Move HL2 fully to decls

This commit is contained in:
Xylemon 2024-08-31 20:37:03 -07:00
parent 15bcd52b34
commit 177f423675
48 changed files with 1076 additions and 282 deletions

View file

@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
#include "ammo/base.def"
#include "ammo/buckshot.def"
#include "ammo/357.def"
#include "ammo/9mmAR.def"
#include "ammo/9mmbox.def"
#include "ammo/rpgclip.def"
#include "ammo/ARgrenades.def"
#include "ammo/9mmclip.def"
#include "ammo/crossbow.def"
#include "ammo/gaussclip.def"
// these have to be defined by the game.
entityDef ammo_types {
"ammo_none" "0"
"ammo_9mm" "1"
"ammo_357" "2"
"ammo_buckshot" "3"
"ammo_bolt" "4"
"ammo_rocket" "5"
"ammo_uranium" "6"
"ammo_handgrenade" "7"
"ammo_satchel" "8"
"ammo_tripmine" "9"
"ammo_snark" "10"
"ammo_hornet" "11"
"ammo_m203_grenade" "12"
entityDef ammo_names {
"ammo_none" "None"
"ammo_9mm" "9mm Bullets"
"ammo_357" ".357 Bullets"
"ammo_buckshot" "Buckshot Shells"
"ammo_bolt" "Bolts"
"ammo_rocket" "Rockets"
"ammo_uranium" "Uranium"
"ammo_handgrenade" "Hand Grenades"
"ammo_satchel" "Satchel Charge"
"ammo_tripmine" "Tripmines"
"ammo_snark" "Squeak Grenades"
"ammo_hornet" "Hornets"
"ammo_m203_grenade" "M203 Grenades"
entityDef ammo_max {
"ammo_none" "0"
"ammo_9mm" "250"
"ammo_357" "36"
"ammo_buckshot" "125"
"ammo_bolt" "50"
"ammo_rocket" "5"
"ammo_uranium" "100"
"ammo_handgrenade" "10"
"ammo_satchel" "5"
"ammo_tripmine" "10"
"ammo_snark" "10"
"ammo_hornet" "8"
"ammo_m203_grenade" "10"

View file

@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
entityDef ammo_357
"inherit" "ammo_base"
"model" "models/w_357ammobox.mdl"
"inv_ammo_357" "6"

View file

@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
entityDef ammo_9mmAR
"inherit" "ammo_base"
"model" "models/w_9mmarclip.mdl"
"inv_ammo_9mm" "50"

View file

@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
entityDef ammo_9mmbox
"inherit" "ammo_base"
"model" "models/w_chainammo.mdl"
"inv_ammo_9mm" "200"

View file

@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
entityDef ammo_9mmclip
"inherit" "ammo_base"
"model" "models/w_9mmclip.mdl"
"inv_ammo_9mm" "17"

View file

@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
entityDef ammo_ARgrenades
"inherit" "ammo_base"
"model" "models/w_argrenade.mdl"
"inv_ammo_m203_grenade" "2"

View file

@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
entityDef ammo_base
"spawnclass" "NSItem"
"snd_acquire" "ammo.pickup"
"snd_respawn" "ammo.respawn"
"mins" "-16 -16 0"
"maxs" "16 16 16"

View file

@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
entityDef ammo_buckshot
"inherit" "ammo_base"
"model" "models/w_shotbox.mdl"
"inv_ammo_buckshot" "12"

View file

@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
entityDef ammo_crossbow
"inherit" "ammo_base"
"model" "models/w_crossbow_clip.mdl"
"inv_ammo_bolt" "5"

View file

@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
entityDef ammo_gaussclip
"inherit" "ammo_base"
"model" "models/w_gaussammo.mdl"
"inv_ammo_uranium" "20"

View file

@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
entityDef ammo_rpgclip
"inherit" "ammo_base"
"model" "models/w_rpgammo.mdl"
"inv_ammo_rocket" "1"

View file

@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
#include "npc/alyx.def"
#include "npc/barney.def"
#include "npc/gman.def"
#include "npc/zombie.def"

View file

@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
entityDef player
"spawnclass" "HLPlayer"
"health" "100"
"maxarmor" "100"
"bleeds" "1"
"propdata" "actor_human"
"armorProtection" "0.2"
"armorBonus" "0.5"
entityDef player_mp
"inherit" "player"
"ammo_9mm" "44"
"item" "item_suit"
"weapon" "weapon_crowbar,weapon_pistol"
"current_weapon" "1"

View file

@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
#include weapons/crowbar.def
#include weapons/gravitygun.def
#include weapons/pistol.def
#include weapons/357.def
#include weapons/smg1.def
#include weapons/ar2.def
#include weapons/shotgun.def
#include weapons/crossbow.def
#include weapons/frag.def
#include weapons/rpg.def
#include weapons/bugbait.def
#include weapons/stunstick.def
#include weapons/slam.def

