
78 lines
3.0 KiB
Executable File

# -*- mode: Shell-script-*-
# Github SVN mirror is used to merge each commit to SVN
# This is done to attempt to avoid line ending conflicts
# that tend to pop up when using git-svn
# Required environment variables:
# - GIT_SCRIPTS: directory where the git sync scripts are located
# - GIT_SVN_SYNC_BASE: directory where the sync repositories are
# stored.
# - GIT_SVN_SYNC_GIT_PATH: directory where the git repo is checked out,
# relative to GIT_SVN_SYNC_BASE/$project_name/
# - GIT_SVN_SYNC_SVN_PATH: directory where the svn repo is checked out,
# relative to GIT_SVN_SYNC_BASE/$project_name/
# - GIT_SVN_SYNC_EMAIL: email to send error reports to
# Usage: project_name
project=${1?No project provided}
if [ ! -d $git_location ] ; then
echo "The folder where the git repository is supposed to be does not exist"
exit 1
if [ ! -d $svn_location ] ; then
echo "The folder where the svn repository is supposed to be does not exist"
exit 1
report () {
echo $1
sh ${GIT_SCRIPTS}/ $destination "$project" "$1"
# Get changes from svn
echo "Updating SVN"
svn update $svn_location || { report "Could not update SVN" ; exit 1; }
if [ -n "$(svn status $svn_location)" ] ; then
report "Workspace is dirty. Clean it up before continuing"
exit 1
git_working_copy_revision=$(svnversion $git_location)
git_head_revision=$(svn info -r HEAD $git_location | awk '/Last Changed Rev:/ { print $4 }')
revisions_to_merge=$(expr $git_head_revision - $git_working_copy_revision)
echo "Git repository is at r$git_working_copy_revision (Upstream: r$git_head_revision)"
if [ $revisions_to_merge -le 0 ] ; then
echo "Nothing to merge"
exit 1
let revision_to_merge=$git_working_copy_revision+1
while [ $revision_to_merge -le $git_head_revision ]; do
commit_msg=$(svn log $git_location --xml -r $revision_to_merge | sed -n -e '/<msg>/,/<\/msg>/{ s/<msg>\(.*\)/\1/; s/\(.*\)<\/msg>/\1/; p; }')
commit_hash=$(svn propget git-commit --revprop -r $revision_to_merge $git_location 2>&-)
if [ -n "$commit_msg" ]; then
echo "Merging r$revision_to_merge ($commit_hash)"
svn merge --accept theirs-full --ignore-ancestry -c $revision_to_merge $git_location $svn_location || { report "Could not merge r$revision_to_merge ($commit_hash) from git repository to svn repository" ; exit 1; }
svn commit $svn_location -m "$commit_msg" || { report "Could not commit r$revision_to_merge ($commit_hash) to svn repository" ; exit 1; }
# update after commit to avoid svn: E195020: Cannot merge into mixed-revision working copy; try updating first
svn update $svn_location || { report "Could not update svn after committing r$revision_to_merge ($commit_hash) to svn repository" ; exit 1; }
let revision_to_merge=$revision_to_merge+1
echo "All merges successful, updating git repository"
svn update $git_location || { report "Could not update git repository"; exit 1; }