/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Fortress Forever HUD Layout resource file // // This file is cross-referenced and shares resources with; // // resource/clientscheme.res - HUD Colours & Font definitions // scripts/ff_hud_textures.txt - Glyph definitions for the HUD font // scripts/HudAnimations.txt - Animations for stuff like low ammo, etc. // /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// "scripts/HudLayout.res" { HudLocation // hudlocation { "fieldName" "HudLocation" "visible" "1" "enabled" "1" "xpos" "3" "ypos" "447" "wide" "640" //256 "tall" "480" //32 "text1_xpos" "4" "text1_ypos" "20" //19 "TextFont" "HUD_TextSmall_Shadow" "TextColor" "HUD_Tone_Default" // Ignored: locations are colour coded "ForegroundTexture" "locationBoxFG1" "BackgroundTexture" "locationBoxBG1" } HudLocation2 { "fieldName" "HudLocation2" "visible" "1" "enabled" "1" "pinCorner" "3" "xpos" "85" //85 x pos controlled by HudLocation "ypos" "447" "wide" "640" //256 "tall" "480" //32 "ForegroundTexture" "locationBoxFG2" "BackgroundTexture" "locationBoxBG2" } HudHealth { "fieldName" "HudHealth" "visible" "1" "enabled" "1" "xpos" "3" "ypos" "431" "wide" "128" "tall" "32" "digit_xpos" "44" "digit_ypos" "8" "NumberFont" "HUD_NumLarge" "NumberColor" "HUD_Tone_Default" "ForegroundTexture" "healthBoxFG" "BackgroundTexture" "healthBoxBG" } HudPlayerAddHealth { "fieldName" "HudPlayerAddHealth" "visible" "1" "enabled" "1" "xpos" "3" "ypos" "406" "wide" "128" "tall" "32" "HealthFont_xpos" "32" "HealthFont_ypos" "8" "HealthFont" "HudAddHealth" "TextColor" "255 255 255 255" //black "HealthFontBG" "HudPlayerScoreBG" "ForegroundTexture" "playerScoreBoxFG1" "BackgroundTexture" "playerScoreBoxBG1" } HudArmor { "fieldName" "HudArmor" "visible" "1" "enabled" "1" "xpos" "87" "ypos" "431" "wide" "128" "tall" "32" "digit_xpos" "38" "digit_ypos" "18" "NumberFont" "HUD_NumSmall" "NumberColor" "HUD_Tone_Default" "ForegroundTexture" "armourBoxFG" "BackgroundTexture" "armourBoxBG" } HudPlayerAddArmor { "fieldName" "HudPlayerAddArmor" "visible" "1" "enabled" "1" "xpos" "87" "ypos" "406" "wide" "128" "tall" "32" "ArmorFont_xpos" "32" "ArmorFont_ypos" "18" "ArmorFont" "HudAddHealth" "TextColor" "255 255 255 255" //black "ArmorFontBG" "HudPlayerScoreBG" "ForegroundTexture" "playerScoreBoxFG1" "BackgroundTexture" "playerScoreBoxBG1" } // Added by AfterShock - for displaying weapon icon in bottom right HudWeaponInfo { "fieldName" "HudWeaponInfo" "visible" "1" "enabled" "1" // xpos and ypos define where the top left corner of the panel will be "xpos" "r124" //x pos controlled by HudAmmoInfo2 "ypos" "447" "zpos" "2" "wide" "640" // This stuff is proportional, so 640x480 is actually the size of the whole screen at any resolution. Unless, that is, you have a non-4:3 monitor. Vgui is a pain in the ass to get right then. "tall" "480" "ammo_xpos" "5" // Note that these positions are relative to the position of the panel "ammo_ypos" "18" // i.e. 0,0 is the top left corner of the panel "TextFont" "HudNumbers" "TextColor" "HUD_Tone_Default" "IconFont" "WeaponIconsHUD" // Defines which Font to look in for the icons "AmmoFont" "AmmoIconsSmall" // Defines which Font to look in for the icons } HudAmmoInfo // should be weapon item glyphs in lower right { "fieldName" "HudAmmoInfo" "visible" "1" "enabled" "1" "xpos" "r124" //x