mirror of
synced 2025-02-16 17:12:25 +00:00
Start of movable/resizable HUD elements
* Console command 'hudedit' enables/disables hud editing mode; bind it to a key to make it easy to switch in/out * Resizing/moving is re-using code from Frame.cpp * To allow the HUD viewport to accept mouse input it had to call MakePopup(), a mysterious base engine function that does who knows what; need to see if this has any knock-on effects (I used to sometimes get a semi-transparent background drawn over everything when reconnecting to a server, but haven't recently)
This commit is contained in:
4 changed files with 594 additions and 4 deletions
@ -41,6 +41,13 @@
#include "hl2mptextwindow.h"
SetKeyBoardInputEnabled( false );
SetMouseInputEnabled( false );
void CFF_CL_HudViewport::ApplySchemeSettings( vgui::IScheme *pScheme )
BaseClass::ApplySchemeSettings( pScheme );
@ -50,7 +57,6 @@ void CFF_CL_HudViewport::ApplySchemeSettings( vgui::IScheme *pScheme )
SetPaintBackgroundEnabled( false );
IViewPortPanel* CFF_CL_HudViewport::CreatePanelByName(const char *szPanelName)
IViewPortPanel* newpanel = NULL;
@ -18,6 +18,7 @@ private:
DECLARE_CLASS_SIMPLE( CFF_CL_HudViewport, CBaseViewport );
IViewPortPanel* CreatePanelByName(const char *szPanelName);
void CreateDefaultPanels( void );
@ -6,6 +6,8 @@
#include "iclientmode.h"
#include <vgui/ISurface.h>
#include <vgui/ILocalize.h>
#include <vgui/IInput.h>
#include <vgui_controls/Panel.h>
#include "hud.h"
#include "hud_macros.h"
@ -16,6 +18,8 @@
#include <vgui_controls/AnimationController.h>
#include "baseviewport.h"
#include "ff_cl_hudviewport.h"
#include "luabind/luabind.hpp"
#include "luabind/object.hpp"
@ -30,8 +34,476 @@ using namespace luabind;
// memdbgon must be the last include file in a .cpp file!!!
#include "tier0/memdbgon.h"
static bool g_LuaUI_bEditingEnabled = false;
// number of pixels wide/tall the resizing draggers are when in editing mode
#define DRAGGER_SIZE 8
// number of pixels distance before the frame will snap to an edge
CON_COMMAND(hudedit, "Toggles HUD edit mode")
vgui::Panel *pViewport = g_pClientMode->GetViewport();
CFF_CL_HudViewport *pHudViewport = static_cast<CFF_CL_HudViewport *>(pViewport);
if (!g_LuaUI_bEditingEnabled)
pHudViewport->SetMouseInputEnabled( true );
//pHudViewport->SetKeyBoardInputEnabled( true );
Msg("HUD Editing Mode enabled\n");
g_LuaUI_bEditingEnabled = true;
pHudViewport->SetMouseInputEnabled( false );
//pHudViewport->SetKeyBoardInputEnabled( false );
Msg("HUD Editing Mode disabled\n");
g_LuaUI_bEditingEnabled = false;
Note: GripPanel code taken from vgui::Frame
FF TODO: Move this code elsewhere
// Purpose: Panel to handle dragging/resizing frames
class GripPanel : public Panel
GripPanel(Panel *dragFrame, const char *name, int xdir, int ydir) : Panel(dragFrame, name)
_frame = dragFrame;
_dragging = false;
_dragMultX = xdir;
_dragMultY = ydir;
if (xdir == 1 && ydir == 1)
// bottom-right grip gets an image
SetBlockDragChaining( true );
// Purpose- handle window resizing
// Input- dx, dy, the offet of the mouse pointer from where we started dragging
virtual void moved(int dx, int dy)
// FF
//if (!_frame->IsSizeable())
// return;
// Start off with x, y at the coords of where we started to drag
int newX = _dragOrgPos[0], newY =_dragOrgPos[1];
// Start off with width and tall equal from window when we started to drag
int newWide = _dragOrgSize[0], newTall = _dragOrgSize[1];
// get window's minimum size
int minWide, minTall;
_frame->GetMinimumSize( minWide, minTall);
// Handle width resizing
newWide += (dx * _dragMultX);
// Handle the position of the corner x position
if (_dragMultX == -1)
// only move if we are not at the minimum
// if we are at min we have to force the proper offset (dx)
if (newWide < minWide)
newX += dx; // move window to its new position
// Handle height resizing
newTall += (dy * _dragMultY);
