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#include "quakedef.h"
#ifdef D3D9QUAKE
#include "shader.h"
#include "winquake.h"
#if !defined(HMONITOR_DECLARED) && (WINVER < 0x0500)
#include <d3d9.h>
extern cvar_t d3d9_hlsl;
typedef struct {
LPCSTR Definition;
#define D3DXHANDLE void *
typedef enum D3DXINCLUDE_TYPE {
D3DXINC_FORCE_DWORD = 0x7fffffff
#define INTERFACE myID3DXInclude
typedef struct myID3DXInclude *LPD3DXINCLUDE;
#define INTERFACE d3dxbuffer
typedef struct d3dxbuffer *LPD3DXBUFFER;
typedef enum _D3DXREGISTER_SET
D3DXRS_FORCE_DWORD = 0x7fffffff
D3DXPC_FORCE_DWORD = 0x7fffffff
typedef enum _D3DXPARAMETER_TYPE
typedef struct _D3DXCONSTANT_DESC
LPCSTR Name; // Constant name
D3DXREGISTER_SET RegisterSet; // Register set
UINT RegisterIndex; // Register index
UINT RegisterCount; // Number of registers occupied
D3DXPARAMETER_TYPE Type; // Component type
UINT Rows; // Number of rows
UINT Columns; // Number of columns
UINT Elements; // Number of array elements
UINT StructMembers; // Number of structure member sub-parameters
UINT Bytes; // Data size, in bytes
LPCVOID DefaultValue; // Pointer to default value
LPCSTR Creator; // Creator string
DWORD Version; // Shader version
UINT Constants; // Number of constants
#define INTERFACE d3dxconstanttable
STDMETHOD(GetConstantDesc)(THIS_ D3DXHANDLE hConstant, D3DXCONSTANT_DESC *pConstantDesc, UINT *pCount) PURE;
STDMETHOD_(D3DXHANDLE, GetConstantElement)(THIS_ D3DXHANDLE hConstant, UINT Index) PURE;
/*more stuff not included here cos I don't need it*/
typedef struct d3dxconstanttable *LPD3DXCONSTANTTABLE;
HRESULT (WINAPI *pD3DXCompileShader) (
LPCSTR pSrcData,
UINT SrcDataLen,
const D3DXMACRO *pDefines,
LPCSTR pEntrypoint,
LPCSTR pTarget,
UINT Flags,
LPD3DXBUFFER *ppErrorMsgs,
static dllhandle_t *shaderlib;
#ifndef IUnknown_Release
#define IUnknown_Release(This) \
(This)->lpVtbl -> Release(This)
static HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE myID3DXIncludeVtbl_Close(myID3DXInclude *cls, LPCVOID pData)
return S_OK;
static HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE myID3DXIncludeVtbl_Open(myID3DXInclude *cls, D3DXINCLUDE_TYPE IncludeType, LPCSTR pFileName, LPCVOID pParentData, LPCVOID *ppData, UINT *pBytes)
char *file = NULL;
// "sys/defs.h"
// "sys/skeletal.h"
// "sys/offsetmapping.h"
if (!strcmp(pFileName, "sys/fog.h"))
file =
"#ifdef FOG\n"
"#ifndef DEFS_DEFINED\n"
"float4 w_fog[2];\n"
"#define w_fogcolour w_fog[0].rgb\n"
"#define w_fogalpha w_fog[0].a\n"
"#define w_fogdensity w_fog[1].x\n"
"#define w_fogdepthbias w_fog[1].y\n"
"static const float r_fog_exp2 = 1.0;\n"
"float3 fog3(float3 regularcolour, float distance)"
"float z = w_fogdensity * distance;\n"
"z = max(0.0,z-w_fogdepthbias);\n"
"if (r_fog_exp2)\n"
"z *= z;\n"
"float fac = exp2(-(z * 1.442695));\n"
"fac = (1.0-w_fogalpha) + (clamp(fac, 0.0, 1.0)*w_fogalpha);\n"
"return lerp(w_fogcolour, regularcolour, fac);\n"
"float3 fog3additive(float3 regularcolour, float distance)"
"float z = w_fogdensity * distance;\n"
"z = max(0.0,z-w_fogdepthbias);\n"
"if (r_fog_exp2)\n"
"z *= z;\n"
"float fac = exp2(-(z * 1.442695));\n"
"fac = (1.0-w_fogalpha) + (clamp(fac, 0.0, 1.0)*w_fogalpha);\n"
"return regularcolour * fac;\n"
"float4 fog4(float4 regularcolour, float distance)"
"return float4(fog3(regularcolour.rgb, distance), 1.0) * regularcolour.a;\n"
"float4 fog4additive(float4 regularcolour, float distance)"
"float z = w_fogdensity * distance;\n"
"z = max(0.0,z-w_fogdepthbias);\n"
"if (r_fog_exp2)\n"
"z *= z;\n"
"float fac = exp2(-(z * 1.442695));\n"
"fac = (1.0-w_fogalpha) + (clamp(fac, 0.0, 1.0)*w_fogalpha);\n"
"return regularcolour * float4(fac, fac, fac, 1.0);\n"
"float4 fog4blend(float4 regularcolour, float distance)"
"float z = w_fogdensity * distance;\n"
"z = max(0.0,z-w_fogdepthbias);\n"
"if (r_fog_exp2)\n"
"z *= z;\n"
"float fac = exp2(-(z * 1.442695));\n"
"fac = (1.0-w_fogalpha) + (clamp(fac, 0.0, 1.0)*w_fogalpha);\n"
"return regularcolour * float4(1.0, 1.0, 1.0, fac);\n"
"float3 fog3(float3 regularcolour, float distance) { return regularcolour; }\n"
"float3 fog3additive(float3 regularcolour, float distance) { return regularcolour; }\n"
