues with audio streaming. fixed various openal audio streaming issues too. openal also got some workarounds for emscripten's poor emulation. fixed ogg decoder to retain sync properly if seeked. updated menu_media a bit. now reads vorbis comments/id3v1 tags to get proper track names. also saves the playlist so you don't have to manually repopulate the list so it might actually be usable now (after how many years?) r_stains now defaults to 0, and is no longer enabled by presets. use decals if you want that sort of thing. added fs_noreexec cvar, so configs will not be reexeced on gamedir change. this also means defaults won't be reapplied, etc. added 'nvvk' renderer on windows, using nvidia's vulkan-inside-opengl gl extension. mostly just to see how much slower it is. fixed up the ftp server quite a lot. more complete, more compliant, and should do ipv6 properly to-boot. file transfers also threaded. fixed potential crash inside runclientphys. experimental sv_antilag=3 setting. totally untested. the aim is to avoid missing due to lagged knockbacks. may be expensive for the server. browser port's websockets support fixed. experimental support for webrtc ('works for me', requires a broker server). updated avplug(renamed to ffmpeg so people know what it is) to use ffmpeg 3.2.4 properly, with its new encoder api. should be much more robust... also added experimental audio decoder for game music etc (currently doesn't resample, so playback rates are screwed, disabled by cvar). git-svn-id: https://svn.code.sf.net/p/fteqw/code/trunk@5097 fc73d0e0-1445-4013-8a0c-d673dee63da5
2017-05-10 02:08:58 +00:00
char *VKVID_GetRGBInfo (int *bytestride, int *truevidwidth, int *truevidheight, enum uploadfmt *fmt)
//in order to deal with various backbuffer formats (like half-float) etc, we play safe and blit the framebuffer to a safe format.
//we then transfer that into a buffer that we can then directly read.
//and then we allocate a C buffer that we then copy it into...
//so yeah, 3 copies. life sucks.
//blit requires support for VK_IMAGE_USAGE_TRANSFER_DST_BIT on our image, which means we need optimal, which means we can't directly map it, which means we need the buffer copy too.
//this might be relaxed on mobile, but who really takes screenshots on mobiles anyway?!? anyway, video capture shouldn't be using this either way so top performance isn't a concern
if (VK_SCR_GrabBackBuffer())
VkImageLayout framebufferlayout = VK_IMAGE_LAYOUT_PRESENT_SRC_KHR;//vk.frame->backbuf->colour.layout;
void *imgdata, *outdata;
struct vk_fencework *fence = VK_FencedBegin(NULL, 0);
VkImage tempimage;
VkDeviceMemory tempmemory;
VkBuffer tempbuffer;
VkDeviceMemory tempbufmemory;
VkMemoryRequirements mem_reqs;
//VkFormatProperties vkfmt;
ici.flags = 0;
ici.imageType = VK_IMAGE_TYPE_2D;
/*vkGetPhysicalDeviceFormatProperties(vk.gpu, VK_FORMAT_B8G8R8_UNORM, &vkfmt);
if ((vkfmt.optimalTilingFeatures & VK_FORMAT_FEATURE_BLIT_DST_BIT) && (vkfmt.optimalTilingFeatures & VK_FORMAT_FEATURE_TRANSFER_SRC_BIT_KHR))
{ //if we can do BGR, then use it, because that's what most PC file formats use, like tga.
//we don't really want alpha data anyway.
if (vid.flags & VID_SRGB_FB)
ici.format = VK_FORMAT_B8G8R8_SRGB;
ici.format = VK_FORMAT_B8G8R8_UNORM;
{ //otherwise lets just get bgra data.
if (vid.flags & VID_SRGB_FB)
ici.format = VK_FORMAT_B8G8R8A8_SRGB;
ici.format = VK_FORMAT_B8G8R8A8_UNORM;
ici.extent.width = vid.pixelwidth;
ici.extent.height = vid.pixelheight;
ici.extent.depth = 1;
ici.mipLevels = 1;
ici.arrayLayers = 1;
ici.samples = VK_SAMPLE_COUNT_1_BIT;
ici.queueFamilyIndexCount = 0;
ici.pQueueFamilyIndices = NULL;
ici.initialLayout = VK_IMAGE_LAYOUT_UNDEFINED;
VkAssert(vkCreateImage(vk.device, &ici, vkallocationcb, &tempimage));
DebugSetName(VK_OBJECT_TYPE_IMAGE, (uint64_t)tempimage, "VKVID_GetRGBInfo staging");
vkGetImageMemoryRequirements(vk.device, tempimage, &mem_reqs);
memAllocInfo.allocationSize = mem_reqs.size;
memAllocInfo.memoryTypeIndex = vk_find_memory_require(mem_reqs.memoryTypeBits, 0);
VkAssert(vkAllocateMemory(vk.device, &memAllocInfo, vkallocationcb, &tempmemory));
VkAssert(vkBindImageMemory(vk.device, tempimage, tempmemory, 0));
bci.flags = 0;
bci.size = vid.pixelwidth*vid.pixelheight*4;
bci.queueFamilyIndexCount = 0;
bci.pQueueFamilyIndices = NULL;
VkAssert(vkCreateBuffer(vk.device, &bci, vkallocationcb, &tempbuffer));
vkGetBufferMemoryRequirements(vk.device, tempbuffer, &mem_reqs);
memAllocInfo.allocationSize = mem_reqs.size;
memAllocInfo.memoryTypeIndex = vk_find_memory_try(mem_reqs.memoryTypeBits, VK_MEMORY_PROPERTY_HOST_VISIBLE_BIT|VK_MEMORY_PROPERTY_HOST_CACHED_BIT);
if (memAllocInfo.memoryTypeIndex == ~0u)
memAllocInfo.memoryTypeIndex = vk_find_memory_require(mem_reqs.memoryTypeBits, VK_MEMORY_PROPERTY_HOST_VISIBLE_BIT);
VkAssert(vkAllocateMemory(vk.device, &memAllocInfo, vkallocationcb, &tempbufmemory));
VkAssert(vkBindBufferMemory(vk.device, tempbuffer, tempbufmemory, 0));
set_image_layout(fence->cbuf, vk.frame->backbuf->colour.image, VK_IMAGE_ASPECT_COLOR_BIT,
set_image_layout(fence->cbuf, tempimage, VK_IMAGE_ASPECT_COLOR_BIT,
VkImageBlit iblt;
iblt.srcSubresource.aspectMask = VK_IMAGE_ASPECT_COLOR_BIT;
iblt.srcSubresource.mipLevel = 0;
iblt.srcSubresource.baseArrayLayer = 0;
iblt.srcSubresource.layerCount = 1;
iblt.srcOffsets[0].x = 0;
iblt.srcOffsets[0].y = 0;
iblt.srcOffsets[0].z = 0;
iblt.srcOffsets[1].x = vid.pixelwidth;
iblt.srcOffsets[1].y = vid.pixelheight;
iblt.srcOffsets[1].z = 1;
iblt.dstSubresource.aspectMask = VK_IMAGE_ASPECT_COLOR_BIT;
iblt.dstSubresource.mipLevel = 0;
iblt.dstSubresource.baseArrayLayer = 0;
iblt.dstSubresource.layerCount = 1;
iblt.dstOffsets[0].x = 0;
iblt.dstOffsets[0].y = 0;
iblt.dstOffsets[0].z = 0;
iblt.dstOffsets[1].x = vid.pixelwidth;
iblt.dstOffsets[1].y = vid.pixelheight;
iblt.dstOffsets[1].z = 1;
vkCmdBlitImage(fence->cbuf, vk.frame->backbuf->colour.image, VK_IMAGE_LAYOUT_COLOR_ATTACHMENT_OPTIMAL, tempimage, VK_IMAGE_LAYOUT_TRANSFER_DST_OPTIMAL, 1, &iblt, VK_FILTER_LINEAR);
set_image_layout(fence->cbuf, vk.frame->backbuf->colour.image, VK_IMAGE_ASPECT_COLOR_BIT,
set_image_layout(fence->cbuf, tempimage, VK_IMAGE_ASPECT_COLOR_BIT,
VkBufferImageCopy icpy;
icpy.bufferOffset = 0;
icpy.bufferRowLength = 0; //packed
icpy.bufferImageHeight = 0; //packed
icpy.imageSubresource.aspectMask = VK_IMAGE_ASPECT_COLOR_BIT;
icpy.imageSubresource.mipLevel = 0;
icpy.imageSubresource.baseArrayLayer = 0;
icpy.imageSubresource.layerCount = 1;
icpy.imageOffset.x = 0;
icpy.imageOffset.y = 0;
icpy.imageOffset.z = 0;
icpy.imageExtent.width = ici.extent.width;
icpy.imageExtent.height = ici.extent.height;
icpy.imageExtent.depth = 1;
vkCmdCopyImageToBuffer(fence->cbuf, tempimage, VK_IMAGE_LAYOUT_TRANSFER_SRC_OPTIMAL, tempbuffer, 1, &icpy);
outdata = BZ_Malloc(4*ici.extent.width*ici.extent.height);
if (ici.format == VK_FORMAT_B8G8R8_SRGB || ici.format == VK_FORMAT_B8G8R8_UNORM)
*fmt = PTI_BGR8;
else if (ici.format == VK_FORMAT_R8G8B8_SRGB || ici.format == VK_FORMAT_R8G8B8_UNORM)
*fmt = PTI_RGB8;
else if (ici.format == VK_FORMAT_R8G8B8A8_SRGB || ici.format == VK_FORMAT_R8G8B8A8_UNORM)
*fmt = PTI_RGBA8;
*fmt = PTI_BGRA8;
*bytestride = ici.extent.width*4;
*truevidwidth = ici.extent.width;
*truevidheight = ici.extent.height;
VkAssert(vkMapMemory(vk.device, tempbufmemory, 0, 4*ici.extent.width*ici.extent.height, 0, &imgdata));
memcpy(outdata, imgdata, 4*ici.extent.width*ici.extent.height);
vkUnmapMemory(vk.device, tempbufmemory);
vkDestroyImage(vk.device, tempimage, vkallocationcb);
vkFreeMemory(vk.device, tempmemory, vkallocationcb);
vkDestroyBuffer(vk.device, tempbuffer, vkallocationcb);
vkFreeMemory(vk.device, tempbufmemory, vkallocationcb);
return outdata;
return NULL;
static void VK_PaintScreen(void)
qboolean nohud;
qboolean noworld;
vid.fbvwidth = vid.width;
vid.fbvheight = vid.height;
vid.fbpwidth = vid.pixelwidth;
vid.fbpheight = vid.pixelheight;
r_refdef.pxrect.x = 0;
r_refdef.pxrect.y = 0;
r_refdef.pxrect.width = vid.fbpwidth;
r_refdef.pxrect.height = vid.fbpheight;
r_refdef.pxrect.maxheight = vid.pixelheight;
vid.numpages = vk.backbuf_count + 1;
VK_Set2D ();
if (scr_disabled_for_loading)
extern float scr_disabled_time;
if (Sys_DoubleTime() - scr_disabled_time > 60 || !Key_Dest_Has(~kdm_game))
//FIXME: instead of reenabling the screen, we should just draw the relevent things skipping only the game.
