element */
+ list-style: none;
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+These are the item elements. jCarousel works best, if the items
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+/** Carousel Pagination **/
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diff --git a/inc/functions.php b/inc/functions.php
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cbe739c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/inc/functions.php
@@ -0,0 +1,212 @@
+fortressforever/", "\"gh-repo\">", $act_link_text);
+ echo "
- It's been nearly a year since Fortress Forever was Greenlit, and there's been a total lack of updates since then. To remedy that, here are two things that will be happening in the coming weeks:
The current version of Fortress Forever will be released on Steam
The Fortress Forever code will be made open source on Github
- Why did it take a year for this to happen?
- We didn't think it was possible to release the current version of FF on Steam because we thought that the version of the Source SDK that FF uses was too old. Neotokyo proved otherwise, and we are able to follow their lead and finally release FF on Steam.
- What does 'released on Steam' mean?
- It means that you'll be able to install Fortress Forever directly through Steam and that you will receive updates automatically. As always, Fortress Forever will be completely free.
- Why go open source?
- Fortress Forever's development has been largely opaque for a huge majority of the playerbase for a very long time, and the reason for that opaqueness has not always been intentional; attempting to keep everyone informed can be pretty labor intensive. By moving our development entirely into public view, it will be easier for everyone to stay in the loop with what will be happening with the game, and will give everyone a chance to participate directly in the development process.
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/pages/about.php b/pages/about.php
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..36f0c8b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pages/about.php
@@ -0,0 +1,184 @@
+ "SELECT * FROM ff_media
+ WHERE m_visibility >= 1
+ LIMIT 5"
+$random_media = $query->fetchAll();
+$query = $DB->query(
+ "SELECT user_id, user_username, profile_realname, ut_name FROM ff_users u
+ LEFT JOIN ff_users_titles ut ON u.profile_title = ut.ut_id
+ WHERE ut_type='job' AND user_access>0
+ ORDER BY user_id ASC, user_username ASC"
+$current_team = $query->fetchAll();
+$query = $DB->query(
+ "SELECT user_id, user_username, profile_realname, profile_title, ut_name FROM ff_users u
+ LEFT JOIN ff_users_titles ut ON u.profile_title = ut.ut_id
+ WHERE ut_type='job' AND user_access=0
+ ORDER BY user_username ASC"
+$retired_team = $query->fetchAll();
Fortress Forever is a Source mod inspired by the earlier versions of the Team Fortress series (Team Fortress Classic and QuakeWorld Team Fortress). Our all-volunteer team has created this mod entirely from scratch and continued to develop it for over 5 years now. It was originally released in September of 2007.
Fortress Forever involves two or more teams, each with 9 available classes, competing in a variety of map-determined objectives (capture the flag, territorial control, invade and defend, etc). Each class has its own unique abilities and strengths that offer extremely varied playstyles. The gameplay ranges from fast-paced, competitive, and deep to absurd and chaotic.
Totally free
Fast paced, team- and class-based gameplay
Faithful to the spirit of Team Fortress Classic (TFC) and QuakeWorld Team Fortress (QWTF), meaning Fortress Forever includes offhand grenades, bunnyhopping, etc
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/pages/activity.php b/pages/activity.php
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..48c756e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pages/activity.php
@@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
+ "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM ff_activity"
+$total_results = $query->fetch();
+$total_results = $total_results[0];
+$query = $DB->query(
+ "SELECT * FROM `ff_activity` ORDER BY `act_date` DESC LIMIT $start,$limit"
+$results = $query->fetchAll();
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/pages/changelogs.php b/pages/changelogs.php
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b9be78d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pages/changelogs.php
@@ -0,0 +1,2392 @@
+if (isset($parameters[0]) && $parameters[0] !== "")
+ $patch = $parameters[0];
+ $patch = "2.46";
Patch Notes
+if ($patch == "2.46") {
Patch 2.46.1 (client-only)
Released May 19, 2013
Bug Fixes
Fixed a bug that made the team menu disappear if you joined a server and toggled the scoreboard while still looking at the MOTD
Fixed cloak screen effect being drawn while in a slowfield instead of while cloaked
Reverted cl_ragdolltime fix because it caused unexcepted problems; removed the cl_ragdolltime cvar temporarily
Fixed first-person spectator view going insane if the player you're spectating dies while concussed
Patch 2.46
Released May 6, 2013
Generic / Misc Stuff
Added support for the auto-updater checking for updates in game
Added armor to spectator nameplate
Added very basic support for spectating info_ff_script entities (console command: spec_item <info_ff_script entity name>, example: spec_item red_flag)
Modified the spec_goto command so that it switches you to roaming mode if you're not already in it (so you can use it from any mode instead of only being able to use it while already in roaming mode)
Added class to the player names in the spectator menu dropdown
Better gibs with blood and more control over what they look like
Added command: spawngibs (spawns gibs on top of the local player; requires sv_cheats 1)
Changed the HP required to gib from <= -60 to <= -50
Enabled console by default
Bug Fixes / Optimizations
Fixed a server crash related to SGs
Fixed some auto assign bugs that made it work incorrectly
Fixed cl_ragdolltime not working
Fixed the crosshair not getting drawn in SourceTV demos
Made "Spectators: #" get hidden in SourceTV demos, it should only be there while actually viewing through SourceTV
Fixed conc stars, tranq z's, etc not getting shown for spectators
Fixed the team menu/MOTD getting shown when you open a SourceTV demo (MOTD still gets shown in SourceTV servers)
Fixed crash when changing observer mode in a SourceTV demo when there are no players connected
Fixed nameplate not being updated when changing observer target/mode in a SourceTV demo
Fixed Lua HUD timers getting drawn slightly too high up in a few base Lua files
Hopefully fixed a sporadic crash on map change (seemingly related to a trigger_hurt damaging something after the level has shutdown)
Fixed another case of the bug that could force your observer target to switch if your target got gibbed
Fixes for first-person spectating (in-game and in SourceTV):
Concussion effect now works
Cloak effect now works
Ammo counts on weapon models now work
Hit indicator now works
Flag shadow no longer gets drawn
Overpressure cooldown on the AC now works
Slowfield screen effect now works
Killbeeps now play (can turn this off with cl_spec_killbeep 0)
hud_deathnotice_selfonly and hud_deathnotice_highlightself now work (they treat "self" as the player you're spectating)
Various other material proxies now work (ProxyTeam, ProxyClass)
REALLY fixed the cl_spawnweapon_ cvars
Fixed a loophole in the class/team-switch respawn delay
Fixed "disguise last" so it can be used through the console/in configs
Fixed being able to pick up a flag while disguising without losing your disguise
Fixed func_button's not firing their outputs when damaged if they didn't have an ondamage function defined in Lua
Class-specific Changes
+ No class changes
Lua changes
Added shutdown() Lua callback when the level shuts down to compliment startup() (actually added in 2.45, but forgot to put it in the changelog)
Added support for capture points having different team scores and fortress points awarded (use the variables teampoints and fortpoints in the object's table)
Exposed all useful Vector and QAngle functions to Lua that weren't previously exposed:
All operators (multiplying/dividing by a float, vector to vector math/equality operators)
Global functions: AngleVectors and VectorAngles (to convert back and forth)
Vector member functions: Cross, Random, Min, Max
QAngle member functions: Random
+if ($patch == "2.45") {
Patch 2.45
Released December 9, 2012
Generic / Misc Stuff
Added number of tossable medpacks to the medic's HUD
Added server command ff_setprematch that takes a value in seconds and sets prematch so that the given number of seconds remain until it ends (even if not currently in prematch)
Added grenades to the right side ammo pickup list
Added a much better class selection screen
Added SG barrel spinning animations
Auto selecting a team now takes into account team scores as well as how full teams are
Gibs now take the blast direction into consideration
Added cake's class switch suggestion: "Switch from 1 class to another, no delay. Do a second class switch in under 5 seconds from the first, 5 second respawn delay." (Made the respawn delay based on the last class change time instead of always being 5 seconds; for example, if you change class, wait 2.5 seconds, and then change class again, your respawn will only be delayed for 2.5 seconds; if you change class twice instantly you'll get the full 5 seconds)
Added cvars: hud_grenadetimers (when set to 0, turns off visual grenade timers) and hud_buildtimers (when set to 0, turns off visual buildable timers)
Added MOTD window and updated teammenu
Added command "serverinfo" that brings up the MOTD window
Modified the team menu server info section to have a button to view the MOTD and show a customizable small little banner (gets the URL from host.txt; only URLs are allowed)
MOTD can be text, HTML, or a URL
Scrollbars on HTML elements are apparently not working, so they have been disabled
Added default motd and host URL if none are found
Added server convar sv_motd_enable that determines if the MOTD window is shown to clients when they connect
Ragdolls now keep flames
Made changing cl_interpolate require sv_cheats
Spectator HUD top black bar removed and replaced with the normal HUD (the black bar didn't show any different information and obscured Lua HUD elements)
Made the spectator team color a bit darker so that text is more visible against a teamcolored HUD element background)
Made EMP explosions no longer shorten the fuselength of detpacks to 5 seconds (it was implemented poorly, is totally hidden functionality, and isn't even a desirable feature)
Made pipe trails grellow rather than red
Added default_fov and viewmodel_fov sliders to the Graphics page of Fortress Options
Encrypted player and weapon scripts
Bug Fixes / Optimizations
Fixed a typo that made it look like it was looking for lua files in maps/maps instead of just maps/ when the lua was missing
Fixed having no grenade timer sound set on a fresh install (hooray for Dexter fixing this!)
