-- ff_aardvark.lua ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- number of snipers allowed per team ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- SNIPER_LIMIT = 1; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- includes ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- IncludeScript("base_shutdown"); IncludeScript("base_location"); ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- global overrides ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- POINTS_PER_CAPTURE = 10; FLAG_RETURN_TIME = 60; SECURITY_LENGTH = 30; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- unique aardvark locations ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- location_redspawn = location_info:new({ text = "Respawn", team = Team.kRed }) location_redsec = location_info:new({ text = "Laser Control", team = Team.kRed }) location_redfr = location_info:new({ text = "Flag Room", team = Team.kRed }) location_redgen = location_info:new({ text = "Generator Room", team = Team.kRed }) location_redbasement = location_info:new({ text = "Basement", team = Team.kRed }) location_redwater = location_info:new({ text = "Perilous Passage", team = Team.kRed }) location_redcor = location_info:new({ text = "Utility Corridors", team = Team.kRed }) location_redlift = location_info:new({ text = "Lift", team = Team.kRed }) location_redfd = location_info:new({ text = "Front Door", team = Team.kRed }) location_redramp = location_info:new({ text = "Top Main Ramp", team = Team.kRed }) location_redrampon = location_info:new({ text = "Main Ramp", team = Team.kRed }) location_redhallspawn = location_info:new({ text = "Respawn-Side Hallway", team = Team.kRed }) location_redhallwater = location_info:new({ text = "Lift-Side Hallway", team = Team.kRed }) location_redtoilet = location_info:new({ text = "Toilet", team = Team.kRed }) location_redshame = location_info:new({ text = "Tunnel of Shame", team = Team.kRed }) location_redoven = location_info:new({ text = "OVEN", team = Team.kRed }) location_bluespawn = location_info:new({ text = "Respawn", team = Team.kBlue }) location_bluesec = location_info:new({ text = "Laser Control", team = Team.kBlue }) location_bluefr = location_info:new({ text = "Flag Room", team = Team.kBlue }) location_bluegen = location_info:new({ text = "Generator Room", team = Team.kBlue }) location_bluebasement = location_info:new({ text = "Basement", team = Team.kBlue }) location_bluewater = location_info:new({ text = "Perilous Passage", team = Team.kBlue }) location_bluecor = location_info:new({ text = "Utility Corridors", team = Team.kBlue }) location_bluelift = location_info:new({ text = "Lift", team = Team.kBlue }) location_bluefd = location_info:new({ text = "Front Door", team = Team.kBlue }) location_blueramp = location_info:new({ text = "Top Main Ramp", team = Team.kBlue }) location_bluerampon = location_info:new({ text = "Main Ramp", team = Team.kBlue }) location_bluehallspawn = location_info:new({ text = "Respawn-Side Hallway", team = Team.kBlue }) location_bluehallwater = location_info:new({ text = "Lift-Side Hallway", team = Team.kBlue }) location_bluetoilet = location_info:new({ text = "Toilet", team = Team.kBlue }) location_blueshame = location_info:new({ text = "Tunnel of Shame", team = Team.kBlue }) location_blueoven = location_info:new({ text = "OVEN", team = Team.kBlue }) location_midmap = location_info:new({ text = "Outside", team = NO_TEAM }) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- set class limits ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- local startup_base = startup or function() end function startup() startup_base() local team = GetTeam(Team.kBlue) team:SetClassLimit(Player.kSniper, SNIPER_LIMIT) team = GetTeam(Team.kRed) team:SetClassLimit(Player.kSniper, SNIPER_LIMIT) end ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- custom aardvark packs ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- aardvarkpack = genericbackpack:new({ health = 60, armor = 60, grenades = 400, nails = 400, shells = 400, rockets = 400, cells = 0, gren1 = 1, gren2 = 1, respawntime = 15, model = "models/items/backpack/backpack.mdl", materializesound = "Item.Materialize", touchsound = "Backpack.Touch", botgoaltype = Bot.kBackPack_Ammo }) aardvarkpack_metal = genericbackpack:new({ health = 0, armor = 0, grenades = 400, nails = 400, shells = 400, rockets = 400, cells = 130, respawntime = 6, model = "models/items/backpack/backpack.mdl", materializesound = "Item.Materialize", touchsound = "Backpack.Touch", botgoaltype = Bot.kBackPack_Ammo }) function aardvarkpack:dropatspawn() return false end function aardvarkpack_metal:dropatspawn() return false end ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- backpack entity setup (modified for aardvarkpack) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- function build_backpacks(tf) return healthkit:new({touchflags = tf}), armorkit:new({touchflags = tf}), ammobackpack:new({touchflags = tf}), bigpack:new({touchflags = tf}), grenadebackpack:new({touchflags = tf}), aardvarkpack:new({touchflags = tf}), aardvarkpack_metal:new({touchflags = tf}) end blue_healthkit, blue_armorkit, blue_ammobackpack, blue_bigpack, blue_grenadebackpack, blue_aardvarkpack, blue_aardvarkpack_metal = build_backpacks({AllowFlags.kOnlyPlayers,AllowFlags.kBlue}) red_healthkit, red_armorkit, red_ammobackpack, red_bigpack ,red_grenadebackpack, red_aardvarkpack, red_aardvarkpack_metal = build_backpacks({AllowFlags.kOnlyPlayers,AllowFlags.kRed}) yellow_healthkit, yellow_armorkit, yellow_ammobackpack, yellow_bigpack, yellow_grenadebackpack, yellow_aardvarkpack, yellow_aardvarkpack_metal = build_backpacks({AllowFlags.kOnlyPlayers,AllowFlags.kYellow}) green_healthkit, green_armorkit, green_ammobackpack, green_bigpack, green_grenadebackpack, green_aardvarkpack, green_aardvarkpack_metal = build_backpacks({AllowFlags.kOnlyPlayers,AllowFlags.kGreen}) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- aardvark resupply (bagless) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- aardvarkresup = trigger_ff_script:new({ team = Team.kUnassigned }) function aardvarkresup:ontouch( touch_entity ) if IsPlayer( touch_entity ) then local player = CastToPlayer( touch_entity ) if player:GetTeamId() == self.team then player:AddHealth( 400 ) player:AddArmor( 400 ) player:AddAmmo( Ammo.kNails, 400 ) player:AddAmmo( Ammo.kShells, 400 ) player:AddAmmo( Ammo.kRockets, 400 ) player:AddAmmo( Ammo.kCells, 400 ) end end end blue_aardvarkresup = aardvarkresup:new({ team = Team.kBlue }) red_aardvarkresup = aardvarkresup:new({ team = Team.kRed }) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- aardvark security ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- red_aardvarksec = red_security_trigger:new() blue_aardvarksec = blue_security_trigger:new() local security_off_base = security_off or function() end function security_off( team ) security_off_base( team ) OpenDoor(team.."_aardvarkdoorhack") local opposite_team = team == "red" and "blue" or "red" OutputEvent("sec_"..opposite_team.."_slayer", "Disable") AddSchedule("secup10"..team, SECURITY_LENGTH - 10, function() BroadCastMessage("#FF_"..team:upper().."_SEC_10") end) end local security_on_base = security_on or function() end function security_on( team ) security_on_base( team ) CloseDoor(team.."_aardvarkdoorhack") local opposite_team = team == "red" and "blue" or "red" OutputEvent("sec_"..opposite_team.."_slayer", "Enable") end ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- respawn shields ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- blue_slayer = not_red_trigger:new() red_slayer = not_blue_trigger:new() sec_blue_slayer = not_red_trigger:new() sec_red_slayer = not_blue_trigger:new()