"float4 fog4(float4 regularcolour, float distance) { return regularcolour; }\n"
"float4 fog4additive(float4 regularcolour, float distance) { return regularcolour; }\n"
"float4 fog4blend(float4 regularcolour, float distance) { return regularcolour; }\n"
else if (!strcmp(pFileName, "sys/pcf.h"))
file =
"#define ShadowmapFilter(smap,proj) 1.0\n"
if (file)
*ppData = file;
*pBytes = strlen(file);
return S_OK;
return E_FAIL;
static struct myID3DXIncludeVtbl myID3DXIncludeVtbl_C =
static struct myID3DXInclude myID3DXIncludeVtbl_Instance = {&myID3DXIncludeVtbl_C};
static qboolean D3D9Shader_CreateProgram (program_t *prog, struct programpermu_s *permu, int ver, const char **precompilerconstants, const char *vert, const char *tcs, const char *tes, const char *geom, const char *frag, qboolean silent, vfsfile_t *blobfile)
D3DXMACRO defines[64];
LPD3DXBUFFER code = NULL, errors = NULL;
qboolean success = false;
char defbuf[2048];
char *defbufe;
if (geom || tcs || tes)
Con_Printf("geometry and tessellation shaders are not availale in d3d9 (%s)\n", prog->name);
return false;
permu->h.hlsl.vert = NULL;
permu->h.hlsl.frag = NULL;
if (pD3DXCompileShader)
int consts;
for (consts = 0; precompilerconstants[consts]; consts++)
if (consts >= sizeof(defines) / sizeof(defines[0]))
return success;
consts = 0;
defines[consts].Name = NULL; /*shader type*/
defines[consts].Definition = "1";
defines[consts].Name = "ENGINE_"DISTRIBUTION;
Too many changes, sorry. Change revision displays, use the SVN commit date instead of using __DATE__ (when there's no local changes). This should allow reproducible builds. Added s_al_disable cvar, to block openal and all the various problems people have had with it, without having to name an explicit fallback (which would vary by system). Add mastervolume cvar (for ss). Add r_shadows 2 (aka fake shadows - for ss). Add scr_loadingscreen_aspect -1 setting, to disable levelshots entirely, also disables the progress bar (for ss). Better support for some effectinfo hacks (for ss). Added dpcompat_nocsqcwarnings (because of lazy+buggy mods like ss). Rework the dpcsqc versions of project+unproject builtins for better compat (for ss). Added dpcompat_csqcinputeventtypes to block unexpected csqc input events (for ss). Better compat with DP's loadfont console command (for ss). Added dpcompat_smallerfonts cvar to replicate a DP bug (for ss). Detect dp's m_draw extension, to work around it (for ss). Cvar dpcompat_ignoremodificationtimes added. A value of 0 favour the most recently modified file, 1 will use DP-like alphabetically sorted preferences (for ss). loadfont builtin can now accept outline=1 in the sizes arg for slightly more readable fonts. Fix bbox calcs for rotated entities, fix needed for r_ignorenetpvs 0. Hackily parse emoji.json to provide :poop: etc suggestions. Skip prediction entirely when there's no local entity info. This fixes stair-smoothing in xonotic. screenshot_cubemap will now capture half-float images when saving to ktx or dds files. Fix support for xcf files larger than 4gb, mostly to avoid compiler warnings. Fixed size of gfx/loading.lmp when replacement textures are used. Added mipmap support for rg8 and l8a8 textures. r_hdr_framebuffer cvar updated to support format names instead of random negative numbers. Description updated to name some interesting ones. Perform autoupdate _checks_ ONLY with explicit user confirmation (actual updating already needed user confirmation, but this extra step should reduce the chances of us getting wrongly accused of exfiltrating user data if we're run in a sandbox - we ONLY ever included the updating engine's version in the checks, though there's nothing we can do to avoid sending the user's router's IP). Removed the 'summon satan all over your harddrive' quit message, in case paranoid security researchers are idiots and don't bother doing actual research. Removed the triptohell.info and fte.triptohell.info certificates, they really need to stop being self-signed. The updates domain is still self-signed for autoupdates. Video drivers are now able to report supported video resolutions, visible to