2004-08-23 00:15:46 +00:00
# include "quakedef.h"
2011-05-15 13:23:13 +00:00
static char * defaultlanguagetext =
2004-08-23 00:15:46 +00:00
" STL_LANGUAGENAME \" English \" \n "
" TL_STNL \" %s \\ n \" \n "
" STL_CLIENTCONNECTED \" client %s connected \\ n \" \n "
" STL_SPECTATORCONNECTED \" spectator %s connected \\ n \" \n "
" STL_RECORDEDCLIENTCONNECTED \" recorded client %s connected \\ n \" \n "
" STL_RECORDEDSPECTATORCONNECTED \" recorded spectator %s connected \\ n \" \n "
" STL_CLIENTWASBANNED \" %s was banned \\ n \" \n "
" STL_YOUWEREBANNED \" You were banned \\ n \" \n "
" STL_YOUAREBANNED \" You are still banned \\ n \" \n "
" STL_CLIENTTIMEDOUT \" Client %s timed out \\ n \" \n "
" STL_LOADZOMIBETIMEDOUT \" LoadZombie %s timed out \\ n \" \n "
" STL_CLIENTWASKICKED \" %s was kicked \\ n \" \n "
" STL_YOUWEREKICKED \" You were kicked \\ n \" \n "
" STL_YOUWEREKICKEDNAMESPAM \" You were kicked for name spamming \\ n \" \n "
" STL_CLIENTKICKEDNAMESPAM \" %s was kicked for name spamming \\ n \" \n "
" STL_GODON \" godmode ON \\ n \" \n "
" STL_GODOFF \" godmode OFF \\ n \" \n "
" STL_NOCLIPON \" noclip ON \\ n \" \n "
" STL_NOCLIPOFF \" noclip OFF \" \n "
" STL_CLIENTISCUFFEDPERMANENTLY \" %s is still cuffed \\ n \" \n "
2006-03-05 03:50:54 +00:00
" STL_CLIENTISCUFFED \" %s is cuffed \\ n \" \n "
" STL_CLIENTISSTILLCUFFED \" %s is now cuffed permanently \\ n \" \n "
2004-08-23 00:15:46 +00:00
" STL_YOUWERECUFFED \" You were cuffed \\ n \" \n "
" STL_YOUARNTCUFFED \" You are no longer cuffed \\ n \" \n "
" STL_CLIENTISCRIPPLEDPERMANENTLY \" %s is now crippled permanently \\ n \" \n "
" STL_CLIENTISCRIPPLED \" %s is crippled \\ n \" \n "
" STL_CLIENTISSTILLCRIPPLED \" %s is still crippled \\ n \" \n "
" STL_YOUWERECLIPPLED \" You have been crippled \\ n \" \n "
" STL_YOUARNTCRIPPLED \" You are no longer crippled \\ n \" \n "
" STL_CLIENTISMUTEDPERMANENTLY \" %s was muted permanently \\ n \" \n "
" STL_CLIENTISMUTED \" %s was muted \\ n \" \n "
" STL_CLIENTISSTILLMUTED \" %s is muted (still) \\ n \" \n "
" STL_YOUAREMUTED \" %s is muted \\ n \" \n "
" STL_YOUARNTMUTED \" You are no longer muted \\ n \" \n "
2007-10-05 17:43:26 +00:00
" STL_NONAMEASMUTE \" Muted players may not change their names \\ n \" \n "
2004-08-23 00:15:46 +00:00
" STL_MUTEDVOTE \" Sorry, you cannot vote when muted as it may allow you to send a message. \\ n \" \n "
" STL_MUTEDCHAT \" You cannot chat while muted \\ n \" \n "
" STL_FLOODPROTACTIVE \" floodprot: You can't talk for %i seconds \\ n \" \n "
" STL_FLOODPROTTIME \" You can't talk for %i more seconds \\ n \" \n "
" STL_BUFFERPROTECTION \" buffer overflow protection: failiure \\ n \" \n "
" STL_FIRSTGREETING \" Welcome %s. Your time on this server is being logged and ranked \\ n \" \n "
" STL_SHORTGREETING \" Welcome back %s. You have previously spent %i mins connected \\ n \" \n "
" STL_BIGGREETING \" Welcome back %s. You have previously spent %i:%i hours connected \\ n \" \n "
" STL_POSSIBLEMODELCHEAT \" warning: %s eyes or player model does not match \\ n \" \n "
" STL_MAPCHEAT \" Map model file does not match (%s), %i != %i/%i. \\ nYou may need a new version of the map, or the proper install files. \\ n \" \n "
" STL_INVALIDTRACKCLIENT \" invalid player to track \\ n \" \n "
" STL_BADNAME \" Can't change name - new is invalid \\ n \" \n "
2007-10-05 17:43:26 +00:00
" STL_CLIENTNAMECHANGE \" %s changed their name to %s \\ n \" \n "
2004-08-23 00:15:46 +00:00
" STL_SERVERPAUSED \" server is paused \\ n \" \n "
" STL_UPLOADDENIED \" Upload denied \\ n \" \n "
" STL_NAMEDCLIENTDOESNTEXIST \" client does not exist \\ n \" \n "
2006-05-29 06:12:12 +00:00
" STL_NOSUICIDEWHENDEAD \" Can't suicide -- Already dead \\ n \" \n "
2004-08-23 00:15:46 +00:00
" STL_CANTPAUSE \" Can't pause. Not allowed \\ n \" \n "
" STL_CANTPAUSESPEC \" Spectators may not pause the game \\ n \" \n "
" STL_CLIENTPAUSED \" %s paused the game \\ n \" \n "
" STL_CLIENTUNPAUSED \" %s unpaused the game \\ n \" \n "
" STL_CLIENTLESSUNPAUSE \" pause released due to empty server \\ n \" \n "
" STL_CURRENTRATE \" current rate is %i \\ n \" \n "
" STL_RATESETTO \" rate is changed to %i \\ n \" \n "
" STL_CURRENTMSGLEVEL \" current msg level is %i \\ n \" \n "
" STL_MSGLEVELSET \" new msg level set to %i \\ n \" \n "
" STL_GAMESAVED \" Server has saved the game \\ n \" \n "