// Handle position of corner y position
if (_dragMultY == -1)
if (newTall < minTall)
newY += dy;
/* FF
if ( _frame->GetClipToParent() )
// If any coordinate is out of range, snap it back
if ( newX < 0 )
newX = 0;
if ( newY < 0 )
newY = 0;
int sx, sy;
surface()->GetScreenSize( sx, sy );
int w, h;
_frame->GetSize( w, h );
if ( newX + w > sx )
newX = sx - w;
if ( newY + h > sy )
newY = sy - h;
// set new position
_frame->SetPos(newX, newY);
// set the new size
// if window is below min size it will automatically pop to min size
_frame->SetSize(newWide, newTall);
void OnCursorMoved(int x, int y)
if (!_dragging)
if (!input()->IsMouseDown(MOUSE_LEFT))
// for some reason we're marked as dragging when the mouse is released
// trigger a release
input()->GetCursorPos(x, y);
moved((x - _dragStart[0]), ( y - _dragStart[1]));
void OnMousePressed(MouseCode code)
if (code == MOUSE_LEFT)
int x,y;
// if a child doesn't have focus, get it for ourselves
VPANEL focus = input()->GetFocus();
if (!focus || !ipanel()->HasParent(focus, _frame->GetVPanel()))
void OnMouseDoublePressed(MouseCode code)
void PaintBackground()
if (!::g_LuaUI_bEditingEnabled) return;
if (_dragMultX != 0 && _dragMultY != 0)
int w,h;
GetSize( w, h );
DrawHollowBox( 0,0,w,h,Color(0,0,255,255),1.0f,1,1 );
void OnMouseReleased(MouseCode code)
_dragging = false;
void OnMouseCaptureLost()
_dragging = false;
Panel *_frame;
int _dragMultX;
int _dragMultY;
bool _dragging;
int _dragOrgPos[2];
int _dragOrgSize[2];
int _dragStart[2];
int m_iSnapRange;
// Purpose: Handles caption grip input for moving dialogs around
class MoveableGripPanel : public GripPanel
MoveableGripPanel(Panel* frame, const char *name) : GripPanel(frame, name, 0, 0)
void PaintBackground()
if (!::g_LuaUI_bEditingEnabled) return;
int w,h;
GetSize( w, h );
DrawHollowBox( 0,0,w,h,Color(0,255,0,255),1.0f,1,1 );
void moved(int dx, int dy)
// FF
//if (!_frame->IsMoveable())
// return;
int newX = _dragOrgPos[0] + dx;
int newY = _dragOrgPos[1] + dy;
if (m_iSnapRange)
// first check docking to desktop
int wx, wy, ww, wt;
surface()->GetWorkspaceBounds(wx, wy, ww, wt);
getInsideSnapPosition(wx, wy, ww, wt, newX, newY);
// now lets check all windows and see if we snap to those
// root panel
VPANEL root = surface()->GetEmbeddedPanel();
// cycle through panels
// look for panels that are visible and are popups that we can dock to
for (int i = 0; i < ipanel()->GetChildCount(root); ++i)
VPANEL child = ipanel()->GetChild(root, i);
tryToDock (child, newX, newY);
/* FF
if ( _frame->GetClipToParent() )
// If any coordinate is out of range, snap it back
if ( newX < 0 )
newX = 0;
if ( newY < 0 )
newY = 0;
int sx, sy;
surface()->GetScreenSize( sx, sy );
int w, h;
_frame->GetSize( w, h );
if ( newX + w > sx )
newX = sx - w;
if ( newY + h > sy )
newY = sy - h;
_frame->SetPos(newX, newY);
void tryToDock(VPANEL window, int &newX, int & newY)
// bail if child is this window
if ( window == _frame->GetVPanel())
int cx, cy, cw, ct;
if ( (ipanel()->IsVisible(window)) && (ipanel()->IsPopup(window)) )
// position
ipanel()->GetAbsPos(window, cx, cy);
// dimensions
ipanel()->GetSize(window, cw, ct);
bool snapped = getOutsideSnapPosition (cx, cy, cw, ct, newX, newY);
if (snapped)
// if we snapped, we're done with this path
// dont try to snap to kids
// check all children
for (int i = 0; i < ipanel()->GetChildCount(window); ++i)
VPANEL child = ipanel()->GetChild(window, i);
tryToDock(child, newX, newY);
// Purpose: To calculate the windows new x,y position if it snaps
// Will snap to the INSIDE of a window (eg desktop sides
// Input: boundX boundY, position of candidate window we are seeing if we snap to
// boundWide, boundTall, width and height of window we are seeing if we snap to
// Output: snapToX, snapToY new coords for window, unchanged if we dont snap
// Returns true if we snapped, false if we did not snap.