scr_disabled_for_loading = false;
// scr_drawloading = true;
SCR_DrawLoading (true);
// scr_drawloading = false;
/* if (!scr_initialized || !con_initialized)
return; // not initialized yet
if (editormodal)
V_UpdatePalette (false);
#if defined(_WIN32) && defined(GLQUAKE)
if (key_dest_mask & kdm_console)
Con_DrawConsole(vid.height/2, false);
Con_DrawConsole(0, false);
// SCR_DrawCursor();
// do 3D refresh drawing, and then update the screen
SCR_SetUpToDrawConsole ();
noworld = false;
nohud = false;
if (topmenu && topmenu->isopaque)
nohud = true;
#ifdef VM_CG
else if (CG_Refresh())
nohud = true;
#ifdef CSQC_DAT
else if (CSQC_DrawView())
nohud = true;
if (r_worldentity.model && cls.state == ca_active)
V_RenderView (nohud);
noworld = true;
scr_con_forcedraw = false;
if (noworld)
//draw the levelshot or the conback fullscreen
Too many changes, sorry. Change revision displays, use the SVN commit date instead of using __DATE__ (when there's no local changes). This should allow reproducible builds. Added s_al_disable cvar, to block openal and all the various problems people have had with it, without having to name an explicit fallback (which would vary by system). Add mastervolume cvar (for ss). Add r_shadows 2 (aka fake shadows - for ss). Add scr_loadingscreen_aspect -1 setting, to disable levelshots entirely, also disables the progress bar (for ss). Better support for some effectinfo hacks (for ss). Added dpcompat_nocsqcwarnings (because of lazy+buggy mods like ss). Rework the dpcsqc versions of project+unproject builtins for better compat (for ss). Added dpcompat_csqcinputeventtypes to block unexpected csqc input events (for ss). Better compat with DP's loadfont console command (for ss). Added dpcompat_smallerfonts cvar to replicate a DP bug (for ss). Detect dp's m_draw extension, to work around it (for ss). Cvar dpcompat_ignoremodificationtimes added. A value of 0 favour the most recently modified file, 1 will use DP-like alphabetically sorted preferences (for ss). loadfont builtin can now accept outline=1 in the sizes arg for slightly more readable fonts. Fix bbox calcs for rotated entities, fix needed for r_ignorenetpvs 0. Hackily parse emoji.json to provide :poop: etc suggestions. Skip prediction entirely when there's no local entity info. This fixes stair-smoothing in xonotic. screenshot_cubemap will now capture half-float images when saving to ktx or dds files. Fix support for xcf files larger than 4gb, mostly to avoid compiler warnings. Fixed size of gfx/loading.lmp when replacement textures are used. Added mipmap support for rg8 and l8a8 textures. r_hdr_framebuffer cvar updated to support format names instead of random negative numbers. Description updated to name some interesting ones. Perform autoupdate _checks_ ONLY with explicit user confirmation (actual updating already needed user confirmation, but this extra step should reduce the chances of us getting wrongly accused of exfiltrating user data if we're run in a sandbox - we ONLY ever included the updating engine's version in the checks, though there's nothing we can do to avoid sending the user's router's IP). Removed the 'summon satan all over your harddrive' quit message, in case paranoid security researchers are idiots and don't bother doing actual research. Removed the triptohell.info and fte.triptohell.info certificates, they really need to stop being self-signed. The updates domain is still self-signed for autoupdates. Video drivers are now able to report supported video resolutions, visible to menuqc. Currently only works with SDL2 builds. Added setmousepos builtin. Should work with glx+win32 build. VF_SKYROOM_CAMERA can now accept an extra two args, setviewprop(VF_SKYROOM_CAMERA, org, axis, degrees). Removed v_skyroom_origin+v_skyroom_orientation cvars in favour just v_skyroom, which should make it behave more like the 'fog' command (used when csqc isn't overriding). Added R_EndPolygonRibbon builtin to make it faster+easier to generate textured ribbon/cable/etc wide lines (for TW). sdl: Fix up sys_sdl.c's file enumeration to support wildcards in directories. edit command now displays end1.bin/end2.bin correctly, because we can. Finally add support for f_modified - though ruleset_allow_larger_models and ruleset_allow_overlong_sounds generally make it redundant. Fix threading race condition in sha1 lookups. Updated f_ruleset to include the same extra flags reported by ezquake. A mod's default.fmf file can now contain an eg 'mainconfig config.cfg' line (to explicitly set the main config saved with cfg_save_auto 1 etc). fmf: basegame steam:GameName/GameDir can be used to try to load a mod directory from an installed steam game. The resulting gamedir will be read-only. HOMEDIR CHANGE: use homedirs only if the basedir cannot be written or a homedir already exists, which should further reduce the probability of microsoft randomly uploading our data to their cloud (but mostly because its annoying to never know where your data is written). Fixed buf_cvarlist, should work in xonotic now, and without segfaults. Added an extra arg to URI_Get_Callback calls - the response size, also changed the tempstring to contain all bytes of the response, you need to be careful about nulls though. Try to work around nvidia's forced-panning bug on x11 when changing video modes. This might screw with other programs. sdl: support custom icons. sdl: support choosing a specific display. Added some documentation to menuqc builtins. menusys: use outlines for slightly more readable fonts. menusys: switch vid_width and vid_height combos into a single video mode combo to set both according to reported video modes. git-svn-id: https://svn.code.sf.net/p/fteqw/code/trunk@5581 fc73d0e0-1445-4013-8a0c-d673dee63da5
2019-11-20 03:09:50 +00:00
if (R2D_DrawLevelshot())
else if (scr_con_current != vid.height)
Added pm_pground cvar for compat with mvdsv/ezquake. Do not use it with NQ mods however, as the QC will interfere with the onground state (QW mods are okay). Added Z_EXT_PF_ONGROUND + Z_EXT_PF_SOLID for compat (not enabled serverside due to conflicts with pext - just a define away). Fixed bug with loading screens switching sizes part way through loading. Added hexen2 rain effect. Fix hexen2 model texture alphas not working. Fix potential linux crash from excessively long stdin lines. Added cl_rollalpha cvar. Fixed quirk where the player would slide along the base of steep walls/slopes. Tweaked PM_NudgePosition to be more precise, giving more reliable prediction. Fixed fread qc builtin. Tweaked random() builtin to bias slightly away from 0, so that nextthink=random()*foo; will never cause statue-monsters. Check for GL_WEBGL_depth_texture instead of just GL_OES_depth_texture, to fix compressedTex2d errors in firefox. Second attempt at blocking invariant keyword with mesa. Use xrandr for gamma where possible. This prevents reading stale XF86 gamma ramps and restoring those invalid ramps when quitting. Try to grab mouse pointers slightly faster in x11. Don't call XIFreeDeviceInfo if XIQueryDevice returned NULL. Document parm_string and startspot qc globals. Fix possible infinite loop from physics frames. QTV: stripped most of the old plugin code (because really, who has a browser that still supports either ActiveX or NPAPI). Fixed up emscripten port references. QTV: fix bug with protocol extensions not being reported to viewers. QTV: use binary websockets instead of text. git-svn-id: https://svn.code.sf.net/p/fteqw/code/trunk@5419 fc73d0e0-1445-4013-8a0c-d673dee63da5
2019-03-01 22:39:30 +00:00
Too many changes, sorry. Change revision displays, use the SVN commit date instead of using __DATE__ (when there's no local changes). This should allow reproducible builds. Added s_al_disable cvar, to block openal and all the various problems people have had with it, without having to name an explicit fallback (which would vary by system). Add mastervolume cvar (for ss). Add r_shadows 2 (aka fake shadows - for ss). Add scr_loadingscreen_aspect -1 setting, to disable levelshots entirely, also disables the progress bar (for ss). Better support for some effectinfo hacks (for ss). Added dpcompat_nocsqcwarnings (because of lazy+buggy mods like ss). Rework the dpcsqc versions of project+unproject builtins for better compat (for ss). Added dpcompat_csqcinputeventtypes to block unexpected csqc input events (for ss). Better compat with DP's loadfont console command (for ss). Added dpcompat_smallerfonts cvar to replicate a DP bug (for ss). Detect dp's m_draw extension, to work around it (for ss). Cvar dpcompat_ignoremodificationtimes added. A value of 0 favour the most recently modified file, 1 will use DP-like alphabetically sorted preferences (for ss). loadfont builtin can now accept outline=1 in the sizes arg for slightly more readable fonts. Fix bbox calcs for rotated entities, fix needed for r_ignorenetpvs 0. Hackily parse emoji.json to provide :poop: etc suggestions. Skip prediction entirely when there's no local entity info. This fixes stair-smoothing in xonotic. screenshot_cubemap will now capture half-float images when saving to ktx or dds files. Fix support for xcf files larger than 4gb, mostly to avoid compiler warnings. Fixed size of gfx/loading.lmp when replacement textures are used. Added mipmap support for rg8 and l8a8 textures. r_hdr_framebuffer cvar updated to support format names instead of random negative numbers. Description updated to name some interesting ones. Perform autoupdate _checks_ ONLY with explicit user confirmation (actual updating already needed user confirmation, but this extra step should reduce the chances of us getting wrongly accused of exfiltrating user data if we're run in a sandbox - we ONLY ever included the updating engine's version in the checks, though there's nothing we can do to avoid sending the user's router's IP). Removed the 'summon satan all over your harddrive' quit message, in case paranoid security researchers are idiots and don't bother doing actual research. Removed the triptohell.info and fte.triptohell.info certificates, they really need to stop being self-signed. The updates domain is still self-signed for autoupdates. Video drivers are now able to report supported video resolutions, visible to menuqc. Currently only works with SDL2 builds. Added setmousepos builtin. Should work with glx+win32 build. VF_SKYROOM_CAMERA can now accept an extra two args, setviewprop(VF_SKYROOM_CAMERA, org, axis, degrees). Removed v_skyroom_origin+v_skyroom_orientation cvars in favour just v_skyroom, which should make it behave more like the 'fog' command (used when csqc isn't overriding). Added R_EndPolygonRibbon builtin to make it faster+easier to generate textured ribbon/cable/etc wide lines (for TW). sdl: Fix up sys_sdl.c's file enumeration to support wildcards in directories. edit command now displays end1.bin/end2.bin correctly, because we can. Finally add support for f_modified - though ruleset_allow_larger_models and ruleset_allow_overlong_sounds generally make it redundant. Fix threading race condition in sha1 lookups. Updated f_ruleset to include the same extra flags reported by ezquake. A mod's default.fmf file can now contain an eg 'mainconfig config.cfg' line (to explicitly set the main config saved with cfg_save_auto 1 etc). fmf: basegame steam:GameName/GameDir can be used to try to load a mod directory from an installed steam game. The resulting gamedir will be read-only. HOMEDIR CHANGE: use homedirs only if the basedir cannot be written or a homedir already exists, which should further reduce the probability of microsoft randomly uploading our data to their cloud (but mostly because its annoying to never know where your data is written). Fixed buf_cvarlist, should work in xonotic now, and without segfaults. Added an extra arg to URI_Get_Callback calls - the response size, also changed the tempstring to contain all bytes of the response, you need to be careful about nulls though. Try to work around nvidia's forced-panning bug on x11 when changing video modes. This might screw with other programs. sdl: support custom icons. sdl: support choosing a specific display. Added some documentation to menuqc builtins. menusys: use outlines for slightly more readable fonts. menusys: switch vid_width and vid_height combos into a single video mode combo to set both according to reported video modes. git-svn-id: https://svn.code.sf.net/p/fteqw/code/trunk@5581 fc73d0e0-1445-4013-8a0c-d673dee63da5
2019-11-20 03:09:50 +00:00
extern cvar_t dpcompat_console;
if (dpcompat_console.ival)
R2D_FillBlock(0, 0, vid.width, vid.height);
R2D_ConsoleBackground(0, vid.height, true);
Added pm_pground cvar for compat with mvdsv/ezquake. Do not use it with NQ mods however, as the QC will interfere with the onground state (QW mods are okay). Added Z_EXT_PF_ONGROUND + Z_EXT_PF_SOLID for compat (not enabled serverside due to conflicts with pext - just a define away). Fixed bug with loading screens switching sizes part way through loading. Added hexen2 rain effect. Fix hexen2 model texture alphas not working. Fix potential linux crash from excessively long stdin lines. Added cl_rollalpha cvar. Fixed quirk where the player would slide along the base of steep walls/slopes. Tweaked PM_NudgePosition to be more precise, giving more reliable prediction. Fixed fread qc builtin. Tweaked random() builtin to bias slightly away from 0, so that nextthink=random()*foo; will never cause statue-monsters. Check for GL_WEBGL_depth_texture instead of just GL_OES_depth_texture, to fix compressedTex2d errors in firefox. Second attempt at blocking invariant keyword with mesa. Use xrandr for gamma where possible. This prevents reading stale XF86 gamma ramps and restoring those invalid ramps when quitting. Try to grab mouse pointers slightly faster in x11. Don't call XIFreeDeviceInfo if XIQueryDevice returned NULL. Document parm_string and startspot qc globals. Fix possible infinite loop from physics frames. QTV: stripped most of the old plugin code (because really, who has a browser that still supports either ActiveX or NPAPI). Fixed up emscripten port references. QTV: fix bug with protocol extensions not being reported to viewers. QTV: use binary websockets instead of text. git-svn-id: https://svn.code.sf.net/p/fteqw/code/trunk@5419 fc73d0e0-1445-4013-8a0c-d673dee63da5
2019-03-01 22:39:30 +00:00
scr_con_forcedraw = true;
nohud = true;
V_UpdatePalette (false);
#if defined(_WIN32) && defined(GLQUAKE)
VkCommandBuffer VK_AllocFrameCBuf(void)
struct vkframe *frame = vk.frame;
if (frame->numcbufs == frame->maxcbufs)
frame->cbufs = BZ_Realloc(frame->cbufs, sizeof(*frame->cbufs)*frame->maxcbufs);
cbai.commandPool = vk.cmdpool;
cbai.commandBufferCount = frame->maxcbufs - frame->numcbufs;
VkAssert(vkAllocateCommandBuffers(vk.device, &cbai, frame->cbufs+frame->numcbufs));
DebugSetName(VK_OBJECT_TYPE_COMMAND_BUFFER, (uint64_t)frame->cbufs[frame->numcbufs], "VK_AllocFrameCBuf");
return frame->cbufs[frame->numcbufs++];
qboolean VK_SCR_GrabBackBuffer(void)
VkSemaphore sem;
if (vk.frame) //erk, we already have one...
return true;
if (!vk.unusedframes)
struct vkframe *newframe = Z_Malloc(sizeof(*vk.frame));
newframe->next = vk.unusedframes;
vk.unusedframes = newframe;
while (vk.aquirenext == vk.aquirelast)
{ //we're still waiting for the render thread to increment acquirelast.