" STL_CLIENTDROPPED \" %s dropped \\ n \" \n "
" STL_SNAPREFUSED \" %s refused remote screenshot \\ n \" \n "
" STL_FINALVOTE \" %s casts final vote for '%s' \\ n \" \n "
" STL_VOTE \" %s casts a vote for '%s' \\ n \" \n "
" STL_SPEEDCHEATKICKED \" %s was kicked for speedcheating (%s) \\ n \" \n "
" STL_SPEEDCHEATPOSSIBLE \" Speed cheat possibility, analyzing: \\ n %d %.1f %d for: %s \\ n \" \n "
2011-07-30 14:14:56 +00:00
" STL_INITED \" ======== %s Initialized ======== \\ n \" \n "
2004-08-23 00:15:46 +00:00
" STL_BACKBUFSET \" WARNING %s: [SV_New] Back buffered (%d0, clearing) \\ n \" \n "
" STL_MESSAGEOVERFLOW \" WARNING: backbuf [%d] reliable overflow for %s \\ n \" \n "
" STL_BUILDINGPHS \" Building PHS... \\ n \" \n "
" STL_PHSINFO \" Average leafs visible / hearable / total: %i / %i / %i \\ n \" \n "
" STL_BREAKSTATEMENT \" Break Statement \\ n \" \n "
" STL_BADSPRINT \" tried to sprint to a non-client \\ n \" \n "
" STL_NOPRECACHE \" no precache: %s \\ n \" \n "
" STL_CANTFREEWORLD \" cannot free world entity \\ n \" \n "
" STL_CANTFREEPLAYERS \" cannot free player entities \\ n \" \n "
" STL_COMPILEROVER \" Compile took %f secs \\ n \" \n "
" STL_EDICTWASFREE \" %s edict was free \\ n \" \n "
" STL_NOFREEEDICTS \" WARNING: no free edicts \\ n \" \n "
" STL_NEEDCHEATPARM \" You must run the server with -cheats to enable this command. \\ n \" \n "
" STL_USERDOESNTEXIST \" Couldn't find user number %s \\ n \" \n "
" STL_MAPCOMMANDUSAGE \" map <levelname> : continue game on a new level \\ n \" \n "
" STL_NOVOTING \" Voting was dissallowed \\ n \" \n "
" STL_BADVOTE \" You arn't allowed to vote for that \\ n \" \n "
" STL_VOTESREMOVED \" All votes removed. \\ n \" \n "
" STL_OLDVOTEREMOVED \" Old vote removed. \\ n \" \n "
" TL_EXECING \" execing %s \\ n \" \n "
" TL_EXECCOMMANDUSAGE \" exec <filename> : execute a script file \\ n \" \n "
" TL_EXECFAILED \" couldn't exec %s \\ n \" \n "
" TL_FUNCOVERFLOW \" %s: overflow \\ n \" \n "
" TL_CURRENTALIASCOMMANDS \" Current alias commands: \\ n \" \n "
" TL_ALIASNAMETOOLONG \" Alias name is too long \\ n \" \n "
" TL_ALIASRESTRICTIONLEVELERROR \" Alias is already bound with a higher restriction \\ n \" \n "
" TL_ALIASLEVELCOMMANDUSAGE \" aliaslevel <var> [execlevel] \\ n \" \n "
" TL_ALIASNOTFOUND \" Alias not found \\ n \" \n "
" TL_ALIASRAISELEVELERROR \" You arn't allowed to raise a command above your own level \\ n \" \n "
" TL_ALIASRESTRICTIONLEVELWARN \" WARNING: %s is available to all clients, any client will be able to use it at the new level. \\ n \" \n "
" TL_ALIASRESTRICTLEVEL \" alias %s is set to run at the user level of %i \\ n \" \n "
" TL_ALIASLIST \" Alias list: \\ n \" \n "
" TL_COMMANDLISTHEADER \" Command list: \\ n \" \n "
" TL_CVARLISTHEADER \" CVar list: \\ n \" \n "
" TL_RESTRICTCOMMANDRAISE \" You arn't allowed to raise a command above your own level \\ n \" \n "
" TL_RESTRICTCOMMANDTOOHIGH \" You arn't allowed to alter a level above your own \\ n \" \n "
" TL_RESTRICTCURRENTLEVEL \" %s is restricted to %i \\ n \" \n "
" TL_RESTRICTCURRENTLEVELDEFAULT \" %s is restricted to rcon_level (%i) \\ n \" \n "
" TL_RESTRICTNOTDEFINED \" restrict: %s not defined \\ n \" \n "
" TL_WASRESTIRCTED \" %s was restricted. \\ n \" \n "
" TL_COMMANDNOTDEFINED \" Unknown command \\ \" %s \\ \" \\ n \" \n "
" TL_IFSYNTAX \" if <condition> <statement> [elseif <condition> <statement>] [...] [else <statement>] \\ n \" \n "
" TL_IFSYNTAXERROR \" Not terminated \\ n \" \n "
" TL_SETSYNTAX \" set <var> <equation> \\ n \" \n "
" TL_CANTXNOTCONNECTED \" Can't \\ \" %s \\ \" , not connected \\ n \" \n "
" TL_SHAREWAREVERSION \" Playing shareware version. \\ n \" \n "
" TL_REGISTEREDVERSION \" Playing registered version. \\ n \" \n "
" TL_CURRENTSEARCHPATH \" Current search path: \\ n \" \n "
" TL_SERACHPATHISPACK \" %s (%i files) \\ n \" \n "
" TL_SERACHPATHISZIP \" %s (%i files) \\ n \" \n "
" TL_COMPRESSEDFILEOPENFAILED \" Tried opening a handle to a compressed stream - %s \\ n \" \n "
" TL_ADDEDPACKFILE \" Added packfile %s (%i files) \\ n \" \n "
" TL_COULDNTOPENZIP \" Failed opening zipfile \\ \" %s \\ \" corrupt? \\ n \" \n "
" TL_ADDEDZIPFILE \" Added zipfile %s (%i files) \\ n \" \n "
" TL_GAMEDIRAINTPATH \" Gamedir should be a single filename, not a path \\ n \" \n "