menuqc. Currently only works with SDL2 builds. Added setmousepos builtin. Should work with glx+win32 build. VF_SKYROOM_CAMERA can now accept an extra two args, setviewprop(VF_SKYROOM_CAMERA, org, axis, degrees). Removed v_skyroom_origin+v_skyroom_orientation cvars in favour just v_skyroom, which should make it behave more like the 'fog' command (used when csqc isn't overriding). Added R_EndPolygonRibbon builtin to make it faster+easier to generate textured ribbon/cable/etc wide lines (for TW). sdl: Fix up sys_sdl.c's file enumeration to support wildcards in directories. edit command now displays end1.bin/end2.bin correctly, because we can. Finally add support for f_modified - though ruleset_allow_larger_models and ruleset_allow_overlong_sounds generally make it redundant. Fix threading race condition in sha1 lookups. Updated f_ruleset to include the same extra flags reported by ezquake. A mod's default.fmf file can now contain an eg 'mainconfig config.cfg' line (to explicitly set the main config saved with cfg_save_auto 1 etc). fmf: basegame steam:GameName/GameDir can be used to try to load a mod directory from an installed steam game. The resulting gamedir will be read-only. HOMEDIR CHANGE: use homedirs only if the basedir cannot be written or a homedir already exists, which should further reduce the probability of microsoft randomly uploading our data to their cloud (but mostly because its annoying to never know where your data is written). Fixed buf_cvarlist, should work in xonotic now, and without segfaults. Added an extra arg to URI_Get_Callback calls - the response size, also changed the tempstring to contain all bytes of the response, you need to be careful about nulls though. Try to work around nvidia's forced-panning bug on x11 when changing video modes. This might screw with other programs. sdl: support custom icons. sdl: support choosing a specific display. Added some documentation to menuqc builtins. menusys: use outlines for slightly more readable fonts. menusys: switch vid_width and vid_height combos into a single video mode combo to set both according to reported video modes. git-svn-id: https://svn.code.sf.net/p/fteqw/code/trunk@5581 fc73d0e0-1445-4013-8a0c-d673dee63da5
2019-11-20 03:09:50 +00:00
defines[consts].Definition = STRINGIFY(SVNREVISION);
defines[consts].Definition = "0";
for (defbufe = defbuf; *precompilerconstants; precompilerconstants++)
const char *l, *nl;
for(l = *precompilerconstants; *l; l = nl)
l += 7; //skip over the assumed #define
l = COM_ParseOut(l, defbufe, defbuf+sizeof(defbuf) - defbufe-1);
defines[consts].Name = defbufe;
defbufe += strlen(defbufe)+1;
while (*l == ' ' || *l == '\t')
nl = strchr(l, '\n');
if (nl && *nl)
defines[consts++].Definition = defbufe;
memcpy(defbufe, l, nl-l);
defbufe[nl-l] = 0;
defbufe += nl++-l+1;
defines[consts++].Definition = l;
defines[consts].Name = NULL;
defines[consts].Definition = NULL;
success = true;
defines[0].Name = "VERTEX_SHADER";
if (FAILED(pD3DXCompileShader(vert, strlen(vert), defines, &myID3DXIncludeVtbl_Instance, "main", "vs_2_0", 0, &code, &errors, (LPD3DXCONSTANTTABLE*)&permu->h.hlsl.ctabv)))
success = false;
IDirect3DDevice9_CreateVertexShader(pD3DDev9, code->lpVtbl->GetBufferPointer(code), (IDirect3DVertexShader9**)&permu->h.hlsl.vert);
if (errors)
char *messages = errors->lpVtbl->GetBufferPointer(errors);
//int i;
// for (i = 0; i < consts; i++)
// Con_Printf("%s %i: %s==%s\n", prog->name, i, defines[i].Name, defines[i].Definition);
// Con_Printf("%s\n", vert);
Con_Printf("Error compiling vertex shader %s:\n%s", prog->name, messages);
defines[0].Name = "FRAGMENT_SHADER";
if (FAILED(pD3DXCompileShader(frag, strlen(frag), defines, &myID3DXIncludeVtbl_Instance, "main", "ps_2_0", 0, &code, &errors, (LPD3DXCONSTANTTABLE*)&permu->h.hlsl.ctabf)))
success = false;
IDirect3DDevice9_CreatePixelShader(pD3DDev9, code->lpVtbl->GetBufferPointer(code), (IDirect3DPixelShader9**)&permu->h.hlsl.frag);
if (errors)
char *messages = errors->lpVtbl->GetBufferPointer(errors);
Con_Printf("Error compiling pixel shader %s:\n%s", prog->name, messages);
return success;
