--[[ ================================================================================================================ == base_chatcommands.lua == -- Allows maps to use player chat as commands to perform == -- various functions ================================================================================================================ == Instructions == -- To add commands: =~~ Code: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~= chatbase_addcommand( "commandname", "Command description", "command example" ) function chat_commandname( player, parameter1, parameter2, ... ) -- perform some task end =~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~= == -- The description and example parameters are both optional == -- Do NOT put the command prefix in either the example or the commandname parameters == -- The player parameter will always get sent to chat_commandname functions, but the others are optional == -- Parameters are sent by players in this format !commandname param1 param2 ... == -- == -- To add player settings: =~~ Code: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~= chatbase_addplayersetting( "settingname", default_value, "Setting description" ) =~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~= == -- The description is optional == -- == -- To get a setting value for a player: =~~ Code: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~= chatbase_getplayersetting( player, "settingname" ) =~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~= == -- == -- To set a setting value for a player: =~~ Code: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~= chatbase_setplayersetting( player, "settingname", value ) =~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~= == -- == -- Settings: == -- -- The settings below should be copied, pasted, and altered into your maps .lua if you want to == -- -- change any of them ================================================================================================================ ]]-- -- chat command settings CHAT_COMMAND_PREFIX = "!" -- Command prefix, all commands must start with this string CHAT_COMMAND_HIDECHATSTRING = true -- Determines if the chat string is shown if it executes a command CHAT_COMMAND_DISABLE_PERIODIC_NOTIFY = false -- If false, the server will notify players that chat commands -- are enabled for the map ONLY IF non-default chat commands exist CHAT_COMMAND_PERIODIC_NOTIFY_REPEAT = 0 -- Number of times to repeat the notification (set to -1 for infinite) CHAT_COMMAND_PERIODIC_NOTIFY_PERIOD = 60 -- Time between notifications (in seconds) -- theme settings -- 0 = orange 1 = blue 2 = red 3 = yellow 4 = green -- 5 = white 6 = black 7 = gray 8 = purple 9 = teal CHAT_COMMAND_COLOR_MAIN = 0 -- used most often CHAT_COMMAND_COLOR_HIGHLIGHT1 = 5 -- used to emphasize something CHAT_COMMAND_COLOR_HIGHLIGHT2 = 5 -- used to emphasize something CHAT_COMMAND_COLOR_HIGHLIGHT3 = 5 -- used to emphasize something CHAT_COMMAND_COLOR_ERROR = 2 -- used for error messages -- chat command debug settings CHAT_COMMAND_DEBUG = false CHAT_COMMAND_DEBUG_PREFIX = "[lua-chatcommands] " --[[ ===================================== == GLOBAL VARS ===================================== == Do NOT edit these unless you know == exactly what you're doing ===================================== ]]-- -- chat commands global table chatbase_commands = {} chatbase_players = {} chatbase_settings = {} chatbase_defaultcommands = {"help","disablenotify"} --[[ ===================================== == CHAT COMMAND FUNCTIONS ===================================== == ===================================== ]]-- ------------------------------------- -- Setup ------------------------------------- function chatbase_addcommand( command, description, example ) chatbase_debug( "Adding command "..tostring(command).." with desc "..tostring(description).." and example "..tostring(example) ) chatbase_commands[command] = {} chatbase_commands[command].description = description chatbase_commands[command].example = example end function chatbase_addplayersetting( setting, default, description ) chatbase_debug( "Adding setting "..tostring(setting).." with default "..tostring(default).." and desc "..tostring(description) ) chatbase_settings[setting] = {} chatbase_settings[setting].default = default chatbase_settings[setting].description = description end ------------------------------------- -- Utilities ------------------------------------- function chatbase_customcommandsexist() -- check that non-default commands exist chatbase_debug("Checking if custom commands exist") local nondefexist = false for command,values in pairs(chatbase_commands) do local found = false chatbase_debug("Checking command "..tostring(command)) for i,defcommand in pairs(chatbase_defaultcommands) do chatbase_debug(" -> Against default command "..tostring(defcommand)) if defcommand == command then chatbase_debug("Command "..tostring(command).." is default") found = true end end if not found then chatbase_debug("Command "..tostring(command).." is not default") nondefexist = true break; end end chatbase_debug("Custom commands exist: "..tostring(nondefexist)) return nondefexist; end ------------------------------------- -- Notifications ------------------------------------- function chatbase_setupnotify() chatbase_debug("setupnotify