/* * Copyright (c) 2016-2020 Marco Cawthorne * Copyright (c) 2022 Gethyn ThomasQuail * * Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software for any * purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above * copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" AND THE AUTHOR DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES * WITH REGARD TO THIS SOFTWARE INCLUDING ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF * MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR * ANY SPECIAL, DIRECT, INDIRECT, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OR ANY DAMAGES * WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM LOSS OF MIND, USE, DATA OR PROFITS, WHETHER * IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, NEGLIGENCE OR OTHER TORTIOUS ACTION, ARISING * OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR PERFORMANCE OF THIS SOFTWARE. */ enum { WRENCH_IDLE, WRENCH_ATTACK1, WRENCH_ATTACK2, WRENCH_USE, WRENCH_DRAW, WRENCH_HOLSTER }; void w_wrench_precache(void) { precache_sound("weapons/cbar_miss1.wav"); precache_sound("weapons/cbar_hit1.wav"); precache_sound("weapons/cbar_hit2.wav"); precache_sound("weapons/cbar_hitbod1.wav"); precache_sound("weapons/cbar_hitbod2.wav"); precache_sound("weapons/cbar_hitbod3.wav"); precache_model("models/v_tfc_spanner.mdl"); precache_model("models/p_spanner.mdl"); } void w_wrench_updateammo(player pl) { Weapons_UpdateAmmo(pl, __NULL__, pl.m_iAmmoCells, __NULL__); } string w_wrench_wmodel(void) { return "models/ball.mdl"; } string w_wrench_pmodel(player pl) { return "models/p_spanner.mdl"; } string w_wrench_deathmsg(void) { return "%s was assaulted by %s's wrench."; } void w_wrench_draw(player pl) { Weapons_SetModel("models/v_tfc_spanner.mdl"); Weapons_ViewAnimation(pl, WRENCH_DRAW); } void w_wrench_holster(player pl) { Weapons_ViewAnimation(pl, WRENCH_HOLSTER); } void w_wrench_primary(player pl) { int anim = 0; vector src; if (pl.w_attack_next) { return; } Weapons_MakeVectors(pl); src = pl.origin + pl.view_ofs; traceline(src, src + (v_forward * 32), FALSE, pl); int r = (float)input_sequence % 2; switch (r) { case 0: anim = WRENCH_ATTACK1; break; default: anim = WRENCH_ATTACK2; } Weapons_ViewAnimation(pl, anim); if (trace_fraction < 1.0) { pl.w_attack_next = 0.25f; } else { pl.w_attack_next = 0.5f; } pl.w_idle_next = 2.5f; #ifdef SERVER if (pl.flags & FL_CROUCHING) { Animation_PlayerTop(pl, ANIM_SHOOTCROWBAR, 0.5f); } else { Animation_PlayerTop(pl, ANIM_CR_SHOOTCROWBAR, 0.42f); } sound(pl, CHAN_WEAPON, "weapons/cbar_miss1.wav", 1, ATTN_NORM); if (trace_fraction >= 1.0) { return; } if (trace_ent.classname == "TFCSentry") { TFCSentry sentry = (TFCSentry)trace_ent; /* todo } else if (trace_ent.classname == "TFCDispenser") { TFCDispenser dispenser = (TFCDispenser)trace_ent; todo } else if (trace_ent.classname == "TFCTeleporter") { TFCTeleporter teleporter = (TFCTeleporter)trace_ent; todo } else if (trace_ent.classname == "TFCTeleporterExit") { TFCTeleporterExit teleporterexit = (TFCTeleporterExit)trace_ent; todo */ } else { /* don't bother with decals, we got squibs */ if (trace_ent.iBleeds) { FX_Blood(trace_endpos, [1,0,0]); } else { FX_Impact(IMPACT_MELEE, trace_endpos, trace_plane_normal); } /* Damage without armor is between 12 - 20, so let's just do 15 for now */ if (trace_ent.takedamage) { Damage_Apply(trace_ent, pl, Skill_GetValue("plr_wrench", 15), WEAPON_WRENCH, DMG_BLUNT); if (trace_ent.iBleeds) { Sound_Play(self, CHAN_WEAPON, "weapon_crowbar.hitbody"); } } else { Sound_Play(self, CHAN_WEAPON, "weapon_crowbar.hit"); } } #endif } void w_wrench_release(player pl) { if (pl.w_idle_next) { return; } Weapons_ViewAnimation(pl, WRENCH_IDLE); pl.w_idle_next = 15.0f; } void w_wrench_crosshair(player pl) { #ifdef CLIENT vector aicon_pos; aicon_pos = g_hudmins + [g_hudres[0] - 48, g_hudres[1] - 42]; drawsubpic( aicon_pos, [24,24], g_hud7_spr, [0,96/128], [24/256,24/128], g_hud_color, pSeatLocal->m_flAmmo2Alpha, DRAWFLAG_ADDITIVE ); HUD_DrawAmmo2(); #endif } float w_wrench_aimanim(player pl) { return self.flags & FL_CROUCHING ? ANIM_CR_AIMCROWBAR : ANIM_AIMCROWBAR; } void w_wrench_hudpic(player pl, int selected, vector pos, float a) { #ifdef CLIENT if (selected) { drawsubpic( pos, [170,45], g_tfchud4_spr, [0,180/256], [170/256,45/256], g_hud_color, a, DRAWFLAG_ADDITIVE ); } else { drawsubpic( pos, [170,45], g_tfchud3_spr, [0,135/256], [170/256,45/256], g_hud_color, a, DRAWFLAG_ADDITIVE ); } HUD_DrawAmmoBar(pos, pl.m_iAmmoCells, MAX_A_CELLS, a); #endif } weapon_t w_wrench = { .name = "wrench", .id = ITEM_WRENCH, .slot = 0, .slot_pos = 3, .draw = w_wrench_draw, .holster = w_wrench_holster, .primary = w_wrench_primary, .secondary = __NULL__, .reload = __NULL__, .release = w_wrench_release, .postdraw = w_wrench_crosshair, .precache = w_wrench_precache, .pickup = __NULL__, .updateammo = w_wrench_updateammo, .wmodel = w_wrench_wmodel, .pmodel = w_wrench_pmodel, .deathmsg = w_wrench_deathmsg, .aimanim = w_wrench_aimanim, .hudpic = w_wrench_hudpic };