" TL_KEYHASSLASH \" Can't use a key with a \\ \\ \\ n \" \n "
" TL_KEYHASQUOTE \" Can't use a key with a \\ \" \\ n \" \n "
" TL_KEYTOOLONG \" Keys and values must be < 64 characters. \\ n \" \n "
" TL_INFOSTRINGTOOLONG \" Info string length exceeded \\ n \" \n "
" TL_STARKEYPROTECTED \" Can't set * keys \\ n \" \n "
" TL_OVERSIZEPACKETFROM \" Warning: Oversize packet from %s \\ n \" \n "
" TL_CONNECTIONLOSTORABORTED \" Connection lost or aborted \\ n \" \n "
" TL_NETGETPACKETERROR \" NET_GetPacket: %s \\ n \" \n "
" TL_NETSENDERROR \" NET_SendPacket ERROR: %i \\ n \" \n "
" TL_NETBINDINTERFACE \" Binding to IP Interface Address of %s \\ n \" \n "
" TL_IPADDRESSIS \" IP address %s \\ n \" \n "
" TL_CLIENTPORTINITED \" Client port Initialized \\ n \" \n "
" TL_OUTMESSAGEOVERFLOW \" %s:Outgoing message overflow \\ n \" \n "
" TL_OUTOFORDERPACKET \" %s:Out of order packet %i at %i \\ n \" \n "
" TL_DROPPEDPACKETCOUNT \" %s:Dropped %i packets at %i \\ n \" \n "
" STL_SERVERUNSPAWNED \" Server ended \\ n \" \n "
" STL_SERVERSPAWNED \" Server spawned. \\ n \" \n "
" TL_EXEDATETIME \" Exe: %s %s \\ n \" \n "
" TL_HEAPSIZE \" %4.1f megs RAM available. \\ n \" \n "
2005-10-04 21:08:06 +00:00
" TL_VERSION \" \\ n%s Build %i \\ n \\ n \" \n "
2004-08-23 00:15:46 +00:00
" STL_SAVESYNTAX \" save <savename> : save a game \\ n \" \n "
" STL_NORELATIVEPATHS \" Relative pathnames are not allowed. \\ n \" \n "
" STL_SAVEGAMETO \" Saving game to %s... \\ n \" \n "
" STL_ERRORCOULDNTOPEN \" ERROR: couldn't open. \\ n \" \n "
" STL_SAVEDONE \" done. \\ n \" \n "
" STL_LOADSYNTAX \" load <savename> : load a game \\ n \" \n "
" STL_LOADGAMEFROM \" Loading game from %s... \\ n \" \n "
" STL_BADSAVEVERSION \" Savegame is version %i, not %i \\ n \" \n "
" STL_LOADFAILED \" Couldn't load map \\ n \" \n "
" STL_NOMASTERMODE \" Setting nomaster mode. \\ n \" \n "
" STL_MASTERAT \" Master server at %s \\ n \" \n "
" STL_SENDINGPING \" Sending a ping. \\ n \" \n "
" STL_SHUTTINGDOWN \" Shutting down. \\ n \" \n "
" STL_LOGGINGOFF \" File logging off. \\ n \" \n "
" STL_LOGGINGTO \" Logging text to %s. \\ n \" \n "
" STL_FLOGGINGOFF \" Frag file logging off. \\ n \" \n "
" STL_FLOGGINGFAILED \" Can't open any logfiles. \\ n \" \n "
" STL_FLOGGINGTO \" Logging frags to %s. \\ n \" \n "
" STL_USERIDNOTONSERVER \" Userid %i is not on the server \\ n \" \n "
" STL_CANTFINDMAP \" Can't find %s \\ n \" \n "
" STL_SERVERINFOSETTINGS \" Server info settings: \\ n \" \n "
" STL_SERVERINFOSYNTAX \" usage: serverinfo [ <key> <value> ] \\ n \" \n "
" STL_LOCALINFOSETTINGS \" Local info settings: \\ n \" \n "
" STL_LOCALINFOSYNTAX \" usage: localinfo [ <key> <value> ] \\ n \" \n "
" STL_USERINFOSYNTAX \" Usage: info <userid> \\ n \" \n "
" STL_NONEGATIVEVALUES \" All values must be positive numbers \\ n \" \n "
" STL_CURRENTGAMEDIR \" Current gamedir: %s \\ n \" \n "
" STL_SVGAMEDIRUSAGE \" Usage: sv_gamedir <newgamedir> \\ n \" \n "
" STL_GAMEDIRCANTBEPATH \" *Gamedir should be a single filename, not a path \\ n \" \n "
" STL_GAMEDIRUSAGE \" Usage: gamedir <newgamedir> \\ n \" \n "
" STL_SNAPTOOMANYFILES \" Snap: Couldn't create a file, clean some out. \\ n \" \n "
" STL_SNAPREQUEST \" Requesting snap from user %d... \\ n \" \n "
" STL_SNAPUSAGE \" Usage: snap <userid> \\ n \" \n "
" TLC_BADSERVERADDRESS \" Bad server address \\ n \" \n "
" TLC_ILLEGALSERVERADDRESS \" Illegal server address \\ n \" \n "
" TLC_CONNECTINGTO \" Connecting to %s... \\ n \" \n "
" TLC_SYNTAX_CONNECT \" usage: connect <server> \\ n \" \n "
2007-08-22 20:23:02 +00:00
" TLC_NORCONPASSWORD \" 'rcon_password' is not set. \\ n \" \n "
2004-08-23 00:15:46 +00:00
" TLC_NORCONDEST \" You must either be connected, \\ nor set the 'rcon_address' cvar \\ nto issue rcon commands \\ n \" \n "
" TLC_SYNTAX_USER \" Usage: user <username / userid> \\ n \" \n "
" TLC_USER_NOUSER \" User not in server. \\ n \" \n "
" TLC_USERBANNER \" userid frags name \\ n \" \n "
" TLC_USERBANNER2 \" ------ ----- ---- \\ n \" \n "
" TLC_USERLINE \" %6i %4i %s \\ n \" \n "
" TLC_USERTOTAL \" %i total users \\ n \" \n "
" TLC_COLOURCURRENT \" \\ \" color \\ \" is \\ \" %s %s \\ \" \\ n \" \n "
" TLC_SYNTAX_COLOUR \" color <0-13> [0-13] \\ n \" \n "
" TLC_SYNTAX_FULLSERVERINFO \" usage: fullserverinfo <complete info string> \\ n \" \n "
" TLC_SERVER_VERSION \" Version %1.2f Server \\ n \" \n "