Made cl_spawnweapon_ convars actually work (the cvars used to be server-side and the server's settings were the only things that mattered)
Fixed concussion stars or tranq zzZ getting shown when cloaked
Fixed scrollbars not working in the teammenu
Fixed crosshair not drawing while spectating someone in first person mode
Fixed SGs staying locked onto targets they can no longer shoot (through trigger_ff_clips, for example)
Made SG targeting more consistent in general (spam-locking should no longer happen)
Fixed (hopefully) maps with flythroughs overriding the SourceTV free-roam view (making it impossible to move and forcing you periodically to jump to the next overview target)
Fixed slowfield not facing you when watching a SourceTV demo in chase/firstperson view
Fixed a bug that forced your observer target to switch if your target got gibbed
Class-specific Changes
Lowered base burn damage from 15 to 13 and lowered burn level 2 multiplier from 2.5 to 2 (really from 4.5 to 4) [total damages for each burn level (old->new): lvl1 15->13; lvl2 75->52; lvl3 225->195]
Rocket radius lowered from 108 to 100
Rocket spawn position set in line with the player origin instead of 16 units forward
Laser grenade reworked
Added a 64 unit gap to the center of the laser grenade
Made the laser gren damage dealt time based instead of tick based
Hit delay is 0.25 seconds (the delay between ticks of damage)
Changed damage per hit to 45
Upped growtime from 0.7 to 1 second
Decreased duration from 10 to 7 seconds
Decreased rotation speed by a bit (120 to 100; 17% decrease)
Decreased laser beam radius by 1 unit (from 4 to 3)
Increased overpressure cooldown from 8 seconds to 16
Made overpressure netcode more consistent (it should make more sense when you get hit by it and when you hit people with it)
Added player_switchclass( player, oldclassid, newclassid ) Lua callback; if the function returns false, the class switch is disallowed)
Added lua functions:
GetPlayerBySteamID( steamid )
player:RemoveBuildables() // cancels any of the player's building or built buildables
player:RemoveProjectiles() // removes all of the player's projectiles
player:RemoveItems() // removes all of the player's projectiles and cancels all buildables
player:LockInPlace( bool lockState ) // either locks or unlocks a player in place depending on the parameter (sets velocity to zero and makes it so they can't move at all; no gravity, etc); does not affect anything except movement
Moved the flaginfo call in the spawn code so that it doesn't skip spectators (so joining a server and going spec doesn't mean you miss the Lua-based hud being drawn)
Made HudText and HudTimer elements allow negative x and y positioning values
Changed HudTimer to use float values for the starttime param instead of ints, so that named timers can be added to Huds without losing any precision
Big Lua HUD update:
Added size customization to HudText and HudTimers
Functions added:
AddHudText( player, identifier, text, x, y, xalign, yalign, fontsize)
AddHudTextToTeam( team, identifier, text, x, y, xalign, yalign, fontsize)
AddHudTextToAll( identifier, text, x, y, xalign, yalign, fontsize)
AddHudTimer( player, identifier, timerid, x, y, xalign, yalign, fontsize)
AddHudTimer( player, identifier, startvalue, speed, x, y, xalign, yalign, fontsize)
AddHudTimer( player, identifier, timerid, x, y, xalign, yalign, fontsize)
AddHudTimer( player, identifier, startvalue, speed, x, y, xalign, yalign, fontsize)
AddHudTimer( player, identifier, timerid, x, y, xalign, yalign, fontsize)
AddHudTimer( player, identifier, startvalue, speed, x, y, xalign, yalign, fontsize)
Added a new type of Lua hud element, HudBox, that draws a box with a background color and a customizable border
Objects added:
CustomColor(), CustomColor( r, g, b ), CustomColor( r, g, b, a )
CustomBorder(), CustomBorder( CustomColor color ), CustomBorder( CustomColor color, width )
Functions added:
AddHudBox( player, identifier, x, y, width, height, CustomColor bgcolor )
Changed the HP required to gib from <= -100 to <= -60
Upped headcrush damage from 2x fall damage to 4x fall damage (HWs can take a max of 24 fall damage, which means they can do a max of 96 headcrush damage; scouts, on the other hand, will be able to do a max of 24 headcrush damage)
Added a speed threshold (set to 1.25 of max class speed, just under the bhop soft cap of 1.4) over which friendly players will always soft clip (not be able to stand on eachothers heads); sometimes the upper bound collision check bugs out and causes some weird movement while bhopping inside of/next to a teammate
Added a log event ("Round restarted") when the round is restarted (for example, when prematch ends or ff_restartround is used)
Added SG gibs
Added cvars hud_deathnotice_selfonly and hud_deathnotice_highlightself, both defaulted to 0
If hud_deathnotice_selfonly is 1, it only shows deathnotices that the local player is involved in
If hud_deathnotice_highlightself is 1, it draws a background behind any deathnotice the local player is involved in
Made highlightself background and the objective notice background color/alpha customizable through /scripts/HudLayout.res (HudDeathNotice -> "HighlightColor" and "ObjectiveNoticeColor")
Modified chat macros
Changed %pf to output the time remeining until your detpack explodes instead of the total fuse length (if building, it outputs the total fuse length + buildtime remaining)
Added %ps to output the total fuse length of your detpack
Bug Fixes / Optimizations
Fixed projectiles (rockets, nails, pipes, etc) sometimes colliding with players when they shouldn't and throwing off their movement
Fixed being able to shoot/charge the railgun while building from a bind
Fixed being able to reload while building from a bind
Fixed blue pipes not exploding on jump pads
Fixed buildables being able to be built inside teammates
Fixed crosshair info not showing for teammates
Fixed the exact middle of the laser grenade doing zero damage
Fixed detpacks not executing onexplode() on triggers that they used to (on ff_security_b1, for example)
Fixed SourceTV demos not drawing viewmodels
Fixed not being able to move at all in SourceTV freelook mode
Fixed pipes being able to be detonated multiple times
Fixed the single shotgun and super shotgun not playing the cock sound at the right time
Made the super shotgun use its own cock sound instead of reusing the single shotgun cock sound
Class-specific Changes
Engineer now takes 75% damage from exploding buildables
Sentry Gun
Changed explosion radius of all levels to 128 (used to be 102 for level 1, 204 for level 2, and 306 for level 3)
Infection now does 75 max total damage, its damage per tick diminishes over time, and it lasts 6 seconds longer (10 ticks doing 30, 15, 9, 6, 4, 3, 2, 2, 2, 2 damage respectively instead of 7 ticks doing 10 damage each)
The infection particle effect diminishes over time to match damage diminishing over time
Laser grenade damage increased by 189% (from 350*interval per tick to 660*interval per tick); damage against buildables unchanged
Added a radius of 4 units to each of the laser grenade beams
Lua changes
Fixed player:AddHealth called with a negative input factoring in armor when it should ignore it (damage type changed from DMG_GENERIC to DMG_DIRECT)
Fixed a bug with Lua schedules. If a schedule called a Lua function that then created a schedule of the same name, the new schedule would be deleted by the original schedule's clean up. Added a check to make sure that the schedule being deleted should truly be deleted.