bool getInsideSnapPosition(int boundX, int boundY, int boundWide, int boundTall,
int &snapToX, int &snapToY)
int wide, tall;
_frame->GetSize(wide, tall);
Assert (wide > 0);
Assert (tall > 0);
bool snapped=false;
if (abs(snapToX - boundX) < m_iSnapRange)
snapToX = boundX;
else if (abs((snapToX + wide) - (boundX + boundWide)) < m_iSnapRange)
snapToX = boundX + boundWide - wide;
if (abs(snapToY - boundY) < m_iSnapRange)
snapToY = boundY;
else if (abs((snapToY + tall) - (boundY + boundTall)) < m_iSnapRange)
snapToY = boundY + boundTall - tall;
return snapped;
// Purpose: To calculate the windows new x,y position if it snaps
// Will snap to the OUTSIDE edges of a window (i.e. will stick peers together
// Input: left, top, position of candidate window we are seeing if we snap to
// boundWide, boundTall, width and height of window we are seeing if we snap to
// Output: snapToX, snapToY new coords for window, unchanged if we dont snap
// Returns true if we snapped, false if we did not snap.
bool getOutsideSnapPosition(int left, int top, int boundWide, int boundTall,
int &snapToX, int &snapToY)
Assert (boundWide >= 0);
Assert (boundTall >= 0);
bool snapped=false;
int right=left+boundWide;
int bottom=top+boundTall;
int wide, tall;
_frame->GetSize(wide, tall);
Assert (wide > 0);
Assert (tall > 0);
// we now see if we are going to be able to snap to a window side, and not
// just snap to the "open air"
// want to make it so that if any part of the window can dock to the candidate, it will
// is this window horizontally snappable to the candidate
bool horizSnappable=(
// top of window is in range
((snapToY > top) && (snapToY < bottom))
// bottom of window is in range
|| ((snapToY+tall > top) && (snapToY+tall < bottom))
// window is just plain bigger than the window we wanna dock to
|| ((snapToY < top) && (snapToY+tall > bottom)) );
// is this window vertically snappable to the candidate
bool vertSnappable= (
// left of window is in range
((snapToX > left) && (snapToX < right))
// right of window is in range
|| ((snapToX+wide > left) && (snapToX+wide < right))
// window is just plain bigger than the window we wanna dock to
|| ((snapToX < left) && (snapToX+wide > right)) );
// if neither, might as well bail
if ( !(horizSnappable || vertSnappable) )
return false;
//if we're within the snap threshold then snap
if ( (snapToX <= (right+m_iSnapRange)) &&
(snapToX >= (right-m_iSnapRange)) )
if (horizSnappable)
//disallow "open air" snaps
snapToX = right;
else if ((snapToX + wide) >= (left-m_iSnapRange) &&
(snapToX + wide) <= (left+m_iSnapRange))
if (horizSnappable)
snapToX = left-wide;
if ( (snapToY <= (bottom+m_iSnapRange)) &&
(snapToY >= (bottom-m_iSnapRange)) )
if (vertSnappable)
snapToY = bottom;
else if ((snapToY + tall) <= (top+m_iSnapRange) &&
(snapToY + tall) >= (top-m_iSnapRange))
if (vertSnappable)
snapToY = top-tall;
return snapped;
/// this should only be called from Lua
CFF_CL_LuaUI_BasePanel::CFF_CL_LuaUI_BasePanel( lua_State *L, const char *pElementName ) : CHudElement( pElementName ), vgui::Panel(NULL, "HudLuaUIPanel")
CFF_CL_LuaUI_BasePanel::CFF_CL_LuaUI_BasePanel( lua_State *L, const char *pElementName ) : CHudElement( pElementName ), BaseClass(NULL, "HudLuaUIPanel")
Assert( L );
@ -40,6 +512,37 @@ CFF_CL_LuaUI_BasePanel::CFF_CL_LuaUI_BasePanel( lua_State *L, const char *pEleme
SetProportional( true );
SetMouseInputEnabled( true );