" TLC_SYNTAX_FULLINFO \" fullinfo <complete info string> \\ n \" \n "
" TLC_SYNTAX_SETINFO \" usage: setinfo [ <key> <value> ] \\ n \" \n "
" TLC_PACKET_SYNTAX \" packet <destination> <contents> \\ n \" \n "
" TLC_BADADDRESS \" Bad address \\ n \" \n "
" TLC_CHANGINGMAP \" \\ nChanging map... \\ n \" \n "
" TLC_RECONNECTING \" reconnecting... \\ n \" \n "
" TLC_RECONNECT_NOSERVER \" No server to reconnect to... \\ n \" \n "
2006-09-17 00:59:22 +00:00
" TLC_VERSIONST \" %s Build %i \n \" \n "
2004-08-23 00:15:46 +00:00
" TL_ST_COLON \" %s: \" \n "
" TLC_GOTCONNECTION \" connection \\ n \" \n "
" TLC_DUPCONNECTION \" Dup connect received. Ignored. \\ n \" \n "
" TLC_CONNECTED \" Connected. \\ n \" \n "
" TLC_CONLESS_CONCMD \" client command \\ n \" \n "
" TLC_CMDFROMREMOTE \" Command packet from remote host. Ignored. \\ n \" \n "
2007-09-23 15:28:06 +00:00
" TLC_LOCALID_NOTSET \" " CON_ERROR " Command packet received from local host, but no localid has been set. You may need to upgrade your server browser. \\ n \" \n "
" TLC_LOCALID_BAD \" " CON_ERROR " Invalid localid on command packet received from local host. \\ n|%s| != |%s| \\ nYou may need to reload your server browser and QuakeWorld. \\ n \" \n "
2004-08-23 00:15:46 +00:00
" TLC_A2C_PRINT \" print \\ n \" \n "
" TLC_A2A_PING \" ping \\ n \" \n "
" TLC_S2C_CHALLENGE \" challenge \\ n \" \n "
" TLC_CONLESSPACKET_UNKNOWN \" unknown connectionless packet: %c \\ n \" \n "
" TL_RUNTPACKET \" %s: Runt packet \\ n \" \n "
" TLC_SERVERTIMEOUT \" \\ nServer connection timed out. \\ n \" \n "
" TLC_CONNECTFIRST \" Must be connected. \\ n \" \n "
" TLC_SYNTAX_DOWNLOAD \" Usage: download <datafile> \\ n \" \n "
" TLC_REQUIRESSERVERMOD \" %s is only available with server support \\ n \" \n "
2007-09-23 15:28:06 +00:00
" TLC_CLIENTCON_ERROR_ENDGAME \" " CON_ERROR " Host_EndGame: %s \\ n \" \n "
2004-08-23 00:15:46 +00:00
" TLC_HOSTFATALERROR \" Host_Error: %s \\ n \" \n "
" TLC_CONFIGCFG_WRITEFAILED \" Couldn't write config.cfg. \\ n \" \n "
" TLC_HOSTSPEEDSOUTPUT \" %3i tot %3i server %3i gfx %3i snd \\ n \" \n "
2011-07-30 14:14:56 +00:00
" TLC_QUAKEWORLD_INITED \" ^Ue080^Ue081^Ue081^Ue081^Ue081^Ue081^Ue081 %s Initialized ^Ue081^Ue081^Ue081^Ue081^Ue081^Ue081^Ue082 \\ n \" \n "
2004-08-23 00:15:46 +00:00
" TLC_DEDICATEDCANNOTCONNECT \" Connect ignored - dedicated. set a renderer first \\ n \" \n "
" TLC_Q2CONLESSPACKET_UNKNOWN \" unknown connectionless packet for q2: %s \\ n \" \n "
" TL_NORELATIVEPATHS \" Refusing to download a path with .. \\ n \" \n "
" TL_NODOWNLOADINDEMO \" Unable to download %s in record mode. \\ n \" \n "
" TL_DOWNLOADINGFILE \" Downloading %s... \\ n \" \n "
" TLC_CHECKINGMODELS \" Checking models... \\ n \" \n "
" TLC_CHECKINGSOUNDS \" Checking sounds... \\ n \" \n "
" TL_FILENOTFOUND \" File not found. \\ n \" \n "
" TL_CLS_DOWNLOAD_ISSET \" cls.download shouldn't have been set \\ n \" \n "
" TL_FAILEDTOOPEN \" Failed to open %s \\ n \" \n "
" TL_RENAMEFAILED \" failed to rename. \\ n \" \n "
" TL_UPLOADCOMPLEATE \" Upload completed \\ n \" \n "
2009-11-04 21:16:50 +00:00
" TL_FTEEXTENSIONS \" Using FTE extensions 0x%x%x \\ n \" \n "
2004-08-23 00:15:46 +00:00
" TLC_LINEBREAK_NEWLEVEL \" \\ n \\ n \35 \36 \36 \36 \36 \36 \36 \36 \36 \36 \36 \36 \36 \36 \36 \36 \36 \36 \36 \36 \36 \36 \36 \36 \36 \36 \36 \36 \36 \36 \36 \36 \36 \36 \36 \36 \37 \\ n \\ n \" \n "
" TLC_PC_PS_NL \" %c%s \\ n \" \n "
" TLC_NOQ2CINEMATICSSUPPORT \" Cinematics on q2 levels is not yet supported \\ nType 'cmd nextserver %i' to proceed. \" \n "
" TLC_GOTSVDATAPACKET \" Serverdata packet received. \\ n \" \n "
" TLC_BAD_MAXCLIENTS \" Bad maxclients from server \\ n \" \n "
" TLC_TOOMANYMODELPRECACHES \" Server sent too many model precaches \\ n \" \n "
" TLC_TOOMANYSOUNDPRECACHES \" Server sent too many sound precaches \\ n \" \n "
" TLC_PARSESTATICWITHNOMAP \" Warning: Parsestatic and no map loaded yet \\ n \" \n "
" TL_FILE_X_MISSING \" \\ nThe required model file '%s' could not be found or downloaded. \\ n \\ n \" \n "
" TL_GETACLIENTPACK \" You may need to download or purchase a %s client or map pack in order to play on this server. \\ n \\ n \" \n "
" TLC_LINEBREAK_MINUS \" ------------------ \\ n \" \n "
" TL_INT_SPACE \" %i \" \n "
//client may remap messages from the server to a regional bit of text.
