@ -349,6 +349,118 @@ TS_View_DrawCustom(player pl){
// For drawing the special effects for one of the weapons.
// Not to be confused with TS_)View_DrawSpecialEffects, that is called straight from rendering,
// and calls this once for sigular weapons, twice for akimbo. Modular to avoid duplicate script.
// So yes, a helper method of a helper method.
// ALSO - does not draw the lighting from a flashlight, this only does the glow effect on the
// viewmodel.
player pl, int thirdperson, BOOL canRenderLaserSight, BOOL canRenderFlashlight, vector posView,
vector angView, vector gunpos, vector angGun, vector shortForwardEndRelative,
vector* recentLaserHitPosVar
const float drawAlpha = 1.0;
const vector lasColor = [1.0, 0, 0];
const vector fsize = [2,2];
const vector fsizeDot = [18,18];
const vector fsizeFlashlightMuzzleGlow = [3, 3];
vector shortForwardEnd;
vector flashPos;
rotatevectorsbyangle( [-0.45, 0.27, 0] );
flashPos = gunpos;
flashPos += v_up * -0.08;
// HACK - for now this will do
if(shortForwardEndRelative.y >= 0){
flashPos += v_right * 0.06;
flashPos += v_right * -0.06;
shortForwardEnd = gunpos;
shortForwardEnd += v_forward * shortForwardEndRelative.x;
shortForwardEnd += v_right * shortForwardEndRelative.y;
shortForwardEnd += v_up * shortForwardEndRelative.z;
traceline(posView, shortForwardEnd, FALSE, pl);
// Is there a clear path from posView to a little away from the gunpos? Required for these
// effects to even be attempted.
// It is then used for trace_endpos
if(trace_fraction >= 1.0){
traceline(shortForwardEnd, shortForwardEnd + v_forward * 1024, MOVE_HITMODEL, pl);
// other places care about this.
if (pl.entnum == player_localentnum && recentLaserHitPosVar != NULL) {
//pl.recentLaserHitPos = trace_endpos;
(*recentLaserHitPosVar) = trace_endpos;
if (!thirdperson) {
// relying on v_ direction globals as set by makevectors(angGun) earlier
R_BeginPolygon("sprites/laserbeam.spr_0.tga", 1, 0);
// Looks like just being offset by -1 in the Y direction for both begin and end vertices is best,
// instead of negatives for the first two and negatives for the last two PolygonVertex calls.
// In that old way, getting close to a wall causes the laser to look like it's going upward.
// Not sure where the idea for that came from to begin with, maybe other places could always add
// in a constant direction and do away with 'fsize'-like things. But low priority for now.
R_PolygonVertex(gunpos + v_right * fsize[0] - v_up * fsize[1], [1,1], lasColor, drawAlpha);
R_PolygonVertex(gunpos - v_right * fsize[0] - v_up * fsize[1], [0,1], lasColor, drawAlpha);
R_PolygonVertex(trace_endpos - v_right * fsize[0] - v_up * fsize[1], [0,0], lasColor, drawAlpha);
R_PolygonVertex(trace_endpos + v_right * fsize[0] - v_up * fsize[1], [1,0], lasColor, drawAlpha);
// The larger laser dot graphic that only players other than the current one see,
// because this still receives calls to draw weapons for other players.
// Not to be confused with the laser dot drawn on the HUD for the local player.
if (pl.entnum != player_localentnum) {
trace_endpos += trace_plane_normal * fsizeDot[0]/6;
R_BeginPolygon("sprites/laserdot.spr_0.tga", 1, 0);
R_PolygonVertex(trace_endpos + v_right * fsizeDot[0] - v_up * fsizeDot[1], [1,1], lasColor, 0.80f);
R_PolygonVertex(trace_endpos - v_right * fsizeDot[0] - v_up * fsizeDot[1], [0,1], lasColor, 0.80f);
R_PolygonVertex(trace_endpos - v_right * fsizeDot[0] + v_up * fsizeDot[1], [0,0], lasColor, 0.80f);
R_PolygonVertex(trace_endpos + v_right * fsizeDot[0] + v_up * fsizeDot[1], [1,0], lasColor, 0.80f);
// Flashlight glow-sprite effect on the viewmodel, does not really involve lighting, that is elsewhere.
// Pretty sure original TS has nothing like this for third person or looking at other players.