Added a way to persist Lua data across level changes
Functions added:
SaveMapData( luaobject ) // saves to maps/data/<mapname>.luadat
SaveMapData( luaobject, suffix ) // saves to maps/data/<mapname>_<suffix>.luadat
LoadMapData() // returns the loaded lua object from maps/data/<mapname>.luadat
LoadMapData( suffix ) // returns the loaded lua object from maps/data/<mapname>_<suffix>.luadat
SaveGlobalData( luaobject ) // saves to maps/data/global/global.luadat
SaveGlobalData( luaobject, suffix ) // saves to maps/data/global/global_<suffix>.luadat
LoadGlobalData() // returns the loaded lua object from maps/data/global/global.luadat
LoadGlobalData( suffix ) // returns the loaded lua object from maps/data/global/global_<suffix>.luadat
The suffix param gets stripped of all non-alphanumeric and non-underscore characters. The lua object is serialized into binary.
Only strings, numbers, booleans, and tables are able to be saved. All other object types are ignored for now (player objects/lua functions for example).
+if ($patch == "2.43") {
Patch 2.43
Released June 30, 2011
Generic / Misc Stuff
Made melee always hit your target if you are inside them (for healing/wrenching while softclipping with a teammate)
Made disguised spies softclip using their actual team instead of disguised team
Solved a problem where a spy could undisguise inside a player and get stuck
Running into teammates to see if you go through them can now be a weird and dangerous way to spy check
Bug Fixes / Optimizations
Fixed a client crash related to joining a server while a laser grenade is active or thrown
Fixed age-old bug where incorrect timeleft would be shown on your HUD if you connect/reconnect to a server after prematch has ended or ff_restartround was used
Potential fix for autoreload sometimes not working
Fixed slowfield loop sound not being stopped when the slowfield gets removed forcefully (like on class change)
Fixed slowfield not setting all affected players' speed back to normal when the slowfield gets removed forcefully (like on class change)
Fixed the laser grenade's arms going through things they shouldn't (like cornfield starting door)
Fixed pipes and grenades going through things they shouldn't (like destroy security door)
Fixed MIRVs getting stuck in walls if you try to throw one while next to a wall
Hopefully fixed some FPS/choppiness issues that 2.42 seemed to cause
Fixed grenade prime sound (the click) getting played twice when priming a secondary grenade
Fixed detpacks not being able to blow up some detpack walls (like on ff_stowaway_b2)
Fixed moving brushes (doors/elevs) thinking players were blocking them even though they weren't due to softclipping
Potentially fixed a bug that made some projectiles stop players as though they were walls
Fixed railgun shoot animations glitching like crazy
Optimized the slowfield and overpressure code a little bit
Optimized HUD elements a bit
Class-specific Changes
Jump Pad
Jump pad health increased from 125 to 150
The Super Nailgun clip size has been increased from 30 to 50
The Super Nailgun reload time has been decreased by 0.5 seconds
Increased infection duration from 10 to 14 (2 more ticks)
Overpressure cooldown increased from 6 to 8
HWGuy spawns with 1 slowfield instead of 2
HWGuy has a maximum of 2 slowfields instead of 3
Duration decreased from 10 to 7
Radius decreased from 200 to 176
Inner radius decreased from 176 to 64 (the radius in which players receive the maximum amount of slow)
Fast moving players are slowed slightly less than they used to be
Map changes
FF_Palermo and FF_Cornfield
Each cap now has a four minute timer
Now ends properly with lighting changing CP 1 & 5
LDR lighting change to match HDR
Lua changes
Fixed SetConvar not working properly for replicated cvars like mp_timelimit (the updated value wasn't getting sent to the client)
Added SetConvar("cvar_name", "value")
+if ($patch == "2.42") {
Patch 2.42.1
Released June 25, 2011
Bug Fixes
Attempt at fixing CL_CopyExistingEntity errors
Patch 2.42
Released June 25, 2011
User Interface
Added a global cell count for the engineer's HUD next to the ammo display
Grenade icons added to the grenade counts in the bottom right
Grenade icons moved from inside the grenade timers to the left them
Made the visual grenade timer the exact same length as a grenade prime (from 4.0s to 3.81s)
Generic / Misc Stuff
Added soft-clipping of friendly players
Disguised spies clip as if they were on the team they are disguised as
Melee hit detection code completely rewritten, it should be a lot more consistent and a lot less frustrating now
You no longer lose a kill for suiciding.
Hand-held concussion grenades do not affect other players.
Grenades and yellow pipes no longer collide with friendly players
Added speedometer that records average speed per map (hud_speedometer_avg & _color)
Flags now rotate when dropped for improved visibility.
Flags now rise to the surface of and float on water after touching the bottom.
Stars show above concussed players' heads (cl_concuss 0/1 and cl_concuss_* customization cvars).
Concussion effect reworked: True-aim crosshair now flashes upon firing a weapon (except for automatic weapons like the AC, nailguns, and AR)
Other modes:
cl_concaim 0 always shows the crosshair in the center
cl_concaim 2 always hides the crosshair while conced
Made the concussion status effect last 10 seconds for all classes (down from 15 seconds for non-medic/scout classes and up from 7.5 for medic/scout)
Taking fall damage on someones head mirrors 2x of that fall damage to the crushed player
Made viewmodel_fov cvar not require sv_cheats to be on
Made cl_showpos cvar not require sv_cheats to be on, but made it so the view angles only show when cheats is on
Added client convars cl_jimmyleg_cap and cl_jimmyleg_mode.
This allows the client to designate a speed percentage over the player's max runspeed to NOT do a jump animation. This way, you can visibly see if the player is over their bhop cap, and you can tell if they are bhopping.
cl_jimmyleg_mode 1 to turn on jimmylegs, cl_jimmyleg_mode 2 to make a players animation speed related to their actual speed
Made SGs/dispensers able to be built on SGs/dispensers
Bug Fixes
Fixed speed effects not being predicted properly.
Infected players now lose infection if the enemy player switches from Medic.
+ Buildables are now removed if the owner uses the 'spectate' console command.