//server may remap progs messages
//basic language is english (cos that's what (my version of) Quake uses).
//translate is english->lang
//untranslate is lang->english for console commands.
2013-11-21 23:02:28 +00:00
char sys_language [ 64 ] = " " ;
cvar_t language = SCVAR ( " language " , sys_language ) ;
2004-08-23 00:15:46 +00:00
char lastlang [ 9 ] ;
typedef struct trans_s {
char * english ;
char * foreign ;
struct trans_s * next ;
} trans_t ;
trans_t * firsttranslation ;
void TranslateReset ( void )
trans_t * trans ;
char * f , * eng , * fore ;
// FILE *F;
char * s , * s1 , * s2 ;
if ( * lastlang )
F = fopen ( va ( " %s/%s.lng " , com_gamedir , lastlang ) , " wb " ) ;
if ( F )
for ( trans = firsttranslation ; trans ; trans = trans - > next )
if ( strchr ( trans - > english , ' \n ' ) | | strchr ( trans - > english , ' \" ' ) | | strchr ( trans - > english , ' \\ ' ) | | strchr ( trans - > english , ' \t ' ) )
s = trans - > english ;
fputc ( ' " ' , F ) ;
while ( * s )
if ( * s = = ' \n ' )
fprintf ( F , " \\ n " ) ;
else if ( * s = = ' \\ ' )
fprintf ( F , " \\ \\ " ) ;
else if ( * s = = ' \" ' )
fprintf ( F , " \" " ) ;
else if ( * s = = ' \t ' )
fprintf ( F , " \\ t " ) ;
fputc ( * s , F ) ;
s + + ;
2011-05-15 13:23:13 +00:00
fputc ( ' " ' , F ) ;
2004-08-23 00:15:46 +00:00
fprintf ( F , " \" %s \" " , trans - > english ) ;
fputc ( ' ' , F ) ;
if ( strchr ( trans - > foreign , ' \n ' ) | | strchr ( trans - > foreign , ' \" ' ) | | strchr ( trans - > foreign , ' \\ ' ) | | strchr ( trans - > foreign , ' \t ' ) )
s = trans - > foreign ;
fputc ( ' " ' , F ) ;
while ( * s )
if ( * s = = ' \n ' )
fprintf ( F , " \\ n " ) ;
else if ( * s = = ' \\ ' )
fprintf ( F , " \\ \\ " ) ;
else if ( * s = = ' \" ' )
fprintf ( F , " \" " ) ;
else if ( * s = = ' \t ' )
fprintf ( F , " \\ t " ) ;
fputc ( * s , F ) ;
s + + ;
fputc ( ' " ' , F ) ;
fputc ( ' \n ' , F ) ;
fprintf ( F , " \" %s \" \n " , trans - > foreign ) ;
fclose ( F ) ;
} */
Q_strncpyz ( lastlang , language . string , 8 ) ;
if ( * language . string )
firsttranslation = NULL ;
//read in
f = COM_LoadTempFile ( va ( " %s.lng " , lastlang ) ) ;
s = f ;
next :
while ( s & & * s )
if ( * s = = ' \" ' )
s + + ;
eng = s ;
while ( * s )
if ( * s = = ' \" ' )
* s = ' \0 ' ; //end of from
s + + ;
while ( * s )
if ( * s = = ' \" ' )
s + + ;
fore = s ;
while ( * s )
if ( * s = = ' \" ' )
* s = ' \0 ' ; //end of to
s + + ;
if ( ! firsttranslation )
trans = firsttranslation = Z_Malloc ( sizeof ( trans_t ) + strlen ( eng ) + strlen ( fore ) + 2 ) ;
for ( trans = firsttranslation ; trans - > next ; trans = trans - > next ) ;
trans = ( trans - > next = Z_Malloc ( sizeof ( trans_t ) + strlen ( eng ) + strlen ( fore ) + 2 ) ) ;
trans - > english = ( char * ) ( trans + 1 ) ;
trans - > foreign = trans - > english + strlen ( eng ) + 1 ;
s1 = trans - > english ;
s2 = eng ;
while ( * s2 )
if ( * s2 = = ' \\ ' )
s2 + + ;
switch ( * s2 )
case ' n ' :
* s1 = ' \n ' ;
break ;
case ' \" ' :
* s1 = ' \" ' ;
break ;
case ' t ' :
* s1 = ' \t ' ;
break ;
case ' \\ ' :
* s1 = ' \\ ' ;
break ;
default :
* s1 = ' ? ' ;
break ;
* s1 = * s2 ;
s1 + + ;
s2 + + ;
//strcpy(trans->english, eng);
s1 = trans - > foreign ;
s2 = fore ;
while ( * s2 )
if ( * s2 = = ' \\ ' )
s2 + + ;
switch ( * s2 )
case ' n ' :
* s1 = ' \n ' ;
break ;
case ' \" ' :
* s1 = ' \" ' ;
break ;
case ' t ' :
* s1 = ' \t ' ;
break ;
case ' \\ ' :
* s1 = ' \\ ' ;
break ;
default :
* s1 = ' ? ' ;
break ;
* s1 = * s2 ;
s1 + + ;
s2 + + ;
// strcpy(trans->foreign, fore);
2011-05-15 13:23:13 +00:00
goto next ;
2004-08-23 00:15:46 +00:00
else if ( * s = = ' \\ ' ) //skip
s + + ;
s + + ;
else if ( * s = = ' \\ ' ) //skip
s + + ;
s + + ;
2011-05-15 13:23:13 +00:00
2004-08-23 00:15:46 +00:00
else if ( * s = = ' \\ ' ) //skip
s + + ;
s + + ;
else if ( * s = = ' \\ ' ) //skip
s + + ;
s + + ;
char * Translate ( char * message )
2004-10-19 16:10:14 +00:00
return message ;
//this is pointless.
