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// Game data file for Fortress Forever.
@include "ff_base.fgd"
@SolidClass = func_ladder :
"Ladder. Players will be able to move freely along this brush, as if it was a ladder." +
"Apply the toolsinvisibleladder material to a func_ladder brush."
// Camera/monitor entities
@PointClass base(Parentname, Angles) studioprop("models/editor/camera.mdl") = point_camera : "Camera"
spawnflags(Flags) =
1 : "Start Off" : 0
targetname(target_source) : "Name" : : "The name that other entities refer to this entity by."
FOV(float) : "FOV" : 90 : "Field of view in degrees"
// resolution(float) : "resolution" : 256 : "width/height of the render target for the camera"
UseScreenAspectRatio(choices) : "Screen Aspect Ratio" : 0 =
0 : "No"
1 : "Yes"
fogEnable(choices) : "Fog Enable" : 0 =
0 : "No"
1 : "Yes"
fogColor(color255) : "Fog Color" : "0 0 0"
fogStart(float) : "Fog Start" : 2048 : "The near fog plane."
fogEnd(float) : "Fog End" : 4096 : "The far fog/clipping plane."
renderTarget(string) : "Render Target" : "_rt_Camera" : "The render target of the camera."
// Inputs
input ChangeFOV(string) : "Changes camera's FOV over time"
input SetOnAndTurnOthersOff(void) : "Turn the camera on, and turn all other cameras off."
input SetOn(void) : "Turn the camera on."
input SetOff(void) : "Turn the camera off."
@SolidClass base(func_brush) = func_monitor :
"A monitor that renders the view from a given point_camera entity."
target(target_destination) : "Camera name"
// Inputs
input Toggle(void) : "Toggle - If on, turn off, if off, turn on."
input Enable(void) : "Enable."
input Disable(void) : "Disable."
input SetCamera(string) : "Sets the camera to use for this monitor. Takes the name of a point_camera entity in the map."
// Do this w/ LUA exclusively
//@SolidClass base(Trigger) = trigger_ff_location :
// "Brush-based location displaying."
// areaname(string) : "Area Name" : : "The name of the area this brush is describing e.g. flag room."
// team(choices) : "Team" : "The team this area belongs to." =
// [
// 1 : "No Team"
// 2 : "Blue Team"
// 3 : "Red Team"
// 4 : "Yellow Team"
// 5 : "Green Team"
// ]
@SolidClass base(Trigger) = trigger_ff_script :
"Brush-based Fortress Forever goal. Interfaced from the lua scripting environment."
output OnOutput(void) : "Output to be fired when activated from the lua scripting environment."
@SolidClass base(Targetname, RenderFields, Global) = trigger_ff_clip :
"Lua clip brush."
@PointClass base(Targetname, Parentname, Angles) studio("models/editor/ff_script_helper.mdl") = info_ff_script :
"Point-based Fortress Forever goal. Interfaced from the lua scripting environment."
output OnOutput(void) : "Output to be fired when activated from the lua scripting environment."
@PointClass base(Targetname, Angles) studio("models/editor/playerstart.mdl") = info_ff_teamspawn :
"Team Spawn. This entity is placed where players will be spawned. The scripting environment in Fortress Forever " +
"controls which players will be able to spawn here. See the documentation for more details."
@PointClass base(Targetname, Angles) studio("models/buildable/respawn_turret/respawn_turret.mdl") = ff_miniturret :
"Respawn turret!"
@PointClass base(Targetname, Angles) studio("models/props/ff_dustbowl/minecart.mdl") = ff_minecart :
"VPhysics Mine Cart"
start_disabled(choices) : "Start Disabled" : "Start the object disabled (unable to move)." =
0 : "No"
1 : "Yes"
@PointClass base(Targetname, Parentname, Angles) cylinder(255 255 255, targetname, target, radius, targetname, targetname, radius) color(255 192 0) size(16 16 16) = path_mapguide :
"An entity used to build paths for map guides to follow. Each path_mapguide is a node on the path, each holding the name of the next path_mapguide in the path."
target(target_destination) : "Next MapGuide Target" : : "The next path_mapguide in the path."
wait(float) : "Wait" : 10 : "Seconds spent waiting at this point."
time(float) : "Time" : 10 : "Seconds spent travelling from this point to the next."
curvetowards(target_destination) : "Curve towards target" : : "Curve towards this point."
narration(string) : "Narration" : : "Narration file to play."
] |