static int D3D9Shader_FindUniform_(LPD3DXCONSTANTTABLE ct, const char *name)
if (ct)
UINT dc = 1;
if (!FAILED(ct->lpVtbl->GetConstantDesc(ct, (void*)name, &d, &dc)))
return d.RegisterIndex;
return -1;
static int D3D9Shader_FindUniform(union programhandle_u *h, int type, const char *name)
int offs;
if (!type || type == 1)
offs = D3D9Shader_FindUniform_(h->hlsl.ctabv, name);
if (offs >= 0)
return offs;
if (!type || type == 2)
offs = D3D9Shader_FindUniform_(h->hlsl.ctabf, name);
if (offs >= 0)
return offs;
return -1;
makefile: attempt to fix freetype when not using makelibs (should make it slightly easier for people to compile with msys2 without needing to resort to cmake). emenu: clean up hexen2's maplist options slightly. emenu: modelviewer should now be slightly more friendly (click+wasd to move around). particles: fix up randomised s coords. csqc: try to fix issue with applycustomskin not refcounting properly. client: [s_]precache and (new) mod_precache cvars can be set to 2 to precache the resources after load, for faster loading at the expense of some early stutter, without risking later mid-game stuttering. gltf: add support for morphweights in a cpu-fallback path. don't expect good performance on surfaces with morphtargets for now. gtlf: add some support for gltf1 files. far from perfect. shaders: gltf1 semantics handling shaders: const correctness iqmtool: fix up mdl skin export. iqmtool: integrate the engine's gltf2 loader. works with animated models, but unanimated ones suffer from basepose-different-from-bindpose issues. q3bsp: hopefully fixed bih traces. still disabled for now. qc: change default value of pr_gc_threaded to 1. qcext: add the '__deprecated' keyword to various symbols in fteextensions.qc, now that fteqcc supports it. ssqc: spit out a more readable error for WriteByte(MSG_CSQC,...) outside of SendEntity. ssqc: add registercommand builtin, for consistency with menuqc and csqc (though only one can register any single command). sv: report userinfo/serverinfo sizes (some clients still have arbitrary limits, plus its nice to see how abusive things are) sv: try to optimise sv_cullentities_trace a little. movechain: relink moved ents. csqc: add spriteframe builtin, for freecs to use instead of more ugly less reliable hacks. menuqc: fopen("tls://host:port", FILE_STREAM) should now open a tls stream. tcp:// should also work. git-svn-id: https://svn.code.sf.net/p/fteqw/code/trunk@5703 fc73d0e0-1445-4013-8a0c-d673dee63da5
2020-06-12 23:29:58 +00:00
static void D3D9Shader_ProgAutoFields(program_t *prog, struct programpermu_s *pp, char **cvarnames, int *cvartypes)
unsigned int i;
int uniformloc;
char tmpbuffer[256];
/* prog->nofixedcompat = true;
prog->defaulttextures = 0;
prog->numsamplers = 0;
int maxparms = 0;
pp->parm = NULL;
pp->numparms = 0;
IDirect3DDevice9_SetVertexShader(pD3DDev9, pp->h.hlsl.vert);
IDirect3DDevice9_SetPixelShader(pD3DDev9, pp->h.hlsl.frag);
for (i = 0; shader_unif_names[i].name; i++)
uniformloc = D3D9Shader_FindUniform(&pp->h, 0, shader_unif_names[i].name);
if (uniformloc != -1)
if (pp->numparms == maxparms)
maxparms = maxparms?maxparms*2:8;
pp->parm = BZ_Realloc(pp->parm, sizeof(*pp->parm) * maxparms);
pp->parm[pp->numparms].handle = uniformloc;
pp->parm[pp->numparms].type = shader_unif_names[i].ptype;
for (i = 0; cvarnames[i]; i++)
makefile: attempt to fix freetype when not using makelibs (should make it slightly easier for people to compile with msys2 without needing to resort to cmake). emenu: clean up hexen2's maplist options slightly. emenu: modelviewer should now be slightly more friendly (click+wasd to move around). particles: fix up randomised s coords. csqc: try to fix issue with applycustomskin not refcounting properly. client: [s_]precache and (new) mod_precache cvars can be set to 2 to precache the resources after load, for faster loading at the expense of some early stutter, without risking later mid-game stuttering. gltf: add support for morphweights in a cpu-fallback path. don't expect good performance on surfaces with morphtargets for now. gtlf: add some support for gltf1 files. far from perfect. shaders: gltf1 semantics handling