Jump-pad slot is now unselectable if you have a jump-pad built.
Fixed potential bug where you would go back to 100% if you were healed above 100%.
Fixed age-old bug where Scouts could defuse friendly detpacks.
Fixed buildable weapon slots being slower to build than via a bound key.
Fixed colored chat losing its color upon fading out.
Fixed chat strings not working if they do not have "name:" in front.
Fixed SG aiming so that you can aim through buildables, etc.
Fixed buildable ghosts being drawn when you switched to spec.
Fixed viewmodel_fov not doing anything
Made SG tracking more consistent (it will only track through things it can shoot through)
Made miniturret tracking more consistent (it will only see/track through anything it can shoot through)
Fixed a bug where miniturrets wouldn't target any buildable with a currently dead owner
Fixed a bug where detpacks wouldn't kill buildables if their owner was dead
Shooting detpacks no longer trigger hit indicator
Made concussion grenade push a bit more client predicted, should be less jerky/abrupt
Fixed going from walk to crouch giving you run speed in the transition
Made the buildtimer properly reset on mapchange (it won't get stuck visible on mapchange anymore)
Class-specific Changes
Jump Pad
Jump pads are now team-oriented.
Jump pads are now destroyable.
Jump pads regenerate health quickly over time.
The deploy delay for the spanner has been decreased (from 0.5 to 0.15)
Sentry Gun
Bullet push increased from 4 to 7
Ground push multiplier increased from 7 to 8 for level 1
Ground push multiplier increased from 4 to 7 for levels 2 and 3
The Super Nailgun has a clip of 30 nails
Medkit does 20 melee damage (up from 9)
Infection reworked:
Infection no longer kills you. (It can only keep you at 1 hp)
Infection lasts a finite amount of time.
If you survive the infection, you regenerate most the infection damage
Blue pipes now only do full damage on direct hits.
Soldier's nail grenade has been replaced with a laser grenade.
Rocket splash radius decreased from 115 to 108
HWGuy now has a secondary attack, the Overpressure, that pushes enemies away.
HWGuy now has a secondary grenade, the Slowfield, that slows enemies inside of it.
Map changes
ff_training: Try this new map and game mode to practice the skills you'll need to own at FF.
Huge thanks to Bully for recording the voiceover for training
ff_warpath: This classic command point map has been released for Fortress Forever!
ff_palermo: Several small balance and graphical changes. New HDR sky and sunlight values.
New scoring system in place for palermo and cornfield: Every capture point has a time limit of 2 minutes before the teams reset. Capping more quickly nets the attackers more points, while defenders don't score any points. Both teams get an equal number of chances attacking before the map ends.
ff_crossover: Fixed bug where flames on players were invisible. Location indicators are back. Snowfall is back. Water looks nicer.
ff_dustbowl: 3D sky scenery has been restored.
ff_bases: HDR lighting and a few sound and visual fixes.
Fixed player_onchat() callback being repeated for every client in the server
ApplyTo...() functions no longer skip spectators.
trigger_ff_clip now works properly.
Changed old player_connected( playername, address, entindex ) to player_canconnect( playername, address, entindex )
If this function returns false, the player is rejected from joining the server
Added player_connected( player ) that gets called when the player actually connects and exists in the server
Fixed player_onchat() lua callback being repeated for every client in the server for each message
Made the return of player_onchat() control whether or not the chat message gets sent
Fixed trigger onendtouch() getting called twice for each entity
Made the "ff_restartround" game event get triggered earlier in the reset so that Lua-related things can react before startup() gets called and players respawn (this fixes Lua HUD elements bugging out from ff_restartround or prematch ending)
+elseif ($patch == "2.41") {
Patch 2.41
Released February 2010
User Interface
Added hud_takesshots cvar (takes a screenshot at end-of-round if enabled) and added it to the Fortress Options menu (disabled by default)
Generic / Misc Stuff
Various network optimizations
Any class can see enemy health on crosshairinfo now (previously only medics could)
Grenade throwspeed changed to 660 down from 700 (2.3 value was 630)
Sharking friction lowered to 1 (down from 4)
Client jump sound volume decreased by half and given its own soundscript definition
Increased flag bounding box slightly (from basic box +8 to basic box +12; 2.3 value was +24)
New, less obscuring conc explosion effect
Added cvar to switch back to the old effect (cl_conc_refract) and put it in Fortress Options
Tweaked chat colors for a bit better visibility.
More difference in grenade timer alpha when you throw the grenade, compared to still having it primed
Bug Fixes
ShowMenu now works properly
Fixed security messages, sounds and icons on base_shutdown maps
Fixed escape door messages, sounds and icons on base_hunted maps
Fixed being able to use the security button while dead on base_shutdown maps
Spy/engi menu click underwater fixed
Fixed single shotgun reload sound (thanks gibz)
Fixed CurrentClass material proxy (used to be incorrectly named CurrentTeam)
Fixed chat spamming using #ff_<msg>
Chat now displays properly in clients console. Instead of showing as #ff_<msg> it will show the actual sentence. Color codes no longer display either for easy readability
Fixed losing control of player when jumping in water
Fixed HUD items getting stuck on screen after spawning
Fixed sentries locking on to ghost (unbuilt) buildables
Fixed server crash in SG code
Class-specific Changes
Engineer starts with 1 EMP (down from 2), and has a max of 2 (down from 4)
Reduced the size of the explosion from bags when hit by EMPs (to compensate for increased ammo count in the normalized death bags)
All Classes
All classes drop the same amount of ammo when they die (30 cells, 100 shells, 100 nails, 20 rockets)
Map changes
New CTF map
New teleporter model in spawns.
Lift changed to a real lift instead of a pusher.
Mid-ramp area near flagroom opened up into courtyard.
Concing access into balcony made more forgiving.
Base entrance opened up slightly to reduce spamability.
Removed clip brushes at the battlements for sniper access.
Added alcove and lowered lighting at the ladder to battlements.
Added clip brushes either side of bridge to stop it messing up bunny hop or unintentionally double jumping.
Added clip brushes on bottom of flagroom ramp so that people can wall strafe again.
Texturing and lighting improvements.
New teleporter model in spawns.
Scout, medic, spy and sniper always spawn balcony. Other classes always spawn flagroom.
Flagroom bag moved to bottom of steps to make it more obvious.
Flagroom bag timer reduced from 15s to 8s, and metal increased to 130.
Lift crushes people under it.
Few minor bugfixes.
Flagroom bag timer reduced from 10s to 8s.
Top ramp bag timer reduced from 20s to 15s.
Lua changes
Added SetGameDescription( name )
Changes what appears in the game column of the server browser (it is appended to "FF ")
Fixed a typo, SetFriction was actually using GetFriction
Added lua functions
player:GetAmmoInClip( weaponname )
player:SetAmmoInClip( num )
player:SetAmmoInClip( weaponname, num )
player:GetAmmoCount( ammotype )
HasGameStarted() (returns false if still in prematch)
Pipes now trigger :onexplode()
HudText can parse %command% strings to show the client's bound key for that command (example: %+attack% would translate to MOUSE1 for someone that has MOUSE1 bound as +attack)
+elseif ($patch == "2.4") {
Patch 2.4
Released September 2009
User Interface
On-screen messages are now colour-coded for better visibility
Green messages for us taking/capping their flag/ball
Yellow messages for any flag/ball being dropped or returned
Red messages for enemy taking your flag/ball or capping.