View file

@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
entityDef weapon_357
"editor_color" ".3 .3 1"
"editor_mins" "-16 -16 -16"
"editor_maxs" "16 16 16"
"editor_usage" "#HL2_357Handgun"
"editor_rotatable" "1"
"spawnclass" "HLWeapon"
"model" "models/weapons/w_357.mdl"
"model_view" "models/weapons/v_357.mdl"
"snd_acquire" "weapon.pickup"
"snd_respawn" "item.respawn"
// weapon specific
"def_fireInfo" "fireInfo_357"
"inv_name" "#HL2_357Handgun"
"clipSize" "6"
"actFire" "1"
"actHolster" "4"
"actReload" "3"
"actDraw" "2"
"actIdle" "0"
"snd_fire" "Weapon_357.Single"
"snd_empty" "Weapon_Pistol.Empty"
// HLWeapon specific
"hudSlot" "1"
"hudSlotPos" "1"
"weight" "7"
entityDef projectile_357
"inherit" "projectile_bullet_base"
"damage" "skill:plr_357_bullet"
entityDef fireInfo_357
"def_onFire" "projectile_357"
"ammoType" "ammo_357"
"ammoRequired" "1"
"ammoPerShot" "1"
"fireRate" ".75"
"punchAngle" "-10 0 0"
"model_flash" "sprites/muzzleflash2.spr"

View file

@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
entityDef weapon_annabelle
"editor_color" ".3 .3 1"
"editor_mins" "-16 -16 -16"
"editor_maxs" "16 16 16"
"editor_usage" "#HL2_Annabelle"
"editor_rotatable" "1"
"spawnclass" "HLWeapon"
"model" "models/weapons/w_annabelle.mdl"
"model_view" "models/weapons/v_shotgun.mdl"
"snd_acquire" "weapon.pickup"
"snd_respawn" "item.respawn"
// weapon specific
"def_fireInfo" "fireInfo_shotgun"
"def_altFireInfo" "fireInfo_altShotgun"
"inv_name" "#HL2_Annabelle"
"clipSize" "6"
"ammoType" "ammo_buckshot"
"ammoRequired" "1"
"actPump" "8"
"actHolster" "4"
"actReloadStart" "5"
"actReload" "6"
"actReloadEnd" "7"
"actDraw" "3"
"actIdle" "0"
"snd_empty" "Weapon_Shotgun.Empty"
// "snd_reload" "Weapon_Shotgun.Reload"
// HLWeapon specific
"hudSlot" "3"
"hudSlotPos" "1"
"weight" "4"

View file

@ -0,0 +1,102 @@
entityDef weapon_ar2
"editor_color" ".3 .3 1"
"editor_mins" "-16 -16 -16"
"editor_maxs" "16 16 16"
"editor_usage" "#HL2_Pulse_Rifle"
"editor_rotatable" "1"
"spawnclass" "HLWeapon"
"model" "models/weapons/w_irifle.mdl"
"model_view" "models/weapons/v_irifle.mdl"
"snd_acquire" "weapon.pickup"
"snd_respawn" "item.respawn"
// weapon specific
"def_fireInfo" "fireInfo_ar2"
"def_altFireInfo" "fireInfo_ar2Alt"
"inv_name" "#HL2_Pulse_Rifle"
"clipSize" "30"
"actHolster" "8"
"actReload" "6"
"actDraw" "7"
"actIdle" "0"
"snd_empty" "Weapon_IRifle.Empty"
// HLWeapon specific
"hudSlot" "2"
"hudSlotPos" "1"
"weight" "5"
entityDef projectile_ar2
"inherit" "projectile_bullet_base"
"damage" "skill:plr_ar2_bullet"
entityDef projectile_combineBall
"spawnclass" "NSProjectile"
"model" "models/rpgrocket.mdl"
"def_damage" "damage_rocketDirect"
"def_splash_damage" "damage_rocketSplash"
"bounce" "1"
"velocity" "2500"
"angular_velocity" "0 0 200"
"fuse" "10"
"detonate_on_fuse" "0"
"detonate_on_death" "1"
"detonate_on_world" "0"
"detonate_on_actor" "0"
"impact_damage_effect" "1"
"impact_gib" "1"
"thrust" "2000"
"thrust_start" "0.1"
"thrust_end" "2"
"smoke_fly" "weapon_rpg.trail"
"decal_detonate" "ExplosionScorch"
"model_detonate" "fx_explosion.main"
"light_color" "1 0.8 0.4"
"light_radius" "160"
"light_offset" "0 0 0"
"explode_light_color" "2 1.6 0.8"
"explode_light_radius" "320"
"explode_light_fadetime" "0.5"
"snd_explode" "fx.explosion"
entityDef fireInfo_ar2
"def_onFire" "projectile_ar2"
"ammoType" "ammo_ar2"
"ammoRequired" "1"
"ammoPerShot" "1"
"fireRate" ".45"
"punchAngle" "-10 0 0"
"model_flash" "sprites/muzzleflash2.spr"
"actFire" "1,2,3,4"
"snd_fire" "Weapon_AR2.Single"
entityDef fireInfo_ar2Alt
"def_onFire" "projectile_combineBall"
"ammoType" "ammo_ar2Alt"
"ammoRequired" "1"
"ammoPerShot" "1"
"fireRate" ".45"
"punchAngle" "-10 0 0"
"model_flash" "sprites/muzzleflash2.spr"
"actFireEnd" "5"
"actFire" "12"
"snd_fire" "Weapon_CombineGuard.Special1"