/* trans_t *trans;
2004-08-23 00:15:46 +00:00
if ( ! * message )
return message ;
if ( Q_strncmp ( language . string , lastlang , 8 ) )
TranslateReset ( ) ;
for ( trans = firsttranslation ; trans ; trans = trans - > next )
if ( * trans - > english = = * message ) //it's a little faster
if ( ! Q_strcmp ( trans - > english + 1 , message + 1 ) )
return trans - > foreign ;
//add translation info to data
if ( ! firsttranslation )
trans = firsttranslation = Z_Malloc ( sizeof ( trans_t ) + strlen ( message ) + 1 ) ;
for ( trans = firsttranslation ; trans - > next ; trans = trans - > next ) ;
trans = ( trans - > next = Z_Malloc ( sizeof ( trans_t ) + strlen ( message ) + 1 ) ) ;
trans - > english = ( char * ) ( trans + 1 ) ;
trans - > foreign = ( char * ) ( trans + 1 ) ;
strcpy ( trans - > english , message ) ;
//strcpy(trans->foreign, message);
return message ;
2004-10-19 16:10:14 +00:00
2004-08-23 00:15:46 +00:00
char * untranslate ( char * message )
return message ;
void TranslateInit ( void )
Cvar_Register ( & language , " International variables " ) ;
char * languagetext [ STL_MAXSTL ] [ MAX_LANGUAGES ] ;
void TL_ParseLanguage ( char * name , char * data , int num ) //this is one of the first functions to be called. so it mustn't use any quake subsystem routines
2011-05-15 13:23:13 +00:00
int i ;
2004-08-23 00:15:46 +00:00
char * s ;
s = data ;
while ( s )
s = COM_Parse ( s ) ;
if ( ! s )
return ;
for ( i = 0 ; i < STL_MAXSTL ; i + + )
if ( ! strcmp ( com_token , langtext ( i , 0 ) ) ) //lang 0 is actually the string names.
break ;
2011-05-15 13:23:13 +00:00
2013-11-21 23:02:28 +00:00
s = COM_ParseCString ( s , com_token , sizeof ( com_token ) , NULL ) ;
2004-08-23 00:15:46 +00:00
if ( i = = STL_MAXSTL ) //silently ignore - allow other servers or clients to add stuff
continue ;
langtext ( i , num ) = malloc ( strlen ( com_token ) + 1 ) ;
strcpy ( langtext ( i , num ) , com_token ) ;
// langtext(i, num) = "";
void TL_LoadLanguage ( char * name , char * shortname , int num ) //this is one of the first functions to be called.
2013-08-07 14:20:24 +00:00
return ;
# else
2004-08-23 00:15:46 +00:00
FILE * f ;
int size ;
char * buffer ;
2011-05-15 13:23:13 +00:00
size_t result ;
2004-08-23 00:15:46 +00:00
f = fopen ( va ( " %s.trl " , shortname ) , " rb " ) ;
if ( ! f )
return ;
fseek ( f , 0 , SEEK_END ) ;
size = ftell ( f ) ;
fseek ( f , 0 , SEEK_SET ) ;
buffer = malloc ( size + 1 ) ;
buffer [ size ] = ' \0 ' ;
2011-05-15 13:23:13 +00:00
result = fread ( buffer , 1 , size , f ) ; // do something with result
2011-05-30 04:32:04 +00:00
if ( result ! = size )
2012-04-24 07:59:11 +00:00
Con_Printf ( " TL_LoadLanguage() fread: Filename: %s, expected %i, result was %u \n " , va ( " %s.trl " , shortname ) , size , ( unsigned int ) result ) ;
2011-05-30 04:32:04 +00:00
2004-08-23 00:15:46 +00:00
fclose ( f ) ;
TL_ParseLanguage ( name , buffer , num ) ;
free ( buffer ) ;
2013-08-07 14:20:24 +00:00
# endif
2004-08-23 00:15:46 +00:00
# ifdef _DEBUG
# endif
char * TL_ExpandToCString ( char * in )
static char buffer [ 2048 ] ;
char * out = buffer ;
while ( * in )
if ( * in = = ' \" ' | | * in = = ' \\ ' )
* out + + = ' \\ ' ;
* out = * in ;
else if ( * in = = ' \n ' )
* out + + = ' \\ ' ;
* out + + = ' n ' ;
* out + + = ' \" ' ;
* out + + = ' \n ' ;
* out = ' \" ' ;
/* else if (*in == '\t')
* out + + = ' \\ ' ;
* out = ' \t ' ;
} */
else if ( * in = = ' \r ' )
in + + ;
continue ;
* out = * in ;
out + + ;
in + + ;
* out = ' \0 ' ;
2011-05-15 13:23:13 +00:00
2004-08-23 00:15:46 +00:00
return buffer ;
char * TL_ExpandToDoubleCString ( char * in ) //TL_ExpandToCString twice
static char buffer [ 2048 ] ;
char * out = buffer ;
while ( * in )
if ( * in = = ' \" ' | | * in = = ' \\ ' )
* out + + = ' \\ ' ;
* out = * in ;
else if ( * in = = ' \n ' )
* out + + = ' \\ ' ;