Can now display more than 1 on-screen message
Number of messages shown on the screen at a time controlled by cvar hud_messages
Added deathnotice icons
Unique per-level-SG icons
Unique per-level-SG det icons
Unique per-level burn icons
Backstab icon
New IC icon to match the model
Ammo type shown next to the weapon icon in the bottom right
New objective icon glyphs
New flag carried icons
Added border to all buildable icons
When you get an increase of health/armor, it is shown on the HUD
Level specific SG icons on the engi's hud
Added a hit indicator in the form of a customizable crosshair that shows up after you do damage
Changed cl_teamcolouredhud foreground color to default rather than teamcoloured (can see health/armor icons now)
hud_speedometer can now be colorized using hud_speedometer_color (0 for non-colored, 1 for abrupt color changes, 2 for smooth color changes)
Added dropshadow to location text
You now get a status icon when you're locked-onto by an SG
New, better CTF flaginfo:
Now shows the name of who has your flag
Now counts down time until flag returns
Now shows location of dropped flags
Flaginfo status icons fixed (sometimes they were displaying the wrong icon)
Status of grellow pipes, detpacks, and jump pads are shown on the HUD
Generic / Misc Stuff
Getting damaged slows you down if you're above runspeed
The slow is proportional to damage taken; if you take a little bit of damage you just get slowed a little bit. You can only be slowed to a minimum of your class' base runspeed.
Handheld concs don't push other players
You can now hold jump to bunnyhop rather than having to let go and press between each jump
You can disable this, and use the old method using cl_jumpqueue 1
sv_friction up from 4 to 5
Reduced flag bounding box (from basic box +24 to basic box +8)
Added logging for sentry and dispenser sabotaging
Nail speed reduced to 50% of old speed
Super shotgun reload speed raised, 0.6 -> 0.5 seconds to move into reload position, then 0.4 -> 0.35 seconds to reload each shell
Single shotgun reload speed raised, 0.4 -> 0.25 seconds to reload each shell.
Grenade throwspeed upped to 700 from 630
Server tickrate defaulted to 66 from 33
cl_cmdrate and cl_updaterate defaulted to 66 from 33
New announcer sounds
New jump sounds
New flag textures with speed highlighting
All worldmodels/projectiles have a minimum light level
Brighter blue and grellow demoman pipe textures
Brighter nail texture
Variable size flames functionality. Burn level 1 is now smaller flames than 2 and 3
Bug Fixes
Jump pad build status icon is now a jump pad rather than a detpack
Spectator names now work correctly
Mapguide / Flythrough menu no longer appears whilst watching HLTV demos
"View Flythrough" button now views the flythrough rather than showing a menu
Fixed team coloured HUD turning white sometimes
Engineer displays the nail symbol when he picks up nails, rather than cells
Railgun now correctly displays nails as its ammo type
Calling for ammo (ammome) now works
Single shotgun reload end anim fixed
Fixed SG constant locking/delocking at certain odd angles
Fixed SG looking up when you're right below it
Fixed on-boot console errors:
Parent cvar in server.dll not allowed (conc_ragdoll_push)
Parent cvar in client.dll not allowed (ffdev_target_speed_min)
Parent cvar in server.dll not allowed (dump_deletes_flush)
Parent cvar in server.dll not allowed (ffdev_disableentitydecals)
sentrygun_upgraded log message was missing a space
Class-specific Changes
Made dropped health packs heal by a maximum of 15 hp each
Flamethrower range reduced by 1/6th (384 back to 320)
Legshot duration reduced from 10s to 5s
Mirv and mirvlet damage reduced to same as frags (180 to 145)
Yellow pipe radius reduced from 135 to 130
Added detpipes demoman command - can now bind keys to det pipes and do other things aswell / more scripting flexibility (rather than having to worry about +attack2 and -attack2)
Mirv and mirvlet damage reduced to same as frags (180 to 145)
Gas grenades have been removed.
Added smartcloak spy command - will loud cloak if you're moving and silent cloak if you're not
Old cloak + silent cloak removed from the menu, replaced with a single smartcloak command. A quick right click now defaults to smartcloak.
cloak and silent cloak old commands are still available from the console / binds / scripts for those who want them.
HUD now shows what weapon you look like you're holding when disguised.
Sabotaged items no longer have strange behaviour before the sabotage is activated.
Quietly sabotaged SG no longer fires slightly inaccurately
Quietly sabotaged dispenser no longer reduces armor class of teammates that touch it
Quietly sabotaged dispenser no longer skips the "enemies are using your dispenser" message, and displays it as normal
Engineer's SG:
Lockon time decreased from 0.5s to 0.2s
Bullet pushforce doubled
Bullet damage increased by about 17%
Level 2 fire rate reduced by around 25%
Turn speed increased by about 5%
Stays aiming at where target was last seen for 1 second if a target was lost not killed
Angular acceleration capped (it now behaves like a real object with a mass)
Lowest pitch-down angle raised from -90 to -85 degrees
Idle scan range reduced from +-40 to +-30 degrees
Level 1 health increased by 10%
Engineer (other)
Dispensers now eat bags that touch them, with an appropriate sound ;)
Map changes
New Invade/Defend map
New Invade/Defend map
New Attack/Defend the Zone map
New Invade/Defend the Zone map
Major rebuild for gameplay, optimisation and visual improvements (loads of stuff!)
Defence classes spawn lift side, offence classes spawn other side
Bag resources redesigned (fr:30h/30a/130c/full-ammo/20s; rr-walkway/top-lift/lower:50h/50a/130c/full-ammo/1gren1/15s)
Made all capture points into bucket caps
Changed CP3 start area to be more like TFC, added a bag near the gate
Opened the left-side room's window to be more SG-friendly
Added more countdown messages, etc
Lowered run speed of flag carrier
Flags moved to middle of routes out
Visual improvements and fixes
Texturing fixes and tweaks
Engy spawns at top spiral respawn, other defence classes spawn at far respawn, offence classes and snipers still spawn randomly at both
All door triggers bigger so you can bhop through
Sides of hole dropdown extended to obscure view of flag room from in hole
Alarm bell added in basement that rings when someone comes via hole
Bag resources redesigned (respawns:full-h-a-c-ammo/2s/team-only; resup-grenpacks:2gren1/2gren2/15s/team-only; btm-lift/mid-sp:50h/50a/130c/full-ammo/20s/team-only; water-exit:50h/50a/80c/full-ammo/30s/any-team)
Security timer reduced to 40 seconds from 60
Improved bag by security (130 cells up from 100, full ammo, and 10 seconds respawn time down from 30)
Engy spawns at security side respawn
Visual improvements and fixes
Added ceiling to bottom of arch around back of flag room
SmartSpeak(player, "CTF_YOUGOTFLAG", "CTF_GOTFLAG", "CTF_LOSTFLAG")" replaced by "RandomFlagTouchSpeak( player )" to randomly play 1 of 4 flag touched announcer sounds
Fixed Lua support of all non-ff-specific entity inputs (things like func_breakable:onbreak() work now)
+elseif ($patch == "2.3") {
Patch 2.3
Released February 2009
User Interface
In the team selection menu, the team numbers (AKA hotkeys) are drawn before the team names
Generic / Misc Stuff
Altered the version checker to allow us to release future FF updates that don't require new client/server code binaries
Reduced conc explosion sound attenuation
Made HW tracer frequency different between client (1 in 2 shots for your ac) and server (1 in 8 shots for another player's ac)
Fixed SG muzzle flash not drawing
Added dynamic light to SG muzzle flash
Bug Fixes
Fixed player MaxSpeed function always returning 0 for disconnected players (was specifically an issue in CP maps)
More attemps at fixing a rare, stupid scoreboard-related crash
Fixed crash related to players disconnecting while in a CP zone (base_cp)
Class-specific Changes
Made dropped health packs only heal to 100%
Made maliciously sabotaged sentries not be spotted by other SGs for 2.5 seconds
Map changes
Made a more informative hud
Added timed defensive points
Added a doorway to the back corner of the third floor
Made secondary gate open 1 minute after the main gate opens
Locked mp_timelimit once the round times are determined
Disabled D scouts
Optimized objective icon updates
Made everyone (other than the ball carrier) always see the ball as their objective
Fixed bug where goalies weren't always respawned when inside the enemy zone
Moved goal objective locations into the goals
Fixed security getting broken and out of sync
Security timer shorter
Fixed shadows
Bags redone
Sniper limit 1
Labeled security buttons
Fixed shadows
Put in door triggers, so players can now bhop through
Shadows fixed
Made door triggers open their doors with OnTrigger instead of OnStartTouch, so they don't close in players' faces
Increased grenade bag timers from 5 to 15 seconds.