pos controlled by HudAmmoInfo2 "ypos" "447" "wide" "640" //128 "tall" "480" //64 "text1_xpos" "0" "text1_ypos" "0" "TextFont" "HudNumbers" "TextColor" "HUD_Tone_Default" "IconFont" "weaponglyphssmall" "ForegroundTexture" "weaponBoxFG1" "BackgroundTexture" "weaponBoxBG1" } HudAmmoInfo2 { "fieldName" "HudAmmoInfo2" "visible" "1" "enabled" "1" "xpos" "r42" "ypos" "447" "wide" "640" //128 "tall" "480" //64 "ForegroundTexture" "weaponBoxFG2" "BackgroundTexture" "weaponBoxBG2" } HudAmmo { "fieldName" "HudAmmo" "visible" "1" "enabled" "1" "xpos" "r152" //488 "ypos" "447" "wide" "640" //128 "tall" "480" //32 "digit_xpos" "4" "digit_ypos" "19" "NumberFont" "HUD_NumSmall" "NumberColor" "HUD_Tone_Default" "ForegroundTexture" "ammoCarriedBoxFG" "BackgroundTexture" "ammoCarriedBoxBG" } HudAmmoClip { "fieldName" "HudAmmoClip" "visible" "1" "enabled" "1" "xpos" "r149" //491 "ypos" "430" "wide" "640" //128 "tall" "480" //32 "digit_xpos" "16" "digit_ypos" "8" "NumberFont" "HUD_NumLarge" "NumberColor" "HUD_Tone_Default" "ForegroundTexture" "ammoLoadedBoxFG" "BackgroundTexture" "ammoLoadedBoxBG" } HudGrenade1 { "fieldName" "HudGrenade1" "visible" "1" "enabled" "1" "xpos" "r91" //549 "ypos" "414" "wide" "640" //128 "tall" "480" //32 "digit_xpos" "33" "digit_ypos" "18" "icon_xpos" "10" "icon_ypos" "25" "icon_font" "StatusGlyphsSmall" "icon_color" "HUD_Tone_Default" "NumberFont" "HUD_NumSmall" "NumberColor" "HUD_Tone_Default" "ForegroundTexture" "grenPrimaryBoxFG" "BackgroundTexture" "grenPrimaryBoxBG" } HudGrenade2 // far right glyph { "fieldName" "HudGrenade2" "visible" "1" "enabled" "1" "xpos" "r47" //593 "ypos" "414" "wide" "640" //128 "tall" "480" //32 "digit_xpos" "35" "digit_ypos" "18" "icon_xpos" "10" "icon_ypos" "25" "icon_font" "StatusGlyphsSmall" "icon_color" "HUD_Tone_Default" "NumberFont" "HUD_NumSmall" "NumberColor" "HUD_Tone_Default" "ForegroundTexture" "grenSecondaryBoxFG" "BackgroundTexture" "grenSecondaryBoxBG" } HudRoundInfo // top center item glyph, fucked by non 4:3 aspect ratio, new settings seem to stay in center, but text needs fixin { "fieldName" "HudRoundInfo" "visible" "1" "enabled" "1" "xpos" "c-60" //256 "ypos" "1" "wide" "120" //128 , 120 "tall" "128" //128 "MapNameFont" "HUD_TextRoundInfo" "MapNameColor" "HUD_Tone_Default" "MapNameX" "32" //32 "MapNameY" "3" //"center_x" "1" // center text horizontally //"RightJustify" "1" "TimerFont" "HUD_TextRoundInfo" "TimerColor" "HUD_Tone_Default" "TimerX" "43" //45 "TimerY" "18" "ForegroundTexture" "RoundInfoBoxFG" "BackgroundTexture" "RoundInfoBoxBG" } HudTeamScores { "fieldName" "HudTeamScores" "visible" "1" "enabled" "1" // xpos and ypos define where the top left corner of the panel will be "xpos" "c-120" // Right in the middle of the damn screen //"xpos" "130" // Right in the middle of the damn screen "ypos" "7" "wide" "640" // This stuff is proportional, so 640x480 is actually the size of the whole screen at any resolution. Unless, that is, you have a non-4:3 monitor. Vgui is a pain in the ass to get right then. "tall" "480" "TeamScoreBlue_xpos" "0" // Note that these positions are relative to the position of the panel "TeamScoreBlue_ypos" "0" // i.e. 0,0 is the top left corner of the panel "TeamScoreRed_xpos" "200" // Note that these positions are relative