entityDef monster_bigmomma { "spawnclass" "NSMonster" "model" "models/big_mom.mdl" "netname" "Big Momma" "health" "100" "mins" "-16 -16 0" "maxs" "16 16 72" "eye_height" "64" "team" "2" "propdata" "actor_alien" "speed_walk" "0" "speed_run" "292" "attack_ranged_range" "512" "attack_melee_range" "152" "def_attack_melee" "melee_bigmomma" "def_attack_ranged" "ranged_bigmomma_spit" "snd_alert" "BigMomma.Alert" "snd_pain" "BigMomma.Pain" "snd_death" "BigMomma.Die" "snd_precache" "BigMomma.FootstepLeft" "snd_precache" "BigMomma.FootstepRight" "snd_precache" "BigMomma.ChildDie" // She mourns when her children die, who wouldn't? "snd_precache" "BigMomma.Sack" "snd_precache" "monster_bigmomma.scream" "snd_precache" "BigMomma.LaunchMortar" "snd_precache" "BigMomma.Attack" "snd_precache" "BigMomma.AttackHit" "snd_precache" "BigMomma.AttackMiss" "snd_precache" "BigMomma.Birth" // BigMomma.LayHeadcrab seems to be the same? "snd_precache" "NPC_BigMomma.SpitTouch1" "snd_precache" "NPC_BigMomma.SpitHit1" "snd_precache" "NPC_BigMomma.SpitHit2" events { // footsteps 1 "StartSoundDef" "BigMomma.FootstepLeft" 2 "StartSoundDef" "BigMomma.FootstepRight" 3 "StartSoundDef" "BigMomma.FootstepLeft" 4 "StartSoundDef" "BigMomma.FootstepRight" // sfx 5 "StartSoundDef" "BigMomma.Sack" 6 "StartSoundDef" "BigMomma.Die" 14 "StartSoundDef" "monster_bigmomma.scream" 15 "StartSoundDef" "BigMomma.Pain" 16 "StartSoundDef" "BigMomma.Attack" 17 "StartSoundDef" "BigMomma.Birth" // melee attacks 8 "SpawnProjectileDef" "melee_bigmomma" 9 "SpawnProjectileDef" "melee_bigmomma" 10 "SpawnProjectileDef "melee_bigmomma" // ranged attack 11 "SpawnProjectileOffset" "ranged_bigmomma_spit 0 0 180" // spawn offspring 12 "SpawnProjectileDef" "monster_babycrab" // trigger our targets 50 "UseTargets" "" // jump forward 13 "AddVelocity" "200 0 500" } } entityDef melee_bigmomma { "damage" "skill:bullsquid_dmg_bite" "delay" "0.25f" } entityDef ranged_bigmomma_spit { "spawnclass" "NSProjectile" "model" "sprites/mommaspit.spr" "mins" "-16 -16 -16" "mins" "16 16 16" "def_damage" "damage_spitDirect" "health" "0" "velocity" "900" "fuse" "10" "detonate_on_fuse" "0" "detonate_on_death" "0" "detonate_on_world" "1" "detonate_on_actor" "1" "impact_damage_effect" "1" "impact_gib" "0" "trackEnemy" "1" }