
81 lines
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#ifndef BOTNAV_H
#define BOTNAV_H
// $Logfile:: /LicenseToKill/src/acesrc/botnav.h $
// $Revision:: 6 $
// $Author:: Riever $
// $Date:: 1/10/99 18:20 $
// Copyright (C) 1999 by Connor Caple
// All rights reserved.
* $Log: /LicenseToKill/src/acesrc/botnav.h $
* 6 1/10/99 18:20 Riever
* Reduced intensive searches to once every 0.5 secs.
* 5 27/09/99 14:33 Riever
* Added SLLdelete function to free up memory and help prevent any leaks.
* There may still be a necessity to free up bot pathLists at respawn -
* awaiting views from those who know how to spot memory leaks!
* 4 25/09/99 11:20 Riever
* Tidied up errors in declarations
* 3 25/09/99 9:36 Riever
* Added all SLL definitions
* 2 25/09/99 8:24 Riever
#define ANT_FREQ 0.5 // Time gap between calls to the processor intensive search
// ----------- new Pathing Algorithm stuff -----
qboolean AntPathMove( edict_t *ent ); // Called in item and enemy route functions
void AntInitSearch( edict_t *ent ); // Resets all the path lists etc.
qboolean AntStartSearch( edict_t *ent, int from, int to); // main entry to path algorithms
qboolean AntQuickPath( edict_t *ent, int from, int to ); // backup path system
qboolean AntFindPath( edict_t *ent, int from, int to); // Optimised path system
qboolean AntLinkExists( int from, int to); // Detects if we are off the path
// --------- AI Tactics Values -------------
AIRoam, // Basic item collection AI
AIAttack, // Basic Attack Enemy AI
AIAttackCollect,// Attack Enemy while collecting Item
AICamp, // Camp at a suitable location and collect the item on respawn
// ** Single Linked List (SLL) implementation **
// ** slint_t is a list member ie: one item on the list
typedef struct slint{
struct slint *next; // pointer to the next list member
int nodedata; // The node number we're storing
} slint_t;
// ** ltklist_t is the actual list and contains a number of slint_t members
// It is a double-ended singly linked list (ie, we can add things to the front or back)
// We need head and tail pointers to speed up push_back operations
typedef struct{
slint_t *head; // Front of the list
slint_t *tail; // Back of the list
} ltklist_t;
// Now we have to define the operations that can happen on the list
// All will be prefixed with "SLL" so we know what they are working on when we read the code
void SLLpush_front( ltklist_t *thelist, int nodedata );// Add to the front of the list
void SLLpop_front( ltklist_t *thelist ); // Remove the iten from the front of the list
int SLLfront( ltklist_t *thelist ); // Get the integer value from the front of the list..
// ..without removing the item (Query the list)
void SLLpush_back( ltklist_t *thelist, int nodedata ); // Add to the back of the list
qboolean SLLempty( ltklist_t *thelist ); // See if the list is empty (false if not empty)
void SLLdelete( ltklist_t *thelist ); // Free all memory from a list