//trace_endpos += trace_plane_normal * fsizeDot[0]/6;
R_BeginPolygon("sprites/glow02.spr_0.tga", 1, 0);
R_PolygonVertex(flashPos + v_right * fsizeFlashlightMuzzleGlow[0] - v_up * fsizeFlashlightMuzzleGlow[1], [1,1], [1,1,1], 0.45f);
R_PolygonVertex(flashPos - v_right * fsizeFlashlightMuzzleGlow[0] - v_up * fsizeFlashlightMuzzleGlow[1], [0,1], [1,1,1], 0.45f);
R_PolygonVertex(flashPos - v_right * fsizeFlashlightMuzzleGlow[0] + v_up * fsizeFlashlightMuzzleGlow[1], [0,0], [1,1,1], 0.45f);
R_PolygonVertex(flashPos + v_right * fsizeFlashlightMuzzleGlow[0] + v_up * fsizeFlashlightMuzzleGlow[1], [1,0], [1,1,1], 0.45f);
}// trace pre-check
}// TS_View_DrawSpecialEffects_Weapon
// another helper method
// Draw the lasersight, and flashlight effects
@ -367,12 +479,27 @@ TS_View_DrawExtraEffects(player pl, int thirdperson)
BOOL canRenderFlashlight = FALSE;
BOOL canRenderLaserSight = FALSE;
//player pl = (player)pp;
vector posView;
vector angView;
vector gunpos;
vector gunpos2 = [0,0,0];
vector gunpos_tempEnd;
vector dirGun = [0,0,0];
vector dirGun2 = [0,0,0];
vector angGun = [0,0,0];
vector angGun2 = [0,0,0];
BOOL canDrawAkimboEffects = FALSE;
pl.recentLaserHitPosSet = TRUE;
// BEWARE "view_angles", it is a client global (what a confusing term), meaning it pertains only to THIS
// client (local player), no matter what player is being rendered by this call.
// wait... shouldn't we do the third-person check for the flash-light check above too?
//we're going to use the buyopts of our current weapon + the one actually turned on, yah?
// DEBUG: printouts about the other player.
// Start a server with over 1 max players allowed in one window,
// connect to it in another window. Boom, read printouts.
if(entnum != player_localentnum){
// so other player's "pl.weaponEquippedID" are not sent over to our clientside copies of them... I guess?
@ -381,18 +508,14 @@ TS_View_DrawExtraEffects(player pl, int thirdperson)
if(pl.inventoryEquippedIndex != -1){
weapondynamic_t dynaRef = pl.ary_myWeapons[pl.inventoryEquippedIndex];
if(dynaRef.weaponTypeID == WEAPONDATA_TYPEID_GUN || dynaRef.weaponTypeID == WEAPONDATA_TYPEID_IRONSIGHT){
weapondata_basic_t* basePRef = pl.getEquippedWeaponData();
weapondata_basic_t baseRef = *basePRef;
weapondata_basic_t* baseP = pl.getEquippedWeaponData();
// We must have the flashlight bit on, AND support it on our weapon, AND it be a possibility according to weapon data.
int legalBuyOpts_on = (dynaRef.iBitsUpgrade_on & (dynaRef.iBitsUpgrade & baseRef.iBitsUpgrade));
int legalBuyOpts_on = (dynaRef.iBitsUpgrade_on & (dynaRef.iBitsUpgrade & baseP->iBitsUpgrade));
canRenderFlashlight = TRUE;
@ -400,42 +523,12 @@ TS_View_DrawExtraEffects(player pl, int thirdperson)
canRenderLaserSight = TRUE;
}///END OF _GUN or _IRONSIGHT type checks
}//END OF weaponEquippedID check
vector posView;
vector angView;
//for glock it is 40.
//vector gunpos = gettaginfo(pSeat->eViewModel, 33);
float drawAlpha = 1.0;
const vector lasColor = [1.0, 0, 0];
const vector fsize = [2,2];
const vector fsizeDot = [18,18];
const vector fsizeFlashlightMuzzleGlow = [3, 3];
vector flashPos;
vector gunpos;
vector gunpos2 = [0,0,0];
vector gunpos_tempEnd;
vector dirGun = [0,0,0];
vector dirGun2 = [0,0,0];
vector angGun = [0,0,0];
vector angGun2 = [0,0,0];
// BEWARE "view_angles", it is a client global (what a confusing term), meaning it pertains only to THIS
// client (local player), no matter what player is being rendered by this call.
// wait... shouldn't we do the third-person check for the flash-light check above too?