View file

@ -0,0 +1,77 @@
entityDef weapon_bugbait
"editor_color" ".3 .3 1"
"editor_mins" "-16 -16 -16"
"editor_maxs" "16 16 16"
"editor_usage" "#HL2_Bugbait"
"editor_rotatable" "1"
"spawnclass" "HLWeapon"
"model" "models/w_bugbait.mdl"
"model_view" "models/v_bugbait.mdl"
"snd_acquire" "dmc_weapon.pickup"
"snd_respawn" "dmc_item.respawn"
"spin" "1"
// weapon specific
"def_fireInfo" "fireInfo_bugbait"
"def_altFireInfo" "fireInfo_bugbaitAlt"
"inv_name" "#HL2_Bugbait"
"ammoType" "ammo_bugbait"
"inv_ammo_rockets" "5"
"ammoRequired" "1"
"ammoPerShot" "1"
"actIdle" "2"
"actDraw" "3"
"actHolster" "4"
"snd_fire" ""
"snd_empty" "weapon.empty"
// HLWeapon specific
"hudSlot" "5"
"hudSlotPos" "0"
"weight" "25"
entityDef fireInfo_bugbait
"def_onFire" "projectile_bugbait"
"fireRate" "1.5"
"actFire" "1"
entityDef fireInfo_bugbaitAlt
// "def_onFire" "projectile_bugbait" TODO Follow
"fireRate" "1.0"
"actFire" "5"
entityDef projectile_bugbait
"spawnclass" "NSProjectile"
"model" "models/w_bugbait.mdl"
"offset" "24 0 -8"
"velocity" "600 0 200"
"angular_velocity" "300 300 300"
"fuse" "20"
"bounce" "1"
"detonate_on_fuse" "1"
"detonate_on_death" "0"
"detonate_on_world" "1"
"detonate_on_actor" "1"
"impact_damage_effect" "1"
"impact_gib" "1"
"decal_detonate" "ExplosionScorch"
"model_detonate" "fx_explosion.main"
"explode_light_color" "2 1.6 0.8"
"explode_light_radius" "320"
"explode_light_fadetime" "0.5"
"snd_explode" "weapon_grenadelauncher.explode"
"snd_bounce" "weapon_grenadelauncher.bounce"

View file

@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
entityDef weapon_citizenpackage
"editor_color" ".3 .3 1"
"editor_mins" "-16 -16 0"
"editor_maxs" "16 16 32"
"editor_usage" "Citizen Package"
"editor_rotatable" "1"
"spawnclass" "NSItem"
"model" "models/weapons/w_package.mdl"
"inv_item" "Citizen Package"

View file

@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
entityDef weapon_citizensuitcase
"editor_color" ".3 .3 1"
"editor_mins" "-16 -16 0"
"editor_maxs" "16 16 32"
"editor_usage" "Citizen Suitcase"
"editor_rotatable" "1"
"spawnclass" "NSItem"
"model" "models/weapons/w_suitcase_passenger.mdl"
"inv_item" "Citizen Suitcase"

View file

@ -0,0 +1,79 @@
entityDef weapon_crossbow
"editor_color" ".3 .3 1"
"editor_mins" "-16 -16 -16"
"editor_maxs" "16 16 16"
"editor_usage" "#HL2_Crossbow"
"editor_rotatable" "1"
"spawnclass" "HLWeapon"
"model" "models/weapons/w_crossbow.mdl"
"model_view" "models/weapons/v_crossbow.mdl"
"snd_acquire" "weapon.pickup"
"snd_respawn" "item.respawn"
// weapon specific
"def_fireInfo" "fireInfo_crossbow"
"inv_name" "#HL2_Crossbow"
"clipSize" "5"
"actFire" "3"
"actFireLast" "6"
"actHolster" "5"
"actReload" "4"
"actDraw" "2"
"actIdle" "0"
"actIdleEmpty" "1"
"snd_fire" "Weapon_Crossbow.Single"
"snd_reload" "Weapon_Crossbow.Reload"
// HLWeapon specific
"hudSlot" "3"
"hudSlotPos" "1"
"weight" "6"
"zoomFov" "18"
entityDef fireInfo_crossbow
"def_onFire" "projectile_bolt"
"ammoType" "ammo_bolt"
"ammoRequired" "1"
"ammoPerShot" "1"
"fireRate" "2.0"
"punchAngle" "-2 0 0"
entityDef debris_bolt
"spawnclass" "NSProjectile"
"model" "models/crossbow_bolt.mdl"
entityDef projectile_bolt
"spawnclass" "NSProjectile"
"model" "models/crossbow_bolt.mdl"
"velocity" "2000 0 0"
"angular_velocity" "0 0 20"
"mins" "0 0 0"
"maxs" "0 0 0"
"bounce" "1"
"def_damage" "damage_boltDirect"
"model_detonate" "fx_spark.main"
"snd_explode" "Weapon_Crossbow.BoltElectrify"
"detonate_on_fuse" "0"
"detonate_on_death" "1"
"detonate_on_world" "1"
"detonate_on_actor" "1"
"projectile_debris" "debris_bolt"
"debris_count" "1"
"debris_stick" "1"
"debris_offset" "-16 0 0"
entityDef damage_boltDirect
"damage" "skill:plr_xbow_bolt"