* out = ' n ' ;
* out = * in ;
out + + ;
in + + ;
* out = ' \0 ' ;
2011-05-15 13:23:13 +00:00
2004-08-23 00:15:46 +00:00
return TL_ExpandToCString ( buffer ) ;
void TL_WriteTLHeader ( void )
int i ;
FILE * f ;
f = fopen ( " tlout.h " , " wb " ) ;
if ( ! f )
return ;
for ( i = 0 ; i < STL_MAXSTL ; i + + )
if ( langtext ( i , 1 ) )
fprintf ( f , " \" %s \\ \" %s \\ \" \\ n \" \n " , langtext ( i , 0 ) , TL_ExpandToDoubleCString ( langtext ( i , 1 ) ) ) ;
fclose ( f ) ; */
# endif
2012-07-05 19:42:36 +00:00
void TL_Shutdown ( void )
int i , j , k ;
for ( i = 0 ; i < STL_MAXSTL ; i + + )
for ( j = 0 ; j < MAX_LANGUAGES ; j + + )
if ( j )
free ( langtext ( i , j ) ) ;
for ( k = j + 1 ; k < MAX_LANGUAGES ; k + + )
if ( langtext ( i , k ) = = langtext ( i , j ) )
langtext ( i , k ) = NULL ;
langtext ( i , j ) = NULL ;
2004-08-23 00:15:46 +00:00
void TL_InitLanguages ( void )
int i , j ;
int lang ;
# define NAME(i) (languagetext[i][0] = #i);
# include "translate.h"
# undef NAME
2011-05-15 13:23:13 +00:00
# define ENGLISH(i, s) (languagetext[i][1] = s)
2004-08-23 00:15:46 +00:00
# undef ENGLISH
TL_ParseLanguage ( " English " , defaultlanguagetext , 1 ) ;
TL_LoadLanguage ( " English " , " english " , 1 ) ;
TL_LoadLanguage ( " Spanish " , " spanish " , 2 ) ;
TL_LoadLanguage ( " Portuguese " , " portu " , 3 ) ;
TL_LoadLanguage ( " French " , " french " , 4 ) ;
if ( ( i = COM_CheckParm ( " -lang " ) ) )
lang = atoi ( com_argv [ i + 1 ] ) ;
lang = 1 ;
if ( lang < 1 )
lang = 1 ;
if ( lang > = MAX_LANGUAGES )
lang = MAX_LANGUAGES - 1 ;
svs . language = lang ;
# endif
cls . language = lang ;
# endif
TL_WriteTLHeader ( ) ;
# endif
// Sys_Printf("-lang %i\n", lang);
for ( i = 0 ; i < STL_MAXSTL ; i + + )
if ( ! langtext ( i , 1 ) )
Sys_Printf ( " warning: default translation for %s isn't set \n " , langtext ( i , 0 ) ) ;
langtext ( i , 1 ) = " " ;
if ( COM_CheckParm ( " -langugly " ) ) //so non-translated strings show more clearly (and you know what they are called).
for ( j = 2 ; j < MAX_LANGUAGES ; j + + )
for ( i = 0 ; i < STL_MAXSTL ; i + + )
if ( ! langtext ( i , j ) )
langtext ( i , j ) = langtext ( i , 0 ) ;
for ( j = 2 ; j < MAX_LANGUAGES ; j + + )
for ( i = 0 ; i < STL_MAXSTL ; i + + )
if ( ! langtext ( i , j ) )
langtext ( i , j ) = langtext ( i , 1 ) ;
2011-12-23 03:12:29 +00:00
//#ifndef CLIENTONLY
2004-08-23 00:15:46 +00:00
//this stuff is for hexen2 translation strings.
//(hexen2 is uuuuggllyyyy...)
2010-08-16 02:03:02 +00:00
static char * strings_list ;
static char * * strings_table ;
static int strings_count ;
static qboolean strings_loaded ;
2004-08-23 00:15:46 +00:00
void T_FreeStrings ( void )
{ //on map change, following gamedir change
if ( strings_loaded )
BZ_Free ( strings_list ) ;
BZ_Free ( strings_table ) ;
strings_count = 0 ;
strings_loaded = false ;
void T_LoadString ( void )
int i ;
char * s , * s2 ;
//count new lines
strings_loaded = true ;
strings_count = 0 ;
2009-11-04 21:16:50 +00:00
strings_list = FS_LoadMallocFile ( " strings.txt " ) ;
2004-08-23 00:15:46 +00:00
if ( ! strings_list )
return ;
for ( s = strings_list ; * s ; s + + )
if ( * s = = ' \n ' )
strings_count + + ;
strings_table = BZ_Malloc ( sizeof ( char * ) * strings_count ) ;
s = strings_list ;
for ( i = 0 ; i < strings_count ; i + + )
strings_table [ i ] = s ;
s2 = strchr ( s , ' \n ' ) ;
if ( ! s2 )
break ;
while ( s < s2 )
if ( * s = = ' \r ' )
* s = ' \0 ' ;
else if ( * s = = ' ^ ' | | * s = = ' @ ' ) //becomes new line
* s = ' \n ' ;
s + + ;
s = s2 + 1 ;
* s2 = ' \0 ' ;
char * T_GetString ( int num )
if ( ! strings_loaded )
T_LoadString ( ) ;
if ( num < 0 | | num > = strings_count )
return " BAD STRING " ;
return strings_table [ num ] ;
2011-12-23 03:12:29 +00:00
2010-08-16 02:03:02 +00:00
2013-11-21 23:02:28 +00:00
//for hexen2's objectives and stuff.