BOOL canDrawAkimboLaser = FALSE;
pl.recentLaserHitPosSet = TRUE;
}// _GUN or _IRONSIGHT type checks
}// weaponEquippedID check
//canRenderLaserSight = TRUE;
//canRenderFlashlight = TRUE;
// TAGGG - QUESTION: Is it better to use the bool "thirdperson"
@ -458,7 +551,13 @@ TS_View_DrawExtraEffects(player pl, int thirdperson)
//posView = getproperty(VF_ORIGIN) + [0,0,-8];
//angView = getproperty(VF_CL_VIEWANGLES);
posView = pSeat->m_vecPredictedOrigin + [0,0,-8];
//posView = pSeat->m_vecPredictedOrigin + [0,0,-8];
// Why not just that then, why the minus 8? We want positions exactly to start where
// the viewOFS is.
posView = pSeat->m_vecPredictedOrigin + pl.view_ofs;
angView = view_angles;
angView = view_angles;
// CHECK: is "getproperty(VF_CL_VIEWANGLES)" always the same as "view_angles"?
@ -478,7 +577,7 @@ TS_View_DrawExtraEffects(player pl, int thirdperson)
canDrawAkimboLaser = TRUE;
canDrawAkimboEffects = TRUE;
gunpos = gettaginfo(pSeat->m_eViewModel, pSeat->m_iVMBones + 0i);
gunpos_tempEnd = gettaginfo(pSeat->m_eViewModel, pSeat->m_iVMBones + 1i);
@ -509,15 +608,9 @@ TS_View_DrawExtraEffects(player pl, int thirdperson)
pl.recentLaserDistanceDisplay = (int)(vlen(trace_endpos - posView) / 40 );
// DEBUG!!!
//canRenderLaserSight = TRUE;
//canRenderFlashlight = TRUE;
// Draw the flashlight lighting here, it is only done once regardless of akimbo-ness after all.
// oh wait a comment above already said that
// HOWEVER... in TS flashlights have a range limit. Up to so far they have max brightness,
// In TS flashlights have a range limit. Up to so far they have max brightness,
// then it lowers with a bit of range, then it's nothing.
@ -541,9 +634,9 @@ TS_View_DrawExtraEffects(player pl, int thirdperson)
if(trace_fraction == 1.0){
// too far, no light at all
flashlightBrightnessFactor = 0;
}if(traceDist >= flashlightRangeMax - rangeDimPriorStart){
}else if(traceDist >= flashlightRangeMax - rangeDimPriorStart){
//the flashlight gets dimmer the further it is at this point.
// rangeDimPriorStart from the end: max bright still.
// very end: 0% bright.
@ -558,12 +651,12 @@ TS_View_DrawExtraEffects(player pl, int thirdperson)
dynamiclight_set(p, LFIELD_ANGLES, angView);
dynamiclight_set(p, LFIELD_FLAGS, 3);
}//END OF brightness check
}// brightness check
}//END OF "flashlight is on" criteria
}// flashlight-on check
if(canRenderLaserSight || canRenderFlashlight){
//pSeat->m_eViewModel.renderflags = RF_DEPTHHACK;
@ -571,182 +664,17 @@ TS_View_DrawExtraEffects(player pl, int thirdperson)
// return;
//rotatevectorsbyangle( [-0.42, 0.75, 0] );
//rotatevectorsbyangle( [-0.52, 0.85, 0] );
rotatevectorsbyangle( [-0.45, 0.27, 0] );
flashPos = gunpos + v_up * -0.08 + v_right * 0.06;
vector shortForwardEnd = gunpos;
shortForwardEnd += v_forward * -1;
shortForwardEnd += v_up * (0.22); //why is this 'up'??
shortForwardEnd += v_right * (0.35); //why is this 'up'??
//makevectors(m_vecAngle); really now
//makevectors(input_angles); //maybe this if we need to do this.
// v_up * 2. or.. 1.6, for size [3,3] at least.
// for size [5,5], we need v_up*3, v_right*2. I DONT KNOW.
// for size [2, 2], we want v_up*5, v_right*5. Go figure that one out.
// Keep in mind, the global vectors (v_up, etc.) are set to the orientation of the recently received
// viewmodel attachment (gettaginfo above). Don't 'makevectors' at all to simply rely on that.
// ...unfortunately the orientation we get back is not great either. oh well.
// NEW TEST. Can we even get a straight line from the player's center to the gunpos?
traceline(posView, shortForwardEnd, FALSE, pl);
if(trace_fraction >= 1.0){
traceline(shortForwardEnd, shortForwardEnd + v_forward * 1024, MOVE_HITMODEL, pl);
// other places care about this.
if (pl.entnum == player_localentnum) {
pl.recentLaserHitPos = trace_endpos;
// In original TS, the 'laster' does not render for the local player if they are
// in thirdperson to see their own playermodel. I... don't really understand that,
// feels like a mistake. The lasers from other players are visible.