View file

@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
entityDef weapon_crowbar
"editor_color" ".3 .3 1"
"editor_mins" "-16 -16 -16"
"editor_maxs" "16 16 16"
"editor_usage" "#HL2_Crowbar"
"editor_rotatable" "1"
"spawnclass" "HLWeapon"
"model" "models/weapons/w_crowbar.mdl"
"model_view" "models/weapons/v_crowbar.mdl"
"snd_acquire" "weapon.pickup"
"snd_respawn" "item.respawn"
// weapon specific
"def_melee" "damage_crowbar"
"melee_distance" "32"
"inv_name" "#HL2_Crowbar"
"clipSize" "6"
"ammoType" ""
"ammoRequired" "0"
"clipSize" "0"
"silent_fire" "1"
"meleeRateMiss" "0.5"
"meleeRateHit" "0.25"
"actIdle" "0"
"actDraw" "1"
"actHolster" "8"
"actMeleeMiss" "2,3"
"actMeleeHit" "4,5,6,7"
// HLWeapon specific
"hudSlot" "0"
"hudSlotPos" "0"
"weight" "0"
"crosshair" "none"
"ammoIcon" "none"
entityDef damage_crowbar
"damage" "skill:plr_crowbar"
"gib" "1"
"snd_hit" "Weapon_Crowbar.Melee_HitWorld"
"snd_hitFlesh" "Weapon_Crowbar.Melee_Hit"
"snd_miss" "Weapon_Crowbar.Single"

View file

@ -0,0 +1,66 @@
entityDef weapon_frag
"editor_color" ".3 .3 1"
"editor_mins" "-16 -16 -16"
"editor_maxs" "16 16 16"
"editor_usage" "#HL2_Grenade"
"editor_rotatable" "1"
"spawnclass" "HLWeapon"
"model" "models/items/grenadeAmmo.mdl"
"model_view" "models/weapons/v_grenade.mdl"
"snd_acquire" "weapon.pickup"
"snd_respawn" "item.respawn"
"inv_name" "#HL2_Grenade"
"inv_weapon" "weapon_grenade"
"inv_ammo_grenade" "5"
"def_onRelease" "projectile_grenade"
"def_explode_inhand" "env_grenade_explodeinhand"
"def_damage_inhand" "damage_grenadeSplash"
"ammoType" "ammo_grenade"
"ammoRequired" "1"
"silent_fire" "1"
"primed_fuse" "4"
"removeOnEmpty" "1"
"actIdle" "0,1"
"actDraw" "7"
"actHolster" "6"
"actFire" "2"
"actRelease" "3,4,5"
// HLWeapon specific
"hudSlot" "4"
"hudSlotPos" "0"
"weight" "1"
"crosshair" "none"
entityDef projectile_frag
"spawnclass" "NSProjectile"
"model" "models/items/grenadeAmmo.mdl"
"frame" "1"
"fuse" "4"
"detonate_on_fuse" "1"
"bounce" "1"
"angular_velocity" "-350 0 0"
"model_detonate" "fx_explosion.main"
"snd_explode" "BaseGrenade.Explode"
"snd_bounce" "WeaponFrag.Roll"
"def_damage" "damage_grenadeDirect"
"def_splash_damage" "damage_grenadeSplash"
entityDef damage_grenadeDirect
"damage" "1"
entityDef damage_grenadeSplash
"damage" "skill:plr_dmg_grenade"
"radius" "250"

View file

@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
entityDef weapon_physcannon
"editor_color" ".3 .3 1"
"editor_mins" "-16 -16 -16"
"editor_maxs" "16 16 16"
"editor_usage" "#HL2_GravityGun"
"editor_rotatable" "1"
"spawnclass" "HLWeapon"
"model" "models/weapons/w_physcannon.mdl"
"model_view" "models/weapons/v_physcannon.mdl"
"snd_acquire" "weapon.pickup"
"snd_respawn" "item.respawn"
// weapon specific
"def_fireInfo" "fireInfo_physcannon"
"def_altFireInfo" "fireInfo_physcannonAlt"
"inv_name" "#HL2_GravityGun"
"actDraw" "4"
"actHolster" "5"
"actIdle" "2"
"snd_empty" "Weapon_PhysCannon.DryFire"
// HLWeapon specific
"hudSlot" "0"
"hudSlotPos" "1"
"weight" "0"
entityDef damage_physcannonDirect
"damage" "50"
entityDef fireInfo_physcannon
// "def_onFire" "projectile_smg1"
"fireRate" "0.7"
"punchAngle" "-10 0 0"
"model_flash" "sprites/muzzleflash2.spr"
"actFire" "6"
"snd_fire" "Weapon_PhysCannon.Launch"
entityDef fireInfo_physcannonAlt
// "def_onFire" "projectile_ARgrneade"
"fireRate" "1.0"
"punchAngle" "-10 0 0"
"model_flash" "sprites/muzzleflash2.spr"
"actFire" "5"
"actFireLoop" "3"
"snd_fire" "Weapon_PhysCannon.Pickup"