//shouldn't really happen, but can if the gpu is slow.
if (vk.neednewswapchain)
{ //the render thread is is likely to have died... don't loop until infinity.
if (vk.submitthread)
//signal its condition, in case its sleeping, so we don't wait for infinity
//now wait+clean up the thread
vk.submitthread = NULL;
return false;
Sys_Sleep(0); //o.O
playdemo accepts https urls now. will start playing before the file has finished downloading, to avoid unnecessary delays. reworked network addresses to separate address family and connection type. this should make banning people more reliable, as well as simplifying a whole load of logic (no need to check for ipv4 AND ipv6). tcpconnect will keep trying to connect even if the connection wasn't instant, instead of giving up instantly. rewrote tcp connections quite a bit. sv_port_tcp now handles qtv+qizmo+http+ws+rtcbroker+tls equivalents. qtv_streamport is now a legacy cvar and now acts equivalently to sv_port_tcp (but still separate). rewrote screenshot and video capture code to use strides. this solves image-is-upside down issues with vulkan. ignore alt key in browser port. oh no! no more red text! oh no! no more alt-being-wrongly-down-and-being-unable-to-type-anything-without-forcing-alt-released! reworked audio decoder interface. now has clearly defined success/unavailable/end-of-file results. this should solve a whole load of issues with audio streaming. fixed various openal audio streaming issues too. openal also got some workarounds for emscripten's poor emulation. fixed ogg decoder to retain sync properly if seeked. updated menu_media a bit. now reads vorbis comments/id3v1 tags to get proper track names. also saves the playlist so you don't have to manually repopulate the list so it might actually be usable now (after how many years?) r_stains now defaults to 0, and is no longer enabled by presets. use decals if you want that sort of thing. added fs_noreexec cvar, so configs will not be reexeced on gamedir change. this also means defaults won't be reapplied, etc. added 'nvvk' renderer on windows, using nvidia's vulkan-inside-opengl gl extension. mostly just to see how much slower it is. fixed up the ftp server quite a lot. more complete, more compliant, and should do ipv6 properly to-boot. file transfers also threaded. fixed potential crash inside runclientphys. experimental sv_antilag=3 setting. totally untested. the aim is to avoid missing due to lagged knockbacks. may be expensive for the server. browser port's websockets support fixed. experimental support for webrtc ('works for me', requires a broker server). updated avplug(renamed to ffmpeg so people know what it is) to use ffmpeg 3.2.4 properly, with its new encoder api. should be much more robust... also added experimental audio decoder for game music etc (currently doesn't resample, so playback rates are screwed, disabled by cvar). git-svn-id: https://svn.code.sf.net/p/fteqw/code/trunk@5097 fc73d0e0-1445-4013-8a0c-d673dee63da5
2017-05-10 02:08:58 +00:00
#ifdef _WIN32
if (vk.acquirefences[vk.aquirenext%ACQUIRELIMIT] != VK_NULL_HANDLE)
//wait for the queued acquire to actually finish
if (vk_busywait.ival)
{ //busy wait, to try to get the highest fps possible
for (;;)
switch(vkGetFenceStatus(vk.device, vk.acquirefences[vk.aquirenext%ACQUIRELIMIT]))
break; //hurrah
continue; //keep going until its actually signaled. submission thread is probably just slow.
continue; //erk? this isn't a documented result here.
Sys_Error("Vulkan device lost");
return false;
//friendly wait
int failures = 0;
VkResult err = vkWaitForFences(vk.device, 1, &vk.acquirefences[vk.aquirenext%ACQUIRELIMIT], VK_FALSE, 1000000000);
if (err == VK_SUCCESS)
else if (err == VK_TIMEOUT)
if (++failures == 5)
Sys_Error("waiting for fence for over 5 seconds. Assuming bug.");
else if (err == VK_ERROR_DEVICE_LOST)
Sys_Error("Vulkan device lost");
Sys_Error("vkWaitForFences returned unspecified result: %s", VK_VKErrorToString(err));
return false;
VkAssert(vkResetFences(vk.device, 1, &vk.acquirefences[vk.aquirenext%ACQUIRELIMIT]));
vk.bufferidx = vk.acquirebufferidx[vk.aquirenext%ACQUIRELIMIT];
sem = vk.acquiresemaphores[vk.aquirenext%ACQUIRELIMIT];
//grab the first unused
vk.frame = vk.unusedframes;
vk.unusedframes = vk.frame->next;
vk.frame->next = NULL;
VkAssert(vkResetFences(vk.device, 1, &vk.frame->finishedfence));
vk.frame->backbuf = &vk.backbufs[vk.bufferidx];
vk.rendertarg = vk.frame->backbuf;
vk.frame->numcbufs = 0;
vk.rendertarg->cbuf = VK_AllocFrameCBuf();
vk.frame->acquiresemaphore = sem;
begininf.pInheritanceInfo = &inh;
inh.renderPass = VK_NULL_HANDLE; //unused
inh.subpass = 0; //unused
inh.framebuffer = VK_NULL_HANDLE; //unused
inh.occlusionQueryEnable = VK_FALSE;
inh.queryFlags = 0;
inh.pipelineStatistics = 0;
vkBeginCommandBuffer(vk.rendertarg->cbuf, &begininf);
// VK_DebugFramerate();
// vkCmdWriteTimestamp(vk.frame->cbuf, VK_PIPELINE_STAGE_TOP_OF_PIPE_BIT, querypool, vk.bufferidx*2+0);
if (!(vk.rendertarg->rpassflags & RP_PRESENTABLE))
VkImageMemoryBarrier imgbarrier = {VK_STRUCTURE_TYPE_IMAGE_MEMORY_BARRIER};
imgbarrier.pNext = NULL;
imgbarrier.srcAccessMask = 0;//VK_ACCESS_MEMORY_READ_BIT;
imgbarrier.oldLayout = VK_IMAGE_LAYOUT_UNDEFINED;//vk.rendertarg->colour.layout; //'Alternately, oldLayout can be VK_IMAGE_LAYOUT_UNDEFINED, if the image's contents need not be preserved.'
imgbarrier.image = vk.frame->backbuf->colour.image;
imgbarrier.subresourceRange.aspectMask = VK_IMAGE_ASPECT_COLOR_BIT;
imgbarrier.subresourceRange.baseMipLevel = 0;
imgbarrier.subresourceRange.levelCount = 1;
imgbarrier.subresourceRange.baseArrayLayer = 0;
imgbarrier.subresourceRange.layerCount = 1;
imgbarrier.srcQueueFamilyIndex = vk.queuefam[1];
imgbarrier.dstQueueFamilyIndex = vk.queuefam[0];
if (vk.frame->backbuf->firstuse)
imgbarrier.oldLayout = VK_IMAGE_LAYOUT_UNDEFINED;
imgbarrier.srcQueueFamilyIndex = VK_QUEUE_FAMILY_IGNORED;
imgbarrier.dstQueueFamilyIndex = VK_QUEUE_FAMILY_IGNORED;
vk.rendertarg->colour.layout = imgbarrier.newLayout;
VkImageMemoryBarrier imgbarrier = {VK_STRUCTURE_TYPE_IMAGE_MEMORY_BARRIER};
imgbarrier.pNext = NULL;
imgbarrier.srcAccessMask = 0;
imgbarrier.oldLayout = VK_IMAGE_LAYOUT_UNDEFINED;
imgbarrier.image = vk.frame->backbuf->depth.image;
imgbarrier.subresourceRange.aspectMask = VK_IMAGE_ASPECT_DEPTH_BIT;
imgbarrier.subresourceRange.baseMipLevel = 0;
imgbarrier.subresourceRange.levelCount = 1;
imgbarrier.subresourceRange.baseArrayLayer = 0;
imgbarrier.subresourceRange.layerCount = 1;
imgbarrier.srcQueueFamilyIndex = VK_QUEUE_FAMILY_IGNORED;
imgbarrier.dstQueueFamilyIndex = VK_QUEUE_FAMILY_IGNORED;
int rp = vk.frame->backbuf->rpassflags;
VkClearValue clearvalues[3];
extern cvar_t r_clear;
//attachments are: screen[1], depth[msbits], (screen[msbits])
clearvalues[0].color.float32[0] = !!(r_clear.ival & 1);
clearvalues[0].color.float32[1] = !!(r_clear.ival & 2);
clearvalues[0].color.float32[2] = !!(r_clear.ival & 4);
clearvalues[0].color.float32[3] = 1;
clearvalues[1].depthStencil.depth = 1.0;
clearvalues[1].depthStencil.stencil = 0;
clearvalues[2].color.float32[0] = !!(r_clear.ival & 1);
clearvalues[2].color.float32[1] = !!(r_clear.ival & 2);
clearvalues[2].color.float32[2] = !!(r_clear.ival & 4);
clearvalues[2].color.float32[3] = 1;
rpbi.clearValueCount = 3;
rpbi.clearValueCount = 2;
if (r_clear.ival || vk.frame->backbuf->firstuse)
rpbi.renderPass = VK_GetRenderPass(RP_FULLCLEAR|rp);
rpbi.renderPass = VK_GetRenderPass(RP_DEPTHCLEAR|rp);
rpbi.framebuffer = vk.frame->backbuf->framebuffer;
rpbi.renderArea.offset.x = 0;
rpbi.renderArea.offset.y = 0;
rpbi.renderArea.extent.width = vid.pixelwidth;
rpbi.renderArea.extent.height = vid.pixelheight;
rpbi.pClearValues = clearvalues;
vkCmdBeginRenderPass(vk.rendertarg->cbuf, &rpbi, VK_SUBPASS_CONTENTS_INLINE);
vk.frame->backbuf->width = vid.pixelwidth;
vk.frame->backbuf->height = vid.pixelheight;
rpbi.clearValueCount = 0;
rpbi.pClearValues = NULL;
rpbi.renderPass = VK_GetRenderPass(RP_RESUME|rp);
vk.rendertarg->restartinfo = rpbi;
vk.rendertarg->depthcleared = true;
vk.frame->backbuf->firstuse = false;
return true;
struct vk_presented
struct vk_fencework fw;
struct vkframe *frame;
void VK_Presented(void *fw)
struct vk_presented *pres = fw;
struct vkframe *frame = pres->frame;
pres->fw.fence = VK_NULL_HANDLE; //don't allow that to be freed.
struct vk_frameend *job = frame->frameendjobs;
frame->frameendjobs = job->next;
frame->next = vk.unusedframes;
vk.unusedframes = frame;
#if 0
void VK_DebugFramerate(void)
static double lastupdatetime;
static double lastsystemtime;
double t;
extern int fps_count;
float lastfps;
float frametime;
t = Sys_DoubleTime();
if ((t - lastupdatetime) >= 1.0)
lastfps = fps_count/(t - lastupdatetime);
fps_count = 0;
lastupdatetime = t;
OutputDebugStringA(va("%g fps\n", lastfps));
frametime = t - lastsystemtime;
lastsystemtime = t;
qboolean VK_SCR_UpdateScreen (void)
VkImageLayout fblayout;
//a few cvars need some extra work if they're changed
if ((vk.allowsubmissionthread && vk_submissionthread.modified) || vid_vsync.modified || vk_waitfence.modified || vid_triplebuffer.modified || vid_srgb.modified || vid_multisample.modified)
vk.neednewswapchain = true;
if (vk.devicelost)
{ //vkQueueSubmit returning vk_error_device_lost means we give up and try resetting everything.
//if someone's installing new drivers then wait a little time before reloading everything, in the hope that any other dependant files got copied. or something.
//fixme: don't allow this to be spammed...
Con_Printf("Device was lost. Restarting video\n");
Cmd_ExecuteString("vid_restart", RESTRICT_LOCAL);
return false;
if (vk.neednewswapchain && !vk.frame)
//kill the thread
if (vk.submitthread)
Sys_LockConditional(vk.submitcondition); //annoying, but required for it to be reliable with respect to other things.
