
80 lines
980 B

// black bits
r_part main
type ball
texture ball
tcoords 1 65 31 95 256 8 32
scale 4
count 9
scalefactor 1
alpha 1
die 0.8
rgb 25 25 25
spawnmode ball
spawnorg 1
spawnvel 100
randomvel 100
gravity 400
r_part +main
type decal
texture ball
tcoords 0 0 0.125 1 1 8 0.125
rgbf 1 1 1
scale 12 12
die 30 60
orgwrand 6 6 6
rotationstart -180 180
// sparks
r_part +main
type texturedspark
texture ball
tcoords 1 65 31 95 256 8 32
scale 1
count 2
scalefactor 1
alpha 0.5
die 0.4
rgb 255 180 30
blend add
spawnmode ball
spawnvel 50
randomvel 50
veladd 200
gravity 600
// emitter for our bullet hole dust
r_part +main
step 4
die 0.5 1
type beam
emit dustparts
emitinterval 0.1
// black bits falling out of the bullet hole
r_part dustparts
type ball
texture ball
tcoords 1 65 31 95 256 8 32
scale 2
count 2
scalefactor 1
alpha 1
die 2 4
rgb 32 32 32
spawnmode ball
spawnorg 1
randomvel 10
veladd 50
gravity 800