View file

@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
entityDef weapon_pistol
"editor_color" ".3 .3 1"
"editor_mins" "-16 -16 -16"
"editor_maxs" "16 16 16"
"editor_usage" "#HL2_Pistol"
"editor_rotatable" "1"
"spawnclass" "HLWeapon"
"model" "models/weapons/w_pistol.mdl"
"model_view" "models/weapons/v_pistol.mdl"
"snd_acquire" "weapon.pickup"
"snd_respawn" "item.respawn"
// weapon specific
"def_fireInfo" "fireInfo_pistol"
"inv_name" "#HL2_Pistol"
"clipSize" "18"
"actFire" "2,3,4,5"
"actFireEmpty" "6"
"actHolster" "10"
"actHolsterEmpty" "11"
"actReload" "9"
"actDraw" "7"
"actDrawEmpty" "8"
"actIdle" "0"
"actIdleEmpty" "1"
"snd_fire" "Weapon_Pistol.Single"
"snd_empty" "Weapon_Pistol.Empty"
// HLWeapon specific
"hudSlot" "1"
"hudSlotPos" "0"
"weight" "2"
entityDef projectile_pistol
"inherit" "projectile_bullet_base"
"damage" "skill:plr_pistol_bullet"
entityDef fireInfo_pistol
"def_onFire" "projectile_pistol"
"ammoType" "ammo_pistol"
"ammoRequired" "1"
"ammoPerShot" "1"
"fireRate" ".25"
"punchAngle" "-10 0 0"
"model_flash" "sprites/muzzleflash2.spr"

View file

@ -3,20 +3,41 @@ entityDef weapon_rpg
"editor_color" ".3 .3 1"
"editor_mins" "-16 -16 -16"
"editor_maxs" "16 16 16"
"editor_usage" "Crowbar"
"editor_usage" "#HL2_RPG"
"editor_rotatable" "1"
"spawnclass" "NSItem"
"model" "models/weapons/w_rocket_launcher.mdl"
"inv_item" "$WEAPON_RPG"
"snd_acquire" "weapon.pickup"
"snd_respawn" "item.respawn"
"spawnclass" "HLWeapon"
"model" "models/weapons/w_rocket_launcher.mdl"
"model_view" "models/weapons/v_rpg.mdl"
"snd_acquire" "weapon.pickup"
"snd_respawn" "item.respawn"
"inv_name" "#HL2_RPG"
"def_fireInfo" "fireInfo_rpg_homing"
"def_altFireInfo" "fireInfo_rpg"
"ammoType" "ammo_rocket"
"clipSize" "1"
"ammoRequired" "1"
"ammoPerShot" "1"
"inv_ammo_rocket" "2"
"fireRate" "2.5"
"actIdle" "0"
"actDraw" "1"
"actFire" "2"
"actReload" "3"
// HLWeapon specific
"hudSlot" "4"
"hudSlotPos" "1"
"weight" "0"
"altLaser" "1"
entityDef projectile_rocket
"spawnclass" "NSProjectile"
"model" "models/weapons/w_missile.mdl"
"model" "models/weapons/w_missile_launch.mdl"
"def_damage" "damage_rocketDirect"
"def_splash_damage" "damage_rocketSplash"

View file

@ -0,0 +1,79 @@
entityDef weapon_shotgun
"editor_color" ".3 .3 1"
"editor_mins" "-16 -16 -16"
"editor_maxs" "16 16 16"
"editor_usage" "#HL2_Shotgun"
"editor_rotatable" "1"
"spawnclass" "HLWeapon"
"model" "models/weapons/w_shotgun.mdl"
"model_view" "models/weapons/v_shotgun.mdl"
"snd_acquire" "weapon.pickup"
"snd_respawn" "item.respawn"
// weapon specific
"def_fireInfo" "fireInfo_shotgun"
"def_altFireInfo" "fireInfo_altShotgun"
"inv_name" "#HL2_Shotgun"
"clipSize" "6"
"ammoType" "ammo_buckshot"
"ammoRequired" "1"
"actPump" "8"
"actHolster" "4"
"actReloadStart" "5"
"actReload" "6"
"actReloadEnd" "7"
"actDraw" "3"
"actIdle" "0"
"snd_empty" "Weapon_Shotgun.Empty"
// "snd_reload" "Weapon_Shotgun.Reload"
// HLWeapon specific
"hudSlot" "3"
"hudSlotPos" "0"
"weight" "4"
entityDef projectile_shotgun
"inherit" "projectile_bullet_base"
"damage" "skill:plr_buckshot"
"hitscans" "12"
"spread" "0.08716 0.08716"
entityDef projectile_shotgun_alt
"inherit" "projectile_bullet_base"
"damage" "skill:plr_buckshot"
"hitscans" "24"
"spread" "0.08716 0.08716"
entityDef fireInfo_shotgun
"def_onFire" "projectile_shotgun"
"ammoPerShot" "1"
"fireRate" "0.75"
"actFire" "1"
"actFireStop" "8"
"punchAngle" "-5 0 0"
"model_flash" "sprites/muzzleflash2.spr"
"snd_fire" "Weapon_Shotgun.Single"
entityDef fireInfo_altShotgun
"def_onFire" "projectile_shotgun_alt"
"ammoPerShot" "2"
"fireRate" "1.5"
"actFire" "2"
"actFireStop" "8"
"punchAngle" "-10 0 0"
"model_flash" "sprites/muzzleflash2.spr"
"snd_fire" "Weapon_Shotgun.Double"

