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Raw Blame History

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{\*\generator Msftedit;}\viewkind4\uc1\pard\qc\lang1033\b\f0\fs48 Fortress Forever Development Team\b0\fs20\par
\b\fs24 "5316"\fs20\par
\b0 Texture Artist\par
\b\fs24 Zach "DarkKnightBG" Baharov (USA)\b0\fs20\par
Character Animation\par
\b\fs24 Jeff "Imbrifer" Bessmer (USA)\fs20\par
\b0 Mapper\par
\b\fs24 "BlackHoleSun"\fs20\par
\b0 Texture Artist\par
\b\fs24 Brandon "Spewok" Blackwell (USA)\fs20\par
\b0 Character Textures\par
\b\fs24 Tommy "Blunkka" Blomqvist (FI)\par
\b0\fs20 Map and Model Textures\par
\b\fs24 "BlisTer"\par
\b0\fs20 Mapper\par
\b\fs24 Christopher "Jiggles" Boylan (USA)\b0\fs20\par
\b\fs24 Jens "pF" Brandenburg\par
\b0\fs20 Animator / Modeler\par
\b\fs24 Gavin "Mirvin_Monkey" Bramhill (UK)\b0\fs20\par
Programming Lead\par
\b\fs24 "caesium"\par
\b0\fs20 Mapper\par
\b\fs24 Dave "mervaka" Cook (UK)\b0\fs20\par
Sound Design\par
\b\fs24 Paul "Schtoofa" Corwin (USA)\b0\fs20\par
Original Team Lead\par
\b John "Ginger Lord" Crewe (UK)\b0\fs20\par
\b\fs24 Kelly "Dospac" Dickinson (USA)\b0\fs20\par
Gameplay Consultation\par
\b\fs24 Kyle "PHISH" Erickson (USA)\b0\fs20\par
1.0 Team Lead\par
\b\fs24 Niall "billdoor" FitzGibbon\b0\par
\fs20 Programming\par
\b\fs24 Carl "Crazycarl" Foust\b0\fs20\par
Mapper / Prop Artist\par
\b\fs24 Sindre "Decs" Gr\'f8nvoll (NO)\b0\fs20\par
Art Lead\par
\b\fs24 "GoaT_RopeR"\b0\fs20\par
Bot Programming\par
\b\fs24 Damian "Clem" Harouff (USA)\b0\fs20\par
Programming / Linux Pimp\par
\b\fs24 Dexter "Dexter" Haslem\b0\fs20\par
Lua Scripter\par
\b\fs24 Robert "GambiT" Hebert\b0\fs20\par
Mapper / Texture Artist\par
\b\fs24 Kevin "FryGuy" Hjelden (USA)\b0\fs20\par
\b\fs24 "Ihmhi"\b0\fs20\par
PR Assistant / Community Beta Lead\par
\b\fs24 Kenneth "omen" Jacobsen (NO)\b0\fs20\par
\b\fs24 "Jester"\b0\fs20\par
Animator / Modeler\par
\b\fs24 Brandon "redux" Jones (USA)\b0\fs20\par
\fs24 Michael "BritishTang" Jones (USA)\b0\fs20\par
Sound Design\par
\fs24 Harmon "4est" Larimore\b0\fs20\par
Updates / Site Maintenance\par
\fs24 Ryan "squeek." Liptak\b0\fs20\par
Mapper / Scripter / Post 2.0 Lead\par
\b\fs24 Ben "Rebo" Mapp (UK)\b0\fs20\par
Character Models\par
\b\fs24 Kyle "Circuitous" McCorkle\b0\fs20\par
Updates / Site Maintenance\par
\b\fs24 Harry "hazza" Morton (UK)\b0\fs20\par
FF Theme Song\par
\b\fs24 Chris "eat" Newman (UK)\b0\fs20\par
\fs24 Patrick "Mulchman" O'Leary (USA)\fs20\par
\b0 Programming\par
\b\fs24 Paul "MrBeefy" Painter (USA)\b0\fs20\par
Texture / Icon Artist / VOX Voice\par
\b\fs24 Mike "AfterShock" Parker (UK)\b0\fs20\par
Programming / 2.0 Team Lead\par
\b\fs24 David "Pon" Paterson\b0\fs20\par
Lua Scripter\par
\b\fs24 "Professional"\b0\fs20\par
\b\fs24 "Scuzzy"\b0\fs20\par
Site Maintenance & Upgrades / Server Administration\par\par
\b\fs24 Yann "Sh4x" Richer\b0\fs20\par
\b\fs24 "shadow"\b0\fs20\par
\b\fs24 "Shadow00Caster"\b0\fs20\par
PR Assistant / Video Mang\par
\b\fs24 "Skanky Butterpuss"\b0\fs20\par
Sound Design / Beta Awesome Lead\par
\b\fs24 Gary "Nezumi" Simmons\b0\fs20\par
\b\fs24 Mark "Defrag" Simpson (UK)\b0\fs20\par
Map Lead\par
\b\fs24 Greg "GreenMushy" Stefanakis\b0\fs20\par
\b\fs24 Jeremy "DrEvil" Swigart(USA)\b0\fs20\par