vk.submitthread = NULL;
//make sure any work is actually done BEFORE the swapchain gets destroyed
while (vk.work)
if (vk.dopresent)
vk.neednewswapchain = false;
playdemo accepts https urls now. will start playing before the file has finished downloading, to avoid unnecessary delays. reworked network addresses to separate address family and connection type. this should make banning people more reliable, as well as simplifying a whole load of logic (no need to check for ipv4 AND ipv6). tcpconnect will keep trying to connect even if the connection wasn't instant, instead of giving up instantly. rewrote tcp connections quite a bit. sv_port_tcp now handles qtv+qizmo+http+ws+rtcbroker+tls equivalents. qtv_streamport is now a legacy cvar and now acts equivalently to sv_port_tcp (but still separate). rewrote screenshot and video capture code to use strides. this solves image-is-upside down issues with vulkan. ignore alt key in browser port. oh no! no more red text! oh no! no more alt-being-wrongly-down-and-being-unable-to-type-anything-without-forcing-alt-released! reworked audio decoder interface. now has clearly defined success/unavailable/end-of-file results. this should solve a whole load of issues with audio streaming. fixed various openal audio streaming issues too. openal also got some workarounds for emscripten's poor emulation. fixed ogg decoder to retain sync properly if seeked. updated menu_media a bit. now reads vorbis comments/id3v1 tags to get proper track names. also saves the playlist so you don't have to manually repopulate the list so it might actually be usable now (after how many years?) r_stains now defaults to 0, and is no longer enabled by presets. use decals if you want that sort of thing. added fs_noreexec cvar, so configs will not be reexeced on gamedir change. this also means defaults won't be reapplied, etc. added 'nvvk' renderer on windows, using nvidia's vulkan-inside-opengl gl extension. mostly just to see how much slower it is. fixed up the ftp server quite a lot. more complete, more compliant, and should do ipv6 properly to-boot. file transfers also threaded. fixed potential crash inside runclientphys. experimental sv_antilag=3 setting. totally untested. the aim is to avoid missing due to lagged knockbacks. may be expensive for the server. browser port's websockets support fixed. experimental support for webrtc ('works for me', requires a broker server). updated avplug(renamed to ffmpeg so people know what it is) to use ffmpeg 3.2.4 properly, with its new encoder api. should be much more robust... also added experimental audio decoder for game music etc (currently doesn't resample, so playback rates are screwed, disabled by cvar). git-svn-id: https://svn.code.sf.net/p/fteqw/code/trunk@5097 fc73d0e0-1445-4013-8a0c-d673dee63da5
2017-05-10 02:08:58 +00:00
if (vk.allowsubmissionthread && (vk_submissionthread.ival || !*vk_submissionthread.string))
vk.submitthread = Sys_CreateThread("vksubmission", VK_Submit_Thread, NULL, THREADP_HIGHEST, 0);
if (!VK_SCR_GrabBackBuffer())
return false;
VKBE_SelectDLight(NULL, vec3_origin, NULL, 0);
if (R2D_Flush)
playdemo accepts https urls now. will start playing before the file has finished downloading, to avoid unnecessary delays. reworked network addresses to separate address family and connection type. this should make banning people more reliable, as well as simplifying a whole load of logic (no need to check for ipv4 AND ipv6). tcpconnect will keep trying to connect even if the connection wasn't instant, instead of giving up instantly. rewrote tcp connections quite a bit. sv_port_tcp now handles qtv+qizmo+http+ws+rtcbroker+tls equivalents. qtv_streamport is now a legacy cvar and now acts equivalently to sv_port_tcp (but still separate). rewrote screenshot and video capture code to use strides. this solves image-is-upside down issues with vulkan. ignore alt key in browser port. oh no! no more red text! oh no! no more alt-being-wrongly-down-and-being-unable-to-type-anything-without-forcing-alt-released! reworked audio decoder interface. now has clearly defined success/unavailable/end-of-file results. this should solve a whole load of issues with audio streaming. fixed various openal audio streaming issues too. openal also got some workarounds for emscripten's poor emulation. fixed ogg decoder to retain sync properly if seeked. updated menu_media a bit. now reads vorbis comments/id3v1 tags to get proper track names. also saves the playlist so you don't have to manually repopulate the list so it might actually be usable now (after how many years?) r_stains now defaults to 0, and is no longer enabled by presets. use decals if you want that sort of thing. added fs_noreexec cvar, so configs will not be reexeced on gamedir change. this also means defaults won't be reapplied, etc. added 'nvvk' renderer on windows, using nvidia's vulkan-inside-opengl gl extension. mostly just to see how much slower it is. fixed up the ftp server quite a lot. more complete, more compliant, and should do ipv6 properly to-boot. file transfers also threaded. fixed potential crash inside runclientphys. experimental sv_antilag=3 setting. totally untested. the aim is to avoid missing due to lagged knockbacks. may be expensive for the server. browser port's websockets support fixed. experimental support for webrtc ('works for me', requires a broker server). updated avplug(renamed to ffmpeg so people know what it is) to use ffmpeg 3.2.4 properly, with its new encoder api. should be much more robust... also added experimental audio decoder for game music etc (currently doesn't resample, so playback rates are screwed, disabled by cvar). git-svn-id: https://svn.code.sf.net/p/fteqw/code/trunk@5097 fc73d0e0-1445-4013-8a0c-d673dee63da5
2017-05-10 02:08:58 +00:00
/*if (0)
playdemo accepts https urls now. will start playing before the file has finished downloading, to avoid unnecessary delays. reworked network addresses to separate address family and connection type. this should make banning people more reliable, as well as simplifying a whole load of logic (no need to check for ipv4 AND ipv6). tcpconnect will keep trying to connect even if the connection wasn't instant, instead of giving up instantly. rewrote tcp connections quite a bit. sv_port_tcp now handles qtv+qizmo+http+ws+rtcbroker+tls equivalents. qtv_streamport is now a legacy cvar and now acts equivalently to sv_port_tcp (but still separate). rewrote screenshot and video capture code to use strides. this solves image-is-upside down issues with vulkan. ignore alt key in browser port. oh no! no more red text! oh no! no more alt-being-wrongly-down-and-being-unable-to-type-anything-without-forcing-alt-released! reworked audio decoder interface. now has clearly defined success/unavailable/end-of-file results. this should solve a whole load of issues with audio streaming. fixed various openal audio streaming issues too. openal also got some workarounds for emscripten's poor emulation. fixed ogg decoder to retain sync properly if seeked. updated menu_media a bit. now reads vorbis comments/id3v1 tags to get proper track names. also saves the playlist so you don't have to manually repopulate the list so it might actually be usable now (after how many years?) r_stains now defaults to 0, and is no longer enabled by presets. use decals if you want that sort of thing. added fs_noreexec cvar, so configs will not be reexeced on gamedir change. this also means defaults won't be reapplied, etc. added 'nvvk' renderer on windows, using nvidia's vulkan-inside-opengl gl extension. mostly just to see how much slower it is. fixed up the ftp server quite a lot. more complete, more compliant, and should do ipv6 properly to-boot. file transfers also threaded. fixed potential crash inside runclientphys. experimental sv_antilag=3 setting. totally untested. the aim is to avoid missing due to lagged knockbacks. may be expensive for the server. browser port's websockets support fixed. experimental support for webrtc ('works for me', requires a broker server). updated avplug(renamed to ffmpeg so people know what it is) to use ffmpeg 3.2.4 properly, with its new encoder api. should be much more robust... also added experimental audio decoder for game music etc (currently doesn't resample, so playback rates are screwed, disabled by cvar). git-svn-id: https://svn.code.sf.net/p/fteqw/code/trunk@5097 fc73d0e0-1445-4013-8a0c-d673dee63da5
2017-05-10 02:08:58 +00:00
vkscreencapture_t *capt = VK_AtFrameEnd(atframeend, sizeof(vkscreencapture_t));
VkImageMemoryBarrier imgbarrier = {VK_STRUCTURE_TYPE_IMAGE_MEMORY_BARRIER};
playdemo accepts https urls now. will start playing before the file has finished downloading, to avoid unnecessary delays. reworked network addresses to separate address family and connection type. this should make banning people more reliable, as well as simplifying a whole load of logic (no need to check for ipv4 AND ipv6). tcpconnect will keep trying to connect even if the connection wasn't instant, instead of giving up instantly. rewrote tcp connections quite a bit. sv_port_tcp now handles qtv+qizmo+http+ws+rtcbroker+tls equivalents. qtv_streamport is now a legacy cvar and now acts equivalently to sv_port_tcp (but still separate). rewrote screenshot and video capture code to use strides. this solves image-is-upside down issues with vulkan. ignore alt key in browser port. oh no! no more red text! oh no! no more alt-being-wrongly-down-and-being-unable-to-type-anything-without-forcing-alt-released! reworked audio decoder interface. now has clearly defined success/unavailable/end-of-file results. this should solve a whole load of issues with audio streaming. fixed various openal audio streaming issues too. openal also got some workarounds for emscripten's poor emulation. fixed ogg decoder to retain sync properly if seeked. updated menu_media a bit. now reads vorbis comments/id3v1 tags to get proper track names. also saves the playlist so you don't have to manually repopulate the list so it might actually be usable now (after how many years?) r_stains now defaults to 0, and is no longer enabled by presets. use decals if you want that sort of thing. added fs_noreexec cvar, so configs will not be reexeced on gamedir change. this also means defaults won't be reapplied, etc. added 'nvvk' renderer on windows, using nvidia's vulkan-inside-opengl gl extension. mostly just to see how much slower it is. fixed up the ftp server quite a lot. more complete, more compliant, and should do ipv6 properly to-boot. file transfers also threaded. fixed potential crash inside runclientphys. experimental sv_antilag=3 setting. totally untested. the aim is to avoid missing due to lagged knockbacks. may be expensive for the server. browser port's websockets support fixed. experimental support for webrtc ('works for me', requires a broker server). updated avplug(renamed to ffmpeg so people know what it is) to use ffmpeg 3.2.4 properly, with its new encoder api. should be much more robust... also added experimental audio decoder for game music etc (currently doesn't resample, so playback rates are screwed, disabled by cvar). git-svn-id: https://svn.code.sf.net/p/fteqw/code/trunk@5097 fc73d0e0-1445-4013-8a0c-d673dee63da5
2017-05-10 02:08:58 +00:00
VkBufferImageCopy region;
imgbarrier.pNext = NULL;
playdemo accepts https urls now. will start playing before the file has finished downloading, to avoid unnecessary delays. reworked network addresses to separate address family and connection type. this should make banning people more reliable, as well as simplifying a whole load of logic (no need to check for ipv4 AND ipv6). tcpconnect will keep trying to connect even if the connection wasn't instant, instead of giving up instantly. rewrote tcp connections quite a bit. sv_port_tcp now handles qtv+qizmo+http+ws+rtcbroker+tls equivalents. qtv_streamport is now a legacy cvar and now acts equivalently to sv_port_tcp (but still separate). rewrote screenshot and video capture code to use strides. this solves image-is-upside down issues with vulkan. ignore alt key in browser port. oh no! no more red text! oh no! no more alt-being-wrongly-down-and-being-unable-to-type-anything-without-forcing-alt-released! reworked audio decoder interface. now has clearly defined success/unavailable/end-of-file results. this should solve a whole load of issues with audio streaming. fixed various openal audio streaming issues too. openal also got some workarounds for emscripten's poor emulation. fixed ogg decoder to retain sync properly if seeked. updated menu_media a bit. now reads vorbis comments/id3v1 tags to get proper track names. also saves the playlist so you don't have to manually repopulate the list so it might actually be usable now (after how many years?) r_stains now defaults to 0, and is no longer enabled by presets. use decals if you want that sort of thing. added fs_noreexec cvar, so configs will not be reexeced on gamedir change. this also means defaults won't be reapplied, etc. added 'nvvk' renderer on windows, using nvidia's vulkan-inside-opengl gl extension. mostly just to see how much slower it is. fixed up the ftp server quite a lot. more complete, more compliant, and should do ipv6 properly to-boot. file transfers also threaded. fixed potential crash inside runclientphys. experimental sv_antilag=3 setting. totally untested. the aim is to avoid missing due to lagged knockbacks. may be expensive for the server. browser port's websockets support fixed. experimental support for webrtc ('works for me', requires a broker server). updated avplug(renamed to ffmpeg so people know what it is) to use ffmpeg 3.2.4 properly, with its new encoder api. should be much more robust... also added experimental audio decoder for game music etc (currently doesn't resample, so playback rates are screwed, disabled by cvar). git-svn-id: https://svn.code.sf.net/p/fteqw/code/trunk@5097 fc73d0e0-1445-4013-8a0c-d673dee63da5