// add dragging grips
_extentsGrip = new MoveableGripPanel(this, "luaui_panel_extentsGrip" );
_topGrip = new GripPanel(this, "luaui_panel_topGrip", 0, -1);
_bottomGrip = new GripPanel(this, "luaui_panel_bottomGrip", 0, 1);
_leftGrip = new GripPanel(this, "luaui_panel_leftGrip", -1, 0);
_rightGrip = new GripPanel(this, "luaui_panel_rightGrip", 1, 0);
_topLeftGrip = new GripPanel(this, "luaui_panel_tlGrip", -1, -1);
_topRightGrip = new GripPanel(this, "luaui_panel_trGrip", 1, -1);
_bottomLeftGrip = new GripPanel(this, "luaui_panel_blGrip", -1, 1);
_bottomRightGrip = new GripPanel(this, "luaui_panel_brGrip", 1, 1);
//SetEditingControlsVisible( false );
delete _extentsGrip;
delete _topGrip;
delete _bottomGrip;
delete _leftGrip;
delete _rightGrip;
delete _topLeftGrip;
delete _topRightGrip;
delete _bottomLeftGrip;
delete _bottomRightGrip;
/// from CHudElement
@ -135,6 +638,66 @@ void CFF_CL_LuaUI_BasePanel::Paint()
void CFF_CL_LuaUI_BasePanel::SetEditingControlsVisible( bool bState )
_extentsGrip->SetVisible( bState );
_topGrip->SetVisible( bState );
_leftGrip->SetVisible( bState );
_topLeftGrip->SetVisible( bState );
_topRightGrip->SetVisible( bState );
_bottomLeftGrip->SetVisible( bState );
_bottomGrip->SetVisible( bState );
_rightGrip->SetVisible( bState );
_bottomRightGrip->SetVisible( bState );
/// Reposition child elements when the size of the panel changes
void CFF_CL_LuaUI_BasePanel::PerformLayout()
// chain back
// move everything into place
int wide, tall;
GetSize(wide, tall);
_topGrip->SetBounds(DRAGGER_SIZE, 0, wide - DRAGGER_SIZE, DRAGGER_SIZE);
_leftGrip->SetBounds(0, DRAGGER_SIZE, DRAGGER_SIZE, tall - DRAGGER_SIZE);
_topLeftGrip->SetBounds(0, 0, DRAGGER_SIZE, DRAGGER_SIZE);
_topRightGrip->SetBounds(wide - DRAGGER_SIZE, 0, DRAGGER_SIZE, DRAGGER_SIZE);
_bottomLeftGrip->SetBounds(0, tall - DRAGGER_SIZE, DRAGGER_SIZE, DRAGGER_SIZE);
_bottomRightGrip->SetBounds(wide - DRAGGER_SIZE, tall - DRAGGER_SIZE, DRAGGER_SIZE, DRAGGER_SIZE);
/// Set the cursors for resize grips
void CFF_CL_LuaUI_BasePanel::SetupResizeCursors()
/// Drawtext helper function
void CFF_CL_LuaUI_BasePanel::DrawText( const char *szText, int xpos, int ypos )
@ -4,15 +4,18 @@
#include "hudelement.h"
#include <vgui_controls/Panel.h>
#include "vgui_controls/EditablePanel.h"
#include "luabind/object.hpp"
class CFF_CL_LuaUI_BasePanel : public CHudElement, public vgui::Panel
class CFF_CL_LuaUI_BasePanel : public CHudElement, public vgui::EditablePanel
DECLARE_CLASS_SIMPLE( CFF_CL_LuaUI_BasePanel, vgui::Panel );
DECLARE_CLASS_SIMPLE( CFF_CL_LuaUI_BasePanel, vgui::EditablePanel );
CFF_CL_LuaUI_BasePanel( lua_State *L, const char *pElementName );
// <-- from CHudElement
virtual void Init( void );
virtual void VidInit( void );
@ -22,8 +25,15 @@ public:
// <-- from vgui::Panel
virtual void OnThink();
virtual void Paint();
virtual void PerformLayout();
// --> from vgui::Panel
// --> based on vgui::Frame
virtual void SetupResizeCursors();
// <-- based on vgui::Frame
void SetEditingControlsVisible( bool bState );
void SetProportionalWide( int wide );
void SetProportionalWide( const char *wstr );
void SetProportionalTall( int tall );
@ -38,6 +48,16 @@ public:
luabind::object m_LuaObject;
Panel *_topGrip;
Panel *_bottomGrip;
Panel *_leftGrip;
Panel *_rightGrip;
Panel *_topLeftGrip;
Panel *_topRightGrip;
Panel *_bottomLeftGrip;
Panel *_bottomRightGrip;
Panel *_extentsGrip;
Reference in a new issue