Made bags in resupplies give 200 metal instead of 90
Fixed door triggers
Aligned a few textures
Made the top respawn room a resupply only
All ID Maps
Made a more informative hud
All AvD Maps
Made a more informative hud
Locked mp_timelimit to 24
Fixed scoring bugs, so now the winning team always wins with 120 points
Lua changes
Added set_cvar( cvarname, value ) function that only calls SetConvar if the cvar isn't already set to value
Added lowercase c "Broadcast" functions, because uppercase C "BroadCast" functions are lame
base_teamplay: Made resupply bags float by default
+if ($patch == "2.2") {
Patch 2.2
Released January 2009
User Interface
Sound options added for the kill beep
Generic / Misc Stuff
Massive server logging upgrades/changes
Beep sound plays when you kill someone (optional client-side)
Neutral flag model added
Gibs go SQUISH and PLOP instead of CLUNK
HW AC now shows tracers for 1 in 2 bullets rather than 1 in 4
Smaller, less obscuring flamethrower effect
Ragdolls now inherit a large force from fatal non-explosive shots
Sped up the conc explosion effect
Frag grenade no longer has the pin still attached when you throw it
Fixed non-blue engineers with glow-in-the-dark accessories
Pilot light added to the flamethrower
Bug Fixes
Fixed various server crashes
Fixed bug where if a medic heals a player > 100%, that player picking up a resupply bag "hurts" them
Fixed jumppad not building properly on +attack2
Fixed flaginfo
Class-specific Changes
Scouts now take half fall damage (up from zero fall damage)
AR dmg down from 8 -> 7
AR cone down from 0.09 to 0.07
Legshot time reduced from 30 sec to 10 sec
Increased RPG re-fire rate from 0.65 to 0.7
Reduced starting mirvs from 2 to 1
No changes
AC has dual-cone system, one cone at 0.06, one at 0.12
HW AC damage up from 6.5 to 8.2
HW AC uses half ammo than before
AC has 200 ammo rather than 300
AC cooldown time reduced from 0.4 to 0.1 seconds
AC has a little bullet push
IC damage down from 70 to 55
No changes
SG's can now be built overhanging edges more
All Classes:
Nailgun pushforce reduced
Map changes
New map with a new gametype (!)
All new visuals/lighting
Various layout changes, bug fixes
HDR added
Engineers and demomen limited to 2, removed defender detpacks
Objective icon fixed
Objective icons added
"Cheap" water added in the yard
Noannoyances added to spawns
Can't grab gren bag through wall in ramp room anymore
Spawn doors behave better
New map (capture the flag)
New map (capture the flag)
Working security icons
Visual/lighting updates
Working security icons
Small resupply bag added in the flag room - 50/50 h/a every 15 seconds.
Improved ladders, new ramp on flag point
All Maps
Players start with full health/armor/ammo by default unless map overrides it
+elseif ($patch == "2.1") {
Patch 2.1
Released September 2008
User Interface
New main menu background
Generic / Misc Stuff
"Skim cap" added
Skim cap set to 1.80 or 180%. The skim cap does not affect upward trimping.
Re-added grenade friction for all non-conc grenades
Bunnyhop cap up to 1.40 from 1.20
Added objective icons
Spawn system made more random
Made "can't spawn for X seconds" message show 2 decimal points
Added ability to use custom map sentences via "maps\mapname_sentences.txt" file
Various hint updates
Updated maplist.txt to include new maps
All maps now have loading screens
Made spies get a message saying their sabotage is about to reset once there's about 6 seconds left
Included source files of various maps (found in source\maps)
Added another startup mp3: The Ecstasy of Gold (Acoustic Version) by John S
New IC model!
Added shadows that only project downwards (can be turned off with sv_shadows)
Added swimming animations
Made teammates of a saboteur see team colored spy icons drawn above their sabotaged buildables
Made sentries change skin to saboteur's team when maliciously sabotaged
Messages now have dropshadow
Added medkit first-person animations
Added rocket dynamic light
Made explosion dlight more orange
Enabled dynamic lights by default. Use Fortress Options to disable
Completely new single shotgun animations.
Civilian is now team-colored and has shoe texture.
New jump animation.
Thrown/world medkits are now FF medkits, not HL2.
Autorifle now has muzzle flash.
Autorifle firing animation works correctly.
Made disabled classes have their selection buttons disabled instead of not drawn
Made railgun muzzle flash blue
New rail effects
Added cl_pipetrails cvar
Added medkit animated screen texture
Added ff_blunkka01 texture pack
Bug Fixes
Fixed blue pipes not always detonating when they hit a player
Added clamp to emp cell damage, so Pyros don't get wtfpwned
Fixed emp-triggered ammopack explosion not dealing damage
Fixed maliciously sabotaging a dispenser not counting as a kill
Fixed sabotaged sg teamkill bugs (rockets, detonation, shooting other buildables, and more)
Fixed spies disguised as civilians not having civilian weapons out
Fixed detpack context menu disappearing too soon
Made spectator hud not draw if cl_drawhud is 0
Made messages not draw if either cl_drawhud or hud_messages are 0
Fixed "Build sentrygun" radial menu option being disallowed if dispenser was built
Fixed wade sound looping bug when standing in water
Fixed player list
Fixed sabotaged sentries not being targeted by other sentries
Fixed spy radial menu not resetting timed out sabotages
Fixed not being able to close the stupid spectator menu
Fixed not being able to disguise after prematch when you have the flag when prematch ends
Class-specific Changes
Made the jumppad require +jump input
Removed jumppad warmup time
Reduced size of the jumppad's trigger bounds
Jump pad forward push up to 1024 from 1000
Jump pad vertical push up to 512 from 500
Radiotag duration increased from 15 to 30 seconds.
AR damage up from 5.5 to 8.
Sniper rifle base damage up to 45 from 35
Sniper rifle maximum damage up to 275 from 245
Sniper rifle charge time down to 5 seconds from 7 seconds
RPG damage radius decreased slightly (from 125 to 115).
Pipe bomb damage radius decreased slightly (from 150 to 135).
Blue pipe fuse time up to 1.3 seconds from 1.1 seconds.
Made the medic cell regen amount 5 instead of 3
New HW AC System! : Dynamic cone and rate of fire removed
Clamp removed
AC bulletdamage down to 6.5 from 12
AC spread set to .06 from (.05->.26)
AC cycletime set to .08 from (.05->.15)
Pyros spawn with 2 napalms instead of 4.