2017-05-10 02:08:58 +00:00
imgbarrier.dstAccessMask = VK_ACCESS_TRANSFER_READ_BIT;
imgbarrier.oldLayout = fblayout;
imgbarrier.newLayout = fblayout = VK_IMAGE_LAYOUT_TRANSFER_SRC_OPTIMAL;
imgbarrier.image = vk.frame->backbuf->colour.image;
imgbarrier.subresourceRange.aspectMask = VK_IMAGE_ASPECT_COLOR_BIT;
imgbarrier.subresourceRange.baseMipLevel = 0;
imgbarrier.subresourceRange.levelCount = 1;
imgbarrier.subresourceRange.baseArrayLayer = 0;
imgbarrier.subresourceRange.layerCount = 1;
imgbarrier.srcQueueFamilyIndex = vk.queuefam[0];
imgbarrier.dstQueueFamilyIndex = vk.queuefam[0];
vkCmdPipelineBarrier(vk.frame->cbuf, VK_PIPELINE_STAGE_TOP_OF_PIPE_BIT, VK_PIPELINE_STAGE_TOP_OF_PIPE_BIT, 0, 0, NULL, 0, NULL, 1, &imgbarrier);
region.bufferOffset = 0;
region.bufferRowLength = 0; //tightly packed
region.bufferImageHeight = 0; //tightly packed
region.imageSubresource.aspectMask = VK_IMAGE_ASPECT_COLOR_BIT;
region.imageSubresource.mipLevel = 0;
region.imageSubresource.baseArrayLayer = 0;
region.imageSubresource.layerCount = 1;
region.imageOffset.x = 0;
region.imageOffset.y = 0;
region.imageOffset.z = 0;
region.imageExtent.width = capt->imagewidth = vk.frame->backbuf->colour.width;
region.imageExtent.height = capt->imageheight = vk.frame->backbuf->colour.height;
region.imageExtent.depth = 1;
vkCmdCopyImageToBuffer(vk.frame->cbuf, vk.frame->backbuf->colour.image, VK_IMAGE_LAYOUT_TRANSFER_SRC_OPTIMAL, buffer, 1, &region);
if (!(vk.frame->backbuf->rpassflags & RP_PRESENTABLE))
playdemo accepts https urls now. will start playing before the file has finished downloading, to avoid unnecessary delays. reworked network addresses to separate address family and connection type. this should make banning people more reliable, as well as simplifying a whole load of logic (no need to check for ipv4 AND ipv6). tcpconnect will keep trying to connect even if the connection wasn't instant, instead of giving up instantly. rewrote tcp connections quite a bit. sv_port_tcp now handles qtv+qizmo+http+ws+rtcbroker+tls equivalents. qtv_streamport is now a legacy cvar and now acts equivalently to sv_port_tcp (but still separate). rewrote screenshot and video capture code to use strides. this solves image-is-upside down issues with vulkan. ignore alt key in browser port. oh no! no more red text! oh no! no more alt-being-wrongly-down-and-being-unable-to-type-anything-without-forcing-alt-released! reworked audio decoder interface. now has clearly defined success/unavailable/end-of-file results. this should solve a whole load of issues with audio streaming. fixed various openal audio streaming issues too. openal also got some workarounds for emscripten's poor emulation. fixed ogg decoder to retain sync properly if seeked. updated menu_media a bit. now reads vorbis comments/id3v1 tags to get proper track names. also saves the playlist so you don't have to manually repopulate the list so it might actually be usable now (after how many years?) r_stains now defaults to 0, and is no longer enabled by presets. use decals if you want that sort of thing. added fs_noreexec cvar, so configs will not be reexeced on gamedir change. this also means defaults won't be reapplied, etc. added 'nvvk' renderer on windows, using nvidia's vulkan-inside-opengl gl extension. mostly just to see how much slower it is. fixed up the ftp server quite a lot. more complete, more compliant, and should do ipv6 properly to-boot. file transfers also threaded. fixed potential crash inside runclientphys. experimental sv_antilag=3 setting. totally untested. the aim is to avoid missing due to lagged knockbacks. may be expensive for the server. browser port's websockets support fixed. experimental support for webrtc ('works for me', requires a broker server). updated avplug(renamed to ffmpeg so people know what it is) to use ffmpeg 3.2.4 properly, with its new encoder api. should be much more robust... also added experimental audio decoder for game music etc (currently doesn't resample, so playback rates are screwed, disabled by cvar). git-svn-id: https://svn.code.sf.net/p/fteqw/code/trunk@5097 fc73d0e0-1445-4013-8a0c-d673dee63da5
2017-05-10 02:08:58 +00:00
VkImageMemoryBarrier imgbarrier = {VK_STRUCTURE_TYPE_IMAGE_MEMORY_BARRIER};
imgbarrier.pNext = NULL;
imgbarrier.dstAccessMask = 0;
playdemo accepts https urls now. will start playing before the file has finished downloading, to avoid unnecessary delays. reworked network addresses to separate address family and connection type. this should make banning people more reliable, as well as simplifying a whole load of logic (no need to check for ipv4 AND ipv6). tcpconnect will keep trying to connect even if the connection wasn't instant, instead of giving up instantly. rewrote tcp connections quite a bit. sv_port_tcp now handles qtv+qizmo+http+ws+rtcbroker+tls equivalents. qtv_streamport is now a legacy cvar and now acts equivalently to sv_port_tcp (but still separate). rewrote screenshot and video capture code to use strides. this solves image-is-upside down issues with vulkan. ignore alt key in browser port. oh no! no more red text! oh no! no more alt-being-wrongly-down-and-being-unable-to-type-anything-without-forcing-alt-released! reworked audio decoder interface. now has clearly defined success/unavailable/end-of-file results. this should solve a whole load of issues with audio streaming. fixed various openal audio streaming issues too. openal also got some workarounds for emscripten's poor emulation. fixed ogg decoder to retain sync properly if seeked. updated menu_media a bit. now reads vorbis comments/id3v1 tags to get proper track names. also saves the playlist so you don't have to manually repopulate the list so it might actually be usable now (after how many years?) r_stains now defaults to 0, and is no longer enabled by presets. use decals if you want that sort of thing. added fs_noreexec cvar, so configs will not be reexeced on gamedir change. this also means defaults won't be reapplied, etc. added 'nvvk' renderer on windows, using nvidia's vulkan-inside-opengl gl extension. mostly just to see how much slower it is. fixed up the ftp server quite a lot. more complete, more compliant, and should do ipv6 properly to-boot. file transfers also threaded. fixed potential crash inside runclientphys. experimental sv_antilag=3 setting. totally untested. the aim is to avoid missing due to lagged knockbacks. may be expensive for the server. browser port's websockets support fixed. experimental support for webrtc ('works for me', requires a broker server). updated avplug(renamed to ffmpeg so people know what it is) to use ffmpeg 3.2.4 properly, with its new encoder api. should be much more robust... also added experimental audio decoder for game music etc (currently doesn't resample, so playback rates are screwed, disabled by cvar). git-svn-id: https://svn.code.sf.net/p/fteqw/code/trunk@5097 fc73d0e0-1445-4013-8a0c-d673dee63da5
2017-05-10 02:08:58 +00:00
imgbarrier.oldLayout = fblayout;
imgbarrier.newLayout = VK_IMAGE_LAYOUT_PRESENT_SRC_KHR;
imgbarrier.image = vk.frame->backbuf->colour.image;
imgbarrier.subresourceRange.aspectMask = VK_IMAGE_ASPECT_COLOR_BIT;
imgbarrier.subresourceRange.baseMipLevel = 0;
imgbarrier.subresourceRange.levelCount = 1;
imgbarrier.subresourceRange.baseArrayLayer = 0;
imgbarrier.subresourceRange.layerCount = 1;
imgbarrier.srcQueueFamilyIndex = vk.queuefam[0];
imgbarrier.dstQueueFamilyIndex = vk.queuefam[1];
vkCmdPipelineBarrier(vk.rendertarg->cbuf, VK_PIPELINE_STAGE_COLOR_ATTACHMENT_OUTPUT_BIT, VK_PIPELINE_STAGE_BOTTOM_OF_PIPE_BIT, 0, 0, NULL, 0, NULL, 1, &imgbarrier);
vk.rendertarg->colour.layout = imgbarrier.newLayout;
// vkCmdWriteTimestamp(vk.rendertarg->cbuf, VK_PIPELINE_STAGE_TOP_OF_PIPE_BIT, querypool, vk.bufferidx*2+1);
struct vk_presented *fw = Z_Malloc(sizeof(*fw));
fw->fw.Passed = VK_Presented;
fw->fw.fence = vk.frame->finishedfence;
fw->frame = vk.frame;
//hand over any post-frame jobs to the frame in question.
vk.frame->frameendjobs = vk.frameendjobs;
vk.frameendjobs = NULL;
VK_Submit_Work(vk.rendertarg->cbuf, vk.frame->acquiresemaphore, VK_PIPELINE_STAGE_COLOR_ATTACHMENT_OUTPUT_BIT, vk.frame->backbuf->presentsemaphore, vk.frame->finishedfence, vk.frame, &fw->fw);
//now would be a good time to do any compute work or lightmap updates...
vk.frame = NULL;
if (editormodal)
return true;
void VKBE_RenderToTextureUpdate2d(qboolean destchanged)
static void VK_DestroyRenderPasses(void)
int i;
for (i = 0; i < countof(vk.renderpass); i++)
if (vk.renderpass[i] != VK_NULL_HANDLE)
vkDestroyRenderPass(vk.device, vk.renderpass[i], vkallocationcb);
vk.renderpass[i] = VK_NULL_HANDLE;
VkRenderPass VK_GetRenderPass(int pass)
int numattachments;
static VkAttachmentReference color_reference;
static VkAttachmentReference depth_reference;
static VkAttachmentReference resolve_reference;
static VkAttachmentDescription attachments[3] = {{0}};
static VkSubpassDescription subpass = {0};
static VkRenderPassCreateInfo rp_info = {VK_STRUCTURE_TYPE_RENDER_PASS_CREATE_INFO};
//two render passes are compatible for piplines when they match exactly except for:
//initial and final layouts in attachment descriptions.
//load and store operations in attachment descriptions.
//image layouts in attachment references.
if (vk.multisamplebits == VK_SAMPLE_COUNT_1_BIT)
pass &= ~RP_MULTISAMPLE; //no difference
if (vk.renderpass[pass] != VK_NULL_HANDLE)
return vk.renderpass[pass]; //already built
numattachments = 0;
if ((pass&3)==RP_DEPTHONLY)
color_reference.attachment = ~(uint32_t)0; //no colour buffer...
color_reference.attachment = numattachments++;
depth_reference.attachment = numattachments++;
resolve_reference.attachment = ~(uint32_t)0;
if ((pass & RP_MULTISAMPLE) && color_reference.attachment != ~(uint32_t)0)
{ //if we're using multisample, then render to a third texture, with a resolve to the original colour texture.
resolve_reference.attachment = color_reference.attachment;
color_reference.attachment = numattachments++;
if (color_reference.attachment != ~(uint32_t)0)
attachments[color_reference.attachment].format = (pass&RP_FP16)?VK_FORMAT_R16G16B16A16_SFLOAT:vk.backbufformat;
attachments[color_reference.attachment].samples = (pass & RP_MULTISAMPLE)?vk.multisamplebits:VK_SAMPLE_COUNT_1_BIT;
// attachments[color_reference.attachment].loadOp = pass?VK_ATTACHMENT_LOAD_OP_LOAD:VK_ATTACHMENT_LOAD_OP_DONT_CARE;
attachments[color_reference.attachment].storeOp = VK_ATTACHMENT_STORE_OP_STORE;
attachments[color_reference.attachment].stencilLoadOp = VK_ATTACHMENT_LOAD_OP_DONT_CARE;
attachments[color_reference.attachment].stencilStoreOp = VK_ATTACHMENT_STORE_OP_DONT_CARE;
attachments[color_reference.attachment].initialLayout = VK_IMAGE_LAYOUT_COLOR_ATTACHMENT_OPTIMAL;
attachments[color_reference.attachment].finalLayout = VK_IMAGE_LAYOUT_COLOR_ATTACHMENT_OPTIMAL;
if (depth_reference.attachment != ~(uint32_t)0)
attachments[depth_reference.attachment].format = vk.depthformat;
attachments[depth_reference.attachment].samples = (pass & RP_MULTISAMPLE)?vk.multisamplebits:VK_SAMPLE_COUNT_1_BIT;
// attachments[depth_reference.attachment].loadOp = pass?VK_ATTACHMENT_LOAD_OP_LOAD:VK_ATTACHMENT_LOAD_OP_CLEAR;
attachments[depth_reference.attachment].storeOp = VK_ATTACHMENT_STORE_OP_STORE;//VK_ATTACHMENT_STORE_OP_DONT_CARE;
attachments[depth_reference.attachment].stencilLoadOp = VK_ATTACHMENT_LOAD_OP_DONT_CARE;
attachments[depth_reference.attachment].stencilStoreOp = VK_ATTACHMENT_STORE_OP_DONT_CARE;
attachments[depth_reference.attachment].initialLayout = VK_IMAGE_LAYOUT_DEPTH_STENCIL_ATTACHMENT_OPTIMAL;
attachments[depth_reference.attachment].finalLayout = VK_IMAGE_LAYOUT_DEPTH_STENCIL_ATTACHMENT_OPTIMAL;
if (resolve_reference.attachment != ~(uint32_t)0)
attachments[resolve_reference.attachment].format = vk.backbufformat;
attachments[resolve_reference.attachment].samples = VK_SAMPLE_COUNT_1_BIT;
attachments[resolve_reference.attachment].loadOp = VK_ATTACHMENT_LOAD_OP_DONT_CARE;
attachments[resolve_reference.attachment].storeOp = VK_ATTACHMENT_STORE_OP_STORE;
attachments[resolve_reference.attachment].stencilLoadOp = VK_ATTACHMENT_LOAD_OP_DONT_CARE;
attachments[resolve_reference.attachment].stencilStoreOp = VK_ATTACHMENT_STORE_OP_DONT_CARE;
attachments[resolve_reference.attachment].initialLayout = VK_IMAGE_LAYOUT_UNDEFINED;
attachments[resolve_reference.attachment].finalLayout = (pass&RP_PRESENTABLE)?VK_IMAGE_LAYOUT_PRESENT_SRC_KHR:VK_IMAGE_LAYOUT_SHADER_READ_ONLY_OPTIMAL;
subpass.pipelineBindPoint = VK_PIPELINE_BIND_POINT_GRAPHICS;
subpass.flags = 0;
subpass.inputAttachmentCount = 0;
subpass.pInputAttachments = NULL;
subpass.colorAttachmentCount = 1;
subpass.pColorAttachments = &color_reference;
subpass.pResolveAttachments = (resolve_reference.attachment != ~(uint32_t)0)?&resolve_reference:NULL;
subpass.pDepthStencilAttachment = &depth_reference;
subpass.preserveAttachmentCount = 0;
subpass.pPreserveAttachments = NULL;
rp_info.attachmentCount = numattachments;
rp_info.pAttachments = attachments;
rp_info.subpassCount = 1;
rp_info.pSubpasses = &subpass;
rp_info.dependencyCount = 0;
rp_info.pDependencies = NULL;
//nothing cleared, both are just re-loaded.
attachments[color_reference.attachment].loadOp = VK_ATTACHMENT_LOAD_OP_LOAD;
attachments[depth_reference.attachment].loadOp = VK_ATTACHMENT_LOAD_OP_LOAD;
//depth cleared, colour is whatever.
