
161 lines
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gravity well
Written by Matt Houser
an Evolve project
$frame cubelf01 cubelf02 cubelf03 cubelf04 cubelf05 cubelf06 cubelf07 cubelf08
$frame cubelf09 cubelf10 cubelf11 cubelf12 cubelf13 cubelf14 cubelf15 cubelf16
$frame cubelf17 cubelf18 cubelf19 cubelf20
void() gravity_touch =
// try to gib whatever touched the gravity centre
if (other.takedamage && other.health > 0)
// sound
T_Damage(other, self, self.owner, 5000);
void() gravity_pull =
local entity e;
local float d;
local vector org;
local float gPercent;
local float gDist = 960; // range of the weapon
local float gPower = 512; // ideal speed of pull
if (time > self.attack_finished)
// turn off bright light
if (self.effects & EF_BRIGHTLIGHT)
self.effects = self.effects - EF_BRIGHTLIGHT;
// do an explosion
T_RadiusDamage(self, self.owner, 80, world);
WriteCoord (MSG_BROADCAST, self.origin_x);
WriteCoord (MSG_BROADCAST, self.origin_y);
WriteCoord (MSG_BROADCAST, self.origin_z);
org = (self.absmin + self.absmax) * 0.5;
e = findradius(self.origin, gDist);
while (e)
if (visible(e))
if (e.classname != "gravity") // don't yank on any other gravity wells
if(e.classname != "beartrap")
//if (e != self.owner)
if(e.movetype != MOVETYPE_NONE) // anything that can move
if(e.movetype != MOVETYPE_PUSH)
if(e.movetype != MOVETYPE_NOCLIP)
d = vlen(e.origin - org);
if (e.flags & FL_ONGROUND)
// raise the object a bit
setorigin(e, e.origin + '0 0 1');
e.flags = e.flags - FL_ONGROUND;
gPercent = 1 - (d / gDist);
// modify the velocity
e.velocity = e.velocity + normalize(self.origin - e.origin) * gPower * gPercent;
e = e.chain;
void() gravity_pulse1 = [ $cubelf01, gravity_pulse2 ] { gravity_pull(); };
void() gravity_pulse2 = [ $cubelf02, gravity_pulse3 ] { gravity_pull(); };
void() gravity_pulse3 = [ $cubelf03, gravity_pulse4 ] { gravity_pull(); };
void() gravity_pulse4 = [ $cubelf04, gravity_pulse5 ] { gravity_pull(); };
void() gravity_pulse5 = [ $cubelf05, gravity_pulse6 ] { gravity_pull(); };
void() gravity_pulse6 = [ $cubelf06, gravity_pulse7 ] { gravity_pull(); };
void() gravity_pulse7 = [ $cubelf07, gravity_pulse8 ] { gravity_pull(); };
void() gravity_pulse8 = [ $cubelf08, gravity_pulse9 ] { gravity_pull(); };
void() gravity_pulse9 = [ $cubelf09, gravity_pulse10 ] { gravity_pull(); };
void() gravity_pulse10 = [ $cubelf10, gravity_pulse11 ] { gravity_pull(); };
void() gravity_pulse11 = [ $cubelf11, gravity_pulse12 ] { gravity_pull(); };
void() gravity_pulse12 = [ $cubelf12, gravity_pulse13 ] { gravity_pull(); };
void() gravity_pulse13 = [ $cubelf13, gravity_pulse14 ] { gravity_pull(); };
void() gravity_pulse14 = [ $cubelf14, gravity_pulse15 ] { gravity_pull(); };
void() gravity_pulse15 = [ $cubelf15, gravity_pulse16 ] { gravity_pull(); };
void() gravity_pulse16 = [ $cubelf16, gravity_pulse17 ] { gravity_pull(); };
void() gravity_pulse17 = [ $cubelf16, gravity_pulse18 ] { gravity_pull(); };
void() gravity_pulse18 = [ $cubelf16, gravity_pulse19 ] { gravity_pull(); };
void() gravity_pulse19 = [ $cubelf16, gravity_pulse20 ] { gravity_pull(); };
void() gravity_pulse20 = [ $cubelf16, gravity_pulse1 ] { gravity_pull(); };
void() gravity_explode =
//if (time > self.attack_finished)
// TODO something funky in the water?
setmodel(self, "progs/cubel.mdl");
self.attack_finished = time + 3.2; // duration of gravity well
self.touch = gravity_touch;
self.effects = self.effects | EF_BRIGHTLIGHT;
self.pk_currentitem = PK_IT_GRAVITYWELL;
self.think = gravity_pulse1;
self.nextthink = time + 0.1;
// return;
//sound (self, CHAN_BODY, "misc/gravsp_3.wav", 1, ATTN_NORM);
//self.nextthink = time + 1.0;
void() drop_gravity =
local entity egravity;
// create a gravity object
egravity = spawn();
egravity.classname = "gravity";
egravity.owner = self;
egravity.solid = SOLID_TRIGGER;
egravity.movetype = MOVETYPE_TOSS;
// set it's placement and velocity
setorigin(egravity, self.origin + self.view_ofs);
egravity.velocity = self.velocity * 0.5;
setmodel(egravity, "progs/cube.mdl");
// TODO get acurate sizing
setsize(egravity, '-32 -32 -32', '32 32 32');
egravity.think = gravity_explode;
egravity.nextthink = time + 1.0;
egravity.attack_finished = time + 2.1;
egravity.think = gravity_explode;
egravity.nextthink = time + 2.0;
sound (self, CHAN_BODY, "misc/grav/grav_new.wav", 1, ATTN_NORM);
// Throw away from you
makevectors (self.angles);
egravity.velocity = (v_forward * (200 + random() * 100)) + (v_up * (200 + random() * 100));
// For the correct death messages
egravity.pk_currentitem = PK_IT_GRAVITYWELL;
egravity.weapon = IT_AXE;
// PAINKEEP SPLASH Make this entity splash