Spy is completely invisible when cloaked and standing still
Spy is no longer shot at by SGs while cloaked (The SG emits a sonar beep when it detects a cloaked spy in its line-of-sight)
Tranq cycle time lowered to 1.5 from 2.0
Lowered sabotage timeout from 120 to 90 seconds
Removed railgun overcharge damage and made all cool down times (except overcharge) 0.333 seconds
Made the railgun only take 1 rail per charge as opposed to 1 at first and 2 at each charge (now it's just 3 total ammo lost after full charge shot instead of 5)
Railgun overcharge gives 40 cells
Railgun regenerates 1 rail every 4 seconds when it is being used
The SG emits a sonar beep when it detects a cloaked spy in its line-of-sight.
SG health has come down a small amount to 108% from 113% of TFC level(ish).
SG bulletdamage down from 15 to 12
SG air bulletpush reduced to 2 from 15
SG rate of fire increased significantly
SG build time reduced to 3 seconds from 5 seconds
SG untarget range added, set to 10% further than lock-on range
Dispenser starts with ammo in it
Dispenser regenerates ammo and cells faster
Dispenser dispenses ammo and cells much faster
Made dispensers "eat" nearby dropped bags
Raised umbrella damage from 18 to 30
Finally added civilian.cfg to the FF installers
Map changes
Added 2fort (!)
Massive performance increase
HDR added
Lower respawn grenade bag respawn time increased
Added anticitizen - Attack and Defend map
Added tiger - control point map
Added bases - CTF map
New scoring system - stand on the capture points to gain control of them
Added locations
Huge performance increase (uses less resources)
Added locations (lots of them)
Bodyguards always know where the hunted is (through locations and the objective icon)
Gave hunted quad damage instead of unagi damage (*69)
Enabled hunted damage from sentries and dispensers
Limited bodyguards to only having 1 pyro and demoman no longer allowed
Scoring changed to 5 per assassination, 10 per escape
Added hud door open/closed icons
Made escape door buttons lock for 6.66 seconds after using
Hole replaced with a vent, and vent room added
Added "Fuel Room"
Various other layout changes
Various bug fixes
Minor FPS increases
HDR added
More cells in various packs, 200 cells on spawn again
Major performance increase
Removed HDR
Made goal triggers a little inset
Ladders added to the sides of each team's base
Increased ball throw speed/distance
Raised ball return time from 10 seconds to 15
Made goalies invincible when inside their team's locations, but weak (right now they take triple damage, but they also spawn with full health and armor now) outside them
Goalies cannot go out-of-bounds or into the other team's locations
Added ff_pitfall
Major performance increase from old community version
Added a route from water room to upper floor
Added opacity changing windows in flag room
Added fire and smoke effects when generator is detpacked
Added a 60 seconds delay before generator can be repaired
Lots of other smaller changes
FPS increases and bug fixes
First to 3 captures system fixed
HUD icons for 3-cap system added
Some mapping fixes/alterations
Defenders spawns moved forward
Various bug fixes/visual tweaks
All AvD (Dustbowl-style) maps
Maps end after 24 mins
Scoring fixed
Lua changes
Base_ad now works for all 4 teams instead of just red/blue
Added grenade prime lua callbacks (player_onprimegren1 and player_onprimegren2)
Added DisplayMessage(player, string) lua function (sends the message as a hint)
Exposed player's MaxSpeed() function to lua
Added SetVelocity lua function
Exposed GetLocation and GetLocationTeam to lua
Added alignment and ToTeam variations for AddHud functions
Added RemoveHudItemFromTeam lua function
+elseif ($patch == "2.0") {
Patch 2.0
Released 15 February 2008
User Interface
Added a '''Fortress Options''' menu for many advanced options, including enabling/disabling many of the new features listed below.
Generic / Misc Stuff
Walls no longer apply friction to grenades, concmaps should be possible now!
Small auto-conc for HH concs when you dont jump
Frag grenade damage up to 145 (patch 1.0 was 180, patch 1.11 was 126). Radius the same.
Throwing the flag is now upwards slightly rather than skidding along the floor
Re-added recoil for some weapons (e.g. IC)
Suiciding no longer causes you to lose 100 fortress points
Bunnyhop cap now 1.20 up from 1.10
Flags now GLOW
Better intermission scoreboard/player handling
Made the currently held grenade timer bar more visible than the dropped ones
pyro scream time only triggers once every 1.7 seconds now
Added cl_reducedexplosions to help fps problems
Added a cvar for ragdoll lifetime
New assault cannon fire sound
DX 8 and DX 9 levels selectable in Start Menu
We now have a readme with many handy links at:
+ SourceMods\FortressForever\README\README.html
New sprays! Sprays are selectable in the game options. The path to import them is:
+ SourceMods\FortressForever\sprays
NEW .cfg files!
For the 1.0 / 1.11 to 2.0 install:
+ - You will now see a userconfig.cfg added to your cfg files!
For the 2.0 FULL install:
+ - New <classname>.cfg files and userconfig.cfg file!
Grenades now have trails and halo's around them
Blue and yellow pipes now have trails
Player models have been tweaked to increase visibility
Grenade models have been tweaked to increase visibility
SG models have been tweaked to increase visibility
SG now throws out sparks when it's below 50% health
New IC model!
No more ugly background for build timers
New HUD security icons for shutdown style maps
Shotgun muzzle flash more visible
Many visuals now line up correctly in widescreen modes (damage indicators, Context menus etc)
New EMP effect
HUD health / armor no longer flashes red when you are hit. It'll only flash red when you are < 25% health to prevent confusion. (instead it flashes white when hit)
Grenade 2 timer up a bit so it's not so far down
New explosion scorch decal which doesnt make your whole base black.
'on fire' hud HUD redness reduced a lot
Cvars for turning off targets + gren trails
Demoman grenades hopefully dont bounce of people any more
Readded interpolation for projectiles
Put in a fix for grenade timers not showing up
Teamcolour hud can now go back to normal again
Bug Fixes
Grenade target timing bug
Medkit fix. Should be much easier to heal people with medkit and spanner now, as friendlies are lag predicted now.
Dispenser / SG health now displays properly on the HUD even if you are far away.
CL_CopyExistingEntity crash fixed at last (!!)
SG now tracks properly when built on a slope
Death by burning is no longer a suicide
Fixed LUA error causing security icons to disappear when players connected
Fix for spies being able to sabotage when they're dead
Class-specific Changes
Caltrops and radar have been removed. Instead they have a buildable jump pad on +attack2. Jumppad is invincible - det it by double right-tapping. You can only carry one, similar to a detpack. They last 60 seconds before auto-detting. Any team can use them.
Players can only use a jump pad once every second, so they dont get multiple triggers.
Max conc speed after using the jumppad
Reduced conc time for Scout down to Medic level
Scouts now don't take fall damage.
Sniper rifle base damage has been reduced from 42 to 35
Radiotag duration reduced from 60 to 15 seconds.
AR damage down from 7 to 5.5
RPG damage radius increased slightly (from 108 to 125).
RPG reload time decreased from 1.0 to 0.9 seconds.
Nail grens tweaked a lot.
Soldier special now quickswitches between shotgun and RPG.
Blue pipe fuse timer dramatically decreased (from 2.5 to 1.1 seconds). Pipetrap explosion radius increased from 125 to 150.
Right click now discards medpacks for teammates to use (thanks mirv). These take 10 cells to use and the medic slowly recharges cells over time. Medpacks last 5 seconds before disappearing so the person you are throwing to has to pick them up soon (you can't leave a supply for your defenders for example)
New HW AC System! : Overheat removed (!), rof changed from 0.06-0.12 to 0.05-0.15. cof changed from 0.10-0.15 to 0.05-0.30.
New AC clamp system - hold right mouse to clamp, let go to unclamp. Also fires when you are clamping so you can hold right mouse to clamp + fire (you dont have to hold mouse1 and mouse2)
IC base damage has come down (from 60 to 50).