attachments[depth_reference.attachment].initialLayout = VK_IMAGE_LAYOUT_UNDEFINED;
attachments[color_reference.attachment].loadOp = VK_ATTACHMENT_LOAD_OP_DONT_CARE;
attachments[depth_reference.attachment].loadOp = VK_ATTACHMENT_LOAD_OP_CLEAR;
//both cleared
attachments[color_reference.attachment].initialLayout = VK_IMAGE_LAYOUT_UNDEFINED;
attachments[depth_reference.attachment].initialLayout = VK_IMAGE_LAYOUT_UNDEFINED;
attachments[color_reference.attachment].loadOp = VK_ATTACHMENT_LOAD_OP_CLEAR;
attachments[depth_reference.attachment].loadOp = VK_ATTACHMENT_LOAD_OP_CLEAR;
attachments[depth_reference.attachment].initialLayout = VK_IMAGE_LAYOUT_UNDEFINED;
// attachments[color_reference.attachment].loadOp = VK_ATTACHMENT_LOAD_OP_DONT_CARE;
attachments[depth_reference.attachment].loadOp = VK_ATTACHMENT_LOAD_OP_CLEAR;
VkAssert(vkCreateRenderPass(vk.device, &rp_info, vkallocationcb, &vk.renderpass[pass]));
DebugSetName(VK_OBJECT_TYPE_RENDER_PASS, (uint64_t)vk.renderpass[pass], va("RP%i", pass));
return vk.renderpass[pass];
void VK_DoPresent(struct vkframe *theframe)
VkResult err;
uint32_t framenum;
if (!theframe)
return; //used to ensure that the queue is flushed at shutdown
framenum = theframe->backbuf - vk.backbufs;
presinfo.waitSemaphoreCount = 1;
presinfo.pWaitSemaphores = &theframe->backbuf->presentsemaphore;
presinfo.swapchainCount = 1;
presinfo.pSwapchains = &vk.swapchain;
presinfo.pImageIndices = &framenum;
err = vkQueuePresentKHR(vk.queue_present, &presinfo);
if (err)
Con_DPrintf("vkQueuePresentKHR: VK_SUBOPTIMAL_KHR\n");
else if (err == VK_ERROR_OUT_OF_DATE_KHR)
Con_DPrintf("vkQueuePresentKHR: VK_ERROR_OUT_OF_DATE_KHR\n");
Con_Printf("ERROR: vkQueuePresentKHR: %i\n", err);
vk.neednewswapchain = true;
err = vkAcquireNextImageKHR(vk.device, vk.swapchain, 0, vk.acquiresemaphores[vk.aquirelast%ACQUIRELIMIT], vk.acquirefences[vk.aquirelast%ACQUIRELIMIT], &vk.acquirebufferidx[vk.aquirelast%ACQUIRELIMIT]);
if (err)
Con_Printf("ERROR: vkAcquireNextImageKHR: %s\n", VK_VKErrorToString(err));
vk.neednewswapchain = true;
vk.devicelost |= (err == VK_ERROR_DEVICE_LOST);
static void VK_Submit_DoWork(void)
VkCommandBuffer cbuf[64];
VkSemaphore wsem[64];
VkPipelineStageFlags wsemstageflags[64];
VkSemaphore ssem[64];
VkQueue subqueue = NULL;
VkSubmitInfo subinfo[64];
unsigned int subcount = 0;
struct vkwork_s *work;
struct vkframe *present = NULL;
VkFence waitfence = VK_NULL_HANDLE;
VkResult err;
struct vk_fencework *fencedwork = NULL;
qboolean errored = false;
while(vk.work && !present && !waitfence && !fencedwork && subcount < countof(subinfo))
work = vk.work;
if (subcount && subqueue != work->queue)
subinfo[subcount].sType = VK_STRUCTURE_TYPE_SUBMIT_INFO;
subinfo[subcount].pNext = NULL;
subinfo[subcount].waitSemaphoreCount = work->semwait?1:0;
subinfo[subcount].pWaitSemaphores = &wsem[subcount];
wsem[subcount] = work->semwait;
subinfo[subcount].pWaitDstStageMask = &wsemstageflags[subcount];
wsemstageflags[subcount] = work->semwaitstagemask;
subinfo[subcount].commandBufferCount = work->cmdbuf?1:0;
subinfo[subcount].pCommandBuffers = &cbuf[subcount];
cbuf[subcount] = work->cmdbuf;
subinfo[subcount].signalSemaphoreCount = work->semsignal?1:0;
subinfo[subcount].pSignalSemaphores = &ssem[subcount];
ssem[subcount] = work->semsignal;
waitfence = work->fencesignal;
fencedwork = work->fencedwork;
subqueue = work->queue;
present = work->present;
vk.work = work->next;
Sys_UnlockConditional(vk.submitcondition); //don't block people giving us work while we're occupied
if (subcount || waitfence)
err = vkQueueSubmit(subqueue, subcount, subinfo, waitfence);
if (err)
if (!vk.devicelost)
Con_Printf(CON_ERROR "ERROR: vkQueueSubmit: %s\n", VK_VKErrorToString(err));
errored = vk.neednewswapchain = true;
vk.devicelost |= (err==VK_ERROR_DEVICE_LOST);
if (present && !errored)
if (fencedwork)
{ //this is used for loading and cleaning up things after the gpu has consumed it.
if (vk.fencework_last)
vk.fencework_last->next = fencedwork;
vk.fencework_last = fencedwork;
vk.fencework_last = vk.fencework = fencedwork;
//oh look. a thread.
//nvidia's drivers seem to like doing a lot of blocking in queuesubmit and queuepresent(despite the whole QUEUE thing).
//so thread this work so the main thread doesn't have to block so much.
int VK_Submit_Thread(void *arg)
if (!vk.work)
return true;
void VK_Submit_Work(VkCommandBuffer cmdbuf, VkSemaphore semwait, VkPipelineStageFlags semwaitstagemask, VkSemaphore semsignal, VkFence fencesignal, struct vkframe *presentframe, struct vk_fencework *fencedwork)
struct vkwork_s *work = Z_Malloc(sizeof(*work));
struct vkwork_s **link;
work->queue = vk.queue_render;
work->cmdbuf = cmdbuf;
work->semwait = semwait;
work->semwaitstagemask = semwaitstagemask;
work->semsignal = semsignal;
work->fencesignal = fencesignal;
work->present = presentframe;
work->fencedwork = fencedwork;
if (vk.neednewswapchain && vk.submitthread)
{ //if we're trying to kill the submission thread, don't post work to it - instead wait for it to die cleanly then do it ourselves.
vk.submitthread = NULL;
Sys_LockConditional(vk.submitcondition); //annoying, but required for it to be reliable with respect to other things.
//add it on the end in a lazy way.
for (link = &vk.work; *link; link = &(*link)->next)
*link = work;
if (vk.submitthread)
void VK_Submit_Sync(void)
vkDeviceWaitIdle(vk.device); //just in case
void VK_CheckTextureFormats(void)
struct {
unsigned int pti;
VkFormat vulkan;
unsigned int needextra;
} texfmt[] =
{PTI_ETC1_RGB8, VK_FORMAT_ETC2_R8G8B8_UNORM_BLOCK, VK_FORMAT_FEATURE_SAMPLED_IMAGE_FILTER_LINEAR_BIT}, //vulkan doesn't support etc1 (but that's okay, because etc2 is a superset).
#ifdef VK_EXT_texture_compression_astc_hdr
unsigned int i;
VkPhysicalDeviceProperties props;
vkGetPhysicalDeviceProperties(vk.gpu, &props);
vk.limits = props.limits;
sh_config.texture2d_maxsize = props.limits.maxImageDimension2D;
sh_config.texturecube_maxsize = props.limits.maxImageDimensionCube;
for (i = 0; i < countof(texfmt); i++)
unsigned int need = /*VK_FORMAT_FEATURE_SAMPLED_IMAGE_FILTER_LINEAR_BIT |*/ texfmt[i].needextra;
VkFormatProperties fmt;
vkGetPhysicalDeviceFormatProperties(vk.gpu, texfmt[i].vulkan, &fmt);
if ((fmt.optimalTilingFeatures & need) == need)
sh_config.texfmt[texfmt[i].pti] = true;
if (sh_config.texfmt[PTI_BC1_RGBA] && sh_config.texfmt[PTI_BC2_RGBA] && sh_config.texfmt[PTI_BC3_RGBA] && sh_config.texfmt[PTI_BC5_RG] && sh_config.texfmt[PTI_BC7_RGBA])
sh_config.hw_bc = 3;
if (sh_config.texfmt[PTI_ETC2_RGB8] && sh_config.texfmt[PTI_ETC2_RGB8A1] && sh_config.texfmt[PTI_ETC2_RGB8A8] && sh_config.texfmt[PTI_EAC_RG11])
sh_config.hw_etc = 2;
if (sh_config.texfmt[PTI_ASTC_4X4_LDR])
sh_config.hw_astc = 1; //the core vulkan formats refer to the ldr profile. hdr is a separate extension, which is still not properly specified..
if (sh_config.texfmt[PTI_ASTC_4X4_HDR])
sh_config.hw_astc = 2; //the core vulkan formats refer to the ldr profile. hdr is a separate extension, which is still not properly specified..
//initialise the vulkan instance, context, device, etc.
qboolean VK_Init(rendererstate_t *info, const char **sysextnames, qboolean (*createSurface)(void), void (*dopresent)(struct vkframe *theframe))
VkQueueFamilyProperties *queueprops;
VkResult err;
VkApplicationInfo app;
VkInstanceCreateInfo inst_info;
int gpuidx = 0;
const char *extensions[8];
uint32_t extensions_count = 0;
//device extensions that want to enable
//initialised in reverse order, so superseeded should name later extensions.
qboolean *flag;
const char *name;
cvar_t *var;
qboolean def;
win: emulate gamepad thumb axis as buttons. keys: add some extra key names for compat with DP+QS (primarily gamepad buttons). keys: fix a few keys getting mistranslated between engine and qc scancodes. engine menus: remove 16bpp from the video options menu on win8+, as win8 no longer supports anything but rgbx8. pmove: coord size and rounding is now part of the pmove code itself. this fixes truncation issues. r_clutter_density: fix crash from clutter comprising of boneless iqms. gl: added cvars to disable immutable buffers or textures. hopefully these might be usable to work around the issue reported on various geforce 1080s wav: convert ieee wav files to 16bit on load, in case someone tries giving us one of these. vid_srgb: this cvar now uses -1 for the former gamma-only setting. r_viewmodel_quake: new cvar (name comes from quakespasm) that can be used to disable the weird movement of the viewmodel when pitching up or down. nquake: try to block nquake's frogbot's autoexec.cfg, as I keep getting complaints about it fucking over singleplayer games. fs: added -netquake commandline argument that disables the use of the qw/ gamedir. fog: disabled fog on aky surfaces, as it was bugging out in The Wastes. vid: fix some vid_restart/vid_reload issues (which got much worse recently in my attempt to fix a different crash) routing: first attempt at engine-side routing. feature is currently disabled. git-svn-id: https://svn.code.sf.net/p/fteqw/code/trunk@5248 fc73d0e0-1445-4013-8a0c-d673dee63da5
2018-04-27 16:40:50 +00:00
qboolean *superseeded; //if this is set then the extension will not be enabled after all
const char *warningtext; //printed if the extension is requested but not supported by the device
qboolean supported;
} knowndevexts[] =
{&vk.khr_swapchain, VK_KHR_SWAPCHAIN_EXTENSION_NAME, NULL, true, NULL, " Nothing will be drawn!"},
{&vk.nv_glsl_shader, VK_NV_GLSL_SHADER_EXTENSION_NAME, &vk_nv_glsl_shader, false, NULL, " Direct use of glsl is not supported."},
{&vk.khr_get_memory_requirements2, VK_KHR_GET_MEMORY_REQUIREMENTS_2_EXTENSION_NAME,&vk_khr_get_memory_requirements2,true, NULL, NULL},
{&vk.khr_dedicated_allocation, VK_KHR_DEDICATED_ALLOCATION_EXTENSION_NAME, &vk_khr_dedicated_allocation, true, NULL, NULL},
{&vk.khr_push_descriptor, VK_KHR_PUSH_DESCRIPTOR_EXTENSION_NAME, &vk_khr_push_descriptor, true, NULL, NULL},
{&vk.amd_rasterization_order, VK_AMD_RASTERIZATION_ORDER_EXTENSION_NAME, &vk_amd_rasterization_order, false, NULL, NULL},
#ifdef VK_EXT_astc_decode_mode
{&vk.ext_astc_decode_mode, VK_EXT_ASTC_DECODE_MODE_EXTENSION_NAME, &vk_ext_astc_decode_mode, true, NULL, NULL},
size_t e;
for (e = 0; e < countof(knowndevexts); e++)
*knowndevexts[e].flag = false;
vk.allowsubmissionthread = true;
vk.neednewswapchain = true;
vk.triplebuffer = info->triplebuffer;
vk.vsync = info->wait;
vk.dopresent = dopresent?dopresent:VK_DoPresent;
memset(&sh_config, 0, sizeof(sh_config));
//get second set of pointers... (instance-level)
if (!vkGetInstanceProcAddr)
Con_Printf("vkGetInstanceProcAddr is null\n");
return false;
#define VKFunc(n) vk##n = (PFN_vk##n)vkGetInstanceProcAddr(VK_NULL_HANDLE, "vk"#n);
#undef VKFunc
//try and enable some instance extensions...
qboolean surfext = false;
uint32_t count, i, j;
VkExtensionProperties *ext;
#ifdef VK_EXT_debug_utils
qboolean havedebugutils = false;
#ifdef VK_EXT_debug_report
qboolean havedebugreport = false;
vkEnumerateInstanceExtensionProperties(NULL, &count, NULL);
ext = malloc(sizeof(*ext)*count);
vkEnumerateInstanceExtensionProperties(NULL, &count, ext);
for (i = 0; i < count && extensions_count < countof(extensions); i++)
Con_DLPrintf(2, " vki: %s\n", ext[i].extensionName);
#ifdef VK_EXT_debug_utils
if (!strcmp(ext[i].extensionName, VK_EXT_DEBUG_REPORT_EXTENSION_NAME))
havedebugutils = true;
#ifdef VK_EXT_debug_report
if (!strcmp(ext[i].extensionName, VK_EXT_DEBUG_REPORT_EXTENSION_NAME))
havedebugreport = true;
else if (sysextnames && !strcmp(ext[i].extensionName, VK_KHR_SURFACE_EXTENSION_NAME))
extensions[extensions_count++] = VK_KHR_SURFACE_EXTENSION_NAME;
surfext = true;
else if (sysextnames)
for (j = 0; sysextnames[j]; j++)
if (!strcmp(ext[i].extensionName, sysextnames[j]))
extensions[extensions_count++] = sysextnames[j];
vk.khr_swapchain = true;
if (!vk_debug.ival)
#ifdef VK_EXT_debug_utils
else if (havedebugutils)
extensions[extensions_count++] = VK_EXT_DEBUG_UTILS_EXTENSION_NAME;
#ifdef VK_EXT_debug_report
else if (havedebugreport)
extensions[extensions_count++] = VK_EXT_DEBUG_REPORT_EXTENSION_NAME;
if (sysextnames && (!vk.khr_swapchain || !surfext))
Con_Printf("Vulkan instance lacks driver support for %s\n", sysextnames[0]);
return false;
memset(&app, 0, sizeof(app));
app.pNext = NULL;
app.pApplicationName = NULL;
app.applicationVersion = 0;
app.pEngineName = FULLENGINENAME;
app.engineVersion = ENGINEVERSION;
app.apiVersion = VK_MAKE_VERSION(1, 0, 2);
memset(&inst_info, 0, sizeof(inst_info));
inst_info.pApplicationInfo = &app;
inst_info.enabledLayerCount = vklayercount;
inst_info.ppEnabledLayerNames = vklayerlist;
inst_info.enabledExtensionCount = extensions_count;
inst_info.ppEnabledExtensionNames = extensions;
err = vkCreateInstance(&inst_info, vkallocationcb, &vk.instance);
Con_Printf("VK_ERROR_INCOMPATIBLE_DRIVER: please install an appropriate vulkan driver\n");
return false;
Con_Printf("VK_ERROR_EXTENSION_NOT_PRESENT: something on a system level is probably misconfigured\n");
return false;
Con_Printf("VK_ERROR_LAYER_NOT_PRESENT: requested layer is not known/usable\n");
return false;
Con_Printf("Unknown vulkan instance creation error: %x\n", err);
return false;
//third set of functions...