called") -- if notifications are completely disabled, return early if CHAT_COMMAND_DISABLE_PERIODIC_NOTIFY then return end chatbase_debug("setupnotify got past disabled check") -- if only default commands exist, then theres no reason to notify if not chatbase_customcommandsexist() then return end chatbase_debug("setupnotify got past custom commands check") -- call a function that will notify anyone that meets the requirements every NOTIFY_PERIOD AddScheduleRepeating( "chatbase_notifyenabled", CHAT_COMMAND_PERIODIC_NOTIFY_PERIOD, chatbase_notifyenabled ) end -- wait 10 seconds to setup notification, just to be safe that all commands are registered AddSchedule("chatbase_setupnotify", 10, chatbase_setupnotify) function chatbase_notifyenabled() chatbase_debug("notifyenabled called") -- if notifications are completely disabled, return early if CHAT_COMMAND_DISABLE_PERIODIC_NOTIFY then return end chatbase_debug("notifyenabled got past disabled check") -- if only default commands exist, then theres no reason to notify if not chatbase_customcommandsexist() then return end chatbase_debug("notifyenabled got past custom commands check") -- notify any players that deserve it for i,v in pairs(chatbase_players) do chatbase_debug("checking player ID "..i) local player = CastToPlayer(v.player) if IsPlayer(player) then chatbase_debug("--> IsPlayer") -- only notify if they havent set their setting to disable notifications if v.settings["disablenotify"] ~= true then chatbase_debug("--> disablenotify not true | REPEAT: "..CHAT_COMMAND_PERIODIC_NOTIFY_REPEAT.." numtimesnotified: "..tostring(v.settings["numtimesnotified"])) -- check repeat type if CHAT_COMMAND_PERIODIC_NOTIFY_REPEAT == 0 and v.settings["numtimesnotified"] == 0 then -- only show once v.settings["numtimesnotified"] = v.settings["numtimesnotified"]+1 chatbase_notifyplayer(player) end if CHAT_COMMAND_PERIODIC_NOTIFY_REPEAT > 0 and v.settings["numtimesnotified"] <= CHAT_COMMAND_PERIODIC_NOTIFY_REPEAT then -- repeat a set number of times v.settings["numtimesnotified"] = v.settings["numtimesnotified"]+1 chatbase_notifyplayer(player) end if CHAT_COMMAND_PERIODIC_NOTIFY_REPEAT < 0 then -- repeat infinitely (var is set to a negative number) v.settings["numtimesnotified"] = v.settings["numtimesnotified"]+1 chatbase_notifyplayer(player) end end end end end function chatbase_notifyplayer(player) if not IsPlayer(player) then chatbase_error("function chatbase_notifyplayer: Notifying a nonplayer"); return; end ChatToPlayer(player, "^"..CHAT_COMMAND_COLOR_MAIN.."Chat commands are enabled for this map. Type "..CHAT_COMMAND_PREFIX.."help to see what is available") end ------------------------------------- -- Player Table Functions ------------------------------------- function chatbase_addplayer(player) if not IsPlayer(player) then chatbase_error("function chatbase_addplayer: Trying to add a nonplayer"); return; end -- add an entry for the player chatbase_players[player:GetId()] = {} chatbase_players[player:GetId()].player = player chatbase_players[player:GetId()].settings = {} for setting,values in pairs(chatbase_settings) do chatbase_players[player:GetId()].settings[setting] = values.default end end function chatbase_removeplayer(player) -- param could be a player or a playerid if tonumber(player) then player = GetPlayerByID(player) end if not IsPlayer(player) then chatbase_error("function chatbase_removeplayer: Trying to remove a nonplayer"); return; end -- clear their entry chatbase_players[player:GetId()] = nil end ------------------------------------- -- Player Settings Functions ------------------------------------- function chatbase_getplayersetting( player, setting ) -- param could be a player or a playerid if tonumber(player) then player = GetPlayerByID(player) end if not IsPlayer(player) then chatbase_error("function chatbase_getplayersetting: Trying to get setting of a nonplayer"); return nil; end if chatbase_players[player:GetId()] ~= nil then return chatbase_players[player:GetId()].settings[setting] else chatbase_error("function chatbase_getplayersetting: Player not found in the table"); return nil end end function chatbase_setplayersetting( player, setting, value ) -- param could be a player or a playerid if tonumber(player) then player = GetPlayerByID(player) end if not IsPlayer(player) then chatbase_error("function chatbase_setplayersetting: Trying to set setting of a nonplayer"); return false; end if chatbase_players[player:GetId()] ~= nil then chatbase_players[player:GetId()].settings[setting] = value; return true else chatbase_error("function chatbase_setplayersetting: Player not found in the table"); return false end end ------------------------------------- -- Debug/Messaging ------------------------------------- function chatbase_error( str ) ConsoleToAll(CHAT_COMMAND_DEBUG_PREFIX.."[ERROR] "..str) end function chatbase_debug( str ) if CHAT_COMMAND_DEBUG then ConsoleToAll(CHAT_COMMAND_DEBUG_PREFIX..str) end end --[[ ===================================== == DEFAULT COMMAND IMPLEMENTATION ===================================== == ===================================== ]]-- chatbase_addcommand( "help", "Display a list of all available commands" ) function chat_help( player ) ChatToPlayer( player, "^"..CHAT_COMMAND_COLOR_MAIN.."Chat Commands:") for command,values in pairs(chatbase_commands) do local command_text = "^"..CHAT_COMMAND_COLOR_HIGHLIGHT1..CHAT_COMMAND_PREFIX..command if values.description ~= nil then command_text = command_text.. " ^"..CHAT_COMMAND_COLOR_MAIN.."