----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- INCLUDES ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- IncludeScript("base_shutdown"); IncludeScript("base_location"); ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- CONSTANT! -- I don't recommend changing this, as the in-game timer (above the FR door) will not change along with it. -- Behaviour is undefined for values <= 10 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SECURITY_LENGTH = 40 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- LOCATIONS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- location_blue_flagroom = location_info:new({ text = "Flag Room", team = Team.kBlue }) location_blue_window = location_info:new({ text = "Security Window", team = Team.kBlue }) location_blue_security = location_info:new({ text = "Security Area", team = Team.kBlue }) location_blue_courtyard = location_info:new({ text = "Main Courtyard", team = Team.kBlue }) location_blue_rampside = location_info:new({ text = "Ramp Side", team = Team.kBlue }) location_blue_secside = location_info:new({ text = "Security Side", team = Team.kBlue }) location_blue_frontdoor = location_info:new({ text = "Front Door", team = Team.kBlue }) location_blue_water = location_info:new({ text = "Water Area", team = Team.kBlue }) location_blue_spawn = location_info:new({ text = "Team Respawn", team = Team.kBlue }) location_red_flagroom = location_info:new({ text = "Flag Room", team = Team.kRed }) location_red_window = location_info:new({ text = "Security Window", team = Team.kRed }) location_red_security = location_info:new({ text = "Security Area", team = Team.kRed }) location_red_courtyard = location_info:new({ text = "Main Courtyard", team = Team.kRed }) location_red_rampside = location_info:new({ text = "Ramp Side", team = Team.kRed }) location_red_secside = location_info:new({ text = "Security Side", team = Team.kRed }) location_red_frontdoor = location_info:new({ text = "Front Door", team = Team.kRed }) location_red_water = location_info:new({ text = "Water Area", team = Team.kRed }) location_red_spawn = location_info:new({ text = "Team Respawn", team = Team.kRed }) location_yard = location_info:new({ text = "Yard", team = Team.kUnassigned }) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- TOUCH RESUP -- Brush volume which gives players health, ammo, etc... -- Pretty much taken from ff_.lua ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- touch_resup = trigger_ff_script:new({ team = Team.kUnassigned }) function touch_resup:ontouch( touch_entity ) if IsPlayer( touch_entity ) then local player = CastToPlayer( touch_entity ) if player:GetTeamId() == self.team then player:AddHealth( 400 ) player:AddArmor( 400 ) player:AddAmmo( Ammo.kNails, 400 ) player:AddAmmo( Ammo.kShells, 400 ) player:AddAmmo( Ammo.kRockets, 400 ) player:AddAmmo( Ammo.kCells, 400 ) end end end blue_touch_resup = touch_resup:new({ team = Team.kBlue }) red_touch_resup = touch_resup:new({ team = Team.kRed }) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- WINDOWPACK -- Team-specific packs which are located near the window where players can throw the flag out. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- windowpack = genericbackpack:new({ health = 50, armor = 50, grenades = 200, nails = 200, shells = 200, rockets = 200, cells = 130, gren1 = 0, gren2 = 0, respawntime = 8, model = "models/items/backpack/backpack.mdl", materializesound = "Item.Materialize", touchsound = "Backpack.Touch", botgoaltype = Bot.kBackPack_Ammo }) function windowpack:dropatspawn() return false end blue_windowpack = windowpack:new({ touchflags = { AllowFlags.kOnlyPlayers, AllowFlags.kBlue } }) red_windowpack = windowpack:new({ touchflags = { AllowFlags.kOnlyPlayers, AllowFlags.kRed } }) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- SPAWN PROTECTION -- kills those who wander into the enemy spawn ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- red_spawn_protection = not_red_trigger:new() blue_spawn_protection = not_blue_trigger:new() ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- OFFENSIVE AND DEFENSIVE SPAWNS -- Medic, Spy, and Scout spawn in the offensive spawns, other classes spawn in the defensive spawn, -- Copied from ff_session.lua ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- red_o_only = function(self,player) return ((player:GetTeamId() == Team.kRed) and ((player:GetClass() == Player.kScout) or (player:GetClass() == Player.kMedic) or (player:GetClass() == Player.kSpy) or (player:GetClass() == Player.kEngineer))) end red_d_only = function(self,player) return ((player:GetTeamId() == Team.kRed) and (((player:GetClass() == Player.kScout) == false) and ((player:GetClass() == Player.kMedic) == false) and ((player:GetClass() == Player.kSpy) == false) and ((player:GetClass() == Player.kEngineer) == false))) end red_ospawn = { validspawn = red_o_only } red_dspawn = { validspawn = red_d_only } blue_o_only = function(self,player) return ((player:GetTeamId() == Team.kBlue) and ((player:GetClass() == Player.kScout) or (player:GetClass() == Player.kMedic) or (player:GetClass() == Player.kSpy) or (player:GetClass() == Player.kEngineer))) end blue_d_only = function(self,player) return ((player:GetTeamId() == Team.kBlue) and (((player:GetClass() == Player.kScout) == false) and ((player:GetClass() == Player.kMedic) == false) and ((player:GetClass() == Player.kSpy) == false) and ((player:GetClass() == Player.kEngineer) == false))) end blue_ospawn = { validspawn = blue_o_only } blue_dspawn = { validspawn = blue_d_only } ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- AND THEN, SOME MORE STUFF... ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- red_sec = red_security_trigger:new() blue_sec = blue_security_trigger:new() local security_off_base = security_off or function() end function security_off( team ) security_off_base( team ) OpenDoor(team.."_secdoor") local opposite_team = team == "red" and "blue" or "red" OutputEvent("sec_"..opposite_team.."_slayer", "Disable") AddSchedule("aardvarksecup10"..team, SECURITY_LENGTH - 10, function() BroadCastMessage("#FF_"..team:upper().."_SEC_10") end) AddSchedule("beginclose"..team, SECURITY_LENGTH - 6, function() CloseDoor(team.."_secdoor") end) end local security_on_base = security_on or function() end function security_on( team ) security_on_base( team ) CloseDoor(team.."_secdoor") local opposite_team = team == "red" and "blue" or "red" OutputEvent("sec_"..opposite_team.."_slayer", "Enable") end grp = bigpack:new({ materializesound="Item.Materialize", gren1=4,gren2=4,model= "models/items/backpack/backpack.mdl", respawntime=1,touchsound="Backpack.Touch"}) function grp:dropatspawn() return false end