shaders: const correctness iqmtool: fix up mdl skin export. iqmtool: integrate the engine's gltf2 loader. works with animated models, but unanimated ones suffer from basepose-different-from-bindpose issues. q3bsp: hopefully fixed bih traces. still disabled for now. qc: change default value of pr_gc_threaded to 1. qcext: add the '__deprecated' keyword to various symbols in fteextensions.qc, now that fteqcc supports it. ssqc: spit out a more readable error for WriteByte(MSG_CSQC,...) outside of SendEntity. ssqc: add registercommand builtin, for consistency with menuqc and csqc (though only one can register any single command). sv: report userinfo/serverinfo sizes (some clients still have arbitrary limits, plus its nice to see how abusive things are) sv: try to optimise sv_cullentities_trace a little. movechain: relink moved ents. csqc: add spriteframe builtin, for freecs to use instead of more ugly less reliable hacks. menuqc: fopen("tls://host:port", FILE_STREAM) should now open a tls stream. tcp:// should also work. git-svn-id: https://svn.code.sf.net/p/fteqw/code/trunk@5703 fc73d0e0-1445-4013-8a0c-d673dee63da5
2020-06-12 23:29:58 +00:00
cvar_t *cvarref;
if (cvartypes[i] < SP_CVARI)
cvarref = Cvar_FindVar(cvarnames[i]);
if (!cvarref)
//just directly sets uniforms. can't cope with cvars dynamically changing.
makefile: attempt to fix freetype when not using makelibs (should make it slightly easier for people to compile with msys2 without needing to resort to cmake). emenu: clean up hexen2's maplist options slightly. emenu: modelviewer should now be slightly more friendly (click+wasd to move around). particles: fix up randomised s coords. csqc: try to fix issue with applycustomskin not refcounting properly. client: [s_]precache and (new) mod_precache cvars can be set to 2 to precache the resources after load, for faster loading at the expense of some early stutter, without risking later mid-game stuttering. gltf: add support for morphweights in a cpu-fallback path. don't expect good performance on surfaces with morphtargets for now. gtlf: add some support for gltf1 files. far from perfect. shaders: gltf1 semantics handling shaders: const correctness iqmtool: fix up mdl skin export. iqmtool: integrate the engine's gltf2 loader. works with animated models, but unanimated ones suffer from basepose-different-from-bindpose issues. q3bsp: hopefully fixed bih traces. still disabled for now. qc: change default value of pr_gc_threaded to 1. qcext: add the '__deprecated' keyword to various symbols in fteextensions.qc, now that fteqcc supports it. ssqc: spit out a more readable error for WriteByte(MSG_CSQC,...) outside of SendEntity. ssqc: add registercommand builtin, for consistency with menuqc and csqc (though only one can register any single command). sv: report userinfo/serverinfo sizes (some clients still have arbitrary limits, plus its nice to see how abusive things are) sv: try to optimise sv_cullentities_trace a little. movechain: relink moved ents. csqc: add spriteframe builtin, for freecs to use instead of more ugly less reliable hacks. menuqc: fopen("tls://host:port", FILE_STREAM) should now open a tls stream. tcp:// should also work. git-svn-id: https://svn.code.sf.net/p/fteqw/code/trunk@5703 fc73d0e0-1445-4013-8a0c-d673dee63da5
2020-06-12 23:29:58 +00:00
cvarref->flags |= CVAR_SHADERSYSTEM;
Q_snprintfz(tmpbuffer, sizeof(tmpbuffer), "cvar_%s", cvarnames[i]);
uniformloc = D3D9Shader_FindUniform(&pp->h, 1, tmpbuffer);
if (uniformloc != -1)
if (cvartypes[i] == SP_CVARI)