to the position of the panel "TeamScoreRed_ypos" "0" // i.e. 0,0 is the top left corner of the panel "TeamScoreYellow_xpos" "5" // Note that these positions are relative to the position of the panel "TeamScoreYellow_ypos" "22" // i.e. 0,0 is the top left corner of the panel "TeamScoreGreen_xpos" "195" // Note that these positions are relative to the position of the panel "TeamScoreGreen_ypos" "22" // i.e. 0,0 is the top left corner of the panel "TeamScoreBlueFont" "HudTeamScore" "TeamScoreRedFont" "HudTeamScore" "TeamScoreYellowFont" "HudTeamScore" "TeamScoreGreenFont" "HudTeamScore" "TextColor" "Black" "ForegroundTexture" "TeamScoreBoxFG1" "BackgroundTexture" "TeamScoreBoxBG1" } HudPlayerTotalScore { "fieldName" "HudPlayerTotalScore" "visible" "1" "enabled" "1" // xpos and ypos define where the top left corner of the panel will be "xpos" "0" // Right in the middle of the damn screen 20 "ypos" "0" //20 "wide" "640" // This stuff is proportional, so 640x480 is actually the size of the whole screen at any resolution. Unless, that is, you have a non-4:3 monitor. Vgui is a pain in the ass to get right then. "tall" "480" "TotalDescFont_xpos" "5" // Note that these positions are relative to the position of the panel "TotalDescFont_ypos" "3" // i.e. 0,0 is the top left corner of the panel "TotalScoreFont_xpos" "5" // Note that these positions are relative to the position of the panel "TotalScoreFont_ypos" "15" // i.e. 0,0 is the top left corner of the panel "TotalScoreFont" "HudPlayerScore" "TotalDescFont" "HudPlayerScoreDesc" "TotalScoreFontBG" "HudPlayerScoreBG" "TotalDescFontBG" "HudPlayerScoreDescBG" "TextColor" "Black" "ForegroundTexture" "playerScoreBoxFG1" "BackgroundTexture" "playerScoreBoxBG1" } HudPlayerLatestScore { "fieldName" "HudPlayerLatestScore" "visible" "1" "enabled" "1" // xpos and ypos define where the top left corner of the panel will be "xpos" "0" // Right in the middle of the damn screen "ypos" "0" // "wide" "640" // This stuff is proportional, so 640x480 is actually the size of the whole screen at any resolution. Unless, that is, you have a non-4:3 monitor. Vgui is a pain in the ass to get right then. "tall" "480" "DescFont_xpos" "13" // Note that these positions are relative to the position of the panel "DescFont_ypos" "33" // i.e. 0,0 is the top left corner of the panel "ScoreFont_xpos" "8" // Note that these positions are relative to the position of the panel "ScoreFont_ypos" "43" // i.e. 0,0 is the top left corner of the panel "ScoreFont" "HudBonusScore" "DescFont" "HudBonusScoreDesc" "ScoreFontBG" "HudPlayerScoreBG" "DescFontBG" "HudPlayerScoreDescBG" "TextColor" "255 255 255 255" //black "ForegroundTexture" "playerScoreBoxFG1" "BackgroundTexture" "playerScoreBoxBG1" } HudOverpressure { "fieldName" "HudOverpressure" "visible" "1" "enabled" "1" "xpos" "3" "ypos" "404" "wide" "128" "tall" "128" "text1_xpos" "34" "text1_ypos" "12" "image1_xpos" "3" "image1_ypos" "4" "bar_width" "75" "bar_height" "24" "TextFont" "HUD_TextSmall" "TextColor" "HUD_Tone_Default" //overridden by teamcolor of disguise "ForegroundTexture" "CooldownBoxFG" "BackgroundTexture" "CooldownBoxBG" } HudCellCount { "fieldName" "HudCellCount" "visible" "1" "enabled" "1" "xpos" "r198" "ypos" "447" "xpos" "3" "ypos" "404" "wide" "128" "tall" "128" "text_xpos" "19" "text_ypos" "19" "image_xpos" "3" "image_ypos" "18" "IconFont" "AmmoIconsSmall" "TextFont" "HUD_TextRoundInfo" "TextColor" "HUD_Tone_Default" "ForegroundTexture" "CellCountBoxFG" "BackgroundTexture" "CellCountBoxBG" } HudSpyDisguise { "fieldName" "HudSpyDisguise" "visible" "1" "enabled" "1" "xpos" "3" "ypos" "404" "wide" "128" "tall" "128" "text1_xpos" "34" "text1_ypos" "12" "image1_xpos" "3" "image1_ypos" "4" "bar_width" "75" "bar_height" "24" "DisguiseFont" "ClassGlyphs" "TextFont" "HUD_TextSmall" "TextColor" "HUD_Tone_Default" //overridden by teamcolor of disguise "ForegroundTexture" "CooldownBoxFG" "BackgroundTexture" "CooldownBoxBG" } HudSpyDisguise2 { "fieldName" "HudSpyDisguise2" "visible" "1" "enabled" "1" "xpos" "82" "ypos" "404" "wide" "128" "tall" "128" "image1_xpos" "2" "image1_ypos" "4" "WeaponFont" "WeaponIconsHUD" "WeaponColor" "HUD_Tone_Default" "ForegroundTexture" "SpyDisguiseBoxFG2" "BackgroundTexture" "SpyDisguiseBoxBG2" } HudSpyDisguise3 { "fieldName" "HudSpyDisguise3" "visible" "1" "enabled" "1" "xpos" "82" "ypos" "431" "wide" "128" "tall" "128" "ForegroundTexture" "SpyDisguiseBoxFG3" "BackgroundTexture" "SpyDisguiseBoxBG3" } HudHintCenter { "fieldName" "HudHintCenter" "visible" "1" "enabled" "1" "xpos" "c-130" "ypos" "404" "wide" "260" "tall" "70" "text1_xpos" "34" "text1_ypos" "10" "text1_wide" "220" "text1_tall" "40" "image1_xpos" "4" "image1_ypos" "8" "IconFont" "HudHintCenterIcon" "IconFontGlow" "HudHintCenterIconGlow" "TextFont" "HUD_TextSmall" "TextColor" "HUD_Tone_Default" "BGBoxColor" "Dark" // The buttons "B_wide" "20" "B_tall" "10" "NextB_xpos" "235" "NextB_ypos" "55" "PrevB_xpos" "5" "PrevB_ypos" "55" // The hint index thingy "index_xpos" "9" "index_ypos" "45" "SmallBoxSize" "36" //32 "LargeBoxWide" "112" "LargeBoxTall" "80" "BoxGap" "8" "SelectionNumberXPos" "4" "SelectionNumberYPos" "4" "SelectionGrowTime" "0.4" "TextYPos" "64" } HudGrenade1Timer { "fieldName" "HudGrenade1Timer" "visible" "1" "enabled" "1" "xpos" "c-123" "ypos" "414" "wide" "256" "tall" "32" "bar_xpos" "69" "bar_ypos" "4" "bar_width" "118" "bar_height" "13" "bar_color" "HUD_Tone_Default" "icon_xpos" "10" "icon_ypos" "25" //"icon_color" "0 0 0 255" "ForegroundTexture" "Gren1TimerFGBox" "BackgroundTexture" "Gren1TimerBGBox" } HudGrenade2Timer { "fieldName" "HudGrenade2Timer" "visible" "1" "enabled" "1" "xpos" "c-123" "ypos" "434" "wide" "256" "tall" "32" "bar_xpos" "69" "bar_ypos" "16" "bar_width" "118" "bar_height" "13" "bar_color" "HUD_Tone_Default" "icon_xpos" "8" "icon_ypos" "24" //"icon_color" "0 0 0 255" "ForegroundTexture" "Gren2TimerFGBox" "BackgroundTexture" "Gren2TimerBGBox" } // // you are entering untamed land! // HudBuildTimer { "fieldName" "HudBuildTimer" "xpos" "c-123" "ypos" "r132" "wide" "256" "tall" "32" "visible" "1" "enabled" "1" "text_xpos" "256" "text_ypos" "0" "icon_xpos" "40" "icon_ypos" "8" "icon_width" "16" "icon_height" "16" "bar_xpos" "64" "bar_ypos" "8" "bar_width" "128" "bar_height" "16" "bar_color" "HUD_Tone_Default" } //HudGrenade1Timer //{ // "fieldName" "HudGrenade1Timer" // "xpos" "140" // "ypos" "r56" // "wide" "192" // "tall" "20" // "visible" "1" // "enabled" "1" // // "text_xpos" "0" // "text_ypos" "0" // // "icon_xpos" "4" // "icon_ypos" "4" // "icon_width" "20" // "icon_height" "20" // // "bar_xpos" "16" // "bar_ypos" "4" // "bar_width" "128" // "bar_height" "12" // "bar_color" "HUD_Tone_Default" // } // // HudGrenade2Timer // { // "fieldName" "HudGrenade2Timer" // "xpos" "140" // "ypos" "r32" // "wide" "192" // "tall" "20" // "visible" "1" // "enabled" "1" // // "text_xpos" "0" // "text_ypos" "0" // // "icon_xpos" "4" // "icon_ypos" "4" // "icon_width" "20" // "icon_height" "20" // // "bar_xpos" "16" // "bar_ypos" "4" // "bar_width" "128" // "bar_height" "12" // "bar_color" "HUD_Tone_Default" // } HudBuildState { "fieldName" "HudBuildState" "xpos" "r210" "ypos" "380" "wide" "210" "tall" "40" "visible" "1" "enabled" "1" "text1_xpos" "24" "text1_ypos" "3" "text2_xpos" "24" "text2_ypos" "22" "icon1_xpos" "0" "icon1_ypos" "0" "icon1_width" "20" "icon1_height" "20" "icon2_xpos" "0" "icon2_ypos" "20" "icon2_width" "20" "icon2_height" "20" } HudBuildStateSentry { "fieldName" "HudBuildStateSentry" "PaintBackgroundType" "2" } HudAmmoSecondary { "fieldName" "HudAmmoSecondary" "xpos" "r76" "ypos" "432" "wide" "60" "tall" "36" "visible" "1" "enabled" "1" "PaintBackgroundType" "2" "digit_xpos" "10" "digit_ypos" "2" "TextColor" "HUD_Tone_Default" } HudSuitPower { "fieldName" "HudSuitPower" "visible" "1" "enabled" "1" "xpos" "16" "ypos" "396" "wide" "102" "tall" "26" "AuxPowerLowColor" "255 0 0 220" "AuxPowerHighColor" "255 220 0 220" "AuxPowerDisabledAlpha" "70" "BarInsetX" "8" "BarInsetY" "15" "BarWidth" "92" "BarHeight" "4" "BarChunkWidth" "6" "BarChunkGap" "3" "text_xpos" "8" "text_ypos" "4" "text2_xpos" "8" "text2_ypos" "22" "text2_gap" "10" "PaintBackgroundType" "2" } HudFlashlight { "fieldName" "HudFlashlight" "visible" "0" "enabled" "1" "xpos" "16" "ypos" "370" "wide" "102" "tall" "20" "text_xpos" "8" "text_ypos" "6" "TextColor" "255 170 0 220" "PaintBackgroundType" "2" } HudDamageIndicator { "fieldName" "HudDamageIndicator" "visible" "1" "enabled" "1" "DmgColorLeft" "255 0 0 0" "DmgColorRight" "255 0 0 0" "dmg_xmargin" "40" "dmg_ymargin" "40" "dmg_depth" "40" "dmg_outerlength" "300" "dmg_innerlength" "240" } HudHitIndicator { "fieldName" "HudHitIndicator" "visible" "1" "enabled" "1" "zpos" "2" // draw above crosshair } HudZoom { "fieldName" "HudZoom" "visible" "1" "enabled" "1" "Circle1Radius" "66" "Circle2Radius" "74" "DashGap" "16" "DashHeight" "4" "BorderThickness" "88" } HudWeaponSelection { "fieldName" "HudWeaponSelection" "ypos" "16" "visible" "1" "enabled" "1" "SmallBoxSize" "36" //32 "LargeBoxWide" "112" "LargeBoxTall" "80" "BoxGap" "8" "SelectionNumberXPos" "4" "SelectionNumberYPos" "4" "SelectionGrowTime" "0.4" "TextYPos" "64" } HudCrosshair { "fieldName" "HudCrosshair" "visible" "1" "enabled" "1" "wide" "640" "tall" "480" } HudDeathNotice { "fieldName" "HudDeathNotice" "visible" "1" "enabled" "1" "xpos" "r640" "ypos" "0" "wide" "640" "tall" "480" "HighlightColor" "255 255 255 100" "ObjectiveNoticeColor" "0 0 0 180" "LineHeight" "22" "RightJustify" "1" "TextFont" "Default" } HudVehicle { "fieldName" "HudVehicle" "visible" "1" "enabled" "1" "wide" "640" "tall" "480" } ScorePanel { "fieldName" "ScorePanel" "visible" "1" "enabled" "1" "wide" "640" "tall" "480" } HudTrain { "fieldName" "HudTrain" "visible" "1" "enabled" "1" "wide" "640" "tall" "480" } HudMOTD { "fieldName" "HudMOTD" "visible" "1" "enabled" "1" "wide" "640" "tall" "480" } HudMessage { "fieldName" "HudMessage" "visible" "1" "enabled" "1" "wide" "640" "tall" "480" } HudMenu { "fieldName" "HudMenu" "visible" "1" "enabled" "1" "wide" "640" "tall" "480" "zpos" "1" "TextFont""Default" "ItemFont""Default" "ItemFontPulsing""Default" } HudCloseCaption { "fieldName" "HudCloseCaption" "visible" "1" "enabled" "1" "xpos" "c-250" "ypos" "276" "wide" "500" "tall" "136" "BgAlpha" "128" "GrowTime" "0.25" "ItemHiddenTime" "0.2" // Nearly same as grow time so that the item doesn't start to show until growth is finished "ItemFadeInTime" "0.15" // Once ItemHiddenTime is finished, takes this much longer to fade in "ItemFadeOutTime" "0.3" } HudChat { "fieldName" "HudChat" "visible" "1" "enabled" "1" "xpos" "0" "ypos" "200" "wide" "520" "tall" "200" } HudHistoryResource { "fieldName" "HudHistoryResource" "visible" "1" "enabled" "1" "xpos" "r252" "ypos" "40" "wide" "248" "tall" "320" "history_gap" "24" "icon_inset" "28" "text_inset" "26" "NumberFont" "HudNumbersSmall" } HudGeiger { "fieldName" "HudGeiger" "visible" "1" "enabled" "1" "wide" "640" "tall" "480" } HUDQuickInfo { "fieldName" "HUDQuickInfo" "visible" "1" "enabled" "1" "wide" "640" "tall" "480" } HudWeapon { "fieldName" "HudWeapon" "visible" "1" "enabled" "1" "wide" "640" "tall" "480" "Iconfont" "WeaponIconsSmall" } HudAnimationInfo { "fieldName" "HudAnimationInfo" "visible" "1" "enabled" "1" "wide" "640" "tall" "480" } HudPredictionDump { "fieldName" "HudPredictionDump" "visible" "1" "enabled" "1" "wide" "640" "tall" "480" } HudHintDisplay { "fieldName" "HudHintDisplay" "visible" "0" "enabled" "1" "xpos" "r120" "ypos" "r340" "wide" "100" "tall" "200" "text_xpos" "8" "text_ypos" "8" "text_xgap" "8" "text_ygap" "8" "TextColor" "255 170 0 220" "PaintBackgroundType" "2" } HudSquadStatus { "fieldName" "HudSquadStatus" "visible" "1" "enabled" "1" "xpos" "r120" "ypos" "380" "wide" "104" "tall" "46" "text_xpos" "8" "text_ypos" "34" "SquadIconColor" "255 220 0 160" "IconInsetX" "8" "IconInsetY" "0" "IconGap" "24" "PaintBackgroundType" "2" } HudPoisonDamageIndicator { "fieldName" "HudPoisonDamageIndicator" "visible" "0" "enabled" "1" "xpos" "16" "ypos" "346" "wide" "136" "tall" "38" "text_xpos" "8" "text_ypos" "8" "text_ygap" "14" "TextColor" "255 170 0 220" "PaintBackgroundType" "2" } HudCredits { "fieldName" "HudCredits" "TextFont" "Default" "visible" "1" "xpos" "0" "ypos" "0" "wide" "640" "tall" "480" "TextColor" "255 255 255 192" } HudSpeedometer { "fieldName" "HudSpeedometer" "xpos" "r65" "ypos" "r95" "wide" "65" "tall" "50" "PaintBackgroundType" "2" "AvgSpeedFont_xpos" "0" "AvgSpeedFont_ypos" "0" "SpeedFont_xpos" "0" "SpeedFont_ypos" "15" "TextColor" "HUD_Tone_Default" } HudRadialMenu { "fieldName" "HudRadialMenu" "visible" "1" "enabled" "1" } HudCrosshairInfo { "fieldName" "HudCrosshairInfo" "visible" "1" "enabled" "1" // Position when hud_centerid = 0 "text1_xpos" "20" "text1_ypos" "280" } HudSentryGunStatus { "fieldName" "HudSentryGunStatus" "visible" "0" "enabled" "0" "xpos" "16" "ypos" "400" "wide" "0" "tall" "0" "PaintBackgroundType" "2" } HudBuildableMessages { "fieldName" "HudBuildableMessages" "visible" "0" "enabled" "0" "xpos" "0" // Don't mess with the Y value // Everything else gets overridden except the Y value... 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