vkGetInstanceProcAddr = (PFN_vkGetInstanceProcAddr)vkGetInstanceProcAddr(vk.instance, "vkGetInstanceProcAddr");
#define VKFunc(n) vk##n = (PFN_vk##n)vkGetInstanceProcAddr(vk.instance, "vk"#n);
#undef VKFunc
//set up debug callbacks
if (vk_debug.ival)
#ifdef VK_EXT_debug_utils
vkCreateDebugUtilsMessengerEXT = (PFN_vkCreateDebugUtilsMessengerEXT)vkGetInstanceProcAddr(vk.instance, "vkCreateDebugUtilsMessengerEXT");
vkDestroyDebugUtilsMessengerEXT = (PFN_vkDestroyDebugUtilsMessengerEXT)vkGetInstanceProcAddr(vk.instance, "vkDestroyDebugUtilsMessengerEXT");
if (vkCreateDebugUtilsMessengerEXT)
VkDebugUtilsMessengerCreateInfoEXT dbgCreateInfo;
memset(&dbgCreateInfo, 0, sizeof(dbgCreateInfo));
dbgCreateInfo.pfnUserCallback = mydebugutilsmessagecallback;
dbgCreateInfo.pUserData = NULL;
vkCreateDebugUtilsMessengerEXT(vk.instance, &dbgCreateInfo, vkallocationcb, &vk_debugucallback);
#ifdef VK_EXT_debug_report
vkCreateDebugReportCallbackEXT = (PFN_vkCreateDebugReportCallbackEXT)vkGetInstanceProcAddr(vk.instance, "vkCreateDebugReportCallbackEXT");
vkDestroyDebugReportCallbackEXT = (PFN_vkDestroyDebugReportCallbackEXT)vkGetInstanceProcAddr(vk.instance, "vkDestroyDebugReportCallbackEXT");
if (vkCreateDebugReportCallbackEXT && vkDestroyDebugReportCallbackEXT)
VkDebugReportCallbackCreateInfoEXT dbgCreateInfo;
memset(&dbgCreateInfo, 0, sizeof(dbgCreateInfo));
dbgCreateInfo.pfnCallback = mydebugreportcallback;
dbgCreateInfo.pUserData = NULL;
dbgCreateInfo.flags = VK_DEBUG_REPORT_ERROR_BIT_EXT |
vkCreateDebugReportCallbackEXT(vk.instance, &dbgCreateInfo, vkallocationcb, &vk_debugcallback);
//create the platform-specific surface
//figure out which gpu we're going to use
uint32_t gpucount = 0, i;
uint32_t bestpri = ~0u, pri;
VkPhysicalDevice *devs;
char *s = info->subrenderer;
int wantdev = -1;
if (*s)
if (!Q_strncasecmp(s, "GPU", 3))
s += 3;
wantdev = strtoul(s, &s, 0);
if (*s) //its a named device.
wantdev = -1;
vkEnumeratePhysicalDevices(vk.instance, &gpucount, NULL);
if (!gpucount)
Con_Printf("vulkan: no devices known!\n");
return false;
devs = malloc(sizeof(VkPhysicalDevice)*gpucount);
vkEnumeratePhysicalDevices(vk.instance, &gpucount, devs);
for (i = 0; i < gpucount; i++)
VkPhysicalDeviceProperties props;
uint32_t j, queue_count;
vkGetPhysicalDeviceProperties(devs[i], &props);
vkGetPhysicalDeviceQueueFamilyProperties(devs[i], &queue_count, NULL);
if (vk.khr_swapchain)
for (j = 0; j < queue_count; j++)
VkBool32 supportsPresent = false;
VkAssert(vkGetPhysicalDeviceSurfaceSupportKHR(devs[i], j, vk.surface, &supportsPresent));
if (supportsPresent)
break; //okay, this one should be usable
if (j == queue_count)
//no queues can present to that surface, so I guess we can't use that device
Con_DPrintf("vulkan: ignoring device \"%s\" as it can't present to window\n", props.deviceName);
Con_DPrintf("Found Vulkan Device \"%s\"\n", props.deviceName);
if (!vk.gpu)
gpuidx = i;
vk.gpu = devs[i];
pri = 5;
pri = 2;
pri = 1;
pri = 3;
pri = 4;
if (wantdev >= 0)
if (wantdev == i)
pri = 0;
if (!Q_strcasecmp(props.deviceName, info->subrenderer))
pri = 0;
if (pri < bestpri)
gpuidx = i;
vk.gpu = devs[gpuidx];
bestpri = pri;
if (!vk.gpu)
Con_Printf("vulkan: unable to pick a usable device\n");
return false;
char *vendor, *type;
VkPhysicalDeviceProperties props;
vkGetPhysicalDeviceProperties(vk.gpu, &props);
//explicit registered vendors
case 0x10001: vendor = "Vivante"; break;
case 0x10002: vendor = "VeriSilicon"; break;
//pci vendor ids
//there's a lot of pci vendors, some even still exist, but not all of them actually have 3d hardware.
//many of these probably won't even be used... Oh well.
//anyway, here's some of the ones that are listed
case 0x1002: vendor = "AMD"; break;
case 0x10DE: vendor = "NVIDIA"; break;
case 0x8086: vendor = "Intel"; break; //cute
case 0x13B5: vendor = "ARM"; break;
case 0x5143: vendor = "Qualcomm"; break;
case 0x1AEE: vendor = "Imagination";break;
case 0x1957: vendor = "Freescale"; break;
//I really have no idea who makes mobile gpus nowadays, but lets make some guesses.
case 0x1AE0: vendor = "Google"; break;
case 0x5333: vendor = "S3"; break;
case 0xA200: vendor = "NEC"; break;
case 0x0A5C: vendor = "Broadcom"; break;
case 0x1131: vendor = "NXP"; break;
case 0x1099: vendor = "Samsung"; break;
case 0x10C3: vendor = "Samsung"; break;
case 0x11E2: vendor = "Samsung"; break;
case 0x1249: vendor = "Samsung"; break;
default: vendor = va("VEND_%x", props.vendorID); break;
case VK_PHYSICAL_DEVICE_TYPE_OTHER: type = "(other)"; break;
case VK_PHYSICAL_DEVICE_TYPE_INTEGRATED_GPU: type = "integrated"; break;
case VK_PHYSICAL_DEVICE_TYPE_DISCRETE_GPU: type = "discrete"; break;
case VK_PHYSICAL_DEVICE_TYPE_VIRTUAL_GPU: type = "virtual"; break;
case VK_PHYSICAL_DEVICE_TYPE_CPU: type = "software"; break;
Con_Printf("Vulkan %u.%u.%u: GPU%i %s %s %s (%u.%u.%u)\n", VK_VERSION_MAJOR(props.apiVersion), VK_VERSION_MINOR(props.apiVersion), VK_VERSION_PATCH(props.apiVersion),
gpuidx, type, vendor, props.deviceName,
VK_VERSION_MAJOR(props.driverVersion), VK_VERSION_MINOR(props.driverVersion), VK_VERSION_PATCH(props.driverVersion)
//figure out which of the device's queue's we're going to use
uint32_t queue_count, i;
vkGetPhysicalDeviceQueueFamilyProperties(vk.gpu, &queue_count, NULL);
queueprops = malloc(sizeof(VkQueueFamilyProperties)*queue_count); //Oh how I wish I was able to use C99.
vkGetPhysicalDeviceQueueFamilyProperties(vk.gpu, &queue_count, queueprops);
vk.queuefam[0] = ~0u;
vk.queuefam[1] = ~0u;
vk.queuenum[0] = 0;
vk.queuenum[1] = 0;
//try to find a 'dedicated' present queue
for (i = 0; i < queue_count; i++)
VkBool32 supportsPresent = FALSE;
VkAssert(vkGetPhysicalDeviceSurfaceSupportKHR(vk.gpu, i, vk.surface, &supportsPresent));
if (supportsPresent && !(queueprops[i].queueFlags & VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT))
vk.queuefam[1] = i;
if (vk.queuefam[1] != ~0u)
{ //try to find a good graphics queue
for (i = 0; i < queue_count; i++)
if (queueprops[i].queueFlags & VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT)
vk.queuefam[0] = i;
for (i = 0; i < queue_count; i++)
VkBool32 supportsPresent = false;
if (!vk.khr_swapchain)
supportsPresent = true; //won't be used anyway.
VkAssert(vkGetPhysicalDeviceSurfaceSupportKHR(vk.gpu, i, vk.surface, &supportsPresent));
if ((queueprops[i].queueFlags & VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT) && supportsPresent)
vk.queuefam[0] = i;
vk.queuefam[1] = i;
else if (vk.queuefam[0] == ~0u && (queueprops[i].queueFlags & VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT))
vk.queuefam[0] = i;
else if (vk.queuefam[1] == ~0u && supportsPresent)
vk.queuefam[1] = i;
if (vk.queuefam[0] == ~0u || vk.queuefam[1] == ~0u)
Con_Printf("unable to find suitable queues\n");
return false;
uint32_t extcount = 0, i;
VkExtensionProperties *ext;
vkEnumerateDeviceExtensionProperties(vk.gpu, NULL, &extcount, NULL);
ext = malloc(sizeof(*ext)*extcount);
vkEnumerateDeviceExtensionProperties(vk.gpu, NULL, &extcount, ext);
for (i = 0; i < extcount; i++)
Con_DLPrintf(2, " vkd: %s\n", ext[i].extensionName);
while (extcount --> 0)
for (e = 0; e < countof(knowndevexts); e++)
if (!strcmp(ext[extcount].extensionName, knowndevexts[e].name))
if (knowndevexts[e].var)
*knowndevexts[e].flag = !!knowndevexts[e].var->ival || (!*knowndevexts[e].var->string && knowndevexts[e].def);
knowndevexts[e].supported = true;
const char *devextensions[1+countof(knowndevexts)];
size_t numdevextensions = 0;
float queue_priorities[2] = {0.8, 1.0};
VkPhysicalDeviceFeatures features;
VkPhysicalDeviceFeatures avail;
memset(&features, 0, sizeof(features));
vkGetPhysicalDeviceFeatures(vk.gpu, &avail);
//try to enable whatever we can use, if we can.