makefile: attempt to fix freetype when not using makelibs (should make it slightly easier for people to compile with msys2 without needing to resort to cmake). emenu: clean up hexen2's maplist options slightly. emenu: modelviewer should now be slightly more friendly (click+wasd to move around). particles: fix up randomised s coords. csqc: try to fix issue with applycustomskin not refcounting properly. client: [s_]precache and (new) mod_precache cvars can be set to 2 to precache the resources after load, for faster loading at the expense of some early stutter, without risking later mid-game stuttering. gltf: add support for morphweights in a cpu-fallback path. don't expect good performance on surfaces with morphtargets for now. gtlf: add some support for gltf1 files. far from perfect. shaders: gltf1 semantics handling shaders: const correctness iqmtool: fix up mdl skin export. iqmtool: integrate the engine's gltf2 loader. works with animated models, but unanimated ones suffer from basepose-different-from-bindpose issues. q3bsp: hopefully fixed bih traces. still disabled for now. qc: change default value of pr_gc_threaded to 1. qcext: add the '__deprecated' keyword to various symbols in fteextensions.qc, now that fteqcc supports it. ssqc: spit out a more readable error for WriteByte(MSG_CSQC,...) outside of SendEntity. ssqc: add registercommand builtin, for consistency with menuqc and csqc (though only one can register any single command). sv: report userinfo/serverinfo sizes (some clients still have arbitrary limits, plus its nice to see how abusive things are) sv: try to optimise sv_cullentities_trace a little. movechain: relink moved ents. csqc: add spriteframe builtin, for freecs to use instead of more ugly less reliable hacks. menuqc: fopen("tls://host:port", FILE_STREAM) should now open a tls stream. tcp:// should also work. git-svn-id: https://svn.code.sf.net/p/fteqw/code/trunk@5703 fc73d0e0-1445-4013-8a0c-d673dee63da5
2020-06-12 23:29:58 +00:00
int v[4] = {cvarref->ival, 0, 0, 0};
IDirect3DDevice9_SetVertexShaderConstantI(pD3DDev9, 0, v, 1);
makefile: attempt to fix freetype when not using makelibs (should make it slightly easier for people to compile with msys2 without needing to resort to cmake). emenu: clean up hexen2's maplist options slightly. emenu: modelviewer should now be slightly more friendly (click+wasd to move around). particles: fix up randomised s coords. csqc: try to fix issue with applycustomskin not refcounting properly. client: [s_]precache and (new) mod_precache cvars can be set to 2 to precache the resources after load, for faster loading at the expense of some early stutter, without risking later mid-game stuttering. gltf: add support for morphweights in a cpu-fallback path. don't expect good performance on surfaces with morphtargets for now. gtlf: add some support for gltf1 files. far from perfect. shaders: gltf1 semantics handling shaders: const correctness iqmtool: fix up mdl skin export. iqmtool: integrate the engine's gltf2 loader. works with animated models, but unanimated ones suffer from basepose-different-from-bindpose issues. q3bsp: hopefully fixed bih traces. still disabled for now. qc: change default value of pr_gc_threaded to 1. qcext: add the '__deprecated' keyword to various symbols in fteextensions.qc, now that fteqcc supports it. ssqc: spit out a more readable error for WriteByte(MSG_CSQC,...) outside of SendEntity. ssqc: add registercommand builtin, for consistency with menuqc and csqc (though only one can register any single command). sv: report userinfo/serverinfo sizes (some clients still have arbitrary limits, plus its nice to see how abusive things are) sv: try to optimise sv_cullentities_trace a little. movechain: relink moved ents. csqc: add spriteframe builtin, for freecs to use instead of more ugly less reliable hacks. menuqc: fopen("tls://host:port", FILE_STREAM) should now open a tls stream. tcp:// should also work. git-svn-id: https://svn.code.sf.net/p/fteqw/code/trunk@5703 fc73d0e0-1445-4013-8a0c-d673dee63da5
2020-06-12 23:29:58 +00:00
IDirect3DDevice9_SetVertexShaderConstantF(pD3DDev9, 0, cvarref->vec4, 1);
uniformloc = D3D9Shader_FindUniform(&pp->h, 2, tmpbuffer);
if (uniformloc != -1)
if (cvartypes[i] == SP_CVARI)