// Lasers only for not in 3rd person and local player.
// Could work for the third-person model or other players if there were a way to determine
// the muzzle-end point for player models. Unsure if that is possible.
// To see it in third-person anyway, just change the "!thirdperson" condition below
// to "TRUE"; always do it. There is no separate place that does only first-person lasers
// to worry about being redundant with.
// Note the laser will try to face the direction the player model is, which may not
// necessarily be where the player is looking, although that same issue would come up
// with firing anyway; you would look like you're firing sideways anyway, this would be
// just as "off".
if (!thirdperson) {
//makevectors(view_angles); //??? it seems we do not need this perhaps...
// IN SHORT, we're riding the prior "makevectors(angGun);".
R_BeginPolygon("sprites/laserbeam.spr_0.tga", 1, 0);
R_PolygonVertex(gunpos + v_right * fsize[0] - v_up * fsize[1], [1,1], lasColor, drawAlpha);
R_PolygonVertex(gunpos - v_right * fsize[0] - v_up * fsize[1], [0,1], lasColor, drawAlpha);
R_PolygonVertex(trace_endpos - v_right * fsize[0] + v_up * fsize[1], [0,0], lasColor, drawAlpha);
R_PolygonVertex(trace_endpos + v_right * fsize[0] + v_up * fsize[1], [1,0], lasColor, drawAlpha);
// Draw the laser sprite effect at where the laser is hitting, but ONLY for every other player
// except this one. That's because, for the local player, we already are drawing the laserdot
// projected onto the screen in the HUD logic.
if (pl.entnum != player_localentnum) {
trace_endpos += trace_plane_normal * fsizeDot[0]/6;
R_BeginPolygon("sprites/laserdot.spr_0.tga", 1, 0);
R_PolygonVertex(trace_endpos + v_right * fsizeDot[0] - v_up * fsizeDot[1], [1,1], lasColor, 0.80f);
R_PolygonVertex(trace_endpos - v_right * fsizeDot[0] - v_up * fsizeDot[1], [0,1], lasColor, 0.80f);
R_PolygonVertex(trace_endpos - v_right * fsizeDot[0] + v_up * fsizeDot[1], [0,0], lasColor, 0.80f);
R_PolygonVertex(trace_endpos + v_right * fsizeDot[0] + v_up * fsizeDot[1], [1,0], lasColor, 0.80f);
}//END OF canRenderLaserSight
// glow effect on top of the gun muzzle while the flashlight is on?
//trace_endpos += trace_plane_normal * fsizeDot[0]/6;
R_BeginPolygon("sprites/glow02.spr_0.tga", 1, 0);
R_PolygonVertex(flashPos + v_right * fsizeFlashlightMuzzleGlow[0] - v_up * fsizeFlashlightMuzzleGlow[1], [1,1], [1,1,1], 0.45f);
R_PolygonVertex(flashPos - v_right * fsizeFlashlightMuzzleGlow[0] - v_up * fsizeFlashlightMuzzleGlow[1], [0,1], [1,1,1], 0.45f);
R_PolygonVertex(flashPos - v_right * fsizeFlashlightMuzzleGlow[0] + v_up * fsizeFlashlightMuzzleGlow[1], [0,0], [1,1,1], 0.45f);
R_PolygonVertex(flashPos + v_right * fsizeFlashlightMuzzleGlow[0] + v_up * fsizeFlashlightMuzzleGlow[1], [1,0], [1,1,1], 0.45f);
}//END OF trace pre-check
// Singular form.
TS_View_DrawSpecialEffects_Weapon(pl, thirdperson, canRenderLaserSight, canRenderFlashlight, posView, angView, gunpos, angGun, [-1, 0.35, 0.22], &pl.recentLaserHitPos);
// This requires the current weapon to be akimbo, player is in first person,
// and the local player is being rendered.
// test for the 2nd gun's laser too then.
// makevectors(theDir);
rotatevectorsbyangle( [-0.45, 0.27, 0] );
//gunpos2 += v_forward * -18;
flashPos = gunpos2 + v_up * -0.08 + v_right * 0.06;
shortForwardEnd = gunpos2;
shortForwardEnd += v_forward * -1;
shortForwardEnd += v_up * (0.22); //why is this 'up'??
shortForwardEnd += -v_right * (0.35); //why is this 'up'??
traceline(posView, shortForwardEnd, FALSE, pl);
if(trace_fraction >= 1.0){
traceline(shortForwardEnd, shortForwardEnd + v_forward * 1024, MOVE_HITMODEL, pl);
// other places care about this.
if (pl.entnum == player_localentnum) {
pl.recentLaserHitPos2 = trace_endpos;
if (!thirdperson) {
// ONLY render the polygon
// makevectors(view_angles); //??? it seems we do not need this perhaps...