- ".."^"..CHAT_COMMAND_COLOR_HIGHLIGHT2..values.description end if values.example ~= nil then command_text = command_text.. " ^"..CHAT_COMMAND_COLOR_MAIN.."(example: "..CHAT_COMMAND_PREFIX..values.example..")" end ChatToPlayer( player, command_text ) end end if not CHAT_COMMAND_DISABLE_PERIODIC_NOTIFY then chatbase_addcommand( "disablenotify", "Disables the periodic notification that chat commands are enabled" ) function chat_disablenotify( player ) chatbase_setplayersetting( player, "disablenotify", true ) ChatToPlayer(player, "^"..CHAT_COMMAND_COLOR_MAIN.."Periodic \"chat commands are enabled\" notifications disabled") end end --[[ ===================================== == DEFAULT SETTING IMPLEMENTATION ===================================== == ===================================== ]]-- chatbase_addplayersetting( "disablenotify", false, "Disables periodic notifications that chat commands are enabled" ) chatbase_addplayersetting( "numtimesnotified", 0, "Number of times the player has been notified that chat commands are enabled" ) --[[ ===================================== == CALLBACKS ===================================== == ===================================== ]]-- -- player_onchat() ---- handle chat commands -- save parent player_onchat local base_player_onchat = player_onchat function player_onchat( player, chatstring ) -- call parent onchat function if it exists if base_player_onchat ~= nil then base_player_onchat(player,chatstring) end local player = CastToPlayer( player ) -- string.gsub call removes all control characters (newlines, return carriages, etc) -- string.sub call removes the playername: part of the string, leaving just the message local message = string.sub( string.gsub( chatstring, "%c", "" ), string.len(player:GetName())+3 ) chatbase_debug("Message: "..message) local prefix = string.sub(message,1,string.len(CHAT_COMMAND_PREFIX)) chatbase_debug("Prefix: "..prefix) -- if the first character of the string doesn't match the prefix, then we don't care about it if prefix ~= CHAT_COMMAND_PREFIX then return true; end -- strip the prefix character message = string.sub( message, 1+string.len(CHAT_COMMAND_PREFIX) ) chatbase_debug("Message: "..message) -- if there is no message at all, return if string.match(message, "%a+") == nil then return true end -- get command and parameters local command = string.lower( string.match(message, "%a+") ) local paramstring = string.sub(message, string.len(command)+2) local params = explode(" ", paramstring) -- loop through all params and convert any numbers to actual numbers for i,param in pairs(params) do -- tonumber() returns nil if it can't convert to a number if tonumber(param) ~= nil then param = tonumber(param) end chatbase_debug(" Param "..i..": "..param) end -- insert the player as the first param always table.insert( params, 1, player ) -- find function to call local func, finderror = findfunction("chat_"..command) if func ~= nil then if CHAT_COMMAND_DEBUG then ConsoleToAll(CHAT_COMMAND_DEBUG_PREFIX.."Function for "..command.." found"); end -- translates to chat_( , , ... ) e.g. chat_help() or chat_set( "varname", 5 ) func(unpack(params)) else ChatToPlayer(player, "^"..CHAT_COMMAND_COLOR_ERROR.."Unexpected error while executing command") chatbase_error("Command function find error for "..command.."("..paramstring.."):".. finderror) return true end if CHAT_COMMAND_HIDECHATSTRING then return false else return true end end -- player_connected() ---- keep track of players -- save parent player_connected local base_player_connected = player_connected function player_connected( player ) -- call parent onchat function if it exists if base_player_connected ~= nil then base_player_connected(player) end local player = CastToPlayer( player ) chatbase_addplayer( player ) end -- player_disconnected() ---- keep track of players -- save parent player_disconnected local base_player_disconnected = player_disconnected function player_disconnected( player ) -- call parent onchat function if it exists if base_player_disconnected ~= nil then base_player_disconnected(player) end local player = CastToPlayer( player ) chatbase_removeplayer( player ) end --[[ ===================================== == HELPERS ===================================== == ===================================== ]]-- -- Find a function with the given string name in the global table function findfunction(x) assert(type(x) == "string") local f=_G for v in x:gmatch("[^%.]+") do if type(f) ~= "table" then return nil, "looking for '"..v.."' expected table, not "..type(f) end f=f[v] end if type(f) == "function" then return f else return nil, "expected function, not "..type(f) end end -- Explode a string by the given divider function explode(div,str) if (div=='') then return false end local pos,arr = 0,{} -- for each divider found for st,sp in function() return string.find(str,div,pos,true) end do table.insert(arr,string.sub(str,pos,st-1)) -- Attach chars left of current divider pos = sp + 1 -- Jump past current divider end table.insert(arr,string.sub(str,pos)) -- Attach chars right of last divider return arr end