View file

@ -0,0 +1,66 @@
entityDef weapon_slam
"editor_color" ".3 .3 1"
"editor_mins" "-16 -16 -16"
"editor_maxs" "16 16 16"
"editor_usage" "Crowbar"
"editor_rotatable" "1"
"spawnclass" "HLWeapon"
"model" "models/weapons/w_slam.mdl"
"model_view" "models/weapons/v_slam.mdl"
"snd_acquire" "weapon.pickup"
"snd_respawn" "item.respawn"
"ammoType" "ammo_slam"
"inv_ammo_slam" "1"
"ammoRequired" "1"
"def_onFire" "projectile_slam"
"detonateOnFire" "projectile_slam"
// "def_plant" "monster_tripmine" TODO
"fireRate" "1.0"
"removeOnEmpty" "1"
"actIdle" "0,1"
"actDraw" "2"
"actFire" "3"
"snd_fire" "Weapon_SLAM.SatchelThrow"
// "snd_plant" "TripmineGrenade.Place" TODO
// "snd_detonate" "Weapon_SLAM.SatchelDetonate TODO
// HLWeapon specific
"hudSlot" "4"
"hudSlotPos" "1"
"weight" "-20"
"crosshair" "none"
entityDef projectile_slam
"spawnclass" "NSProjectile"
"model" "models/weapons/w_slam.mdl"
"velocity" "274 0 0"
"angular_velocity" "0 400 0"
"friction" "0.8"
"gravity" "0.5"
"bounce" "1"
"frame" "1"
"mins" "-1 -1 -4"
"maxs" "1 1 4"
"snd_bounce" "BaseGrenade.BounceSound"
"inherit_velocity" "1"
"def_splash_damage" "damage_satchelExplosion"
"model_detonate" "fx_explosion.main"
"snd_explode" "BaseGrenade.Explode"
entityDef damage_satchelExplosion
"damage" "skill:plr_dmg_slam"
"radius" "375"

View file

@ -0,0 +1,98 @@
entityDef weapon_smg1
"editor_color" ".3 .3 1"
"editor_mins" "-16 -16 -16"
"editor_maxs" "16 16 16"
"editor_usage" "#HL2_SMG1"
"editor_rotatable" "1"
"spawnclass" "HLWeapon"
"model" "models/weapons/w_smg1.mdl"
"model_view" "models/weapons/v_smg1.mdl"
"snd_acquire" "weapon.pickup"
"snd_respawn" "item.respawn"
// weapon specific
"def_fireInfo" "fireInfo_smg1"
"def_altFireInfo" "fireInfo_smg1Alt"
"inv_name" "#HL2_SMG1"
"clipSize" "45"
"actReload" "7"
"actDraw" "6"
"actIdle" "0"
"snd_empty" "Weapon_SMG1.Empty"
// HLWeapon specific
"hudSlot" "2"
"hudSlotPos" "0"
"weight" "3"
entityDef projectile_ARgrenade
"spawnclass" "NSProjectile"
"model" "models/items/ar2_grenade.mdl"
"offset" "16 0 0"
"velocity" "800 0 0"
"angular_velocity" "-300 0 0"
"gravity" "0.5"
"bounce" "1"
"mins" "0 0 0"
"maxs" "0 0 0"
"detonate_on_fuse" "0"
"detonate_on_death" "1"
"detonate_on_world" "1"
"detonate_on_actor" "1"
"snd_explode" "BaseExplosionEffect.Sound"
"model_detonate" "fx_explosion.main"
"def_damage" "damage_ARgrneadeDirect"
"def_splash_damage" "damage_ARgrneadeSplash"
entityDef damage_ARgrneadeDirect
"damage" "50"
entityDef damage_ARgrneadeSplash
"damage" "skill:plr_smg1_grenade"
"radius" "160"
entityDef projectile_smg1
"inherit" "projectile_bullet_base"
"damage" "skill:plr_smg1_bullet"
entityDef fireInfo_smg1
"def_onFire" "projectile_smg1"
"ammoType" "ammo_smg1"
"ammoRequired" "1"
"ammoPerShot" "1"
"fireRate" "0.1"
"punchAngle" "-10 0 0"
"model_flash" "sprites/muzzleflash2.spr"
"actFire" "1,2,3,4"
"snd_fire" "Weapon_SMG1.Single"
entityDef fireInfo_smg1Alt
"def_onFire" "projectile_ARgrneade"
"ammoType" "ammo_smg1_grenade"
"ammoRequired" "1"
"ammoPerShot" "1"
"fireRate" "1.0"
"punchAngle" "-10 0 0"
"model_flash" "sprites/muzzleflash2.spr"
"actFire" "5"
"snd_fire" "Weapon_SMG1.Special1"