Flamethrower damage increased to 16 from 13
Flamethrower pushforce cap increased to 850 from 550.
Pyro special now quickswitches between flamethrower and IC.
Pyro vs Pyro now takes 100% damage up from 50%
Flamethrower uppush up to 110 from 50.
Spy now has a 'last disguise' option on the menu
Knife damage up to 50 from 32.
Disguise time halved.
SG health has come down to 113% from 120% of TFC level(ish).
SG bulletpush now works on the ground (thanks jiggs!).
SG air bulletpush reduced to 15 from 24
All Classes (except medic):
Melee weapons now do more damage. Crowbar + spanner up to 30 from 18. Knife up to 50 from 32.
New functionality:
New splash screen to tell you about any updates to FF if you are playing an old version.
New options screen with a load more stuff on it.
Map changes
VIS fixed, massive performance increase
Test middle area structure for additional route
Lasers! (currently invisible due to engine bug)
Misc brush fixes
More obvious Capture Point, lasers in air lift.(thanks gingerlord)
Various crossover tweaks including a revamped midmap
Crossover tweaks
Added ff_dropdown - ''This CTF map was previously released to the community in September 2007. It has now been updated with major gameplay changes and a redesigned flag room. It features a destroyable wall, grate and generator, the last one also being repairable.''
Polished, bug-fixed version of the community map. Thanks Yann "Sh4x" Richer
Dustbowl now compiles properly, various visual fixes (gaps in ceilings etc)
New scoring system, capping flag results in that teams flag being reset back to cage, other team unaffected and can continue capturing. First to 3 captures wins and everyone resets.
Extended balcony area around cap point for additional SG position
Epicenter ammo bags now give a slight amount of health/armor (thanks gingerlord)
Epicenter 3-cap LUA system added, some various tweaks
Epicenter tweaks
Updated ff_hunted lua script - ''Assassins can now have 7 players, including snipers and 1 spy. Bodyguards can now have Soldiers, Demomen, Medics, HWGuys, Pyros, Engineers, and 1 Sniper. The Hunted now has unagi power and only takes damage from sniper rifle, crowbar, tranq, and knife.''
Monkey is now Red vs Blue
Monkey FPS vastly improved
Revamped version of ff_openfire_b2, with better lighting, clipped lights, decent water, better flag-security system, custom teamcoloured security buttons and stuff
Updated ff_waterpolo - ''this map now has gameplay more similar to pigskin, a classic fun map, mainly by making the map bigger, removing the respawn rooms, adding side resupply rooms, adding an invisible wall that gets disabled after a 15 second start timer before each round, and allowing buildables that don't die after goals. Also added soundscapes and locations, replaced side steps with with steep ramps for fun trimping and double jumping. Oh, and also removed goalie invincibility and boundaries, made goalies have no armor and no ability to pick up resupply items, and made goalies faster than scouts.''
Well front door buttons removed, walk up to it = it opens
+} elseif($patch == "1.11") {
Patch 1.11
Released 15 November 2007
Added blur effect option to menu
Added some missing map files
Fixed waterpolo Lua script
Reduced AC spinup
Fixed AC firing huge salvo
Reverted accidental conc physics change thing
+} elseif($patch == "1.1") {
Patch 1.1
Released 31 October 2007
Generic / Misc Stuff
Fixed buildable_ondamage and player_ondamage script callbacks.
Fixed kPlayers flag for lua entity collection.
Fixed normal explosion sound being played on top of buildable explosion sound.
Fixed player_spawn callback getting called every time a player executes /kill.
Fixed suicide logic from running when player is already dead.
Fixed score overflow at 32k by increasing size of networked score variable.
Fixed missing voice hud icons.
Fixed player:AddHealth function so it returns expected value. This fixes bug where you can pick up all ammo and armor bags if you weren't full health.
Fixed display is + negative fort points(ie + -100)
Fixed voice column to show chat on/off icons for other teams.
Fixed # leaving off the rest of the string in chat messages if not matched to a localized string.
Fixed disguise "enemy" to choose a random enemy team.
Fixed infection/heal sound to play at appropriate times.
Fixed kill/death messages not showing/tracking.
Fixed tickrate 66 clamp.
Fixed death view slant.
Fixed %l displaying wrong team.
Fixed medkit hit/infection sounds to play properly.
Fixed sentrygun not being able to retarget closer targets
Fixed sentrygun to favor all visible players over buildables(if they got a player as a target they will not target a buildable, regardless of distance)
Added lua callbacks for player_connected & player_disconnected
Added lua SetDamageForce for damageinfo
Added DamageInfo:ScaleDamage function, exposed to lua
Added player_onkill callback for player suicide so scripts can reject it(implemented in ff_hunted)
Added DropToFloor() lua function that takes a base entity.
Added client side spawn weapon cvars to control what weapon you equip on spawn.
Added small spinup to AC so it no longer shoots immediately(and no heat buildup during spinup)
Added buildable & grenade flags to the base trigger class & .fgd
Added a progress bar to spy disguising.
Changed to no blood shooting disguised teammates when ff is off.
Changed AC to reduce HW speed when firing(and not dependent on charge level).
Changed grenade and pipe damage radius up a bit
Changed water exiting push force up a bit.
Changed decals not to draw on players & buildables. Pretty certain this accounted for a majority of client crashes.
Changed a bunch cvars people were using as cheats to cheat.
Changed backpacks to non solid to fix them from blocking doors/elevators.
Changed messagemode and messagemode2 binding to support auto starting the chat message. Ie, bind p "messagemode ^2" will begin the chat mode with ^2 already in the chat box.
+ Disable with cl_chat_colorize 0
+ cl_chat_color_default sets default chat message color(defaults to current orange). it's a string, and takes an RGB, so e.g. ''cl_chat_color_default "255 170 0"''
+} elseif($patch == "1.0") {
Version 1.0
Released 13 September 2007
+ First Release
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/pages/contribute.php b/pages/contribute.php
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..91b18b4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pages/contribute.php
@@ -0,0 +1,66 @@
Contributing to Fortress Forever
If you have any questions or need help getting started, contact us on our forums or on IRC (#FortressForever on irc.quakenet.org)
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/pages/development.php b/pages/development.php
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a2f2d38
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pages/development.php
@@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
+ "SELECT * FROM `ff_activity` ORDER BY `act_date` DESC LIMIT 13"
+$activity_list = $query->fetchAll();
+$query = $DB->query(
+ "SELECT dj.devj_id, dj.devj_date, dj.devj_content, dj.devj_threadid, u.user_username, u.profile_title, ut.ut_name FROM ff_devj dj
+ LEFT JOIN ff_users u ON u.user_id = dj.devj_posterid
+ LEFT JOIN ff_users_titles ut ON u.profile_title = ut.ut_id
+ WHERE dj.devj_approved = '1'
+ ORDER BY dj.devj_date DESC LIMIT 1"
+$latest_devj = $query->fetch();
+$devj_title = "Developer Journal: $user_username";
+$devj_content = ParseBBCode($devj_content);
+$devj_content = str_replace("\n", " ", $devj_content);
Want to help out?
Fortress Forever is open source and developed by volunteers within the community. If you have the skill and desire to help move the project forward, you are more than welcome to contribute. We are always looking for more programmers, modelers/animators, texture artists, level designers, and more
Fortress Forever is open source and developed by volunteers within the community. If you have the skill and desire to help move the project forward, you are more than welcome to contribute.
We are always looking for more programmers, modelers/animators, texture artists, level designers, and more