features.robustBufferAccess = avail.robustBufferAccess;
features.textureCompressionBC = avail.textureCompressionBC;
features.textureCompressionETC2 = avail.textureCompressionETC2;
features.textureCompressionASTC_LDR = avail.textureCompressionASTC_LDR;
features.samplerAnisotropy = avail.samplerAnisotropy;
features.geometryShader = avail.geometryShader;
features.tessellationShader = avail.tessellationShader;
//Add in the extensions we support
for (e = 0; e < countof(knowndevexts); e++)
{ //prints are to let the user know what's going on. only warn if its explicitly enabled
if (knowndevexts[e].superseeded && *knowndevexts[e].superseeded)
Con_DPrintf("Superseeded %s.\n", knowndevexts[e].name);
*knowndevexts[e].flag = false;
else if (*knowndevexts[e].flag)
Con_DPrintf("Using %s.\n", knowndevexts[e].name);
devextensions[numdevextensions++] = knowndevexts[e].name;
else if (knowndevexts[e].var && knowndevexts[e].var->ival)
win: emulate gamepad thumb axis as buttons. keys: add some extra key names for compat with DP+QS (primarily gamepad buttons). keys: fix a few keys getting mistranslated between engine and qc scancodes. engine menus: remove 16bpp from the video options menu on win8+, as win8 no longer supports anything but rgbx8. pmove: coord size and rounding is now part of the pmove code itself. this fixes truncation issues. r_clutter_density: fix crash from clutter comprising of boneless iqms. gl: added cvars to disable immutable buffers or textures. hopefully these might be usable to work around the issue reported on various geforce 1080s wav: convert ieee wav files to 16bit on load, in case someone tries giving us one of these. vid_srgb: this cvar now uses -1 for the former gamma-only setting. r_viewmodel_quake: new cvar (name comes from quakespasm) that can be used to disable the weird movement of the viewmodel when pitching up or down. nquake: try to block nquake's frogbot's autoexec.cfg, as I keep getting complaints about it fucking over singleplayer games. fs: added -netquake commandline argument that disables the use of the qw/ gamedir. fog: disabled fog on aky surfaces, as it was bugging out in The Wastes. vid: fix some vid_restart/vid_reload issues (which got much worse recently in my attempt to fix a different crash) routing: first attempt at engine-side routing. feature is currently disabled. git-svn-id: https://svn.code.sf.net/p/fteqw/code/trunk@5248 fc73d0e0-1445-4013-8a0c-d673dee63da5
2018-04-27 16:40:50 +00:00
Con_Printf("unable to enable %s extension.%s\n", knowndevexts[e].name, knowndevexts[e].warningtext?knowndevexts[e].warningtext:"");
else if (knowndevexts[e].supported)
Con_DPrintf("Ignoring %s.\n", knowndevexts[e].name);
Con_DPrintf("Unavailable %s.\n", knowndevexts[e].name);
queueinf[0].pNext = NULL;
queueinf[0].queueFamilyIndex = vk.queuefam[0];
queueinf[0].queueCount = 1;
queueinf[0].pQueuePriorities = &queue_priorities[0];
queueinf[1].pNext = NULL;
queueinf[1].queueFamilyIndex = vk.queuefam[1];
queueinf[1].queueCount = 1;
queueinf[1].pQueuePriorities = &queue_priorities[1];
if (vk.queuefam[0] == vk.queuefam[1])
devinf.queueCreateInfoCount = 1;
if (queueprops[queueinf[0].queueFamilyIndex].queueCount >= 2 && vk_dualqueue.ival)
queueinf[0].queueCount = 2;
vk.queuenum[1] = 1;
Con_DPrintf("Using duel queue\n");
queueinf[0].queueCount = 1;
if (vk.khr_swapchain)
playdemo accepts https urls now. will start playing before the file has finished downloading, to avoid unnecessary delays. reworked network addresses to separate address family and connection type. this should make banning people more reliable, as well as simplifying a whole load of logic (no need to check for ipv4 AND ipv6). tcpconnect will keep trying to connect even if the connection wasn't instant, instead of giving up instantly. rewrote tcp connections quite a bit. sv_port_tcp now handles qtv+qizmo+http+ws+rtcbroker+tls equivalents. qtv_streamport is now a legacy cvar and now acts equivalently to sv_port_tcp (but still separate). rewrote screenshot and video capture code to use strides. this solves image-is-upside down issues with vulkan. ignore alt key in browser port. oh no! no more red text! oh no! no more alt-being-wrongly-down-and-being-unable-to-type-anything-without-forcing-alt-released! reworked audio decoder interface. now has clearly defined success/unavailable/end-of-file results. this should solve a whole load of issues with audio streaming. fixed various openal audio streaming issues too. openal also got some workarounds for emscripten's poor emulation. fixed ogg decoder to retain sync properly if seeked. updated menu_media a bit. now reads vorbis comments/id3v1 tags to get proper track names. also saves the playlist so you don't have to manually repopulate the list so it might actually be usable now (after how many years?) r_stains now defaults to 0, and is no longer enabled by presets. use decals if you want that sort of thing. added fs_noreexec cvar, so configs will not be reexeced on gamedir change. this also means defaults won't be reapplied, etc. added 'nvvk' renderer on windows, using nvidia's vulkan-inside-opengl gl extension. mostly just to see how much slower it is. fixed up the ftp server quite a lot. more complete, more compliant, and should do ipv6 properly to-boot. file transfers also threaded. fixed potential crash inside runclientphys. experimental sv_antilag=3 setting. totally untested. the aim is to avoid missing due to lagged knockbacks. may be expensive for the server. browser port's websockets support fixed. experimental support for webrtc ('works for me', requires a broker server). updated avplug(renamed to ffmpeg so people know what it is) to use ffmpeg 3.2.4 properly, with its new encoder api. should be much more robust... also added experimental audio decoder for game music etc (currently doesn't resample, so playback rates are screwed, disabled by cvar). git-svn-id: https://svn.code.sf.net/p/fteqw/code/trunk@5097 fc73d0e0-1445-4013-8a0c-d673dee63da5
2017-05-10 02:08:58 +00:00
vk.dopresent = VK_DoPresent; //can't split submit+present onto different queues, so do these on a single thread.
Con_DPrintf("Using single queue\n");
devinf.queueCreateInfoCount = 2;
Con_DPrintf("Using separate queue families\n");
devinf.pQueueCreateInfos = queueinf;
devinf.enabledLayerCount = vklayercount;
devinf.ppEnabledLayerNames = vklayerlist;
devinf.enabledExtensionCount = numdevextensions;
devinf.ppEnabledExtensionNames = devextensions;
devinf.pEnabledFeatures = &features;
#if 0
if (vkEnumeratePhysicalDeviceGroupsKHR && vk_afr.ival)
//'Every physical device must be in exactly one device group'. So we can just use the first group that lists it and automatically get AFR.
uint32_t gpugroups = 0;
VkPhysicalDeviceGroupPropertiesKHR *groups;
vkEnumeratePhysicalDeviceGroupsKHR(vk.instance, &gpugroups, NULL);
groups = malloc(sizeof(*groups)*gpugroups);
vkEnumeratePhysicalDeviceGroupsKHR(vk.instance, &gpugroups, groups);
for (i = 0; i < gpugroups; i++)
for (j = 0; j < groups[i].physicalDeviceCount; j++)
if (groups[i].physicalDevices[j] == vk.gpu)
dgdci.physicalDeviceCount = groups[i].physicalDeviceCount;
dgdci.pPhysicalDevices = groups[i].physicalDevices;
if (dgdci.physicalDeviceCount > 1)
vk.subdevices = dgdci.physicalDeviceCount;
dgdci.pNext = devinf.pNext;
devinf.pNext = &dgdci;
err = vkCreateDevice(vk.gpu, &devinf, NULL, &vk.device);
err = vkCreateDevice(vk.gpu, &devinf, NULL, &vk.device);
Con_Printf("VK_ERROR_INCOMPATIBLE_DRIVER: please install an appropriate vulkan driver\n");
return false;
Con_Printf("%s: something on a system level is probably misconfigured\n", VK_VKErrorToString(err));
return false;
Con_Printf("Unknown vulkan device creation error: %x\n", err);
return false;
vkGetDeviceProcAddr = (PFN_vkGetDeviceProcAddr)vkGetInstanceProcAddr(vk.instance, "vkGetDeviceProcAddr");
#define VKFunc(n) vk##n = (PFN_vk##n)vkGetDeviceProcAddr(vk.device, "vk"#n);
#undef VKFunc
vkGetDeviceQueue(vk.device, vk.queuefam[0], vk.queuenum[0], &vk.queue_render);
vkGetDeviceQueue(vk.device, vk.queuefam[1], vk.queuenum[1], &vk.queue_present);
vkGetPhysicalDeviceMemoryProperties(vk.gpu, &vk.memory_properties);
cpci.queueFamilyIndex = vk.queuefam[0];
VkAssert(vkCreateCommandPool(vk.device, &cpci, vkallocationcb, &vk.cmdpool));
sh_config.progpath = "vulkan/%s.fvb";
sh_config.blobpath = "spirv";
sh_config.shadernamefmt = NULL;//"_vulkan";
if (vk.nv_glsl_shader)
sh_config.progpath = "glsl/%s.glsl";
sh_config.shadernamefmt = "%s_glsl";
sh_config.progs_supported = true;
sh_config.progs_required = true;
sh_config.minver = -1;
sh_config.maxver = -1;
sh_config.texture_allow_block_padding = true;
sh_config.texture_non_power_of_two = true; //is this always true?
sh_config.texture_non_power_of_two_pic = true; //probably true...
sh_config.npot_rounddown = false;
sh_config.tex_env_combine = false; //fixme: figure out what this means...
sh_config.nv_tex_env_combine4 = false; //fixme: figure out what this means...
sh_config.env_add = false; //fixme: figure out what this means...
sh_config.can_mipcap = true;
sh_config.havecubemaps = true;
sh_config.pDeleteProg = NULL;
sh_config.pLoadBlob = NULL;
if (vk.nv_glsl_shader)
sh_config.pCreateProgram = VK_LoadGLSL;
sh_config.pCreateProgram = NULL;
sh_config.pValidateProgram = NULL;
sh_config.pProgAutoFields = NULL;
if (sh_config.texfmt[PTI_DEPTH24])
vk.depthformat = VK_FORMAT_X8_D24_UNORM_PACK32;
else if (sh_config.texfmt[PTI_DEPTH24_8])
vk.depthformat = VK_FORMAT_D24_UNORM_S8_UINT;
else if (sh_config.texfmt[PTI_DEPTH32]) //nvidia recommend to de-prioritise 32bit (float) depth.
vk.depthformat = VK_FORMAT_D32_SFLOAT;
else //16bit depth is guarenteed in vulkan
vk.depthformat = VK_FORMAT_D16_UNORM;
vk.submitcondition = Sys_CreateConditional();
qofs_t size = 0;
pci.pInitialData = FS_MallocFile("vulkan.pcache", FS_ROOT, &size);
pci.initialDataSize = size;
VkAssert(vkCreatePipelineCache(vk.device, &pci, vkallocationcb, &vk.pipelinecache));
if (VK_CreateSwapChain())
vk.neednewswapchain = false;
playdemo accepts https urls now. will start playing before the file has finished downloading, to avoid unnecessary delays. reworked network addresses to separate address family and connection type. this should make banning people more reliable, as well as simplifying a whole load of logic (no need to check for ipv4 AND ipv6). tcpconnect will keep trying to connect even if the connection wasn't instant, instead of giving up instantly. rewrote tcp connections quite a bit. sv_port_tcp now handles qtv+qizmo+http+ws+rtcbroker+tls equivalents. qtv_streamport is now a legacy cvar and now acts equivalently to sv_port_tcp (but still separate). rewrote screenshot and video capture code to use strides. this solves image-is-upside down issues with vulkan. ignore alt key in browser port. oh no! no more red text! oh no! no more alt-being-wrongly-down-and-being-unable-to-type-anything-without-forcing-alt-released! reworked audio decoder interface. now has clearly defined success/unavailable/end-of-file results. this should solve a whole load of issues with audio streaming. fixed various openal audio streaming issues too. openal also got some workarounds for emscripten's poor emulation. fixed ogg decoder to retain sync properly if seeked. updated menu_media a bit. now reads vorbis comments/id3v1 tags to get proper track names. also saves the playlist so you don't have to manually repopulate the list so it might actually be usable now (after how many years?) r_stains now defaults to 0, and is no longer enabled by presets. use decals if you want that sort of thing. added fs_noreexec cvar, so configs will not be reexeced on gamedir change. this also means defaults won't be reapplied, etc. added 'nvvk' renderer on windows, using nvidia's vulkan-inside-opengl gl extension. mostly just to see how much slower it is. fixed up the ftp server quite a lot. more complete, more compliant, and should do ipv6 properly to-boot. file transfers also threaded. fixed potential crash inside runclientphys. experimental sv_antilag=3 setting. totally untested. the aim is to avoid missing due to lagged knockbacks. may be expensive for the server. browser port's websockets support fixed. experimental support for webrtc ('works for me', requires a broker server). updated avplug(renamed to ffmpeg so people know what it is) to use ffmpeg 3.2.4 properly, with its new encoder api. should be much more robust... also added experimental audio decoder for game music etc (currently doesn't resample, so playback rates are screwed, disabled by cvar). git-svn-id: https://svn.code.sf.net/p/fteqw/code/trunk@5097 fc73d0e0-1445-4013-8a0c-d673dee63da5
2017-05-10 02:08:58 +00:00
if (vk.allowsubmissionthread && (vk_submissionthread.ival || !*vk_submissionthread.string))
vk.submitthread = Sys_CreateThread("vksubmission", VK_Submit_Thread, NULL, THREADP_HIGHEST, 0);
if (info->srgb > 0 && (vid.flags & VID_SRGB_FB))
vid.flags |= VID_SRGBAWARE;
return true;
void VK_Shutdown(void)
uint32_t i;
for (i = 0; i < countof(postproc); i++)
VKBE_RT_Gen(&postproc[i], 0, 0, false, RT_IMAGEFLAGS);
VKBE_RT_Gen_Cube(&vk_rt_cubemap, 0, false);
if (vk.cmdpool)
vkDestroyCommandPool(vk.device, vk.cmdpool, vkallocationcb);
if (vk.pipelinecache)
size_t size;
if (VK_SUCCESS == vkGetPipelineCacheData(vk.device, vk.pipelinecache, &size, NULL))
void *ptr = Z_Malloc(size); //valgrind says nvidia isn't initialising this.
if (VK_SUCCESS == vkGetPipelineCacheData(vk.device, vk.pipelinecache, &size, ptr))
FS_WriteFile("vulkan.pcache", ptr, size, FS_ROOT);
vkDestroyPipelineCache(vk.device, vk.pipelinecache, vkallocationcb);
void *l;
vkFreeMemory(vk.device, vk.mempools->memory, vkallocationcb);
l = vk.mempools;
vk.mempools = vk.mempools->next;
if (vk.device)
vkDestroyDevice(vk.device, vkallocationcb);
#ifdef VK_EXT_debug_utils
if (vk_debugucallback)
vkDestroyDebugUtilsMessengerEXT(vk.instance, vk_debugucallback, vkallocationcb);
vk_debugucallback = VK_NULL_HANDLE;
#ifdef VK_EXT_debug_report
if (vk_debugcallback)
vkDestroyDebugReportCallbackEXT(vk.instance, vk_debugcallback, vkallocationcb);
vk_debugcallback = VK_NULL_HANDLE;
if (vk.surface)
vkDestroySurfaceKHR(vk.instance, vk.surface, vkallocationcb);
if (vk.instance)
vkDestroyInstance(vk.instance, vkallocationcb);
if (vk.submitcondition)
memset(&vk, 0, sizeof(vk));
#define VKFunc(n) vk##n = NULL;
#undef VKFunc