View file

@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
entityDef weapon_stunstick
"editor_color" ".3 .3 1"
"editor_mins" "-16 -16 -16"
"editor_maxs" "16 16 16"
"editor_usage" "#HL2_StunBaton"
"editor_rotatable" "1"
"spawnclass" "HLWeapon"
"model" "models/weapons/w_stunbaton.mdl"
"model_view" "models/weapons/v_stunbaton.mdl"
"snd_acquire" "weapon.pickup"
"snd_respawn" "item.respawn"
// weapon specific
"def_melee" "damage_stunstick"
"melee_distance" "32"
"inv_name" "#HL2_StunBaton"
"clipSize" "6"
"ammoType" ""
"ammoRequired" "0"
"clipSize" "0"
"silent_fire" "1"
"meleeRateMiss" "0.5"
"meleeRateHit" "0.25"
"actIdle" "0"
"actDraw" "1"
"actMeleeMiss" "3"
"actMeleeHit" "2"
// HLWeapon specific
"hudSlot" "0"
"hudSlotPos" "3"
"weight" "0"
"crosshair" "none"
"ammoIcon" "none"
entityDef damage_stunstick
"damage" "skill:plr_stunstick"
"gib" "1"
"snd_hit" "Weapon_StunStick.Melee_HitWorld"
"snd_hitFlesh" "Weapon_StunStick.Melee_Hit"
"snd_miss" "Weapon_StunStick.Melee_Missg"
// "snd_miss" "Weapon_StunStick.Swing"

View file

@ -1,4 +0,0 @@
include "npcs/alyx.def"
include "npcs/barney.def"
include "npcs/gman.def"
include "npcs/zombie.def"

View file

@ -1,13 +0,0 @@
include weapons/crowbar.def
include weapons/gravitygun.def
include weapons/pistol.def
include weapons/357.def
include weapons/smg1.def
include weapons/ar2.def
include weapons/shotgun.def
include weapons/crossbow.def
include weapons/frag.def
include weapons/rpg.def
include weapons/bugbait.def
include weapons/stunstick.def
include weapons/slam.def

View file

@ -1,14 +0,0 @@
entityDef weapon_357
"editor_color" ".3 .3 1"
"editor_mins" "-16 -16 -16"
"editor_maxs" "16 16 16"
"editor_usage" "Crowbar"
"editor_rotatable" "1"
"spawnclass" "NSItem"
"model" "models/weapons/w_357.mdl"
"inv_item" "$WEAPON_357"
"snd_acquire" "weapon.pickup"
"snd_respawn" "item.respawn"

View file

@ -1,14 +0,0 @@
entityDef weapon_ar2
"editor_color" ".3 .3 1"
"editor_mins" "-16 -16 -16"
"editor_maxs" "16 16 16"
"editor_usage" "Crowbar"
"editor_rotatable" "1"
"spawnclass" "NSItem"
"model" "models/weapons/w_irifle.mdl"
"inv_item" "$WEAPON_AR2"
"snd_acquire" "weapon.pickup"
"snd_respawn" "item.respawn"

View file

@ -1,14 +0,0 @@
entityDef weapon_bugbait
"editor_color" ".3 .3 1"
"editor_mins" "-16 -16 -16"
"editor_maxs" "16 16 16"
"editor_usage" "Crowbar"
"editor_rotatable" "1"
"spawnclass" "NSItem"
"model" "models/weapons/w_bugbait.mdl"
"inv_item" "$WEAPON_BUGBAIT"
"snd_acquire" "weapon.pickup"
"snd_respawn" "item.respawn"

View file

@ -1,14 +0,0 @@
entityDef weapon_crossbow
"editor_color" ".3 .3 1"
"editor_mins" "-16 -16 -16"
"editor_maxs" "16 16 16"
"editor_usage" "Crowbar"
"editor_rotatable" "1"
"spawnclass" "NSItem"
"model" "models/weapons/w_crossbow.mdl"
"inv_item" "$WEAPON_CROSSBOW"
"snd_acquire" "weapon.pickup"
"snd_respawn" "item.respawn"

View file

@ -1,14 +0,0 @@
entityDef weapon_crowbar
"editor_color" ".3 .3 1"
"editor_mins" "-16 -16 -16"
"editor_maxs" "16 16 16"
"editor_usage" "Crowbar"
"editor_rotatable" "1"
"spawnclass" "NSItem"
"model" "models/weapons/w_crowbar.mdl"
"inv_item" "$WEAPON_CROWBAR"
"snd_acquire" "weapon.pickup"
"snd_respawn" "item.respawn"