// IN SHORT, we're riding the prior "makevectors(angGun2);".
R_BeginPolygon("sprites/laserbeam.spr_0.tga", 1, 0);
R_PolygonVertex(gunpos2 + v_right * fsize[0] - v_up * fsize[1], [1,1], lasColor, drawAlpha);
R_PolygonVertex(gunpos2 - v_right * fsize[0] - v_up * fsize[1], [0,1], lasColor, drawAlpha);
R_PolygonVertex(trace_endpos - v_right * fsize[0] + v_up * fsize[1], [0,0], lasColor, drawAlpha);
R_PolygonVertex(trace_endpos + v_right * fsize[0] + v_up * fsize[1], [1,0], lasColor, drawAlpha);
if (pl.entnum != player_localentnum) {
trace_endpos += trace_plane_normal * fsizeDot[0]/6;
R_BeginPolygon("sprites/laserdot.spr_0.tga", 1, 0);
R_PolygonVertex(trace_endpos + v_right * fsizeDot[0] - v_up * fsizeDot[1], [1,1], lasColor, 0.80f);
R_PolygonVertex(trace_endpos - v_right * fsizeDot[0] - v_up * fsizeDot[1], [0,1], lasColor, 0.80f);
R_PolygonVertex(trace_endpos - v_right * fsizeDot[0] + v_up * fsizeDot[1], [0,0], lasColor, 0.80f);
R_PolygonVertex(trace_endpos + v_right * fsizeDot[0] + v_up * fsizeDot[1], [1,0], lasColor, 0.80f);
//trace_endpos += trace_plane_normal * fsizeDot[0]/6;
R_BeginPolygon("sprites/glow02.spr_0.tga", 1, 0);
R_PolygonVertex(flashPos + v_right * fsizeFlashlightMuzzleGlow[0] - v_up * fsizeFlashlightMuzzleGlow[1], [1,1], [1,1,1], 0.45f);
R_PolygonVertex(flashPos - v_right * fsizeFlashlightMuzzleGlow[0] - v_up * fsizeFlashlightMuzzleGlow[1], [0,1], [1,1,1], 0.45f);
R_PolygonVertex(flashPos - v_right * fsizeFlashlightMuzzleGlow[0] + v_up * fsizeFlashlightMuzzleGlow[1], [0,0], [1,1,1], 0.45f);
R_PolygonVertex(flashPos + v_right * fsizeFlashlightMuzzleGlow[0] + v_up * fsizeFlashlightMuzzleGlow[1], [1,0], [1,1,1], 0.45f);
}//END OF trace pre-check
// How about akimbo too if wanted, first-person only. 3rd person akimbo is not portrayed.
// also, this condition is the same as, if(!thirdperson && pl.weaponEquippedAkimbo)
// Do the 2nd weapon's effects too
TS_View_DrawSpecialEffects_Weapon(pl, thirdperson, canRenderLaserSight, canRenderFlashlight, posView, angView, gunpos2, angGun2, [-1, -0.35, 0.22], &pl.recentLaserHitPos2);
}//END OF akimbo check
@ -759,12 +687,12 @@ TS_View_DrawExtraEffects(player pl, int thirdperson)
pl.recentLaserHitPosSet = FALSE;
}//END OF canRenderLaserSight || canRenderFlashlight
}// canRenderLaserSight || canRenderFlashlight
//TAGGG - NEW. Similar to Nuclide's provided "View_SetMuzzleflash", but also acts
// NEW. Similar to Nuclide's provided "View_SetMuzzleflash", but also acts
// as though the first frame were an event by doing the same lines as a 5000-ish
// event. This is because TS weapons don't have events for the muzzle flash
// unlike HL ones, must be hardcoded to show up.
@ -804,8 +732,6 @@ TS_View_ShowMuzzleflash(int index, int akimboChoice)
//var int oldZoomLevel = 0;
//TAGGG - loaned from The Wastes.
void TS_View_HandleZoom(void)
@ -825,7 +751,7 @@ void TS_View_HandleZoom(void)
//printfline("WHATS GOING ON %.2f %.2f %.2f %.2f %.2f", pl.flZoomEnd, pl.flZoomTarget, pl.flZoomStart, pl.flZoomLerp, pl.flZoomCurrent);
//TAGGG - no other codebase refers to STAT_VIEWZOOM, best to replace anything
// - No other codebase refers to STAT_VIEWZOOM, best to replace anything
// involving that.
// in case of some unexpected change.