makefile: attempt to fix freetype when not using makelibs (should make it slightly easier for people to compile with msys2 without needing to resort to cmake). emenu: clean up hexen2's maplist options slightly. emenu: modelviewer should now be slightly more friendly (click+wasd to move around). particles: fix up randomised s coords. csqc: try to fix issue with applycustomskin not refcounting properly. client: [s_]precache and (new) mod_precache cvars can be set to 2 to precache the resources after load, for faster loading at the expense of some early stutter, without risking later mid-game stuttering. gltf: add support for morphweights in a cpu-fallback path. don't expect good performance on surfaces with morphtargets for now. gtlf: add some support for gltf1 files. far from perfect. shaders: gltf1 semantics handling shaders: const correctness iqmtool: fix up mdl skin export. iqmtool: integrate the engine's gltf2 loader. works with animated models, but unanimated ones suffer from basepose-different-from-bindpose issues. q3bsp: hopefully fixed bih traces. still disabled for now. qc: change default value of pr_gc_threaded to 1. qcext: add the '__deprecated' keyword to various symbols in fteextensions.qc, now that fteqcc supports it. ssqc: spit out a more readable error for WriteByte(MSG_CSQC,...) outside of SendEntity. ssqc: add registercommand builtin, for consistency with menuqc and csqc (though only one can register any single command). sv: report userinfo/serverinfo sizes (some clients still have arbitrary limits, plus its nice to see how abusive things are) sv: try to optimise sv_cullentities_trace a little. movechain: relink moved ents. csqc: add spriteframe builtin, for freecs to use instead of more ugly less reliable hacks. menuqc: fopen("tls://host:port", FILE_STREAM) should now open a tls stream. tcp:// should also work. git-svn-id: https://svn.code.sf.net/p/fteqw/code/trunk@5703 fc73d0e0-1445-4013-8a0c-d673dee63da5
2020-06-12 23:29:58 +00:00
int v[4] = {cvarref->ival, 0, 0, 0};
IDirect3DDevice9_SetPixelShaderConstantI(pD3DDev9, 0, v, 1);
makefile: attempt to fix freetype when not using makelibs (should make it slightly easier for people to compile with msys2 without needing to resort to cmake). emenu: clean up hexen2's maplist options slightly. emenu: modelviewer should now be slightly more friendly (click+wasd to move around). particles: fix up randomised s coords. csqc: try to fix issue with applycustomskin not refcounting properly. client: [s_]precache and (new) mod_precache cvars can be set to 2 to precache the resources after load, for faster loading at the expense of some early stutter, without risking later mid-game stuttering. gltf: add support for morphweights in a cpu-fallback path. don't expect good performance on surfaces with morphtargets for now. gtlf: add some support for gltf1 files. far from perfect. shaders: gltf1 semantics handling shaders: const correctness iqmtool: fix up mdl skin export. iqmtool: integrate the engine's gltf2 loader. works with animated models, but unanimated ones suffer from basepose-different-from-bindpose issues. q3bsp: hopefully fixed bih traces. still disabled for now. qc: change default value of pr_gc_threaded to 1. qcext: add the '__deprecated' keyword to various symbols in fteextensions.qc, now that fteqcc supports it. ssqc: spit out a more readable error for WriteByte(MSG_CSQC,...) outside of SendEntity. ssqc: add registercommand builtin, for consistency with menuqc and csqc (though only one can register any single command). sv: report userinfo/serverinfo sizes (some clients still have arbitrary limits, plus its nice to see how abusive things are) sv: try to optimise sv_cullentities_trace a little. movechain: relink moved ents. csqc: add spriteframe builtin, for freecs to use instead of more ugly less reliable hacks. menuqc: fopen("tls://host:port", FILE_STREAM) should now open a tls stream. tcp:// should also work. git-svn-id: https://svn.code.sf.net/p/fteqw/code/trunk@5703 fc73d0e0-1445-4013-8a0c-d673dee63da5
2020-06-12 23:29:58 +00:00
IDirect3DDevice9_SetPixelShaderConstantF(pD3DDev9, 0, cvarref->vec4, 1);
/*set texture uniforms*/
for (i = 0; i < prog->numsamplers; i++)
Q_snprintfz(tmpbuffer, sizeof(tmpbuffer), "s_t%i", i);
uniformloc = D3D9Shader_FindUniform(&pp->h, 2, tmpbuffer);
if (uniformloc != -1)
int v[4] = {i};
IDirect3DDevice9_SetPixelShader(pD3DDev9, pp->h.hlsl.frag);
IDirect3DDevice9_SetPixelShaderConstantI(pD3DDev9, 0, v, 1);
// if (prog->numsamplers < i+1)
// prog->numsamplers = i+1;
/* for (i = 0; sh_defaultsamplers[i].name; i++)
//figure out which ones are needed.