Bot Lead / Lua / Programming\par
\b\fs24 Jeremy "dr_nick" Todd\b0\par
\fs20 Concept Artist\par
\b\fs24 Trepid Studios\b0\par
\fs20 Level Design / Programming / Post 2.0 Lead\par\par
\b\fs24 JD "Implode" Weiland\b0\fs20\par
PR Lead\par
\b\fs24 Adam "Elmo-" Willden\b0\fs20\par
\b\fs24 Jason "FriedBunny" Wray (JAP)\b0\fs20\par
\b\fs24 Dave "z0rt"\b0\fs20\par
\b\fs24 "Zouave" (USA)\b0\fs20\par
\b Contributors:\par
\fs24 "2d-chris" - Mapper\par
"A1win" - neutral flag textures (or at least giving us the right push to make them)\par
"AndyC" - Original version of 2morfort (2morforever)\par
Matthew "HellFace" Armstrong - canalzon (inspiration for cz2)\par
Chris "Barney" Auty - Original version of vertigo\par
Nick "omega" Best - Mapper\par
Nick "Pogotron" Bertke - Character Voice Actor\par
"Bile" - Models\par
Leonard "Stranger" Burton - Dustbowl Music\par
Evan "Ghroth" Braa-Heidner - Sound Design\par
Ian Caughley - Team Fortress\par
"Cheese" - Original version of shutdown2 and monkey\par
"Cheney" - Tarcter Artists / Original Kidnap Victim\par
John Cook - Team Fortress\par
"Crackerjack" - Mapper\par
"FooleyCooley" - Weapon Models\par
"geekfeststarter" - Bot Programming\par
Preston Glenn - Original version of openfire\par
Brian Green - Original QWTF version of bases\par
"Hessi" - Jungle Textures\par
Katie Humphrey - VOX voice\par
Andy "Innes" Innes - Animation\par
Tim Kelley - VOX Recording Engineer\par
"kersk" - Programming\par
"Krono" - pigskin (inspiration for waterpolo)\par
Rikard "Drakir" Lindgren - Original version of pitfall\par
Arne "cyNic" Lund - Original version of tiger\par
Spencer "voogru" MacDonald - Programming\par
Richard "KoKo5oVaR" Malinar - Models\par
"Mr.Bee" - ukfootie (inspiration for waterpolo)\par
Shane "Kermit" Mulholland - Map Attempt\par
Garry Newman - Programming Consultant\par
Severin "sev" Odic - Models\par
Eivind Sommersten - TFC version of bases\par
"Olah" - Lua Programming\par
Craig "craigweb" Perks - Texture Artist\par
"Revz" - Gameplay Design\par
John S. from Hartford, CT - The Ecstasy of Gold (Acoustic Version)\par
David "Ramirez" Sawyer - canalzon (inspiration for cz2)\par
"Sinistar" - Animation\par
"ted_maul" - Programming\par
Shawn "L0ki" Smith - Programming\par
Fredrik "Phero" Svensson - Programming\par
"Vorn" - Programming\par
Robin Walker - Team Fortress\par
Rob "Zazi" Kermes - Mapper\fs20\par
\b\fs48 Special Thanks:\b0\fs20\par
\fs40 community\fs24\par
\fs40 Our Beta Testers\fs24\par
\fs36 Our Beta Testers\fs24\par
\fs32 Our Beta Testers\fs24\par
\fs28 Our Beta Testers\fs24\par
Our Beta Testers\par
\fs20 Our Beta Testers\par
\fs16 Couldn't have done it without...\fs20\par
\fs40 Our Beta Testers\fs24\par
Direhit and Harm from\par
The Dead Milkmen\par
Team Fortress Software\par
Valve Software\b0\par
\b Defrag thanks:\b0\par
\b Dospac thanks:\b0\par
My girlfriend for not killing me over working on FF at various times.\par
\b mervaka thanks:\b0\par
my cereal bowl and microwave.\par
\b MrBeefy thanks:\b0\par
Tracey, Nick Krause, and Pluto for the freetime\par
\b Mulchman thanks:\b0\par
Guinness, Alaskan Amber, Killians - they've all helped out at one point or another\par
\b trepid_jon thanks:\b0\par
\b Sh4x thanks:\b0\par
Mon b\'e9b\'e9 (p'tite crotte?) Rosita\par