View file

@ -1,42 +0,0 @@
entityDef weapon_frag
"editor_color" ".3 .3 1"
"editor_mins" "-16 -16 -16"
"editor_maxs" "16 16 16"
"editor_usage" "Crowbar"
"editor_rotatable" "1"
"spawnclass" "NSItem"
"model" "models/weapons/w_grenade.mdl"
"inv_item" "$WEAPON_FRAG"
"snd_acquire" "weapon.pickup"
"snd_respawn" "item.respawn"
entityDef projectile_frag
"spawnclass" "NSProjectile"
"model" "models/weapons/w_grenade.mdl"
"frame" "1"
"fuse" "4"
"detonate_on_fuse" "1"
"bounce" "1"
"angular_velocity" "-350 0 0"
"model_detonate" "fx_explosion.main"
"snd_explode" "fx.explosion"
"snd_bounce" "weapon_handgrenade.bounce"
"def_damage" "damage_handgrenadeDirect"
"def_splash_damage" "damage_handgrenadeSplash"
entityDef damage_handgrenadeDirect
"damage" "1"
entityDef damage_handgrenadeSplash
"damage" "skill:plr_dmg_fraggrenade"
"radius" "250"

View file

@ -1,14 +0,0 @@
entityDef weapon_physcannon
"editor_color" ".3 .3 1"
"editor_mins" "-16 -16 -16"
"editor_maxs" "16 16 16"
"editor_usage" "Crowbar"
"editor_rotatable" "1"
"spawnclass" "NSItem"
"model" "models/weapons/w_physics.mdl"
"snd_acquire" "weapon.pickup"
"snd_respawn" "item.respawn"

View file

@ -1,14 +0,0 @@
entityDef weapon_pistol
"editor_color" ".3 .3 1"
"editor_mins" "-16 -16 -16"
"editor_maxs" "16 16 16"
"editor_usage" "Crowbar"
"editor_rotatable" "1"
"spawnclass" "NSItem"
"model" "models/weapons/w_pistol.mdl"
"inv_item" "$WEAPON_PISTOL"
"snd_acquire" "weapon.pickup"
"snd_respawn" "item.respawn"

View file

@ -1,14 +0,0 @@
entityDef weapon_shotgun
"editor_color" ".3 .3 1"
"editor_mins" "-16 -16 -16"
"editor_maxs" "16 16 16"
"editor_usage" "Crowbar"
"editor_rotatable" "1"
"spawnclass" "NSItem"
"model" "models/weapons/w_shotgun.mdl"
"inv_item" "$WEAPON_SHOTGUN"
"snd_acquire" "weapon.pickup"
"snd_respawn" "item.respawn"

View file

@ -1,42 +0,0 @@
entityDef weapon_slam
"editor_color" ".3 .3 1"
"editor_mins" "-16 -16 -16"
"editor_maxs" "16 16 16"
"editor_usage" "Crowbar"
"editor_rotatable" "1"
"spawnclass" "NSItem"
"model" "models/weapons/w_slam.mdl"
"inv_item" "$WEAPON_SLAM"
"snd_acquire" "weapon.pickup"
"snd_respawn" "item.respawn"
entityDef projectile_slam
"spawnclass" "NSProjectile"
"model" "models/weapons/w_slam.mdl"
"velocity" "274 0 0"
"angular_velocity" "0 400 0"
"friction" "0.8"
"gravity" "0.5"
"bounce" "1"
"frame" "1"
"mins" "-1 -1 -4"
"maxs" "1 1 4"
"snd_bounce" "weapon_satchel.bounce"
"inherit_velocity" "1"
"def_splash_damage" "damage_satchelExplosion"
"model_detonate" "fx_explosion.main"
"snd_explode" "fx.explosion"
entityDef damage_satchelExplosion
"damage" "skill:plr_dmg_slam"
"radius" "375"

View file

@ -1,48 +0,0 @@
entityDef weapon_smg1
"editor_color" ".3 .3 1"
"editor_mins" "-16 -16 -16"
"editor_maxs" "16 16 16"
"editor_usage" "Crowbar"
"editor_rotatable" "1"
"spawnclass" "NSItem"
"model" "models/weapons/w_smg1.mdl"
"inv_item" "$WEAPON_SMG1"
"snd_acquire" "weapon.pickup"
"snd_respawn" "item.respawn"
entityDef projectile_ARgrenade
"spawnclass" "NSProjectile"
"model" "models/weapons/ar2_grenade.mdl"
"offset" "16 0 0"
"velocity" "800 0 0"
"angular_velocity" "-300 0 0"
"gravity" "0.5"
"bounce" "1"
"mins" "0 0 0"
"maxs" "0 0 0"
"detonate_on_fuse" "0"
"detonate_on_death" "1"
"detonate_on_world" "1"
"detonate_on_actor" "1"
"snd_explode" "BaseExplosionEffect.Sound"
"model_detonate" "fx_explosion.main"
"def_damage" "damage_ARgrneadeDirect"
"def_splash_damage" "damage_ARgrneadeSplash"
entityDef damage_ARgrneadeDirect
"damage" "50"
entityDef damage_ARgrneadeSplash
"damage" "skill:plr_9mmAR_grenade"
"radius" "160"

View file

@ -1,14 +0,0 @@
entityDef weapon_stunstick
"editor_color" ".3 .3 1"
"editor_mins" "-16 -16 -16"
"editor_maxs" "16 16 16"
"editor_usage" "Crowbar"
"editor_rotatable" "1"
"spawnclass" "NSItem"
"model" "models/weapons/w_stunstick.mdl"
"inv_item" "$WEAPON_STUNSTICK"
"snd_acquire" "weapon.pickup"
"snd_respawn" "item.respawn"