2010-08-16 02:03:02 +00:00
static char * info_strings_list ;
static char * * info_strings_table ;
static int info_strings_count ;
static qboolean info_strings_loaded ;
void T_FreeInfoStrings ( void )
{ //on map change, following gamedir change
if ( info_strings_loaded )
BZ_Free ( info_strings_list ) ;
BZ_Free ( info_strings_table ) ;
info_strings_count = 0 ;
info_strings_loaded = false ;
void T_LoadInfoString ( void )
int i ;
char * s , * s2 ;
//count new lines
info_strings_loaded = true ;
info_strings_count = 0 ;
info_strings_list = FS_LoadMallocFile ( " infolist.txt " ) ;
if ( ! info_strings_list )
return ;
for ( s = info_strings_list ; * s ; s + + )
if ( * s = = ' \n ' )
info_strings_count + + ;
info_strings_table = BZ_Malloc ( sizeof ( char * ) * info_strings_count ) ;
s = info_strings_list ;
for ( i = 0 ; i < info_strings_count ; i + + )
info_strings_table [ i ] = s ;
s2 = strchr ( s , ' \n ' ) ;
if ( ! s2 )
break ;
while ( s < s2 )
if ( * s = = ' \r ' )
* s = ' \0 ' ;
else if ( * s = = ' ^ ' | | * s = = ' @ ' ) //becomes new line
* s = ' \n ' ;
s + + ;
s = s2 + 1 ;
* s2 = ' \0 ' ;
char * T_GetInfoString ( int num )
if ( ! info_strings_loaded )
T_LoadInfoString ( ) ;
if ( num < 0 | | num > = info_strings_count )
return " BAD STRING " ;
2004-08-23 00:15:46 +00:00
2010-08-16 02:03:02 +00:00
return info_strings_table [ num ] ;
2012-01-17 07:57:46 +00:00
# endif
2013-11-21 23:02:28 +00:00
struct poline_s
bucket_t buck ;
struct poline_s * next ;
char * orig ;
char * translated ;
} ;
struct po_s
hashtable_t hash ;
struct poline_s * lines ;
} ;
const char * PO_GetText ( struct po_s * po , const char * msg )
struct poline_s * line ;
line = Hash_Get ( & po - > hash , msg ) ;
if ( line )
return line - > translated ;
return msg ;
static void PO_AddText ( struct po_s * po , const char * orig , const char * trans )
size_t olen = strlen ( orig ) + 1 ;
size_t tlen = strlen ( trans ) + 1 ;
struct poline_s * line = Z_Malloc ( sizeof ( * line ) + olen + tlen ) ;
memcpy ( line + 1 , orig , olen ) ;
orig = ( const char * ) ( line + 1 ) ;
line - > translated = ( char * ) ( line + 1 ) + olen ;
memcpy ( line - > translated , trans , tlen ) ;
trans = ( const char * ) ( line - > translated ) ;
Hash_Add ( & po - > hash , orig , line , & line - > buck ) ;
struct po_s * PO_Load ( vfsfile_t * file )
struct po_s * po ;
unsigned int buckets = 1024 ;
char * in , * end ;
int inlen ;
char msgid [ 32768 ] ;
char msgstr [ 32768 ] ;
po = Z_Malloc ( sizeof ( * po ) + Hash_BytesForBuckets ( buckets ) ) ;
Hash_InitTable ( & po - > hash , buckets , po + 1 ) ;
inlen = file ? VFS_GETLEN ( file ) : 0 ;
in = BZ_Malloc ( inlen + 1 ) ;
if ( file )
VFS_READ ( file , in , inlen ) ;
in [ inlen ] = 0 ;
if ( file )
VFS_CLOSE ( file ) ;
end = in + inlen ;
while ( in < end )
while ( * in = = ' ' | | * in = = ' \n ' | | * in = = ' \r ' | | * in = = ' \t ' )
in + + ;
if ( * in = = ' # ' )
while ( * in & & * in ! = ' \n ' )
in + + ;
else if ( ! strncmp ( in , " msgid " , 5 ) & & ( in [ 5 ] = = ' ' | | in [ 5 ] = = ' \t ' | | in [ 5 ] = = ' \r ' | | in [ 5 ] = = ' \n ' ) )
size_t start = 0 ;
size_t ofs = 0 ;
in + = 5 ;
while ( 1 )
while ( * in = = ' ' | | * in = = ' \n ' | | * in = = ' \r ' | | * in = = ' \t ' )
in + + ;
if ( * in = = ' \" ' )
in = COM_ParseCString ( in , msgid + start , sizeof ( msgid ) - start , & ofs ) ;
start + = ofs ;
break ;
else if ( ! strncmp ( in , " msgstr " , 6 ) & & ( in [ 6 ] = = ' ' | | in [ 6 ] = = ' \t ' | | in [ 6 ] = = ' \r ' | | in [ 6 ] = = ' \n ' ) )
size_t start = 0 ;
size_t ofs = 0 ;
in + = 6 ;
while ( 1 )
while ( * in = = ' ' | | * in = = ' \n ' | | * in = = ' \r ' | | * in = = ' \t ' )
in + + ;
if ( * in = = ' \" ' )
in = COM_ParseCString ( in , msgstr + start , sizeof ( msgstr ) - start , & ofs ) ;
start + = ofs ;
break ;
// if (*msgid && start)
PO_AddText ( po , msgid , msgstr ) ;
//some sort of junk?
in + + ;
while ( * in & & * in ! = ' \n ' )
in + + ;
return po ;
void PO_Close ( struct po_s * po )
while ( po - > lines )
struct poline_s * r = po - > lines ;
po - > lines = r - > next ;
Z_Free ( r ) ;
Z_Free ( po ) ;