if (prog->defaulttextures & sh_defaultsamplers[i].defaulttexbits)
continue; //don't spam
uniformloc = D3D9Shader_FindUniform(&pp->h, 2, sh_defaultsamplers[i].name);
if (uniformloc != -1)
prog->defaulttextures |= sh_defaultsamplers[i].defaulttexbits;
if (prog->defaulttextures)
unsigned int sampnum;
/*set default texture uniforms*/
sampnum = prog->numsamplers;
for (i = 0; sh_defaultsamplers[i].name; i++)
if (prog->defaulttextures & sh_defaultsamplers[i].defaulttexbits)
uniformloc = D3D9Shader_FindUniform(&pp->h, 2, sh_defaultsamplers[i].name);
if (uniformloc != -1)
int v[4] = {sampnum};
IDirect3DDevice9_SetPixelShader(pD3DDev9, pp->h.hlsl.frag);
IDirect3DDevice9_SetPixelShaderConstantI(pD3DDev9, 0, v, 1);
IDirect3DDevice9_SetVertexShader(pD3DDev9, NULL);
IDirect3DDevice9_SetPixelShader(pD3DDev9, NULL);
void D3D9Shader_DeleteProg(program_t *prog)
unsigned int permu;
struct programpermu_s *pp;
for (permu = countof(prog->permu); permu-- > 0; )
pp = prog->permu[permu];
if (!pp)
prog->permu[permu] = NULL;
if (pp == prog->permu[0] && permu)
continue; //entry 0 (only) can get copied to avoid constant recompile failures (0 is always precompiled)
if (pp->h.hlsl.vert)
IDirect3DVertexShader9 *vs = pp->h.hlsl.vert;
pp->h.hlsl.vert = NULL;
if (pp->h.hlsl.frag)
IDirect3DPixelShader9 *fs = pp->h.hlsl.frag;
pp->h.hlsl.frag = NULL;
if (pp->h.hlsl.ctabv)
LPD3DXCONSTANTTABLE vct = pp->h.hlsl.ctabv;
pp->h.hlsl.ctabv = NULL;
if (pp->h.hlsl.ctabf)
LPD3DXCONSTANTTABLE fct = pp->h.hlsl.ctabf;
pp->h.hlsl.ctabf = NULL;
pp->numparms = 0;
void D3D9Shader_Init(void)
D3DCAPS9 caps;
dllfunction_t funcs[] =
{(void**)&pD3DXCompileShader, "D3DXCompileShader"},
if (!shaderlib)
shaderlib = Sys_LoadLibrary("d3dx9_32", funcs);
if (!shaderlib)
shaderlib = Sys_LoadLibrary("d3dx9_34", funcs);
memset(&sh_config, 0, sizeof(sh_config));
sh_config.minver = 9;
sh_config.maxver = 9;
sh_config.blobpath = "hlsl/%s.blob";
sh_config.progpath = shaderlib?"hlsl/%s.hlsl":NULL;
sh_config.shadernamefmt = "%s_hlsl9";
sh_config.progs_supported = !!shaderlib && d3d9_hlsl.ival;
sh_config.progs_required = false;
sh_config.pDeleteProg = D3D9Shader_DeleteProg;
sh_config.pLoadBlob = NULL;//D3D9Shader_LoadBlob;
sh_config.pCreateProgram = D3D9Shader_CreateProgram;
sh_config.pProgAutoFields = D3D9Shader_ProgAutoFields;
sh_config.tex_env_combine = 1;
sh_config.nv_tex_env_combine4 = 1;
sh_config.env_add = 1;
sh_config.can_mipcap = true; //at creation time, I think.
sh_config.havecubemaps = true;
IDirect3DDevice9_GetDeviceCaps(pD3DDev9, &caps);
sh_config.texture_allow_block_padding = false; //microsoft blocks this.
if (caps.TextureCaps & D3DPTEXTURECAPS_POW2)
{ //this flag is a LIMITATION, not a capability.
sh_config.texture_non_power_of_two = false;
sh_config.texture_non_power_of_two_pic = !!(caps.TextureCaps & D3DPTEXTURECAPS_NONPOW2CONDITIONAL); //pic npot is supported if both flags are set.
{ //modern cards support npot
sh_config.texture_non_power_of_two_pic = true;
sh_config.texture_non_power_of_two = true;
sh_config.texturecube_maxsize = sh_config.texture2d_maxsize = min(caps.MaxTextureWidth, caps.MaxTextureHeight);